Anon von Bismarck

by WojakWriter

20: Tightening the Grip

I walked down the hall at a brisk pace, speeding towards a small meeting room.

This castle had too many damn rooms. What kind of monarch builds this many rooms?

There had to be at least one for every occasion. There was a damn room for cake making! Who makes a room solely for making cakes? Didn’t the kitchen already have that covered?

It wasn’t even a bakery, it was just for cakes!

Ignoring my thoughts on Princess Celestias house design, I started to have a small smile grow on my face.

As I opened the door to a small, out of the way meeting room, I had new thoughts racing through my mind.

Today was a special day. After a successful peace agreement with Chrysalis and her “grand hive”, I had more politics to settle.

The status of Capra.

The Capras were a hardy people, but lacking in any self identity after ten years of occupation.

Not to mention their newfound lack of a royal family.

In fact, it was almost impossible to find any heirs to their nation since the Griffonian conquest of their lands caused them to scatter into Equestria and the Crystal Empire as refugees.

But we had found one. A young colt, by the name of Riverplume Erobos.

The Thestral Wardens confirmed reports of the young colt wandering the streets of Baltimare.

Reports that were made when Celestia was still on the throne.

She knew about him. And she did nothing.

How a young colt got that far alone was an incredible feat.

The way he was found was a strange affair.

He was found living in the streets, since no one believed his stories of being a prince.

And apparently he was too proud to visit a homeless shelter and wasn’t willing to go to an orphanage.

It wasn’t like he had any family left either. His family hadn’t survived under the griffons rule, being killed off to prevent an uprising. And those that fled were the sick and elderly ones of that family, dying off in the ten year period of occupation.

He was the sole survivor of their royal bloodline. No one else remained but him.

Capras had a monarchy, but was in no way similar to Equestria or the Crystal Empire.

For starters, he wasn’t an Alicorn. He was just a normal pony. An Earth pony too, strangely enough.

As strange as it was, this was the rightful heir to Capras.

But this worked to my advantage. A child Prince would be more malleable to my will. After all, he wasn’t fit to rule on his own, and he had no family left.

And now he would be eternally grateful to us rescuing him from a fate as a beggar.

Snapping myself from my thoughts, I looked at the boy prince seated across from me.

He was so fragile, so small. It looked as if he hadn’t eaten a good meal in a while.

He was bathed and fed before I had him brought to me, but he still looked like skin and bones. It would be a while before he regained a normal body shape.

He was looking around the room nervously, waiting for me to speak.

The young Prince knew respect. Good.

“Hello there Riverplume, how are you feeling today.”

The young Prince locked his eyes with mine, and spoke.

“I’m feeling great Chancellor Anonymous. You wanted to speak with me about something?

He was surprisingly well spoken for a colt hardly eleven years old.

This was good, wouldn’t want an idiot in the throne.

“Yes, I would like to discuss the future of Capras.”

He looked up at me in shock, not believing what I had said.

“What? But-“

I cut him off with a raise of my hand. He needed to hear me speak first.

“Riverplume, as a part of defeating the griffons, we’d like to reinstate the Caprisan monarchy. Seeing as you are the sole surviving heir, you will lead them.”

He looked down.

“But I’m not an adult yet…”

“I know this, and will have a regency council in place until you are 18. The second you are 18, you will gain full autonomy of your nation.”

The young Prince looked up at me, his face trying to hide a somber smile. Something was wrong with him. He didn’t look happy at this news.

“Riverplume, you look sad. What’s wrong?”

He looked up from the floor.

“Why are you being nice to me?”

What? Had this colt never had someone just be kind?

Trying my best not to look shocked, I spoke again.

“What are you talking about Riverplume. Has no one been kind to you before?”

He looked at me a moment, then softly shook his head.

Poor thing. He wasn’t lying.

“Well, where did you live before my people picked you up?”

I already knew the answer of course, I just wanted to see if he trusted me enough.

Speaking softly, the young Prince spoke, “I lived in the streets of Baltimare. I wandered from place to place, looking for a home.”

So the reports were true. He really was homeless until now.

I gave him a soft and paternal smile, and spoke softly.

“Listen to me Riverplume, your old life is gone. No more begging, no more wondering if you can eat, and no more cold and sleepless nights. You are safe now. I just want to help.”

It was only partially a lie.

I did want to see him safe, but I also wanted someone who was loyal to me on the throne.

But that was almost nothing to be concerned with as of right now.

A child would listen to anything I told them as long as I had a smile and made them feel loved.

The only real problem left was to convince him to take the throne.

“But Chancellor, I don’t know how to run a country! What if they hate me for leaving? How will I run a country if my own people don’t like me. Won’t they hate me for leaving them to suffer? What if th-“

I cut him off with a raise of my hand.

“Riverplume, your lineage may be gone, but you still remain. You are still a royal. This is your birthright, your destiny. You were always meant to be in this throne. The people of Capras want you on this throne. Would you really be so selfish as to reject their wishes because you think you aren’t worthy?”

Riverplume looked at me a moment, then looked down in shame.

I continued.

“Your people won’t hate you. They wouldn’t blame you for their suffering. You were just a foal when you left, do you really think they’d blame a colt for their hardships? No, they’ll accept you with open arms. They’ll be happy that someone at all has a claim to the throne.”

Riverplume slowly looked up at me.

“But what if the griffons come back?”

I gave him a somber smile.

“They won’t. I’ll make sure they never have the power to threaten anyone again.”

Riverplume looked as if he was deep in thought.

“Ok Chancellor Anonymo-“

I smiled and spoke.

“Please, just call me Anon. We’re friends here after all.”

The young Prince gave me his first smile of the night, and spoke again.

“Ok Anon, I trust you. But until Capras is taken back, where should I go?”

I gave the young Prince another paternal smile.

“Your living arrangements have already been covered. You will stay in the Canterlot castle. Your bedroom has already been prepared.

Riverplume looked shocked.

“My own room?”

My smile died down a little.

“Yes, your own room.”

Standing up, I extended my hand out.

“I believe that we’re done here today, so what do you say we leave and get something to eat?”

He gave me his second smile of the entire night, and took my hand with his hoof.

“Yes Anon, I’m starving.”

I didn’t doubt that one bit.

After settling the Capras affair, the day had calmed down. It was a slow day in Canterlot.

More settling the affairs of the realm. From arguments over land ownership and factories petitioning for government funding, it never seemed to end.

The time slowly ticked, and finally, thankfully, the day had come to a close.

At least, in regards to Celestias duties. I still had my own duties left to perform.

Quill looked as happy about it as I felt.

But something was off about her.

Not just today, but this whole week she had been acting strange.

As if she was battling her own thoughts, she had been distant recently, not responding to my affection at all.

Coupled with her crying at night, and near breakdown the previous day, I had started to get worried for her.

So after we had both left the main chamber, I turned to her and spoke.

“Quill, what’s wrong? You haven’t been yourself lately."

Quill ignored me and walked off.

Strange. She wasn’t one to hide how she felt from me.

Shrugging it off, I had one last little meeting left before I could turn in for the day.

What would become of the Ministry.

Namely, Sharp Mind and Flashy Image.

I had already approached Heavy Hammer, Stalwart Shield, and Shaky Stiles with a proposal.

Stalwart would remain a general and serve directly under Luna for now. When the war ended, he would serve as her equal in regards to the army. He would remain loyal to me at all costs. He would become a Field Marshal.

Heavy would be given an indirect stake in the economy of Equestria in exchange for his loyalty, and would continue to serve me under his new title of “Chief of Industry.”

Shaky Stiles would continue to serve in foreign affairs, as a simple foreign affairs adviser. I needed someone on the inside after all. And besides, he wouldn’t dare go against me.

That only left Sharp Mind and Flashy Image. The two I didn’t approach with such offers.

They were both distrusting in my actions, and thought of me like how the Royal Guard did.

Namely, they believed that I would leave eventually, so didn’t respect me.

But that almost didn’t matter now, since this meeting would solve that little “problem” one way or another.

Either they’d submit to me, or they wouldn’t be around anymore.

It was just time to wait.

You are Midnight Wail.

Lord Anonymous has called you in for a special task this fine night.

He wanted you to stand guard for a special meeting he was holding with two ministers.

The room had a standard soundproofing spell casted inside already.

You had no idea what he was planning, but whatever it was wouldn’t end well for them.

You could see it in his eyes, the way he spoke in a cryptic fashion about them.

He wanted them gone.

But you weren’t around to question, you were around to serve.

And after the deal he reached with Echo, your order of Thestrals were more than happy to serve him just as they were to serve Luna.

The clock ticked down to midnight, signaling that the meeting would begin soon.

The ministers were approaching.

It was almost time.

The clock was ticking.

Where the hell where the ministers at?

As if on cue, the door swung open.

Sharp Mind and Flashy Image were both standing in the doorway, unsure of themselves. They had every right to be nervous.

Motioning for them to sit, I remained standing.

They both took their seats, and a pair of Thestral Wardens closed the doors.

Midnight Wail and Starry Skies. I always preferred to know the names of those who were on my side.

Besides, I would need them present if things went poorly.

After a moment of silence, I finally spoke.

“Do you two know why I’ve had you brought here?”

Sharp Mind looked around nervously, but Flashy Image had gone from fearful to defiant. She spoke first.

“Have you finally decided to get rid of us? To replace us with loyal little puppets? Do you really think the ponies wil-“

I cut her off with a raise of my hands.

“Do I think? Yes, I do. You don’t seem to understand something, so let me teach you something that you don’t understand.”

I walked forwards a bit.

“The ponies here love me. They can understand I have their best interests in mind.”

Flashy Image scoffed.

“Are you even listening to yourself? Do you have any idea how you sound! You’ve officially lost your bucking mind if you really think that.”

I just gave a slight chuckle.

“Believe me, in recent studies I’ve had performed the ponies love me. They either see me as on par or surpassing Celestia.

Sharp Mind gave a small gasp, but I paid him no mind and continued on.

“I know, surprising right? How much they want me instead of Celestia. It almost makes one wonder, just what did Celestia even do for Equestria? I’ve given my blood, sweat, and tears for this country. And what has she done?”

I paused, letting them think.

“I’ll tell you what she’s done, Ignore all my suggestions at every turn! Think of all the dead ponies that could’ve been saved if she had let my suggested reforms pass sooner! Imagine all they lives that could’ve been, snuffed out because of HER!

I banged my fist on the table as I finished.

Flashy Image opened her mouth to retort on behalf of her beloved Princess, but I didn’t let her speak.

“She let Capras get occupied and brutalized by the griffons. She let their royal family be murdered. She let their sole heir roam the streets as an orphan. She stood by as injustice after injustice happened. Do you really think she has what it takes to rule?” I stared into Flashy Image’s eyes, before speaking again.

“She thinks everything can be solved with diplomacy and a smile, when sometimes you just need some bullets and a firm hand.”

I started to tear up slightly. I didn’t know I even held these feelings until now.

“So decide, do you want to help me in building a new and better Equestria, free of all the incompetence she had?”

I paused again.

“Or do you want to be remembered as a traitor to the Equestrian people?”

Flashy Image stared at me, still defiant.

But Sharp Mind spoke up for the first time this meeting, surprising me slightly.

He said one simple word.


I gave him a slight smile.

He spoke again.

“Celestia never let us do the research we wanted. She wouldn’t let us perform study certain fields that she deemed too violent.”

Sharp started to get some anger in his eyes.

“She made us stand around doing nothing. Even after the changeling invasion she wouldn’t let us research ways to upgrade our armor, deeming it to be a warlike endeavor. Think of all the lives we could’ve saved Flashy!”

Still, Flashy Image stayed defiant.

She turned to Sharp Mind, and this time I let her speak.

“Sharp Mind, we both pledged to Princess Celestia, not to this thing! It doesn’t matter if he’s Starswirl reincarnated or just some random monkey, he isn’t our master! We don’t have to listen to him. He can’t tell us what to do, and besides… what if Celestia comes back?”

Sharp Mind pondered a moment, and finally replied.

“And what if she doesn’t?”

Flashy Image almost looked shocked.


Sharp stood up.

“What if she never comes back? How long will you continue to believe in Celestia? She left us with nothing, she didn’t even tell us she was going to leave! She chose Anonymous as her successor, and ignored Luna! Anonymous righted that wrong, and has split his power with Luna, what kind of person would do that willingly?”

Flashy went to speak, but Sharp cut her off again.

“If he’s really a monster as you say, then why would he give Luna power, power that Celestia never gave her? Do you think Celestia would trust Luna with an army? She still didn’t trust Luna, but Anonymous does!”

I just stood there as Sharp Mind continued to defend me, the pair getting into a shouting match.

I never expected that he would be the one to say this. I never even knew he felt this way.

But this was a good thing, maybe he could convince Flashy Image to turn from Celestia to me.

I was pulled from my thoughts as their yelling grew more heated.


With that, the room fell silent.

Nobody spoke. Nobody moved.

I started to slowly reach into my coat pocket.

Flashy Image turned to me, infuriated.

“You killed the Royal Guard, and now you want to kill us!”

Sharp Mind looked at me, incredulous. If he believed her, or was simply in shock at what she had said, his face didn’t show.

I continued to reach deeper into the coat, speaking clearly and calmly.

“Flashy Image. Such things aren’t kind to say. And besides, you have no proof that this event even occurred.”

Flashy Image turned back to Sharp Mind.

“See! He’s lying to us!”

Sharp Mind finally spoke again.

“Where’s your proof? Do you expect me to believe he had Royal Guardsmen killed? Why would he even do that? He isn’t a monster, Flashy!”

The pair continued to bicker.

This little charade had gone on long enough.

Fully pulling out what was in my coat pocket, Flashy Image still had her side turned to me.

Putting it behind my back, I still wanted to give her one last chance.

“Flashy, I will ask you one last time. Are you going to help me in preserving Equestria, or will you seek to destroy it?”

Flashy Image spoke, a defiant flame in her eyes.

“Burn in Tartarus.”

I looked over at Sharp Mind.

“And how about you? Do you vow to preserve Equestria, or will you join her in seeking to destroy it?

Sharp Mind had an equal level of conviction in his eyes.

“I promise, I will serve to protect the unity of Equestria.”

Good, at least one could be saved.

Sighing, I pulled out what had been hidden from behind my back.

A fully loaded pistol, styled after a M1911 pistol. At least, as best as ponies could make it.

“What is th-“


Before she could finish that sentence, she was already dead.

Sharp Mind stumbled back in a daze, clearly in shock at what had just happened.

The two Thestral Wardens I had in reserve just stood there silently.

Blood pooled on the pristine white of the marble floor. That would be hell to clean up.

Flashy Image twitched as she died, her face wearing a look of shock and fear.

Slowly and solemnly, I put the gun back into my coat pocket. It dawned on me, this was the first time I’d killed a pony.

Not just a living being, but a pony.

I never wanted this to happen, but if she knew about what had happened with the Royal Guard and stood against me, then she put Equestrian unity in jeopardy.

She should’ve just submitted.

Stepping back, I let out a deep sigh and rubbed my head.

“I think it goes without saying, Sharp, that what happened here today stays unspoken. No one will ever find out about today.”

Looking towards him, I spoke again.

“And if someone does find out, then we’re going to be the ones in trouble here. Understood?”

Sharp stood up from the floor, and looked at me.

“Y-yes sir! Not a word!”

I gave him a small smile.

“Good, now get out.”

He went to leave, but paused at the door and looked back at me.

“Sir, did she have to die? Couldn’t we have thrown her into a prison?”

I shook my head slowly and softly.

“No, my little pony, we could not have done that. She was much too dangerous to keep alive. She put Equestria itself at risk.”

Sharp Mind went to leave again, but turned back again.

“Was she telling the truth? Did you really have Royal Guardsmen killed?”

I looked him into his green eyes.

“Of course not, my little pony. That’s why she was so dangerous, she was willing to lie to suit her needs. Could you imagine that? Someone breaking one of the elements so brazenly? She truly was a threat to the ponies of Equestria.”

Seemingly satisfied, Sharp Mind finally left.

Looking at the body of Flashy Image, a cold smile began to form.

All the ministry was no more. Four out of five joining me wasn’t too bad either.

But still, this was a waste of life. If only she listened…

She knew what would happen. Nobody threatened Equestrian unity as much as she had in that moment.

At least in the face of monsters like Tirek and Discord, Equestria stood united.

Strangely, I wondered how the boy Prince, Riverplume Erobos, was doing. He reminded me of myself a bit.

Before I became so cold.

I only prayed that he would never become like me.