//------------------------------// // We're Revolting // Story: TCC's Flashfic Folio // by TCC56 //------------------------------// Octavia and Vinyl shared the breakfast table with the scent of coffee and the haunting memory of whiskey that made their heads ache. Both stared in silence at the CD between them, ominously labelled with the word 'KARAOKE' and the previous day's date. Reluctantly, Octavia braced herself, put the CD into the player and started it. YO I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT She cringed at her own voice. The Vinyl's broke in. SO TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT She slammed the NEXT button before it got worse. What followed was no better. It was all there. Solos and duets, pop ballads and tween hits. Both of them. For two hours. Octavia hit stop and they sat in silence for several more minutes. "No one must ever know." "Agreed."