//------------------------------// // Sleeping with Mares-Celestia // Story: Short Hand // by Andrew Joshua Talon //------------------------------// The repairs to Canterlot after the Changeling invasion were still taking time, and I was technically part of the decision makers. So I'd spent the entire day helping with the repairs, directing guard rotations, and filling out reports to hopefully ensure something like this never happened again. Suffice it to say, I was exhausted. Even magically enhanced food and coffee could only keep me going for so long. I trudged up to my guest quarters in the palace. Many refugees who had lost their homes were staying in the palace, and that meant space was at a premium. So I was fortunate I had somewhere to sleep. Or so I thought... I had just made it to the door to my quarters, my hand reaching for the handle, when the door swung open. A few foals ran out, laughing and playing. They all stopped and stared up at me in amazement... As did their parents. I blinked. "Uh... Hey. I thought these were my quarters-" The stallion, clearly the father, stepped forward and bowed his head. "Oh no! Ser Human! We-We didn't know! We're so sorry! We'll be going right away and-" The father tried, but I interrupted him by holding up my hand. "No, no! It's fine. You have little ones. I can find somewhere else to sleep for the night." "Are-Are you sure?" The mother asked anxiously. Another look at the foals, and my mind was made up. "Just let me grab my things and I'll be out of your manes, okay? It's okay, really," I said kindly. I got my stuff, again insisted it was fine, and stepped out. I smiled at the foals and waved at them cheerfully, which made them happy, before I politely left. When the door shut, I sighed, my shoulders drooping. "I am just too goddamned nice for my own good sometimes..." I mumbled. "Perhaps." "GAH!" I jumped and turned around, beholding Princess Celestia standing before me. "Ah! Your Highness!" Celestia smiled sadly, and bowed her head. "I'm sorry... I forgot those were your quarters. I've been trying to find room for everypony, and that family-" "Forget it," I said, waving my hand dismissively, "I can handle sleeping in the barracks for a night or... A few nights." Celestia continued to smile sadly. "Barracks are full, I'm afraid." Oh perfect. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "... I'll just find a place in the gardens then. A bench or something. Chewie will be happy, we'll have a sleepover-" "There is an alternative," Celestia suggested gently. I looked at her, tilting my head curiously. "And that is?" With a huge flash of light, Celestia teleported us both to her royal bed chambers. She smiles at me, and slid up onto her bed. I blinked as my brain put some things together. :... Er... I mean-" "Twilight Sparkle has written that you sleep better with company," she said, and I cursed the Book Horse and her thoroughness, "her parents have already taken her and the other Elements in, along with Spike. They can't take anypony else." "She really needs to learn how to keep stuff to herself..." I grumbled, before I looked at her in concern. "I'm more concerned about... How this might look?" "The gossip columns all say you're sleeping with me and my sister already. Believe me, Shepherd, I am no stranger to scandal." It was hard to imagine she'd put her reputation on the line for me. Her life, sure, but... "Well... That is, you see," I tried. Celestia sighed, and scowled at me in a bit of irritation. "Ser Shepherd! As a knight sworn to my service, I order you to come to bed and rest this instant!" I threw my hands out in exasperation. "That isn't actually helping!" "Hm. I suppose you're not the type of stallion who enjoys being pushed around," Celestia said with a bright, cheeky grin "Good to know!" I rolled my eyes, pulled off my outer layer of clothes, and crawled onto bed next to her. I sighed as I pulled the sheets up over my body. "You're lucky I'm too tired to argue, so... Fine." Celestia cuddled up to me. "Mmm... See? Isn't this better than sleeping outside?" She tugged on the sheets and pulled me closer to her. I instinctively wriggled away a few inches. "I'll get back to you on that." "You know," Celestia observed, and I could hear the smile in her voice, "most stallions would be thrilled at the prospect of being in bed with me." "Yeah well, most stallions don't know you're a sheet hog." Celestia chuckled, and snuggled up to me. "That just means we need to get closer together~." "Oh God," I mumbled, "I don't know who will kill me first: Luna or Twilight." "What about Fluttershy?" Celestia asked teasingly. "I think she's open to sharing, but the other two..." Celestia giggled. "I'll handle them... Now sleep, my little human." I crossed my arms over my chest, quite maturely, and snuggled up against the very warm pony princess despite my annoyance. "Razzam frazzam pony princesses... Hate you all..." Celestia nuzzled the top of my head, and placed a kiss on my forehead. It sent a surge of relaxing warmth through me, as I began to drift off. "We love you too, Shepherd," she murmured. I had no bad dreams that night.