//------------------------------// // Chapter 22 // Story: Consequences // by Hiver //------------------------------// Poke. Something hit my side. I stirred but then settled down again, trying to cling to my sleep. Maybe if I ignore it, it goes away. Poke. Go away. Sleepy. Shove! Everything moved and spun before I found myself briefly without a bed beneath me. Then the floor rose up and smacked me. Ow. Forcing my eyes open against the light, I groaned and started to extract myself from the bundle of blankets I landed in. What in... Sitting up I peered at Luna on the bed. She looked just as sleepy as I did if not more. Also, she didn't look particularly happy, “Deal with your accursed pet, Page.” she grumbled and curled up on the bed, “And give back the blanket.” I just blinked at her sleepily before I saw something moving in her mane behind her and a wooden head with green eyes poked out of it, putting it's paws on her side as it looked at me, tilting it's head in question as if wondering what I'm doing on the floor. Grumbling I floated the blanket back over her while snatching up the playful timberwolf, “What have I said about being in the bed, Fern?” I chided it before putting it back down on the floor. It just tilted it's head the other way, leaf tongue hanging out. D'awwNO! “Bad Fern.” I sighed and looked out the window. Uegh. It can't be later than ten at the most. Way too early. There was the sound of wood against wood and I looked down at the timberpuppy with a small frown before rubbing my eyes and heading for the door out of the bedroom. He was likely just hungry. The door was slightly open where he had pushed it open. Walking out I checked the bowl. Yep. Hungry. Refilling the water bowl I put it down letting the little plant/spirit being quickly duck it's snout into it, the level visibly lowering as it sucked it in. As it turned out, Timberwolves lived primarily on three things. Sunlight, water and magic. In that order. With some supplements such as dirt, wood and meat. I had worried about the smell. The adult ones smelled like rot, but not this one. Not yet. I think it might actually be nourishment that did it. Made sense. Not get enough nourishment and the wood they were made of started to rot. Might not even hurt them as they were clearly not just physical beings, but it would weaken them. We just have to see I guess. If nothing else, I had already researched anti smell spells. I raised a eyebrow at the chlorofiend, “Better?” I asked with a smile. Grawk. “Goody.” I agreed before turning towards the door, this early I would need to... I paused and looked at the table to find a steaming hot pot of tea, a cup and a pair of sandwiches on a tray. How. How in the fucking world do they even do that!? I woke up hours early! Fricking ninja maids! Shaking my head, I picked one of the sandwiches up in my magic before checking. Mmm. Tomato and cheese. Nice. Digging in, I eyed the door warily. If the clearly omniscient maids figured out I was awake, then I suppose Skitter would be waiting outside the door as well. Floating the pot and cup along, I poured it while I walked up to open the door, peering outside. Empty. Well, not empty, the guards flanking the door were still there and they stood a bit straighter when they heard the door open but otherwise didn't react. Huh. No Skitter. That have to be the first time since... well, ever that happened. Then again, I was over two hours early and not like she slept out here. Well, for the most part. She instead had been given the room beneath Lunas and mine. I grinned in amusement at that thought before I frowned in thought as I closed the door and sipped my tea as I turned to go back to the couch. Wonder if you can over feed a Change.. “Good Morning, sir.” I didn't squeal like a girl and pour tea all over myself! Lies and slander! Skitters smile dropped and she cringed, “Sorry sir!” and started to brush the liquid of my coat, “I didn't mean to surprise you!” I just sighed, “It's fine.” as I tried getting my hearthrate and breathing back under control, seeing the balcony door open, “Sleep on the balcony?” “It was a warm night, sir. The stars were beautiful.” “They always are.” I agreed with a smile and picked the cup up. Awesome, it survived. Skitter pulled back, seemingly satisfied she had gotten the worst of the liquid away, “Any plans for today, sir?” “A bath.” I commented and the changeling cringed again before I smiled at her, focusing on Luna for a moment, poking at her shoulder to give her a small amount of love to let her know for certain I wasn't angry, “Then I'm free. Anything on the schedule?” “Nothing planned, sir. Other than your morning run that is.” “Awesome. I might actually get some writing done today.” That was getting increasingly rare.