Beauty and her Spike

by FlimFlamBros.

Heat in the Snow

The snow in the wind swirled like little tornadoes, curling and wrapping around the dormant trees and cold street poles of the frozen town. Everypony was inside their warm homes, cuddling next to one another by the fires and sipping hot chocolate under fuzzy blankets. They were allowed to forget about the snow and the frost for the night and embrace the comforts of a heated home.

However, there was one pony that didn’t get to experience this joy, and instead was forsaken to the frozen wrath of winter. Consort sat shivering outside the steps of the Carousel Boutique, waiting for a mare that would never come.

“W-w-where is she?” He shivered, wrapping his cloak around him tightly. “I can’t imagine that she’d make a trek home in this snow. She’s probably all curled up by the fire sipping tea…while I’m out here freezing what’s left of my a—aww, what’s the point…” He slumped down deeper into the snow. “Stupid Prince Blueblood.”

“You know, you don’t have to stay in the snow, right?”

Consort looked over to his shoulder. Trekking in the thickness of the snow, a heavily coated pony approached him. The pony’s face was covered in scarves, but the red-coated unicorn knew there was only one pony crazy enough to come looking for him in a blizzard.

“Feather Duster, what are you doing here?” He asked.

The mare pulled down on of the scarf. “Nice to see you too,” she smiled. “So would you please tell me why you’re sitting out here in the cold when you and I could be curled up next to the fire?”

“Because Blueblood wants me to wait here until that mare he’s trying to marry shows up. However, I quickly made the assumption that she probably isn’t crazy enough to walk through this snow… Unlike some ponies I know.”
“Well, when you didn’t show up with Blueblood I got worried,” Feather said, taking a seat next to the older pony. “I was afraid that he left you dead in some gutter. Glad that I was wrong.”

“Aww,” snickered the stallion. “You were worried.”

“Of course I was worried!” Huffed the mare. “You can’t spend all night in a blizzard! You’ll get sick, or freeze to death!”

“Just following orders,” sighed Consort. “If there’s even the slightest chance that that mare would come back tonight and I wasn’t here to see it, Blueblood would have my head on a platter.”

“If we don’t get you warmed up, it won’t matter because you’ll be a popsicle,” said Feather Duster. “Come on, I’m taking you home.”

“Sorry, but I’m not leaving this spot.”

“What?! Why not?”

“Well, for one,” Consort began. “I think that my hooves are frozen to the ground, and two, I was told not to leave this spot until she gets here.”

“And you’re just going to listen to him!? That’s crazy!”

“I suppose I am,” chuckled Consort. “But just a little.”

“You’re impossible, you know that?” frowned the mare. “Well…fine. If you’re going to be so stubborn then I guess I’ll have to sit here and freeze with you.”

“Feather…” Consort tried to say.

“Shut up,” smiled Feather Duster. “If you’re going to be stubborn, then I’m going to be stubborn with you.”


“Because… Because I love you,” she said.

Consort’s cheeks grew redder. “Really?”

“Of course, stupid,” sighed Feather Duster, rolling her eyes. “I haven’t told you that before?”

“I don’t think so…”

“I think that I did and you just forgot, you old geezer,” giggled Feather, playfully shoving the older stallion. “You really need to learn to pay attention better to your marefriend.”

“It just seems so weird…” said Consort. “I never expected someone like you to show up in my life. And it feels so wrong for us to be together… I’m old enough to be your father.”

“Could we not talk about that,” asked the maid. “You’re like a broken record with that. How many times do I have to tell you that I like you for you?”

“Until I believe it,” chuckled the advisor.

“Consort… How can I explain this to you…?”

Yes, I made a choice
That some think is rather strange,
But I wouldn’t take it back, even if I’m called deranged!
Who cares now?
If you think I regret my choice, Consort, well then…
You're a fool!
Think again!
This is love,
You’re all I’ll ever need to be happy,
Never dreamed
I could love a pony like you!
You should know…
Every day in my childhood
My mother would tell me so:
Love is where the heart is!
Love has no eyes to see,
My heart's here, it’s right here
Next to you.
I love you.
It’s the one thing I truly believe in
Try to find
An excuse that this shouldn’t be!
There’s no way,
That we shouldn’t be together,
Together in this wispy snow,
Love, will keep you toasty,
Like a heater between your thighs,
My love’s here, in the snow,
By my side.
What I'd give to run away
From the drama we’ve known lately
But I know that we can't,
Solve our problems by disappearing
This is love,
It will last everyday till forever?
And who cares?
If we’re frowned upon with judging eyes?
Even then,
They would all just be jealous,
Jealous of what we have.
They could build walls around me,
With locks without any keys,
I’d break free, and overcome,
“All of me?”
“My love’s here, next to you,”
“Love is me.”

“I… I…”

“Shut up,” smiled Feather Duster, snuggling into her special somepony as the winter wind blew into the night.

Even though it was below freezing out in the cold, the couple barely felt it in their warm embrace of each other’s love.That’s what it was. True love.