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  • 86 weeks

    I will be opening a Patreon for those who want access to chapters early. Keep in mind its not required and I will always eventually post the chapters on here and other sites for free. But some support will help so I don't have to overwork at my second job for money.

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  • 194 weeks

    For those who wish to chat with me. I have a discord.

    9/16 th The link has been updated now.


    Anyone is free to join and invite your friends as well.

    I am going to try and use the Discord more for those who want to contact me about their original character submissions or story ideas.

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  • 209 weeks
    Broken Images/Pictures are being fixed.

    been going through the chapters and fixing all the broken links for images. So far first 75 fixed and will continue fixing more in the following hour.

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  • 209 weeks
    Looking for an Artist!

    Now that I'm back to doing chapters I need an artist. If anyone can do anthro art message me and I'll review them. Willing to do 5 to 10 dollars an image and I would be asking for tons of images.

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  • 223 weeks
    Equestrian Heroes chapter post pushed back to 2/19

    Pushing back the post a few days to proofread and add more content. Its my intent to hurry up and finish this arc so we can finally get to the end parts of season 3. I know some of you have been dying to get into season 4 so I'm working to see that a reality.

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Applejack Profile · 12:26am Jan 13th, 2015

Name: Applejack

Nicknames: AJ

Date of Birth: March 22ND 2000 AD.

Age 24

Height: 6 '4 Approximated.

Weight: 230-235 Approximated.

Mane: Rich blond locks slightly longer than shoulder length well-kept and tied together just below ear-level.

Eyes: Sap Green

Occupation: Co-lead hand on her grandmother's Apple Orchard.

Scars, Allergies, and Illnesses: Scars and injuries that have healed. Possibly an effect of the Elements of Harmony? No known allergies or illnesses.

Accessories: A Stetson hat, brown and well worn; a rope she wears on her hip.

Chest Measurement: 42E.

Waist Measurement: 26

Hip Measurement: 38

Cutie Mark: Three Apples just above her right hip.

Occupation: Co-Lead Hand on Sweet Apple Acres.

Education: Ponyville High graduate.

Personality: Applejack is one of the most diligent and hardworking Earth Ponies known. As a farmer she spends many mornings waking up early and during harvest seasons can work well past sundown. Honesty is her credo and she absolutely detests dishonesty and deception. Unfortunately she's rather prideful and has difficulty ask for others for help. All and all she has a good heart, empathic and always willing to lend a hand to others.


Strength: Applejack has upper echelon strength when it comes to Earth Ponies. The Apple clan besides their famous crop has a history for giving birth to earth ponies with gifted physical talents. In fact the Apple clan has given birth to two Herculean class Earth ponies, one who Applejack is a direct descendant of. Besides strength she also has gifted endurance and Athletic ability.

Cooking: A master of over a dozen family recipes, almost all focused on the main ingredient of Apple's.

Farmer: Having been taught in the art of farming from a young age Applejack has vast knowledge in the art of farming that includes handling livestock and knowledge on various crops.

Roping Skills: Applejack is talented in the various use of a ropes and other skills relevant to it.


Family – Name – Occupation

Grandmother- Apple 'Sugar' Smith – Farm Owner

Brother – Big Mcintosh – Co Lead Hand on Sweet Apples Acres

Sister – AppleBloom – Minor in School

Other traits to Applejack

Stubborn and hard-hearted

Strong-willed and highly motivated

Sharp thoughts

Easily angered

Deep feelings

Beautiful physically and mentally

Firm standpoint

Needs no motivation


Good physical



Characterization and Background

· American Accents: She has a distinctive Tennessee drawlnote.

· Badass: One of the most action-orientated characters in the story.

· Bad Bad Acting: Justified, for the same reasons she's a Bad Liar.

· Bad Liar: Befitting the Element of Honesty, Applejack isn't one to lie, but when she does, she's terrible at hiding it.

During the Return of Harmony arc after Discord brainwashes her into being a compulsive liar, she bites her lip and averts her eyes after every lie.

· Berserk Button : She'll beat the hay out of anypony or thing trying to hurt her friends or family. She's also very protective of her family's farm.

· Big Eater: Applejack's heavy farm chores burn a lot of energy, so she is used to eating a lot of food. This is made explicit when she moves with her Orange relatives and is baffled at the minuscule food servings they're used to eating there.

· Broken Ace: She's incredibly gifted and relied on frequently by the rest of Ponyville; because of this she cannot take failing someone even in the most understandable of circumstances, and works herself ragged trying to please everyone above her capabilities.

· Bruiser with a Soft Center: True to her "cowgirl" demeanor, Applejack is a rowdy and assertive Cute Bruiser, but ultimately friendly and rational minded.

· Brutal Honesty: As the Element of Honesty, moments like this are to be expected.

· Call to Agriculture: Turned down the fancy life in Manehattan to settle on her old farm, and hasn't regretted it once.

· Character Development: Early on in the story Applejack could be stubborn to the point of being hard-headed as shown during one Applebuck season when she was is determined to complete her workload all by herself, with no help from her friends at all. Later on during season two during the event with the Flim-Flam brothers she accepted help from her friends showing the lesson she learned had stuck.

Also her softening Odd Friendship with Rarity herself, with both characters gaining an increasing open mindedness and patience for their very different ethics and mannerisms. While initially thinking little of Rarity's capability as alpha early on she has grown to respect the mare and slowly adapted her advice on certain matters.

· Chronic Hero Syndrome: Applejack is renowned for her reliability throughout Ponyville, providing help where ever she can. It is this status that leads her to sometimes exhaust herself in her devotion to others.

· The Comically Serious: Not as often as Twilight, but her gruffness and straight faced demeanor sometimes plays her into this. She is a cowgirl, after all.

· Country Mouse: According to the tale she told the CMC about her visiting her City Mouse aunt and uncle that helped her realize that she belonged on the farm.

· Cute Bruiser: Easily one of the strongest and most durable of the main cast, though does not detract from her attractiveness.

· The Everyman: She's the most normal of the herd.

· The Face: The most prominent member of the Apple family in Ponyville due to Big Macintosh's quiet demeanor and Granny Smith's age.

· Family Business: Growing and selling apples along with all the myriad methods of preparing them. Applejack takes this very seriously; her primary interest in the Grand Galloping Gala is setting up a stand there.

· Fantastic Racism: She's very wary towards Zecora,a zebra, and thinks that she's evil because she's unlike any pony she's ever seen. Fortunately, she grows out of it and is only accidentally insensitive to other ponies rather than how she used to be.

· Honor Before Reason: Both the Applebuck season harvest incidence and the Rodeo incidence Applejack let her desire to handle everything on her own and win prevent her from initially accepting help when required.

· Hotblooded: While still often a voice of clarity, Applejack was more confrontational and short fused early on in the story.

· Inferiority Superiority Complex: Utilized with her work overzeal. When given a difficult task, Applejack can be rather pig-headed and arrogant, refusing help from others. Ultimately she is only insecure about her strengths and reliability, and takes letting someone down very hard (even when the person in question is far less upset about it).

· The Lad-ette: Applejack cringes at the thought of wearing excessively feminine clothing, like what she was forced to wear during the sleepover incident.

She's also one of the most athletic of the Bearers, is always ready to get dirty, and almost always prefers direct action over introspection during times of crisis.

· The Big Buy: Applejack seems to serve this role being one of the physically strongest bearers.

· Metaphorically True: She's the element of honesty, but that doesn't mean she has to tell the whole truth.

· Ms. Vice Girl: Applejack's stubbornness helps when she's in a tough spot, but it also gets her in trouble on a regular basis.

· Only Sane Woman: Next to Naruto she's the sanest bearer.

· Pride: Has a stubborn streak miles wide and hates backing down from any challenge. Also dangerous when fused with her strong sense of justice.

· The Reliable One: Famed for this in Ponyville. Though it sadly came to bite her back a couple of times.

· Second Place Is for Losers: She thinks this way, especially during the rodeo competition where she ribboned in every single event from second to four (far more than anyone else) but considers herself a failure because she didn't get 1st in any of them.

· Spirited Competitor: Competitve and loves to win but the focus is on sportsmanship.

· Straight Man: Generally one of the more sensible, level-headed members of the group, she often falls into this role.

· Tomboy: She's brash and aggressive at times and doesn't care too much about her appearance.

· Tomboy with a Girly Streak: While she hates anything too frilly or "frou-frou", she was okay with wearing her Gala dress, and has no problem with going to the spa or participating in fashion shows.

· Undying Loyalty: Applejack is loyal to her friends and family to a fault, and has shown to have little care for her own well being when trying to help them. Often a driving force in her trademark stubbornness is the thought of letting down those around her as well as herself.

· Workaholic: To the point that it nearly kills her. Instead she was merely sleep deprived, exhausted, and seeing double.




Bare Your Midriff: Often wear tops or plaid shirts tied to show off her midriff. Most often during the summer weather.

· Girlish Pigtails: Sported these when she was just a little foal.

· Green Eyes: Like most of her Apple family relatives. It symbolizes how down to earth she is.

· Hair Decorations: She wears red scrunchies on her mane and her tail. She used to wear apple-shaped hair clips when she was younger. She swaps out her red scrunchies for green ribbons while in her Rainbow Power form.

· Never Bareheaded: Even in formal attire, she either sports a variation of her cowboy hat or sneaks the original onto her head as soon as she gets a chance. Averted in the toys where she is almost never seen with a hat, and during her flashback in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles".

· Nice Hat: She is almost never seen without her trusty brown cowboy hat. One of the barn's closets is stuffed with replacement hats.

She's Got Legs: Thanks to wearing torn up jeans or shorts often it shows off her long and toned legs.

· She Cleans Up Nicely: Her dinner with her rich relatives in Manehattan proves this, as does every occasion on which she dons formal attire. "Simple Ways" shows that she can be downright gorgeous if she wants to.

· Youthful Freckles: She had even more as a filly.




· Badass Normal: She doesn't have the powers of a unicorn or the flight of a Pegasus (or Pinkie's reality-warping) but she still accomplishes a great many tasks through strength, will, determination and a healthy dose of stubbornness.

· Book Dumb:

Early in the story she criticizes Big Macintosh for bringing numbers into their conversation.

· Instant Knots: Applejack is an expert with the lasso and is frequently seen using one (or improvising one if she isn't carrying any rope). If she can score a hit with it, it always knots instantly. She also seems able to tie it to herself instantly.

· Jack-of-All-Trades: During the Todeo event she scored in the top four of every event.

· Kick Chick: Relies on kicking far more than the rest of the group, especially when she knocks apples off of the trees on her farm.

· Prehensile Tail: She uses it to do lasso tricks!

· Supreme Chef: Shown to be an excellent baker when it comes to dishes made with apples.


· Affectionate Nickname: Sometimes calls her closest friends "sugarcube".

· Big Sister Mentor: Applejack often pulls with trope with the CMC, but most often with Apple Bloom, who is her little sister.

· Cool Big Sis: Often plays this role to Apple Bloom. She absolutely adores her sister Applebloom and is really good at showing it.

· Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric: extroverted, confident and stubborn.

· The Friends Who Never Hang: Is seen hanging out with every member of the bearers from time to time, though out of them she has spent the least amount of time with Fluttershy.

· Massive Numbered Siblings: Applejack has to pause to catch her breath when she introduces her cousins to Twilight Sparkle.

· Not So Different: While she plays Blue Oni to the impulsive Rainbow Dash, her stubborn streak makes her in turn a Red Oni towards others like Rarity. She shares Rainbow's aggressive or jovial side at times as well, at times even eagerly assisting or joining her with stunts.




· And I Must Scream: In the "The Return Of Harmony" arc she is the first victim of Discord's brainwashing, which turns her into a compulsive liar. After freed, she said that she knew what she was doing but she couldn't face the truth.

· In-Series Nickname: Her name is often shortened to "A.J." in series.

· Meaningful Name:

o "Apple" is obvious. "Jack" may refer to a jack-of-all-trades; i.e. someone who can do a lot of different things but isn't a specialist.

· Theme Naming: Applejack and all of her relatives are named after different types of apples and apple-related items. Plus Uncle and Aunt Orange in Manehattan.

Comments ( 1 )

Interesting profile for AJ. Kind of want to see how she'd react when Naruto asks for her weight and measurements.

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