Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus

by GMSeskii

The Ultimate Show, Reprise

Dimentio watched as the Ninth World started to crumble. “Ah, Picard! Come, see.”

Picard refused to move.

“I said come s—” Dimentio stopped himself. “Hold on, dimensional interference, it should pass and then you’ll witness the g—”

The front door of the central chamber exploded as a sleek but rather battered black car drove through it at high speed, depositing a sight that was highly unwelcome to Dimentio; Nastasia, Lucy, Mimi, O’Chunks, Rarity, Blumiere, Tippi, and all eight Pure Hearts. Since Tippi was one of the chosen, with a little levitation magic it was a simple matter for her to “carry” them here.

“Take this!” Tippi shouted, willing the Pure Hearts upon the Chaos Heart once again. They found its essence inside Dimentio and canceled it, breaking its protection once again. All Hearts became dull… but the monstrous form of Dimentio with Luigi and chaotic power still remained.

“Nastasia, did I ever tell you how much your constant meddling was aggravating? Like a hornet that just kept stinging and avoiding the bug zapper’s sweet embrace of death…” Dimentio snapped his massive fingers… and nothing happened.

“I don’t know how your dimensional powers work, Dimentio,” Natassia admitted. “So I turned on every device with any sort of capacity for dimensional interference in our treasury. Um, the interference should be so extreme you won’t be able to go anywhere, ‘K?”

“Silence!” Lucy cast, locking Dimentio’s magic within himself. “And that should take care of your spells!”

Rarity summoned her sword, grinning. “I believe that makes you stuck, darling.”

“Ah ha ha ha ha…” Dimentio shook his massive head. “I will admit, this does make things… annoying. But there is something to be said for making The Ultimate Show an actual battle with stakes! The heroes of the Light Prognosticus have fallen to the wayside, and in the final moment it is not them who bring the hope—it is the villains!”

“I object to that label!” Rarity shouted.

“Obviously the illustration isn’t perfect, but this should make for the proper duel! The last battle the worlds will ever see—that’s what you wanted, isn’t it Count?”

“I am Blumiere,” he said, striding forward, picking the gem of the Tribe of Darkness off of Vivian’s downed form. “And you are trespassing in my family’s heritage.”

Dimentio moved like lightning. His massive hand stretched out and flung Lucy to the side, taking their healer out of the equation with precision. In making this move, he left himself open to all the others. O’Chunks grew to a massive size and drove his fist into Dimentio’s nose, shattering the construct of darkness into several shards that reformed once he’d finished the punch.

“MIMIMIMIMIMIMIMI!” Mimi shrieked, jumping onto his foot and tearing through it with her spidery legs.

Rarity had teleported on top of his hat, driving her blade into his eye with vicious intent, backed up by Picard shooting the other eye with a phaser set to maximum, removing both eyes from existence. But, much like the nose, they reformed a few seconds after destruction.

“He keeps reforming!” Tippi called. “What do we do?”

Blumiere focused on the crystal. “I summon the Child of Gaia: Leviathan!” Nothing happened.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha!” Dimentio cackled. “Your precious summons won’t work if I’m trapped here! You have no Chaos Heart and no Tribe of Darkness, Count. You are weak.”

“He ‘as us!” O’Chunks shouted, jumping over a punch from Dimentio and grabbing the black, spiked limb that connected the hand to the body. With a loud yell, he tore the arm clean off and threw it to the side. “That’s how yeh do it!”

Mimi turned some of her spidery legs into a buzzsaw and cut the foot off from the body as well. “How’s it feel to lose your legs, huh!?” The arm and leg attempted to reform, but Mimi and O’Chunks took them away from the main body, leaving it with only one arm and one leg.

“Bring those back!” Dimentio slid across the room to his missing limbs, only for Rarity to teleport on top of his body and slice her blade into this neck. She had to put extra energy into it to sever the connection, but she made it all the way through, removing the head from the body.

Unfortunately, this did not end Dimentio, merely confuse him as both his head and body kept moving without any regard for what was going on. “I will not be made a fool of!”

Blumiere lifted his scepter, gathering a sphere of dark magic at its tip. “You play the part too well, Dimentio. How can we not?”

“Ah ha ha h—”

Blumiere sent the dark shadow bolt into Dimentio’s disconnected face, rolling it across the room.

“Destroy the head!” Picard shouted, firing his phaser. Mimi, O’Chunks, and Rarity charged.

And then Lucy’s Silence spell wore off.

“Stop,” Dimentio said. Mimi, O’Chunks, and Rarity froze in time. Dimenito levitated his head, arm, and leg back onto his body and let out a relieved sigh. “You actually had me worried there for a moment! For I was a man, hanging from the edge of a cliff! But then, destiny smiled upon me and showed me the way! I will become the King of All worlds, and I will do it right! Ah ha ha ha ha ha h—”

“Silencega,” Gilgamesh said, locking Dimentio’s magic again. “That’ll keep you quiet for a long, long time.”

“I never should have hired a minion!” Dimentio shrieked. He somehow managed to pull a massive wooden hammer out of nowhere and bring it down on Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh jumped on top of the hammer, seemingly having recovered from all his injuries.

“I decided I don’t like you!” Gilgamesh rushed forward and drove a halberd into Dimentio’s chest.

“To have minions, one must earn them,” Blumiere said. “Gain their trust.” He kneeled down to the small, frail, and out-cold Lucy. “Be kind to them.” He took her in his arms and cradled her gently.

“But you lied to them!” Dimentio hissed, trying to clap Gilgamesh between his hands and failing as he jumped all over the place.

“I… have been forgiven for that. And much, much else. And… I do not know why.”

“I’ll tell you why,” Tippi said. “You’re not an evil man. You were a good man trying to pretend to be an evil man.”

“I did a lot of evil things…”

“It is not the action that makes a man good or evil,” Picard said. “What you must look upon is the heart. They saw who you really were, and that’s who they followed.”

“Um, yeah.” Nastasia adjusted her glasses. “We really are yours, Blumiere.”

“Heh heh heh heh…” Blumiere pulled his hat back on. “Go, my minions! End this insult to our bond! Destroy this traitor!”

“With pleasure!” Rarity said. She, Mimi, and O’Chunks ran forward once more. Picard aimed his phaser, while Nastasia pulled out some kind of gun that shot red beams. All of these things hit Dimentio’s body at once, just as he’d finished stomping Gilgamesh into a Gilgamesh-shaped hole in the ground.

Dimentio didn’t fall over from the combined impact, he merely stumbled a short way back. “Enough!” He poured his energy into his feet and launched into the air, tearing right through the ceiling and exposing the room to the outside, where they could see the Void swirling.

This was a mistake. Had he not used Luigi’s super jump, the Flipside Fleet would never have noticed him, and he may have stood a chance fighting solely against Blumiere’s team—though even then, it was close.

With a dozen space-age weapons locking onto him the instant he appeared and throwing off his aim, he was crippled. With parts of his body and face disintegrating into diamond dust from phaser fire, photon torpedoes, and other assaults, he still followed through with his attack—a foot aiming for them at terminal velocity.

O’Chunks caught it. In his hands. “Yeeesh! Yeh weigh a lot, Dimentio, yeh should go to the gym more often!”

“No…” Dimentio said. “No, not the oaf! I will not be counteracted by the brainless monkeying oaf!

O’Chunks tore Dimentio’s foot off and started punching it. This time, the damage didn’t get repaired.

“He’s falling apart!” Picard shouted. “Don’t relent!”

Mimi took the other foot, transforming into a massive shark to chew it into oblivion, leaving nothing but loose diamond dust.

Being legless did not stop Dimentio from fighting. He punched forward with both of his hands, knocking O’Chunks and Mimi to the side—but his force was weak. Both managed to recover. Rarity teleported overtop of one of his arms, slicing her empowered blade through it, allowing Mimi to devour the hand. Picard and Nastasia focused on the other hand, vaporizing it bit by bit as they assaulted it.

“No!” Dimentio shouted, parts of his face started to peel off into nothing. “This can’t be happening! I had all the power, I had the prophecy dancing in my hands! I was going to do it better!”

“You’re arrogant!” Picard shouted. “Who are we, but flawed creatures, to bend the worlds to our designs!?”

“That… is a very good question!” Dimentio's disintegrating head turned to Picard. “What right did the worlds have to be created in the first place!?”

“I do not know. But they are here. We must make the most of what we have.”

“Ah… ha ha…” He exploded. The Chaos Heart, Luigi, and the normal-sized Dimentio flew out, all three of which looked heavily weakened and battered.

Rarity wasted no time. She burst into a gallop, summoned her blade, and drove it right into Dimentio’s chest, piercing his heart.

Dimentio gagged. “Ah ha ha… ha.”

“I have been waiting a long, long time for an opportunity like this,” Rarity said with a sneer. “Thank you for providing it, darling.”

“You think you’ve won…” Dimentio cackled, coughing up bluish-purple blood. “Bold of you to assume I won’t have the last laugh… Heh…” He went limp.

Rarity tore her blade out of him and flicked it dry onto the ground. “Good riddance.”

Luigi stared at her in abject terror.

Rarity could only smile awkwardly. “People change, dear. People change.” Seeing that he probably wouldn’t accept her, she decided to walk away from him and report back to Blumiere. He was standing next to the Chaos Heart. “So, boss, what do we do now?”

“He’s a monster,” Blumiere grimaced, shaking his head. “He’s somehow keyed the Heart to absolute destruction. If he can’t have the worlds, no one can.”

“Can’t Luigi just… take control himself?”

“He could. If you killed him. Or I could take the Heart back, and you could kill me.”

“Blumiere…” Tippi said.

“And either way, the worlds will still be gone.” Blumiere shook his head. “Three, maybe two remain at this point. What kind of multiverse is that, filled with nothing and such tragedy? No… There is something else we can do.” He reached his hand to Tippi. “And you can do it with me.”

“I…” She landed on his hand. “Whatever it is, I will do it.”

“We will not return. But… we can set this right. We set this in motion. We can end it.”

“Anything, Blumiere.”

“Then… everyone, start your healing spells. Heroes, villains, minions, whatever Gilgamesh is… and follow me when you’re done. Luigi, can you carry the Chaos Heart?”

“O-okay,” Luigi stammered, picking it up.

Blumiere, for his part, picked up the Prognosticus. “Heroes, gather up the Pure Hearts. We will need them too.”

Twilight—who’d just gotten healed—walked up to him and frowned. “What… are you planning to do?”

“Restore the Heart of Eden: the Purity Heart.”