//------------------------------// // A Princess's Invitation // Story: Something I Can Never Have // by Soraya //------------------------------// Tempest Shadow paced at a brisk walk through Canterlot.  Grubber was some distance behind.  No doubt the hedgehog had become preoccupied with something interesting.  Canterlot had many distractions.  The unicorn mare remained silent, keeping her own thoughts to herself.  To an observer she appeared cold and detached.  In reality Tempest was simply within her own thoughts.  Life at Canterlot was not like any other, to put it simply.  The mountainside capital city was known for having a large number of unicorn residents, like herself.  It was unicorn magic that played a role in much of the daily life in Canterlot.  That included the changing of the seasons.  The extent of the unicorn magic was remarkable, to most ponies.  To Tempest Shadow, information like this was yet another reminder of her broken horn. I wonder if each unicorn is acutely aware of the unique value of his or her magic, Tempest pondered.  What it would cost to lose it someday.   She was grateful to know unicorns like Rarity and Twilight.  Neither one of the kindly mares thought any less of her for having a broken horn. The mare still passed by the School for Gifted Unicorns from time to time.  Twilight Sparkle had shown her around the institution, once she had received Princess Celestia's permission.  Tempest was grateful for the gesture.  It meant Twilight was happy to share a part of Celestia's school with her.  Attending that school was the one thing she had wanted the most as a filly.  Now she was able to get a taste, at least in part, of what the experience was like.  Twilight willingly recounted her own memories and valuable lessons to her new friend.  Tempest was now able to look at it from a different perspective, without the constant association it had with her loss.   Twilight shared happy memories with her friend, an attempt to replace some of the ones of loss and regret. She thought about her broken horn still.  It bothered her less now, as she long ago had resigned to the fact that what was lost, was lost.  She did not blame others for the incident.  Most likely she would not have done anything different in a similar situation.  I was always braver than the other two fillies.  That made me the only one brave enough to venture into the ursa's cave.  The creatures are unpredictable.  I couldn't have prevented the Ursa Minor from getting angry.  Yet other things she closed off from her mind.  She would not think of her one-time friends Spring Rain and Glitter Drops.  She would not refer to herself as Fizzlepop Berrytwist anymore. That chapter of my life is closed now.  No it's not, because you're obviously still affected by it. It's in the past.  There's nothing more to say. Tempest Shadow thought it was fitting that her friend Twilight had entered her mind, for her dragon assistant Spike was in sight.  The baby dragon often delivered letters between Celestia and Twilight with his fire breath.  Yet, from the way he was approaching her, it looked like Spike was bringing something addressed to her.   Tempest walked in his direction with a friendly expression on her face.  "Hello, Spike," she said. "Hi, Tempest!" the dragon greeted her.  "Twilight and Rarity wanted me to give this message to you.  And also to Grubber, wherever he is." Spike exhaled his green fire breath, which materialized into a letter.  He handed it to Tempest Shadow. "Thank you," Tempest said.  She read the letter.  It was a simple invitation to a royal party Princess Celestia would be hosting tonight.  The message mentioned the time, the location (the ceremonial hall) and there would be a dinner, with music being provided by DJ-P0N-3. Spike nodded.  "They are already at the ceremonial hall by now.  Both Twilight and Rarity wanted you to be included and let you know you were welcome to come.  Twilight, in particular, wanted you to see this invitation.  But both of them also said that you don't have to come along if you don't want to." "That's understandable," Tempest nodded.  "So you decided to give the message directly to me." "Yep!" Spike replied.  "And...well I...I wanted to make Rarity happy, too.  I decided it would be best if I explained to you and delivered the message myself.  That's why I met you, rather than using my fire breath to send the message to Canterlot as ashes. I'd be willing to put in extra effort for her any day, just if I knew it would make Rarity proud of me." This did not surprise Tempest, as it was common knowledge to anyone who spent time around Spike that he had a crush on Rarity.  She studied the invitation.  Something caught her attention, and she looked at the back of the letter.  Princess Celestia, the host, had written a note - specifically addressed to her - on the reverse side.  Tempest Shadow read it to Spike.   "Did you notice this?" she asked him.   Dear Tempest Shadow,   A year has gone by since the invasion of the Storm King's army.   Whenever I remember that event, I also remember the unicorn with a broken horn and what motivated you to do what you did.  I cannot help but notice you have never stepped hoof near the palace since the day you, I and the other princesses were restored from statues to normal.  The princesses have forgiven you for your actions. I recall the invasion very clearly, but I do not hold on to any resentment towards you for turning me to stone.  You must not let your own guilt burden you, Tempest, when forgiveness has been extended.  As a new resident, you are likely dealing with complicated emotions as you are adjusting to life in Canterlot.  On behalf of the royalty of Canterlot, you are welcome to return to the palace.  This invitation is given as a symbol of my forgiveness.    Sincerely, Princess Celestia Tempest Shadow looked back down at the invitation, and flipped it back to the front.  "I will come see my friends at Princess Celestia's celebration.  But I know I've been forgiven by the other ponies.  I understand that.  The Friendship Festival showed me as much.  It's just that..." Tempest broke off her sentence, shaking her head.  "I haven't felt any better after that day." "I'm not angry at you, Tempest," Spike replied, trying to say the right thing.  "Princess Celestia isn't either, and Twilight is your friend.  She and Rarity don't treat you any differently for your actions, or for your horn." "I am grateful for that, Spike.  I want you to know it," Tempest nodded sadly.  "Would you like to come with me and Grubber to Princess Celestia's party?  I think you were coming anyway because of Rarity, but we can go to the palace together."  Spike nodded quickly.  "Then we will," the unicorn answered.  "I will find out where Grubber has gone, and then we will go to the Canterlot Castle together." Spike, Tempest Shadow and Grubber arrived at the castle early, finding their way to the hall where the party would be.  It was evident they had not missed anything, as final preparations were still being made.  Grubber and Spike started wandering off.  Spike noticed Rarity and Applejack engaging in a casual conversation.  He then dragged Grubber along with him in Rarity's direction.   Tempest noticed looks of amusement from the few other ponies who had arrived early.  It did not matter to her where they went.  Spike and Grubber were her friends and could look after themselves. Tempest gazed off to the stage where the music equipment was being prepared.  She recognized DJ-P0N-3, otherwise known as Vinyl Scratch, from the Friendship Festival, and there was a young stallion helping her move the equipment.  The stallion had a light mocha-colored coat, and a spiky black and golden mane and tail that stuck out in all directions.  His muzzle, eyes, and hooves were all the same dark brown color.  He had on a set of headphones and a chain necklace.  The mocha stallion set down a stack of vinyl records he had been carrying.  He looked back at Vinyl Scratch and was now working with the sound system.  The stallion stood by the turntables, adjusted a few knobs, and placed a record on the needle.  To Tempest, he looked experienced and knowledgeable about the sound equipment.   "Give it a go, Xenon," Vinyl Scratch called up to her friend. Xenon nodded and tested out the record on the turntable, speeding it up and scratching it with a hoof.  The music wasn't so loud that ponies couldn’t talk over it, but still loud enough for everypony to hear clearly.  The few early arrivals in the room heard the sound of pounding guitars interspersed with Xenon's turntable scratches.   Three of the ponies looked confused, while the others were enjoying it.  "Sound good from here?" he asked Vinyl Scratch. "Yes, everything seems to be working," the DJ replied.  She walked to the back of the room.  "Okay, turn it up just a little," she instructed Xenon.  "I want to ensure everypony in the room can hear the music clearly.  I don't want the sound to be too loud during the dinner, though." In response, Xenon increased the volume slightly.  He motioned to Vinyl Scratch.  "How's the sound working now in the back?" "That's the right setting!" Vinyl Scratch replied.  She moved up to the front of the room and gave her assistant some instructions.  Xenon stopped the record to listen to what she had to say.  "That's good.  My plan is that you run the turntables for now, while the ponies are still coming in.  Play your White Pony album until about five minutes before Celestia starts the event.  Then I'll take over and play softer music during the dinner, and then after the meal I'll switch up the music.  The volume you set at that adjustment will work, Xenon."  The mocha stallion nodded in response. Vinyl Scratch noticed Tempest Shadow in the corner and walked in her direction since she had recognized the unicorn with the orchid coat.  “Hello, Tempest,” she said.  “I remember seeing you at the Friendship Festival here, when Songbird was performing.  I’ve seen you around Canterlot on a few occasions since then, but I didn’t get the chance to talk.” Tempest Shadow agreed.  “It’s good to see you again.  The Friendship Festival was one of the best recent days for me.  When you performed your set at the Festival I didn’t see Xenon with you, though.” “Xenon doesn’t work for me, he’s just a friend who likes to help me out,” the DJ clarified.  “I like having him around, and he makes things easier when I have a DJ session in Equestria.  I met him about nine months ago, and he told me he had interest in becoming a live DJ himself.  Xenon had just broken off a relationship with a mare, and he told me it had ended badly.  He wanted something to take his mind off it.  So we help each other out.  He’s been assisting me with the sound and setting up the equipment and I share my experience and advice with him.” Tempest Shadow nodded.  “I think some of the ponies in the room were confused by his loud music.  But I enjoyed it, and I think a few others did as well.” “Xenon and I have different tastes in music,” Vinyl Scratch explained.  “I prefer playing electronic dance music and dubstep for most occasions, while he enjoys alternative metal.  It’s an unusual combination, but it works and he told me that we make a good team.” “I know you need to get ready for your set, but I’m glad you took some time to talk with me,” Tempest said.  “It’s been some time since the last time I met you.” “No problem,” Vinyl Scratch replied.  “I have a few more minutes anyway, and several ponies that I’ve seen have told me they respect you or even view you as a hero.  How you were willing to be turned into stone in order to stop the Storm King.” “Then I am grateful,” Tempest replied.  “But to be honest, I didn’t have anything heroic in mind.  I was just so angry and desperate about the Storm King betraying me.  About all that I wanted to do was thwart the plans of my former leader, in any way I could.” “You did something good, regardless,” Vinyl Scratch reminded her.  “I enjoyed talking with you.” She started heading back in the direction of Xenon and the turntables and gave Tempest Shadow a friendly wave.   “I have to be on the platform to prepare for my session soon.” When Princess Celestia announced that the dinner was ready, Tempest Shadow found a place at a table that seated nine. She sat by her friends in the Mane Six, along with Spike and Grubber. For a while the ponies (and a dragon and a hedgehog) merely enjoyed the meal and talked casually. After about fifteen minutes, Tempest felt like she had to discuss the letter that occupied her mind. She wasn't sure if this was the right place to do so, but something about the invitation did not seem right. Reluctantly, she brought the invitation out and placed it on the table. She decided that she had to be honest with her friends and ask them about the story behind Celestia's letter. She passed the letter to Rarity. The white unicorn looked over the invitation she had asked Spike to deliver. "I'm glad that you decided to go," Rarity said. "And Spike, you did a great job delivering it." She stared at it, and then noticed there were words written on the reverse side. She flipped the invitation over and noticed Celestia's message on the back. "I didn't realize Celestia wrote you a letter," Rarity read through it. "It must have been already inside the invitation when she gave the envelope to me." "To be honest, I wasn't sure why Princess Celestia would write a personal note to me," Tempest voiced her thoughts. "Unless she thought this was the best method of expressing forgiveness. It's true that she hasn't seen me since we were restored from stone, but I don't understand it." "I don't want you to feel guilty about your role in the invasion," Rarity said. "We hold no grudges against you and you are our friend. Friends don't carry around ill will." "To be honest, it's not guilt that I'm feeling," Tempest answered. "I don't think my problem is thinking you and Celestia are angry with me. I know you have all been welcoming, but I don't honestly see myself the way all of you do. And I'm not sure why, either." Rarity looked over the letter one more time and then showed it to Spike. Twilight Sparkle stood up and motioned to both Spike and Tempest. "Spike, can you and Tempest come over here for a moment? I want to talk with you both, if that's okay." Both of them complied and walked over from the table. "What's this about?" Tempest asked. From the corner, Twilight Sparkle held a whispered conversation with her dragon friend. "Spike, this note was from Princess Celestia, wasn't it?" Spike nodded emphatically. "You didn't write it yourself?" "No, Celestia wrote it," Spike replied. There was no guilt or nervousness in his speech. This time, he knew there was no reason to be since he had nothing to hide. "I looked inside the envelope, but I didn't change anything. Even if I wanted to make you and Rarity happy by ensuring Tempest would come. I want her to feel welcome with us, but I don't want to do that by lying to her." "I thought as much," Twilight Sparkle replied kindly. "And I talked with Princess Celestia earlier today, and she said she would be happy to see you join her party. I wasn't suspicious of you, Spike. I know you well enough that you would not intentionally be dishonest. I just noticed how Tempest looked when Rarity was discussing the letter, and I wanted to put to rest any fears she might have had. Knowing her previous experiences, I would say that it's likely she would have doubts. But Princess Celestia really does forgive you, Tempest." Spike nodded his head. "It's not a problem for me, I understand. And...you're a nice pony, Tempest. I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend. Or Rarity's trust. I want her to like me, and be proud of me, not distrust me." "Thank you," Tempest Shadow replied. "Actually, Spike, you and the rest of the Mane Six are the ones I can trust the most. I don't want you to think that I thought the worst of you. It was just...hard for me to accept that the princesses all forgave me. I'm not used to that. And you, Twilight, you didn't write the note either?" "No. I wouldn't do that to a friend," Twilight replied. "I wanted to make sure you were feeling okay. I can take you to Princess Celestia herself and ask about the note, if you would like." "That's not necessary," Tempest answered. "You've already done enough and...thanks for clearing that up for me. We should go back to the table and enjoy the food with our friends." "No problem!" Twilight replied. Spike eagerly returned to the table and took his place next to Rarity. Twilight Sparkle and Tempest returned to their seats. "Tempest was looking sad and I thought that she needed to talk. Spike and I reassured her that she has been forgiven by Celestia and the rest of the Canterlot royalty," Twilight explained to the other ponies. Tempest Shadow and Spike both nodded, and they returned to their seats. For the remainder of the dinner, Tempest's mind was able to relax more. But her main concerns hadn't been trust issues. She hadn't been suspicious of Twilight or Spike, either. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was broken somehow, in more ways that her horn. As grateful as she was for the ponies' friendship, Tempest wasn't exactly sure how to explain this to them.