> A Radio Demon in Equestria > by Roost2100 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: One Hellva entrance/Begining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a... well, as normal as Hell can get in a day in the afterlife. Alastor just come out of a butchery after dealing with some 'Bad Meat' and was now on his way back to the Hotel so he could store the fresh meat he got for himself and was humming a tune in his radio voice, and the same thing happens for when he ever goes out, Sinners getting scared from seeing him pass by, fearing him, as he arrives to the hotel he goes up to his room and stores the fresh meat inside a fridge. He knew it would be some time before he could do anything to entertain himself since Charlie and Vaggie were in charge as well and he still was not sure when to intervene, he then decided to go to the world of the living and used his magic to open portals to see which one he is going to go to "mmmh, Let's see what world I can go to make some entertainment for myself today" he walks past the portals around him passing them, as he is about to give up he finds one that stands out a bit, it is a colorful world more than earth it was one he was familiar with but it was in a more bad state or that might just be where he was in that world. "Well I see this has changed," Alastor says to himself then goes threw the portal and winds up in Equestria he looks around then starts to walk in one direction as he walks he sees a town in the distance maybe someone could tell him what this world was called he knows they don't know who he is so he will play 'nice' for now at least when he arrives he looks at the sign and says the name. ''Welcome to Ponyvile, mmh what an unusual name'' When he turns to face the town he was surprised to see Colorful ponies some with wings some with horns some with none all having tattoos on their asses. Alastor had never seen anything like this but walked into the town and looked around a bit confused about everything as he walked through, he saw that everything was a bit smaller than him tho he was 7ft. As he wanders around he tries to talk to someone and walks up to a small group of ponies "Excuse-" Right before he can finish they take one look at him freaked out and run away "Me..." he then sighs, he forgot that no one here has seen anything like him before so, of course, ponies are going to be running for the hills, he then gets an idea "Ah that should do the trick," he says to himself as he walks behind a building where nobody would see him, he then snaps his fingers, and a static-like ball forms around him after the static clears he turns into a pony version of himself Right as the transformation is done he walks out into the open not even noticing the CMC staring at them jaws drop to the ground as they just saw him change into a pony, Alastor then goes out again and decides to go into a shop that looks like it belongs in Candyland and reads the sign "Sugarcube Corner, maybe someone here can help me learn more about this place. I have to get an understanding before I do anything~" he says that last part under his breath. As Alastor enters Sugarcude Conrner he is greeted by a Pink pony with a puffy pink mane "OhHellothereI'veneverseenyoubeforewhat'syournamemynameisPinkiePiewhydoyouwearthoseclotheswhyareyoureyes differentshadesofredareyounew!" Alastor was a bit overwhelmed with questions from Pinkie Pie it was like talking to a jar of plain sugar when she got done he was finally able to speak "M-My name is Alastor pleasure to meet you Pinkie Pie and yes I am new but I was wond-" before he could finish talking, She was off getting a welcome to Ponyvile party for him, he was starting to get a bit frustrated at this point right as he was about to go somewhere else he saw a yellow stallion stacking items on the shelves he decides to go and talk to him 3rd time's the charm. "Excuse me my good man may you help me with something" Mr. Carrot Cake turns to face Alastor "Well depends, I do have to stack these cakes on the shelves, and what do you mean Man?" Alastor uses his magic to stack the cakes on the shelf "Well it seems you are already done, but I have some questions about this place" Mr. Carrot Cake turns to the shelf surprised that the cakes are stacked already "O-oh wow I guess I am, but yes I can answer some questions the best I can what's on your mind" Alastor clears his throat "My name is Alastor and What is this world called?" Mr. Carrot Cake was a bit confused at what the world was called "Uhhh Equestria? The world you and me live in buddy" Alastor then starts asking him some more questions A few questions later Alastor knows a bit more about this world now "Thank you, my good man," Alastor says his smile growing a little "No problem Alastor but if you excuse me I have other things to do around the shop enjoy your stay in Ponyvile" Alastor waves at him and he waves back Alastor then leaves Sugurcube Corner and goes off looking for a place to set up base. Many ponies are still a bit on edge from his... actions and how he is dressed, how he speaks, and how he acts overall, but besides that, he still had a whole day to get himself familiar with his surroundings so when he is ready to strike he knows what to do in case anything happens. But now he has the stage set for himself all he needs to do now is play his cards right and he will be able to make the entertainment even better when he does strike. After some time looking for a good place to set up shop, he continues to hum while looking around as he stops in front of a suitable plot of land near Townsquare he then takes his mic staff out of thin air as it hits the ground a tower then rose from the bottom on the plot of land (he need to improvise since ya know... no hands to snap his fingers) as it does he did not even notice all the ponies in the area he was in, staring in shock at what Alastor had just done never in their lives seen anything like it, Alastor casually walks in and close the door as he walked in he talks out loud. "This is the start of some real changes for me and everyone here! The game is set! Now..." Alastor uses his magic to make a sign on the front of the tower that says On Air before saying his last words before he walks in he says in a sinister voice "...Stay tuned. Hahaha...!" the sign lights up a little red and he closes the door. leaving everypony there in shock from what just happened . . Nopony knows what he has in store guess they (and You) will have to as he said > Chapter 2: When the static sets in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some time, it was not long before almost everypony was talking about a new pony that looked like he was from Canterlott and moved to Ponyvile and made his home rise from the ground like he was a powerful alicorn, the building looked like it belonged in Manhattan since when you see homes next to a little tower that has a room poking out of its left alongside the color of it, everypony was curious to see how things would go with their new guest, only time will tell if they will turn out to be a good egg. As Alastor was eating some jambalaya he looked around for some salt he noticed his supplies were running a bit low he knew he is going to have to go out soon to stock back up, but he forgot one thing... "Money..." he had to find a way to make some money tho he did not know what these ponies used as currency so he couldn't magic up some money since he didn't even know what they used for it, he soon came up with a plan, he knows that this world does not have any modern technology shit like hell or earth does one thing he likes about Equestria, so he going to try and get radios popular in Equestria like how Radios were back in the 1930s on Earth. He gets up uses his magic to summon the radio puts it in his pocket and heads out as he walks he sees many things he walks by a playground seeing fillies and colts playing on it and then chuckles as he sees one of the kids fall and hurt themselves he chuckles as he nears a random dinner, he thought it was a good place to put it, he then goes in and nears the cash register, he knew that Equestria compares to Hell and Earth is child's play so no one would suspect anything bad to happen if he put it there he then asks the cashier. "Excuse me my dear but may I put my little contraption here?" The cashier looks at him and shrugs "Sure why not, as long as you are okay leaving it here fine by me" Alastor then sets the little radio next to the cash register as he does he says "Thank you my dear oh and before I forget, make sure it stays right there" The mare behind the counter nods "Fantastic thank you, my dear, I bid you a good day" Alastor says as he then walks out of the dinner. On his way back to his home he notices something, many of the ponies here use these golden and sometimes even silver coins when they buy or use something that you need to pay to use or get, he does not know what they are called but he now he knows that they use that as money "Mmmh good to know," he says under his breath, he makes it back to his home and as he enters the lights were turned off and he wonders why "mmh odd I don't remember the lights being off when I was here?" he says in the darkness as he looks for the light switch his eyes glowing in the dark as he walks around, as he does the lights turn on and he sees a whole group of ponies in his home around him as soon as the lights turn on they all yell out "SURPRISE!!!" as he tries to process this familiar pink mare zooms up to him. "Surprise! its me Pinkie Pie, and I threw thispartyjustforyou,Wereyousurprisedwereyou huh huh huh" Alastor pushes her away from him a little bit before clearing his throat "Umm Yes surprise is one way to put it, my dear may I ask why did you throw me this party." Pinkie Hops around him as she talks "Well you see, as we were talking at Sugarcube corner remember and it took me a little bit to notice that you were new until I asked you then you said yes then I knew I had to throw this Welcome to Ponyvile Party since you see when I first saw you I notice you had no friends and it made me sad to see that you had none here right now so I thought to invite everypony here so you could get a chance to make some friends even my friends are here, here let me introduce you to them" the pink maned mare did not let Alastor get a single word in as she spoke. Before grabbing him and dragging him to her friends. Before he knew she was introducing her to her friends "Alastor this is Twilight, this is Rainbow Dash, this is Applejack, this is Rarity this is Fluttershy, and girls this is Alastor" The 5 mares introduce themselves to him "Oh Hello Alastor" Twilight said "Hey dude" said Rainbow Dash "Howdey Alastor Nice to meetcha" said Applejack "Hello Darling, its a pleasure to be meeting you" said Rarity " Oh Hello" said Fluttershy, Alastor then was able to speak "its a pleasure to meet you five really is but my dear I am flattered for the party but I must ask why now and why did you come in my home without my permission. It is not very polite to do such a thing" he says as faint static can be heard in the background Pinkie Pie blinks then laughs "Don't worry Al it's fine we're friends aren't we?" Alastor knew he would have to play the nice guy for now but he sighed and kept going threw with his plan "Y-yes I suppose... Still don't do that again" Pinkie winked at him "Anyway what are we doing just standing around Let's Party!!!" For the rest of the day, it was a party in Alastor's home and he had to keep his cool to not be suspicious, he knew when he got the chance he would be able to make some money for his everyday needs, he was still learning the ropes on how to act normal in Equestria tho he knew this was only a temporary grace period since he still needs to learn more about the world before doing anything in it, he does not want to be caught as he makes his own entertainment but for now this is all he can do is play the waiting game only time tells to see how things go Ponyville. > Chapter 3: When The Radio Nears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Alastor was left to clean the all-night party, it was not at all hard to do tho yes he found some things that were not even his, like a golden staff with Twilight's face on it alongside a glass jar with a figure in it and some white stuff in it... and a lamp that he did not even know what creature was on it look like a monster, after he cleaned up he sighed as he sat down on the couch and started to ponder on what has he been threw and seen so far in Equestria, he knew that this world did not hold any demons just him alongside some other creatures that even Hell would laugh at and he knows that he now has made friends tho not intending to do so, he also now has a little job since he is going to be the first pony to do a broadcast after his morning walk he will come back and goes on air for the radio that he put down at the dinner yesterday, so when he does go on air he is going to need something to say... he gets up "ugh so much to do but I've not gotten to them yet" Alastor then stretches as he grabs his mic staff "well might as well do them before the deadline comes" he says as he walks outside his home and goes out in search along side doing is morning walk. He hums a little tune as he does so in Hell whenever the sinners heard this they went running and avoiding him and cowering in sweet fear. but now as he does in Equestria the ponies here do not fear him they keep on going on with their day he keeps on humming a tune until he sees a huge crystal castle "mmh this should have a library. The place is very nice maybe I can find out even more about this place... and find a decent meat store around here" he says casually out loud as two ponies sitting on a bench look at him with confusion when he said meat, Alastor walks on in and upon walking in he sees a purple Alicorn and goes up to her recognizing her due to Pinkie's party she threw yesterday "Why Hello Twilight, what are you doing in this castle?" Twilight looked at him and was surprised to see him at her castle so fast especially when they had just had a party yesterday "Oh hey Alastor, oh well this is my home" Alastor was not expecting that "You live in a library my dear? my my, I was not expecting that is for sure but now that I know you run this statement I would like to ask you where the history section is" Twilight nods "Yep I do run the library as well and it's fine you're not the first pony to do that, but yeah the history section is right over there, what do you need if you don't mind me asking." she says as she points a hoof to the history section "Well to learn more about Equestria to get a better understanding I was also wondering if there were any cookbooks as well?" Twilight nods and points to the cooking section "Yep right over there, am guessing you want to cook something or prepare something" Alastor nods "Yes my dear I want to see if there was a cookbook about preparing and cooking fresh meat right out of the body thank you for your help my dear I'll be sure to bring them back when am done with them" he says as he walks away, the look on her face was priceless she then was thinking "wait why would anypony want to eat meat..." she then chased after him and asked him a few more questions Alastor did not answer most of them but what he did answer was followed with a "Yes my dear" or a "No my dear" she got annoyed she just thought he was joking with her and left him alone. When Alastor was done he walked out waving to Twilight now seeing that he had spent a bit more time than normal or Celestia just had a problem with the sun "I bid you a good afternoon my dear thank you very much for the help" he says as he walks out Twilight sighs and shakes her head with a smile "That pony is something I wonder how things are going be with him around" Twilight said before going back inside. Alastor walked out and went back home as he did he passed threw the market (mostly due to it being a shortcut) As he does he sees many things, ponies selling goods, Applejack and her little sister with their apple stand, Fluttershy with a creature, and som- "Wait what?" Alastor was fascinated by what or who Fluttershy was with, so he walked up to her "Fluttershy it is a pleasure to be seeing you again" Fluttershy and Discord turned to him "Oh A-Alastor nice to see you again" Discord was confused he scratched his head with his left horn like it were some hat and then puts it back on his head. Discord then said to Fluttershy "Mhh you know this pony? why haven't I met him yet" Fluttershy then responds "Oh well ne and the girls met him at the party Pinkie Pie threw for him the Welcome to Ponyvile party I thought she invited you" She did tho the mail Pony got lost in the pocket dimension wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last Alastor then clear his throat "ehem" the two look back to him as he speaks "my good... creature. I may not know your name nor what you are in fact but my name is Alastor nice to meet you" Discord got a bit offended by him calling him a 'Creature' "am no Creature I am Discord the Lord of Chaos surely You have heard of me I know you don't take me for some 'Creature' that a clown made" Alastor grins as if he's about to laugh. "But no I have not heard of a Lord Of Chaos nor someone named Discord" Discord then snapped his fingers to reveal a whole ass google page about him and shows him Alastor still shakes his head "Nope! never heard of you before, but nor has anyone here heard or seen me, but I must ask what exactly are you" Fluttershy stopped Discord before he could say anything "Alastor Discord is a Draconequus" Alastor looked back at him "Well that explains all the different animal parts for a second there I thought mother nature had an accident." Fluttershy let out a small ep when she saw Discord's face his eyebrows were now made of fire, he snapped his talons making Alastor float in front of Discord's face "What did you just say." Alastor still had a smile on his face as he laughed "Well don't be mad at me it is only my humble opinion, now that I see what you are now. put. me. down. N̸͉̩̞̟̙̪̜͆́̈́ō̷̡̧̨̝̲͔͈̲͗ŵ̵̻̣͖͎͋̈́͐̕͝͝.̶̣̭̻̺̖͔̬͕͛̕" Discord got a bit pissed as he puts him down since Fluttershy was here, Fluttershy for a second that a fight would happen "Alastor that was not very nice to insult Discord like that" (okay but we all thought about that when we first saw Discord well I think some of us at least) Alastor looked over to her and chuckled "why my dear why would I ever insult your Friend here, but I must be on my way I bid the two of you a good afternoon," he says as he walks away Fluttershy quickly gets Discord and away from Alastor not wanting him to hurt Alastor. Alastor then got home put his two books, and started to read them, in front of the nice warm fireplace and even made himself some black coffee as he read. everything was peaceful for a few minutes then suddenly Rainbow Dash crashed threw a window, Alastor looked to see what just happened and see Rainbow Dash on the floor and sighs as he fixes the window with his magic and then goes to Rainbow Dash "Rainbow Dash may I ask, Why You Just Broke Threw One Of My Window's" he says with a hint of anger (nah its more like a ton) as he says this static could be heard in the background, Rainbow Dashes see this and chuckles nervously "Oh yeah sorry about that AL, I did not see where I was going for a second there, sorry about that" she says as she makes a little smile a rubber duckie noise playing in the background as she does, Alastor takes a deep breath in an out the static in the background fading as he turns back to her "My dear I suggest you don't do such a thing again" Rainbow Dash nods "Yes I will try to be more careful, but now that am here I thought we could talk since I know your new and all but wow I've never seen a pony like you no offence" also since Twilight wanted him to feel welcomed. Alastor sighs "Very well, even if you did break my windows I suppose I could spend a little time," he says Rainbow Dash's eyes light up a little and she starts to ask him some questions and he answers them tho not all that he said was true. they talked and chatted for a bit until Alastor checked the time "Oh my 2 hours have passed well my rainbow maned friend you should get going I have to do something really quick but we may chat again another time" Rainbow Dash sighed and nodded her head "yeah yeah, I will leave you to it, besides somepony has to keep the world 20% cooler, so I think I can't stay that much either anyway I'll see you later AL" she says as she opens the door and flies off Alastor sighs and is glad his lie worked, he then remembers the radio plan he was going to do before being interrupted by his friends, so he goes up to the recording room presses the live button making the light outside his home On Air light up to let ponies know that he was life and after he is done setting it all up he then starts his broadcast. He clears his throat "Hello there ponies of Ponyville my name is Alastor it's a great pleasure to be here in Ponyvile yes indeedy, now I know this might seem strange and new to you lot but prepare yourself for one helluva time" he says not knowing there were fillies and colts hearing this, tho the only place he put a radio was dinner so the odd are slim but hey he has an audience so the show must go on "Now I got to tell you about what happened today I went out to fetch myself a book yet could not find the book I was looking for tho I did find another replacement, I even saw some kids play on a playground yesterday, oh the playground so many memories yet so little time to remember them all and all the painful wounds filly and colts hurting them selfs as they play and watching them cry wouldn't you agree?" He says his voice going a bit deeper as he did, not really caring if the ponies who were hearing disturbed a bit. He then goes on about his day and more simple times before Equestria was where it was today, even if he knows that much about the world he still learned from the history books he borrowed, at this point many ponies were at the dinner liking Alastor's little podcast they didn't know how the little radio worked but they were just happy to see it work, he then was going to sing a little song before he signed off "well now before I go mares and gentle colts I bring you I little song I like to sing before I leave for the night" Alastor clears his voice before he starts. (DISCLAIMER THESE LYRICS ARE NOT MINE THEY BELONG TO SLIVA HOUND THE SONG CALLED Radio Play I just changed it to be more of a pony version so like a remix I guess tho if you want to sing along to it here you go) Alastor then starts to sing as he uses his magic to play background music "If I had a bit Every time somepony tried me and my pride, I'd be richer than I am right now But I live a life So sublime, all the fire's on my side Watch it flicker in my hoof like Wow! This world is mine, And jumping up the ladder is nothing but a matter of time, Where treachery and treason are just another reason to rhyme, Embark on some havoc and charge up the master of minds~ It's the perfect crime Like dust on the radio, one day That's what we'll all be in the wind, I live my life like my soul is on stereo, press play, Become emulsified in sin They say, that the radio is big and new well my dear I got news for you next time you see me passing by don't mind if you say hi Let Celestia know that I am here, I'm here and I'm beaming, Alastor is here and he is in town." Instrumental for 17 seconds "Now I wouldn't lie Or deny that my eyes are on the prize And I promise you, I'll stand my ground But I'm not to fight All the lives that reside within these heights, Don't you worry love, you have my vow, This world is mine The cretins will have a season and they will shine, But we can become a beacon for all the blind, A pony of my allegiance can burn the sky, This is so divine Like dust on the radio, one day That's what we'll all be in the wind I live my life like my soul is on stereo, press play Become emulsified in sin They say, that the radio is big and new well my dear I got news next time you happen to pass me by don't mind if you say hi, Let Ms.Celestia know that I'm here to stay Yeah, I'm here and I'm beaming, that Alastor is here in this town" In 31 seconds and in the background, Alastor's voice says "Oh yeah. Become emulsified in sin, oh yeah" After that Alastor sings again "they say that the radio is big and new well my dear I got news next time you happen to pass me by don't really mind if you say hi Let Ms.Celestia know that I'm here to stay Yeah, I'm here and I'm beaming, that Alastor is here in this town" he holds that note for a few seconds "In town" also with this one "Alastor in town" and this one "In town" (am surprised he has that much breath to hold a note that high) he then sings again "They say, that the radio is big and new well my dear I got news next time you happen to pass me by don't mind if you say hi, Let Ms.Celestia know that I'm here to stay Yeah, and I'm here and I'm beaming, that Alastor the unicorn is here in town" after the background music finished he speaks "Ponies of Ponyville I hope you have enjoyed this I hope you come on by for the next one but for now, Stay tuned for next week until then I bid you all a good evening," Alastor says before pushing the Off Air button turning off the On Air sign outside his home and he sits back in his chair and relaxes as he snickers to himself knowing everything is going into play after he was done tho little did he know that now half of Ponyvile were at the dinner he put the little radio in listening to him until he stopped he now had something in store for tomorrow that is one thing for sure looks like Alastor now has a little fan base in Ponyvile, Alastor heads off to bed and sleeps not knowing what awaits him the next day > Chapter 4: A Mic and Static > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alastor woke up it was a calm and gentle morning Celestia raised the sun, birds were chirping, and fillies and colts were playing since it was the weekend everything was peaceful Alastor goes gets himself a cup of black coffee drinks it, and does his daily routine but when he was about to head out for his morning stroll the moment he opened the door he was greeted with half of Ponyvile at his door "ALA-" the crowed yelled but he slammed the door and then looks to the side for a brief moment before opening the door again "-STOR!" he slams door once more before locking it with everything in his power "Holy fuckling shit" he said not even trying to do his normal way of speaking he then tries to find a way to escape he sees Rainbow Dash in the sky flying above his home he gets an idea and waves a hoof to get her attenoin does not work because she was too up high to even fucking see it Alastor was for once in his after life panicked until he got an idea he then teleports far away from his home with his shadow. He teleports somewhere in the Everfree forest not knowing what to do next "Phew that one was a very close call indeed tho I do say where ever am I it seems to be some sort of forest ah yes I remember it's the same forest I was in now what was it that Mr.Carrot Cake called it?" he says as he thinks for a second "Ah yes the Everfree forest home to Equestria most untamed magic mmh, it feels more like these ponies like to have control over almost about everything here in this world," he says before noticing a little hut "ah a house of some sort mhh reminds me of how the homeless lived in the streets and had little shelter during the stock market crash of 1929" he chuckles to himself as he reminds himself of his past life he knocks on the door to see if anyone is home after some time the door opens and he sees a zebra? He was confused to see a zebra in a place full of ponies but he has seen a lot of shit in his time so why not add one more to the list. He tries to talk to her "Excuse my sudden visit my dear but I am in a little bit of a fiasco at the moment and wanted to see if I may stay here for a little" the Zebra replies "Why what do I see I see a Pony looking for a place to hide may Zecora ask why?" Alastor was caught a bit off guard by her talking in rhyme but is not even going to ask "Well my dear I know we only just met but I do need some assistance due to something I did in Ponyville half of Ponyville wants to see and meet me due to my outstanding performance" he says sounding to be in a hurry "mmh I do see then come in and make due with what you need, my name is Zacora if you do not know, tho may I know yours to see what I shall call th'e" Alastor quickly walks in and sits down on the couch taking deep breaths in and out "My name is Alastor my dear pleasure to meet you my dear" he says Zecora can see that he is stressed and makes him some tea and gives it to him. "Here take some tea it will help calm th'e" Zecora says with a smile Alastor takes the tea and drinks it slowly when he was finished all that was left were the tea leaves Zecora then took the leaves and examined them Alastor calmed down as Zecora examined the leaves she saw his true self a demon from hell one that holds more power Celestia would be weak compared to him she sees how he has conquered and made his mark in the Pride ring manifesting overnight now a powerful overload who loves to see ponies suffer and he calls it his way of entertainment when she finds out about his past and now that he is here in her home she dropped the cup in her hooves and her face had a face that just screamed scared past the normal point she knew who this monster was since she had heard about him from her tribe a story about a demon who loves to watch everything suffer no matter what and he calls it entertainment. Alastor notices this straight away "well I see somepony needs to put a smile on her face my mother always said your never fully dressed without a smile" Her eyes went wide when she heard those words that were engraved in her mind ever since she was a filly traumatized by them she stumbled back "you monster you are the one in red the one they call The Radio Demon tho I shall not let you hurt anypony I shall send you back to hell were you belong you are no friend of mine you are nothing but sick and wicked in the mind" she says as she points a hoof at him Alastor got mad after she pointed at him he then made a face she knew too much about him and his plans he turns into his demonic form the room starts to distort and static was in the background and speaks in her words "Ī̶̡͚̹͒͋̿͝ ̸̝͕̭̣̮͚͚͊͂͜͜͠s̸̢̧̞̺̮̳̙̬͉̓̅͗̆̋͊̀͛̀e̷̤̺͈̤̲̖̾͑̓̿͊̿͜͝ë̴̜̫͔͚̯͍͉̻̗̘́̓͝ ̵̗̫̪̩͎̻͔̲̈̌̒̉͜ỵ̷̡̹͙̬̽̏̅̄̎̑́̈́̈́̕õ̴̹̳̻͙̟̤̣͍̐̑̂̆̆̚͜͝ų̶̹̤̘̪̫͎͉̲̀ ̷̹̔̈̉̉̐̔̍̊̔͠k̴̙̣̫̏̅̈͘n̷̨̛̦̘̟͊̊̓͆͌͑́͘ó̶̦͚̝̰̗̻̝̝̭͒ŵ̵̪̯͗̄ ̷͉̠͙̈́ẇ̸̰͙̭͈̜͈̯͜h̷͔̫̣͉̻͕̭̼̣̀̾͑̈́́͝ȏ̶͚̪̭̬̘͙̖̈͗̏ͅ ̷̢̧̡͓͖̱̺̩̲̽̾̃̆̔͜͠I̵̡̨̢͍̠̹̱͓̦͙̍̆̃͒̊͌͝ ̷̨̯͕̲̳̠̫̝̥̿͋͛͂̓̆̄̕͝ḁ̷̯̬͑͋m̶̛͍̬͇͈̞̭͖̩̿̈́̅̀͐̚͘ͅ ̸̧͍̦̯͍͇̱̈͐̂̈́̈̏̈̆͝t̵̡͈̝͍̝́̓̇ḣ̸̡̪̠͚̘̻̺̲͊̍ͅͅö̴̭͇̤͖̜͒̂̂̌̿̅ ̸̳̯͚̬̙̀̊͂̈́̽̀͆̀͝l̸̨̪̜̰̘̬͎͒̔͗̀̀̍͌͘e̸̜͂̍t̵̯͕͇̩̭̑̐͂ş̵̙̾̂͐̐ ̴͔͇́̽̓̇̃͗s̶̢̹̻̞͍͊̎̇͜e̵̱̖̠̾̋̋͌ȩ̶̢̼̪̝̞͕̝̖̬̎̌͂͊͊̋̍͊́͠ ̵̭̖̹͍̓͑͆̀̎̑̌͂̒͜i̸̟̥͕̤͂̓̈́̎̊̾̓f̸̨̡̘͚̯̺̝̓̂͐̆̏͐ ̴̘͎͖̀̈́̄͑͐̈̀ỳ̵̡͎͕͕̳͙͉̋̀̈́̔͗͒́͜͝ͅo̵͍̘̺͈͓͋̓̿̅̔̈̚͝͝û̸͖̻̱̣̽̓̂̚͜͠ ̵̨̀̎̒́̓̚c̶̺̠͉̳̙̠̹̮͖̆̑̏̇̆͆̂̚͠a̵̛̫̗͋͐ņ̴̬͉̖̲̩̼̙̈́̿̀̋͑͠ ̶̧̜̤̆̀̆̚͝ẗ̶̨͍̜̤̬͍́̅̂̇̉͑̾̌͝͝ṛ̵̨͋̄́̾̈̎̈́y̷̗̰͑͆̈́ ̶͈̻̖͕̥͈̰̖̇̓̚ͅt̶̢̢͖̱͍̪̗͕̺̥̒̑͂o̷̘̩̗͔͓̅ ̶̛̼̤̗͕͎́͆̈͘̕ŕ̵̛͔̺̗̞̪̈́̓̔̈́̓̑́u̷̧̡̢͖̺̖͙̱̓̈̓̃̌͗̂͋͜n̴̝͙̻̅̑̽͋̋̐̑̍ ̶̹̩̙̳̼͎̫͛͑͆̔ă̷͉̲͚̐̀́n̶͖̳̰̥̔̆͌̌̈́̇̔͘͘͝ḑ̸͙̘͈̦̩͚͊ͅ ̵̡͔̪̙̭̖̲͉̼͑̈́̒̎̾͛͜t̵̘̮̋̋ŕ̸̦͕͍͇̥̣̭͗͑̔̇̑̀͜y̷͍̯̞͊ ̸̤̦̘̘̼̻̋̆͑t̸̬̜̤̹̳̅͠o̶̮̮͕͙̗̤̯̻͒͐͝ͅ ̴̮͌̾̆̄̐͊̓̏̇͘h̸̺͈̠͉̠̃̆́̉͘i̶̼͛̂̇̓̍̽̓͝͝ḑ̷̫͔̒ē̴̛͔̘̜͓̻̌̾̕ ̵͙͔͑́̐̉́̉̀̂͜y̴̢̩̹̞̟͈̱̍̎̈́͂͠o̴̩͌u̵͈̥͓͚͚̩̮̪̾̀ ̵̲̲̻̖̱̗̘͖̂̈́̈̋͜č̸̨̮͈̹͇́̈́̂̒̈́̐̄ă̸̤͎̜̥̻̋͌͜ņ̶̭̜̼̞͇͎̮̖̽͋̒̆̀͋̑́̀̕'̸̡͙͈͇͌̈́͛́̋͛̈́̀t̴͍̲̳́̅͒̓̍̈́̀̽ ̴̢̡̬̘͊̀̅̂̚o̷̗̊͐͜ư̶̺͕̻̩̱͇̾͒̾̋t̸͚̳̻͓͕͉͈̜͗̑̔̾̀̇̚͝ ̷͇͔͕̮̘̣͌̋r̸̙̾u̸̝̳̗̫̮̺͋̀͐̒̈́͐̾͆̉̋͜n̸̝̥̱̎̈̆͋͗̊̈͘ ̷̛̛̦̘͔̆́̿́̍̆͝ḋ̴͔̠̦̦͈̄̈́̑̇ḛ̷̡̨̲̤͇̭̻̬̈͝ͅa̴̱̠̘̠͎̼͊t̷̢͔̥̩̩̗̲̮́̇̈̉͝͝h̶̢͈̞̰̹̞̖̟͚̍̍͆̅͌̆̍͘͠ ̶̨̰̹̙̩͓̮̀̈́̆̉͛ͅn̸̘̫̱̯͍͈͎̾̂̽͌͋͘͝͝į̴̛̐̊̕e̸̘̞̝̼͉̽͊̅̉̌̑͜?̴͙͈͂̄̌̄͛̈́̚" he says ryhming like her she stares at him with fear and after some time Alastor uses his magic to erase her mind since he now sees that she might be good of use to him in the future if ever needed After he erases her mind he goes back to his jolly self as Zecora blinks and snaps back to reality "Wh-what? What just happened my mind is fuzzy yet I am awake something happened today?" she looks over to him and remembers the part where he needed her help "Alastor my friend you needed some shelter yeah?" Alastor acted like nothing ever happened "Yes I do my dear I know that you my dear are too kind very well I shall stay to see what we have in store for today" After that the two chatted and had a good time together she didn't remember a thing about Alastor's past in the afternoon Alastor left Zecora's hut and went back to Ponyvile were things seemed to be calm now as soon as he walked out in the open Pinkie Pie jumped on him and shake him around in excitement making his eyes turn into radio diels wanting to know what the fuck is happing now. "ALASTOR do you know what you have just done you have made one of the best do hickeys in all of Ponyvile I think I should throw you another party and invite all of Ponyville to celebrate everything you have done since everypony was around waiting outside for you, you just slamedthe door in there faces" he zoned her voice out he pushed her off of him and went running towards his home when he got inside he locked everything and even hung up a sign on the door saying Be back soon he sighs to himself as he gets some raw meat out and eats he is now tired but maybe later on he will go to that clothing shop he saw earlier he sat down on the couch and read a book as he waits for the heat to die down he just hopes that Pinkie Pie is not going to throw another party in his home he does not want to clean up again but he knew how she was a thorn in his side he wanted to kill her right there and then but knew it would ruin his plan so he just had to bear these talking colorful ponies a bit longer, he also learned something today he now hates both ponies and zebras. He just walked into his home and closed the door not before locking it up good with everything imaginable so nopony would come in or bust down his door right as he was about to head to bed Discord poofed in thin air sitting in a chair drinking chocolate milk... Not really more like the glass itself before throwing it away a cat noise is heard alongside crashing into stuff Alastor was to tired to deal with this shit so he just let him stay and not kick him out as he sits down on the couch "So may I ask why you are here to pay me a visit since I know you were with Fluttershy" Discord scoffs and rolls his eyes out of his head and makes them orbit around his head as they pop back into his skull "yeah me and Fluttershy had a great time thank you for asking but thats not what am here for" Alastor sighs before responding "Well then what did you come here my good man?" he says in his jolly voice "look I just got some questions that it" he says as he pulls a chair out of thin air along a coffee table with a lap of him on it "so why are you Ponyville, and why do you were those clothes 24/7 but I am surprised like I know how Canterlot ponies are but can't you take it off let your body breath" he says as magics himself clothes and rips them so his body can 'breath' Alastor chuckles "well the reason why am here is none of your conserin tho I do not seem the reason to just strip myself naked and let my body as you say 'breathe' I am perfectly fine wearing these clothes" Discord then scratches his head but shrugs it off. "Soooooo I just got to get the elephant out the room," he says as he kicks an elephant out of Alastor's home (or off-screen if this were a video or animation anyway) "Why are your ears like that I mean even you have more puff on your ears then this" he pulls Fluffle Puff out of a hat and lets her go making her float around and out of Alastor house "mmh you are not the first nor probably the last to ask me that question but I shall say it once and I'll say it again My ears are just puffy nothing behind it," Alastor says Discord does not buy it and sighs loud like a child does when they have to do something they don't want to "I still don't buy this are you trying to hide something, like it's not like you're a demon or monster," he says laughing as he goes behind him and has a smirk on his face "You're not one right~," Alastor thinks for a second putting a hoof on his chin as he says "No I don't think so" he says before pushing Discord off him. Discord then thinks for a second and then comes up with something "Okay besides that what's your cutie mark and why is your tail like that" Alastor then explains why his tail is like that but 1 minute in, Discord gets bored He then yawns and checks the time "Oh boy would ya look at that" he says his eyes springing out of his skull with springs holding them as his eyes look at his watch that has a picture of him and Fluttershy "Its time for my tea time with Fluttershy" he says as he eyes go back in his skull "well sorry but I have to go don't want to keep Fluttershy waiting" he says as he poofs out of Alastor's home "I thought he never leave" Alastor said to himself Discord voice then came from nowhere as he said "I heard that" Alastor then went to bed wanting just to sleep threw the evening and night in one fell swoop he then falls asleep and in his dreams, he gets a visit from a certain blue alicorn as he dreams she looks at him with a look that moms gives their kid when they say We need to talk. > Chapter 5: Nightmares of demons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alastor it has come to our attention that you are the new face around Equestria and one that is not native as well," Princess Luna said looking down at him something she did not understand was how he always smiled "Well I guess you could say that my dear but am afraid that you are mistaken I am native to this place" Luna raised an eyebrow as she then spoke "So then why are you in Ponyvile" Alastor chuckled as he adjusted his monocle “May dear I simply just came to have a rest and enjoy the breathtaking sights,” he said grinding wider “Alastor we both know this is not what we see in you. What we see is a pony who is hiding something” Alastor chuckled “HA No. Tho I must say it is quite rude to make such accusations” Alastor said as the sound of faint static in the background “Tho my dear I can assure you if I wanted to hurt anypony… I would have done so already” Luna knew something was up but decades to let time be the one to tell what this pony was up to “Yes you are right we do apologize for this but we will be keeping a close eye on you,” Luna said as she slowly fades away from his dreams. Alastor grits his teeth a bit annoyed but knows it's only a matter of time before he can start raking havoc in Equestria “Well I you wish to play…” he says as he too wakes up and when he does he walks over to his window to look up at the moon. And then looked down at his little part of Ponyvile “ T̶̨̛̞̙̘̹͙̖͊̊̃̈́̾̌́͜ḧ̵̨͙̫̰͚̪̞̭̏́́̇̿̏̾̚͝ͅe̴̤̠̅͂̄̂̓̉̓̚n̴̢̼̟̝̼̄͑͗̓̃ ̸̨͖͙͓͍̤͔͛̋̕͜ͅͅl̵̥̾ê̸̢̢͉̠̜̓̿t̸̘̭̔̂̂̈́̀͒̅͋̕͜͠ ̸̻̥͇͈͔̪̝̮̲̓̔͋̇̈́͐̓̇͒͜u̷̲̹̙̳̻̥̻̎̒ş̶̣͚̣̞̹̠̺͗̔́̔̄̈́̊͜͝͝ ̴̧̗̦͇̖̤̬̻̼̃̔̽͐̓͊̒̿͠p̷̢̦̱͔̙̮̂́͑̌͂l̴̡͔̭͖̈́͛̃̊̂́͘̚a̸̖̜̳̙̻̖̱̗̯̞̒̋̑̏̽́̔̋ý̵̨̮͈̙̹̖̯̈́̈͊ͅ ” Alastor says His voice going into a deep static tone his shadow self appearing next to him before saying in a normal voice “May you have fun my friend” he sends his shadow to have ‘fun’ in Ponyvile Alastor then grins the static fading back into the faint sounds of crickets He sighs and walks back to his bed, letting his shower roam free his shadow then starts to explore the town looking around it see many things like ponies in there houses who were asleep ponies fucking each other and many other things and it then started to mess around with the fillies and colts moving things around and messing with things making them think that a ghost or something was haunting them and it crackled and laughed it went over to one colts room and saw he had a gaming system and it thought why not have some fun too and so it woke the colt up and ssshh him and calmed him down after he did, it then removed its hand off his mouth and then pointed at the gaming system the colt then looked over to it then back to it "O-oh you want to play?" Button said as it nodded its head and after that, they gave each other knowing looks and then they played Minehoof for about 2 hours and mined at night. After it saw that its new gaming friend was tried, it picked the colt up placed it back in bed, and then tucked him in "Same time tomorrow?" it said before leaving, Button nodded slowly, it then left him alone and went back out and went back to Alastor but before going to Alastor it notices one home it did not freak anypony out it grinned a nasty grin as it then went into the room of Dimond Tiara who was sleeping with a sleep mask on it then looked around and decide to move a bunch of stuff around to see if she would notice it when it woke her up after it was done it then laughed loud enough to wake her when she woke up she then looked around her room all her stuff was on the ceiling including her trophies as she other shit she had "What the?" she said as she got out of bed only to fall down it was not her stuff that was on the ceiling it was her she then fell hit her head hard and then when she stood back on her hooves it then jumpscare her "DAAAAAAAAAADDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" it then covered it nonexistent ears as it then heard buttlers and many MANY hoofsteps come to her room it then slaped her and got out of there as fast as it could after that it went back to Alastor tired but still it had fun none then less. (this was just one of many things it did over the night and you will soon find out what they are) Alastor was waiting for it to return as it did Alastor looked at it and spoke "Ah your back, did you have fun, my friend?" he said his smile growing as he heard screams and gasps coming from outside "Good job old friend" it then looked out to see Rose's shop was totally swapped out with DIscord lamps instead of Flowers she then fainted at the sight "Welp you get some rest my old friend I take over now" he says as he then goes out for his normal walk humming a tune as he watched Ponies sad at there booths missing items and being swapped out tho he heard a loud shout as he walked by Rarity's place he heard crying and decided to investigate he knocks on the door and opens to see her shop was missing all the dresses she had made for this season, all her hard work gone Alastor chuckled upon seeing this "Why whatever is the matter my dear~" Alastor said looking at the mare having a mental break down on her couch "A-a-a-a-a-Alastor? Oh am so very sorry you have to see me like this it's just that my shop was robbed last night" Alastor knew that his shadow did have some fun he liked this entertainment "I can tell, tho my dear if you may have my humble opinion your fashion that was robbed was nothing compare to what you can make better then it was" Rarity blinked "L-like recreate each clothing from scratch and make them better" Alastor nodded "Yes my dear trust me to try it and you might be able to complete it all in about... 7 hours" Rarity then got up and hugged Alastor "Thank you Alastor," she said before letting go and going to her sewing room to make her old line of cloths even better, Alastor then walked out not bothered at all but none the less he then continues his walk watching many ponies lose it over what happened to them or their shops/booths "Hey, you there," says a small voice behind him Alastor then turned around to see a small pink and purple mane he bends down "Yes may I help you on this very entertaining day?" she nods, "My daddy said you have a podcast right? Well, I wanted to ask if I can be in it and share my story on how I was attacked by a monster last night" Alastor thought about it and then looked back at the filly before him "mmhh very well you shall be my special guest later this afternoon" Alastor says as she then puts her hoof out "So its a deal then!" she said with a little smile, Alastor was caught off guard a bit for once somepony else was saying that "Y-yes it is my dear meet me at my home in about lets say 3 hours?" She nods and goes on her way. Alastor then keeps on walking around seeing the chaos all around smiling threw it all he then sees two pegasuses flying in odd costumes black and orange with their manes like a mohock and having googles pulling some sort of colorful tubes, he chuckles at the sight "Ha I wouldn't be a surprise if there was a rainbow factory here" he laughs as he then goes on home enjoying every last bit of his walk he then goes on to a train buys some tickets and heading off to Griffin stone since he knew if any creature has meat around here it's them he gets there and goes to the shops looking at their meat they had to offer he saw many types but he then came upon on booth that was selling pony meat since he was a pony and a cannibal he just thought fuck it am gonna eat some pony meat today "How much for the meat my good man?" he says looking at the shop owner who was surprised to see a pony buy pony meat "8 bits?" Alastor then passed him the bits and he wrapped it up and gave it to him "Thank you my good man" he said leaving not noticing that almost all the griffins staring at him. On his way back to the train even the pony selling the tickets gave him a strange look as he got the ticket back to Ponyvile and when he got on almost everypony on that train looked at him and his bag with pony meat in it, it started to leak blood on the floor Alastor just stood there as the all the ponies, fillies and colts as well watching him not knowing what he had that was leaking threw the bag, after some time he got off and went back on the path back to his home he has about 1 hour before his interview with that filly he talked to earlier this day, as he was making his way back home many no... about everypony was staring and a bit noisy about what Alastor was doing with a bag that was leaking blood some ponies try to peak in but fail due to Alastor making turns that cut them off from his path, he then makes it to his home and goes into his home and starts to eat his pony meat he brought Raw and enjoyed every last sweet juicy bite he took "Mmmh I should buy this more offten" he says whiping his mouth with a hancarchiff. Right as he finishes eating he hears a knock at the door and he goes over to it to open it when he does Dimond Tiara walks in inviting herself into his home "Well hello there now that you are here let us get on with this follow me, and you'll see com'n my dear follow follow follow follow follow its the truth so try to swallow, let's see how you do for your first time" Alastor said as he goes upstairs to the podcasting room her following him upstairs as he then opens the door for her they both sit down at a table and before long they had a mic in front of them "Okay my dear, we are going live in 3...2..1." he says before pushing a button making the on-air sign outside light up and he starts up as normal "Hello there everypony my name is Alastor and welcome to another podcast by yours truly~" he says everypony now at the dinner waiting for him to be live again. "Now I know last time I was on air things the next day got... interesting to say the least, but none the less allow me to introduce you to our special guest Dimiond Tiara who has come to bear a story with you all now to her," he says as he does Diamond Tiara then starts to explain what happened last night "I was last night when it happened I was asleep in my bed the next thing I knew I was hanging upside down the only way I found out was when I woke up from somepony laughing and when I fell I lookeded around and then I got jumped scared by this black colored pony who had sharp teeth and claws for hooves its looked like a shadow almost" When she finished Alastor took back the spotlight "mmmh I see, m guessing it was not Only you who had something happen to them last night since this morning as many of you know the town was a hot mess shop and booths stray bare, swapped items thank you My dear for sharing your story who hope you get over it... Anyway on another note today I went out to buy something to eat but you know. so I went to Griffin Stone and got some nice slices of meat, now I know how many of you are shocked and weirded out but I can assure you I am not hurting anypony Not yet at least but let me tell you about the things I saw while I was there as well" Alastor went on to tell his story on what happened in Griffoin Stone what he saw etc, but when Diamond Tiara left she walked downstairs to stumble upon his room and went inside wondering what was in it, and what she found was something she knew was bad news for Ponyvile no all of Equestria as a whole she found a wh- Am Afraid am going to have to stop you there my dear/good man but you will have to wait for time to tell for right now all you can do is stay tuned ~ > Chapter 6: Snow on the Sterio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Alastor went on with his podcast Diamond Tiara kept on looking at what Alastor had planned it was a song that was not even about her the pony who has now helped him and he dared not do this and it's going to be broadcast in 3 months at best “why I should tell my daddy this he can probably do something to get this pony to do this for me” she then looked out the window seeing that the Pegasi where already starting to get winter ready since snow clouds kept on being moved all around Pomaville’s sky maybe she should get this as one of her many Heartwarming gifts since it was right around the corner by the look of it, and now she can get Alastor to make this song about her she did not care how much it cost she was going to get a song all about her she did not even mind the rest of his plan to use his Radio to show all of Equestria a good time and to sing it when he leaves this realm, etc. even if it's only been one month she is going to get this. Alastor then finishes up his podcast and goes off air for quite some time, then walks downstairs and right away notices that his bedroom door is opened, he then peeks his head in his room to see Diamond Tiara looking threw his stuff, and calls her out for it, "Well my dear this is not the exit" Alastor says as static plays in the background Diamond Tiara then looks over her shoulder to face him and sees his whole deminer change and slowly starts to walk out while talking "W-w-well I was just g-going though I will have my daddy talk to you since I want that song to be about me" Alastor then stopped and then thought that she did not see the bigger picture and smiled wider as he turns back to her "Well then how about we make a deal then~" he says as he closes the door trapping Diamond Tiara in his room which makes her stop in her tracks, she then looks up at him seeing that they can conclude this "So you want to make a deal?" Diamond Tiara asks Alastor as he nods his head "Okay, here's the deal then, I gave you a story about what happened last night, and in return I want your last song to be about me." Alastor chuckled "Very well but for that song Aswell I want your help for anything I ask at whatever time I please so then" "It a Deal then~" Alastor rolls his eyes at that last statement, he twirls and presents his hoof for a handshake as green energy bursts throughout the room making Diamond Tiara stumble back a bit when she comes to her senses, she then shakes his hoof "Deal." Alastor chuckles "Then it settled," he says pulling his hoof away and then opening the door for her to head out of his room she gets the hint and starts to trot her head up high with a smile on her face as she gets out of his room and then his house. Alastor then walks out the window and looks down on the Ponyville streets to see her walk away from his home he chuckles and looks at his hoof "Ah how easy and naive the young are nowadays" he says before walking back inside closing the doors as he does having already making deals. As the day passes Alastor is out walking around Ponyville again, but he sees that the weather team has been hearing clouds together then looks around more closely at what is going on in Town Square and sees that many Ponies are starting to hang up lights and some are selling gingerbread houses and many are wearing winter type clothing tho he couldn't tell if it was getting cold due to Alastor always wearing the same clothing 24/7 never really changing to different clothes just the same, "Why it must be this time of year mmh who knew these ponies did it as well" Alastor then walks into Sagurcube corner and goes up to the counter and for once did not see Pinkie Pie just the Cakes "Excuse my sudden visit but my good man I must ask you something," Alastor says to Mr.Carrot Cake he turns around and smiles upon seeing Alastor again, "Oh well hello Alastor what brings you here on Hearts Warming Eve?" Alastor now can tell his theory was right about these ponies celebrating Christmas... under a different name, "Well my good man I want to know how does this 'Hearts Warming' work here in Ponyvile?" Mr.Carrot Cake smiles softly as he then goes on to explain "Well Hearth's Warming Eve is a tradition, celebrated with opening gifts and even a play of Equestria's founding, and at the end, we raise a flag to honor the first flag of Equestria that was sewn" Alastor had to bit his tongue a bit too keep from laughing about this, but after he is done talking Alastor then puts a hoof to his chin "mmmh I see, very well then, thank you for explaining it to me my good man, also where is Pinkie Pie if you don't mind me asking?" Mr.Carrot Cake chuckles "She out with Applejack going to the Rock farms with Applejack family to Pinkie Pie's family" Alastor nods, thanks him, and then leaves the store. Alastor now knows he is at least safe from Pinkie Pie jumping out and giving him surprise hugs but he thinks he might want something sweet to bite so he might return to get something, he wonders off seeing ponies nearby waving and smiling at him as he walks by them, ever since his podcast and being he sorta new pony in town got around they have already have accepted him with open hooves even if he is something nopony has seen in a pony but they didn't give a shit they made him feel welcome even if Alastor did not see it as that since he is not used to this, Alastor was about to go home until he felt something grab him by the tail and he got dragged by a certain blue mare who flew to the where they were holding the play Radio static starts to play loud in the background since this was so sudden he looks to see Rainbow Dash has him "Ẅ̴̠͇̭̦̻͔̝̙͓́h̸̗̗͔͒͐̌̈͜a̷͇̘͖̰̖͙̮̟̬̥͊̓̎̔ẗ̴̖͍̜̟̱̦͙̳̠́͂͝͠ ̴̼̣̪͕̙͕̦͌̋͒͂̌̆̌͝͠͠ȋ̵̢̛͉̦͇̳̲̚͘n̵͉͔̲͙̻͓̯̈́̑́̓̊͌͘̚ ̴̠̜̝̥̘͉̥̙̓̏̊̍͐̕ṫ̵̳͙̀̍͆a̶̖̗̎͂̿͒̀͘r̷̨̫͉̦̞̦̬̳̮̒̄͆̓̃̈̒͝ͅn̸͉̥͉̱͕̳̎͌̉ą̸̥͇̩͈̠̞̔̃́͋͒̋͝ṫ̸̢̢̮̹͉́͑̀̉ͅį̴̯̤͍̯̹̝̆̏̀̌̊̔̏́͠o̷̻̗̮͂ͅn̸̢̝̺̘̦̥̞̈́̓̃̔͊̒̂͆̕͝<̷̢͈͖͕̩̽̈̉̈͑ ̷̢̢̹̗̙̼̞͗͐͗́̊̍̄͝͝ͅP̶̝̻̞̼͛̈́͐́͆̃͜͠ͅU̸̢̮̙͒̎T̸̻̻̓.̸̼͎̻̾̈́̽̿́̾̓͠ ̴̠̣̾́͂M̵̛̳̹̮̯̮̙̈́̅̋̕̚Ë̷̢̖̩͉̻͈̲̮͎̯́͝.̷̡̱̘̜̐̊͐̎ ̷̛͕̻̺̅̃͆̈́̐͝D̵̡̛͍̥͈̫͖͇ͅÓ̶̢͙̭̫͇̭̤̙̠͗͒͂̈͝W̸̨̼̘̞͍̮͑̈̄N̸̢̤̘̪̠̼̯̉̎̉̊͑̎͜͜.̷̞̜̳̤̫̝̍ ̵͇̪̿̒̌̇̅N̷̖̦̳͉̹͖̲͚̎O̶̢̧̦͙̼͓̝̲͗̂͜͜W̵̤͉̮͍̗̮͖̏̽̽̔̕͝.̸̠̮̦͚̮̤̯̹͂͑̍̈͂̍̋̅͗̕" Alastor shouted at her "Sorry AL but I can't be late for the flag rising nor should you come on we're almost there" Alastor would have done something but now he wanted to see what would happen now. As Alastor and Rainbow Dash reach the flag-raising area, Alastor's clothing is now ruined with dirt and snow (yeah it's that kind of snow) he gets there and sits not like he had any choice and watches as they raise the flag not caring all that much about this but when it does Alastor then sneaks his way back before being dragged back again by Pinkie, after sometime later they let him go back to his house he then closes the door and then uses his magic to light up his fireplace and he opens the curtains since it was now noon and night fell faster for some reason "I really do not see why such the short day but now am home sweet home~ ...even if it's far away from my real home" Alastor says before he grabs a book and sits down on the couch in front of the campfire and lets time pass by. After some time Alastor fell asleep sitting down he then woke up and went to his bathroom to get ready but then saw his face had weird markings in... sharpy, he then growls a bit of static building up as he started to wipe away the marker when he came out he heard laughing coming outside his window he goes out to see Pinkie Pie laughing her flank off. "My dear what is so funny?" Alastor said in a grumpy and not in the mood voice "I pranked you silly that's why am laughing" Pinkie said as she looked back at him "Pinkie Pie... N̵̨̛̲͉̦̜̼̖̈́̾̓̊e̷̺̫̲̊͐̀̎͂͝͝v̸̪̺̠̘̗̩̤̯̜̎̍̂͜͝͠͠͝e̸͍̻̹̋̓̆́̒̚͝r̷͉̮͋̔̏̎ͅ.̸̛̭͇̗̮͖̲̑ ̶̘̣̖̞͗̄̓͆Ď̸͓̠̬̞̜̰͔o̴̘͉̼̤̦̖͋̆̔͋̍̕͝.̸͕͇͔̮̩̌̄͂ͅ ̶̘̥̝̪̈́͑̚T̸̨̡̤̲̰̩̼̝̝͎̓̒͗͋̒̆͑͝͝ḧ̷̢̟̦̤͎͈́̅͊͒͠͝ͅȋ̷̧̪̟̩͍̼͚̺̪̖̽̈̋͐̍̕̕ŝ̵̤͖̪̬̯͉̓̽.̴̗͕̈́ͅ ̸̜̮̆̅̈̍̌͋͌A̵͇̘̳͗̽̿́̾̈̌͒͝ğ̸͔͖̳̼̂ä̶̲͇͎̓̂ͅi̸̗̣̥̮͈̫̍n̷̨̻̜̲̺̻̠̟͈̻̔͒̓.̴̞̮̌̎̇̒͊͘ ̷͓̫̰͓͇̐͂̽̅́̚͠Ŭ̴̧̥̟͇͊̀̽̈̾͝n̸̫͔̯̬̬̞̞̭̞͑͊̏̂̀͠ͅd̴̰̀́̿̚ͅẻ̷̛͙̆̍̿̍̅͐́̎r̷͈̲͔͔͋̽̋̂̽̐̒̔̿̕͜ͅș̴͇͔̃̉͐͛́̎̌͘͝t̴̻̮̟̭͉̪̱̹̝͇̓͒̈́̓ǫ̵̪̺̫̹͎́͋̾̈́̀̃́̀̕ṑ̴̡̡̮̥̟̰̞͍̭̃͠ḑ̴̱͙̈̃̀͋.̵̧̺̫̮͖͛̈̀͑͊͒͘" Alastor said his face full of anger that made the marker melt off his face. Pinkie Pie stood back a bit by his response and shook her head the laughter out of her now "Y-yes Alastor..." Alastor then went back to normal "Thank you my dear now run along and let me get ready" he said as he walked back and got on with his daily routine Breakfast and his walk around Ponyville. As Alastor walks around he bumps into Fluttershy in the market as he passes by "Oh sorry my dear but you just got in my way I promise I can feel your afraid" Fluttershy then looks at him "Oh sorry Alastor I didn't see you there but I thought I tell you since I know you have nopony for it I thought I say Happy late Heart hearts warming eve" she said with a small smile before hugging Alastor and walking away leaving Alastor with a sense he had never felt before... love maybe he will let this mare live... "mmh maybe" he shrugs before going back to walking on the still snow-covered ground. After her, every other pony he knew said it since they knew he had nopony to say it to him so he knew he was loved here which made him feel a bit bad about whats going to come... well I did say a bit~ > Chapter 7: Radio to the top (On Hold) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was another day in Equestria Alastor had been gone for quite some time two weeks no sight of Alastor and the only thing coming out of his Radio at the bar was classical music, but two months in Equestria... For hell 6 fucking years but even after his disappearance Equestria went through some wild stuff, A School of Friendship, another failed take over by a certain pink, teal hair filly, and now a mini mane 6, Alastor has enjoyed making entertainment out of Charlie's project and now that he has had his fun even for just the very short while he has 6 months to burn so he would go back for a short vacation hell wouldn't miss him That much, he's been absent for 7 years what's not a little time away to see how his little mini playground Equestria having new things now, time for this short break to be gone and time for the play to go on. Alastor walks out of his home looking around and seeing how nothing has changed while he was away, he takes a deep breath in... and then out "Why... its been so very long since I've been back here" he says before doing something he's not done in a while, Walk around "ah such a good day, such a good day for entertainment~" he says as he walks in his new suit and his style changing overall "mmh I should visit an old pony before I do anything else" he says before moving his way across town to SugarCube Corner to see an orangeish-yellowish stallion tho everypony notices him straight away staring at him, a small grey foal with a camra tried to take a picture, but the picture was glitched so you really couldn't see his face or his body for that matter Alastor snickers before he opens the door to the Candyland store "Why that must be another experiment... smells like apples..." he says before getting pinned down by Pinkie Pie. !!!!!!ALASTOR!!!!!! Screamed the Pink puffy mane mare, Alastor slipped out underneath her using his shadow and reappeared next to her "Ah, Pinkie Pie... my dear may I ask why you tried to Pin me down?" Alastor said as calmly as he could, Pinkie smiled "Sorry AL, it's just... you'vebeengoneforsolongandthatyou'vestopeddoingyourbroadcastsoeveryponywasworriedyandthoughtyouweremissingandsincewecould'ntenteryourhousetoinvestagatewealljusthopedtoCelestiatha-" Alastor shuts her mouth with his hoof "My dear your speaking as if you were in a chance, now then if I let go will you just give me a summery?" Alastor said not really wanting to let go at this point. Pinkie nodded and Alastor slowly put his hoof off her mouth "Well we thought you'd gone missing since you've stopped doing anything or going out for your walks" Alastor Chuckled at how this ponies felt about him leaving. "My dear, I can assure you I am not done with anypony here~ in fact this is but a continuation of where I've left off" Pinkie did not understand a word he said, "Well somepony has to throw you a WELCOME BACK PARTY!" Pinkie Pie shouted before running off leaving a dusty version of herself behind "mmh Looking. Forward. To. It." Alastor says before turning around now seeing Mr.Cake "Oh Alastor nice to see you again pal" said Mr.Cake "Why hello there again my good pony I see you are cooking something up" Alastor says pointing out the noticeable smell of Apple in the air "why yes were doing Another Apple Experiment" Alastor chuckles before remembering something "My good pony, may I ask how things are with my Radio?~" Mr.Cake smiles before answering "Well Flim and Flam have been taking over that for you while you were away and made your little Radio thing better" Somewhere in Equestria glass was broken "Come Again?" says Alastor now with a tone of anger, Mr.Cake tilts his head "Uuh something the matter AL" Static starts to play in the background "I have no memory of putting anypony in charge of my Radio... tell me... who are these Flim and Flam" Mr.Cake then started to worry since he's not seen this side of Alastor before even tho they've known each other since he first got here, "T-There the two ponies in town who always have the stuff to sell or make better" Alastor then chuckles at what they are "mmh may you tell me where they are right now?" Mr.Cake then points a hoof outside too the two of them selling what seems to be a radio but with a screen on them... Alastor chuckles before turning back to him "Thank you my good pony" he says before going outside to confront Flim and Flam "Get your IRadio Get your IRadio here" says Flim getting a crowd to form while Flam shows them the product "Inded brother, this is just like the Radio like that Alastor made buuuuuut~ with a screen as well so you can both see us while we do our podcast!" Flam says as he shows the crowd how it works, he presses the screen and then the screen shows a little recording of what appears to be their studio which is just the theater room in Las Pegasus "Peace of shit technology, with all its flashy no good fucking screens and being able to touch it to move the screen I'd like to take one and shove it up both their as-" Alastor mutter before Flam pulled him over to their stand with a cane, "Heres the Pony himself who helped us make it all Alaster" Flam said "its Alastor." Alastor said stepping away from him. "Now. I suggest you pac-" Alastor got cut off before Flim put an IRadio in his hooves and took a photo of him with it before he could even react a poster on their stand said Alastor Approved. Alastor narrowed his eyes before tapping the ground with his mic staff making tentacles pop out of nowhere tearing the poster in half and crushing the IRadio he just had in his hooves "Am afraid you've lost your signal, now. lets. us. talk." Alastor says before swishing his mic staff in the air around them making them appear in his home "Now, let's begin am gonna make you wish that I stayed gone... time for you two to tune on in, when am done with you two, your IRadio will know its race has been run, oh this will be fun" Alastor says before going showing his inner demon static going crazy everywhere as Flim and Flam quiver and shrink "Am I clear gentlecolts?" Flim and Flam nod so fast that if their fur coats were pink you swear they were pinkie pie. After that, Alastor goes back to his 'normal' self "Splended now that we have agreed for you two to stop, selling IRadio" Flim and Flam then look at each other and back to Alastor "Yes, yes we won't sell anymore IRadios" Alastor chuckles seeing how they were scared "well then I know you may tell everypony about what you've witnessed today but, nopony will believe you my good colts," After things calmed down Alastor then was able to get back his idea and now that he knows that tech is getting better for once he sees that even a place like this has its people like this with that stupid tech that no one needs “Now then don’t let the hoof kick you two out” Alastor says as he then summons tentacles to take them outside and plops them both down and then it forms a hoof and kicks them out, Alastor smiles wider as they get kick out in the road “Ah well then now time to do  something I should’ve done I long time ago ” Alastor then grabs the books he borrowed forgetting to return them mostly due to how it was so random that he was called back from Vaggie to help them film an AD to advertise the hotel leaving the book still in his possession, Alastor then walks outside ponies waving to him smiles on their faces, “Ah I love how this place never changes…” Alastor says before walking upon a big Crystal Castle again. He then opens the door looking around trying to find Twilight but bumps into a different pony “oh sorry” says a voice he’s never heard before when he looks at her he see a pinkish-purple with a mane that could counts for Rarity’s it color was right, “Mmh Excuse me my dear but have you seen Twilight Sparkle?  I need to talk to her” Starlight Glimmer then thinks for a moment “no, I was just about to look for her too, mmmh... must on a trip or something again” (very much not in Canterlot High) hmm… well I see live here as well my dea?” Alastor asks raising an eyebrow a bit, Starlight Glimmer forgets he’s still there so then he just “oh sorry but I thnk I can help what do you need Alastor?” Alastor shows her the books he had barwood from the library part of the castle, “I would like return these books do you happen to know if you could do  that job since Twilight is not here right at this moment?” Starlight nods before grabbing the books in the her magic and teleports them back to their original places “there we go is there anything else I can help you with?” she says wondering if Alastor needs anything else “MHh no not really but I will say its quite a surprise to see somepony like you here since last time I was here… Lets just say its not what it was like right now… But if you don’t mind telling me what is with the other Building next to this Castle'' Starlight smiles softly before walking towards the balcony Alastor walking behind her “This is the School Of Friendship where everycreature can come from all around to learn about Friendship” she says pointing  down at it, Alastor cocks his head to the side. “What do you mean by ‘Everycreature’ my dear?” Alastor says thinking about what other creatures in this world come here to learn about Friendship “Well there are Changelings, Hippogriffs, Griffoins, Yaks, Dragons, and ponies of course” Alastor starts to think a little “If there are new creatures… then that means more chances to make deals and get more ‘supporters’ for my big day~” Starlight looks out and lets out sigh “it sure is something huh?” Alastor looks at the horizon and sees the sun setting “it seems so… I’ve not seen a sunset like this for quite some time” Starlight rest her head on the balcony, Alastor joins her and stands next to her enjoying the sight “You know… I never really thought that I’d get this far…” Alastor cocks an eyebrow “How so?” Starlight goes on to explain how she enslaved a whole town and took their cutie marks from them making everypony equal and that she almost broke the timeline as they know it “Huh that's quite a story you have… I’ve heard better but still, not bad for this world” Starlight chuckles at his comment “Yeah I guess so… But after that, Twilight took me under her wing and made me her student, and now am a Guidance Council at the school… but I still like to relax once and a while and get away from it all…” Alastor smiles a bit wider wondering if she realized what she did, it then hits her that she told somepony who she does not even know that much about her whole life up to this point, her face becomes flushed with red from embarrassment and she frantically sits back up. “Oh uhh yeah, that's my story… Alastor, what's your story then” she says trying to make this into something else to at least ease the embarrassment and make it look like she was trying to make friends with him, Alastor thinks about his backstory “Well I guess nothing has happened to me like that” Alastor says trying to make it look like he has not done anything like what Starlight has done in the past  “But I can tell you one thing for sure my dear I have my own struggle Like with that Lith..., I like it very entertaining to hear a sad story come from a mare who is very tired. Tried enough to tell a strange who you don’t really know much about” Alastor says with a shit-eating grin. Starlight smiles nervously “w-well everypony here in Ponyville is pretty open about many things… it's just I don’t know you nor that you don’t know me but since now that we know each other a bit more-”  Starlight keeps on ranting about detail Alastor zones her words out and just thinks about what he could do right now since if he left things would most likely go worse for this mare… Wait? What is he talking about he does not need to care much about her Feelings he then coughs “Well am sorry but I have to go back now thank you for the help” Alastor says before walking away, Starlight reaches out to him but he was already gone… “well could’ve gone better…” Alastor then heads back to his home but decides to check the school of friendship out since he might as well look around to see what he could do… as he goes in he immediately is hit with many New species faces… tho still it does not change anything he thinks about the place ”I wonder how long it will take before this place turns into chaos” Alastor says before he starts to walk around the school halls seeing that many ponies he knew where in fact Teachers here tho “seems like this place is better for the picking if they have these ponies as teachers but yet again they are one about Friendship and I guess harmony” Alastor walks more before a hippogriff tackles him to the ground with a huge smile on her face “OH MY CELESTIA! A NEW CREATURE!” she says never have seen a ‘pony’ like Alastor before, Alastor just turns into his shadow before reappearing behind her “My dear I am not new to this school but Who are you exactly?” Silverspoon turns to him “Oh sorry my name is Silverstream whats your name Oh don’t tell me…” says Silverstream trying to guess his name “By any chance… is your name…Phill?” Alastor narrows his eyes and then just tells her “My name is Alastor you might have heard me from my radio shows~” Silverstream tilts her head “Radio show?...OOOOHHh you mean that new IRadio thing that those two sale ponies are selling and have” Silverspoon says not knowing that it was Alastor who started that whole thing Makes him a bit pissed “W̶̫̫̖̐̔͘͠ĕ̵̢̠̮̝̠̤̺̗̠̒̀l̵̘̘̒̓͐̈̈́̚̕l̸̡̨̫͇̮̪̻̹̒̈́̈́̅̾̍ Belį̵̼̲̹͙̼̝̰̙̍̾̄̾̈̃͝v̸̫̖͈͔́͜e̵̬͈̬̪̩̜̥̣̯̩͑͐̍̃̑͆̒ me Mỳ̵͇̺̈́ͅ Dear T̵͙̙͕̺̤̮̀͆̓́̉̈́̅̑̚ͅh̷̖̪̺̣̪̙̣̺̿̐̽̾́͛͠ey are no̴͙̫̲̟͙̓̇̈́̄̈͑̈t the o̵̡̬̙͇͎̖̯̾͊͐͊́̚ņ̸̧̘̘̱̾̌es who mad̷̰̒̈́̒͘͠e̵̤̊̔̈̈̔̓̕͝ ̷̛̥̱͕͚͍̆̋͛̆̂̏į̸̤̱̣̤̏͒̂̏͊̒t̶̢̢̰̟̬̫̭͆̍̕” Alastor said already have dealt with them, Silverspoon did not really see the change in his tone but that did not stop her from keeping her normal happy self “Oh so you were the creature to make it?“ Silverstream asked seeming to get a bit more excited than she already was now having met the pony who started something even if she didn't really understand the whole Radio thing that was going on “Welp I better get to class Hope to see you soon Alastor!~” she says in a singing tone as she goes to class, Alastor can tell Hippogriffs are energetic… well Silverspoon was, Alastor then decide to just go back home since this school would have to be explored another day also since he did’nt want to get jumped like back in chapter 3 So when he got home he goes up to his broadcasting room and pushed a button making the sign outside that read “On Air” before going live he knew that the IRadio was being used more and comes up with an idea “My friend go out and replace every IRadio with a normal radio” Alastor said to his shadow wich nods and goes out making Alastor grin wider.   Alastor’s shadow then went around pulling out a radio from its body and replacing the IRadio with it after some time passed it met back up with Button and the moment they saw each other you know what they did? They played Minehoof of course before long Button's mom came into the room, Alastor’s shadow then quickly blended in with the shadow of Button, Button’s mom told him something before leaving, Alastors shadow then sighs of relief then looked at Button and told him “꠸ ꫝꪖꪜꫀ ꪻꪮ ᧁꪮ” Button nodded and then hugged Alastor’s Shadow which made it hug him back before then leaving, it was then the middle of the afternoon and it was the beginning of the afternoon when it left so it went back to Alastor, when it did it then returned back to being Alastors shadow “Ah thank you, my friend, now we may begin” Alastor said before then pressing the live broadcast button. “Hello everypony and everycreature It is a pleasure to be back at this again I know it’s been a while since I’ve done this but don’t fret I have much to talk about today so don’t worry, I may even have a little song to sing again~” Alastor chuckled he could just feel the fan girls right now getting more excited