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Cadance Is A Terrible Mom - 2021 Competition · 2:42am Mar 26th, 2021

Greetings everyone with a (hopefully) healthy relationship with their parents! I bring a few questions for all of you: Do you like Cadance? Do you also enjoy seeing her struggling to provide her best? Well, I have the solution for you:



This contest doesn't exist because we hate Cadance. It exists because we enjoy making her and those around her suffer. So, why not turn it into a friendly competition? Flurry Heart is without a doubt a character. Whether said character is likable is up for debate, but that's where we come into the picture. Write a story about Cadance having a difficult time being a parent, and go as crazy as you wish with it. The story can have a stupid ending, or the story could have a heartwarming ending. Just remind all of us why Cadance is a trash mom and you're all set!


1. No Mature stories. Yeah, your edgy humor may be slick, but we only want some wholesome fics about Cadance being a bad mom. T is the highest rating you can pick.

2. No Fetish tags. Dear lord, does this even need to be a rule?

3. No child abuse. Again, we want funny. The whole squad will be laughing until child abuse is brought up.

4. Maximum word count is 5,000. The minimum is 1,000. PM one of the judges if your story surpasses this word cap but you still want to enter the contest. If the word count succession is within reason, we'll work with you.

5. Stories must be published after March 25th and must be submitted to the Cadance Is A Terrible Mom - 2021 Competition group before April 25th at 11:59 CTZ.

6. Alternate Universe is okay.

7. Up to 3 stories are allowed per person, however, you can only win with one.

8. Stories have to be funny. Don't write a trollfic with the end goal to offend a lot of people. We will allow the drama tag, but give us a few good chuckles at the very least.

Let us know if we missed something!

Now, if a competition about Cadance being a bad mom doesn't grab you, maybe the prizes will.


1st Place: $75
2nd Place: $50
3rd Place: $30
Honorable Mentions: $10 (up to 3)

Prizes will go up depending on how big the contest gets

And, as far as judges go, I handpicked a few with some experience to ensure that stories are judged fairly.



Description: He does something on this site idk.

Not Enough Coffee

Description: Misnomer. Drinks tea.


Description: Hasn't cried since Toy Story 2.


Description: King of kings. A swol boy. Still cries on occasion to remind his lessers that even a god among humans can shed emotions. Also, it helps him sleep.

And that about wraps things up! We look forward to reading the many stories about Flurry Heart going through a goth phase Cadance being a trash mother. Also, if you don't know what you want to write, here are a couple of fics that you could use as references!

TThe Telltale Heart
Shining comes home to his loving wife and child, only... where's the baby? And why is Cadance acting so weird?
anonpencil · 1.4k words  ·  357  23 · 6.1k views
TInto The Trash It Goes
Princess Cadance and Shining Armor have to have a very serious discussion about parenthood. Not all ponies are responsible enough to be a parent. So, the two sit down to have a serious discussion. Very Serious.
Flutterpriest · 1.4k words  ·  329  84 · 5.3k views

These two are partly what inspire the idea. The rest is of my own volition.

Let us know if there are any more we can use as a reference!

Comments ( 21 )

So, to confirm: that wonderful Flutterpriest story helped inspire the contest and is suggested as a reference, but troll fics are out?


You said alt-U is okay, so can we set them in timelines of our own stories as long as they can be stand-alone? And can they be multi-chapter as long as they're within the word limit?

Oops! I should probably clarify what that rule means. Basically, your story shouldn't be a super edgy trollfic that offends everyone. I'll make that adjustment when I get the chance.


Should Cadance have a lot of screentime, or is a fic where her bad parenting is significant to the story but she doesn't appear herself fine?

Coolio, thanks. And I actually also want to know the answer to 5483880's question.

I'm... tempted I will admit, given I haven't written enough Cadence as I should.

So long as she is referenced consistently, has a direct influence on the character, and the story still fulfills the "at least a few chuckles" quota, you should be good.

Does negligence count as child abuse? Obviously Cadence deliberately running over Flurry Heart with a combine harvester would be a little abusive, but what if she was just harvesting a field and forgot she left her infant nearby?

Negligence does qualify as child abuse to a degree, yes. Just don't write anything graphic. Anything that veers toward edginess isn't allowed.

Dew it.

Cadance simps on their way to defend horse like --

Is the [Comedy] tag necessary? As in, does the story need to be funny? I want to participate, but humor isn’t really my strong point.

Also, cam the story be set in the mirror world? As in, can I write about Cadance and Flurry’s human counterparts?

There are no rules against the story being human, but we ask the story to be funny for the reason that we don't want to bum anyone out. If you want to write a drama, that's fine, but it's also why the "at least a few chuckles" rule is in place. If comedy isn't your strong suit, my advice is to get help from somebody you think is comedically savvy.

Thank you for the information.

Would ponies-on-Earth be an acceptable genre?

Nothing in the rules that say you can't!

Are swear words allowed?

Nothing in the rules against them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

How do I submit a story?

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