//------------------------------// // Episode 32: The Kingdom Part One // Story: The Pony Guard (Season 4) // by MXCDarkHorse2020 //------------------------------// Episode 32: The Kingdom Part One The day after taking over the Pride Lands, Scar stepped forward and made his way from the shadows of the cave inside and up towards the edge so he can make his announcement to those who survived yesterday’s volcano eruption and couldn’t escape the kingdom now being overtaken. For years, he’s managed to uphold this position up until Simba returned and defeated him. And for another few years, from the day Simba reclaimed his birthright to the day the Lion and Pony Guard was formed he’s spent awaiting his freedom with fresh blood to seek to reclaim the Pride Lands back after upholding his part of the bargain with Nightmare Moon in leading her to the Elements of Harmony so she can finally reclaim Equestria from her older sister Princess Celestia. And as luck would have it, the Lion and Pony Guard prevailed and defeated her restoring her to purified self as Princess Luna, the Princess of Night allowing him to plot and plan his next move in not only reclaiming the Pride Lands but also Equestria as well to ensure that another uprising from within or out there will never happen again. To this end he observed and watched over the Lion and Pony Guard for months to analyze his new master plan to go on about his takeover, and he decided that he needed to obtain an apprentice who is willing to assist him every step of the way in order to achieve this. Someone who can really relate and share a lot of similarities with one another, like a son or daughter he never had before. After witnessing the sibling squabble between Kion and Kiara along with eavesdropping on Twilight’s feelings towards her brother, he decided to take an interest in Twilight Sparkle, after admiring her strength, power, and determination never one to give up. To him, she showed natural leadership skills and a good heart, and that’s what he was looking for. After gauging the girl’s growth, he proceeded to arrange the upcoming Canterlot Wedding as the starting point of his plan to corrupt her into following in his paw prints and arranged the following events so that Twilight would indeed do so by praying on her insecurities and feeding a little dark magic in her mind to get her to do so. It worked wonders up to this point and he had her wrapped around his claws and serve as her second-in-command up to this point. It was a day that Scar had long desired after being given a second opportunity in life thanks to Nightmare Moon reviving him and gifting him with this pure and powerful dark magic and after months of being patient was able to slowly and carefully plan a solid approach to it all. To him it was something that had him smirking in satisfaction with what he has done up to this point and couldn’t be any prouder of his most faithful and competent follower Twilight who is standing alongside the other army leaders behind the lion in charge awaiting to see him give his speech to those fearfully looking up at him. “Fear me, fear not, my fellow subjects…” He calmly began. “…because as tough as it is it is something to get used to in the light of not only Simba’s failure to protect the Pride Lands but also the two alicorn princesses Celestia and Luna, and the Lion and Pony Guard for their failure to able to stop it all from happening. Those who had lost their lives during the attack yesterday was a terrible tragedy and even more so just when the Lion Guard was beginning to make a comeback in life along with the Pony Guard who had all barely begun to make their legacy here. For everyone it is certainly is a deep and personal loss. So it is with a heavy heart that I once more assume the throne.” As Scar speaks the changelings emerge from behind Pride Rock with an eerily green glow emerging from behind thus frightening said audience. “Yet out of the ashes we shall rise once more to greet the dawning of a new era, in which lion, pony, and changelings, come together in a great and glorious future.” As Scar overlooks the kingdom where the remaining animals all flee at the sight of changelings swarming around Pride Rock, Rafiki watches the coronation from afar with a depressed sigh. As he buried his face into his palm, he knows that evil has returned and took back control over the once peaceful kingdom and it has claimed the once recently crowned alicorn princess. During the changeling’s appearance, Scar took the time to float on over to where his terrified subjects are all fleeing from Pride Rock. “It's time you were all introduced To your ruler's executive staff Perhaps not the kind you've been used to But certainly game for a laugh.” As he sings the changelings are appear beside him to join in on his familiar tune. “We'd like to assure you no fooling Red meat is no longer our scene And if now and then we're seen drooling It's only an ancestor's gene!” The animals were further spooked before sprinting far and away from the enemies. “So prepare for a glorious future! Be prepared for the pride's golden age!” Scar sang as he floated his way across the kingdom on the stone slab he is standing on. “It's like any other Who murdered a broth….” One changeling began to sang until being cut-off by a sudden ribbing from another changeling. “If we don't spread rumors He'll feed us and room us!” The two stopped singing briefly for this exchange. “But everyone knows!” “True but still…” “With friends in high places, We hold all the aces!” “So don't try and rattle my cage” Scar cautioned those still running for their lives in his presence. “Oh, imagine if anyone dared!” The changelings then sang before they along with Scar all sang together. “Be prepared!” “Oh, imagine if anyone dared!” “Be prepared!” While Scar flies up high to relish in the familiar surroundings that have hardly changed since his absence from power he managed to catch a glimpse of Twilight looking aside feeling a little uncomfortable and uncertain with his approach to ruling the kingdom he now has control over. To her she worked really hard and maintaining the Pride Lands even everything that has just happened and truthfully she wishes to keep it that away and hoped that she can get Scar to see things her way in exchange for him showing her things his way. In the aftermath of Scar’s coronation, Rafiki later retreated to his baobab tree where he sheds a depressed tear from what had transpired recently. When he turned his head he turned to the painting of Twilight he quickly turned back away unable to look at it anymore out of fear that they have truly lost her to her inner demons taking over. Back in the present day, Twilight groaned as she found her eyes opening up slowly as she finds herself trying to figure where she is. When she opened her eyes she slowly tilted her head up from the pillow her head was resting on while supporting herself up on her right hoof and rubbing her left hoof on her forehead in pain. “Ouch, ouch, ouch…” She muttered out loud due to the pain from the previous beating she just took in still fresh. “Twilight!” Her brother’s voice greeted as he immediately wrapped her hooves around her. “Oh, thank goodness you’re alive!” “Yes…”She replied while enduring a painful hug due to her injuries. “…unless I’m somehow dreaming this…” She looked around to see the rest of her friends and family are all here all looking greatly relieved that she’s okay. “…Luna?” “Rest assure, dear Twilight, that this is not a dream. It is indeed all real.” Luna assured as she gestured to the room around her. “And as you can see now, you’re in the Canterlot hospital near the castle.” “Huh…” She looked around her surroundings and recognized this as the same room she was placed in when she first placed here when she first got her scar. “…same room and everything?” Pinkie was quick to answer that question and then some. “Yep the very one where you first placed inside when you got your scar after the whole wedding incident where Scar nearly took over Equestrian and…” A record needle scratch was heard when she immediately froze after realizing what she just said accompanied with the others glancing at her for that. “…oops. Sorry, too much, but yes, same room and everything.” She nervously giggled before pulling out a cake from her mane that says “Twilight Survived.” With the image of her face on the very center of it. “Would now be too soon to offer you your get well party cake?” “Fraid so, Pinkie.” Applejack replied honestly leading to the pink pony putting it aside for the time being. When the two siblings broke apart from the hug, the purple alicorn slumped down trying to support herself on her front hooves while groaning in pain. “Easy, Twilight…” Her brother advised while gently catching her before she can fall over. “…just lay back down, you took a really bad beating back there.” “A real big number all around.” Applejack added. “He mauled you faster than a tiger hunting down a deer in the middle of the jungle.” “Of course he did…” She said while lying back on her pillow. “…after telling him off for capturing everyone there even though they had nothing do with why he became the lion he is today.” She groaned to herself with her hooves buried in her face after realizing that Scar had out-smarted her. “But why?” Simba asked trying to understand what got into his evil uncle into being so vicious in his attacks against her. “What did you say to get him to be so brutal towards you?” “The only thing I said that apparently offended him was when I told him that he was nothing compared to Mufusa or you when it came to being king.” She said after sighing and removed her hooves from her face. “Who would have known that?” “That would probably do it.“ Simba said while nodding to understand that while personally regretting not warning her about that beforehand. “He does not like that at all.” “No kidding.” She couldn’t agree more after finding that out too late. “And now the Crystal Empire is one more kingdom wrapped around his paws since apparently the guy managed to get around everything meant to keep him out in the first place.” She further voiced her frustration with herself. “Underground tunnel, I should have known he’d have help to get around that.” “Twilight…” Her future sister-in-law said trying to assure to her she holds nothing against her. “…it’ll be okay. We’ll figure something out and get the Crystal Empire back.” “Really?” Twilight wasn’t convinced. “Even after what I just endured back there?” “Of course.” Cadance herself still smiled still unsure of what point she is trying to make. “How about the rest of you?” She asked everyone else who looked a little unsettled by her sudden sharp tone. “Can any of you tell me that there is a way to actually defeat Scar himself, who is by the way fueled and empowered by the magic of three dark and all-powerful alicorns, not to mention has a dangerously cunning mind that’s managed to outsmart all of us no matter what counter plan we’ve come with it, and actually manage to turn the tables on him?!” No one knew how to respond to that. “Well? Anyone? No?” She turned to a few faces. “Kion? Nala? Simba? Luna? Celestia?” None of them truly had a good answer knowing of how true her argument is. “Can’t come with a good answer huh? That’s what I thought. And since it’s pretty clear that no one can come with a good reason of why any of us should believe it’s possible, why should I?” “Because you never give you, Twilight!” Kion quickly responded in a desperate attempt to reason with her by leaping up onto her bed and getting face to face with her. Despite of how threatening it looked, Twilight still didn’t flinch. “Even when all odds were against you never gave up! From Nightmare Moon, to Discord, Chrysalis, and every other bad guy we came across, you were always the one to come up with a solution to take them down.” Twilight’s mood failed to change. “Come on! Please understand that someway somehow that no matter what that we still will defeat Scar no matter what it takes. You said it yourself, you even vowed it yourself. You even promised us that you would try to make things right no matter what, Twilight.” “I did.” She replied still not smiling. “But that doesn’t answer my question how and unless you and anyone else here have a good idea of how to, then we might as well turn in our crowns before he has the chance to bury our graves.” She moved to struggle and get herself up and off of her bed and moved to limb her way out of the room, bypassing the many shocked and stunned faces from everyone in the room with what she just said. The fact that she actually voiced that the situation is hopeless is definitely telling that Twilight is still not the mare who’s completely recovered from the whole Midnight Sparkle ordeal and has given up hope that Scar could now be defeated and is now plotting to conquer Equestria now with all other obstacles removed. Deep down she is feeling like a failure who can’t even protect anyone just like any other princess is capable of doing. She walked from the hospital and towards the Canterlot Castle where the one last kingdom still stands all while singing in a sad and somber tone. “It's not like I haven't been grateful for all the things that I've earned. Or for all the journeys I've taken, or all the things that I've learned. But I can't help but wonder where I'm going now, what is my role supposed to be? I don't know how to travel to a future that I can't see. I have still my wings, I still wear the crown. I'm still a princess, that much is true. But it's still unclear to me just what it is I'm meant to do. I wanna have a purpose, do all that I can. I want to make my own contributions, and be a part of a plan. I want to step up and make things right and continue turning myself around. But how? How can I step up and prove to everyone that I’ve changed? How can I step up and prove that all I want to do is help? How can I step up and prove that truly deserve to be a princess destined to rule here?” She flew her way to the castle balcony and ended up turning around and staring off onto the open horizon in the Crystal Empire and the Pride Land’s portal’s direction all now under Scar’s control along with all of those ponies and Pride Landers all trapped there. And it’s all because of her. She thought she had everything all set to counter Scar’s attempted full-scale invasion yet somehow the possibility of the underground tunnel network allowing them to get under it no problem never registered in her mind. All she could do upon remembering that’s how they got in during the wedding is look down feeling upset with herself for not accounting for that. Deep down she truly wishes she knew how to defeat him, but how? All odds were stacked against her and he’s managing to outsmart and overpower no matter what she has up her hooves. And of course, even so she further feels that even if she does, she doesn’t feel like she is going to stay here in Equestria and the Pride Lands due to the fact that everyone there is going to never let her live it down since her assistance in his scheme started the whole mess in the first place. “Well, guess I better start packing before I head out of here…” She lamented before walking on over to her room. But she immediately found herself halted in her tracks just before she can reach the balcony she finds herself right under the gentle wing grip of her former mentor, Princess Celestia. “Huh?” “Please, Twilight…” She implored of her. “…don’t go.” “We need you.” Cadance added with a pleading look. “For what?” Twilight asked still unmoved. “To get us in more trouble?” “No, of course not.” Cadance quickly shook her head. “Because like you said when you came back in order to put an end to all of this, you need us as much as we need you. You still belong here.” “Indeed.” Luna said in agreement. “In order to defeat that nefarious lion and his army we need to rely on all of the help we can get and that means relying on each other. And you still belong here even when things are at its darkest, Twilight.” “But…how…” Twilight was left at a loss of how to answer of what resolve there is to counter the very threat leaving them cornered here in this very kingdom. “…I mean I understand what you’re trying to say…but…Scar…is so powerful…and fierce in combat…” She was clearly struggling not to cry due to the heartbreak he inflicted on her. “…I…I don’t know how he can be beat.” She then repeated and whispered. “I really don’t know.” And that was enough to tell the other alicorns that deep down she is truly scared of him and that their previous battle really placed some severe doubt in her mind that it’s possible to take him down. “Twilight…” Celestia began carefully. “…I’m sure there will be a way to defeat him because one way or another good always triumphs over evil.” “Can say for certain that you know what’s it like for everyone depending on you to come to their aid in a time of need only for your worst enemy to badly beat you fair and square?” “Yes.” She confirmed much to the young alicorn’s surprise. “All of us can for a fact like my failure to save my sister from the darkness that allowed her to become Nightmare Moon and being unable to protect my subjects against Chrysalis during the wedding.” “And given that this whole mess is my fault in the first place, I too am responsible for this ever-growing burden on our shoulders.” Luna added. “And considering Chrysalis managed to trap me in the caverns for days and of course lost the empire to King Sombra, I can relate full well of what you are going through.” Cadance further added. “None of us are as perfect as you think we are and we all make mistakes from time to time. And we know for a fact that whatever your destiny is it’ll be right here in both Equestria and the Pride Lands.” “Cadance is right, Twilight, you are still one of us.” Celestia further assured with a wing draped around her back before beginning to sing herself. “Your destiny looks to be uncertain, and sometimes that's hard to take. But it will become much clearer with every choice that you make.” Luna was next to sing. “Patience is never easy. I understand wanting to do more. I know how hard it must be, wanting to spread your wings and soar.” And then Cadence sang next. “But you are here for a reason. You're gifted and quite strong. That crown rests upon your head because you belong!” And then all three sang together. "Know that your time is coming soon. As the sun rises, so does the moon. And as love finds a place in almost every heart, You are a princess, and you'll play your part!” After the song ended, Twilight was once more heartfelt to the point of tearing up by their undying loyalty and encouragement. Clearly even with all of the heartbreaking trouble she had given them earlier they still are giving them their full support and forgiveness. “Thank you all.” She said softly with a matching smile before looking on at the horizon towards the portal’s direction along with the far north where the Crystal Empire lies. “You all have been very good to me even after everything and I really want to wish that we will overcome this. It’s just I really wish we knew how to.” “And we can assure you that in time we will find it, Twilight.” Celestia reassured as she and the other princesses joined by her side. “As long you continue having faith in your friendship with everyone here.” “Of course.” She acknowledged with a nod while still looking forward to where Scar is in control. “But how?” Said question is answered elsewhere, where Scar is currently meeting with the other team leaders in attendance in the Crystal Empire’s throne room. “Well done everyone…” He said to each and every one of them. “…the Crystal Empire is now ours to lay claim to.” “Which means the Crystal Empire is now mine to conquer!” The crystal king proclaimed. “Yes it will your majesty...” Scar replied in the face of the other uneasy onlookers given of how much he holds the cards here and the main reason they have control of the Empire now was mainly because of Scar forcing everyone to surrender. “Under one condition…” “And what that might be…“ He inquired. “There is no question that the Lion and Pony Guard along with the royal family will be back to try to come back and reclaim this empire along with the Pride Lands and that means we need every ally up and ready to defend our territory in order to keep them from reclaiming it. So that means we will remain here until further notice and I still need you to hold the frontlines here with the castle as is for now.” King Sombra frowned in response as his boss turned to his other followers. “Everyone else, get some rest! We got a big day of training to look forward to!” An announcement that sparked intrigue in half of the army such as Zira, Chrysalis, ReiRei and their respective packs, and the others such as Janja and his pack had to reign in the cringe they were feeling at that moment since this is the closest they have ever achieved victory under the lion’s leadership. None of the less, everyone all proceeded to do so with Tirek the last to follow. “Not you, Tirek.” Scar said before he could leave with everyone else sparking confusion from him. “I have a special task for you…” “Like what?” He inquired wondering what he specifically has in mind for him. “And this had better be worth my time.” “Oh, don’t you worry, Tirek. It will definitely be worth your while, especially since there is all of the magic from every pony in the Crystal Empire here right now…” He assured to which got Tirek’s hunger growing and eager to hear more about the task he has in mind for him. “Keep talking…” He said all ears for whatever he has in store for him to do. “Listen carefully…” Scar said with a sinister smirk as he began explaining it to him with locked eyes on him. Late that night, after everyone had retired for the night, a unicorn stallion in another part of Equestria was trotting through a dark alley. He was carrying a crate of oranges with his magic, keeping an eye hoping he doesn’t run into any scary strangers along the way. Unfortunately his luck ran short when he turned a corner and heard a noise nearby courtesy of a purple and green flash of magic right in front of him. Yet as the unicorn rounded a corner he thought he heard a noise. He flinched briefly, before convincing himself he was just seeing and hearing things. Breathing a sigh of relief he resumed his journey only to come face to face right into a cloaked figure that was breathing heavily. "Oops... very sorry…" The stallion apologized as he carefully set his crate of oranges down. "You... came out of nowhere. I almost didn’t see you there." The black-cloaked figure continued to heavily breathe before speaking his mind. "'Is he friend or is he foe?' The pony wonders. Well I can assure you that I am no friend. I am Lord Tirek!" He then said while briefly emerging his head out of his cloak to show his glowing yellow eyes, and red muscular arms. "And I will take what should've been rightfully mine long ago!" He opened his mouth, thus draining the unicorn of all his magic. The stallion's eyes dulled and his cutie mark vanished as he dropped the crate with the oranges inside of it spilling out as a result. The magic that flowed into Tirek caused his body grow larger and stronger as a result. Once the transfer was complete he sinisterly chuckled in delight knowing that this is only the beginning of his rewarding conquest. And it happened to be the last thing Princess Celestia saw before she woke up from her bed, still wearing crown and horseshoes. The princess gasped for air upon doing so. Just then, the bedroom doors flung open when the night princess barged into the room very concerned. "Sister, are you alright?!" "I just had the most terrible nightmare." But Luna said otherwise in response to what she just said. "Why do you think I'm here, dear sister? You know as well as I do that this was not a dream but a vision." Celestia rose from her bed after realizing what this truly means as they move to look out in the nearby bedroom window. "Then we haven’t much time. The stronger he becomes, the more we are in danger.” “Indeed.” Luna nodded before rushing off out of the room. “I’ll notify Twilight, Cadance, along with Simba, Nala, Kion, Kiara, immediately!” Luna quickly proceeded to do so in an instant before they all quickly met up in the castle for an emergency meeting at Princess Celestia’s urgent request. Once everyone was gathered and in the loop on the matter, she quickly explained the reasons as the four alicorns were seated around a table and a book was floated over. “Thank you all for meeting us on such notice.” Celestia told everyone and made this especially clear to both Kion and Kiara since they were both clearly still waking up from being interrupted from their sleep. “The reason why I’ve called this meeting is because I’ve just had a vision. Another enemy has returned. Lord Tirek.” She opened the book while continuing to narrate the story while showing a picture depicting two strange looking creatures, one was a hulking centaur, and the other was more a gargoyle. “Tirek came to Equestria from a distant land with his brother Scorpan over a thousand years ago. Their intention was to steal the magic in Equestria for themselves and take over.” The page flipped to the gargoyle smiling amongst the many ponies surrounding him. "But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ponies and how welcoming they were. He even met and befriended a young wizard.” “Star Swirl the Bearded.” Twilight recognized upon seeing the very recognizable blue robe and white beard on the gray coated pony. “Correct.” Luna said before continuing the story featuring the gargoyle trying to reason with the centaur to no avail. “Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans of conquest." The next page showed Scorpan meeting and informing Celestia and Luna. "When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted us of his intentions, back when we were just assuming the throne." Celestia then turned to the next page with this one showing the centaur being pulled down into a dark abyss as chains appeared on his arms. "After doing so, Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes.” “But it seems that Tirek managed to find a way to escape from Tartarus, sometime to when Cerberus left his post at the gates." Luna then said grimly. “But that shouldn’t be possible!” Twilight expressed in disbelief. “I mean there was no way he could have escaped if it was heavy-guarded…” But then the realization hit her as she gasped in shock. “Oh, no!” “What is it, Twilight?” Simba was the first to ask the suddenly horrified princess. “Something you know about while you working for Scar?” “Not something while working with him, but something I realized to how Tirek managed to get out of Tartarus while Cerberus was distracted.” She answered. “How?” Kion asked wondering what she is about to say. Twilight looked aside due another heavy truth saddled in this very secret she’s about to share. “Back when I was bringing Cerberus back to Tartarus, he nearly got sidetracked when he ended catching a whiff of someone’s scent on the way over there.” She recalled when the beast ended up getting sidetracked and started sniffing instead of following her. “Hey, come on, Cerberus…” Twilight barked out to him to try to get him to focus on the ball that she had in her magical possession but he didn’t pay attention to her. “…Cerberus? Cereberus…?” Now Twilight was getting curious of what’s biting him when he started growling. As much as she wanted him to focus on getting back on guard, she remembered that she needed to play it nice like Fluttershy would. So, if the creature is growling upon sniffing something up, that means someone threatening is nearby. “Cereberus!” She had her horn flaring up in the direction the three-headed creature is barking at. In that direction is a weak and skinny creature trying to make a run for it upon being spotted leading to the purple unicorn giving him a chase. “Stop!” She yelled out to him just when she was just managing to catch up to him. By the time she managed to catch up to him, the guy was still obscured in the shadows yet breathing heavily due to the heavy fatigue from that short sprinting of running he just did, and Twilight was fueled with fiery determination to recapture him and unveil who he truly is. “In the name of the princess, you are under arrest for attempting to escape!” She shouted before moving to advance on him to take him down before finding herself intercepted by a black-cloaked figure appearing right in front of her and nearly slashing her right across the face to which she narrowly dodged by a fraction of an inch. “Whoa! What?!” “On the contrary, dear Twilight Sparkle…” He said with his deep voice dripping with a sense of politeness yet still not letting his guard down. “…I’m afraid you’re wrong about that since this prisoner is coming with me.” To further back up his talk he lunged and growled by charging and swung his right front paw right at her face again, forcing the mare to back away again to avoid getting struck again only just managing a very small paper-cut like scratch out of it. Now Twilight was forced to defend herself as she finds that this mysterious villain is literally trying to claw right at her face to bring her down. She dodged a few more attempted swings before getting back-handed right in the chest which knocked her down to the ground. She managed to recover from the attack quickly enough to dodge another attempted clawing at the face before charging her magic right at the guy to force him back for a change. With a brave face she marched on towards her attacker who looked back to see that the centaur escapade has truly escaped during the distracting fight. After seeing that his job here is done he locked eyes with the mare before smiling feeling very impressed with how she fended herself just now. “Well done, Twilight. We will meet again soon. But until then take in my advice, be careful who you befriend and who you trust because sometimes they may not always have your back when times are tough and at our darkest hour.” After saying what needed to be said cryptically his eyes glowed completely green as he is surrounded by a fiery green flash of magic that had him disappearing when a big ball of green fire puffed from the ground, leaving behind scorch marks from the area he was just standing in along with a burnt mark on the ground that resembles a scarred eye. She grunted in frustration upon seeing that he got away along with the prisoner that had just escaped and can only look on at the mark the magical stranger left behind while eying the mark he left behind. An eye with a narrowed eyebrow and a crescent shaped scar over it. She looked and examined it and couldn’t help but find the mark very familiar like she seen it before but since it was all done, all she could do now was cut her losses for the day and finish getting Cerberus back on guard at his post before anyone else can try to escape. She walked on and away from the torched forest area with a confused yet frustrated look that turns into a more understandably frustrated look in the present day when the realization dawned upon her along with his latest and current plan. “It wasn’t until now that I realized who I was really up against at the time and what his new objective now is.” Twilight said to everyone while still feeling ashamed for now recognizing him right off of the bat when they first met back there in answer to the surprised looks from the others. “And it seems that he is now just getting started.” “And the fact that Tirek is now just regained the ability to steal unicorn magic is very disturbing news.” Luna voiced grimly upon this revelation seeing what Scar’s now planning. “For Scar is now becoming emboldened. First the Pride Lands, then Diamond Valley, then the Crystal Empire, and with the Equestria now in a corner it would now seem that he is now enacting his endgame.” “And at the rate this guy is now stealing unicorn magic, he’ll soon be draining the magic out of every pony in Equestria.” Simba correctly deduced. “Once that is accomplished he’ll come for us.” “But why?” Kion questioned. “Why is it now that he is now deciding to act?” "Tirek's time in Tartarus left him very weak and even with whatever magic Scar has provided him it’s very likely that he wanted things to play out like this.” Celestia explained. Luna ominously concluded. "Yet with each passing minute he grows stronger still. He will not be satisfied with just unicorns. He will eventually seek out Pegasi and earth ponies as well." Princess Cadence then smiled along with Kiara as they looked to Twilight and Kion. "And I think I know just the princess who can stop him.” The former proposed. “And I think I know just the prince for the job. One that is also fierce in the face of danger.” Kiara added with a supporting smile in her brother’s direction. Both the Lion and Pony Guard leaders looked at each other knowing that they are being suggested for the job at hoof and paw, a job that Twilight was quick to take up. “And that’s something I agree on…” She said with her wings spread out. “…and something I think we can definitely take on together.” She added with a confident smile towards Kion ready to work with him on this task. Kion also smiled and agreed. “You’re right, Twilight. Just leave it to us and we’ll find…” “No!” Princess Celestia firmly put her hoof down on the idea. “What?” Twilight was shocked. “But why?!” Kion asked while highly surprised that she would say no considering of the previous times they’ve been assigned and successful with dealing with prior bad guys. “Tirek has already gained the power of magic from everyone trapped at the Crystal Empire, and since Scar has been carefully monitoring his and our progress that could just very well what he wants.” She explained while turning to the others. “I'm afraid I must turn to another to capture Tirek, Discord!" Both Luna and Cadance along with Twilight and Kion all looked at her like she is not thinking straight here. “Discord?!” “Why him?” They both asked. “Because Discord can sense imbalances to when another pony’s magic is transferred to another right away and be there in an instant, so this way it’ll be over quickly.” Twilight however was quick to voice her objections about the idea. “Celestia, forgive me for saying this, but I don’t think that’s a good idea either.” Her former mentor looked at her quite surprised at her sudden protest as her student had to catch herself before it could get out of hoof. “I mean…I understand why Discord is more suited for the task but is that really a good idea?” “What do you mean?” “I mean and don’t take this the wrong way but think maybe sending Discord is sending another pawn Scar’s way. As far as any of us know we could be sending him on his way over to temptation to give into.” “Twilight, given of how much we’ve given you a chance to prove yourself even if we didn’t have to, I have to say I’m certain that it wouldn’t end up like this.” She firmly replied. “Especially since he’s got somepony to influence him into making the right decision.” Seeing that Celestia is still standing by her decision, Kion turned to his parents for their thoughts on the matter. “Mom, Dad, you don’t think this is the best course of action, do you?” “Actually…” Simba spoke somewhat reluctantly. “…I agree with her because I don’t want you going up against him. If Tirek is as dangerous as he is said to be, then you shouldn’t be engaging at him at all.” “But Dad, I’ve faced off and defeated Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, and Midnight Sparkle since I became leader of the Lion Guard.” “That’s because you weren’t facing off against them alone…” He said trying to properly handle his son’s protest. “…and the last one is more of said bad guy at the time having a change of heart.” Hearing that statement had Twilight feeling defeated inside seeing that there is nothing else that can be said to counter the lion king’s argument. “…no offense, Twilight.” He quickly added. “None taken.” She said accepting their reasons. “My apologies for nearly speaking out of turn just earlier. I was just concerned knowing Discord and how much he loves chaos even if he has to resort to mischievous means.” “It’s all right, Twilight…” Nala said understanding her concerns. “…we’re all just trying to find the right approach to all of this and trying to look out for each other.” “I know.” With that said, Twilight made her leave without another word while everyone else watched on. When it was fully explained, the decision to have Discord go after Tirek makes sense, but still was a tough pill for Twilight to swallow, not out of pride, but a sense of wanting to be able to put an end to Scar’s plans of conquest and vengeance once and for all. And since Scar is so unpredictable and manages to come out on top no matter what they’re planning she had to accept it. Later back at Ponyville, Twilight, Kion, and Kiara have arrived where they would tell their friends of Princess Celestia’s decision on dealing with the incoming threat of Tirek. "You mean as in 'Discord' Discord?!" Applejack was the first to question. “Yes!" Twilight confirmed. “But why him?!” Bunga asked finding it very baffling. “Shouldn’t that be you and Kion’s job?” “I wish it was, but it isn’t.” Kion replied feeling disappointed too but still accepted it. “He can sense when there’s a magical imbalance so the next time Tirek steals magic, he be there…" Uses her magic to create a finger-snapping sound. “…just like that.” “So…” Bunga repeated the same gesture with his claws. “…like that?” “Yes exactly. Way to sum it up.” Twilight remarked sarcastically since she isn’t in the mood to find humor in it. “I’m sure they’re just looking out for you both.” Beshte suggested trying to find reason for their decision. “They are. That’s why my mom and dad agreed with her since Tirek is too dangerous for us to handle by ourselves.” Kion replied. “But, we’ve handled guys like him before and still came out on top!” Bunga protested still upset by the call. “It’s not fair!” “Well, life isn’t fair.” Twilight returned with a look to assert that there is nothing that can be said and done. “For me being a princess isn’t for long with Scar reaching his endgame and is on the verge of claiming victory, which means no one will ever forgive and forget what I did since his return.” “Twilight, don’t say that.” Fuli tried to insist that she still has a place here and in the Pride Lands once this is all over. “Everyone will eventually.” “And what about your talk with grandfather Mufusa?” Kion brought up. “Didn’t he tell you not to forget who you truly are what you are meant to be?” “Yes, but he didn’t say that applies should I fail to protect Equestria, and I already did half of that job when I helped Scar take over the Pride Lands.” She countered. “And since Equestria is soon to fall it might as well be complete now.” “Please Twilight…” Beshte tried to implore. “…don’t let Scar get to you.” “And technically he hasn’t won yet.” Ono added to which Twilight shot an unimpressed glance at him. “But it’s true!” Yet even still nothing was improving the alicorn’s distraught mood. “Try telling every Pride Lander that gives me the cold shoulder or runs away at the very sight of me that because they know that it’s all set to happen thanks to me.” She then looked at every single of her friends to make it clear to them that her stance on things looking bleak still stands. “And before anyone else tries to say anything else, please don’t because even if you can get me to say there is a way to stop it all, Scar will just figure out from there of how adjust to it and yes…” She points a hoof to the sky to further illustrate her point of how he always knows of what they’re planning no matter what they come up with. “…he also serves as the eyes and ears all around both kingdoms.” "Can you at least tell us what you’re going to do now?" Spike asked hopeful that she’ll at least answer that question for them. Twilight sighed in response before answering. “Nothing, unless, of course, one of you needs me to smile and wave since that’s the only saving grace I have to anyone willing to see me right now.” She then turns and walks away from the group with her head now hung in sorrow. “So that said, I’m going to the Castle of the Two Sisters to catch up on some reading and do some packing seeing that no needs me anymore.” “Can we at least come with you, darling?” Rarity asked in a slightly imploring manner as she intercepted her. “Seeing that you’re just about ready to leave and all so we can say goodbye.” “Yeah, at least let us throw you a farewell party before your lone life of adventure.” Pinkie hopped over with insistence. “Please…?” Bunga implored while trying to be cute with his attempted eye buttoning up and clasped claws. “Sure.” Twilight replied without an argument yet still kept her head forward. “Might as well make my last days here count while I still I can with my friends.” All everyone else could do was watch with pity seeing how much her past actions have really affected her and everyone around her. “Boy, she is really taking the whole Scar thing really hard, isn’t she?” Bunga asked the others. “Hard not to for having a hoof in it.” Kyoga said unsure of how to get her to stay. “And I think we should at least let the whole thing play out before trying again since it’s pretty clear that she’s not in the mood for justifications of why she should stay here.” “Probably for the best.” Kiara agreed while being the first to follow after her. “For someone who knows what it’s like to have high expectations out of you I can relate to what she’s going through.” The Lion and Pony Guard plus Kiara all made to the Everfree Forest and after some venturing through it they all arrived towards the hill and stairway where the Tree of Harmony stood. There stood the tree still alive with magic flowing to keep the forest from re-growing its vine uncontrollably along with the chest where the twelve keyholes that unlock it still stood where it first appeared. "I still can’t believe we had to give back the Elements.“ Rainbow was the first to express her dismay. “It had to be or else the Tree of Harmony wouldn’t have survived.” Rarity reasoned with her friend the necessity of it. “And Equestria would have been taken over by Scar.” Ono added while noticing Twilight looking aside feeling deep shame for her role in that. “Wouldn’t it?” “Yes it would.” She said not even turning to look at him or anyone else. “But it didn’t matter, Scar still managed to get what he wanted out of the whole ordeal.” “What do you mean, Twilight?” Kiara curiously asked. “That either outcome of the whole forest infestation would go in his favor?” “Yes.” She replied without holding back any trace of truth in her confession. “Either the forest successfully overtakes Ponyville thanks to a spark of dark magic Scar planted inside the seeds Discord placed since his first defeat or we give up the Elements to pave way for his true takeover plan in the Pride Lands.” “You knew that this would happen didn’t you?” Kion said to her friend after connecting the dots. “When you said and acted accordingly in that time of crisis you knew that we would do what you wanted us to.” “Yes I did.” Twilight heavily sighed with another harsh reminder of why they’re on the verge of losing everything they held to dear. “And if you’ve managed to put everything together you know of who helped Scar come with those plans ever since his public return, don’t you, Kion?” “I do.” “Congrats.” She said in a flat and deadpan manner. “You’re a smart cub.” Seeing that this isn’t helping Twilight’s mood, Applejack was quick to get their previous conversation on track. “Well, hopefully a certain 'friend' of ours won't make us regret that we had to give up the elements in the first place." She then expressed. “Along with giving us reason to wipe that insufferable grin on his smug face.” Fuli growled already agitated just from thinking about it. Just then, from out of the sky came a familiar goofy voice called. "Oh, talking about me, I presume?" Said draconequus appeared while floating down from an umbrella in his right paw, a purse in his left paw, pink scarf, and a black bowler hat. After he landed he ditched the attire. “How’d you guess?” Ono asked in a deadpan manner. “You hear us from a mile away?” “Mmm, close. But no because as you can tell it’s because my ears were burning.” He said while showing his ears literally burning before splashing water in his face to extinguish the flames. “Obviously.” He quipped looking unimpressed with his antics before firing back. “And I assume you’re here to gloat about whatever big news you have to share with us today?” “Mmm, close.” He returned half-truthfully while pulling out the friendship journal and a pair of read glasses. “Just doing a bit of light reading before I head out on my mission.” Twilight quickly snatched the journal away from him just when Discord dawned a green general's outfit and a bubble pipe he explained. "I suppose you know that I’ve been tasked to capture a certain escapade.” He said while pulling down a picture of the two alicorn sisters circling around nighttime stars and the daytime sun. "So you get to capture a giant mean power-hungry centaur, big deal!” Spike scoffed in response. But Discord had this to say in response. "You're right, Spike. It is a big deal.” He blew bubbles in his face leading to the baby dragon lifted inside one of them. The bubble popped after floating upwards a hundred yards. Thankfully, Twilight flew up and caught him while scowling at Discord for putting him in that position. “Seems I possess magic that gives me quite an important role in Equestria. Maybe they should make me an alicorn princess.” In a flash he dawned a fake crown and a fake pair of large pink wings and matching horn before pretending to blow kisses to the crowd. No one was impressed, especially Twilight, Kion, Rainbow Dash, Kyoga, and Kiara. "In your dreams!" Rainbow dismissed the very idea while knocking the crown off of his head. “And for the record, technically it wouldn’t even make you a princess since you are a guy.” Ono added. “Oh I would never dream of it. Just ask Princess Luna.” Discord simply said looking annoyed back at the two. “Don’t you have a magic-stealing criminal to catch because every second you waste means the more stronger this guy gets?” Fuli asked already feeling irritated by him already. Instead of answering that, Discord teleported the whole group down to right in front to where the Tree of Harmony is currently standing. "Well, it's just... I couldn’t help but notice Twilight hasn't yet opened up this chest of hers.” He gestured to said chest leaving the others turning to her wondering where he is going with this. “It got me thinking, What if whatever's inside of it is something that could help her prove her royal worth? I only bring it up because she said that she's been feeling like her role as a princess doesn't equate to much." “Is there a point to it all other than revealing that you’ve been spying on me?” Twilight asked looking on very unamused and feeling like he is digging in a little deep and personal there. “Oh, my.” Discord said with fake remorse. “Is that or whatever others call it eavesdropping not the way you're supposed to find out what your best pals are up to? Woe is me.” “Discord.” Kion spoke having enough of his antics. “You should leave.” He firmly ordered. “Oh, well, of course…” He obliged without hesitation before pulling up his motorcycle and helmet before riding off. “Good riddance.” Kyoga uttered…just when Discord reappeared right behind her. “…and I spoke too soon.” “Oopsie-doopsie…” He spoke up while pulling up the friendship journal to show some highlighted pages on it. “I almost forgot…while I was reading I’ve bookmarked a few of the more interesting passages. You really should take a look!” Twilight kindly took the book back for the sake of being polite for the moment while still glaring at him. “Oh I’m sorry, did you have a question for me Twilight?” “As a matter of fact, I do.” She said with her expression not changing and the others curiously seeing her approach. “Did Scar put you up to this? You know, made you an offer you can’t refuse to convince everyone that you’re chaotically good only to pull a magical knife to everypony’s heart when they least expected it?” She flies up to his eye level to get face to face with him to which her friends looked on pretty unnerved by the dark look and tone she used to address him. “Did he clue you in of how to find the special keys to that chest?” She asked in a demanding whisper. Discord was taken aback by her bold questions. “My, my…” He said while laughing nervously. “…that’s indeed a fair question…but…” He looks at his watch on his left arm while having a magical sensation flowing through his body. “…would you look at the time, gotta go!” He immediately hops on his scooter but then remembers. “Oh, before I forget…” She then whispers to the two friends that encouraged his reformation. “We’re still on for tea and cookies later, aren’t we Fluttershy, Beshte?” “I wouldn’t miss it.” “Of course.” The two replied leaving the happy spirit to hear their response. “And I’ll bring the cucumber sandwiches.” After that, he finally he made his leave through the magical door through his ride but not without having others have a few comments about it after he was gone for good. "Sometimes I think the “reformed” Discord was more obnoxious and the before he was “reformed” Discord." “Indeed.” Rarity agreed. “Clearly.” Ono also agreed. “No question about that. And I thought was my job.” Bunga remarked. “It is...” Ono said to him. “…you are just more tolerable than him.” “Really?!” Bunga took it as a compliment until he then realized. “Hey!” “But he could be right.” Fluttershy protested in his defense. “What if there is something important in that chest?” “Good question, Fluttershy?” Kion agreed while turning to the purple alicorn who still felt uncomfortable even after Discord knowing that he struck a chord deep inside. “Do you know, Twilight?” “Why did you ask?” She questioned back still feeling on edge right now. “Nothing personal…” He quickly clarified trying his hardest not to turn this into another argument. “…it’s just you seemed pretty tense just earlier like he knows something you know...” He found his heart racing a little as he cautiously approaches the alicorn with careful words hoping not to accidentally set her off after seeing of how tense she is looking. “…and I was just wondering if your time with Scar clued you in on what’s really inside that chest. That’s all I was asking.” Twilight calmed herself down after seeing that she is striking fear into her friends hearts. “I know.” She apologetically said with a heavy regretful sigh while softening her own expression knowing it is now time for her to tell them the truth. “And I think I may know now of how to look for more clear answers in regards to those keys.” She then said with her eyes turned towards the Castle of the Two Sisters before leading everyone over there. “Come on!” With that said, the others followed after her without question hoping there is success from this upcoming research inside. In another part of Equestria, Tirek was draining more unicorns from their magic whenever he happened to come across them. He was regaining some of his power but doing it very carefully since he was acting on his boss’s orders. Just then, he noticed a gray unicorn stallion with a short black mane, carrying his belongings with a blue-colored aura of magic and wasted no time in approaching him. Just when he did, the stallion’s face turned into one that was not something he expected. “Tirek, I presume?" "Discord! You're... free?" "As a bird, thank you for noticing." Discord then emphasized his point by literally turning himself into a bird with a long and colorful beak. Despite knowing what’s in store for him, he moved to show his respect for him. "I commend you on your escape!" The draconequus dropped his smile in response. "Well I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual.” With a frown and a snap of his talons he had the centaur all cuffed up ready to be taken prisoner. Tirek attempted to hit him with a blast of magic, but Discord split his face apart and effortlessly dodged it. The centaur groaned in defeat unable to break free from the chains placed onto him just when his captor dons a blue police uniform, complete with a matching hat and tie, gold badge, and a night stick in possession. "Oh, I should've known! Of course you'd want Equestria all to yourself again." While twirling the nightstick like a baton Discord had this to say in response. "Oh no, it's not for me. I’m just doing this for my friends.” Then he leaned in for a whisper. "And just between the two of us, it's mostly for Fluttershy and Beshte.” "Fluttershy? Beshte?" Tirek blinked in surprise of who he values the most. "You're not actually saying you're friends with these ponies, and animals, are you?" Discord then appeared while emerging from a giant cake. "Surprise!" “I am surprised that someone with your great intellect doesn't see that this 'friendship' is but a new form of imprisonment." He then said as he rattled his chains upon saying that last part. “Clearly you've had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces.” Discord at that moment was playing a harp in response to remark while wearing a halo over his head. After he was done, he quickly ditched the harp and halo in an instant. “I have done nothing of the sort.” Tirek saw through it and moved to further to continue talking his mindset to him. "Oh, I've seen this all before. My brother was always weak-minded, but you are Discord. You are an all-powerful legend! You cannot fall into the same trap that fell into." He said while placing a hand on the draconequus’s chest. “Help me grow strong and be rewarded with something far greater than 'friendship' freedom!" He emphasized with the last word to which had Discord eyeing him very suspiciously. “Oh, really? Freedom from what?” He really expected a good answer out of him. "Well, once I've stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing would delight me more than to see their very world turned upside down. Who better to do so than the very master of chaos himself?" He explained before making his proposal. "Join me, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless of course 'pony errand boy' is the role you've always wanted to play." As Tirek finished, Discord looked over to a portrait of himself and Fluttershy floating nearby (alongside such things as that lamp of himself Discord had made upon 'accidentally' breaking Fluttershy's during his initial stay with her after being freed from stone). “So…what will it be?” He tempted once more. After thinking about for a fair bit of time, he moved to give his answer. "Well, I must say your offer is very tempting.” “It is.” He chuckled in response. “But truthfully I prefer my takeover of Equestria to be more of a solo and reliable effort. So that said I’m afraid you’re still going back to Tartarus whether you like it or not.” But before he could do so just when he moved to approach the growling centaur he was suddenly taken aback when a small roar accompanied by a burst of green magic appeared right before him. “And I’m afraid you’re wrong about that, Discord...” Scar countered while floating over him. “…Because truthfully you really have no choice in the matter.” To further back up his threat, he pulls out separate photos of Fluttershy and Beshte, along with the very town where they live in. “And since your friendship with your very special best friends is so great you were willing to side with them, I suggest you really reconsider your options…” He further made his point by snapping his claws to have the images ripped in half. “…that is if you want them to make it out of this alive.” “You wouldn’t dare!” Discord defiantly shouted now sounding desperate to stop him. “Oh, yes I would.” Scar replied as he still stood his ground while getting eye to eye with him. “I think I made my terms perfectly clear when I first asked for your help in trying to offer Twilight freedom from friendship along with trying to give you what you really wanted in life.” He then pulls out the magical contract with his signature on it. “And now you have your end of the bargain to uphold or else…” He said with his eyes and tone darkening in order to force Discord’s compliance in the matter. “…there will be consequences for them…and you!” Discord gulped and was left cornered by the half lion and half alicorn looking right at him knowing that this one of those guys that don’t bluff when he makes threats and truly does have no choice in the matter now. “Okay.” He said in defeat with his head hanging in shame with what this means towards those who came to see him as friends. And that was what Scar wanted to hear. “Excellent...” He sadistically praised with a sinister smile. Meanwhile, at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight having her suspicions about Discord managed to secretly tap into an orb of magic to witness this scene the two baddies and ex-baddie shared together for her eyes alone to see. From there, she saw that Discord too has been baited with something in the past to get his compliance and is now blackmailed into helping serve him. “That’s what you get for making a deal with a devil.” She whispered under her breath before moving forward with her reading by focusing on the specific bookmarks Discord had left in the friendship journal. Deep down she understands where Discord’s plight but past experience shows that giving in and choosing to make bad decisions is not the way to go on about it and of course inevitably, there will be dire consequences for both parties involved. While reading and skimming over the bookmarked entries, she made her discovery to the rest of the team know. “I think I found something.” She told everyone who all gathered around the table she was sitting at. “What is it?” “What did you find?” Both Kion and Ono inquired hoping that it’s something useful. "I've been looking through our friendship journal again, and I've noticed that there's something interesting about each of the sections Discord bookmarked." “Like what?” Bunga eagerly asked. “Something that has one common thing in each and every friendship lesson from those particular days. She first turned to Applejack who is currently standing next to Fuli. "Applejack, do you remember when you had to tell everypony that the tonic Granny bought from the Flim Flam brothers didn't really work?" “How could I forget?” Applejack replied with the memory still fresh in her mind. "It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.” She recalled the very memory flashing in her mind when the rainbow shimmer shined in her eyes. “I hate to disappoint everypony, but there's no way Granny could have made that dive, because this tonic is a fake!” “But in that moment I just knew I had to be honest. I just knew it." “And I also recall being there to save your Granny with a fast and timely rescue on my part.” Fuli also recalled the memory. “Much like Applejack I just knew I had to take quick action if I wanted to save her in time. I just had to.” Applejack not quite understanding the pattern here had this question to ask. “But what does that got to do with opening the chest?” “I've found that each of you has had to face a situation where living up to the Element of Harmony you represent wasn't easy.” She replied before next turning to Fluttershy and Beshte. "Fluttershy, Beshte, when you two realized had a similar moment to Applejack and Fuli's when you realized that the way to show kindness to the Breezies was by forcing them to leave your home." Fluttershy gasped at the memory as she the heartache and tears from that moment welled up inside of her. “Oh, the look on their poor faces…but I knew that as difficult as it was, pushing them away was the kindest thing I could do.“ “Yeah, it was definitely hard but it is also the best thing a strong pony and hippo could do there.” Beshte said in agreement while allowing the Pegasus to cry in her arm for a minute. Then Twilight turned her attention to both Rarity and Ono. "Rarity, even after Suri Polomare took advantage of your generosity at Fashion Week in Manehattan, you didn’t let it cause you to abandon your generous spirit. And Ono, it was your keen sight that allowed the truth of Rarity’s stolen designs to be exposed to the public thus exposing Suri as the fraud she was." “I simply couldn't have lived with myself if I didn't do something special for the friends who have always been so generous to me!” The fashionista said in response to recalling that very memory. “And I couldn’t have lived with myself had I let Suri get away with what she did to you back there.” Ono shared. “And it was a good thing my keen sight picked up on your particular lining to show to everyone that those designs Suri stole were really yours.” The two shared a hug when the unicorn pulled the egret in allowing them to nuzzle each other’s noses together. Next up was Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash you had the chance to fly with the Wonderbolts at the Equestria Games, but instead you chose to compete with your friends." The speedster pony just had this to say. “Sure! But being loyal to my friends was way better than leaving them high and dry. I just couldn’t abandon them and leave them experiencing of what could have been had I not competed alongside them.” Pinkie Pie then bounced up alongside Bunga, very quick to recall their special moments together. "Ooh, my turn, my turn!" “And me too!” “Easy, Pinkie and Bunga…” Twilight said with a smile urging them to reign in their over-growing excitement as she prepares to explain to them. “Pinkie Pie, you realized that seeing your friend laugh was more important than proving you were a better party planner than Cheese Sandwich. And Bunga, the moment you dove and saved Rainbow Dash from that piñata about to fall down on her was the bravest thing a honey badger can do.” “No kidding.” Bunga proudly recalled while hugging Rainbow Dash who returned the hug and pulled Pinkie into one too. “Best party I ever had.” Spike then commented to Twilight. "But what do all of those events have to do with Discord's hint?" “It's clear we've all had our moments to shine…” Rarity recalled before asking. “… but like what Applejack said earlier. What does any of this have to do with the opening of the chest?” “All of you had tough choices to make. But when you made the right one and embraced your element, it helped somepony else make the right choice too. Each of you received something from the pony whose life you helped change. A special thread, badges, a medal, a rubber chicken, a flower, a rock, and a couple coins…" She then realized. "…that’s what Discord’s been trying to tell me earlier when he realized the connection.I’ll be right back!” She stated before teleporting away from the castle so she can retrieve the items that serve as the keys to the chest. Once she retrieved them she ran off ahead back towards the Tree of Harmony. “Let’s go!” After returning to the tree, Twilight opened the case containing said keys and placed them right in front of the tree itself where everyone got another good look at the objects they earned throughout those friendship lessons. “So Twilight…” Kion said looking at the objects with uncertainty. “how exactly do these things give us a clue as to where the keys might be because to many of us they're just... ordinary, everyday objects.” Both Pinkie and Bunga shook the rubber chicken and badge around trying to uncover the answer by force. “Come on, Boneless! Give us that key!” “Yeah, what she said!” Twilight was quick to freeze the two with her magic to calmly explain to them it’s futile to try it like that. “I don't think that's going to work, Pinkie, Bunga." She then smiled and took control of their keys. “Watch and learn.” She said before providing everyone the answer they are looking for by simply tossing them towards the chest. And when she did that the rubber chicken and sheriff’s badge turned into keys, keys, that turned into the shape and style of Pinkie’s cutie mark and Bunga’s face and Mark of the Guard that inserted themselves into two of the twelve locks. Getting the same idea, the other four mares, along with three members of the Lion Guard that earned their keys all brought their objects close to the locks and watched as they all turned into keys: A key with three diamonds on the handle to represent Rarity’s, a lightning bolt shaped key with a cloud on the handle to represent Rainbow Dash’s, a key with three butterflies on the handle to represent Fluttershy’s, a key with an apple on the handle to represent Applejack’s, and the other three keys, Fuli’s, Ono’s, and Beshte’s were all similar to Bunga’s. Soon, nine of the keys had been inserted into nine of the locks. “There’s still three key’s left.” Kion analyzed. “The key that represents the Lion Guard’s Fiercest, Lion Guard’s Wisest, and of course…” Kyoga said after realizing it too. “…my element. The Element of Magic.” Twilight finished. "But... neither one of us have them." “You sure about that?” Beshte kindly asked. “Maybe there was something you three did recently that allowed you to earn yours.” “Think Twilight, Kion, Kyoga, you two as well.” Rarity implored of her to dig deep. “Surely that has to be something that you did like us that can count. I mean, when have you completed a difficult magical task, and in doing so encouraged another pony to do the same?" “Not recently.” Twilight quickly replied with a shake of her head knowing that those involve her dark times not too long ago. “If I had I would've written about it in the journal and Discord would've noticed it." “Hate to say it but I can’t argue with that.” Kyoga shared. “Me neither.” Kion admitted. “But how? How are we supposed to live up to our elements?” “I don’t know.” His sister replied unsure of how to properly answer that question but gave him an encouraging smile. “But I’m sure it’ll involve being fierce in the face of danger, one way or another.” “And I’m sure that the same can be said for the two of you.” Spike then said to both Twilight and Kyoga before suddenly belching up a scroll with the Canterlot royal seal on it. “What in the name of Canterlot?” Twilight quickly took control of it knowing it’s for her. “What’s it say?!” “That me, Kion, Kiara, and Kyoga are needed in Canterlot right away for an emergency meeting with the princesses!” “Hevi Kabisa!” “That can’t be good!” Both Kion and Kyoga shared just when Kiara hopes onto Twilight back when she spread out her wings. “We better get on over there!” Kiara declared while Twilight hoists both Kion and Kyoga with her magic to hoist them on over there in flight. Wasting no time, she flew as fast as she could right inside the throne room where the other three alicorn princesses along with the lion king and queen were all waiting for her and looking very filled with dread. “We can as fast as we could!” “Is there something wrong?!” “What happened?!” “Is it Tirek?” Twilight, Kion, Kyoga, and Kiara all asked in that order. Princess Celestia was the first to answer looking very regretful of her previous approach. "I'm afraid I put too much trust in Discord and the effect that friendship would have upon him." To further demonstrate it she displayed a current visual with a orb of magic showing said image of Tirek stealing magic from every unicorn he comes across with Discord helping him every step of the way. By then, Tirek was growing more in size as he absorbed more magic. The centaur sporting black horns on the top of his head, and his reddish-brown fur was now turning into a more blood red color. “What?!” Kion was left in baffled disbelief that this is actually happening. “I knew it!” Twilight muttered to herself. "Discord has, for reasons unknown, betrayed the ponies of Equestria and now allied himself with Tirek. And it's no longer just unicorns who are in danger." Luna explained. The shock Kion was feeling was still reeling in his head. “But I don’t understand! How could he do such a thing?! I thought our friendships meant something to him! I thought he'd changed!" “I wish I knew.” Twilight expressed trying to reign in her disgust towards Discord’s betrayal. “Maybe because he too has fallen into the same temptation Scar gave him in order to give into his conquest.” Kiara gave her best guess while trying to comfort her brother. “Nevertheless, Tirek is now growing stronger with every passing minute.” Cadance said. “At this point he has now gained the ability to steal flight as well.” All while following visuals on the orb showed images showed Tirek doing just that. "Without Pegasi to control the weather, there will be no rain in Equestria. There is word he has gone after Earth ponies as well. Without their strength, they will not be able to tend the land." Celestia further explained the severity of the increasingly dire crisis at hoof. And then Princess Luna added. “Ponies will no longer be in control of their world. That power will belong solely to Tirek. In fact, there is no doubt that he on his way here to steal alicorn magic. If he does, then there is no stopping him and Scar from there and all hope will be lost, especially with Discord by his side." “But there is one solution.” Celestia proposed as she and the other princesses approached both Twilight and Kion. “It is only by making this sacrifice that Equestria and the lands beyond it might be saved.” She then stated. “We must rid ourselves of our magic before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us.” “What?!” Was all Kion could say in response at the very idea while Twilight could only gasp and stare wide eyed in response to what she just said. Is this the scale tipping factor into turning this all around? The answer to that question is something that Scar is eager to find out as he sees that everything is going according to plan from the very top of the roof from the very castle they’re all inside of. And on top of that, he sees that Kyoga’s eyes are shining a rainbow glimmer when she sees it reflect on Kion’s shiny red mane.