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  • 86 weeks

    I will be opening a Patreon for those who want access to chapters early. Keep in mind its not required and I will always eventually post the chapters on here and other sites for free. But some support will help so I don't have to overwork at my second job for money.

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  • 194 weeks

    For those who wish to chat with me. I have a discord.

    9/16 th The link has been updated now.


    Anyone is free to join and invite your friends as well.

    I am going to try and use the Discord more for those who want to contact me about their original character submissions or story ideas.

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  • 209 weeks
    Broken Images/Pictures are being fixed.

    been going through the chapters and fixing all the broken links for images. So far first 75 fixed and will continue fixing more in the following hour.

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    Looking for an Artist!

    Now that I'm back to doing chapters I need an artist. If anyone can do anthro art message me and I'll review them. Willing to do 5 to 10 dollars an image and I would be asking for tons of images.

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  • 223 weeks
    Equestrian Heroes chapter post pushed back to 2/19

    Pushing back the post a few days to proofread and add more content. Its my intent to hurry up and finish this arc so we can finally get to the end parts of season 3. I know some of you have been dying to get into season 4 so I'm working to see that a reality.

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Fluttershy's Profile! · 7:49pm Jan 14th, 2016

Per usual the Italics are Naruto's notations.

Name: Fluttershy; Full Ancestral name: Fluttershy Hurricane

Nicknames: Flutters; Shy

Date of Birth: March 24th 2001 AD.

Height: 6 '2

Weight: 206

Age: 23

Mane: Long and pale light grayish rose color with matching bangs often worn over her face to use as a shield of sorts.

Eyes: Moderate Cyan.

Cutiemark: Three butterflies.

Bust Measurement: 44 F

Waist Measurement: 30

Hip Measurement: 42

Occupation: Licensed Veterinarian. Part time Animal Shelter worker.

Education: Ponyville High Degree. Bachelors in Biology. Doctorate in Zoology. Degree in Veterinary Medicine.

Personality: Extremely introverted, she will keep to herself and avoid doing anything to draw attention to herself most days up until she is confronted with a animal or a friend in need. Above all other traits Fluttershy emphasizes kindness and is willing to go whatever she can to help others. She is also rather emphatic and good at picking up the emotions of others. Unfortunately her rather docile nature makes her a door mat of sorts.

**Issues from Shy's past includes heavy bullying as well as some cases of assault and harassment due to the ties her parents have with the government. To this day there is one particular incident that makes forming ties with others particular difficult for her.


Animal Care - Fluttershy has more than one degree in health care and the field of animals. Her knowledge of the various species of Equestria is Encyclopedic. She regularly cares for various species of animals.

The Stare - From what I heard from others I have yet to see the full on effect of the stare.

Witnesses accounts that this ability allows Fluttershy to practically petrify ponies and wild animals alike in fear. Because of Fluttershy's nice nature she does not like to use this unless absolutely necessary. I did witness what was described as a restrained version of the Stare on a manticore that was placed under a mind control spell during the Nightmare Night incident.

Flying – A natural ability for all Pegasus, but Fluttershy's ability to fly is weak. I've never seen her fly with the only occasion she was shown straining for what is considered a breeze for most fillies.

'Shy's wingspan is not only underdeveloped for a mare her size and age she lacks flying experience in general. In fact she had to go through many make up exams and extra credit curriculum in order to just get her basic flyer's certificate as a filly.'

Music – Fluttershy has shown skills a talented conductor. For the Summer Sun Festival she trained a flock of birds from different species to sing in harmony for the celebration.

Sewing – Shy has shown a talent for sewing. While I'm not sure to what extent she favors efficiency and practically over say Rarity's pizzazz.

Scars, Allergies, and Illnesses: Some small scarring in the course of tending to animals. A case of Wing Rot at age twelve.

Family – Name – Occupation

Father –Grand Esteem –General

Mother – Fley Truths – Council Member in Canterlot.

Characterization and Background

Acrophobic Bird: In early episodes Fluttershy was afraid of heights despite having the ability to fly. Said fear of heights also appears in flashbacks to her childhood. Justified, as she's noted in-universe as being a weak flier under normal circumstances (though she's demonstrated that she's actually capable of being much stronger when pushed).

Naruto has expressed an interest in helping her get over her fears. The subject of improving her ability to fly has yet to be touched upon.

Adorkable: All you have to do is express interest in wanting a pet and she's all over you with a menagerie of animals to offer up as potentials. Essentially if it involves talking about animals or expressing an interest in them.

All-Loving Hero: When you're the Element of Kindness, it comes with the package. She's willing to give nearly everypony a second chance and is forgiving to nearly everyponny.

All of the Other Reindeer: It's well-established that Fluttershy was bullied while growing up in Cloudsdale. The only pegasus that ever stood up for her, much less befriended her, was Rainbow Dash. This led to her Performance Anxiety; she's far more comfortable amongst her animal friends, and can only show off her true skills before other ponies when danger is imminent.

Come the hurricane incident with the Nightmare Children its strongly hinted that Fluttershy is making strides to move past this fear.

Apologizes a Lot: It's like she was brought up in a culture where apologizing is the social grace for everything you ever do.

Rarity: (exasperated) Oh, what now?!

Fluttershy: (completely sincere) Oh, sorry. I thought the "Open" sign meant you were open, but I must have been mistaken.

Badass Adorable: THE ultimate cute pony. Don't let her timid demeanor fool you: If you upset her enough to spur her into action, she will kick your ass and more often then not she won't have to resort to violence to do it.

She stares and talks down a dragon and then a cockatrice that was in the process of petrifying her to protect her friends from harm.

During the invasion of Canterlot she joins the other bearers t in fighting off an army of foes. Not only that, but her training allowed her to take on a powerful armored foe, the anti-thesis of her Element who had an armor powered by Discord and defeated him with a combination of defensive barriers, dodging, and archery.

Beauty Equals Goodness: She's as beautiful as she is kind.

Berserk Button:

Threatening her friends isn't a good idea.

Threatening colts or fillies in front of her is an even worse idea.

The worst possible thing you can do is hurt somepony she loves.

Discord and the Element of Cruelty are the only ones to come close to pushing the limits of her kindness to the limits.

Character Development: At the start of the fic Fluttershy was a timid mouse afraid of her own shadow and could barely be heard, often hiding behind her mane. Thanks to her friend and Naruto's support she's grown much braver. While still shy and soft spoken at times Fluttershy has moved past a lot of her fears and has grown more confident and assertive, even cracking a few jokes at Naruto's expense.

All and all she's shown herself to be more willing to be physical as well as more confident and cheerful in general.

The fact that she is slowly opening up to the idea of having a sexual relationship with Naruto is a major point in showing how far she's come.

Cowardly Lioness: Pre-character development she was a pushover, terrified of danger, and took to the idea of being weak and helpless. Her behavior in early season one is a stark contrast to how she acts late season two.

Cuteness Proximity: Noticing Spike helps draw her out of her shell when she first meets Twilight when Naruto is giving the two a tour.

The Cutie: Her demure nature makes her come off as cute.

Determinator: When it comes to helping others whom she cares for, she'll do whatever it takes to make them happy.

This is proven when Fluttershy continues to be a model despite how much she dislike it because A. she didn't want to disappoint Rarity and B. she wanted to earn the money to help out Naruto who was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do.

Extreme Doormat: Her early season one personality when she was naturally passive and unassertive a lot of the time.

Flat Joy: Her cheering for Rainbow during the young flyers competition is spirited and heartfelt, but done so softly it's hard to tell until Rainbow Dash pulls off the stunt.

Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic: peaceful, compassionate and docile.

Fragile Flower: As a filly she was even more vulnerable than she was early on in the story. It didn't take much to hurt her feelings or make her cry. That's why Pinkie gave her prank immunity.

Friendless Background: Her life in Cloudsdale wasn't a happy one. The only friend she had alongside her is Rainbow Dash, until the day when she meets the animals.

Friend or Idol Decision: Inverted during her stint as a model as Fluttershy accepts becoming a famous model (which turns her life into a living hell) because she thinks that Rarity will feel sad if she refuses to do so.

Friend to All Living Things: She takes this trope literally; she loves the ugly or mean creatures just as much as the nice cute little critters.

Gone Horribly Right: A noodle incident. Essentially Fluttershy attended an assertiveness training seminar which was unfortunately a little too effective on Fluttershy; from what little is discussed Fluttershy had drove Rarity and Pinkie Pie to tears before realizing that she had gone to far.

The Heart: This is her Element of Harmony; kindness.


Hidden Depths:Fluttershy has quite the eye for sewing and fashion trends. A combination of being a long time friend of Rarity and inheriting her mother's fine eye for detail.


Ironic Fear: Early on she was afraid of… a lot of things, but since she's a Pegasus, the one that fits here is her fear of heights.

Kindhearted Cat Lover: It comes with the territory considering that she's a Friend to All Living Things. Rarity's cat Opal would agree.

Knight Templar: A mild case when it comes to protecting her animal friends as she threatened and intimidated Twilight Sparkle during her routine with them prior to Trixie's return to Ponyville.

Let's Get Dangerous: Several examples.

In "Not so Dragonshy"see her confrontation with the dragon and talking down a Cockatrice.

Invoking her armor's power during the Return of Harmony arc.

Holding her own against some diamond dogs during the mission to rescue Rarity.

Mama Bear: She defeats a cockatrice to protect the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Also towards her friends. She's willing to stand up to a full grown dragon (which she has justified fear of) when it hurt her friends.

The Matchmaker: Of a not-romantic type. One of the few things that will elicit an enthusiastic and energetic response from her is that you want a pet. When Rainbow Dash suggested she might eventually want a pet, Fluttershy proceeded to drag Dash off to her cottage so she could introduce her to the various and sundry animals she's caring for at the moment.

Ms. Fanservice: Shares this role with Rarity for less than unusual curvy figure. Her demure nature brings out many of ponies's perverse sexual lust.

My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Most stories in the story are either boastful in arrogant with Fluttershy being one of the few examples who are not.

Nice Mare: Consistently the nicest and sweetest nature of the main characters.

Not Afraid to Die:She defeats a cockatrice as it's actively turning her to stone to save the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Performance Anxiety: Spelled out in full in "Hurricane on the Horizon" - She can show great flying if it's an emergency, but put her in front of an audience, and she can barely fly. It has to do with her being bullied as a filly.

Plucky Girl: A stubborn kindness, this one. While she may not be smiling she'll keep her spirits up.

The Quiet One: She rarely talked due to shyness and when she did it was so soft others had difficulty hearing her anyways. She grows in confidence and volume over the course of the story.

Reluctant Fanservice Girl: It's evident during her stint as a model.

Silk Hiding Steel: Definitely fits the character type; humble, loyal, wise, nurturing, etc. but with a clear touch of iron.

Submissive Badass: She isn't one to argue with anyone and will mostly comply with her friends' wishes despite her hesitance, but she'll get the job done regardless.

Technical Pacifist: Even though she's very polite and kind, she will still fight to protect others or when she has no choice.

Tender Tears: As a nurturer and caregiver, this is practically a given.

Undying Loyalty: To Rainbow Dash. She's been shown on occasion to do things she


Animal Motifs: Her cutie mark is a butterfly.

Baby Got Back: In the middle line of mentioning, while not having as much prominent focus Fluttershy's figure is highlighted a fair often beating out Rarity's in size but coming second in toneness.

Buxom is Better: The most buxom of the main seven to the point Rarity had to make custom-sized bras for her much to her embarrassment.

Color-Coded Characters: Being the shyest and most timid of the main cast she's naturally yellow.

Feather Fingers: Briefly displayed that pegasi can use their wings as hands, at least when it comes to opening saddlebags.

Innocent Blue Eyes: The most kind hearted and caring and yes, innocent, of the Mane Seven/Bearer of Harmony.

Long Hair Is Feminine : Pretty, pink, and long enough to hide behind. From certain angles her locks even appear to frame her face in a heart.

Non-Standard Character Design: Fluttershy is not a pure-bred Pegasus thanks to having earth pony ancestry in her blood. Its been theorized her earth pony blood is strong explaining her connection with animals and her bodies large stature compared to other Pegasi.

Peek-a-Bangs: When she was a filly for the extra shyness.

Pink Means Feminine: Her mane and tail.

Rapunzel Hair: Besides maybe Rarity, she has the longest hair out of the main characters and her tail is the only one out of the Bearers that reach the ground in length.

Rose-Haired Sweetie: Of a less saturated variety than Pinkie, representing a less intense and more gentle personality.

Tareme Eyes: Very noticeable when compared to the others and she is significantly sweeter and more gentle.

Tarot Motifs: Taming a manticore by pulling a thorn out of its paw brings to mind card 8 (or 11), Strength, representing inner courage, patience, and of course, kindness.

Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: She's a pegasus.


Barrier Maiden: Fluttershy's Adamantine armor allows her to make powerful barriers and shields. As of Season three she is equipped with a shield with literal enchantments that can create barriers.

The Beastmaster: She doesn't use it for combat; mostly organization, but when somepony was in danger she commanded a dragon and a cockatrice to concede and pacified Only time will tell if she will ever call upon them in battle.

Beyond the Impossible: She outstares a cockatrice, i.e. a creature that turns others to stone by staring at them. All while protecting three young fillies.

Forgot About Her Powers: Fluttershy walks when most other Pegasi fly.

Heart Is an Awesome Power: Her love and connection to animals (along with the Sonic Rainboom) are what help her find her Cutie Mark. This also gives her the desire to help and protect her friends no matter what. Her connection to animals also applies to mythical animals, effectively making her the one who calms down the giant rampaging beast kicking the rest of the mane cast's flanks.

Hypnotic Eyes: Combined with elements of Death Glare. The Penance stare is a powerful ability to turn one's sins and the pain of their victims back on them. So far the only being in story to be directly hit with them and be unaffected is Discord.

The Medic: She is usually shown healing injured animals. Post season one she has received training that makes her a licensed professional as well as receiving combat medic training.

Nature Hero: Being in tune with nature has saved the lives of her and her friends and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Not So Weak: Fluttershy is an adorable, and sweet-hearted pegasus. Over the course of the story she has shown herself to not being weak. Being the only one of the Main Seven besides Naruto not to be broken by Discord's mind games. The fact he had to forcibly exert effort and mind break her shows how strong her inner spirit is.

The Power of Friendship: When she's alone and confronted by something or somepony she's nearly bullied to tears, but when her friends are in danger, she won't hesitate to risk herself to protect them.

Speaks Fluent Animal: Her special talent is communicating with (non-equine) animals on a different level than most ponies. She can also understand them literally. She treats the ones that don't rely on charades as Intelligible Unintelligible and once exclaimed in shock at what was apparently colorful language in beaver.

Staring Down Cthulhu: A dragon, and a cockatrice. You know, those things that turn you into stone via looking? There's a reason why she's the page picture.

Super Speed: Briefly shown during the Hurricane incident.

Talking the Monster to Death: She's done this on multiple occasions; a dragon, and a cockatrice.

Un-Sorcerer: Unlike most Pegasi, she...isn't the strongest flyer, but she compensates by showing an affinity for nature and animals, more like an Earth Pony.


All of the Other Reindeer: Due to her poor flying ability, none of the foals in Cloudsdale (except Rainbow Dash) seem to have treated her very well. Even as an adult, there are some episodes where the whole town of Ponyville seems to be against her (mostly in "Putting Your Hoof Down").

Childhood Friends: With Rainbow Dash. Most of their closeness as adults comes from being pegasi and Cloudsdale natives, but as children, it's unclear whether they even knew each other's names.

Crush Blush: Had her moments around Naruto before confessing her feelings to Naruto with Rarity.

First Love: Naruto serves this role as her as Fluttershy was always to love to pursue anypony romantically and those who showed interest were never gentle enough or considerate enough for her.

Friend to All Children: Proven when she takes care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

The Friends Who Never Hang: Out of the Main Seven she spends the least amount of time with Applejack only often in her presence with one of the others.

The Load: Was seen as this by Shinespark during 'Not so Dragonshy' but defies it at the end by saving the lives of the group against the dragon.

Discord tries to paint her this way in "The Return of Harmony Arc". She frustrates him by defying his attempts to break her.

A Boy and His X: In this case, A Mare And Her Bunny. Fluttershy is sometimes seen with Angel Bunny.

The Millstone: In "Swarm of the Century" when she decides to keep one of the Parasprites after the ponies get rid of the first batch which starts the vicious cycle all over again.

Odd Friendship: She spends a lot of time with Rainbow Dash, with whom she has no interests in common. In fact, both of them dislike quite a lot of the other's interests, resulting in one them dragging the other along. Their closesness stems from the fact that they seem to have known each other since they were at flight camp.

Reasonable Authority Figure: To the Cutie Mark Crusaders when she takes care of them.

Red Oni, Blue Oni: Fluttershy's quiet nature makes her 100% Blue Oni to all five of her friends.

Team Mom: Mainly towards animals. She houses them and feeds them and nurtures them.

Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to her old friend Rainbow Dash's tomboy.


Even the Girls Want Her: Much to her dismay during her stint as a model.

Fashion Model: She reluctantly worked for the sake of Rarity's happiness as well as Naruto.

Meaningful Name:

She flutters and she's shy.

She has a particular place in her heart for butterflies. They're her cutie mark after all.


Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Has a habit of doing this the few times she gets genuinely ticked off. This is normally a sign bad things are in store for the target.

"How DARE you!"

Who Dares?: Right before her Talking the Monster to Death moment: "How DARE you!"

Your Answer to Everything: "Uh... panic?"

Comments ( 3 )

Fluttershy is 6'2 W00T :twilightoops: . That's pretty big for an anthro mare :ajsmug:

I think you repeated a little too much... I can't really pinpoint but I think a couple of lines is something that was already commented but put in other words

Bust Measurement: 44 F



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