Ring Around The Moon -- Part I

by Lets Do This

Ruthless Symmetry

That evening, just after sunset, Princess Celestia was in her suite, lying on her daybed. There was a gilded chest beside her, filled with elderly, crumbling parchment letters. She gently lifted them out one by one with her magic, reading them over. Her eyes were moist, her expression pained. And yet she kept reading. And wishing, and hoping...

There was a loud rap at the door.

Quickly composing herself, Celestia tucked the letters away and shut the chest. "Yes? What is it?"

"Your Highness? Miss Sparkle is here."

"Twilight? Oh, please, send her in!"

The right-hand door swung open, and Twilight peered around it. Though she was nearly full-grown now, she managed to look exactly like the meek little filly Celestia recalled so fondly, peering in anxiously at her revered mentor.

"Princess?" Twilight asked cautiously. "Are you busy?"

"Never too busy for you, Twilight. What is it?"

Twilight glanced back at the armored pony looming behind her. "I may be a while, Tempest."

"Take your time, Twilight. I'll be right here."

"Thanks!" Twilight trotted in, and Tempest pulled the door shut behind her.

Celestia nodded approvingly as she approached.

"I envy you your bodyguard, Twilight."

"Oh!" Twilight grinned sheepishly. "Tempest just likes to keep an eye on me. She's such a good friend. They all are, really..." Twilight smiled at the thought.

And then she realized the Princess was giving her an amused look. "What?"

"Can this be the same Twilight Sparkle," Celestia asked, "who'd disappear behind a book whenever the subject of friends was even mentioned?"


"I'm teasing, Twilight." Celestia put out a hoof to gently touch Twilight's cheek. "I'm proud of you, proud of the progress you've made. You've learned to open up and reach out, to be there for others. Your friends notice it and they respond to it. You inspire them, Twilight: to do their best, and be their best. Where you lead, they'll follow. And they have no fear, knowing they have you to turn to. You bring out the best in them, all of them..."

Celestia gazed down fondly at her student, and nodded.

"Yes, Twilight. I am very proud of you... very proud, indeed!"

She paused, then laughed, giving Twilight an embarrassed look. "Oh, listen to me! I'm rattling on. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, my faithful student?"

Twilight had been staring wide-eyed at Celestia, completely mesmerized. She shook her head, then drew herself up formally.

"Ahem! Your Highness, the Advanced Projects group would like to request your permission for us to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."


"We... have a few ideas about how to make it extra special. I can't really go into the details because... well, it's kinda meant to be a surprise!"

Celestia gave Twilight a curious, speculative look. And then her expression suddenly turned mournful. "Oh, Twilight, you and your friends are already doing so much! And here you're leaving me with simply nothing to do!"

"Oh! We didn't mean to!" Twilight gritted her teeth nervously. "I mean, if you wanted to oversee it yourself, we could always --"

Celestia held up a hoof. "I'm joking, of course. If it's important to your group's work, Twilight, I am more than pleased to leave the Celebration in your capable hooves."

Twilight sighed in relief. "Thank you, Princess!"

"Thank you, Twilight!" Celestia replied. "I'll have the Chief Steward send you the current list of tasks. But if there are any changes you'd like to make, by all means let my staff know."

"We'll get right on it!" Twilight said. "And, well... that was pretty much it, that's all we needed. So... I'll just let you get back to whatever you were doing..."

"Twilight! I wasn't doing anything that important. And we so seldom have a chance to talk. Can't you stay and visit, for a few minutes at least?"

"Oh! Of course, Princess!" Twilight said willingly.

Celestia smiled warmly back at her.

And then, by inches, the Princess's expression grew quietly serious.

"What is it, Your Highness?" Twilight asked, worried.

"Time is so short," Celestia said. "And while I would gladly spend hours chatting with you about absolutely nothing, there is one thing I've long meant to tell you. Something you need to know, about Nightmare Moon's return. And... now seems an opportune moment. We might be too busy later on."

"Oh?" Twilight's eyes went wide. "What is it?"

Celestia, in reply, merely motioned with her head. Getting up from her daybed, she led the way out onto her room's open-air balcony. The evening breeze was already comfortably warm, and above them the night sky was spread like a faint purple gauze curtain, sprinkled with glittering stars.

Riding high above it all was the Moon, with its Mare shadow.

Celestia settled herself near the balcony, motioning for Twilight to sit beside her. The Princess gazed up at the Moon for a long while, her expression thoughtful and sad.

"There is a balance to things, Twilight," she finally said. "A ruthless symmetry we ignore at our peril. A thousand years ago, I cast a spell in anger, not really considering the consequences. And now that debt is about to come due.

"For a thousand years, Equestria has known peace and prosperity. Maybe not always perfect, but generally pleasant. And now, that millennial Day draws to its end, and we face the Night that follows, without the aid of the very Elements that brought it about."

She looked down at Twilight. "When I used the Elements of Harmony that one final time, the Elements became drained, inert, unusable. Perhaps it was because their power is now invested in the spell that imprisons the Nightmare. Perhaps it's because they were not meant to be used in anger like that. The question is moot, really. Even were the Elements available for use, I would not be able to use them myself."

Celestia gazed down at Twilight, tall, proud... and there was an old look in her eyes -- very old, and deeply melancholy.

"As I said, there is a balance in these things. Before the Banishment, Nightmare Moon had an innate affinity with the Moon and the Stars, much as I do with the Sun. When I used the Elements of Harmony against her, she became imprisoned in her Moon, with the Stars serving as lock and key. And when that lock fails us, when the Stars finally weaken and Nightmare Moon is set free again... that balance will be reversed. And I do not know, Twilight, I honestly do not know what the effects will be. Very likely, I will become the one imprisoned... in my Sun."

"In the Sun!" Twilight was horrified. "But... Princess, you'll be --"

"Perhaps," Celestia allowed. "Perhaps not. My affinity with the Sun may yet protect me. But even were I not simply destroyed, I would be locked away up there, unable to do anything to stop her... or to aid you."

Celestia stared at Twilight sadly.

"I'm very sorry, Twilight, but when the thousandth solstice arrives, and you face Nightmare Moon, you must do so without me. I will not be there to assist you. And believe me, Twilight, this is not how I would wish things. It is simply the price I must pay for my rashness, all those many long years ago..."

"Princess..." Twilight stared up at Celestia, eyes wide, utterly terrified.

Her eyes suddenly pooled with tears, and she flung herself at Celestia, hugging her desperately. And the Princess held her close, head resting on her mane, sweeping her wings forward to shelter the sobbing pony.

It was a long while before Twilight felt able to speak again. "Princess," she managed to whisper. "I'm sorry... I really should be more grown-up about this, shouldn't I?"

"Twilight..." Celestia whispered gently. "One of the benefits of being grown up is, you get to decide when tears are appropriate."

Twilight looked up at her, and saw the Princess was silently weeping as well. The two of them held each other tightly, for a long while, comforting and being comforted.

"I should have told you earlier," Celestia finally said, gently stroking Twilight's mane. "Though I'm not sure it wouldn't have done more harm than good. But Twilight, you need to remember this: even though I will not be with you, you will not be alone. You will have your friends with you. And you will have all of Equestria behind you. You will have everything that I have taught you, all the knowledge and skill you have worked so hard to acquire. In point of fact, Twilight, there is nothing more I can give to you. You already have everything you need."

"Yes, Princess," Twilight said, forcing herself to sit up straight, head held high... even as she snuffled and wiped her eyes.

"And you have one thing more," Celestia added. "My unstinting belief in you. I know you have what it takes, to lead and guide your friends, to face Nightmare Moon -- and, if it should come to it, to lead all of Equestria as well."


"I have given instructions, Twilight, that in the event that I do not return after the solstice, you will succeed me as Princess of Equestria."

"Me?" Twilight gaped. "But, Princess... I'm only a unicorn!"

"So was Princess Amoré, of the Crystal Empire," Celestia remarked. "Though so few remember her, nowadays."

"But... there's no way I could run the whole country! Not like you do!"

"Twilight, what makes you think I run the country?" Celestia smiled in amusement. "For the most part, it runs itself. I do my best to interfere as little as possible. I merely serve as a court of last resort, making decisions that ponies cannot agree to make themselves. I use my knowledge and experience to suggest answers, when it seems there are none. And I serve as a rallying point for the loyalty of the nation: a source of inspiration, of reassurance, of courage. By pledging fealty to me, they pledge it to each other, to this land we all share together. That is what being a Princess truly means, Twilight. And it is that I see in you."

"But... wouldn't Princess Cadance --"

"If it should turn out," Celestia interrupted, "that Princess Cadance is the right choice to lead the nation, that is all well and good. But somepony will need to make that call. A pony on the spot, who understands what's at stake, and knows what must be done. And it is my belief -- and Cadance's, as well -- that that pony should be you, Twilight. You will know what must be done. And you will be able to make the right decision, when the time comes."

Twilight let out a slow exhale.

Then she swallowed nervously, and sat stiffly and tall. "I'll do my best, Princess."

"You always do, my faithful student. I feel completely at ease, leaving my dominion in your care. You really are a most exceptional pony."

Celestia reached out a hoof, and drew Twilight close again, resting her head on Twilight's mane.

"I believe in you, Twilight Sparkle. I always have!"

"Thank you, Princess," Twilight whispered softly.


Some time later, the door finally swung open. Tempest's eyes snapped open, and she watched as Twilight stepped through into the hallway, the door swinging gently closed behind her. She saw the look on Twilight's face.

"That bad?" she asked gently, rising to join her. "She didn't go for our idea?"

"No... it's not that. It's something else. Something... kinda personal." Twilight shook her head fiercely. Then she looked up at Tempest. There was an unusual fire in her eyes, an unstinting determination.

"Tempest, we're going to organize the Summer Sun Celebration," she said. "Just as we planned. And then we'll face Nightmare Moon, try to convince her to return peacefully. And then... well, we'll protect Equestria! All of it!" She stamped her hoof. "Because they're depending on us, Tempest! And we're not going to let them down!"

Tempest smiled. "Now there's the Twilight I know. And we're all with you. How can we help?"

"Just stick close, and be the good friends you've always been."

Tempest nodded proudly. "I think we can handle that. Lead on."

Together, they trotted off down the corridor.


Trixie sat alone, on her bunk in her wagon. In her hooves was a large, heavily-clasped book from the Archives, which was opened to a woodcut picture: the only one Moondancer had been able to find of Princess Luna immediately prior to the Banishing. Tall, proud, wings spread -- she was the very image of swift justice and exactitude.

Not bad, Trixie thought. They even got her expression right... sort of.

"I had to tell them, Princess," Trixie whispered. "I had to tell them, well... everything..."

She felt a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "We knew this day would come, Trixie," Luna whispered to her. "It fact, we planned for it all along."

"We did? I mean, you did?"

"Of course. And thou makes it sound like such a bad thing. Now they will believe in thee more than ever... because they want to believe. Thou are the redeemed pony, in their eyes. They will not wish to let thee go. They will want to keep thee close, even defend thee from others who might challenge thee... right up to the very end."

Trixie shut her eyes. "But, it's still a lie..."

"An important one," Luna told her. "An essential one. "

Trixie sighed helplessly.

"All I want is someone who cares about me -- who believes in me."

Luna leaned closer, her voice a ghostly whispering in Trixie's ear:

"You will have that, Trixie, and more, once I am released."

"But how can I be sure?"

"Trust in me, Trixie," Luna said. "Remember, never any fear..."

"... and never any doubt, I know."

"And remember this, as well," Luna added, her voice becoming cold and stern, "when I tell you what to do, Trixie Luna Moon, if you ever wish to be Great and Powerful, you will do it... for me."

Trixie nodded. "I will, Princess."

And she shivered.

She'd never felt more alone in her life.


In the tower room, at the main worktable, Cheese Sandwich sat long into the night, scribbling away at notes, and sketches, and lists and plans... and getting nowhere fast. This just wasn't his style. He never did things by the book. He always did things off the cuff, winging it like a maddened chicken.

"No offense, Boneless," he added.

The rubber chicken sat on the table next to him, head drooping and staring blankly... and mildly accusingly, he thought.

Turning back to his work, Cheese shook his head. Off the cuff wouldn't do here. Not this time. This gig is too important. I have to get it right. For Equestria's sake... and for Twilight and her friends. They'd been so kind and welcoming, to a complete stranger from out of town, with no credentials or recommendations to offer.

Cheese stared around at the huge room, with its window wall, its scientific apparatus, its library of hoof-selected books... This is our workroom, Twilight had said. So you're welcome to use it too. And if there's anything you need, just let me know, and I'll talk with Celestia's staff. We'll make it happen.

So he had a blank check, pretty much, and the royal ear, or near enough. On top of that, he had all his natural, innate, cutie-mark-official skill at partying and making ponies smile...

... and he wasn't sure it would be enough.

"Don't look at me like that, Boneless," he pleaded. "I know I should ask for help. But who to ask?"

And then he realized. Who else, he thought, but the pony who showed me how?

Grabbing a message scroll and quill, and pausing for a moment for inspiration to strike, he began writing...

Dearest Pinkie Pie --

You may not remember me, but I came through town not long ago. I need to ask your help. I'm working on a huge party bash for a really important pony, up here in Canterlot. I can't tell you all the details in this letter since it's kinda hush-hush, but it's also crazy important, and I'm not sure I can pull it off on my own. But I know you can! Can I maybe, possibly, humbly ask you to come lend a hoof?

Sincerely Yours,
Cheese Sandwich (You know, the one with the chicken?)

P.S. We have animal balloons!

He read it over again, and nodded.

I wonder what the overnight postal rates are to Ponyville?

To Be Continued...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro.
No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.