> Life as a Sonic OC Redux: Equestria Girls > by Kitsulestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Runaway Raccoon/ Sunset's Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *EG Rainbow Dash’s POV* Wow, what an adventure that was. A blur zooms past me. A yellow-blonde haired female spoke "You need to slow down Sonic before you crash into a tree!" Sonic spoke "I’m totally fine, Roll!" Sonic soon crashes into a tree, getting his head stuck. Luna facepalms and sighs "How are you even my grandson?" Okay, mind, still blown. And for some reason, Pinkster’s setting up a party. A green haired male asks "Uh, what's the party for?" A purple haired female spoke "Don't be an idiot Manic." Luna spoke "I don’t know how you managed to do it, Lightning." Lightning spoke "Don't give me that look mom, I have no idea where Sonic got his speed gene from since neither Aleena or I have it and I know that dad doesn't have it either." Luna teases "*Smirk* Are you and Aleena still going crazy with each other and making me a grandma again?" Lightning spoke "MOTHER!!!! It's bad enough that Yuu and Kita haven't found love yet and I KNOW that cousin Clarity hasn't either since there aren't THAT many demonic Beastmen!" Clarity snickers "Oh wow, nice one auntie!" Luna spoke "*Giggle* Who knows? Maybe Lightning might make Aleena pregnant with decuplets next time." Aleena spoke "I'm 35 for heaven's sake! I'm not having anymore kids since three is enough." Luna spoke "*Whispers into Aleena’s ear* Your love for Lightning might say otherwise." That made Aleena blush madly. Lightning spoke "Mother.... Have you forgotten? Aleena's mortal, I'm not. Which means I will lose her and our kids one day." Luna spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out* Don’t be so glum, make the most of it." Yuu spoke "You and dad have it easy, you're both immortal." A loud bang was heard before a recently turned gryphon beastwoman crashes into the ground. Kita asks "What now?" Yuu spoke "Sounded like a gunshot..." Rarity asks "Pinkie, why are you setting up a party?" Pinkie spoke "There’s an old friend and someone new coming along!" An alicorn Mobini wearing a cloak over the wings steps out of the portal. The female asks "Who are you?" Pinkie spoke "Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!" The alicorn Mobini stammers in a quiet voice "M-my name's Sunset... Shimmer..." Wait… Sunset Shimmer? As in… “You’re the one who vanished years ago?” Sunset stammers "It w-was two years ago...." Fluttershy asks "Oh my! What happened to you?" Sunset spoke "As you might have heard from a two tailed vixen, I was yanked through a strange portal two years ago... And experimented on... But now... I can't hide my ears, horn, wings and tail..." Fluttershy hugged Sunset. “Oh Sunset… *Sniffle* I’m so sorry you went through all that.” Sunset spoke "I just don't feel safe here in Canterlot City anymore since I'm the only halfling there is." Celestia spoke "Perhaps I can help with that." Sunset removes the cloak, fully exposing her Mobini form. Sunset spoke "I hate how I look but I can't get rid of this form." Celestia spoke "I can still help you." Sunset spoke "But... I'm not one of your students..." Celestia spoke "You can still be one. You can have a second chance." Sunset asks "But... uh, what about my parents?" I spoke "She has a point there Celestia." Celestia seemed hesitant to answer that. I spoke "The Canterlot police department have already declared Sunset as dead... I doubt it's a good idea for her to be spotted around town." Celestia spoke "I believe there's an apartment close to Canterlot High." Sunset spoke "I'll take it then." Celestia spoke "Good." I ask "But what about the other Sunset's apartment?" Rarity spoke "I hadn't bothered to ask that kind of question." Sunset spoke "I think that's what Principal Celestia meant." Luna spoke "In light of what happened against an outsider recently, we should keep a tight lid on magic usage. If Abacus Cinch finds out that there are beastmen in Canterlot City, she might go straight to the mayor." Celestia spoke "*Sigh* And if her disliking beastmen wasn't bad enough." Luna spoke "It's enough that Dean Cadence is an alicorn Beastman but she stays in disguise because of the hatred." Celestia spoke "I'm just glad she's been able to hide her true form for as long as she is." Luna spoke "*giggle* You're one to talk sister, most beastmen call you the Solar Terror." Celestia asks "*Giggle* And what about the beastman calling you the Lunar Terror?" Luna teases "Sunbutt." Celestia teases "Moonbutt." Luna teases "Cakeflank." Sunset thinks "{By High Goddess Faust's mane.... Those two are just like Princesses Celestia and Luna...}" Celestia spoke "Ice creamflank." Luna spoke "Not in front of my youngest daughter!" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Can you save your banter for later? There's a bus coming and there's two females on top of the roof." Celestial sisters ask "Huh?" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Tanuki Beastwoman, age 17, newly turned, ran away from home since she couldn't face her parents." That caught Sunset’s attention. “Is there extra room in the apartment I’m at?” Celestia spoke "It's a two bedroom apartment but the problem is... It's located in cat beastman territory since the cats claimed the area closest to Canterlot High." Sunset facepalmed. “Should’ve seen that coming.” Celestia spoke "Barring Luna's eldest children, the canid beastmen claimed the area near Crystal Prep." Luna asks "Have they been staying out of Cinch's sight?" Celestia spoke "One or two are turned though, meaning they can't morph back since they don't know how." Rarity was itching at a spot on her neck since fur was growing in. "Umm... Rarity?" I noticed. Rarity spoke "What? Is there something in my hair? But my neck is killing me right now!" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "About that miss, you're a cat Beastman... Persian breed. And the blonde haired girl's growing a tail!" Rarity asks "What?!" Applejack gasps "Ah'm growin' a tail?!?" The back of Applejack's skirt started lifting up thanks to a tail starting to grow. The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Seems like the country girl's a Border Collie Beastman." I yelp since a a cheetah tail was growing out from under my skirt as peregrine falcon wings tore through the back of my shirt. The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Okay, THAT one I didn't see coming!" Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! The gryphon beastwoman laughs while flapping her wings as the left one made a whistling sound. "Uh, you okay? Your left wing sounds off." I noticed. The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Oh that? It was a bullet wound... You can blame the emo for that." I ask "Who are you?" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "I'm Danyelle Doucet." "You a gryphon beastman too?" I asked. Danyelle spoke "Yeah but my lion half is replaced with fox." "Huh? How?" I asked, totally lost. Danyelle spoke "Eagle-lion combo is the usual look for gryphon beastmen though but when I turned, I grew a fluffy fox tail instead of the usual lion tail." Fluttershy spoke "Wow." Danyelle spoke "And I think the tanuki and fox should be arriving shortly." Sunset asks "Think I should get them?" Danyelle's eyes shimmer. Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... They're cornered by humans!" Celestia spoke "*Frustrated groan* Not the Anti-Beastmen again." Danyelle spoke "We have to help them!" Danyelle lets out a loud screech, scaring the humans. Sonic spoke "Well this just got interesting." Roll spoke "Agreed since she's one of us." Sonic dashed off to the action as I flew in there with him. A pink haired fox beastwoman was with the tanuki. The humans fled in fear once they got a good look at Celestia and Luna. Celestia spoke "Looks like they remember hearing about that." Luna spoke "Good." Danyelle spoke "You ladies can be quite scary when need be." “Scary? THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!” I cheered. Danyelle spoke "Cool it Skittles." “Sorry, it’s just I am TOTALLY in for making Canterlot City a place for beastmen to live now.” I smiled. The two beastwomen giggle at what Danyelle had called me. Danyelle asks "Anyway, who are you two?" The fox beastwoman spoke "I'm Nazuna Hiwatashi and the furbrain is Michiru Kagemori." Michiru spoke "Don't call me a furbrain Nazuna! You're a furbrain!" Danyelle spoke "You’re both furbrains." Both females spoke "Birdbrain." Danyelle spoke "At least I don’t forget after three steps." Michiru taunts "I know you are but what am I?" Nazuna slaps Michiru on the back of the head. Danyelle giggles "Heh, I didn't even say "like a chicken"." I snicker "Given that you said it yourself." Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up Skittles." Celestia asks "Do you need places to live?" Nazuna spoke "We do." Sunset spoke "I’m sure there’s room at my apartment." Michiru spoke "Until extra beds are bought, it think we might have to share beds." End > City Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rainbow Dash* Welp, school's out today, but something's been bugging me as I got to my friends. "Anyone seen Sonic, Roll or Michiru lately?" Danyelle spoke "I thought they were with you Rainbow!" Pinkie's hair started twitching before her bang spun and pointed upward. "Oh! They're up in some kinda airborne vehicle." Danyelle's eyes shimmer after looking up. Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... That's a G.U.N. helicopter!" "Better fly up there and find out what's goin' on." I noted. Danyelle spoke "No Rainbow! You might be caught as well! All of G.U.N's officers hate beastmen." "You really think I'm just gonna leave friends behind?" I pointed out. Danyelle spoke "For heaven's sake Rainbow, you can't morph to a human form!" "Beastman or not, I'M headin' up there. Our friends need help." I said before taking into the sky. Despite the bullet wound, Danyelle flies after me causing the whistling sound to be heard again. Danyelle spoke "YOU BIRDBRAIN!!!" The two of us were soon in earshot of the pilots of the helicopter. A Pilot spoke "Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city. We're en route, everything's a go." A voice spoke "This is control tower. We have you on radar. Report cargo status of captured beastmen aboard, over!" Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot exclaims "That's a 10-4. Cargo secured on board and... What?!" Control Tower manager spoke "Didn't copy that, over!" Sigma-Alpha 2 spoke "The hedgehog, tanuki and fox are gone, they've taken everyone out aboard and..." Control Tower manager spoke "What's wrong?! Come in, over!" Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot exclaims "What in the world!?" We then saw the door burst open with Sonic, Michiru and Roll coming out as they hung onto a wing of the helicopter. Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot spoke "Freeze! What do you think you're doing!? Get those beastmen!" The three got onto the wing of the helicopter. Sonic spoke "Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies... we're outta here! I like running better!" Sonic jumped off on a makeshift snowboard before Danyelle and I grabbed Michiru and Roll before flying after him as we dove down towards the sight with Sonic trick-spinning downwards. Sonic spoke "Yeah!" We were close to solid ground now as Dany and I pulled up, landing as Sonic landed and started snowboarding down. BGM: Escape From The City Danyelle spoke "With my injury, I'll only slow you four down!" “It’s okay. You did plenty by helping Roll and Michiru get down here safely. Get goin’.” I assured as Danyelle ran off to hide before the three of us followed after Sonic. Michiru had taken on cheetah mode to keep up with Sonic and I. Roll spoke "I don't think it's a good idea for the four of us to be running around together." A female voice spoke "Attention all units. Suspects has been seen heading south. Block all major roads and capture the suspects." Roll spoke "On second thought, let’s just go!" The four of us jumped off ramps and kept going down while dodging moving and parked cars as Sonic did some tricks after jumping off ramps. We dodged a trolley before stopping on flat straight ground as Sonic got off the snowboard. Michiru growls "They have the wrong hedgehog beastman..." Roll spoke "I don't think they're in a mood to listen." We then ran up, down the alleys and on walls before busting through some crates and riding some rails on our feet before we were soon running down the road again, dodging trucks, trolleys and jumping off ramps. We then ran up stairs while taking out some G.U.N. robots as we went down the road again and rail riding again and bouncing off springs and going down a park before we ran a loop-de-loop and down a building on its walls and bounced off more springs. We moved forward while wrecking some robots as we soon started rail riding again before we jumped and swung off bars like pro gymnasts and slid under a blockage that said "Do Not Enter" and "Pass Under" as we started running down the road again. Michiru glances back in horror as a G.U.N. truck shows up. Michiru spoke "Shit!! MOVE IT SONIC!!!" We then started running faster as the truck brought out three arms on its back with buzzsaws while we were dodging cars and jumping off ramps. We soon got past a small tunnel, causing the truck to crash as we ran out of road before we landed in another area. Sonic spoke "Yes! Too easy, piece of cake!" “Mission cleared!” I whooped. Michiru asks "You three thinking that was too easy?" Roll spoke "We lost Danyelle along the way." "Dany escaped since she said she didn't want to slow us down." I pointed out. Michiru spoke "She might have been caught by those jerks!" We then searched for Danyelle as it was later night. A familiar voice spoke "There you guys are!" We turned around, seeing Danyelle as she approached us. Roll's left ear twitched. Danyelle was growling. Sonic spoke "This game of tag is boring. I'm outta here!" But then we felt the ground rumble as a giant G.U.N. mech showed up. Sonic spoke "Hmm! Finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on!" A pilot spoke "Spider Troop Big Foot reporting to Headquarters. Intruder and accomplices have been located." The female voice spoke "Copy that." The mech then took flight as it looked ready to fired at us. Roll pulls out a katana before moving at insane speeds, slicing the mech's legs off. Roll growls "Mess with me, you mess with the Sakurai clan!" Sonic was shocked with a blush before the mech fired bullets as we dodged them. The pilot spoke "This is Spider Troop Big Foot. Big Foot to headquarters over! Reengage the enemies and request back up! The mech then started firing missiles at us. Danyelle whips up a hurricane with her wings, blowing the missiles back at the mech. Michiru, Sonic and I attacked really fast as the mech went down with mini explosions. The pilot spoke "What?! They're just five beastmen!" Sonic chuckles "Hey guys, take care." Glaring at the pilot after the glass was shattered, Danyelle growls "You dare attack the grandson of the Lunar Terror?" We heard sirens from police cars approaching. Sonic asks "*Notices someone* What?" We saw that Mewtwo beastman from before on the mech. The male spoke "It all starts with this... *Brings out a green jewel* A jewel containing the ultimate power..." Sonic gasps "That's the..." Roll and Danyelle spoke "Chaos Emerald!" "The what now?" Michiru and I asked in confusion. Sonic spoke "Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you! So... where you do think you're going with that Emerald?! *As he, Danyelle and Roll charged at him* Say something, you faker!" The male spoke "Chaos Control!" An explosion of light burst from the jewel before it faded with the Mewtwo beastman standing right behind us with the jewel. Sonic spoke "Wow... he's fast!" "How'd he get there so quickly though?!" I gasped. Sonic spoke "Hey, it's not his speed. *As the Mewtwo was on the roof* He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!" The male spoke "My name is Shadow. I'm the world's ultimate life form. There's no time for games... farewell." Shadow and the Emerald suddenly vanished in another flash of light. Sonic asks "Shadow... what is he?" G.U.N. Officer spoke "Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air. We found ourselves totally surrounded. Sonic spoke "Not again!" Danyelle spoke "*Groan* I thought I had all seven hidden away..." A bolt of magic crashes down, revealing Vice Principal Luna in her dark form. Nightmare snaps "RELEASE MY GRANDSON AND HIS FRIENDS RIGHT NOW!" End > Wild Canyon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Applejack's POV* I was pacin' 'round and Principal Celestia noticed me. Rarity asks "Anyone seen Sonic, Roll, Michiru, Danyelle, Rainbow or Vice-Principal Luna?" Celestia asks "Knowing her, she's concerned about her family, one of them being Sonic at the moment. So she went off. But what troubles you, Applejack?" "It's Knuckles, he's doin' his job again and that worries me." Ah answered. Nazuna spoke "The five haven't come back yet... And I'm worried about my friend." Celestia spoke "I may be able to teleport you to them, but my magic might be a bit rusty." Sonia spoke "No great auntie, I sense the five of them got caught by G.U.N." Celestia facepalmed. "Why did I not see that coming?" Shirou growls "They did WHAT?!?!?!?!?" Celestia spoke "Shirou, calm down. If you go there and attack in a frenzy, things will only get worse." Though invisible, a brown haired male spoke "They took my friend too." Pinkie asks "Oh, who’re you?" The male spoke "Oh sorry, you kinda can't see me right now since I'm invisible. It's sort of a trick that Latias and Latios beastmen have to avoid being spotted." Celestia spoke "Ah, right. Poké-Beastmen prefer to hide themselves from both humans and Beastmen." The male spoke "Latias and Latios Poké-Beastmen are on the verge of extinction though. I'm Lan Hikari by the way." Celestia spoke "I see." Lan spoke "I'm worried about Maylu..." Pinkie giggles "Ya love her, don’t ya?" Lan spoke "*blushing* Yeah..." Kita's left ear twitches. Kita asks "Hey dad, you hear that howl?" Shirou spoke "…Yeah." Rarity spoke "It sounded like a wolf...." Celestia spoke "Hmm... Perhaps I should teleport one of you to where that howl originated from." Rarity spoke "Wait, I wanted to show something." I spoke "That might have been Knux though, he's a Direwolf beastman." Rarity giggles "Then you can give him this and don't worry, I made it comfortable for beastmen." Rarity gave me a box. Rarity spoke "*Smirk* Besides, I bet you'd think he'll look dashing in it." I spoke "RARITY!" Rarity teasingly stuck her tongue out. "Don't leave your knight in shining armor waiting." I growl "Ah hate ya so much right now Rarity..." Celestia spoke "Whenever you're ready, Applejack." I spoke "Very well." I give Rarity the stink eye before being teleported to where Knuckles was. Knuckles asks "AJ? How'd you get here?" I spoke "School principal's an alicorn beastman. Plus the Latios has one o' the shards yer lookin' fer." Knuckles spoke "Well, as long as this Latios doesn't do anything with that shard, I'll let it slide. But right now, we need to find three in this environment." Then I remembered the gift I had. I spoke "Lan's just a kid though but that pesky batgirl wouldn't dare agitate 'im. And Ah heard that Sonic, Roll and three others got caught by GUN... Oh, this is fer ya though, Rarity made it." Knuckles asks "He ran into her too?" I spoke "Oh heavens no, Latios Beastmen tend to be aggressive if angered." I gave Knuckles the box as he opened, revealing a glide suit. Knuckles spoke "This’ll definitely help me get around, especially if that bat girl can fly." I tease "If ya weren't mah boyfriend, Ah could have sworn ya had it bad fer the batgirl." Knuckles spoke "Hey! She was after the Master Emerald! Eggman would’ve gotten away with it if I didn’t shatter the Master Emerald myself." I giggle "Ah was just teasin' ya though ya knucklehead but yer mah knucklehead." I give Knuckles a kiss on the cheek. Knuckles spoke "*Playfully punches my shoulder* Hehe, don’t make me pound ya when this is over." I blushed madly, knowin’ what he meant by that as he started putting the suit on. I spoke "Ya dummy." *Moan* It started becomin’ harder ta control myself as I was glad to have taken a birth control pill. But when I saw Knuckles wearin’ the glide suit fully, I… I couldn’t hold myself back no more! Knuckles asks "You okay AJ?" I then tackled Knuckles to the ground as my tail was waggin’ nonstop. “The pieces can wait, Knuxy-Wuxy.” Knuckles spoke "There's no goin' back after this ya know." “Don’t worry, Knux. Ah’m in heat, so ya can have yer way with me.” I assured my lover. *Some time later* I yawn a bit "Hey Knux." Knuckles asks "*Pant* Yeah?" I spoke "We should go find those shards before the pain in the neck bat finds them." Knuckles spoke "Right. Let’s go." The two o’ us got our clothes back on before Ah noticed another glide suit in the box, and it was fer me as Ah saw a note on it from Rarity. Can’t let your lover fly alone, can I? -Rarity I mentally groan "{I hate that cat...}" I then put the glide suit on before noticin’ Knuckles blushin’ at me. I tease "Like what ya see Knux?" Knuckles shook his head, snappin’ himself out of it. “It does look good on ya, Jackie. But let’s go.” I giggled as we started the hunt and found a piece right in front of a giant floor fan. I swoop down to grab the shard before riding the wind back up. Knuckles spoke "There may be more shards above ground." I glided to a flat rock before throwing up what I had recently eaten. I groan "Ah should've known that the pill wasn't tested for Beastmen yet..." I noticed Knuckles flying up before gliding down as I followed him before we climbed up and found a chest. My boyfriend punched it open, revealing a piece as he grabbed it. Knuckles spoke "One more to go." I spoke "Ah'm gonna have ta talk wit' Redheart after this." We then glided to the “Lonely Statue” area before climbing the rocks as we smelled a piece close and got onto a platform above, finding the scent comin’ from a flying robot as it readied ta fire at us. I lifted a small chunk of rock before throwing it at the robot, downing it. Knuckles then leapt at the robot before punching it, making it blow up as he got the last piece of the area. “We’ve found them!” “Yeehaw!” I whooped. Knuckles spoke "Yeah! This is perfect!" I noticed that something was off about the sun and moon. I ask "Is that normal?" Knuckles spoke "Not sure, but we should get back to the others before heading out again." I spoke "Yeah." The two o’ us then started heading back to Canterlot City and Canterlot High. I spoke "Hold on Knuckles, it won't be easy gettin' back into Canterlot City with the beastmen haters around." Then my phone rang as I brought it out, seein' that Principal Celestia was callin'. "Yeah?" I asked. Celestia asks "Did you find out what was going on?" I explained nearly everything to Celestia. Celestia spoke "Since we're communicating right now, I should be able to teleport you and Knuckles back to Canterlot High." I spoke "Ah don' think that'd be a good idea though Principal Celestia... Ah don' wanna risk throwin' up again." Celestia spoke "I know, but this is the safest way to get through the anti-beastmen." *Sigh* Had ta admit, she had a good point. I spoke "Mah stomach's a tad queasy." Knuckles gave me an empty vomit bag. "Just in case." I spoke "Thanks..." The both of us were teleported back to Canterlot High as I felt my stomach gurglin', but I managed to keep it in. I immediately threw up into the bag. "Welp... *Urp!* Better see Nurse Redheart..." I groaned with a green face. End > Prison Lane Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Scootaloo’s POV* Wow! There’s a lot of awesome stuff happening here at Canterlot City! A two tailed fox beastman spoke "Yeah but Sonic and Rainbow are still missing." “Uh, who’re you?” I asked. The fox beastman spoke "My name's Miles Prower but due to my mutation, most call me Tails." "Wow really?" I asked with starry eyes. Tails spoke "Yeah but I hate having a second tail." "Why? You can do so much with two tails." I pointed out. Tails spoke "I can't fly though! And after what happened to Danyelle, I don't want to risk it." "Come on! You can-Gah!" I yelped as we heard a roar while I jumped, unintentionally going into my beastman form. Tails asks "A bird beastman, huh?" “I’m not a chicken, I’m a Spix Macaw!” I squawked. Tails snickers "You sure you're not a chicken?" I grumbled in Portuguese. Tails spoke "I'm just teasing you Scootaloo. And I'm starting to worry about Sonic and Roll, I haven't seen them lately." “Yeah, I’m kinda worried about Rainbow Dash.” I admitted. A male spoke "Found ya, cuz!" A Spix Macaw Beastwoman spoke "Tiago, you're such an idiot." *Gasp!* That sounded like…! The Spix Macaw Beastwoman spoke "Hey Scoots." “Carla! Tiago! Bia!” I smiled as I flew over and hugged my cousins. Bia asks "Who's the fox?" "A friend of mine, Tails." I answered. Carla spoke "That reminds me! Great Aunt Mimi found six beastmen not far from here. Two gryphons, a tanuki, a fox, a pony and a hedgehog." Bia spoke "Yeah, she spotted them while flying above an ocean." Tails spoke "Then I know where to they could be." Tails left before coming coming back in an awesome plane! Tails spoke "Most passengers I can bring along is 4." Carla spoke "But sis, you forget... The Prison Island airspace is restricted. No bird Beastman is allowed to pass through it." Tails spoke "But that only applies for bird beastmen flying on their own." Bia spoke "He does have a point." I spoke "Then there's that aggressive beastman...." Tails spoke "But now he's suddenly gone off-radar, so this is our only chance to get them back." "Right! I'm in!" I smiled. Tails spoke "But Scootaloo, your parents would get upset with me if you got hurt or worse." A manhole cover rattles before getting moved. Applejack spoke "Consarn it Knuckles! That's the last time ya drag me into the sewers fer shards of yer master emerald!" Knuckles spoke "Can't believe there was only one in there though." Applejack spoke "That pesky bat musta gotten the other two. Oh hey Scootaloo." Knuckles noticed the plane Tails was in. "Going after Sonic and the others with some of your friends?" Tails spoke "I am but I can't take everyone with me." “Four passengers, right?” I asked. Tails spoke "Yeah." But then Tails was given a noogie by someone new. A fox beastman spoke "'Bout time I found ya, cuz!" Tails groans "Not now Rusty!" But then Tails was suddenly hugged from behind. "Now is that anyway to say hi to your cousin?" Tails gasps "*Blushing* I-Inari?!" Inari giggles "That's me, your girlfriend." Applejack spoke "We don't have time ta be sitting around! Roll and the others could be in danger!" Tails spoke "Again, I can only bring along four passengers." Tiago spoke "I'm in!" An older spix macaw beastwoman spoke "Oh no you don't Tiago, you're still grounded." Tiago spoke "*Gloomily* Aw, mom…" Jewel spoke "You broke my mother's plates." Yeesh. Tough luck there, Tiago. Then an older Spix Macaw beastman showed up. Jewel spoke "Hey Tyler." Blu chuckles "Come on, sweetie. You know you can call me Blu." Jewel giggles "Glad I'm not Eva though, I can't handle a large amount of children." Blu spoke "I just don’t know how Rafael manages to do it." Applejack was already sitting in the plane's pilot seat. Applejack spoke "There ain't no way Ah'm letting a 14 year old pilot a plane." Tails spoke "*Deadpan* This isn’t the first time I flew a plane." Knuckles spoke "Tails’ got a point there, I’ve seen him do that." Applejack spoke "But he doesn't have the legal license to fly a plane!" Knuckles spoke "It hasn't stopped Tails from doing it before." Tails spoke "And I'm not sure if you have a license either." Applejack spoke "Ah've got a driver's license." Tails asks "*Deadpan* Is it the same as a pilot's license?" Applejack tried to argue, but couldn't as she said nothing. Inari spoke "Miles, don't make me call your older sister over here." A female spoke "She probably means Pixie. And I know how Tails is when he doesn't get to use the stuff he builds. Don't worry, I'll help ya this time." Tails yelps "Gyah! Miyuki?!" Inari spoke "I was talking about you though Miyuki." Miyuki spoke "Oh. I can tell that Tails, Scootaloo, Rusty and Inari wanna come along, so I'll take 'em with me. And don't worry, Miles. I'll let ya handle the walker form." Tails spoke "Yes!" Applejack asks "What 'bout Knuckles and I?" Miyuki spoke "You guys get back to Celestia and find more of those shards." Applejack spoke "HELLO!?!?!? Ah'm pregnant fer heaven's sake! Once Ah'm further along, Ah won't be able to do much." Applebloom spoke "Oh! Maybe I can help Knuckles!" Applejack spoke "No Applebloom." Applebloom spoke "But Ah wanna help." Knuckles spoke "This is far too dangerous though and I refuse to put my girlfriend's younger sister in danger." Applebloom spoke "Ah’m not a little kid anymore!" Applejack spoke "No means no Applebloom, not with that Shadow still on the loose." Inari, Tails, Rusty and I got into the Cyclone as Miyuki was in the pilot’s seat. Miyuki asks "Everyone ready?" Applejack spoke "Knuckles and I are comin' too and there ain't no way ya'll can convince me otherwise Miyuki." Tails, Inari, Rusty and I nodded at that. Miyuki spoke "Then hold on tight." Miyuki started up the Cyclone. Applejack held onto Knuckles as the direwolf dug his spiked fists into the metal. We soon weren’t far from the ocean as Knuckles sensed something. Knuckles spoke "Looks like this is where AJ and I get off." Tails spoke "Just be careful Knuckles." Knuckles spoke "Same goes for you." Knuckles jumped off with Applejack as the two glided. Later, we were nearby airspace of Prison Island. Tails spoke "There’s no mistake about it, this must be the island. It’s a secret military base that is reinforced and super strong. It’s called Prison Island. I heard the news about it on satellite TV. I still can’t believe that Sonic or any of the others would destroy the military buildings or rob the bank! Wait for us, okay guys! We’re on our way!" Inari spoke "But we might run into a boss fight." We looked down, seeing a female pink hedgehog beastman cornered by a human in a mech. Inari asks "How did Amy get here?" Miyuki spoke "Wonder that later, looks like we have a detour rescue. Tails, the con is yours." Tails spoke "Right! Tornado… Transformation!" Tails pressed a button as he took over as pilot, causing the Cyclone to transform before we soon landed. Dr. Eggman spoke "Hahaha! You’re fools to fight, you can’t beat me!" The air around the group got a lot colder. Miyuki growls "You'll regret messing with an arctic fox Beastman." Miyuki jumped out of the Cyclone as she landed on the ground. Tails spoke "Rusty, you handle the Volkan Cannon. Inari, you aim the missile launcher." Rusty spoke "Got it, cuz!" Inari spoke "Right!" Miyuki spoke "Let's teach Baldy McNosehair a lesson not to mess with the Prowers!" Tails asks "Right! Scoots, the top half can rotate and has a grappling hook, can ya handle controlling that?" "Sure can!" I smirked. Tails spoke "Then I'll operate the legs!" We then started battling Eggman and his Eggwalker as I rotated the top half, aiming the volkan cannon as Rusty fired it with me firing the grappling hook, landing some good hits. Dr. Eggman spoke "Wha-?! You won't escape me this time!" Miyuki froze the ground under Eggman's mech, causing it to slip and fall down. Dr. Eggman spoke "Gah! That's it! I'm being serious now!" Dr. Eggman fired missiles as we dodged them with Tails moving the Cyclone before Inari fired missiles back, hitting Eggman and the Eggwalker, knocking him back onto the frozen ground. Dr. Eggman spoke "Guh! I let my guard down..." "Hey, how's that?" Tails smirked while making the Cyclone jump in victory before the Eggwalker got back up. Dr. Eggman spoke "This time, I'll let you go. But the next time we meet... You won't be so lucky!" Dr. Eggman walked away on his mech as Amy got to us. Amy asks "Wow guys, you did it! But what are you doing here on this island?" Tails asks "We're the ones who should be asking that question! Don't you know it's dangerous here?" Amy spoke "I know, but I'm here to save my hero, Sonic!" Tails asks "*Deadpan* Again!?" Inari spoke "For the love of Ginrou... Sonic's got a girlfriend already Amy." Tails spoke "Inari, you know how Amy is with Sonic." Amy spoke "Hurry! I know Eggman's up to no good again!" Tails spoke "Okay, you stay here and we'll be right back!" The four of us started moving forward with Tails doing the driving the Cyclone's walker form as Miyuki followed us. Amy spoke "Don't leave without me! *Runs after us* I wanna help Sonic too!" Miyuki asks "Should I ice her?" Tails spoke "*Sigh* It's not like we can stop her anyway." Miyuki spoke "I've heard rumors about a few beastmen living on Prison Island." Another Sonic appeared but he was in bad shape. The lookalike spoke "You guys have to go." Amy asks "Sonic! Are you okay?" "Sonic" spoke "I was attacked by a few dozen Changeling Beastmen after I escaped. I don't know where the others ran off to." "*GASP!* That means the others might still be captured!" I dreaded. "Sonic" spoke "I saw the two gryphons get captured though." “THAT SETTLES IT! We’re going in!” I declared. "Sonic" spoke "About that, Chrysalis is too clever to be stopped by five teenagers and an adult." Tails definitely got a bit suspicious at that. “We’re still going, and you’re coming with us.” Miyuki spoke "Hmm… Yeah, you’re right, Miles. Good call." "Sonic" spoke "Don't make me go back there... They'll attack me again..." But then Miyuki froze “Sonic” solid in a block of ice. “We’ll just have to get in there and find out. Amy, you can carry Sonic.” But to the surprise of the four foxes, the hedgehog and I, "Sonic" had inadvertedly dropped the disguise he had on thus revealing a Changeling Beastman. Needless to say, Amy was not happy as she brought out her hammer. Tails spoke "For the love of Ginrou, put that thing away or SO help me!" Inari spoke "You know how Amy feels about being tricked by Sonic imposters." The Changeling Beastman was cowering in fear after the ice had been shattered. Tails spoke "Forget about him, Amy. Let’s go." The Changeling Beastman spoke "I'm sorry for lying... But I wouldn't go that way if I were you guys." Tails spoke "Well then, you clearly don’t know us." The Changeling Beastman spoke "I know well enough that there's a swarm of Changeling Beastmen lying in wait that way." Miyuki spoke "Heh, a swarm? If you were that easy to freeze, then there's not much to worry about." "Heh, good point, Miyuki." I snickered as Tails smiled in agreement. The Changeling Beastman spoke "That was because I was on my own. There's at least 200 Changeling Beastmen lying in wait... Plus I can smell some of them nearby. Oh, I'm Thorax by the way." Amy spoke "...Amy Rose. And don't think I'll forgive you for pulling that stunt on me." A depressed Thorax spoke "I wouldn't expect a cutie like you to..." Amy noticed that expression as her face softened. "But if I do, maybe we can be friends." Thorax spoke "Heck, I'd go against my hive for you." Amy was surprised, but stayed focused. "Just hope you aren't all buzz." Thorax spoke "No pun intended." To be Continued > Prison Lane part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Scootaloo's POV* We got through the prison entrance, now we just gotta get into the core of the prison. Miyuki spoke "We should be careful though, we don't know when fatty will attack again." But then G.U.N. security drones appeared. A quartet of owl Beastmen flew at the machines before flinging them about. The Barn owl Beastman spoke "You foxes go on ahead! My friends and I got this!" Inari figured a missile that slipped through a lower gate’s bars before destroying a drone on the other side, causing it to open. Tails spoke "Thanks, but be careful, because I don’t think stealth is an option here." The barn owl Beastman spoke "Hello?! We owl beastmen are silent fliers." The elf owl Beastwoman spoke "Don't be an idiot Soren." Soren spoke "Oh, sorry." The burrowing owl Beastman chuckles "She got you good Soren." Soren spoke "Shut it Digger." Thorax, Amy, Miyuki and those of us in the Cyclone moved forward as we destroyed drones, spotlights, security cameras and bots while unlocking paths before we wrecked some crates and encountered a bomb robot. Soren spoke "One of the students from Crystal Prep had gone missing not long after a few students and the CHS vice-principal had gone missing." Thorax spoke "That last part sounds off." Soren spoke "I heard about it straight from Principal Celestia herself." "Wait! How do you know Principal Celestia?" I noticed as we destroyed the bomb robots before continuing forward while destroying enemies and opening gates. Soren spoke "The principal of my school knows her and Vice-Principal Luna as the Silver Wolf's Wrath." "Oh." I noted as we moved forward before reaching and elevator that went uphill as we noticed drones while going up. Tails asks "Inari?" Inari spoke "On it." Inari fired the missiles, destroying the drones before we reached the top and found two more drones there with the gate closed. Soren spoke "We're close." We beat the drones, opening the gate as we moved forward while opening more gates and destroying enemy drones, bots and mech before reaching the last area before those of us in the Cyclone noticed a room to the left. Tails asks "Miyuki, think you can force open that gate on the left?" Miyuki spoke "Of course." Gylfie spoke "Hold on! There's a trigger trap behind that door! If it's force open, it'll explode!" But then Inari fired a missile somewhere and it hit something, causing the gate to open without setting off the trap as crates blocked the way. Rusty then fired the vulcan cannon at the crates, clearing a path we as moved past the gate when Inari fired a missile left and right, destroying two mech, opening a gate and revealing what looked like can help upgrade the Cyclone. Miyuki asks "But why would GUN arrest Sonic for something he didn't do?" Amy spoke "Let’s ask that when we get to Sonic and the others." We got the piece as Tails started installing it onto the Cyclone. Tails spoke "We got the Laser Blaster, which means the lock-on missiles are stronger now. The missiles will spread as they explode, destroying enemies in a wider area." It didn’t take long for Tails to finish the missile launcher upgrade. Tails spoke "Still, we did it! That was easy." Thorax spoke "Too easy if you ask me... I hear buzzing... Oh no... we have to hide, I hear a patrol coming." Tails spoke "Don’t worry, we’re nearby now." Miyuki spoke "Yeah, but to be safe, Amy, you and Thorax got to the cell and get them free." Amy spoke *"Smile* On it." A changeling Beastman with purple eyes and red hair spoke "NOT ANOTHER STEP!!" Thorax was cowering behind Amy. Thorax spoke "Th-that's my older brother, Pharynx..." A few seconds later, Pharnyx was knocked out cold in the floor with his lower half sticking out, due to Amy using her hammer. Sunset pops up via magic. Sunset giggles "Reminds me of the few times a certain dog got the sit command." Amy spoke "Anyway, let’s go!" Amy and Thorax headed off with Sunset following. Pharynx growls "I hate that hedgehog..." Miyuki froze the changeling's flank at that. Pharynx hisses at Miyuki before knocking her over with a tackle. But then Miyuki froze Pharynx completely. Pharynx shapeshifted to a phoenix Beastman, melting the ice. Pharynx screeches loud before several more Changeling Beastmen appear. Tails asks "*Pressing a few buttons* Inari? Scootaloo?" "Right." Inari and I nodded before Tails gave out gas masks for all of us before we put them on. I spun the upper half of the Cyclone Walker form as Inari fired a lot of missiles, hitting all forty changelings as the missiles exploded with sleeping gas, knocking the changelings out cold. Gylphie asks "Wait, where's Soren?" Tails spoke "He could've followed Amy, Thorax and Sunset." End > Showdown! Tails versus Chrysalis!/ Shadow Boxing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tails' POV* Well, the changelings are sound asleep. We better move silently. Miyuki's ears were on full alert. Miyuki spoke "Come on. Let's go." My ears perk up when I heard a scream. I ask "Hey Yuki, what was that scream just now?" Miyuki growls "Whoever it was, they woke them bugs up!" Scootaloo groans "Talk about bad timing." The others and I were soon plastered to a wall, unable to move. Thorax whimpers "I'm sorry guys..." Amy was suddenly gone, must’ve went ahead. “No need to be, Thorax. I try to plan ahead.” I assured as someone started emerging from the shadows. *Amy’s POV* Almost there… Dropped out a vent, and I’m here. Sonic asks "Huh, Amy?" “Shhh! Keep your voices down!” I shushed as I saw Sonic, his group and Vice Principal Luna in the cell. “Have no fear, Amy Rose is here!” Michiru whispers "Amy, you shouldn't be here. the G.U.N. soldiers all hate Beastmen..." “Think I’m gonna let that stop me?” I asked as I brought out a security guard key. Sonic asks "How’d you get here?" “Well if you gotta know… I caught a ride with Tails and some of the others. We met some owl beastmen and got in here, I even got a security guard key. Are you guys sure you don’t need my help? It looks like you guys could use it.” I pointed out before I felt something prick me. *Rainbow Dash’s POV* A tranq dart hits Amy in the back of the right shoulder, causing her to drop her hammer. But then a voice was soon heard, one that I haven’t heard since the Friendship Games. A woman spoke "Well well, what do we have here? A pesky hedgehog BEASTMAN of all things trying to break other beastmen out of their cage? I don't think so!" "Principal Cinch..." I growled. A male with green hair and a sword strapped to his back spoke "Your fight is with me witch!" The green haired male had taken cat beastman form before fighting with the former principal as a cat beastwoman with black hair and cherry red highlights used her claws to pick the lock, opening the cage. Sonic spoke "*Stretching and running in place* The reason we’re in here is because of that pesky Mewtwo!" Danyelle wingslaps Sonic. Danyelle spoke "Sonic, you're an idiot." A cat beastwoman asks "You mean that black Mewtwo?" Sonic asks "Did you see it? Where is it now?" The green cat beastman spoke "Zoey and I saw that black bastard head into the jungle." Zoey spoke "Not to mention we saw him with that Dr. Eggman guy." Sonic asks "So, Eggman is behind this, huh?" The green haired cat beastman spoke "That fatso's captured Zoey's friends too." Zoey asks "*Notices writing* But was all that writing on the wall there when you guys were put in here?" Twilight spoke "Yeah." Zoey spoke "Also, on the way here, I saw a group in trouble." Michiru spoke "We didn't write it since it looks to be from over 50 years ago..." Michiru reads the writing on the wall. Michiru spoke "According to the writing, it was a final message stating that humanity would pay for what happened... Hmm... *As a voice-over from the now deceased Gerald Robotnik was heard* This is a death sentence for every human being on Earth. If my calculations are correct, the Space Colony ARK will impact the Earth in 27 minutes and 53 seconds. All of you will be destroyed, along with your beloved planet Earth. I plan to give you a taste of my revenge once all the seven Chaos Emeralds are collected. Once I initiated this program, it cannot be disabled. All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and despair! Oh my god... He went mad with grief after what happened to his granddaughter..." Zoey spoke "One of those in the group we saw was a fox with two tails." Sonic gasps "TAILS?!" A pillar of fire erupted before a phoenix beastwoman appeared, startling the others and I. The phoenix beastwoman spoke "I'll help you out." Roll asks "Wait, you'll help Tails and the others out?" The phoenix beastwoman spoke "Well yes, but I want to stop Shadow to snap him back to his senses." Zoey spoke "Don't worry, Dren and I are taking care of the guards here, you help the pink hedgehog and the group that's cornered escape, and the rest of you get outta here." Sonic had already zipped off to the jungle. Roll spoke "My boyfriend is an idiot..." Roll and the phoenix beastwoman go after Sonic. Those of us who were in the cell started to follow them. *Tails' POV* Well, I know things'll get better from here. Miyuki spoke "I've been hearing rumors about a phoenix beastwoman..." But then a cat beastwoman burst through the wall and sliced through the substance, freeing all of us. But the slime was too hard to cut through with a sword. Miyuki spoke "It's immune to my ice powers too!" Zoey spoke "Well… Good thing I came across a friend along the way." Tails gasps "You don't mean... THE MARIA ROBOTNIK? I thought she died over 50 years ago!" Zoey spoke "*Deadpan* I meant other than her." A sinister laugh was heard. A voice spoke "You lot are fools to try to stop me!" But then an unknown blur rushed in and tackled the voice before pinning her. Amale voice spoke "Chryssie, stop! This isn’t helping your hive!" A Delphox Beastwoman busts the others and I out of the slime. The Delphox Beastwoman spoke "Watch out Mandible, she's not in her right mind!" Mandible spoke "I know! I’ll hold her and the others off! You get everyone out of here!" Michiru spoke "Don't be an idiot Mandible! Chrysalis is fueled by anger!" Mandible retorts "You think I don’t know that?!" Soren flew off, probably following Sonic. Whew! We escaped that harbor into the jungle with new Light Shoes to boot. But then a barn owl beastman flew in. The barn owl Beastman asks "Are you Sonic?" Sonic spoke "Yeah." The barn owl Beastman spoke "*Phew!* That’s good to hear. My name is Soren." Sonic spoke "Well, so far so good! *Notices something* Hey, they’re…" We looked at Sonic’s direction, seeing a black furred Mewtwo Beastman with a red tail and Gilda. The Mewtwo Beastman spoke "That blue hedgehog and his friends of all places…" Gilda spoke "Heh, not bad, Dash." Sonic spoke "I found you, faker!" The Mewtwo Beastman spoke "Faker? I think you’re the fake one around here. You’re comparing yourself to me? Ha! You’re not even good enough to be my fake." Sonic spoke "*Jumps* I’ll make you eat those words!" The Mewtwo Beastman jumped as he and Sonic clashed before landing on the same battlefield. The Mewtwo Beastman spoke "There’s no time to play games. You won’t even get the chance." Maria spoke "That's FAR ENOUGH SHADOW!" A voice sneers "Hello… brother." Gilda flew onto the battlefield before those of us not on there were suddenly attacked from behind, sending us onto the battlefield. But Michiru punched the guy in the face with gorilla strength. But the guy dodged last minute to make it look like he was hit before he flew in the air, revealed to be some kind of bird beastman. The owl spoke "You and your precious friends are finished, Soren." But then Soren was tackled by the bird beastman, who is actually another barn owl. The owl spoke "*As I fought Gilda while Sonic battled Shadow* The Pure Ones will triumph, conquer the humans and Tytos will take their rightful place as rulers of the planet. Oh, it’s gonna be glorious." But as the barn owl flew in, Soren delivered a headbutt, making the beastman tumble and roll from the blow and overshot before crashing against a tree stump. Danyelle lets out a loud screech before slamming into another barn owl beastwoman, pinning her down. Soren spoke "Glorious? No, the Pure Ones are monsters. You saw what they were doing. They were moon-blinking other beastmen and humans and they were turning them into slaves." The owl spoke "You’re just weak, Soren. Still living in your dreams." Sonic and Shadow clashed spin attacks as Gilda and I traded claw swipes. Soren spoke "No, my dreams are what make me strong, Kludd. They led me to the Guardians." Kludd spoke "Hehehehe… A pity there won’t be any Guardians left soon enough." Kludd lunged before Soren dodged his kick and landed on a stump. Soren asks "I still don’t understand. How could you join the Pure Ones after what they did to us?" Kludd spoke "What they did to us? They believed in me like no one else ever has. Metal Beak said the strong will triumph, the broken are put out of their misery. And honor? Honor is just another word for weakness." Soren spoke "No, Kludd. I know you don’t really think that." Kludd spoke "Then like I said before… You don’t know me at all." Kludd took Soren and their fight to the branches. Danyelle kept the white barn owl beastwoman pinned down, making sure she couldn't escape. Danyelle growls "Your so-called Pure Ones don't understand what it means to be a REAL Guardian!" A loud crack was heard as Danyelle breaks both of Nyra's arms, crippling her wings as well. But then Kludd swung Soren around before throwing him right at Danyelle, knocking her off the white barn owl beastwoman as Kludd picked her up by her shoulders with his talons and took her into the air. I managed to get the upper hand against Gilda as Sonic managed to beat Shadow. Shadow spoke "Not bad for an imposter..." Sonic scoffs "Do you know who I am?" Gilda spoke "Wow, who would've thought you got better, Dash." "Some things don't change, huh Gild?" I fired back. The four then retreated, having vanished. Danyelle spoke "I managed to inject a tracking device into that white owl, I know where she and the others are hiding." “Doesn’t mean it’ll be easy, ‘cause we’ll have to get through this forest.” I pointed out as the trip back was gonna be longer than I thought. To Be Continued…