Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1

by MLPandMiraculousFanatic

Episode 3: The Raptor's Rampage Part 1

The next day when the sun just rose they went to the place where they had just learned using their wind gliders

"Yawn! Paimon's so tired!" Paimon yawned

"We are too, I mean we went to sleep late last night but we had to meet with Amber today so we'll sleep early tonight" Twilight said

"Okay" Paimon said sadly

"Hey, be happy you went to sleep last night!" Lumine said

"Well, you are right about that but for now, let's meet up with Amber" Paimon suggested

The trio soon arrived by Amber who when heard their footsteps turned to the trio

"Good morning girls! I've been looking for you everywhere! How are those wind gliders I gave you two last time?" Amber asked

"We love them, they're easy to use" Lumine explained

"I agree, I basically learned the controls really easily" Twilight answered

"Seems like it's really growing on you two!" Amber said happily

"Yeah, it really is" Twilight said

"But then again, you two don't have a gliding license do you two?" Amber asked

"Wait what?!" Lumine gasped in shock, disbelief and confusion

"A gliding license? Hmm... What's that?" Paimon asked

Amber then sighed in disbelief

"Isn't it obvious? You gotta have a gliding license to legally glide in Mondstadt" Amber explained

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Twilight asked in shock and anger

"I kinda forgot" Amber explained nervously

"Oh... But Lumine and Twilight have been gliding have been gliding yesterday, this is the first we've heard about it!" Paimon explained

"Yeah, you've been gliding all over the town and temples... Everyone's noticed!" Amber explained nervously

"Eh-he" Paimon chuckled nervously

"This is not something to laugh about!" Lumine said angrily

"Sooo... You came looking for us because you wanna give us a gliding license?" Paimon asked

"No way! The Knights of Favonius have strict rule, you need to pass an exam and only then will the Knights issue your license" Amber explained

"Then what do we do?!" Twilight asked angrily

"Well, today I'm here as an examiner to oversee you girls' official gliding exam!" Amber explained

"Why?" Lumine asked

"I gave you your wind glider so this is my responsibility, at least that's what Acting Grand Master Jean would say" Amber explained

"An exam! What a pain in the butt, then again, since Amber is the examiner..." Paimon started

"I think it's fine, we can do this, can't we Twilight?" Lumine asked

"Of course we can" Twilight answered

"I'm sure you girls will glide through it! I mean... The whole city saw how well you both flew yesterday when Stormterror attacked so I'm sure you'll have no problems!" Amber said happily

"Of course and with my basic knowledge we will be able to do it" Twilight said

"But we do need to respect the rules and glide properly" Amber reminded

"True" Twilight said

"Here, take this gliding manual, no need to memorize it, just be familiar with everything in there" Amber suggested

"Alright, will do" Lumine said

"I'll give you a few examples; number one, only one person or pony per wind glider, number two, no carrying anything over the set weight limit, number three, no taking off using an Anemo Slime and so on and so forth" Amber explained

"Those rule books are so boring!" Paimon said

"Ignore her, she just wants to do something more fun" Lumine said

"No worries, anyways be sure to read it okay? I had to read a lot of big, thick books too when Lisa was teaching me magic..." Amber explained

"Trust me, that's way better than what I have in my library as I have at least a thousand books, maybe more, and then there's the Canterlot Library, the secret library in Canterlot and---" Twilight started

"We get it Twilight" Amber said

"Still, that's a big library... Paimon thinks we best get started before Twilight speaks about books again!" Paimon suggested

"Great, come find me when you're done, I'll be at Windrise" Amber said

Amber then gave the book to Lumine before running off as Twilight got confused making her turn to Amber

"Wait! Where's---!" Twilight called out only to see Amber was gone "Darn it!" Twilight said

Paimon then sighed in disbelief

"The Knights of Favonius gliding manual does NOT sound like a fun read..." Paimon said in disbelief

"Of course it is, I mean, sure some people don't like studying but I do and since we're literally day savers and we have these gliding machines so we should learn even if you like it or not, I mean, don't guides have some guide books to read?! And aren't those boring too for you?!" Twilight asked

"Wha-?! Of course not!" Paimon answered

"Then stop complaining!" Twilight suggested

"Fine!" Paimon said

"Well, guess we'd better get started" Lumine suggested

After that little argument Twilight began reading the Gliding Instruction Manual out loud to Paimon and Paimon

"When the first wisp of wind brushed across the land, birds that yearned for the sky had wings but no way to fly, they asked the Anemo God: 'How can we reach the heavens?' to which the Anemo God replied: 'You have yet to find that which is most important', as the God spoke the wind thrusts the seeds of a dandelion high into the sky, the birds thrust out their wings but the breeze was all too mild leaving them to stumble across the earth so they went to the gorge where the wind showed off its wild and incomparable strength, they threw themselves off the cliff and flapped their wings amongst the howling winds until they were able to fly freely in the sky, to the Anemo God they went to gleefully say: 'We understand now! All we needed was a stronger wind to fly', in reply the Anemo God said: 'What you lacked was not wind but courage, it is courage that has allowed you to become the first flying birds of this world'" Twilight read

Afterwards she stopped making Paimon confused

"Hmm... That's a cool story... But is the Knights' gliding manual really written in that style?" Paimon asked

"I agree, it reads like a fairytale..." Lumine agreed

"You know, you're right, let's go meet with Amber and ask her what kind of manual it's about" Twilight suggested

"Good idea, let's go!" Paimon said

The trio then began walking and after what felt like ages they found Amber who was staring into space

"Hey Amber!" Twilight greeted

Amber then turned around happily

"Hi there! I'm so happy you're here! Did you have a good read-through of the gliding manual? Got all the rules down?" Amber asked

"I mean, we read it but---" Lumine started

"Sounds like it was a real drag, I would know, I've been there, the gliding manual is super dry... I couldn't get into it at all, don't tell Jean though..." Amber suggested

"Really? Hmm... Paimon thought there were some pretty cool stories in the gliding manual" Paimon said in confusion

"Cool stories?" Amber thought before she realized something "Oh, you must mean the example cases in the Appendix, some of them I like, my favorite is about the illegal Anemo Slime take-off, apparently if you pop an Anemo Slime and take off in the burst of wind it shoots you up really, really high... I really wanna try it!" Amber explained

"Not me! Paimon should do it!" Twilight suggested

"Hey!" Paimon called out angrily

"Calm down, I was just joking" Twilight said

"Still, no, it's not that story, Paimon meant the one with the little bird who wanted to learn to fly" Paimon explained

"Ah... What...? Let me take a look..." Amber suggested in confusion

Lumine then gave Amber the book as Amber then flipped through the pages only to realize what she gave the trio

"Shoot, this is the storybook I used to read as a kid!" Amber called out in disbelief before turning back the duo "Oops, sorry! I put both books in the same pile and must have grabbed the wrong one when I was leaving" Amber apologized

"How in the heck do you confuse a bedtime story with an instruction manual?" Paimon asked in anger

"Yeah, I'd like to know too!" Twilight agreed angrily

"Ahh... This is so embarrassing..." Amber said embarrassingly while moving her feet across the ground

"Just explain!" Twilight ordered angrily

"It's because... Maybe deep down inside that fairytale is the thing that truly taught me how to glide... 'What you lacked was not wind, it's courage that's allowed you to become the first flying birds of this world' reading that gave me the courage to glide, to become an outrider and to become the Gliding Champion of Mondstadt" Amber explained embarrassingly

"You're a gliding champion?!" Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

"Kinda..." Amber started in an embarrassing tone before clearing her throat "But anyway let's ger back to the exam!" Amber suggested

Twilight then began hyperventilating

"Don't be nervous, just glide like you're used to" Amber suggested

"O-Okay" Twilight said

"Hey, just pretend you're doing this because you have your pegasus wings back" Lumine suggested

"O-Okay" Twilight said

"Okay then, you just need to follow the marked route to the finish" Amber announced

"Okay" Twilight said

"Twilight, if you want you can fly right next to me so we can chat" Lumine suggested

"No thanks, I'm fine" Twilight said

"Okay, if you say so" Lumine said

"Are you ready?" Amber asked

"Yes we are" Twilight answered

"Alright, then you may begin" Amber said

Afterwards Amber grabbed her notebook as she checked how Lumine and Twilight flew calmfully and carefully as Amber slowly followed after them before the duo landed on the ground making her turn to the duo

"You nailed it! But it's no surprise given the way you both handle your gliders in a storm" Amber reminded

"True, that was an unforgettable experience, especially for you, right Lumine?" Twilight asked

"Of course, I barely made it out alive!" Lumine answered

"The next part of the exam is in Mondstadt, see you later, don't keep me waiting!" Amber suggested

Amber then rushed off as Paimon teleported to the duo

"And... How's it going?" Paimon asked

"We actually passed the test!" Twilight answered

"Really?! That's amazing! Now, where should we go?" Paimon asked

"To Mondstadt, that's where the next test is" Lumine answered

"Oh okay! And how do you plan on getting there with this?" Paimon asked

While saying that Paimon pointed to Twilight's contraption

"I have magic, remember?" Twilight asked

"Oh, right, my bad" Paimon apologized

Afterwards Twilight levitated the contraption as the duo walked to Mondstadt where they searched for Amber until they heard a familiar voice

"Hey, here, over here!" Amber called out

The trio then turned around and rushed to Amber

"Are you finished?" Lumine asked

"Yep, I'm all set up, let's carry on with the exam, same deal as before, glide through the markers and get to the finish without stopping in the middle" Amber suggested

"Got it!" Twilight said

"Let's get started then" Lumine suggested

Amber then ran off as Lumine and Twilight prepared themselves as Twilight went in her contraption before the duo began flying again only to get stuck

"Where do we go?!" Lumine asked

"I have no idea, Paimon!" Twilight called out

"Yes girls?!" Paimon asked

"Where do we go?!" Twilight asked

"To the right!" Paimon answered

"Thanks, let's go Lumine" Twilight said

The duo then continued to fly until they were met again with Amber as they ran towards her

"Hahaha... Seems like you've got the hang of wind gliding now! Let's do the final stage" Amber suggested

"Alright, let's go!" Amber suggested

Paimon then crossed her arms

"Easy! You've flown this way before anyway, remember Amber...?" Paimon asked

"Of course, though I made it a little harder, my bad" Amber apologized

"No worries" Twilight said

"Anyways, once you've passed this final stage you'll finally be able to get your own gliding license" Amber announced

"I'm so nervous! I never had a license before, not to mention a gliding license!" Twilight said worriedly

"Just keep thinking about the good things" Amber suggested

"Okay" Twilight said

"Ready..."Amber started

The trio then prepared to fly before they flew into the air as Twilight could only look in nervousness as she tried to focus on getting the license while Lumine could only look at her in worry

"Hey, you okay?" Lumine asked

"Yeah, it's just, what perks do I get when I get a gliding license?" Twilight asked

"Nothing, you just have to ability to glide in free will because if you don't your gliding material will be removed and if you don't have it you can be send to jail" Lumine explained

"Oh sweet Celestia, so it's for a good reason?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, I don't know which Anemo God made up that rule but that's what it means" Lumine explained

"Well, then I'd best be careful" Twilight said

"Good idea" Lumine said

The duo then continued to fly until they heard someone speaking from a megaphone

"Windborne travelers! You are required to land at once by order of the Knights of Favonius!" Somebody called out

The duo then went to land as they saw somebody approaching the duo with a frown

"I am Otto of the Knights of Favonius" Otto introduced

"Wh-What's going on?" Twilight asked

"They called for a sudden landing, something weird happened, I have a feeling" Lumine whispered

Paimon then appeared as she turned to her friends in confusion

"Are you two okay, we saw you two slowly landing?!" Paimon asked in worry

"Yes we're fine, it's just, somebody called for a sudden landing" Twilight answered while turning to Otto

"Please show me your gliding licenses" Otto ordered

"Ahh... My um, gliding license is, uh..." Lumine started

"Oh no! We're doomed!" Twilight called out worriedly

Otto then glared harder while Twilight started hyperventilating

"You just had to make things worse didn't you Twilight?" Paimon asked angrily

"Of course I didn't! I just heard from Otto I could go to jail and I still need friends! This is all Amber's fault!" Twilight called out

"Sorry but it's against the law to glide without a license! I am arresting you two under Section 7, Article 12 of the Mondstadt Penal Code, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will forever carry on the wind" Otto said

It's over Twilight, there's no way out of this one" Lumine said sadly

"OBJECTION!" Somebody or rather somepony called out

The four then turned around and saw Rainbow flying by with Amber

"These are my friends you're talking to and they haven't done a single thing wrong!" Rainbow reminded angrily

"And what makes you say that ms. Dash?" Otto asked

"Amber, I suggest you explain" Rainbow suggested

"Rainbow's right... I'm an instructor, this is a gliding exam" Amber explained

"Oh... I see" Otto realized before shaking it off "Well, you picked a bad time to hold your gliding exam" Otto explained

"Really, why?" Amber asked

"The Knights of Favonius recieved a report from a Sister at the Cathedral claiming she saw Raptor gliding around these parts, I thought your students here must have been him and his partner in crime" Otto explained

"Raptor? Who's that?" Paimon asked

"A known criminal in Mondstadt, he always uses a wind glider to commit his crimes so people started calling him Raptor" Otto explained

Wow, he flies fast then?" Amber asked

"Yeah, so far we haven't managed to catch him... Our plan this time was to draw him into the Cathedral with a precious artifact and ambush him inside but he escaped with the artifact, fortunately, one of the Sisters put some secret markings on the artifact using elemental magic! But he was too fast and we couldn't even keep up with the trail the markings left behind" Otto explained in defeat

"Well, if you need help chasing down a gliding criminal, I'm the one for the job! So tell me, which way did he go?" Amber asked

"As far as I know he was last seen near Springvale but that was some time ago" Otto explained

"Leave it to us! With me, Twilight and Lumine chasing him down together he doesn't stand a chance" Amber said

"So... We passed?" Lumine asked

"Once we've got this raptor guy we'll pick up where we left off" Amber explained before turning to Otto "But no need to worry... I'll be sure to have a word with Jean" Amber said

The duo then began running towards Springvale with Amber leading the way before they arrived

"This is Springvale, there must be some clues about Raptor 'round here" Amber explained

"Alright, let's investigate" Twilight suggested

"But keep in mind the Sister from the Cathedral put some secret Anemo markings on the artifact he took" Amber reminded

"Use your elemental sight and keep your eyes peeled for clues" Paimon suggested

"Will do" Lumine said

The four then began investigating only for Twilight to find some cloth

"Girls, come over here!" Twilight called out

The trio then ran over to Twilight as they saw the same cloak which Amber then went to pick up

"Hmm... A strip of cloth with Anemo markings on" Amber thought before she noticed the design "Looking at the design and the way it's woven, there's a good chance it came from a wind glider" Amber explained

"Wow, Outriders have to be textile experts now?! It's a harder job than Paimon thought" Paimon said in awe and disbelief

"If this really belongs to Raptor it must mean his wind glider is broken" Amber explained

"Why do I have a feeling he used some slimes to shoot himself into the air" Twilight thought

"That would explain the broken wind glider and probably how fast he was" Amber thought out loud

The trio then continued to investigate before they saw a shimmering light making them approach it

"Is that... An Elemental Marker?" Twilight asked

"Hmm... How do we know if this was left by Raptor or an Anemo Slime?" Paimon asked

"Anemo Slimes are airborne creatures, they don't leave marks on the ground unless someone stomped on one to take-off, either way let's make a mental note of these markings, they're very clear" Amber suggested before she turned to the Anemo Markings again "It appears that the elemental markings point this way" Amber suggested pointing to the way it goes

"Huh, well... D'you think he ran off ahead?" Paimon asked

"There's only one way to find out!" Amber answered before turning around and moving her hand forward as a 'follow me gesture' while saying "C'mon girls, we should keep following the markings" Amber suggested

Just then a large sound was heard making the trio turn to the other side

"Ooh, what's that?" Paimon asked

"I don't know but it looks like something's going on up ahead..." Twilight answered

"It sounds like there's a battle going on, could that be the Raptor?" Amber asked

"I have a feeling it is or it's one of it's henchmen" Lumine answered

"Quick, let's keep going!" Amber suggested

The four then rushed to the source of the sound only to see some hilichurls

"Hilichurls?!" The four gasped

"Don't worry, I can beat them!" Twilight said

The hilichurls then turned around as they dodged as Twilight kept shooting lasers only for the hilichurls to block it with their shields

"Come on Twilight, beat them!" Amber said

"B-But--- The shields!" Twilight reminded worriedly

"Are you serious! You're not shooting hard enough!" Lumine said

"Yes I am!" Twilight answered angrily

Twilight then made a shield which made the hilichurls slam on it

"Twilight, what's wrong, it's like you're not ready to fight" Paimon reminded

"Of course I'm ready to fight! Why else would these hilichurls attack us?!" Twilight asked

"Twilight, there's something on your mind isn't there?" Lumine asked

"No, there isn't, I'm sure of it!" Twilight said

"Look, Twilight, if you just need a break you can tell us, we won't be mad" Amber said

The four then turned to the guy who put herself in a protection ball making Twilight drop the barrier

"Yes, I need a break" Twilight said sadly

Twilight then walked off sadly as Lumine, Amber and Paimon could all look in worry before Lumine turned to her friends

"Now what?" Lumine asked

"You are close friends with Twilight, aren't you Lumine?" Amber asked

"Yeah but what do you mean by that?" Lumine asked

"Are you saying Lumine should have a talk with Twilight?" Paimon asked

"That's exactly what I'm saying" Amber answered

"Okay but are you sure you can handle them all by yourself?" Lumine asked

Amber then turned to the hilichurls who were closing in on them before turning back to Lumine and nodding

"I can handle it, I mean, Paimon's here with me" Amber answered

"Alright" Lumine said

Lumine then rushed over to Twilight who was sitting on a log and sobbing a bit until Lumine puts a hand on her shoulder

"What do you want?" Twilight asked

"I just wanted to talk if that's alreight" Lumine answered

"Sure" Twilight said

Twilight then patted a spot on a log where Lumine then sat on

"Now tell me, what just happened back there, it's not like you to back off from a fight" Lumine reminded

"I know..." Twilight said sadly before turning away

"Is it the exam that's making you so worried?" Lumine asked as Twilight nodded "You know, I understand why that was, I mean I feel like when the rule was first made in Mondstadt nobody understood why that was and got worried but you know, it's actually for a few safety tests" Lumine explained

"Really?" Twilight asked in shock and worry

"Yes, and while I know you had wings you didn't have any flight exams didn't you?" Lumine asked

"Yeah, the only pony I had it from was Rainbow and yet that was a while ago" Twilight answered

"Look Twilight, in Equestria there aren't any wind gliders but there are a lot of pegasus there isn't it?" Lumine asked

"Yeah and there's also four alicorns" Twilight answered

"You're one of them, correct?" Lumine asked

"Yeah" Twilight answered

"See, but none of these creatures had to learn how to fly but in the human world there's lot's of people who were taught on how to fly or ride" Lumine explained

"But why's that?!" Twilight asked

"Unlike certain gods your leaders in Equestria can't take your wings away, can they?" Lumine asked

"No and even if they did it would hurt a lot!" Twilight answered

"Yeah but in the human world, people can easily take away your wind glider, your car or anything else for that matter and trust me, it's rough for most people who break the rules but it's because of safety reasons" Lumine explained

"But what about before?! Why did Otto bring us down to the ground?!" Twilight asked

"They just didn't want you to wind glide for a day because of recent events that happened for example he thought you were the Raptor's henchman" Lumine reminded

"Then why did Amber do some exams, was she planning to get us into a trap?!" Twilight asked angrily

"I can assure you that's not what she had in mind" Lumine explained

"Then what was her idea?!" Twilight asked angrily

"If I'm right, I can only assume she didn't know about the Raptor and if she did she'd have told us to be careful" Lumine explained

"So, you're saying Amber didn't know?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, that's the only thing that I can think of but overall, it's not Amber's fault, it's the Raptor who got you in this kind of danger" Lumine explained

"That's true" Twilight said

"Now, promise me you will stop the Raptor and when you do you can remind him of all the trauma he gave you" Lumine said with a heartfelt smile

"Oh, I will, I definitely will!" Twilight said in a sneakishly smile

"Now come on, let's go help Amber save the poor guy" Lumine suggested

The two then began running before they noticed Amber was gone

"Where's she?!" Twilight asked

"Over here!" Amber called out

The duo then looked around and saw Amber stuck between some arrows halfway in the tree while Paimon struggled to remove the arrows

"Oh no!" Twilight called out

Just then some hilichurls surrounded them

"Twilight, let's go and stop these guys!" Lumine suggested

Twilight then nodded before she shot a few lightning bolts at her enemies only for them to get shot back making the duo dodge

"It didn't work!" Twilight said

"Hmm?! Oh, I've got it!" Lumine realized

Lumine then rubbed her hands before she moved her hands forward only for nothing to appear

"What were you planning on doing?" Twilight asked

"I don't know!" Lumine answered

The four then continued to get surrounded before they had to stand right behind each other

"I'm sorry that I wasn't a good hero, I failed" Twilight said

"No, you aren't! You just got traumatized! Trust me, you can do it!" Lumine said

"I-I can't! They have shields!" Twilight said

"Paimon! Save them!" Amber was then heard ordering

"Got it!" Paimon said

Paimon then flew to the duo and shot a few hilichurls away making the duo sigh in relief

"Thanks for the safe Paimon!" Twilight thanked

"No worries! But how exactly did they have shields?!" Paimon asked

"I have no idea" Lumine answered

"Now, let's go save Amber" Twilight said

The duo then went to the tree where Amber was stuck on as Twilight slowly moved Amber out of the swoords by carefully moving her between them

"Thanks for the help Twilight" Amber thanked

"No worries!" Twilight said

"Now, let's go meet up with him" Lumine said

"But what about Raptor?!" Twilight asked

"First let's go help this guy and then we can continue searching for Raptor" Amber explained

"Okay" Lumine said

The four then approached the guy as Twilight and Lumine helped him up

"Thank goodness, the Knights of Favonius have arrived! The hilichurls won't dare to pursue me any longer..." The guy said in relief

"What happened?" Amber asked

"I can't believe it but... The hilichurls attacked our carts, luckily I outran them" The guy answered

"Hilichurls? But I thought the Knights of Favonius had cleared out most of the hilichurl camps around these parts" Amber explained in confusion

"It's a small camp not too far from the village, the route I take on my delivery runs ensures I steer clear of it but today... Some crazy fellow suddenly fell out of the sky and landed right in the camp!" The guy explained

"Hmm... Now who does that remind Paimon of...?" Paimon asked

"Did it look like a dragon, a pony or a human?" Twilight asked

"Definitely a human" The guy answered

"Bummer" Twilight said in defeat before shaking it off

"It really riled them up, they chased the funny-looking fellow as he fled which brought them out in the open, I managed to get away but they smashed my fruit carts to smithereens, I don't know what I'm gonna do when the merchant caravan gets here tomorrow---" The guy explained in worry

"Still, in what way was he funny looking?" Amber asked

"He was holding onto something, must've been heavy because he couldn't glide in a straight line to save his life... Maybe that's why he fell, honestly, people like that shouldn't be allowed in the skies, it doesn't take a genius to know you're not supposed to carry heavy objects while gliding! I'm gonna report that idiot and make sure he gets his license revoked!" The guy explained

"Heavy object... The artifact? This could well be our guy" Amber thought out loud before turning to the guy again "Tell me did you see which way he went?" Amber asked

"I managed to get a glimpse as I ran from the hilichurls, I think he went... That way" The guy explained pointing at the right side of the forest pathway

"Seems like a strong lead, girls, on with the chase!" Amber suggested as Twilight, Paimon and Lumine began running while Amber took one last look at the guy "Oh and don't worry as soon as I get back I'll tell the Knights to mop up the rest of the hilichurls as soon as possible" Amber explained

Amber then rushed after her friends as they began running across the pathway before some people saw them making them rush towards the four

"This can't be good!" Twilight said

"Let's fight!" Amber suggested

Twilight then ran towards one person and bucked them away while Lumine used her sword to push another person away while Paimon and Amber shot arrows and lasers to burn their enemies and when they noticed they were too strong they ran off leaving one last person making them glare at him before he used a shovel to dig up dirt and throw it at Paimon sending her towards a tree making her drop to the ground making the trio gasp

"NOBODY HURTS MY FRIENDS!!!" Twilight called out

Twilight then rushed towards the guy as she went for the attack before she got hit in the head making her get send flying into a put he had just created and when Twilight wanted to leave she couldn't as sand began going down until she got stuck with her head being out of the sand making Lumine angry

"Why are you doing this?!" Lumine asked angrily

"Wanna end up like your friends?! If not you'd best leave!" The guy ordered

"No!" Amber answered

Amber then ran before she kicked the guy making him flinch a bit before he began running as Amber ran after him only to feel herself being pulled up by a rope

"Hahaha!" The guy laughed

"Let me down!" Amber ordered

"No!" The guy answered

The guy then ran towards Lumine who could only look in worry

"Lumine! Go! Get some help!" Twilight ordered

"B-But! What about you girls?!" Lumine asked

"We'll be fine, just go!" Amber ordered

Lumine then gulped before she ran off back to Mondstadt to get some help as she searched for somebody who was free only to see everyone busy making her go to the Knights of Favonius headquarters and when she got there she began panting which Rainbow and Kaeya saw making them pull up a chair for Lumine to sit on

"Thanks guys" Lumine thanked

"What happened?!" Kaeya asked

Lisa and Jean who heard Lumine entering then approached her

"My friends... Amber... Danger... Strong dude... Won... Raptor... Escaped..." Lumine explained between breaths

"WHAT?!" The group gasped in shock

"We gotta save them! Where are they?!" Jean asked

"Springvale..." Lumine answered

"Don't worry, we'll get some guards to help, Rainbow, tell them to meet us here" Lisa suggested

"Will do!" Rainbow said

Rainbow then rushed off to get some guards before she returned

"Guys, we have some bad news" Jean explained

"What happened?!" Otto asked in worry

"Why did the Knights of Favonius need us?" Athos asked

"I was busy having a dayshift today" Paythos reminded

"Lumine, explain" Jean suggested

"So, do you all remember Raptor?" Lumine asked

"Yeah, I've told you a few hours ago?! Did you catch him?!" Otto asked

"No, my friends got caught by one of his allies and so we need your help to stop him, I have a feeling that by the time we're talking now his co-horts have woken up so I want you all to go with me and catch everyone of his allies" Lumine explained

"But who will protect Mondstadt then?!" Wyratt asked

"Yeah, there's no one to protect Mondstadt now, is there?!" Wood asked

"Well, me and my crew have discussed it for a moment and we'll have someone protect it for now, meet Lawrence and Raymond, the newest gate guards" Lumine introduced

Afterwards Lawrence and Raymond went to the front of the guards and waved

"But those are some new guards, how will they safe us?!" Swan asked

"Well, they're one of the strongest fighters in Mondstadt so they are surely to be trusted, we'll all be leaving as soon as you're prepared, my friends need help and so does your trusted Outrider so let's all work together!" Lumine said

Then everybody cheered


Meanwhile back in Springvale Twilight turned to Amber

"Amber, how are you doing?" Twilight asked

"I feel the blood coming to my brain which is definitely not good" Amber answered

"I agree" Twilight said

Amber then turned to the guy who hung her

"Hey mr. Egghead can you please put me down?" Amber asked

"No! You'll attack me then!" The guy explained

"But I feel the blood coming up to my brain!" Amber said

"Oh come on! You must be really stupid! There's no way blood comes to your brain!" The guy reminded

"Of course there is a way! Just trust me!" Twilight said

Paimon was then heard groaning a bit

"Ugh! What happened?!" Paimon asked

"Paimon, you're awake, put me down!" Amber ordered

"On i----" Paimon started

"Oh no you don't!" The guy said

The guy then pulled out a cage before he squeezes Paimon and puts her in it and locking the door before hanging her on a branch

"Hey! Let Paimon go!" Paimon ordered

"And have you free my new companions, I don't think so!" The guy said

"Ugh! You're so rude!" Paimon said angrily

"Guys, watch over them while I go get some food to eat! Oh and when I'm back I suggest catching Paimon and chopping her up into a food stew!" The guy suggested

"Excuse me! Paimon's not food!" Paimon reminded angrily

"Guess we're out of luck now" Twilight said

"All we can hope for right now is that Lumine manages to save us" Amber said

"There's no way she can save you! I mean, she's way too weak! She can't even use magic at all!" The guy said

"So you've seen it?" Twilight asked

"Yes I did, I was watching you guys from closeby, those little hilichurls weren't easy to be beaten and I'm way worse, guess you can say you ended up failing!" The guy said

"I do have one question!" Twilight said

"What?!" The guy asked

"Why did you traumatize me?" Twilight asked

"Huh?!" The guy asked in shock

"I was just beginning to learn about gliding exams and all you and your co-horts alongside the Raptor did was traumatize me! Why?! What's your reason?!" Twilight asked

"My reason?! Hahaha, I don't have a reason at all, we just like to steal to cause a rampage, I mean, that's what raptors do, don't they?" The guy asked

"Yes, in the ancient past but that's no reason to trap us like this, I mean, sure you may be tough and all but the fact that you're stealing to cause rampage and trauma is wrong! There would be serious consequences for it!" Twilight reminded

"You think I wouldn't know that?! Of course I do, why else did I live in Mondstadt" The guy said

"To feel the wind in your hair, wasn't it?" Twilight asked

"Yes, what's wrong with that?!" The guy asked angrily

"Nothing except for the fact that there are very important rules about wind gliding and all of these were broken by your leader" Twilight reminded

"My leader never breaks rules and I would know! Now leave me be or else I'll suffocate you!" The guy ordered

"All I'm saying is that 'What happens in the darkness always comes to light', isn't it?" Twilight asked

"That's some basic Mhar Dann video reference and I would know that because I watched it always" The guy reminded

"Then why are you not listening to it?!" Twilight asked

"Because I've opened a new light right now and that light is to help the Raptor!" The guy explained

"So basically, your light is the darkness, isn't it?" Twilight asked

"Of course not, it's like you said the light is the light and the darkness is the dark" The guy explained

"I know but---" Twilight started

"Stop Twilight, it isn't worth it" Amber said

"See, listen to your friend!" The guy ordered

The guy then walked off as the group then saw guards blocking both pathways

"Twilight, you tried your best" Paimon said

"It's what Lumine told me moments ago but I failed" Twilight said sadly

"Hey! I know Lumine told you but please save your speech for when we stop Raptor" Amber suggested

"Ugh! Fine!" Twilight said

"Now what?!" Paimon asked

"I don't know" Twilight answered

"Let me try shooting an arrow at the rope" Amber suggested before trying to grip the arrow only to feel nothing as she looked up and saw the bow and all the arrows on the ground "Not good

"Wait, Amber, try and grip the rope above you" Twilight suggested

"Good idea" Amber said

Amber then bowed forward until she grabbed the rope causing her to hang on it

"Now try and climb up so they don't catch you" Paimon suggested

"Or I could untie the rope, good idea girls!" Amber said

Amber then tried to climb up, especially with her legs tied together but when she noticed she couldn't get further she quit

"I can't go further!" Amber said

"Ugh! We have to do something!" Twilight said angrily

"Wait! Let Paimon try something!" Paimon suggested

Paimon then used all her might to teleport before she managed to teleport out of the jail she was in

"Amazing! Why didn't I think of it?!" Twilight asked

Twilight then prepared to teleport until she heard some people calling out

"They're using magic to escape!" Somebody called out

Twilight then stopped right before they used a small bag and some rope to tie up Twilight's horn before the guy tied Paimon's arms and feet before using the key to put her back in the box trapping her again

"Yep, we need Lumine's help" Amber said

The guy then climbed on another side of the tree before he used a knife to let Amber loosen her grip in shock which worked causing her hands to get tied up behind her back

"That way nobody escapes!" The guy said

They then went back to their guard position pmaking the trio worried before they called out

"LUMINE!!!" The trio called out

Afterwards they heard the co-horts all laughing in happiness at the defeat of their enemies as the other three could only look in worry at each other as they didn't manage to get free and got into way more than a pickle as they all thought about their last hope... Lumine