//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: Learning and Listening // Story: Dragon Ball Equus: A New Evil // by Pen Dragon //------------------------------// Chapter Two: Learning and Listening It took them nearly an hour as Audrey began to rub her rump from getting wacked by Jack repeatedly all the way down the mountain. “Asshole…” She groaned. “Why do you always get physical?” “Well if I don’t, then we would have been up there even longer arguing. Besides don’t you want to return home?” he asked as Audrey nodded her head. “Then we need to hurry and figure out a way to get home. Look I’ll do whatever you want for a day when we get back, but for now we need to get moving.” “If we get back…” Audrey sighed. “Hey, don’t be so doubtful… When have I let you down?” He asked. “Two months ago you lost my little brother’s birthday present. A year ago you got us lost in New York until the police helped us. When I was-” She would have continued, before he slapped her behind once again. “Well half of those situations was because of you. In New York you wanted to see the sights instead of sticking around with our classmates. And that time was your fault… Not mine! And this is no different, you got us in this mess and I have to get us out of it.” He said with a glare as Audrey glared back. “Just drop it like your last girlfriend dumped you…” “You had to bring that up… At least I can say I was in a relationship, you on the other hand were too shy to even advance on a guy.” Jack retorted before laughing as Audrey’s face began to turn red as she glared at the frost demon in front of her. “Yeah, cause I’m waiting for the right one.” Audrey deadpanned. “Heh, well how will you know if you aren’t even going to pursue anyone? I would be surprised if you even found someone who is half the person you are?” He stated, trying to contain his laughter as Audrey slapped him across the face. “You’re right, the only guy I see right now doesn’t even come up to my chin.” “Point taken… But once we’re back to normal, I’ll be taller than you again. But if I do know how to use Frieza’s powers I can at least be the same height as you in my final form.” He commented before pressing forward. “Now it took us nearly all night to get to the bottom of the mountain, but if we keep this pace, we should arrive to that village by lunchtime tomorrow.” “Ugh…” Groaned Audrina. “What is it now?” He asked. “Already tired.” “We can rest at the next time, don’t be a baby!” He argued, but she didn’t listened as she began to lay down beside an old tree. “I knew I should have stayed at home at least I wouldn’t be dealing with this.” With Audrey now fast asleep, the frost demon couldn’t help but sigh as he went off to explore the forest on his own for a bit. As a way to test out his new strength and see where he needs to improve. As much as he didn’t like being in Frieza’s body, he wondered what it would be like to use the same kind of powers like him. Taking a deep breath, he pointed right his finger towards one of the trees and tried to fire off the famous death beam. But nothing happened. “Come on! Fire!” He said pointing his finger at the tree again, but there was still nothing and it only infuriated the frost demon as he punched the dirt beneath him. “Damn! I thought if I just pointed my finger and concentrated like Frieza, I’d be able to fire off a Death Beam!” In a fit of anger, he soon kicked the nearest tree with all his strength and it went crashing down to the ground. Surprising Jack as he stared in awe after decimating the tree, turning towards another, he clutched his hand into a fist and struck it in anger, shattering it into splinters that went flying everywhere as the remains of the tree fell to the ground. He couldn’t believe it as he stared at his own hand before a smirk came across his face. “Hehehehe! So it looks like I have super strength, but I’m unable to use any ki energy at the moment… I’ll need to figure that out later.” He said as he walked over to where Audrey was and laid next to her and went to sleep as well. ‘I guess a short nap couldn’t hurt.’ Across Whitetail Woods, the Princess of the Night began to make her way over to Ponyville in hopes to find ponies in distress from the nightmares that haunt them in there sleep, but even so, Luna was more eager to see a certain unicorn’s dreams. Somepony who had freed her from the evil entity that had taken control over her a thousand years ago, Sunset Shimmer. It had been nearly two years now since the lunar alicorn’s defeat by the unicorn and the elements of harmony. But ever since then, Luna has tried to befriend the young unicorn and one day repay her. ‘This is where she’s staying if I’m correct?’ She thought to herself as she landed next to the Golden Oaks Library and slowly approached the front door. ‘If I knock on the door, then I may end up waking her from her sleep? What if she gets annoyed? Maybe I can still get out of here and return-’ But before the night princess could even finish her own thought’s, the doors to the library had swung opened, revealing an orange unicorn in light blue pajamas with stars on it and a small night hat to match it. “H-Huh? Princess Luna? What are you doing here?” “Oh! Sunset Shimmer, you startled me… I was simply… Stopping by to see how Celestia’s apprentice is doing. Nothing more.” She replied, trying to sound convincing to the unicorn. “Um… Celestia said that you would normally come here if I was having some kind of nightmare…” She said, looking around the room for a moment and outside. “I don’t see anything nightmare-ish about this place though…” “A-Ah right, well that’s why I am here… To make sure there aren’t any terrors that’ll haunt your dreams during the night.” She explained, trying to convince her as the alicorn tries to regain her composure. “Anyways I thought this could be a good opportunity to get to know each other.” “Okay…” Sunset said, before looking back at her. “What would you like to know?” “Perhaps it’s best if we did it inside, it is getting chilly.” She responded as the wind blew through her mane as Sunset nodded and allowed the alicorn entry. As the Princess entered, she began to look around and noticed that Sunset’s home was no different from any other library, it had a lot of books. The only thing that made it unique from the others is that it was inside a tree. It was kinda ironic seeing how every page from her books came from trees. ‘Hehehe… It’s definitely unique.’ Snickering to herself, Sunset couldn’t help but look at the alicorn with confusion as to what exactly was so funny. But she decided to keep it to herself and coughed to hopefully get the Princess’s attention. “So, your majesty what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” Realizing the unicorn had asked her a question, Luna ceased all of her little chuckles and turned to orange mare with a more calm and collected face. “Sorry, Miss Shimmer, that was quite rude of me. Anyways as I have said, I came here to discuss with you about your dreams. Anything strange or frightening lately?” Tapping her chin, Sunset began to recall a dream she had recently. “Well actually Luna, now that you mentioned it, about two nights ago to be exact, I thought I had saw something in my dream. It’s hard to describe it though.” She said, it began to intrigue the alicorn as she listened to her tale. “Continue Sunset, I can’t help you if I don’t know what your dream was about?” “Well… my dream wasn’t frightening if that’s what your getting at.” She replied as the two took a seat at a small table. “In my dream, there was this creature… He was almost similar to those apes I’ve seen in Fluttershy’s animal files. But it didn’t have much fur… It had a black spiky mane and wore an orange suit of some kind. It’s similar to that of those karate uniforms I saw in baltimare. But suddenly, his mane turned gold and he was surrounded by this bright aura. Then I woke up.” After ending her tale, the Princess of the Night couldn’t help but wonder what Sunset had dreamed. Out of every dream or nightmare, this one seemed to have alluded her and with a steady cough, the alicorn stood up and gave the unicorn a gentle smile. “It seems we have a mystery on our hooves hmm?” “I guess we do, but-” “Now, there will be time to go deeper into this matter, but for now, let’s just enjoy each other’s company for the time being. Try and get to know each other.” She suggested as Sunset smiled back at her. “So why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” “Well you already know that Celestia is my mentor, but I don’t think she’s told you that… Well, she had adopted me when I was a filly.” She said, rubbing her foreleg sheepishly as she waited for the Night Princess to respond, but she didn’t. The alicorn stood completely still, trying to process what she had just heard. After a few more seconds had passed, she finally spoke. “WHAT!!!!” Meanwhile, Jack began to stir from his sleep after feeling something heavy against his shoulder, turning to the side he sees Audrey resting on his shoulder, mumbling something about a a guy and as much as he thought she was cute, it was beginning to irritate the frost demon, but he sighed and let her be for a moment as he tried to figure out how to use the energy in side of him. ‘There’s gotta be a better way to using this… Ki… If I’m gonna get us home, then I need to learn how to use these damn finger power or whatever!’ He thought to himself, until he began hearing chuckling. “My, my, this is quite the interesting development… Who would have thought an insect would be inside of My body!” A very familiar voice called out to him, realizing that there wasn’t anyone around other than Audrey who was still asleep. It didn’t take long until it finally clicked in his head, that the voice was coming from his mind. Jack was now standing in the dark void that was his mind, for a moment he thought he was dreaming, but it didn’t make sense cause he could tell that he was awake after trying to figure out how to use his powers. From what the frost demon could tell, he was pulled in by… something else. And before he could even explore his own mind, the same laughter from before echoed within his mind. “Hahahahaha! You do share a striking a resemblance to me, but I know for a fact that you aren’t the true Lord Frieza!” Whipping his head around, Jack was soon staring back with a fearful gaze at the one and only Frieza in his final form and to Jack’s surprise he sounded just like the famous voice actor Chris Ayres. “So why don’t you tell me who you really are maggot! Or would you rather have crush the answers out of you imposter.” Gritting his teeth, Jack turned to the emperor and glared back at him. “I’m Jack, and this isn’t your body you bastard! This is my body-” But before he could even finish, Frieza had struck him in his stomach with a powerful punch and sent him tumbling backwards to the ground. “Talk to me like that again and I promise you that you’ll be facing a fate far worse than hell! So show some respect to a superior being would you?” He said, standing over the frost demon with a vile smirk across his face. “I suggest you start telling me what I want to know now!” “F-Fine… Just give me… a moment.” He said, struggling to stand up. “Like I said… This is my body, but I was transformed by a man…  He turned me into you and trapped us here in this world.” Raising an eyebrow, Frieza began to pick up Jack by his horn and lifted him off the ground. Glaring daggers at his look alike, he gently set him down to the ground before striking him to the side with his tail. “Nonsense! The absolute garbage that’s coming out of your mouth! Do you honestly take me for a fool?” “Gah! I-It’s the truth!” He stuttered as he tried to pick himself off the ground, only to be kicked once again. Jack could only wonder how he was feeling such agonizing pain in his mind as the real Frieza continued to beat him. It wasn’t long until, the emperor of evil himself began to crush Jack’s head under his foot. “Hahahaha! You didn’t even try fight back! You truly are nothing like me, now I want the truth or… I’ll have to eliminate you right now.” He threatened as a purple beam formed around his hand. “Five seconds to explain everything.” “I told… That merchant put me and my friend here… You can’t kill me! Not until we get our revenge on that bastard!” Jack said as he glared back at his fellow frost demon who looked surprised and the beam began to dissipate. “Revenge you say? Well now you’ve peaked my interest.” He said, pulling his foot away from him as he began to cough. “What do you mean by we? I’m assuming you’re not alone?” “Y-Yes… My friend was also turned and imprisoned in this god forsaken world. All we want is find this Merchant who put us here in the first place and force him to turn us back to normal and send us home. And we’re willing to do whatever means necessary to do it.” He explained as he stood up and faced the emperor who had a grin across his face. Laughing, Frieza couldn’t help but find his story to be amusing as he walked up to his fellow frost demon who was now on guard. “So you mean to tell me that this merchant you speak of is the one responsible for my imprisonment in your body?” He asked as Jack simply nodded, earning a scowl from him. “Look, I don’t like this as much as you, but I can’t do anything until I find a way to return me to normal and get back home.” Jack explained once again as he took a step back. “And what’ll happen to me, if you happen to return normal like you say?” He asked, and Jack knew where this was all going. Taking a deep breath, he spoke up to the emperor. “You’ll disappear from my mind hopefully.” He said bluntly. “Grrr… No! That won’t do at all! Listen here you worm! From now on you’ll be working for me! You will restore me to my original body and I don’t care if you don’t want to! I am Lord Frieza, the most powerful being in the universe! I suggest you bow now before-” But before he could even finish, Jack had leaped into the air and delivered a solid kick across Frieza’s face and sent him crashing to the ground. “No! You listen here you bastard! I have been in an endless void for who knows how many days now! You forget, that this is my body! And if anything happens to me, well your as good as dead!” Jack bluffed, hoping that Frieza would by his threat and he’d be able to figure out a different way to get rid of this parasite inside his mind. Frieza only glared as he wiped away the blood from his lips and stared at the smear blood on his hand before looking up at the frost demon before a small grin formed from his lips. “Bravo… you actually hurt me… And perhaps your right, I won’t take any risks of your demise and from the sounds of it, you experience is almost as similar to mine when I was stuck in earth's hell!” “You have no idea what’s it’s like to be floating endlessly in an empty void. But talking about this isn’t gonna help our cases. So I think the best way for us to get what we want is to work together… But they are gonna be on my terms… Help me utilize your powers and gifts and I’ll see if there’s a way to get you your own body as payment. You can even have this planet under your rule for all I care, but me and my friend get a safe passage home without being killed.” He suggested as Frieza simply smirked. “Very well, I’ll show you how to use your powers, however your first priority is to revive me and allow me a front row seat to seeing how you’ll do away with this Merchant.” Frieza said with a smirk on his face and for some odd reason, Jack couldn’t help but smirk as well. “Deal.”