• Published 3rd May 2024
  • 450 Views, 22 Comments

Intertwined Reflections: That Time Everypony Swapped Bodies - ThistleRose

Thanks to a curse that Trixie accidentally caused, if two ponies both look at a reflective surface and blink, they will swap bodies. And now Trixie is a purple Alicorn Princess

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That time Fluttershy and Rarity climbed a mountain

⛰️ Chapter 4 ⛰️

What I See in Her


Twilight inhabits Trixie

Trixie inhabits Twilight

Rainbow Dash inhabits Rarity

Rarity inhabits Rainbow Dash

PinkiePie inhabits PinkiePie

TW: Minor Injury detail + Blood

The first leg of Fluttershy and Rarity’s journey had been without much conversation, to say the least. Despite Rarity promising that she was getting the hand of ‘this whole flying buisness after 2 days in Rainbow Dash’s body, Fluttershy insisted that they just walk. This was partially to avoid any crashes, and partly because Fluttershy had been so anxious that she was having trouble getting her wings to unlock from their clamped position on the side of her body. This wasn’t something she was too ready to admit to rarity.

As warned by Twilight, they had done their best to avoid contact with anypony, mostly taking the backroads or even going through the forests sometimes. The few ponies they had spoken to had mostly asked them questions of ‘when is this all going to get fixed’ and 'where is Twilight?” and “Have you seen my foal?”. All they could do was remind ponies not to look into mirrors and that everything was going to be sorted out soon.

Rarity had tried to strike up conversation a couple of times but Fluttershy had answered pretty shortly for most of the attempts, always avoiding eye contact. Rarity couldn’t blame her.

It was after their third long day on the road that we find our duo now, setting up a small camp for the night.

The camp was a very small cave on the side of a mountain pass. It was a well used area, with the charcoal of previous traveller’s campfires piled up in the middle of a few battered logs that could be leant against.

Fluttershy had suddenly volunteered to find some more firewood with some urgency in her voice, which left Rarity with the usually trivial but currently monumental task of actually starting a fire. She didn’t assume anything of Fluttershy; she knew there would be alot on her mind right now.

“Come on now… you can do it…” she whispered as she rotated the stick with her hooves, partially at the small wisps of smoke that were starting to form and partially and partially at herself. She was still a little unsteady with her blue pegasus hooves, which caused the stick to fumble out of her hooves once again. “DAMN IT!” She cried out in frustration, throwing the stick against the cave wall, only for it to fly back and hit her on the forehead. Ow.

She sat down grumpily, forelegs crossed, and stared at the unlit campfire as if staring at it really intensely would cause it to spontaneously combust.

Of course, if she still had access to her magic, she would be able to simply cast a basic sparking spell and effortlessly light the campfire in front of her. As she thought of it, her wings shuffled uncomfortably on her back. Craning her neck round, she fully stretched out her left wing, carefully brushing through the feathers with a hoof. Each one was unique and beautiful, all moulding together to create the elegant wing that supported the pegasi when she flew. Passing the hoof through was a strange sensation akin to having somepony stroke your head, which each individual feather touched sending a little quiver down the bones in the wings and straight to Rarity’s spine. She smiled a little. She couldn’t deny that her wings were magnificent. But even as she fawned a little over the wings, the messy outcrop of mane flopped down and covered her vision.

“Eeaugh…” she grumbled, moving it out of the way. Even after just two days of travelling, it was once again a greasy mess. She had been forced to use all of her special dry shampoo the day before just to make it look somewhat presentable, and now she was left with just a brush. She grabbed it out of her little daybag, and started to brush the birds nest that rested atop her hornless head. The mane hair kept on getting caught in knots, causing it to tug quite badly, and the lack of levitation magic meant she was having to bend back at awkward angles. She gave up on the mane for now, and started on the tail. Her tail was even worse. Whenever Rarity would walk, her mane would always be held high and proud behind her. Rainbow Dash on the other hand seemed to just let it drag along the floor, leaving it coated in mud and dirt and sticks and leaves and all sorts of nasties. Her brief shower had helped a little, but it still felt like dragging an unwashed towel behind you as you walked. She gave a grumble as she heard the gently hoofsteps of Fluttershy’s return.

The fox stood at the water's edge, slowly drinking up the clean water from the small forest stream. It stood there in near perfect tranquillity, only stopping as it heard a small rustle coming from the woods around it. Its ear swivelled, and looked up in that direction. It wasn’t able to see anything. And that's because the creature that had made the noise was now hovering directly behind it.

The fox didn’t have time to react as the creature descended on it, pinning it down with unnatural strength. The fox started screeching, struggling and wriggling, managing to slash a few times at the limbs of the creature, but once it looked up and was caught in its gaze, the fox fell silent, and could do nothing but stare. The gently glowing red eyes looked sad, tears pooling at the corners as the fanged creature opened its jaws.

“I-I’m sorry…”

Fluttershy, in full batpony form, bit down harshly into the fox’s neck with her razor sharp fangs. The fox let out another cry and started to thrash again but it was quickly neutralised by whatever toxin was in Fluttershy’s saliva, causing the fox to relax its body and for the blood to flow.

Fluttershy drank with eyes squeezed shut as tight as they would go. She hated this so much. Just as she had reached an acceptable level, she had to use all of her willpower to release the creature, throwing her head back into the air and gulping down the remains of her ‘meal’, tears flowing down her cheeks. The fox lay there, eyes wide, but still breathing. Fluttershy quickly applied a bandage to the puncture wounds, and left the fox where it lay as she stumbled towards the water. She was coughing, flecks of blood coming out and covering the rocks by the stream. Gently, she put her own head down to the very same spot the fox had been drinking from, washing the taste out of her tongue as well as cleaning the blood away from the corners. The water now in her system, she fell over onto her side, breathing heavily as her form shrank. Her leathery wings grew feathers once more, her rough pointed ears became ponylike again, and the colour of her fur became more vibrant. She was a pegasus once more.

Fluttershy refused to kill. She knew that in nature there would be no life without death, and that predators hunting prey was an uncontrollable reality. But that was nature. Not whatever she was.

She looked up at the fox where she lay, whose chest was still gently rising and falling. It would be ok. It had to be. She had never lost enough control to fully drain a creature before, but this was probably her closest call.

She had started to get the horrible empty feeling inside yesterday as they were travelling, and had managed to ignore it. But today, she had spent the entirety of the afternoon thinking about the neck of a mare she had seen in one of the villages they had passed. Usually, it would take a couple of weeks before she needed to feed when paired with Zekora’s potion. But she was all out, and Zekora had been unnervingly absent from her home in the everfree forest when they had gone for a quick visit before departing.

Part of her wanted to warn Rarity, but a much louder anxious part of her was just telling her that if she admitted it, everypony would hate and shun her. So it was easier to lie.

It always seemed easier to lie.

After a few moments of lying still, the pegasus rose to her hooves, strangely feeling weaker. It was a strange paradox, as the more starved vampire gets, the more she grows stronger. She quickly gathered up some firewood, and moved back towards the camp.

Oh how little she wished to go back to the camp right now. Because that's where Rarity was.

In the body of her girlfriend.


This sucked.

“Evening, my darling…” she said, grunting a little as she continued to try and get her rainbow tail in some sort of straight line. Fluttershy gave a mumbled greeting, dumping down the firewood next to the not lit fire.

“Uhm… did you manage to start the fire?” She said quietly. Rarity looked up at her with an unamused expression.

“Oh, uhm… sorry.” She said, “D-Do you mind if I have a go?”

“Of course.” She said, passing over the small fire starting kit they had.

It took a little while, but Fluttershy eventually got the fire started. Rarity smiled at her with genuine gratitude.

“Thank you so much!” She said, shuffling over and laying down next to the fire. “It’s been SUCH a long day. I would have hated to sleep in the cold.”

Fluttershy smiled and looked away shyly. It was good to feel needed. After a few moments of gathering together some of the berries and oats she had brought for food, she sat down opposite her, idly munching as the fire started to take hold and really start crackling.

Rarity continued to brush. “Honestly… it’s like she never even tries to stay clean!” She said, laughing a little in exasperation.

“She is a bit messy…” Fluttershy admitted, looking over the fire at Rarity. Her heart was filled with that sense of longing again, inflamed by how close her desire seemed to be. She was almost just sitting across the fire pit from her. But almost wasn’t enough. It wasn’t her.

On her worst days, even before they were dating, Rainbow Dash would always be there by her side. Despite her cockyness and incessant need to always be the quickest and the best, she always had time to slow down for Fluttershy. And since they had been dating, there was no more comforting feeling than waking up from a nightmare to see Rainbow Dash there, ready to squeeze her at a moment's notice.

Fluttershy could never get over how… cool she was. Ever since she was a filly, she had always been in quiet awe of her speed, and she had obsessed for hours over her beautiful multi colored mane. She had even gone through a phase of trying to dye her mane like hers (it didn’t go well and required a lot time and patience to get rid of. Why do you think she had to use tail extensions sometimes?). Rainbow Dash hadn’t known how to respond most of the time, so just thanked her and hugged her. This was all that Fluttershy wanted.

And on those nights where her brain was loud, she still couldn’t believe that the mare she had fawned over her whole life was the one’s eyes she would find herself getting lost in when she awoke.

The mare who promised she would never leave.

Which made it all the more painful that those same eyes that looked up at her now had somepony else behind them.

Fluttershy could fear herself start to spiral, so she turned around and prepared to lie down. She didn’t want to get deep with Rarity. In any other circumstance she would love to. But not today. Not whilst she-

“Honestly…” Rarity continued. “With the amount of dirt in this mane I don’t understand how she can even fly around! She doesn’t do anything to take care of her appearance, does she? Always so concerned with going fast and breaking things instead of slowing down and appreciating the little things…” she let out a small grunt of frustration as she tugged on a particularly Nasty knot.

“I can’t say I understand what you see in her, Fluttershy.”

Rarity had just been speaking her mind in an exhausted stream of frustrated consciousness, and hadn’t even realised that she’d said what she had just said.

She was so focused on brushing that she hadn’t seen Fluttershy stop moving. Or seeing her stand up. Or notice until it was far too late that she was standing right beside her, her eyes almost flashing red with rage.

Well maybe it’s not something you could ever understand.” She hissed. Rarity was taken aback, gears clicking into place as she realised what had slipped out.

“F-Fluttershy, I-“

“Maybe you could never understand what it’s like to be afraid of every little creak of the floorboards. Every pitter patter of rain on the window. Every passing glance from anypony. To only be able to have normal conversations with animals. Too anxious to speak up.” She began, getting closer and closer to Rarity, who had shrunk back.

“And then for somepony who’s brave and fearless and fast and cool to swoop in and convince you that everything’s going to be ok. Who will protect you and keep you safe. W-Who inspires you to be proud of yourself. W-Who helps you express yourself and be who you want to be. Who you can in turn motivate to get even bigger and brighter and stronger and faster…” She continued, her already tearful eyes starting to overwhelm her.

“Somepony who will always be by your side, no matter how much of a monster you are.”

She didn’t mean to say that last part. Rarity looked terrified, eyes wide with shock.

Rarity, with the face of Rainbow Dash. Looking terrified.

Fluttershy fell backwards into a sitting position. The face looking back at her had floored her. She found her anger flipping inwards, becoming a destructive force of self immolating despair. She managed to get one more tiny squeak of a sentence out.

“S-Somepony who promised they’d never leave me.”

Fluttershy curled herself into a tiny ball, her wings spreading out to cover herself as a safety blanket. Her wings compressed her body as much as it could to help with the breakdown, but no amount of self-inflicted hugs could save her from this one.

The cave was silent, with only the gently crackling of the fire and stuttering breaths of a stunned Rarity.

“Fluttershy…” she mumbled, at a complete loss for words. She sat there beside her for a few minutes, letting her cry, staring out of the cave entrance. She had definitely gone too far.

Rarity knew WHY she had said it. She was exhausted after a long day in the wrong body, and Rainbow Dash’s mane was a disaster zone in itself most days. It was the result of all of the frustration and uncertainty of the last few days… sprinkled with a tiny crumb of Rarity's true feelings. She loved Rainbow Dash, of course. She was a loyal and strong friend, who would help Rarity with anything no matter what (although she still flexed her right to complain about it) and no matter how much they would bicker, it would never come from a place of hatred. But she did have a hard time seeing why anypony would be interested in such a pony as her romantically.

Until today.

She scratched the floor a bit. She could just wait until tomorrow to talk to her.

Stalling was only going to make things worse.

“F-Fluttershy. I’m going to place my hoof on your back, okay?” She said, looking down at the quivering mess. The mess didn’t respond; it just carried on sobbing. Taking this as a yes, Rarity carefully placed the hoof on her back, and gently stroked her fur.

“I am…” she started, pausing a bit to take a deep breath. “I must admit… I personally do not find Rainbowdash to be that… desirable… however… I now understand why she means so much to you.” She said slowly and softly. Fluttershy’s sobs slowed down, signalling that she was listening.

“… I am so sorry that I said those things. You are one of my best friends.I have no right to say those kinds of things about the Pony you love. And dare I say… you’ve helped me understand.” She said, letting out a little chuckle. “For Somepony of your temperament… Rainbow Dash is the perfect match for you. I’m sorry that I was too blinded by my own vanity to see that.”

Fluttershy looked a lot calmer now, but she stayed in her little safety ball for the time being. She seemed to enjoy the gently stroking on the back… so much so that she eventually spoke.

“W… Would I be able to get a hug please, Rarity?”

Rarity had been zoned out, but upon hearing the request she smiled softly.

“Of course.”

She slid down beside her, and wrapped her forelegs around fluttershy. Getting an idea from when she had seen Rainbow Dash use her wings before, she spread them and wrapped around Fluts too, creating a sort of outer shell for her. Fluttershy mumbled a little thanks.

“I may not be Rainbow Dash, but I can promise that I’m not going anywhere. I would do anything for you.”

She paused, smiling a tiny bit.

“Except kiss you. You can save that for her.”

Fluttershy laughed a little, nodding her head.

“… T-thank you…” she said softly. “I-I’m sorry for bellowing at you…”

“Don’t worry about it, darling. It's been a bad couple of days.”

“It… sure has…” she said, her breathing quickly growing softer as she passed into the realm of sleep.

Rarity smiled weakly. That poor girl…

She never ceased to amaze her.

It had been another relatively uneventful day of travelling for the most part, but the atmosphere between them was a lot lighter. The pair had eventually reached the Crystal Empire, where they had found the streets mostly deserted. Checking in with the castle, they found that Cadence had been unlucky enough to have been caught by the curse. A simple flower pony from Manehatten was now the princess of love, and was clearly having quite a bit of trouble with it. Shining Armour had picked up the mantle of temporary leader, and was doing a decent job rationing out supplies and keeping everypony calm. After a quick restock of supplies and getting some winter coats (Which Rarity spent HOURS on, since she now had to account for having wings), the pair had set off on their journey to the northern border of the crystal empire.

“W-What if we run into any Yaks? They aren’t the friendliest of creatures…” asked Fluttershy worriedly, looking up at the huge mountain range in front of the pair of them. They had met the Yak’s briefly before, but it was mainly PinkiePie’s genius intervention that saved them from all out war.

“Don’t be ridiculous, darling!” Rarity reassured her. “First of all, they barely ever leave their village! Secondly, we have something they don’t!”

“... anxiety?”

“No, Fluttershy… WINGS!” she said, spreading out her wings proudly. She had gotten much more used to them.

“Oh… uhm… yes. Wings.” She said, glancing back at her own pair. She spread them out and flapped them a little too. She was glad that they were functional again; her fear levels were directly tied to wing usefulness levels.

“Okay… Two Mares versus a mountain… One nervous, one in the wrong body…” declared Rarity. “How hard can it be?”

“D-Do you want an answer to that question?” groaned Fluttershy as the pair set up the mountain.

The first section of the mountain pass was relatively stable, with only a few tricky spots that required their wings. The winds had started to pick up, which had knocked over Fluttershy a few times. Rarity was always there to help her up.

Eventually the pair got to a particularly tricky crossing; where there had previously been a rope bridge over a large ravine was now a few loose bits of rope attached to wooden sticks, waving in the breeze.

“Okay… The wind seems especially strong here. Think we can manage it?” Asked Rarity, glancing back at Fluttershy. She peered over the edge… it was pretty deep.

“J-Just a hop, skip and a jump, right?” she said, giving a little smile. This smile was quickly overshadowed, however, by the actual shadow that blocked out the sun. Both ponies turned to stare up at the huge yak behind them, who was grinning wide.

“Well well well… What have we got here?” the Yak said in an accent that definitely wasn’t a native YakYakistan one. Behind him, two earth ponies came round, also sneering. Rarity’s eyebrow furrowed in recognition. The dark glasses on one and fedora on the other…

Dr Caballeron’s henchponies!
If these were his henchponies, then would have to mean…

“Dr Caballeron!” Growled Rarity. “I see you’ve become a victim of this Equestria wide curse too, then?”

“I certainly have! And look at how much more POWERFUL I have become! There is no Daring Do to save you this time, elements of harmony!” The Pony turned Yak chuckled. “Now I’d think it would be wise for you to hand over all of your possessions and come with us! Just THINK of the ransom money!”

Fluttershy’s wings were firmly clamped on her sides now, her back hoof slipping as she went back, nearly sending her over the edge. “Just because you’re a little larger now doesn’t mean that you’re any less destructible!” Rarity declared, arching her back a little, wings spread wide in a show of intimidation. Fluttershy winced as she saw Rarity’s expression.

Rainbow Dash would have been able to dispatch these villains without a second thought. But Rarity…

“Heh… I am no fool, RainbowWing… I know how easily you would be able to defeat me… which is why I believe it would be better if you weren’t you

He stomped his oversized hoof on the floor, and without a moment's notice, his henchman had whipped out-


It was a chaotic moment.

Rarity had screamed, immediately covering her eyes.

Dr Caballeron had charged forward, seemingly looking to push Rarity off the cliff edge.

Fluttershy was staring directly at the mirrors. The lack of reflection stared back. Almost in slow motion, her eyes darted to Rarity, about to get hit by the huge creature.

The sight of the blue pegasus in danger lit something in Fluttershy, and before she could even realise what she was doing, she had launched herself towards Rarity with speed that she didn’t know she had. The impact of her light body was just enough to push her out of the way. The yak didn’t have much control over his body, and was sent skidding off the edge of the ravine, only managing to stop himself falling off by grabbing onto a small outcropping of rock (that quickly began to break under the weight on the yak).

“A-Are you still-” Fluttershy started but was cut off by Rarity’s reply.

“Y-Yes! I’m still Rarity!” she said, still not opening her eyes.

Fluttershy looked up at the two henchponies, who seemed to be paralysed through indecision. They would also soon be paralysed by the devilish glare that Fluttershy gave them as she marched up to them, and took their mirrors, tossing them into the ravine.

“Come on.” She hissed. “L-Lets save your boss.”

Rarity heard the mirrors smashing in the echoing depths of the icy ravine, and opened her eyes to see the two henchponies trying to drag up the huge yak who was quivering on the edge of oblivion. Fluttershy was there, eye twitching and panting a little, trying to get her wings to move properly. But she couldn’t.

“R-Rain.. b-bow…” she started, looking at Rarity. That wasn’t her.

But she still knew she could do it.

“Y-You need to save him!”

“Why? H-He tried to kill me!” Rarity protested.

“B-Because n-no matter how much I hate him, that's not his body! T-That's someyak with a family! I-Its not fair on him i-if he doesn’t have a body to go back to!”

Rarity looked between Fluttershy and the Yak, before nodding with determination. “Right.”

She spread her wings, and flapped down to the Yaks back legs and started pushing. The crosswinds were harsh, but she was just about able to stay steady. There was a lack of coordination between the henchpoines and Rarity. Flutteshy waited for somepony to take charge and help coordinate.

Oh wait she was the only one there.

“O-Okay! Uhm… Push on the count of three! One… Two… Three!”

Rarity and the henchpoines helped along, and between them, the three were able to get Dr Caballeron back onto stable ground.

He lay there on his yak back, staring up at the ceiling, painting.

Fluttershy hugged Rarity tight as she resurfaced. “T-That was amazing!”

“It rather was, wasn’t it? I’m surprised I actually managed that without dropping him down into the ravine…” she said, flexing her forleg in surprise.


The pair of pegasi looked over at the rescued yak. “Why did you save me?”

“Oh darling… We didn’t save you.” Rarity said smugly. “We saved whoever’s body that is. And rest assured…”

She scooped up fluttershy by the waist (which made her blush a tiny bit) and flapped up into the air, managing to stay afloat despite the wind.

“When this is all sorted, the girls and I will be SURE to track you down and get you all thrown in the deepest dungeon in canterlot!”

“Y-Yeah!! W-With minimal sunlight!” chimed in Fluttershy.

You go girl.

They left the dumbfounded villains on their side of the ravine, and landed safely on the other side.

Fluttershy smiled wide, and moved on for a few more hoofsteps before collapsing in a pile of snow. That had been enough adrenaline for a whole YEAR!

“You ok?” Rarity gave her a nudge with a hoof.

“I’m fine! I will be ok, I-I mean. I just need a minute… or ten…”

“You deserve it! I’ve never seen you so brave before! Running straight into those mirrors… Were you not worried that you would get sent halfway around the world?”

Flutteshy stayed silent for a few moments. She could just tell her…

“N-No. I knew I’d be ok. I’ve gotten quite good at running with my eyes shut.”

This wasn’t a lie. She was good at running with her eyes shut.

“You never cease to amaze me, Fluttershy! Come on! We aren’t too far away from the peaks!”

Nice save.

It took them a couple more hours to reach the desired peak, but once they got there, they had a chance to have a proper rest. The landscape around them was dramatic and fierce with jagged rocks spiking up everywhere, some torchlight from various Yak tribes glowing up through the now gently falling snow. It was a wonderful sight.

But Fluttershy had the inclination in the back of her head that things could, and would, start going wrong pretty quickly as she pointed out the huge clouds in the distance which were slowly but surely making their way towards them.
“T-That looks like a Blizzard… not even the Wonderbolts could control that monster.” she whimpered.

“Well we better get this ice quick then!” Replied Rarity, and after a few more minutes journey they were at the glacier.

“How did Twilight say we get the ice?” Asked Rarity, searching through her little pack to try and rediscover the instructions.

“Uhm… I think she said just to… bash it with a rock.”

“That she did.”

Both stood there awkwardly, with Fluttershy eventually looking at Rarity.

“You’re… the strong one now, remember?”

“OH! Oh yes, sorry.”

Rarity found a sizable rock, and started bashing down at the glacier in a circle. With time and effort, she managed to cut out a sizable chunk of the ice. The ice shimmered with a magical quality as she held it up to the obscured sunlight. There was frosty vapour coming from it, but she could tell that it wasn’t melting.

“Aaand that's us done!” Said Rarity with joy. She carefully put the ice in the special container they had brought (it was just tupperware from Sugarcube Corner), and looked to Fluttershy. “Well! What's the plan now! Back to ponyville?”

“Uhm…” Fluttershy was staring just above her, and pointed with a hoof.

“We should probably get away from that.”

Rarity turned to see the blizzard clouds were approaching FAR quicker than expected.

“Yes, yes that seems like a good idea.” She said, and the pair hurriedly started running!

Doing their best not to slip on the ice, they journeyed down the mountain, the snowfall getting greater with every passing moment.

Soon, visibility was starting to rapidly deteriorate, but not before Fluttershy’s enhanced ears picked something up.

The sound of a door opening and shutting in the wind.

“W-WAIT!” She called through the snow, standing on Rarity’s tail to stop her from moving. “T-Theres some sort of building nearby!”

“How can you tell? I can barely see my own hoof!”

“I-I just can! Come with m-me!”

Fluttershy’s ears swivelled as she guided Rarity along, being careful not to accidentally send them off any cliff edges. Eventually she found it, the stone building coming into view. It looked like some sort of abandoned fort, with a large oak door that was almost coming off its hinges. It didn’t seem to offer too much protection from the elements, but it would have to be enough.

The pair entered, and together managed to slam the door shut behind them, blocking it with a small dresser.

“T-There! A basement hatch!” Rarity spotted, and the two descended down into the basement.

“D-Do you…”

“Yes yes, I’ve got one here!”

Rarity pulled out the lantern, and managed to light it. It was a simple magic light with an internal crystal to power it.

It was a small room, with four basic beds that were probably once upon a time used for whoever was guarding this place. There were small chests at the base of each bed, and a small door to the right of the room that Rarity could only assume was the bathroom.

“We should be safe here until the blizzard passes!” she said with relief and shuffled over to one of the old beds.

“I can’t imagine these will be too comfortable, but it's al… ways…” she had started her sentence, and then lay on one of the beds, passing out from exhaustion almost immediately.

Fluttershy smiled weakly at seeing her splat onto that bed like a tomato dropped from a four story building.

With a stretch, she looked at the door. She should probably check what's in there right?

As she approached the door, her tail twitched a little in pride. She had done it!

That was one item down, two more to go!

She wondered how the others were getting on with their quests…

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

Super enjoyed writing this one! I love Flutterbat so so much, and I loved writing the fluttershy angst :)

I needed some sort of obstacle… so who else but everypony’s favourite C list horse character!! Daring Do’s enemy, Dr Cabaleron! What a guy

Next chapter will be AppleJack and RainbowDash (In Rarity’s Body) will go to withdraw the gemstone from Rarity’s vault! I’m sure it will go smoothly and Applejack won’t have to punch anypony.

I’m sure.

Let me know what you thought!