G5 Adventures in The Smurfs

by ponydog127

The Rescue Mission/Clumsy Saves the Day!

Sunny had never felt herself flying so fast in her entire life, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in her gut that she was flying straight into Gargamel’s clutches. 

Papa was the last link she had to her father… she had to find a way to save him, even if it meant risking life and death.

Finally, after a few moments of flying, she found the castle and entered the basement through a small crack, staying out of sight until she found the perfect moment to strike. Once she was in there, she saw Gargamel with some kind of blade, scraping some hairs off of an imprisoned Papa’s beard. 

La la la la la la...

I’ll… squeeze a few and tweeze a few
And steal their essence blue

“Ha ha ha!” Gargamel laughed as he entered the trimmings into the machine. “Very impressive, my dear sweet little Papa!”

Sunny moved around the table to see that after Gargamel twisted a knob, several drops of Smurf essence entered the wand, making it’s eyes glow red once again. “Look at this,” Gargamel gloated. “Just a tiny little bit of your little tiny beard yields me all of this essence. Just imagine what I'll be able to harvest from your entire family of Smurfs. Alakazookas!”

Gargamel quickly blasted the combobbled machine, turning it into a more stable and high-tech version of itself. “Behold! My glorious Smurf magic machine!”

Papa’s eyes widened as soon as he saw the cages hanging from above. “No… no! The cages!” he cried, recalling the cages from his and Sunny’s vision. “No!”

“I'll steam the essence from their sweat. I'll tug it from their tears! I'll snip it from their hair… ha ha ha ha…”

“You’re a fool, Gargamel,” Papa sneered. “My Smurfs are well on their way home with Sunny and her friends by now!”

“Ha! Those puny ponies never stood a chance! Especially not that apricot-colored one!”

“Somepony call me?” Sunny asked as she stepped out into view, her wings and horn glowing bright and causing Azrael to meow in shock. “Sunny, what are you doing down here?” Papa asked. “You shouldn’t have come, it’s too dangerous!”

“I had to!” Sunny argued. “I’m not about to let you die like I watched my father die when I was a filly!”

“Azrael, don’t just stand there!” Gargamel barked. “Get her before she sounds the alarm!”

Azrael screeched and pounced, but Sunny was too quick, flying out of the way and blasting at the cat, causing him to screech and jump aside. “Come here, you little pest!” Gargamel cried, trying to grab her, but she instead blasted his feet, causing him to yelp in pain as she landed and prepared her biggest blast yet. “Gargamel,” she said, her cutie mark beginning to light, “this… ends…”

But before she could finish, Azrael pounced on her from behind, causing her to scream and fall, her alicorn form fading as Azrael kept her under her paws. Gargamel cackled and grabbed Sunny, binding ropes around her hooves before tying her to Papa’s chair. “Very well done, Azrael. And I might want to thank you as well, my dear,” the wizard smirked. “With you here, your friends will come to your pathetic rescue and I will find a way to claim THEIR magic as well!”

“You’ll never win!” Sunny snarled. “You’ll never get away with this!”

“Oh… won't I…?

This reaction dubbed Sunny into shock as the wizard turned away to use the port-a-potty outside, Azrael following his lead. “Sunny… are you all right?” Papa asked as he was unable to comfort her, but the mare began to sniffle as a response. “I was so focused on not losing you like I lost Dad,” Sunny said, “I forgot that I always worked with my friends to solve problems… not go off on our own… and now I just may have ruined everything. I am SO sorry…”

“Sunny, none of this is your fault,” Papa assured the crying mare. “You were only trying to help us during this difficult time, and I can never thank you enough for helping me and my little Smurfs.”

“You really don't think it's my fault?”

“Of course I don't. And I'm sure Argyle would tell you the same thing.”

Sunny took a deep breath and managed to smile. “Thanks. I'm just glad the others are gonna help the Smurfs get home so they don't have to endure anymore of this.”

What Sunny and Papa didn’t know was that their friends were gonna help the Smurfs get home, but they were gonna save them, too.


Patrick walked across the bridge, cracking his neck and with a crowbar in hand. Along with him, Grouchy, Brainy, Clusmy, Smurfette, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp, Izzy, Misty, and even Sparky and Elway prepared for battle.

Meanwhile, Grace pulled a tarp off an arrangement of balloons, and attached to those balloons was a large bowling ball, perfect for an incoming attack. “Oh, yeah. Let’s light this candle!” Gutsy turned on the drone, which lifted him into the air and Gutsy chased after the balloons, attaching them to the drone. “Good luck, Gutsy!” Grace called out. “Into the breach.”

“I’ll see you there!”


The rest of the gang crawled through the foliage, reaching Belvedere Castle before peeking over the guard walls. “We all remembered the plan, right?” Smurfette reminded. “Yeah, save our friends and beat the snot out of Gargamel,” Pipp said. “Heh, I like her spirit,” Grouchy smirked. “Let's get our smurf on.”

Suddenly, Patrick's phone rang, and Brainy was on the other end. “Brainy. What's happening?”

I’ve added the ingredients. It’s more powerful than I anticipated,” Brainy carefully stirred the concoction. “I don’t think I can do it.

“Okay, Brainy. You can do this,” Zipp said sternly, yet gently. “Just say the incantation.”

Then, taking a deep breath, Brainy did was he was told and chanted the spell. Once he finished, two balls of magic shot out of the cauldron and high into the air, the moon being their direct target. Once they made contact, their entire surface of the moon was painted a bright blue. “Whoa...”

“It’s beautiful!” Misty said in shock. “Well I’ll be smurfed...” Grouchy whispered. Back with Brainy, a horizontal vortex began to shape against the pond waterfall the Smurfs and ponies original came out of. “I did it. I did it, Papa! I did it!”


The gang wasn’t the only ones to see the blue moon-- Odile was giving a presentation at her penthouse when her guests spotted the anomaly.

“I don’t believe it.”


“It’s the Anjelou moon.”

“How did she do that?”

“It's beautiful!”

“Oh, Odile...!”

At once, everyone began to clap and cheer at the astounding feat. Odile couldn’t help but smile. She wasn’t the one who did this, but she had an idea of who did.


“Now I don’t want you worry, Papa.” Gargamel tied Papa and Sunny to a moving chair. “That which doesn’t kill you only makes me stronger.”

The evil wizard laughed as Sunny strained in her seat. “We’ll get out of this. And when we do, you’ll be sorry!”

“Well, too bad, so sad. Without your hooves being able to touch the ground, your fancy magic can't help you this time.”

“Yo!” a sudden familiar voice came. “Gargamel, come out to play.”

“Grouchy?” Sunny whispered. “You’ll pay for kidnapping our friends!” Hitch exclaimed. Papa heard the voices, too and began straining against the straps. “Oh, I think our tiny guests have finally arrived.”


“Ah, well. Enjoy the ride, Sunny and Papa!” Gargamel turned on the contraption before he left. “And remember, keep your hand and feet inside the cart at all times.”

“No. No! No!” Papa cried out as the first contraption wrapped around the two and vacuum off all the sweat that accumulated onto their bodies. “Smurfs! RUN!!”


Gargamel eagerly ran outside after he heard Grouchy and Hitch's voices, and wondered where they could be... until he heard a whistle coming from above, and looked up to see Misty, Grouchy and Hitch standing on a nearby building. “You have our friend, and our papa,” Grouchy said, chillingly calm. “In our book,” Hitch added, “that means ‘prepare to get smurfed’!”

“Yeah!” Clumsy said from where he and Izzy stood on the next structure over. “What they said!”

“Adorable,” Gargamel said, faking a caring tone. “Two little Smurfs and 3 little ponies come to save their leader and beloved papa.”

“Hey, Gargamel!” 

The wizard turned to see Brainy with a lit match, and Zipp held a firework steady as he lit the fuse. “Make that 4 little ponies and three little Smurfs!”

That singular firework lit up the sky once it was high enough, and Zipp found herself speaking next. “And I took Brainy home, and we rounded up a few friends!”

Suddenly, a chanting began from all around Gargamel, and when he turned, his eyes widened… there was not one Smurf…

…not two…

…not three…

…but an entire army of Smurfs, waiting for battle. “My my my… I think the whole village must be here!” Gargamel said in surprise. “Whatever will I do… with all this essence…?

“On me, boys!” Misty shouted, and lifted up Crazy with her magic, prompting him to sound the alarm that told all the Smurfs and ponies there to fire. Eggs, tiny forks, apples and other things went flying as Gargamel tried to avoid them. “Watch it, you little hoodlums!”

As all this was going on, Narrator Smurf found his moment to shine. “There comes a time when every Smurf and little pony must stand up for what is good and cute and blue in the world. And on this brisk New York night, that time is now.”

“Hey!” Grouchy shouted as Zipp flew over to join her friends. “Seriously?!” Zipp protested. “Sorry,” Narrator apologized. “It’s kind of what I do.”

Zipp grunted as she threw a fork right at Gargamel, which pierced right into his arm, causing him to yell in pain. “Eat yolk, Gargamel!” Jokey called as he threw an egg, causing it to splat all over Gargamel’s face. “You know, for once,” said Hitch, “that’s probably the only one of Jokey’s shenanigans that I’m gonna let slip by!”


Patrick strained as hard as he could to create a hole in the sewers big enough for Pipp and Smurfette to squeeze through, so they could go inside and save Sunny and Papa Smurf. “Patrick…” Smurfette said anxiously. “Can you do it?”

“Yeah!” Pipp agreed. “Kind of a life or death moment here!”

“Go go go!” Patrick said as he created a hole big enough for them to squeeze into. “Hurry, they can't hold out for long.”


Hitch slammed his hoof into the ground, creating a spiky apple that he tossed down to Handy, who loaded it into the slingshot the other Smurfs had built. “You know, one bad apple can ruin your whole day!” 

The apple was then fired, striking Gargamel in the butt and causing him to scream and drop his wand. “Nice one, Hitch-a-roo!” Izzy said as she gave Sparky to Brainy. “Now it’s up for a little unicycling action!”

As Gargamel picked up his wand from the ground, a pile of lipstick was spilled, and this gave Izzy enough time to load a small Empire State Building toy into the launcher from the toy store. “Hey, Gargamel! Here’s a little souvenir for you from the Big Apple!”

As Gargamel began to slip on the lipstick, Baker and Chef prepared to fling a frying pan down in Gargamel's direction.

“Out of the frying pan…”

“...and into the…”


But what they didn’t realize was that when the frying pan swung down, Vanity was accidentally attached to the rope and swung down with it. “I’M TOO BEAUTIFUL TO DIE!!!!”

Gargamel was struck head on by the frying pan, popping his nose out of place and allowing him to pop it back into place.

One thing was for sure… beating the Smurfs and ponies was going to be a lot harder than he thought.


Pipp and Smurfette finally managed to reach the basement of the castle, and climbed up onto the table to see Papa and Sunny imprisoned and unable to escape this fate. “Oh, Papa....” Smurfette said. “Sunny!” Pipp cried. “Pipp?” Sunny blinked. “No…” Papa said weakly. “No, Smurfette.”

“What did he do to you?” Smurfette struggled to open the capsule. “I swear,” Pipp growled, “when I get my hooves on this monster…”

“You shouldn’t have come back for us!” Sunny said. “He’s stealing Papa's essence, and torturing me, and he’ll steal Smurfette's essence too!”

“Papa, Sunny, we’re getting you two out of here right now!” Smurfette insisted, and she and Pipp began to use a rusty nail to pry the capsule open... just as Azrael slowly prowled behind them, growling and ready to pounce. “Girls, look out!” Sunny shrieked, just as the tabby cat pounced. “You!” Pipp said menacingly. “Smurfette! Pipp!” Papa called out. “Hang on, Papa, we’ll be back!” Smurfette threw the old nail into Azrael’s mouth, allowing them to escape as Azrael spit the nail out and gave them chase.



“Get him!”

“Grab the wand!”

“Save Sunny and Papa!”

“We’re going in!”

“Go go go!”

As the Smurfs and ponies charged right at the fallen wizard, Gargamel managed to spot Gutsy releasing the bowling ball from earlier right above him. “Bomb’s away! I’m going for a strike!”

“ALAKAZAM!!!” Gargamel shrieked, using his wand to blast the bowling ball into nothingness. “Uh-oh…” Zipp gulped. “Look out, Gutsy!”

Gargamel continued to blast Gutsy left and right, eventually getting him and knocking him into the trees. He was okay, but he was unsure of how long it would take to get himself out of there.


“Hang on, guys!” Pipp cried as she and Smurfette tried to make an escape from Azrael, and Papa and Sunny tried to keep their eyes from watering from the onions they were being exposed to. That’s when Smurfette saw some nails and got an idea. “Get back, cat!”

She tossed the nails onto the ground, poking at Azrael’s paws, and as he neared them, Pipp kicked him back, causing his butt to fall on the nails and allowing them to make the next move. “Here, kitty kitty…”

Once Azrael pounced, the frying pan they were standing on sent them flying onto a cage above them, while the pan itself hit Azrael in the case. “Smurfette!” Papa cried. “Don’t worry!” Pipp assured. “We’ve got this!”

Smurfette nodded and leapt down onto Azrael’s back, prompting the cat to try and start bucking her off. “Looking for me?!”

“Go, Pipp! Go, Smurfette!” Sunny strained against the chair’s restraints. “Kick that feline’s rear end!”


“Playtime is OVER!!” Gargamel shrieked to the Smurfs and ponies around him. “Behold… the awesome power… of ME!!!

Striking his wand to the sky, he began to create a swirling storm that sent Smurfs and ponies flying all around, trying to stick to the ground and not let Gargamel catch them in his sack.

Patrick looked up and saw the storm, immediately knowing that they didn’t have much time left for this rescue mission. “Pipp! Smurfette!”


“Had enough?! Huh?!” Smurfette challenged the cat as she pulled on its ears. “You’re mine, kitty!”

Sunny and Papa strained again as they reached the largest part of the machine, and Pipp knew that she needed to get Smurfette away from Azrael fast, cause they were heading straight for a large amount of boxes and crates. “We’re done smurfing around, cat!”

Smurfette leapt onto Pipp’s back as Azrael collided with the pile, resulting in a cage to fall on him. Pipp huffed with a smirk. “You smurfed with the wrong girls.”

“AGH!!” Sunny screamed, and Smurfette and Pipp immediately rushed to their aid, with Smurfette shutting off the machine and Pipp finally being able to free Sunny and Papa. “Oh, Pipp! You guys are total lifesavers!” Sunny said, hugging her friend. “Thank you!”

“No prob, Sunny!” Pipp brushed it off. “But we better hurry-- I don’t know how much longer the other Smurfs and ponies can hold Gargamel off!”


Gargamel was using the crazy storm he conjured to his advantage, swiping Smurfs left and right, and finally capturing Grouchy and Misty in his wand’s grip as Papa, Smurfette, Sunny and Pipp ran outside. Pipp gasped first upon seeing their friends in danger, not sure what to think. “What’s happening, Papa?!”

“No!” Papa grabbed a stick and leapt into the air, hurling it at Gargamel in an effort of attack. “GARGAMEL!!!!

Unfortunately, Gargamel seemed to sense this, and painfully grabbed Papa with his magic. “Not so fast, goody-blue-shoes!”

“Oh, Papa!!” Sunny cried out as Gargamel pulled Papa closer. “Now…” the wizard sneered, “it’s time to break their little blue wills.”


“Are you watching closely, Smurfs?” Gargamel asked, and the Smurfs and ponies cried out in worry when they saw Papa struggling. “Your beloved little Papa is about to meet his little blue end… upsy-daisy!”

He tossed Papa high into the air in an effort to strike him down. “Oh no!” Izzy cried from where she and Clumsy were hiding. “PAPA!!”


Patrick immediately rushed onto the scene, and as Gargamel was about to strike Papa down, Patrick leapt up, grabbed Papa and fell behind the guard wall. “No… NOOO!!!” Gargamel screamed, blasting the wall to reveal Sunny, Patrick and Papa in hiding. “You again! Goodbye…”

“This ends here!” Zipp declared as she and Gutsy flew onto the scene. “This ends now!

“I’m really,” said Gargamel, beginning to wave his wand, “really going to enjoy this!”

At that moment, Gutsy swooped in and grabbed the wand before flying higher into the sky. “FREEDOM!!”

“Son of a Smurf!” Gargamel snarled. “Come back here!”

“Go, Gutsy!” Clumsy cheered. “Yeah! Whoo!”

“Come back here right now with my wand!”

But, during the triumphant moment, Gutsy accidentally dropped the wand toward the ground, and the entire world seemed to slow as Gargamel and Clumsy both made attempts to grab it. During this, the entire world seemed to slow, and Papa’s mind instantly went back to the vision, sighing in worry. “The vision’s never been wrong…”

As Clumsy leapt into the air, struggling to get his grip on the wand, everyone watched in shock as Clumsy fell to the ground… with the wand in his grasp. “I got it!”

No one could believe it, but they were really too happy to question this-- their future may have been altered after all!

Gargamel, however, was livid at the fact the Smurfs had his wand. “Give me my wand… GIVE ME BACK MY WAND!!”

Izzy and Misty screamed as the wand sent a blast that sent Gargamel back into the city… more specifically in a pile of trash. As soon as he climbed out, he wandered into the middle of the streets. “How dare you?!” he bellowed. “How dare you defy the wrath of the great and powerful Gar--”

But before he could finish, he was instead hit head on by an Angelou bus, and as the bus drove off into the night, Gargamel only screamed one thing in defeat: “SMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURFS!!!!