Equestria girls: before the reset

by Abyssal_eclipse

First published

This is the tale of Sunrise and her daughter Moonrise Shimmer and yes they are related to Sunset Shimmer though there is more at stake then they realize...

This is the tale of Sunrise and her daughter Moonrise Shimmer and yes they are related to Sunset Shimmer though there is more at stake then they realize...

It was a normal day in Canterlot high… well as normal one can get from teenagers at high school but something magical is about to happen with the events on the other side of the portal to Equestira...

it all starts when a newcomer falls out of the portal only to have a horrifying revelation about herself and what her life has come to...

Sunrise’s Arrival and a New Bond

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It was a normal day at Canterlot High though it’s almost the end of the day and everyone was in their last class. Twilight and Sunset were in chemistry, Rainbow Dash was in history, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were in Gym, Trixie was in math, while Fluttershy and Rarity were in Language. After a few minutes the final bell had rung, so they could go home or go to their club rooms if they had one. Three girls went into the magic club room to practice and make new stage theatrics, while the other five went to the music room after they met up in the hallways.

Magic Club

“What kind of performance are we going to do with the orphans this time?” Trixie asked her two friends.

“We can try something new, but what?” Twilight said as they started brainstorming ideas to help the kids keep spirits high.

“We didn't do the same performance's while we were at each of the different orphanages. So the kids who were at those don't know about our other acts. How about we do something we have already done but mix it with some of the other performances, like a mix and match?” Sunset suggested,

“Don't know if it would work, but there's no harm in trying,” Trixie said as she looked outside, with a sad look on her face knowing that most of those kids won't have a home to go to. “Also Cadence and Shining are wondering when the servers are going to be fixed” she said turning her head to her roommates

“They will be done soon but the damage was impressive” Sunset said as she packed up the tools to make their equipment.

“Yeah it was but we still managed to fix it and recover what was stolen and made sure that we were the only ones with the access to the files and the code and we already have that area blocked off.” Twilight said while they were heading out the door.

As they walked out they could tell that there was something else going on with the statue’s base. There was an energy reading and they didn’t know if it would be safe to use for themselves as a power source so they were analyzing it and the readings of the new energy were at their highest. They didn't know what it meant so they continued studying it from afar.

Music room

The five there hoped for something new and exciting, as they learned more about music through practice before getting bored. They didn't know what to do after practicing some songs and tuning their instruments, so they just chatted it up with the rest, unsure what to do but one had a question on her mind. “Does anyone know where Crimson lives?” Fluttershy asked, with everyone else confused about what brought it up.

“Why are you asking us?” Applejack asked.

“Just wondering,” Fluttershy said before looking out at the statue being cast in an ethereal glow from the sun.

“No I don't think any of us do as he has managed to keep it a secret for a good while now and I think he wants to keep it that way.” Rarity said.

They decided to go home and turn in for the night not long after to ensure the next day went smoothly. After all, it was their first year of high school.

Outside during the night

The statue's base was shimmering with an unknown energy to this world. As the figure of a female fell out of what seemed to be a portal embedded in the base of the statue. She looked around wondering where she was and had to orient herself to her new body as she tried to get up from the ground.

She turned to look at where she came from confused, only to see a mirror and with it her reflection. In the reflection was a girl that looked like they were supposed to be in school. Her striped hair was light blue and bright yellow and her eyes were purple. Lowering her gaze she saw that she was wearing a sleeveless shirt and some blue jeans that were oddly quite comfortable. She did notice that she didnt have her horn anymore as well as the shape of her body was strange as it felt more like a monkey then what she was used to, being a pony and all… yet she wandered away from the tall looming building curious about her new surroundings.

She noticed that there was a slight breeze that brought a chill with it causing her body to shiver at the temperature change. As she walked she decided to learn all she could about the place she was in and the best way for her to learn about it was the library or school. So she made her way to the library only to encounter someone by bumping into them.

“Oh I'm sorry-” the person said, only to stop herself when she looked at the person she bumped into, and found a girl who looked similar to her missing sister. She had red and gold-orange striped hair, cyan eyes, a leather jacket that was open to reveal a t-shirt, and her pants were the same as Sunrise’s.

“Sunrise?” The strange sister look-a-like said in a questioning tone.

“How do you know my name?” Sunrise asked confused before suddenly her sister's look-a-like embraced her in a hug, catching Sunrise off guard. After a moment of hesitation she wrapped her arms around the girl, she then felt a cold wetness on her shoulder ‘is she crying?’ Sunrise thought to herself curious. “Sunset?” she asked confused “whats going on?” but all she heard was sobbing which only confused her more. After a few seconds, Sunrise felt that her new limbs started to feel weak, so she carried the look-a-like somewhere so that they could sit down and talk.

She walked over to the park carrying her sobbing sister’s look-a-like. After a while of walking she had ended up in a park near a bench. Sitting on the bench they were next to. She tried to calm Sunset’s look-a-like, after a few minutes that felt longer, she calmed down enough to speak and she said “sorry about that… I… haven't seen you in so long.” that confused Sunrise a bit which showed on her face. Sunset noticed the look “what I mean is you were taken by mom and dad after they left me alone at the door of an orphanage.” shocking Sunrise as the same thing happened with her sister and Sunrise never saw her again. Soon enough she was crying as well as she never knew what happened to her sister after that day.

Sunrise had moved in with Sunset and her roommates, having found a better life at the school, and even got herself a job at a dinner. The dinner was an odd one to her though she wasn't working there alone as there was another person there, a boy named Crimson Wind was there and ready to work. Their employer was a man named Dark Thomas Flame, he was certainly an odd person even to them but he helped them learn in the strangest of ways… LIKE REALLY HOW DO YOU ACCOMPLISH GEOMETRY WHILE DOING YOGA! she was still plotting her chance to take over Equestria at first, then an event happened that changed her life for the better.

It was after a day of working on the weekends when she found a baby in a box out back of the store next to the dumpsters crying. Curious, she walked over to the little one and carefully picked her up out of the box as the crying stopped at the feeling of warmth. That's when Sunrise noticed a note in the same box that was hidden under the baby so she took both to her employer who was closing up shop, “Uhh, boss?” she started to say worried and confused.

“Yes, Sunrise? Do you need something?” he asked with his back to her, curious as he always was while making sure that the place was clean while doing a handstand.

“I think I found something interesting outside while taking out the trash.” Sunrise said not really sure how to say she found a baby outside as he stood upright on his feet. “You might want to turn around to see her.” she said as she held up her arms to show what she found as he turned around to face her only to see the baby, he suddenly looked taken back by what he was looking at out of worry and fear.

He sighed, which confused Sunrise at first, causing her to ask worried, “is this common here?”

“Sadly it is.” he said before walking over to the sign and turning it to say closed. “Not everyone is good as everyone is unique in their own way. I struggled in certain subjects while excelling in others like art but you can't get everywhere by relying on yourself. Sometimes you need to let people in to find what you are missing… I was lucky to have a few friends with me to help me out, you know them as they work at the school you go to.” he said before sighing, “you live your life how you want to but sometimes in order to move forward you need to work on yourself. I still draw when I get the chance but you have to ask yourself ‘who do you want to be?’ and you need to understand that you are the only one who can change yourself.” he said before looking at the one in Sunrise’s arms “most are not lucky enough to survive when left alone. If you never found her she might have died a slow painful death by starvation or thirst. My friend Midnight Eclipse always saw the darkest parts of the world as that was all he could see, that's why he became a therapist as it was a way he could help others including those who really need it. Though he advised us, his friends to heed history as in his words, ‘those who don’t see the follies of the past will only repeat the disaster years later on a grander scale.’ which helped your history teacher to be where he is now.” her boss said in a somber tone “seeing this reaffirms that not everything you're told is true, but the choice is up to you” Sunrise had never seen her boss so serious before this as he was always goofing around and being a comedian.

The baby had woken up from a nap and looked at Sunrise before saying “Mama?” which were her first words. Sunrise then read the note only to find that it was degrading the baby and that the bio mother hoped for the baby to die. As she read her eyes got wider out of fear and rage for what was said as it reminded her of her own mother, she wouldn’t put it past her to do this.

She looked at the little one, “Yes little one, I’ll be your mama.” she said with a smile that made the little one smile and giggle as well. She was let off for a while to let her adjust to her new life while giving his batty friend a call. I only got half of the conversation.

“Yo, Night, there was another and I don't know for how long but it seems like she was recent. … Yeah I got that … Alright but the little one bonded to the one who found her and it's not me. … Sunrise found her out back near my dumpsters and don't worry about the art man … Yeah I get it but seriously? … Yeah you can tell them as the rest of the staff need to know about this. … Copy that, have a good night!”

“What was that about?” Sunrise asked curiously along with the baby who was sucking on her fingers.

He turned to them before saying “you’ll find out tomorrow” and letting me out the door before locking up completely. Sunrise knew that he meant that it was better to see it herself. He was a very strange guy though but at least he keeps the people entertained while he’s on stage and when they pack up their food he always gives it to the homeless that were around the city which did help them out. They don’t rely on him to do that as they get things from travelers and the tourists, yet he does it out of kindness. Sunrise wondered what the story for that was though it was a long walk home as she stopped by the store to get some things for her new daughter. She didn't know that she still needed the papers to make it official at the time. She had walked over to an acquaintance that she met through her half-sister. ‘I know she won't replace my actual sister but I'm not close to considering her my sis yet.’ she thought to herself.

Sunrise did have to explain to the girls why she had a child with her when she got to the house. Though the next day she was called to the teachers conference room. “What's this about?” Sunrise asked once inside the room.

“It's about the little one you found last night.” principal Celestia said, confusing her even more while making her worried. “Don’t worry, we only want to see her.” she said calmly. Sunrise then set the little one on the table before the nurse did a check up on the little one, while she was given a stack of papers which confused her once more.

“What are these for?” she asked while looking at the stack showing her confusion.

“Well, you want to adopt her, correct?” a female with green hair and black skin said. “Just sign those papers and she will be able to go with you after they see how you would do for her.”

Sunrise blinked a few times “who are you?” she asked.

“The name is Chrysalis and I am here to make sure that the process is smooth.” she said with an eerie grin. Sunrise shrugged and signed the papers as her new daughter crawled over to her once she was finished with her check up.

“She was definitely recent as she would have been a lot lighter and hungrier if she was there for longer.” the nurse said, watching the baby move “but what's her name?”

“I did feed her some baby food after getting to the house and her name is Moonrise as every Sun needs a Moon” she said causing the principal and vice-principal to look at each other and smile softly at one another before turning their heads to Sunrise and Moonrise.

The days went by as she spent time with her new daughter and she couldn't help but smile while teaching her daughter about different things. Sunrise realized that she was becoming a better person while trying to help Crimson relieve some stress only for a slow shift to happen throughout the year. Half way through he started to go by the name Windigo Sonim and he was harsh to everyone around him. Sunrise tried to help him to stop him, but it failed though she didn't give up hope that Crimson was in there as she didn’t know what he was dealing with. She did tell her friends about her old home, Equestria and how she was a bad person before finding Moonrise at that dumpster. In the end she made five new friends at the end of the first year.

Something New

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Human realm - Canterlot High Statue

Sunrise was invited to the crowning of a new princess, after adopting Moonrise. Sure there were ups and downs but they were family in all but blood. She did wonder what Moonrise would look like on the other side. When Windigo decided to do something drastic and threw Moonrise a good ways away from the statue while accidentally sending himself through the portal by tripping over himself while Sunrise ran over to her daughter to make sure she was ok.

Equestria - The Crystal Empire

After a long while the celebration ended up in the Crystal Empire where they found Trixie with the Alicorn amulet on her, as they celebrated Maroon’s ascension with them, “say Trixie, where were you after that chant?” Maroon asked, “you disappeared after a magic shockwave rippled throughout the air, taking the amulet with you.”

“I was somewhere else, yes, but I’ll tell you girls where later, however while there I did learn about what happened when the oath was said.” they look at her confused “that oath will allow an alicorn to be set free if the keys are gone. What will be released and Equestria will be under her rule.”

“What do you mean by that?” Rainbow asked, as they were nearing their guest rooms.

“I’m talking about The Alicorn Killer, and she was an alicorn herself. She knew her own kind’s weakness and she used an unnatural type of magic that even the creator of dark magic was capable of using but never did as he wanted to be better than her.” Trixie said, looking at the floor. “Anyway, have a good night,” she said before walking into her room, leaving the rest confused.

Later in the night after everypony turned in, there was a crash coming from somewhere in the palace as a silhouette carefully trotted down the hall so as to not wake anyone after the crash which had every guard on edge. He snuck into Maroon’s room not knowing why but there was a need for control. He grabbed the crown with his teeth, which woke Maroon up due to the noise of teeth on metal. She looked at the silhouette to find the face of a familiar pony “Crimson?” she said curious only for him to try and attack her with her realizing who he is, “WINDIGO!” she yelled echoing through the hall, waking the rest. They looked out their doors and saw Maroon chase after Windigo. The chase went till Windigo ran through a mirror? That was standing in an empty room.

The next morning after the rude awakening from the night before everypony who had gathered in the mirror room was confused about what the mirror was except for Celestia and Trixie who knew about it. “What is this?” Maroon asked no pony in particular.

“It is a portal created by starswirl but it is unknown what is on the other side however we know that it opens every thirty Moons for three nights only” Celestia said with a somber look,

“No, it’s not unknown. There is life on the other side as once you go through there are enchantments that will allow you to blend in to what's on the other side. Along with somepony else that Celestia knows is over there” Trixie said shocking them,

“Who do you mean?” Luna asked, confused.

Celestia answered, “Sunrise Sprinkle is the only pony I knew that had gone through this mirror. She was one of my students before Maroon and after you Trixie but it seemed that she didn't let friendship into her heart and had to be removed from the castle but she ran through it to somewhere unknown to me. I do wonder how you know that she is alive, Trixie?”

“That pulse sent me to Tartarus’s lowest plane where I saw who was called to be released. The amulet helped me get out along with the help of another and from there it showed me my role in what’s to come so I warn you, ‘do not reconnect with the elements once you're disconnected from them as something bad might happen. As for how I knew she was alive, I saw her through the darkness as Tartarus allows you to see into other planes of existence sometimes and you have to be lucky.” she said shocking everypony there,

“What could the element do on the other side though?” Maroon asked, worried.

“More than you think, now get going and while you're over there let the girl named Sunrise know that her sister is ok and bring back any news from her” Maroon nods and sprints into the mirror as a blinding light causes her to close her eyes. Only for her to find herself on the other side of the portal which was embedded in the statue’s base and saw that it was at least both ways thankfully. She heard a gasp and turned around to find a kid looking around the age of five looking at her in awe,

“Hello?” Maroon said confused with the kid suddenly running saying,

“Mommy! Mommy! There’s someone that came out of the statue like you told me you did!” in the voice kids use when they get excited to a person that has light blue and bright yellow hair, that’s like a sun on the horizon rising into the sky.

“Oh, you’re from Equestria aren’t you?” the woman said while walking over, Maroon nods “it’s been a while since I saw Equestria and I was going to come over with the little one. Oh where are my manners? My name is Sunrise Sprinkle and you are?” she said while helping Maroon up from the ground.

“My name is Maroon Ripple and who’s the little one? Are you foalsitting?” Maroon asked while on shaky legs with Sunrise laughing before saying,

“No, I’m not as she's my foal and her name is Moonrise Sprinkle, well, she is mine in all but blood. Also over here we call it babysitting here I’ll show you around” Sunrise said while dragging Maroon over to her friends.

Maroon then remembered the message that Trixie told her to tell Sunrise if she found her. “Oh I have a message for you from a friend, ‘your sister is alive and well and we can't wait to see you soon’ I have no idea what it means though” Maroon said causing them to stop with Sunrise looking over at her with wide eyes and tears almost ready to fall while Maroon nearly lost her balance and tried to regain it by hopping on one foot.

“Set is alive?” Sunrise asked with tears in her eyes and a hopeful smile on her face. “I'm glad that she is, she can meet her niece now!” Maroon was shocked and she said,

“Windigo came over with a crown that has a star in the center of it. It's not supposed to be here as it's an element of harmony.” Maroon said, shocking the other Equestrian. “Do you know where it went?”

“Oh it looked like the fall formal crown so it was most likely to be taken to the Principal. We will need help to put everyone to vote for someone to get the crown so that we can return it to Equestria. Though for you to win your going to need some help from my friends just know I wasn’t always like this and neither was Windigo.”

“Yeah I get that as Windigo was egotistical, while Crimson was nice though he feels like he should always take the punishment.” Maroon shook her head before changing the topic, “Let's go meet your friends so they can help with this.” she said with an awkward smile. So they wander around and find the human version of Trixie, and her friends along with two others she has never seen before…

“Hey Sunrise, how's the little Moon? Who is this?” the golden-orange one asked,

“This is Maroon and she is like me but someone brought an ancient artifact over from Equestria and it's unknown what could happen also Moonie is great”

“What are your names?” Maroon asked the two with everyone about to say their names with her pointing at each one she knows and said “Trixie Lulamoon, Applejack Apple, Rarity Belle, Pinkamena Diane ‘Pinkie’ Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy Breeze right?”

“Are you psychic?” Pinkie asked

“No it’s that I know the people’s names I mentioned as I am friends with them back home but you two” she said pointing at the purple and golden-orange people “are new to me” Maroon said interested.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my girlfriend Sunset Shimmer” the now named Twilight said with Maroon nodding with a smile.

“Nice to meet you,” Maroon said with a smile of her own and they got to chatting about what changed over in Equestria when they learned about the fall formal and the crown being the prize.

Rarity asked “How is it possible that two people are sharing the same body and are married to another with no qualms?”

“It's because the two were already in love with one another, in fact it was Trixie's cousin's wedding I believe” with Trixie looking at Twilight and Sunset.

The two blush and Sunset asked, “Are we married?” while gesturing between herself and Twilight.

Maroon said “I don’t know about you both as I haven't met you yet I think, so maybe? But the wedding I went to the groom’s name was Shining Armor”

“Wait, my brother got married to two people sharing one body?” Twilight said disbelievingly “I know magic can do a lot but I find that hard to believe” she continued while crossing her arms.

“Yep though their bodys are a combination of one anothers in other ways as well. To get the picture, just imagine if Fluttershy and Pinkie’s body’s combined with more room to grow” Maroon said with a blush and that put a strange picture in their heads causing them to blush as well “now Twilight imagine that happening with Chrysalis and Cadence” Twilight grew rigid and suddenly froze with her face lighting up so red it caused her to faint while being a lightbulb. Sunset caught her girlfriend before she hit the floor.

“could they have died?” Sunset asked.

Sunrise shook her head and said “No, they were banished by Windigo who was after them and as far as I have seen he only comes out when Crimson is stressed for an extended period in time. So they are not dead…”

Maroon said “I did see two others get summoned by Nightmare Moon but they were different and their names are Fallen Ember and Midnight Nova if I remember it correctly after all it's been a few years since then yet it still feels like yesterday.” in a tone of contentment while groggily Twilight woke up at her name.

“You said Midnight Nova correct?” Twilight asked which Maroon nods “then you did meet us cause I have two names” shocking everyone there “the name you all know me by is Twilight Aromadaia Sparkle but my other name is Midnight Constella Nova”

They made it to the cafeteria and started a song that got everyone together with their friends.

Before Maroon could go through the portal, Windigo had grabbed Moonrise and threatened to kill the little one if he got the crown, she was seemingly giving it up with no hesitation before she threw it towards the portal. He ran to catch it with his lackeys, and managed to get it before putting it on while looking stupid. The corruption process was instantaneous and caused him to look demonic for an example, think of Sundown Shimmer but icey-blue, male, and a blizzard formed around the school.

He used the magic that the element bestowed on him to mind control most of the school with only Maroon along with her group of friends and a child not coming under his control. He was going to take Equestria for himself by force but they managed to stop him. He tried to destroy the portal with magic but maroon then said “can't let that happen now can we?” Maroon wasn't in control of her body as the element used her to talk which after that she caused the girls to lock hands through the elements that were there which also pony the girls up for the first time and blasted him with the rainbow which caused him to see another time, the prime timeline and he saw what happened with the prime Sunset during a certain week that was coming up soon. After getting the crown back Maroon finally took control of her legs and rushed through the portal surprising the element along with everyone else and making sure they made it.

She came crashing through the portal to the floor and taking the crown off and control was returned completely to her but she could still feel it trying to influence her to put it back on. She hit herself with a knockout spell and collapsed onto Fluttershy. Everypony was confused and waited for her to wake up. They wonder what happened to her so fluttershy sadly brought her marefriend over to their bed and slept with her.

On the other side they decided to give Crimson the punishment he will remember but instead of denying that he did anything wrong he accepted his punishments of fixing the wall and suspicion from school. He didn't say anything and got to work right then which shocked everyone at how fast he changed. After a few weeks of helping the construction crew to rebuild the face of the school. After it was over was when his suspension started as well but was given a few weeks to come back earlier since the teachers were considering that as part of his suspension.

Three Siren Sisters

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The rainbow flashed over the city as three girls walked out of a taco shop to see it. They planned on taking the magic that was there for themselves to make sure it would help them get home after such a long time, almost a thousand years at that.


Maroon and her friends were hanging out in the library with the mirror down in the basement as a delivery from Celestia arrived and one was glowing and vibrating. So she made sure that they could help each other by making sure the portal could be turned on for a while.

“Thanks for coming to help us” Sunrise said “how are you after that whole fiasco last time?”

“Better plus the element was in control of my upper half so I used my lower to get back as soon as I could by the way the elements are destroyed”

“It’s good to see that you're ok and how did that happen?”

“Long story” before remembering something, “I also brought some help this time,” she said as two more people came out of the portal. “They already have different names so we can tell who is who and they are, Midnight Nova and Fallen Ember.” The two newcomers nearly fell because of their new bodies but managed to actually walk with no problem through a bit of practice.

Sunrise could tell that Fallen was her sister without looking and tackled her into a hug. “Hey Rise, it’s been so long it’s good to see you.” she said as Moonrise came over and asked in that voice of curiosity

“Mommy, who is she?” that caused the two to look down to see her and Midnight just couldn't help but giggle. Fallen looked at her sister shocked at the fact she had a kid as she did hear about it from Maroon but didn’t expect it to be true.

“I was hoping to see you again so that you could get to know your niece,” shocking them. Before long things went well they did see Crimson schedule an appointment with Dr.Eclipse surprisingly.

They were in the band room trying to figure out a song for magic to pass through and intercept or cancel out the effects of the Sirens song. It took a night to do but with four students of Celestia putting together the magical theory for the spell was hard to follow… They kept accidentally interrupting the others' work which would be fixed by that person before an argument started between the three from Equestria when Sunrise looked at it to see what was wrong. “Mommy?” Moonrise said as she came down the stairs having been woken up by the fighting.

“Yes Moonie?” Sunrise said, worried about how it would affect her daughter’s sleep schedule.

“Why are they fighting?”

“Miscommunication” Sunrise said simply

“What does that word mean?”

“It means something was lost while talking to another person. It happens a lot and causes fights or arguments to happen. Want to draw sense you’re awake?” Sunrise asked the little girl who nodded excitedly while taking out a piece of paper to give her as she got her crayons. Later Sunrise went through the complex equations and effects to see what went wrong. Everything worked up to a certain effect but fell flat at what they were trying to do.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Moonrise said as she came running over with the sheet she got and had drawing on it

“Lets see what you drawed” Sunrise said while taking the drawing and saw the missing piece of the equation by coincidence. “Thank you, my Moonlight, it's wonderful and you helped me figure out what went wrong” Moonrise was tired as sunrise brought her back to bed she left the two on the counter while the fighting stopped. They looked at the equation to find where it went wrong only to see the answer on a child's drawing so the three facepalmed that a kid showed them the answer and they didn’t know anything about magic.

“Well now we know what went wrong. Also there's a lot of pages missing in the book” Midnight said laughing softly when a thought of her and Fallen having a foal together popped into her mind but it made her smile a soft smile as she stared lovingly at her wife. Fallen noticed the stare as the stress from before faded and they realized how tired they were as they saw maroon plop on the couch and fell asleep while the two sat on the ground before cuddling and falling asleep there.

Sunrise walked into the room to see that and wondered about the equation only to see it fixed so she spent the rest of the night looking it over before falling asleep there.

The next morning during breakfast, Sunrise groaned out of discomfort. “From that groan, I can say that you fell asleep at the table?” Fluttershy asked

“Yep and I regret it big time though how are you both able to sleep on the floor just fine?” Sunrise said at first to fluttershy before turning her head over to Midnight and Fallen.

“We have slept in worse places and when I fall asleep it’s usually upside down.” She said before walking over and helping Sunrise with her back by having her stretch out and pop it. “Feel better?”

“How do you know how to deal with that?” Sunrise asked confused

“Oh it happens a lot with your sister and I when we sleep somewhere that’s not natural. Your sister likes to sleep on the branches of trees while I hang from them with my tail”

“Huh, so your part bat pony then?” Twilight asked,

“We are called thestrals but that is basically the general conception. Our skulls are tough as when we normally wake up I’m already on the ground.”

“Though sometimes either your horn or your head is stuck in the ground.” Fallen said

“Oh Midnight your cousin told us that you managed to take out the princesses back from the chandelier in the room” Maroon said as their human versions looked at the three confused.

“Oh that day… yeah that did happen but it was an accidental surprise attack.” she said with a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of her head with her hand.

They made their way to the school ready for what the day was going to throw at them… or so they thought. They got through the rounds without using magic during the battle of the bands but they were disqualified a bit after it happened. Though that was because of the other students stopping them from continuing through sabotage.

After that they decided to make it a battle of the bands. The three sirens had already ponied up to show what they truly were. After they got there the three who were helping kept their distance knowing that they might make it worse. As projections of the sirens true forms came out of the red gems on the three girls chests. Two of the three walked over to the stage as they were being overwhelmed by the rest. As they started a new song while ponying up for the next try as they sang a rainbow shot up into the sky as a new color joined it. Once it was complete it formed into an alicorn that blasted the sirens true forms away and destroyed the gems. Midnight and Fallen showed up on the stage and picked up the gem pieces.

Midnight said “I can tell that without these gems you have no way to have food, so as long as you remain good I’ll fix them and make them better with some help,” she said to the Sirens, shocking them. They nodded and pleaded to have them fixed which helped.

Before the three went back through the portal, “Wait, are you both married?” Maroon asked Midnight and Fallen who nodded and “they thought your counterparts got married when I was talking about your brother's wedding” she said pointing at Midnight who knew what that meant and laughed with everyone joining in on the laughter. After the three made their way into the portal sunrise looked at the three Sirens who were supposed to be on stage were gone. It was as if they disappeared but she knew this won't be the last time they see them.

Crimsons redemption (sidestory during the battle of the bands, his pov)

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I wasn’t any better then where I started after turning into a demon though after hearing what Sunrise said shocked me as she was right there was no other way to put it. I decided to accept my suspension that was also given to me as punishment. I walked around the town not caring enough to watch where I’m going. I decided to book an appointment with Dr.Eclipse as soon as I get back. I notice I’m by Sugarcube Corner which I heard was good and wanted to try it, so I walked in and got some hot coco, as well saved some time by working on some homework like a habit, and while I was there though I didn't have much and needed to catch up but I found it interesting. Though I would prefer to stay up late and be tired then fall asleep to the call of the nightmares but somehow my employer knows that I haven’t been sleeping well and had to knock me out to even get me to sleep stubborn as I was. I gave him no choice other than to be down from one backhand alone when it would have taken a lot more to do so. I have only been seen on the school campus once since I was suspended but that was to schedule an appointment for the first day I get back to head over to Dr.Eclipse’s office which might help me out later. After that I just leave and don't come back till my suspension is over.

I was watching the stream that was playing from the school about the battle of the bands to see the girls pony up and defeat the sirens and I felt bad for the three as I know how it felt to be on their side of the rainbow causing him to have to confront what he doesn't remember sense freshman year from the stress and from what the school therapist’s advice for him when he first got there helped him see now that he needed to have himself checked for something on the note he gave me and I went through the test but couldn't afford the medication, thankfully my alter as they are called, thankfully somehow knew I work on the weekends with Dark Thomas Flame or rather now during my suspension whenever I can as I forgot that sense he helped me out I have a place to call home thanks to him and his strange ways. BUT HOW DOES HE SAY SOMETHING THAT MAKES NO SENSE LIKE “shooting fish in a pan” AND WHEN I LOOK HE’S JUGGLING THREE PANS ALL WITH FISH COOKING IN THEM YET THEY WERE STILL COOKED WITH HOW MUCH THEY WERE IN THE AIR COOLING RATHER THAN OVER THE FIRE!!! AND THAT'S NOT TO MENTION HE WAS BANNED FROM HIS OWN KITCHEN SO I HAD TO TAKE OVER THE COOKING AFTER REMINDING HIM!!! That’s what it’s like working with Dark Thomas Flame, the nutjob of the city…

After the suspension was over

It took some time and lots of bullying from the rest of the school as payback. It was only my first day back from suspension. I was just letting it happen as my eyes were opened to what I had done while spinning tales of being a great person to go down in history only to be the one to be forgotten. The only ones to not bully me were the ones I actually tried to kill as that demon though I don’t know how princess Maroon would react, ‘probably hates me for what I did…’ not to mention my demeanor had changed as I was quiet and reserved while good with my studies with the biggest shock to the rest of the school was that I felt like I needed to let this happen to me to atone for what I had done even though I'm not religious I just let it happen and it worried them. When the girls reached out to me and started to help me back onto my feet from the ground, it confused the others including me “why are you trying to help me?” I asked confused.

“You will learn soon” just then an announcement came on and announced that there is going to be a school meeting in the auditorium for the girls explanation for why they did what they did. Everyone made their way to the auditorium after the announcement.

Once everyone was there the principal called my new friends to the stage to get answers so one raised their hand and asked what everyone else was wondering “why did you all become his friends after all he had done?”

They answered with Applejack going first “Just because he was mean to us doesn’ mean we have to be mean back.”

Then Fluttershy “He was hurting and ended up taking that hurt out on others.”

Rainbow answered next “I will admit it crossed my mind once or twice but I reminded myself that I would be hurting someone who is already in pain and Flutters would be disappointed in me if I did”

“Got that right” Fluttershy said while looking at Rainbow Dash

Rarity started “There is enough cruelty in the world already but just because he caused our pain doesn’t mean we have to do the same.”

Pinkie answered with “It’s not fun being the big bad bully as instead of making people laugh you’re making them cry.”

Twilight was going to answer when Trixie beat her to it “We need to be better than what we were and helping Maroon get the school back together was not easy but we managed to reignite friendships that had burned out. The reason I extended my hand in friendship was more of a way to teach him that he can be better and we all need that friend.”

After Trixie was Sunset “I gave my hand because I know what it’s like to suddenly hit rock bottom when you are high up. It happened when I was younger but if not for my girlfriend and her family I would still be on the streets. So I used the kindness they gave me and extended it to him” after hearing that I was shocked along with everyone else even though I was their enemy but they gave me a second chance to be their friend. I felt my eyes well up with tears because I was happy that they were my friends.

Twilight got her turn and she said “I was going to say that as well about you Sunset, but I guess I’ll have to say something else.”

“I'm sorry” Sunset said while giving Twilight a hug with both giggling after that. There were some disapproving looks but those were few along with the gags.

“I saw a boy who lost his way and the reason I reached out was not to use him like I know some of you are thinking, but because I know that he can and will be better than he was before though what he does next is up to him.” I started to cry at their kindness when Sunrise spoke…

“I will admit that I was tempted to do so however, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that he was like me. Before Moonrise came into my life I was almost like him becoming a bully and thinking others were below me. Then one day I found her on the side of the road abandoned and while I was thinking of doing what Windigo said he would do. I found her in a box and after she said her first words as at the time I found her she was only two years old and it's been four years since then. I realized that I had become who I promised I wouldn't become without realizing it. That was what I needed and when Trixie once told me “you never know how far rock bottom is until you hit it” well she is right and I had fallen over those few months deciding what to do for only to hit the bottom as I adopted my little Moonrise and from there I decided to rebuild myself and become a better mother to her then mine was to me, for her sake and my own” she answered in the auditorium which shocked the ones who didn't know including me “you could say I was looking at my past self through Windigo in a way and now I see a bright future for Crimson.” with a smile on her face and by then I was full on crying as I ran up to them and gave them all a hug right in front of everyone, it felt nice to know that I didn't have to hide my emotions anymore so I let the tears flow.

After that, on my way to the place I used to live, I found three girls out on the street and extended my hand of friendship to them with them accepting. With one look I could tell that they were without a place to stay so “hey wanna come over to my place?” I asked

“Will we need to do anything for you?” the orange one asked

“Only if you feel like it.” I replied with a smile and a wave of my hand. The other two were eager for it while the one that asked shied away at first but decided to join them. In the end it was worth it and they were a major help with my sleep sense. There was only one bed in the whole house which was awkward at first but cuddling became our thing. Not to mention my nightmares don’t haunt me as much as they used to when the three are around me. I was glad but in the back of my mind I doubted that they would help me if I was still Windigo and I knew it would only last so long and that one day I would lose everything.