//------------------------------// // Finally Going Home // Story: G5 Adventures in The Smurfs // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// Everyone rejoiced in total happiness-- thanks to one Clumsy Smurf, Gargamel wasn’t going to be a bother to the Smurfs for anytime soon, As the ponies and Smurfs began to chant Clumsy’s name, Grace ran into the arms of her husband. “Patrick!” “Hey!” Patrick cheered, hugging her. “Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy!” the Smurfs and ponies cheered, tossing Clumsy into the air, and as the cheering died down, Grace found her voice to speak. “Clumsy… you’re a hero.” “I’m a hero?” Clumsy questioned, and this led Grace and all the ponies to nod. “I’M A HERO!!!” Clumsy cheered, hitting Grouchy and Gutsy in the nose again as he was celebrating. “Oh, I’m so sorry, guys! Definitely killed the moment…” “Clumsy,” Hefty elbowed him, “you little mook, you!” Suddenly, the entire crowd went silent as Papa Smurf made his way forward. “I owe you an apology, Clumsy. I believed more in a vision than I did in you,” he said before giving Clumsy a hug. “I’m so proud of you, Clumsy.” “Thanks, Papa…” Clumsy said, a smile gracing his face. Grouchy sniffled from nearby, leaving Zipp to comfort him. “Come on, Grouch. I thought you promised that you wouldn’t cry?” “And now,” said Sunny, breaking the wand, “to get rid of this!” She threw the wand in the castle pond, letting it sink to the bottom, never to be seen again. “Sunny…” Hitch hugged the earth pony mare. “We’re so glad you and Papa are safe! I’m glad we’re all safe.” “I am too,” Sunny smiled. “I promise, I won’t rush off on another rescue mission without you guys again.” “That’s a relief,” said Misty. “So… what now?” “What else?” Zipp asked with a chuckle. “Time to get these Smurfs home.” XXXXXXXX One by one, the Smurfs piled into the portal, each of them saying goodbyes to Patrick, Grace and the ponies. Finally, it got to Brainy, but he wasn’t ready to say a small goodbye just yet. “I'm not one for long goodbyes, but I did smurf together a few words I'd like to say.” But, Grouchy and Gutsy pushed him into the portal before he could finish. “Bye!” “Take care, Brainy!” Misty waved as he vanished from sight. Then, it was Grouchy’s turn. “I hated this… so much less than I expected.” “And we like you more than we ever expected too,” Zipp chuckled. “We’ll see you soon, Grouchy.” “Don't get me wrong, I still hated it. Just less!” Grouchy said as he leapt into the portal. “I'll not soon forget this place. Especially not with these!” Gutsy revealed a pair of New York City underwear before leaping into the portal. “Tally-hooooooo!!!” “Bye!” Hitch waved. As the ponies were bidding their friends goodbye, Grace moved toward Smurfette with a smile. “Hey, girlfriend.” “Wow. I've never had a girlfriend before. I'll never forget you.” So, before she left for the portal, Smurfette and Grace shared a final high-four before Clumsy decided to join them. “Hey, Smurfette.” “And you,” said Grace, taking Clumsy into her arms. “You, you little hero, come here!” “Hero? Ahh, stop,” said Clumsy playfully. “Well, actually, you mind saying it one more time? It's kinda got a nice ring to it.” Grace laid a smell kiss on Clumsy’s head before letting him go off to the portal with Smurfette. During this time, Papa approached Patrick again with a smile. “Well, Master Winslow, thank you. You saved me. Heh… you saved my whole family.” “Actually I think it was the other way around.” “Well, I should get going. I've got a Smurf village to rebuild. Your village has given me some ideas.” And so, in a final act of farewell, Patrick pulled Papa in for a final hug. “Goodbye, Papa.” “Goodbye… Papa.” Patrick and Grace watched as Papa, Smurfette and Clumsy approached the ponies as another portal opened up nearby. “That’s us,” Sunny sighed. “We have to go.” “Thank you for everything, ponies,” Clumsy said, hugging Zipp. “Will you come back to visit?” “Of course,” Sunny said. “We’ll really try.” Papa pulled out a blue Smurf cap from his bag before giving it to Sunny. “Maybe Pipp can use it as a model for some new pony-wear. Ha ha…” “Thank you, Papa. I… I’ll never forget you…” Sunny smiled, and after a final exchange of hugs, the two groups went their separate ways through the portals before they closed. XXXXXXXX A few minutes later, Patrick and Grace were walking home from their eventful night when Odile called Patrick. But to his surprise… she wasn’t angry. “Patrick, I just called to say thank you. Finally someone has given me what I want.” Surprised, Patrick hung up the phone and turned to his wife. “I think I’m not fired.” “Wow…” Grace commented with an impressed tone. “So that's a new job, new baby, some unique new friends… you know if you really want a bigger place--”  “Bigger?” Patrick turned to her. “Are you crazy? Then we'll be further apart. Grace… I smurf you.” Then, with one passionate kiss, Patrick and Grace headed back for home.  And… who knows? Maybe the Smurfs and ponies will reunite with them someday soon. But right now… it was going to be so good to see home.