> My little Dragon Ball: FuyuMori > by Tundricwolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1: A Saiyan and An Alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A massive burst of water erupted into the sky. Within the epicenter of a massive lake, two figures were sparring. One was hovering above the water swinging his arms sending waves of water rushing toward the other figure. With a clap of his hands, the water separated into small droplets and shifted into jagged shards of ice. The other figure was also floating above the water. With her horn aglow, her magic forced water to shoot up and solidify, stopping the ice shards in their tracks. Behind the horned figure, an ice copy of the other figure emerged from the water. Shooting it hands out, it attempted to grab the horned figure, only fo her to spread her wings and rush into the sky. Hovering in front of the moon, the Alicorns wings shined under the soft glow of the moonlight. The Alicorn rushed down to the water and dove in. Looking for the Alicorn, the bipedal figure scanned the water. Immediately, he saw something coming for him, he raced away from the water. Unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough. Water shot like a rocket towards him and latched onto him. Solidifying, it completely trapped him. Eventually he gave up and stopped his struggle. “I must say, you’ve greatly improved. Although, there are still things you’ll have to work on My Child.” The Alicorn said as she flew in front of him. “I know, Mother. Not even my transformation could help me against you.” Said the biped. The biped was a Saiyan. Currently he was transformed, resting in his super Saiyan form. His ssj was, different. Instead of the usual golden hair and tail with turquoise eyes, his hair and tail were silver and his eyes were yellow. De-transforming revealed his hair and tail are naturally Snow White and his eyes were bright blue. The Alicorn the Saiyan called his mother was giant. Her mane and tail flowed like water and had sparkles within it that resembled snowflakes. Her horn was curved and looked as though it was made of ice. It even held a few cracks and chips. Her wings were huge. Her wingspan completely dwarfed her Saiyan son. Her eyes were pure white that glowed brightly. They came off as eerie if you saw them at night. She even had a giant halo over her head which looked like a massive snowflake in the middle of two rings. The rings even held different symbols within it. The giant Alicorn well and truly looked like a goddess. ==========**********========== Getting a bit into the twos history, The Alicorn, named Glacious, was a very old Alicorn. She existed before Celestia and Luna, she even existed before the ancient parents of the two sisters. Glacious was the Queen of Water and Ice. She held no subject nor siblings, so she was always alone. While the reclusive Queen didn’t really mind being alone, over time, she did soon gain the desire to have a companion at her side. As many millennia passed, she roamed the land. Debating whether or not to go out into the crowds of ponies she’d see. Unfortunately, every group of ponies she ever came across viewed the Queen a monster and hid from her. While it was bad, it only got worse after a certain event. One night, Queen Glacious had noticed something off. The moon held a new marking on it. Not knowing what it was she never bothered to question it really. After that, the fear of the ponies she would see only got worse. She never knew why that was. Ponies young and old would throw food at her, shout at her, bellowing for her to leave. Eventually she had begun to keep to herself again, giving up on the idea of gaining a new companion. After another millennia had passed, something interesting happened. Roaming a dense forest, which had become covered in snow due to her magic coating it in snow and ice despite it being the middle of spring, Glacious had seen something unusual. The sky had been covered in a massive array of colors. Then shortly after purple bursts of light appeared. Glacious couldn’t understand what had happened, so she ignored it. Then, a few moments later, she heard a low crying. Choosing to investigate, she saw a small strange baby sitting in the snow. The small baby slowly opened his eyes and looked up to the Alicorn. With a smile, the baby began to reach up to her, giggling as he did it. After that, things had pretty much become history. Over the years, the two would travel around together. Glacious underwent the trials of parenthood, given she had decided to adopt the young Saiyan. As he grew, he revealed he remembered what he was, a Saiyan, and that was all. Glacious had decided to give the young Saiyan a name. Arctic. She had also begun training him once she found out he could use magic, which was a surprise to Arctic. While he didn’t remember much, he did know saiyans couldn’t use magic. As they trained, Arctic had grown more skilled with magic as well as his own power, which he discovered after becoming a ssj for the first time,pushing himself to the limit while sparring with his mother. As the years passed, that brought us to today. The two had been exploring a dense forest when the stumbled upon a giant lake and decided to start sparring once again. ==========**********========== “Your power seems to grow exponentially everyday My Child. I do believe, given enough time, you may be able to hold your own against me when I go all out.” Glacious said as she chuckled slightly. “Mother, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to become as strong as you.” Arctic said as Glacious removed the ice keeping him trapped. “Never say never My Child. Someday you could become as powerful as any Alicorn.” Replied Glacious. “I suppose I could. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Arctic said. The two had gotten onto solid ground and Arctic picked up his cloak and slipped it on and Glacious did the same. “Mother?” Arctic said as he looked up to Glacious. “Are we ever gonna meet anymore ponies again?” “I don’t believe that that is something we should do My Child. For other ponies most likely will shun us again.” Glacious said. Giving a confused look, Arctic said, “Mother, what if they actually accept me this time?” “My child, from what I can see, many of these ponies will always fear the two of us. Do you remember the time we stumbled upon that little village many years ago?” Arctic started thinking back, he was quite young back then but he did vaguely remember that day. It was winter. The two had been roaming around when they had settled down to rest. Eventually, they realized the two of them were near a small village. A young Arctic wanted to go to meet the ponies who lived there as he had never seen any other ponies. Glacious, remembering all of the times ponies had shunned her and feared her, she had an inkling that the ponies would feel the same with Arctic. Not wanting her son to experience that, she tried her best to keep Arctic away from other ponies. Doing his best, Arctic managed to convince her to let them both go to the village to see the ponies there. Moments later, the two were rushing away from the village covered in food with ponies shouting and running them out of the village. Arctic, while he does have a bit of a resentment towards ponies after that, he does want to give it a second try. He believes that maybe the ponies will be able to accept him and he often asks his mother if they can go find a group of ponies to try befriending. Glacious also doesn’t try to befriend other ponies as she knows they are also afraid of her. Arctic, does not know this yet, so he believes that it’s only him that they fear right now. “I remember Mother. But maybe things could be different this time.” Arctic said. “I suppose my child. Though, we shouldn’t risk it. Glacious said. Suddenly a loud shout rang out. The two perked up and looked to each other. Knowing someone needs help, and despite knowing the one screaming may run away from them, the two races into the forest. Tracking the scream, the two ended up spotting a pony getting chased by a pack of wooden wolves. Arctic jumping in got between the pony and the wooden wolves. The wolves all stared and growled, angry that some creature had interrupted and got in the way of them. The pony stopped and looked back to see Arctic. As the wolves began attacking, Arctic attacked back. After taking down five of the wolves, there was only one left. Lunging toward the wolf he dodged it’s strike with it’s left paw and with one swift kick, destroyed its head. After the quick squabble he relaxed and turned around. “Well done My Child.” Glacious said as she walked up to Arctic. “Your strength truly is remarkable.” “Thank you Mother.” Arctic said as he smiled at her. The two looked back to the pony. It was an earth pony. She had a light harlequin coat, two tone mane which seemed to be in a dreadlock style. Her eyes were a light grayish purple and had a cutie mark that looked like a tree with a potion bottle resting in its tangled branches. She had on a cloak and golden bracelets and big golden hoop earring. The mare was also bleeding quite profusely which Arctic and Glacious noticed. “Young one, would you like some help with your hoof?” Glacious said pointing to the mares bleeding foreleg. She just stared at them. It was obvious she was scared of the two, but she did need some help and didn’t want to be alone, so she shook her head slowly. Arctic and Glacious stood on either side of the mare as they walked. Looking down to the mare, Glacious asked, “Please young one, could you tell us your name?” “Oh Uh, it’s Tree Hugger.” She said clearly still very unease and scared. “It’s nice to meet you Young Tree Hugger. My name is Glacious and this is my son, Arctic.” Glacious said pointing to Arctic with her wing. Tree hugger noticed the giant wing and flinched. She hadn’t noticed Glacious was an Alicorn. Glacious had used magic to hide her wings and halo as well as give her normal looking eyes. So, right now, she just looks like a giant Pegasus. “Radical to meet you too. Uh, thanks for helping me, man.” Tree Hugger said. “If you don’t mind my asking, what were you doing all the way out here?” Glacious asked. “Oh, I was out looking for some herbs for my teacher. She sent me out to get them for a new brew she wants to try making.” Tree Hugger said as she lifted the cloak and revealed her saddlebags. Arctic perked up. “What kind of brew is she trying to make?” He asked. He had never seen anypony make and use potions. He had been a bit interested in it and so hearing this got him a bit excited. “I don’t know.” Tree hugger said, “she never told me what it was she was going to try making.” Arctic and Tree Hugger had begun talking to each other more. Tree Hugger very slowly started to become more comfortable and her fear slowly started to slip away. Soon, they got to a big house. After Tree Hugger pointed it out, Arctic and even Glacious were taken aback. The house was big and seemed to be made out of a hollowed out tree. There were masks and vials strung up around the outside and glasses filled with fireflies flying around within. “Here’s my teachers home. Come on, I’ll introduce you.” Tree Hugger said as she stummbled up to the door. Arctic and Glacious walked up behind her as Tree Hugger opened the door and announced that she had returned. > Ch 2: How they met > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the hut, there were multiple masks strung up on the walls. Multiple shelves also sat along the walls with many vials resting on them. Within the center of the room sat a massive cauldron. It was resting within a small pit with flames licking at its bottom. The liquid in the cauldron was boiling and steam flowed all around the room. A mare who was sitting by the cauldron when the door opened had rushed up to Tree Hugger. “My young Tree Hugger! Your foreleg! Please, let me mend your….” The mare trailed off as she looked over to Arctic and Glacious. The two were looking at the mare, taking her in. The mare was a Zebra. She had a Mohawk that ended in a braid. Her eyes were a bright light blue. On her forelegs, neck, and leonine tail, which poked out of the cloak she wore, all had multiple rings on them. She also had two large hoop ear rings. The mare just stared at the two before breaking out of her stupor and starting to tend to Tree Hugger. After lathering an odd green goo on Tree Hugger’s foreleg, she bandaged it up and gave Tree Hugger a tight hug. “My young Tree Hugger, what happened to you while you were away?” The Zebra asked. “Well, I managed to find the herbs that you needed, but on my way back, I got attacked by a pack of Timberwolves. One ended up biting me, but I managed to get away. Then those two came and helped me and he destroyed them all.” “You saved my student?” The Zebra asked looking over to Arctic. “Yes ma’am. I heard her scream and I couldn’t just not help.” Arctic said giving a small bow. The zebra mare smiled and bowed as well. “I can not express how grateful I am for you saving my student.” “There’s no need for that, miss…” Arctic said as he trailed off a bit. “Zecora is my name young creature. What are your names?” The zebra said. “My name is Glacious, Lady Zecora. This young stallion, is my son. His name is Arctic.” Glacious said wrapping one of her giant wings around Arctic. Zecora stumbled back in shock a bit. She could see that the mare before her was clearly massive. But she hadn’t expected the mare to be a Pegasus with such giant wings. Tree Hugger was also staring at Glacious’ giant wing again. The behemoth of a mare, in Tree Hugger’s eyes, gave off the roughly the same vibe as Princess Celestia, though she dismissed it. Zecora also looked between the two and smiled. “Miss Glacious has adopted you? I’m glad to see she has taken you in as her own and seems to have raised you very well.” Glacious smiled and kissed Arctic’s forehead and the tall young Saiyan just blushed and sheepishly looked away. Zecora just chuckled and smiled. Even Tree Hugger grinned at the display. “I must ask,” Said Zecora, “How did you two first meet?” Glacious smiled and recounted their tale. She explained how after some strange burst of color filled the sky and what felt like a magical surge appeared, she discovered Arctic when he was a baby. She then explained how she adopted him and raised him and even became a teacher to him. Though she left out the fact that see was an Alicorn. Remembering how other ponies reacted to her, she didn’t want to risk it. She did, however, contemplate telling them, seeing as the two mares seemed to be comfortable around Arctic. Zecora and Tree Hugger took in the story and smiled as they listened to it. Once it was over, Tree Hugger said, “Looks like we are a lot alike.” Tilting his head slightly, Arctic asked, “What do you mean we’re a lot alike?” “Because, much like you, Tree Hugger is adopted by me.” Zecora said with a smile. “Truly? You’ve adopted young Tree Hugger?” Glacious asked. “Why yes. It is quite the interesting tale, as to how we met.” Zecora said. “May we hear it, Miss Zecora?” Arctic asked. Zecora smiled and chuckled as she began telling the story. ==========**********========== Many years ago, a younger Zecora traveled Equestria. After leaving her homeland, with the goal of pursuing her goal to become one of the best Herbalist Shamans in all of Equestria, she traveled all over. Each place she stopped, she would learn whatever she could, whenever she could. Everyday, her knowledge grew to the point she could rival her homeland, Farasi’s, best Herbalist Shaman. However, she wanted to get better. She felt she could get better, and so, her pursuit continued. However, every place she stopped, shunned her. Wherever she went, ponies would hide from her. Labeling her an evil enchantress or a monster. Nopony would dare come near her for fear that she would do something to them. This deeply upset Zecora. There were even days she would shed tears and even contemplate going back to her home. Then, one day, things got strange. While Zecora was temporarily residing in a small forest near another town, she began noticing small things being left for her. Then, soon, more and more things were being left for her. And then, one day, something that was left for her changed things. Zecora had awoken one day. She was in an foul mood. The day before, she had attempted to go out to the little town to get something, but once again ponies fled and hid within their homes hurling multiple insults or screaming as they ran. It didn’t help that it had been raining all day and will be raining today as well. As Zecora walked to the window of her self made temporary home, she noticed something outside. Registering what it was, Zecora immediately went outside. Sitting in the rain and covered in mud, soaked head to hoof, was a small filly. She was an utter mess and it looked as though she had been crying. “My young foal, what are you doing here.” Zecora asked, sorry present in her voice. The filly flinched as she stared up at Zecora. She looked as though she was about to bolt, but something was keeping her held in place. “P..please don’t hurt me.” The filly stuttered, terror clear on her face. “Hurt you? Why would I do that? I would never hurt anypony.” Zecora asked. The little filly looked a little shocked by that but was still scared. “Everypony has been getting sick and they all have been saying it was you.” The filly said. Zecora was shocked by this. She didn’t know that ponies had been getting sick, but to hear that it was because of her shocked her even more. Then she remembered the trinkets and various fruits and veggies being left for her. It dawned on her that ponies were leaving them for her as some sort of offering to convince her to remove whatever curse she cast to make everypony sick. “Ugh. Well, young one, why are you here?” Zecora asked. “Um, mom and dad left me hear as an offering.” The filly said as she looked down. Zecora was sickened. A couple left their young filly here in the hopes of stopping some sickness she had nothing to do with. Zecora had grown angry, but kept it contained. Ushering the filly in, Zecora quickly found some towels and began drying the filly off. Afterwards, she made breakfast for her and the filly and the two began talking. Zecora asked the filly about her parents and was upset by what she heard. The filly, Tree Hugger was her name, which Zecora found out later, was an only child. She lived with her mother and father, though they weren’t the best parents. According to Tree Hugger, her parents were neglectful and could be quite abusive. It was quite often the two would beat the young filly, leave her with nothing to eat or drink. The filly would have to take whatever scraps she could or steal something to eat just to survive. Tree Hugger also explained that ponies had been getting sick. It wasn’t until Zecora appeared, ponies had begun blaming her for it. It didn’t help that ponies would sometimes catch her making brews, practicing her craft. The assumptions and accusations only got worse. Then, somepony had the idea to leave things as offerings in the hopes of getting Zecora to release them all of the curse Zecora placed upon them. As the days went by, more and more ponies got sick and those already sick got worse. It wasn’t until a few ponies ended up passing away did the offerings got more crazy. Then, the parents of Tree Hugger got the idea of offering their daughter. To them, it seemed the other offerings weren’t enough. So they decided to give up their daughter as an offering. To them, not only would it be enough to appease Zecora and lift the curse, but they would also be rid of the daughter they hated so much. After hearing this story, Zecora instantly decided to take the filly in and raise her as her own. In the beginning things were rather difficult. Tree Hugger was trying to get over her fears of Zecora and Zecora was experiencing the trails of parenthood. But over the years, their relationship got better. The two had truly developed a mother and daughter relationship as well as an unbreakable friendship. Tree Hugger also became a student under Zecora after she picked up an interest in making brews like Zecora. As the years went on, their bond grew stronger and the two traveled all over together before eventually settling down in the Everfree Forest. Of course, much like all the other times, Zecora was shunned by the ponies of Ponyville, so Tree Hugger would often venture out to Ponyville to get anything Zecora needed. Though, Zecora would go to Ponyville in the hopes that someday, things could change, though it seems that may never happen. ==========**********========== After hearing that story, Glacious and Arctic stared at the two. Arctic was smiling with tearful eyes and Glacious looked to Zecora with a look of understanding as she and Arctic understood how Zecora feels. “That was such a sad story, Lady Zecora. I’m glad to hear that you’ve taken in young Tree Hugger much like me and my Young Arctic.” Glacious said. “I also understand how you feel, Miss Zecora.” Arctic sympathized. “You do?” Zecora asked. Arctic nodded. “I’ve also been through what you have. Me being the only of my kind in Equestria and something nopony’s ever seen before, ponies do hide and run from me. Though I do hold out hope things will change someday.” Arctic said. “I feel the same. And I must say, it does feel rather nice to hear somepony else understands how I feel.” Zecora said. Glacious smiled somberly. She also understood how it felt. Though, she didn’t believe anypony would accept her. Nor did she thing ponies would accept Arctic and Zecora. Though she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to ruin their optimism and hopes that things could change for the better for them someday. “Please, you both look hungry.” Said Zecora. “You should stay for dinner and we could get to know each other more.” Arctic perked up at the mention of dinner. He looked up to his mother and she just sighed and smiled as she nodded her head. Arctic just cheered and smiled ready to dig into whatever food Zecora had in store. > Ch 3: Visiting Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next day. Zecora and Tree Hugger let Arctic and Glacious stay over after eating dinner. Last nights dinner was a nice one. Zecora and Tree Hugger had put together a nice soup and even baked some bread. Though, the two very quickly got to learn that Arctic had an unbelievable appetite. He ate most of the soup and bread and even a few berries that Zecora had. The four talked some more and Arctic and Tree Hugger soon quickly became friends. Glacious was glad for this. Watching her son interact with a pony after being shunned or insulted multiple times in the past really warmed her heart. While going to sleep, Glacious contemplated revealing she was an Alicorn. She even began wondering why it was ponies feared her. While she could understand why ponies feared Arctic, he was an alien, a creature no pony in all of Equus had ever seen, she didn’t understand why ponies feared her. She did vaguely remember hearing something about some other pony, though she didn’t know if it was some kind of strange nickname or something for her, she didn’t dwell on it. It was early in the morning and Arctic and Tree Hugger were sitting outside. Tree Hugger was watching Arctic training. She was completely mesmerized. Arctic was practicing more with his magic. He manipulated the water all around him making it flow around him and even solidify into ice every now and then. His movements were smooth. He himself almost looked like his body flowed like water. His hands were glowing a light blue from his magical aura. “Woah dude. What kind of magic is that? I’ve never seen somepony do anything like that before.” Tree Hugger said. “It’s Elemental Magic. My mother taught me it when we found out I could use magic. From what mother says, it’s very difficult for others to learn. It took me till I had turned 16 to become a bit of an intermediate with it. Though mother says I still have a lot to learn.” Arctic said. “You’re only an intermediate with it? Dude, you look like you’re an expert with it.” Tree Hugger said as she watched him. “Wish I could that.” “Perhaps mother could teach you, though it’ll be difficult to learn.” Arctic said. The two chuckled at that and smiled. Just then, Zecora and Glacious started walking out of the hut. The two were talking and laughing when they looked up to Arctic and Tree Hugger. “Oh my.” Said Zecora, amazed at the sight before her. “I’ve never seen anypony do that before.” “My dear child is quite skilled with this magic. Though he still has a ways to go before he can be a professional with it.” Glacious chuckled with a sly grin. Arctic blushed slightly and stopped in his tracks feeling slightly embarrassed, despite admitting he was an intermediate with this magic. “My young Tree Hugger, I have a small request for you.” Zecora said. Looking to Zecora Tree Hugger asked, “Sure. What do you need me to do?” “I would like for you to go to Ponyville. There are a few items I need for my new experimental brew.” Zecora said. “Yes ma’am.” Said Tree Hugger. Tilting their heads slightly, Glacious and Arctic looked to each other and then back to Tree Hugger and Zecora. “If I may,” said Glacious, “What is this Ponyville?” Tree Hugger begun to answer. “Ponyville is a little village just outside of the Everfree Forest we’re in. Many ponies live there. It’s a quaint little village.” “Do other Zebra’s reside there by chance?” Glacious asked. “No. Only ponies live there. Though, I do not think those ponies will accept my kin.” Zecora added. “They’re afraid of you as well?” Arctic asked. “Indeed. So, I try not to go to the village.” Said Zecora as she looked sheepishly down to the ground. “Why don’t you go with us? Perhaps things can change this time and the ponies can give you a chance.” Arctic said. Some of his youthful optimism showing. He had begun to believe if he could be accepted then she could too. Though he could see Zecora had doubts which he could understand. Then Zecora perked up. “‘Us’? What do you mean?” “I would like to go with Tree Hugger. I’ve never heard or seen this Ponyville place. I wish to go see it.” Arctic said. “Are you sure my Child? You know you’ll be shunned and heckled again if you go to this little village.” Glacious said. “Well, yeah. But maybe things could change this time, for me and Miss Zecora.” Arctic said. Zecora, seeing the young adult saiyan’s optimism and hope for change gave her a bit of confidence. Even if it could just be a simple pipe dream, she did hope that finally things could change and she and her Saiyan friend could be accepted. Secretly, Glacious was filled with pride and even hope that she herself could be accepted. The Alicorn did want to be able to walk freely and not be ostracized or shunned, watching ponies run and scream in free of her. But she knew she needs to be cautious and keep her disguise up. “Hehe, very well, my young Saiyan friend. I will go with you and my dear daughter to Ponyville. Glacious, my friend, are you going with us?” Zecora asked. Glacious, thinking for a bit decided, she may as well go. She too was quite interested in viewing this, Ponyville. “I will accompany you all, and view this village.” Glacious said. Tree Hugger and Arctic cheered a bit. After eventually slipping on their cloaks and putting on their hoods, the group all began trudging out of the Everfree Forest. As soon as they headed out of the forest, the group all had a shield their eyes and allow them to adjust. It was darker in the forest so coming out directly into the sun, blinded them for a second. After adjust, Arctic and Glacious looked around and admired what they were seeing. “I must say, this village looks quite nice.” Glacious said. “It looks kinda cozy” Arctic said as he looked around. The group all began walking forward taking in more of their surroundings. The village seemed quite large, almost like a very small town. What almost immediately caught Arctic and Glacious’ eyes was a giant farm. The mother and son admired the large farm and took in the sweet scent of apples wafting over toward them. Looking around more they saw what looked like more of the village as well as many ponies walking around. Just then, one of the ponies looked up and saw the group and while they didn’t notice it, the pony’s face contorted into a look of fear and began running away. Then soon almost all of the ponies fled into the many houses and shops. Yells and yelps sounded throughout, doors slammed, even welcome mats were swiftly ripped into their houses. The group noticed this and Zecora let out a low heavy sigh. “Once again, ponies flee in fear.” Zecora said. “Well maybe we can at least still find what you need?” Tree Hugger asked. “Could I help?” Asked Arctic. “Sure.” Said Tree Hugger said. “Do be careful my child.” Glacious said as she looked worriedly at her son. “Same goes to you my Young “We will Mother.” Said Arctic and Tree Hugger as they left the two. As Arctic and Tree Hugger roamed ponyville in an attempt to find what Zecora needed, Glacious and Zecora started talking to each other as they walked. “For as quaint and inviting as this little village seems, the residents of this place don’t seem to want to allow those not like them here.” Glacious said. Slight resentment evident in her voice. Knowing Zecora, her dear son, Arctic, and herself always seem to scare of ponies. “That is unfortunate true. Young Arctic’s optimism is good but misplaced. Ponies fear myself and he as the two of us aren’t like them. I must say it is sickening and upsetting.” Zecora said. Some resentment oozing out of her voice as well. “My child, I raised him to see good in others and to give the benefit of the doubt. So he believes that someday these ponies will grow to accept him and now you. But, eventually, someday, I believe his hope for that will fade in time.” Glacious said. “I hope the young Saiyan’s hope never fades. It is quite an endearing trait of his.” Zecora said. The two kept walking once Zecora stopped and started digging at the ground. “Pray tell, what are you doing Lady Zecora?” Glacious asked. “I’m looking for a certain root. Unfortunately, young Tree Hugger isn’t quite adept at searching for these sorts of roots as I am. Unfortunately, they seem to grow within Ponyville, for right now at least.” Zecora said. After a few more minutes, Arctic and Tree Hugger returned. “Nopony helped you?” Asked Glacious. “No.” Said Arctic slightly dejected. The three watched Zecora do her thing digging at the ground, when all of a sudden there was a loud slam behind them. They all looked over to a big building. Looking at the sign it read, ‘Sugarcube Corner’. Dismissing it, Zecora went back to digging at the ground in her search for whatever she was looking for and the others watched her, not knowing that they themselves were being watched. > Ch 4: The Bearers of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within Sugarcube Corner, seven ponies and one dragon were peering out of the window watching the four beings outside digging at the ground. After getting hot, Zecora off her head to cool down. Multiple gasps rang out inside the building. “Just look at so stripes. So garish.” Said a unicorn mare. “She’s a zebra.” Said another unicorn. “A what?” Called the others. “A zebra. And her stripes aren’t a fashion choice Rarity, they’re what she was born with.” Said the mare. “Born where? Ah never seen a pony like that in these parts, ‘cept for her.” Said one of the Earth pony mares. The ponies within the bakery were the Bearers of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Applejack Apple, Pinkamena “Pinkie” Diane Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Twilight Sparkle, the faithful student of Queen Celestia, Goddes of the Sun. She was a unicorn mare with a deep purple, blueish-white mane and tail, golden glasses and a blue scarf. She had golden eyes and freckles. Her mane was tied back in a messy bun. One of the things that really stood out about the mare was the markings on her coat. Unicorns, if they have vast amounts of magical potential, hold markings on their coats. Twilight’s markings appeared at the same time she obtained her Cutiemark. It was one of the reasons Queen Celestia took Twilight on as a student. Next up, Rarity Belle. Ponyville’s main unicorn fashion designer. She’s an albino unicorn. Her eyes are a vibrant red, though she wears contacts that make her eyes a blue hue. She lives and works in Carousel Boutique with her little sister, Sweetie Belle. Rarity’s a bit of a diva, though she’s a good mare. Her goal is to surpass her mother, Cookie Crumbles. Equestria’s number one fashion designer. Up next, Applejack Apple. She’s an Earth Pony and is one of the residents of Ponyville’s Apple family farm, Sweet Apple Acres. She’s a massive mare. In terms of height, she reaches, Arctic’s chest. Applejack is the middle child of the Apple’s at Sweet Apple Acres. She has an elder brother, Big Macintosh, and a younger sister, Applebloom Sugarbee. Applejack is a hard worker, always in the orchard Applebucking. She can be quite stubborn and it can get her into trouble. She’s working on not letting her Apple Family Stubbornness get the better of her, though, it’ll be rather difficult for her. Then, there’s Pinkamena “Pinkie” Diane Pie. The tiny enigma of the group. Pinkamena, or pinkie, is a small Earth Pony. Just slightly bigger than a filly. Though, she’s a rather strange one. Able to do multiple strange things that just seem to defy any and all laws of the world. Despite that, she’s a very cheery mare who lives and works at Ponyville’s bakery, Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie’s also Ponyville’s number one party planner and is very proud of it. Up next, Rainbow dash. A Pegasus mare from Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash is an athletic mare who works at Cloudsdale’s Weather Factory. She’s also a bit of a daredevil, always performing some kind of new trick or stunt. She too is quite small. Though she is bigger than Pinkie. Her biggest goal is to become one of the members of the Wonderbolts. Finally, there’s Fluttershy. Fluttershy is a hybrid. She’s a mix of a Deer and a Pegasus. She lives on the outskirts of Ponyville near the Everfree Forest. She’s a very quite and shy mare upon first meeting, but given time, she’ll open up. She has a love for animals and tends to any and all wounded or sick animals. It’s also best to not let her kind and gentle nature fool you. When Fluttershy gets angry, she’ll prove that she’s quite strong and fast. Strong enough to rival the mighty Applejack and fast enough to rival even Rainbow Dash. The two others there were Applebloom Sugarbee and Spike the Dragon. Applebloom, the younger sister of Applejack, is an Earth pony filly. She often works with her siblings at Sweet Apple Acres doing whatever she can to help out. She doesn’t yet have a cutie mark, so she alongside her two friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo Skipper, gave rise to the Cutiemark Crusaders. The three fillies are on a mission to obtain their cutie marks. Lastly Spike the Dragon, or Spike Sparkle, is a small baby dragon. He was hatched thanks to Twilight who had quickly become his elder sister. While he is Twilights little brother, he’s also her number 1 assistant. He’s also an honorary member of the Cutiemark Crusaders. After Applebloom and her friends created the Cutiemark Crusaders, Spike was asked if he’d like to become an honorary member, which he gladly accepted. As the six mares talked about Zecora, Applebloom was looking out the window just observing the four outside. “They’re all bein crazy. Ah’m sure Zecora’s just tryna be neighborly. And maybe those three are friends of hers.” As she kept watching she noticed one of the figures take off its hood. It was Arctic who had done so. Applebloom gasped slightly. She had never seen anything like him before. Although she was a bit afraid, she was also curious. Applebloom’s curiosity got the better of her and as the four began to walk away, she slunk outside and followed after them. ==========**********========== “Lady Zecora, does this happen often whenever you come into this little village?” Glacious asked as the four made their way back into the Everfree Forest. “Indeed it does.” Said Zecora. “Tis why I usually send young Tree Hugger to get things we may need from Ponyville, but even then, nopony even wants to be around her, for they know she is with me.” “So, how do you two ever get anything you need from Ponyville?” Arctic asked. “Well, I usually just snatch it up. Of course, I leave Bits for what I take, I just do it when nopony’s really paying attention. It’s not right, but it’s the only way we can get something we may need from Ponyville.” Tree Hugger said. “M..maybe ah could help?” Said a voice. The group stopped and turned around to see a small filly behind them. It was Applebloom. She had followed after the two, making sure to stay as hidden as possible. As she hid she also listened in on their conversation. Hearing about their plight made her feel quite sad, even a bit guilty. So, she plucked up courage and made her presence known. “Oh dear, a young Filly. What are you doing here young one?” Said Glacious. Applebloom gazed at Glacious. She could quite clearly see that the mare before her was big. But being this close to her made it even more apparent that this mare was gargantuan. The other tall creature came up to just beneath her chest. “Oh uh, well.” Applebloom struggle to cobble together a sentence as she was a bit too stunned to speak. “Impressed huh?” Said Arctic gaining Applebloom’s attention. “My mother’s crazy tall. It’s so cool, isn’t it?” Arctic asked with a light chuckle. “Yeah it is. She’s taller than you are an’ yer super tall! And did ya just say mother? Yah look like no pony ah’ve ever seen.” Applebloom said. “That’s because, young one, my son here is no pony, for he is adopted. He is a member of another race entirely.” Glacious said. Applebloom was a bit surprised to hear this. Her curiosity grew more and more. Now she really wanted to learn more about them. Though, she knew her sister, Applejack, would protest her getting to know the four strangers. Just then a voice sounded out. Applebloom groaned slightly. She knew all to well who that voice belonged too. Applejack was coming for her. > Ch 5: First Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Applebloom!” Called out the farm mare. As Applebloom turned around she could see Applejack and the other charging towards her. Once the six mare and baby dragon got to Applebloom, they all saw Arctic and all came to a halt. The seven of them all just stared at Arctic before eventually turning their attention to the giant mare next to him. They all were in awe and terrified. To not only be in the presence of the “Evil Enchantress” Zecora, but to be next to a tall bipedal creature they’ve never seen before, and a behemoth of a mare? They were all petrified. “A..a..Applebloom, get away from them!” Applejack stuttered out. “But Applejack, they..” Applebloom started before being cut off. “Get away from mah little sister, yah hear!?” Snarled Applejack as she shakily took a step forward in an attempt to intimidate the four. “Yeah, stay away from her and our home you freaks!” Shouted Rainbow dash. Despite being scared, she gained some courage to speak up. “And don’t you dare come back!” Blurted out Rarity, who was trying to act brave, but was shaking as violently as Fluttershy. Zecora seeing not only her, but her friends as well step forward into the blue plants before them, she decided to speak out. “Beware! Beware, you pony folk! For those leaves of blue are not a joke!” Zecora bellowed. The loud intenseness of her voice made the six back off out of fear. Satisfied seeing them back away, Zecora began trotting back into the Everfree, followed shortly by Tree Hugger and Glacious. Arctic stayed behind for a few seconds before following after them. Twilight, ever the perceptive mare she is, saw for only a second before he left, the look of sadness on his face. Applebloom, who had also noticed the sad look on Arctic’s face, remembered how genuinely friendly he had acted towards her and the motherly concern coming from his adopted mothers voice when she spoke to her. She had begun to grow upset at her big sister and her friends. “Applejack, what the hay!?” Applebloom shouted. “Hush now Applebloom. Her safe now.” Applejack said. “Ah’m pretty sure I was already safe to begin with.” Applebloom retorted. “Around those four? Nonsense. Who knows what they’d have done to you had we not showed up.” Applejack said. “Quite right.” Said Rarity. “Had we not shown up when we did, they could’ve seriously hurt you, Darling.” Rarity said. Then Rainbow jumped in. “They just better be glad I didn’t start fighting with them. I’d have kicked their flanks before they even knew what happened.” “Are you sure? You seemed pretty scared Dashie.” Pinkie said as she gave a small chuckle. Rainbow blushed slightly and stumbled over her words as she tried to defend herself. “Applejack, ah’m serious. They seem real nice. And what yah all said to them, really seemed to hurt their feelings.” Applebloom said, wanting to defend the four. “Fer all we know, that could’ve been some kind ah trick. Tryin’ rah make us feel bad fer them so we drop our guard and they can attack us someday.” Applejack said. “Yah don’t know that. Ah’m pretty sure it isn’t an act, and what y’all said really hurt them. Y’all gotta go apologize to them!” Applebloom shouted. Applejack’s face contorted into one of shock at that suggestion. Then her face quickly morphed into one of anger. “We ain’t apologizin’ to any of them! Now hush up and let’s go home!” Applejack said sternly, her voice at a near shout. Applebloom hearing this grew even more angry and she stomped a hoof as she stared at Applejack. “Applejack!” Applebloom yelled. Applejack gritted her teeth and finally her anger got the better of her and she glared at Applebloom with a burning rage. “Enough Applebloom! Drop it and let’s all go home!” Applejack finally shouted. Applebloom recoiled. She and Applejack had gotten into arguments a few times, but never once had Applejack actually shouted at her like this. Applebloom began to tear up slightly before she quickly ran off back to Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom was a mass of emotions. She was saddened yet angry with Applejack as well as he friends. To hear what they all said to the four who seemed so friendly and concerned about her, deeply upset her. She wanted to see them, to make things up to them. She wanted to show them that she liked and trusted them. Applebloom, right there and then, decided to go seem them early tomorrow morning. The six mares stood there. Applejack breathed heavily as she stared ahead watching her little sister run back towards the farm. Rarity, Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Spike were all taken aback. They had never seen Applejack that mad nor heard her yell like that before. Rainbow drifted toward Applejack. “Dang AJ. I’ve never seen you like that before” Rainbow said. “That was quite scary to see.” Said Fluttershy as she shuddered in fright. “Ah’m sorry, it’s just, she don’t know what she’s talkin’ about. Thinking those four are good? And then there’s that tall fella. What even was that thing?” Applejack said. “It looked like some kinda monkey.” Fluttershy said. “A monkey?” Asked Applejack. “Yeah. He had a monkey like tail. His large fangs even looked monkey like. He probably eats meat.” The other mare shuddered at that. To hear a creature like that probably eats meat got them to feel even more scared. Applejack grew even more concerned. “Now Ah’ll definitely have to keep Applebloom away from that them. They made do something to mah little sister and feed her to that thing.” Applejack said. “Applejack, maybe Applebloom was right and they are nice ponies.” Twilight said softly. “Twi, don’t tell me yah thinkin’ they are good ponies.” Applejack said. “Look, just, maybe we should all try to keep an open mind. Maybe Zecora and those others aren’t bad at all.” Twilight said as she started making her way back to the library, Spike riding on top of her back. Applejack just sighed. She couldn’t believe that they were good. That Zecora was an oddity. Nopony knew what she ever does in the forest. And now seeing Zecora’s underling alongside two others? That really had her on edge. And then there was that creature she had never seen before. Applejack did see it had rather large fangs when she saw it talking to Applebloom. Hear it may eat meat had her really on edge. If it did eat meat, then where does it get it. Did it eat ponies? She shuddered at the thought. She wasn’t the only one. The others were also a bit afraid. Perhaps afraid that that creature and the others would come to attack them all someday. Pinkie, she wasn’t necessarily scared. She was thinking about what Twilight and especially Applebloom said. What if those four were just good ponies and they all were running and hiding from them purely because they knew absolutely nothing about any of them. Pinkie’s mane deflated slightly. How could she just shun others and even make up a song and dance about Zecora when she didn’t even know anything about Zecora. Everything Pinkie heard about Zecora and her “underling” were all speculations. None of it could be true. Pinkie left for Sugarcube Corner with a lot on her mind. ==========**********========== As the group went back into the Everfree Forest, Arctic began to speak up. “Miss Zecora, what were those blue plants you were warning those ponies about.” “Poison Joke my young Arctic. It’s a plant found all over Equestria in certain areas. It isn’t dangerous by any means, but it’s effects are that an ironic effect will happen to whom ever makes contact with it.” Zecora said. “My child, we have seen those plants before remember?” Glacious asked. Arctic cocked his head but began to think back. He remembered back when he was much younger. He and his mother had been roaming some ice covered land when they discovered a large cave entrance. Inside the cave was dozens of icicles that all shined like precious gem stones. There was even a large lake sitting within it. Thought, one thing stood out. The blue plants that sprouted up from all around the cave. It all looked very beautiful. Arctic did remember his mother warning him not to touch the plants, though he didn’t know why. Figuring his mother knew best, he obeyed and never went near them. He had intended to ask about them, though he never acted on it. “Oh right. I do remember them. Back in that cave we went into.” Arctic said with a slight smile. He soon made plans to return to that cave. “While I did warn them,” Zecora started,”I do get the feeling we’ll be seeing those mares again by morning.” “How come?” Asked Arctic. “Those mares possibly made contact with the Poison Joke. We’ll have to wait and see once tomorrow comes.” Tree Hugger replied. “Well, hopefully, they didn’t. But those mares seem to be rather hot headed.” Glacious said. “Though something greatly surprised me.” “And what was that Miss Glacious.” Zecora asked as she looked up to the giant mare. “That small filly who spoke to us.” Glacious replied “That was rather surprising.” Zecora said with a small chuckle. She hadn’t expected to be approached by anypony, let alone a small filly. It in fact kinda warmed her heart a bit. It seemed to her Arctic’s hopes that something could change for them was beginning to bare fruit. All because of the one small brave filly who came up and talked to them. “It amazes me that a small filly seems to be much braver than her elders. She even seemed to be growing used to us quite quickly.” Arctic said with a smile on his face. “Perhaps we can meet that little filly again someday.” Glacious smiled as she watched her son’s eyes sparkle. She had seen him hope for things to get better for themselves. That he could be accepted. She still has yet to tell him that many of the ponies fear her far more than him. She’s still unaware as to why ponies fear her so much. She does vaguely remember hearing something about the Moon, but that was pretty much all she got. She doesn’t know what she has to do with the Moon and why it’s making ponies so afraid to be around her. As they all made it back to Zecora’s home, they all relaxed and chatted among themselves. They all told stories of their travels and hopes for the future. After that, they had all eaten dinner and soon fell asleep. As night came and went, the Sun peaking over the horizon washing away the night, the four were awoken by a small knock. “What on Equus is that?” Said a sleepy Tree Hugger. “Sounds like the door.” Arctic groggily said as he tried to drift back to sleep. “I’ll get it.” Zecora said as she got up and trudged over to the door. Rubbing at her eyes, Zecora let out a yawn before opening the door. “Who is.. oh, it’s you, young filly.” Zecora said in surprise. Hearing this, the others slowly looked over toward the front door. It was the small filly from yesterday that they had met while on their way into the Everfree. “What bring you here, young filly.” Zecora asked. “Please, ah need yer help.” Applebloom said as she looked to Zecora with pleading eyes. The four looked at Applebloom in a bit of surprise, but they all nodded indicating that they’ll help. Seeing this, Applebloom could only smile and give a small sigh of relief knowing that they were going to help her. > Ch 6: Bridle Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What’s the problem young filly?” Asked Zecora as she looked down at the filly. “It’s mah sister. Somethin’ happened to her and her friends.” Applebloom said. Zecora sighed slightly and shook her head, facehoofing as she then groaned. “I did warn those mares about the Poison Joke.” Zecora said. “What the hay is Poison Joke?” Applebloom asked. “The plant is much like Poison Oak, though it’s results are like a joke.” Zecora said as she walked over towards one of her shelves searching for a book. Tree Hugger shuddered slightly. Zecora’s rhyming thing had reared its head. Tree Hugger remember when Zecora would speak in rhymes often, though when she appeared in Zecora’s life, Zecora’s rhyming died down. Nowadays, when the rhyming comes out, it means she’s serious or angry. “So is there a way to help them?” Applebloom asked. “Indeed there is young one. Although, it shall take a while for the cure to be done.” Zecora said. “Okay. Thank you.” Applebloom said with a smile. Arctic drowsily walked over and crouched in front of Applebloom. Applebloom froze up a bit as he did that, but she eased up. Her curiosity about the tall creature began to flood her mind once again as she looked up at him. “Nice to see you again little filly.” Arctic said with a smile. “I don’t think we properly introduced each other. My name’s Arctic. What’s yours?” Applebloom blinked a bit before snapping out of her stupor. “Oh, uh, Ah’m Applebloom. Nice to meet yah.” Applebloom’s voice was a bit quite but Arctic still heard her well. “Applebloom huh? Nice to meet you too.” Arctic said reaching out a hand. Applebloom stared at his hand, unsure of what to do. Then it kinda clicked for her. She slowly took her hoof and placed it into Arctic’s hand. Arctic smiled and gave her hoof a small firm shake before letting go. “Oh and that’s my mother, her name is Glacious.” Arctic said point his thumb over to her. Applebloom looked over to the giant mare and nervously smiled “Uh, hello miss.” Applebloom said. “Hello young filly. I’m glad to see you again.” Glacious said. “Though, I’ve heard from Lady Zecora and young Tree Hugger, that this forest is rather dangerous. Did you come here on your own?” Applebloom sheepishly nodded and looked to the ground. “That was rather dangerous to do, young Applebloom. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt. Though, it does confirm what my young Arctic said about you.” Glacious smiled slightly. “What he said?” Applebloom looked up to Arctic. “What did yah say bout me?” “That you were brave. Even braver than those six mares yesterday.” Arctic said. Applebloom’s eyes widened a bit. Her heart raced slightly. She had grown excited and proud to hear that some tall creature she had just met called her brave. And to hear she was braver than even her own sister, made her smile widely. “Thank you Mister Arctic.” Applebloom said. “No problem, Applebloom.” Arctic said petting Applebloom on her head. Applebloom smiled even more and enjoyed getting pet by Arctic. Tree Hugger chuckled and walked up to the two. “‘Mister Arctic’? Guess someones got a fan already.” Tree Hugger said with a grin. Arctic just blushed as Applebloom chuckled. After Zecora had started the process of making the Poison Joke cure, Applebloom hung out with them all. She learned about Tree Hugger and Zecora’s past and she had grown a deep amount of sympathy for them. To see that the two are such good mares and hear how they’ve been treated as well as seeing it herself firsthoof? She immediately began thinking of how she could get Applejack and the other ponies of Ponyville to apologize to them. Applebloom also learned of Arctic and Glacious’ past. Though Glacious did keep out the fact she was an Alicorn. She saddened even more hearing that what happened to Zecora and Tree Hugger, also happened to Arctic. Applebloom was amazed to hear that Arctic was an alien. She asked many questions, but he couldn’t answer many. He only knew what his race was called. He also showed his Super Saiyan form to Applebloom. She, as well as Zecora and Tree Hugger were surprised to see this. Applebloom asked to see the other things Arctic could do. So, he went outside with her and Tree Hugger, and showed small low power energy blasts and even his flight. What really amazed Applebloom, was the ice and water magic Arctic displayed. She had never seen or heard of any magic like that before. Arctic told her that he learned this magic from his mother and that he wasn’t even a master of this magic. Somewhere between a high level beginner or low level intermediate. Applebloom couldn’t see how, to her, he seemed like a master of it. As the day went on, it had become noon. Zecora was making good headway with the cure when she came outside. Arctic was flying around, low to the ground, with Applebloom on his back. The filly was laughing and smiling enjoying being flown around. “Young Applebloom?” Zecora said. Applebloom looked over to her. “Yes, Miss Zecora.” “I have a small request for you.” Zecora said. “A request? Fer me?” “Indeed. There is a certain herb I need for this cure. It resides within Ponyville. I cannot be able to get it, because, well, you know.” Zecora said. “Oh, yeah.” Applebloom said as she sadly looked down. Then she perked up with a bright smile. “Well, if yah need mah help, I’m happy to do it fer yah.” Zecora smiled. She went back inside and returned shortly with a small bag of bits. Arctic escorted Applebloom to the entrance of the forest and let her go off into Ponyville before returning to Zecora’s home. ==========**********========== The Element Bearers were venturing off into the Everfree. Twilight had summoned her friends to the library. When she had learned of what happened to her, she called the others to her place. It was then she found out something strange had happened to all of them. Applebloom had also been there, only because she was asked to get Applejack by Spike. After the girls had their meeting, Applebloom went to go find the herb Zecora needed. Before doing it, Applebloom discovered Applejack had been a stowaway in her mane, and left her on a branch before trotting away to get the herb. After being found by Rainbow, who had been struggling to fly thanks to the Poison Joke, went off into the Everfree with the others to get Zecora to remove the “curse” she placed on them. Before long, the six mares made it to Zecora’s home and sneakily begun peaking through the window. “What’s with all the freaky mask things?” Asked Rainbow as she scanned the house. “They’re all so creepy.” Shuddered Rarity. Just then, Zecora walked in. Making her way to the cauldron, as she did so, she had begun putting more of the ingredients needed for the cure in. After which, she began speaking in her native tongue. Then Tree Hugger walked in. “I got some of the herbs you needed.” Tree Hugger said. “Why thank you, my young Tree Hugger.” Zecora said. “Though, it looks like you also got more than just these herbs.” Behind Tree Hugger, came Arctic and Glacious. Draped over Arctic’s back was a massive sack full of fish. He was even eating a piece of fish as he walked in. Glacious, after squeezing her way in, laid down next to them. “My dear child and his appetite. He just had to get as much fish as he could.” Glacious said with a light chuckle. “I can’t help that I can eat a lot.” Arctic said somewhat defensively. “Besides, I haven’t had fish in a while.” Tree Hugger chuckled. “Dude, I can’t wait to see you pig out again, you bottomless pit.” Arctic just rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but smile. The girls all stared at Arctic in shock. They were all now seeing Arctic out of his cloak. What shook them even more, was the fact that Arctic really does eat meat. “That’s what that creature looks like?” Rainbow asked. “And it seems like Fluttershy was right. It does eat meat.” Applejack said. “Then, does that mean it eats ponies too?” Rarity said as she shuddered. “Ah womdeh ippt eafh cuhcaks.” (I wonder if it eats cupcakes.) spluttered out Pinkie pie. Just then a small chuckle sounded from inside. “Now then, we just have to wait for our young Applebloom.” Zecora said. Applejack, hearing this, begun to grow angry. “Applebloom? What the hay do they plan to do with mah little sister?” Applejack said through gritted teeth. Twilight shuddered as she began mauling over the things she had seen. She had slowly begun to believe that they all were bad. After a moment she came to a dreadful conclusion. “Don’t tell me. They’re going to make ‘Applebloom Soup’? And feed her to, whatever that thing is?” This made Applejack reach her boiling point. In the blink of an eye, Applejack hopped onto Rainbow dash, and with the makeshift reins she made earlier to help guide Rainbow with instead of letting her fumble around attempting to fly, she made Rainbow fly up and barrel straight towards the door. With a mighty bang, Rainbow and Applejack flew into the house, Arctic heard this and whipped around. Seeing the rainbow mare flying towards them, he jump in her path and Rainbow rammed into Arctic’s belly. Applejack jumped off of Rainbow skidding along the nearby table. “Ah won’t let y’all hurt mah little sister!” The tiny mare barked out. Just then the others rushed in. Arctic jumped away from Rainbow Dash and he grabbed onto her back hoof and flung her over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy helped in her now deep voice as Rainbow slammed into her. Twilight, getting angry now, used her magic and grabbed onto Arctic trying to stop him. Arctic using his ki, broke out of Twilight’s magical aura. This startled Twilight. She had never known somepony to be able to break out of a unicorns magic like that. Glacious had jumped into the fray. Concealing her magic, she used her wings to blow the mares back. However,what she wasn’t expecting, was the tiny pink mare to somehow pull out a massive cannon. Before Glacious could properly react, the cannon went off. Surprisingly, the cannon had enough force to blow Glacious back slightly. Just then, Rainbow, sloppily, rushed in and nailed Glacious in the side. Tree Hugger, while not a great fighter, was also fighting. She was brawling with Rarity. The mare’s mane did make her struggle a bit. So, as unladylike as it was, Rarity used her magic to make magic based gems appear and attack Tree Hugger. Tree Hugger was able to dodge a few of them, but every now and then, a few would get her. Scratches and cuts littered a few spots of her body, but even then, she kept fighting. “We won’t let you hurt anypony!” Twilight shouted. “we’ll make sure monsters get put in Canterlot dungeon!” Said Rarity. “I’ll buck all of you into next week!” Said Rainbow. Arctic, who had now started fighting with Rainbow, after she had been launched away from Glacious thanks to her massive wings, was beginning to get angry. To him, his hope was crumbling. He had always held out hope that he and now Zecora and Tree Hugger would be able to be accepted by other ponies. But now? He heard what those mares were saying about them just outside of the Everfree, heard what they were saying now, and being attacked like this, he had begun to feel that maybe these ponies were just never going to accept them. Then he thought about Applebloom. He wanted to believe she was genuinely accepting them. The stories they told each other, Applebloom’s enthusiasm learning what Arctic could do, her happy laughs and giggles as Arctic flew her around on his back. But now, he was slowly beginning to believe she was tricking them. Just then, Arctic heard another low boom. Followed by a massive burst of wind. It was Pinkie’s party cannon. Then Arctic got lassoed around the neck by Applejack who pulled him down, letting him get bucked by Rainbow. Blood gushed out of his now broken nose. Arctic’s mind temporarily went blank. Then, reaching his breaking point, Arctic erupted. In the blink of an eye, Arctic had transformed into a Super Saiyan. The six mares were surprised by this and a beginning to get scared. Arctic slowly stomped his way over to them. His glowing yellow eyes staring straight through the mares. “It seems I was mistaken. I held out hope ponies would accept us. No longer look at us like monsters. But now I see that’ll never happen. Now, I want you all to go away, and leave us alone!” Arctic bellowed out before rushing towards them. Glacious felt the same. She was about to start truly fighting as well, but something stopped her. “What the hay is happening!?” Shouted a voice. Everypony looked up to the source and saw Applebloom. She was panting heavily and staring manically at the scene before her. Then she noticed that Tree Hugger, Arctic, and Zecora were bleeding. Tree Hugger had multiple cuts and scratches, so did Arctic, but his shoulder also had a giant cut on it and was bleeding heavily. Zecora also had a few cuts and bruises. “Are y’all okay!?” Shouted Applebloom as she rushed over to them. “No! Stay back Applebloom! Said Twilight as she held out her hoof stopping Applebloom. “No! Let me help mah friends!” Applebloom shouted. “They ain’t yah friends Applebloom! Now go home!” Applejack shouted. “Yes they are!” Applebloom retorted as she rushed past Twilight and straight towards Arctic. “Mister Arctic! Are yah okay?” Arctic stared at Applebloom. He still did kinda believe she was tricking them, but seeing how worried and frantic she seemed made his belief fade away. Arctic slowly calmed down and fell out of Super Saiyan. “I’m fine Applebloom.” Arctic said. Applebloom also went to Zecora, Tree Hugger, and Glacious asking if they were okay. Then Applebloom quickly found bandages and helped bandage up the wounded trio. As she did so, she started going off on the Element Bearers. “How could y’all? Comin’ and attackin’ mah friends! They’re so nice and kind, and y’all treat me like this? If y’all actually tried to get to know em, y’all would see that for yerselves! Mister Arctic was right. Ah am braver than y’all.” Applebloom said, her voice lowering as she continued to help bandage Arctic, Tree Hugger, and Zecora. This got to the girls. Their minds had calmed down and they had begun to think. Their fears had truly gotten the better of them and they had jumped to conclusions. Applebloom really was brave. She actually got to know them and seeing as how she befriended them, shows they are good. Applejack just stared at Applebloom. Watching her worry over the ones she and her friends attacked. Applejack was a bit ashamed but proud to see her little sister show such bravery, doing what she and her friends were too scared to do. “Um, excuse me.” Said Fluttershy. The three injured beings and Glacious as well as Applebloom looked over to the pink maned Doe. “I’d like to apologize to you all for what we did today.” She said as she gave a low bow. “I would like to apologize as well.” Said Twilight. “Our fears got the better of us and we jumped to conclusions.” Then Pinkie Pie popped up with four cupcakes. With four cupcakes. While she couldn’t quite talk with her tongue still all big, she gave an apologetic look. Tree Hugger, Glacious, Zecora, and Arctic cautiously accept the cupcakes which made Pinkie smile. After the other apologized, Zecora, while still upset, decided to help the mares. After a while and a bit of convincing the other ponies of ponyville, the six mares as well as Tree Hugger, Zecora, Arctic, Glacious, and Applebloom were at the spa. The six mares had been cured and were relaxing. Glacious was resting and getting a hooficure for the first time. She was a bit unsure, but after some time, she had begun to enjoy it. Arctic, Tree Hugger, and Applebloom were in a jacuzzi. The three were happily chatting when Applebloom asked Arctic to show her more of his magic. As he did that, Applejack was watching. She was glad to see Applebloom having having fun with the two. Her mind was buzzing. She was thinking of ways to properly apologize. Though, she worried that no matter what she, or her friends, did, they would never be properly forgiven. > Ch 7: Apology Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few days since the Bearers of Harmony were cured thanks to Zecora. The six mares were trying to come up with any way to properly apologize to Arctic, Glacious, Tree Hugger, and Zecora. Applebloom had regularly begun visiting the four. The five would have fun exploring to very few beautiful spots in the Everfree Forest, telling stories, even camping every so often. Applejack, seeing just how happy Applebloom would be after returning home, made her feel even worse about everything she had done and said about the four. Applejack wasn’t the only one. The rest of the Bearers or Harmony we’re feeling just as bad. Though, none of them felt quite as bad as Twilight. Twilight had experienced this in the past with Spike. She had heard and kept Spike from hearing the many things ponies had said about him. She’s heard how many ponies disliked Spike. Afraid of him because he was a Dragon, believing that he was terrible and violent much like the other Dragons. Twilight knew Spike was nothing like other Dragons. He was a kind soul and would never up and attack somepony or anything like that. They had no right to judge him, they didn’t know him. And then for Twilight to go and do the same things other ponies had done, to Zecora, Tree Hugger, Arctic, and Glacious? She felt awful. Much like those ponies who didn’t know Spike and judged them, she judged the four Residents of the Everfree and she didn’t even know them. She was ashamed to admit it, but what she found out Arctic had said was correct. A young filly was far more brave than any of them. Applebloom was brave enough to approach and speak to them. That led to her befriending them and even hanging out with them whenever Applebloom isn’t helping on the farm or crusading with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. ==========**********========== It was the middle of the day. The six mares were all at Sugarcube Corner discussing things. “Ah just feel horrible.” Said Applejack, her head on the table. “Ah said so many bad things about them. How could ah? Ah couldn’t even work up courage to even give ‘em a chance. Applebloom really is braver than ah am.” “I do feel awfully dreadful too. If Applebloom is friends with them, then they must be really nice. I can’t think of any way to properly apologize to them.” Rarity said in a low voice. “What about a party?” Suggested Pinkie. “A party would be the best way to apologize! We could have a ‘We’re sorry for how we treated you and Welcome to Ponyville’ party! I wonder what flavor cake they like. Chocolate? Strawberry? Vanilla? Or do they like cupcakes? What about pies? I don’t know what flavor pie they like though. I could just make every pie flavor I know and see which ones they like more!” Pinkie said. As pinkie fired off the different things she could do for her party, the others began talking amongst themselves. “A party sounds nice, what if i got them a pet? Do you think they’d like that?” Asked Fluttershy. “A pet could be good, Darling. I could make them some dresses. And a bunch of different outfits for that tall gentlecolt. Oh,what’s his name again? Rarity asked. “Applebloom says his name is Arctic. And why’re yah gonna make so many outfits fer the fella?” Asked Applejack with a raise eyebrow. “Well, from what I’ve seen, he seems to be always wearing clothes. I could make him more refined clothes. What he seems to where now looks so uncouth.” Rarity said. A disgusted look adorned her muzzle. Rarity did have a point. Right now, all Arctic wore was a pair of tattered pants and a cloak. So, after everything happened, she decided to make some clothes for him. She wanted it to be her way of apologizing and it was also a project for her. Making clothes for a creature no pony had ever seen? Rarity was ecstatic. She already had designs, she just needed to get his measurements. “Honestly, I still don’t trust them much, but still. Maybe I could dazzle them with a Sonic Rainboom? Bet they never seen anything like that before.” Rainbow said with a smug smirk. “I don’t know what I could do for them.” Twilight said. “I just hope I can think of something. Maybe Spike has some ideas.” “Speaking of my little Spikey-Wikey, how’s he doing, Twilight?” Rarity asked. “He’s well. He’s still a bit afraid of them, but I’m sure he’ll come to like them once he meets them. Especially Arctic.” Twilight muttered. Believing nopony heard, she was surprised when Applejack spoke up. “What does that mean, Twi?” “Well, think about it. Spike and Arctic are they both creatures in a place dominated by ponies.” Twilight said. “While I’m sure Spike would connect with Zecora and Arctic, he’d probably most likely connect with Arctic.” “Especially since they’re both meat eaters?” Asked Fluttershy. Twilight sunk into her seat looking down to the ground. “Yeah.” Twilight inhaled before letting out a long low sigh. “He’s unaware of it, but, just like Arctic, Zecora, Glacious, and Tree Hugger were shunned and discriminated by us, Spike was also discriminated by other ponies. I’ve heard ponies say so many things about him that were just terrible. I protected him from it for so long. I always felt it was terrible to say such things about somepony they didn’t even know well. Then for me to turn around to do the same to those four? I feel so terrible. I can’t hope to be forgiven by them. Queen Celestia would be so disappointed in me if she found this out.” The others were silent. Pinkie’s mane even deflated slightly. They never knew about this. They all would’ve protected Spike from such a thing. But for them to do it to others? They all felt worse and wanted desperately to apologize. “Girls, if we’re going to apologize, we need to make this apology as genuine as possible. Do everything we can to show them how sorry we are.” Twilight said. “When are we going to do this?” Asked Rainbow. “And what about the other ponies in Ponyville?” Asked Rarity. “They all were pretty bad too. How will we get them to apologize. Or even warm up to them enough to have those four be in Ponyville and not run and hide?” “Maybe, if they see them all hanging out with Applebloom, they’ll see that those four aren’t bad at all. Maybe that’ll get them to at least give Glacious, Arctic, Tree Hugger, and Zecora a shot.” Fluttershy suggested. “Ah suppose that could work.” Applejack said. “It’s not a bad idea Fluttershy.” Said Rarity. “And then, we can have one great big PARTY!!” Shouted Pinkie Pie, clearly excited to get to know Arctic, Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger. After that, the six mares had begun to set their plan in motion. They soon left Sugarcube Corner and made their way into the Everfree Forest to get their four potential new friends. > Ch 8: The Crusaders and a Saiyan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the Element Bearers approached Zecora’s home, they all saw something that made them smile. Applebloom was there. She was outside with Arctic and Glacious. She was watching in awe as Arctic moved around. His movements resembled dancing. As he did so, a massive glowing snowflake encased in two circles with multiple symbols in between sat beneath his feet. Shining snowflakes and water swirled around him. Even the air around him had cooled giving the area around a nice cool feel. That made the girls sigh in relief. It was a rather hot day, so this was very much needed. Applebloom as she watched, asked Arctic and Glacious multiple times if she could learn to do this someday. Glacious just smiled, knowing the filly wanted to learn how to use her magic. Applebloom, catching something out of the corner of her eye, looked over. She saw her sister and her friends and she gave a small smile. “Hey Y’all.” Applebloom said. The girls all said ‘Hi’ back, though Applejack’s was a bit quieter. Her and Applebloom’s relationship was slightly strained. Applebloom was still a bit upset with Applejack and the others. She was still quite perturbed regarding the fact that they had attacked her friends. She wondered if they were ever going to apologize for that. Though, she didn’t know about the girls plans to make up to the four they attacked. “Hello again, young mares.” Glacious said. Arctic was silent but he gave a small wave. He, much like Applebloom, was still a bit upset. Though, he had heard stories from Applebloom about how the six were good ponies. So, he was willing to at least give them a chance at least. Just then, Zecora and Tree Hugger walked out. “Oh. The six young mares have returned. What brings you all here?” Zecora asked. “Hopefully it isn’t to attack us again.” Tree Hugger muttered under her breath. Which earned her a small jab to her side by Zecora, who had heard what she said. “Uh, we wanted to invite you over to Ponyville for something.” Twilight said. “Y..you want us to come to Ponyville?” Asked Zecora, a bit shocked to hear that. “Well yeah!” Said Pinkie. “We wanted you to come cause we have something planned and we want you to be a part of it!” The four just blinked in confusion. They were all still pretty sure the Ponies of Ponyville would run and hide from them, which they felt would make things awkward. Just then Applebloom perked up. “You should go. Y’all could get to see more of Ponyville. And Mister Arctic, you could meet mah friends!” Applebloom said with enthusiasm. “Ah’ve told them about yah and they really wanna meet yah!” Arctic was taken aback. Her friends wanted to meet him? He was a bit unsure, but he decided to go along with it. “Uh, alright. I’ll meet your friends Applebloom.” Said Arctic with a smile. “And you don’t have to call me ‘Mister Arctic’. Just call me Arctic. Or Arc.” “Alright!” Applebloom said with a wide smile. “What does this plan of yours, young mares?” Asked Glacious. “We can’t say right now. It’s a bit of a surprise.” Said Rarity. Glacious was a bit suspicious. She had a sinking feeling that this was all some sort of trick somehow, so she would keep on guard. “Very Well, young mares. Let’s go then.” Said Zecora with a small smile. “I still don’t trust them.” Muttered Tree Hugger, rubbing at the small scar on her left foreleg, given to her by Rarity. “Alright! Let’s go!” Shouted Applebloom excitedly as she bit down on Arctic’s pant leg and drag him off. The other’s just gave light hearted chuckles as they watched. Applejack also smiled. Seeing how close her little sister had grown to the creature made her smile and made her even more determined to properly apologize to him and the others. ==========**********========== As Arctic and Applebloom approached Ponyville, Arctic had picked up Applebloom and set her on his shoulders. Applebloom marveled at her newfound height, enjoying being up that high. As they got into Ponyville, much like last time, all of the ponies fled and hid. This upset Arctic, but hearing Applebloom’s happy giggling made him ignore that and follow Applebloom’s directions, looking for her friends. The ponies of Ponyville all peaked out of their windows. They could see Arctic running around with Applebloom on his shoulders. They all could hear Applebloom’s happy and cheerful yells. This did make them believe that maybe the creature was good if the small filly seemed to be having fun with it. Though, they still didn’t quite trust it yet. After searching all over, Applebloom directed Arctic to the Cutiemark Crusaders Clubhouse. Arctic was a bit amazed. He had never seen a treehouse before. So this was most interesting to him. “If they ain’t nowhere else, their probably here.” Applebloom said. Arctic nodded. After walking up to the door, Arctic set Applebloom down. Applebloom went in and once she did she was treated with a chorus of voices. “Applebloom! You’re back!” said one voice. “Where’ve you been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Said another voice. “Yeah. When Twilight left, I went with Scootaloo and Sweetie to help look for you.” Said a different voice. “Well, y’all remember the friends ah told y’all about?” Asked Applebloom. “Yeah.” The three voice said in unison. “Well, ah was with them. And I brought one over to meet yah.” Applebloom said. “Cool! We get a meet a new pony!” Said one of the voices with excitement. “Well, he ain’t a pony though.” Said Applebloom. “He isn’t? Then what is he?” Said one voice. Applebloom, instead of answer, stuck her head out and waved for Arctic to come inside. As he did, he took in everything around him. The treehouse had a fairly cozy feel. It was also housing a few boards with multiple lists and pictures. It also held beanbag chairs and a bunch of apples. After taking those in, Arctic looked to the three others in the room asks sat down so Applebloom could get up onto his shoulders. “Crusaders, meet mah friend, Arctic. Arctic, these are mah friends, Scootaloo, Spike, and Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom said, pointing to the three. The three just stared at him. Scootaloo, while shocked seemed to be growing excited as she looked him up and down. Her wings began buzzing rapidly as her smile grew. Sweetie Belle was a different story. She was quite confused. She was a bit unease, sure, but she was mostly confused. She had never seen anything like him before, so her curiosity grew. Spike, was a bit scared. He remembered seeing Arctic, albeit under his cloak, but to see him in the flesh had him on edge. Arctic just looked at them. He could see their varying looks and was unsure how to feel. Though, when he saw spike, he perked up. He had heard of dragons from his mother but he had never seen them. Arctic always felt he could connect with dragons. Maybe because they were meat eaters like him or they were fighters like the saiyans, he didn’t know. So getting to see a dragon for the first time kinda excited him. “Woah. You’re so tall! And your hair looks so cool!” Said Scootaloo. “Er, well, not as cool as Rainbow Dash’s, but still cool! Woah! You have a scar too!?” Arctic was seriously taken aback by that. He didn’t expect the small Pegasus filly to take a liking to him. Or even find him cool. “Uh, thanks. Yeah, I got this scar a while ago.” Arctic said pointing to the scar on his shoulder that he got from one of Twilights attacks. “So cool!” Scootaloo said, examining the scar. “Um, what are you Mister?” Asked Sweetie Belle, her voice low and trembling showing she was on edge. “I’m a saiyan. An alien, I guess you could call me, since I’m not originally from here.” Arctic said. Scootaloo and Sweetie paused. They looked to Arctic with awe and shock. “An alien?” They said. Arctic just nodded. Scootaloo begun to celebrate, once again stating that he was cool. Sweetie was shocked, but much like Applebloom, her curiosity had begun to grow. Arctic looked over to Spike and gave a small smile. “You know, never thought I’d see a Drsgon in the flesh.” Arctic said. This caught Spike’s attention. Hearing the softness in his voice, Spike eased up slightly, but was still very much on edge. “R..re..really?” Stuttered Spike. “Yeah. My mother’s always told me about Dragons, but I’ve never seen them. You’re the first Dragon I’ve ever met.” Said Arctic, giving a gentle smile. Spike slightly smiled at that, glad to be the very first Dragon that Arctic ever met. “Well, to be honest, I’ve never met another Dragon before myself.” Said Spike in a soft voice. Arctic tilted his head a bit and gave a sympathetic look. “Do you ever feel lonely?” Arctic asked. This question gave Spike pause. He was unsure of what the question meant, but before he could respond, the others jumped in. “Why would spike ever be lonely? He’s got us!” Said Scootaloo. “Yeah! And he’s got Twilight and her family.” Said Applebloom. “Yup! And the others would never let Spike feel lonely.” Stated Sweetie. “Y..yeah. And then, Pinkie would never let me feel alone too.” Said Spike with a light chuckle. Arctic smiled. What he heard from them was sweet, but he understood that they didn’t quite get what he meant when he asked that. “That’s sweet, but I meant, do you ever get lonely being the only dragon around here?” Arctic asked. Spike paused again. Now knowing what Arctic meant, the question struck a cord with him. He had never truly thought about it. He had asked Twilight, her family, even Queen Celestia why he was the only dragon around, but never really got a good answer. They all kinda just, dodged the question. Spike remembered how lonely he felt. But being with his family and especially he sorta forgot about it. Old feelings slowly started to resurface till he felt something on his head. Looking up he saw Arctic with his claw sitting on his head. He had a small sympathy smile. “I get it.” Arctic said. “W..what do you mean?” Asked Spike. “Being the only of your kind in a place dominated by ponies. I’m sure even Zecora feels somewhat the same, being a zebra surrounded by ponies.” Arctic said. Spike’s eyes widened a bit. He understood? Spike, while he never really said anything about being the only dragon around since his earlier years in Canterlot, still, every now and then, felt a bit lonely being the only Dragon around. He did vaguely recall seeing ponies giving him strange looks when he was living in Canterlot, but he never really questioned it. At least not till now. He soon decided to talk to twilight about it. The girls had been silent the whole time. They never once thought about that. Spike really is the only Dragon around. They never figured he’s be lonely since he had a bunch of friends around him. But now, they were truly starting to understand somewhat. Just then, the three fillies jumped the poor dragon, hugging him tight and spewing incoherent sentences as they tried to comfort their friend. Arctic smiled as he watched. And then his happiness fell to unease as the three small fillies and Dragon looked to him. Before Arctic knew it the four had jumped, pinned him to the ground and hugged him tight. ==========**********=========== After about an hour or so, the five were going through Ponyville. Arctic was carrying Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in his arms and Spike and Applebloom were on his shoulders. The five were all laughing and chatting like they were old friends. Spike, as he talked with them, could see ponies all hiding in their homes, staring at Arctic. Vague memories surfaced. Memories of ponies giving him roughly the same look. It made his heart ache. Soon, the five made it to Carousel Boutique. Arctic looked at the building in awe. He had never seen a place like this before. Sweetie Belle hopped down and opened the door, ushering them in. As the went in, Arctic let the others down and took in his newest surroundings. Multiple mannequin dawned multiple different dresses. Chests sat around full of different gems stones. Arctic could also see a changing room, a stage, and dozens of different kinds of fabrics. “Rarity! I’m home!” Shouted Sweetie Belle. The sounds of hooves striking the floor sounded through the house as Rarity came out. “Oh, hello Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said as the sisters went up to each other and hugged each other. Looking up, Rarity spotted Arctic. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Spike were with him. “Oh my. Arctic, you’re here. And you came with my Applebloom and Scootaloo. And my little Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity said. Arctic chuckled as he watched Spike stare at Rarity, very clearly in love with the mare. “Yeah. We were walking around when Sweetie Belle asked to come here. I must say, I didn’t know you made clothes.” Said Arctic still glancing around. “Oh! Maybe Rarity could make you something.” Scootaloo said. “Yeah! Sis, could you make him something?” Asked Sweetie Belle. “Oh, well, I never thought about that. I suppose I could make something for him.” Rarity said. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t be able to pay for it.” Arctic said. “Oh, don’t worry about it Darling. It’ll be on the house.” Rarity said. The Crusaders all cheered and celebrated. Rarity smiled as she watched them all start chatting with Arctic. She too celebrated inside. She already had a design for his outfit she’d give him for her apology. And this would be her opportunity to get his measurements. After about an hour, Rarity had gotten his measurements and watched as the five drank some apple cider she had gotten. She deeply enjoyed seeing the four all happy spending time with Arctic. Her mind began to wonder as she started hoping Zecora, Glacious, and Tree Hugger were also having as good luck as Arctic was. Rarity jumped as she saw the Crusaders drag Arctic away. From what she could hear, they were taking him to Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity chuckled as she heard them quickly say bye and soon got to work on making the outfit she had in mind for Arctic. > Ch 9: A Deceptive Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few minutes after Applebloom took Arctic away, the others were calmly walking towards Ponyville. The Element Bearers were all behind Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger. “Well,” whispered Twilight, “that takes care of Arctic. What do we do about the others?” “Oh, oh, oh! Can I take Tree Hugger with me? I wanna learn what flavor cake is her favorite.” Pinkie said as she bounced up and down. “Well, ah suppose that’s okay. Just gotta keep her distracted for the rest of the day, okay Pinkie?” Said Applejack. “Okie Dokie Lokie!” Said pinkie as she charged up to Tree Hugger, scaring the poor mare to death before dragging her off to Sugarcube Corner. Zecora, seeing her adopted daughter get snatched by the excited pink mare, gave chase. “But my daughter down, you!” Zecora said as she sped her way towards Pinkie with a confused and sorta scared Tree Hugger. “Dang. That Zecora’s pretty fast.” Said Rainbow with a slight smirk, having been impressed by the zebra mare’s speed. “Well, while Pinkie’s doing that, I should be on my way home. I must sketch my design for Arctic’s new outfit. I even have some idea’s for the others.” Rarity said as her mind begun racing with ideas and her heart racing at the idea of making new outfits, especially for Arctic. “Alright then. Guess we’ll have to deal with her then.” Rainbow said glancing over to Glacious. “I don’t envy you. She looks quite intimidating.” Rarity said as she shuddered looking at the massive Pegasus mare. “Well, I’m off. I’ll see you all later tonight.” The girls all waved as Rarity made her way to her boutique eager to start sketching her designs. “So, what exactly are we gonna do?” Asked Fluttershy, nervously looking over to Glacious. “Maybe, we should talk to her. Take this chance to get to know about her.” Applejack suggested. “Not a bad idea. And maybe we can learn more about Arctic too.” Twilight said. Her eyes shimmering with the idea of getting to learn about a new creature. Quickly trotting up to Glacious, the four mare got her attention. “Excuse me, Miss…” Twilight said before trailing off. It was then she realized that she and the others, with the exception of Applejack, didn’t know her name. Picking up on this Glacious chuckled softly. “Glacious, my young mare.” Glacious said in a motherly tone. Twilight awkwardly smiled. “Right. Thank you.” Twilight said. “Young mare, what pray tell what are your names?” Glacious asked looking to the four mares. “Oh, I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said with a small smile. “Names Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in all of Equus!” Rainbow said with a broad cocky smile. “Um, I’m Fluttershy Miss Glacious.” Said Fluttershy in a soft barely audible tone. “Ah’m Applejack. Nice tah meet yah.” Said Applejack, tipping her hat a bit. “Ah, so you’re the sister of young Applebloom?” Glacious asked. “Yeah. She’s talked about me to y’all?” Applejack asked. “Oh yes. She’s told us all how great a big sister you are and how much she looks up to you.” Glacious said. This made Applejack smile. She knew her littler sister looked up to her, but to hear that she had been speaking so highly of her made her happier than ever. “Miss Glacious,” Interjected Twilight, “We were wondering if we could talk with you? We were wanting to learn more about you.” This kinda caught Glacious off guard, but she kept her composure. Seems to her, after learning how badly they messed up, they want to know her story. Get to know her on a more personal level. Glacious agreed and she walked with the four mares to Golden Oak Library. The library was a bit shocking to Glacious. Homes like this were quite common for unicorns many years back. But nowadays, homes like this are extremely rare to come by. So seeing one here surprised her. “So, young ones, what do you want to know about me?” Asked Glacious as she laid down after getting inside. “How about how you got to be so big?” Blurted out Rainbow. This earned a glare from Twilight and Applejack. “What? We were all thinking it.” Rainbow said defending herself. Glacious chuckled before responding, “My size is due to my heritage. My great grandfather was a rather big Griffon. I inherited my size from him.” “That makes sense,” Twilight said. “Griffons are a species that has rather large kin.” Glacious sighed internally. She couldn’t let slip that she was an Alicorn. From what she’s gathered, many ponies seem to freak out at the sight of them. It’s because of this she tries to stay away from other ponies. “So, can we learn about yer past? Everything we thought we knew was just us jumping to conclusions. We wanna really get to know yah.” Applejack said. Glacious paused. She knew she couldn’t tell the truth, so she came up with a story that mixed the truth and lies. “Very well. I suppose I should start from the beginning.” Glacious said. “Years ago, I was born to a not so great family. My father was never around and my mother wasn’t the best mother around. She would always treat me like I was worthless. Made me feel unwanted. There was only one saving grace for me. My elder sister.” This hit the four mares hard. They had no idea this was what the mare they had been blindly labeling a monster had been through. For Applejack, it was a toss up. She could feel something was up with the story. She had a feeling the mare before her was lying, but at the same time felt she was telling the truth. She held mixed emotions. Suspicion, sadness, even a bit of anger. Of course this was a lie. There was only one truth to Glacious’ statement. The fact she had a sister. “My sister was always there for me. No matter what. I looked to her like my guardian angel. Always there to protect me. Til the day she betrayed me. One day, she had obtained a significant amount of power. She began to grow cocky and power hungry. This made me feel uneasy around her, but I still looked up to her. Then one day, she ditched me. Claimed I was weak and was holding her back from realizing her true potential. I told her I could get stronger and wouldn’t hold her back. This then led to a fight between us. She beat me within an inch of my life and left me for dead. After that, I crawled myself away. Left my home, left my family. I needed to get away and improve my power. I had a feeling I would see my sister again. And I knew I would have to fight her once again.” Applejack, sensing that this was true, began to grow upset. Hearing that Glacious sister pretty much turned on her, beat her up and left her for dead? It pissed her off. The others had a similar reaction to this. Rainbow was upset. Up until then, she was still a bit suspicious of Glacious and the others. But after hearing this and seeing how genuine Glacious was being shattered that suspicion and made her feel upset with herself for feeling that way and upset at Glacious’ sister. Fluttershy, in a bit of a rare display, was also a bit angry. Although she was mostly saddened. She could tell that Glacious was extremely hurt by what her sister had done. The pain she saw in Glacious’ eyes made her heart ache. Twilight was similar. Saddened and angry. But she was also surprised. She remembered the story of Queen’s Celestia and Luna. The incident with Nightmare Moon. Glacious’ story felt similar to that, though it seems things have yet to get to such an extent as the Royal Sisters. Glacious was trapped in her mind for a second. It felt odd to her telling her story to these mares. While a good small chunk of it was false, everything involving her sister was true. She knew she would have to fight her sister one day, whenever they meet again. She also prayed her son would stay out of it. She couldn’t bare to see her son hurt or possibly killed by her sister, his aunt. She sighed and began again. “After that, I roamed the land all on my own. No friends, no family, I was completely alone. That is, till Arctic came into my life. A small baby all on his own. So, I took him in. I adopted him and he became my son. Soon, I wasn’t alone anymore. I had my son with me, by my side for years. Eventually he did come to ask why it was we never went around other ponies. I tried to tell him why, but he didn’t listen. Over the years he tried to interact with other ponies, holding out hope he could be accepted. Every time he was shunned and chased away. I suppose what happened with you all would’ve been the last straw. His hope would’ve died out, if it wasn’t for Zecora, Tree Hugger, and to a greater extent, young Applebloom.” The girls were saddened by this. Applejack especially. She felt worse than ever. Those two had been through a lot and for them to pile on? It hurt the family oriented mare. Especially know how badly she spoke of them. She desperately wanted to just drop down and apologize on the spot. Though she felt no apology she could ever come up with would suffice. “That sounds so sad and so sweet.” Said Fluttershy to herself, tears building up. “I didn’t know you both have been through so much.” Applejack walked over to Glacious and bowed her head. “Ah know there’s nothin’ I can do to ever atone for what ah’ve done, but ah still wanted to apologize.” Then, Twilight stepped up. Followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “I would like to apologize as well. We never should’ve done what we did. We can only hope you can forgive us.” Twilight said. “Yeah. What we did was super uncool.” Rainbow said. “Could you ever forgive us Miss Glacious?” Asked Fluttershy. Glacious smiled. She could see how remorseful they all were, especially Applejack. And after hearing them all apologize, she pulled them all into a small hug. “I can see how remorseful you all are and that you’re up to something to make it up to us.” Glacious said with a small smirk. This made the girls freeze. They didn’t know that she knew they were planning to make things up to them. “And for that, I forgive you all. And knowing my son, he will forgive you as well.” Glacious said. This made the four mares sigh in relief. While most of them were glad, Applejack was still feeling a bit guilty. Afterwards, the mares all started talking with each other. They all told stories and jokes, even Rainbow was pretty much ranting about how amazing the Wonderbolts were when she found out Glacious didn’t know what the Wonderbolts even were. Time flew by and soon it was time. After exiting the library, Rainbow flew off to retrieve Arctic and the Crusaders. Before long, the party would begin. > Ch 10: The Party Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie was rapidly rushing around the center of Ponyville. Tables were quickly set up, streamers and confetti were blown around thanks to Pinkie’s signature Party Cannon, and a massive cake sat atop a table. As Pinkie tirelessly worked setting up the party, Zecora and Tree Hugger were sitting inside Sugarcube Corner. The two were breathing heavily, sweat cascading down their faces. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were bring the two some drinks. “Jeez dude. How can one mare have so much energy?” Huffed Tree Hugger. “Hours of cake making and the young Pinkie Pie is still going.” Zecora wheezed. While Arctic hung out with the Crusaders, and Glacious sat with Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, poor Zecora and Tree Hugger were stuck with the hyperactive Pinkie Pie. When they got to Sugarcube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were obviously a bit on edge having Zecora and Tree Hugger there. But after seeing that Pinkie wasn’t scared and in fact having fun with them, they cautiously begun to give the two a chance and began speaking to them. It took some time, but they soon warmed up to them. Though, they were surprised and a bit sickened to hear how Tree Hugger and Zecora met when Mr. Cake asked them how they met after hearing Tree Hugger was adopted by Zecora. Even Pinkie was saddened. Her mane even deflated slightly. Though that only made her more determined to make this Apology Party as “spectacularific” as possible. She even got Tree Hugger and Zecora to help make cakes which tired the two mares out after some hours. “Here you two go.” Said Mrs. Cake. Zecora and Tree Hugger looked up. Mr. and Mrs. Cake had brought the two some water which the two took great-fully. Zecora took some small sips whereas Tree Hugger chugged the whole glass before asking for another. “I understand how you feel.” Said Mr. Cake. “Baking with Pinkie, while it can be rather fun, is very tiring.” “Especially since the young dear seems to have an endless amount of energy.” Said Mrs. Cake sympathetically. “How does she do it?” Asked Tree Hugger. “It’s been 7 hours and she’s still going.” Mrs. Cake chuckled softly. “You learn to get used to it after a while.” “I suppose not everypony can handle the Young Pinkie Pie.” Chuckled Zecora. As the four chatted amongst themselves, Pinkie was just finishing setting things up, when she heard hooves rapidly approaching. It was her friends. “Woah!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash once she saw everything. “You really went all out Pinkie.” “Well duh dashing! I had to make sure this was super spectacular and amazing for our newest friends!” Pinkie said as she put the finishing touches on the party. “Where’s Arctic and Ms. Glacious?” Pinkie asked. “Their not far behind us.” Rainbow said. “They should be here any minute now.” “Okie dokie. Let’s get ready!” Pinkie said. Pinkie went inside Sugarcube Corner and grabbed some blindfolds. She went up to Zecora and Tree Hugger and blindfolded them before leading them out to the party. Then, in the blink of an eye, Pinkie appeared in front of Arctic, Glacious, Spike, and the Crusaders, blindfolding them. “Pinkie Pie, what’s this for?” Asked Applebloom. “Oh, maybe it’s some kind of Surprise.” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Yep Yep!” Pinkie said. She slowly lead them to the party and once they were there, Twilight, using her took off the blindfolds. The first thing to greet them all was a giants banner that read, “Welcome to Ponyville! We’re sorry for being such big meanies!”. Arctic, Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger saw this, and their reactions varied. Arctic went up to the pink party mare, picked her up, and spun around around as he held the tiny pink mare tight. Glacious saw this and smiled as she started observing the party. Tree Hugger and Zecora were stunned to see everything. Pinkie was baking for hours all day with them and they were super tired, yet Pinkie had enough energy to set this up? And it seems she still has an unbelievable amount of energy let in her. It baffled them greatly. The Crusaders were just excited to be at a party and immediately started having some fun. “Weeee!” Pinkie said as she and Arctic spun around. “So Arc, you like it?” Pinkie asked. “Yeah I do!” Arctic said. “This will be our first real party Young Pinkie.” Glacious said as she walked up to them. Pinkie gasped as she her head snapped back and forth between Arctic and Glacious. “Your first real party?!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Now this party has to be super duper spectacularific for you.” “There is no need Young Pinkie. This party seems like it’ll be a rather, ‘Spectacularific’ one.” Glacious said as she gave Pinkie a small bow. Pinkie just smiled at this and began to have fun. The group all begun chat and just have fun. The group all played multiple different games drunk as much punch and apple cider as they could, though Rainbow Dash drank most of it, hogging it to herself. Glacious and Zecora chatted with Fluttershy. The shy doe was a bit surprised to hear Glacious and Zecora had a bit of a love for animals and was thrilled to talk about them with her. Tree Hugger was dancing with Pinkie. Tree Hugger, while not much of a dancer herself, did quite enjoy dancing it out with the tiny pink mare. Arctic, the poor soul, was subject to Twilight’s enthusiasm and urge to learn about the Saiyan. This unease him, but he did tell her what he could remember and, apprehensively, agreed to let Twilight do some tests on him when she asked. Elsewhere, the ponies of Ponyville, still hiding in their homes, could hear everything going on outside. Cautiously, many of them began to peak out. Seeing the ones they were afraid hanging out and having fun with the Element Bearers and the Crusaders, they slowly and nervously began to walk outside to join in on the party. Over time most of the town was partying. While still cautious, they were chatting with Arctic, Zecora, Glacious, and Tree Hugger. As Glacious talked with some ponies, many of them marveling at her height, she looked back and saw something that made her smile. Arctic was sitting with many of the fillies and colts. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Spike and Scootaloo were telling them about Arctic. Many of the fillies and colts were cautious, but amazed and curious about Arctic. Many of the asking to fly with him when the four Crusaders told them he had flown with them riding on his back. After some convincing, and talking with the foals parents, Arctic flew at slow speeds with the fillies and colts on his back, one at a time. Glacious just adored seeing her son playing with the foals and went went back to talking. After the party began to wind down, ponies began to go home, many of them having giant smiles. Pinkie was very happy for this. Soon it was the Element Bearers, the Crusaders, Glacious, Zecora, Tree Hugger, and Arctic. The group went to Twilight’s place, as Twilight wanted to have a bit of a sleepover. After getting there, they all wound down and relaxed. Rarity walked up to Arctic, Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger giving them all a box. There were outfits. Dresses for the mares and for Arctic, Rarity made him a whole new outfit. She was pleased to hear that they all really liked their outfits. Arctic even said he was very eager to put the outfit on in the morning. “I’m so glad you like it Darling. I have very many ideas on outfits I could make for you if you like.” Rarity said. “Thank you. Though, I don’t think I’ll be able to pay you for them.” Arctic said. Rarity just waved her hoof and smiled. “Nonsense Darling. There’s no need. The outfits I’ll be on the house.” “Are you sure?” Arctic asked. “Of course I am.” Rarity replied with a smile. “That is rather generous of you Young Rarity.” Glacious said. “Oh, why thank you Miss Glacious.” Rarity said. “Yeah, our Rarity’s generosity is amazing.” Pinkie said as she plopped down into Arctic’s lap. To which Arctic started absentmindedly petting her. Pinkie’s eyes widened and she tensed a bit but she then relaxed as her eyes drooped as she began a purr like a cat. “Still, ah’m glad y’all had fun. Pinkie’s parties are truly amazin’.” Applejack said with a smile “‘‘Twas an amazing party. That was the most fun I’ve had in ages.” Zecora said. “It was righteous, man. That party was such a vibe.” Tree Hugger said as she laid down. “I’m so glad you all enjoyed yourselves.” Fluttershy said.”I’m pretty sleepy, so I’m going to get some sleep.” “Think I’ll hit the hay too.” Rainbow said. “Guess we’ll all get some sleep.” Twilight said as she gathered extra blankets and pillows for them all. “Goodnight everypony.” After getting their pillows and blankets, the group all said their goodnights and promptly fell asleep ready to see what tomorrow had in store for them. > Ch 11: History of the Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the following day in Equestria. The group had all woken up and Spike was helping Twilight and Zecora make breakfast. Arctic, now dawning the new outfit rarity made him, went out fishing. After the cooking had concluded and Arctic returned, they all had begun eating. But that soon came to a halt, when they all noticed Arctic and Glacious eating fish. They knew Arctic ate meat. Fluttershy even pointed out his predator-like features. His front facing eyes, even his large canines, borderline fangs. But they didn’t expect Glacious to eat meat. “Woah. I’ve never seen a pony eat meat before.” Rainbow said. “That’s kinda badass. Gross, but badass.” This earned her a sharp pop to the back of the head Applejack. “Ouch!” Yelped Rainbow. “Mind yer language in front of the youngins, Dash!” Applejack said with a sharp tone. Gracious chuckled slightly at this, before giving an answer. “This is because I am part Griffon, remember? “Oh yeah! I forgot you were part griffon.” Rainbow said. Arctic, obviously confused by this, leaned over to his mother and whispered to her. “I didn’t know you were part Griffon mother.” “‘Tis a long story my child. I’ll tell you later.” Gracious said. Deep in her mind, Glacious berated herself. She didn’t want to lie to the mares, but past experiences indicated to her that, in her eyes, Alicorns weren’t exactly liked. She remembered the countless times before and after meeting her son, ponies running away. Screaming at her. It all cropped up after that image on the moon appeared. She had a feeling that had something to do with how she was treated. She knew she had to learn about it. But who could she ask? Maybe Young Twilight could answer her questions? “Part Griffon?!” Exclaimed Scootaloo exclaimed. “That’s so awesome!” “Wowie! A Pony Griffon? A Griffony? Ponygriff?” Pinkie said in an attempt to figure out what a Pony Griffon hybrid would be called. “Do you know Gilda?” Pinkie asked. She stopped and stared. All of the had. Gracious held a rather intense look in her as she slowly lifted her head, locking eyes with Twilight. “Young Twilight? If I may?” Gracious started. Twilight, caught off guard, nodded her head slowly. “Could you possibly tell me about the moon? More specifically, that image on the moon that appeared and vanished from its surface?” Gracious asked. Arctic perked up. “Oh yeah, I’ve been wondering about it too when I saw it.” Arctic recalled seeing that image whenever his mother trained him. Helped him control his Oozaru transformation. He would always wonder why it was there and what it meant. He asked his mother about it, but not even she knew about it. Twilight and the girls all shuddered at that. Remembering their tumultuous struggle against ‘her’. Though, Applejack chimed in. “Y..ya’ll don’t know? Not a thing?” She asked. The two shook their heads. “Remember, Young Applejack, I have been on my own for a long time. I have never learned about the Mark on the Moon. And by extension, neither does my Child. Though, I do remember hearing something about a Nightmare mare?” Gracious answered. Twilight let out a low sigh, before staring the story. “You’re close, in regard to what you called it. It’s actually a legend, called “The Mare in the Moon.” Twilight said. “The legend stated, that eons ago, two sisters had taken up the mantle of ruling over Equestria. The eldest, using her unicorn magic would raise the Sun, whereas the youngest, would use her’s to raise the moon, creating balance throughout Equestria.” This surprised Glacious. To hear that two unicorn rulers held enough power to raise the sun and moon? It baffled her quite a bit. She stayed silent as Twilight continued. “Overtime, the younger sister had begun to grow resentful. This is because, ponies would laugh and play, even worship the Day the eldest sister gave. But they would shun, fear, and sleep through the youngest sister’s Nights. The eldest would try to reassure and comfort her sister, but the bitterness within her heart had grown too powerful. This bitterness and hatred aided in the younger sister’s rebirth in the mare of darkness. Goddess of the Night, Nightmare Moon.” Glacious’ eyes widened slightly. Things were slowly starting to fall into place for her. “Nightmare Moon, with her incredible power, rose the moon, plunging the world into darkness. With her power, she bested her elder sister and locked her away. Ponies who worshiped their new ruler, Nightmare Moon, would be corrupted by her magic, warped into new entities called Thestrals, or bat ponies. Her reign last a few years, until traitors in her ranks, still loyal to the eldest sister, released her and aided her in her battle against her sister. It was a long fought war. One that went on for 100 years.” Gracious, stunned by this, thought back. She did remember the hundred years the moon sat in the sky, never descending. She even remembered hearing that something of a war was taking place. Though she never got involved or learned fully what was going on. Arctic, was practically shaking. His saiyan blood was boiling with sheer excitement. To hear of two unicorns with such power and a long war? He was saddened to hear this, but he also wished he was a part of it, so he could fight in it. Twilight continued her story. “After many years of battle, the elder sister also hunted for a set of ancient artifacts that would aid them, possibly even help the win and end the war in its entirety. Eventually nearing the end of the war, she found them, buried in an old ancient temple. The Elements of Harmony. After finding them, the day had arrived. A long hard fought battle later, the elder sister, elements at the ready, defeated her sister, banishing her to the moon for a thousand years. After the war was over and won, the elder sister took over raising the Sun and Moon, and peace and harmony was restored to the land.” “Amazing.” Said Arctic. “But wait, if it’s supposed to be a legend, why was there an image of a mare on the moon?” “Because it was no legend. It was true.” Twilight said. Arctic was amazed to hear this, but he knew there was more to the story, so he quietly listened to the Twilight. “After the thousand years had passed, the day had come. Nightmare Moon had returned, plunging the world into darkness yet again, after getting to her sister and briefly banishing her to the moon. As with her out of the way, nopony would be able to use the Elements and she would be able to rule Equestria yet again. Unfortunately for her-“ “She didn’t expect us to show up and kick her flank into next week!” Rainbow interrupted. Glacious and Arctic raised their eyebrows as the others just groaned, except Pinkie. “Yep yep! She didn’t know what hit her! We were all ‘Glowy glowy’ and ‘Sparkle Sparkle’. Then a beam flew out of us like, ‘Whoosh’! And she was all like, ‘Nooooo’!” Pinkie said as she stood on her hind legs, a hoof outstretched and a hoof on her chest. Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes. “Pretty much. Due to us embodying each of the Elements, Honesty, Laughter, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, and Magic, we were able to harness the power of the Elements, and defeat Nightmare Moon, turning her back to normal.” Twilight said. Gracious was quite impressed. She didn’t think the two would be powerful enough to take down a unicorn able to move the Moon. Though she was curious about something. “Young Twilight, what did this mare look like?” Gracious asked. “Well, she was pretty big. Actually, bigger than you. She had a dark coat, a long glowing horn that resembled a sliver of the moon, her mane flowed and looked like it was made of the night sky itself. She even had large bat-like wings.” Twilight explained. “Even the air around was chilling. She was able to chill the air around her.” “W..was this mare a unicorn, Young Twilight?” Gracious asked. “Oh no, she was an Alicorn.” Twilight said. Glacious froze. The ruler of this place was an Alicorn? Was her sister was also an Alicorn and they both were rulers? If that’s the case, then why was she shunned? After a moment, it clicked. Why ponies fled from her. Why they shunned her. Why everything happened. They all believed she was this nightmare moon. They were afraid of her, because they believed she was Nightmare Moon who had returned to torment them. “What are their names, Young Twilight?” Glacious asked. “Queen Luna and Queen Celestia. Believe it or not, I’m the number one student to Queen Celestia.” Twilight said with pride. Gracious thought for a moment. She didn’t recognized the name’s Celestia and Luna. If they were Alicorns, surely she would’ve known them. She knew she needed to see and meet these two Alicorns sisters. Arctic, looking up at her nudged her slightly. “Mother? Are you okay?” “Why yes my Child. I’m just thinking.” Gracious said. Arctic, a bit curious and slightly suspicious about what she was thinking about, put that thought in the back of his head and started talking with Twilight after she had jumped over to Arctic with a giant smile and stars in her eyes. Arctic grew a bit scared. He had forgotten she wanted to study him. Twilight, while happily talking about learning about the saiyan, used her magic to pick him up and start dragging him to her basement. Tree Hugger seeing this, grabbed onto Arctic trying to pull him away from the overly excited mare. But she underestimated the Unicorns strength and was dragged as well. The others tried to help as well, but it was futile. They were dragged as well. Gracious, seeing this, chuckled but went back to thinking about the Alicorn Sisters. She wanted to meet them and she wanted an explanation. ==========**********========== The room was dark, only candles lit up the room slightly. Glowing orbs were also present in the dark room. A large table sat at the far end of the table and two beings sat there looking through scroll after scroll, each with the same story. “Tis ridiculous! An entity roams Equestria making our ponies fear us yet again!” Shout a voice. “Calm down, sister. Perhaps there’s an explanation.” Said the other voice. “No! We desire to find the being responsible for this act. We have been feared too long. We wish to be able to roam freely amongst our subjects with their fear overcoming them! We desire to be rid of them, so that we may finally be adored by our ponies!” Shouted the voice. Her eyes warped into dark blues with reptilian slitted pupils. The other being raised a hoof and placed it on the first one’s shoulder. “Be calm, sister. We have a lead. It has been stated that the entity and its ape-like companion have been spotted in the Everfree Forest. Hopefully they haven’t begun terrorizing Ponyville. Should we receive anything from Ponyville about them, I shall send for The Bearers of Harmony to find them, contain them, and bring them here, so that we may handle them ourselves.” Said the being. The first one just gritted her teeth. She observed the letters. It seems that the two entities have power. And a lot of it. So the Element Bearers would be the best option to capture the entities. However, should they fail, then she, Queen Luna, Ruler of Equestria and the Night, shall find them herself, and eradicate the two entities once and for all. She will not be feared by her subjects any longer and she will do whatever it takes to change that. > Ch 12: Winter Wrap up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a good many days since Glacious, Arctic, Tree Hugger, and Zecora became residents in Ponyville. While ponies had still been wary of them, they had grown to accept them and actually speak with them almost daily. Arctic and Glacious, for the time being, we’re staying at Twilight’s place. To the two new residents, it seemed Ponyville certainly wasn’t a dull place. Some new thing seemed to always happen, though some days were a bit more ‘exciting’. Imagine Arctic and Glacious’ shock to see Ponyville overrun and in near shambles when they had return from a brief journey to find some old book Twilight had been wanting to surprise her with. Arctic and Glacious could really get used to the place. As the days went on, Winter had come. The Mother and Son duo relished in the snow. Even showing their Snow and Water Elemental magic to the denizens of Ponyville. Twilight marveled at this and practically begged Glacious to teach her everything she knew. Glacious, against her better judgement, explained how her magic worked one day. Little did she know that one day would become two weeks. The poor ancient mare had never experienced the feeling of her mind being wrung dry, but on the last few days of those two weeks, she certainly felt as though her brain had become mush. After a few more weeks had passed, the day had come. The time to officially wrap up winter. As everyone slept, they were swiftly awoken by an excited Twilight who had gotten dressed and with some clothing to keep her warm. Glacious, groggily cracked open an eye, looking to the excited Unicorn. “Young Twilight, what has you so excited this early in the morning?” “It’s not that early.” Twilight said before glancing outside. “Okay, maybe it’s a bit early.” Twilight said with a shy little smile. “Anyway, I’m excited because it’s time to wrap up winter!” Twilight said excited. “Keep it down, will ya?” Said a still sleepy Spike. “Oh, sorry Spike.” Twilight said. “What do you mean by ‘wrap up winter’?” Asked Glacious. “It’s an annual Ponyville tradition that involves clearing up winter to bring in spring.” Twilight said. “I don’t imagine it’ll take long with your magical potential.” Said a groggy Arctic. “Actually, magic isn’t used to wrap up winter in Ponyville. It is used in Canterlot, however, because Ponyville was founded by, Earth Ponies, they change the seasons from winter to spring without using magic.” Twilight explained. “That sounds like it takes quite a bit of time to do.” Said Glacious. “It does. And this will be the very first time I participate in it!” Twilight said with an excited prance. “Gues it’ll be ours as well.” Arctic said. “Mother and I have never wrapped up winter before.” “Indeed. This will be quite the experience for us.” Glacious said with a small smile. “I can’t wait for us to experience wrapping up winter together! Let’s go!” Shouted the overly excited mare as she stepped outside, only to stop dead in her tracks. “Oh right. It’s still really early.” Twilight said with a small blush. After eventually falling back asleep, the group all woke up and got dressed for the cold weather. Arctic, while he can handle the cold weather, decided to wear one of the winter outfits Rarity made him. Arctic, Glacious, Twilight, and Spike left the library, ready to start the day. “So, how does this winter wrap up thing work, Twilight?” Arctic asked as he looked around taking notice of the multiple groups of ponies all dawning winter clothing and vests. “Well, there are three different groups, or teams. The blue vested Weather Team, the green vested Plant Team, and the tan vested Animal team. Each team tends to different things.” Twilight said as she looked to the Plant Team, Arctic and Glacious looking up as well. “Ponies from the Plant Team, ensure that Ponyville will have enough food during the year. They move snow off the fields, plow them, and plant and water the seeds.” Twilight said, before looking to the next team. “Composed mostly of Pegasi, the weather team clears the sky of clouds and lets the sun warm up the land. Assigned ponies depart to retrieve the birds that have flown south for the winter.” Twilight explained. “Then there’s the last team, the Animal Team. The animal team mostly consists of Earth ponies and unicorns, but a small number of Pegasi, most notably Fluttershy, is on the team. The team wakes up hibernating animals, cleans up their dens, and ensures that they have food to eat. Even Rarity is on the team. She’s in charge of nest-making for the returning birds.” Twilight finished with a proud smile, glad to get to flex her knowledge. “Interesting. I wonder which team we could be among.” Said Glacious as she looked around to each team. “Do you know which team you’ll be joining Twilight?” Asked Arctic. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’m not sure where I’d fit in.” Twilight said, a bit of panic in her voice. After a few moments of debating, the group had begun to see where they may be able to fit in. After a bit of trial and error with Rarity and nest making, they tried scoring the ice with Pinkie. “You’re doing so well, Archie!” Pinkie exclaimed with the little Nickname she had given him. “Thanks Pinks!” Arctic said back. Arctic, dawning ice skates made out of ice, as there were no skates that fit his feet, was skating along the ice. He had some experience ice skating before. While he wasn’t nearly as good as Pinkie was, he was doing well. “Wow! I had no idea Arctic was so good at this.” Twilight said. “My child has this once before. Hehe, I remember how he kept falling each time he tried to skate.” Glacious said with a chuckle. “Though, he kept going till he eventually got the hang of it.” “Why don’t you give it a try, Twilight. I bet you’re a natural at it.” Pinkie said with a wide smile. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.” Twilight said. Twilight, now wearing skates, had begun to skate along the ice. Unfortunately, she wasn’t good at it at all. Try as she might, she kept falling and tumbling over. After a few minutes of constant falling and an eventual crash, Twilight had given up. After giving a wave and goodbye to Pinkie the group then went towards where the Animal Team worked. “Wake up little sleepy heads. You’ve had wonderful dreams and a restful hibernation, but it’s time to get up now. Spring is coming.” Fluttershy said as she slipped her head out of the den. Multiple little hedgehog’s begun to emerge, yawning, tired and groggy. “Looks like you’re hard at work.” Said Arctic. Fluttershy, having not noticed them, jumped slightly and turned to see the group. “Oh, Hello you guys.” Said Fluttershy with a smile. “Yeah. Oh this is my favorite task of the season. Waking my little animal friends from their hibernation, so I get to see them again.” “I couldn’t imagine a young mare more suited for this task than you young Fluttershy.” Said Glacious. “Thank you.” Fluttershy replied, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. “Uh, what’s hibernation, by the way?” Asked Spike. “It’s like a long sleep. Animals hibernate throughout the winter to save energy and eat less food.” Fluttershy explained. “Oh I like the sound of that.” Said Spike. “But, with all these dens, I don’t think I’ll be able to wake all of the animals before spring comes.” Fluttershy said. “Why don’t we aid you in your endeavor, young Fluttershy?” Asked Glacious. “You’d do that?” Fluttershy asked. “Of course.” Said Glaious. “Yeah, we’d love to help.” Arctic said. “Thank you so much. This’ll be such a big help.” Said Fluttershy. The group begun to start waking the animals alongside Fluttershy. Things were going smoothly for a bit, until eventually, another mishap occurred with Twilight. She had been frightened by snakes, chased by bats, stung by bees, and eventually sprayed by skunks. After a good treating of her stings and washing to be rid of the stink from the skunks, the group went out to try again. This time with the Plant Team. “Are ya’ll sure?” Asked Applejack. “Please, give me a chance.” Pleaded Twilight, desperate to prove herself, to prove she could help and find where she belonged. “Well, ah won’t turn down the extra help.” Applejack said. “So, go on then Sugarcube.” Applejack said with a small, almost motherly smile. In no time at all, Arctic, Twilight, and even Glacious got to some plows and got to work. Arctic and Glacious worked with no trouble at all. The ponies already hard at work, we’re a bit taken aback to see Arctic and Glacious, seeing as they were still kinda warming up to them, but glad to have the help and to see that they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Twilight, unfortunately, struggled. She was much to weak to push the plow along, so she resorted to using magic. Much like last time, things went wrong for the mare. The plow had begun to go out of control and lead to a crash, causing an avalanche. In a matter of seconds the once cleared field had been covered in snow. Twilight, now thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed, ran off. Arctic, Glacious and Spike chased after her shortly after. “I can’t do anything right!” Said a devastated Twilight. “My young Twilight, you should not say that.” Said Glacious as she sat beside Twilight. “It’s true. I couldn’t make a nest, I couldn’t help make lines in the ice on the lake, I caused an avalanche, making more work for those ponies, I couldn’t even wake a bunch of animals properly.” Twilight said with a frown on her face. “Don’t beat yourself up, Twi.” Said Arctic. “This is your first time doing this. You won’t get it the first try. Give it time. You’ll find your place soon.” “Easy for you to say. You’re able to plow the snow with no problem, you’re good at skating, so you could do that, you’re even good at waking the animals. Plus, you can fly. You could probably work with the weather team too.” Said Twilight. “Twi, honestly, I don’t even know where I’d fit in.” Said Arctic “Huh? What do you mean?” Asked Twi. “Skating for instance. I’m good, but nothing like Pinkie. You probably didn’t notice, but I was struggling to stay upright a few times. Waking the animals, that was fun, but even I have a bit of a fear of certain animals.” Arctic said. “Oh dear. I forgot all about that.” Glacious chuckled. Back when Arctic was younger, he had had some run-ins with some animals that left him with a bit of a fear of them. “Anyway,” said Arctic with a deep blush on his face, “with the Weather Team, I suppose I could do that, but I don’t know. I’ve considered it, but I don’t know if it’d be my cup of tea. Plant Team, seems a bit more for me, but again, I’m not sure. So, yeah. I don’t necessarily know where I would fit in either. But, hey. Let’s find out where we belong. Together.” That made Twilight feel a bit better. Though, still, she desperately wanted to figure out where she would be able to fit in. Just then, the group heard Mayor Ivory Scrolls, or Mayor Scrolls, going over things with the teams. Clearly she was a bit frustrated that they may, yet again, be late wrapping up Winter for the Spring. Just then Twilight perked up. “Late? Again?” Just then her eyes twinkled. “This may be my chance. Spike! Quickly! Go fetch my quill and scrolls!” “On it!” Spike said as he rushed off to the library. After returning, Twilight made her plans known. Before long, Twilight’s plan was put into motion. Everything was running smoothly with little to no mishaps thanks to Twilight’s planning. Soon, Winter had gone and Spring come. Slightly early, but in time nonetheless. “I can’t believe it. Spring is here! And on time!” Mayor Scrolls exclaimed. “And it’s all thanks to you and your organization skills, Twilight. And it is because of that, I would like to gift you the title of, “All-Team Organizer”!” Rarity stepped up slipping a newly made vest onto Twilight. Just then, Glacious and Arctic stepped up to Twilight, wide smiles on their faces. “Congratulations, Young Twilight. We knew you’d find your place for winter wrap up.” Glacious said. “Thank you.” Twilight said with a smile. “And it seems you two have found your places.” Twilight pointed out the two dawning vests of their own. Glacious had officially become a member of the Animal Team and Arctic, the Plant Team. “Yeah. I decided to go with the Plant Team. Applejack did a bit of convincing, so I figured I’d go with them.” “And we’re proud tah have yah with us, Sugarcube.” Said Applejack, followed by words of agreement from the other members of the Plant Team. “And I, myself, have chosen to work alongside the Animal Team. It seems I have a bit of a knack for working with Animals.” Glacious said, remembering her brief time helping Fluttershy wake the animals. The animals all seemed to like her. Not as much as they liked Fluttershy, of course, but they liked her well enough. “I’m so glad we all manage to find our place.” Said Twilight with a smile. “Now that this is over, let’s go get something to eat.” “Now we’re talking.” Said Arctic. “Hey Pinks!” “Yup Yup?” Said Pinkie, appearing on Arctic’s shoulders out of nowhere. “You still got that recipe?” Arctic asked. “Of course I do silly!” Pinkie said digging into her mane and pulling out a scroll with a recipe for Apple Cupcake Pancakes on it. Arctic and Pinkie, spending time together and Sugarcube Corner one day, decided to make their own pancake recipe to make for their friends. And thus the Apple Cupcake Pancakes was born. “I think it’s time.” Arctic said. “Oh I can’t wait! They’ll abso-positively love it!” Pinkie said. The girls all looked to each other with confused but happy looks. “Now, before we go, where’s Spike?” Asked Twilight. “Ah reckon he’ll be in a whole heap of surprise when that last piece of ice melts.” Applejack said with a chuckle, pointing her hoof to the lake. Everyone looked over towards it, and doubled over laughing seeing the young Dragon floating on a steadily melting block of ice. Arctic, not wanting the dragon to get hurt or sick, still chuckling, went to pick up the young dragon and carry him to safety.