• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday




This story is a sequel to Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

Before, Soarin was an awful excuse for a Wonderbolt, constantly slaved around by his best friend and doubted by everypony.
Now, his life is finally awesome. Quiet, friendly town, great friends, coolest roommates he can hope for, rent to pay and no job, no paycheck, no bits...

...okay, so nopony's perfect. But that's not a problem for a capable, young playcolt in a small, rural town. All he needs to do, is to find a job. How hard can it be?

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 118 )

Okay, that was interesting to read. You better have a follow up chapter about that mare. I think I know what is going on there. Best of luck with future stories. Are you going to a season 1, or are you going to write as the ideas come to you?

3897574 If by season 1 you mean "retell the canon using new characters", then no, though you might find some familiar faces and similar arcs (like you did in prequel). I have plenty ideas for stories already, this is just first of them.

3897684 Okay. Will have a story when Discord gets out though. That would be an interesting one.

3897692 That might take a while, but sure :trollestia:

And it has returned with Soarin' being the focus of today.
The secret of dating mares shall finally be revealed :pinkiecrazy:

3897700 I'm up for that. You can take your time though. I just didn't know if you would do a Discord story. I would like to read some other stories in Stallionverse first though. Maybe how Shinning Armor is adjusting to his life in Ponyville, and when his sister shows up. Best of luck with future stories.

3897718 I would love to say 'nope' :eeyup: , but that would be spoilers.

...dang it!:raritycry:

:pinkiecrazy: Oh I love making obvious questions with some degree of spoiler answer

Looks like this was one of his Charlie moments, not Barney.

You know, all things considered Soarin is kind of a great guy. He probably could have played the encounter with that mare into getting her into the sack, but instead he (probably) saved her relationship. Good on you, Soarin.

That was funny having the elements being so scared. I hope the story continues to have regular updates.

I guess Pinkie's ever impressive powers will be relatively hard to decipher how she knows things.

I really appreciate this low-tension friendly interaction, actually. It's possible to have too much, but skipping it makes characters that are supposed to be friends seem like they barely hang around each other. An update on the lives of the main characters is pretty nice too, and I'm really starting to like Soarin.

I love that the Soarin coaching plan from last chapter actually went pretty well. Bulk excluded, that is.

Bulk Biceps is awesome, and Pinkie's interactions with Blueblood are fantastic. Hope to see more from this 'verse!

I feel sorry for Soarin. I hope he can get a job soon. Something tells me Soarin's life is only going to go downhill from here.

I love this story. And all your stories. :pinkiehappy:

If you can still see the muffin, there isn't enough butter.

Sounds like it's time for Soarin to find a job. Surely the weather team could find a place for a former Wonderbolt, right? Or am I forgetting something that means he isn't suited for the job?

Golden ray. Dazzling lights. There are lots of ideas. Great chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

Mostly because Cakes couldn't find a way to stop Pinkie from throwing a "We are back and better than ever" party, which at least attracted more costumers in the middle of the afternoon.


Well no offense mister fancy pants, but when Ah'll need an advice on how ta use a fork at a fancy restaurant, or if there's an ancient evil elder god tryin' to eat da sun, Ah'll be sure to call ya right away.


"Mine say's 'Too bad, keep on trying'."


Too the next Wonderbolts tryouts were almost a year from now.

Too bad

Just a few I noticed as I proofread.

Once again, I would like to point out how awesome Pinkie and Blueblood's interactions are. Great chapter!

4026753 Done and done, thanks.

4024458 I like Golden Ray, especially considering what her role will be :raritywink:

Between Pinkie Sense and Madame Pinkie, it's not a great surprise that Pinkie has fortune cookie skills too.

Dang, so much for the weather team option.

... Why have I not yet faved this? I must correct that.

Yeah. Nice chapter. I liked how Things are starting to turn around for Soarin. I can't wait to see how the business starts up. Best of luck. I'm glad this chapter got published.

Lol. Soarin', Ponyville Matchmaker!!

"To start off, how about we play a game?"
*drags a Disciple forward* "Haaaaaaaave you met Hemp?"

I knew it. I'm reading Hitch: The Origin Story.

... Approved.

I also appreciate the awareness that Soarin doesn't understand jealousy and bitterness. Since he got both success at casual romance, and got a fantastic job (and celebrity status) by dint of being best friends with it's future captain, he wouldn't really "get" someone who is bitter about putting in what they see as just as good effort as he had, except they didn't get the success he had.

... Of course for the latter of those his underpreparedness for it cost him his job, but at least he's applying his skills in the former to a new job. He's spreading the love! Literally!

But what would a cutie mark in arguing start-ups even look like??

Through dim lights of the bar, they managed to identify a picture of a small sun, with one ray shining upon the small flower.

Huh, well okay.

This is a reasonably good plan for Soarin to pursue, good suggestion Prince.

So Soarin is gonna be Ponyville's Love Guru?.....I LOVE IT.

So happy this was updated! I've been following your stories ever since I read your absolutely fantastic Stallions of Harmony. And they just keep getting better and better!

Nice chapter. I can't wait for the next one. This is turning out to be a funny story. Best of luck.

Hmn, Lyra. Hoping for a little help from Soarin in landing a relationship with Bon Bon? Can't remember if they were established as being in one or not in this 'verse.

YEAH BIG MAC IS BACK!!! Also, loved this new chapter! JETTO IS BEST WRITER!

Oh shucks, you guys :twilightsmile:

Chapter one of this story has the answer. Lyra still hasn't spilled the beans, but she wants to... tries to... who knows if she ever will :trollestia:

This story is holding my interest well. Although I admit, I'm quite keen on finding out how your Soarin-Spitfire thing plays out. Personally I'm a big fan of the ship, and I see you've been teasing at it a bit in your two stories.

"Soarin - Love Guru"

Oh, you had to use that title?:raritydespair:
That movie sucked and everyone knows it.

Loved it.I'm really interested to see what happens next. Blueblood is really seeing it through that his friend's business takes off. :twilightsmile:

And Rainbow seems more than a little eager to get her hands on the saucy photo... :rainbowlaugh:

I love the story so far I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter Jetto ;3

4265420 To be fair, I never even saw this movie :raritywink:

4265675 She's in a reverse closet. As in, she believes she's a lesbian, but constantly feels something towards males that she denies.
Or she goes both ways, which is even better :eeyup:

I think you're doing a fine job at making Thunderlane likable. (I might be biased due to my love of Thunderlane, but I digress) Now a Thunderlane-centric story is something I hope happens soon! :)

That was a pretty fun chapter. I guessed that Darwin would be back, but I did not expect Pinkie Pie with the pie for some reason (though I seriously should have). I'm a little curious about the unnamed ponies. I think one might be Diamond Tiara, but I would like to know most who the overly-attached mare may be.

That was a great chapter. I can't wait for the next one. I guess the only thing left is for a tough client, a legal problem, or Thunderlanes love life gets fixed to finish this story.

4313770 I specifically didn't describe them so you could fill it in your own head. I doubt any of them will come back (although I grew fond of the crazy mare), so dont associate them with any of the more popular background characters, because they might appear in near/far future.

And it's not Diamond Tiara! I don't blame you for thinking it, though.

4313538 Im torn between what next story wil be. I have several ideas, but I won't do them at the same time (I have problems writing just one). Thundy's story is among the top choices right now.


4316038 And capslock is best buttom, I see :twilightsmile:

Here's another vote for more crazy mare, she was great.

I am enjoying Soarin' a lot more than I thought, considering he's based off one of my most hated stereotypes.

4322291 So fixing old, hated sterotypes is working out so far. Just wait till I get to fixing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon :yay:

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