//------------------------------// // Twilight Worried and The Trip // Story: A Blazing Bowser Bash // by Big Imagination E //------------------------------// Back in Ponyville we see Twilight who was crying a little. Reason why his because her scheduled band the Quintet Flyers were not gonna make it and Spike was missing. But he left a note saying that he went off to find a band to replace the The Quintet Flyers. Her friends saw the upset state she's in and wanted to see if she is okay. "Are you okay Twi? You certainly don't look happy." Applejack asked. "Oh this is horrible!” Twilight added in worry. "First the Quintet Flyers wouldn't come because the lead singer is sick and Spike's gone!" "Spikey is gone?! But why is he gone?" Rarity worried. "I don't know. But I think it's all my fault! If I had just let him join the Friendship Festival he wouldn't have disappeared!!" Twilight cried. Then suddenly she tried calling him through her special communication device to see if he was ok. Then a portal appeared and saw Spike helping out some Koopas pack up for something. She smiled seeing that Spike was okay. "Spike! Spike over here!!" Twilight called out. He turned and saw them through the portal and smiled a little. "Hey Twilight. How you and the girls doing?" Spike asked. "Better now that we got in touch with you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" Twilight said. "Sorry Twi but I was trying to see if there was a band that can take the Quintet Flyers place for the Friendship Festival. Lucky for me I managed to find one here." Spike explained. "And what band is that? And what's with the clothing your wearing?" Applejack wondered. "It's what my bandmates have me wearing. And it's a good look. Also the band I found is called The Blazing Koopas. Bowser the king of this place booked a gig in Ponyville so were coming to town to perform." Spike added. "The Blazing Koopas? That's a new band. And you are in that band?" Rainbow wondered. "Exactly! Since all Twilight has done was had me clean I decided to head out and find a band in hopes of actually joining a fun event. Well thanks to my Blazing Koopa buds they offered me something I can't resist." Spike answered. "Spike I know I shouldn't have been making you clean every time there was a fun event. But please give me another chance to show you that I really want you to have fun. P!ease?" Twilight begged. Spike thought about it til he had an answer. "Tell you what. When I get to Ponyville I don't wanna hear you saying that I need to clean again. Do that and we'll see. Okay?" Spike asked. "Okay. I promise Spike." Twilight smiled. "Hey Spike-O! Come on man we gotta pack up our instruments!" Rockpunk said. "Coming Rockpunk! Gotta go. See you later." Spike said as the portal disappeared. The girls smiled happy seeing that Spike was ok. And Pinkie was happy bouncing up and down hearing that Spike is performing in a band. "Ooh! This is so exciting!! Spike's performing in The Blazing Koopas!! I bet they'll make the best Friendship Festival EVER!!!" Pinkie cheered. "Yeah. But I'm not sure about this Bowser guy. Something seems off." Twilight thought. "Pff! You're overreacting! Spike's okay, he's gonna perform in a band later on during the festival, and we should be glad that he booked a gig in Ponyville so relax Twi." Rainbow replied. "I guess so." Twilight said. So the girls took Twilight out for a little fresh air and hope that it would make her feel better. But deep down she still was wondering why this Bowser guy would book a gig in Ponyville. Little did she know that later on he would put his evil plan in action once they arrived. Back at Bowser Castle we see all the minions packing the airships with all the equipment, the merchandise, the speakers and of course the instruments that the Blazing Koopas will need to do their big performance. With Spike he helped out Rockpunk place the last bit of equipment in the airship and they high fived for a job well done. "Nice work. That should be the last of the stuff." Rockpunk said. "I hope so cause that's a lot of things a band needs for a performance." Spike complimented. "Need I remind you Spike that a band needs a lot of equipment to assure that our performances are the best in the music world?" Blazer reminded him. "Point taken." Spike admitted. Then Bowser came in with some sunglasses on. And carrying a microphone in his claw. "So boys? Is everything packed and ready to go? Because this Bowser Bash in Ponyville is gonna be the biggest one we ever did." Bowser asked. "Yes Bowser everything is all ready." Spike answered. "Good. And I hope the same can be said for the others." Bowser replied. Then Kamek appeared with a look on his face. "Umm my leige? May I have a word with you?" Kamek asked. "Yes. Blazing Koopas? Go head in the airship and I will be right there. It won't take long." Bowser said. He and Kamek headed to a room where they can discuss and Spike along with the Blazing Koopas headed in the airship and waited for Bowser to aboard. In the other room Bowser and Kamek were at a table and had to talk about something. "Alright Kamek this better be important." Bowser warned. "It is. I did some research on this Equestria and found out that a different team of heroes protect that land and no it's not Mario." Kamek started. "Oh really? And what would those heroes be?" Bowser asked. "According to my calculations they are all equines of some kind. Some of them had wings, some had horns, and some don't have any of them and only four of them have both. They were of many different colors, and they are all ponies in a way." Kamek explained. "Ponies? BWAHAHAHAHA!! Ok that is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! How can ponies be these so called heroes of this Equestria?! They couldn't find hay in a haystack!!" Bowser laughed. "You may say that now sire. But I did some research on them and found out that they don't mess around when they fight evil. Back in the days they faced many villains. Including an evil ailcorn planning to make the night eternal, A weird combination of different animals making chaos, A shape-shifting queen that once almost wrecked A wedding, A shadow king from taking a empire of crystal, A centaur that stole lots of magic from everyone, and lots more. If they figure out what were planning then the whole Bowser Bash would be ruined." Kamek finished. Bowser stopped laughing and noticed that Kamek was serious. If they were discovered of their plan then conquering Equestria won't be a walk in the park. "Hmm. These ponies. Do they have names and how did they become a team?" Bowser asked. "Yes the names are Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. I believe that Twilight started this team when she arrived in Ponyville sometime ago. At first she wasn't in the mood for making friends but then met these five. I think they may be up to something sire." Kamek answered. "If they are then I'm not threatened." Bowser said. He then lifted a table and slammed it into Kamek's face as he yelled in pain and came out of the rubble. Bowser was furious that a group of ponies could be planning to stop him. "FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY'RE PLANNING!!!!" Bowser yelled. "Yes sire! Once we arrive in Equestria I will see about discovering the plan of them! I will have the information you need once I finish my lord!" Kamek said and took off. "YOU BETTER! BECAUSE I WILL NOT HAVE A BUNCH OF PONIES RUINING MY BOWSER BASH!!!!" Bowser yelled. Kamek ran fast as he could and boarded the giant airship and waited for Bowser's command for when they will take off for Equestria. Then Bowser came out of the room and boarded the ship with Spike and the Blazing Koopas in it and sat down in his throne. "Hey Boss. You got everything sorted out?" Flame asked. "Yes. And now that it's out of the way we can finally head out and prepare ourselves for the Bowser Bash in Ponyville." Bowser answered. "Good. I'm glad that this performance will be the greatest thing happening for Equestria. And did you say Bowser Bash? You do realize that it's the Friendship Festival were celebrating right?" Spike wondered. "I know that! When I said Bowser Bash I meant that's the show were performing. Make sense?" Bowser asked. "Yeah that's make a bunch more sense now." Spike admitted. "Good." Bowser said as he grabbed a microphone and spoke. "Attention troops. This is your captain speaking. We have completed our checks, everyone has everything packed up, you all got your seatbelts on and were requesting permission to take off. Thank you for choosing Air Bowser and please stay seated as he prepare for takeoff to reach our destination." Then he put the microphone up and the airships started to take to the skies. The lead one with the band inside began moving heading to Equestria and the others followed behind. Ponyville better be ready because Bowser and his band are coming to town. And to also take over their world.