A Year in Equestria

by Blade Star

Chapter 14 - A New Year

I think the both of us were hoping to get a good night’s sleep that night. After all, we did both end up very tired, for various reasons. While the physical act of love doesn’t exactly appeal to me, I do consider myself to be something of a romantic, and I was looking forward to waking up with AJ in my forelegs. Or me in hers, either way is fine in my book. Sadly, while AJ got what she was looking for, my Hearth’s Warming present was snatched away early that morning, when the pair of us were rudely awoken by a certain little filly. 

“Wake up! Wake up!” Apple bloom exclaimed excitedly as she jumped up and down on my bed.

The little filly had burst into the room, innocently disregarded the fact that AJ and I were in the same bed together, and begun bouncing on top of it and us like a lunatic.

“Come on! Wake up! It’s Hearth’s Warming!” she continued when we only vaguely stirred. Blinking and yawning wearily, I sat myself up in bed, while AJ tried to stay asleep. 

“Alright, Apple Bloom, I’m up,” I said tiredly. 

Out of idle curiosity, I took a look at the alarm clock next to my bed. I couldn’t see much in the way of light through the thick curtains, but if Apple Bloom was up, it couldn’t be that early. Oh how wrong I was.

“Apple Bloom is five o’clock in the morning!” I exclaimed. “Go back to bed.”

“But it’s Hearth’s Warming, Bones!” the little filly repeated, now at last stopping her excitable jumping. 

“And it’ll still be Hearth’s Warming in a couple hours. Now you know Granny only ever lets everypony sleep in on Hearth’s Warming and put off most of the chores until tomorrow. Me and AJ still want to sleep.”

“Well, can I go downstairs and open my presents?” the filly pleaded. 

“Absolutely not!” I protested. “We all open our presents together. Now go back to bed for a while. Have a quick nap and we’ll go down around six thirty.”

“But that’s over an hour away!” Apple Bloom complained. 

“Patience is a virtue,” I replied with a smile. “Now come on, back to bed. Don’t make me levitate you back there, because you know I will.”

Apple Bloom pouted adorably, but ultimately complied. I remembered doing as much when I was little. I’d be so excited for Father Christmas, that I’d wake up stupidly early and be too excited to go to bed. I’d wake up Lizzie if she wasn’t already in the same boat, and together, we’d go and badger Mum and Dad. Still, at least we had whatever was in our stockings to play with, and there was usually lots of chocolate coins too. Apple Bloom didn’t have that luxury. While Hearth’s Warming is a lot like Christmas, there’s no analogue to old St. Nick in Equestria.

Well, I say that, but it may not be the case. I’ve come across bits and bobs when I was studying Yak culture about ancient Gift Givers of the Grove. From what I can make out, these are three reindeer, and magical ones at that, that live in the Frozen North, further north that even Yakyakistan, essentially, and rather fittingly, the North Pole. The exact location though, is a closely guarded secret, known only to Prince Rutherford himself, but they are rumoured to be able to intuitively select the perfect gift for any creature. Pinkie has apparently met them, and while she wouldn’t tell me too much, I know that these three reindeer, Aurora, Bori, and Alice, do seem to have magical properties outside of conventional magic. Each one seems to handle one aspect of time; past, present, and future, when it comes to gifts, possessing omniscience to some degree. 

But enough about all that, I wasn’t really keen on contemplating all that now, I just wanted to get forty more winks before sunrise. I turned to Applejack, who had now rolled over to face me, and was looking up at me with a tired smile. 

“Thanks for that, Bones,” she said softly. 

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, AJ,” I said, just as quietly, as I leaned down to nuzzle her. 

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Bones.” 

And with that, came the music.

Evidently Apple bloom, while willing to stay in her room a little while longer, wasn’t quite willing to go back to sleep, and was planning on throwing a little hearth’s Warming party in her room for herself. I knew she had a phonograph in there, but I didn’t realise that she’d gotten her hooves on my old Christmas album. It was a fitting piece though, for once being neither ironic, or hypocritical. War was over after all. The year had all but come to an end, and a new one was just about to begin. It was looking to be a good one too.

Now if only she hadn’t played it on full blast, loud enough to shake the house. Needless to say, that got me out of bed.

Defying the noise, I stepped out into the hallway, where I found Big Mac and Granny Smith equally awake. Even Winona had come running up from downstairs, which she knows she isn’t supposed to do, to see what the infernal kerfuffle was about. Well, at least with this, they wouldn’t notice Applejack coming out of my room instead of her own. Mac was just about to try the door when the music died down and Apple Bloom came rushing out.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!” she exclaimed in fast repetition. “I thought I’d turned it down.” The little filly’s ears wilted in embarrassment. 

While she did want to be up and about and opening presents, I know she wouldn’t have wanted to wake up the whole farm. While it might have been a bit annoying, it was Hearth’s Warming. There’d be plenty of arguing later on; it was too early at the moment. Granny seemed to be of the same mind at any rate. 

“Well, I’d hate to hear what it sounds like on loud, Apple Bloom,” she teased. “But since you got everypony up, how about we head downstairs. Ain’t no way anypony’s gonna get back to sleep after that big ol’ ruckus.” 

I could hardly be mad, more often than not, the same scenario had played out a similar way when Lizzie and I were kids. We’d go back to our rooms, eat the chocolate coins, play with whatever little presents had come in our stockings, but young minds struggle to avoid thinking about that new doll house, or that new train set waiting just down the hall for us. And so inevitably, we’d either go back to bother Mum and Dad after another ten minutes, or we’d do something to get them up. The latter usually involved the two of us fighting over each other’s presents. 

And just like back then, we all ended up trudging our way down the stairs, following Apple Bloom who all but cartwheeled her way down in excitement. Maybe next year we should be like the royal family and take the German approach; opening the presents on Christmas Eve.

I’m sorry, between that, and the fact that there is no word in their language for ‘fluffy’, and that in 1935 they banned cricket, you can’t convince me they’re not evil. Not as bad as the French, but still…

Switching on the lights downstairs let us see a little better, although the glittering tree lights and it’s attendant Fire of Friendship, along with the low flicker on an ebbing fire in the fireplace gave a fair amount, Apple Bloom went ballistic. Gathered underneath and around the tree, were loads of presents wrapped in bright, multicoloured paper. While I no longer feel that same excitement that I did as a child finally getting my hands on the latest toy I’d been eyeing in the catalogues for months, I did feel a twinge of that old feeling as I looked upon the scene. 

Of course, AB wasn’t exactly in a nostalgic mood, and after excitedly locating her largest present and proudly holding it up to display like a trophy, she tore the wrapping off with abandon. And just like me when I was her age, she bounded around in excitement when she did so. I was just the same when I unwrapped my first video game console back in the day. 

While Granny Smith did her best to corral, or at least contain, a very happy Apple Bloom, the rest of us set to a more subdued gift giving. Activating my magic, I levitated a present out from under the tree, recognising the wrapping paper as the design I’d bought. I gently levitated it over to Applejack.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, AJ,” I said before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. 

“Thanks, Bones,” she said sweetly before setting the the wrapping with just as much eagerness as her little sister.  

Removing the wrapping, she was confronted with the simple little photo frame, and the picture Apple Bloom had taken of the two of us a few summers back. Applejack herself was resting against my side, with her eyes closed, while I, not aware of the camera on me until a few moments later, was more or less dozing, with my eyes half open and looking fondly down at her, with a foreleg draped over her, holding her close. AJ let out a small gasp of surprise as she saw it.

“Bones, where in Equestria did ya get this?” she asked. 

“AB was taking photos for some school project and snapped it,” I explained. “Bribed her with two jars of zap apple jam for the negative.” AJ smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss. 

From there, we all went around exchanging gifts and cards, and slowly but surely, the pile of presents under the tree got smaller. For my part, I got a decent set of woodworking tools from Big Mac, Granny had made me a Hearth’s Warming sweater, as she had for all of us. Mine was a lovely green and red affair, with white snowflakes running around the middle. And like all Christmas jumpers, it itched like anything. Sugar Belle and Apple Bloom had joined forces on my gift; the former not knowing me too well had enlisted her new sister in law to help. The two of them had pooled their financial resources to get me a bottle of sake for Neighpon. Just like it’s Terran counterpart, it’s smooth, easy to drink, and gets you drunk surprisingly quickly. I promised to share it around come new year’s. Finally, Applejack had managed to get her hooves on  the Equestrian equivalent of a Swiss army knife. Needless to say, it’s seen plenty of use since I got it. 

The six of us spent the morning going through presents. A couple needed setting up or putting together, and of course, somepony had to make breakfast. And since it was Christmas, or rather Hearth’s Warming, I relieved Granny Smith of that job, despite her protests, and once again treated everypony to an Equestrian version of a full English. Needless to say, we’d need the energy, even with the large meal planned for later. And of course, there was the small matter of the chores.

It may be Hearth’s Warming; the most wonderful time of the year where ponies get together to celebrate, more so now, the harmony between the three tribes, and remember how they united together to banish the Windigoes, a time for presents, joy and laughter, with good food and drink shared between kin and good friends, but that didn’t mean the daily activities of the farm stopped. Now, true, the apple trees were bare, as were the fields, which were covered now under a thick blanket of snow. But we still had the chickens and pigs to feed, the cattle and sheep to care for, odd jobs and maintenance around the farm, and a few other things besides. Just because it was Hearth’s Warming, didn’t mean any of that stopped. It’s what sets us apart from ponies in other jobs. Most of Equestria was shut down today. Shops were closed, as were schools and offices. The trains weren’t running, and only a few cargo airships would be in the sky today. Even the Weather Patrol would only do effectively a half day, just to keep everything in good order. But for farmers, it was just another day at the office. The only ones I can think of in the same boat, off the top of my head at any rate, are the Royal Guard. 

So, leaving Apple Bloom to play with the new toys she’d acquired, Applejack and I threw on our coats, boots, and scarves and headed out into the winter wonderland. 

Stepping out, I found it, not unexpectedly, quite chilly. Even with my winter coat, scarf, and boots on my hooves, to say nothing of my own winter hide, I still shivered for a moment. My breath came out in puffs of swirling air, and underfoot, the snow crunched beneath our hooves.

“By Celestia, it’s cold out,” I remarked as I shivered again. “Let’s make this quick so we can get back inside.”

The two of us set to work, following the neatly cleared pathway across the farmyard that Mac had dug when the snow had really started to thicken. While it made it a little less tiring to get about, the lack of snow on the otherwise smooth ground made for a risky proposition, due to the ice. The odd puddle here and there had now become patches of almost invisible black ice, and while we were both wearing study, and insulating boots, comparable to wellingtons, you can’t really get a firm footing when there’s no grip to be had. We were only a few steps away from the farm when I briefly lost my footing. 

“Horseapples!” I exclaimed as my legs seemed to get kicked out from under my. Even as a quadruped, it’s hard to rebalance yourself when you step on black ice. Luckily, AJ was there to stop me falling on my face. 

“I got you, Bones,” she said, deftly catching me in her forelegs as I lost my footing. Sufficiently startled, I found firmer ground free of ice. 

“Thanks, AJ,” I said as I fully got back to my hooves. “That’d have been a fine way to start Hearth’s Warming; goin’ and hurtin’ myself. Once we’ve fed the pigs and let the hens out, I’ll go throw down some grit on these paths. I don’t want Apple Bloom or Granny gettin’ hurt.”

For obvious reasons, while grit is used, just as much as it is on Earth, salt not so much, although folks in Ponyville had put a little down to help melt the snow off the roads. Given that, for ponies at least, salt is akin to alcohol, to the point of being one of the few controlled substances out there, few are willing to use it to melt snow. For now though, we continued on towards our first little job; letting the chickens out of the coop and feeding them. 

The chicken coop was a simple enough wooden shed, resting on a raised set of wheels, so that it could be moved from time to time to fresher ground, and to stop foxes, badgers and the like digging his way in. Foxes in particular could be right beggars on that front. If they could get into the coop, they’d kill the whole flock in excitement, and then only take the one hen to eat. 

Next to the coop was a small, locked bin, which contained the chicken feed. Being free range, the hens mainly found their own food, foraging through the day, but we always fed them first thing in the morning and again at lunch to supplement their diet, particularly now, with other sources of food difficult to come by. I yanked open the pop-hole, while AJ scattered some feed around. The cockerel  was the first out and took a good look around the yard first, before making his way down the stepped ramp and calling the hens to follow him. Before too long, the dozen or so chickens were all out and about pecking at the snow and leaving arrow shaped claw prints behind them. At this time of year, they wouldn’t range too far, but come summer, they’d go out as far as the cattle pastures. Still, even now, with the comparative darkness suppressing their laying cycle, we still got enough eggs to get by, with beautiful yellow yokes. Once the weather picked up, we’d have enough surplus to sell at market. 

Eggs seemed to be on the cockerel's mind as well, although for entirely different reasons. AJ and I chuckled as he jumped one of the hens, desperately balancing on her back. A few seconds later, after knocking him off her, the suitably startled hen irritably ruffled her feathers before going on her way.

“Won’t be too long before they all start turnin’ broody,” I remarked. “We’ll have to fetch the other coop out of mothballs them.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to have a few more hens,” AJ agreed as she continued to scatter feed around, prompting the cockerel to call the hens over with a signature call. “Celestia knows we’re due for some after last year.” 

Ah yes, fifteen chicks in all, and all of them cockerels. It was like Fight Club at times before we sold them off to other farms and smallholdings. 

With the chickens now happily feeding and beginning to start ranging out together, the two of us turned our attention to the pigs. They aren’t raised for meat of course; they’re more used as a way of getting rid of food scraps and as a nice cheap source of fertiliser. The stuff is certainly potent enough. While pigs themselves are actually very clean creatures, to the point of only even doing their business in one particular spot in their pen, that did little to stop the smell, which stunk to high heaven. 

The other problem is their size. Pigs aren’t that much smaller than ponies, and all three of them a pretty solidly built to boot. They don’t look to do any harm, but their eagerness for food makes them forgetful. More than once I’ve found myself punted out of the way by one of them, and on one occasion, A sow went directly under me and lifted me clean off my hooves. Mac even told me once how the boar once knocked him down and, without missing a beat, began snuffling at him. It’s because of that that AJ and I take care of them now. 

We had a fair few scraps for the three of them today, mainly leftovers from preparing our massive Hearth’s Warming meal, along with bad apples and other produce not fit for sale. The trio of pigs were already waiting at the gates, having learned that when the chickens get fed, they get fed soon after. The problem though is that, in their excitement, they try to get out of their pen, so one of us has to go in to feed them, the other has to try and distract them and draw them to the other end of the pen. Guess which job I ended up with. The only upside was that, with the cold weather, the mud was pretty much frozen solid.

Applejack managed to draw them off to the far corner, but as soon as they heard the squeak of the gate opening (something I really ought to fix at some point) they came bounding over. Hurrying over to their trough, I quickly poured the slops out to take their attention off of me. The three eating machines quickly set to work. I couldn’t help but be reminded of Hannibal and the fate of Mason Verger. Pigs will, after all, eat anything, including each other. 

Still, with the pigs suitably acquiesced for now, Applejack and I set about the unpleasant task of collecting up their mess with a shovel and loading it into a cart. Still, as I said, it would make for excellent fertiliser, and a rather high yield explosive too if you’re stupid enough to store it somewhere that isn’t well ventilated. Granny Smith learned that the hard way in her younger days, when methane build-up and one errant match for lighting a lamp blew away half of one of the old barns. 

With that unpleasant task done though, we had at least done all of the pressing work. Applejack however, suggested we attend to one more job. 

“How about you and me take a walk and check the fence line, Bones?” she suggested.

Cold it may be, but it was also beautiful this Hearth’s Warming morning, a faint sun was making the snow glitter in its rays, with only a few small white clouds in the otherwise blue sky. Why would I say no to a walk through it all with my marefriend?

The two of us wound our way through the orchards. Even if the trees were bare of leaves or fruit, there was still something beautiful about them, in the way the snow gathered on their branches. I couldn’t help but ponder how they knew when to shed their leaves, and when to grow new shoots, considering that trees have no eyes to see, ears to hear, and no real way of sensing the world around them. Yet somehow, with only the slightest change in temperature, and never before the time, the trees would, almost as one, begin to grow new shoots, leaves, blossoms, and eventually fruit. 

Underfoot, the freshly fallen snow crunched as we walked. There were no paths dug out here, and I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for the two trails of hoof prints we were leaving behind, marring the unbroken landscape. Still, at least the footing was a lot surer here, with the snow giving a surprising amount of grip. It wasn’t too deep, only about three inches I’d say. It was enough to cover the ground thickly enough, without drifting and making it hard to get about. Remember, ponies aren’t exactly tall to begin with and a foot of snow would be more than enough to stop most travel short of pegasi. Then again, four legs did make you less likely to fall on your rear than two. 

It was fairly cold outside this early in the morning, but it hadn’t froze in the night. Still, my breath turned to vapour and we walked and talked, and I was conscious of some cold even through my boots and coat. As romantic as this all might be for us two lovebirds strolling around in the snow, I shouldn’t like to dawdle too long. The cold was already beginning to make my jaw ache. 

“Man, I wish the weather had been like this at Christmas when I was a kid,” I commented as we continued on towards the now frozen lake. 

“It didn’t snow much back on Earth?” AJ asked. 

“A lot of places it did,” I replied. "But Britain tended to get pretty mild winters. The best you could usually hope for was a dry, cold overcast day, maybe some frost. A lot of the time it just rained though. That kinda took the magic out of the day. Particularly when some folks got flooded out.”

“Ugh! I bet!” Applejack agreed. “One of the things I like about all this snow and frost is how it gets rid of all the mud for a while.”

“Huh, me too,” I replied with a smile. 

“So did you ever get a Hearth’s Warming like this?” she asked. 

“Well, there were a couple years when there was snow for Christmas,” I explained as we worked our way up the little hill that overlooked the lake. “Once when I was about five or six we got a dusting on Christmas Eve and it stuck around for a few days. And then there was one time about six or seven years ago when we had snow all through December and into the new year. Although that kinda got a bit stale when it was all still around in March. Mom even got stuck up on the mountain once and had to have the police rescue her in their four wheel drive. We left the car up on the mountain until the Army sent the snowcats in to clear it; civilian snowploughs just couldn’t cope with it; drifts higher than trucks. It’s much better here, knowing that there’ll be snow at Hearth’s Warming.”

At that moment, we reached the top of the small hill that overlooked the lake. I had a lot of memories of this little spot on the farm. It was here that AJ and I had finally admitted our feelings for one another, I’d been right by here when Sombra attacked, I’d caught the fire sign of smoke from the grass fire in the summer, and not too far away was the entwined apple and pear trees memorialising Bright Mac and Pear Butter, and where Big Mac and Sugar Belle too tied the knot. 

At this time of the year, the one steep side of the hill down towards the lake made for a great place to sled down on a toboggan, and the now frozen lake was good for skating, or maybe a spot of ice fishing. That could wait though. Right now I was taken aback by the beautiful winter scene that stretched out before us. 

“It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful it is out here,” I said as we both looked out at the peaceful scene. “There’s nopony else for miles around. Kinda nice to have your own national park pretty much on your doorstep.”

Applejack though had her mind on other things. Catching my eye, she coyly gestured towards one of the small barns that dotted the landscape, grinning knowingly. They were empty at this time of year for the most part, with the remaining produce stored closer to home. The only thing left would be hay, stored in the loft, for the sheep and cattle.

“It’s gettin’ pretty cold out here, Bones,” she said innocently. “How about we head in there and warm up a bit?”

I smiled back. You didn’t need to be a genius to see what she was driving at. After all, we had rather rudely been interrupted by Apple Bloom this morning. And who knows when we’ll next have a quiet moment to ourselves. I might not put much stock in physical intimacy, but that didn’t mean for one second I was going to deny AJ. 

“It is a bit chilly out here, isn’t it,” I agreed with a smile. 

Fate however, seemed determined to intervene today. For no sooner had we taken a few steps than we heard a voice call out close at hoof. 

“Bones! Applejack!”

It was my dad. Mum was with him too. The both of them were dressed heavily in winter wear. Dad had a heavy overcoat and wellingtons, along with that daft looking tweed flat cap of his, while Mum had her own winter coat, walking boots, and a bobble hat, as well as waterproof trousers over her jeans. 

We both started and promptly turned around, trying to look as though we weren’t about to sneak into an empty barn to do what loving couples do in them. If he suspected anything, my old man didn’t show it. 

“Hey, Dad,” I said, a little nervously. “What brings you here?”

We were out in the middle of the farm after all. What in Equestria was he doing out here?

“Granny Smith told us the two of you had headed out this way,” he explained. “I was wondering if you fancied stopping by the house for Christmas dinner with me and the memsahib. Your sister’s coming along too. It’d be nice for us to all get together. Applejack’s welcome too, of course.”     

Now, the Apples too would have their own Hearth’s Warming dinner, but that would take place after they’d raised the flag, making it more like a supper meal than dinner. Mum typically did Christmas dinner around two, so we should have plenty of time to head over there and stay for a while, before coming back to the farm with a decent appetite. I’d been planning on popping out to see my folks, as well as Lizzie and Dewdrop anyway. I could hardly not after all. But it was nice to have the opportunity to have Christmas dinner as a family regardless. 

And so, AJ and I joined Mum and Dad as we all headed back to their house in town. Lizzie and Dewdrop were already there, helping to keep an eye on the dinner and keep the fire going. Celestia knows that, as beautiful as this winter wonderland was, we’d all be glad to get in somewhere warm before too long. 

Heading into town, we soon came to my parents’ house. From the chimney, a thin plume of smoke was billowing, and the house glittered with multicoloured string lights Dad had hung up. On the door, there was a genuine wreath, and even before opening the door on which it was hung, we could all smell the dinner. Of course, the smell of a cooked goose didn’t exactly appeal to me as it once did, but I had no doubt Mum had made accommodations for us herbivores. 

“We’re back!” Mum called out as we all walked in, being careful to knock the snow off our boots as we did so. 

“Hey, Mum!” Lizzie called back from in the kitchen. “You’d better get in here. I think this goose you and Dad are having is nearly done.”

Mum took that as her cue to exit, and promptly disappeared to join her daughter in the kitchen, while Dad, Applejack and I went through to the front room to join Dewdrop, who had kindly agreed to keep an eye on the fire. Even with a guard on the fireplace, Mum would have kittens at the idea of leaving the house with even a single ember burning unattended. 

With Mum and Lizzie busy in the kitchen, AJ and I followed Dad through to the front room. To my surprise, I found we weren’t the only guests here today. I was expecting to see Dewdrop of course, he and Lizzie spend pretty much all their time together. But I wasn’t expecting to see two alicorns and a draconequus amicably chatting away with young Dewdrop. Celestia and Luna were both perched, in a rather Lyra like fashion on the sofa, while Discord had taken my Dad’s armchair, and was currently blowing bubbles out of a meerschaum pipe, with a contemplative expression on his face. Dewdrop himself meanwhile, seemed overcome with anxiety and shyness at the prospect of making small talk with a chaos spirit and two former princesses.

“Princesses!” I exclaimed, as AJ bowed out of instinct. Celestia chuckled to herself, pausing only to take a sip from a glass of wine held in her telekinetic grip.

“Really, Blade Star,” she said. “It’s been months since the coronation. It’s just Celestia and Luna now. And there’s really no need to bow, Applejack.”

“Oh, sorry, force of habit,” I said grinning awkwardly, turning to Dad as AJ brought herself back up.

“You didn’t tell me Celestia and Luna were here too,” I said. Dad smiled. 

“I figured it would make a nice Hearth’s Warming present,” he said. “Tia and Luna fancied spending some time away from Silver Shoals, so I suggested they stop by today. And Discord here is splitting his time between here and Sweet Feather Sanctuary, as well as Canterlot.”

“Well, I can hardly leave Spike with just the Princess of Books for company all day, now can I?” the old spirit pointed out. 

“It’s always nice to see you, Blade Star,” Luna said with a kindly smile. 

“Likewise,” I replied as AJ and I took a seat on the other sofa in the room. “So, how is retirement treating the two of you?”

“Most pleasantly,” Luna said. “Time away from my former duties has allowed me to take up pursuits unavailable to me in the past.”

“Pursuits involving a thousand year old stallion perhaps?” Celestia teased. Luna blushed a little at that. Her relationship with Stygian is now all but common knowledge. 

“Well, at least she’s settled down, Cellie,” Discord chimed in with a grin. “I mean this whole on again off again thing is really starting to bore me.”

Now it was Celestia’s turn to blush as the room chuckled at her expense. 

“While my sister may not have yet chosen to take a suitor,” Luna went on after we’d all recovered. “She has kept herself busy. Although I will never understand your interest in all those madcap activities you insist on partaking in.”

“What can I say? I’m an adrenaline junkie,” the white alicorn answered with a shrug. “And how about you two? How has life been on Sweet Apple Acres?”

We caught the magical trio up on the little comings and goings of life in our quiet little corner of Equestria. AJ was just telling everypony about my brief singing stint during zap apple season, when Mum saved my dignity by calling out that dinner was ready, and asked Dewdrop to come and lend a hoof, prompting him to disappear in a flash to the kitchen. So we all took our seats at the table. Using his chaos magic for something useful for a change, Discord had modified the small dining table to accommodate the many guests now gathered around it, and had even laid out quite the spread. We all took our places, with AJ on one side of me, Luna on the other, and Lizzie directly opposite, along with her boyfriend. Dad sat at one head on the table, while Celestia took the other, leaving Mum and Discord to sit opposite each other and lovingly trade barbs. Mum never has quite gotten on with the old spirit, mainly due to all the hi-jinks he’s gotten my dad mixed up in. 

Speaking of my dear old mum, she soon appeared from the kitchen, along with Lizzie and Dewdrop, with the dinner, or at least part of it. Normally, since it would only be the four of us, Mum would serve everything together on individual plates. This year though, she’d gone for a more buffet style. After setting down a plate for everypony, she, Lizzie and Dewdrop began to ferry out the dishes. Mashed potatoes, carrots, sprouts, a large gravy dish, parsnips, roast potatoes, vegetarian versions of pigs in blankets, and, of course, a goose. They’d gone for a fairly small bird, which Dad had bought from a Griffon butcher up in Canterlot, given how most of us were not so inclined. To make up for that though, herbivore friendly alternatives were provided for us ponies. 

Discord again used his magic to have a little bit of fun when, upon carving up the bird, he produced from it crop a beautiful blue carbuncle, in a nod to Conan Doyle’s Christmastime mystery, presenting it to Mum as thanks for the incredible spread. And it was an impressive spread too. Even with help from Lizzie, Dewdrop and my dad, this lot must have taken hours of labour. 

“You should have come to fetch me and AJ sooner, Dad,” I said as the last dishes arrived. “Me and AJ would’ve loved to have helped out with all this.”

“Oh, I knew you two had your hooves full with getting that big meal ready last night,” Mum replied, waving away my concern. “Besides, Celestia here was a great help.”

Ah yes! How could I forget? One of Celestia’s hobbies, even when she was still running the show up in Canterlot was cooking.  

“I never realised you had such an interest in cooking, your highness...er, I mean...Celestia,” Dewdrop added, with only a slight stammer and quiver in his voice. Celestia smiled kindly. 

“One of the reasons I’m glad to no longer be a princess, Dewdrop,” she said. “Is that ponies now no longer see me as this distant figure who doesn’t lead a normal life. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, acting too. Even when I was still princess, I often cooked breakfast whenever there were guests in the castle.”

“Do not forget your love of zip lining either, dear sister,” Luna added, grinning. I struggled to avoid laughing then and there at the mental image of the regal and serene alicorn hurling down on a zip line.

“Really?” Lizzie asked, spooning out some carrots for herself. 

“I’ve always loved adventure,” Celestia admitted. “Once Equestria became a more stable nation, and Luna and I were no longer required to see off some monster or deal with hostile griffons or zebras every week, I found myself missing the excitement. Extreme sports remind me of those heady days. It’s why Luna and I plan to go on a tour of Equestria.”

“Somepony’s trying to recapture their youth,” Discord said with a knowing grin. Luna scowled.

“At least we both managed to grow up, Discord,” she retorted defensively. “You still seem to derive your fun from childish pranks and manipulative mind games.”

“Oh I haven’t done that in years,” he countered. 

“Young Elisabeth here would not be a pegasus were it not for your interference,” she pointed out. 

“Is that a bad thing?” he replied coolly. Mum now joined in. It always has, if you ask me, been the root of her dislike towards the draconequus. 

“If you’d asked her I wouldn’t mind,” she added. “But you turned up at Fluttershy’s one night, and the next morning she was stuck as a pegasus for a week.”

“She enjoyed it though once she got used to it,” Discord replied. “And it’s proved most useful to her over these past few years. I can’t imagine her being a skilled weather pony were she still a human.”

“Admit it, Discord. You were just curious to see what would happen. Don’t hide behind flimsy pretexts of goodwill.”

Applejack and I, along with a few other ponies, were now starting to feel decidedly uncomfortable. Luckily, Dad and Celestia stepped in.

“Alright, I think we should leave that discussion for another time,” she suggested diplomatically. 

“Indeed,” Dad agreed. “While I might have my own views on the matter, Christmas dinner is hardly the place for it. Lord knows you and I have talked our way round it two dozen times, Discord.”

Mum looked as if she might continue on with her tirade for a moment, as did Luna. A moment later though, the pair relented, although the atmosphere remained a little uneasy with the mood soured. Fortunately, Dewdrop, of all ponies, managed to get things steered towards safer topics.  

“Tell me, Celestia, when did you ever find time to learn how to cook?” he asked curiously. 

“Well, when we first became rulers, Dewdrop,” she replied. “My days weren’t filled up with meetings and appointments. I used to have plenty of free time to learn as I wished, provided Luna and I kept up with our studies under Starswirl.”

The mention of the old father of modern magic got everypony chattering away quite nicely after that. I couldn’t help but notice though that Discord seemed rather pensive. I too have always been a little uneasy with what he did to my little sister. True, it has helped her immeasurably in her time here, but he did it without permission as an April fools joke. He did something similar to me, turning me briefly into an alicorn. At the time, all of us were damn cross with him, and Twilight was ready to tear his head off. It was only because Lizzie ended up liking her new form that he was let off the hook somewhat. But Mum and Luna were right in what they said. I mean, look at the fallout from the whole Bell incident. It was entirely his fault. Sometimes I do think ponies are far too forgiving, particularly when it comes to Discord. Then again, what’s done is done. There’s hardly much to be achieved hounding him about it now, years later. 

Still, it played on my mind a little over dinner. And unbeknownst to any other us, Discord was planning to, at long last, make reparations. 

After dinner and a wonderful Christmas pudding that Mum had spent days working on, our little group, now in a more relaxed mood all around, returned back to the living room for presents. I’d brought my gifts to Mum and Dad over a few days earlier, and they were now resting under the tree. Celestia and Luna too had brought presents for my parents. Dad had also gotten a couple little gifts for the two princesses. It was as all these exchanges were going on, that Discord offered up his own little trinket in an effort to make amends. While Celestia was thanking my old man for his gift, Discord, who had now returned to his armchair, turned to speak to my sister. 

“I actually have a present for you as well, Lizzie,” he said, catching everypony’s attention. 

“Me?” she answered, sounding a little surprised. After all, Discord rarely gave gifts, typically only getting something for Fluttershy and my dad, as well as Celestia. 

“Well, you dear old mother here got me thinking,” he explained genially. “It was a rather unkind thing to do, turning you into a pegasus without your say so.” Lizzie however, unlike Mum, wasn’t quite so grudge bearing.

“It certainly freaked me out when you did it,” she agreed. “But if you hadn’t, where would I be now? I probably wouldn’t have met Dewdrop, and I certainly wouldn’t have my job.” Discord however, was determined to be mature for once. 

“All very true, but as Luna and your mother said, the ends do not justify the means. It was still wrong of me to use my magic without your consent. Goodness knows I’ve made that mistake over and over again. When you have powers like mine, you get so used to messing with ponies for fun, you start to forget, or just ignore, the implications of what you’re doing. So permit me to use my magic one last time, to make it up to you.”

Snapping his talons, he produced a small box, wrapped in bright red paper and bound by a little green bow. Handing it to Lizzie, he bade her to open it. Inside was indeed a small little box; the sort of thing you might keep a watch in. Opening it, she turned it around to show us. It took me a couple moments to realise what I was looking at. 

At first, I thought it was just another piece of jewellery; a gold necklace with a little gold, heart shaped locket on the chain. It wasn’t until Lizzie tried to open the locket up, and Discord stopped her, that I realised what it was.

“Ah, ah, ah,” he chided, putting a claw on Lizzie’s hoof. “I wouldn’t open that in here just yet. I don’t think anypony wants rainbows darting all over the place. Take it from me, being hit by one is not as pleasant as it sounds.” 

“Discord,” Celestia said in a hushed tone. “Is that what I think it is?” Luna too was stunned into silence, as was I. 

“What is it, Tia?” Dad prodded, more confused than anything. “This better not be some bloody dangerous artifact, Discord.”

“It’s not dangerous, Dad,” I said in a quiet, reverent voice before turning to Discord. “That’s the Rainbow of Light, isn’t it?” 

The whole room went silent, half from amazement on the part of those of us who understood what we were looking at, and confusion for those of us that didn’t.  

“So what is it?” Lizzie said after a moment, still holding onto the locket. 

“A precursor to the Elements of Harmony,” I explained in a hushed tone. “The most powerful magic known to ponydom. But it comes from another version of the show. It shouldn’t even exist here.”

“Like Grogar shouldn’t?” Discord pointed out. 

“Where did you get it?” Celestia asked in amazement. “More to the point how?”

“Well, technically, this isn’t the Rainbow of Light,” he explained. “It’s a facsimile, but I thought it would make a nice vessel for this bit of my magic.” 

“Your magic?” Dad asked, now sounding more that a little concerned. 

“One spell,” Discord explained. “Very similar to that pearl thingamajig Queen Novo had smashed into a million pieces. It will allow the wearer, when they open the locket, to transform from pegasus, to human, and back again.”

“So Lizzie can become human again?” Mum asked. 

“Whenever she wants to,” Discord said with a nod. “And she can change back to the pegasus before you now too. Consider it, Lizzie, an old fool’s apology for being such a horse’s ass all these years.” He then turned to Celestia. “See, Cellie. I told you I was finally going to use my magic for good.”

Silence held for a moment as we all took in what had been said. Lizzie then got up, and with great care, opened up the locket. Instantly, a rainbow shot out and swirled around her, briefly hiding her from our sight. It very much reminded me of the Elements firing off, and I could sense powerful magic at play, both chaos based, but strangely, also the magic of friendship, albeit very faintly. 

When the rainbow receded, returning back to the locket it came from, which closed with a snap, we found that the pegasus who had been standing there a moment ago was gone, and in her place was a girl in her early twenties, dressed in the same clothes she had been when this whole thing started. 

“Lizzie!” my parents both exclaimed at once. 

There followed much excited chattering and yammering as they both looked her over, and the two alicorns checked her over to be safe. Dewdrop seemed more surprised than anything to find his marefriend had suddenly shot up by well over a foot. With Lizzie though, all was well. The spell had indeed changed her back to her human form, and nothing else. 

After a few minutes of getting used to being bipedal again, it was decided that we ought to check the reverse process worked just as well. And indeed, another rainbow whirlwind later, and Lizzie the pegasus pony stood before us, much to Dewdrop’s relief. Lizzie quickly checked herself over as it subsided. 

“That’s amazing!” she exclaimed, turning around on the spot. “Thanks, Discord.” 

“I know it doesn’t make up for what I did, but I hope it can be a beginning,” he said. All eyes now turned to my mum, who’d been the strongest detractor. She was quiet for a moment before she spoke.

“Well, considering you got made a fool of by your three apprentices, stripped of your powers, and rather publicly humiliated into the bargain,” she said. “I suppose this does make up for what you did. I don’t forget, Discord, and I’m not sure I can forgive, but I’m willing to let things lie. Provided you keep your magic off my kids, we won’t have any problems. It is the season of goodwill after all.”

Discord’s little admission and gift giving rather stole the show for the rest of the afternoon as we all chatted amicably around the fire. Eventually though, it came time for AJ and I to leave. The Apples had their own festivities after all. We had another good meal to attend, as well as one of the key traditions of Hearth’s Warming; raising Equestria’s flag, as it was so many moons ago. 

Now, to my mind, as a Brit, this bit smacks of the Americans again for me. While flying a union flag (not jack, you only call it that when it flies from a jack staff on a man-o'-war) upside down is one of the quickest ways to annoy me, we don’t obsess over our colours quite as much as our colonial cousins, who seemed enamoured with ritualistically raising, lowering, folding, saluting, and burning theirs amongst other things. Obsessions with symbols smacks of darker European history, and another nation whose symbol was once an eagle, and so I’ve always been slightly uncomfortable with a similar tradition here in Equestria. Still, it is a more benign thing, symbolising the founding of the country and the unification of the three tribes, so I try not to carp about it. 

We arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres, having had an already impressive Christmas lunch, for an even more elaborate Hearth’s Warming meal. AJ and I hadn’t had too much at my parents to avoid spoiling our appetites, but by the time the meal was done, we all felt positively stuffed. It certainly made getting ourselves outside for the flag raising a challenge. Still, we managed it. 

Big Mac was the master of ceremonies here. The flag, although banner would be more accurate, was hand made by members of the Apple family long since passed. Each star was individually sewn, as were the two circling alicorns, and even the rays coming off the sun. 

Actually, now that I think about it, considering this flag was first raised many years before the rule of the Two Sisters, it’s strange that they should be depicted on it. Revisionist history perhaps? After all, there was an Old Equestria once upon a time. Perhaps the three tribes way back when raised a very different set of colours to what we do now. Who knows, maybe soon it will be updated again to reflect the current state of affairs.

Regardless of that, Mac carefully attached the flag to the pole, which he and I had set up in the middle of the farmyard, and at Granny’s signal, ran it up, letting the slight breeze catch it, causing it to flutter slightly in the wind. Thus concluded the holiday of Hearth’s Warming. We’d leave the flag up for the rest of the day and then fetch it down when it dropped dark. 

The next few days passed by steadily in that odd fashion that marks the time between Boxing Day and New Years, the former of which doesn’t exist in Equestria. Life on the farm remained reasonably quiet, with only the mornings being busy with chores. I visited my parents a couple more times, as well as Lizzie and Dewdrop. I also did my best to drop in on AJ’s friends, as well as Starlight and Sunburst.  

Big Mac took advantage of the free time to start drawing up his plans to extend the farmhouse. He was planning a modest, two storey extension, which would both add a new bedroom and spare room for storage upstairs, but also increase the size of the kitchen downstairs. Of course, there was the small matter of having to knock through the original wall, but Mac reckoned that between the two of us, along with help from AJ and a few friends, we should be able to get it all done in just a few weeks. And given how much of the busy harvest work was in the autumn, we would have plenty of time in spring and the summer to do it. The two of us planned to start work on the foundations for the new extension after Winter Wrap Up. 

As for the other Apples, Sugar Belle and AJ spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other more over the holiday. While Applejack had always been in favour of their marriage, she was still adjusting to the notion of her brother being married. I’d find myself feeling the same way about my own little sister. 

Granny and Apple Bloom meanwhile had also kept themselves busy. Granny had used the free time to start looking into building a new cider press. Given how temperamental our current old girl had been this year, and possibly to stave off further questions about automation, the staunchly conservative mare had finally admitted that the press was past its prime and was looking into building a new one. While she may no longer be a young filly, Granny is still quite practical. After all, who do you think taught AJ all she knows about DIY? 

Apple Bloom meanwhile had made a few trips, supervised of course, into the Everfree to visit Zecora, partly to get more potion making tips from her, but also to offer the zebra some companionship. After all, Zecora’s homeland and family are a great distance away, and while the enigmatic shaman clearly enjoys her solitude, I’m sure she appreciated the little filly coming by to keep her company at this festive time. 

The year was winding down now. The snow had become a familiar sight, as had the Hearth’s Warming decorations. I’d find myself feeling more than a little disheartened in another week or so when we took all the decorations down. The walls always looked so bare, and the rooms so empty, once they were stripped of tree, tinsel and lights. But there was still plenty of merriment to be had in the meantime. After all, New Years was upon us.

This New Years celebration was to be quite the momentous event. After all the turmoil in the latter half of the year, a part of me was glad to see the back of it. There was this sense of optimism in the air; a new year, a new princess, old villains all finally defeated for good. Things were really looking up and ponies all over felt that we were entering a new golden age of harmony. And so rather than just having a little get together at the farmhouse, or at my parents place, all of Ponyville was coming together for one big celebration at the Castle of Friendship, now under Starlight’s care. Everypony was going to get together to ring in the new year. And unlike back on earth with the countdown in Time Square, Ponyville had the foresight to host the party indoors, with central heating and decent plumbing. 

But more important that that was the news that we would be getting a very special guest. With her government now fully up and running, Princess Twilight Sparkle would be coming down to Ponyville to celebrate as well. I was certainly glad for that; we all were. While AJ and the others got to meet up with her once a month to touch base, I hadn’t seen much of her since my visit to Canterlot. While the princess would no doubt be a hot commodity, and any time with her limited, it would be nice to talk to Twilight again.  

So, come December 31, AJ and I, along with the rest of the family, headed down to the castle. Granny had managed to get us a spot in the ad hoc food court that would keep all the guests fed over the evening, which she would be manning, leaving the rest of us free to spend time with our friends and significant others. 

The castle was brightly lit when we arrived and it was clear that the party inside, courtesy of who else but Pinkie Pie, was in full swing. There was some security on the front door in the form of two Royal Guard pegasi, and I caught the occasional glimpse of a few more on balconies as we went inside. Ponyville, naturally, made up most of the guests. Pretty much everyone in town was here, from Cranky and Matilda, Nurse Redheart, Cheerilee, along with Lyra and Bon Bon. My parents were here too, along with Lizzie, and the three of them were happily chatting away together. Applejack meanwhile soon spotted her own friends, and we both temporarily parted ways. I meanwhile, went to say hi to my parents and little sister.

“Hey, everypony,” I said as I trotted up. 

“Bones! We were just talking about you,” Dad said with a smile as I walked up.

“Oh, good things I hope,” I replied. Mum giggled, telling me she’d obviously had a bit of the punch already. Poor woman never could hold her liquor. Half a glass of wine, she giggles, and then falls fast asleep. Dad however, turned to Lizzie.

“Your sister here’s managed to reach one milestone in life before you, my lad,” he said. 

“What do you mean?” I asked, turning to Lizzie.

“You want to tell him, sweetheart?” Dad asked her kindly. 

My pegasus sibling was blushing adorably, something Lizzie isn’t normally given too, never mind the positively giddy look on her face right now. Her explanation came gushing out like a waterfall of words.

“Dewdrop asked me to marry him!” she exclaimed excitedly, revealing a necklace with a ring on it “We’d both been talking about it for the last couple of months, and then this morning he got down on one knee at breakfast! I’m getting married, Bones!”

The news hit me like a tonne of bricks. Our Lizzie getting married? She was in her mid twenties now, but a part of me still saw the little toddler I used to have to look after all those years ago. The notion of her doing something quite so grown up as tie the knot caused quite the bit of cognitive dissonance in my head. And in a way, it even made me a little sad to think that Lizzie was no longer that little kid any more, just as I wasn’t. It kind of made me feel old now that I come to think of it. 

Still, I quickly pushed that bit of melancholy aside. There was no way I wouldn’t be happy for her. Having known him for quite some time, I knew Dewdrop to be a stand up guy. The two of them made a cute couple together. So I did all that I could do without bursting into tears like Mum seemed to be about to. Pulling my little sister into a hug, I did my best to be a good big brother.

“Congratulations, sis,” I said. 

Before I even released her, Mum started to blubber a little. She’d apparently been doing so on and off, in a happy way mind you, ever since Lizzie broke the news. Dad reaching into his breast pocket and offered her a handkerchief. 

“So when is the wedding?” I asked as I released Lizzie.

“Your Mum and your sister both think a longer engagement will be for the best,” Dad explained as Lizzie went to look after Mum. “She and Dewdrop are looking to do something in the summer, around the Summer Sun...” He caught himself. “I mean the Festival of the Two Sisters.”

“Still getting used to that, eh?” I prodded jokingly as we both walked over to the little buffet and helped ourselves to some drinks. 

“Yeah. It still feels weird going into court and seeing little Twilight Sparkle there. Well, actually...” he stopped himself again.

“Actually, what?” I prodded. Dad smiled in that way he does when he knows something I don’t. 

“Why don’t you go and say hello to her, Bones. It’s fairly obvious, particularly for you.”

I was half tempted to just keep poking him verbally, and possibly physically, until he spilled the beans on what he knew. But usually when he did this it was a good surprise. Usually. So, after nursing my drink musingly for a moment, I acquiesced.

“Alright then,” I agreed. “Where is Twilight anyhow?” I’d expected to find her in here in the main hall. But while there was a sizeable crowd of ponies in here, there was no alicorn princess to be seen. 

“Where else do you think Twilight’s going to be, Bones?” Dad asked with a laugh. “Head on through to the library. She and her friends are all in there catching up.” He gestured down the hallway toward the library, which was pretty quiet, given how most of the party guests were in the main hall or the map room. 

Heading down the familiar corridor, I made my way to the library. I hadn’t been here much since the coronation. While I have nothing against Starlight, the castle’s new custodian, it sort of felt wrong with Twilight not being around. I had to privately admit that I found myself missing my occasional study sessions with her. It would certainly be nice to see her again. In fact, the chance to catch up with my friend in such an informal setting had so occupied my mind, that I forget my Dad’s hint about something being up. That lasted right up until I walked in and came face to face with my friend. 

One thing I had idly been wondering about was the effect becoming Princess of Equestria would have on Twilight. While it had been subtle, after she became an alicorn, Twilight had gained a couple of inches on her unicorn self. She was still shorter than me, and not noticeably taller than anypony else. In fact, it had taken me a while to clock it back when I was watching Season 4 back on Earth. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, were all noticeably taller than your average mare, mainly due to the vast amounts of magic they possessed. When Luna first returned from exile, she was in such a de-powered state that she reverted to her original form. Only later, as her magic returned, did she regain her normal form and stature. The same could be said for Celestia, who was once a normal sized pony with a pinkish mane. Only after they became Equestria’s rulers did they begin to take on the forms we’re familiar with. I’d figured that the minor spurt following her ascension was this for Twilight. After all, Cadence, had not experienced such effects. While taller than the average, she was not outside the norm, look at Fleur de Lis for instance, nor did her mane develop the unusual properties Celestia’s and Luna’s did. However, walking into the library, I found my belief quite untrue. 

All six of them were gathered around one of the tables, happily chattering away, and they all looked up when I opened the door and trotted in. 

“Hey, everypony,” I said, waving a hoof in greeting. “Hope you don’t mind me dropping by too.”

“Of course not, Blade Star,” Twilight said with a grin as she pivoted around on her chair to face me. 

She was wearing her new crown; a fusion of the crowns of Equestria’s former rulers. Unlike her old Princess of Friendship crown, protocol didn’t really allow her to take it off in public. 

Leaving her friends to continue catching up, Twilight got down from her chair and trotted over to me. It was then that I realised the difference. 

She was taller than me.

It was only by an inch or two, but it was definitely noticeable. I’d say we’d effectively swapped our height difference from the last time we met. Now I’m average height for a unicorn, and apart from the princesses, Big Mac, and Shining Armor, there isn’t really anypony that I have to look up to. So it was a little strange to find myself looking up at Twilight, even if only slightly. 

“Twilight, you’re taller!” I exclaimed in surprise. Twilight grinned bashfully. 

“It’s a little strange isn’t it?” she admitted. “Celestia said I might get a little taller as my body adjusts to the increase in magic. Moving the sun and moon every day does build magical strength after all. What do you think?” 

Now, let me explain, just as muscles grow as they are regularly used, magic can increase in power, to a certain point, by the same token. While muscles grow in size, a being’s body adjusts to accommodate the magical energy. We saw this with the likes of Tirek, and the way the Bell affected him, Chrysalis and Cozy. It had also happened to Twilight before when she became an alicorn; her body now having alicorn magic. How much this would affect Twilight would not become apparent for some time. It depended on the pony. After all, Celestia and Luna have comparable magic, but Celestia is markedly taller than her sibling or Cadence.

“It certainly suits you,” I said after recovering from the surprise. “I imagine it makes it a little easier to get ponies to listen to you. How tall do you think you’ll get?” Twilight shrugged.

“I’m not sure yet,” she answered. “But Shining Armor is starting to get worried that his little sister is going to become his big sister soon.” I chuckled at that.

“Yeah, it must be bad enough having a younger sibling who outstrips you magically and has saved the world, by my count, fourteen times now. Shoot, half of those you either saved his tail, or Cadence’s.”

“Oh come on, Blade Star,” Twilight said with a grin. “You know I’m not one to tease my big brother like that. Although I am pretty tempted.” We both laughed at that, before Twilight invited me to join the rest of them. 

“So, growth spurts aside,” I said as I sat down next to her. “How’s life as a princess been treating you?”

“Actually, it’s not been too bad, so far,” Twilight replied. “I mean, the first few weeks for a little difficult, but Celestia and your dad really helped me get settled in. I think everypony just needed time to adjust to everything.”

“I still have a hard time believing it even now,” Rarity admitted. 

“That’s for sure,” Rainbow agreed. “Not that I don’t see you as a princess, Twi, but I still see you as that book reading egghead.”

“I think that’s a good thing,” Applejack jumped in. “We all agreed when this whole thing started that we wouldn’t let it affect our friendship. If Twilight has to be Princess Twilight Sparkle everywhere else, at least with us, she can be just Twilight.”

“I can’t even imagine calling you, your highness,” Fluttershy said quietly. 

I still don’t get why Twilight isn’t Queen Twilight now,” Pinkie said curiously. 

“Because Queen Celestia didn’t fly at the Hasbro pitch meeting,” I responded jokingly. 

“Oh, that makes sense,” she replied understandingly. “At least they came up with the idea of getting John De Lancie to voice Discord.”

I swear, that mare never ceases to surprise. 

Then seven of us chattered away for the next while, getting caught up with each other’s lives. Truth be told, if it wasn’t for Twilight creating the Council of Friendship, it would be pretty tricky for them all to get together like this. I too was glad to get some time with the Element bearers. While I saw AJ every day, and Fluttershy and Dash often enough, it was nice to also spend some time with Rarity and Pinkie, who I crossed paths with less frequently. 

Eventually though, there came a knock at the door, and a young guard entered. 

“Sorry to bother you, your highness,” he said with a quick bow. “But it’s almost midnight.”

Ah yes, time to ring in the new year. Twilight thanked the young sentry and the seven of us headed back to the main hall.

Returning to the main hall, we all found that everypony, or rather everycreature, was ready for the final countdown. Twilight, along with her guards peeled off. The princess was to give a speech just before the clock struck midnight. I meanwhile rejoined my family, both of my families. Standing in the crowd, on one side of me were my parents, along with Lizzie and Dewdrop, and on the other, AJ and the rest of the Apple family. And around us all were our friends and neighbours from all around Ponyville. My social circle has definitely expanded a lot since I got here. The crowd steadily fell silent and the chattered died down as Twilight came up to the specially prepared podium to give her speech. Activating her magic, she levitated up a good stack of note cards and quickly cleared her throat before beginning. 

“Hello, everypony,” she began. “And welcome to Ponyville’s annual new years’ celebration. Tonight we gather together to usher in a new year, for ourselves and Equestria as a whole. It has been a year of great changes and upheaval for so many of us, myself included. But as I stand here today, surrounded by friends, family, and fellow ponies from all walks of life, I cannot help but feel optimistic for the year ahead. We have faced trial and adversity, and together, through friendship, we have triumphed and brought about an age of harmony unrivalled in our history. 

“Why standing here now, we have ponies from all three tribes, crystal ponies from the Frozen North, griffons, yaks, changelings, kirin, zebras, and even humans from a world beyond our own. I cannot think of a better way of showing what the magic of friendship is truly capable of. Once upon a time, our races were divided, and even ponies were racked with discord and mistrust of each other. But here, today, we all stand together. It is my sincere hope that this coming year will allow us to only further strengthen those bonds we have forged. And so, in that spirit, I hope you’ll all join me in the countdown. Spike?”

Twilight turned to her young dragon assistant, who was hovering up by the large clock that had been set up. The second hand was slowly creeping around towards twelve. The small band that had been assembled for the occasion also prepared themselves. 

“Twenty seconds, Twilight,” he reported. Twilight nodded. 

“Alright everypony, join me in the countdown. Ten...”

We all started to join in as the seconds ticked by.

“Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...”

“Happy New Year!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, firing off her party cannon and blanketing everypony with confetti. The band meanwhile struck up that old song, which, while having Coltic origins here in Equestria, was still used for the same tradition. 

We all joined hands, hooves, wings, and claws to sing in the new year together. And as the old Scotch tune soldiered on, I couldn’t help but reflect on all that had happened this year. It sure had been an interesting time. 

Now I wonder what the next will bring?