The Dragon Lord's Guardian

by Little_Draco

City of Dragons Pt.3

The Dragon Lord’s Guardian

A city of Dragons Pt. 3

“Oh good, this district is still going,” Blacktip confirmed as he led the group to a certain part of Dragon Town.
This was a part where some shops seemed to remain open a little later than others, which mirrored Manehattan life but smaller.

“These businesses here are smaller and less corporate based, hence the freedom of hours during the night.” He then pointed to a few well lit and even still busy shops. “Ever since I and Princess Luna helped stop the ‘Firesnail’ incident, more shops have stayed open longer as a way to show appreciation not only for the Princess of the Night, but also how we can be just as active as ponies have become to the Twilight hours.”

“Wow, and here I thought we would never try to skip on sleeping or staying up as late as possible.” Ember commented lightly, as they passed a shop for ‘Scale Wax’
“And the fact you are not a celebrity surprises me further,” Spike added, as many dragons passed them by, giving him or Blacktip a nod or a ‘What’s up!’ but nothing else. 
“I did not want to become one,” Blacktip responded adamantly. He gave a small snort. “No real benefit for my life, for it's already hectic with ‘training’ you, my other job as a Scholar, Historian, etc. I can’t even follow current ‘sports’ news or which actual ‘celebrity’ is famous now.”

“Oh, I didn’t know I was one of your burdens,” Spike faux frowns towards him, though the glint in his eyes said something else.

“Not falling for it, my apprentice,'' a smooth reply from the elder drake. “Last I check, it's always the students that get under the teacher’s tail and makes their lives a pain up their-”

“Is that a music shop?” Garble suddenly interrupted, pointing at a shop indeed carrying instruments. 
“Hey, they have a dress shop!” Smolder exclaimed almost excitedly.
“Oh, even a souvenir shop!” Amethyst pointed at. 

“Perhaps we can split up and meet once we are done shopping or exploring?” Blacktip suggested to the others. 
They all agreed, with Spike eying a certain shop that looked like a ‘Comic shop’. “Sure, Let's all meet back here. I can give you some gems and you can buy whatever you want.”

Once evenly distributed, they all separated with Shadescale actually going with Blacktip. He was seeking a book store for some new literature to add. Shadescale seemed interested in knowledge herself, if for reasons of her own.

Spike, on his own, saw the sign for comics on a slab of granite over the door, aptly named, Dragon Town Comics. It was lit with a few patrons inside, giving him a small skip in his step at being able to not only enter a comic shop after a few… err, well a year and more since he bought any of the last ones of his issues, but also for doing late night shopping.

He entered through the door, instantly hit with a wave of nostalgia and nerdness overload. The shop, almost typical to ones in Canterlot or Ponyville, had posters of famous comics, best sellers or upcoming ones. The scent of glossy vinyl, the soft sounds of muttering or page flipping and the oh so delectable atmosphere of where nerds, geeks and other fantasy seeking creatures thrive in the delicate and otherworldly environments. Despite the rocky environment suited for Dragons, it still held a comfortable atmosphere that most shops that sold comics carried through and through.

Yet the thing that stood out to him the most was the various types of comics, not just pony based, that were on the shelves. In fact, if Spike didn’t know any better, they had more variety of other creatures then some of the better shops anywhere else he had been to. ‘Amazing Mule, Super Stallion, Iron Pony, and of course… Power Ponies. He understood that selections would be limited to dragons, even in a town of dragons.

“Well ‘Hello Handsome!” Causing Spike to turn and see a dragoness greet him. She was as tall as Smolder, had two short but thick horns on her head, with a pink frill that she styled almost like hair. She had light blue scales clashing her overall tan scale colors, which only added to allure with a pink shape heart at the tip of her tail. Her aquamarine eyes were half lidded as she stared into Spike’s own green ones.
Blinking and realizing she was calling for him, he gave a small wave to her. “Uh… Hello?”

Almost in a seductive like manner, she strolled her way to him, standing at chest height to him. “Haven’t seen you around these parts before, you're new in town? Name’s Mina by the way,” Giving him a wink.
Spike nodded, not completely oblivious to her attractive tone towards him but making no remarks towards them. 
“Yeah… just passing through and what not.”
“I’ll say, I know many dragons around here but you are definitely a new face,” She paused and worked up a grin. “A handsome one at that.”

He gave a sheepish grin in turn with a slight blush. “T-Thanks for that, but I am… uh with a Hoard right now-”
“Room for one more?” She immediately asked, catching him off guard. Her eyes fluttered at him while her tail visibly swayed back in forth in slight affinity.
Spike sputtered, unsure how the others would react to hearing this, but the young dragoness giggled and waved at him. “It’s alright, I know who you are and I gotta say, it’s pretty amazing having the Great and Amazing, Spike Sparkle Sol here in my shop.” She strolled closer and she put off her flirtatious attitude away… for now.
Sighing but smiling kindly, he nodded. “Yeah, I figured I’d be noticed around here, though I’m glad that it's not a huge status thing around here.”

“Shame, most love seeking that fame around here for one reason or another, but it’s your life, your choice. You either keep it how you want it and that’s Red Rubies for me.” 
Red Rubies?” He asked, as if the thought of it made him actually look around for them.
“It’s an expression, like it means ‘Cool’ or ‘Awesome’, around these parts.”

“Huh, well that’s cool… err, ‘Red Rubies’ then?”
She tittered and nodded. “Sure, Anyways, you here to browse or you got something in mind?”
He gave a glance at her selection wall. “To be honest, it's been awhile since I’ve had a chance to update my last collection and I'm kinda hesitant to buy them,” He paused and tried to think about it really hard. Since his permanent home was now at the Dragon Lands with his Hoard, he had only been getting a few scant of his things here and there from Twilight and that included some of his comics, which due to his training, hadn’t given time to check which issues he had. 
“Why is that?” Mina asked.
Giving a hard look to the wall, with Mina by his side, he sighed. “Truth be told, The last one I bought turned out to be enchanted and sucked my friends and me into this superhero adventure where they all got captured by an evil villain.”
Heavy stuff buddy.” She gave a wave to her wall. “Well none of them here are magical in any way and won’t suck you in, other than the stories that is, so maybe you can find something to add to your horde.” She then flicked her hair with a smile. “Something worthy of actually holding onto for later.”
“Do you have a hoard?” He asked curiously.
She pointed behind her counter where a picture of her, Princess Luna and Blacktip had taken. There was also a signed copy of comics, featuring Luna by Luna as well as some 'fan work'.
“Just my signed issues of comics, fan-fics that I have of her, though she thought my shipping with her and Sombra, was kinda odd, I still have it small compared to others." A shrug. "I'm happy with what I got."
Feeling the atmosphere became friendlier, he nodded. “Sure, what’s good? My last few have been pony based with an occasional dragon on the side character status.”
“Oh, we have plenty with them serving as protagonists, especially the biggest one to date!” She then reached up and grabbed one featuring a dragoness in front with a mask. Presenting it to him, she gleamed as she introduced him to the comic. “This here is ‘Flashfire!’ Dragon Town’s most famous ‘Dragon Hero’ ever!”

He was instantly impressed as he saw the cover, loving the details and everything with it. “Whoa.” He slowly reached out, as the comic was within his claws and saw true to word, the dragoness was a hero and not a villain or an evil side character like other comics had them. She was even on a monthly release!
“Yeah! And she was written by Scaly Sue! One of Dragon Town’s most famous artists, author and a celeb in her own right!”

“That’s… Red Rubies!” Spike’s genuine happiness made Mina’s smile grow. He began to immediately flip through the pages, seeing that she already had some years into her adventures as a heroine. “And… is she the only one right now? I would like to read other ‘Dragon based’ comics if there are others.”
She nodded, “A few, as sadly there are not that many out there, but we are hopeful others come to try and create some. It's just a downer that most ponies or other creatures won’t read comics as heroes, so they tend to get limited releases here and other parts across the country.”

Spike nodded in sympathy, understanding the nature of ponies and many, but not all, with their sided view of themselves. “I’m sure one day we’ll get there. I mean, with Equestria allowing more and more creatures into the land, who knows? We’ll get there, you’ll see.”

The glint, the smile and the warm attitude all sent the dragoness’s heart fluttering, as he was a gentle drake like she has heard and read about. Even despite his status and how big he truly is without realizing it, his heart seemed to be bigger but thinking of those like her and the common dragon. Feeling like he was the only one she could trust with this, she gave a gracious nod.
“I’ve written some fanfictions, dabbling here and there. But…I-m… I’m trying to write my own comic, though I was wondering if you could… you know, check to see if it's any good?” A blush formed on her face, not knowing if it was wise to fully trust a stranger, even if he was a well known one.

Spike blinked and quickly nodded. “Ah, sure! Why not! I do love a good new story! And if it'll help you get your comic off the ground, I am more than happy to give it a quick glance!”

Heart hammering with glee, she almost lept at him with such joy, but she restrained herself… with a lot of effort and merely bounced on her feet. “Oh thank you! I’ll…. I’ll go to them in the back!” She then took off with a speed that would make Pinkie nod in approval, especially for a dragon.

He watched her go and decided to wait, with the comic of Flashfire still in claw. He began to read it, this being a new issue and see what it was.

‘After months of fighting with Ice Dragon, getting past her to try to find her arch nemesis, ‘Black Mystic’, she was ready to confront the fiend of unimaginable proportions. A pony with stolen artifacts and powers from others ponies he had destroyed, that granted him with powers that rivaled that of an alicorn.
‘The Horn of Fallen Star, The Wings of Saber Wind, The Gauntlets of Thunder Charge and the Saddle of Iron Mountain, made him nearly unstoppable.

Yet, for her , she would fight this vile villain one last time, even if it meant at the cost of her own life. For the safety of Dragonkin and Otherkin on Draconnite!

The pages then showed the Dragoness, Flashfire, ready to confront her arch nemesis. It was a male stallion, who looked like an alicorn but with magical items that surrounded him, along with sickly green energy that reminded him awfully of Sombra, The Dark King of the Crystal Empire. A golden horn, a pair of razor metal wings, a pair of silver gauntlets, and a saddle that looked like something Big Mac would enjoy wearing.

He got so invested in the story he hadn’t realized that Mina returned with page scripts in claw. “Here we are,” Spike paused his reading, turning to the dragoness and saw at least a pamphlet with pages.
“Wow, you must have been working on these for a while, huh?”

An eager nod with a hopeful outlook came to the slightly smaller pink tan dragoness. “Yup! I’ve been trying to bring my characters to life for years now!” She pointed to drawn out or sketched characters in a few pages.
Each one was created in charcoal, but the detail was exquisite. The characters were obviously draconic in nature, a female dragoness as the main protagonist, but with a male love interest and a changeling side-kick. 
What caught his eye however, was the male love interest to the female hero, who kinda looked a little bit like him. In fact, it looked a lot like him now, but a bit more… masculine and… buff. In truth, it’s how he would imagine one he would grow into but less draconic. Square snout, macho look, the works, etc.

A small blush worked its way to him, seeing that perhaps he may have inspired her to put him in it. But then again, she had been writing this for years now, so she may have discovered another dragon that may have looked like him. 

After all, he had been in a coma for a year since and had only been in the public eye for about a couple months. Still… It was uncanny. He read the synopsis about the heroine. 

Elementra, the Dragoness! 
A normal dragoness Verdera Whitescale, who worked with ‘Search and Rescue’ efforts across the world, helping creatures of many kinds. From ponies, to griffins, to mules, and even mysterious creatures never seen before like Gargoyles, and Kirins!
A major storm hit the northern islands and flooded half of them, she was sent on mission to help those in need. Pony, dragon and other kin alike, she did her best to rescue as many of them as possible. However a sudden flash flood caught her and her team off guard. In an attempt to save a filly from drawing, she threw her to safety just as the big wave took her down. 
The dragoness later woke up, alive and in a  mysterious part of the jungle where it led to a lost temple. Compelled to explore, she finds herself within the tome of an ancient god, who's the natives once worshiped.

The god awoke, used its divinity to stare into the soul and saw a beautiful and caring creature, seeking to aid those in need. Touched, the god bestowed her with vast powers over the elements, able to harness them to her will. She is empowered with the forces of nature itself, destined to protect those in need and nature itself.

She christened the name, Elementra, and became the superheroine the world needs. Along her adventures, she falls in love with a colleague and close friend of hers, Shard Spiketail, and together they-

It goes on in detail about how their love blossoms and such, but also the troubles of secret identities, power surges, and more. It really was a well written comic preview and he actually thinks this was worth something.

“Wow Mina, this truly can be something awesome!” His tone, genuine, intuitive and pleased, had her heart soaring and her mind reeling with joyous hope. Hearing it from a famous dragon and an idol no less, really had her happy beyond words. As he continued to study her work, he looked at her. “Why haven’t you tried to publish this before?”

A blush came to her once more and she tapped her claw tips together. “Uh, truth be told, I’m kinda nervous about publishing right now and with the whole Firesnail incident, I didn't know if it would be possible to do so.”
“Well, nothing should be holding you back Mina. You are smart, talented by the looks of it and not to mention that you do have an eye for telling a good story.”

Her baby blue eyes shimmered, as his words breached her heart and filled her heart with so much hope and admiration.

“You can honestly publish this today and be a hit tomorrow or if not, someday. Don’t give up because of minor inconveniences or life gets you down. We all have our lives to live, our legacies to leave and now is the best time to do all of that. So if you truly want to go out and make a name for yourself, do so and let no one, nothing stop you. I think you have what it takes to be the best comic book artist out there.”

He continued on, almost beyond words to her mind. It almost played like a romance novel for her in her mind, as the most handsome and amazing drake that had ever entered her life, gave her something that no one else ever had.


And that came from someone she had just met, yet the feeling like he had always been there, made it that much more magical. It was such a powerful feeling that she hadn’t noticed how much she had been staring into his deep emerald eyes, that they seemed to be getting closer and bigger and…

“Uh Mina?” She blinked, her mind returning and refocusing as she realized that she had unintentionally leaned ever closer to him and it looked like she wanted to kiss him. He was a bit uncomfortable but also flustered by her sudden affinity that he knew all too well. “Again, while I am flattered by what you think of me, I already have three dragonesses in my life right now.”
Blushing madly and overwhelmed with embarrassment, she pulled back and rubbed her arms with tinted cheeks. “S-Sorry Spike. I-I just never had any dragon tell me such things before and it's kinda… nice to hear them, especially from a dragon as wonderful as you. You might not as famous as others are around here but most of us have heard of what you have done to save Equestria, the Crystal Empire and more. I find that admirable.” She had a knack for speaking her mind, but it was always with a positive or meaningful intent for others. It's why she felt right saying this out loud to him. 
He smiled, content with her words. “And I appreciate that you are taking them to heart, but I meant what I said. You can do this if you put your mind and heart to it. You just have to give it a shot and hope for the best.”

She nodded, still bashful but merry with everything he had said. “Thanks again Spike. And I hope you are right. I do want these out. I want to be remembered for writing a comic book and contributing to our kind's greatness.”

“And I can’t wait to read it as soon as they are published.”
Beaming, she looked back towards her shop. “Well, if they can fill my wall, then wish me the best. But besides that, are you still looking for more comics then?”

And so, the two dragons spent almost a half hour, browsing and rejogging his memory of missing issues, new issues, and new choices. With what he had ended up being well over 25 comics, from issues of Power Ponies, to new series of Flashfire, and another dragon based one called Dragonknight. This particular one was also new with just four issues coming out, but the setting was that of a dragon avenger who used high tech armor to fight crime. Each time he used the armor however, it became difficult  to remove the armor, as it became bonded to him more and more after every use.

He brought out some gems to pay, which Mina almost refused right away. “It’s alright Spike, I insist.”
“Yeah no,” He fired back, placing them on the counter right away and pushing back as he got his comics in claw. “I know you are going to be generous and all, but I still would feel bad, especially for any business to take a loss no matter how small.” He made sure there was extra. “Besides, I think I owe you for introducing me to new comics and giving me something to look forward to.”

Mina sighed with happiness, knowing that the drake truly had a huge heart, wishing that she could be part of his hoard. Maybe… maybe in some other lifetime…

“Thanks Mina, I wish you the best with your comics. I hope your wish comes true.”

“As do I Spike,” A pause then her voice lowered bashfully. “You gonna be in town for a while?”
Spike gave a shrug. “To be honest, I am not sure but for now I know I'm only here only for two days to get some… uh professional work done at the University.”

Mina seemed to nod, mood perking slightly as she glanced out the window to see another famous dragon. “That explains why Blacktip is here again. Hadn’t seen him since the ‘Firesnail incident' with Luna. But either way, before you leave town, maybe you can say goodbye or if you stay any longer, get some lunch with you, your hoard and Blacktip.”

Spike gave a smile, liking the idea. “Sure Mina, I’ll be sure to let you know. I’ll see you later then.”

As he waved ‘goodbye’ and headed out, Mina called out to him. “Oh and Spike?” He stopped at the door, turned to her. She gave a ‘Kindle’ in the air with a wink towards him. “I wasn’t lying about me asking the whole… ‘Room for another’ bid”

It wasn’t sultry nor sarcastic, as she did speak her mind, but the way she looked seemed that she was definitely in… if not a little more than just suggesting it to him.

He blushed and gave her a quick, “GoodBye Mina!” and walked out quickly to meet the others.

Once out, he sighed and shook his head.

“Why do I always get the odd girls out trying to hit on me?”