
Viewing 41 - 60 of 111 results

Two children are about to get in trouble – one is a pegasus, the other is 330 years old dork... · 11:02pm May 4th, 2019

Both are in knee-deep, and both are about to make some bad choices to get themselves out...

In other words, it's time for the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.1k views

In which, we will have some fun – with James trying to avoid the gala at all costs (and digging his own grave in the process :trollestia:), and some tragedy – with Cheerilee, Scootaloo and the shady ponies from the last chapter... :applejackunsure:

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I'm alive, and other news. · 9:56pm Feb 20th, 2016

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've last been on here. A lot has happened since I last published a new chapter on any story, and I think somewhere along the lines I came down with some kind of writer's block. TMS, for example, I have some idea of where I want to go, but the problem was how to get there. That's pretty much what I'm struggling with right now for that story, and when I'm not working on that, I try to put time in writing UTM, another bonus chapter for TMS, and even

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New Review for Mrs. Robinson's Stand · 2:06pm Jul 12th, 2018

Hello Everypony,

Fimfiction user Loganberry was recently so kind as to share his thoughts on Mrs. Robinson's Stand in a detailed review on his own blog. Check it out here if you're game :twilightsmile:

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The tale of frenemies, bastards, and good Samaritans · 10:05pm Sep 22nd, 2019

The old proverb goes, 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend.' Sometimes it's true, other times, your enemy may turn out to be the good Samaritan you really need.

With farm still in trouble, and contract's deadline pending, Applejack is about to find out something she may not like or understand.

In other words, it's time for the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.1k views

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It's that time again! Progress Report (5), Updates, Ideas, and Zootopia · 5:29am Mar 8th, 2016

Yes everyone, it's time I show what I've been doing over the last few months. I've kind of been going back and forth between these stories depending on how I was feeling and what ideas I had, but I believe we'll be getting quite a bit of chapters posted this month, depending on how well my new way of proofreading/editing will go that I'm hoping will fix more errors than what we've already seen in the rough drafts. Anyway! Here's what I've got going so far.

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Upcoming Stories · 9:25pm Jan 29th, 2019

Without giving anything away, I created a list of upcoming stories I’m planning on making. Most of them don’t have proper titles so I won’t be using titles here.

- A “Why Do We Make Rainbows?” sequel that will pick up where the original left off and hopefully expand upon it

- A horror/thriller story that slightly references the Sweetie Bot meme

- An OC story that revolves around mental and phycological struggles

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Progress Report · 4:30pm Jul 20th, 2015

I thought it might be a good idea to show how much progress on the new chapters to all my stories I'm writing are going so far since I haven't updated much. If you think this is something I should do more often, let me know. Here's what I got going so far:

The Model's Secretary (40) - ~60%
TMS Bonus Chapter Series (A) - 100%, still needs proofreading/editing
(B) - 10%
Dear Miss Cheerilee (5) - 0%
[Yet to be published] Unleash the Magic (Prologue) - 100%
(1) - 100%

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Back In Semi-Action · 7:51pm Oct 19th, 2015

Hey everyone! I'm back! For the most part. I had some problems that needed to be dealt with and are still being worked on. As I'm studying and looking for a job I won't be able to post too much on here. But whenever I have the time to I will :) I have ideas I just need to find the time to write them. Speaking of ideas I would like your guys' help with a pairing crisis I'm having.

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Progress Report (3) and Night Blogging (14): Some ranting and stuff on life with the side of random. · 8:07am Sep 2nd, 2015

Let's start off with the progress report:

Unleash the Magic:
Chapter 3 ~ Currently proofread and editing.
Chapter 4 ~ 5% draft completed.

The Model's Secretary:
Current BC ~ 45% completed.
Chapter 41 ~ 5% completed.

Dear Miss Cheerilee:

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I Think You All Lost A Ship! · 10:57pm Nov 16th, 2015

Someone must have forgotten to light the lighthouse, because one of our ships was left out to weather the MarbleMac storm!

While it might seem like a match made in heaven to many of you, you can't forget that when loves blooms, sometimes hearts are broken.

Here, I give you a story of one such heart. My friend Jack of Many Trades has written a story about Cheerilee and how she deals with the events of Big Mac and Marble Pie's Hearthswarming Eve celebration.

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Progress Report (5), and life updates. · 3:45am May 2nd, 2016

How's it been going, guys? I don't have much of an excuse for why I'm getting slow on updates in my fics, mostly because my new job has been making me stress out and exhausted by the time I get home. Sure I still had more time the rest of the afternoon/evening before I start again in the next one, but don't you ever just not want to do anything after having such a shitty day? Even when I do want to write, ideas either come and go, or I feel like focusing more on one story than the other, and

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Progress Report (2) · 1:58am Aug 21st, 2015

It's that time again! Here's what I got going so far for these upcoming chapters:

Unleash the Magic:

(2): Currently proofread and editing.
(3): ~55% finished on draft

The Model's Secretary:

(Ozzy and Shining Bonus Chapter): ~35-40% finished.
(41): Starting soon enough.

Dear Miss Cheerilee:

Currently don't feel like doing.

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Story recs (and other fun notes that I'm sure you care a great deal about!) · 7:07am Aug 2nd, 2017

I'm just spittin' these blog posts out lately, aren't I?

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A Thrilling Installment in the Ongoing Saga of Cradle-Robber Cheerilee · 6:20am Jan 10th, 2018

Eagle-eyed viewers who obsessively check their notifications might've seen an alert that Often Rhymes, a fittingly May-December romance story for a contest themed around seasons, got an update last night. That's because my art, by the wonderful SciSetDaily, came through.

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Humans, ponies and the Gordian knot · 10:24pm Sep 8th, 2019

Sometimes problems just keep coming from all sides, until they tangle, forming one giant mess. When that happens, then sooner or later, someone will have to cut the Gordian knot no matter how difficult that may be. John, Cheerilee and Scootaloo are about to do just that.

In other words, it's time for the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.1k views

Please, remember to leave a comment :twilightsmile:


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What's happening recently. · 4:29pm May 15th, 2017

So for those of you who've read the epilogue to TOWAT, thank you for reading it to the end. If you haven't gotten into it yet, go and take a look, but there's mother/son incest involved, otherwise, avoid it like the plague if that isn't your cup of tea.

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Six Characters Fanfic Challenge Voting · 4:08am May 10th, 2020

Last weekend I made a blog post inviting folks to pick a character for a 'six characters' challenge to write a fanfic of (as opposed to draw).

The voting has been canceled.


I guess I'll just have to make this a ten-character challenge instead. And those ten characters are:

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The seventh chapter and the epilogue of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is done. · 3:38am Sep 13th, 2016

Here is the final part of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore?. I am definitely going to write a sequel. I have so many ideas I want to do and I purposely left things open so they can be explored later. I think it is important to do that to capture the audiences' imagination and keep them wondering. The biggest plot points to be explored will be the Rangers' identities being exposed and the weirdness surrounding Bon-Bon. I have really grown to like writing Bon-Bon and she's

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Back in Business, and a Progress Report (6). · 3:58am Nov 3rd, 2016

Hey guys, sorry for the recurring delays, but I'm happy to report that my new computer is up and running, playing games like a dream. :twilightsmile: Here's what my upgraded work station looks like:

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The sixth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. · 6:11am Sep 11th, 2016

Hey again. The sixth chapter of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Rangers Nevermore? is finished. You might be wondering why Zecora is a good guy in this when she is a, supposed, bad guy in the normal Lunaverse. I tried really hard to think of a way for her to have the same role, but failed completely. I just couldn't find a place for her on the bad guys team. I could just cut her out completely, but I don't like ignoring problems. So, in the end, I just made her a good guy and I think it worked

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 111 results