//------------------------------// // Not Alone // Story: TCC's Flashfic Folio // by TCC56 //------------------------------// The gleaming gold sun atop Celestia's grave towered over the three remaining alicorns. The two flanked the grieving sister as she mourned. "Celestia knew alicorns weren't immortal," Luna admitted amidst the silence. "Merely very long-lived." A gentle breeze blew across the graveyard. "And she knew that my time on the moon meant that she would outlive me by a thousand years." She hesitated. "A thousand years she spent alone." The eldest of the alicorns smiled to the others. "I shall forever be sad to have lost my sister, but I am just as eternally thankful that she ensured I would not spend my remaining millennium without companions." Luna embraced the other two - her sister's final gift.