> My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love > by SamSwordsman123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Pipp Petals sat in her room, or rather, her room that she shared with her friends and sister in the Crystal Brighthouse in Maretime Bay. It had been a few days since the whole fiasco of her getting sick and Hitch comforting her while they were unknowingly videoed, causing everypony to think they were a couple. She had denied it at first but since then she wasn’t so sure, even thinking that maybe she did like him. The more she thought about it the more she seemed unable to deny it. All of the memories that had happened since she joined her sister and their friends on the mission to reunite all Ponykind flooded through her mind. She hadn’t thought much of Hitch at first, just another Earth Pony that was an enemy, but one not part of the group that had ruined the show which had destroyed her family’s reputation. But she’d grown close to him along with Izzy and Sunny once she let her walls down after spending time with them. He'd been a good friend to her, but she was wondering if maybe she thought of him as more then that. The words she’d secretly thought to herself after straightening things out with her fans thinking they were a couple echoed in her head. Hitch was a strong handsome stallion and an amazing Sheriff, who was kind to both ponies and critters. He’d also said she was beautiful, kind, fun, and generous, those words had really touched her. But he’d also said he figured it wouldn’t work out between them. That made her pout. But as she thought more and more about it, she slowly came to terms with the realization that deep down she did- “I guess I do have feelings for him,” Pipp said to herself. Or she thought just to herself. “Aw! You like sompony?” a voice asked from behind. Pipp looked behind her and saw Izzy Moonbow had entered their room on the first floor. “Oh, hey Izzy,” Pipp said with a little embarrassment in her voice. “I didn’t see you come in.” “Well, I wasn’t trying to be sneaky!” Izzy smiled brightly. “But I guess I came in at an interesting time? You like somepony? Who is it? I promise I won’t tell.” “Umm… its Hitch,” Pipp said. “Ever since the whole thing where everypony thought we were a couple I’ve been thinking… and I think I like him as more then a friend.” “Aww! That’s so sweet! You know, there is this one stallion I like that does magic shows,” Izzy said. “Let me guess… Rufus? Or as he likes to call himself… Hoofdini?” Pipp asked managing a smile. “Yeah! How did you know?” “You spend a bit of time with him whenever you aren’t hanging out with us,” Pipp said. “He wanted to get the same hooficure as you after Jazz started making her own designs, and you recommended him to be my show stopping entrance after he saved Glory from falling.” “Yeah, I guess we do some time together here and there,” Izzy said with a blush. “I’m kinda hoping he’ll ask me out but he hasn’t yet.” “Maybe you should ask him then,” Pipp suggested. “Maybe I will,” Izzy said. “Got to be bold sometimes! So, what about you and Hitch?” Pipp looked down. “I don’t know. He said he didn’t think it would work out between.” Izzy scoffed. “He could have just been saying that. You know how some stallions can get around mares, first they act cool then they get shy.” Pipp sighed. “I’m just not sure. What if I ask him and he really doesn’t feel the same way? It could ruin our friendship!” “I think there is a certain pony we can ask,” Izzy said. … That certain pony turned out to be Pipp’s sister, Zipp. She was currently working on a board with notes pinned to it in the Sheriff Station. “Okay, so a lot of little things have been going on,” Zipp said. “First that recording of Twilight Sparkle said that a pony was going to steal magic. Not long after that me and Pipp get trapped in a beach cave. Pipp forgot something she bought to give to Sunny for her birthday, Sunny’s Lantern had gone missing, then Sparky had been as well for a day, a mouse disappearing into literal thin air. Then there was Misty, a mysterious unicorn that I just can’t shake the feeling of. I was wrong about her being the lantern thief then but I still get an uneasy feeling about her. Could it all be connected somehow?” She looked at the pictures she had with notes pinned next to them. A picture of Pipp looking confused, the mirror she’d apparently bought for Sunny, Misty looking uneasy as she smiled at Zipp’s camera, Sunny’s Lantern and Sparky. Zipp hadn’t been able to get a picture of Twilight’s recording and they hadn’t been able to reactivate the message left by the ruler of ancient Equestria which had been very scrambled to begin with. So Zipp had to settle for a picture of the Unity Crystals. “Maybe, or just a bunch of random events,” Zipp said. “No way to prove it. I guess I just have to keep looking and see what happens next.” “Zipp!” The Princess investigator jumped and nearly dropped her phone that she’d taken all her notes on. She looked and saw her sister had entered the Sheriff’s station with Izzy at her side. “Oh, hey Izzy, Pipp,” Zipp said as she looked at her friend and sister. “What’s up? I’m kind of in the middle of an investigation here. Or it could just be me overthinking.” “We were kind of hoping to talk to you alone,” Pipp said. “We’re alone, Hitch is busy trying to catch some racoonicorns that were taking jewels,” Zipp said. “Hopefully he doesn’t get caught on a tree branch and get another round of Racoonicop!” Izzy said with a laugh. That caused the Pegagus sisters to laugh as well as they recalled the incident where Hitch had tried to arrest a baby racoonicorn only to end up becoming its bouncing board. “So, what can I help you with? You need something investigated?” Zipp asked. “We just wanted to ask you a question,” Pipp said. “Though it could be an investigation.” “Or at least Pipp did,” Izzy said. Zipp looked at her sister. “I’ve come to realize something Zipp! I like Hitch!” she said loudly. “But I don’t know if he feels the same way, I mean he said he didn’t think it would work out between us during that whole thing a couple days ago where everypony thought were a couple! I was wondering if you knew or could find out?” Zipp smirked. “Well, it so happens I already happen to know.” “You do?” Pipp asked eagerly. “What did he say?” Zipp thought back to that morning when she and Hitch had been here, a crowd of Pipp’s fans out front then she came and they explained that they weren’t in a relationship. But after Pipp left- “I asked him if he was sure he thought of you only as a friend,” Zipp said. “He said yes, but then he followed it up with ‘maybe’. Sounded like he was confused.” That gave Pipp a little encouragement, though not nearly as much as it would have if Hitch had he did have feelings for her. Maybe he did? She didn’t have time to ponder or ask another question before Hitch stepped in, his dragon son Sparky on his back and a pair of racoonicorns wearing criminal masks in his hoofs. He tossed them in a cell like he did with other naughty ruler breaking critters. “Another lawbreaking critter has been brought down thanks to Maretime Bay’s number one Sherriff!” Hitch declared in a cool manner before noticing them. “Oh, hello Deputy Zipp and mares!” “Hi!” Sparky spoke in his high-pitched baby dragon voice. “Hi Hitch!” Izzy said. “Pipp wants to talk to you!” Hitch looked at her, a nervous expression appearing on his face. “Uh, okay. What’s up Pipp?” Butterflies seemed to fly in Pipp’s stomach. “I think we need some privacy for this.” “Okay, follow me,” Hitch said setting Sparky down in front of Izzy. “Mind watching him for a moment?” “Sure,” the unicorn said. They stepped outside and headed to the community garden. Pipp’s heart had been beating rapidly in her chest the whole time they were walking down here. It reminded her of her early years as a Princess Pop Star when she’d been shy at the prospect of facing entire audiences. The same feeling was coursing through her now as she turned to face the stallion she had grown to like. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Hitch asked. “You know how we had to explain to everypony a few days ago that we weren’t a couple?” Pipp asked. “Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about everything we’ve been through and I’ve come to realize that maybe… I like you as more than a friend.” She blushed as she said that. Hitch was silent for a moment. “Really Pipp?” “Yes,” Pipp said. “I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way but Zipp told me you seemed a bit confused. Hitch nodded. “A little.” There was silence as they looked away from each other, blushing. Then Hitch looked at Pipp. “Hey can I tell you something?” “Sure Hitch,” Pipp said. “When I first saw you, I guess you could say I was really blown away by you,” Hitch said. “It was during that show just before we all got together and decided to bring back magic. I saw you flying and singing and you had such a lovely voice.” Pipp giggled. “Thanks.” “Yeah, I was entranced when I heard your voice and couldn’t keep myself from dancing a bit even though I was hunting for Sunny,” Hitch said. Pipp smiled at him. “Then when we were tagging along with Sunny, Izzy and Zipp, I agreed with you that it wasn’t cool we were having to go through this. It was the first time I began to see that Pegasi and Unicorns weren’t so different from us Earth Ponies.” Pipp smiled at him. “Hmm. Well, I’m glad I was able to plant the seeds so to speak. There’s something I guess I want to say as well. I think you’re a… a handsome and amazing stallion. I’ve been looking at you sometimes.” Hitch chuckled now. “I know I can probably be a bit of a dork every once and a while.” Pipp sniggered. “Yeah, but I say you more than make up for it by being a strong sheriff and a good friend to all of us. You’re also a great dragon dad to Sparky. He’s such a genius you know, making that hilarious video of me getting hit by stuff, making that video of us and making everypony think we’re a couple. He also has a lovely singing voice.” “Yeah, he’s a really special dragon,” Hitch agreed. They looked away from each other for a moment. Then- “Would you like- They both stopped as they said the same thing. “Uh, you first,” Hitch said. “No, you go ahead,” Pipp said. Hitch blushed. “Would you like to maybe… go out sometime? On a date?” “A date with the Sherriff of Maretime Bay?” Pipp asked. “Hmm… I think I’d like that.” > Chapter 2: The Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After being asked out by Hitch, Pipp flew back to the Crystal Brighthouse. “Oh my glitter! Oh my glitter!” Pipp said excitedly. “I’m going on a date! I need to tell the Pipsqueaks!” She opened her phone and began livestreaming. “Hey Pipsqueaks! I’ve got some exciting news for you! You know how you all thought that Hitch and I were a couple a little while ago? Well, I actually started thinking and realized that my feelings for Hitch were a bit more then mere friendship! So tonight, we are going on a date to- Pipp suddenly stopped. She and Hitch hadn’t discussed where they would go on their date. “To someplace,” she said quickly to save face. “Wish me luck!” She blew a kiss at the phone to her fans, which now numbered exactly in the one hundred millions. Pipp closed her phone. “Okay, I need to get ready!” Pipp said flying over to a nearby mirror in the Brighthouse. “Okay, my mane looks okay. But it might be better to go with a different style. Hmm… I’ll let Rocky style it maybe! But I could put a flower or two in it! Yeah, that will do! I want to look my best! Need to preen my wings!” She brushed her hair just to make sure it didn’t have any tangles, then polished her tiara. As she came out of the bathroom, she saw Sunny Starscout getting back from her job as a Smoothie Vendor. “Hey Pipp! I saw your livestream!” Sunny said. “You’re going out with Hitch huh?” “Yeah,” Pipp said. “Do I look good? This is my first date! I’m so nervous!” She flapped her wings and twirled around. “You look fine Pipp,” Sunny said walking up and hugging her friend encouragingly. “Just be yourself.” Pipp took a breath. “Thanks Sunny. Ooh! I need to text Hitch and ask where he would like to go to, and get a couple flowers from the garden to put in my mane!” She took out her prized phone again and texted Hitch, asking where he would like to go. She then headed outside and to the Community Garden they had made a few months ago. Taking a few moments to pick flowers to put in her purple mane she settled on some blue ones that she felt would go well on them. As she picked the small flowers off at the tops, she remembered a time not too long ago when Sparky had hit her with his dragonfire and caused a flower to appear on her head. It hadn’t been too bad, but these were probably better. Her phone vibrated and she looked to see Hitch’s response. He said for her to pick. She thought for a moment then an idea occurred to her on a place they could go to for dinner. Potalian Cuisine, it was one of the top-rated places for dinner here in Maretime Bay, serving spaghetti, pizza, and other fine foods for ponies. Pipp recalled when she went there sometime ago, and she’d ended up sucking a noodle that brought the entire meal into her face which got covered in red sauce. That made it into her top ten most epic fails video that she’d used to cheer up Sunny after the banana incident. She texted Hitch the place and waited, heading over to her karaoke salon Mane Melody and letting herself be pampered by her employees Jazz and Rocky. “Thanks Jazz, Rocky,” Pipp thanked them as they put beauty jell on her face and cucumbers on her eyes. “No problem Pipp,” Jazz said as she took her hoof painting supplies and began to create a hooficure for Pipp’s special occasion. “You always want to look your best on a date.” The light green hooficurist blushed as she looked at Rocky, her coltfriend that she’d gotten together with after they started working here once ponykind reunited. Rocky looked at Pipp’s flower adorned mane. “I like the flowers you put in your mane. But you sure you want it in the same style?” “I had considered a different one, but I wasn’t sure,” Pipp said. “Maybe you can give me something?” Rocky smiled and carefully picked the flowers out then styled her mane into a braid on the same side as how she normally kept it. He then put the flowers back into the braid and the top of her mane. She looked in the mirror and her mouth fell open in awe. Hitch soon texted her agreeing to meet once his shift was over. Pipp stayed at the salon for a while and sung a few songs for the customers that walked in to have their manes or hooves groomed. She also spotted a few of her fans among them. Soon an all too familiar trio of fillies appeared. “We’re so glad you’re going on a date with Sherriff Hitch, Pipp!” Seashell said as she and her friends Glory and Peach Fizz came in. “You two were just so cute in that video.” “Thanks Seashell,” Pipp said sweetly to her little fans. “Where are you going tonight?” Glory asked eagerly. “Potalian Cuisine. One of the best places to eat in all of Maretime Bay!” Pipp said. “Ah that place is really expensive,” Seashell said. “Yeah, I don’t think we could afford that out of our allowance,” Glory said. Peach Fizz, the shyer and more silent member of the trio just looked down. “You’re just fillies,” Pipp said. “Don’t worry, I could take you girls out there sometime.” “You sure?” Peach Fizz asked, speaking for the first time. “Sure, the cost is nothing to worry about when you’re a princess with a successful business!” Pipp said. Her favorite filly fans smiled up at her. “Thanks Princess Pipp!” Seashell said. … The hours of waiting ended and Pipp left to meet Hitch. He got out of the Sheriff Station as she arrived, she smiled at him, noticing that he had put on a tie around his neck that hung above his sash holding his Sheriff Badge. The tie was aqua in color to match his mane. He looked at her as well, seeing her braided mane with flowers in it. “Wow, Pipp, you look… great,” Hitch said. Pipp’s smile deepened. “Thanks Hitch. I like your tie.” Hitch grinned. “Well, shall we?” He offered her his hoof and she took it. “We shall.” Hoof in hoof they walked walked through the streets of Maretime Bay. Then something occurred to Pipp. “Where’s Sparky?” “Oh, Zipp’s watching him,” Hitch said. “I wonder what sort of trouble he’ll get into with her?” Pipp asked. “I know she won’t want him taking any pictures or videos, she hates those.” Hitch chuckled. They soon arrived at the Potalian Cuisine. “Princess Pipp!” the host greeted with a bow. “We received your reservation and were quite pleased to see you were coming back. Would you like to outside again?” Pipp had eaten outside last time she’d been here, when she’d received a face full of spaghetti. “Inside this time please,” Pipp said before looking at Hitch. “If that’s alright with you Hitch?” “Sure,” Hitch said. The host lead them to their table, other ponies sat around them, but paid no mind for the moment. Pipp had a feeling though that sooner or later she’d have the media on her and Hitch. Then something else occurred to her. “Oh, I wonder about the comments on my livestream saying we were going out?” Pipp said getting out her phone after she sat down. “You told all your followers we were dating?” Hitch asked in surprise. But he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised, this was Pipp after all, Popstar Princess who showed just about all the details of her fabulous life on Feedbag. “Of course! You ever known me to be silent?” Pipp asked. “I guess not,” Hitch said before reaching into the pocket of his sash and pulling out a book. “Let’s see… things to do on a first date. Ask your date questions to get to know them like what they like to do in their free time. So Pipp what do you like to do in your free time?” Pipp frowned a little. “Hitch you know me! I sing, style manes, and dance!” “Oh right, I guess this dating rulebook applies more to a date with a pony you’ve never met before.” “You and your rules,” Pipp said with a hint of sarcasm before looking at her phone and checking the comments. “You know another rule is to pay attention to your date,” Hitch said noticing this with a frown of his own. “Now that probably still applies.” “I can’t leave my fans hanging!” Pipp insisted. Hitch sighed. “Alright but don’t be on there too often.” Pipp took a moment to check the comments and replied to a few of them before turning her attention back to Hitch. A waiter came with a pair of drinks and asked what they wanted. Both of them settled on splitting a pizza with their selected toppings. Tomato slices for Pipp and plain cheese for Hitch. They then looked at each other. “So do you have anything to say?” Pipp asked at last. “Sorry I’m just not sure right now,” Hitch said. “I’ve never been on a date before and expected the rulebook to work but it says I should get to know you. But the problem is that I already know you so I don’t know what to talk about!” Pipp looked down. “I guess it is a little different when you already know the pony you are going out with. Of course, I don’t have much experience with dates either, this is my first one.” “Really? Hitch asked. “But you and Zipp are both Pegasus princesses for ponies sake! Sure you must have some admirers?” “Sure, I have plenty of admirers,” Pipp said. “I reached one hundred million followers you know! Zipp of course doesn’t want followers. I’ve tried to make a brand of Zippsters and other stuff for her but she won’t have any of it. And Mom kept us from seeing any stallions for a while.” “Sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister,” Hitch said. “My parents met an accident when I was a colt though. I grew up mostly in a foster foal home here for the most part. My grandmare could have taken me in but she lived in the middle of nowhere on the edge of Maretime Bay, she thought it would be better if I stayed here where I could interact with more ponies my age. I’d visit her every chance I got. The closest thing I had to siblings were Sunny and… Sprout.” Pipp shivered at the thought of the red stallion that had tried to kill her and the other Pegasi and Unicorns upon seeing them. But since Hitch brought up wishing to know the feeling of a certain family member there was something that clicked in her mind. “I often wish I could have known my father,” Pipp said. Hitch looked at her in suprise. She and Zipp had never even mentioned their father. Pipp recounted the story with a heavy sigh. “He was a member of our royal guard when my mom was a Princess. His name was Mighty Fortress. When a prince or princess reaches a certain age, about the age me and Zipp are now, their parents let them start seeing members of the Royal Guard, members of the nobility and some lucky citizens as well.” Hitch nodded. “So, I guess I’m the first Earth Pony to date a Pegasus princess in a long time huh?” Pipp nodded. “Probably the first ever since our kingdom was established after the races divided.” She then chuckled, feeling better. “For a second there I thought this wasn’t going well. But I feel better now.” “Me too,” Hitch agreed. “But I think we got a little off topic. You were talking about your father before then about courting stuff.” Pipp looked down. “Oh, sorry. Its just not something I normally talk about. I never actually got the chance to know him. He died when I was really young as a filly. Even Zipp’s memories are hazy.” “What happened, if you don’t mind my asking?” Hitch asked. Pipp recounted the story. “Even though he was king of Zephyr Heights he still retained his position as leader of the guard. He oversaw the protection of the city. But one day, he went out by himself and was stabbed in the back by a criminal whose gang he had locked up.” That news caused Hitch’s mouth to fall open. “The guard found the killer after several days of searching,” Pipp continued. “ My mother had him hanged.” Hitch shook. “Whoa.” There was a moment of silence. “I’m sorry,” Hitch said. Pipp rubbed her eyes which had started to water as she thought of the father she would never know. “He must have been a good pony if he was leader of the royal guard,” Hitch said. “My father was Sheriff before me, that’s why I wanted to become a one when I was a colt. To follow in his hoofprints.” “You’re a great Sheriff, Hitch,” Pipp said as she reached over and took his hoof. “I think your parents would be proud.” “I’m sure your father would be too.” They smiled at each other. Then their waiter returned setting their pizza on the table. They ate and paid the bill. Pipp tried to pay the whole thing but Hitch insisted on paying his share and they split the bill. “Well, a bit of an awkward start but we soon found our umph,” Pipp said as they walked out. “So, what do you think about doing it again?” Hitch asked. “I think I could go for it, Sheriff Hitch,” Pipp said smiling at him before kissing him on the cheek. Hitch grinned widely. “Thank you Princess,” he said in a formal tone and bowing. “I suppose I should walk you back to the Crystal Brighthouse and pick up Sparky from Zipp, hopefully he’s been a good little dragon.” … Little did they know, they were being watched. A certain blue unicorn with curly mane spied from the shadows. She heard the conversation as they walked away hoof in hoof. “So, Hitch and Pipp are dating now,” Misty said. The amulet around her neck opened and the projection of the head of a purple alicorn with a white mane appeared. “Caught in romance it seems,” Opaline said. “He would likely have to leave his baby dragon with somepony. This could be just the opportunity we have been searching for.” > Chapter 3: Zipp's New Duty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch walked Pipp back to the Crystal Brighthouse. Night had fallen over Maretime Bay by the time they got there. They entered the Brighthouse to find Zipp, Izzy and Sunny all sitting on the sofa watching tv. Sparky was there as well sitting between them, they were watching a movie on TV and eating ponycorn. One of the more recently released ones that involved all pony kinds. It was called the Pony Knights: Quest for the Princess. The pair saw the lead pony knight with a sword fighting the evil centaur who had taken the princess prisoner. Sunny paused the movie as she saw her friends enter. “Hey Pipp, Hitch! How was your date?” “It was… a little awkward at first,” Pipp said. “Hitch was being Mr. I’m So Into The Rules and trying to follow a book about dating!” “Yeah, and Pipp was on her phone,” Hitch said. “But we managed to recover pretty soon.” He approached the sofa as Sparky took a bite of corn. “Hey Sparky, I’m back! How was he Zipp?” “Oh, he was fine. A little mischievous with the dragon fire. Turned a few things into food you know? But we soon turned those back then got some real food and we actually raced a little bit,” Zipp said. “You took him flying!?” Hitch screamed in fright. “Hitch relax, I made sure he didn’t go too high. He’s already flying pretty good though. Might be faster than me someday,” Zipp said. “And he liked it didn’t you, Sparky?” She patted the little dragon on the head as he nodded and gave a small, “Uh-huh.” Hitch was uncertain as he looked at the dragon he’d come to consider his son. “Alright, as long as you don’t do anything crazy. I guess I can’t restrict him from flying too much. Just make sure to take baby steps.” “He’ll be able to fly a lot sooner then any Pegasus has for a long time though,” Sunny said. “Except for the little Pegasus foals!” Izzy stated. “I’ve even seen a baby or two that can fly! Glad I’m not babysitting one of them! Cause it would be a hoofful to take care of babies that can fly!” “I bet unicorns and Earth Ponies will be just as much trouble,” Sunny said with a smile. “I mean we all have magic again now so nothing is gonna be easy.” That caused her friends to giggle. They all sat down and watched the rest of the movie with Pipp and Hitch taking their own sofa with Sparky on Hitch’s leg. They were almost to the end of the movie as the princess (the one in the movie) and her knight were about to kiss after he’d saved her. RING RING RING RING. Pipp’s phone let off a series of rings as somepony called. “Whoops!” Pipp said as she heard it and got it out to see who was calling. Her mom’s picture appeared on her phone. “Excuse me for a second, everypony,” she said as she flew off to let them finish their movie. Once she was upstairs and the sounds of the TV were distant she opened her phone for a video call. “Hey Mom!” Pipp said. “I saw your livestream earlier!” Queen Haven said on the screen. “How was your date with Hitch?” Pipp recounted it and Haven put a hoof to her heart. “Oh, I’m glad you two enjoyed each other so much!” “And you’re okay with me seeing somepony now?” Pipp asked. “Yes. I know I always kept you from dating other stallions. I didn’t want some crazy stalker or potential kidnappers that could hold you for ransom after all! But you and Zipp are both old enough to start that I think. Speaking of which I think its time we start something for Zipp.” Pipp looked at her mother confused for a moment. “What do you mean?” Then she remembered an old tradition involving dating for members of the royal family. Pipp smirked. “Oh, Zipp’s gonna love that.” “Invite your sister and new boyfriend over for dinner as soon as possible,” Queen Haven said. “Uh, he’s not my boyfriend… yet,” Pipp said. “We just had one date so far.” “Ha, I’m sure it will work out,” Queen Haven giggled. “Just be sure that they both come.” “Will do,” Pipp said before blowing a kiss at her mother through her screen. “Bye Mom! Love you!” She hung up her phone and walked back down. “Sorry everypony that was my mom,” she said. “She wants to have me and Hitch over. And you to come as well Zipp!” “Uh okay,” Hitch said nervously. “Guess I have to get the queen’s blessing huh?” “She’ll probably be fine with it,” Zipp said. “I just hope she doesn’t have any plans to give me a random princess lesson for when I take the throne.” Pipp gave a small grin. “Well, I can promise you it certainly won't be one of those random lessons.” … Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch checked their schedules tomorrow and found it was clear. “Okay, I guess we can all go,” Zipp said. “Good thing we have the Marestream to fly us there, cause it would be too long for me to walk all the way to Zephyr Heights after work,” Hitch said. They got into the vehicle that Izzy and Zipp had made. The engines of the Marestream lit up and they took off, heading for Zephyr Heights. Queen Haven stood in front of the royal palace as they landed, a set of Pegasus Royal Guards and her flying Pomeranian Cloudpuff by her side. She smiled as her daughters as well as Hitch and Sparky emerged from the flying magical vehicle. “Arrf! Arrf!” Cloudpuff barked as he saw his other owners. “Cloudpuff!” Pipp said pulling the little white flying dog into a hug. “Zipp, Pipp good to have you both home! You know it feels kind of lonely without my girls here,” Queen Haven said as she walked up and put her hooves around her daughters. Pipp smiled brightly while Zipp’s was more soft but still genuine. Hitch meanwhile stayed back and waited for the monarch to turn her attention to him. “Your majesty,” he said with a polite bow. She smiled at him and nodded. “Sheriff Hitch.” Sparky waved from Hitch’s back and spoke in his baby dragon voice. “Aye!” “Hello Sparky!” the Pegasus queen said putting a hoof to the baby dragon’s head. “Come, we have dinner cooking and there is something we need to discuss.” The two princesses and Sheriff followed her to the royal dining hall. The meal would arrive soon but in the meantime they would talk. “So, you both started dating,” Queen Haven stated looking at Hitch and Pipp. “Yes.” “Yeah.” They said similar things together, glancing at each other as they did so and chuckling. “Well, I’m happy for you. My second born is pursuing her first relationship,” Queen Haven said before looking at Hitch. “From what I’ve seen of you Hitch, you are a good Sheriff and quite responsible. I think you could make a good potential husband for Pipp, or Zipp if that had been the pony whom you ended up with.” This caused the trio of younger ponies to all blush as they looked at each other. “Me and Zipp?” Hitch asked looking at the older pegasus princess. “No way! I mean… she’s a great deputy and friend. But we’re just partners right, Zipp?” Zipp smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Maybe in an alternate universe!” This caused them all to laugh. “Jokes aside I do hope the best for of you both,” Haven said to Hitch and Pipp before turning to Zipp. “Also, there is something else this event had made me think of. Zipp, it's time we discuss something.” “What is it, Mom?” Zipp asked with a face that said she knew she wasn’t gonna like it. “As heir to Zephyr Heights, you have responsibilities and duties,” Queen Haven told her oldest daughter. “I know Mom, but there’s still so much I want to find out,” Zipp said. “About magic, and also there is something else that I- “And I’m not going to have you abandon that search,” Queen Haven said. “But you must not forget your royal duty to this kingdom, or your family.” Zipp sighed. “You sure you won’t consider passing it all to Pipp? She’d probably like being queen more than I would.” “Hmm… probably,” Pipp said rubbing her chin with a hoof. “Zephyrina Storm!” her mother said in her stern voice. “You are the heir! And much more responsible and serious then Pipp! She would probably like it more, but she is practically queen of the media already! Also, I doubt she’ll be off her phone long enough to focus on her duties if she were queen!” “You’re probably right!” Pipp said with her phone out already. “You on the other hoof can I think,” Queen Haven said. Zipp sighed, knowing her mother was right. “Now as heir, you need to have foals to carry on our family line. I’m getting old,” Queen Haven continued, putting her hoofs to her face. “I know I look even older than I actually am. Stresses of being a monarch are quite heavy. I do hope you will have a better reign and that I at least have enough time to see my grandchildren.” Zipp clenched her teeth, thinking she knew where this was headed. “So, you want me to start… dating?” “Yes,” Haven said. “You and Pipp are both at the age where it has traditionally been allowed. I’ve put it off for a while but its high time to get a move on. Pipp’s started seeing her first stallion so I think it only appropriate that you begin searching as well.” Zipp sighed again. “Great, now I’ve got to find some hidden threat out there?” she motioned to a window overlooking the land with her wing. “And a husband?” “Hidden threat?” Queen Haven asked worriedly. Zipp looked at her mother for a moment. “Uh, yeah… we stumbled across this old recording in the Unity Crystals. It was a message from Twilight Sparkle, saying there’s somepony out there that tried to steal magic for herself and will try again.” “Oh my! But if that was in Twilight Sparkle’s time certainly that pony must be dead by now?” Queen Haven said. “I don’t know, Mom,” Zipp said. “Twilight’s recording said she built protection around Equestria but-“ “That settles that then, we’re safe. So, we can focus on things that matter right now! And what we need to focus on is finding you a potential husband!” Queen Haven said. “We will start with the males in the royal guard and then look at successful nobles in Zephyr Heights. Oh, and beyond as well! Now that we are no longer enemies with the Earth Ponies and unicorns its entirely possible for us to create alliances based not only on friendship but also love as well. Perhaps I will find new love myself. I’ve so missed your father all these years but I know he wouldn’t want me to spend all my days alone.” “Oh, you have somepony in mind?” Pipp asked excitedly. “Perhaps,” Queen Haven admitted with a blush. “But our primary concern right now is finding a potential match for Zipp.” “Wow that sounds exciting,” Hitch said. Zipp shook her head. “But Mom-“ “No buts Zipp! We don’t need to worry about anything else! Whoever that evil pony is, she is probably long gone never to return!” Queen Haven stated. At that moment their food arrived. “Ah, wonderful! Our food is here!” Haven added. Pipp and Hitch were excited as their plates were set in front of them while Zipp looked uneasy. … Far away, to the northwest of Maretime Bay, another queen was watching them. Opaline stood in her throne room, looking down at the magic pool that she could use to create things and spy on her enemies as well. Misty was there at her side. They watched as Hitch and the royal family began their dinner. They’d listened in on the whole conversation. Opaline was annoyed when she saw the elder Pegasus princess talking, but smiled as the queen decided to focus on finding her daughter a match. “Ha, foolish old Pegasus queen! You don’t have a right to even wear that crown,” Opaline said with an evil grin. She looked over at the dragon who sat on his own little seat eating royal made food. “So, what do we do now? I doubt I can get there to Zephyr Heights before they leave. Should I just head back to Maretime Bay and wait for them?” Misty asked nervously. “No, you’ve failed me too many times,” Opaline said turning to her assistant/adoptive daughter. Misty shook, thinking she was about to be punished harshly. “But I suppose I shouldn’t expect better from a unicorn who can’t even use her magic,” Opaline sighed. “Therefore, I’m going to have you remain here for a few days… while I TRAIN you.” Misty’s eyes widened. Opaline’s evil laughter filled the room, she slowly joined in as well. > Chapter 4: Royal Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dinner was done and they talked for a while, Hitch returned to Maretime Bay in the Marestream with Sparky since he had to resume his duties as Sheriff. Pipp went to her room and gave Jazz a call. “You sure you’ll be okay with just you and Rocky working at Mane Melody tomorrow?” Pipp asked her employee over the phone. “Don’t worry Pipp, we can manage it just fine. Might be a little quiet without a singer though. Maybe we should consider hiring some extra singers in case this happens often?” Jazz’s voice spoke out from the phone. “That might be a good idea! I’ll think about that,” Pipp said. She shut off her phone… eventually. She had to make a livestream or two and tell Izzy and Sunny about their mother’s plans for tomorrow. Then she went to sleep. Tomorrow they were going to meet somepony else before they started the search for a potential husband for Zipp. Pipp giggled at the thought. “Something tells me Zipp is gonna have a fun day tomorrow,” Pipp grinned for a moment then sighed as she lay her head on her pillow. “I hope she doesn’t make things difficult for Mom or me.” … In Zipp’s room a couple doors down from Pipp’s, the older pegasus princess lay in bed with her eyes wide open. “What am I gonna do?” Zipp thought aloud. “I have to find a future husband!” She was nervous. She had known this day was coming as her mother had educated her on the traditions of Pegasus Royalty since she was born. But she had never felt as if that was where she belonged. She’d been born a princess yet it never made her happy whenever she was called Princess Zipp, much less when she was called by her full name Zephyrina Storm. She had not really thought about this for a long time, since her mind had been preoccupied with all that was going. They’d gotten magic back and become able to fly like the Pegasi of old, then so much had happened. Zipp still didn’t know what she really wanted to do, besides investigate magic and all the other stuff like Twilight’s message. She just didn’t feel like being queen was something she truly wanted. But there wasn’t much choice… she couldn’t exactly just say the word and no longer be a future ruler could she? It was times like this that she wished she’d been born a different pegasus then the daughter of the queen. She just wanted to be normal and not have to worry about royal duties. She sighed, hoping things be alright tomorrow at least. … Morning came and the royal family got up and waited in the throneroom for a while. Then their mother’s guest arrived as the front doors to the palace opened. “Your visitor has arrived your highness!” Zoom Zephyrwing, Queen Haven’s captain of the guard and advisor spoke. “Let him in, Zoom,” Queen Haven said with a smile. The captain bowed and opened the door wider to allowed other two ponies next to Zoom to be seen. One was Zoom’s partner, who had only been a recruit at the time when Zipp and Pipp had met Sunny and Izzy. There was also a familiar gray unicorn with a white mane. Alphabittle, the leader of the Unicorns and bartender of the Crystal Tearoom stepped inside. Queen Haven smiled upon seeing him and he smiled back. As he stepped inside Zipp and Pipp noticed he’d bought a bouquet of roses with him which he presented to their mother in his hoof. “Your majesty,” he bowed as he hoofed them over. “Thank you Alphabittle but there is really no need for formal titles now,” Haven said. “We are even more then friends now.” They looked into each other’s eyes, the air around them seemed to fill with romance. Zipp and Pipp could imagine it being a bright gold background with pink hearts everywhere. If this were interfering with a plan they might have had for their mother they might have felt jealous. But they both managed a smile. “Aww,” Pipp put her arm around Zipp with stars in her eyes. “Ah,” Zipp sighed as in contentment as she wrapped a foreleg around her sister as well. “Guess we should be happy for Mom, huh?” “Now just think of some way to be happy with what we’re doing for you!” Pipp said. “Just try and enjoy it. Please? For Mom’s sake? You did end up changing your mind about Portrait Day.” Zipp let out another sigh, this time one to prepare herself. “Okay, guess I’ll just try and have fun. Maybe this won’t be so bad who knows?” She put on a smile that lasted for a while. She, her mom, sister, and Alphabittle all had breakfast and talked. “I had a feeling there something between you two for a while,” Zipp said looking between her mother and the unicorn stallion. “Yes, well being leaders of each of our community was one thing we had in common. Once Sunny helped us see we weren’t so different after all,” Queen Haven said. “We started spending time together after magic came back, organizing a couple multi-pony-kind events here and there like the sports and we began exchanging letters. So we just sort of built up a friendship and then decided to take it to the next level. I do enjoy Alpha’s company and think we work well together.” “Yes, I agree,” Alphabittle said. “I think that good teamwork and cooperation are an important part of life. You two and your friends demonstrated that as well when you brought back magic from what I heard. You worked together and cooperated with ponies you were raised to view as enemies.” “Well to be honest we weren’t taught too much on the whole prejudice stuff,” Zipp said. “Yeah, Mom always focused more on Royal duties for us. Or at least Zipp,” Pippi said. “She mentioned it a couple times though but most of the schools taught the majority of the lies we made up over the years.” “Never thought I’d be so happy to neglect to teach you something,” Queen Haven said. “I didn’t want to mention unicorns or earth ponies any more then was necessary. As if by keeping quiet I hoped they would never bother us. Just like I tried to hide the truth about us not being able to fly just like other pegasi. But I see now that the truth is always better then a well meant lie. Zipp understood that, I’m sure she’ll be a great ruler someday.” “Yeah, I’m sure,” Zipp said her smile fading. They finished their meal and Queen Haven got up. “ Its time to begin the search for a suitor! Zipp darling, would you go and put something nice on?” Zipp bit her lip. “Put something on? As in clothes?” “And a tiara too! We can’t have the princess and heir of Zephyr Heights meeting possible husbands without looking like proper royalty.” Zipp’s mouth fell open. She hadn’t worn her tiara in ages, not since the day it had been made for her and she’d tried it on. “Let me come with you Zipp!” Pipp said. “I’m the fashion expert between us after all!” Zipp sighed. The two princesses went to the royal gown room where they kept the garments for their family. Zipp very rarely used it, or clothing in general, only making an exception for events like Nightmare Night. While Pipp loved everything her royal status had to offer and fashion in particular, so she visited this place more frequently. “Let’s see. Ah!” Pipp exclaimed as she found an outfit. “This would look lovely with your coat!” She put the garment in Zipp’s hoof as her sister took it with a glum expression. “We should probably do a different mane style for the occasion as well!” Pipp said as she dragged her sister to a nearby magic mirror that showed what other possible hairstyles could look like on certain ponies to try out. “I think that bangs would be best for the occasion!” Pipp said. Zipp clenched her teeth. She had once offered to let Pipp style her mane and bangs had been one of the suggestions she’d been horrified of the most. Seeing her sisters expression, Pipp toned it down a little bit. “Don’t worry Zipp! Would it really be so bad just to have a different style for one or two days? You can have your regular style back no problem.” Zipp sighed yet again. “I guess you’re right. Alright, go ahead and do it.” Pipp styled her sisters mane and they put the gown, which was a light blue with a pink center line running down it, on. It went well with Zipp’s mane. She then got out her never used tiara from her closet in her room. It was a silver tiara with a pair of feathers on either side of a pink jewel in the center. “Oh you look great Zipp!” Pipp said as Zipp turned around. She reached for her phone. “Please don’t take a- But Pipp took a picture all the same. Then it was back to the throne room where a number of male royal guards had been gathered. Here came the hard part, Zipp thought. She went to stand beside her mother. Queen Haven addressed her guards that she’d called forward, all of whom were close to Zipp in age. The recording cameras were activated to broadcast the queen’s announcement through all of Zephyr Heights, and now some ponies in Bridlewood and Maretime Bay would see it as well since their channels had been connected. Zipp and Pipp were sure that Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch would be watching. “Hello all!” Queen Haven waved. “Today is a very special day! I’m sure everypony everywhere is aware by now that my youngest daughter Pipp has found a stallion and started dating!” “Hi Hitch!” Pipp said flying in front of the camera her mother was speaking to and waving a hoof before blowing a kiss. … Back in Maretime Bay, Hitch blushed intensely at her as he sat on the couch with Sunny, Izzy, and Sparky watching TV. Sunny grinned at him as Pipp blew a kiss. She gave him a tap on the shoulder while Izzy put her hoofs to her mouth in excitement. “I’m so happy for you Hitch!” Sunny said. “Guess everypony’s starting to find love.” “Well Zipp hasn’t found anypony yet, she’s just looking right now,” Hitch said. “Still, that’s a big step,” Sunny said. “I need to ask Rufus out soon!” Izzy said. … “Now, as per our Royal Pegasi tradition, my daughter Zipp, as my heir, needs to find a future husband to sire foals of the family line,” Queen Haven continued. “We will be letting her interact with members of the royal guard today and then start looking beyond to include Unicorns and Earth Ponies as well. Stay tuned! You may receive an invitation to Zephyr Heights to partake!” Zipp clenched her teeth at the thought of how many ponies might show up. “As per tradition, the princess decides how she will determine her suitors.” “I do?” Zipp muttered to herself, before managing a grin as an idea occurred to her. “She will select an event where a group of Pegasi stallions will compete for the right to court her,” Haven concluded before looking to her daughter. “The last three Pegasi… or other ponies once we include Earth Ponies and Unicorns, will be given the right to court her and see who she chooses… if any of them are lucky enough.” Zipp smiled. “Well, this might not be so bad after all. Alright, I choose a flight race! If I’m gonna have a husband, he needs to be a good flyer most of all!” “That will certainly be a Pegasus only event!” Haven said. “Very well! For the first event, we will have a race!” … In Opaline’s castle library, Misty was busy reading the books on Opaline had provided her with. The queen paced around her. “Do you feel ready yet?” the evil alicorn asked impatiently. “I only just started reading!” Misty said. “And I can’t concentrate with you hovering over me!” Opaline scoffed. “Very well, I will give you some space. Can’t waste my time waiting for you, especially with how much you have made me wait so far. We’ve been trying to get that dragon for months.” “I’m sorry Opaline,” Misty bowed her head. “This will hopefully change if you can become proficient with magic. Then you may prove worthy,” Opaline said. “I’ll go and see what’s happening with our enemies. You just study and don’t lose focus!” “Of course,” Misty said. “I’ll read till I drop if need be.” “Good,” Opaline said as she stepped out. > Chapter 5: Race of the Suitors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Royal family, as well as Alphabittle and the group of around twenty guards that Queen Haven had picked as potential suitors for Zipp, went to the mountains surrounding Zephyr Heights. Zipp looked around fondly. “This was where I first ran into Sunny and Izzy,” she said to Pipp. “And now its where you’re holding your first event to find a future husband! Eee!” Pipp squealed. “This is the place where wonderful things happen!” “Hey, I only picked here because it made sense,” Zipp said. Don’t want to have everypony flying in the city where we might cause some sort of accident.” “Places everypony!” Queen Haven said. The guards all stood side by side on the cliff below. Zipp looked at them, all dressed in the armor she’d seen her entire life. She saw several familiar faces among them, though she didn’t know most of their names. There was one however that she did. A green pegasus with a knight chess piece cutie mark. Thunder Flap, she’d run into him fairly often though she didn’t know too much about him. He’d been a new recruit at the time when Zipp and Pipp met Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch. Thunder had become the partner of Zoom, Queen Haven’s captain and advisor whom she trusted highly. Based on what little Zipp knew of Thunder, she felt he was a bit nervous. He looked so now as she looked at him. Then Zipp felt a wing on her back. “Speak to them Zephyrina!” “Mom! I told you to just call me Zipp!” Zipp said. “Sorry Zipp, just slipped out,” Haven said. “But perhaps for formal occasions we should use your full name. Regardless you should speak to them and be the one to explain our plan.” Zipp sighed. She flapped her wings lightly and landed in front of the guards. “Uh… thank you all for coming!” Zipp said forcing a smile. “I’m honored you have all agreed to compete for my hoof.” The guards said nothing, and there were few changes in expressions. She frowned. “Um… permission to speak?” she said, hoping to hear them express themselves. The guards looked at her, then one, a guard with purple coat and a cutie mark of an arrow pointing right. He bowed. “The pleasure is ours, Princess,” he said. “Zipp, just call me Zipp,” Zipp said as she often did to those she met. “Oh, I couldn’t Princess,” he said. “It would be informal.” She narrowed her eyes a bit. Protocol and formality wasn’t something she was very fond of, though it was hardly a slight as he was merely trying to respect her. “Alright then if you insist,” she said. “What is your name anyway?” “Right Light,” he said. Zipp’s eyes went from a slight narrow to wide. “Okay, well that’s an interesting name,” she admitted. “May I ask why you agreed to court me?” “Well, ahem,” he cleared his throat. “You see, I’ve actually liked you for a long time!” She was now surprised. A mixture of flattery and creepiness filled her. But she’d see. “Really?” she asked. “Yes! I saw you and your sister performing in one of the holidays when we were all foals! I think we were- well, I was eight I think,” Right Light said. “I saw you flying in one of the holiday shows we had and I though, she moves beautifully. I wish I could fly with her.” “Well, that’s… nice,” Zipp said with a small blush. “I do like flying. How come you never talked to me before though?” “I was… uh, nervous a bit. You know the idea of courting or even talking to a princess, and we guards are usually supposed to remain silent in your presence unless spoken to directly. Also we didn’t really cross each other’s path too often,” Right said. “Well, good to meet you, Right,” Zipp said. She wasn’t sure to make of him yet. Though he had at least talked to her. “Anypony else have anything they want to say?” Thunder Flap did. “I think your royal clothes look very beautiful Princess!” “Uh, thanks,” Zipp said indifferently to that. She didn’t really care for the garments. That sort of thing might work on Pipp though. “Well, if that is everything, please let the race begin!” Queen Haven said. Zipp flew back up to where her mother, sister, and Alphabittle waited. Queen Haven then began to explain the rules of the race. “You will do a lap around the mountains surrounding Zephyr Heights! There will be obstacles such as female guards!” Several female members of the guard, including Captain Zoom, popped up out of the clouds surrounding the mountain on their wings. “They will restrain you if they catch you and you will have to break free lest you be overtaken by those behind you,” Queen Haven continued. The female guards retreated into the cover of the clouds out of sight. “Ready! Set! Go!” Queen Haven announced. … The Pegasus males took off, flapping their wings at high speed. They flew along the side of the mountain. Right Light took the lead closely followed by Thunder. Then another Pegasus flapped hard and managed to pass both the leaders, he grinned, thinking he had this in the bag. Only to have a female guard grab him and restrain him in midair. “Gotcha!” she said. The guard struggled as the ones that had been behind him quickly passed. Right Wing was back in the lead again. More of the female guards popped out of the clouds from below, grabbing the advancing males. Some of the contestants flew up higher to try and avoid the surprise attacks, but Right Light noticed something. Ponies with video cameras flying high above, he wanted to use the opportunity to impress Zipp and anypony else that was watching. He stayed low, where it would be challenging, though he made sure not to stay too low and give himself a respectable distance so he could react. A female guard swooped up at him. He barrelrolled in midair and avoided her. She didn’t come after him and instead pinned Thunder. More females flew in but Right dodged them all, flying high, low, and off to the side as each one came. Back behind him aways, Thunder managed to break free of the mare that had restrained him and pursued. Though one managed to get in front of him. He flapped with all his might. Back at starting point which was also the finish, Zipp and her family watched from Pipp’s phone as the participants flew. It took a long time but after about ten minutes of watching them fly, the competitors came to the final stretch. Right easily dodged the last set of mares that came at him. The one behind him got it and Thunder took second place. Zipp, Pipp, Queen Haven and Alphabittle looked to their right just in time to see Right coming in hot, quickly followed by Thunder. They came in. 3. 2. 1. Right grinned as he came in first place, landing on the surface in front of Zipp who gave a small smile. “That was some pretty fancy flying there, Right!” she said. “Maybe we can fly together sometime.” “I’d be honored Princess Zipp,” he said. She was intrigued by his flying abilities, though she wouldn’t mind if he were less formal and rule abiding. But that was how the guards were. Second after Right came Thunder, then another third Pegasus who was brown in coloration. “And we have the top three contestants,” Queen Haven announced. “Right Light, Thunder Flap, and …” “Dune Sweeper,” the brown one said. “Dune Sweeper!” Queen Haven finished. “These three are the first three Pegasi to complete the race. Therefore, they will all compete to win my daughter Zipp’s heart.” The three turned to Zipp who smiled. “I look forward to it,” she said, somewhat sincerely. This hadn’t been as bad she expected at least. … A while later, Right Light stood alone in his home, an upper-class mansion in Zephyr Heights. He grinned triumphantly, a power-hungry look in his eyes. “Finally, the chance to court Princess Zipp and become King of Zephyr Heights. Now I just need to get rid of the rest of the competition.” He chuckled wickedly. … In the barracks, Thunder Flap sat with Captain Zoom. “So how do you feel?” she asked. “Proud I guess, but I only came in second place,” Thunder told his superior. “Better then fourth or last place, since neither of those count,” Zoom told him. “You really want to be with the princess?” “I’m not really sure, but she is an amazing pony,” Thunder said. “Not sure she’ll think the same of me.” “Just try and be confident, you managed to become a good flyer thanks to that flight school she set up,” Zoom said punching her subordinate on the shoulder. “Ow,” Thunder rubbed the spot she punched. “And grow a backbone,” she said. “Yes ma’am,” he said. “Also don’t let yourself be distracted just cause you’re now a knight in shining armor looking to win the princess,” Zoom said. “We need to be ready. Earth Ponies and Pegasi may not be our enemies anymore. But no time is truly safe without security. Zephyr Heights and the royal family depend on us. Our king lost his life, and I don’t intend to let that happen to our queen or the princesses.” Thunder nodded. Despite his training, he was still afraid of danger, but he was willing to fight for Zipp. Though she could probably handle herself being the strong and investigative pony she was. But if she needed help, he would be there if he could. Whatever was out there, he would help her face it. … Opaline watched the royal race with intrigue. Though it wasn’t the event that intrigued her, but rather, the pony that had come in first place. Right Light. She watched him and heard him talking to himself. “He has ambition, and some decent flying skills,” the evil queen said. “Hmm. I think this could be a good opportunity to start rebuilding my forces. Can’t have just one clumsy unicorn assistant anymore, can I? Speaking of which I wonder how she is doing?” She began walking back to the library. … Misty had studied the section on the basics of magic for a while. Then she finally tried it, lighting up her horn which glowed a very light blue, cyan. A matching aura surrounded the book and it rose off the table. Misty ran her magic threw the pages, flipping them as she read. “I got it!” she said. Hoof taps echoed in her ears and the door opened, causing her to jump and disrupting her focus. The book fell and hit the table with a soft smack. Opaline stood in the doorway. Her eyes widened as she saw it. It had only been for a split second but she saw it. “You did it,” she said. “You did it!” “Yes, I did it!” Misty said. “Well, don’t be too excited about it,” Opaline said her pleasant surprise vanishing as quickly as it came. “That is a very basic spell. Still, better then nothing.” Misty looked down, praise was something she never got any of. She’d had to do a lot of work around here, even before magic came back. She’d had to clean the castle since she was a filly after Opaline found her in the woods, make Opaline’s meals, and now she had her spying job as well. “Now I believe it is time for lunch,” Opaline said. “Yes Opaline,” Misty said obediently. Opaline said what she wanted Misty to cook and then said, “I’ll be there in a while. I just need some fresh air for a moment. Misty bowed her head and headed to the kitchen. … Opaline stepped out of her castle and made her way across the bridge connecting it to the land. The evil Alicorn queen made her way to the edge of her territory. With every step it grew clearer, the spell Twilight had cast long ago that had cost her all her magic and immortality, along with the magic of everypony in Equestria. In addition to sealing magic away so Opaline couldn’t take it for herself, she’d also trapped Opaline in this small area of forest. Opaline sighed as the forcefield caging her in her own castle grounds revealed itself to her. Misty could pass through it as she was not the one the spell had been put on. That made her Opaline’s only hope to get the magic back. She’d found Misty in these very woods when the young unicorn had somehow gotten lost, she’d been half starved by the time Opaline found her, or rather, when she stumbled onto Opaline’s territory and unknowingly gone through the barrier. Opaline had nourished the young pony and taken her in. Once she had the strength, Opaline put her to work, taking up the work that should have been done by servants in her castle. But she had none. Everypony that had once been her servant had been trapped in stone long ago during the battle with Twilight. Opaline stopped as she got as far as she could go, her face inches away from the forcefield. But beyond, she could see a large number of pony statues in front of her. Her army, that had been mostly comprised of ponies she put under mind control once she drained their magic. There were however, a few exceptional ones she had let keep their magic in exchange for their loyalty. She saw many Earth Ponies, some unicorns, and a few Pegasi as well. Some of the Pegasi had been flying up high and their statues broke when they fell and hit the ground. They would have died on the impact. She gave a sad glance at them. While she was evil, and she knew it, she was not completely heartless and willing to reward those that served her well. Whether Misty would earn her reward remained to be seen. Misty was pathetic, though this might be the start of a promising future seeing as she’d quickly managed to grasp basic levitation, even if that was a cheap trick. Opaline would continue using Misty for now, and if she succeeded in getting Opaline the dragonfire, the queen would tell her the secret to getting a cutie mark. The foal believed Opaline could actually grant her the mark, but that was beyond her power. She knew that Misty needed to find her special talent to get a mark. She would likely have to go out into the world to find her destiny. Opaline would allow that, once she didn’t need Misty anymore to do her dirty work. But for now Misty would serve her. If only she’d gotten a cutie mark while working here, it might have been an indication that her destiny was to serve or maybe even rule at Opaline’s side. But that had not happened. It was a pity really. Opaline might have been able to groom Misty into becoming a ruthless alicorn like herself. Then she could have truly called her her daughter. But that had not happened and Opaline could only see Misty as a means to an end. She did have at least one pony she genuinely loved. She looked at him from beyond the forcefield. An alicorn like herself, an alicorn male that was a bit smaller than her, only the size of the common ponies. She wanted to hug him. But she could not reach him thanks to the magical barrier that had been created along with the Unity Crystals long ago. He stood frozen in stone with the rest of her army, a crown on his head, armor on his body, and a hammer in his hoofs. He looked so regal in her eyes, but that was fitting since he was- “My son,” Opaline said, allowing her sadness to surface as she did so on very rare occasions, her head falling and a small tear escaping her eyes. “I will soon have my power back. Then I can break out of this shield and free you! Then you and I can rule Equestria together! Fireforge Destiny!” The statue could not turn to her, so she was forced to look at him from the side. She sighed and went back up the path to her castle. The time would soon be upon her, if Misty could succeed. > Chapter 6: Sprouting Remorse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zipp and Pipp rose brightly and early in the morning. They had breakfast and then it was time to head back to Maretime Bay. “Promise me you’ll stay connected with your suitors!” Queen Haven said as she walked them outside with Alphabittle by her side. “I will Mom!” Zipp said. “I have them all in my contacts and we’ll be setting up a series of individual dates.” “Wonderful, good luck Zipp,” Haven said before turning to her younger daughter. “And good luck with you and Hitch, Pipp.” Pipp blushed. “Thanks, Mom.” The two Pegasus sisters spread their wings and took off. They headed back to Maretime Bay. … Hitch emerged from his station with Sparky on his back. “Ah, another beautiful day in Maretime Bay, huh Sparky?” Hitch asked his dragon. “Uh-huh,” Sparky mumbled. Hitch looked around. Everything seemed peaceful, though he knew from past experiences that could change at any second. “Hitch!” a voice called. Hitch looked in the direction of the voice and saw to his immense surprise Phyliss Cloverleaf was making her way to him. “Phyliss? What’s wrong?” Hitch asked. “It's Sprout! He needs some help!” “Why, what’s he done?” Hitch asked warily at the thought of his former deputy turned war criminal. “He hasn’t done anything, that’s just it!” Phyliss said. “He’s not been doing anything! He goes out to do his community service and then stays home! He doesn’t interact with other ponies hardly at all.” Hitch felt a wave of concern. Despite the fact that Sprout had tried to kill him, Sunny, their friends, and start a war with Pegasi and Unicorns, he had not formally arrested him. Had Sprout actually succeeded in killing somepony, that would not have been the case. Sprout had been a product of the long generations of prejudice and lies that Hitch and many others had been fed since foalhood. Hitch had hoped that Sprout would be able to become a better pony, and the judicial system of Maretime Bay (which had included a Pegasus and Unicorn Judge since Sprout had attempted to kill members of their kind as well) had given him a year of community service. They’d let him off easy since they had all come to believe similar things about different pony species that they had all learned were wrong. Even though he wasn’t a close friend anymore, Sprout was still just a pony who had lost his way following the path laid out before him by his elders, especially his mother. But she too had seen the error of her ways and shut down the Canterlogic Protection program aimed to combat other pony species. “What do you want me to do?” Hitch asked. “Talk to him, get him to come out of his shell,” Phyliss said. She led him to her mansion on the outskirts of Maretime Bay. Hitch had been here plenty of times but it had been nearly a year. He noticed that many of the anti pegasus and unicorn contraptions were gone. Hitch made his way inside and walked to Sprouts room. It was practically empty now, Hitch remembered it used to be filled with posters from the old propaganda. Sprout himself lay on his bed. “Sprout?” Hitch asked. Sprout slowly looked up. “Oh, hey Hitch,” the red stallion said in a glum tone before correcting himself. “Sheriff Hitch, I mean.” “Your mom says you’ve been feeling rather… under the rump these days?” Hitch said. “Just go away, you probably don’t want anything to do with me. No pony does,” Sprout said. “And who can blame them? I nearly caused a war with Pegasi and Unicorns.” “Yeah, but you know now that was wrong,” Hitch said. “You’ve seen we can be friends with Pegasi and Unicorns.” Sprout nodded with a sigh. “Yeah. But the damage has been done. Everyone knows that I made the big robot to try and- you know.” Hitch nodded. “That doesn’t mean nopony will want to be your friend. I mean, I’m willing to forgive you, and I’m sure Sunny and the others are to.” He led Sprout to the Smoothie Stand. “Oh hey Hitch, will it be… Sprout?” Sunny asked as she saw her former childhood friend. “Hey Sunny,” Sprout said. He looked around. Several ponies looked at him, their eyes narrowed. “It's been a long time since I’ve seen you,” Sunny said brightly. “How have you been?” “Not good,” Sprout said honestly. The last time they’d spoken had been after Sprout made a giant blubberberry go rolling down the street the first time. That had made a mess. The second (and last time) had been close to being much worse. Three little fillies that Sprout didn’t know the names of had gotten themselves trapped when the Earth Pony Member had created a plant that restrained them. The incoming berry had nearly rolled them over and would have if not for Sunny and her friends. Flashback: Sprout watched the group of heroes, two of which were his childhood friends, get in front of three fillies that were restrained. They stopped the berry and then got the fillies down. But Sprout felt incredible guilt as he thought of what could have happened if not for Sunny, Hitch, and the others. “My magic is too powerful, and dangerous,” Sprout said. “I need to stop using outside where it could hurt ponies.” Hitch had lifted the ban on Earth Pony magic, but Sprout would not be using his anymore. At least not anytime it could hurt other ponies. From then on he’d sticked to performing his Earth Pony Magic at home in his family estate. It was a good distance out so there wasn’t much chance of his magic hurting somepony. He’d rarely left the house after that except for shopping and his community service. He’d been doing that for over half a year now and he’d been sentenced to a full year as punishment for his attempted murder of the Queen of Pegasi, Chief of Unicorns, and the indirect attempt on the rest of their species as well. End Flashback: “I’ve kind of just been staying at home,” Sprout said. “He’s been isolating himself,” Hitch said. “Why?” Sunny asked. “You shouldn’t shut yourself out from the rest of us.” “I don’t think anypony wants to be around me. Especially not any of them,” he said pointing to a nearby pair of a Pegasus and Unicorn. Sunny looked at him. “But you feel sorry what you did, right?” “Yes,” Sprout admitted. “All my life I’ve known only that Pegasi and Unicorns were our enemies. But I was wrong.” “You were taught that,” Hitch reminded him. “We all were, and we all believed it. Except for Sunny.” Sunny put a smoothy together, it was Sprout’s favorite. “Thanks,” Sprout said as he took it and prepared to hand her some coins. “Take it… one house. Or Brighthouse, I guess!” Sunny said with a smile. Sprout retracted his hoof for a moment then shook his head. “No, I don’t deserve a free one. Take the bits I insist.” “You feel down,” Sunny countered. “Nothing cheers me up better then a free smoothie… except for being around my friends. Why don’t you come and hang out with us?” Sprout looked at her. “You sure they would be okay hanging out with me? After I tried to destroy them.” “I’m sure they’re over it by now,” Sunny said. “You never actually managed to destroy any pony.” Sprout nodded but still maintained his glum expression. “I suppose so.” … Sprout accompanied Hitch on his patrol. “So how are things going at Canterlogic, I haven’t heard of any new projects going on there in a long time,” Hitch said. “Yeah well, with unicorns and pegasi not as our enemies anymore, we need to look at new horizons,” Sprout said. “My mom took down the old slogan To be scared is to bed preprared as well. We still have our fashion branch but we still haven’t figured out anything to replace the protection branch. I mean, its not like there is anypony out there plotting against us now right?” Hitch hesitated. “Uh… I wouldn’t be entirely sure about that.” Sprout’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?” Hitch happed his hoof nervously. “See, me and my friends found some sort of recording when we were in the brighthouse one time. It was a recording of Twilight Sparkle.” Sprout’s eyes grew wider. “The Twilight Sparkle? Like the one Sunny used to love as a filly and have action figures of?” “She still loves her, but yeah,” Hitch said. “The recording that said that there are evil forces out there that want to exploit it. That a pony once tried to steal magic all for herself. That was what caused magic to disappear in the first place.” “A pony tried to steal magic for herself?” Sprout repeated. “Then, do you think that pony is who caused all of our kinds to be separated?” “Maybe,” Hitch said. “But I don’t know.” If that guess was true, then Sprout knew that it wasn’t just the work of his mother and all the ponies who’d taught him through up that had turned him into a wanna be homicidal maniac. But somepony else might have had a hoof in it. Still that didn't absolve him of any guilt. He had to be held responsible for his actions, he understood that now. “There have been some strange things going as well,” Hitch said. “Sparky and Sunny’s lantern both went missing a while ago. We still don’t know what the cause of it is.” “So, you think somepony is behind it?” Sprout asked. Hitched nodded. “Sunny’s lantern for sure. Somepony had to take it. And Zipp suspected somepony also dragonnapped Sparky, but we didn’t find anypony with him when we found him. Though I might have been focusing too much on him and didn’t look thoroughly.” “Is there any way I can help?” Sprout asked. “I know I’m not a deputy anymore but I do wanna make up for the things I did.” Hitch nodded. “Well, if you see anything suspicious it could be helpful of you to report it.” Sprout nodded. “I will.” “Hitch!” a voice called from above. The two stallions looked up and saw Zipp and Pipp flying above. Pipp increased her speed as she saw her… well, he wasn’t her coltfriend yet, but the pony she’d started dating. She wrapped her hooves around neck as she got low enough. Hitch smiled and hugged her back then she landed in front of him closely followed by her sister. “Hey! How was the race? I mean… I know I saw it on TV and it looked pretty cool but how did you think it went?” Hitch asked. “I thought it was great!” Pipp said. “Zipp even managed to enjoy it.” “Yeah, it wasn’t so bad,” Zipp said. “Now I got three suitors. Though I’m not sure the next time will be as enjoyable. My mom’s talking about looking into candidates from Unicorns and Earth Ponies as well. But I think I’d definitely prefer somepony I can fly with or at least have something in common with.” She smiled at Hitch for a moment then looked at Sprout. “What is he doing here?” Zipp asked glaring at the red stallion. “Oh, his mom Phyllis asked me to help him out since he’s been depressed lately,” Hitch said. “She asked me to talk to him and get him to come out more often.” Zipp’s gaze softened. She sighed. “I guess we should probably let bygones be bygones. This is an era of peace after all.” Pipp smiled at Sprout. He managed a smile back sheepishly. Hitch frowned slightly at that, was Sprout developing a crush on Pipp? Then again she was a pretty princess, literally. It was probably only natural a few stallions would like looking at her. “Why don’t you come hang out with us at the Brighthouse tonight?” Hitch asked. Sprout’s nervous expression returned. He had steered clear of the brighthouse since he’d been the one to destroy in the battle with his giant robot. But Sunny had forgiven him so he’d probably be welcome. “Alright, as long as Sunny doesn’t have a problem with it,” Sprout said forcing a smile back on his face. “She won’t don’t worry,” Hitch said. Sprout nodded and began walking back home. Hitch led Zipp and Pipp back to the brighthouse as well. “So Pipp, wanna go on a second date tomorrow?” Hitch asked. “Or would it be a third if we count the one where we went to Zephyr Heights?” Pipp shrugged. “We can say its our second official date! I’d love to!” “I’m supposed to meet Right Light that night!” Zipp said. “Oh my glitter! Maybe we can double date sis!” Pipp suggested. “Uh, I think I’d rather have my dates alone,” Zipp said. “You two just enjoy each other’s company. What are you gonna do?” Hitch thought for a moment. “Maybe we could have dinner and then a dance? I know you like singing Pipp. How about dancing?” She smiled. “I love dancing too!” She nuzzled him, and Hitch blushed. Zipp had to resist the urge to throw up. As they walked to the brighthouse, they spotted somepony. Or rather two someponies. Izzy and Rufus, who wore his magician outfit. Plants around him juggle balls as Izzy and a couple other ponies watched. A few claps echoed and some poney bucks were handled to him. “Thank you thank you!” Rufus said with a bow as his plants retreated underground. “Hey Izzy!” Zipp called. The hyperactive unicorn looked over her shoulder. “Oh hey friends! You’re back!” “Izzy, we’re gonna hang out in the brighthouse tonight!” Pipp said. “Of course most of us live there but Hitch will be there and so will Sprout, we decided to invite him!” “Oh, uh… I actually have plans! I’d love to though!” Izzy said. “I just asked Rufus out and he said yes! Isn’t that exciting! My first date!” “That’s right!” Rufus said as he came up and put his foreleg around Izzy. “This magical unicorn and this Earth Pony magician are going to have a magical night together!” “Oh come on Rufus, I’m not as magical as you!” Izzy said. “I beg to differ!” Rufus said. “But anyway, I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful night!” “Yes,” Izzy agreed. Pipp flew over and grabbed Izzy. “Come on Izz, we need to get you pampered for it!” “See you tonight!” Izzy said as Pipp dragged her off. Rufus waved goodbye, smiling as he thought of what they might do tonight. > Chapter 7: Shiny Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Izzy went with Pipp, Zipp, Hitch and a reluctant Sprout as they headed to Mane Melody. “So, tell me about how it all went down with Rufus, Izz!” Pipp said. “Well, I was just heading out and-“ Flashback: While Zipp and Pipp were on their way back from Zephyr Heights Izzy walked the streets of Maretime Bay. Izzy emerged from the Brighthouse saying loudly and proudly, “Today’s the Day I ask a stallion out!” But as she walked along the streets of Maretime Bay her eager smile began to fade. She soon found Rufus (or Hoofdini as he called himself when he was in his magician garb) doing tricks in the square. Several ponies watched him including Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz. They’d at first thought of Rufus as a phony but after he saved Glory from falling he’d become one of their favorite ponies after Pipp. She watched him as he did his tricks with earth pony magic as well as magician ones. He threw a smoke grenade and vanished, then appeared from out of the earth. “Behold my newest trick! Hoofdini Underground!” he said. The ponies clapped. “Great trick Hoofdini!” Seashell said. “Thanks again for saving my life!” Glory said. “No problem little filly!” he said as he ruffled her mane. “Uh..hey Rufus… or Hoofdini!” Izzy said as she approached. “Hello Izzy!” Rufus said. “Anything I can help you with?” “Uh… I have to ask you something?” “Oh you need the Great Hoofdini to answer a question? I’m sure I can be just as wise as I am great!” Rufus said. “Ask it then?” Izzy tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come for a moment. “Would… would you like to… uh… would you… uh…” “Yes?” Rufus asked. “Would you like to go out with me?” Izzy half shouted. That caused some of the ponies still watching to look at them. Rufus’s eyes widened, as did his mouth. For a moment Izzy was sure he was going to say no and then… He grinned. “Yes! The Great Hoofdini would!” End Flashback: “That’s amazing Izzy!” Pipp said. “Yeah, looks like we’re all finding somepony special,” Hitch said. “First me and Pipp, then Zipp has three suitors...” “And more to come once we involve the Unicorns and Earth Ponies!” Pipp said. “Don’t remind me. I’m thinking maybe it would be best to stick with just Pegasi. I mean… I need somepony who I can actually fly with,” Zipp said. “Or maybe… investigate. One or the other. But both would probably be even better. In fact speaking of investigating I need to get back to it when we reach the brighthouse.” “And now you and Rufus, Izzy!” Hitch said giving Zipp and Pipp a slightly annoyed look since the sister had interrupted him. “I bet Sunny is gonna find somepony sooner or later.” They arrived at the Brighthouse, Sprout hesitated as he recalled the last time he’d been here… the time he’d destroyed it when it was just a plain old lighthouse. Now it was the home of the Unity Crystals. He’d paid for the damage though, and he was still doing his community service. But the guilt still filled him. He would have suggested that he leave except for the fact that Sunny had invited him herself. They opened the doors and Sprout saw the house was completely different. Sunny was still manning the smoothie stand until her shift was over. “Well, this place certainly looks newer,” Sprout said as he looked around. “Well it did need to be rebuilt from pretty much the ground up,” Hitch said to him before looking at the rest of his friends. “See you ponies later I need to get back to my patrol.” He headed off. Zipp and Pipp got their bags from Zephyr Heights unpacked. Izzy then went to her work space as Sprout watched them for a while. He saw the wallpaper around each of their beds that held their cutie marks. “I always thought Sunny was a crazy pony and a loser. But I was wrong,” Sprout said. “I know you ponies will never forget the things I did… but I swear I’ll try to be a better pony.” “You seem to be already,” Zipp said. “Lost your arrogance and replaced it with sorrow. But we can work on that. I’m sure you’ll soon be a proud former villain who’s turned over a new leaf. Or in your case… cloverleaf.” “Thanks,” Sprout said mopely. “I did nearly squash three innocent fillies. Something like that is bound to change a pony. Unless its somepony so heartless that they’re able to overlook that.” “Well you might have been arrogant but you’re definitely not heartless,” Pipp said as she looked at him. “Maybe rough around the edges we can smooth those out.” “Thanks, well… I’ll see you ponies later when we hang out. Thanks for… giving me a chance.” He then walked off. Pipp headed off to Mane Melody while Zipp and Izzy stayed in the Brighthouse to work on research and art projects. Zipp headed up to the top floor where the unity crystals were. “Okay, so somepony wants to steal all the magic contained in these?” she said. “But who? These crystals are very powerful with the prisbeem. A pony that wants them must be able to handle a lot of power. Hmm. Unique powers? Like… Sunny! Like an alicorn!” Zipp said. “But who could that be? There isn’t a single alicorn out there besides Sunny that we know of at least. Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn and there was also Celestia, Luna, and somepony named Cadance as well. Am I missing anypony? Those are the most famous. But… what happened to all of them anyway?” … Opaline sat on her throne looking at an old picture of Twilight Sparkle, as well as Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. “You thought you could keep me from my rightful place did you, Twilight? After I destroyed your precious Celestia and Luna?” she asked. “Those arrogant ponies thought they were so much better than me you know! They raised the sun and moon which gave them immense magic power and delayed aging! You had friendship and sweet little Cadance had love! Leh! I meanwhile represent fire. My very heart beats with the power. The power of WILL!” she shouted the last bit. “I alone among all the alicorns could create my own immortality with the force of sheer willpower! The rest of you needed to draw upon external sources to give you agelessness! Sun, moon, friendship, love! I am the best of all of you! Celestia and Luna, my wretched cousins who shunned me and locked me up the first time I tried to take all the magic and even when I offered to share it with them and give them complete immortality! But they refused and betrayed me, Locking me up for over a thousand and fifty years!” Her voice echoed throughout her throne room. But then she spoke calmer. “Although I did happen to meet a certain deviously wonderful pony there that gave me a wonderfully equally devious son,” Opaline said with a small smile. “That was good at least. And he turned out to be an alicorn like myself. Finally I had somepony I could truly shape in my own image. And one day I will rule over all of Equestria!” Her evil laughter filled the room. … Once it was getting close to time for Izzy’s date, she and Zipp headed to Mane Melody, when they arrived Pipp sat Izzy down at one of the seats in front of the magic mirrors. “I think that style we did a while back where you had flowers in your mane will be just what we need!” Pipp said. She got to work and styled Izzy’s mane, filling it with small lilies. Jazz then came forward to give Izzy a hooficure for the occasion. “Alright, anything come to mind for this occasion?” Jazz asked. Ever since Izzy had helped Jazz find the inspiration to start making her own unique hooficure designs the Earth Pony had started doing hooficures for situations of all kinds. Ones that matched upcoming events, or just what she thought went well with a pony. Her patterns varied from matching cutie marks to things a pony liked. Izzy thought for a moment. “Hmm. The guy I’m going out with is a magician so maybe something for that?” “Magician huh?” Jazz asked. “How about this?” She got out a sheet of scratch paper and drew the image of a wand with a moon on the top. “I heard that was the cutie mark of a magician from ancient Equestria,” Jazz said. “Maybe I’ll add a little heart for romance.” “That will be perfect!” Izzy said. Jazz sprayed Izzy’s hooves, making them a little blue color with the wood bearing the moon on top and encircling it with a red heart. “Yes! This is what I call a sparkle! And don’t forget the glitter.” Jazz added glitter to Izzy’s hoof. Now it sparkled. “You look great Izzy!” Pipp said. “Yeah, pretty good,” Zipp said. Hitch nodded. “I’m sure Rufus will love it.” Sprout managed a small smile but didn’t say anything. Izzy looked at the clock. “Just in time for my date with Rufus!” … She headed out and soon met Rufus. The sun was close to setting “Wow,” he said as he saw her. “And I thought you looked fierce with that hooficure of a musical note the first time Jazz started making her own designs!” “Thanks,” she said with a blush. “Ready for a magical night?” he asked. “I believe I am! What shall we do?” Izzy asked. “Follow me,” Rufus said. He led her to the edge of Maretime Bay before the woods. “Uh, what are we doing here?” Izzy asked. “Just watch and see,” Rufus said looking up. The sky quickly grew dark, and the stars appeared. “Oooh!” Izzy exclaimed. “I like to gaze up at the stars every now and then,” Rufus said. “I know you like shiny stuff, especially glitter. Speaking of which…” He reached into his magician robe pocket and pulled out a bottle filled with Izzy’s favorite thing. “Glitter!” the unicorn exclaimed. “Never enough for you is there?” Rufus asked with a chuckle. “Nope!” Izzy said as she took the bottle in her magic. “Thanks Rufus!” “No problem, Izzy.” They looked up at the stars for a long time. “Ah, a glitter that never fades,” Izzy said. “I could look at those all night.” Suddenly her stomach rumbled. “Or maybe not,” she said with a blush. “I still need to have dinner after all.” “Well I had something in mind for that,” Rufus said as he reached into his magician bag once again. He pulled out carrots and other vegetables that could be roasted over a fire. He also had matches and marshmallows. Procuring some twigs from the nearby woods with his plant magic, he then tried to light a match, but ended up wasting two. “Let me,” she said. She lit up her horn and shot a spark of magic at the wood they’d gathered. That did the trick. Fire lit up and soon the two ponies were roasting all the food. Rufus used a stick while Izzy levitated multiple things at once with her magic above the flames. By the end of it they were famished. “Ah that hit the spot.” “One magical date,” Rufus said. They looked back up at the sky in time to see a shooting star. “Ooh, moving glitter!” Izzy said. “Make a wish!” Rufus said. “I think I will!” Izzy said. There was silence. Rufus looked at her. “Aren’t you gonna say it?” “It’s jinxie to say your wish aloud,” Izzy said. “Well, its probably about time to head back,” Rufus said. “I hope we get to do this again.” “Me too!” Izzy said. “Thanks for the glitter!” They headed back into town and soon parted ways. > Chapter 8: As the Misty Closes In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misty worked in Opaline’s study as the alicorn queen watched. Opaline had conjured up little dolls that resembled Sparky for her to use her magic on. Misty levitated them toward herself and caught them with her hooves. “Oh yeah! Now I won’t have such a difficult time whenever Sparky runs away!” Misty said with an evil smirk that faded quickly. Though she wanted to get her cutie mark from Opaline, the ponies she was currently working to steal Sparky from had always treated her with kindness. Like a friend would. Regret filled Misty as she recalled a number of times they had hung out. She’d made several attempts to capture Sparky over the past couple months since Opaline had taken an interest in him over the lantern. But whenever she’d been about to be caught the ponies had invited her to hang out once she put on her façade that she was not doing anything out of the ordinary. Yet, was it really an act anymore? Misty felt confused as she thought back to watching movies, eating snacks and having a those few sleepovers and hang outs. “Good work Misty,” Opaline said. “I feel you will be much more competent when I send you back out again. Which will be very soon.” “Soon?” Misty said. “Yes of course! Why wouldn’t it be now?” Opaline asked. “You have levitation down which is what you’ll need most to get the dragon. There’s only one or perhaps two more things I should probably teach you. Magic shields and beams.” Misty gulped. “You’re going to have me attack the ponies?” Opaline looked at her. “Is that a problem?” “N-no,” Misty said. “Good,” Opaline said not seeming to notice the hesitation from her timid servant. “You will acquire the dragon no matter what it takes. Pretending to be their friend has allowed you to get closer to them so we can use that to our advantage, but sooner or later that will no longer be necessary. I will have the dragon fire, and when I do, I want those ponies here! I want to crush any opposition to my power! I will then either destroy or convert them to our side!” Opaline laughed evilly and Misty joined in reluctantly. “Now, two final lessons!” Opaline said. She turned the book she’d been using to the section on combat magic. “Gather magic to your horn,” Opaline read. “Then release the energy shooting it out at your intended target.” Misty gathered magic in her horn, she had to use more magic power in order to be able to do actual damage. This required more energy than simple levitation. Opaline gathered magic to her own horn, though she could not use her full potential she was still able to use a few spells a day would be effective, but she couldn’t use any deadly force, yet. Still she had enough power to cause a decent amount of pain if she really wanted to. Misty looked at her in fear as she saw Opaline’s horn light up in lavender light similar to Twilight Sparkle from long ago. Opaline gave her servant and adoptive daughter a small reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you… much. As long as you do the same.” Misty nodded without hesitation. She practiced shooting beams at a target next to the wall which was scorched, showing signs that it had been used quite a bit. Opaline had started shooting it when she got her magic back as a means to try and regain her former power. Of course, after several centuries without using magic her skill had diminished somewhat. But she was working to reacquire it. For the next few minutes, she shot the target with Opaline giving her pointers on what worked and what didn’t. “That’s good, when you are facing an opponent you want to defeat!” Opaline told her. “But too much if you are to merely practice with me! Make it weaker!” Misty put less magic in her horn and shot, emitting only a small spark that shot out. “Too weak!” Opaline said. “More power, but not as much as before!” Misty gathered magic once again, this time making it a bit stronger than the last attempt. She then released it at the target, shooting out a beam that was smaller then the first one. Opaline nodded. “That should do, don’t ever use anything stronger against me,” Opaline said. “Now shields!” Misty panted as her mother turned the page of the book. “You must shape your magic out in front of you so that it can protect you.” “Can I… take a break for a moment?” Misty asked. “Absolutely not!” Opaline said. “We’ve lost enough time already!” Misty sighed. She looked at the pages and then tried. She put her magic out in front of her, it appeared in a shape similar to a cloud as Opaline watched. “Mm. Like mist, fitting for your name,” the alicorn said. “Now, use it to block me as I throw an attack… unless you want to feel a minor burn from my magic.” “Yes Opaline,” Misty said. “Yes as in you’ll block or yes you want to feel a burn?” Opaline said with a chuckle. “Oh, that’s funny!” “Yes, I’ll block,” Misty clarified. “Good, then let’s begin!” Opaline said. She lit up her horn with a minimum amount of attack magic that would cause only a small burn if it hit its target. Opaline fired a beam of her lavender magic with that magic and Misty put up a shield of her own cyan magic. It blocked Opaline’s attack and Misty smiled at the success. “Good, but there is plenty more where that came from,” Opaline said as she fired another beam. Misty barely managed to block that one. Opaline followed up with another that came as Misty lowered her shield. The blue unicorn yelped as she received a stinging sensation to her face. “Ow!” Misty said. “Just count yourself lucky I’m only using the minimum level of power,” Opaline said. “Now, attack me! I need to be able to practice as well! It’s been a while since I last had any combat practice!” “Yes Opaline,” Misty said as she lit up her horn and gathered what she hoped was the correct amount of magic. She fired the beam at her mother. Opaline easily managed to block with a flick of her horn. “Again!” Opaline said. Misty fired another beam and Opaline blocked that as well. “Here’s a little tip, Misty. It’s a good idea to feint in order to throw your opponent offguard.” “Faint? You mean like this?” Misty said before falling down as if playing dead. “No! No!” Opaline said. “Feint! F-E-I-N-T! It means pretending to make a move when you really intend to move in another way like this!” Opaline flowed magic through her horn and then moved as if about to attack but no beam came out. “Pretend you’re going to attack a certain way and then really attack in another way!” She then shot another beam at Misty and caught her on the chest. “Aah!” Misty exclaimed as she received another minor burn, the hurt turned to anger and she glared at Opaline as her horn lit up. She fired another beam that her adoptive mother blocked. “Ooh, a bit of fire in your eyes! I love it!” Opaline said with an evil grin from behind her shield which she quickly lowered. “Now try to fool me!” Misty moved her horn in one direction to do so, but Opaline’s years of experience had taught her to focus and watch every move. She saw the real move coming and shielded herself from it. “You’re going to need to try harder than that,” she told Misty. Misty huffed. “Okay Opaline. You asked for it!” “Just not too hard,” Opaline reminded her before closing her eyes arrogantly. “Or you’ll be getting a serious burn with what remains of my magic!” As soon as she said that though she felt a weak jolt of magic hit her in the face, right between the eyes. “Oh, you closed your eyes!” Misty said. Opaline gritted her teeth as she rubbed the spot. “Oh, Opaline you foal,” she cursed herself. “Are you okay Opaline?” Misty asked in a mixture of concern and fear. “I’ll be fine,” Opaline said with narrowed eyes. “Just need to put some healing potion on it.” She hissed then looked at Misty. “That was very good spell casting I must say.” “Am I going to be punished?” Misty asked hesitantly. “If this were any other circumstance I would say yes. But you impressed me with that so I will forgo any punishment,” Opaline said. “Now, I think that’s enough for now. Come.” She led Misty to the royal potion cupboard nearby and took out a bottle of healing potion. She poured a small amount of the potion onto a cloth and rubbed her face with before levitating it over to Misty and running it over the places where she had shot her assistant. “There you are, Misty,” Opaline said. “I trust I wasn’t too rough with you?” “No. Thank you, Opaline,” Misty said sincerely. “Well, you certainly impressed me. I hope this will aid you in this newest attempt to acquire the dragon. Now prepare yourself!” Misty headed to her room and put on her new green saddlebag which she would use to store food and other essentials while away. She found Opaline on her throne when she headed there. “Now, and while you’re in Maretime Bay there is something else I need you to do.” Opaline levitated a sealed letter out in front of her. “Give this to the Post Office in Maretime Bay,” she said to Misty who took it and put it in her bag. “Its time for me to begin recruiting new allies!” “Who?” Misty asked. “That’s not important right now,” Opaline said dismissively before adding, “You just deliver it and those puny mail ponies will take care of the rest. Then you will acquire the dragon for me and DON’T COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE HIM!” she yelled suddenly angry and serious. From her tone it was clear Misty was not being able to return till she got Sparky. She ran to the door of the castle and was out in a flash. She headed to Maretime Bay. It was already sunset when she left the castle. By the time she arrived, it was completely dark. She panted and looked around. The Brighthouse stood in its spot overlooking the city. Misty found the post office but it was closed. “Guess I’ll have to have them deliver this tomorrow,” Misty said. “Ah well, onto the Brighthouse.” She walked over to it. Peering in through one of the windows, she saw the group of ponies inside watching a movie on the couch. Misty recognized Sunny, Zipp, Hitch, and Pipp. The latter two ponies were sitting next to each other and holding hoofs. Misty smiled at the sight for a second, feeling happy they seemed to have found each other. “Aw,” she said eyeing them for a moment before looking around the rest of the visible room. Sparky on the top of the couch sat behind Hitch, and there was also a red pony in there as well. Misty had never met him before, who was he? Their backs were turned so she couldn’t get a good look at him. Though she did notice one pony was missing. Izzy wasn’t there. “Hmm, where’s Izzy?” Misty wondered. “Ah well, doesn’t matter.” She wandered around to the front of the Brighthouse and found the hyperactive unicorn making her way up. Izzy leapt happily with her eyes closed, humming softly. She then opened her eyes just in time to see- “Misty!” she exclaimed. “Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while!” “Uh, hey Izzy!” Misty said nervously. Her fellow unicorn hugged her, which she reluctantly returned with an embarrassed grin. It felt comforting. Opaline never hugged her, though she was starting to give Misty more praise lately for her successes in magic. “Were you just coming out of the Brighthouse?” Izzy asked. “No, I was thinking of saying ‘hello’ but didn’t want to disturb you or the others,” Misty lied. “Oh nonsense! Come on! They’re all hanging out in the brighthouse tonight! I’m sure they’d love to see you! And you can meet Sprout!” “Who?” Misty asked. “Oh, just a formerly evil pony who tried to kill us all a while ago! But he’s been feeling bad lately so we decided to let him into our circle, at least for a little bit! He might not be here full time but we at least want to make him feel better and put the past in the past!” Izzy led Misty to the door and opened it. “Hey everypony! Look who’s here!” Izzy said. They all looked at Misty, most of them grew smiles, except for Zipp and Sprout. Zipp gave their new guest a suspicious look while Sprout just looked confused and surprised. > Chapter 9: Sleepover with the Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Misty!” Sunny said as she saw their other friend that they occasionally hung out with. “Its been a while! How are you?” “Oh, uh- good,” Misty said nervously as she looked around. “Hi, Sunny Hitch, Pipp, Zipp… and…” She looked at the red stallion she’d never met before. He looked at her with a curious expression. “Uh, hey I’m Sprout,” he said. “Never seen you before. Misty?” “Yeah,” Misty said. “Nice to meet ya?” Sprout’s eyes widened, while Zipp’s narrowed more. “Uh, don’t you know who I am?” Sprout asked. “Can’t say I do,” Misty said. Sprout blinked before saying, “I’m Sprout Cloverleaf! The Earth Pony that tried to start a war.” “Oh, wow,” Misty said. “Seriously Misty, didn’t you here about it back in Bridlewood?” Izzy asked. “Come to think of it, I’ve been looking for you there but never found out your address!” Misty clenched her teeth. Zipp looked her dead in the eye. “Alright, come clean! I may have been wrong about you stealing Sunny’s lantern a while back, but my instincts are never wrong! Well, rarely at least. There is something different about you and I want to know what it is! You didn’t know anything about Bridlewood which is where unicorns are supposed to be from!” Zipp said. Misty clenched her teeth harder for a moment. “Ok, fine, you’re right! I’m not from Bridlewood!” This shocked the other ponies, especially Izzy. “But then where are you from?” Zipp asked earnestly “A place several miles from here!” Misty said. Sprout looked at her in surprise. “There’s another settlement in Equestria?” “Well, not exactly a settlement. Its mainly just an old structure,” Misty said. “I’ve lived there since I was a filly. For as long as I could remember! Someone there took me in and raised me!” They all looked at her in surprise. “So, you’re not from Bridlewood?” Izzy asked her ears falling. “No, I mean maybe. I don’t know what happened to my parents!” Misty said. “I’m sorry! I was just trying to blend in with you during the Traditional Unicorn Sleepover!” It was all true pretty much, but Misty didn’t go into details about Opaline. She’d have to make something up if the ponies dug deeper. Zipp’s suspicions, fortunately (at least for Misty) were satisfied. “No, its okay Misty,” she said putting a hoof on the blue unicorn’s shoulder. “Its understandable you would want to blend in with the others.” “I know one pony that didn’t care about that though,” Sprout said as he looked at her before saying her name. “Sunny.” The orange earth pony smiled. “I just did what I knew to be right.” Misty looked at her. “Did what you knew to be right?” “Yeah, my father always believed that one day all ponykind could be friends,” Sunny said. Sprout looked at the picture that had been reframed of Sunny and her father. “I’m sure he’d be proud of you, for all you’ve accomplished.” That was a lot coming from one of the ponies who had been most against everything Argygle had said when he was alive. Not surprising though since his own mother had been a staunch opponent of Sunny’s father, and the pony whose example had been followed by everypony else. Except for Sunny and her father. “Thank you Sprout,” Sunny said. “I know things have been hard for you, but I believe you can still become a better pony.” “I want to,” Sprout said. “Its hard to change after spending your entire life pursuing a path you believe to be right.” “Well, you did have your ponies concerns at heart,” Hitch reminded him kindly. “I guess it just goes to show that even good intentions can lead to something bad.” Misty listened and looked down in thought. She’d been by Opaline her whole life. Yet she didn’t think what Opaline was doing was necessarily right. Of course, it might not have helped that Opaline openly called herself maniacal, villainous, and evil. Misty did owe her though, since she had no pony else. No pony else except these ponies, she thought. They passed the rest of the night watching movies, playing board games and eating ponycorn. Misty smiled and laughed with the others “Well thanks everypony, this really helped me feel better,” Sprout said. “I know I have to make up for the things I tried to do. But I do want to do that when I can!” “Glad to hear it Sprout!” Sunny said. “You just watch, I’ll make the best redemption ever!” Sprout vowed. “Yeah well, we’ll just see about that,” Hitch said in a joking manner. “But I can see you’ve changed, Sprout.” “By the end I’m sure you’ll be a much better one!” Izzy said. “You wanna hang out some more with us?” “Uh, lets just take it one step at a time,” Sprout said. “I’ll see you around everypony.” “Sure you don’t wanna crash here?” Sunny asked. Sprout shook his head. “I wouldn’t feel right doing that just yet. After its because of me that you had to rebuild this place. It does look amazing though, especially with the Unity Crystals at the top.” He exited the brighthouse to return home. Misty’s ears perked up at the mention of the Unity Crystals. She was tempted for a moment to ask to see the crystals but didn’t want to risk looking suspicious. “Misty?” Zipp said. “Yes,” she asked nervously. “Can you tell me that story you made up during the first traditional unicorn sleepover again?” Zipp asked. “Uh, well long ago there was a queen that ruled Equestria with a fist of fire,” Misty said reluctantly. “She owned all the magic, but other ponies stole it.” “That sounds like the recording we heard about!” Zipp said. “Recording?” Misty asked. “Yes, Twilight Sparkle left a message in the Unity Crystals that said a pony once tried to steal magic for herself and almost succeeded!” Zipp said. “Really the Twilight Sparkle from… the old stories?” Misty asked, catching herself before she could say Opaline’s stories. “Yes, and I think that pony was an alicorn from around or even before her time!” Misty was getting more nervous by the second. “Really? Wow, that’s a great theory!” Pipp said. “Are you sure, Zipp?” Sunny asked worriedly. “I don’t think Sparky wants to hear any spooky stories tonight,” Hitch said holding his baby dragon whose expression suggested otherwise. “I think so!” Zipp said. “The unity crystals are filled with an incredible amount of magic. Only someone really powerful could withstand or be able to control them.” “But how do we know that this evil alicorn is even still alive?” Sunny asked. “Well according to legend alicorns possessed immense magic power that delayed their aging or made them immortal,” Zipp said. “But magic disappeared and was gone for hundreds of moons!” Sunny said. “Could an alicorn really survive that long without it?” “Maybe,” Zipp said. “But I don’t know for sure. Misty, who told you that story about the queen that owned all magic?” “Um… my-my adoptive mother,” Misty said which was technically true. “Maybe you could take me to meet her sometime?” Zipp said. “She’s gotta have more details that can help me solve the case.” “Um, maybe tomorrow, its late!” Misty said. “Yeah you’re right!” Zipp said. Pipp yawned. “I need my beauty sleep! Come on Misty we can get a sleeping bag out for you as well!” They got one and spread it out on the floor. Taking showers to clean themselves after their various days of hard work in their various occupations they then climbed into their various sleeping bags they used for makeshift camping. They’d done this every so often. Soon all of them were sound asleep. All except one. Misty opened her eyes and looked around. Seeing everypony was indeed asleep, she got to her hooves. Though she did so uneasily. If she were a genuinely evil pony she probably would have grinned and chuckled softly. But instead, she just felt remorse and guilt welling up in her for what she about to do. She looked over at Sparky who slept next to Hitch. She’d once tried to grab him with a trail of sandwiches and lure him into a trap. But she had magic now thanks to Opaline’s training. She looked around, seeing no pony awake. Izzy gurgled in her sleep a little bit while Zipp snored. Sprout had left to return home, Hitch and Pipp cuddled together while Sunny slept peacefully nearby. Misty lit up her magic, the cyan light shining briefly, but she looked around, fearing it would take some pony up. She tiptoed away just a bit so that she could still grab Sparky and avoid waking anypony else up. Then she lit it up again, the cyan aura surrounded the little dragon and slowly brought him over to her. She put his sleeping form on her back and then snuck out of the brighthouse. As soon as she closed the door to behind her, she let out a sigh that was a mix of thrill and regret. “I finally got you,” she said looking at Sparky sleeping on her back snoring softly. “I guess that means I’ll get my cutie mark.” She looked at the brighthouse where her friends were in remorse. Opaline had said they were the enemy, and they were to her, but not Misty. They’d been nothing but good to her since she’d met them. She’d had fun with them during their little get togethers like this one. Was getting a cutie mark really worth the pain she would cause them when they discovered Sparky was missing? A part of her wanted to just give Sparky back, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She owed Opaline too much, the queen had found her as a lost filly. Misty wouldn’t even be alive without her, she had to get this dragon to Opaline. She began walking home to Opaline’s castle. Finally, she was going to get her cutie mark. But what happened after that? Misty didn’t know. Though she did feel as though she had forgotten something. Then she remembered her other assignment. “Oh, can’t forget the letter,” Misty said as she drew it from her saddlebag. “But the post office isn’t open right now.” She then saw a mailbox at one of the nearby houses of Maretime Bay. She walked over to it, not managing to smirk in triumph as the regret was brewing over. She stuck the letter Opaline had given her into it, catching a glimpse of the name on it. “Right Light,” she said with a small curious hum. “Wonder who he is?” She shrugged. Just some potential ally Opaline wanted to recruit. She put the letter in the mailbox and continued on her way home. The name soon faded from her mind, and tomorrow she would finally have what her mistress wanted most. > Chapter 10: Meet the Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misty made her way to Opaline’s castle in the dead of night, her horn lighting her way with a small amount of light. If she had her cutie mark it probably would have been brighter. Ah well, she’d get her cutie mark soon. But she couldn’t shake the feeling it might not be worth it. On her back, Sparky snored softly for a while and then woke once they were about halfway there. He made his cute baby dragon coos and tried to get off, but she took him in her cyan magic. He levitated beside her. “You’re not getting away from me this time!” Misty said. “I’m sorry but I have to do this. Don’t worry, you’ll see Hitch again soon, I think.” Misty then suddenly remembered that Opaline had said something about wanting the ponies to be there. She hadn’t left a trail, but hopefully that wouldn’t be too much of a damper on things. Besides, it was the dragon fire that Opaline wanted most of all. But Misty still worried. Finally she arrived at Opaline’s castle and made her way into the entry which was also the throne room. Misty felt the feeling of remorse increase with every step as she climbed the stairs to Opaline’s private bedroom at the top of the main tower. “Opaline, I’m back!” Misty called as she knocked on the door. There was a faint yawn from beyond and the sound of hoofs hitting the floor quickly followed. Misty heard her mistress and adoptive mother walking to the door and opened it with her hoof. “This better be…” Opaline trailed off as she saw Misty holding Sparky in her magic. “…true. You did it! You got me the dragon! I can’t believe it!” Opaline’s tired face lit up with a bright smile as she took Sparky in her own magic and walked down the steps Misty had just climbed. Misty followed as Opaline took Sparky to the castle rooms. They entered the one across from Misty’s. A bit further down the hall, the blue unicorn saw the entrance to the dungeons. Opaline took Sparky into the room and set him down. He sat there looking up at her in fear, as though sensing her evil intentions. She gave him a small but still wicked smile. “Don’t worry, little dragon. I won’t hurt you… too much. Well, only in order to restore my power.” “What are you going to do with him once you have the power?” Misty asked, a little fearfully. “Will he be of no further use to you?” “Not in his current state,” Opaline said. “But he is the only dragon I’ve ever seen in hundreds of moons! He might be silly little baby at the moment but if he were to grow up and become loyal to me I could certainly make use of that large dragon. I’d be a fool not too!” Misty felt slightly reassured by that. At least she wasn’t planning to hurt Sparky. “Now, are the other ponies on their way?” Opaline asked. “Not yet,” Misty said. “I was more focused on getting Sparky out without being seen.” “Hmm, no matter, that’s the important part,” Opaline said as her horn lit up. “Now, I can start getting my power back!” Her magic wrapped around Sparky, forcing his mouth open and traveling down into his throat. His dragon fire was drawn out and transferred into Opaline’s horn. It lasted for a moment and then Sparky’s fire faded. “Ah, that feels so much better,” Opaline said as she ceased the drainage spell, and Sparky fell to his stomach looking tired. “A bigger dragon would have a larger reservoir of fire. But this will do, I’ll just have to let him recharge and then I’ll repeat the process until I’m strong enough.” She then yawned. “I still need to sleep as well.” Misty also yawned. “That sounds like a good idea, I really want to…” “Oh no!” Opaline said rounding on her. “You still have to lure the other ponies here! Go back there and find them! Tell them some lie about how you saw another pony take the dragon and followed them!” Misty looked down, “Yes, Opaline.” She then made her way back out of the castle, bags forming under her eyes from lack of sleep. Opaline meanwhile, returned to her bedroom after locking the door to Sparky’s room so he couldn’t get out. Not that he could move right now but he’d recover in a couple hours. … Misty grew more and more tired as she made her way back to Maretime Bay. Finally she emerged from the woods around it. She sighed in agitation, her hooves sore from all the walking. “I wish I could just teleport to places! That would save me a lot of time, and sore hooves!” She looked up at the sky. Dawn was still a few hours away. “Maybe it will be okay if I just take a little rest?” Misty said as she curled up on the ground with a yawn. She was unable to help herself against the enormous level of fatigue that had built up. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. … Hitch awoke in the brighthouse, still feeling tired. But he slowly came to, the tiredness wearing off. He felt a small pressure on his shoulder and saw Pipp resting her head there. He smiled at her and looked around, seeing Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp. He had a feeling something was missing but couldn’t figure it out for a moment. Then it clicked. “Sparky!” he yelled getting to his hooves and getting off the sofa. Pipp lost her balance as she slept once Hitch left, so her head plopped softly onto the sofa. It was still enough to wake her, and her emerald eyes opened. “Ah,” she yawned. “What’s wrong Hitch?” she asked as she rubbed her eyes. Hitch looked around. The sun had risen outside, filling the bright house with light. “Sparky’s not here!” he exclaimed. The commotion caused the three other mares to wake up. “Something going on?” Sunny asked. “Oh nothing,” Hitch said trying to play cool. “Sparky’s just not in the room right now.” “He’s probably playing hide and seek,” Izzy said. “You said he likes to do that.” “Lets just have a look around,” Zipp said as she got to her hooves. They searched the entire brighthouse from top to bottom, making sure to also check out the closet that he had been in the last time he’d disappeared. “No sign of him!” Hitch exclaimed fearfully. Zipp looked around and noticed something else… or rather somepony else… was missing. “Hey, Misty’s not here either!” she said. “You don’t think Sparky is with her do you?” Sunny asked. “Why would she leave without saying goodbye?” Izzy asked. “That pony has always been strange!” Zipp said. “You know I suspected she was the one that stole your lantern Sunny!” “What?” Sunny exclaimed. “But I found the lantern in the garden!” Pipp said. “Yeah, but somepony still had to take it!” Zipp said. “Misty wouldn’t do that!” Izzy said shaking her head. “Just like she wouldn’t be from Bridlewood?” Zipp asked. “I’m telling you there is something off about her!” “Zipp, calm down!” Pipp said. “Lets just look and see if we can find them!” They headed outside and split up. Zipp and Pipp took the skies while Sunny, Izzy and Hitch looked in the city. It wasn’t very busy at this time aside from a few ponies. But Zipp soon found the pony in question near the entrance to the woods. “Aha!” Zipp exclaimed as she flew down toward the blue pony that stood out on the green grass. She landed and looked at Misty who was sleeping soundly. “Hey, wake up!” Zipp said tapping the unicorn with her hoof. “Huh, what?” Misty awoke with a start. “WHERE’S SPARKY?” Zipp asked furiously. “You might have the others thinking you’re all sweet and innocent but my instincts are never wrong! You expect me to believe it’s a coincidence that you’re gone from the Brighthouse in the morning when Sparky is too?” “Uh,” Misty hesitated. “You’re coming with me!” Zipp said grabbing hold of Misty and flying off to join the others. “Wah!” Misty screamed. Zipp soon found her sister and they gathered the others. “Okay, I found Misty!” Zipp said once they were all together. “But no sign of Sparky!” Hitch glared at the blue unicorn. “Alright, I have to admit it was pretty suspicious for you to be gone too! So you better have a good explanation!” “I do…” Misty said looking down. “I saw somepony dragonnap Sparky last night!” “What?” Hitch exclaimed in concern. “Then why didn’t you wake any of us up?” Zipp asked. “I tried!” Misty lied. “But… the pony cast a spell that kept all of you from waking up. I guess I just got lucky and they didn’t notice me! I followed them! I know where they went, I tried to get back and see if you guys were awake but I was so tired from chasing after the dragonnapper and running back to get help I collapsed! I didn’t even manage to get to sleep before the pony broke in!” Izzy scoffed. “See, Misty tried to help us!” Zipp was still suspicious. But she had no evidence to back it up. She sighed. “Did you see what the pony that took Sparky looked like?” “Yes! She was big, and she had both a horn and wings!” Misty said. “An alicorn!” Sunny exclaimed. “The evil alicorn!” Zipp said. “She’s still around, just like I thought!” “But what does she want with Sparky?” Pipp asked scared. Hitch took a few deep breaths and looked at Misty. “You said you know where she took him?” Misty nodded. “I followed her north along the coast! There’s a really scary castle there!” “We have to go there then!” Sunny said. “To the marestream!” They got in and Zipp piloted the vehicle. As they headed north, into uncharted territory, the sky grew dark, lightning flashed. But through the darkness they could make out the sillouette of a building. “Ooh, spooky!” Izzy said. They brought the Marestream in for a landing. Stepping outside, the group of six ponies looked around. There was a dark castle in the distance over looking a river. But around them were many statues of ponies. “Nice statues,” Pipp said. Zipp inspected them, noticing some Pegasi statues that were in flying positions that had split in half. “You don’t think these were once living ponies do you?” she asked. “In some of the old legends from Twilight Sparkle’s time there were cases of ponies and other creatures being turned to stone!” “I don’t know,” Sunny said. She caught sight of another pony, an alicorn with a warhammer in his hooves. “But right now we need to free Sparky!” she said. They began walking toward the dark castle. Pipp shook. “I usually like horror movies, but its way scarier being in a place that’s actually dangerous!” She took Hitch’s hoof. “You’ll protect me right?” “Sure,” Hitch said nervously. “Don’t worry Pipp, your stallion is right by your side.” Though he was unable to suppress the look of fear on his face even as he grinned. Pipp sighed. “Great, we’re doomed.” They soon made it to the front doors and opened them, finding a throneroom filled with tapestries bearing the symbol of a crown with blue flames around it. Magical torches lit the room. In front of the throne was a pool of some sort, and on the throne sat a dark purple alicorn with a curved horn and cyan-white mane. Sparky levitated next to her in a lavender bubble. “Welcome,” she greeted them. “I’ve been expecting you!” She got off her throne and walked toward them. The Mane 5 assumed battle stances. “Who are you?” Sunny asked. “I am Opaline Arcana!” the alicorn said. “Rightful Queen of all Equestria and owner of all magic!” “So you’re the one that Twilight warned us about!” Zipp said. “You tried to steal magic hundreds of moons ago!” “That’s right,” Opaline said. “I killed Celestia and Luna, those weak little ponies who always thought less of me! I would have taken the rest of the magic in Equestria as well if not for Twilight sacrificing her power and immortality to create the unity crystals! But history lesson not withstanding I offer you an accord! Join me, I’ll spare you, let you have your dragon back once I have all the fire magic I need, and let you keep your own magic. I do appreciate the fact that you brought it back after all, even if you follow misguided ideas of friendship, unity, and equality.” The Mane 5 stood firm as Misty watched fearfully. “It was friendship that brought magic back in the first place!” Sunny said. “Magic is not meant for just one or even a few ponies! Everypony should have equal opportunity!” “Ha!” Opaline scoffed as she circled them. “The truth is that not everypony is created equal, some are smarter, like you Zipp Storm!” She pointed at the elder of the two pegasus princesses. “You were on the prowl for me for a while, weren’t you?” “How do you know?” Zipp asked. “I’ve been watching you all for some time,” Opaline said gesturing to the pool before her throne. “My magic pool lets me see what is going on in Equestria.” Zipp put a hoof down. “We’ll never join you!” “Yeah!” Izzy said. “Not a chance!” Sunny said. “No way!” Pipp agreed. “I won’t let you hurt or steal magic from anypony!” Hitch said. “Now give me back Sparky!” “Afraid I can’t just yet! But I’m sure you’ll come to see things from my perspective in time, one way or another,” Opaline said. “I tried to teach you to act like a proper alicorn Sunny Starscout!” Sunny looked at her in confusion. “What?” “The alicorn mirror,” Opaline elaborated. “I’m the one who gave it to you!” Sunny’s mouth fell open. “I thought that was you, Pipp!” The younger pegasus’s ears fell in embarrassment. “Whoops.” “I had a little help of course,” Opaline said. “Isn’t that right Misty?” The blue unicorn walked around the Mane 5 and took her place at Opaline’s side. “Misty what are you doing?” Izzy asked. Opaline chuckled. “She’s been helping me all this time, my dear adoptive daughter!” Misty looked at her in surprise. Opaline had never actually called her her daughter before. “You’ve done very well, Misty,” Opaline said. “Um, thanks Opaline,” Misty said. The Mane 5 all looked at Misty in shock. All except for Zipp. “I knew it!” she said pointing ones of her silver hooves. “I knew there was something off about you, Misty! Err! I should have followed my instincts! So you were behind the lantern missing!” “Yes,” Misty admitted. “I delivered the mirror to you Sunny, I trapped you and Pipp in the cave, Zipp. And I’m the reason Sparky went missing that time you found him in the closet as well!” “You did that?” Hitch asked angrily. “No!” Izzy exclaimed. “I thought you were our friend!” “Yeah!” Pipp said with a look of heartbreak. “I could still be,” Misty said. “Please, reconsider joining Opaline!” “Misty, we don’t beg!” Opaline said. “If they will not yield to my superior mindset, I will make them! Or destroy them!” Her horn lit up and before any of the Mane 5 could react, she encased them in a magic bubble just like Sparky’s, but bigger. “Hey, let us out!” Sunny said as she tried to escape with her hooves. Izzy tried to conjure her magic but it vanished as she did so. Zipp likewise flapped her wings but nothing happened. This bubble was disabling their magic. “Afraid I can’t right now,” Opaline said as she caused the larger bubble to levitate. “We’ll talk later. For now, enjoy the hospitality of my dungeon.” She flung them down a flight of stairs nearby as they screamed. They only caught a glimpse of their surroundings as they moved at a fast pace. Faster then even Zipp or perhaps the Marestream could fly. They were put into a cell which opened as then approached and then locked them in. “No!” Hitch exclaimed. “Sparky!” … Misty watched as her friends vanished into the dungeon below. Opaline turned to her. “Good work Misty!” she said cupping the young mare’s chin. “I’m so very proud of you!” “Does this mean I’ll get my cutie mark?” Misty asked, feeling less enthused by the idea then ever. “Have I earned it?” “Yes, you will have your reward,” Opaline said turning to Sparky. “As soon as I have enough power to destroy the shield trapping me here and free my army!” > Chapter 11: Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With her ‘friends’ imprisoned, Misty waited with Opaline as she drained Sparky once again of fire magic. The little dragon clutched his stomach with an uncomfortable, even… pained expression. He looked at them with pleading eyes and said in his little dragon babble. “Aap!” Aap? Was he trying to say stop? Misty sighed in remorse at the sight. “Why the long face Misty?” Opaline asked as she noticed this. Misty looked at her. She saw Opaline’s mane, tail and wings shine with blue-purple fire. “Its just that seems to really hurt Sparky,” Misty said. “Yes, it does hurt,” Opaline said. “But he’ll survive. Remember, don’t get attached. It’s a sign of weakness.” Misty nodded slowly. “Right… Opaline.” There was a moment of silence. “So… how many more times do you have drain him?” “Just one, maybe two more times,” Opaline said. “He’ll need a while to recharge. Why don’t you go and have a little fun? Do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t damage anything in my castle.” “You’re actually telling me to have… fun?” Misty said. “After helping me finally acquire what I need I feel you’ve earned it,” Opaline said with a small smile. “Go on, do whatever you wish.” Misty nodded and walked out of the room they’d been keeping Sparky in, she looked at her room right across then turned her head to stairs nearby. Wondering how her friends were doing, Misty walked down the stairs and made her way into the dungeon. She heard them talking. “I should have followed my instincts about Misty,” Zipp’s voice said. “I can’t believe she’d betray us!” Izzy said in the cell. “She’s our friend!” “Get it through your head, Izzy!” Zipp snapped. “She was never our friend! She was a liar and a spy sent by Opaline to get close to us!” “I always thought she was so sweet!” Pipp said in what sounded like a teary voice. “I should have never intervened when you were accusing her of stealing the lantern! Maybe she would have cracked under the pressure and revealed everything!” “Then we wouldn’t be in this mess!” Hitch said. “Oh I hate to think what’s happening to Sparky right now.” “Its not looking good,” Misty said as she looked at them through the peek hole of the door. “Misty?” Sunny asked as she and her friends turned around and saw Misty’s green eyes and blue fur through the hole. “Yeah,” she said. “Look, I’m sorry for this but I have to help Opaline.” “Why?” Izzy asked. “Because she’s clearly evil!” Zipp said to the mulberry unicorn. “Because she’s raised me since I was a filly,” Misty said. “I was lost when I was young! I don’t know where I came from.” They looked at her with pitying eyes, all except Zipp who still frowned, unwilling to fall for anything that Misty might say again. “So she’s your mother?” Sunny asked. “My queen and guardian, yes,” Misty said. “I was pretty surprised when she even called me her daughter. But her love for me always feels on and off. She’s often been harsh and well…” “Has she hurt you?” Hitch asked. “Well she did call me a worthless unicorn that no one wanted a few times and a failure,” Misty said. “But to be fair I did- “Nopony should be treated like that!” Pipp said. “Why are you even working for her? What do you want to get out of it?” Many of them hoped that despite Misty leading them into this trap that perhaps they could get her to help them and turn on Opaline. It might be their only chance. The only one that felt it was pretty much impossible was Zipp. “Let me guess, you get to rule by her side as some sort of high ranking official?” Zipp asked. “No, all I want is to get my cutie mark,” Misty said. “What?” Sunny asked. “I don’t have one,” Misty said as she looked down at her flank and scubbed the drawn on image off. She then bent down presented it to them through the opening. “I never did. That’s all I really want right now, to find my place in this world. When Opaline has all her power back, she’ll give me one.” “Misty! No pony can just give you a cutie mark!” Sunny said. “Yeah, its something you find for yourself!” Izzy said. “By discovering what you’re good at!” Pipp said. Misty looked at them. “You’re saying Opaline lied to me?” They nodded, hoping this could maybe change Misty’s mind and that she would free them. Zipp just frowned, certain it wouldn’t change anything. “No, you’re lying! Opaline wouldn’t lie to me!” Misty said. Though as she said the words she thought of all the things Opaline had said, like her story of Twilight Sparkle stealing the magic, or that Earth Ponies smelled and Pegasi were savages. But based on what she’d seen so far that was not true. Still- “I have to stay with Opaline,” Misty said. “And then she’ll give me my mark.” She turned away. “But what happens after that? She takes all the magic, including yours?” Sunny asked. Misty stopped. “No, she said she’d let me keep my magic to be useful to her!” “That-that is so wrong! Magic is something that every pony should enjoy! You have no idea what it was like to have to pretend to be the only few Pegasi that could fly!” Pipp said. “That’s rich coming from you sis! Since I was the one that was really against it!” Zipp said. Pipp sighed. “I learned I was wrong, and you were right, Zipp. Lying to everypony was not the right thing to do. We made ourselves look better, and that nearly destroyed us when the truth came out. I see now that magic is not something only royals should have. It brings such joy to everypony!” Misty looked back as she said that. “Please, help us!” Sunny said. “Get us out of here!” Hitch said. “Help us save Sparky!” He did feel angry at her for being the one to take Sparky in the first place, but if she were to help them then maybe he could forgive. “Not a chance!” Misty said. “I’ll… I’ll never betray Opaline.” Her hesitation did not go unnoticed. Still, they would have preferred her to accept. She vanished from the door as she walked away. But they had planted a seed of doubt, or rather, helped it grow more. What if Opaline didn’t give her a cutie mark? Misty made her way to her room and thought for a while. Then Opaline knocked on her door. “It’s time Misty,” she said. They entered Sparky’s room, the little dragon seemed barely able to walk. He saw them enter the room and tried to run away but tripped instead. Opaline took him in her magic and drained his fire one last time. Opaline’s mane, tail, and wings burned even brighter. “Yes! Yes!” she declared as she flew just above the ground in triumph. “I finally have the power I need!” “Then… you’ll give me my cutie mark?” Misty asked hopefully. Opaline landed softly on the ground and looked at her. “Oh, Misty. About that… I can’t actually do that.” “What?” Misty exclaimed. “But you said-“ “I lied,” Opaline said. “No pony can give you a cutie mark, believe me… Twilight Sparkle had to say the same thing to this annoying trio of little fillies that spent a long time trying to get their mark back in her day.” “But… you-you lied to me?” Misty asked. “I had to,” Opaline said. “You were my only way to get past the barrier and conquer Equestria!” Misty’s heart broke, her entire life had been led by a lie. “But I can tell you how to maybe get a cutie mark,” Opaline said. “Go out into the world and find something you are good at!” Misty just looked at her. Opaline simply smirked. “That’s the best I can offer you,” she said. “Once I break through the barrier, you are free to leave. I truly do appreciate all your help. But now, I don’t need you anymore. So you can go out and find your true destiny!” Somehow, this information was not enough to satisfy Misty as she thought of her friends. They had treated her with kindness ever since she met them, and she betrayed them. “Go and pack your bags,” Opaline said. “You can also take a fair amount of gold that should last you a while as well as some books you might like.” She made her way out of the room casually, not even seeming sad Misty was going. The blue unicorn meanwhile, took a moment to come to a decision. “I can’t let this happen. She may have given me the information on how to acquire a cutie mark, but she still lied to me and used me all this time! And my friends, they were led here because of me!” Misty said. “I have to help them!” She made her way back down the dungeon. “Guys!” she called. “Misty you’re back!” Izzy exclaimed. “Back to try and tell us more sob stories?” Zipp asked still untrusting. “No! You were right! Opaline was lying to me! She can’t give me a cutie mark!” Misty said. “I’m gonna help you get out of there!” … Opaline made her way out of the castle and to the start of the shield. Sparky levitated by her side, unable to move and still weak from the repeated draining. “At last! I will be free! And so will my army and son!” She lit up her horn and shot fire at the shield. It spread over it and began to burn. Once her fire covered the whole shield it would destroy it. Then she’d be free to resume her conquest of Equestria. … Misty looked around the dungeon desperately for a key. Izzy had already tried to using magic to open the door but the inside prevented her from doing so. Sunny couldn’t turn into an alicorn either and the others had no way to use magic of their own, be it flight or control plants. Finally she spotted something on the wall at the end. A key! She took in her magic that she’d learned to control not long ago and took it back to the cell. “I found it!” she said as she inserted it. Rotating the key in her magic, she heard a click and the door opened. The Mane 5 all locked at her with gratitude, though Zipp had one of shock. Had Misty actually freed them, or was this another trick? “Come on!” Misty said. She led her friends back up out of the dungeon and toward the front door. “Opaline is outside! She has Sparky and drained a lot of his fire magic!” “We have to stop her!” Sunny said. “But if she’s at her full power that might be too hard!” Zipp said. “Getting Sparky is our first priority!” Hitch said. “Yeah, we can stop her later if we have to!” Pipp agreed. “Eh, it shouldn’t be too hard,” Izzy said. They weren’t so sure about that. The Mane 5 slowly walked to the door with nervous expressions, knowing that facing a full-fledged evil alicorn like Opaline would not be easy. If they made even a single mistake it could be the end. But they noticed Misty was not following, the blue unicorn looked up the stairs as a thought occurred to her. “Misty, you coming?” Izzy asked. “Yeah,” Misty said. “But there is something I need to get! Something that could help us defeat Opaline if we can’t do it now! Go ahead! I’ll have to catch up!” She ran up the stairs nearby that went in the opposite direction of the dungeon. Zipp watched her uneasily, while Misty had saved them and seemingly turned to their side, the elder Pegasus sister still didn’t trust her completely. Sunny took a deep breath to ease her nerves. “Let’s go.” Izzy used her magic to open the door and they all stepped out. They could see something happening in the sky around the dark castle, it looked as though it were on fire. That had to be Opaline’s doing. “What is she doing?” Izzy asked. “Whatever it is, it can’t be good,” Zipp said. “We got to hurry!” They ran (or in the case of the Pegasus sisters, flew) forward. Soon they saw her standing in front of what looked like a large magical barrier that was just before the place where they had landed next to the statues. Sparky levitated next to her in his prison bubble. As they were getting close to her, Zipp shouted, “Stop!” Opaline’s concentration, faltered and she looked over her shoulder. The fire in the sky still burned above them on the shield. “You! How did you all escape?” she asked in surprise. They didn’t answer. “Very well, it seems I’ll have to teach you how to respect your rightful monarch,” she said. “You have no power over any of Equestria,” Sunny said. “But I will soon, once I destroy this shield keeping me trapped in here!” Opaline said gesturing above. So that was what they saw above them. “And I will free my army and begin reconquering this land!” Opaline declared. “Not if we can help it!” Zipp said. “Yeah!” Izzy said. “Let’s get her!” Pipp said angrily. “You’re going down, your highness!” Hitch finished, speaking the last part with venom. “I think not!” Opaline said as she flapped her wings and ascended into the sky slightly. Zipp and Pipp glared at her as they flew just above their friends, Izzy lit up her horn, Hitch stomped the ground, and Sunny closed her eyes for a moment, calling upon her alicorn powers. Her wings and horn appeared and she flapped them so that she was at the same level as the two Pegasus Princesses. Zipp went in first. She flew at Opaline and tried to grapple her so that one of the others could attack her. But the evil queen easily overpowered her and flew backwards before firing a beam of lavender magic. Zipp managed to dodge it and it flew harmlessly across the sky. Pipp tried to circle behind her and take her by surprise while Sunny sent a bubble of golden alicorn magic out. Izzy looked around for something she could use to throw with her magic. Hitch, meanwhile, ran for Sparky and snatched him from his prison bubble which broke on contact with his hooves. It prevented Sparky from getting out, but outside forces could easily break it. “I’ve got you!” Hitch said before turning his attention to the battle. “Now, got to stop her!” He put his hoof on the ground and focused, vines sprouted from the ground and flung up at Opaline, wrapping around her like tentacles as she exclaimed in surprise. “Aah! Get off me!” she said as the fire around her burned more intensely and incinerated the vines. Pipp, however, thought she saw an opening. “Alright, time for you to go down!” she said as she charged. “Pipp look out!” Zipp called out in concern. But Opaline saw her coming and fired a beam at Pipp, hitting her in the chest. She fell with a scream. “Pipp!” Hitch screamed as he was already on his way to stand next to Izzy who was the only one still on the ground. He jumped as Pipp fell and reached out with his hooves, catching her before she could hit the ground. Her chest was a little burned but not too badly. She had been stunned by the beam though. “Hey! No pony hurts my little sister!” Zipp yelled in fury. She charged like Pipp had, and Opaline sent a similar beam at her, but she dodged and made it to the enemy, landing a hoof strike to her face. Opaline grunted as she felt the strike from the elder Pegasus sister that would probably give her a black eye. “You dare punch a queen!” she roared, her hoof lighting up in fire as she shoved into Zipp as well. With her large body, and strength of an Earth Pony to boot, she punched Zipp back and the Pegasus clentched her teeth at the burn before she too was hit with a beam from Opaline’s horn that sent her to the ground as well. That left only Sunny in the air fighting. … Misty packed her saddlebags with gold for money, as well as some of the combat spellbooks Opaline had showed her part of a while ago. If they couldn’t stop Opaline now, they needed to have a way to learn more advanced magic so they could later. She put as much as she could fit in her bag and then ran out to help her friends. It was time to say goodbye to this dreadful castle. She galloped out of the front door and saw the battle going on. It was not looking good, even though there were five of them against one of her, none of them had ever been trained to handle combat situations, except maybe Hitch, but that probably didn’t include the use of magic. Pipp was down with Hitch holding her in his hooves. Opaline could fire offensive beams with her horn, which was something that Izzy had never learned to do. Sunny was in the same predicament as well, so far she’d only learned how to use her magic to fly, levitate and stop things from moving or falling. They didn’t have any methods of deadly force, while their enemy did. Sunny looked down at Zipp as she fell like her sister. Izzy managed to catch her before she could hit the ground with her magic, though she struggled under the weight. Sunny turned her attention back to Opaline and barely managed to block her next attack on her alicorn shield. Opaline charged her horn with magic and fired again. The powerful attack was enough to break through Sunny’s defense and send her falling with a scream like the two Pegasi. She landed with a hard thud, and pain shot through her back at the impact. She yelled out and clenched her teeth, her back didn’t feel broken but sure hurt. At that moment, Misty came up close, her bag heavy and her mouth wide open in concern as she watched her friends. Opaline landed before them, triumphant, not noticing Misty yet. She sent a wave of magical energy at them that didn’t hurt, but locked their hooves to the ground as long. She then levitated Sparky back up to her. “No! Sparky!” Hitch yelled in concern. “A pity you decided not to join me.” Opaline said as she got the little dragon out of the way. She still had possible use for him later. “But I can’t have you getting in my way again. Time to say goodbye, Sunny Starscout! You and all your friends” She charged up her horn even more than last time, ready to deliver a fatal attack. Sunny lay on the ground, unable to move. Izzy’s magic wasn’t powerful enough, Pipp had recovered but that didn't matter since none of them could move. They were done for, unless a miracle happened. Opaline let out a mad roar as she prepared to fire and end their lives. Only to be hit from the side on her wing by a burst of light blue magic. It knocked her down and the Mane 5 looked over to see the source of the attack had been none other then Misty whose horn was lit up, her eyes narrowed in hatred. “Misty… what?” Opaline exclaimed. “What are you doing?” “Saving my friends!” Misty declared. Opaline’s eyes widened at Misty’s words. “YOU DARE BETRAY ME!?” she roared. “Yes, you lied to me my whole life!” Misty said. “You told me you could give me a cutie mark!” “I told you the secret!” Opaline reminded her. “Yes, and I would have been grateful for that, if not for the fact that you hurt my friends!” Misty declared. “These ponies gave me something you never did! Fun, care, and friendship! They treated me better then you ever did! And I’m gonna help them stop you!” As she spoke, magic suddenly surrounded Misty. All those present watched in surprise. Sunny’s pain had subsided and she saw as well. Misty flailed her hooves a bit as she was raised into the air. “What the-“ she wondered as the blue light danced around her, a spark circling her and going down to her flank. A mark appeared there, a mark of a colorful red butterfly. The Mane 5 smiled happily as they saw this while Opaline was dumbfounded. “A cutie mark! I can’t believe it!” Misty said as she looked at her flank. “You did it Misty!” Izzy said. “You found your purpose!” “It seems that your destiny was always to oppose me,” Opaline said, drawing their attention back to her. “This saddens me, I had sometimes hoped you might have gotten a cutie mark while working for me. Then you could have perhaps ruled at my side.” Misty glared at her. "I’m glad I didn’t get a cutie mark until now, then!” Her horn lit up and she fired a beam of cyan light at Opaline, a spell more offensive then anything Sunny or Izzy had managed to do. Opaline blocked it with ease and retaliated. Misty put up a shield that lasted for an instant but quickly broke. Opaline’s spell knocked her off her hooves, but she managed to get back up. Opaline tried to fly and get above her, but as she did so, her wing burned up where Misty had hit her. “Ah!” she cried out and plopped back down to the ground. “You’ll pay for this, Misty! Nopony betrays Opaline!” “Guess somepony had to be the first!” Misty said before looking at her friends. “Run! I’ll hold her off!” They all looked down and noticed that the spell keeping them in place had worn off. It must have happened when Misty hit Opaline. “Come on!” Hitch said wasting no time in running. He grabbed Sparky, breaking the bubble that trapped his dragon son with his hooves once again. Sunny and the others quickly followed, survival instincts driving them. Zipp, however, looked back as Opaline charged at Misty. … The evil queen directed her curved horn at the young unicorn. Misty dodged and lashed out with her hoof, catching Opaline in the head. She grunted and Misty followed up with another blast, again knocking Opaline to the ground. The wicked alicorn growled as Misty smirked. “You taught me well,” she taunted. “One good thing about spending my time here!” Opaline hissed. Had she fought this little pony back in the battle with Twilight Sparkle she would have crushed her easily. But she was seven hundred years out of practice, still, Misty had only gotten a few days worth of training. Opaline still had the advantage of more spells and experience. “You may have learned well, but I taught you everything you know!” she reminded her. She fired another blast from her horn, Misty tried to dodge but was too slow thanks to the weight of her saddlebags. She was the one to be knocked off her hooves this time. She tried to push herself up as Opaline advanced. “It has been many lifetimes since I had to punish somepony this harshly,” the evil alicorn queen said. She charged up her horn which lit up in flame and then turned to black-blue lightning. She released it at Misty who felt intense pain that caused her to release an ear piercing scream as it hit her. “Aaaaaah!” … Zipp heard Misty scream as she and the others primed the Marestream for take off. The hatch closed, and Zipp shook her head. “Sunny take the wheel!” she ordered stepped away from it and walking back out into the main area. “What are you doing?” Sunny asked as she stepped forward. “What I have to,” Zipp said. “I’ll be right behind you, just go.” Sunny hesitated but nodded. Zipp opened the hatch and flew out. It closed behind her and the Maresteam took off. Zipp heard the scream sound again and looked to see Opaline blasting Misty with an electric attack. “Now Misty, you shall pay the ultimate price for betraying me!” the evil queen said. “But you’ve only delayed the inevitable. I still have just enough power to finish you off and complete my work. You served me well, but its over now. Your destiny ends here, before it even begins!” She charged her magic for a final attack like she did against Zipp and the others. Zipp spread her wings and flapped, snatching the wounded Misty from the ground and pulling her out of harms way just in the nick of time as Opaline struck. She looked after them as Zipp flew. Misty weakly looked at her savior with a pained expression. “Zipp, you came back for me,” she said. “I’ll never abandon any of my friends,” Zipp said as she held on tight. “And that includes you now!” “After everything I did?” Misty asked weakly. “You saved all our lives!” Zipp told her. “That more then makes up for it! Now its my turn to return the favor!” She turned around and carried Misty toward the direction of Maretime Bay. On the ground Opaline tried to shot beams up at them and stop them from escaping. She narrowly missed and fired another. “Whoa!” Zipp exclaimed as she dodged. They headed for the shield which was still burning, but recovering from Opaline’s damage. They passed through harmlessly as Opaline prepared another attack. They made it through just in time and Opaline’s attack instead hit the shield, which burned completely now. It cracked and broke apart, fading into nothingness. Zipp flew Misty out of range, they were safe, but now Opaline could get out of her castle grounds. She watched them flying away, unable to follow thanks to the wound inflicted by Misty on her wing. But she’d gotten what she’d needed most. “Enjoy your victory little ponies, for you will not have one again,” she said as she slowly made her way forward. She finally passed the spot where she’d never been able to venture beyond. She saw her army… and her son… up close. Her horn lit up once again and she released a wave of energy around her. The stone statues glowed and melted away, freeing the ponies in her army. Some of them collapsed. She made her way over to him with a wicked but still loving smile. A pony with a coat of smokey gray and a red, yellow, and orange mane. He opened his eyes as he recovered after instantly falling on the ground. He looked at her, his vision blurry for a moment. “Mother?” Fireforge Destiny asked. “Yes, Fireforge,” Opaline said. “It is your mother. Welcome back.” She then looked in the direction that her enemies had fled. “We have a new Equestria to conquer.” … Far away from Opaline’s castle, across the sea over a hundred miles from Maretime Bay, another land resided. A small hut rested on the shore, from it emerged a light pink alicorn with a purple mane and a blue streak with a crown on her head. Her horn glowed, alerting her that something had happened, and she knew what. “My aunt’s final enemy has returned,” Flurry Heart said. “Then I must too.” She looked back behind her at the mountain overlooking the beach. “Once he wakes up.” > Chapter 12: Armies and Announcements > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zipp flew after the Marestream with her hooves around Misty’s waist. She carried the unicorn as far as she could before her wings got too sore for her to continue. She set down Misty who got on her hooves. “You okay?” Zipp asked as she landed in front of her former enemy. “Yeah,” the blue unicorn said. “Thanks.” “Just returning the favor,” Zipp said, all distrust lost. “Come on, let’s get back home.” Home. Misty thought. Where is that for me? Zipp began to walk and Misty reluctantly followed, though she couldn’t help but begin to cry. She sobbed, drawing the attention of the Pegasus Princess. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Zipp asked. “I didn’t say something mean, did I?” “No!” Misty said. “Its just when you mentioned home, I realized… I don’t have one!” “Oh,” Zipp’s ears fell in embarrassment. “At least, I don’t anymore,” Misty said through her tears. “Opaline’s castle was the only home I ever knew till now. But she just used me to be free! I stumbled onto the castle when I was just a filly! If I hadn’t done that then she could have been trapped there forever and wouldn’t free now! She’ll come for us sooner or later! She probably already has her army freed or will soon!” “Don’t worry, Misty!” Zipp said coming to a brief stop and putting one of her silver hoofs on Misty’s shoulder. “We’ll figure something out.” They looked at the sky and noticed it was nearly sundown, twilight to be exact. The last traces of sunset were on the horizon. Zipp looked at Misty and sighed before pulling the teary-eyed unicorn into a hug. “I don’t hold anything against you… not anymore,” Zipp said. “If you hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have gotten away. Opaline would have killed or brainwashed us and all other ponies wouldn’t have a clue she was out there.” Misty managed a small smile and returned the hug. It felt nice, this was the first time she’d ever gotten a hug from Zipp, and one of the few she’d gotten in her entire life, most of them had been from Izzy. “Thanks, Zipp,” Misty said wiping her eyes. “I don’t know where to call home right now… but I know that you and the others are my friends and where I should be.” “Maybe we can go to Bridlewood soon,” Zipp suggested. “That’s where the unicorns live after all so you had to have been from there originally. The unicorn leader Alphabittle is engaged to my mom, I’m sure he could help you out!” “That would be amazing,” Misty said. “Maybe I could find my real parents.” “Maybe,” Zipp said. “Come on. Let’s get to the Brighthouse. I’m sure the others will be happy to let you stay as long as you want.” Misty nodded. “That’ll probably be until we defeat Opaline. Speaking of which I brought some books from her library on spellcasting with me. She was training me for a few days.” “You certainly fought her better than any of us could,” Zipp said. “I mean, I landed a blow, but you got two. Even if one of them was a surprise attack.” Misty smiled. Even if she’d been defeated, she’d put up a good fight. Hopefully with the books she’d stolen… or borrowed since Opaline had actually given her permission to take them, she could grow stronger and help Sunny and Izzy as well as other unicorns use their magic better. With enough of them, perhaps they could overwhelm Opaline’s army. But that would have to wait. She and Zipp made their way to Maretime Bay and to the Brighthouse. Stepping inside they saw Sunny and the others sitting on the couch, resting. Hitch and Pipp tended to Sparky, rubbing the little dragon’s back and feeding him cooked baby carrots. Izzy and Sunny took the other couch. They looked to the door as they heard it open. “Oh, you guys made it,” Sunny said in relief. “I was worried when you flew out Zipp. But I’m glad you and Misty are okay.” “Yeah, well I couldn’t leave her,” Zipp said. “That was quite an adventure,” Pipp said with a smile before shivering. “Scariest experience ever! Normally I like scary, but when there’s actual danger not so much!” “I know right!” Izzy agreed. “I’m just glad Sparky’s back and we all got out of there,” Hitch said. “But we’re going to need to do something about that evil alicorn!” Suddenly Sunny’s stomach rumbled. She sighed. “We can’t do anything on empty stomachs. I’ll get a big dinner ready!” None of them had eaten anything today with Sparky missing and them getting captured by Opaline. Sunny and Izzy went into the kitchen and started cooking while Pipp tended to Zipp and Misty’s wounds, spraying them with a healing spray to help with their injuries. She and the others had already treated themselves of the second degree burns that they’d suffered from Opaline’s beams, and Sunny had recovered from her minor back injury. Once she treated her sister and their newest member, Pipp turned to Hitch, putting her hoof on his as she looked at the baby dragon. “That monster of an alicorn,” Pipp muttered under her breath. “How dare she hurt Sparky like this! And she nearly killed us too!” “Yeah,” Hitch said. “I guess the first thing I’ll have to charge her with kidnapping and child abuse, for both Sparky and Misty on that one! And attempted murder, oh and she also said she killed Celestia and Luna too, so that adds assassination, treason, attempted theft of magic, and conspiracy that I can think of. Well she’s gonna be sent to prison for a long long time!” “Might as well throw her in jail forever!” Zipp said. “I mean alicorns can live forever right?” “They can potentially,” Misty said. “But its not actually being an alicorn. That’s just the start according to Opaline. They have to have immense magic power that delays their aging or stops it altogether.” “How long then?” Hitch asked. “I don’t know,” Misty said. “Thousands of years though." “But If that’s the case though, how did Opaline survive without magic?” Zipp asked. “It wasn’t easy,” Misty said. “She had to spend an hour mediating and think of something to drive her every day to keep the dormant magic in her body active so she wouldn’t die. Then once magic returned, she didn’t have to do that anymore.” “Could there be another alicorn out there then?” Sunny asked. “I could use somepony to teach me so that I could stand up to Opaline next time.” “I don’t know,” Misty shook her head. … On her remote island, Flurry Heart lay on her stomach, her eyes closed as she focused on the thing that had kept her going all these centuries. Her love for her family. They appeared in her mind's eye. Her father Shining Armor, her mother Cadance, her Aunt Twilight. All of them had trusted her to look after Equestria. Her mother had lost the will to live after Shining Armor fell in the final battle against Opaline that had resulted in her aunt sealing away every last bit of her magic. She remembered standing by Twilight’s death bed a few years after her mother Cadance had passed away. “You were the best niece a pony could hope for,” the elderly alicorn said. Flurry watched her with teary eyes. Twilight couldn’t call upon any sort of magic to prevent her aging even if she had wanted to. It had all been used up when she created the unity crystals. “One day your time to guide Equestria will come,” Twilight said. “You must help the next group of heroes to stop Opaline for good.” “I will Aunt Twilight,” Flurry said. She stepped back from her aunt as Spike and all of Twilight’s best friends from her youth walked up to her slowly. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. They’d all been great heroes, and she would continue their legacy. The losses of her family weighed on her even today. But she would see this mission through to the end. Then she could decide what to do afterwards, whether she wanted to keep going or not. She still had her Uncle Spike at least, and now that magic was back she could focus on the love she had for her family for a few minutes instead of an hour every day. Her mane flowed as she thought of them. Even if most of them were gone, she still carried them in her heart. Tears ran down Flurry’s cheeks in the present day as she gathered her will like Opaline had had to do for all those years. Like the evil alicorn her immortality or delayed aging came from within, for she was the Princess of Love, like her mother before her. She would keep it going for at least a while longer. … Hitch looked at Misty. “Well, since you helped us escape, I don’t think any of us are gonna press charges. You guys agree?” he asked the four mares besides Misty. “Yeah,” Sunny said. “I forgive her,” Pipp said. “I’m still proud to call her a friend!” Izzy agreed. “Me too,” Zipp said. “I’m sorry everypony,” Misty said stepping forward. “I can’t undo the past, but I can do what I can to help you defeat Opaline. I did bring these.” She used her magic to open her saddle bag and drew a few books. “These contain spells that could help us,” Misty said. “Wow,” Izzy said. “I’ve never seen an actual spellbook before.” She browsed through the titles. “Unicorn Royal Guard’s Spellbook, Everything Magical, The Art of Transfiguration, and Advanced Spells for Gifted Unicorns.” “Well those will probably help you two and Sunny out,” Hitch said. “Though I guess we Earth Ponies still have to figure things out from scratch.” “That’s why we have the garden,” Sunny said as she as she got out a pot and vegetables to make soup. “We might need even more practice space now since we know Opaline’s out there. We’ll have to tell everypony tomorrow.” Zipp and Misty rested as they had been walking for a while. Soon they were served vegetable soup at the table. Sunny had made a large batch and all of them ate around three bowls except for Misty who had eaten at Opaline’s during one of the breaks after her friends had been put in the dungeon. They headed up to the second floor and got a sleeping bag out for Misty. Hitch, meanwhile, returned to the station with Sparky. “It's not the most comfortable but it will do until we get another bed,” Sunny said. “Thank you,” Misty said. She got into the bag and smiled. “It's actually better than my old bed. Though that was only a soft ball shaped one.” “Mine’s a hanging bed,” Izzy said gesturing to her own artistic swinging bed that she’d made herself. “Good night everypony,” Zipp said with a yawn. “I need some beauty sleep after a long day like that,” Pipp said. They all climbed into bed. Though privately each of them felt a sense of unease. Afterall, they’d all come close to death today at Opaline’s hooves. It was a rough night. Hitch locked all the doors to the station. Even though Opaline had gotten what she wanted from Sparky he was afraid she’d come herself now. Plus there was no telling when she would strike. Misty wasn’t working for her anymore but she probably had her army ready. … Opaline did have her army back now. Many of them had been brainwashed by her magic, which had worn off after seven hundred years. But she’d easily caught those that tried to flee with her magic, even in her rusty state, and re-brainwashed them. But before she began her game to reconquer Equestria she had to dispose of her dead soldiers. “Bury all the dead!” she ordered after she had finished greeting her son after his release. “Then return to the castle!” “Yes, your highness!” the guards said. They picked up the broken bodies of the handful of Pegasi that had fallen when they turned to stone and died upon the impact. There was a bit of blood here and there as the body parts that had turned to stone had started leaking as soon as they reverted to organic. Among the dead was her Pegasus officer, he’d need replacing. “Queen Opaline,” a voice addressed her. She looked and saw a middle-aged black unicorn with a white mane, a silver helmet with her symbol on it, purple armor on his body and an eye patch over one eye. The other shined bright red, on his flank was a cutie mark of a red heart and drops of blood. “General Bloodheart,” she greeted with a small smile. This was her right hoof pony, the one who had freed her from her imprisonment all those centuries ago, the father of her son. Not her king as they had never married, but he was second in command of her army as he had the most experience. Though she had been planning to demote him somewhat and make Fire the new second in command since he’d been close to coming of age. “We must have been frozen for a long time,” the general consort said. “Seven hundred years,” Opaline said. “Equestria has changed, new magic has surfaced, but the goal remains the same. I will have it all for myself, as was my destiny. But those loyal to me shall keep theirs, as I allowed you to keep yours.” “Yes, my queen,” the general said bowing. “At last we will have a strong effective ruler… unlike Celestia.” She smirked. Bloodheart had always felt that Celestia was too soft, forgiving Luna for her treason as Nightmare Moon, and failing multiple times against the monsters back in Twilight Sparkle’s day. This had led him to seek a new leader for Equestria, and he’d freed her from her prison. She’d rewarded him with a night of pleasure that resulted in their… no… her son. The General had known better then to claim to be the father of an alicorn. As such she had been the only one to assume the role of a parent, and Bloodheart merely a mentor to Prince Fireforge until he was ready to lead. Bloodheart and his Earth Pony Lieutenant followed Queen Opaline and Price Fireforge into the castle. The former two made their way to their chambers while Opaline led her son upstairs, his room was just below hers. “At last,” Opaline said as she looked at him. “I have you back.” With them alone she allowed herself to show her motherly side and hugged her son. He hugged her back, wickedness in his eyes to match hers. “I’m glad to be back, Mother,” he said. “And now that you are, we will conquer this new Equestria,” Opaline said. “How would you like to lead the first battle in a few days?” “I would relish it,” Fireforge said as he brandished his warhammer. … The next morning, Sunny and the others stood before the Sheriff Station on the announcing stand. They’d set up the emergency message to be sent to both Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood as well. Everypony needed to know what was going on. “Everypony, I have bad news,” Sunny said. "We know now that a real enemy is out there, and she wants to rule over us all as a tyrant.” She gestured to Izzy who unveiled a realistic drawing she’d made with Misty of Opaline. “Her name is Opaline, and she is an alicorn from ancient Equestria,” Sunny said. “She tried to steal magic hundreds of moons and was the reason all pony kind was divided. But now she has returned and wishes to steal all her magic for herself as well as force us to bow to her.” Many ponies listened to this and muttered in fear. “We will do our best to stop her!” Hitch said. “But we need your help to do so!” “She has an army on her side!” Pipp said. “We were in her castle to the northeast!” Zipp said. “A magic shield kept her trapped there until now! She could come any day.” “I worked for her myself,” Misty said. “But I realized it was wrong when she betrayed me! I lived under her for as long as I could remember, but these ponies treated me with kindness.” She gestured to the Mane 5. In Bridlewood, a certain gray unicorn looked at her in awe. “It can’t be,” Alphabittle said as he watched her on the screen. “And I will help them stop Opaline,” Misty vowed. Queen Haven was also watching the broadcast with unease. “Oh dear this is not good,” she said. The Pegasus monarch let out a sigh and pulled out her phone to remind her heir of something. “Zipp, you better make sure not to forget about your suitors.” … Sure enough, Right Light was on his way to Maretime Bay, as his date with Princess Zipp had been scheduled for tonight. But he’d gotten an interesting letter yesterday in the mail… from somepony claiming to be another queen operating to the northeast. > Chapter 13: Zipping Through Dates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zipp’s phone rang as she and her friends finished their emergency announcement regarding Opaline. She looked and saw her mother’s picture on the screen. She turned to her friends. “Excuse me for a second,” she said as she flew away to take the call. “Mom?” she answered it. “Zipp, oh dear what a travesty!” Queen Haven said as the video call opened. “Are you alright?” “We’re all fine, thanks to Misty,” Zipp said. “But right now, we need to come up with a plan to protect Maretime Bay, and Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood too!” “Leave that to me!” Haven said in an unusually serious tone similar to the one she’d displayed when first meeting Sunny and Izzy. “I can have the guards resume their patrols! And now that Unicorns and Earth Ponies are here I can ask them to join the ranks now. Speaking of which we haven’t had the chance to find suitors among them yet.” Zipp frowned. “Uh I think we need to hold off on that! This is a really serious issue!” Queen Haven sighed. “I know. Perhaps we will have to hold off on finding candidates among the other two pony kinds. Very well, but you still have three suitors among the stallions that partook in the race we had a few days ago. You need to spend time with them, as I recall your date with your first suitor was scheduled for tonight.” Zipp had completely forgotten about that. She remembered Right Light was the pony that she had liked the most of the three. She didn’t want to let him down, even though she knew coming up with a plan to stop Opaline was important. She had her duty as a princess, and while she didn’t always like it, she knew it was necessary. For Zephyr Heights and her family, as well as all of Equestria now. “Alright, my date is tonight,” she said. “I’ll work with the others to see what we can think of and be ready when it comes.” “Good, and I’ll talk with Alphie about how our different communities can help protect each other,” Haven said. “I must say I never thought we would ever be working against a common foe.” Zipp nodded. “Bye Mom.” She hung up and returned to her friends in front of the Sherriff Station. “Okay, my mom just called,” Zipp said. “She’s gonna work on giving protection to Zephyr Heights.” “Good,” Hitch said. “We’re gonna need all the help we can get. Maybe we should improve security around Maretime Bay as well.” “You mean bring out some of those old traps?” Izzy asked, recalling how she’d got caught in one of those. “Maybe,” Hitch said. “At least this time the friendly Unicorns and Pegasi will be inside.” Sunny sighed. “I never wanted to see those used again when Ponykind became united once again, but I guess we might not have a choice. If Opaline has an army then- “Well, most of the ponies that follow her were mind controlled,” Misty said. “Only a few of them followed her of their own free will.” “That’s nice to know,” Pipp said. “Traps would make it easier to capture them alive and free them then,” Zipp said. Sunny nodded reluctantly. “Guess we’ll have to ask Sprout and his mom to get them out of Canterlogic’s basement.” Zipp then turned to Misty. “Is there anything you can tell us about Opaline that might help?” Misty thought for a moment. “Well she has a magic pool that conjure things, that’s how she made the ocean lily that lured you and Pipp into the beach cave I trapped you in. Sorry about that!” Zipp shrugged it off. “Its okay.” She readied her phone to take notes. “Anything else?” “Well, she can also use her magic pool to spy on you,” Misty said before looking around. “She could be watching us right now!” They all felt a shiver run down their spines as they looked as well. “Get to the Brighthouse!” Misty said. “Opaline can’t see us there thanks to the Unity Crystals!” They dashed there and closed the door. “Okay, so she can’t see us when we’re in the Brighthouse,” Zipp said. “From now on, whenever we talk about her we’ll do it here. Agreed?” They all nodded. Misty then remembered something. “Sunny, the mirror!” “Oh right!” Sunny exclaimed. They went up to the second floor and Sunny found the alicorn mirror on her bedside table. Pipp sighed as she looked at it. “Such a beautiful mirror, it would be a shame to throw it away.” “I don’t want anything that Opaline made!” Sunny said. “Its an instrument of evil!” She opened the mirror, knowing now that the so-called inner voice talking to her through it had actually been Opaline trying to convert her to her side. She smashed the glass of the mirror, hitting it several times to make sure not a piece was left intact. “There, now no pony will be able to use it,” Sunny said. “Take that Opaline!” “Let me clean that up! Its jinxy to leave broken glass around,” Izzy said using her horn to levitate all the glass shards into the trash. “Anything else you can think of, Misty?” Zipp asked. “Not really,” the blue unicorn said. “But I wonder how I can help now? I just got my cutie mark which is of a butterfly. But… what does that mean for me?” “Well Opaline did say your destiny was to oppose her,” Hitch reminded her. “Butterflies represent beauty, awakening, creativity, joy, and abundance.” “What does that mean for me, then?” Misty asked uncertainly. “I may have awakened my true self, but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do.” “Oh, come on, Misty,” Pipp said putting a hoof on her new friend, or official new friend now, since they’d thought of her as a friend before. “You’re very pretty.” She got out her own mirror (that wasn’t enchanted with evil magic) and had Misty look at herself. Misty did so for a moment but turned away. “That’s the face of a pony that wasted her life serving Opaline!” she said. “I don’t want to look in the mirror and find that pony anymore!” “Oh, maybe you’d like a makeover then?” Pipp asked. “Come on, let's go to Mane Melody.” They did so. Rocky and Jazz were there running the place. “Oh Pipp, we’re so glad you and the others are okay!” Rocky said. “Yeah! I can’t believe there’s an evil alicorn out there!” Jazzy said fearfully. “I’m so scared just thinking about it!” “Don’t worry, Jazz! I’m here to protect you!” Rocky said wrapping a wing around his marefriend who blushed. “Thanks, Rocky!” she said leaning into his embrace. “I always lived my life in fear for so long with the rest of the Earth Ponies. I thought maybe it would be peaceful forever, but I guess not.” “We Pegasi did the same,” Rocky said. “But I guess this is gonna be real danger.” “It sure is,” Zipp said with a nod. “Anyway, you remember Misty, right?” Pipp asked. “She needs a new look, she looks in the mirror and sees the bad pony she used to be. Maybe we can give her mane a different color?” They seated Misty in one of the salon seats then brought over a few mane dye colors “Try as many different colors as you want Misty,” Pipp said. “You sure? That’s probably expensive,” Misty said. “You saved me and all my friends… twice!” Pipp reminded her. “Think nothing of it! This one’s on the brighthouse! Or our home castle, either one!” Misty smiled. “But… back to my question. What am I suppose to do now? I don’t want to be a burden on you guys.” “I’m sure we can find something for you to do,” Hitch said. “You can try a few things with us like art with Izzy or make smoothies with Sunny. You might be pretty good with art if butterflies are meant to be creative. You could also bring joy and keep the magic for all pony kind abundant by helping us stop Opaline, or just making tasty smoothies. You’ll be making the world a better place.” Misty nodded. “Okay. Well, I want to do my part, hoof to heart.” They putt their hooves over their heart and then put the hooves together. Misty then received a number of color changes in her mane. Green, yellow, pink, purple, until finally they settled on a mixed shade of primarily red, with some purple and blue on her mane. “How’s that look, Misty?” Pipp asked. Misty looked in the mirror. Her eyes widened. “I-I feel like a new pony!” “That’s cause you are,” Zipp said. “Goodbye evil Misty! Hello good Misty!” “Right, guess we’ll have to come up with a plan now,” Sunny said. “I have to improve my alicorn abilities!” “And I need to learn how to use magic more offensively!” Izzy said. “Hey, you can probably help with that!” She looked at Misty who seemed unsure, but seeing as she was the only one had managed to produce a beam of magic, knew there was no choice. They made their way back to the Brighthouse where Misty had stored the books. They got them then went outside as they didn’t want to damage their home. Misty, Izzy and Sunny (who had assumed her alicorn form) all faced the cliffside while Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp watched. “Okay, Opaline told me you have to gather magic to your horn,” Misty said. “Then release it!” She brought her cyan light into her own horn and shot it out across the sea where it vanished into nothingness. “Okay, so its like just lighting up your horn but sending the magic out?” Izzy said. “Yeah, I guess,” Misty said. Izzy and Sunny both brought magic to their horns. Sunny had learned to create bubbles on her own which was similar, but she had always been filled with the desire to protect ponies and never wanted to hurt them before. Izzy brought magic to her horn and tried to push it out, but it only resulted in a little bit of light. “You need more magic,” Misty said. Izzy gathered more of her purple magic and shot it out. A beam flew from her horn. Sunny then did the same with her golden alicorn magic. They smiled. “Thanks Misty,” Sunny said. “Maybe next time we can give Opaline a few burns like she did us!” “We’re gonna need to practice though,” Izzy said. “Ah well, no artist starts out a master!” They practiced with their magic, Hitch grew plants and tried to use them to catch Zipp and Pipp while Izzy and Sunny sparred with Misty, using only the lowest level required so as not to hurt each other. Soon they were out of time and- “You have to get ready for your date, Zipp!” Pipp reminded her. Zipp sighed. “Come on, lets get something for you to wear!” Pipp said. “Okay, but no crowns!” Zipp said. “And no lipstick!” “Alright, but maybe just an outfit or accessory at least?” Pipp said. Zipp sighed. “As long as its not too fancy!” Pipp thought for a moment then grinned. “How about a pair of sunglasses and a purple blouse? could make a cool entrance at least! But they’d probably block out the color of your eyes.” Zipp smiled. “That seems fine.” They got her blouse as well as her sunglasses. Once she got her attire selected, Zipp showered to wash the sweat from their training session off. She then put on her blouse and sunglasses then waited till it was sunset before heading out to meet Right Light. She found him at their agreed upon spot in the square of the market area. He spotted her with her glasses on. She grinned and raised them slightly off her eyes with her hoof. The purple stallion had abandoned his armor and put aqua colored sweater on that looked comfortable. “Well hello there!” she said with a wink. “Hello Princess Zipp,” Right said. Zipp wished he wouldn’t call her that but maybe that would happen in time. Once they became an official couple, if it got that far. “I like your sweater,” Zipp said. “Decided not to wear armor huh?” “I’m not on duty so its required,” Right said. “But I can still be your knight in shining armor.” He chuckled before looking at her with a neutral expression. “Oh guess you’re not into that huh? Well I’m sure your capable of defending yourself, I heard you fought that evil alicorn that popped up.” “Yeah,” she said. “But she nearly killed me and my friends.” “Oh no!” Right Light exclaimed. “Maybe we should have some guards sent to watch over you and your sister and friends!” Zipp would normally refuse that, but with Opaline out there it might not be a bad idea to have some extra security around the Brighthouse, and Maretime Bay. “Maybe,” she said. There was a moment of silence. “Well, enough shock talk what do you want to do?” Zipp asked. “I haven’t eaten yet and it was a bit of a flight,” Right said. As if on que his stomach rumbled. They headed to the nearby hayhouse and themselves some spicy grass and vegetables for dinner. “Oh that hit the spot,” Right said. Zipp smiled and nodded. “So, I know you saw me in the race, but I’d like to see how I’d fare against you,” Right said. Zipp’s smile widened as he went for her sweet spot. She’d be a bit slower on a full stomach but it was all in good fun. Besides the same would go for him. They paid their bill then stepped outside and spread their wings and took off at top speed (or pretty close in Zipp’s case). They were neck and neck for a while as they circled around Maretime Bay. “You’re pretty good,” Zipp said as she flew next to him. “Nopony has ever managed to keep up with me at this speed before. But I can go a little faster!” She flapped her wings and got ahead of him ever so slightly. But to her surprise, when he looked back she saw a grin on his face. “What a coincidence, I can go a little faster too!” And he did, he caught up with her and she was caught by surprise as he passed her by an inch, just as they were completed their circle. Both panted from the race then laughed. “You are something else, Right Light!” she exclaimed. He smiled at her then looked at the night sky. “Well its getting late. I need to get back to Zephyr Heights, but I’m glad you enjoyed this, Princess.” Zipp’s smile faltered somewhat. “Uh, can you please just call me Zipp? We are friends now at least so you don’t have be formal.” He hesitated a moment then said, “Alright if you insist Prin… I mean… Zipp.” She smiled fully again. “Thank you. Have a safe flight home. See you soon?” He nodded and took off. Zipp watched him go, having a good feeling about this stallion. … Right Light, however, smirked as he flew back to Zephyr Heights. He then pulled out a dagger from the pocket of his sweater that he wore when he wasn’t on duty. He looked at the blade which had been enchanted just hours ago. Her face appeared on the steel. “Objective fulfilled my queen, she suspects nothing,” Right Light said. “Excellent work my new recruit. Succeed in this task and I will make you the new lieutenant,” Opaline said. “And let you keep your magic to be able to fly.” “Thank you my queen. It wasn’t long ago that only royals were able to fly, or so they said. Soon that will become reality,” Right Light said. “I will look down on all those other common Pegasi! In more ways then one!” She grinned. “But remember your place as well! Royal though you may become, alicorns are more royal then any mere Pegasi, Earth Pony, or Unicorn. Get close to Princess Zephyrina, or Zipp, whatever she calls herself. If we can control her we can control one kingdom of Equestria. Of course, it’s the only real kingdom besides my own. And they can’t even truly call themselves a kingdom if the monarch is not an alicorn. But it will suffice. This will be difficult given Zipp’s… affinity for meddling and observation. She is perhaps the most difficult of her little friends.” Opaline seethed as she thought back to the blow Zipp had given her in their fight. But the one whom she hated most of all now was Misty. That pony had betrayed her after everything Opaline had done for her! She’d given her the answer she needed to find a cutie mark and… well… Misty had found it. Some things could not be helped, it was just Misty’s destiny to oppose her. That didn’t stop her from hating the young unicorn the most now though. She’d pay for her betrayal in time though, that was her destiny now. To be punished. “Continue your mission,” she said to Right Light as her image faded from the dagger. He sheathed it and thought on what to do next. He needed to make sure nothing could go wrong, even if it meant resorting to some dirty tricks. Of course he probably wouldn’t have resorted to something this sinister before meeting Opaline. But power was all that mattered to him, she’d shown him that in their brief meeting this morning. He turned back to Maretime Bay and went to the hotel he’d secretly booked. Good thing he had a couple days off from Queen Haven’s Royal Guard or she might suspect something was up. Now he could spy on his rivals and take them out, one way or another. … The next day Zipp had another date scheduled. It was to be with Thunder Flap, the guard that she seen quite often but not interacted heavily with aside from a few moments here and there like her flight school. Plus he was the partner of Captain Zoom who was also her mother’s advisor. She sat in the market sector near Sunny’s Smoothie Stand. Misty was there as well trying her hoof at making smoothies. Zipp watched as the contents of the blender splattered in the unicorns face. She fought back a chuckle. Finally the green Pegasus showed up. He was in his armor as usual, even though he technically wasn’t on duty. Zipp herself was in her normal state, as Pipp wasn’t around to make her put on an outfit as she was working at Mane Melody today. Even with the impending threat of Opaline they couldn’t forget their everyday careers. Zipp had to patrol Maretime Bay and keep her investigations up, also she’d need to become a better fighter as well. True she’d gotten a blow on Opaline she’d still been taken down pretty quickly. Ah well, that would have to be addressed later. Thunder landed in front of her and bowed. “Princess… or… Zipp.” She smiled. He knew she just preferred to be called Zipp, no need for formal titles with her. “Thunder, good to see you again,” Zipp said. Thunder smiled. “You… too.” He looked at her but didn’t say anything for a moment. She decided to take the initiative, “Uh, so how about we grab a smoothie?” They walked over to Sunny’s smoothie stand. “Hey Sunny!” Zipp said once they reached the front of the line. “Peanut butter and banana smoothie for me!” “And just regular banana for me,” Thunder said. “Coming right up!” Sunny said. “Well, looks like both like bannanas at least huh?” Zipp asked. “Oh… yeah!” Thunder chuckled nervously. She frowned at him, not in an unfriendly way of course, just in a curious way. “You okay? “Yeah, just a little nervous. This is my first date you see, and its with a princess!” Thunder exclaimed. Zipp sighed then put on a smile. “Well its only my second date so no biggie. Just treat me like you would any other pony.” “Okay,” Thunder reluctantly said. “Well that might be a little difficult.” “Why is that?” Zipp asked. “Cause I’m a princess?” “No, cause you’re an amazing pony, princess or not!” Thunder said. “I mean you fly great and you helped bring magic to Equestria, you’re a super smart detective… and I’m just a regular old royal guard.” He looked down. Zipp gazed at him with sympathy. “Its okay,” she said. “With that evil alicorn out there who knows maybe you’ll get a chance to shine?” “Wahahaha!” an evil laugh sounded from behind, causing Thunder to scream and hide behind Zipp who frowned as she saw the source of the evil laugh had been Izzy. “Izzy!” she and Sunny exclaimed. “Sorry, you just said evil alicorn and I had to do an evil laugh!” the mulberry unicorn said. “Your smoothies are ready, Zipp and…” Misty said as she looked out after finishing making the smoothies. “Thunder!” the green Pegasus told her. “Thunder! Hope I did them right!” Misty said. Thunder immediately got to his hooves after recovering from the unexpected fright from Izzy. He took Zipps smoothie from Misty and walked back over to her, attempting to be a gentlecolt. Zipp smiled, while she wasn’t into being treated like a princess she didn’t a few little favors. Thunder was almost to her when he suddenly tripped and fell, the contents of her smoothie on her face. “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Thunder said in remorse. Zipp sighed and wiped herself off. This one wasn’t as good as the last one. … Little did they know they were being watched. Right Light smirked as he saw the green stallion’s clumsy and rather embarrassing display. “Won’t have to worry about a loser like him,” he said as he watched while in disguise. “But I think I’ll just make sure the next one doesn’t have a chance.” He flew off toward the flight path from Maretime Bay to Zephyr Heights, that had to be the direction the last suitor who’d come in third and final qualifying place in the race would come from. He waited, not sure when Dune Sweeper would be here. He had to be patient, and he was. Eventually he almost dozed off, but as he was about to, Right Light saw him. The brown Pegasus stallion was flying in. Right grinned and drew the dagger that had been in his family for generations. Now it was about to be tainted with the blood of innocents. He flew at Dune Sweeper who like Thunder had stayed in his royal guard armor. His fellow stallion let out a gasp of surprise but was too slow to react as the dagger went straight for his face. … That afternoon, Zipp waited for her final date to show, hoping it would be better than the last one with Thunder at least. But as she stood in front of the brighthouse, something felt off. She waited for ten minutes after the appointed time then sighed. “It should really be a crime to keep a princess waiting,” Zipp said, half joking. She flapped her wings and took off for a flight over Maretime Bay, going just high enough to be able to fly over all the buildings. But as she turned in the direction leading to Zephyr Heights, she saw something… or rather, somepony lying on the grond on the outskirts. Blood covered the edge of the forest. She recognized him even from this height. “Dune Sweeper!” she yelled in horror. Immediately she called Hitch and he came to investigate along with some coroner ponies. “A murder in Maretime Bay!” Hitch exclaimed. “This is the worst crime I’ve ever seen! After Opaline trying to kill us that is!” “You don’t think she might be involved in this do you?” Zipp asked. “Why would she?” Hitch asked. “I… don’t know,” Zipp said. “I mean, he was scheduled to have a date with me but why would that be of interest to her?” “I don’t know,” Hitch shook his head. “It could have just been an attack by a random pony or something. We’re gonna need to investigate this. How well did you know him?” He gestured to Dune Sweeper’s body. “Not well,” Zipp said. “He was just the third place candidate in the race recently and a member the Royal Guard of Zephyr Heights.” “I’m probably gonna have to contact Queen Haven since this is one of her own,” Hitch said. “I’m sure I can solve it!” Zipp insisted. “We need to be sure we follow the rules,” Hitch said. Zipp sighed. If her mom ordered an investigation on this, which she probably would since it was one of her own, she’d probably keep Zipp away from it. … Right cleaned his dagger on the beach which had very few ponies thankfully. He then looked at the blade that had been soaked red just moments ago with his victims blood. “Queen Opaline?” he asked. “I’m here, Right Light,” she said as she came into view. “How is it going?” “Good, I’ve got her in the bag,” Right said. “The second candidate is a loser and the other is no more.” He smirked and ran a hoof through his neck. Her eyes widened. “Ah, that was proactive of you,” Opaline said. “Very good. Then we will be ready to make our next move in a few days.” She laughed and Right Light did as well. The beach filled with the sound. > Chapter 14: Pipsqueaks for Dinner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch went to the station and called the hotline for Zephyr Heights with Zipp at his side. He waited as the phone rang and soon was answered. “Zephyr Heights Royal Law Enforcement Office!” the receptionist said. “This Sherrif Hitch of Maretime Bay,” Hitch said. “I need to speak with the queen, one of Princess Zipp’s suitors has been murdered.” The receptionist gasped and then said, “I’ll get Queen Haven right away.” She put him on hold and soon Queen Haven took the line. “Hitch?” “Your majesty,” Hitch said, his tone grave. “I have bad news.” As soon as Haven heard that news she immediately mobilized more members of the royal guard to come to Maretime Bay and guard her daughters. Eighteen Pegasus ponies were sent, along with Thunder and Right Light were there after a few hours along with Haven herself. They all gathered in front of the Crystal Brighthouse. “Alright, with this recent tragedy and the emergence of the nefarious alicorn we must take no chances!” Haven said as she addressed the guards that had accompanied her. “I want my daughters and their friends under twenty-four hour surveillance!” The Pegasus guards saluted their queen and Captain Zoom stepped forward. “There are eighteen of you. So you will take shifts in groups of six, eight hours a day,” she said. “Two will be here at the Brighthouse to protect the Unity Crystals, as we can assume Opaline will try to steal them sooner or later since they are the source of the magic in Equestria that she wants! Each princess will also have a minimum of one guard accompanying her at all times!” Zipp cringed at this while Pipp smiled. “If the princess requires more then one guard she needs only ask,” Zoom continued. “So that makes four assigned duties, the other two will patrol Maretime Bay and its borders for any sign of Opaline.” “We have to make sure no one in her army can sneak in!” Misty said. “And how are we gonna do that?” Izzy asked. “I… don’t know,” Misty said. “I… didn’t exactly have a breakdown on every member of her army.” “There was an alicorn there though,” Sunny said, recalling a certain statue that had stood out. “Her son,” Misty said. “Fireforge Destiny.” “Opaline had a son?” Hitch exclaimed. “With the pony who freed her from her imprisonment seven hundred years ago,” Misty said. “General Bloodheart.” “And… what was he?” Zipp asked as she and Hitch both prepared to take notes in case of an attack. “A unicorn,” Misty answered. “There was also an Earth Pony Lieutenant and Pegasus Captain, but he died when he turned to a statue and fell.” “Well at least one officer is dealt with then,” Queen Haven said. “But that means we have to face not just one, but two alicorns!” Sunny said. “We were no match for Opaline last time, and she was out probably out of practice! This son of hers could still be in his prime!” “We’re just going to have to do the best we can!” Zipp said. “Zipp’s right,” Hitch said before looking at Misty. “Misty, you once said you wanted to have a job a couple days ago right? I have an idea, you can be our unicorn magic researcher!” “Uh, okay,” Misty said before nervously asking, “What does a unicorn magic researcher do?” “You are going to study magic, and train other unicorns in how to use it!” Hitch said. Misty clenched her teeth. She was NOT ready to be a teacher. She’d only learned a little bit herself. Plus the pressure of possibly having to deal with dozens of unicorns made her shake. She was shy. “I… I can’t!” Misty said. “You have to, Misty!” Sunny said. “You are the only unicorn to receive even a small amount of magic training that hasn’t been done in Equestria since the days of Twilight Sparkle!” “I’ll help you,” Izzy said. “We’ll study together! Study study study! Learn to be magical and create lots of sparkles!” Misty looked at Izzy uncertainly. The mulberry unicorn didn’t strike her as the studious type. “Uh, maybe it would be better if I tried to learn it on my own,” Misty said. “But you can borrow some of the books I took from Opaline and try yourself.” “Nonsense, we’re both unicorns! We’ll work together and find some other unicorns to work with!” Izzy said. They headed into the Brighthouse to retrieve Misty’s stolen books. They soon came back and headed to Maretime Bay to find some other unicorns. Which wasn’t going to be easy since only a few unicorns had moved to Maretime Bay once Ponykind had reunited in friendship. They mostly stayed in Bridlewood still. … After Queen Haven left, the guards set up a camp around the Brighthouse where they would stay for the time being. Hitch, meanwhile had to visit a certain set of ponies. He arrived in front of Cloverleaf Manor where Phyllis and Sprout lived. Phyllis answered the door after he knocked. “Oh, Hitch, how can I help?” Phylliss asked. “Do you still have the old unicorn traps?” Hitch asked. “Yes, we stored them in the basement of Canterlogic to be recycled into new objects,” Phyliss said. “We need to get them back out,” Hitch said. “But unicorns are our friends now,” Phyliss said. “Yes, but we do have enemies out there,” Hitch said. “At least one bad unicorn and two evil alicorns!” Sprout came to the door and Phylliss looked at him. “Sprout, Hitch needs your help,” Phyliss said. “What about my community service?” Sprout asked. “This can count as that,” Hitch said. They headed to Canterlogic with some other volunteers that Hitch recruited. They got as many of the old traps as they could and headed out to Mane Street. “Now it feels like we wasted our time removing all these,” Sprout said. “We even filled in the spots where they used to be hidden underground! Where are we gonna put them now?” Hitch sighed and thought for a moment. “We’ll put them in the alleys. And we’ll also need to find a better way to counter any Pegasi Opaline might have. Most them were mind controlled though and had their magic taken, so that might not be too bad.” “We’ll try and think of something,” Phyliss said. “None-lethal of course. We’re not about war anymore, right Sprout?” “Right,” Sprout said in embarrassment and remorse. However, a group of unicorns and Pegasi spotted the unicorn traps. “Why are you getting those out?” one of them, an off white unicorn with a pink mane, Primrose asked. “To defend the town from Opaline!” Hitch said. “Those were designed to be used against us!” a dark pink unicorn with a red black mane, Strawberry Spark said. “Are we no longer welcome here?” “No, you’re all fine!” Hitch tried to reason. “Doesn’t look that way!” Windy the Pegasus said. “Everypony please calm down!” Hitch shouted, losing patience. “We are trying to protect you from Opaline, who wants to steal your magic!” “These traps will only EVER be activated in the event she attacks!” Phyliss said. Sprout stepped forward. “I know I wanted to kill you all at one point. But I know now that was thanks to Opaline. She divided us hundreds of moons ago. I know that doesn’t excuse what I did. But I want to help protect Maretime Bay, and that includes unicorns and Pegasi now! We’re not enemies anymore, you might not ever consider me a friend after what I did. But I hope I can at least make it up to you by helping our local heroes in this.” They looked at him with a range of expression from uncertainty to mistrust. But they nodded. Hitch sighed, it was going to be a long day setting up these traps in new locations. … It certainly was. When a good number of traps were put around Maretime Bay for when Opaline attacked, Hitch headed to Mane Melody which would close in half an hour. He entered with a sigh. Pipp gasped as she saw him. “Hitch!” She flew over and hugged him. Hitch blushed. “Good to see you too Pipp, how was your day?” Pipp sighed. “Exhausting, Zipp had me train with her before I started work. Said we both needed to practice and become even better flyers. I had to shower before work, I was all sweaty!” “Well, none of us were a match for Opaline,” Hitch said. “She just burned away my plant trap like it was nothing. Anyway, I thought maybe we could go on a date since its been a little while since our last one.” She smiled. “Great idea, Sheriff! I’m still on work but I think I can squeeze a little something in. How about a song!” She flew over to the stage in Mane Melody and began to sing. We’ve been friends a long time, And for so long that was all we were. Till one day a naughty dragon made a cute video. And everypony thought we were together. She sang as he got up on the stage. Now we might just become so. Hitch sang with her. We’ve been through thick and thin, Pipp said. From enemies to the best of friends. Hitch said as he put a hoof on her shoulder. And now we could be more! Pipp took his hoof and nuzzled him as she sang a last solo line and they both sang together. Together! Together we will face whatever may come our way! Hitch spun her around and they danced hoof in hoof as they reached the conclusion. Fun, danger, heartache, we will be through it together! Even if we might not work out as a couple! Pipp said a solo line. Our bond will be broken. We are friends forever! Hitch said. Doesn’t mean we can’t be more, my dear Sheriff! Pipp finished. As you wish my lovely princess! Hitch said. They concluded with a bow. “That was amazing!” Posey Bloom said. “By the way, I’d like to help however I can. I know I caused a bit of trouble with stirring up discord between pony kind, but I’m over that now. Even if I am still short tempered, this is my home too. I don’t want it to be subjected to an evil alicorns reign.” “Thanks Posey,” Hitch said. “For now just spread the word to have Earth Ponies practice with their magic to prepare for an attack.” She nodded. Then three familiar fillies approached. “Your song was amazing, Princess Pipp!” Seashell said. “You and Sheriff Hitch make a good team!” “Thanks Seashell,” Pipp said appreciatively. “And I’m sure you could be a great singer someday as well with your friends. You already helped me with the ‘Where did it go’ song. I’m sure if you keep practicing you could make your own band.” “Thanks Princess,” Glory said before looking at Hitch. “You are our favorite stallion!” Hitch blushed. The last filly, Peach Fizz looked at little worried. “Do you really think that bad alicorn will come here and try to steal our magic?” Pipp looked at her sadly. “Yes, she will sooner or later.” The three of them looked down. “We’ve only had our magic back for less then a year now,” Glory said. “I always thought that I couldn’t fly and only you could when I was in the Zephyr Heights orphanage. I wanted to be able to fly like you and sing too! For so long it seemed like a faraway dream, then magic returned and I could fly, then Seashell’s parents came to Zephyr Heights and adopted me, then we all got Peach Fizz from Bridlewood and we all became sisters and best friends. I don’t want any of that to go away.” Pipp cupped the Pegasus fillies chin. “Me and my friends are gonna do our best to make sure that everything is fine. We know Opaline was responsible for driving everypony apart now, she won’t be able to manipulate us like last time. Everything will be fine, I promise.” She pulled her three fan fillies into a hug. Then she remembered something. “I believe I promised to take you three out to dinner at Potalian Cuisine didn’t I? Why don’t you all come with me and Hitch? If that’s okay with you, Hitch?” “Sure,” Hitch said. “Well its time for closing now,” Pipp said. After a few minutes of turning off all the lights and locking the doors, Mane Melody closed. Jazz and Rocky went to their house for the night while Hitch and Pipp led the three fillies to the restaurant. They got a table and ordered garlic bread, and spaghetti for the young mare and three fillies (Hitch preferred fettucine alfredo). As they waited Hitched wondered something. “How did you three become Pipp’s occasional assistants anyway?” “She set up a raffle for a group of three young fillies that had consist of Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns,” Seashell said. “We were so honored when we won! Ever since Glory got us into her, she’s been our idol!” “Aw, you three are so sweet!” Pipp said. “I love Zipp too!” Glory said. “She always put on an amazing flight show at Zephyr Heights.” Pipp smiled, recalling when Glory had worn a Zipp mask the day both princesses left Zephyr Heights to move here. Zipp had never liked the attention like Pipp or their mother, but she had still put on shows when her mother told her too. “All of you guys are amazing!” Peach Fizz said. “You brought magic after all! You’re the heroes of all Equestria!” Hitch smiled. “Yeah, but it was all because of Sunny. Everyone else never listened to her, and she persevered. Of course, she did fall really down when I said she had to give up and we couldn’t be friends anymore if she kept breaking the rules. Then Izzy showed up and we all went on the journey of a lifetime.” “Now a new journey has begun,” Pipp said. “With a dangerous villain out there to get us.” “Is there anyway we can help against her?” Seashell asked. Hitch shook his head. “No girls, its too dangerous. You fillies need to stay where its safe. This is a job for grown-ups.” “Hitch is right,” Pipp said. “But maybe we can think of some other way besides fighting that you could help with. Like how you mentioned you spent so long not able to do magic, Glory! Yes, that’s it! Maybe you three can model for us in an inspiration video to help inspire ponies to stand against Opaline!” “That could work!” Hitch said. They ate their dinner and then Pipp got out her phone to record. “Hey Pipsqueaks!” Pipp said. “I’m here with my three lucky little friends here! Glory, Seashell, and Peach Fizz!” The three fillies smiled and waved at the phone. Glory and Seashell were confident while Peach Fizz being the nervous one, had a matching grin on her face. “Now as you all know, Queen Opaline has returned!” Pipp continued. “Or… been discovered since we never really knew about her before. Either one. And she is hellbent on taking all magic for herself! That would mean going back to the dark days of old! Or… not so old since it was less then a year ago! But dark days nonetheless! Days when Pegasi couldn’t fly, and unicorns couldn’t use magic, and Earth Ponies… well… didn’t have magic!” The Pipsqueak trio gasped (for dramatic affect). “Oh no, no magic!” Seashell exclaimed. “But I was having so much fun being able to grow plants with just my hooves!” She demonstrated being able to grow a flower out of the ground nearby. “And I’ve spent so much of my fillyhood being unable to fly!” Glory said as she flapped her wings and flew next to Pipp. “I couldn’t use my horn for anything before!” Peach Fizz added as she levitated Seashell’s flower. “I don’t want to lose magic!” The sun was nearly set, dark would soon be here. “The days ahead are dark,” Pipp said. “But we can make sure they have light! All ponykind has to band together to protect our new way of life. I used to support my mother’s decision to let fellow Pegasi believe only we royals could fly. But I was wrong, the truth is always better. And the truth is we need your help! Only together can we hope to stop the villain out there before she steals all our magic and deprives young fillies like this of the wonders of magic! But we can stop it. It’s not too late. See you later, and have a wonderful night.” Pipp ended her livestream. Hitch smiled. “That might help. Thanks Pipp, girls.” They took the young fillies home and then Hitch walked Pipp back to the Brighthouse. “That was a good livestream Pipp. You’re a genius when it comes to that sort of thing, and generous to take them out to dinner at an expensive restaurant like that.” “What can I say?” Pipp asked. “I try to be a sweet princess.” “And you are. You’d probably make a good queen,” Hitch said. They looked at each and smiled, then, without thinking, their heads moved towards each other. Their lips connected as they shared their first kiss. “Oh my glitter,” Pipp said as she blushed. “My first kiss.” “Mine too,” Hitch said also blushing. “Up for a second one, on photo?” Pipp asked getting out her phone again. He nodded, knowing that was something important for Pipp to capture. He did wish she would be less open about it, but that was just the way she was. They kissed again and Pipp took a photo that was soon posted. > Chapter 15: Origin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch and Pipp entered the Brighthouse as Zipp and Sunny were finishing the dishes from their own meal. Izzy was playing with Sparky who had recovered from Opaline draining him. “Hey Pipp! Hey Hitch!” Sunny said. “How was your date with the Pipqueaks?” “Great!” Hitch said with a blush. “They put together a little video to help rally ponies against Opaline and we had lots of fun.” Pipp also blushed, “And we uh… had our first kiss!” “What?” Izzy exclaimed. “That’s great!” “Congratulations you two!” Sunny said. “I’m happy for you,” Zipp said before turning to Hitch. “Just don’t do anything to hurt my sister! I trust you but I still need to be clear!” “Got it Zipp,” Hitch said before looking around. “Hey, where’s Misty?” “Upstairs reading and practicing magic,” Zipp said. “I tried to get her to come down and have dinner with us but she insisted on sticking with her books,” Izzy said. “She must be really determined to stop Opaline,” Zipp said. “No surprise, after spending her whole life serving that evil queen,” Sunny said. “She’s probably angry about it now. Did you see the look she gave Opaline after she saved us?” “Yeah, but anger and hatred are not good things,” Hitch said. “We spent all our lives living in fear and hate towards other pony kinds in each our communities. Sprout nearly started a civil war because of the all the propaganda we were fed here!” “Yeah, but Opaline is genuinely evil!” Zipp reminded Hitch. “True, but Misty might do something she’ll regret,” Hitch said. “I just don’t want her to make the same mistake that Sprout did. Even if Opaline is evil we can’t take things to far, or we could end up right back where we started… or worse.” “I’m sure she’ll be fine!” Izzy said. … Upstairs, Misty was hard at work, her eyes narrowed as she studied a new spell. “Okay, vanishing,” Misty said. She lit up her horn and tried to perform the spell. “Misty?” a voice interrupted Misty’s concentration. Her magic faded before she could complete the spell. She looked and saw Pipp and Hitch had come up, with the latter carrying Sparky on his back. “Oh, hey guys,” Misty said. “How’d your date go?” “Good,” Hitch said. “We kind of… um...” “Kissed,” Pipp finished for him. “Oh, that’s… nice,” Misty said. “You look pretty hard at work,” Hitch said noticing her with a lot of books on the desk. Misty sighed. “No unicorn has managed to become proficient with the old spells as far as I know. I have to figure everything out myself if I want to stop Opaline.” “How long have you been at it?” Pipp asked. “Since this afternoon,” Misty said. “Misty you should really take a break,” Hitch said. “No, I spent years working for that evil queen! She could strike anytime! I have to be ready!” Misty said. “I don’t want any of you to get hurt because of me again!” She looked at Sparky in guilt. The little dragon had recovered from having his dragonfire drained so many times at least, but it had caused him immense pain. “Misty it's not your fault,” Hitch said. “Yes it is,” Misty insisted. “I brought Sparky to Opaline and led all of you into the trap. It IS my fault!” “You were raised by Opaline,” Pipp reminded her. “She made you think what you were doing was right. We’ll stop her, and her son and army.” Misty nodded. “I’m gonna make sure of it.” She turned back to her books and tried the vanishing spell that would make something invisible to the naked eye. She picked up an apple and hit it with her magic, causing it to turn invisible. Misty then looked up the counter spell and tried it, causing the apple to reappear. “Wow, that’s cool,” Hitch said. “Wish I could do that.” Misty sighed, brushing a bit of sweat from her forehead. The young couple noticed this and gave her a worried expression. “Don’t tire yourself out,” Pipp said. “Make sure to get some rest.” “I will,” Misty said. But she didn’t. She was up all night reading the books and practicing spells from Opaline’s books. She only took breaks to go to the bathroom and get a snack from the fridge downstairs. She managed to do things like create a heatwave that was hot enough to melt snow instantly, gave Izzy a mustache before she went to bed, causing the other ponies to laugh. Then she tried teleportation but only ended up burning her coat. “Ouch,” Misty said. “That’s a tricky one.” She located a first aid spell to heal the burns and then looked at other medical spells that could heal broken bones in a matter of hours. It was a long night, and she was left with bloodshot eyes by morning. “Misty! I told you to make sure to get some rest!” Pipp scolded when she came out of bed. “We all need to take a moment to relax,” Sunny said. “Even with Opaline out there. We’re not gonna be able to take her if we overwork ourselves.” “You know what I think we should do? Go to Bridlewood!” Izzy said. “Misty’s never been there!” “I agree, we could find her family there,” Zipp said. “Let’s go,” Pipp said. Misty stumbled into the Marestream with them. A pair of pegasus royal guards were there to guard Zipp and Pipp as well. “Get some rest, Misty,” Sunny said. “You’ve earned it.” The blue unicorn yawned and got on the sofa in the vehicle. She closed her eyes and took a nap. … In the Crystal Team Room, Alphabittle served a cup to Queen Haven. “I just can’t believe that there is really an evil alicorn out there!” Haven said. “And on top of it all one of Zipp’s suitors got murdered!” “I know,” Alphabittle said. “I’m sorry. I can only hope that this threat is dealt with before anypony else gets hurt. But I suppose that’s unlikely, since that Opaline has an army out there and she’ll probably strike pretty soon. We unicorns haven’t got much in the way of combat defenses, aside from the signs we put out to discourage Earth Ponies and Pegasi from entering our forest.” “Well you might have to change that,” Haven said. “Speaking of which, that unicorn that used to work for Opaline managed to steal some old books on magic from her. Perhaps you should speak with her if the opportunity arises, Alphie.” Alphie, as she’d nicknamed him, seemed uncertain. His ears drooped. “I suppose so. Can you… tell me about her? Did you meet her?” “Yes, she seemed nice, and knowledgable about our new enemy,” Haven said. “And her name was Misty?” Alphie asked. “Yes… why?” Haven asked. “That’s… my daughter’s name,” Alphie said. “Your daughter?” Queen Haven exclaimed. He nodded. Then the door opened. … The Mane 5 and Sparky watched from the front port of the Marestream as they made their final approach. “Misty, we’re here!” Izzy called. The blue unicorn had slept throughout the whole ride. She opened her eyes as they landed. They headed outside and Misty looked around, seeing the many treehouses. Misty’s eyes widened as a feeling of nostalgia entered her. “You okay?” Sunny asked. “I feel as though I’ve been here before,” Misty said. “Well, this is the home of unicorns in Equestria and you are a unicorn,” Zipp reminded her. “Unless there’s some secret unicorn settlement somewhere else.” They all chuckled and then made their way to the Crystal Tea Room. To their surprise they saw not only Alphabittle but Queen Haven as well. “Mom!” Pipp exclaimed. “My darlings!” Haven said. The Pegasus queen hugged her daughters and then looked at Misty. “Well speak of the pony! We were just talking about you, Misty,” Haven said. “Misty,” Alphabittle said stepping forward with a look of recognition. “Uh, hi,” Misty said shyly. “You must be Alphabittle. Do you… know me?” Alphabittle nodded, sadness and warmth in his eyes. “A father could never forget his daughter.” The Mane 5 all gasped and Misty’s mouth fell open. Alphabittle then walked back behind the counter and took a picture off the wall, a picture of him and a filly Misty as well as a sky-blue mare. “You and your mother were my whole world,” Alphabittle said. “She loved the wilderness and took you out camping when you were able to walk. You both never came back. I thought…” A memory seemed to flash through Misty’s mind of days just before Opaline. She saw her mother, the sky blue pony with a green mane in the picture. She carried Misty on her back through a forest and set up a tent with the young filly before they broke for dinner, roasting vegetables around their campfire. Then a roar sounded and a monstrous creature emerged from the woods, growling menacingly. “Run Misty!” the filly’s mother said. The filly was frozen in fear and the mother had to kick her away. That caused her to run as her mother ran at the monster. She wandered for days, hungry, tired, until she happened upon a group of statues with a dark looking castle nearby. “Hello?” the filly asked. “Is anypony here?” Hoofsteps sounded and Misty saw her, Opaline looking down at her in surprise. “A filly?” the evil queen asked. “Please… I’m so hungry… so cold,” the filly said. The alicorn gave a calculating glare. “Come inside.” Misty followed her inside. Opaline fed her and took her in, making her do all the work around the castle. She’d saved Misty’s life, and made her her slave to carry out her plans until she was of no use to her and Misty finally broke free. “What about my mom?” Misty asked. Alphabittle looked down. “I haven’t seen her since she took you on that camping trip. She never returned. I thought you were both dead. You are alive, but if there was a monster there, and she held it off while you ran, she is most likely…” There was no need for him to say the word again. Misty bowed her head and Izzy and Sunny each put a hoof around her as the others watched in sorrow. Alphabittle then led them to a cemetery in Bridlewood where they saw a gravestone for two ponies. One name read Cloudy Brightheart, beloved mother and wife, and the other Misty Brightdawn, filly taken too soon. “We never found the body but we did put this memorial stone here for you both,” Alphabittle said. Misty shed fresh tears. “Mom,” she cried. Alphabittle put a hoof on his daughter. “Its not your fault.” “I know that,” Misty said. “But… if she’d never taken me on that camping trip and we never ran into that monster, maybe I never would have run into Opaline and she’d still be trapped there now! Its not that I’m trying to blame Mom, but… I just wish it could have been different.” “I know, Misty,” Alphabittle said. Misty embraced him. Queen Haven stepped forward. “For what its worth, I think your mother would be proud of you Misty. You saw what you were doing was wrong even though you had been raised by that dreadful queen as long as you can practically remember. Not everypony could have done that. Many of us in each of our lands simply accepted the view of the majority.” “Yes,” Sunny agreed. “You are a pony with a good heart, Misty. That’s who you are at your core,” Zipp said. “That’s why Opaline couldn’t change you. Just like I was rebellious and investigative at my core.” “And I’m proud you are,” Queen Haven said ruffling her eldest daughters mane. “You and your friends reunified ponykind. Of course I wish you were a little less rebellious.” Zipp smirked. Misty managed a smile at her then looked at the grave. She lit up her horn and then cast one of the other spells she’d learned. One that could mask something from sight. She targeted the side of the grave that had her name on it and caused it to become invisible. That part of the grave now looked blank. “The Misty that served Opaline is gone,” Misty declared. “I’m now the Misty that will help defeat Opaline. Misty Brightdawn! Daughter of Alphabittle Blossomworth and Cloudy Brightheart!” She embraced her father who looked at her proudly. He spotted the royal pegasus family watching and extended his hoof. The three royals came forward and joined the two unicorns. Misty opened her eyes at the contact and smiled wider. “We’ll all be a family someday,” Queen Haven said. “Once Alphie and I marry. Though that might have to wait until after we defeat Opaline, maybe. Or perhaps we can do it sooner.” The three younger mares looked at them as they broke off the hug. They then looked at each other. “So, I guess when that happens, you two will be my stepsisters, huh?” Misty asked. Zipp shook her head. “No, Misty.” Misty’s eyes widened. Then Pipp said. “We’ll be sisters. All three of us!” The Pegasus sisters embraced their future unicorn sister now. Hitch, Sunny, and Izzy watched with Queen Haven and Alphabittle. They knew the battle with Opaline and her army would come sooner or later, but right now they were thankful for the moment to share with their friends and family. > Chapter 16: Former Villains Gathering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout Cloverleaf stood in the basement of Canterlogic, all the unicorn traps had been returned, but there was one thing he thought maybe they should use now. The giant robot he’d made to wage war against Pegasi and Unicorns, maybe he could use it against Opaline, the robot had been created to combat their enemies after all, and Opaline certainly was that. But Sprout hesitated, uncertain. He eventually sighed and shook his head. “Only as a last resort,” he told himself. Sprout began to walk upstairs, as he did so his mind turned to the blue unicorn whom he’d met a few days ago. He’d also found out that she had actually been a spy for Opaline, like him, she was a former villain. Maybe she could use somepony to talk to like he’d needed? He took a breath and headed to the Brighthouse, not knowing if they were home. But there was a large camp of Zephyr Heights guards present there. He approached nervously, fearing that they might not take kindly to his presence. He was right. As soon as some of them saw him they gasped. “That’s Sprout Cloverleaf! The one that tried to kill the princesses and Queen Haven with a giant robot!” Thunder yelled fearfully. “Seize him!” The guards charged at him before Sprout could react. … Zipp and the others rode the Marestream back to Maretime Bay, praying it was still standing. Thankfully, it was. They saw the city and Brighthouse were still intact, no sign of any evil forces. Though, it did feel strange when they got above the Brighthouse and saw the guards camp there. They landed and emerged from the vehicle. As they did so with the pair of guards that had accompanied them, the others approached them. Right Light looked at Zipp and smiled before bowing. “Princess Zipp, Princess Pipp,” he bowed. “Welcome back to you and your friends.” Zipp managed a smile. Even though she hated being called ‘Princess’ she was getting used to it from Right Light. He was just trying to be a gentlepony. “Thank you, Right Light,” she said. Misty’s eyes widened upon hearing his name, which sounded familiar. Though she couldn’t place it. Right Light meanwhile, looked over at the other guards a few feet away who were holding another stallion. “While you were gone this former genocidal pony showed up,” he said. “Sprout?” Hitch asked. Sprout gave a pained groan. He’d gotten a black eye when he tried to resist. “Hitch they attacked me!” he said. “I was just trying to come over and visit!” “Release him at once!” Hitch ordered. “Yeah, what the Sheriff said!” Zipp said. The royal guards unhoofed Sprout. He walked up to them and Pipp was quick to apologize. “Sorry Sprout! I guess other Pegasi are still uneasy knowing you were left off.” Sprout sighed. “I know, but its all in the past now. I know I still have a lot to make up for, but I guess I’m not the only one huh?” He looked at Misty as he said that. Izzy just smiled. “Leh, I’d say Misty already made up for her past mistakes. She did save us twice,” the unicorn said. “You on the other hoof still have a jinxy air around you!” “I know,” Sprout said. “And I hope to make up for it soon with this new villain out there. But I came here to talk to Misty.” “Me?” Misty asked in surprise. “Yeah,” Sprout said, his cheeks flushing as he looked at her. “Changed your mane color from last time I see. It looks good.” “Thanks,” Misty said shyly. “So what did you want to talk to me about?” “Well…” Sprout started. “I just thought maybe you could use someone to talk to who can probably understand you. I mean, I’ve done some things I’m not proud of anymore so… I know what its like.” Misty looked at him. “Wow… thanks.” “That could be a good idea,” Sunny said. “It helps to have somepony who can really understand you. I mean, we understand you Misty, but to have somepony you have something pretty deep in common with could be good. Why don’t you and Sprout hang out a bit?” “But what about Opaline?” Misty asked. “I have to be prepared for when she and her army attack!” “You spent all night last night preparing. Spend today having fun and making friends,” Hitch said. “Yeah, we don’t hold anything against you,” Zipp said honestly. “You can study spells later.” “Just… don’t do another all nighter,” Pipp said. “Ooh, speaking of which we still need to get you a bed in the brighthouse.” “Okay,” Misty said reluctantly. “Come on,” Sprout said with a confident, even arrogant looking smile. They walked down the path leading from the Brighthouse to the city. “So, how did you come to work for Opaline anyway?” Sprout asked. Misty sighed. “I just learned the whole story earlier today. I used to live in Bridlewood, but my mom took me camping and then a monster attacked. She held it off while I ran away, I didn’t know where to go. I just walked until I found a place. And it turned out to be the worse place possible. Opaline’s castle.” “I’m sorry,” Sprout said. “Did she hurt you?” “She talked down to me yes,” Misty said. They talked about living with each of their mothers, even though Opaline wasn’t Misty’s real mother, the mother she wished she could have known and never lost. “Wow,” Sprout said when he learned more details. “You certainly got a bad mother, mine never talked down to me or treated me like a servant or was ever cruel to me. Yet… you never became anything like her from the sound of it.” “And I’m glad I didn’t,” Misty said. “Wish I could say the same,” Sprout said. “My mother influenced me to hate unicorns and Pegasi, and I ended up nearly starting a war. You managed to break free from your mother… or Opaline’s influence… since she wasn’t your real mother.” “We all make mistakes,” Misty said. “We just have to try and make up for them.” Sprout nodded, then a voice sounded. “I know that’s that like.” They looked and saw a yellow Earth Pony with pink hair and a flower themed necklace and flower cutie mark. With her was a red Pegasus with a cutie mark of a lavender wing. “Oh, hi Posey,” Sprout said. Posey smiled at him then looked at Misty. “Hey, you’re the pony that worked for that evil alicorn! Boy I’d hate to meet her.” “Uh, yeah… hi,” Misty said shyly. “You are… Posey.” “Yeah, Posey Bloom,” Posey said. “Well, I guess this is a little gathering of former villains day,” Sprout said with a slight chuckle. Posey frowned. “I prefer to think of myself as foul tempered rather then villainous. But yeah, I wasn’t exactly a good pony. But I’ve been trying to be a better one.” “And you are doing great bestie!” the red Pegasus said. “I’m Windy by the way.” “Hi,” Misty said. “So you did something bad as well?” “Yeah,” Posey said. “I nearly destroyed magic without meaning to. I was jealous of Pegasi being able to fly and unicorns having magic. I just felt so unspecial, and all my old friends were hanging out with new friends that could do all those cool things. I began treating other pony kinds with disdain, not knowing that it was causing magic to become unstable and then nearly die.” “Oh, I remember when that happened,” Misty said. “How, you weren’t here were you?” Posey asked. “No, but Opaline was watching you all for a while,” Misty said. “Though she didn’t know that ponies not treating each other with kindness was causing the instability. Probably would have been disgusted by it if she did, she hates unity and equality.” “Kind of like you did Posey,” Windy said. “Yeah, well… unity anyway,” Posey said. “I wanted to be an equal to you Windy. Now I feel like I can, even if my attitude might still need some work.” “Hey, you’ve been through a lot,” Windy said kindly putting a hoof on her friends shoulder. “You just seem to be the front of every joke. Especially around Izzy. Not your fault you’re agitated.” “Thanks,” Posey said hugging her. Misty and Sprout smiled. “Well we got a former genocidal pony, a spy for an evil queen, a bad tempered Karen, and…” Sprout stopped as he looked at Windy. “Uh you haven’t done anything bad have you?” Windy chuckled. “No, I mean… I did steal some food once when I was a filly to feed some critters that were starving.” “A thief then!” Sprout said. “Well, we’ve all come a long way I think, or at least working on it!” They all laughed. Misty smiled, these seemed like a group of ponies she could relate to. She looked at Windy. “Though, at least you had good intentions Windy. That probably makes you the best out of all of us.” The Pegasus shook her head. “None of us are better then the other. We’re all works in progress. But, what about Opaline?” There was a moment of silence. “She’ll come sooner or later,” Misty said. “And I’ll be ready to fight her when she does.” “Me too,” Sprout said. The two mares grinned nervously. “Good luck with that,” Posey said. “I don’t really want to get involved in a fight. I prefer a nice peaceful life,” Windy said. “Just soar through the air carefreely!” She spun in the air like a ballerina. “But I do hope you can stop her. I’d hate to lose this ability to fly.” “We will,” Misty vowed. … Flurry landed on the mountain behind her home and ventured into the large cave where not just one, but two dragons slept. They were both many times her size, with the blue female being just slightly larger. The purple male had green spines. Both of them slept peacefully, and had been sleeping for several decades now. She had watched them, visited every day. Her Uncle Spike who had been adopted by her grandparents practically from the moment he hatched. His mate, the former Dragon Lord Ember lay next to him. She’d stepped as per tradition once her time as ruler expired after five hundred years. It had been a difficult time once magic was gone, the ponies that had become their friends came to fear dragons again thanks to Opaline, and they were forced to leave until a time when acceptance was prevalent again. The dragons had simply stuck to their own lands which were composed of beautiful jungles, as long as they didn’t burn them down, which had been the case seven hundred years ago. The dragonlands had been a waste land where little grew. Their brief friendship with ponies had at least had the long-lasting effect of them caring for their land. It also helped that without magic, they couldn’t use their dragonfire. But with magic reemerged, that could change. Good thing many of the dragons were sleeping, their eggs had had difficulty hatching without magic, and many of them never did. Flurry had stayed here and helped as much as she could. Just months ago she’d flown a dragon egg out to the mainland of Equestria, the sole survivor of Spike and Ember’s cluster that Flurry had worked to keep warm. Flurry just hoped that bringing that egg to Equestria had been the right call. She approached her aunt and uncle. “Spike, Ember, wake up.” She prodded Spike’s snout. He snorted and let out a bit of smoke. For a long time with the magic gone, the dragon’s had not let out smoke while asleep. Though that had changed. Still, Spike didn’t take up right away. “Spike!” she said. “Spike? SPIKE!” That got him to open his eyes. He rose his head and yawned, showing massive teeth that could chew her up if he so wished. But he’d never harm her. “Flurry?” he asked as he remained sleepy. “Ugh, hey, morning.” “Morning,” Flurry greeted. “After seventy years!” “Been that long?” Spike asked. “Ah man! Hope everything’s well!” “Can you both keep it down?” Ember grumbled as she just lay there with her eyes closed. “Ugh.” “Ember, wake up!” Flurry said jumping on her aunt’s snout. Ember coughed out a bite of smoke and she opened her eyes to see it. She jumped up. “Is my fire back?” she asked breathing out and sending blue flames forward. “Yes!” Spike breathed his green fire out as well. “Alright, magic returned!” she said. “Yeah, but so has Opaline!” Flurry told her. “WHAT?” They both exclaimed. “But Twilight thought that her final spell that she used to seal all the magic from Equestria and the dragons would be enough to keep Opaline trapped. We gave her the power to do that when all looked lost!” “Yes, but Opaline managed to somehow break the shield. She must have had outside help!” Flurry said. “Somepony evil must have stumbled on her castle and helped her! Hopefully we can stop her for good before its too late and she has the chance to take all the magic for herself!” … Opaline looked out across the land from the top of her tower. Her mane still burned with fire, though the majority of the power-boost she’d gotten from Sparky’s dragonfire was gone. If she was going to take all the magic in the Unity Crystals, she needed more power. That was the next step, pony magic. She needed to magic from a large number of ponies, especially the new Earth Pony magic, and the cutie mark magic. The Unity Crystals had been formed when Twilight sealed the magic of hundreds of ponies and dragons away. It would taken an equal source. Opaline would have to drain a near equal amount to be able to drain the power of the crystals. It would take a lot of time. But she had plenty of that being an immortal alicorn of immense magic power. She heard hoofsteps nearby and looked to see her son. “Is everything ready, Fireforge?” she asked. “Yes Mother,” he said. “Our dead are buried, and what remains of our troops are ready for battle.” “Good,” she said. “Don’t disappoint me.” “I will not,” he said. “We will bring you little ponies to take the magic of… and destroy the ponies that get in our way. The ones that thwarted you will pay!” “Try to capture them alive if possible,” Opaline said. “I have plans for the eldest Pegasus Princess in particular. She proved to have a curious mind, one that I maybe able to use to my advantage now.” “Yes Mother,” Fireforge said with a bow. > Chapter 17: Flurry Hits the Forge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fireforge Destiny stood in front of his mothers army. It was his time to lead it. She was counting on him. Her strength wasn’t what quite what it used to be, which was why she was going to be spending this time practicing while he lead the attack on Maretime Bay. “Stallions,” he addressed them. “Today we begin our takeover of the new Equestria! We were asleep for seven hundred years thanks to that Twilight Sparkle!” He looked at them. They said nothing, being the mind-controlled pawns they were. “Now we will take back what is my mother’s… and mine!” he ordered. “Cheer!” “Yarggh!” they cheered and he smiled. “Now, we have three objectives. First, conquer the city and bring it to complete submission. Second, capture as many ponies as possible, my mother will drain their magic… unless they bow to her and prove themselves useful with it. Only the gifted few will possess it and serve we alicorns. If any resist however, destroy them. Third, we will take the Unity Crystals, and when my mother is strong enough, she will absorb their power.” He ended and watched. Then General Bloodheart and the Earth Pony Lietenaunt, whose name was Dirty Fighter, approached him. Dirty Figther was a light brown pony with the cutie mark of a dagger sticking in the ground, representing his special talent to be fighting with dishonor. His mane was a slimy shade of green and a scar from a previous battle lined his cheek. “My prince,” General Bloodheart said with a bow. “We are ready to move out. I look forward to fighting alongside you once again. Even though it seems only a short while ago we were headed into battle against Twilight Sparkle.” “Indeed General,” Fireforge said. He knew the aging stallion was his father but as his mother had taught him, he was an alicorn and too important to become attached to the mere unicorn. “But this time we will not fail. Twilight Sparke is not here to stop us this time.” “I can’t wait to catch some helpless little ponies,” Dirty Fighter said with a sadistic grin. “Maybe I’ll them scream a little bit in the torture chamber.” He chuckled. Fireforge shrugged indifferently, cold focus unwavering. “Do as you please, as long as it doesn’t affect your service to me or my mother,” he said to the Lietanaunt before addressing the entire army once again. “Move out!” The army of Opaline began their marching forward. General Bloodheart and Dirty Fighter walked in front while Fireforge spread his wings and took to the air. They had reportedly found a Pegasus who had willingly joined Opaline, and if he proved himself worthy he’d given a place among their command, as well as retain the right to use his magic. … Little did they know though, a certain alicorn was flying toward Maretime Bay with pair of dragons behind her. … Sunny and the others cleaned their dishes from breakfast that morning. Now they were getting ready to all go to work, Sunny to her smoothie stand, Zipp to the station with Hitch and Pipp at Mane Melody. Izzy would continue her artwork with Misty tagging along. They knew Opaline would be coming sooner or later but they couldn’t forget their businesses. They all left the Brighthouse and headed down Mane Street, all of them felt a chill running down their spines. “You ponies have a feeling something is happening?” Zipp asked. “Yeah, like everything is about to fall apart,” Sunny said. “Its probably just nerves,” Pipp said nervously. “We know an attack is coming sooner or later and we’re all a little on edge. We just need to stay calm and not panic.” “Lets just try and focus on our jobs and enjoy today!” Izzy said cheerfully. “Make art, blend smoothies, sing and investigate! Its no good if we stay worried all the time about the evil pony and her army!” “Izzy’s right,” Sunny said. “Lets just try and enjoy today… assuming nothing happens and we’ll be ready for Opaline when she- Suddenly a loud sound echoed through Maretime Bay. It sounded like a trumpet or horn being blown in the distance. “What’s going on!” Misty asked. “Is that an alarm!” “No that sounded like a… A voice suddenly cut Pipp off. It was an unfamiliar aged but rough voice that seemed to speak in their heads. Ponies of Maretime Bay, this is Prince Fireforge Destiny. I am the son of Queen Opaline Arcana. You have likely learned of her recently. She is your rightful ruler and owner of all magic. We stand outside your city. Surrender, you need not lose your lives. Pledge loyalty to her and she will spare you… those that prove gifted in magic and loyal in service to her will be allowed to keep theirs. Abide by our wishes and you shall not be harmed. Resist and not only your magic but your lives will be forfeit! The words caused everypony to freeze. They looked around and saw various ponies looking around in fright, knowing that their enemy was here at last. “Oh boy, she’s here!” Misty said. “Or at least… her son is!” “Where is she though?” Zipp asked. “Is she not leading the attack?” “If we only have one evil alicorn to deal with that’s good right?” Pipp asked. “Not so sure,” Izzy said worriedly. “Just one is probably bad enough.” “And her son might be even stronger then she was at the time!” Sunny said. “Eh who knows?” Izzy said. “Lets just try and save the day.” At that moment, Hich came running down Mane Street. “Everypony return to your homes and lock your doors!” he shouted into a speaker. “Any volunteers willing to fight follow me!” He spotted his friends and waved. “Guys, this way!” They followed him and made their way to the front of Maretime Bay with a handful of other ponies willing to fight. Sunny counted and estimated they had at least a few hundred. Other ponies like Posey, Windy, and Dahlia headed inside where it was safe. They soon reached the entrance to the city where they saw their enemies. Opaline’s army was dressed in purple armor, with an alicorn above them. Sunny recognized him from when she’d seen all the statues. His mane was the color of fire, befitting his name, and his coat was gray as smoke. His strong looking hooves carried the warhammer, and his wings carried him, his horn sharp and ready to produce magic that Equestria had no doubt not seen for hundreds of years. This was Fireforge Destiny, the son of their bitter enemy. Below him were who must have been the commanders of the enemy army that Misty had told them about. A unicorn who must have been General Bloodheart and the Earth Pony Lieutenant that Sunny didn’t know the name of. The Mane 6 all prepared for the upcoming battle in various ways. Zipp narrowed her eyes defiantly as she flapped her wings, Hitch took a breath to avoid panicking, Izzy and Misty lit up their horns, ready to put their newly developed magic to the test, Pipp joined her sister in the air and sang a small tune of “We can do this! We are great! We’re gonna save Maretime Bay! Oh, that’s good! I’ll have to write a longer version later!” Sunny would have smiled at her friend if not for the seriousness of the situation. Time for them to fight. She focused and called upon her alicorn abilities. Her wings and horn appeared and she flew into the air with Zipp and Pipp, while also lighting up her horn like Misty and Izzy. “So, you’re the new alicorn,” Fireforge Destiny said. “Interesting you can transform into one from a lowly Earth Pony.” Sunny’s only reply was a frown to the insult toward her kind, or one of her kinds. Hitch likewise frowned. The two sides stood facing each other for an instant, then Fireforge raised his hooves. “Attack! In the name of my mother!” The enemy ponies shouted and charged. “For our magic, for our family, for our friends, for Equestria!” the Mane 6 all said together as they and all the defending ponies charged as well. Both groups met with a clash of hooves. Sunny and Zipp went for the evil prince while Pipp and the other Pegasi tried to launch aerial attacks from above. The enemy ponies were at a disadvantage cause they lacked magic which Opaline had stolen, but unfortunately, they outnumbered the defending ponies by at least five to one. Pipp tried to land a kick to a brainwashed unicorn who couldn’t cast magic, but he managed to raise his and grab hold of her, pulling her to the ground. “Arrgh! Help!” she screamed as she felt the mind-controlled stallions pin her down. “Pipp!” Hitch shouted in concern as he managed to kick away the Earth Pony he was grappling. He then put his hoof to the ground, vines sprouted from the ground and grabbed hold of the stallions holding Pipp. She smiled at her coltfriend and got back into the air. She saw her sister and Sunny dealing with Fireforge. They had risen up higher, Fire shooting magic at them which they both dodged. Sunny responded with her own magic and Zipp flew at Fire, being the fastest of them. Pipp saw the scene and was filled with admiration for her elder sister and friend, then turned her attention back to the battle here. … Misty and Izzy were locked in combat with General Bloodheart. They shot cyan and purple magic at the elder unicorn who blocked it with very little difficulty. “You must be the traitor who betrayed Queen Opaline,” Bloodheart said. “She betrayed me first!” Misty said. “She told you the secret to getting a cutie mark. “That should have enough of a reward. But it doesn’t matter, since your destiny was to oppose her… and I will crush all opposition to my queen!” Bloodheart said. He fired a spell of incredible power at the two unicorns, they both put up their shield to block it but it still broke through and knocked them off their hooves. Bloodheart didn’t stop there, he shot Izzy with a follow up beam, knocking her against a nearby building. He then turned to Misty who tried to run behind and shoot him in the back, but he teleported away and appeared behind her, shooting her in the back instead. “You will suffer for betraying Queen Opaline,” Bloodheart said. Misty saw that the despite the defenders efforts, many of Opaline’s forces were making their way past them into the city. There were just too many of them, they’d try and captured ponies and bring them to Opaline to have their magic drained. … Posey, Windy, Dahlia, and the Pipsqueaks were all together in a house of Maretime Bay. They’d all been in the same area when the voice of the enemy spoke out. They’d taken shelter in the first place they could find. Now all they could hope was that everything would be okay. “I hope Pipp and the others can win,” Seashell said. “They have Sunny and Zipp,” Glory said. “Zipp’s the best flyer, and Sunny is the alicorn! They gotta win! They just gotta!” Posey wanted to be able to reassure the little fillies, but she wasn’t exactly an optimist. She seemed to be the punch line around Maretime Bay as lots of unluck things happened to her, especially when Izzy was involved. Windy however, was. “Don’t worry little ones, we’ll be okay. Just gotta keep faith in everypony.” Unfortunately, as they heard the distant sounds of fighting, they heard hoofsprints getting closer and closer. Soon armored ponies appeared in the window, Posey cringed in fear as she realized they should have closed the drapes! The ponies banging on the door with their hooves. “Get upstairs quickly!” Dahlia said fearfully. They tried to run up but were too late before the door was broken down. The mares and fillies screamed as the intruders poured in and despite their efforts to get upstairs and lock another (which probably would only bought a few minutes at best) were captured and carried out. … Hitch knew he had to do something. The defenders were being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Opalines forces even though they had magic. He put both hooves to the ground and grew as much as he could to. He’d been practicing with his Earth Pony magic to be able to control more, but he was being stretched thin. “Ooh you got some nice magic,” a voice called. Hitch found himself face to face with the Earth Pony Lieutenant. “I’d like to have some of that,” the Lieutenant said. “Perhaps I’ll ask Queen Opaline if I can have yours.” Hitch frowned at him. “I won’t let you steal my magic you dirty thief!” The Lieutenant smirked at him. “Dirty is right! I’m Dirty Fighter, pleased to make your acquaintance!” Hitch could tell just by his name that this guy was a cheater, and sure enough before he could introduce himself, the stallion attacked him. Hitch managed to block though. “You know its rude to introduce yourself and attack someone before they can do the same,” he said before countering and hitting the cheater in the cheek. “Eh, doesn’t matter!” Dirty said as he took a hoof of dirty from a garden in front of a nearby building and flinging it at Hitch. The Sherriff put up a hand to block the dirt and then got hit by Dirty… boy, this was be a mud-filled day! The stallion from olden times grabbed hold of Hitch and threw him over so that he landed he landed on his back, then delivered a kick between Hitch’s legs. “Uggh!” Hitch let out a long pained groan. “Dirty. Trick. Dirty.” The dirty stallion himself just smirked again and then tied Hitch’s hooves together with rope. Pipp caught sight of this as she and the other defenders did their best. “Hitch!” she yelled in concern before flying over to help. She was no match, Dirty Fighter leapt up and got on her back, she wasn’t strong enough to get him off and was brought to the ground where more of the mind controlled soldiers tied her up as well. “Hey, you’re pretty!” Dirty said once he got a good look at her. “I think I’ll maybe take you for myself!” She cringed in fear and disgust. Hitch struggled against his bonds, the implication clear in his mind. “Stay away from my marefriend!” he shouted struggling against his bonds. He did see it, but his cutie mark glowed as he thought of Pipp and was determined to protect her. “Marefriend huh? She looks too good for you,” Dirty taunted. Hitch lost his courage under that and stopped struggling. “And what’s with that tiara? You supposed to be a princess?” Dirty asked looking back at Pipp. “Yes, yes I am! Princess Pipp Petals!” Pipp shouted. “Well, a real princess, or is a fake princess since only alicorns are real royalty?” Dirty asked. “That doesn’t matter, they’ll be stripped of their so called royal status soon enough,” Bloodheart said as he brought Izzy and Misty over. The defenders had all been rounded up, all except for Zipp and Sunny who were still flying above. They were the only hope now. If they could defeat Prince Fireforge Sunny might be able to use her alicorn powers to turn the tide. … Sunny and Zipp flew up high after the Prince as he fled. Not really a full retreat, he was just biding time, she thought. Zipp then grunted impatiently. “I’m gonna go ahead and catch him. See if you can hit him with magic once I do!” she said. Zipp flapped hard ahead of her, but Sunny knew that was a mistake. “Zipp wait!” Fireforge was clearly trying to separate them, he was better at magic then Sunny but not as good a flyer as Zipp despite having wings his whole life (at least Sunny thought that was the case). Zipp was in better shape being an athlete. She charged at him but he shot a beam of orange magic down and hit her. She fell and Sunny managed to catch her knowing if she did fall all the way it would have been fatal. She looked for Fireforge and saw him charge at her. He grabbed them both and pushed them down toward the ground. Sunny grunted and Zipp opened her eyes, the brief stun only lasting a few seconds thankfully. Together they managed to free themselves from the wicked prince’s hooves and before they could hit. Sunny then fired a beam of magic at Fireforge who countered with his orange shield. He then reflected her own attack back at her and she was forced back but managed to remain airborne. “Come on Sunny! Don’t give up!” Zipp told her. Sunny nodded. Their friends were counting on them. Looking down she saw to her horror though that all of them were defeated and bound in ropes. “We have to help everypony else!” she said. Zipp looked and her mouth fell open. “You’re right! Come on lets finish this prince!” They looked at the foe who grinned. He then flapped his wings and charged at them, sending a beam Sunny’s way. She blocked it on her shield but was still forced back, Fireforge then went for Zipp and aimed a hoof at her face, she dodged, but he grabbed her with his magic instead, causing her to yelp as she was brought in close. Then he landed a precise hoof strike to the joint connecting her wing, breaking the bone with a loud crack. “Aah!” Zipp cried out in pain. She fell. “Zipp!” Sunny fired a bubble that caught her friend just before she could hit the ground and saved her. The bubble remained intact for a moment then popped to let Zipp land softly on the ground. She was in pain from her broken wing but still alive. Unfortunately, Sunny in her haste to save her friend, forgot about the enemy. Fireforge Destiny flew right in front of her and struck her in the face with his hoof before taking her in his magic and shoving the rest of the way to the ground. She returned to her Earth Pony form in dismay. Things were looking bad. Sunny struggled to her hooves, the pain from the blow to her head was likely forming into a black eye. Fireforge landed and walked slowly toward her. “You are not worthy of being an alicorn,” he taunted her. “A true alicorn knows that she is better then all other ponies.” “Lies!” Sunny said. “A true alicorn doesn’t see herself as better then anypony. We are all the same, just with different gifts.” He frowned back at her. “Soon you will all be the same, just ponies without any sort of magic. I’ll take yours myself, perhaps that will give me the same immortality as my mother!” His horn lit up and light traveled to her into him slowly. She gasped as pain filled her and what remained of her strength began to leave her. “Sunny!” she heard Izzy call. The unicorn tried to get up but her beating from General Bloodheart proved too severe. Izzy, Misty, Zipp, Pipp, and Hitch all watched in dismay as they saw their leader about to be defeated for good. Then a faint sound entered everyponies ears and steadily grew louder. “What now?” Fireforge asked in curiosity before the source of the noise revealed itself. It was the Sproutimus Maximus. Sunny and the other (with the exception of Misty who had never seen the device) were shocked. They had thought it was destroyed after it crashed into the Brighthouse. But apparently Sprout had managed to repair it in his free time. “Leave them alone!” Sprout spoke through the microphone of his robot then added. “Take cover!” He activated the splat a-pults. “Whoa!” Fireforge yelped as he flapped his wings and tried to get out of the way of the projectiles of green stick balls before they could get him. The Mane 6 were fortunately not in the target zone, but the splats went on to hit many of the mind controlled ponies and trap them in place. “Whoa,” Hitch said. “That could actually be useful in this situation!” “Yeah, it will keep them trapped in place so maybe we can catch them without hurting them!” Zipp said. “I never thought I’d be so happy to see that giant robot again!” Pipp said. Sprout continued firing for a moment, but Fireforge flew up high. Hitch saw this and gasped. “Sprout look out!” he shouted. Sprout saw the evil male alicorn and tried to aim for him, but he was too late and the alicorn sent a powerful beam of magic down at the robot. Sprout screamed as the roof of his greatest (and worst) creation was blown open and his control panel was destroyed. He flinched, though it was lucky that he himself had avoided being hit. The robot froze and, the splat a-pults slowing down and soon stopping. Sprout let out a scream of frustration. “Why can’t I do anything right?” Fireforge smirked and looked back at Sunny, descending down and landing on the ground. “Now where were we?” He lit up his horn and walked toward her, ready to finish draining her magic for himself. But as Sunny looked at him in terror, she saw something else approaching. It was somepony and… Sunny’s mouth fell open. The pony flying shot a beam of yellow magic down at Fireforge, knocking him down. “Prince Fireforge!” General Bloodheart yelled in concern. Fireforge growled and looked over his shoulder to see his attacker. He gasped as he saw an alicorn with a purple mane with a blue highlight. “Flurry Heart!” he exclaimed. “Fireforge Destiny,” she said with a frown. “We meet again.” The Mane 6 all looked in amazement at this new alicorn. “Another alicorn,” Sunny said. And that wasn’t all, with her were a pair of dragons, both of which were equal to some of the medium sized buildings in Maretime Bay. Sunny looked at the purple dragon and wondered if it could the same dragon she’d heard Twilight Sparkle had had for an assistant back in her day. What was his name? Spike? “Uncle Spike, Aunt Ember! Help the ponies in the city!” Flurry Heart said. “Right!” Spike agreed as he and the blue dragon who must have been Ember flew off. Flurry, meanwhile, flew at Fireforge, her body light up in yellow magic that surrounded her with a shell. Fireforge performed the same move and they shot at each other like comets. They collided, their magic pressing against each other. For an instant it was unclear who would win, then Flurry’s attack sent Fireforge flying backwards, he recovered and shot a beam at her, but she dodged and fired her own, sending the wicked prince flying back. He hit his head on a building and fell to the ground. “Prince Fireforge!” General Bloodheart said once again. Flurry turned her horn toward him and he flinched in fear, knowing he was no match for a full grown alicorn. But he made a determined expression and looked ready to stand his ground. Another pony however, wasn’t. “General we have to order a retreat!” Dirty Fighter ordered in a cowardly manner. “Grab what ponies you can and let’s go!” The forces of Opaline that weren’t being detained by the dragons began running back the way they came, carrying what ponies they could. Posie, Dahlia, Windy, and the Pipsqueak trio among them. “Help! Help!” Posey screamed as she was carried off. “Somepony help us!” Dahlia called. The two Earth Ponies were unable to touch their hooves to the ground while Windy’s wings had been tied to her back. Seashell was in the same predicament and Glory wasn’t strong enough to break free from her captors grasp, Peach Fizz was the only one who could access her magic from her horn, but she was too afraid to do so. “Pipp help!” Pipp saw them and tried to go after them, but her strength failed her as she tried to fly. They watched as their enemy retreated. They’d managed to hold Maretime Bay, thanks to the unexpected reinforcements but they could not call it a victory since some ponies had been captured and were on their way to Opaline. But they in turn had captured Opaline’s son. That might be worth something. “We’ll save you! Somehow!” Pipp called after them. She watched as the three mares, fillies, and others were ferried away. Flurry shot beams at them and managed to one or two ponies back but none of them. Once the last of Opaline’s forces retreated or got captured were cuffed, Flurry used her magic to untie the Mane 6 along with Sprout using his hoofs. “You okay Misty?” he asked. “Yeah,” the blue unicorn said. “Just wish I could have beaten them!” “Me too!” Izzy said angrily. “That rotten old unicorn was bad news! That’s one piece of trash I’ll never unicyle!” “Zipp!” Pipp said seeing her sisters condition. Zipp was still wincing and holding a hoof to her broken wing. Flurry Heart approached her and her horn lit up. “Here, this will allow you to heal fully in a couple days,” the ancient alicorn said. The light traveled to Zipp’s wing joint and she felt the pain already lessening. She took a breath of relief. “Thanks,” she said. “You’re… Flurry Heart?” “Yes,” the alicorn said. “Niece of Princess Twilight Sparkle and the daughter of Cadance and Shining Armor.” The Mane 6 had heard of Twilight Sparke having a niece, but never thought they would actually meet her. Sunny looked at her in amazement. This was an alicorn that that could perhaps teach her to use her power to its fullest extent, an alicorn that could mentor her. So she could defeat Opaline and protect the magic of Equestria. The alicorn looked at her and smiled. “You must be Sunny Starscout, I thought I might see you here,” Flurry said with a smile. “You know me?” Sunny asked. “Yes. It has been many years,” Flurry said before turning to Hitch. “Is the young dragon alright?” “Uh, yeah. Why?” Hitch asked. “I left him locked in a secret room in the station. Oh no! What if it was broken into?” They quick made their way to the station, rounding up the handful of mind controlled ponies that Opaline had sent against them. Some of the unicorn traps had been triggered as well, but still, the attack had done quite a bit of damage to the buildings, many of which had been broken into. The doors and windows were broken down. Izzy and Misty carried Fireforge Destiny together in their magic, praying he didn’t wake up before they got him in a cell. Would it be able to hold him though? They got to the station and Hitch checked the secret room in the station where he’d told Sparky to hide. He let out a sigh of relief as the baby dragon appeared with a smile. “Phew,” Hitch sighed before turning back to Flurry. “He’s here.” “Good,” Flurry said. “But how do you know about him?” Hitch asked. “It was I who flew him to Maretime Bay,” Flurry explained. “The two dragons with me, Spike and Ember, are his parents.” Hitch gasped in surprise, while a feeling of dread filled his heart. He might have to let Sparky go soon. He looked down at the little dragon sadly as Sparky hugged him, while looking up at Flurry. The alicorn sighed and then turned to Sunny. “But he’s not the only one who will be reunited with a parent today. Sunny, it is good to see you in pony after so many years.” Sunny looked at her confused. “What do you mean? When did we meet?” Flurry smiled. “You would have been too young to remember, but a mother never forgets.” Sunny let the words sink in and gasped. “You’re my mother!?” The others gasped as well, and Izzy fainted. This was impossible, Sunny thought. Her mother had given her to her father and then left. Argyle had never told Sunny her mothers name… but Sunny had always assumed she’d been an Earth Pony. Before she could question the pony claiming to be her mother any further, Fireforge Destiny’s eyes opened. He groaned and rubbed his head with a hoof. “Quick get him in a cell!” Hitch yelled running to one nearby. They threw him in as soon as it was open. He then came around. “Ah, what happened! My head, where am I?” he then looked at them. “Who are you ponies?” > Chapter 18: Captives on Both Sides > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mane 6 and Flurry Heart looked at Fireforge in suspicion. “You just tried to kill us!” Hitch said angrily. “Yeah, Opaline sent you and her commanders to attack our home!” Misty said. Even though she’d just been staying in Maretime Bay for a few days now, it was already more her home then Opaline’s castle had ever been. “Who is Opaline?” Fireforge asked in confusion. “Your mother!” Pipp stated. “She took my pipsqueaks and a lot of our other friends!” “My mom? Aah, I don’t remember… anything.” Fireforge rubbed his head. “He’s gotta be faking memory loss!” Zipp said. “Maybe he isn’t,” Sunny said. “Maybe he lost his memory when he hit his head?” “Yeah, it is possible,” Izzy said. “I suppose,” Flurry admitted begrudgingly. “But regardless, he helped his mother fight my aunt and parents seven hundred years ago!” “I say we lock him up,” Pipp said. “I agree,” Flurry said. “He needs to pay for his crimes.” “Hold on,” Sunny said. “We forgave Misty! Maybe we can- “That was different,” Hitch said. “Misty saved us! She did something to make up for it and none of us pressed charges! Memory loss and ignorance of one’s crimes doesn’t excuse one from the law!” “Yeah,” Zipp said. “This is the son of Opaline, he’s evil!” Misty looked at the elder Pegasus with a frown. “You remember I was her daughter, right?” “Not her actual daughter though and you had good in you,” Pipp said. “This guy LEAD AN ATTACK ON MARETIME BAY! That’s about three times worse than anything you did!” Misty recalled her crimes, multiple attempted kidnappings and one successful one, deception, and trespassing. Well kidnapping Sparky and leading her friends into Opaline’s trap had certainly been the worst of her actions. Still, she’d never done anything quite on the scale as Fireforge and his cohorts in leading an attack on a city. “I guess you’re right,” Misty said before she realized something. “My brother here is much worse!” Fireforge looked at her. “You’re my… sister?” “Guess so,” Misty glared at him. “Or at least I was until I saw our mother for the evil liar she is! She betrayed me, saying she could give me a cutie mark!” She then showed her flank where the butterfly pattern was. “Well, I got one on my own after I rebelled against her! And I’m glad for it! I’m glad to be rid of Opaline! She’s no longer my mother! And that means you’re no longer my brother! Not that we ever met when I might have ever considered you that!” It felt good to vent all her anger at Opaline and verbally disown her as well as Fireforge. If only she were watching them now, maybe she was. She probably would be sooner or later once she heard her son was captured. Fireforge’s mouth fell open. “I- “You’ll be here for life if I have anything to say about it!” Flurry Heart said. “I may not be a monarch like I was when I was young, but I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you never step out of this prison!” “Technically its more of a jail!” Hitch said. “But you can count on me to hold him.” Flurry looked at the bars. “Even if he has lost his memory, he could use his magic to break through. Here.” She lit up her horn and yellow light, similar to Sunny’s magic in her alicorn form… fitting since they were mother and daughter… traveled from it to the bars. It created a wall around the jail that was visible for an instant and then vanished. “Now he won’t be able to use his magic to break through them!” Flurry said. “Are you sure this is the best course of action… Mom?” Sunny asked. Flurry nodded. “But… from what I’ve read of Twilight Sparkle… your aunt and… I guess, my great aunt,” Sunny said, amazed that she was actually related to her ancient idol. “She redeemed several of her enemies, like Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Starlight Glimmer.” Flurry looked at her daughter. “That is true. But not all villains can be redeemed.” “Maybe he could though,” Sunny pressed. She looked at the male alicorn who looked confused and scared. She sighed, knowing they were right. Still, now that he had seemingly lost his memory maybe they could turn him to their side and give him a chance at redemption. Sunny didn’t believe anypony was beyond redemption, at least not that she’d seen so far. “Perhaps,” Flurry said. “But we can’t worry about that right now. We need to prepare for Opaline’s next move. I don’t think she’ll wait long once she hears about his capture.” “I think we need to check on the citizens as well,” Hitch said. “A lot of ponies are probably shaken up and scared after that. Also we need to find out how many ponies got taken.” They headed outside and held a conference, getting the total number of ponies that had been captured. “So it's around two hundred and eleven,” Hitch said. “You said you would protect us!” a white mare with a pink mane said. “I said I would try, but I’m just one sheriff,” Hitch said. “Me and my friends are all just one pony each! We each had our own formidable foes to face in that battle plus the rest of Opaline’s forces.” Flurry Heart stepped forward, Spike and Ember behind. Sparky looked up at them in awe, knowing they were his parents. He ran up and hugged Ember’s leg. They smiled down at him but now wasn’t the time for family reconnecting. “My aunt, Twilight Sparkle of ancient Equestria faced many foes in her time. But she was never alone!” Flurry said. “She had her friends by her side. But there were times when even the six of them together were not enough.” She looked back at the Mane 6. “I’ve watched my daughter Sunny Starscout and her friends for a while now ever since magic returned. I never imagined she would be the one to bring it back. I just wanted her to live a peaceful life in Maretime Bay with other ponies. That’s why I brought her to her dad to live here. But she had a greater destiny then I ever imagined. She is a leader, like my aunt Twilight, her great Aunt. Through her and her friends, magic was brought back. They all remind me my aunt’s friends as well. Hitch you are an honest and kind animal loving pony, like Applejack and Fluttershy. Zipp, you are a brave and nimble flyer like Rainbow Dash. Pipp, you have a good heart and are always willing to give to others as well as have a love for fashion and beauty like Rarity. Izzy, your creativity brings joy to ponies just as Pinkie Pie’s laughter did. And Misty, you were once a dark pony looking for her cutie mark, but now you walk a better path just as Starlight Glimmer did after she accepted friendship from my Aunt. I believe you are the ones who can defeat Opaline.” They all smiled at her as she turned back to the crowd. “But they can’t do it without the support of every pony… or critter or dragon! We need all the help we can get if we are preserve our new way of life! We must stand united!” Flurry’s words were followed by silence for a moment. Everypony looked at each other and many began to nod. “Yeah!” Many of them cheered. Critters like Racoonicorns, Pegasnails, Bunnicorns, and others raised their paws as well. “We didn’t help out today,” a stallion said. “We were too afraid, but if we had perhaps we could have prevented many of our friends from being captured!” “We will not hide the next time!” Flurry smiled. Seemed she’d inspired many of them to stand their ground. Hopefully next time they’d be able to hold out. Of course, next time she would likely have to deal with Opaline herself. … After Flurry’s speech, Sunny headed back to the jail while the others went to the Brighthouse. Flurry planned on teaching her and the others some spells. But she had something to take care of. She carried a basketful of fruit from the garden on her back. Entering the station she saw Fireforge in the cell. He looked and saw her. “Hi,” he said feebly. “You here to tell me about things I did that can’t remember?” She shook her head. “No. I don’t hold grudges usually. The others seem to think you’re evil, and maybe you were when I first met you. But now you’re not quite the same pony and could change.” He looked at her. “I know its not much,” Sunny said as she pushed the basket through the small food entrance at the bottom. “But I thought I’d let you have something to eat. Hitch did tell me once a small gift can work wonders.” He saw the contents and stared blankly for a moment then smiled and looked at her. “Thanks.” She smiled back and left, hoping this maybe be a step in the right direction. It might backfire of course but if they could get another alicorn on their Opaline would have a harder time. Nopony was beyond redemption, she thought. Maybe not even Opaline, though that might be a long shot. … Opaline watched with glee as her commanders entered her throneroom. She’d been practicing hard, going over her old magic scrolls to refresh herself in the ways of combat while her son lead the attack on Maretime Bay. But strangely he was not the first one through the door with the prisoners. General Bloodheart stepped forward. “My queen,” he said with a bow. “We’ve failed to take Maretime Bay for the moment. Princess Flurry Heart appeared and managed to hold us off.” “Flurry Heart?” Opaline repeated in surprise. “She had two dragons with her as well,” Bloodheart said. “Well, that is unexpected,” Opaline said. “But perhaps fortunate. If I can acquire the magic of another alicorn, it will bring me much closer to being able to absorb all the prisbeem power of the Unity Crystals. I had planned to do that to Sunny if she didn’t join me. I suppose it’s fortunate she escaped, since it would have cost me a valuable magic asset if I’d killed her.” She then looked around and saw the prisoners, two Earth Ponies and a pegasus as well as three fillies of every pony kind were at the front. They looked at her in fear as they should. She grinned at them as she got off her throne and walked toward them. “No! Please!” Posey said desperately. “I’ll serve you Queen Opaline!” That was a lie of course, Posey may have been a temperamental pony who used to dislike magic and other kinds of ponies, but she’d moved past that now. Even so, she still got the occasional thing thrown at her by the likes of Izzy or even Sparky. He’d turned her garden into spaghetti on Nightmare Night months ago after all, and Izzy had inconsiderately eat some of it. Opaline just grinned. “Yes, you will. One way or another.” Her horn lit up as she turned Posey around so that her flank faced her. “Nice cutie mark,” Opaline said as she looked at the six tulips in a circle. “I bet it has just the magic I need.” And she cast absorption spell. Posey screamed in pain as her magic was drained and her cutie mark came off of her flank. Opaline held it before her eyes. “With this, I shall have both the new forms of magic. Glowing cutie marks and the ability to make plants grow!” she stated. She absorbed it into her body. It vanished and turned into pure energy within Opaline. She looked at her flank and saw her cutie mark of a pair of blue flames on either side of a purple light shining with a mixture of both colors. She grinned and looked at her hooves which emitted a similar light. She raised her hoof and a flower sprouted in her castle, its petals opening and lighting up in flames. She grinned. “New magic! Check!” Opaline said. Posey, meanwhile, sobbed as she saw her mark vanish. Was it lost forever? She’d grown to treasure her new abilities that had made her feel like an equal to Pegasi and Unicorns. Then she felt a hoof on her shoulder. “It will be okay Posey,” Windy told her friend. “We’ll get through this.” Windy’s cutie mark lit up as she spoke, and Posey's flank also emitted faint sparks as well despite the loss of its cutie mark. “You weren’t really gonna join her, were you?” Dahlia asked. Posey shook her head and wiped her tears. “No. I wouldn’t betray you two! I know I can be a bitch but I’d never do that! Except maybe as a spy!” Opaline scoffed. “You will learn to fear and obey me!” She brought Dahlia forward next then motioned for Dirty Fighter to come forward. “You have served me well Dirty Fighter,” she said. “And I reward those that do so with loyalty. I know I used to have a Pegasus Captain, but since he was killed after his statue fell, there is now a vacant seat of command. It and this new magic are yours.” She stripped Dahlia of her cutie mark, causing the mare to groan, then transferred it to Dirty Fighter who smiled. “Thank you, my queen!” he said with a bow. Bloodheart frowned. Though he’d proven a formidable warrior to their cause, Dirty was a cheater and Bloodheart disliked that. He might try and take power for himself given the chance. “General Bloodheart,” Opaline summoned. Bloodheart came forward and Opaline took Windy in her magic as the Pegasus tried to flap her wings and escape, but the stallions holding her held her down. “You already have unicorn magic, and that has not changed to my knowledge. So I don’t think it matters if you receive the same cutie mark magic as a unicorn, right?” Opaline asked. Bloodheart shrugged. “I don’t know my queen.” “Hmm. Well, this should give you access to the new magic.” And she stripped Windy as well. The Pegasus fell to the ground and her magic was transferred to Bloodheart. Next Opaline did the Pipsqueaks, expanding the range of her spell to be able to drain all three of the fillies at once. “No! Please! Princess Pipp help!” Seashell screamed. “You should worship me you insolent filly!” Opaline scolded as she turned all of them around and gave Seashell a spanking there. The filly cried out under the strong hoof strike to her flank. She and her sisters were then drained and Opaline took their magic for herself. Though as she looked at the other awaiting captives her other question came to mind. “Where is my son?” she asked. “He… was defeated by Flurry Heart,” Bloodheart told her. “What?” Opaline roared. “And you abandoned him?” “It was his idea!” Bloodheart said quickly pointing at Dirty Fighter. “You are the senior member of my army!” Opaline reminded him. “I was no match for an alicorn,” Bloodheart said. Opaline huffed in agreement. “I suppose you wouldn’t be. But for your sake my son better be alright.” She made sure to emphasis her son, not theirs. Bloodheart nodded in acceptance. Opaline then went up to her magic pool and saw Fireforge Destiny locked in a cell. “Well, he’s alive at least,” she said turning it off. “And once I finish draining all these ponies of their magic, I will have my son back.” Dirty Fighter stepped forward, shooting a smirk at Posey who was unnerved by it. “Mind if I borrow one of them for my torture chamber?” “Oh not at all,” Opaline said. “Just don’t do anything permanent. I may have a use for them soon.” Dirty grinned and grabbed Posey who screamed as she was dragged off. “NOOOO! Arrgh! Not the torture chamber!” she yelled in fright. “What do you do in the torture chamber?” There was only one answer really. Torture, but of what kind? The others watching weren’t sure they wanted to know. At least Opaline had given orders not to do anything permanent. But Windy and the others were still very concerned for what their friend might go through in there. > Chapter 19: Worries Teacups and Remorse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny, Misty and Izzy were up the next day with Flurry Heart. The ancient princess (and Sunny’s biological mother) had taken the top floor of the brighthouse where the unity crystals were stored. They’d had to rush to get a bed for her after the attack ended, and that was no easy feat. Still, they managed. Now Flurry would be teaching them to better control their magic. “My aunt Twilight was a great spell caster,” Flurry said. “I may not have that as a special talent, but I learned a few things from her.” She lit up her horn and levitated a book that she’d brought with her. It was a very old book with a worn cover. “Wow, ancient unicorn magic!” Izzy exclaimed. “And somepony to teach us!” Misty said. “This is great, I was afraid we’d have to learn everything on our own.” “I am a bit rusty,” Flurry admitted. “But I’ve been able to study the spells for hundreds of years. I’m sure I can manage.” They got to work. Misty had already taught them to use shields and beams, but there was much more to magic then just combat. It was an art and could do great things such as illusions, transfiguration and even change things about the physical world. “Okay, this is a more basic spell but its probably a good place to start,” Flurry said. She levitated a salt and pepper shaker set up onto the table of the kitchen they were in. She then shot a beam of magic at the shakers, Sunny grit her teeth for an instant, thinking her mother was going to destroy her dad’s old shakers. But instead of turning to broken and burned ceramic pieces the salt shaker turned into a… teacup! “Wow! Salt shaker to teacup!” Izzy exclaimed. “You can do that with a variety of objects,” Flurry said levitating a number of things. “But you have to focus, that’s the key to many forms of magic. Picture it, the shape, color, leave no detail to chance,” Flurry said as she levitated a number of other items that could be turned into teacups. The two unicorns and younger alicorn focused and created teacups out of the various items. It was easy to picture teacups as they often went to the Crystal Tearoom whenever they went to Bridlewood, at least for Izzy and Sunny. Misty had a little hiccup on the way. Her first teacups were different colors, one grey like her father Alphabittle as he owned the tearoom, the other purple… the shade of purple that was Opaline’s coat. Then as she cast the next object into a teacup, it turned into one that had the shape of Opaline. “Wow, evil teacup!” Izzy said with a grin. “Sorry,” Misty said as she cast the spell and turned the Opaline teacup into a normal blue one that matched her coat. “I was just thinking, how are teacups supposed to help us defeat Opaline?” “They may not, but every form of knowledge is power,” Flurry said. “But don’t think that power alone is enough. Magic is not about power, it is about friendship. Because that is the most powerful magic in Equestria that nothing can truly defeat.” Thinking back to when magic had returned when Ponykind embraced friendship, Sunny and the others had to agree. “Um… Mom?” Sunny asked. “Is it because I have alicorn blood that the unity crystal made me an alicorn?” “Yes,” Flurry said. “I believe so.” “I always thought it was just because I was a leader and the catalyst to bring magic and the crystal choose me,” Sunny said. “You are right, dear,” Flurry said nuzzling Sunny. “The crystals chose you to be the alicorn that could transform not just because of your blood, but because of your heart as well. You were the source of change that brought friendship back. Even if you weren’t my daughter I’m sure that would have been enough in the eyes of the crystals.” “The crystals have eyes?” Izzy asked. “No, Izzy,” Flurry said with a chuckle. “Its just an expression.” “Say, did you know great Aunt Twilight left a message in the crystals?” Sunny asked. Flurry nodded. “She told me. You saw it I take it?” Sunny nodded as well. “She said Earth Pony magic would be awoken and that Opaline was out there though we didn’t know what to make of it at first. It was cryptic. Could there be more?” “Most likely,” Flurry said. “We’ll have to work on that later.” “Alright,” Sunny said. “I really need to get to work on the smoothie stand. Can’t have ponies starving. And they’ll need their strength and joy especially now.” “I hope Pipp’s holding up okay,” Izzy said. “She’s really worried about the Pipsqueaks!” … In Mane Melody, Pipp was looking at a picture of her and the Piqsqueak trio with sobs as Jazz and Rocky comforted her. “My poor little Pipsqueaks!” Pipp cried. “They were my favorite fans here!” “We know Pipp!” Jazz said as she put a hoof on her boss. “I’m sure they’ll be fine! “But what if they aren’t!?” Pipp shouted. “There was one stallion, Dirty Fighter that really gave me the creeps! He spoke like a…” She said the word and Jazz and Rocky shivered. Pipp sighed. “I hope he doesn’t hurt any of them. And Posey, Windy, and Dahlia got captured too! I hope they’re alright.” … Windy and Dahlia comforted Posey in their cell once she was returned to them from the torture chamber. Dirty Fighter had put her through unspeakable things in there, bruises and lash marks covered her coat. “Its gonna be okay, Posey,” Windy said as she rubbed the Earth Pony’s back. The mare just sobbed, traumatized by what she’d gone through, her yellow coat still bore red from the blood and bruises that covered her body. “We’ll get out of here somehow!” Dahlia said. “We have to!” Posey managed to look up at them. “What if he takes you or somepony else next?” Windy took a breath, “Let’s not worry about that right now bestie. We have to be strong.” Posey nodded. “You’re right.” She struggled to her hooves. Windy put a hoof on her to support her. “We’re with no matter what happens.” Dahlia nodded and stood next to her as well. Posey sobbed but managed a smile. “Thanks, you two.” … Misty, being the only one of her friends who didn’t have a job, continued practicing magic after Sunny and Izzy left to go to their jobs of crafting and selling smoothies. She went through the book and saw a spell that very much interested her as it depicted a pony that had butterfly wings. It was a complicated spell but Misty felt somehow drawn to it. “This is quite an advanced spell,” Flurry said as she looked at the page Misty was on. “I know, but I’m a butterfly so maybe it would be easier for me?” Misty wondered aloud. She gathered a large amount of magic to her horn. More then she’d ever done before. Her head sweated as she did so. Her cyan magic traveled not up, but down her horn onto her body as she cast the spell on herself. Light shined in the study of the brighthouse and Flurry Heart had to cover her eyes with her wings. When she looked, she saw Misty appear normal for a moment, indicating the spell had not worked. “Well, I told you it was- Flurry broke off as Misty’s back began to shine, then from there sprouted a set of butterfly wings that matched the vibrant colors of Misty’s cutie mark. Misty flapped them and her mouth fell open in awe. “I did it! I made butterfly wings!” She flew through the brighthouse, thrilled by her new ability. “Yeah! I can fly!” Misty shouted for joy. Then she crashed into the wall. “Oof!” Misty grunted. “Still clumsy.” “Let’s go outside,” Flurry said. They did so, and circled the brighthouse. “Phew, feels good to be able to fly again,” Flurry said. “I lived without that ability for seven hundred years. Spike had to carry me on his back whenever he flew. Good thing dragon fire being absent didn’t affect their wings.” Misty smiled as she gracefully beside the ancient princess. She wondered how Sparky was doing with his parents, both biological and adoptive. Of course, he only had one mother, unless Pipp counted. … Izzy stood in the market sector with her crafts. She’d made figurines of herself and her friends when she’d had the time. She’d even made one of Opaline as well as Misty so that young ponies could have them battle each other. “Get your collectible figurines here!” Izzy shouted. “Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, Hitch, me and Misty! Now you can help us defeat the evil Opaline!” The market sector wasn’t too busy, as ponies were very much afraid with the attack that had happened so very recently. Plus a large number of ponies had been taken prisoner. But there was a family of three walking down Mane Street. “I’d like to have a figure of Flurry Heart!” the filly with her parents said. “Oh I’m sorry but I don’t have one at the moment,” Izzy said. “Come back tomorrow and maybe I can make one though for five bits!” The filly nodded. “Any other requests?” Izzy asked. No one answered that as hardly anypony heard her. The unicorn sighed. “Everypony’s afraid,” she said. It was obvious even to her. She was afraid as well, who wouldn’t be after that recent attack? “Hey Izzy,” a voice called. She looked smiled upon seeing Rufus. “Rufus! Hi!” Izzy said. “Been crazy these past few days huh?” the Earth Pony magician said. “That attack was really scary! I thought for sure those ponies had me! I barely managed to escape!” “Well, I’m glad you did!” Izzy said. “I think we could use all the entertainment we can get around here!” “Yeah,” Rufus agreed. “Why don’t you join my show for today? Maybe we can attract more attention that way?” Izzy nodded enthusiastically. “Come one come all! Behold the magic of the Great Hoofdini and his unicorn assistant!” Rufus said as he assumed his alter ego. He used his Earth Pony magic to grow plants, vines that could juggle items and “Lets add a new trick to the mix!” Izzy said as she cast her unicorn magic on the vines, turning each one into a teacup that had a vine pattern and glittery green coloration. “Whoa! Where’d you learn that!” Rufus asked. “From the new alicorn in town!” Izzy said. “She is amazing!” “Yeah, now we have two alicorns on our side!” Rufus agreed. “And with that other one locked up hopefully we’ll be able to turn the tide pretty soon.” “I think we can,” Izzy said positively. They continued to do tricks. Some of the ponies stopped and looked at them but not a big crowd. Izzy sighed once she had enough and began to sing. Come on everypony Don’t let fear get the best of you You lived that way for so long. Did you really enjoy it? Thinking I was your enemy? That I would fry your brain? I know there’s reason to fear! But we can’t let it rule us! We must stand strong and enjoy ourselves. There will be more chaos to come But we have help and friends here And across all Equestria! We must stand strong and enjoy ourselves. For a life without joy is a sad and jinxie one! Yes its true a life without joy Is a sad and jinxie one. Yes indeed. So be strong and enjoy yourselves As the peace lasts! Izzy sent a beam of magic up into the sky that turned into a firework. This drew more ponies in and Rufus took over. We need to keep our minds off this terrible thing. Entertain ourselves and let our days be good. I always try to impress ponies with my tricks, But I also like to see them laugh. So be strong and enjoy yourselves He noticed a pair of colts looking sad as they looked off into the distance and put his hooves around them. Don’t let the fear of what’s out there rule ye! We have missing friends its true But we will get them back! If they are sad or hurt we’ll be there. To help them through the pain. Cause true friends are there for other friends in times of need. He put his hoof around Izzy who leaned her head against him. Through creativity. She sung. And a little bit of heart. Rufus added. We’ll make sure you are all happy. Izzy said. And have a good time! We have to be strong and enjoy ourselves. Rufus ended. Yes we need to be strong and enjoy ourselves! So come and watch this magic show As we work to make you forget your troubles! They stood on their hind legs and faced the crowd which had gathered. “How about a cup of tea every pony?” Izzy asked as she levitated the many teacups she’d transformed from vines. … After finishing her shift at the smoothie stand, Sunny made her way to the Sheriff Station. She didn’t see Hitch but there were a couple Pegasus Royal Guards watching over Fireforge Destiny in his cell. He looked up as he saw her approach. “Oh its you again.” “Hi,” Sunny said. “Hope you’re doing well Fireforge.” “Aside form being bored in this cell with nothing to do, yeah I’m great,” Fire grumbled. Sunny could relate to that. It wouldn’t feel good to “I’m sorry to hear that,” Sunny said. “I know you are the son of my sworn enemy but- “I keep hearing that!” Fireforge said. “But who is she anyway?” Sunny sighed. “Opaline. She’s an alicorn like you… and me and my mother. She has horns and wings.” Fireforge frowned. “You don’t have those.” Sunny had returned to her Earth Pony form since her lesson with Flurry. “I do sometimes,” Sunny told him. “I can transform into an alicorn, unlike my mother and your or yours who are in that form constantly.” “How does that work?” Fireforge asked. “No idea,” Sunny confided. “So… my mother is a villain?” Fireforge asked. Sunny nodded. “She wants to steal all the magic of Equestria for herself!” “And I was on her side trying to help her with that huh?” Fire asked. “Yes,” Sunny sighed. He certainly had a lot of questions. Though that might be expected when he was somepony who’d lost his memory. “And you led an attack on our city!” Sunny said, unable to hold back her anger as she recalled the recent incident. “Your mothers forces took many of my friends prisoner, including fillies!” Fireforge’s mouth fell open. “She’s probably draining them of magic and who knows what else!” Sunny said. “Magic is something to be shared with everypony not something only a few gifted ones should have! Everpony deserves equal opportunity!” Fireforge was silent for a moment as he took in her anger, then a look of remorse appeared on his face. “I’m sorry,” he said. He looked down as he thought of what she’d said. If it was true then he was a bad pony. … Opaline watched the two interacting from her magic pool. “That Sunny dares to try and worm her way into my son’s head!” she exclaimed. “I must get him back before she brainwashes him!” She thought for a moment. “What could I trade for him?” Then she smiled. “Ah, the prisoners! I can release them to her safely in exchange for my son! Not as though I have any use for them no since I just finished taking all their magic.” > Chapter 20: Double Dates and Dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zipp had extremely mixed feelings on having to go on dates with her suitors. First she did like Right Light at least, Thunder was not quite so intriguing given his low confidence and clumsiness. She enjoyed the dates with Right Light more, but Thunder had spilled smoothie on her last time. If something happened like that again she might have to disqualify him, then she’d just have Right Light left as a suitor. That would hopefully allow her to have more time at least. Once she was down to one suitor she’d have more time to focus on trying to find ways to stop Opaline. She’d practiced her flying and even had Izzy and Misty attack them for practice several times in the last few days. They’d managed to put up a better fight last time then they did in their first battle with Opaline, but they needed to become even stronger. Zipp and Sunny had taken on Fireforge and still been defeated, while Hitch had been beaten by that Dirty Fighter, and Misty and Izzy defeated by General Bloodheart. Not to mention all the ponies that had been captured. The heir to Zephyr Heights sighed. “We’re really on the losing side right now it seems. We probably would have lost Maretime Bay if not for Flurry and the two dragons arriving.” “I know,” a voice said behind her. Zipp looked over her shoulder and saw Misty standing there, her butterfly wings still attached to her. They’d last three days according to what she’d told them about the spell she’d put on herself. “Oh morning Misty,” Zipp said. “Are you gonna be using those from now on?” Misty shrugged. “Don’t know.” “You know, that does look kind of regal,” Pipp said as she suddenly appeared. “You could pass for a Princess of Zephyr Heights no problem! You might even look more royal then me or Mom!” “What about Zipp?” Misty asked. “Well she doesn’t really look too royal without a tiara now does she?” Pipp said giving a teasing look at her elder sister. “No offense Zipp!” “None taken,” Zipp said. She looked to her investigation board. It had been cleared out the contents that included Misty, Twilight’s message, and the lantern since they now knew all of those had been because of Opaline. But now there were two new pictures up there for Zipp’s latest mysteries. One a picture of Opaline on a dark background, with red eyes shining at them and an evil grin on her face. Underneath was a post it note asking, how do we defeat her? So far the only answer Zipp could come up with was practice practice practice. Hone their abilities and become stronger as Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi. They’d made progress but they couldn’t defeat Opaline’s minions. Unless she’d gotten weaker then they were, which was a possibility since they’d seemed pretty well trained and equipped for combat. But Zipp had a feeling Opaline would be working to get stronger as well, she wouldn’t be foolish enough to let her minions be stronger then her would she? The other mystery was who killed Dune Sweeper? Zipp’s picture showed the brown ponies body with blood on the ground and x’s in his eyes. Who? Where? What? When And Why? Zipp knew the location was Maretime Bay, What was it was a murder, When… she knew the time. But the two w’s she couldn’t figure out right now were Who and Why. Who had had murdered Dune Sweeper and Why? Could Opaline be involved, Zipp had a feeling she was somehow. So that was at least one possible who, but could there be another one? But if Opaline was involved then why? What could she gain from the death of one of Zipp’s suitors? Or was it her at all? Could there be somepony else out there that could benefit from his death? Had somepony hated him enough to do that? Or was it because he had been a suitor to her, Princess Zipp? Could somepony had been jealous of him and wanted the chance to court her instead? If not for the threat of Opaline, the fourth place candidate from the race might have possibly been moved up. Thankfully Queen Haven was busy with other duties as well. But could Right or Thunder be involved? Could one of them be the killer? No, not Right Light, Zipp quickly pushed that idea away. He seemed like a good pony and Thunder, for all his clumsiness, didn’t strike her as a killer. Zipp sighed, unable to figure it out. “So Zipp you ready for your first date with Right Light this morning?” Pipp asked. “Then your lunch with Thunder? “Yeah,” Zipp said. “Please don’t put me in a fancy get up though! I’d much rather do this as myself!” Pipp sighed. “Okay, if you insist. But I’m gonna dress up! Cause me and Hitch are coming with you on a date to make it double!” She headed to her bed while Misty went downstairs, leaving Zipp with her thoughts for a moment. Then Zipp suddenly remembered something that might be good to add. “Oh I need to think of a way to save all the ponies that got captured!” Zipp said quickly sketching a drawing of Opaline’s castle as best she could remember. “I’ll have to ask Misty if there are any secret entrances we could use to sneak into the dungeons!” An alarm went off on her phone. She sighed. “But I’m out of time.” She had to go out on her first date today. Pipp returned in a blue dress and her mane braided. “Overboard much?” Zipp asked. “We’re not exactly going to a fancy restaurant for breakfast!” “We always have to look our best on dates!” Pipp pouted getting out her phone and starting a live. “Hey Pipsqueaks, I hope you’re all doing well!” Her thoughts wandered to her main trio of Pipsqueaks and worry again filled her. “Let us all hope that the ponies who have been captured by our nefarious enemy are rescued soon! But we have make sure to enjoy peace as well, and we will be doing our best to get those ponies back. My sister Zipp here is probably working on a plan already!” She put Zipp into her phone, the elder sister grinned nervously. “Uh, yeah!” Zipp agreed. “We’re gonna rescue all of them… or you if you’re one of the ponies that Opaline captured.” … Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz watched the livestream from their cell, thankful they had a signal at least. “Please hurry Princess Pipp!” Seashell said with fearful tears in her eyes. Glory looked at their neighbors across the way in concern. “How’s Posey, Windy?” The older Pegasus mare looked at them through the bars with a look of sadness. “She’ll be okay. In time.” That gave the young trio a moment of relief. Windy’s ears drooped. It was true Posey would be alright in the long run. They’d managed to get some healing cream from General Bloodheart and applied it to the lashings as well as her… other wounds. Windy just hoped her friend would not have anything else to deal with. The torture she’d endured was sure to leave more than just physical scars. Hopefully it would all work out. … Pipp and Zipp went to meet Right Light and Hitch. The two sisters made their way down the stairs of the brighthouse, through the door outside, and into the guard camp along the path. Two of their Pegasus guards walked with them to keep them safe. They headed to the restaurant and found Hitch and Right already there. “Morning Pipp!” Hitch said addressing his marefriend (as they were official now). He then added. “Morning Zipp!” “Morning Hitch,” Pipp said with a bright smile before kissing him on the cheek, earning a blush from the stallion. “Hey Hitch,” Zipp greeted her friend first before turning to her date. “Hey Right Light.” “Princess Zipp, Princess Pipp,” Right said before bowing like the gentlecolt he was. “Well, you’re pretty formal aren’t you?” Hitch noted. This was the first time that he and Pipp had ever really interacted with him. “Good to finally have a chance to get to know my sisters possible special somepony. Don’t tell Thunder but I think you’re her favorite! Pleasure to meet you!” Pipp said approaching him and offering her hoof to shake. He took her light golden hoof and brought his lips to it. Pipp blushed this time and Zipp and Hitch both made faces mixed with a little surprise and jealousy on either side of them. “The pleasure is all mine your royal singerness,” Pipp laughed. “Royal singerness!? Ha! That’s a new one! I like it! Formal and funny! But careful you don’t make my sister jealous! You’re courting her not me!” “Just being a gentlecolt,” Right said. “That’s the RIGHT thing to do with mares!” “Not so sure my sister would agree,” Pipp said with a giggle. “Eh, I’m getting used to it from him,” Zipp said. “Plus he’s a pretty good flyer!” “Well, maybe we can go flying after breakfast, Zipp,” Right said opting to call her by her shorter name now. “I know you prefer that, but I didn’t feel comfortable saying it till now. Hope that’s fine.” “More than fine,” Zipp nodded. They all sat down, Hitch made a point to pull out Pipp’s chair for her, not wanting to take a chance that Right Light might be a better gentlecolt then him. He then pushed Pipp’s chair in and then sat next to her. Soon they were talking among themselves, well another pony watched them. Misty lowered her newspaper from the table across the way, though it didn’t really hide her wings too well. She frowned at Right Light, there was something about that stallion she felt was off. Could he be the pony she’d sent that letter to for Opaline? Her last task for her former mistress before she turned on her. She couldn’t remember the name on the envelope. If only she’d not simply focused on delivering it. She couldn’t accuse him without fear of stirring up trouble, she didn’t want Zipp mad at her, especially if she was mistaken. For now she’d keep an eye on him. “Misty?” Zipp asked as she noticed the blue unicorn ahead of them. “Hey guys! Didn’t expect to see you all here!” Misty said. “Uh, we told you we were coming here!” Pipp said. “Oh silly me!” Misty said nervously. Zipp frowned. “You’re acting kind of strange Misty. Almost like you were when you were spying on us? You’re not back on Opaline’s side are you?” “What? No, of course not that’s not it at all!” Misty said quickly growing angry. “Its just…” She sighed. Unsure what to say. “I thought maybe we should stick together,” she said, which was sort of true. She had to look out for her friends now. “I guess that makes sense,” Zipp said. They all ate their breakfast when it came. Then the two Pegasi went for a flight while Pipp and Hitch went to their jobs. Misty, meanwhile followed Zipp and Right Light on their flight. She stayed a bit behind them, Zipp didn’t mind thankfully. Misty was as new a flyer as all Pegasi had been when magic first returned. She saw nothing out of the ordinary as they went on. “Well good flying Right,” Zipp said extending her hoof to shake his. He took and shook rather then kissed. Then he stepped forward, his face inches from her, facing her cheek. “If you don’t mind, princess,” Right said. Zipp sniggered. “Quite the charmer, aren’t ya?” Right chuckled. “Got a princess wrapped around my hooves I guess?” “Yeah,” Zipp admitted. And he kissed her cheek. Zipp smiled. “Well, guess I got one more date with Thunder,” Zipp said. “But I think know who I want. You.” “At least for now huh?” Right asked. Zipp nodded. Who knew if this relationship would last but it was pretty clear who the winner of the current courtship was unless Thunder made a massive come back when Zipp saw him. The time came a few hours later then her next date happened. Thunder met her at the Brighthouse when she returned. “Hey Thunder,” Zipp greeted. “Zipp,” Thunder bowed his head. There was a moment of silence. Zipp wanted to let him be the one to make the first move. “Well, everything’s normal here,” Thunder said. “The Unity Crystals are still up in the brighthouse and working fine.” “That’s good,” Zipp said. “And everything else seems fine, but that could change at any moment,” Thunder added as he looked toward the main city of Maretime Bay in fear. Zipp looked at him. “You don’t strike me as much of a brave pony.” “I’m not, I’m kind of a chicken,” Thunder admitted. “Why’d you join the Royal Guard then?” Zipp asked. “Well, it pays the bills and is a big honor,” Thunder said. “I wanted to make my father proud. He was a royal guard too.” “Was?” Zipp asked. “He was killed in the line of duty,” Thunder said. “Rounding a gang of criminals with your father. Right before he also-“ Zipp’s mouth fell open. She would never have imagined they had something like that in common. “I only remember a bit of my dad,” Zipp said sadly. “Same with me and my father,” Thunder said his ears falling. “Zoom, she was his lieutenant and took me under her wing when I joined the guard. She tells me I need to act confident, but I… just don’t know how. I feel like every time I come close to encountering something I just can’t do it. I was so scared of an Earth Pony and a Unicorn when we ran into Sunny and Izzy the first time.” “Hey so would almost anypony else,” Zipp said. “You didn’t. You befriended them,” Thunder reminded her. “From what I heard of the story you were there just before Zoom and I arrived. You said things got a lot more interesting, you weren’t scared. Neither was Zoom, she stayed nice and calm.” “Well what did you do when Opaline’s forces attacked?” Zipp asked. “I just hid,” Thunder confessed. Zipp looked at him silently. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen him fighting in the recent battle. “I’m a failure of a guard… and a son. I should probably resign… from both this courtship and the guard,” Thunder said. Zipp was almost tempted to say yes. But recalling something her mother had told her as a foal, as well as knowing that Thunder had lost his father same as her, she knew it wouldn’t be right. “Don’t give up!” she said. “What you need is a confidence boost!” She then tackled him to the ground, much to his surprise. “Come on! We’re gonna practice fighting like we practiced flying that one day in my flight school!” Zipp said. She let him get up and face her. “Uh, I might get in trouble for hitting a princess!” Thunder said. “You won’t!” Zipp assured her. “This princess can take a punch or two!” Thunder came at her and threw a hoof punch but Zipp easily blocked and landed a soft blow to his side. They tried both on the ground and in the air fighting. But Zipp was too agile for him. However, he did have greater strength then she did, and he did focus on that with his strikes. “Try and be quicker!” Zipp suggested before sending a flurry of hoof strikes at him. The speed of her attacks was enough to overwhelm him, he managed to block her first but the next set got through. They continued this with Thunder doing badly at first. But with time and effort, he managed to block her strikes and then hit her back. “Keep going!” she told him. “Don’t give up!” She knocked him off his hooves as he charged at her. “Better! Don’t give up!” Zipp said. “Don’t give up! Don’t give up!” she repeated the words her mother had told her when she’d first tried flying. And after about two hours their efforts were rewarded. She flapped into the air and spun around before throwing a kick with her hind leg. Thunder blocked it and even took hold of the leg and spun her around, sending her against a nearby tree. She grunted but was alright. He then walked over and helped her up. “Well that’s much improved,” Zipp said. “How do you feel.” “Like I might have career as a guard after all,” Thunder said with a smile, his eyes filled with a bit more confidence. “Helps to have the help of such an amazing princess.” Zipp smiled at him. He’d managed to buy himself some more time at least with his common history with her and the training today. A little confidence, kindness, and a lot of effort was sometimes all it took. Both their cutie marks glowed brightly. … Hitch looked at Spike and Ember, his shift had ended a little while ago. They were in the hills near Maretime Bay as the two dragons were a bit big for Mane Street. Sparky sat next to Hitch. There was a moment of silence and Hitch sighed before looking at the two grown dragons. “He is your son,” Hitch said. “He should return to you. Its only right.” “Maybe so,” Spike said. “But you’ve raised him well so far.” “He’s certainly a unique dragon. None of hatchlings in our time had wings as soon as they were born,” Ember said proudly. “But you’re right, he is ours and he should return to us.” “Ember!” Spike scolded. “What? Its true!” the dragoness said. “Maybe,” Spike said. “But Hitch is a bigger part of his life then we are. Think of how it will hurt him to be parted from Hitch. I was always scared of being sent away by Twilight.” “So… what? We leave Sparky… or is that even his name?” “Eh, I kind of like Sparky,” Spike shrugged. “Not too different from my name. But… I think that he and Hitch have a special bond. Just like me and Twilight.” He looked down, recalling his former boss and adoptive big sister who’d raised him. He’d helped her write scrolls to Princess Celestia, perform her magic experiments, get her supplies, and been along for every friendship lesson with their friends on the way. Rarity, his first crush. They’d all had good times until the end when they’d been stranded on that island in the dragon lands without magic after it was sealed away. They’d all passed and left him behind, but he treasured the memories he had of them, and would continue their legacy. One day, in some millenia, or perhaps soon in battle with Opaline or some other villain that rose in the more distant future, his time would come too. No creature lived forever. “It was our bond that first allowed ponies and dragons to become friends,” Spike reminded her. “If I’d been born in the Dragon Lands, or never been sent to the pony territory I suppose then we would have never made friends.” Ember sighed. “Good point I admit. But what about us and Sparky.” “Maybe we can work out a deal, trade off every now and then?” Hitch wondered. “Like he stays a month with me and a month with you?” “That could work,” Spike said. “Hmm, I prefer to have more time with my son!” Ember stood up and folded her hooves. “But seeing how Spike turned out I guess it would be a good idea for Sparky to have a pony parent as well. Okay, I agree.” They all smiled at each other. “When do we start?” Hitch asked. “I think… best to wait until after Opaline is defeated,” Spike said. “We’re staying here at least until then or something else happens.” He looked up at the sky, imagining Twilight and the others looking down at him. > Chapter 21: The Fall of Maretime Bay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opaline faced her opponent. He looked at her with determination, but if her past few days of training to prepare for leading the next attack on Maretime Bay herself had paid she would absolutely crush him. Now was the time. “Don’t hold back, General,” Opaline told her second in command. “Yes, my queen,” Bloodheart said. He shot a beam of his red magic at her. It was powerful enough to give her a bit of a challenge blocking even with her current level of power that she’d absorbed from Sparky. Her one-time unicorn lover was aging, but had an adequate amount of experience to hold his own against her power. She’d heard he even fought against Misty and that other unicorn. Too bad Flurry Heart had arrived and prevented the fall the city. But that would change this time. Opaline had decided to change her plans, she’d take Maretime Bay herself and get her son back by force. Unless something happened. Opaline blocked the attack and followed up with one of her own. Her raw power was enough to push Bloodheart back a few steps before he steadied himself. He then teleported off to the side, a trick that almost caught Opaline by surprise, it had been a long time since she’d faced an opponent that could use advanced magic. Compared to him, facing Sunny and her inexperienced friends had been a cakewalk. Misty had been a slight challenge since Opaline herself had trained her, but she’d still managed to defeat that traitorous unicorn. Opaline spread her wings and flew as Bloodheart shot another beam, singing the wall. That would have be cleaned later, Opaline made a note to have a unicorn that specialized in cleaning spells found. She flew around Bloodheart and he turned a bit too slowly. She shot him in the back and knocked him down, her younger alicorn body that had been blessed with the gift of immortality allowed her to outmaneuver the older unicorn. She smiled wickedly. “I believe I have recovered my old skill… at least somewhat. “ “Very good my queen,” Bloodheart said. “Now, it is time for ME to attack Maretime Bay,” Opaline said. “I’ll get my son back, and capture Sunny Starscout and her friends! They will not escape me this time! I will have the Unity Crystals, and when I’m strong enough… all the magic in Equestria! Except for those that are gifted and loyal.” “Yes your highness,” Bloodheart said with a bow. Opaline made her way to her throne room and activated her magic pool. Right’s face soon appeared as he unsheathed the dagger she’d enchanted to allow her to communicate with him. “Right Light, you have your mission,” Opaline said. “Succeed and you will be rewarded with that false princess! Then you shall rule Zephyr Heights as my regent of Pegasi!” “Yes your highness,” Right said bowing his head as well. She ended the message then stepped outside. Her dungeons had been quite crowded, but she’d put many of the stallions under mind control to fight for her. The mares and foals were still being held below. She’d keep them for the time being either trade them to Sunny (provided this attack did not work) or let them go back to their old lives in Maretime Bay, once they bowed to her. It shouldn’t be difficult. Ponies tended to be rather simple minded. They’d follow her rule no problem. The mind controlled stallions all stood in her army which had grown to nearly double the size it was in the first attack. “March!” Opaline said. The sound of hooves marching filled the area around her. Opaline flew above, with Bloodheart and Dirty Fighter in the front. Today was the day she took Maretime Bay, then she would take Zephyr Heights next, and Bridlewood afterwards. Those three areas were the pillars of Equestria. Then she would go beyond, and conquer the entire world. Everycreature across it would bow to her. Many creatures used to look down on ponies, thinking them weak. They would soon discover otherwise and see the fear she could inspire. … Sunny entered the Sheriff Station with a tray of four different smoothie flavors. “Hey, Fireforge!” Sunny greeted warmly. Opaline’s son looked at her and managed a light smile. She was a little shocked that she’d warmed up to him knowing his identity and the fact that he’d attacked her home. Of course she was hopeful that he might turn to her side with the loss of his memory. “Hi Sunny,” Fireforge said. “I thought you might like a smoothie,” Sunny said as she put the drinks through the food slot. Hitch suddenly came back in to the station. “Hey! Sunny! No visiting prisoners when there’s no Sheriff to observe!” he scolded. “You weren’t here!” Sunny objected. “And you really expect me to break him out?” “No but- Suddenly they heard trumpets sounding. Then an alert on their phones sounded and they drew them out, seeing the message on the screen. “Attack incoming!” Hitch said. “Oh no! Opaline sent her army again!” Sunny said. “And she might be here this time!” “My evil mother?” Fireforge asked. “Yes,” Sunny said looking at him. “Come on Sunny! We need to get out there!” Hitch said as he ran out. Sunny was about to follow but heard a call from behind. “Sunny! I can help!” Fireforge said. Sunny looked back, she looked at him and saw the look of desperation in his eyes. Was it really an offer to help? They’d have three alicorns in that case. But was it a trick? Maybe he’d just tried to play her? Get her to open up and trust him so she would one day let him out and then betray her? But somehow, Sunny’s instinct told her he was telling the truth. She grabbed the spare key’s from where Hitch kept them in his desk, so to avoid unicorns using their magic to free themselves. She turned them and opened his cell, silently hoping he wasn’t going to betray her. He didn’t, he nodded and ran outside with her following. … Zipp heard the alarms and flew down to the front door of the brighthouse. She was surprised to see Right Light enter. “Right? Aren’t you coming?” she asked. “I would, but somepony has to guard the Unity Crystals,” Right said. “See you soon, I hope.” She smiled at him. At that moment, Misty and Izzy both came running down as well. “Let’s go!” Misty said. The three of them headed out. Pipp was at Mane Melody but would likely be engaging as well. Zipp just hoped they would be able to repel this invasion as well. They had two alicorns on their side, and Fireforge was locked in jail. Hopefully they would be able to defeat Opaline this time. … “Remember, keep the main group of heroes separated!” Opaline commanded her forces as they neared Maretime Bay. “We can’t have them use any sort of friendship and unity magic against us! Just like with Twilight Sparkle, we divide and conquer! Keep her separated from her friends and they will not be able to use their ultimate magic!” Her subordinates nodded below. They soon arrived and saw the remaining opposition. Sunny’s friends were there along with Misty, two dragons and… “Well well well, Flurry Heart!” Opaline said as she saw the other alicorn from the olden days of Equestria. “Opaline,” Flurry greeted curtly as she flew over the defenders of Maretime Bay. “I’m surprised to see you here… alive,” Opaline said. “I thought I was the only alicorn who had learned to acquire immortality from within.” “My love for my parents, Aunt Twilight, and what remains of my family has managed to keep me going,” Flurry said defiantly. “And I will see their legacy upheld once I defeat you!” “We’ll see!” Opaline said. “Where is my son!?” “He’s locked up where he won’t hurt anypony!” Flurry said. At that moment two figures suddenly arrived. Opaline glanced down at them and saw Sunny and Fireforge. They stood beside her friends which now included Misty. All of them looked at her and Fireforge in surprise. “Sunny what’s he doing here?” Hitch asked in surprise and fear. “Helping us,” Sunny said. Opaline gritted her teeth. “Fireforge get up here!” Her son looked up at her with sad eyes. “So… you’re my mother who wants to take all the magic of Equestria?” “It is mine by right!” Opaline said. “You have a claim on it as well! You are an alicorn and deserve the power! Only those that are truly gifted have a right to wield magic! Lesser ponies waste it!” Fireforge closed his eyes for a moment, then shook his head. “No, I can’t let you do that! I must stop you!” He flapped his gray wings and flew up beside Flurry Heart who frowned at him but didn’t object. “Well, now we got three alicorns,” Zipp said. “This might make our odds better.” “Right, if I can just transform into an alicorn!” Sunny said as she focused. “Oh no you don’t!” Opaline shouted. She fired a beam of her blue-purple magic at Sunny and hit her on the chest, knocking the convertible Earth Pony back. Sunny flew with a scream. “Sunny!” Fireforge yelled in concern. “No!” Izzy cried out dramatically. “Sunny!” Flurry yelled in concern for her long-lost daughter as well. She then glared at Opaline. “You dare hurt my daughter?” Opaline’s eyes widened in surprise. “Daughter? Sunny is your… ah. I see. So that’s why she is an alicorn.” Wrong, Flurry thought. “You’ll pay for that! And what you made my Aunt do!” Flurry declared, as she charged in full of anger. She shot her yellow magic out at Opaline who put up a shield of blue-purple magic that burned with fire. It blocked the attack, but Opaline was still sent back. She retaliated and the two alicorns began to duel, soaring through the sky and shooting magic at each other. “Attack!” General Bloodheart ordered. Their mind controlled forces began the second attack on Maretime Bay, charging forward. There were even more of them then last time, with Hitch seeing several stallions that he recognized must have been captured and added to the army. This included Toots, the green pony who always wore a tie. He grit his teeth in fear. Come on Hitch your citizens need you. He told himself. His face formed a determined look. “Everypony! And every critter!” he shouted. “Defend your home!” From the bushes around the houses of Maretime Bay, the various creatures living in the city such as racoonicorns, bunicorns, pegasnails, and ordinary birds and crabs as well. Hitch had made his own efforts to come up with a new plan of defense and enlisted the critters to help as well. The pegasnails flew the racoon and bunnicorns out and they landed on the faces of various ponies. The racoonicorns used their fangs claws to bite and scratch the invading ponies while the bunnicorns could only bite. They flung whatever they could out at the invaders such as gathered garbage and rocks. It worked to delay the onslaught. Zipp and Misty led the Pegasi from above on their wings, normal Pegasi wings for Zipp and butterfly for Misty. Rocky and Thunder as well as other members of the royal guard flew at their side. Misty was rather nervous as she was at the head of an army, but Zipp remained calm. Pipp meanwhile, was tending to Sunny who’d suffered a bad burn. “Oh you’ll be okay,” Pipp said as she put some healing spray on Sunny who flinched. Sunny then pushed herself to her hooves and looked up at Flurry Heart. She was about to try and transform into an alicorn when one of Opaline’s soldiers came charging at her. The Earth Pony was tackled to the ground as Pipp screamed next to her. “Get off me!” Sunny said shaking him off. The soldier pony swung a hoof at her that she just managed to dodge. But before her opponent could launch another one, an orange beam shot him in the back of the hoof. He fell down in pain and Sunny saw that it was Fire who had come to her and Pipp’s rescue. She hated to have to fight, but there was no choice. “Try and capture ponies alive!” Sunny shouted. “Many of them are put under mind control by Opaline!” “Got it!” Fire said. Izzy fired beams from her horn, using a sleep spell she’d learned from the books Misty stole from Opaline. She managed to put several ponies to sleep, unfortunately the continuous casting soon drained her strength and she was panting. Then a new foe approached her and she was fear struck to see General Bloodheart again. “Uh oh,” she said recalling how he’d beaten both her and Misty last time. “Ah the same unicorn that fought alongside the traitor last, you’ll have to be punished accordingly. But don’t worry, I’m not like my Lieutenant,” Bloodheart said with disgust. “Still you’ll have to face the consequences of defying the queen!” “She has no claim to rule over Bridlewood!” Izzy said. “Or Maretime Bay!” “She is an alicorn! That makes her a ruler by default!” Bloodheart said. “Sunny ain’t a ruler!” Izzy said. “Now go back to your stone bed old colt!” She shot a sleep spell at him but he easily deflect it, sending it back at her. “Wah!” she barely managed to dodge her own spell that would have put her to sleep. “You think a few days of practice will be enough to save you when you couldn’t beat me with your friend last time?” Bloodheart asked. As if on que a cyan beam shot from above and rained down on the soldiers. Misty, now being able to fly and use magic, was in a similar class to alicorns… or buttercorn in her case since she had butterfly wings. “That’s a high level spell,” Bloodheart said with an impressed look. “Surprised she’s managed to learn it so quickly.” He then shot at her with his bloodred magic. His spell canceled out her wings and Misty fell with a scream. “Misty!” Zipp yelled and flew to her future step sisters rescue. She caught Misty before she could hit the ground and set her down gently. Izzy got to her hooves and the three of them looked at General Bloodheart. “Let’s see how you like three against one Bloodyheart!” Izzy said, mispronouncing her foes name. Bloodheart was unsure, he might have a lot of experience but his body was old. Maybe when he was a bit younger. Fortunately he saw out of the corner of his eye that Opaline’s forces were doing well, the little bitty critters had only proved a minor distraction. Hitch was now battling Dirty Fighter once again. “Take that you dirty cheating brute!” Hitch said as he landed a hoof punch on the Earth Pony. Dirty grunted as he stumbled back then put his hoof on the ground, causing thorned vines to sprout from it. They struck at Hitch like whips and tore at his fur before wrapping themselves around him. Hitch grit his teeth and tried to put his own hoof on the ground to even the playing field but Dirty rose him into the air and began running the thorns along him. Hitch screamed. Bloodheart turned his attention back to the three mares he was facing. Two unicorns and a Pegasus. He did notice however that Izzy was still panting slightly. He smirked and fired his red magic at her, intending to rid the fight of at least one foe. Misty lit up her horn. “Izzy!” the blue unicorn yelled as she put up a shield around her friend. It deflected Bloodhearts high level beam that would have done serious or even fatal damage. But it went up slightly into the sky right at- “Hitch!” Misty screamed. “Nooo!” But the beam hit Hitch, it had been weakened when it was deflected but it still considerable damage. “No! Hitch!” Pipp screamed as she saw her coltfriend faint in midair. Bloodheart felt a bit of pity for the stallion even though he was an enemy. He was still a sheriff, and that was something the general could respect him for. Dirty however, grinned and tossed his fellow Earth Pony away. “Well that should do!” Dirty said as he walked up and joined Bloodheart, evening the odds. Bloodheart didn’t altogether like Dirty as he would do things that were particularly heinous, but Opaline kept him since he could be useful to her with his particular talents of fighting dirty and committing torture. He was often able to pry information out of their enemies back in the day, though he more often did it for his own amusement. At least he could count on that stallion to have his back now. Or could he? Zipp growled as their momentary advantage faded. She flapped her wings and charged at Dirty Figher in midair. They continued battling all around. Flurry and Opaline in the sky high above, Fireforge and Pipp looking after Sunny and now Hitch, who had been levitated over by Fireforge. Zipp managed to get ahold of Dirty Fighter and hoist him into the air, he yelled in fright as he was lifted up. “Let me go!” he struggled before seeing how high they already were. “I mean, don’t me go!” “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have a short drop!” Zipp said as she threw him hard onto a nearby roof. He landed with a painful grunt. Zipp smirked. Down below she saw that the critters and defending ponies as well as the two dragons were managing to back the invaders, finally things were looking in their favor! Zipp had feared they might be on the losing side after the last two battles had proven too much for them, but they might actually have a shot at this. With all the defending ponies that had decided to come out rather then hide like last time, and the fact those ponies had magic they were winning! Unless something happened to turn the tide they might just win today. … In the Crystal Brighthouse, Right Light made it to the top where the Unity Crystals were kept. He’d flown when the elevator refused to take him to the top, it was said to be powered by the crystals themselves. He drew his dagger and stabbed the glass, good thing it was sharpened by the finest sharpener in Equestria. The glass broke and Right reached in, grabbing the Unity Crystals, he looked out into the distance and saw the scene. Looked like the defenders were winning. He looked at the crystals. “Looks like things might need a little adjustment.” He punched the crystals, breaking the set apart so that the three of them separated. … Zipp flew down to the ground to help her friends against Bloodheart again. Izzy and Misty were managing to overpower his beam with their own combined set, cyan and purple against red. The two younger unicorns reached the older one’s horn as he gave a look of fear. After Opaline, her commanders were probably the greatest threat. If they could defeat them they could then focus on her and it would all be over. “Finally, we’re winning!” Zipp said. But at that moment, something changed in the air. A sinking feeling filled all the ponies in Maretime Bay and moments later all of Equestria from Bridlewood to Zephyr Heights. Pegasi fell with screams as they lost the ability to fly, the same held true for Flurry and Opaline who were both fighting with rage fueled by their motherly instincts. Fireforge for Opaline, and Sunny for Flurry. They both let out shouts of fury as they prepared to fire for the fiftieth time at each other. But their magic was canceled out and both alicorns fell with screams. Fortunately (or unfortunately for those that were either of their enemies) both of them landed on tarped entry ways facing each other on Mane Street that cushioned their falls. “What happened?” Opaline asked as she got up. “Did somepony damage the Unity Crystals?” Then it occurred to her and she smirked. “Good.” Without their magic, the defenders lost the advantage. The invaders pressed the attack and began to shackle ponies. “The Crystals!” Zipp said in realization. “Somepony must have gotten past Right Light!” She looked back at the Brighthouse. “Misty with me! Izzy! You and the others do what you can! I have to go make sure the crystals are okay!” Misty nodded and joined. “Go!” Izzy said, knowing they needed their magic back as she prepared to face General Bloodheart herself. “I will deal with this dark unicorn!” Suddenly an Earth Pony soldier under Opaline’s control, which was still somehow active even without the magic of Equestria tackled her. “Wah!” she exclaimed. “How are you still under mind control?” Opaline chuckled as she watched in the distance. “I may not have been able to practice magic but I could strengthen my mind and study new even more powerful forms. I found one I believe was strong enough to stay even in circumstances like this, just like my immortality! Lucky for me, otherwise my army would now be turning against me right now! My mind control still remains, but I can’t use magic for the moment. Ah well, just have to deal with this hoof to hoof for the moment.” She jumped down from the tarp she’d fallen on, her tall alicorn body ready to deliver some powerful physical attacks even with the temporary loss of her magic. Zipp and Misty sprinted to the Brighthouse, unable to fly for the moment but if she could stop whoever had separated the crystals and get them back together they could still turn the tide. But when she was getting halfway there, she saw Right Light making his way toward the battle with… the Unity Crystals, two of them still connected in his hoof and the other in his teeth. “Right? What are you doing?” Zipp asked confused. Right gave her a wicked smirk. “Oh just helping the new queen of all Equestria in her goal.” Zipp’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open in shock and dismay as she took in the words. Misty meanwhile, frowned angrily and pointed her hoof. “I knew there was something off about you! You were the one Opaline had me send that letter too before I defected! Damn I wish I’d remembered for sure it was your name on the envelope!” “You’re working for Opaline?” Zipp said as tears escaped her eyes at the fact her favorite suitor had betrayed her. “Then… you must have killed Dune Sweeper!” “Yeah,” Right admitted. “Sorry Princess, this isn’t what I originally planned but I’ve wanted to be ruler of Zephyr Heights all my life! And nothing will stop me!” “We will!” Misty said stepping forward. Right just grinned and put the Unity Crystals back together. They glowed and reconnected, then Right Light flapped his wings and took off. Everypony felt the magic inside them relight. Misty tried to shoot Right down but missed and he kept flying. “No!” Zipp said shaking her head. “Zipp, snap out of it!” Misty said. “We have to focus on saving Maretime Bay if we still can!” Before they could come up with a new plan however, a scream sounded in the distance and they caught a glimpse of Opaline’s fire. The alicorn was back in the air as her power was returned. She sent a large stream of it around, and more screams followed as ponies were blasted. Opaline then turned her attention to the nearby buildings. “Behold the end of the old Maretime Bay, and the rise of the new one where I shall make my next fortress!” She began blasting the buildings as she flew, the sight caused the two below to look at her in shock for a moment, then Zipp felt a surge of rage. “Opaline!” she shouted as she flew after the alicorn. The evil queen looked at her and send an orb of magic her way. It hit her but didn’t hurt, instead trapping her in a bubble that brought her back down to the ground. Opaline then flew to the Brighthouse. “Sunny should have had a castle constructed instead and declared herself princess or a ruler of some kind,” Opaline said as she sent another blast of fire out. The Brighthouse was lit up, and not in a good way. Zipp’s mouth fell open as she saw the place that had been her home for about a year now begin to burn. She’d helped Sunny and the other rebuild it after Sprout destroyed it the first time. Sunny would probably be crying now if she were seeing this. Misty made her way up to Zipp and inserted her horn in the bubble before running magic through it. That freed Zipp who was about to charge Opaline again. But Misty held her back. “We can’t take her alone!” Misty said. Remembering last time they’d faced Opaline, Zipp could only reluctantly agree. “Lets get back to the others,” she said. … Sunny regained consciousness just in time to see her home destroyed a second time. “No! The Brighthouse!” she screamed as she watched the Brighthouse burn on the other side of town. There might not even be anything left of it this time for her to salvage. Tears escaped her eyes. This was the worst day ever. Flurry who had been trying to stop the invaders who had gained much ground in the brief moment that magic had disappeared, saw it was a lost battle. There were just too many of them, and they’d disabled to many of the defenders who were tied up, injured, or burned by Opaline when she took off after magic returned again. “We have to retreat!” she ordered. “Mother, no!” Sunny said. “This is my home! I can’t let it be destroyed… anymore than it already is!” “I’m sorry, Sunny but we have to live to fight another day!” Flury put a hoof on her daughter. Fireforge was working to maintain a large shield that kept the invaders from getting to them. Spike and Ember stomped the ground as they used their hard scaled bodies to do the same. “We have to go Sunny,” Pipp said as she struggled to lift Hitch’s bloody and badly injured form. Zipp soon returned with Misty. “We have to get out of here,” Flurry said. “Everypony get on!” “Where’s Sparky?” Pipp asked. “Heere!” squeaky voice said as Sparky appeared on Ember’s back holding onto one of her spines. “Get on!” Spike said. The ponies did so. Fireforge lowered his shield and flew up. The dragons then took off with the ponies on their backs and a handful of Pegasi carrying other ponies following them. Zipp saw Thunder carrying Rufus and was glad her other suitor hadn't betrayed her. Opaline spotted them leaving and smiled wickedly. “You may escape today Sunny Starscout but I will have you, and your mother! And my son back as well!” she declared. Then somepony approached her. It was Right Light and he had… “Ah, the Unity Crystals!” Opaline exclaimed. “At last! I will need more power still before I can absorb them, but I will! And then all magic shall belong to me! Except for those who prove themselves worthy to keep it!” She landed on the ground and saw the new batch of prisoners. Sprout, Phyliss, Jazz, Rocky, and many others were there. “Now, meet your new ruler Maretime Bay!” Opaline said. > Chapter 22: Regrouping in Zephyr Heights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Ember flew the ponies to Zephyr Heights, which was probably the most secure location. Not to mention the fact that it was the only city that wasn’t controlled Opaline now. Bridlewood was in a forest and quite easy to get to. The hoofull of Pegasi that had escaped with them flew behind with a few Earth Ponies and Unicorns that they’d managed to save before the defenders of Maretime Bay were overwhelmed. Unfortunately, many of the Pegasi soon had to touch down, unable to carry their passengers all the way like the large dragons could. “We need to go down! We can’t leave them!” Sunny said. It was unlikely Opaline would be able to catch up to them at this distance. She’d would have few if any Pegasi that could fly. Though she did have Right Light, so that was one at least. Flurry nodded. “Take us down! We’ll walk the rest of the way.” Ember sighed. “It would be quicker if we left them behind!” “We can’t take any chances for their safety,” Spike told his mate. “We have to stick together.” Ember sighed but didn’t argue. She was in truth glad they were finally back among ponykind and able to make new friends. All of her first pony friends had passed away including Twilight Sparkle. She was still blunt at times but she would help her new friends. They walked the rest of the way. Any of them that could still walk anyway. Hitch was very badly injured along with a few others that were on Spike or Ember’s backs. Sunny still had the burns from Opaline’s surprise attack, but she was able to walk without too much trouble. Fireforge Destiny walked at her side. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Not really,” Sunny said. “I just lost my home… again!” “Again?” Fireforge asked. She looked at him. Of course, he didn’t know what had happened. “A while back, my lighthouse was broken down when an Earth Pony tried to declare war on Pegasi and Unicorns. We had to rebuild it and- Sunny suddenly remembered something that had been in the Brighthouse. Or rather, two somethings. “Oh no! The Unity Crystals! The Lantern!” she exclaimed. “They were in the Brighthouse!” “Oh, about that…” Zipp’s ears fell. She explained about Right Light’s betrayal. “Oh no!” Sunny said. “Now Opaline has the Unity Crystals!” “She still probably isn’t strong enough to take the magic yet,” Misty said. “She’ll need a lot more power than she has!” “You sure?” Zipp asked. Misty nodded. “She said she needs a LOT of power before she can take the source of all magic in Equestria. She’ll have to take it from a lot of ponies or dragons. Either one.” Flurry Heart nodded but looked uncertain. “My aunt Twilight was once empowered with the magic of my mother and Celestia and Luna! That was enough power to be equal to a large number of ponies in Equestria. I may not have as much magic power as they did back in the day, but its still greater than a fair number of ponies put together. If Opaline manages to capture me or Sunny and take our magic, she’ll be much closer then if she absorbed smaller amounts from less powerful ponies.” “Which means we can’t be captured,” Sunny said. Flurry nodded. Fireforge wrapped a wing around Sunny. “I won’t let that happen. I’ve seen what my… mother is capable of. I’ll do what I can to help” Sunny managed a smile at him. Despite her initial reluctance to believe he could change, Flurry smiled and thought maybe it could work. Sunny sighed though. “I should have transformed into an alicorn right away! I let Opaline beat me!” “Its not your fault honey,” Flurry said nuzzling her daughter. “We almost had her!” Zipp cursed. “We were finally winning until magic vanished! We were so close!” “It was all that jinxy traitors fault!” Izzy said. “Yeah!” Rufus agreed. “The next time we see him we’ll give him what for with our awesome power!” Everypony nodded, though they felt discouraged with their latest defeat. If they didn’t win soon, they could lose it all. “But what about the lantern?” Sunny asked. “I… didn’t see Right Light with it,” Zipp said. “Maybe it was still in the Brighthouse when Opaline set it on fire?” “You mean it was… destroyed?” Sunny asked horror-struck. “No, even if the lantern is destroyed the primbeem power could channel into something else,” Flurry said. “Something like what?” Izzy asked. They all had no idea. … As the Crystal Brighthouse burned, the blue purple flames created by Opaline soon reached the lantern by Sunny’s bedside table. As it burned, the magic inside exploded and spread around the entire building. The flames went out and light shined into the sky as the Brighthouse, which was visible as black and burned for a moment, took on a new form. A pair of towers sprouted out of its sides, giving it a more castle like appearance, albeit a dark castle that was black but still had the stain glass windows. Opaline saw the magical flash in the distance as she flew over Maretime Bay, admiring her victory. She gasped as she saw the new castle. “Oh, a new fortress!” she said with an evil grin. “Don’t mind if I do!” She flew over and saw the inside was black, purple, and blue from her fire. It was still filled with smoke. She opened the door and all the windows to release it. “The lantern exploded to save Sunny’s home and replace it with a castle,” Opaline realized aloud. “But all my fire magic must have caused it to take on a form more to my liking!” She chuckled. “I’ll have to get my potions and set up a new magic pool in here to look at my enemies through. Though, that might not be necessary. They could only be in two places now most likely. Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights.” She thought for a moment, then realized the latter was more likely as the two Pegasus Princesses were from there and it was much more secure than that filthy forest town. She could burn Bridlewood to the ground easily if she wanted to. Though that would be excessively destructive and she had no desire to destroy it entirely. She’d lose so many potential resources there such as ponies, magic, and timber. She hadn’t had a problem with destroying her sworn enemies home, but it might be a good idea to avoid setting even one house on fire around there. “Seems I’ll have to target the home of the Pegasi next,” the evil alicorn said. “This maybe difficult with the mountains around it.” She got to the top floor where the Unity Crystal hand once been and saw her army gathered below the Brighthouse, or perhaps it should be called… the Darkhouse now? She’d have to redecorate it to her liking but this would make a fine base for the time being. Perhaps even permanently, that would add insult to injury if she were to actually live in Sunny’s home. She smirked before thinking. “My army won’t able to fly, unless I were to give them their magic back… just temporarily,” Opaline put a hoof to her chin before laughing. “Nah! Only those that are truly worthy and loyal to me can wield magic.” She then flew down to her army which also held captured ponies. She spotted an Earth Pony mare with an aqua coat and orange mane. “You!” Opaline pointed her hoof. “What is your name and occupation in this backwater city?” “Uh, Jazz Hooves and I’m a hooficurirst!” the mare said. “Please don’t hurt me!” “I won’t!” Opaline said. “Though I can’t speak for my head torturer!” Dirty Fighter laughed as he walked up to her side. Opaline then looked at Jazz with a smirk. “Give me a good hooficure, and I won’t let him hurt you,” she said. Jazz shuddered. Then a Pegasus with a finely combed mane walked out defiantly. “You wanna hurt her you gotta go through me!” Rocky stated angrily. “Oh, a dashing hero to the rescue huh?” Opaline as she bared down on him. “And what is your name and occupation?” “I’m… Rocky Rift, her coworker and… coltfriend!” Rocky said backing up. “Ah, you do hooficures as well?” Opaline asked. “Mane is more my line of work,” Rocky said shuddering, his courage gone. “Well, you can do my mane well she does my hooves,” Opaline said. “Unless you’d prefer to try and fight me for your freedom?” She flapped her wings and they and her horn lit up in fire. Rocky gritted his teeth in fright. “No, then kneel before me or I will have my torturer make you watch as he hurts your marefriend!” Opaline said. Dirty approached Jazz who shuddered fearfully. Then Posey Bloom suddenly limped into view. She and the other captured ponies such as Windy, Dahlia and the Pipsqueaks had been escorted back to Maretime Bay once they got word of her victory. She had some partially healed wounds on her body. “Do as she says Rocky!” Posey advised. “It will be much worse if you defy her! Trust me, I know.” Seeing her state, Rocky relented. “Please, don’t hurt Jazz,” Rocky said bowing reluctantly. “I’ll do whatever you want.” “Good,” Opaline said. “First I’ll take your cutie marks, and then you WILL GIVE ME A MANE STYLE AND HOOFICURE FIT FOR A QUEEN!” … The Mane 6 (at least those that could still walk) and their allies made their way to Zephyr Heights at last. The Pegasi managed to use their wings to get themselves and carry on ponies over the mountains and entered the hills surrounding the city. They then continued onto the Royal Palace. Queen Haven was outside waiting for them. “Oh my darlings!” she exclaimed as she saw them. “Are you alright? What about your friends?” “We’re fine Mom,” Zipp said. “Mostly anyway.” “Sunny got hurt a bit though,” Pipp said. “And so did Hitch! He’s even worse!” Queen Haven gasped as she saw the stallion on Spike’s back with Sparky putting a claw on him in concern. “Bring him and any injured to the castle infirmary!” she commanded. “And hospital if need be!” They did so. Hitch was put on a stretcher and brought into the infirmary. Some of the other ponies that were too injured to walk were brought in as well, and others were taken to the hospital in the city. Sunny was inspected by the Pegasus nurse who rubbed a cloth dampened with healing salves on her chest where Opaline had shot her, Misty and Zipp near her. Pipp stood by Hitch’s bed with Sparky, Izzy, Rufus, and several critters that had followed them. Hitch was soon wrapped in bandages that had been laced with healing ointments. “Well, he’s not in any danger of bleeding out but it will be at least a few days before he’s able to walk comfortably again,” the nurse monitoring the stallion said. Pipp had mixed feelings about that. She was glad he wasn’t in critical condition but sad he was still so hurt. “He’ll be okay, then?” she asked. “Eventually,” the nurse confirmed. “We’ll have to keep him in here though.” Pipp looked at Hitch who opened his eyes. “Pipp?” he asked. She nodded and put her hoof on his. “I’m here, Hitch.” He winced as he tried to get up. “You need to rest Mr. Trailblazer,” the nurse said. Hitch, being a follower of rules, laid back down immediately. “You’ll be alright,” Pipp assured him as she nuzzled him. Zipp smiled at her sister and her coltfriend, but then the sting of the recent betrayal of Right Light entered her mind. She sighed. “Excuse me, I need a moment to myself,” she said. She made her way to her old room here. She closed the door behind her, and finally let it all out. “I can’t believe I was so fooled!” she sobbed. “Right Light was just a bad pony the whole time! How could I not see it?” She fell onto her bed and sobbed lightly. She wasn’t as dramatic as her sister but this was a pretty hard blow. After a while, there was a knock on her door. She wiped her eyes not wanting anypony to see her crying and called, “Come in!” Her door opened and Thunder entered the door. “Hey, Zipp,” he greeted. “Oh, hey Thunder,” Zipp said. There was a moment of silence. Then Zipp finally spoke. “So, I guess with Right Light’s defection to Opaline you’re now my only remaining suitor,” Zipp said. “Guess so, unless you decide to hold another race or something to find more,” Thunder said. “I’m sorry about what happened.” Zipp gazed down at her bed. “I just can’t believe I didn’t suspect him! My instincts are never wrong! I knew there was something off about Misty but… not him!” “He was probably a much better manipulator then Misty ever was,” Thunder said. “Maybe,” Zipp said. “Guess we got to stop him and Opaline and all her other minions now. Hopefully we’re not too late.” “Well like you said, never give up,” Thunder said giving a small smile and offering her his hoof. She took it and he pulled her off of her bed. She let off a final sob and wrapped her hooves around him. He slowly returned the hug with a blush. “You’re an amazing pony, Zipp,” Thunder said. “I know you and your friends will find a way to stop these villains. And I’ll do my best to help.” There was the sound of hoof claps and both of them looked to see Zoom Zephyrwing in the doorway. “Congratulations Thunder, told you you could win her heart,” Zoom said. “Uh, not sure I have yet,” Thunder said. “Yeah, not quite,” Zipp said. “But you are now my number one suitor!” He smiled at that. … Night soon fell over Zephyr Heights. Hitch slept in the infirmary of the castle. He wasn’t alone though, Pipp had decided to watch over him. Sparky and several critters were there as well, along with the injured here. How things had come full circle, they’d become a couple through him looking after her, now their positions were reversed. He was the sick… or in this case, wounded one between them. Sparky was asleep along with most of the critters while Kenneth the bird stood at attention. Then Hitch opened his eyes. “Uh,” he groaned then saw her. “Oh, morning Pipp.” She looked at the clock nearby and giggled. “Its actually only 10 pm so not quite morning yet.” “Oh, ha ha silly me!” Hitch managed a laugh. He then sighed. “But now I’m so rested I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to sleep!” A snore from another wounded pony nearby sounded, and Pipp had to agree. How any of them could sleep in here was beyond her. She looked at Hitch and an idea occurred. “Come on, lets go to my room,” she said. She took him by the waist and managed to lift him out of bed. Even though she was the smallest of their group of friends she still had surprising strength. She flew them to her room which thankfully wasn’t too far and they settled on her bed. “Whoa,” Hitch exclaimed. “You sure you can do that?” She giggled, “Hitch I’m a princess of course I can!” Pipp then looked at him and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. He wrapped his hooves around her waist and they laid on bed. > Chapter 23: Opaline's Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opaline stood in the conquered Brighthouse with an evil smirk. She had removed her metal hoof armor pieces and allowed Jazz to work her wonders in giving hooficures. She now had a design on her hooves showing a blue flame, and her main had been styled in an elegant pair of braids filled with a series of red fire lilies. She also wore a dark maroon dress that had been designed by the most well renowned Earth Pony fashion company in town. Finally, she’d gotten an ancient crown that she’d kept from her collection of seven hundred years. It was gold and had a ruby in the center. She didn’t have it on right now but instead had it carried by General Bloodheart. She wanted it put on as part of her coronation in Maretime Bay that would mark her as its ruler, and soon, all of Equestria would bow to her. “Is everything to your liking… your highness?” Rocky Rift asked nervously. “Yes,” Opaline said. “You have… sufficient skills with manes.” She then turned to Jazz. “And I feel this is truly a hooficure worthy of me.” Jazz gulped fearfully and bowed. Opaline smiled. It was good to be feared, and they learn to love her as well in time. All she had to do was eliminate all the other loved figures that could get in her way. … Zipp sat in the castle dining area with Thunder at their own table. Now that he was her only suitor she could focus her spare time on getting to know him. “I don’t think I asked this before but… what are your hobbies, likes, and dislikes?” Zipp asked. Thunder hesitated. “Well, I told you about my father being a soldier. I wanted to follow in his hoofsteps and bring honor to his legacy. I enrolled in the Zephyr Heights Military School, I started out actually as a pretty confident kid.” “You… confident?” Zipp asked, finding it hard to believe. “Yeah,” Thunder said looking down. “I thought I’d make the greatest guard of all time. I guess that may have made me a target though for bullies. They beat me up quite a few times. That caused me to… lose my confidence over time and I just became a nervous wreck. So one thing I hate is… bullies and egotists which I may have been back then. I guess I brought it on myself.” “Maybe, but you learned humility from that,” Zipp said. “I also like well, stategy games likes pegachess… or as it now ponychess.” Zipp smiled. “I used to play that game once in a while!” Thunder smiled back. “You with your sharp detective mind would probably be great at it.” She smirked. “Yeah, I am pretty smart. But before we do that tell me more about yourself.” “Okay, Zipp,” Thunder said. “I would like to be able to make my father proud, even if I can’t ever hear it. For a while I thought I couldn’t but if I can help you defeat Opaline, I think that would do. I also like fries, cupcakes, and celery with peanut butter as my top three favorite foods. Aside from chess I also like being able to fly.” “Pretty sure every pegasus does, and others wish they could,” Zipp said spreading. “Good thing we have the Marestream.” “I also like spending time with my mom and a few of my friends when I’m off-duty,” Thunder said. “And I’m pretty sure I know about you. You like investigating, being truthful, flying, mysteries, and sneaking around. You dislike being addressed a princess, that old lie about your family being the only ones that can fly, and when ponies ignore your ideas.” “Wow, you know me well Thunder Flap,” Zipp said. “I tend to be around you enough to know,” Thunder said. They smiled at each other and then headed off to the castle game room to play chess. Haven watched with Pipp and Misty at the main table. “Ah, young love,” Haven said. “Hopefully this one will work.” … Opaline emerged from the Brighthouse and faced the residents of Maretime Bay. Her soldiers guarded the ways out. Nopony was escaping from her, not unless she allowed it. “Kneel before the queen!” Dirty Fighter said. “Bow and avoid punishment!” Right Light said. A camera pony and reporter in Maretime Bay was at the front. “Is it on?” Opaline asked. “You’re on… your highness!” the camera pony said nervously. “We have full filming in Zephyr Heights!” “And Bridlewood?” Opaline asked. “They don’t have as big screen but if they are watching the news they should see it.” “Good,” Opaline said. “Greetings Equestria! You’ve all heard of me by now! I am Opaline Arcana, Alicorn Queen of Equestria and rightful owner of all magic! I am coming for you wherever you hide! Save me the trouble and you will live in relative comfort. Do not resist, surrender! You will be treated fairly, to an extent.” In Zephyr Heights, Sunny sat outside a café with Fireforge Destiny, Flurry Heart, Spike, Ember, Sparky and Hitch. “Now, Sunny Starscout, if you’re watching!” Opaline said from the screen above them, drawing Sunny’s attention even more. “I offer you a deal. My son, in exchange for many of the ponies of Maretime Bay. They are of no further use to me for the moment as I’ve drained a fair number of them of their magic. That’s very kind of me, to let them go isn’t it?” Maybe. Except the freedom didn’t come free. “I will be at Zephyr Heights in three days,” Opaline said. “I will not attack, on my honor as an evil queen! Release my son to me and your fellow Maretime Bay residents can be free for a time. At least the one’s I haven’t added to my army. If you refuse, I will let my torturer start torturing more little ponies. Starting with these little fillies here.” She levitated Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz into view, all of them were tied up together. They were silent and wore expression of terror. Pipp gasped from where she saw the trio on her phone. “Now, without further ado! My coronation!” Opaline said. General Bloodheart stepped into view on the screen and levitated the crown onto Opaline’s head. “All hail Queen Opaline!” the general said as he bowed. With the guards pointing their weapons at them, those in Maretime Bay had no choice but to bow as well. … A meeting was soon held to determine the course of action. “We have to give in!” Pipp said. “The Pipsqueaks and everypony else need us!” “But if we give him back she’ll return him to a villain!” Zipp argued. “Then we’ll have two evil alicorns to deal with again!” “I agree with Zipp,” Queen Haven said. “We can’t allow that.” “But all those ponies that are prisoners!” Hitch countered. “Who knows what they’ve gone through?” “We can’t abandon them!” Sunny said. “But we… can’t let her have Fireforge either. There has to be a way to-“ “No,” Fireforge said. “I should return to my mother.” They all looked at him. “You want to help her again?” Hitch asked. Fireforge shook his head. “No, I just want to do something good rather then bad. I know I attacked you guys before in the life I don’t remember. But spending time with you… or at least Sunny, has shown me that there are good things out there. I don’t want to be a bad pony like you all said I was, but if I can help all those other ponies then maybe I can do some good.” They all looked at each other. “It might be risky, but maybe he’ll remember us and have a change of heart,” Flurry said hopefully. Sunny looked at her mother in surprise. “Thought you didn’t believe it could be done?” “Not entirely,” Flurry confessed. “But we have to put the prisoners first. If he wants to help them it’s a step in the right direction. It could backfire, Opaline would likely restore his memories and then turn him back to the way he was.” She then glared at Fireforge. “I will not show mercy if you attack us on the battlefield next time.” He shivered and then nodded. “I still think we should vote,” Zipp said. “All in favor of handing Fireforge over?” She watched as Pipp, Flurry, Izzy, Hitch, Fireforge, and (reluctantly) Sunny raised their hooves. That left Zipp, Queen Haven, and Misty as the only ones against it. The monarch, her eldest daughter, and future stepdaughter all saw they were outvoted. “I guess the decision is made then,” Haven said. “Normally I would use my authority as queen to have the final but since we have an alicorn who is also royalty here I suppose that makes my choice amount to less.” “That makes Sunny royalty too!” Pipp suddenly realized. “Oh, uh its okay I don’t need to-“ Sunny stammered. Flurry put a hoof on her daughter. “You do what makes you happy Sunny.” … They sent the message to Opaline that they agreed. A guard delivered it, Thunder volunteered at first but Zipp didn’t want to risk her suitor as she’d lost two already to Opaline. Fortunately the guard came back unharmed. Opaline met them with her guards and prisoners on the hills were Zipp had first met Sunny and Izzy over a year ago. She flew onto the hilltop as her army and prisoners stopped at the bottom. “Fireforge,” she said as she saw her son. “Come with me! We’re returning home… or returning to a new home!” She smirked at Sunny. “Your Brighthouse is quite nice now. It didn’t burn to the ground and the lantern inside transformed it.” Sunny felt a mixture of relief and horror at that. Fireforge stepped forward before his mother and looked back at Sunny who watched him with eyes that quickly grew said. “Thank you, Sunny, for showing me what it means to be a good pony in the brief time we had together,” he said. Before she could respond, he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes widened and her cheeks grew red. Everypony else’s mouth fell open, including Opaline’s. The evil queen snarled. “You dare kiss my sworn enemy?” Opaline asked. “Has she seduced you?” “I never meant to- “She is a good pony and never tried anything seductive,” Fireforge said. Opaline seethed. “You will not have him Sunny Starscout, whether you planned this or not!” For a moment everyone was sure she’d attack but she merely flapped her wings and flew just above them. “Come Fireforge!” she told her son. Giving Sunny another look, Fireforge flapped his wings and joined his mother in the sky. “Release the prisoners!” she ordered her loyalists and mind-controlled soldiers. The captured ponies made their way up the mountain side with difficulty. The Pegasi couldn’t fly without their magic. That left the Pegasi that lived in Zephyr Heights who hadn’t had theirs taken yet to help lift them up. Pipp immediately got the trio of fillies and hugged them. “Oh Pipsqueaks! Are you three alright?” she asked tearfully. “I was so worried!” “We’re fine Pipp,” Seashell confirmed. “Aside from not having magic.” Windy was set down in front of them along with Posey and Dahlia. “Sheriff Hitch!” Windy said in a desperate voice. “Something terrible happened to Posey when we were in the castle!” “I promise I’ll do everything I can to bring justice on those evil ponies,” Hitch said. Windy approached him and whispered something in his ear. “What? Dirty did what to her?” Hitch exclaimed in alarm and anger before looking at Posey. “Oh, that evil stallion! He’ll be lucky if I defeat him without crippling him for life next time! Or worse!” He then put his hooves on Posey. “I swear I will bring him and every pony that serves Opaline to justice for this!” She looked at him and after a moment said. “Thanks. If you catch Dirty Fighter, can I get legal authorization to give him a hoofpunch or two?” “I’ll give him that punch for you!” Hitch assured her. “Let’s get you to the hospital and make sure you’re not too badly hurt anymore.” He led her off by the hoof caringly. They got the rest of the ponies up the hill and led them into Zephyr Heights while Sunny watched until Fireforge vanished with his mother into the horizon. She sighed. “Of all the stallions I could fall for it has to be the son of my archenemy!” Flurry approached her daughter and put a wing around her. “Love is a funny thing, my dear.” … Opaline took her son home and put him to sleep with a spell. She then worked her magic over his head for over an hour. “That should do it,” she said before lighting her horn up one more time. “Awaken.” Fireforge’s amber eyes opened. “M-mother?” he asked. “Yes Fireforge, it is I,” Opaline said. She’d restored his memory and done her best to push out the hooful of memories from the recent events. Though she’d had a difficult time of it, and couldn’t seem to get Sunny out of his head. She’d looked at him with a smile, and that made Opaline sick. Finally she’d seen that image flicker and die, and assumed she’d driven it out before leaving her sons head. She smiled and then led him to the top where she’d put the Unity Crystals, their same place as before. “I have you back. Now, we are almost complete. I should be able to take the magic from the crystals soon. Several hundred more ponies, a bit of dragonfire and then the magic of an alicorn and I should have enough. All the magic will be mine! And yours as well! We will rule as mother and son with iron hooves!” > Chapter 24: Striking Up High > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opaline laughed evilly. “Its time to attack again my minions! My son is back and ready to have his revenge on the puny ponies that captured him, isn’t that right, Fire?” Fireforge nodded, he’d been told about what happened after Flurry arrived. Flashback: “You were knocked out and lost your memory,” Opaline told her son. “You even fought against me!” “What?” Fireforge asked in shock. “But no need to worry, its over now. That silly little Sunny Starscout tried to turn you against me! Wrap her hooves around you and warp into following the disgusting way of unity and equality!” Fire’s orange eyes widened as he recalled the alicorn that could transform. Then something seemed to open up in his mind, like a closed door that someone had tried to lock. He remembered things that had happened. “I erased the memories of your time with her to prevent her from interfering,” Opaline said. “That silly pony thinking she could turn my own son… my flesh and blood against me! The power of love and unity is weak! We two true alicorns will reign supreme with our power!” “Y-yes Mother,” Fireforge said with the slightest hesitation. End Flashback: A few days had passed since then. Yet in his minds eye he could see her, Sunny bringing him food while he lay in a cell. Giving him a chance when nopony else would, freeing him. Fireforge’s heart, the heart that had grown hard under his mother’s guidance, seemed to melt. Opaline smiled at him and turned away just as a small tear emerged from his eye. It seemed his mother’s attempt to drive the memories away had not truly been successful. Fireforge felt so confused now, it was as if he’d taken a nap and then awoke as an all new pony after living a long dream. He was now a mixture of both the pony who had been the loyal son of Opaline and the pony that had developed feelings for Sunny Starscout. Both his mother and the pony he’d developed an attraction toward appeared in his minds eye. Opaline looked behind her as she made her way to the front of their army. “Fireforge, come!” she waved her head forward. Fireforge spread his smoky gray wings that had had their feathers dyed red, yellow and orange like his mane. Each of the ponies in today’s Equestria had evolved new traits in the last seven hundred years. Unicorn horns, Pegasus wing feathers, and every ponykind had hooves that stood out of from the rest of their body, unlike when Fire had first been born. His mother had managed to learn to add coloration while he’d been gone thanks to a prisoner she’d held. Her wings had been painted blue on the feather tips and she had a fire themed hooficure now. She’d even given him a hooficure that made his gray hooves look gold with a red flame pattern. He’d received a new warhammer as well. He reluctantly flapped his wings and caught up with his mother. It had been a few days since he’d returned to her. But he kept his confusion hidden, unsure how she’d react if she even suspected Sunny was still in his head as anything but an enemy. He and Opaline led their army in the direction of Zephyr Heights once again. This time however, it wasn’t to trade, but to conquer once again. “With both of us present we are sure to win,” Opaline said with confidence. “Yes Mother,” Fireforge said. “And I’ve been thinking,” Opaline continued. “As much as I hated seeing you kiss Sunny before I took you back, she could make a good pony to be the bearer for your children. I didn’t expect you to be an alicorn when I was pregnant with you. But if you were to have another alicorn as a mate it could increase our lineage in a very proud way. I do intend to make that Zipp pony wed my new Pegasus Lieutenant Right Light, assuming I can take her magic away and get her under mind control. Though it’s possible I might end up killing one of them.” Fireforge shivered. He didn’t know what to do, he was torn between two ponies that he had been, and the two ponies that he had cared in each of those different lives. His mother or Sunny? They continued on to Zephyr Heights. … Misty sat with Izzy who sat across from Rufus. She meanwhile sat across from Sprout. “You guys sure we should be hanging out like this?” Misty asked. “I mean Opaline could attack again here at any time.” “Oh, relax Misty,” Izzy said putting a hoof on her fellow unicorn. “We’ve been working hard ever since we got the prisoners back. We’ve been drilling with Flurry Heart daily to master our magic! Zipp’s practicing hoof fighting with the guards. “We’re doing the same,” Rufus said. “Yeah, we’re actually able to beat most other ponies at hoof wrestling,” Sprout said with a proud smile. “I always wanted to beat you unicorns and the Pegasi, but this is better then killing all of you for sure!” The others made frowns at him. “Uh we don’t need to be reminded of what you used to want to do, Sprout,” Rufus said. “I can’t believe I ever bought into that garbage back then that Unicorns and Pegasi were our enemies. I’m glad we’re all united again. But Maretime Bay is probably in a state of wreck right now, I like cleaning but not when there’s too much of it!” “Guess Team Clean will have to reassemble once we get back,” Izzy said. “Team Clean?” Misty asked confused. “Oh, a while back everypony banded together to clean up our town when all Ponykind was uniting. Maretime Bay got so busy and there was trash everywhere,” Sprout said. “Sunny and the others, being the good four hooves they always are, worked together to try and clean the place up. But there was just too much of it.” “Still Pipp’s video got a lot of attention and everypony pitched in,” Rufus said. “Even you Sprout!” “Yeah, I arrived a bit late,” Sprout said. “And I hid in the crowd as well.” “I probably would too,” Misty said. “Though I probably would have been spying at the time!” “Don’t suppose you’d mind going on a little spy mission right now?” Sprout asked. “We could maybe sneak into Maretime Bay and see what Opaline’s up to?” They all looked at him in surprised fear. “Just kidding,” Sprout said. “We wouldn’t want to risk that would we?” They all laughed. “That might be a good idea though,” Misty said. “It would help if we know what Opaline’s battleplan is.” “We’ll be ready!” Izzy said confidently. “We almost beat her last time and would have if not for the- “Unity Crystals being taken apart!” Misty exclaimed. “Opaline will have them now! She could turn off magic at any time!” … Sure enough, Right Light had the crystals stowed in his saddleback. They had been removed from the Brighthouse, though they yearned to return there, he felt the pull but was too strong for them to get away and his saddlebag was closed tight. He flew behind Opaline and Fireforge, General Bloodheart and Captain Dirty Fighter below him. Right Light was now dressed in the purple armor of Opaline’s army which had been increased a good deal with the ponies still had in Maretime Bay. The one’s she’d released had only been around half in total, the others now fought for her. … Misty, Izzy, and the two stallions made their way back to the palace. With the threat of Opaline, Zipp, Pipp, and the others were working closely with Queen Haven to come up with a plan. They were currently in the command center with officers of the royal pegasus guard. Hitch had been given a set of armor of his own, though it depicted the Earth Pony Crystal rather than the Pegasus one. He’d been made an acting commander since he had experience as a Sheriff already, and would lead part of the defense along with Sunny, Flurry, and the queen and princesses. Each of them had been outfitted with a set of armor to protect themselves. All of them except for Hitch’s had crowns or tiara’s as well since they were all royalty. Now that Sunny knew she had a princess as a mother, she had decided to finally embrace the position of princess that had automatically come with being an alicorn in ancient Equestria. “Ah there you two are!” Queen Haven said as the two unicorns joined them. “We have your armor sets ready!” Zoom and Thunder gestured to a pair of mannequins that bore two sets of armor. Both were silver colored with one having a tiara that bore a mixture of gemstones in the shape of a butterfly that had to be Misty’s. The other was a more standard helmet similar to the royal guards but had a hole for Izzy’s horn as well as a depiction of the unicorn crystal on both the helmet and breastplate. “I know you’re not technically a princess yet, Misty,” Haven said. “But I thought it would best to have your tiara made now.” “Um, wouldn’t a helmet be more practical in battle?” Misty asked. “That’s what I said,” Zipp said. “Oh come on tiaras are much prettier!” Pipp said. “You are going to be royalty, you should have a tiara,” Haven said simply. “Don’t worry, our guards will protect you!” “You can count on me Princess Misty!” Izzy said as she hugged her friend. “Izzy! Focus!” Rufus said. “Yeah, we need to tell them what we realized!” Sprout said as he entered the room slowly. Queen Haven frowned at the sight of him. “What are you doing here?” she asked angrily. “Guards! Seize him! He may be welcome in my city but not in my castle!” “Wait!” Hitch said. “Sprout, what’s going on?” “Misty realized something while we were all out to lunch,” Sprout said. “So, remember how Right Light took the Unity Crystals?” Misty asked. “How could I forget?” Zipp asked sarcastically. “Well, we figured that Opaline could deactivate the magic anytime she wanted,” Misty said. “Oh, my pony I don’t think we thought of that!” Pipp said. “We got to do something!” Zipp said. “But what?” Sunny asked. “They could be in Maretime Bay still or…” “On the way here,” Hitch said. “If Opaline’s coming that is.” “But if she’s not then we have to try and get the crystals back!” Zipp said. “We can’t have her disable our magic whenever she wants! Its how she won last time!” “Then we have to send someone to do it!” Queen Haven said. “I’m the best at sneaking!” Zipp said to her mother. “Absolutely not!” Queen Haven said. “You are my daughter and heir! There has to be someone else we can trust to handle things… stealthily.” “Let me go!” Sprout said. “I said somepony I can trust,” Queen Haven said disdainfully. “You tried to kill me and my daughters as well as Alphabittle!” Sprout looked down in shame. “I know, that’s why I want to help.” “And he won’t be alone,” Misty said. “I’m going to. For all my incompetence as a villain I did learn to infiltrate pretty well.” “That is true,” Sunny said. “You fooled us for a long time.” “But Opaline knows you’re against her, we didn’t,” Zipp said. “Not for sure at least.” “I know it’s risky, but this is what I want to do,” Misty said. Slowly, everypony nodded. … Misty and Sprout made their way to the outside of Zephyr Heights silently. They glanced at once occasionally then blushed and looked away shyly. “Come on we need to pick up the pace!” a voice said from above, causing them to jump. They looked up and saw the source. “Zipp what are you doing?” Misty asked the eldest princess. “Your mom said to stay here!” “When has that ever stopped me,” Zipp said. “Besides somepony needs to be able to fly back fast if Opaline’s coming here. Too bad we couldn’t retrieve the marestream.” They soon arrived back at the hills where Opaline had delivered the prisoners. But down there in the distance, perhaps a mile away, they saw them. “Oh no! We’re too late!” Sprout said. “Run!” He and Misty turned around and ran as Opaline’s army marched up the hill. Zipp sighed in frustration and followed after a moment. “Go ahead Zipp!” Misty shouted. “We’ll be fine!” Zipp nodded, Opaline’s army wouldn’t be able to catch her friends. Though she hated abandoning them even briefly, she knew she had to warn her mother and everypony else. Flying ahead she soon reached the castle. “They’re here!” Zipp said as she entered the main door. The guards scurried to sound the alarm. Soon it blared for Zephyr Heights to hear and Sprout and Misty entered quickly followed by Sunny, Haven, and the others. “We were too late!” Zipp said. “Zipp I said for you to stay here!” Haven exclaimed. “No time for that!” Zipp argued. “We have to get out there and fight!” Knowing there was no choice, they all made their way outside to defend Zephyr Heights. The defending army this time was primarily Pegasi, with a few unicorns and many Earth Ponies that had been released by Opaline or moved here following the unification of all Ponykind. As they walked, Hitch spotted Posey, Windy and Dahlia among the ponies advancing. “You three should be inside,” Hitch told her. “Posey you-“ “I’m fine!” the yellow mare roared. “The doctor checked me and I’m fine! I may have lost my magic and my pride but my strength has returned! Besides you think I’m gonna let that son of a (beep) get me again? I’m gonna settle the score with him if I can!” She’d armed herself with a spear from the local armory along with several other ponies. With full war emerging Zephyr Height citizens had come forward to help. Remembering her failure last time. “We want to help too!” Seashell said as she ran up with Glory and Peach Fizz. “I know we can’t fight but there has to something we can do!” “Watch Sparky!” Hitch said as she handed her the baby dragon off his back. Sunny focused and transformed into an alicorn as she ran and flapped her wings to join her mother Flurry as well as the royal Pegasus family in the sky. Thunder flapped alongside Zipp and Queen Haven, Hitch meanwhile followed Misty and Izzy along with Sprout, Posey and the others trailing behind, Spike and Ember stomped the ground as they made their way forward. Inside one of the houses, Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz watched along with Sparky whom they’d been left in charge of for the attack. They were almost to the hilltops, but Opaline’s five wave got their first. The evil alicorn along with Right Light and Fireforge Destiny flew alongside her. “Leave now and never come back!” Haven ordered. “Nice try but you are not true royalty!” Opaline scoffed. “Just a pretender who thought she could fool her citizens and make herself look special!” Haven didn’t answer. Flurry then stepped forward. “Its time to end this, Opaline!” “I agree!” Ember said as she unleashed a stream of fire directly at the evil alicorn. Right Light and Fireforge screamed as they were in range as well, fortunately the latter’s mother put up a shield that protected all three of them. The dragon fire hit Opaline’s shield and she flew against the pressure before changing her spell, drawing the fire in. Ember was unable to stop and felt her own fire being drawn out of her and into Opaline’s horn which glowed brighter as her power increased even more. Ember gasped in pain and collapsed. “Ember! No!” Spike called out in concern for his mate. Opaline laughed evilly and then began to create dozens of fireballs in midair. “Attack!” she ordered. Her army that had made it up the hills charged forward, with more climbing up. The Pegasi still had the advantage of flight, as most of the ones on Opaline’s side were brainwashed and hadn’t been able to keep their magic. They flapped their wings and tried to soar down on the invading army, but Opaline’s fireballs blocked their path and moved to intercept the Pegasi who flew away fearfully. One of them got caught and screamed as she was lit aflame and disintegrated. “No pony shall have the sky but me!” Opaline said. “And my son and those loyal and capable of course!” The fireballs then merged to form a dome of flame over Opaline’s army, preventing the defending Pegasi from swooping down on them, taking away their advantage. Opaline also created a wall of flame in front of herself and her two flying companions. However, a beam of yellow magic hit it and caused it to vanish as Flurry, Sunny, Zipp and Pipp came forward on their wings, the flame dome just below their hooves. “Ah, alicorn to alicorn!” Opaline said. “You won’t get the best of me this time Flurry!” “We’ll see about that!” the younger alicorn said. Her yellow magic shot at Opaline who countered with her own blue purple magic. Opaline’s quickly pushed back Flurry’s though and knocked her back. “Mom!” Sunny exclaimed. Flurry was alright, just forced to backflip through the air, she steadied herself thankfully though. “Hiyah!” Zipp flew at Right Light and grappled him. “You traitor! I can’t believe I didn’t see you for what you were!” Right merely scoffed as he twirled. “Yeah, all I care about is becoming a king! I will be that after I help Opaline, at least an acting king under reign who will lead the Pegasi!” “You’ll never get the chance after my mom has you imprisoned or executed for treason!” Zipp declared. They threw aerial attacks at each other in graceful dance like motions. They rose over the flames and continued to fight as Pipp followed to help her sister. Sunny looked at Fireforge, and saw the confusion on his face. Down below, Hitch, Misty, Izzy and all the others were facing General Bloodheart and Dirty Fighter. “Alright General! Time to retire!” Izzy said as she launched a blast of magic at him. He easily blocked it though. “Dirty Fighter you are guilty of torture of the most heinous kind on an innocent mare!” Hitch said as he put his hooves to the ground and tried to use his Earth Pony magic. “You will be brought to justice!” “Justice smustice!” Dirty said as he conjured his own vines to counter Hitch’s. Their two sets of plants wrestled with each other fruitlessly with neither getting the upper hoof, or vine in this case. More of the enemy army climbed up the hill and charged the defenders. With the Pegasi unable to offer air support, they were deprived of a major advantage they had counted on this battle. The Earth Ponies that still had their magic did their best to try and conjure plants, and the unicorns including Izzy and Misty tried to fire spells they’d learned to use recently but there were too many of the invaders. It looked like for an instant that Opaline would have easy win, but then something huge flew at the flames blocking the majority of the pathway up. Spike dove into the flames, his dragon scales resistant to being burned, though he still received a bit of a sting. “No!” Opaline exclaimed. Spike landed on a few unfortunate ponies with remorse. But there was no choice, he had to protect the defending ponies and his mate in any way he could. His tail whipped, his feet caused tremors that caused the enemy to lose their balance. He could have included his teeth as well but didn’t want to taste pony flesh, that would go against his very nature as a dragon raised by ponies. Opaline tried to get to him and prevent him from holding back her forces, but Flurry blocked her path. “You won’t win this time!” Flurry declared. They flew at each other and engaged in another alicorn-to-alicorn duel. Magic flew back and forth as they flew. Sunny hesitated, looking at Fireforge. He likewise looked at her. “You remember me, don’t you?” she asked. “Yes,” he confessed. “Is it still you?” she asked desperately. “In a way, I’m still the pony that developed feelings for you,” he said. “But I’m also the pony I was before that. A mixture of both.” The battle went on all around them while they stared at each other, all else seeming to just pass by. “Help us!” Sunny requested. Fireforge clenched his teeth, torn between her and his mother. Opaline had always treated him with love, but he had been the only one to ever receive it. Sunny meanwhile, seemed to share her love and optimism with everypony she met. She accepted them all as equals. The pony Fireforge used to be would be disgusted by that. Now he had a mixture of disgust and admiration. Flurry dodged the first few attacks but finally one hit her shield and broke through, sending her falling once again a short distance. She landed with a thud on the mountainside of a nearby hill. But Opaline was quick to follow up, get on top of the younger alicorn mother and focusing on her cutie mark. She drew it in, Flurry’s mark of a heart with snow coming down on it was lifted off her flank, her magic power was drained and she lay still. Sunny caught sight of her mother’s defeat and her mouth fell open. “Mommm!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. Opaline, meanwhile, laughed as her wings and horn burned even brighter. “So much power!” she declared before turning to Sunny. “Just you now and maybe a few other ponies and I will have all the magic I need to drain the Unity Crystals!” She looked down at the ponies below and even more balls of fire appeared. Opaline sent them out toward Zephyr Heights and set many buildings aflame, but spared the royal palace as she wanted that mostly intact as a seat of power here. Below them, Sunny saw that her friends were managing to push the possessed ponies back. Hitch, Posey, Sprout and Windy all surrounded Dirty Fighter who looked scared. Posey pointed her spear to his throat, looking ready to pierce it on the spot. Rufus managed to restrain the ponies trying to help General Bloodheart while Izzy and Misty blasted him off his hooves. Zipp and Pipp even managed to ram Right Light against a mountain side. Queen Haven, the royal guards, and the all others were even managing to fend off the possessed ponies. But Opaline saw it as well and flew over the defenders. “You will not withstand me!” She used her new power to drain an even large number of ponies of their magic, only a handful were left. Hitch, Izzy, Rufus, Sprout and all the other ponies screamed as their magic was taken. Even the ones that had had their magic already taken were affected as well. It sapped their physical strength and they all fell to their stomachs. Only Misty, Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp, as well as a hooful of others remained. Opaline meanwhile, glowed still brighter. “So close! So close!” the evil alicorn boasted as she felt all the power before turning to Sunny. “No!” Zipp sprang into action. “You won’t have Sunny!” Before Opaline could drain the last opposing alicorn of her power, Zipp rammed into her. Pipp flew up to Sunny. “Go Sunny! Get out of here!” the younger princess said. “We’ll hold her off!” Sunny’s eyes widened. “No! I can’t leave you here!” “Its our only chance!” Misty said as she fired a beam up at Opaline, only to be hit from behind by a recovered General Bloodheart. “You don’t know when to quit do you traitor!” Bloodheart asked as he stood before Ember’s seemingly unconscious form. Only for her eyes to open and her to ram him with her head. She struggled to push herself part way up. “Go!” she said to Misty. “You are the most skilled magic user here! Sunny needs you!” Misty clenched her teeth uncertainly. Zipp and Pipp grabbed Opaline and pushed her back as Spike looked and saw what was going on. The scene reminded him of when all Twilight’s friends did their best to hold back three of their enemies. “Come on you two!” He said tearfully before looking at Flurry and wishing he were closer to her. She looked back at him and nodded, knowin git was what must be done. Opaline could not get the last remaining alicorn, if she did, all was lost. Sunny flew onto Spike’s back while Misty fought through the remaining opponents and jumped on. Opaline then drained the two Pegasus princesses of their powers, they screamed and fell onto the ground a few feet below. Opaline looked as Spike spread his wings. “Fireforge! Right Light! Stop them!” she ordered. But Spike flapped his wings, sending Right Light and Fireforge back with a powerful gust of wind as he rose. He then flew at a rate far faster then either of them could hope to catch up with. Spike looked behind him as Ember weakly tried to fend off the other invaders. Sunny and Misty looked back as well with tears in their eyes. “We’ll come back for you!” Sunny shouted. “Hoof to heart!” Misty said. “I’ll be back for you sisters!” Zipp and Pipp heard that and managed a smile. Things were looking worse then ever, but as long as Sunny was not captured and got her magic drained they have chance. It was all down to Sunny and Misty now, and there was only one major place left for them to hide. Spike flew in the direction of Bridlewood. > Chapter 25: Bridlewood Strong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They arrived in Bridlewood at nightfall, Spike landed in front of the Crystal Tearoom, causing a tremor and several branches to fall from the trees they’d gone through. Alphabittle emerged as he heard the tremor. His mouth fell open as he saw a living dragon in Bridlewood. Many other unicorns came out and saw Spike as well with similar expressions. “Sunny! Misty!” the teamaking chief exclaimed. “Dad!” Misty cried as she ran toward her father and embraced him. “Opaline took Zephyr Heights!” “Oh, this is terrible!” Alphabittle said. “Now we’re the only community that hasn’t fallen!” “We should have been there to help!” Onyx shouted. “Why didn’t we go as soon as we heard Maretime Bay had fallen?” Many of the unicorns looked down somberly. They’d been afraid to take action and merely hope the enemy would be defeated. That was apparently not the case. “Everypony listen to me!” Alphabittle said stomping his hoof and walking to the center. “We cannot stand idly by any longer!” He turned to Sunny. “You waited for Opaline to come to you both times correct?” “Yes,” Sunny admitted reluctantly. Alphabittle shook his head. “We cannot make the same move again. We must attack first this time! Its our only chance to save our friends and family that have moved to other lands! If we had all united together we might have won!” Sunny recalled the recent battles. “We were so close the last couple times! But the unity crystals got separated by Right Light and Opaline used that victory to grow stronger! We almost beat her forces in Zephyr Heights but she was just too powerful!” Not to mention, I was too conflicted about fighting Fireforge. She thought. I hoped to be able to turn him back to our side. Alphabittle sighed. “We’ve been defeated by a number of things so far. But we’ve been separated those times. We can only hope that we will be strong enough this time and ready for whatever Opaline sends our way.” “She’ll be stronger though!” Misty said. “Once she drains everypony in Zephyr Heights! She might be too powerful for us!” Alphabittle grimaced. “We have no choice. We have to try. Its our only chance. Haven is there, and her daughters and the rest of your friends.” Sunny nodded. She looked up back in the direction of Zephyr Heights which appeared as a mountain in the distance now. They could only hope everypony was alright. … Back in the Pegasus Homeland, things were not looking good as Opaline had taken over the castle and brainwashed many of the guards. Right Light stood by her along with General Bloodheart and Dirty Fighter. She sat on Queen Haven’s throne as the aging Pegasus watched in dismay. Haven was to be public stripped of her crown on live camera. Fireforge Destiny meanwhile, sat on Zipp’s throne to Opaline’s right. “It is a dark day for Zephyr Heights and all of Equestria,” the two news ponies, Skye and Dazzle, announced. “We now have a new ruler in Queen Opaline!” “That’s right!” Opaline declared. “Now you have a true Queen, and not some mere pretender who couldn’t even fly for most of her reign!” She then turned to Queen Haven. “Kneel before Opaline!” Haven hesitated, and Opaline lit up her horn and spread her wings. The Queen of the Pegasi bowed her head low and removed her crown with her hooves as Opaline smirked. The crown was tossed before the throne and Haven looked up sadly, her pride gone. Her flank was blank as well since she’d taken her cutie mark during the fight earlier. Then she noticed Zipp looking defiantly at her while Pipp gazed at her in fright. “You have some courage… princess,” Opaline said as she walked over and took Zipp’s chin. “And your sister has her confidence. But I’ll see both of those break!” She turned her horn to the now former queen Haven who was lifted into the air by a blue purple aura. It caused the former queen to scream. “Mom!” Pipp exclaimed in fright. “Let her go!” Zipp demanded. Opaline looked at her for a moment then smirked. “Careful what you wish for!” She opened a nearby window in the throne room and levitated Haven out over a several hundred feet drop. “Bow to me, or your mother shall fly for the last time,” Opaline said. “Straight down!” Zipp’s courage melted as she saw her mother suspended above the city with no ability to fly. She clenched her teeth and bowed reluctantly. Pipp followed suit and Opaline grinned before returning their mother to the floor of the throne room safely. She motioned to the guards she’d brainwashed. “Take this false queen to the dungeon!” Opaline commanded them and gestured to Haven. “And remove any luxuries in the cells! Prisoners do not get luxuries!” She’d inspected the cells before hand and seen the fair treatment they offered such as fruit bowls and massage chairs. “Oh no! Not my luxury cells!” Haven exclaimed. “Mom!” Zipp tried to get to her mother but was blocked by Thunder who’s eyes glowed purple. Opaline then approached her. “You will do as I say! Whether you like it or not!” She looked straight into Zipp’s sapphire eyes and those eyes glowed purple as well. “Zipp!” Pipp screamed. Opaline turned to her as well and hypnotized the younger sister as well. She then looked at the camera. “Your royals have fallen,” Opaline said. “No Princess Pipp!” Seashell screamed from where she stood in the throne room with her adoptive sisters. “The only thing she shall be a princess of now is entertaining me!” Opaline said. “Sing!” Pipp broke into song and danced. Unable to fly but still a good dancer. “Oh Opaline, Oh Opaline, You are so cruel, a terror to behold! A power so great no pony can hope To stand against you! You will have all the magic! We were fools to stand against you. Us pathetic little ponies Oh Opaline, Oh Opaline. You are superior!” “Bravo! Bravo!” Opaline said clapping her hooves. “Dismissed!” The brainwashed royals were escorted away by the brainwashed guards, leaving Opaline with her son and other commanders. Opaline walked back up to the throne she’d claimed and looked at her son. “I believe I should probably share some of the power with you!” she said. “Can’t have you be nothing compared to me now, can I? You are an alicorn and my son after all! And one who understands the way the world works! That we are superior!” She lit up her horn and transferred a fair amount of the magic power she’d drained from ponies in Zephyr Heights and Maretime Bay. It flowed into Fire’s horn which lit up brighter and he felt the power coursing through his veins, but it didn’t thrill him as it would have before his memory loss and meeting Sunny. He just felt… empty. What was power… without ponies that genuinely cared for you? “How does that feel, my son?” Opaline asked as she took her seat on the throne next to him. “P-powerful,” Fireforge said turning away. “Good!” Opaline said also turning away, failing to notice her sons lack of enthusiasm. “Now, I may have come up with a new plan. Right Light, the crystals?” The traitor Pegasus walked forward and presented the Unity Crystals from his saddle bag. Opaline levitated them out and looked at them then back at Fireforge. “I had thought that perhaps taking Sunny’s magic would be the final step but she is only one alicorn, and you are the same!” Opaline said. “Together, I’m sure we can drain the magic ourselves right now!” Her evil laughter filled the room. > Chapter 26: A Prince's Aid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opaline held the crystals before them as her wings and horn glowed with power. Fireforge’s likewise did the same in an orange fire of his own. “You ready?” Opaline asked her son eagerly. “Y-yes,” Fireforge said. She cast her spell on the crystals to try and drain them of their power. They vibrated, trying to resist her efforts. Reluctantly, Fireforge joined as well. He could feel the magic flowing through him, and even felt some of the ponies it had come from. Specifically, he saw them in his minds eye. All of Sunny’s friends without their cutie marks and abilities, the two Pegasus princess’s fighting to make sure she and Misty got away. He saw flashes of their memories in their magic, Zipp and Pipp flying for the first time with joy. Izzy using her magic for arts and crafts, Hitch bonding with his animal friends, and Sunny smiling at them as an alicorn after she’d just transformed in a garden somewhere. “I think I can only transform into an alicorn when I’m truly helping somepony,” she said. “Cause that’s my best self.” Fireforge felt a tear escape his eyes. Her best self. Meanwhile his best self had been helping his mother to conquer and take all magic for them alone. Fireforge had never noticed until now just how empty life had become for him. His memories turned to his foalhood when he’d had no friends to play with. Opaline had kept him training as soon as he could walk. He’d have lessons with the soldiers she took control of over the years of hiding before they made their move on Twilight’s castle. It had not been a happy life. She’d molded him into a weapon, true she had felt love for him, but was it really genuine? Fireforge wasn’t so sure anymore. He felt the energy in the crystals slipping out into him. It struggled to stay inside under the power of the two alicorns. Fireforge could have kept going and they probably would have taken the prisbeem once and for all. But as he kept imagining Sunny, he stopped. That left Opaline alone, and the crystals managed to repel her attempt and force her to stop as well. “Ah!” she exclaimed as she opened her eyes with a growl. “Still too strong!” She sighed. “Seems we’ll have to go to Bridlewood after all. No matter, one more battle and it will all be over. There’s no way Sunny and the unicorns can stand against us now. If they’d united together early on, they might have defeated us. But now Equestria is as good as ours, and then we shall construct a new kingdom for me in the middle of all three settlements. After that we shall turn our attention to lands beyond Equestria! We will conquer the entire world!” Fireforge had once been thrilled with that idea as his mother had instilled her thirst for power in him. But now he felt dread. He knew he was at a crossroad of his destiny. Time with Sunny had seemed to open his eyes to another sort of life that could be out there waiting for him, one of friendship and love where everypony could be equal. But if he stayed with his mother and helped her, he’d rule by her side, over… miserable ponies. There were some that were happy to serve them like General Bloodheart, Right Light, and Dirty Fighter. But the rest were forced. Sunny didn’t do that to her friends. Fireforge had to choose. He needed to find out whether it was worth staying with his mother and making the mare he’d developed feelings for lose her magic. “Mother?” he asked. “Yes Fire?” Opaline asked looking at him. “Do you… really love me?” he asked. “Of course I do!” Opaline said. “You are the only pony I can ever proudly say that of! You are an alicorn just like me and you understand what it means to be an alicorn! That we are superior over all the other pathetic little ponies!” Fireforge wasn’t so sure of that anymore. Alicorns might be more powerful themselves but that didn’t mean they alone should have all the magic. Everypony deserves equal opportunity. Sunny’s words echoed in his mind again. “So you just love me because I’m an alicorn?” he asked. “What are you getting at?” Opaline asked, a flicker of irritance lighting in her eyes. “What if I’d been an Earth Pony, Pegasus or unicorn?” he asked. “I probably would have given you to your father,” Opaline said dismissively. “You would have been a part of my army but I would never have called you son.” And with those words, Fireforge’s heart… which had recently been hard as stone and nearly cold as ice before he met Sunny… broke. Opaline got down from her acquired throne and turned to Bloodheart. “See to our armies preparation. We attack Bridlewood the day after tomorrow,” she said. “Yes my queen,” Bloodheart said as he bowed his head before turning to his fellow commanders. “You two go and get some rest, we’ll all need to be at our best.” “Yes General,” Dirty Fighter said. “I think I’ll go have some fun with our princess prisoners and their friends. Want to come Right Light?” He looked at their newest inner circle member with a malevolent grin. Right Light returned it as he got an idea what the wicked torturer meant. “I think I will,” Right said. Fireforge frowned. Opaline walked off to retire for the night. Now he knew that she only ‘loved’ him because he was an alicorn. An alicorn that she’d raised to be in her image. She’d denied him friendship with other ponies growing up, and that was something Sunny had given him. True her friends and even her own mother hadn’t trusted him, but not without good reason. Now, it was time to change that. … In the dungeon of Zephyr Heights, Hitch sat with Sprout and Rufus. Izzy, Jazz, and Rocky were in the cell across from them. Posey, Windy, and Dahlias next to them, and several foals and Sparky in the one across from that. “I hope Misty’s okay,” Sprout said in concern. “Me too,” Hitch agreed. “And Sunny as well! And Pipp and Zipp!” His marefriend and her sister had been brought before Opaline as they were part of the royal family. Who knew what was gonna happen to them now? Suddenly Queen Haven was escorted by a pair of brainwashed guards into a cell next to theirs. “Queen Haven!” Hitch exclaimed. “Oh, Hitch this is simply awful! I’m just Haven now! Not Queen Haven!” the monarch said. “That blasted usurping alicorn!” “Quiet!” the brainwashed guards said as he stood by her door. “Nopony shall speak ill of her highness Opaline!” “You are loyal to me!” Haven objected. “Or at least you were!” She sighed. “Where are Zipp and Pipp?” Hitch asked. “I don’t know, Opaline sent me down here after she made them bow down by threatening to throw me to the ground from the throneroom!” Haven exclaimed. They waited. Then after some time Zipp and Pipp came, but their eyes shined purple like the other brainwashed ponies. “Pipp! No!” Hitch yelled as he saw his marefriend. Then another pair of ponies entered the dungeon behind the sisters, and Hitch’s mouth fell open in horror as he saw it was none other than the devious pair of Dirty Fighter and Right Light. Dirty smirked at Hitch as he looked at the pony who’d become his primary archenemy in this day and age. Posey shuddered as she saw the pony who’d horrifically tortured her as well. “Hello Sheriff,” Dirty said in a mocking voice. “This is your marefriend, right?” He took Pipp’s chin and made her look at him with a blank purple set of eyes. “Y-yes,” Hitch said nervously. Dirty smirked. “Well, I thought I’d let you see her… before I steal her from you!” “What?” Hitch exclaimed. “No!” “She’s a very pretty mare,” Dirty said running a hoof through Pipp’s mane. “I always wanted to have my own little princess! Though she’ll be my damsel in distress!” “You and me both!” Right Light said smirking at his fellow villain. “I’ll be taking Zipp meanwhile! Isn’t that right, my dear?” Zipp nodded. “As you wish, my future husband.” Opaline must have chosen to have Zipp be engaged to Right Light in order to establish a forced alliance and further demoralize the populace. Haven growled in her cell. “Get your hooves off my girls! I swear if you hurt them I will enact capital punishment on you both!” “Let me be the one to carry it out!” Posey screamed in fury as she banged on the cell bars. “I will rule as regent of Zephyr Heights under Opaline’s rule!” Right Light said. “And I shall receive Maretime Bay!” Dirty Fighter declared. Hitch gritted his teeth. His town was going to be ruled by that monster? “Queen Opaline is planning to make a new kingdom for herself in the center of all lands! Opaline Prime!” “You’ll never get away with this!” Izzy said with determination. “Oh, but we already have,” Right Light said. “Your magic is gone and now only Bridlewood and Sunny as well as Misty and Spike remain in our way. Face it ponies, you’ve lost!” “Yeah, and now I’m gonna take this princess for myself!” Dirty Fighter said as he grabbed Pipp by the hoof and began to lead her back the way he came. “No! Pipp!” Hitch screamed at the thought of what he’d do to her. The same thing he’d done to poor Posey. “Zipp! No!” Haven said in the same tone. They were sure that they’d never see them again once they vanished from their sight. But just before the traitorous evil stallions could escort them out of sight, a shadow appeared in their path out of the dungeon. “Stop right there!” a familiar voice said. “Prince Fireforge,” Dirty Fighter bowed. “I’d actually like to have some time with these princesses myself tonight,” Fireforge’s voice said. “Always welcomed the ones that are… still pure.” Hitch gritted his teeth as he remembered what he and Pipp had done a couple nights ago. She wasn’t pure anymore, but at least she’d not been forced. “Oh, I didn’t know you had an interest in that as well your highness,” Dirty Fighter grinned. “Alright, I’ll let you have them first since you’re the queen’s son.” And Dirty Fighter as well as Right Light walked off, leaving Pipp and Zipp behind them. Fireforge came into Hitch’s view. “Great, so now you’re gonna do that unspeakable thing to my marefriend and her sister as well?” Hitch snapped and pointed a hoof. “No,” Fireforge shook his head. “I’m gonna help you all get away!” Haven’s eyes widened. “You are?” “Yes,” Fireforge said. He turned his horn to Zipp and Pipp, it glowed and released a wave of energy at them. They gasped and shook their heads before looking around, free from Opaline’s control. “Uh, what happened?” Zipp said rubbing her head. “Oh girls! Thanks goodness!” Haven said. “For a moment there I was afraid you would be…” She shivered, unable to say the words. The other ponies were silent as well. Fireforge Destiny then lit up his horn, and magic escaped from it, marks popped out of it. Hitch saw cutie marks suspended in midair, including his and those of his friends. They remained like that for a moment as Fireforge kept hold on them for some reason. “Uh, this might be a bit preemptive and I don’t know if it will help ponies escape. Unless…” His horn lit up brighter as he added a bit more magic to the collection above him that must have numbered in a few hundred at least. Then he spoke. “To everyone who receives these cutie marks. I’m returning them to you so you can get out! Go to Bridlewood and reunite with Sunny! Help her defeat my mother!” As he finished speaking, Fireforge released the magic that Opaline had given him! It flowed through Zephyr Heights and returned to the various ponies that it had been stolen from. Hitch, Zipp, Izzy, and Pipp all received their cutie marks back along with Rufus and Windy. As his mark returned to his flank, Hitch then heard what Fireforge had just said aloud in his head. To everyone who receives these cutie marks. I’m returning them to you so you can get out! Go to Bridlewood and reunite with Sunny! Help her defeat my mother. Other marks traveled out of sight, hopefully to return to the ponies they belonged to. They’d also receive the message then! Zipp and Pipp smiled as their magic returned to them and they flapped their wings and immediately went around the other cells. They used the hoof print scanners to open them. “Oh girls!” Haven said as she emerged from her cell and hugged Zipp first. Pipp did the same for Hitch and his cellmates. They hugged and kissed then she quickly flew to free the others along with Zipp. Unfortunately, Haven’s magic had not been returned as Opaline still had it. It took a few minutes but they soon had everypony out including Flurry Heart who had been placed on a cell to the far side. Her magic had unfortunately not returned. “Let’s get out of here!” Sprout said. “Not without Aunt Ember!” Flurry said weakly. “I can help with that!” Fireforge said. He lit up his horn and teleported them all to where she was located. Ember was trapped in a large prison bubble outside Zephyr Heights on the mountains. With the combined magic of the ponies that had it, Fireforge and Izzy each sending a powerful beam from their horns, Hitch and Rufus using plant magic, Zipp, Pipp and Windy ramming into it with their wings. Together they managed to pop the bubble and free the dragon. “Momma!” Sparky ran over and hugged his mother. “Oh Sparky,” Ember said in relief as she gave him a nose kiss. “Let’s get to Bridlewood and find Sunny,” Hitch said. Ember got the ponies she could fit on her back. Hopefully the others would be able to escape and meet them there. Things had finally turned around for them. But they knew the final confrontation was about to happen. At least now they might have a fighting chance. … Sunny, Misty, Spike, and Alphabittle along with a handful of unicorns marched forward. “We’re going to save our friends!” Sunny declared. “And family! It's all or nothing today!” Spike nodded. “I’ll catch up with you! I’m going back to the dragon lands. Hopefully by now more of them have woken up and will be able to help us fight. Ember is their Dragon Lord and as her mate I’m second in command!” Sunny nodded. “We’ll need all the help we can get.” Spike flapped his wings and took off while Sunny and her companions began the walk to Zephyr Heights. > Chapter 27: Rescue Gone Wrong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny was flanked by Misty and Alphabittle as they made their way to Zephyr Heights in the dark of the night. There was no time to lose. Every second Opaline controlled the Pegasus home was another she could be preparing for the final launch on the unicorns that would decide everything. Nopony said a word, there was a tension in the air as they walked. Sunny was still in her alicorn form, and wearing her armor and tiara. This was perhaps the longest time she had ever been in alicorn form. Just thinking of her friends in a cell or suffering through who knew what made her worry. So she was in her alicorn form constantly for now. She knew what Opaline’s inner circle was capable of and dreaded the possibility when her mind wandered to Dirty Fighter). They walked on the main road. Finally, Alphabittle spoke. “Don’t worry, Haven, I’m coming for you and your girls! They will be mine as well before long and I’ll love them like my own!” Sunny and Misty smiled at the sound of that. Misty had grown to consider Zipp and Pipp her sisters ever since she learned that Alphabittle and Queen Haven were engaged. Now she could have a proper family again, if they all survived what was to come. … Little did they know that a ways off the main road a mile to the east, Zipp was leading the escaped ponies away from Zephyr Heights. She’d spent some time circling around with Ember, Pipp, and Fireforge Destiny to make sure they got every pony that escaped. They’d avoided the main road to make sure any patrols Opaline might have wouldn’t spot them. Surprise was their best advantage right now, and they needed to keep it. “I just hope Sunny is alright,” Fireforge said as he flew next to her. “Me too,” Zipp said. They continued on until morning. … By the time the sun rose, Sunny’s group had made it to the mountains before Zephyr Heights. They were tired, but determined. Misty closed her book that she’d been reading to memorize as many spells as possible before the final battle. It was today, everything would end today, one way or another. Either they’d defeat Opaline, or they’d lose. “I think we’ll be safe here,” Alphabittle said. “Everypony set up camp, and have some sentries keep watch at the top of the hill to make sure nopony spots us!” “Okay, we need to try and get some rest,” Sunny said. “But we also have to get everypony out of there that we can!” “I think I can help with that,” Misty said as she opened her book to a certain page. “I found this spell that allows one to become invisible. Maybe I can…” She lit up her horn and got pressed her body against Sunny as the book instructed that to make multiple ponies invisible, they had to remain in direct contact. “Stay right up against me Sunny,” Misty said as she cast the spell. Both of them vanished. “Dad, can you see us?” Misty asked Alphabittle. “No!” he said. “Then we’re going in to get the others,” Misty said. They made their way slowly. Once or twice they appeared on the cliffs or streets but they managed to evade overral detection and got to the dungeon where Sunny had once been imprisoned herself only to find… “Noponies here!” Sunny exclaimed. … Opaline awoke in the morning and yawned, resting herself on the comfortable bed that she’d claimed as her own in Queen Haven’s room. It was certainly a luxury to be in. She removed her sleep mask and headed down to the royal kitchen. She’d allowed the chefs and everypony to keep their jobs at least. Now they would work in her service. She expected to see her son there but he wasn’t present. She shrugged, he’d probably be down soon. In the meantime she examined her variety of royal breakfast choices. “Shadowberries!” Opaline exclaimed as she saw her favorite fruit. “Don’t mind if I do!” She then looked at the royal chef who looked at her nervously. “Mix these into some pancakes!” she commanded. “Y-yes Queen Opaline!” the chef said timidly as he quickly got to work. Soon Opaline was served shadowberry pancakes on a silver plate encrusted with jewels. At least the Pegasus queen had had the decent taste of royalty. She levitated her knife and fork and cut herself her first bite. She frowned as she noted her beloved son had not joined her. “He’ll be here,” she told herself. But by the time she finished her meal he had not arrived. “Where is my son?” she asked incredulously. “Queen Opaline!” a voice exclaimed as General Bloodheart entered the room. “The prisoners we kept in the dungeon have escaped!” “What?” Opaline exclaimed. “We checked the dungeon and found nopony there!” Bloodheart said. “The Royal Pegasus family, their friends, and several others have escaped including Ember the dragon!” “This is an outrage!” Opaline shouted. “How could they have possibly escaped. Where is my son?” “That’s another thing, he’s not been seen since last night!” Bloodheart said. “The servants said he never returned or even brought the two princesses to his bed chamber!” Dirty Fighter said as he entered the room. “He must have helped them escape!” Right said as he also came in. Opaline snarled and her horn lit up. “My son would never betray me!” Then she recalled that disgusting moment a couple days ago. When she’d traded all the prisoners for him, the image of Fireforge kissing Sunny filled her with revulsion. “Sunny Starscout!” Opaline growled. “She seduced my son so thoroughly and made him weak! She’ll pay for this! I’ll take her magic and then I’ll make her suffer after I have every bit of magic for myself!” … Zipp, Fireforge, and the other escapees finally got to Bridlewood. They saw very few unicorns there. One of them, an elderly unicorn saw the escapees and approached them. “Izzy!” she greeted the younger unicorn. “Elder Flower,” Izzy said in relief as she hugged the old mare. “Where is everypony? We thought they’d be here!” “Alphabittle and many others went to Zephyr Heights to free you,” Elder Flower said. The ponies gasped at this. “Sunny!” Fireforge exclaimed. “Oh no!” Hitch said. “We have to help them!” “Great, now we have to march all the way back home when we just escaped!” Pipp said. “Couldn’t someone have told us Sunny would come for us?” “We need to make sure the young ones are kept safe,” Posey said as she gestured to the Pipsqueaks who’d been fortunate enough to receive their magic back and joined them. Ember looked at Flurry who lay weak on her back. “You should probably stay as well, Flurry,” she told her niece. “No,” Flurry said shaking her head. “But… you’re so weak right now!” Ember said. “I can still stand!” Flurry said pushing herself to her hooves with a fresh resolve. “As long as I have love inside me I can! I’m the princess of love, just like my mother before me! And my daughter is probably to be known as the princess of hope! She is our greatest hope!” “Flurry, if you remain without magic too long…” “I know,” Flurry said. “But I still have at least a couple days before it could happen. I survived seven hundred years without the majority of my magic.” “This time it only delays the inevitable though,” Ember told her. “What are you talking about?” Fireforge Destiny asked hearing them. Flurry looked at him and reluctantly stated. “Without any magic power in my body, I will die eventually. I was able to survive off the love I had for my family while magic was sealed away. But since Opaline drained me even that is weakened.” She took a step and nearly tripped. “Ah!” she exclaimed. Fireforge walked over and put a hoof on the mother of the pony he’d grown to… maybe not love… yet. But he certainly cared for her. “I think I can help,” he said. “Take my magic. I’m still young and never reached over twenty. I should be good for a nice long time even without magic.” She looked at him in surprise. “You really have changed.” “All thanks to Sunny,” Fireforge said. He gathered all his magic to the top of his horn and it appeared as a bright orange flame above him. Not as big as something like Celestia, Luna, or her Aunt Twilight could produce, but it would suffice to keep her strong. Flurry was unable to drain the magic into herself so Fireforge had to send it down himself. She felt it touch her horn and enter her. Her strength returned, though it felt different, no surprise as this was a different form of magic. Also, his cutie mark had been transferred to her now. Fireforge collapsed, gritting his teeth. Hitch came over and helped the stallion to his hooves. Flurry lit her horn up with Fireforge’s orange magic rather than her usual yellow. “We better hurry!” she said. “If we want to save my daughter and defeat Opaline! We’ll have to teleport a few times!” And she took the ponies she could a fair distance over. … “They’re not here!” Sunny exclaimed as she looked in every cell of the dungeon. “But how?” Misty asked as she broke away from Sunny, allowing them to become visible once more. They walked cautiously around the palace, hoping to find something that could tell them what had happened to the others. Maybe Opaline had just decided to brainwash them and make them fight for her? If so that was gonna make things challenging, not mention Sunny hated the idea of having to fight her friends and mother as well. Still she would have her magic while they wouldn’t most likely. “Think you can rig a spell to maybe free them from mind control?” she asked Misty as they walked while invisible. “I’ll try,” the blue unicorn said. As they exited the dungeon and came into the entry hall the saw a familiar pony dusty the vases. “Jazz!” Sunny exclaimed. The hooficurist looked around at the sound of her name being called but was unable to see anypony. “Who’s there?” she asked, knowing she’d heard a voice. Misty let go of Sunny and they became visible once again. Jazz’s eyes widened. “Sunny, Misty! Oh, thank goodness you’re both here!” Jazz said. “Jazz where are the others?” Sunny asked. “We snuck into the dungeon but couldn’t find them!” “A bunch of ponies escaped last night! Rumor is that Fireforge Destiny gave them their magic back after Opaline shared it with him and they were freed from her control! Unfortunately, not everypony was freed, but enough to make it noticeable!” Jazz said. Sunny sighed in relief. Seemed things might have changed in their favor, perhaps they would still had a chance to take down Opaline. They’d come here thinking it would be a long shot, but now… she smiled at the thought. “Come on, we need to get out of here!” Sunny said. “We have Alphabittle and the unicorns outside! If we can reunite with Zipp and the others then we might have enough to finally stop Opaline!” Jazz nodded with a smile of her own but it widened as she looked at something behind Sunny. “Oh, you think so, do you?” A familiar unwelcome voice asked from behind. Sunny and Misty wheeled around just in time to see Opaline fire a draining spell at them. They felt their cutie marks burn and screamed. “Ah!” “No!” Misty exclaimed. “Yes!” Opaline said. “Lucky, I happened to be coming to have Jazz give me a new hooficure before I ordered what remains of my forces to go after Bridlewood! But if you’re here then they must be as well. Saves me the trouble!” And she pulled their marks off and absorbed them into herself. Sunny and Misty were then taken to the throne room where they were trapped by magical chains Opaline put into the floor. Opaline smirked. “I suppose I’ll have to stay to watch you. Can’t have any more prisoners escaping,” she said before turning to her commanders. “General Bloodheart, Captain Dirty Fighter! Lead the attack force outside! It’s time to take the unicorns! “Without my son here, I’ll need all the magic I can get since he took half of what I had! Hopefully with Sunny and theirs it will be enough to drain the crystals.” “Yes, my queen!” Bloodheart said. “At once!” Dirty Fighter agreed before looking at Misty. “I think I’ll torture you when I’m done with this. You did commit high treason after all!” Misty clenched her teeth in fear. “I’ll let you deliver your most brutal torture on Sunny first!” Opaline said. “I want to hear her scream before the end after what she did! In fact I think I’ll make her do a bit myself!” The three evil stallions walked off to lead Opaline’s forces in the final battle. … Alphabittle waited, and hoped Sunny and Misty would be back. After a long time, though, the sentries he’d stationed at the top shouted. “Opaline’s army is heading this way!” “The entire army?” Alphabittle exclaimed. “Sunny and Misty must have been captured. Oh no!” “What do we do Alphabittle?” a unicorn asked. Alphabittle clenched his teeth. If Sunny was captured that probably meant the end. It was over. They’d have nothing left to fight with, maybe they should just give up now and save what they could. Sunny wouldn’t want any more ponies to lose their lives would she? Alphabittle certainly didn’t. He sighed and told them, “I think we might have no choice… but to surrender.” They nodded glumly. Hope appeared to be lost for Equestria. Soon, the army stood above them. “Surrender unicorns!” the old unicorn leading them, who must have been General Bloodheart whom Alphabittle had heard about, said. “Your alicorn has been captured! Hope is lost for your side! Give up your magic and you will not be harmed! Or fight and risk death! We will capture as many of you as we can but there will no doubt be some that lose their lives! Why risk it?” Alphie sighed. He was about to say they did surrender when… “I don’t think so!” a new voice said. Alphabittle looked behind him and saw a new group appearing, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Izzy and the others were there along with another alicorn that Alphie hadn’t met before. Had they escaped? They must have, now they could fight with them! The sight of the unexpected reinforcements caused the unicorns to regain their hope, while Opaline’s commanders up above grew nervous expressions. “We can still take them!” Dirty Fighter said. “Right! Attack!” Right Light said pointing with his hooves. The brainwashed army charged forward. Ponies began to fight ponies, appearing equally matched at first. Hitch and a number of other Earth Ponies used their magic to try and keep the enemy from overwhelming them, Pipp, Zipp, Thunder and other Pegasi that still had the ability to fly flew. The majority of the unicorns thankfully still had their magic power and used it to throw the enemy back against the cliffs to knock them out. But Opaline’s brainwashed forces had picked up weapons from the armor and those included bows and arrows. They shot at the magic users, some of whom put up shields that blocked while others weren’t so lucky. But the most marvelous spectacle was Flurry Heart as she flew about, using her borrowed magic to cast spells from above, spells that immobilized or even freed the enemy from their mind control. General Bloodheart gritted his teeth at the scene. Opaline’s forces were being pushed back! The three pony kinds united, even without all their magic, was enough to overwhelm the queen’s army. “Retreat! We must fall back to the castle! Opaline can still turn the tide once she drains their magic!” Bloodheart ordered. “I don’t think so!” a male voice said from above. Bloodheart and his two subordinates looked up and saw a sight that made them lose even more hope for their conquest. Spike, along with half a dozen dragons. “Restrain the ponies coming down the cliff!” Spike ordered to the handful of his kind he’d managed to gather and quickly bring back here at high speed. “Right!” a red dragon said before swooping down. “Right behind you Lava!” A white female dragon said as she followed. The other dragons likewise swooped down. Spike meanwhile, glared at General Bloodheart and landed in front of him and the other officers. He opened his mouth and shot fire at them, but Bloodheart teleported off. … “Mom! We have to get to the palace to save Sunny!” Zipp said as she landed next to Queen Haven who was holding a spear next to Alphabittle who threw an attacking pony back with his magic. “Be careful Zipp!” Thunder said as he flew by her. Zipp nodded, then she and Pipp lifted Fireforge who couldn’t fly without his magic. They got over the majority of attacking ponies. Flurry Heart used her magic to levitate Hitch and Izzy with her as she flew after them. Some archers tried to shoot them but missed or were blocked by Izzy’s shield. They headed straight for the palace where they knew their foe would be. … Opaline grinned as she beheld the Unity Crystals in the throneroom with Sunny and Misty chained to the floor with magic. They pulled at but the chains were unbreakable and no matter how they moved they couldn’t twist it either. “Well, it was a valiant effort, Sunny Starscout. But in the end, power shall always triumph,” she taunted. “Your friends may have escaped but they will soon be rounded up and I will have their magic again. Then all the magic of Equestria will be mine! But in the meantime, I will make you suffer!” She summoned lightning to her horn and shot at Sunny who screamed as she was blasted against the wall. Misty clenched her teeth as she recalled that terrible pain when she’d fought Opaline on the grounds of their old lair. The blue-black lightning crackled and poured into Sunny, Opaline didn’t bring it up to a fatal level, as she wanted her nemesis to suffer for convincing her son to betray her. “Please! Stop!” Sunny begged. “My dear, the pain for you is just beginning!” Opaline said. “I won’t kill you… yet. I’ll keep you alive, long enough to allow you to watch as I take all your precious magic.” “You’ll never get away with this!” Misty said defiantly to her former foster mother. “Oh, but I already have, your friends will soon be rounded up and- Suddenly the door to the throneroom opened and the three commanders, General Bloodheart, Right Light, and Dirty Fighter entered. “Queen Opaline! Ponies have broken through the lines into the palace!” Bloodheart said. “What?” Opaline exclaimed. “Your… our son returned with the escaped prisoners! And dragons have arrived as well to help the unicorns! Sunny’s friends are on her way up here now they’ll- “Be here any minute!” Zipp’s voice sounded as she and the others appeared defiantly in the doorway. Sunny and Misty grinned widely. They were all here, Zipp, Hitch, Pipp, Izzy, Fireforge, and Flurry. It was time for the final battle to take place. All of Equestria’s magic hung in the balance. > Chapter 28: Arcana End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s over, Opaline,” Flurry said as she led the others into the room, her horn lit up. “You! I drained your magic!” Opaline exclaimed. “You shouldn’t even be able to move normally now! You should be slowly dying!” “I was, but your son was kind enough to lend me his magic and return the rest that he had to their rightful owners,” Flurry said. Fireforge nodded. He wasn’t able to use magic right now but his physical strength had already returned. He looked at Sunny, still chained up alongside Misty. He wanted to run over and free them, his crush and his foster sister. Of course, he’d never had much of a sibling time with Misty, but maybe that could change soon once their mother was defeated. “He was the rightful owner!” Opaline snarled. “Once I gave it to him!” She then rounded on her son. “How could you fall for these pathetic pony lies!?” “Because they’re not lies,” Fireforge said. “They’re the truth. My time with Sunny, however brief it was… was better than any time I ever spent with you. Because it was true friendship. Not sure I could call it love but I started falling for her I can say for sure. You only ever cared about power and the belief that alicorns were superior! But the others like Celestia and Luna didn’t agree. Did they?” Opaline seethed. “They were fools! Thinking lesser ponies were their equals while also rejecting me!” “They rejected you because you were a cruel egotistical tyrant!” Fireforge snapped. “Son,” General Bloodheart said coming forward. “I know that it is hard and cruel what we do. But it’s necessary! Celestia was too soft, she should have never allowed Luna to return. She allowed the royal guard to become weak and rely on civilians instead! We should be the ones protecting Equestria!” “You allow ponies like him to run wild and torture innocents!” Zipp said pointing at Dirty Fighter. “How is that protecting Equestria!?” “Sacrifices are needed to pave the way!” Bloodheart dismissed. “When this is done, Equestria will have no more magic except by those who prove themselves trustworthy. Any villains that come will be taken down instantly by those gifted few that will possess more power then ever.” “That is wrong!” Pipp said. “I agree!” Hitch said. “Come back to us, son!” Bloodheart pleaded with Fireforge. “You don’t have the right to call him that!” Opaline said. “He is an alicorn and I am his only true parent!” “You were never my parent!” Fireforge said. “Either of you! You made me train so long I would collapse after hours in exhaustion!” “To make you strong so you could be as powerful as you could be!” Opaline said. “A true alicorn worthy of my legacy!” “I don’t care about your legacy anymore… Mother,” he spat out the word as though it were poison. “I’m going to help end it and make a better future.” He turned to Sunny as he said the next two (or three, if one split the second one) words. “For everypony!” “Capture him!” Opaline said. “I’ll make sure to return him exactly the way he was before this time!” She spread her wings and Flurry did the same. Both alicorn mothers flew into the air as their children and allies watched. Likewise, all the others turned to their main enemies. Hitch glared at Dirty Fighter, Zipp at Right Light, and Izzy General Bloodheart. Pipp wasn’t sure who to help right now. Her sister, her coltfriend, or her friend? And who to attack? The stallion who’d tried to force himself on her? The traitor to Zephyr Heights who’d broken her sister’s heart? Or the old unicorn that had caused this whole mess in the first place by releasing Opaline all those centuries ago? Also, she glanced at Misty and Sunny who were still trapped. She took a second to make up her decision then shouted at Izzy. “Izz! I’ll deal with the old unicorn this time!” she said. “You free Sunny and Misty!” Izzy had wanted to finally beat her archenemy today. But looking at her friends, they definitely were a greater priority. “You got it, Pipp!” she said before running off. “Oh no you don’t little unicorn!” Bloodheart said charging up his magic. “Yah!” Pipp flew at him and tackled him to the ground before he could unleash his spell. All around them, the other foes began to charge or attack each other. Flurry heart shot a beam of borrowed magic at Opaline who blocked it with her shield. Hitch and Dirty Fighter engaged each other in hoof-to-hoof combat, Zipp and Right Light flew at each other, Zipp being the faster one of the two. She got in close and landed the first blow. Still, he had armor on while hers had been stripped of her after she was captured, so he had better defense. It shrugged off most of her strike’s damage, but he had difficulty preventing himself from falling to the floor. Still, he managed, just barely. General Bloodheart managed to overpower Pipp and get on top of her, but Fireforge Destiny grabbed him from behind. “Sorry, General. But this has to end,” Fireforge said as he used his forelegs to try and choke the veteran unicorn. Izzy got to Sunny and Misty and shot a beam of magic at one chain which broke. She quickly followed up by doing the same to the other one. Sunny and Misty let out breathes of relief as they were freed. They then looked at the various battles going on around them. “We have to help them! Magic or not!” Sunny said. As she said those words, her flank glowed faintly despite its cutie mark being gone. The light tried to spread up her back but flickered and died. She charged, as did the two unicorns. Sunny and Misty headed to help Hitch as Dirty Fighter landed a hard punch to his cheek that caused him to groan and stagger. Izzy, meanwhile, joined Pipp and Fireforge in taking on General Bloodheart. The general managed to used his magic to escape from his son’s choke hold. He then threw Fireforge against the palace wall and turned to attack Pipp with a beam, but Izzy got him first with her own beam, knocking him down. Bloodheart grunted as he looked up at her. Izzy charged up her beam, her magic glowing brightly. “Time to end this once and for all!” she said with determination. “It’s jinxie to take the life of a fellow unicorn! But I gotta do what I gotta do!” Regret filled her heart, but her words were true. This had to end. She was about to unleash her fatal attack to do so, but something rammed into her from behind and canceled her magic out. She and the thing that had impacted her skidded across the floor. Izzy looked and saw it was Zipp that had collided with her. “Ah!” the elder Pegasus exclaimed as she looked at Right Light who’d thrown her to the ground. “You might have speed, but I got the strength, Princess,” Right said with a taunting grin. Bloodheart seized on the chance to cast a spell that placed a bubble around the two mares, trapping them inside. Izzy got off and tried to break through but the beam’s only effect was to bounce back at her. “Ow! Guess it’s jinxie to send magic out in here,” Izzy said. “Don’t give up, Izzy!” Zipp said. “We’ve come too far to give up now!” She rammed against the barrier. Which she was surprised to see cracked a bit. “What?” General Bloodheart exclaimed. Izzy sent out a sustained beam on the barrier. It reflected but missed her thankfully. Between that and Zipp’s strikes, the barrier broke. They each turned their gaze back to their enemies. Zipp flew back up at Right Light and Izzy send another beam at General Bloodheart who was now defending against Pipp and Fireforge’s attacks. He barely managed to get a shield up while fending off the Pegasus. She was easy to counter as she didn’t have much experience in hoof-to-hoof fighting, Fireforge was another matter. He managed to penetrate his wicked father’s defenses and land a strike. On the other side of the room, Sunny and Misty managed to get Dirty Fighter’s front hooves off the ground. Misty then took the opportunity to kick him between the legs. A loud pained cry escaped him. “That’s for what you did do to Posey!” Misty said angrily. Hitch seized the chance to press his hoofs to the ground and tie Dirty up in a cluster of vines. He struggled feebly, unable to call upon his new powers without touching the ground. That was one down. Izzy was relieved as Fireforge landed another hit on Bloodheart. At this rate she wouldn’t have to take his life. Pipp also managed to get a blow in, and Izzy shot a non-fatal blast that hit Bloodheart in the leg. He lost his footing and collapsed in pain. Two down, one to- Zipp moved in a circle around Right Light who spun around in confusion, getting dizzy. Zipp noticed this and landed an uppercut to her foe’s unprotected chin. He fell out of the sky and hit the floor with a thud, his armor ringing. That left only one other battle going on. They’d been so focused on their opponents they hadn’t seen the two alicorns above. Opaline and Flurry Heart filled the room with light from their magic as they flew. Blue-purple from Opaline and orange from Flurry’s borrowed magic that Fireforge had lent her. They circled in midair sending beams and defending against each other several times, then finally, both of them charged and unleashed a beam at the same time. They collided, but Opaline’s attack quickly pushed Flurry’s back. However, the white-pink alicorn managed to get out of the way and then get close to Opaline. She drew the evil alicorn’s magic out, and Opaline cried out in pain as her power began to get drained. Through her pain though, she snarled and charged up another beam of incredible power that she sent out at Flurry. It hit her in the chest. Sunny’s mother fell just as Right Light had, a severe burn on the area of impact. She hit the middle of the room. “Mom!” Sunny screamed with tears in her eyes. Opaline grinned in triumph as she watched her foes gather around the wounded alicorn. Flurry managed to look up at her daughter as Sunny took her in her hooves. Izzy clenched her teeth at the sight of the wound. “This is bad.” “Sunny, I managed to… get your magic… and Misty’s back,” Flurry said as her horn lit up. Not in orange, but yellow, her normal color. “Defeat her.” Two different shades of orange, one cyan, and several others escaped from Flurry. The two orange lights returned to Sunny and Fireforge, while the cyan went to Misty. The others flew out of the room to return to their rightful owners. “You may have taken back some of the magic but I will easily reacquire it!” Opaline said. “Once I have all of your magic it be enough to finally drain the Unity Crystals!” “Get them Queen Opaline!” Dirty Fighter shouted as he struggled in Hitch’s plant trap. The Mane 6 and Fireforge Destiny (perhaps that made them the Mane 7 now) looked up at their foe, rolling their eyes at the other one that was trapped. It was time to end this. Sunny narrowed her eyes as she glared up at Opaline, her alicorn powers activating with her magic returned. Sunny, Fireforge, Zipp, and Pipp all flapped their wings and got to Opaline’s level. That left Hitch, Izzy, and Misty on the ground. The two unicorns lit up their horns while Hitch did the same with his hooves. “Seven against one, Mom!” Fireforge said. “You can’t win!” “Surrender now!” Sunny said. They had to hurry if they wanted to get Flurry medical attention in time. “Never!” Opaline said as she suddenly caused rope-like objects to appear around them. They trapped their wings and hooves together, causing the fliers to fall. On the ground, the earth-bound ponies also had their hooves wrapped together and taken off of those hooves. The four fliers fell with a soft plop. “Quick, use your horns to get out of it!” Fireforge ordered as he lit his up. Sunny, Izzy, and Misty did the same. Unfortunately, Fireforge was the first to be hit with Opaline’s drain spell. “Sorry Fireforge,” she said with a frown that made it look like she wasn’t that sorry at all. “But you’re in need of a time out.” “I’m too old for that!” Fireforge shouted. The brief argument was all the three horned ponies needed to free themselves. “Leave him alone, Opaline!” Sunny said as she shot a beam at her archnemesis. Opaline barely managed to put up a shield in time. Her teeth clenched in fear for a moment, then she sniggered. “Should have shot me before you said anything, Sunny!” Sunny didn’t respond, anger was filling her as she recalled her mother being shot down. They had to hurry or she might…no! Sunny couldn’t let that happen! She’d already lost one parent. Now after years of believing her mother had died somewhere else after disappearing, she’d finally gotten her back and learned to her marvel that she was actually Flurry Heart, Twilight Sparkle’s niece. She had to save her! There was so much they had missed out in Sunny’s fillyhood. Memories they could still share together! Sunny charged with a shout. She tackled Opaline, who was caught off guard by the furious sound. The evil alicorn was on her back but quickly recovered and threw the good one off. She lit up her horn to drain Sunny’s magic as well, but Misty used her own magic to grab ahold of Opaline’s mane and pull on it. “Ow!” Opaline exclaimed. “Get her, Sunny!” Misty shouted. Sunny gritted her teeth and seized on the opportunity to begin punching the evil queen in the face. Normally she was all about getting along with everypony, but this was one exception. Opaline’s pained grunts filled the room as Izzy used her magic to free the others one by one. By the time they were all freed however, Opaline surrounded herself in a shield that negated Misty’s aura and blocked Sunny’s next hoof punch. “How dare you strike a queen!” Opaline said as she rubbed her face which now had several bruises and even a bleeding nose. She shot at Sunny who put up a shield of her own. But it was pushed back despite Sunny trying to hold her ground. “Come on! We can do this!” Pipp said confidently. “Yeah!” Izzy agreed. “We need to try and do what we can to save Flurry now!” Hitch said as he ran over to the critically wounded alicorn. “You’re right!” Zipp said. There was a clatter nearby and Jazz Hooves as well as Rock Riff appeared. “We’ll get her to the infirmary!” Rocky said as he flew over and struggled to lift the ancient alicorn up. Jazz followed and looked back. “Good luck everypony!” They smiled at her before turning their attention back to Sunny who now doing her best to fight Opaline. “Alright let’s try this again!” Zipp said spreading her wings and flying toward their enemy. Pipp quickly followed. Zipp managed to blindside Opaline who was focused on Sunny. Opaline grunted again as she was hit on the side. Turning her attention to Zipp, she blocked the next strike and hit the elder Pegasus before the younger grabbed Opaline’s tale and yanked on it with her mouth. “Ah! Dirty Fighter is supposed to be the one that cheats in battle!” Opaline cursed. She lit up her tale in flame. Pipp screamed as her lips and mouth were burned. Opaline, however, missed Sunny fire a beam at her, hitting her wing and causing her to fall down yet again. Opaline shook as she lifted her head, only to receive more beams fired from Izzy and Misty. The heroes smiled. “We’re winning!” Hitch exclaimed. Their cutie marks were all glowing as they fought together. Then it was time for the final touch. Hitch pressed his hooves to the ground. Vines sprouted and wrapped around Opaline, tying her up just like Dirty Fighter. “We did it!” Hitch said. Opaline snarled then lit up in fire once again. “Really, you think a few vines can stop a fire alicorn?” she mocked. “This is quite enough!” She conjured six balls of fire into the air. They all went after a member of the Mane 6 who tried to run or block it with their magic. But they were all soon hit and knocked down except… “Sunny!” Fireforge Destiny yelled as he put himself in front of her as she flew low trying to get away from her fireball pursuer. Screams sounded from each pony who were left painfully burned on the ground but still alive. Opaline had made sure not to bring the flames up to a fatal level like she had with Flurry. She needed these ponies specifically since they were the ones to return the magic to Equestria in the first place, all except Misty that was. Their magic was much stronger than the other ponies. Now Sunny stood alone against Opaline who landed behind her as she looked from Fireforge to all her friends. “It’s over, Sunny!” Opaline said. Just as Sunny wheeled around, Opaline cast her draining spell in a wide area affect around the whole throne room. All the cutie marks left the Mane 6’s flanks once again, even Opaline’s allies were not spared. “Hey!” Dirty Fighter exclaimed as his dagger cutie mark was extracted. “You failed to defeat my enemies!” Opaline stated. “Now you face the consequences! I’ll be keeping your power as well!” Dirty gritted his teeth and struggled feebly, even as Hitch’s trap vanished as his magic was also absorbed. Dirty fell to the ground, feeling weak. All the Mane 6 were too hurt to move, and Sunny collapsed as well. Opaline laughed, the evil sound filling the throneroom as her horn and wings glowed brighter than ever as she possessed all their magic. Flurry Heart’s had escaped but she still had two alicorns absorbed. Now she could do it. She levitated the Unity Crystals over. “At last, all the magic shall be mine!” she declared. She cast the draining spell on the crystals, which put up resistance like before. But now she was strong enough, she could feel it. The magic was pouring into her. All the magic, for the ponies outside could feel it as well. Those that had magic across Equestria felt it leave them. At that moment, the door opened, and Queen Haven, Alphabittle, Posey, and many others entered the throne room. Their mouths fell open as they saw Opaline draining the crystals. “It’s over, little ponies!” the evil alicorn said. Sunny felt the urge to cry, but then something clicked in her and she pushed herself up. “No! It’s not!” she said. Her words drew the attention of her enemy, and her hooves and flank glowed. “What?” Opaline exclaimed. Sunny was too focused to notice. “You may have taken our cutie marks, but you can never take away our friendships, or our love!” She looked at Fireforge Destiny who gazed up at her in spite of the pain of his burns. The others did as well. Pipp and Hitch were close to each other, they extended their hooves and wrapped them around each other. Rufus, Sprout, and Thunder all walked up to Izzy, Misty, and Zipp as well. Alphabittle and Queen Haven took each other’s hoof as well. Posey, Windy, Dahlia and others stepped forward as well. Their hooves, wings, horns, and flank all glowed for each pony kind. Outside, the sky had grown dark as Opaline drained the crystals, but a ray of sunlight shined through. The crystals likewise grew brighter, as did Opaline. “Ah more power!” she said in delight. “Yes, make it more powerful for me!” “We stand together!” Sunny said. “Through love and friendship!” Then a song sounded from all the ponies. “We just need a little hope, We just need a little unity, Friendship and Love To find the magic That’s inside of every pony. Sometimes it feels a little hopeless. But things aren’t always what they seem. Can you feel it the magic? Can you feel it the energy! Yeah, the power is glowing!” Opaline continued to drain the magic and glow brighter, but suddenly the crystals repelled her. “Ah what?” she cursed. Don’t look now “Things are getting better! We got the strength to take on whatever! Cause we got the magic We got the magic in us!” Opaline felt the energy inside her pulsating, it numbed her and she gasped. Then her body seemed to begin to disappear. “What’s happening?” she asked in a panic. “Yeah, we got the magic, We got the magic in us!” The song concluded as the crystals suddenly shined directly at Opaline. The magic she’d acquired over the past couple weeks escaped her and her body further vanished, until her metal hoofbraces clattered to the ground along with her crown. The magic returned to Sunny, her friends, and all the others as Opaline’s now corporeal form hung there, then began to get sucked into the crystals as they seemed to use her own draining spell against her. “No!” she screamed. “This can’t be happening! Nooooo!" She vanished into the crystals, seeming to dissipate into pure energy. The crystals hung there for a moment and then let out a shockwave over Sunny and everypony else that soon spread over all of Equestria. Sunny’s friends were healed of their wounds and let out breaths of relief. They got up and looked at the crystals happily. “Looks like Opaline’s desire for power was her own undoing,” Zipp said with a smirk. “You think she’s really gone?” Misty asked. Fireforge Destiny stepped forward, looking at the crystals. He lit up his horn and surrounded the crystals with his aura, closing his eyes for a moment. “I don’t sense even the tiniest speck of dark magic in there,” he said. “She’s definitely gone!” Many ponies let out relieved sighs at this. But they were drawn to somepony trying to get away. Dirty Fighter made to run past the crowd, but somepony blocked him. “You’re not getting away!” Posey Bloom cried with a look of pure rage. “Not after what you did to me!” She, Windy and Dahlia restrained him. Posey then looked at Hitch. “Can I just have five minutes with him?” she asked. “I think that’s for Queen Haven to say,” Hitch said. “Since this is Zephyr Heights.” “Zoom, I’ll trust you to make sure these mares don’t take their revenge too far,” Haven said. “Then I’ll have him and the other two tried for their crimes.” “Yes, your majesty,” the female Pegasus captain said with a salute of her wing. … After Dirty Fighter as well as the still unconscious General Bloodheart and Right Light were dragged off, Sunny and her friends hugged each other. They had finally done it, they’d defeated Opaline. The group smiled as the others watched. But Misty noticed somepony else hadn’t joined them. She extended her hoof to him. “Come on, brother,” she said to Fireforge Destiny. “You’re a part of our group now too!” “Really?” he asked. Sunny opened her eyes and nodded as her wings were wrapped around Izzy and Zipp. “Yes,” she said. Fireforge walked forward and hugged Misty on the edge of the group. “You really want to call me brother?” he asked. “Why not?” she said with a grin. “We were both Opaline’s children once upon a time and ended up betraying her after we saw the light.” They continued the group hug for a few blissful seconds then released from it. They all then hugged their crushes or significant others warmly in most cases. Sunny and Fireforge embraced one another and then looked into each other’s eyes before kissing on the lips. “I guess this new princess found her prince,” Sunny said. “Right back at you, Princess Sunny,” Fireforge said. “I’m sure I’ll be a much better monarch with you by my side. If Equestria will have me. Even if not, I’m content to be with you.” She smiled. Around her, Pipp and Hitch embraced and kissed passionately. Zipp and Thunder nuzzled, and Izzy and Rufus touched snouts. Sprout, meanwhile, had simply approached Misty with a nervous grin. “Will you… go out with me, Misty?” he asked. The shy unicorn blushed. “Uh, yeah, I think I’d like that.” “Great!” Sprout said with more confidence. Everything was happy, until Sunny remembered something. “Mom!” she exclaimed. They ran to the castle infirmary. They found Flurry Heart sitting up in bed, her wounds healed. “Mom, you’re alright!” Sunny said in delight before hugging her mother. “I was afraid I was going to lose you!” “So was I,” Flurry Heart said. “Granted, some part of me has been ready for the end a long time. But I guess now I’ll at least be able to stay long enough to see my grandfoals!” Sunny blushed as her friends entered the room behind her. Opaline was defeated, her possessed soldiers had been freed, and those that followed her willingly would be brought to justice for their crimes. > Chapter 29: Changes and Weddings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days passed in Zephyr Heights after Opaline’s defeat. Queen Haven had put together a celebration for the event. Right Light and General Bloodheart had been found guilty of treason and sentenced for their crimes. Now they were no more. Dirty Fighter was gone as well, he’d tried to hurt Posey after she was done giving him payback for what he did to her, but Zoom had stopped him and ended him for good. Now all the villains were dealt with, though Sunny wished their penalty hadn’t had to run so deep. “Would Great Aunt Twilight have done that to them?” she asked her mother as they sat on a cloud over Zephyr Heights. Sunny hadn’t known that ponies with wings like Pegasi or alicorns could stand on clouds thanks to their magic. It was fluffy yet hard at the same time for her. “Sometimes Aunt Twilight did destroy villains,” Flurry told her daughter. “Like King Sombra or the Pony of Shadows. More often though she would simply strip them of their power or turn them to stone. But what those ponies did was high treason, against both my Equestria and yours. Bloodheart freed Opaline and caused seven hundred years of disunity, Right Light betrayed Zephyr Heights, and both he and Dirty Fighter committed or tried to commit unspeakable things.” Sunny sighed. “Maybe. Still, I don’t really support the death penalty.” Flurry nodded. “Not a pretty thing. But sometimes it just has to be done for the crime.” There was a moment of silence. “Say, how did you meet my dad anyway?” Sunny asked. “It was nearly two decades ago,” Flurry said. “Your father came to the dragon lands on his own hoping to maybe make friends with a dragon. He always believed in the legends of my aunt, even though so many others had forgotten the lessons… thanks to Opaline’s dark influence. Spike and Ember were still asleep at the time. Your father and I spent many days together and eventually… we… you know. He left, hoping to tell Earth Ponies it was true that they could be friends with other kinds. It didn’t work of course since they were so set in their fear. But you carried on his legacy, and the legacy of your great aunt. I wanted you to be able to interact with other ponies when I brought you there by boat and snuck into your father’s light house at night. But I’m very proud of you, and Twilight would be as well.” Sunny smiled at the praise. They looked up and imagined Twilight Sparkle smiling down at them. “I guess, now she can rest peacefully,” Sunny said. Flurry nodded. “There will always be new challenges ahead. I’m sure we’ll run into another villain sooner or later. No matter how peaceful things get, there will always be darkness. But there will also always be light to meet it. As long as we have unity, friendship, and love, harmony will prevail in the end.” “Hey, Sunny!” a voice called. The two alicorns looked and saw Zipp coming. “You ready to head back to Maretime Bay?” Zipp asked. “My mom says we’ve done enough for helping rebuild Zephyr Heights and should go back there as its probably in more need.” Seeing as Maretime Bay had been through a more direct battle then Zephyr Heights that was probably true. Sunny nodded and looked at her mom. “Will you be coming back with us, Mom?” she asked. “It would be great to have you in my life now!” “I suppose I could afford to spend time with my little Sunny Bunny!” Flurry said booping her daughter’s nose. Sunny giggled. “Mom!” … Spike and Ember flew them… Sunny (who had returned to her Earth Pony form when she landed back on the ground), Misty, Izzy, and Hitch on their backs. Flurry, Fireforge, Zipp, and Pipp all flew alongside the dragons. Spike smiled widely as he looked down upon Equestria, it was finally back to the way it used to be. Ponies were united, and Opaline was no longer a threat. “Thinking of Aunt Twilight?” Flurry asked. “Yeah,” Spike said. “We finally fixed her legacy. I just wish she and all our friends were here to see it.” “They’d be proud of you Spike,” Flurry said nuzzling him softly. “And we will one day see them. It might take some thousand years for us to reach the end of our journey, but we will eventually.” She still wasn’t sure if she’d throw in the towel early and stop using her life prolonging magic at a certain point. But since it allowed fifty years to be equal to one for her, she could live to the age of five thousand or a bit more. But she’d at least spend time with Sunny now. They finally arrived in Maretime Bay and saw the Brighthouse which looked… “The Brighthouse!” Sunny exclaimed. It now had a more menacing look to it and it looked more like a castle now with another pair of towers on either side of the main one. “Wow, Opaline wasn’t kidding when she said the Brighthouse changed!” Sunny said. “But it’s a little dark for my taste.” “Mine too,” Pipp said. The dragons landed and the earth-bound ponies got off. At least the marestream was still intact, Opaline must not have been able to operate it. They walked through the inside and saw the walls were black, purple and blue, reminding them of Opaline and her fire as well as her dark heart. The new towers that had formed on the sides consisted of only single rooms at the top that connected to the center where they had kept the Unity Crystals before. “Well, I suppose we could use more space now that Flurry’s here,” Izzy said. “The main bedroom is getting pretty full with five of us in there.” Sunny, Zipp, Pipp, and Misty nodded. “Oh, I don’t mind,” Flurry said. “I’m happy taking this room.” “What about the other one?” Fireforge asked looking at the tower on the opposite side through the window. “We could probably use a guest room,” Sunny said. “You think we can fix it and make it look good again?” Zipp asked. “It will take a lot of work,” Izzy said. “But I’m up to the task of making our home look much less evil! How dare Opaline defile it!” “I think I know how to fix it!” Flurry said as she levitated the crystals over to the central tower they’d been in before. As soon as they were inside the room, they moved and took back their place. A light shined and the Brighthouse turned back to much of its old form, though in a castle like structure now. It was blue, pink, and just… bright again. The burns from Opaline’s fire vanished, though not all the items inside were restored. “Well, good thing we’re royalty and can have these replaced in a wing flap,” Pipp said as she looked at her burned bed. Zipp looked over at her investigation board. “Guess I’ll have to start all over again. Opaline’s case has been cracked wide open I’d say so time to make room for new ones!” “And I guess Fireforge will be my new deputy now!” Hitch said. “You really want me?” Fireforge asked in surprise. “After what I did?” “Sure, you more than made up for that helping us escape and… more,” Hitch said. Pipp approached Fireforge with a smile. “Thanks a lot for what you did for me and my sister,” Pipp said giving the alicorn prince a hug. “Yeah, thanks,” Zipp echoed. “You really saved us there.” Fireforge returned the smile. “But I don’t think you can live under Sunny’s roof… yet…” Hitch said. Flurry smirked. “I trust you as a changed pony, but yeah, I don’t want you living under the same roof as my daughter right now.” “Well, we’ll have plenty of time for that later,” Sunny said with a smirk. Fireforge chuckled. “All the time in the world. Or at least a few thousand years if we both acquire the great magic power.” “I think I’m good either way,” Sunny said. She looked at her other friends. If she did acquire the life prolonging magic, she would outlive them. But at least she’d have her mother, Spike, Ember and Fireforge by her side. Perhaps that would be enough. Regardless, she knew she’d have a wonderful life ahead of her without the threat of Opaline. She and her friends would face it together, whether it be joy, or sorrow. But she knew of at least one thing that was coming up in the near future. … A month went by and soon, a royal wedding took place in Zephyr Heights. Alphabittle stood at the altar along with Flurry and the Mane 7. Sunny, Hitch and Fireforge were on one side, while Zipp, Pipp and Misty were on the other. Izzy stood closest to Alphabittle as Best Mare since it was her journey to Maretime Bay and then here that had started the chain of events that allowed him to meet his love. The trumpets sounded as the bride, Queen Haven entered the hall, the Pipsqueak trio behind her throwing flowers from their baskets. Haven approached the altar and the Pipsqueaks took their places in the audience. Flurry then spoke as the pony who would marry them, since Haven wanted the ceremony to be done by an alicorn, something that hadn’t occurred in seven hundred years. “We are gathered here today for a momentous occasion,” Flurry said. “Two ponies, of two different kinds, have found love! For many centuries unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies lived in fear of one another. But now, two leaders of those kinds of ponies have decided to join their lives together. May it bring all of Equestria together in everlasting unity and friendship that will never break again!” Haven and Alphie nodded. “That would be most pleasing!” Haven said. “I agree!” Alphabittle concurred. “Do you Queen Haven, take Chief Alphabittle to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Flurry asked. “I do,” Queen Haven said. “And do you Chief Alphabittle, take her majesty Queen Haven to be your wife?” “With all my heart,” Alphabittle said. “Then I pronounce this couple, mare and stallion!” Flurry said. “You may kiss!” The royal couple did. Then Zoom and Thunder stepped forward with the latter holding a crown on a pillow in his hooves. “And with his marriage to our queen, Alphabittle is now… King of Zephyr Heights!” Zoom said. Alphie bowed his head as Zoom flew up just off the ground. She took the crown off the pillow before putting it on his head. “All hail King Alphabittle!” Thunder declared. A cheer sounded and four words echoed through the room. “Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!” “And don’t forget my daughter!” Alphabittle said gesturing to Misty. “I was separated from her for many moons. But I’m glad to have found her again, and to have a new family to share with her!” Misty blushed as she received her own tiara put on her head by Izzy. “Hail Princess Misty! Now Bridlewood is a kingdom too!” Izzy declared. “May we all rule together in unity and harmony!” Flurry finished. And they planned to do so for many moons to come. > Chapter 30: The Generation After > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over a decade passed in Equestria, and the land was flourishing. Especially in the newest settlement that had been called Uniternal. It was the land that had once belonged to Opaline, but with her gone, the storm clouds that had been constant around the castle had dissipated. Sunny and Fireforge had gotten married and spent their honeymoon at the castle, which was now their own home as they took their places as High Queen and King of the reborn nation of United Equestria. They looked down at the settlement which had been made up primarily of ponies that had been under Opaline’s mind control, which were all stallions. Those ponies woke up to find their families and loved ones had passed on long ago. Some tried to or even went through with committing suicide but Sunny and everypony else encouraged them to live the rest of their days in the new Equestria. It had been difficult, but they’d managed to convince a fair number against throwing their lives away. Some found new love and friendship with the modern-day ponies, while others struggled with the guilt and grief of the past. Still, they were proud to be serving under better monarchs now. Others from the three locations around Equestria traveled here as well and learned to call it their home. Things had been very busy with helping build the settlement, redesigning the castle interior to have less of an evil theme, and other things that Sunny and Fireforge had to take care of. But today was a very special day for the two highest ranking monarchs in United Equestria. Their duties often prevented them from their seeing their old friends and family. But today they would have a break from that as soon as they got down with the current stack of papers. Sunny managed to stamp the last one when- “Mom! Dad!” a voice called. Sunny and Fireforge’s son, Solar Flare, ran into the throne room with a wide grin. He was a orange pony like his mother and had a fiery mane like his father. A red spectral horn and set of wings had appeared from Solar’s head and back. Also like his mother, he was an Earth Pony that could transform into an alicorn. “What’s up, son?” Fireforge asked as he got off his throne that stood next to Sunny’s. They’d removed Opaline’s and had two of their own constructed, as well as a smaller one for their child, though he didn’t always sit on his except when they ordered him to. “They’re here!” Solar Flare said eagerly. “Just in time!” Sunny said as she got off her throne with a flap of her spectral golden-orange wings. Fireforge and Solar both followed her on their wings as well. They flew outside and onto the edge of the bridge leading to their castle. They saw the many houses ahead as well as the lush garden like the one Sunny made in Maretime Bay. In the center of the garden was a large cut floral statue of Sunny, Fireforge, and all their friends, across from a floral statue of Opaline and her minions, though the minions were made smaller to show Opaline’s ego and sense of superiority. Above the garden though, Sunny and her husband and foal saw them come. Hitch and Pipp sat on a Pegasus drawn carriage with their two children being pulled by members of their royal guard, they’d become King and Queen of Maretime Bay after their wedding and now were in charge of Sunny’s hometown with a council of Earth Ponies. Their son Hipp Hopp and daughter Blossom Petals sat with them in the carriage. Hipp had a yellowish peach coat as a result of his parents coats mixing together. He’d inherited his mother’s purple mane which he had in a ponytail. His cutie mark was of a microphone and a crown. His sister, meanwhile, had a pinker peach color that showed a dominant side of her mother’s coat, and her father’s aqua mane. These traits sometimes reminded Sunny a bit of Dahlia. Blossom’s cutie mark bore flowers and a crown at the top, following the line of her royal family. “Race you to the entrance, Blossom!” Hipp said competitively with his younger sister as he ran. “You’re gonna lose big brother,” she said flapping her Pegasus wings that gave her an advantage over her Earth Pony Brother. Pipp and Hitch followed across the bridge. Looking up into the sky, Sunny saw the king and queen of Zephyr Heights, Thunder and Zipp, flying together with their own child, Zap Shock. Then a flash of light appeared and Misty, Sprout, Izzy and Rufus all teleported in front of Zipp and her family as the unicorn horns glowed. Izzy and Rufus had an Earth Pony daughter named Aurora Lightseeker, who had her father’s gray coat and mother’s blue mane. Finally, Misty and Sprout had a unicorn filly called Mariposa, all three of them had the butterfly wings thanks to the spell Misty had become proficient in over the years. Mariposa greatly resembled her mother, having inherited Misty’s coat for her own, but had her father’s red in her mane. All the families gathered together, embracing each other. Sunny hugged Hitch and Sprout first, her two oldest friends, even if one of them had been a bully for the longest time. Fireforge went to Misty and hugged his sister, then they did the same for everypony else. Their children meanwhile, also hugged each other then began to play and run around the settlement happily. Their parents watched proudly. “I never thought this day would come,” Sprout said as he flew on his gold butterfly wings Misty had made for him. “You really changed Equestria, Sunny.” “Thanks Sprout,” Sunny said. “But I’m not the only one. We all did, together.” Sprout nodded. “I probably had the least impact out of all of you though.” “You did what you could,” Hitch assured him. “And it was enough to make up for past sins.” Sprout smiled. Even though he was king of Bridlewood, he thought it best to limit his power and let Misty call the shots there. Their children played and laughed for a long time until finally they were exhausted and everypony could return the castle. They had dinner and then put their children to bed. Sunny let out a sigh of relief as she sat in the throne room with her friends and their spouses on couches. “Being a mother is fun, but a lot of work,” she said. “You’re telling me!” Pipp said. “Try raising two ponies!” “Good thing the rest of us only have one foal,” Zipp smirked at her sister. “I’ll never know how Mom handled us both!” “Well, as long as I have Sprout and all of you by my side I think I can handle anything,” Misty said nuzzling her husband. “We’re all gonna be friends forever!” Izzy agreed. “United forever!” Rufus declared. “The great uniters of Equestria! Up for a song?” They nodded and Rufus got out a set of drums that he played as they sung. “United we stand, for eternitttyyy,” Sunny began. “Or at least as we live! With love and friendship to light our way,” Fireforge joined in. Misty walked over and nuzzled her brother. “Brought us out of our dark ways.” She was nuzzled by Sprout as well and put her hooves around them before lighting her horn up. Opaline’s old magic pool lit up to let them see how the rest of Equestria was doing. Other ponies went about their business peacefully. Haven and Alphabittle were leading Zephyr Heights for the day while Zipp and Thunder were away, along with their own son, a unicorn named Alpha Crown. “Now we can fly to untold heights!” Zipp sang as she flapped her wings. “And reach our full potential with a bit of courage!” “And a bit of confidence!” Pipp said as she put a hoof around her sister in midair. “For the ponies of the generation after!” Maretime Bay was as peaceful as ever with Sparky acting as the Sheriff there, helping his adoptive pony parents. Hitch had moved into the Bright Castle with Pipp after they were married and Sunny and Fireforge moved to Uniternal to lead its construction. Mane Melody was headed by Rocky and Jazz along with the Pipsqueak trio who took up the jobs as singers. “Let’s make sure it is a generation of kindness!” Hitch said gazing lovingly at his wife. “And don't forget about creativity!” Izzy put in. “To spread the beauty of friendship and unity, arts and crafts are among the best of things!” They saw Bridlewood now where unicorns and other ponies made tea in Alphabittle’s old shop, practiced magic at Misty’s Unicorn School she’d made after moving there, and making art like Izzy would. “But we also need empathy too so we can relate to each other!” Misty said. “And not make the mistake of hurting one another!” “All these things are equally important!” Sunny flew high with Fireforge soon following. “They provide us the hope for the future!” And they all sang together as they moved through the castle. “United we stand together. Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns!” they all looked up at the banner showing the unity crystals. “Friends forever no matter what!” They all looked down upon Equestria from the balcony of the castle with smiles on their faces. The age of unity was here, who knew how long it would last? But they hoped it would for a long time even after all of them were gone. Hearing wing flaps above, they saw Spike, Ember and Flurry all flying above. Flurry Heart smiled down on Equestria and looked up at the sky. Her aunt Twilight would be happy to see this new Equestria, united once more, and hopefully, forever. Thanks to the efforts of Sunny Starscout and her friends. She looked down at them as they smiled at her, and she looked forward to what the next day might bring for the generation after.