Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus

by GMSeskii

[Chapter 4] The Jaws of Divinity

There was magic in the air. It was so intense, so palpable, that even an ordinary human could feel it. The way the sun shone through the needles of the evergreen trees was impossibly beautiful. It wasn’t unnatural—far from it. Looking upon the light as it danced made all other light seem unnatural in its presence, as if this was what light was meant to be. However, if one looked at it long enough, they would get a feeling of loss. If they were clever, they would realize this was a hint: a hint that even this light wasn’t truly perfect, merely an improvement on a scale so large physical minds could not comprehend.

If one were to take a picture of the forest, almost none of this would translate. It would appear in the photograph as a particularly beautiful glade with nothing all that unusual about it. Nothing, that is, aside from a single lamp-post seemingly growing out of the ground like a tree, lit as though it were powered by electricity, despite no power grid or even civilization anywhere in sight. In the midst of nature, it was a beacon. A beacon of what, well… no one who looked upon the lamp post knew for sure what it meant. Was it an unsightly blemish upon the natural soil, or a welcome addition to the flows of the world?

That was a question the heroes themselves would ask as the green door manifested between two trees in front of the lamp post.