//------------------------------// // 3: A New World And The Collider // Story: Spider Dragon: Origins // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// Spike never thought he would see anything like this, this world had buildings as tall as Canterlot castle! this place was crowded with this creatures called" Humans" which is a species he's never heard of in his world and the city he was in was called "New York" which is definitely not a place that he knows of in his world, he apparently had one more power he learned and that was" Invisibility" Which made it easier for him to get around, he couldn't completely do it on command but he thinks he knows how to trigger it. Spike had to pit pocket a few people in order to get money to buy supplies much to his dismay as he hated stealing but had no choice because of the current state was in his coat was just big enough to cover his face so people don't freak out over seeing a dragon in the city as apparently his kind were thought to be make believe which was interesting to know. Spike had to sleep on the rooftops at night with his coat as a blanket as he didn't have anywhere to stay, his senses were telling him to find this person called Spiderman as he could help him get home. Spike missed his friends already, sure he didn't like being sidelined but at least he wasn't completely alone in a world he didn't know without knowing what to do. He couldn't even test out his powers because he didn't want to draw unwanted attention, Spike sat alone at this place called the subway it was said to have trains bring others to other parts of the city at higher speeds. "How am i gonna get back home? I have no one to help me with this..." "Spike asked sadly, just then a train had passed by and spike heard two people speaking "Man i'm gonna get in so much trouble" the small one said catching Spike's interest "Hey man, just tell em your art teacher made you do it" The tall man responds, intrigued Spike decides to follow them while keeping a distance. Spike saw them jump over a high fence that had an open space for them to squeeze through and they walked deeper into the place. Not wanting to make noise, Spike had tried his phasing powers which let him pass through without causing them to hear him, he then used the skill he picked up and turned invisible and quietly found a place for him to see what they were doing. There wasn't much to what he saw, he saw them painting what they called a graffiti which they painted on a clear wall playing what was music in this world which intrigued him on how music is in this world, all the while a spider with the number 42 had started to crawl down towards the boy... They eventually finished and sat on a couch and he could see the words" Great Expectations on the wall with what looked like a slouch of disappointment below it making him chuckle a bit. "O ho oh... wow" The tall one said as he saw the art. "Is it to crazy?" The small one asks "No man," The other responds as he looks at him. "Miles i see exactly what your doing here man" The tall one said to the other who's name was "Miles" as he thought to remember that. "Yeah, you know me and your dad used to do this back in the day" The tall one says which means he's his uncle which made spike smile as he was just spending time with family. " Stop lying" Miles said not believing it. "It's true, but then he took on the Cop thing and i don't know... He's a good guy its just, you know what i'm saying" The tall one says with a bit of a sad look the spider from earlier had crawled into the kids jacket. "Must be having hard times with his father right now..." Spike thinks sadly as he continues watching. He then notices the tall one take out something called a "Phone" which was uses for communication which amazed him in what this world has. "Alright come on man, i gotta roll" He says as he gets up, Miles then packs the spray paint up and looks at the wall one more time. He then pulls out his phone to take a picture, but as he takes it he notices a spider crawled onto his hand, Miles gasps in fear as he gets bitten by it which freaks Spike out as he knows what happened to him a few days ago. Miles simply smacks the thing off killing it. "Miles lets go" The tall one says as they leave and he turns off the lights. Once spike made sure he was alone he quickly went to check out the spider and his eyes widened as he realized it. It was the same spider that had bitten HIM just a few days ago! only now the numbers 42 were on its back which interests him, was it from a batch of spiders like it? Spike then looks down at the dead spider. " How did you get here?" Spike asks as he looks at it, Spike then decides that he would come back later to search the area as he could hear some other noises, he quickly made his way out of the place and goes back out the door, he thinks he should keep an eye on the one called Miles as he got bit too, thankfully his senses had given him directions on where to go. The next day... Spike was going across the rooftops to avoid being seen, he followed his senses and he ended at this place called Brooklyn Visions Academy, he turned invisible once again as he finally got the hang of that power and he made sure not to bump into anyone as he entered, he followed where his senses told him and he found Miles in the lobby chatting with someone else and spike stood a good distance away. "Oh are you okay?" The girl asks "yeah" He responds nervously "Why am i so sweaty" Miles asks in his thoughts "Why are you so sweaty" the girl asks "Its a puberty thing" He then just realizes what he said and Spike simply puts his hand on his face shaking it disapprovingly. "I don't know why i just said that, i'm not going through puberty, i did, but i'm done i'm a man" He says the last part in a deeper voice. "So your new here right? we got that in common" Miles asks obviously trying to start up a conversation "Yeah that's one thing..." The girl says. " cool, I'm miles" He introduces himself, "I'm Gwe anda " She says as she changes the last part for some reason "wait your name is Gwanda?" Miles asks making spike raise an eyebrow as that was the weirdest name he ever heard She then proceeded to tell him that it was "South African" but not the accent because she was raised here but he notices Miles is thinking about something else. "Do the shoulder touch now before she walks away" Miles tells himself before he slowly raises his arm making spike wonder what the hell is he doing. " Why is this so scary? Am i doing this in slow motion or does it just feel that way" Miles thinks to himself as he continues to raise his arm. "I'm kidding its Wanda, no g that's crazy right?" She asks but he places hand on her shoulder "Hey..." He says in a deep voice. "Okay then I'll see you around" She says as she looks at his hand "Oh okay see you" Miles says as he tries to walk away but he gets his hand stuck in her hair. "Oh no..." Spike thinks to himself with a worried look as the same thing happened to him. "Oh crap." Miles says as he realizes its stuck. "Um can you let go please?" She asks "Um i can't let go" Miles said as he tried to pull it out "Don't pull man you'll make it worse" Spike thinks to himself as he continues to watch. " Ow ow ow. Calm down it's fine" she says as she try's to pull it out but ended pulling herself closer to him, more students had started to notice "Miles let go" She tells "working on it, its just puberty" he responds as he tries but she gets pulled around "I don't think you know what puberty is" She says annoyed as even more students noticed the situation and were laughing. " Just relax" She tells him...which interested spike as he has to relax himself in order to let go of stuff that he's stuck to making him wonder if she knows about what happened. "Okay i have a plan" he tells her "Great" She responds "I'm going to pull REALLY hard on three" he tells her which makes spike groan quietly "Nohohoho" Spike thinks to himself as he watches the scene continue. "That's a terrible plan" She tells him which makes Spike agree with her. " One" Miles counts "don't to this" She warns "Two" He continues "Three! She finishes as she flips him over miles screams as we cut to a bathroom spike is outside the door with just a sad expression, we then cut to the girl shaving the piece of hair off her and miles finally lets go "Nice to meet you?" he asks "Sure... Total pleasure" She says obviously angry as she has his hand mark on her hair. Miles then walks away with spike carefully following, Gwen leaves too but her senses go off and she turns around, she then barely makes out spike following him which makes her what was that. He then continues and notices miles is really stressed out which makes him relatable as he felt the same way. "Why are all of my thoughts?! So loud?!" He asks himself in his mind. "hey! I know you snuck out last night Morales." The tall man says angrily "Act natural dude" Spike tells himself quietly. "Play dumb" Miles mind tells him "Who's Morales?" He asks which makes Spike slap his hand on his head in embarrassment. "Not that dumb!" His miles tells him and he runs off the man chasing Spike running after them, Miles then runs into a room locking the door. "Your okay, He'll never find you.." he then notices a portrait oh him and friends" No..." Miles thinks disappointed The man named Salas is seen walking down the hall, students points to the room he entered and Spike is closely behind. Miles try's to escape but his hand gets stuck to the door "What are you doing in my office Morales?! he asks angrily " Miles open up!" he orders as he tries to open the door. Miles then hits a door which plays Christmas themed spider music. Why is this happening?!" He asks himself as he tries to get his hands off his shirt The students and Spike look at the man with weird faces as they heard the music. "What kind of weird music is in this world?" Spike asks himself as he listens to the song "Hey he's got a nice voice..." he says trying to draw away the attention. Spike decides to uses his phase powers and phases through the wall and sees Miles flying around the room, he then freaks out as he falls out the window and looks down to see him stuck to the wall much to his relief. "Keep sticking miles!" He tells himself as he walks on the walls Spike Sticks to the walls and follows him making sure he doesn't get hurt, Some birds then fly by him and two get stuck to him and they peck at him trying to get him to let him go, Spike barely avoided them as he continues to follow him. Miles slams against multiple windows comedically, Gwen is seen rubbing her hair but she looks up and sees miles on the wall "Okay..." She says as she wonders what's happening there Miles eventually goes into another room "My room!" miles says as he finally gets the pigeons off him Spike watching from the window still invisible. A comic book then falls on his face. "They have comics here too? Should check them out at some point" Spike tells himself as he watches the scene go down Miles then looks at the comic and notices the stuff that happened to him is the same thing as the person in the comics. "There can't be two Spiderman... can there?" Miles thinks to himself with a shocked face. We then see a comic drop on the screen titled " The Two Spider man" as another comic with the name "Spider Dragon" with a mystery figure on the cover is seen right nest to it. Miles is seen running through the sidewalk and Spike is running right behind making sure he doesn't lose him. He tries to call his uncle but he doesn't answer. " It was just a normal Spider and i'm a normal kid!" He tells himself, he then almost gets hit by a car and to everyone's surprise he leaps over the car and lands on his feet unharmed people then cheer for him and he runs off. "That's just like what happened to me..." Spike thinks to himself as he continues running after him Later that night, Miles went looking for answers with Spike following right behind... a comic panel is seen as we cut to a train Miles is seen on his phone trying to call his dad, Spike is just a few feet away in an open space making sure his coat completely covered him. Miles then steps out of the train and spike stepping out too and making sure he's a good distance away. He sees miles go back the same path he and his uncle were last night and follows him knowing where this is going. "I have to talk to him, even if he freaks out i need to help him out with this..." Spike thinks to himself as he continues We find ourselves back in the same room as we were before. " I can't let him continue doing this alone" Spike then decides to speak up "Hey kid." Spike says scarring the crap out of miles and he freaks out and flashes the light on him holding a spray painting can. "Who are you?!" he asks obviously terrified. "I'm not going to hurt you! I'm just here to help you!" Spike tells him with his hood still one raising his arms up showing he's unarmed "Who are you?" Miles asks once "Promise me you won't freak out..." Spike asks him "What?" He asks confused "Promise me you won't freak out? Spike asks again getting ready to show his face, but he feels his senses off and Miles's goes off as well, they then look at each other "Your like me..." they both said at once "Who are you/" Miles asks once again "Like i said before... please... don't... freak...out" Spike says quietly as he takes off his hood, Miles gasps and he drops his can in utter shock in what he's seeing. "Your... your...!" He says about to scream but Spike covers his mouth. "I know! i'm not like your kind... If you calm down i'll explain everything, We don't want anyone to hear us!" Spike tells him trying to keep things quiet, Miles then nods as Spike lowers his hand but miles is still obviously freaked out "my name is Spike, I got sucked into a portal that dropped me into this world" he begins to explain " Are you... a dragon?!" Miles asks as he observed him still freaked out "Yes, i know its really scary, considering my kind doesn't exist in this world, but i promise you i won't hurt you" Spike says truthfully. "How did you get here?" Miles asks "Got sucked into a portal after an earthquake in my home, ended up here a few days ago, i've been following you after you got bitten by THAT" Spike says as he points at the Spider. "You got bitten by this same Spider?" Miles asks as they look at it "Yes I've been following you since you got bitten, i made sure to stay out of sight to make sure nothing bad happens" Spike explains Miles then finally calms down. "I can't believe i'm talking to a real dragon, and the dragon can talk to me..." Miles said as he still is processing this. "I know it's hard to believe... But it's true, i got bitten by this same spider just a few days ago, and i think we may have similar ability's" Spike suggested "What makes you think that?" Miles asks as he looks at Spike "Same Spider, similar ability's" Spike says "so are you a Spider Dragon then?" Miles asks as he looks at the spider some more. "Spider dragon? Is that like what you call your hero Spider Man here?" Spike asks and miles only nods. "I guess so then... But what makes me worried is how this spider got from my world to this one..." Spike says as he looks the spider some more. "You think the spider would disappear by this point but it hasn't" Miles says and he nods in agreement, they both get surprised and freak out when they see the spider glitching and they back away in fear. "That was just like back at home..." Spike says terrified Miles was about to ask what happened but they then heard a noise just down the hall, Spike and Miles look at each other and Spike puts his finger on his lips telling him to be quiet, Miles nods in understanding as they both continue further. They quietly walk through the hall, they then notice a strange looking container, they're senses then go off again hurting their head "Why is this happening to us?" They both ask in their heads and the senses fades away, miles then finds a curtain and they both enter "What is this place?" Spike whispers "It looks like a lab..." Miles whispers back, they're senses then go off again hurting their heads and they hear multiple voices, they then hear the words " look out" and eyes widen in realization as the words" Look out can be seen in the back. Spike and Miles jump out of the way as the wall then shatters and they see a giant monster fighting someone! "Norman listen to me, i cant let you open a portal into another dimension! Brooklyn is not zoned for that!" the guy says trying to talk to him "Spider man?" Miles asks "That's Spider Man?" Spike asks shocked at what he was seeing. "It's not up to me" the monster tells him. "is that Green Goblin?!" Miles asks "That's a goblin?!?! Spike asks terrified, they then see them continue to fight. "Why won't you quit?!" the Goblin asks him trying to attack him "Guess i don't like the idea of Brooklyn being sucked into a Black Hole!" Spider Man responds "Black Hole?!" Spike asks himself horrified of the thought. "I think we need to go" Miles tells Spike and he agrees and they both try to escape "Staten Island maybe, But not Brooklyn" Spider man tells him as they continue to fight. A crane then flies towards them holding a piece of equipment Spike and Miles both get pinned down and they both freak out as it starts to pull them in "Oh no!" Spike says as they both get pulled in the area, the crane then falls down and they land on the ground "Come on!" Spike says as they both try to get out of the place, they hide under a crater but the monster picks it up and throws it at Spider Man Spike and Miles both try to run for the exit but immediately stop as they almost fall of a ledge "Whoa!" They both shout as they see the room. "What is this place?" They both ask at once as they see two strange devices in the large room, Spider man and Goblin both come into the room knocking them both down and spider man swings off somewhere. Spike and Miles both scream as they fall, Spider Man's senses go off and sees them falling and swings off to save them, Before they landed on the goblin Spider man grabs them both and they look up to see Spider man saved them, he then sets them down on a nearby ground, he then looks at Miles "You know your shoes are untied?" He asks as he and spike both look down at them, he then looks at spike and his eyes widen "Are you?!" He asks scarred as he saw a dragon in front of him "I'm not gonna hurt anyone! just got dragged here too." Spike says as he raises his hands, all they're senses go off and he looks at them. Huh, i thought i was the only one, you both are like me"... he tells them. "We don't want to be" Miles tells him and spike nods in agreement "I'm afraid you both don't have a choice, you two stick around and i can show you the ropes" He offers before he looks at Spike. "Huh? a Spider Dragon... never thought I'd ever meet a dragon in general... But a Spider dragon? that's something special" he says as looks at Spike. "You probably should" Spike says as he points at the device as it begins to activate "Your right gotta save the space time continuum before it collapses , stay here both of you i'll be right back" he says before swinging off. Spider man had tried to stop the machine but someone in a purple armored suit showed up and stopped him Miles and Spike watching it in awe, green goblin joins back in and they watch in horror as they see him be pinned down, someone named Kingpin comes into the room and the scientists get ready to turn on the machine "It's an amazing deal your gonna love it" He says with a sinister smile before the device fires terrifying both of them "What is he doing?!" Spike asks horrified. The entire city begins to shake as building begin to glitch, the platform their on falls down and they grab onto a pole hoping not to fall and they continue to watch in horror. "Norm what's your take on head trauma?" he asks before a block then hits him on the head "Tried to warn you pal," before he swings back to the top trying to stop the device goblin then gets up and grabs him and shoves him into the portal "Goblin no! get him out of there!" kingpin orders but goblin doesn't listen, peter then sees what looks like the multiverse through his eyes, the device then overloads and there is a huge explosion from the building up top multiple lights being seen flying as the power knocks out for a second before coming back on. Miles and Spike are seen on the ground and they groan as they get up "Miles you okay?" Spike asks "yeah are you?" he asks Spike and he only nods, they then see Spider man on the ground under some ruble, Spike and Miles quickly get the ruble off him "Are you okay?!" they both ask worried. "Yeah yeah i'm fine i'm fine, I always get back up" He says before he coughs. "the coughing's probably not a good sign" he says weakly "dude, your hurt we need to get you out of here" Miles says "no if kingpin turns on the collider again, Brooklyn is done for" he tells them "There's a time for everything, coming back into the fight now would be suicide, you have something to help us shut it down?" Spike asks "Yeah i have this goober..." he says before he holds out a broken device to all their shock "no..." He says horrified, they then hear voices nearby. "We need to get you out of here now! We can fix this later ,come one!" Spike says as picks gets up Spider man and they get out of the scene. Kingpin and his men arrive where he fell. "Where is he?!" He asks furious, they then hear a piece of metal fall and they look up and see spike carrying Spider Man and Miles and they both run away "Kill those guys" he orders the Prowler, and he chases after them. Spike and Miles hurry out of the area and they see the Prowler chasing them "Come on!" Spike shouts as he punches the gate from before down completely shocking Miles at his strength, and they run into the subway, they look back and see the Prowler's almost caught them, Spike then gets an idea and turns around. "Brace yourself!" he tells them both and they cover they're faces as they realize what he's about to do Spike then breathes a large cloud of green fire at the Prowler surprising him greatly as he ducks out of the way and Spike and Miles get farther away, before they could leave the tunnel they hear a horn sound and their eyes widen as they see a train about to hit them! Spike and Miles barely jump out of the way before the train hits them, they then get out of the area with Spike still carrying Spider man, as the train passes the Prowler is seen looking at the stairs they ran, he then gets a motorcycle and chases down the street on the hunt for them, Spike and Miles and Spiderman are near a hidden construction wall and they make their way to a rooftop with Spike still carrying Spider Man, and some guys are looking at a glitched street light. "Yeah i think its a Banksy" One of them says