Short Hand

by Andrew Joshua Talon

First Date: Fluttershy Part 1

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The forest was dark. It was always dark. Even during the daytime, the trees seemed to stretch up and claw away the blue sky, leaving an eternal gloom and twilight that I was lost in. My steps had turned into a shamble, as my clothing had been torn to shreds.

I'd lost track of time. Hours, minutes? No. All I could think in was seconds.

How many seconds could I stay hidden from the monsters that prowled in this hell hole?

How many seconds could I risk letting my eyes stay shut, before something terrible rumbled below me in the undergrowth?

How many seconds could my improvised spear, and maybe a torch from my campfires, buy me against whatever new horror would show up and try to eat me?

I didn't know. It changed every time. I couldn't get a signal on my phone. I couldn't get anything, before it died. I wasn't helpless, but I felt damn near it. Here in this horrific place.

I'd tried pinching myself, dunking my head in the water of a stream-Anything to wake me up, short of jumping off a cliff to my death. Nothing. My aches and pains were all too real. The layers of sweat that kept my dirty, ragged clothes stuck to my skin were real. The fatigue that threatened to take me into sleep, into death? That was real enough.

Maybe I was in Hell. Maybe I'd died, and ended up here. Fighting for my life, my heart pounding in my ears? Never a moment's peace, a chance to think or even rest? I could think of few eternities that would be worse.

I rubbed my face, the beard prickling my fingers. I was peeking out of the brush at a game trail. I was already too close for comfort, being able to see it: Any number of predators would be around. I had to risk it though. I needed food, and waiting here seemed the only chance I had. The berries I'd tried had all tasted terrible-So terrible I'd retched up the one batch I'd managed to keep down. I felt sick and weak as it was.

So meat it was. It was the only option. The river was too dangerous.

A small white rabbit hopped along the path. I stayed completely still, keeping my breathing down. It bounced along, peering at everything with huge eyes-Eyes bigger than any other rabbit I'd seen. It almost seemed... Intelligent.

I let my eyes slip closed, nodded... Got myself back awake, eyes on the prize. Eyes on the prize.

The rabbit hopped up to the snare I'd laid. It sniffed it. My grip tightened on the sharpened stick I'd made. The rabbit got a bit closer, just a bit...

A deafening roar rang out, and the rabbit vanished like a puff of smoke. The roar was right behind me, and I turned with my stick held up. The beast loomed over me, eyes glowing. It was crashing through the undergrowth, furious. I threw the stick, trying to scare it off. I screamed at it, my voice hoarse. The beast just roared back, and I saw in its eyes... It wasn't going to back down. It wasn't afraid.

I turned and ran, panic driving my actions down. My ragged shoes slapped against the dirt path as I sprinted, heart pounding, my breath coming in shorter and shorter pants. The beast just kept coming, slowed by the trees but in the open path? That would no longer be an issue.

I thought I saw the white rabbit ahead of me, intermittently. I also saw light-Brighter than any light I'd seen since I'd ended up in this godforsaken place. My legs were screaming in pain, my chest burned. My body was reaching the point where falling down and giving in seemed the only option. I couldn't ignore it. My mind was filled with pain, pain, pain... Begging for a release...

Somehow, despite this, despite my legs turning my run into a stumble... I broke out into the light. I shut my eyes, and tripped. I fell down a hill, tumbling end over end, the impacts barely registering. I slammed into the ground, hard. My breath left me, but I could see the blue sky overhead. I couldn't hear the monster's roars.

I breathed long and hard, the rest of my body unwilling to respond. The wind blew, making a flower bend over and tickle my nose. I could see the sun, as the clouds parted.

It was almost peaceful.

After a while, so many seconds I lost count, I was able to lift my head. My eyes slowly adjusted.

I was in a gorgeous meadow, filled with beautiful wildflowers that danced in the light breeze. I could see mountains, far off in the distance. I could smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers, it almost relaxed me.

The sun was blocked, and I looked up. I saw a figure with wings slowly flying down from heaven, a gentle face and wide, concerned eyes gazing down at me.

"Hello...? Are you all right?" Asked a soft, beautiful voice. I weakly reached a hand up.

If I was going to heaven, at least I was going via a...


I stared in disbelief as a butter yellow pegasus with a pink mane landed in front of me. The white rabbit from before rushed up to her, and seemed to communicate with her via several gestures. She looked back at me, smiling warmly. My lips parted in a gape, as I began to scoot back as best I could. The being shook her head, looking concerned.

"Don't... Don't be afraid," she said softly, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just want to help you. Please. My-My name is Fluttershy. What's yours?"

She scooted up closer. I would have scooted away more, but by that point my body was flat out refusing to respond anymore. I guess it decided that when talking pegasi showed up, it was time to give up. I couldn't disagree with that.

"Shepherd," I managed. "You're... Beautiful. For a hallucination..."

I guess I wasn't too tired to say stupid shit.

Fluttershy turned bright red. She trotted up to me, and reached out with her hoof.

"Um... I'm not a hallucination," she said, "but... Th-Thank you..."

I reached out and took her hoof. It felt solid. I didn't understand. I didn't know what to do.

"How can I help?" She asked softly. I closed my eyes.

"I'm lost... I'm alone... I..." Tears left my eyes. I didn't understand what was going on. I was too tired to question anything else. I felt arms and wings wrap around me. I felt her cheek against mine.

"It's all right, it's all right," Fluttershy said. "Don't be afraid... You're not alone. I promise, you're not..."

She began to sing something. I didn't know what the song was, but it was beautiful. I finally surrendered to my exhaustion, to the melody. I fell into slumber as she held me, warm and safe.

She was literally the first thing in this crazy world that hadn't tried to eat or kill me. That tends to stick with a guy.

So when it comes to dating ponies? She is the first on my list. I don't think anyone would mind it too much.

Well, Rainbow Dash might. But hey, she's still Fluttershy's best friend. She would understand, right?

Right. I mean, I just have to navigate dating multiple mares who could all kill me in a violent rage.

What could possibly go wrong?

... I thought that. It doesn't count. It absolutely does not count.

- - -

When you're the only human in Equestria, you do have to get all your clothes custom-made. While a lot of pony clothing looked like human clothing, the devil was in the details and the subtle differences in the body shape meant that I couldn't wear a Pony T-Shirt and be comfortable.

So that meant going to Rarity. Not that I minded, after all. She was a drama queen, but an entertaining one, and wonderfully kind and generous. She practically pranced around me as she measured and pinned fabric and lots of other things. Our conversation had been casual at the start.

"Hm," Rarity mused aloud, "your shoulders seem to have grown just a bit."

I sighed. "Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on them," I admitted. Rarity chuckled, using her magic to wrap her measuring tape around my belly.

"Is it also on your belly? As your waist seems slightly larger, darling," Rarity teased. I grumbled a bit, but good naturedly.

"I may have been hitting the pastries at Sugarcube Corner a bit harder than usual," I admitted. Rarity chuckled back, and poked me in the gut gently.

"You need to watch it! I can't just keep letting your clothes out!"

"I've just been busy," I admitted. "All the rebuilding means a lot more work! And more work means less time to make my own breakfast."

"No excuses!" Rarity cried, poking me again. I winced a bit at the pressure as she shook her head. "You really need to take better care of yourself, with your new responsibilities!"

"Oh yeah, those," I groaned. In the wake of the Nightmare Deer incident, I was now an official Royal Advisor. Part-time, at least, but it meant I'd been extremely busy during the day and night. I had Twilight to help out with a lot of the research I needed to do, but despite that it was still a rather daunting task. Rarity chuckled and gave me a warm smile.

"Now now, you shouldn't be unhappy about it! Think of the wonderful opportunities you've earned!" The white unicorn consoled me. "Rather than being treated as some kind of illegal alien!"

"That's probably just because there's only one of me," I said dryly. "If there were a lot more things would be different."

She shook her head, concentrating on the hem of the jacket she was fitting on me.

"You really do need to appreciate things more," Rarity stated, "or is it a human trait to always see the glass half empty?"

"It's probably just me," I admitted. Rarity hummed, and resumed her sewing. There was a moment of silence. Then, she asked:

"Have you decided on when you'll be asking Fluttershy out then?"

I looked at her sharply.

"How do you know I'm planning on asking her out first?" I demanded. Rarity just smiled.

"Well I know now, darling," she said with a smug smirk. I grumbled, glaring away from her at the mirror. Rarity shook her head.

"It's really rather obvious, darling," Rarity observed. "She is the one you've known the longest. And if you're going to make a move on any of us, she's the best one to start with."

"What about you?" I asked dryly. Rarity shook her head.

"Dear, you do have wonderful hands, but I'm afraid my sights are set on a prince," she said consolingly.

I raised an eyebrow.

"So you're giving Spike another chance?"

Rarity flushed, and shook her head.

"What? No! I mean, I like my Spikey-Wikey just fine, but he-he's far too young-"

"He was also raised by Princess Celestia herself," I said. "She is his legal guardian. That would make him a prince."

I mean, sure, he hadn't been given a title to that effect or anything but that was the most basic definition of a prince. Something Rarity was already turning over in her mind while worrying her lower lip.

"Well... That aside," she said quickly, storing this tidbit away for later reflection, "you are going to ask her out soon, yes? There is a critical timing to these things, and you're drawing it out."

I winced.

"Well we've all been very busy," I pointed out, "what with rebuilding the town and my new job-OW!"

Rarity gave me a poke with a needle that was particularly fierce. She glared up at me through her red rimmed reading glasses. I scowled back at her.

"What? I have been!"

"And now things are back to normal," Rarity stated, "so now? Get on with it!"

"But-!" She raised the needle again threateningly. I sighed. "All right. No more excuses. That said... Do you have any advice?"

Rarity's eyes lit up like the ignition of two new stars. She grinned broadly, as hungry as a shark.

"As a matter of fact, darling," Rarity began, holding up several notepads full of scribbled notes, "I do."

I held in a sigh. Once again, me and my big mouth...

- - -

Several long, long hours later, and I was finally walking up the dirt path to Fluttershy's door. Her lovely cottage stood in the early twilight like something out of a fairy tale. I adjusted my tie. Already, several hours worth of Rarity's "romantic training" (or should it be called "boot camp"? It felt a lot more like that) were firmly stuck in my mind.

I stepped up to the door, and lifted by hand. I formed a loose fist, and knocked on the door three times. I adjusted my jacket and smiled warmly.

The door slowly opened, letting Fluttershy peek out shyly. Seeing it was me, she blushed but opened the door fully. She looked up at me with her own warm smile.

"Oh... Hello Shepherd," she said kindly, "what brings you here? Um, if you don't mind me asking."

I knelt down, and reached out. I took Fluttershy's hoof in my hands, and her blush became far more pronounced. I looked her right in her gorgeous eyes as her hoof trembled slightly in my grasp.

"Fluttershy," I began, "would you do me the honor of going out to dinner at Gustav's this Faustday?"

Ah, a quick note. The Equestrians had a seven day week like ours, but naturally had different names for their days. Sunsday was their Sunday, which was followed by Moonsday, Terrasday, Lunsday, Celsday, Faustsday, and Disday. Right, back to the story.

Fluttershy stared back at me, her eyes suddenly very wide. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, before she regained her power of speech.

"Y-You mean... On... A D-D-Date?" She squeaked. I nodded.

"Yes. I am asking you on a date," I said. Fluttershy grinned widely... And stayed silent. I blinked a few times as this went on for about a minute.

"Fluttershy? Are you okay?" I managed. Fluttershy started, and then nodded furiously.

"Y-Yes! Yes!"

"Yes to the date, or yes to you're okay?" I asked, unable to help teasing her just a bit. She nodded much faster.

"YES! Both! Yes! I-I'll go on a date with you!" She cried. "On Faustday!"

"Faustday at 6 sound good to you?" I asked. "I can pick you up-"

"Six is f-f-fine," Fluttershy said, still very quickly.

Despite the awkwardness, I was smiling back genuinely. And her own smile was just as sincere.

"Six it is," I said. I stroked her hoof once, before letting her go. "I'll see you then."

"I-I'll be waiting!" She replied happily. I turned and walked away slowly, feeling Fluttershy's eyes on my back. I could hear her happy sigh... And then a surprised gasp. I spun around to look at what had surprised her-

"Darling! Hello! I was just passing by-quite by coincidence-and heard you had a date!"

Of course it was Rarity. She'd leaped out of a nearby flower bush, wearing Army-style camouflage. Fluttershy was quite off balance as it was, but this definitely threw her for a loop.

"W-W-Well yes, I d-do, but why were you-?"

"Never you mind that! We have so much to do! Let's get to work! Oh, this will be the most wonderful date you've ever been on! I'll make sure of it!" Rarity squealed. She backed Fluttershy into her cottage, and slammed the door shut behind her. I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head.

"I think that mare needs to get laid," I muttered. I then shrugged and headed for home with a smile on my face.

I had a date this Faustday. I had to get ready.

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