//------------------------------// // Episode 10: Barbatos and the Holy Lyre der Himmel Part 2 // Story: Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1 // by MLPandMiraculousFanatic //------------------------------// "Last time on Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact!" Paimon announced "Twilight told Rainbow to help her, Venti and Lumine get the Holy Lyre which Rainbow did as she checked to see if somebody comes but when Twilight, Paimon and Lumine got in the Holy Lyre got stolen by some unknown Fatui as Twilight and Lumine along with Paimon almost got arrested if it weren't for us running away and when we escaped we went to meet with Diluc who helped us get free except for Venti as we went back to the hotel where Twilight and Rainbow got an argument and when that was over we ate dinner before going back to the tavern where surprisingly Jean also was, to be fair Paimon was shocked too and once we discussed our plan we went to go meet up with the Fatui guards, one of which who trapped us and was about to call out to Signora if it weren't for Venti's rescue as we finally got the key and in the end we managed to arrive at the Holy Lyre only to get attacked but will we make it or not find out now on Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact!" Paimon announced The Episode then started with the group continuing to scream before a clash was heard making the group look again as Diluc had smacked his sword against the guy "Quick! Help me!" Diluc said "Are you sure about that?" The guy asked "Of course!" Diluc answered Afterwards Diluc let's his inner ninja appear as he along with the guy fought while Twilight turned to the person "These guys are fighting so I think it's the perfect time to do this!" Twilight said Twilight then levitated the piece of paper to her hoof before shooting a spell at it as somebody got out, that girl had blonde hair with black front streaks, she had blue eyes and wore a black and yellow mask, suit and shoes "You saved me! Thank you very much!" The girl said "No worries!" Twilight said "As thanks you may tell me one thing you wish for me to do" The girl said "Hmm..." Twilight thought "I wish for you to defeat that guy in Fatui clothes!" Rainbow said "Of course!" The girl said The girl then looked for the perfect timing before she found it "DODGE!" The girl called out Diluc then jumped back as the guy got confused only to stand in shock as everybody cheered while Twilight turned to the girl "We did it! We stopped him!" Lumine said "Thanks for the help miss" Twilight thanked "No worries, if you need me again just whistle this" The girl suggested The girl then gave Twilight a black and yellow whistle as Twilight nodded "Understood" Twilight said The girl then left while Diluc turned to the frozen guy "I think I know what to do now" Diluc said Diluc then used his magic to burn the guy who began burning while Lumine grabbed the Holy Lyre "We did it!" Rainbow said in relief "Yeah, finally the lyre is back in safe hands!" Paimon agreed before turning around to see the guy had left already as they didn't hear him scream "Where did that guy go though? He was here a second ago..." Paimon reminded The group then turned around in confusion "He probably went to find some water" Rainbow thought out loud The guy then splashed a bucket of water over him that somehow disappeared as he struggled to stand whilst turning to the group "Signora is going to end you, the song bards sing of your demise will be so terrifying, the people of Mondstadt willl never sleep again for the nightmares they give them" The guy said "I don't think so! Leave!" Rainbow ordered "Yeah, besides, that's big talk for a guy who still ran off in the end... Chicken" Paimon reminded The guy then passed out as the Twilight teleported the group out of the cave and back to Mondstadt where they went on their way to the tavern which they entered "We're back!" Twilight said "That's a relief" Jean said "Yep! And we've got the Holy Lyre!" Venti said Jean then noticed the Holy Lyre in Venti's hands and smiled "Ah, this is the Holy Lyre! You managed to retrieve it!" Jean called out in relief "Yeah" Venti said before he looked down at the Holy Lyre in his hands "The pattern of flowing wind carved on the rosewood... And the strings still feel cool to the touch too, oh the memories..." Venti said in awe "What do you think Venti? Can you summon Dvalin?" Jean asked "Although this lyre is the real thing I doubt that it's going to work" Venti explained "Are you serious?!" Rainbow asked in shock "Well, yeah, as you can see the lyre has been through a thousand years of history, it's Anemo power has run dry so in this condition you couldn't play music fit for even Dvalin's tavern with it..." Venti explained "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Twilight asked angrily "Bards fight to get on the stage of my tavern, don't make assumptions" Diluc suggested "Is that really important right now master Diluc?!" Paimon asked before turning to Venti angrily "And you! Did you just borrow the Holy Lyre to play music for drunkards to hear?" Paimon asked angrily "Hehe" Venti chuckled nervously "What do you mean 'Hehe'?!" Paimon asked angrily Venti then shook his head and turned back to the Holy Lyre "Anyway, we won't be able to call Dvalin with it" Venti explained "Why not?" Twilight asked Venti then pulled the Lyre in front of Twilight as she looked it over while Venti spoke "The lyre itself is fine but the strings..." Venti started "They're broken" Twilight finished before thinking Venti then turned to Lumine "You're up outlander!" Venti called out "Are you talking about me?" Lumine asked "Yes I am" Venti answered "But I don't know how to fix instruments" Lumine explained "Relax! It's not broken" Venti explained "Really?! I'm sure it does to me!" Rainbow said Twilight then glared at Rainbow before turning to Lumine with a heartwarming smile "You got this Lumine, I believe in you" Twilight said "Are you sure? If so why does it look broken?" Lumine asked "It's just that the intensity of its Anemo power has greatly diminished" Venti explained "Oh okay" Lumine said "Say, do you still have Dvalin's Teardrop Crystal with you?" Venti asked "Yes I do" Lumine answered "Great! Try to use it on the Holy Lyre" Venti suggested "Alright, let me give it a try" Lumine said Lumine then pulled the crystal closer to the Holy Lyre and when it was close enough the two levitated into the air before they merged as the Holy Lyre looked more greener than it was before, almost the same color as Venti's outfit before the Holy Lyre dropped back into Venti's hands "It worked as expected" Venti said "How did you know this was gonna work?" Twilight asked "I didn't have to do a thing! I swear!" Lumine explained Jean then turned to it with tears in her eyes "This youthful glow..." Jean said in awe "Praising yourself? Really?" Paimon asked in shock "I was talking about the Holy Lyre" Jean explained Venti then turned to Twilight, Lumine and Paimon "Thanks to Twilight and Lumine having purified the crystal the Holy Lyre won't continue to lose power" Venti said in relief before turning to the others "That said, it's power is far from replenished, it'd be great if we could get more tears" Venti said "Don't worry, we'll help you find them!" Lumine said "Yeah but how do we do that?" Twilight asked "I can surmise that Dvalin will always be crying... Suffering alone in some deserted place..." Venti explained sadly "Dvalin..." Jean said sadly "Poor baby..." Paimon said sadly "I feel horrible for him..." Twilight said sadly "Why is that so horrible when we can save him!" Rainbow said "But this is not something that an Honorary Knight can accomplish alone, I will mobilize the rest of the knights to assist" Jean said "And I will ask some guards to help" Rainbow said Twilight then thought of one of her friends' past adventures where she and the others were rescued by other Equestria citizens and save the day with all of them "I'd really appreciate that Rainbow" Twilight said happily "Alright and when you get the Teardrop Crystal please let Lumine perform the purification process" Jean suggested "Leave it to me" Lumine said "Heroes supporting each other and setting out on a journey together... How exciting!" Venti called out in excitement before turning to Twilight, Lumine and Paimon "Lemme come up with a song for you..." Venti suggested "Is that all you're going to do? Just sing?" Paimon asked "Wouldn't be much of a bard if I didn't now, would I?" Venti asked "Hmph, you're so cheeky... You deserve an ugly nickname" Paimon said angrily "Please don't---" Twilight suggested "Oh, Paimon knows! From now on you'll be known as 'Tone-Deaf Bard'!" Paimon started "Why did I not stop you on time?" Twilight asked in disbelief while facehoofing The group then began splitting up as they all went to go find some help while Diluc, Lumine, Paimon, Jean and Twilight were searching for Dvalin's Teardrop Crystals as Diluc turned to his fellow helpers "This search reminds me of a fued I once had with the Fatui" Diluc explained "Really?" Twilight asked "Yeah, six months ago a thief stole treasure from the East Temple of the Four Winds" Diluc explained "Woah, what was it? A cup used by Barbatos?" Paimon asked "No, although if such a thing existed it would be very valuable" Diluc answered "Then what was it?" Twilight asked "Well, among all the relics they managed to dig up, one particular object was very rare..." Diluc explained "What was it?! Tell us?!" Paimon asked "It was a vial which contained the Anemo God's breath" Diluc explained "WAIT WHAT?! How?!" Twilight explained "Relics come in every shape and form huh..." Paimon said in disbelief "That is very rare, I'm sure not even Twilight has ever seen that before" Lumine said "I definitely did not!" Twilight agreed in shock "Anyone with an eye for fine art would like to add this relic to their collection" Diluc explained "True, even I would, I would be inspecting this in every shape or form since I have no idea how that works" Twilight said "But once word got out the Fatui started trying to seek it out as well, they've made tons of counterfeits that can be found everywhere" Diluc explained "Are you serious?!" Lumine asked in shock "Yeah and in response I just bought every one I could find irrespective of it's authenticity, we're still at it now" Diluc explained "I hope you don't get hurt in the process" Twilight said "How many did you buy?" Lumine asked "I've bought more than two thousand fakes to date and the Fatui are yet to find the real one" Diluc explained "Are you serious?! That's enough to even make potions for!" Twilight said "I agree, that is a lot" Lumine agreed "Yeah, you guys are insane..." Paimon agreed before thinking "So it means that the real one must be out there somewhere on the black market, right?" Paimon asked "Yep" Diluc answered "Hmmm... Paimon'll give you a discount on them if she finds any cause Paimon's just great like that!" Paimon explained "And I thought you're small brained" Twilight said "What?! No, Paimon's not!" Paimon reminded angrily "Still, you can try to find the real one, I'll take what you find even if they're fake, once you're done find me at the winery, I'll trade you a beer for every 20 you find" Diluc said The group continued to walk before they came across a ruin guard "A ruin guard?! What's it doing here?!" Twilight asked "Twilight this is one of the trials you'll have to face if we have to go across" Diluc said "But how?! Why?!" Twilight asked "Because I don't think fire's gonna work against a ruin guard and the wind is also a dumb move" Diluc reminded "I don't think so, if we're gonna find the tears we have to work together!" Twilight said "She's right, we're a team!" Lumine said "Fine! Let's work together!" Diluc said The group then slowly neared the ruin guard who was patrolling and when they got close enough Twilight made the group invisible "Okay, let's take hits one after another before that ruined guard falls down" Diluc suggested "Are you sure, what if he notices us?" Paimon asked "He won't thanks to my spell" Twilight said "Alright" Paimon said The two then shot a bunch of spells or slashes as the ruin guard could only keep turning around searching for the source before his head was pulled up hard by the sword causing the ruin guard to fall to the ground and shake a bit as a glitch as Twilight stopped the invisibility spell "Let's go find the Teardrop Crystals now" Twilight said The group then searched before Lumine found it "It's over here!" Lumine called out The group then rushed over to Lumine who had opened the chest and pulled out one of Dvalin's Teardrop Crystals "Sweet! We've found it!" Twilight said in relief "Paimon didn't think we'd find Dvalin's tears in a place like this" Paimon said "Same here Paimon" Lumine agreed "As knights we are taught to hone our investigative skills" Jean explained "Wow! Very impressive!" Paimon said in awe "I agree, this is something not even I have learned despite solving some of Equestria's mysteries and tricks" Twilight explained Twilight then made the group invisible again as they carefully walked out of the ruin guard's sight and when they were out of his sight Twilight stopped the spell which allowed Jean to speak "In my experience the secret to finding what you are looking for is to never look for it in the first place" Jean suggested "Really?" Lumine asked "Yeah, don't think too much about it and don't search too hard and before you know it what you are looking for will appear right before your very eyes" Jean explained "What?" Paimon asked in confusion "Don't worry about it too much, the more flustered you become, the less likely you are to find it" Jean explained "What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked "Pay attention to what you see in your peripheral vision and you might just stumble upon what you're looking for" Jean explained "I don't know... It doesn't sound like that would work..." Paimon explained on worry "No seriously, it does though, in fact it's how I used to find my tortoise whenever he went missing" Jean explained "You could probably have asked Fluttershy for help, she loves animals, though she can be shy at times" Twilight said "True but who's Fluttershy?" Jean asked "A friend of mine who is missing" Twilight answered Paimon then realized what Jean said before turning to Jean "Wait, you had a pet tortoise?!" Paimon asked in shock "Yes why? Something wrong Paimon?" Jean asked "No, it's... Uh, well, just surprising is all" Paimon answered nervously "Why?" Jean asked "Paimon can't imagine Jean having a pet tortoise, surely you find it hard to imagine too master Diluc?" Paimon asked "No I don't, I had one too when I was a kid, what's so strange about it?" Diluc asked "What? You too?!" Paimon asked in shock "You should probably ask Fluttershy how rare it is since most ponies in my homeworld always have tortoises except for me" Twilight explained "Are you serious?!" Paimon asked in shock The group soon arrived near a ruin which they entered before they slowly went across the way to the other side of the ruins slowly and as soon as they arrived an abyss mage attacked "Are you serious?! Another abyss mage?! We barely survived them last time!" Twilight said "Don't worry Twilight, we got this" Lumine said Jean then whistled causing the abyss mage to turn around "Hey you! Come and fight us!" Jean said "Very well" The abyss mage said "Jean, what are you doing?!" Twilight asked in shock "I think I know why you didn't make it, you should focus on what an enemy's doing first and then go and attack, like this" Jean said Jean then looked to see an abyss mage shooting a laser which Jean dodged before running forward and giving the forcefield a football kick causing the abyss mage to infinitely bounce "Wow! That was smart!" Twilight said Jean then turned to her friends "Yes, now since she's trabbed like this for infinity we can grab Dvalin's Teardrop Crystal" Jean said "I don't think so!" The abyss mage said The abyss mage then shot a laser which Jean dodged as she turned back to the abyss mage "You don't know when to quit do you?!" Jean asked "No" The abyss mage answered "Then allow me to trap you like a certain airbender!" Jean said Jean then made a big ball of ice and shot it towards the abyss mage and when it dodged her she got frozen in ice as she then panted "WOW!" The group called out in awe "There he's never coming out again!" Jean said "That must've been tough!" Twilight said "Will he be stuck for a thousand years though?" Lumine asked "For that we'll just have to wait and see" Diluc said "Very well" Lumine said The group then rushed forward to find the crystal before gliding to the top and when they arrived Lumine opened the chest and pulled out the second Teardrop Crystal causing Paimon to sigh "We're done gathering! That was hard..." Paimon said in relief "It's too early to relax, we're still not done with Stormterror and besides, the Fatui could also be planning something..." Diluc reminded "Yeah, you're right, they might find by now that we stole the Holy Lyre that they stole" Twilight reminded "And if they do, we'll be ready for a fight thanks to Jean" Lumine said "Aww, thanks guys" Jean thanked "No worries" Lumine said Twilight then teleported the group out of the ruins as they walked off towards Mondstadt as Jean turned to Diluc "Hey Diluc, I heard that the Fatui have recently proclaimed you 'persona non grata'" Jean explained "Hmph, what an honor, nobody was ever proclaimed 'persona grata' by the Fatui anyway" Diluc reminded Paimon then turned to the two "The Fatui? The diplomatic delegation from Snezhnaya? What have they got against master Diluc?" Paimon asked "Well, the Fatui are a problem not only for the knights, they also present a real threat too the whole off Mondstadt and when it comes to threats against Mondstadt, diluc is---" Jean started "That's enough Jean, you knights are subject to too many restrictions, you can't directly confront this so-called 'diplomatic' scum, presonally... I despise them, if I were to choose between 'eating a Cyro Slim alive' or 'Joining the Fatui...' I'd prefer to be crushed to death by a meteorite" Diluc explained "Geez, your wording is so very dramatic..." Paimon explained in disbelief The group soon neared a hotel of some kind aka the 'Dawn Winery' where they saw Venti and Rainbow Dash standing and waiting for them and when they stopped Paimon cheered "Woohoo! Dvalin Protection Squad! Assemble" Paimon shouted in excitement "Sweet! We're back together again!" Rainbow cheered "Let's start with putting our crystals together" Venti suggested Twilight then gave the second Teardrop Crystal to Lumine who puts it closer to the Holy Lyre only for Venti to get confused "Oh... The color of these crystals looks... Muddy, Dvalin... You're going through so much pain..." Venti said sadly "Are you okay Venti?" Lumine asked "Yeah, ldet's just start purifying these crystals first, go ahead Lumine" Venti suggested Lumine then moved the three crystals closer to herself and focused all her energy on it as the group could see the crystals purifying "It is hard to believe such a thing is possible until you've seen it with your own eyes" Venti explained "I agree, it's a pretty light show" Rainbow agreed "Paimon has to agree with you on that" Paimon agreed "It does look interesting, it's like filtering wine, the process is... Refreshing" Diluc explained "I think we should have enough tears now so next we use the crystals on the Holy Lyre like last time" Venti started "Let me give it a try then..." Lumine suggested Lumine then pulled the crystals closer to the Holy Lyre causing them to fly up and merge before the Holy Lyre landed back into Venti's arms as it changed to a more green and gold design while the strings were seagreen "It worked!" Paimon cheered in excitement "It seems completely different from before" Jean reminded "The Lyre's Anemo power seems fully restored, we should be able to use it now, it's all thanks to you two" Venti said in relief "Anything for you Venti" Lumine said "But next time please do not let us break rules, just ask us to go meet with Jean along with you" Twilight pleaded "I will, I promise" Venti said "Sweet! Then let's go save Dvalin!" Rainbow said as she flew up with a pointing fly before turning to the group in confusion "But uh, where do we do it?" Rainbow asked in confusion "Yeah, where should we summon Stormterror? It must be away from the city else there will be casualties should we fail" Jean reminded "Perhaps here at the winery...?" Lumine asked "If the winery was destroyed it's not something I couldn't eventually fix but... I'd still rather not go through the hassle" Diluc suggested "..." Jean thought "The wind that blows at sea or in high places should be able to carry a bard's words far away but it's never going to work if the air is too dry or suffocating" Venti explained "Paimon understands, sea or high places, right?" Paimon asked before having an idea "Then the best location to play the lyre would be..." Paimon started "I know! The place where we woke up!" Twilight finished "Oh you mean that beach you were snoring away and Paimon had to be fished up?" Paimon asked "That's the one" Lumine answered "That's actually not a bad idea girls even though that is not the best memory" Rainbow explained "I agree, if you go east from starfell lake there are mountains south of the beach" Diluc explained "So, how do we find it?" Twilight asked "Well, if you head to where the cliff juts out, that place is known as Starsnatch Cliff" Diluc explained before turning to Venti "What do you think bard? Meets the requirements, no?" Diluc asked "Lemme think... Starsnatch Cliff..." Venti thought before nodding "Alright, let's do it there" Venti suggested "Very well, then let's meet at Starsnatch Cliff when we are ready, please don't be late" Jean suggested "YES MA'AM!" The group called out Paimon who got confused before she realized it "Hee-hee! Yes ma'am!" Paimon called out "Ah sorry, I didn't mean to..." Jean apologized "No worries Jean, we get what you meant with that" Twilight said "Very well, then let's go" Jean said The group then went to Starsnatch Cliff and when they arrived Diluc turned to them "Everyone is finally here" Diluc said "Of course! We couldn't just stop and wait to see what'll happen!" Rainbow reminded Paimon then looked at the sky and saw a beautiful view "What a beautiful view" Paimon said "I remember waking up every morning to see this, this looks beautiful" Twilight said before she realized something "Shoot! I forgot to turn the campfire out! I hope it didn't burn anything!" Twilight called out in disbelief "Still, it's lovely for a fated reunion isn't it?" Venti asked "Of course" Twilight answered "Well, we must be prepared for a fight" Venti said "Dang it! We didn't train!" Lumine called out "Don't worry, in worse case scenario..." Twilight started before looking at the black and yellow whistle she hung around her neck with vines "Regardless of the outcome things finally seem to be taking a turn for the better" Jean said "I agree, because no matter what friendship is magic" Twilight said "I agree" Rainbow said "But Mondstadt has really been going through so much lately..." Jean said "Don't worry, even if we're gone we'll always be giving you another visit" Twilight explained "Huh! In the end the solution to our problem was as simple as two travelers and a song, I suppose the Knights of Favonius may have played a part in it too..." Diluc said in disbelief "True but it wasn't just us, it was you that helped us get the Holy Lyre thanks to the disguise" Rainbow reminded "Well, you are right about that" Diluc said "Yeah,, we get it master Diluc..." Venti said before turning to the group "Everyone, please step aside! I, the best wandering bard of the mortal world shall begin my performance with the Holy Lyre" Venti explained The group then backed off a bit as Venti went near the edge of the cliff as Twilight, Paimon and Lumine got nervous while Rainbow, Jean and Diluc prepared their weapons in case anything goes wrong and when Venti stopped walking he turned to the Holy Lyre and played it a bit which caused the ground to shake which got everyone nervous before Dvalin appeared causing a gust of wind to fly by and everyone to cover their eyes before they noticed the dragon approaching Venti who turned to him with a smile only for the dragon to say something in an angry tone "What has been done cannot be undone..." Dvalin reminded "If so then why do I see sadness in your eyes? Sadness that speaks of your yearning for this song..." Venti reminded Dvalin then roared something as Jean began thinking "They are... Communicating..." Jean thought "It's nothing compared to my fr---" Twilight started Just then Dvalin got mad which got Jean and Twilight's attention "Huh?" Jean asked in shock and worry "Oh no!" Twilight said worriedly Just then an abyss mage shot a laser at the holy lyre causing it to drop to the ground and break as the group rushed to near a hurt Venti while Rainbow and Jean used either their hand or sword to keep Venti in place "Do not be fooled by him dear dragon... He left you to rot alone..." The abyss mage reminded "That's not true! And you know that right!" Rainbow reminded angrily "Now he attempts to deceive you once more" The abyss mage reminded "That's not true and we know that right, right Venti?!" Twilight asked "Y-Yeah" Venti answered, still in pain "Let your wrath fester! Mondstadt has already turned it's back on you!" The abyss mage reminded "I mean, that's true but we're still gonna fix this!" Lumine reminded Dvalin then flew up only to roar at the group in anger "You? You were planning this all along? To have me slain by them?" Dvalin asked angrily "It's not like that!" Venti reminded The abyss mage then flew up to sit on Dvalin's neck "The time has come for the dragon to serve it's true masters..." The abyss mage started Dvalin then flew off while the abyss mage turned to the group as Rainbow rushed after him "While you bewail your pathetic selves and watch the world tremble with fear!" The abyss mage finished "Get back here---" Rainbow started Rainbow then panted before she turned to Twilight "Let them go, they're not ones to be messed with for now" Twilight said Rainbow then gets back to the group in defeat as Twilight used a spell to heal Venti "Thanks Twilight" Venti thanked "No worries Venti" Twilight said Venti then turned to the way Dvalin went in sadness "Dvalin..." Venti said sadly Venti then looked down sadly "Barbat---" Jean started before she realized what she was about to say "Venti, please be careful..." Jean said Rainbow then approached Venti and hugged her "I'm not known for being a hugger but I'm sure we can save Dvalin one way or another" Rainbow said "Thanks guys" Venti said sadly before turning to Jean and chuckling a bit "Hehe... You've known my true identity for some time now, haven't you Jean?" Venti asked before smiling "Though I thank you for continuing to use the name Venti" Venti said "How's the Holy Lyre?" Diluc asked as Venti picked up the broken Holy Lyre "Can it still be played? Or does it need to be repaired?" Diluc asked "Wow... Unfortunately, I think it's beyond repair..." Venti said in defeat "That's not good" Twilight said worriedly "Well, we can't let this abyss mage get away!" Lumine reminded "You're right, if we don't fight the evil at it's source then we can't save Dvalin at all" Diluc reminded "In which case I shall call upon Outrider Amber to track it down..." Jean said "I'll help in case she needs more helping hooves" Rainbow said "No need" Diluc said "Huh? Why not?" Rainbow asked "Yeah, why is that?" Jean asked "I eradicated one not long ago in one of the Four Winds' temples" Diluc explained "What?! When?" Paimon asked in shock and disbelief "If you want to track those monsters down then I'll seek answers from my contacts, I've got other means for getting the job done" Diluc explained "Sweet! We're already one step closer to solving the case!" Rainbow said in relief "Diluc... Though he dislikes the Knights of Favonius he protects Mondstadt in his own way" Paimon said in disbelief "Ooh? Why does our little Paimon sound so doting all of a sudden?" Venti asked "Hmph" Diluc scoffed in disbelief Where do we meet?" Twilight asked "Just wait for my word, I'll be sure to let the Abyss Order know that their blatant disregard for Mondstadt will not go unpunished" Diluc explained "Good! The rest of you! Do what you want and we'll meet back here on Diluc's command!" Twilight said The group then splitted up as they went to take a rest [Somewhere else...] Meanwhile at another place overlooking what seemed to be a ruined temple was a guy with darker yellow hair that looked almost orange, he wore a brown (nearly black) t-shirt that went up to his belly with a golden triton shape of some kind, he wore a white scarf with yellow shapes over it, black gloves, gray pants with golden stripes and black shoes with golden details standing along with Starlight, it was Lumine's missing brother and Twilight's missing friend as two abyss mages stood behind them until they noticed Dvalin flying by "Don't worry Dvalin! We'll protect you!" Starlight called out Just then an abyss mage teleported by in the middle of the other two "Your highness... Your humble servant returns" The abyss mage said with a bow The guy and Starlight then turned to them with evil looks "Great!" The guy said "When your homelands return to this world we shall revel in it's glory" The abyss mage explained After saying that the abyss mages laughed as Starlight and the guy did so too [Back with the heroes] Meanwhile Twilight, Rainbow, Lumine and Paimon were in what seems to be a hospital room as Venti was laying in the bed "We're just giving you a thorough check after that hit but don't worry, in best case scenario you can go home early" Twilight said "Thanks guys, you didn't have to" Venti said Just then a girl with bright pink hair walks in, she had a white hat with a black top and what seems to be a golden shaped sword, she even wore a white jacket with lots of buttons, a golden purse of sort and a white and blue bow on the chest and white shoes "I've got an update" The girl said "Really? How is he?" Twilight asked "He's fine, he just took a hard hit, you can bring him home but he should rest for a few days so please keep him out of trouble this time" The girl said "Of course, thank you very much" Lumine said "You're free to go" Rainbow said Venti then stepped out of the bed and he along with his friends went outside the church as they began walking "I'd like to thank you girls once again for helping me on this mission" Venti said "No worries but next time do not force us to steal again, we have had enough problems as of now" Twilight said "I won't I promise, You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life, you break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice. The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again" Venti said "Uh, what?" Lumine asked "It's one of the pinkie promises us gods hold along with most other kids" Venti explained "Oh..." Paimon realized before thinking "Why does Paimon feel like this is gonna noteworthy for a future Episode?" Paimon asked "Are you gonna break the fourth wall again?" Twilight asked "There's no fourth wall, is there?" Lumine asked The group then turned to the sides to look if there's a camera before towards the screen as Rainbow shrugged "Nope, there's not!" Rainbow said "Great! Then we can finally do whatever we want but remember Venti, take a break" Twilight said "Yeah, yeah, I know" Venti said The group then went to their hotel room as Rainbow turned to Twilight "Say Twilight, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I reacted earlier" Rainbow said "No worries" Twilight said Paimon then flew to the duo "Hey you two, Paimon's got a question" Paimon explained "Yeah, what's wrong?" Rainbow asked "Won't you two be missing each other once we leave?" Paimon asked "Well, maybe since I didn't ask Jean yet if I could go on an adventure with you guys so yeah, I'll probably be missing you guys and if Jean says I can't leave then I'll surely be giving you guys a souvenir" Rainbow said "Okay, we'll keep that in mind" Twilight said Rainbow then turned to Paimon "So, where are you planning on going next if the situation calls for it?" Rainbow asked "We'll probably be going to Snezhnaya to stop the Fatui but I still need to think as I have no idea just yet" Paimon explained "You mean that land that has the worst people in the whole of Teyvat?!" Rainbow asked "I wouldn't exactly call them the worst, I would say they are just misunderstood" Paimon explained "I agree" Twilight said "Very well but if you plan on going to Snezhnaya I will definitely come along to make sure you don't get in trouble" Rainbow said "Thanks Rainbow, I knew you were gonna say that" Twilight said "Say, you two may go meet up with Jean and ask her if Rainbow can join us if you want" Paimon suggested "Are you sure?" Rainbow asked "Of course, in the meantime Paimon's gonna wait for Lumine to come with the food! Paimon's hungry!" Paimon said "Very well" Twilight said Afterwards Twilight and Rainbow left and right when they did Lumine opened the door "Hey Paimon, is everything alright in here?" Lumine asked "Of course, Paimon just let Rainbow and Twilight ask Jean if Rainbow can join us on our adventure" Paimon explained "Oh alright then, why don't we go take a walk and see the sights in Mondstadt?" Lumine asked "Sure!" Paimon said Lumine then put the plastic bags full of food on the table before the duo left Meanwhile Twilight and Rainbow had arrived at the headquarters Twilight knocked on Jean's office door "Come on in!" Jean called out After saying that Twilight and Rainbow walked into the room "Hey Acting Grand Master Jean, we had a question for you" Rainbow explained "Does it have something to do with Dvalin? I thought that was clear" Jean thought out looud "No, no, no, it's not that though it was explained well but anyways, I was wondering if I could go on a mission with Twilight, Lumine and Paimon?" Rainbow asked "You want to go adventuring with your friend Twilight, right?" Jean asked "Not just that, I also know that she would be a great asset to finding my friends and Lumine's brother" Twilight explained "Hmm, very well, you may join but only on two conditions" Jean said "What is it?" Rainbow asked "You have fun with Twilight and come to visit us every once in a while" Jean said "I will, I promise" Rainbow said "Very well, let me get some papers" Jean said Jean then left the room as Twilight got happy "This is gonna be so awesome!" Rainbow said "Yeah, it sure will just keep in mind that there's 5 more of our friends to find" Twilight explained "Are you serious?! They could be anywhere!" Rainbow reminded "True but we can always take breaks if you want" Twilight reminded "Yeah and besides, more places do need help not just from us but maybe all our other 'friends' too" Rainbow explained "Yeah, say, is there at least one thing from me that you remember?" Twilight asked "I'm not sure but once I woke up a couple months ago I did feel as though I met you before" Rainbow explained "Hmm, well, you did, a very long time ago at that" Twilight explained "Then I have no idea why I forgot about you, maybe we didn't meet commonly" Rainbow explained "You didn't remember anything so I just have to assume the only thing you remember was waking up" Twilight explained "Yeah true, does that mean I have... Amnesia?" Rainbow asked worriedly "Yeah pretty much but maybe if you go on adventures with me you'll remember something" Twilight said "Good idea, that does seem likely" Rainbow said Jean then went into the room again with some papers "Alright Rainbow, just write down how long you want to have a vacation by then and then me and Lisa can discuss on how we can handle it and since we don't know when they're leaving you can also skip that" Jean said "Alright" Rainbow said Rainbow then read what was on the paper before she wrote her name "Very well, it has been decided, have another great day" Jean said "AWESOME!" Rainbow called out Rainbow then hugged Twilight tightly who then looked at the camera with a helpful expression while the screen turned back