> The Struggle of Love and Darkness > by EvelynMonroe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Old Wounds Never Heal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting... This story takes place shortly after the return and cleansing of Nightmare Moon, now formerly known all around Equestria as Luna, Princess of the Night. The moon and stars, so bright and majestic, decorated the deep night sky. The old castle, now shadowed by the Everfree Forest, gave off a welcoming shine reflecting off the enchanted moonlight. This once proud castle, graced by the very two rulers of Equestria, was now a distant memory. Here it lies, deep in the forest, nestled safely in it's grasp. It is a very quiet and eerie place.. yet something about it was mysterious, majestic, and invigorating.. No pony around for miles, no distractions, just the occasional sound of the brisk, night breeze rustling through the vast acres of leaves. Such a relaxing sound, one could truly find them-self here. The old castle, now vacant for so many years, wept under the moonlight. Day by day would pass as it could no longer hold it's structure, dropping off a piece of itself onto the shrubbery surrounding the castle walls below. Once a beautiful and exotic garden, so filled with excitement and life, was now overgrown, cold, forgotten.. The castle could not help but smile this night as there was one visitor. Not often would someone venture so far to such a dark and mysterious place. It was rare, but it did happen. Deep inside the old castle walls, in the once grand throne room of the Equestrian Sisters, stood a lonely soul. This soul was hurting. Old feelings she thought she had overcome would slowly continue to tear away at her heart, each and every day. Some nights she was able to cope with it. Other nights she could not help but cry herself to sleep. She knew it was pathetic, but she did not care, for the pain ached strongly in her heart. This was the one place she knew where she could forget about all her heartaches. After all, this was all she knew, this was her old home. Even though the once proud and mighty castle is now but a crumbling heap of mess, the loving memories she experienced here were still crystal clear. She treasured those memories. Unlike the strongest and most well-built castle, memories can withstand the sands of time, memories can withstand a thousand years. Reflecting upon those memories, she could not help but chuckle to herself as she brushed off a forming tear in her eye. "Come on Luna, stay strong" she said to herself as she peered up at the two very impressive stained glass windows towering above her in the throne room. She first observed her sister's. There she stood, tall and proud, with her beautiful wings spread apart showing off their impressive wingspan. Behind her stood the sun, shining with all it's glory. It's rich, life-giving rays shimmering around her and the citizens of Equestria. How this reminded her so strongly of the jealousy that resided within herself. She recalled how much every pony loved the sun and how fond they were of her sister. How the day would be filled with joy, laughter, and life.. yet the night was dull, emotionless, and lifeless.. She then glanced over to the right as she examined the representation of herself in the stained glass. There was a dark deep blue atmosphere with a glowing white moon residing behind her, with stars twinkling all around, teasing the midnight sky.. at least, that's what she remembered. What actually stood before her was a badly shattered glass window, just barely recognizable. It was dull, faded, and ugly compared to her sister's, which was still in pristine condition even after all these years. Anger immediately burned inside her. "Always so perfect and lovable, it's sickening!" she fumed as she slammed her right hoof onto the ground, cracking the stone floor beneath her. Realizing that her emotions were getting the better of her, she quickly regained her composure. "No Luna, do NOT think like that" she said, quickly averting her glance away. "Ponies will come and go but my sister will always be there for me, and that is all that matters." She paused for a few seconds as she stared at the cracked floor beneath her. Moments passed as she closed her eyes and lowered her head in defeat. "Then why do I feel so alone.." she silently said. She knew there was something missing, but she could not quite figure it out. The tears began to form in her eyes again, but this time she could not hold them back as they slowly began to trickle down her cheeks. "Why do I feel like I shouldn't be here, like I am not meant for this life." She began to sob silently to herself. Her heart wrenching inside her chest, feelings began to overwhelm her. Feelings of betrayal, of loneliness, of regret.. She knew these were old feelings. One thing however stuck out in her mind and she could not shake the thought. That dark and dreary night, it was a memory she will never forget, how could she? "One thousand years.." she said under her breath. The more she thought about it, the more her sadness turned into anger and animosity. "What kind of sister banishes their own flesh and blood for a thousand years!" Hatred began to overtake her heart and cloud her thoughts. "If she claims to always be there for me then why hasn't she!" She began to clench her teeth in anger, darkness began flowing through her veins and her body began to shake from adrenalin. She glanced back up at her sister's window, her eyes now glowing white with rage. "YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE FOR ME SISTER, AND YOU NEVER WILL!" she shouted in anger. Fueled by animosity, she powered up a dark and reckless spell, directing it right towards the window of her sister. The impact took out both windows and nearly the entire wall with it, shaking the foundation of the castle. Collateral damage ran all throughout its delicate stone walls. Completely shocked at what she had done, she immediately snapped out of it. Her old home, a safe-haven for her to clear her mind, to soul search, to just get away from the endeavors of life, has now been severely damaged. To make it worse, it was by her own doing, her own foolishness... The room fell silent. Her heart wrenched in her chest once again as she battled with herself. Tears again forming in her eyes. "It's my fault.." she sniffled. "Celestia was right.. she was right all along.." She lowered her head back down to the floor, ashamed of herself. "I am not fit to rule Equestria" she said softly. She clenched her eyes shut, forcing the last of her tears to run down her cheeks. After a moment of silence to compose herself, she took off silently into the moonlight. End of Chapter 1 Please proceed to the next chapter... > A Time of Reflection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the night grew old, the day grew young. That time had arrived, as the calming sun peeked it's head over the horizon, painting it's beautiful array of colors into the morning sky. Luna sensed her sister's magic, it was gentle and caring. She could feel the sun lightly pressing against the moon, tenderly guiding it back under the horizon. She missed her sister's presence greatly. Those heart-warming memories she shared along side her, how she cherished them. Deep in Luna's heart she knew that her sister loved her and would not hesitate to die for her, but something was wrong.. something dark still resided within herself. Her dreams continued to be plagued by nightmares. They grew to be so wild that sometimes she would awake, with tears in her eyes feeling completely broken. She could not help but wonder to herself, is this normal? She knows that every pony makes mistakes, but something wasn't right.. and she could sense it. One moment she would feel remorse, compassion, and love.. then the next her heart would harden and grow cold as negative thoughts would fill her mind, quickly becoming justified. It scared her because she did not want to hurt the ones she holds so dear to her heart, yet those dark thoughts continued to cross her mind more often than she would like. Fear instilled deep inside her, knowing that she could lose control at any moment. She knows that she has to talk to some pony about this, and who better than her loving sister who has been along side her her entire life, but she couldn't.. she was scared.. too scared to see her sister's reaction. What if she wasn't fully cleansed? What if the nightmare still controlled a small part of herself? Deep down she knew her sister would understand, but she could not help but wonder, what if she didn't? The thought of another banishment sent shivers down her spine. "No! she would never do that to me.. not again.." she said to herself, as she tucked the moon under the horizon, resting it's head soundlessly below for another day. The sun was now in full view, shining its brilliance all throughout Equestria. It's magnificent rays slowly warming the cool air that resided below from the night before. Life began to wake to a new day as the birds began singing their cheerful morning songs for all the citizens of Equestria to hear. However, fatigue began to catch up to her as she had not slept for a few days. In fact, she had been away from her new home in Canterlot for quite awhile now. "She must be worried sick.." she said to herself as she stood atop of the hillside overlooking Canterlot and Ponyville, taking in the beautiful view of the sun one last time. Spreading her wings to their full extent, she embraced the warmth. It felt nice, it was a lot different than her moon, so warm, so revitalizing. Her body began to feel renewed.. but her spirit still broken. She closed her eyes, completely relaxing her mind as the warm breeze caressed her body. Way up on the hillside where she stood, lied a breathtaking view that only a few knew about. The drop off was astoundingly steep, with nothing to catch you below but the gentle white clouds floating aimlessly below. She walked slowly but steadily to the very edge of the cliff side and stopped. Her mind and body completely relaxed as she calmly closed her eyes once again. She thought back, way back, to the time when she was a filly. "I.. I cannot Celestia, I am too scared" she said to her older sister, as they stood atop the cliff overlooking the same colossal view. Her younger sister was clearly afraid, but Celestia knew there was nothing to worry.. she was there for her. She gently wrapped her neck around Luna in a loving embrace. "There is nothing to fear little sister. I am here for you, watching you every step of the way" she replied in a comforting tone. Whenever Celestia spoke words of comfort to her little sister, all her fears would begin to wash away. Something about it she could not quite understand, but only the words from her older sister could still her troubled mind, and no pony else. Luna took one last look below, the sheer height of the drop would make any pony shake in fear, but since her older sister was there, she was not afraid. She took a deep breath, slowly inhaling and exhaling, taking a final moment to compose herself before her first flight attempt. Hesitating, she took one last look at her older sister. "Will you catch me if I fall?" she asked, still a bit uneasy. Celestia smiled, draping her wing over her younger sister. "I will" she reassured her. "Now and til the end of time"... Luna snapped back to reality. A long moment of silence passed as she soaked in that memory. "Will you catch me if I fall.." she silently said to herself, the memory residing so vividly in her mind. A tear began to form in her eye as she fell forward, eyes shut and wings closed, plummeting quickly toward the ground below. Seconds began to feel like minutes as her free-fall began to pick up speed, her body slicing through the wind around her. Her heart began to pump quickly in her chest and her mind began to race a mile a minute. Suddenly she was reminded of that same memory long ago as a wave of calmness washed over her body, putting her in a state of trance. "I.. I am doing it sister!.. I am flying!" Luna excitedly said to her sister over her shoulder, as she clumsily flapped her young wings, struggling to maintain altitude. Celestia could not help but chuckle at the sight of her younger sister, bouncing around clumsily in the air as she tried her best to remain in close proximity. "You are doing so well for your first time little sister! I am so proud of you!.." Pride suddenly washed over Luna as her sister's loving words warmed her heart. Luna finally opened her eyes, awakening to a strong sensation in her heart, but all that suddenly changed in the blink of an eye. She lost track of time and was now too close to the ground to pull up, and she knew it. Adrenalin continued to pump through her body as she grew to near seconds from impact. Her thoughts raced through her head as time began to slow down significantly, milliseconds feeling like seconds. Suddenly she felt it.. that feeling of when your about to die. Memories quickly flashed before her eyes, they were memories from long ago, memories she forgot she even had. It was a very weird sensation, something she had never quite experienced before. Quickly out of instinct she casted a teleport spell, and it was just in time. She vanished into the sky above as the force of the wind following her body impacted the ground below, sending the dirt from the dry ground flying in all directions. Now, back at a healthy altitude, she began to spread her wings apart forcing the wind to push against them in an attempt to slow her descent. The sheer weight of the wind grew to be extremely harsh on her wings, sending jolts of pain throughout her body as she strained to keep them open. She maintained with all her might as she slowly but steadily recovered her falling speed. The adrenalin that surged through her body quickly faded as she slowly began calming herself from the traumatic experience. "That was close.. a little too close for comfort" she said, as she redirected her flight path. "Those memories.. Those memories I had when my life flashed before my eyes.. could those be true?" she questioned herself, clearly troubled by what she saw. She thought about it for a long hard moment. "I guess I will find out in due time.. as for now, I must focus on my sister. Knowing her, she is probably worried sick by now." she softly added, as she approached the mighty and glorious city of Canterlot. End of Chapter 2 Please proceed to the next chapter... > Pain Hurts but Love Hurts More > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning was still young as Celestia stood atop her balcony, overlooking Canterlot and the beautiful valley below where the small city of Ponyville resided. The gorgeous sunrise was calming but her mind remained troubled. Even her sleep had been affected as she could not help but continue to worry about her younger sister. Her only relief was knowing her sister was okay, wherever she was, as she sensed her sisters magic every dusk and dawn as the moon and sun would exchange places. "Wherever you are little sister.. I will continue to pray for your safe return." Celestia softly spoke, returning back to her chambers. She tried to shake the thought of Luna out of her mind as she had enough to worry about already.. the court proceedings in the afternoon, the daily hearings from troubled ponies that would travel each and every day to see the princess in hopes of her easing their troubles. She looked into her impressive mirror that stood before her in her bedroom, eyeing herself from head to toe. She could not help but be reminded of her sister once again, as the resemblance between the two of them was so strong. Her heart began to ache with worry as she slowly combed her mane. Suddenly, in the reflection of her mirror she saw a dark figure land on her balcony, very silently and gracefully. Her heart jumped out of her chest as she instantly recognized who it was. "Sister! you are okay!" exclaimed Celestia, as she turned around to face her younger sister, now beaming with joy. "Hello Celestia, it is good to see you again." replied Luna, with a small hint of sadness in her voice. However, Celestia was too overjoyed to take notice as she pounced her younger sister outside with one of the strongest hugs she could muster. "Agh! Celestia, you are crushing me!.." Luna said, as she struggled to break free from her older sister's powerful grip. "Oh, now where are my manners? Forgive me sister, let's go inside and talk where it is nice and comfortable" replied Celestia, still overjoyed to finally see her sister again, especially after so much worry that ailed her over the past few days. They both proceeded inside as they approached the two very comfortable cushions that resided in her sleeping quarters. Celestia waited a moment for her younger sister to speak, but the silence remained as she was clearly troubled. "Sister, I have been so worried about you. I am so glad your safe." Celestia softly spoke, breaking the silence. "I am not a filly anymore Celestia, do not worry about me so much.." Luna responded, a little irritated at her sister. Celestia was slightly taken back by this response. "I cannot help it little sister, I care about you deeply. If I were to lose you again.." Celestia could not finish as she took a moment to hold back her tears as she wanted to always stay strong in the eyes of her younger sister. Luna could not help but think back to that memory.. that memory of when she was lost, consumed by the darkness.. A long moment of silence passed as the two of them sat there, just enjoying each other's presence, enjoying each other's warm loving embrace that they both missed so strongly. Another moment passed as Luna took the initiative to break the silence this time. "I.. I just do not know how you do it Celestia.." Luna softly said as she looked up at her older sister with a mix of admiration and sadness gleaming in her eyes. Celestia sensed her sister's distress as she wrapped her wing around her younger sister's body, gently pulling her in close. "Whatever is troubling you dear sister, whatever you are struggling with, you can confide in me" Celestia responded softly. "Please, do not hesitate to tell me what is on your mind, as it pains me to see you like this so often dear sister.." she finished, with worry in her voice. Luna could tell that her sister really did care, but that made the question in her mind that much harder to ask. She took a moment and relaxed into her older sister's hug, resting her head lightly on her chest. The room fell silent as she listened to the slow but steady rhythm of her sister's heartbeat. Luna's life, her existence, it felt numb, but hearing the life inside her sister only reminded herself that she too was alive. After another long moment of silence, Luna broke away from her sister. She walked slowly and soundlessly a few paces ahead and stopped, now facing the other way. She took in a deep breath, running the question through her mind over and over, trying to word it as best she could. After a long pause, still facing away from her sister, she finally broke the silence once again as she spoke. "Celestia, you control the sun and all it's glory.. You shine your life down upon Equestria for all to love and enjoy.. You have many times restored the burning desire for ponies to live, as you re-light the flame inside each and every one of our cold hearts.. You have helped the masses Celestia.." Luna began to choke up as emotions of hurt and betrayal filled her heart. Tears began to form in her eyes as she struggled to continue. "You managed to bring light to the darkest hours.. You managed to see the light in any pony, no matter how dim.." Tears began flowing down Luna's cheeks as she could not hold them back at this point. She paused for a few seconds, fighting off the hiccups so she could finish. "Yet in my darkest time.. in my darkest hour.." She finally turned back around to face her sister, tears now streaming down her cheeks. "You failed to see the light in me..." She tried her best to keep her emotions intact, but the pain in her heart was strong, far too strong for her to bear any longer as she began to weep uncontrollably. Celestia was rendered speechless. Her younger sister had just poured out her heart.. because of her. She was right, she had failed her. Her little sister, so full of life, so filled with love and kindness, now stood before her completely shattered.. completely broken.. Celestia's heart wrenched in her chest. Witnessing the pain she had caused her sister completely tore her apart from the inside. She began to choke up as she attempted to respond. "Luna.. I.. I'm.." was all she could get out before being interrupted by the loud creak of her mighty bedroom doors being opened. "Sorry to interrupt princess, but I heard a distress call coming from this room.. is everything all right? asked the guard pony, who happened to be patrolling the nearby hallway. "Everything is fine.." Luna replied, sucking up her tears. "I was just about to make my leave anyways" she finished, as she began walking towards the balcony. "Luna, wait!" Celestia shouted, with pain and anguish clearly in her voice. "Please, I beg of you dear sister, let me explain myself!.." Tears fell down her face, she was sincerely sorry, but Luna was blinded.. blinded by the darkness. "You do not need to explain, I understand Celestia." she said, without even looking at her sister as she continued towards the exit. Luna was clearly lying as her heart yearned for an explanation, but something deep inside moved her to walk away. Celestia teleported in front of Luna, stopping her in her tracks. "Luna! as your older sister I beg of you, please stay!.. I need to talk to you!.." Her heart weighed heavily with regret as tears ran down her face. This surprised Luna as she rarely ever saw her older sister cry. Seeing her like this would normally strike her heart string, but her heart grew cold as the darkness inside became more prevalent. "You have already done enough Celestia.. just let me be" she blankly responded. With that, she began powering up a long distance teleport spell as dark magic swirled around her body. "Luna, I'm sorry!..." was the last thing she heard before phasing into the cold, bitter air that now weighed heavily inside the bedroom. End of Chapter 3 Please proceed to the next chapter... > Words Can Speak Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that day.. "..and that is why my dear wife and I have traveled for many days just to be able to see you princess, as we truly believe that you will find it in your heart to help us in our dire time of need.." he said, with a hint of pain in his voice. In the mighty throne room, standing before Celestia and her royal guards, stood a tethered and rugged pony alongside his wife. They had been struggling through some very hard times as their appearance reflected it quite clearly. They looked up at the mighty solar princess awaiting her response, but a long moment passed with no reply, as she appeared to be spaced out. "Ahem.. princess?" said one of the royal guards, quickly snapping her out of it. She looked around, taking notice that all eyes were on her.. quietly staring.. waiting for an answer. "I am terribly sorry young gentle-colt, can you please repeat that to me again?" replied Celestia, now trying with all her concentration to focus on the task at hand. "What part did you need me to repeat your highness?" asked the stallion, a little taken back by her lack of attention to their request. "From the beginning, please." she replied, now putting on her attentive face. The guards began to chatter among themselves quietly as they noticed a slight change in their princess this morning as she seemed very.. troubled. They were right, Celestia clearly was troubled. The recent mishap with her sister weighed heavily on her mind. "Well.. I um.. Let's see.." replied the stallion nervously, struggling to find the place where he had started. "Princess.. are you alright?" Shining Armor asked quietly, with a worried look on his face. He was one of her most trusted and highly respected guards as he stood just to the right of her throne chair, displaying a tall and mighty appearance. She was clearly not alright, as a matter of fact, she was a wreck. She could not help but crucify herself over and over in her mind as she recalled the exchange she had with her sister not too long ago. She took a moment to fight away the tears before turning to look at Shining Armor, faking a smile. "I..I'm fine. I just had a minor.. mishap, with my little sister this morning is all.." she replied, faking happiness as best she could, but her heart ached with sadness. Shining Armor knew her princess well, too well as a matter of fact, as he could clearly see through her fake front. He immediately stepped in front of the her, stopping just shy of the top step. He put on a serious face as he cleared his throat before addressing the other guards and the two ponies before him. "Please accept my apologies as I am now cancelling this court hearing along with the rest of the scheduled hearings for today, as the princess is not in the proper state to be addressed at this moment." he said in a authoritative tone. Chatter broke out among the guards again, this time a lot more audible. Celestia would normally convene to such an act, but he was right.. she was hurting inside. A very deep hurt that continued to singe her heart and mind with every second that would pass by. "Guards, escort these kind citizens along with the rest waiting outside to the royal sleeping quarters. Give them each a room, as we will continue these hearings tomorrow morning." "Yes sir!" replied the guards, as they did just as he requested. A few moments passed as they all left the room, the sound of their hooves quickly fading down the long hallways of the royal castle halls. "Shining Armor.." Celestia softly spoke. "Yes, your highness?" he replied, as he turned his head around to face her, his body still facing towards the direction where he had addressed his fellow guards. "Thank you.." she replied with a smile.. a real smile this time. Pride filled his heart as he felt relieved that he did the right thing.. acting on instinct, just like any true royal guard would do. "I'm glad that I could help princess.." he said, returning a friendly smile. After a small pause, he turned and headed towards the exit. "Shining Armor.. wait.." said Celestia, causing him to stop in his tracks. "It is like you were able read my feelings.. like an open book.. How did you do that?" she asked, as she dried her watering eyes with her hoof. Shining Armor could not help but smile at her question, as he turned his head to face the princess again. "You are not the only one with a sister Celestia.." He said as he paused for a moment, looking down towards the ground. "I know how you are feeling.. because I have experienced that same pain you are struggling with now" he said, now looking Celestia directly in her eyes. "Whatever you do Celestia.. just remember to never give up on your sister, no matter how much hurt you feel, no matter how tough it gets.." He took another moment to pause, as he recalled the time he let Twilight down.. "Because if you do.. you will regret it for the rest of your life, just like I have.." he finished, emotions wavering in his heart. Celestia sat in silence as she listened to the mighty doors gently close behind him. The truth he spoke in his words.. it rung loudly in her heart as she tried her best to hold back the now forming tears in her eyes. The room fell silent as she sat there, replaying those words he spoke to her in her mind over and over again. Suddenly.. it hit her. She sucked up her tears and lifted her gaze from the ground. Determination now burning in her eyes as she stood up off her throne. "I know what I must do now.." she said to herself, spreading her wings and giving them a few test flaps. She left the room, walking the long hallways of the canterlot castle until she finally reached her destination. "Thank you again for your wisdom Shining Armor.." she softly said to herself as she stood on her bedroom balcony, that same balcony her dear sister first arrived through that morning. She took one last glance into her mirror, only to see Luna in her own reflection.. "Hang in there little sister, I am coming for you.. whether you like it or not" she finished as she spread her impressive wings, taking flight far off into the horizon. End of Chapter 4 Please proceed to the next chapter... > The Darkness Is Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun resided just above as it shined it's empowering rays down on Celestia, reflecting a brilliant aura off her sleek white body. The mighty sound of the wind rushed by her ears with growing intensity as she cut through the air like an arrow. Her eyes, now fiery with determination as the flame in her soul burned bright from the sun's exposure, filling her body with energy. "This ordeal, this madness, it has to end.. and now." She thought to herself. Behind the dark and resentful exterior of her younger sister echoed a feint cry for help, a dimming light that Celestia could now sense. Whatever was making Luna act this way, she knew it wasn't her own doing.. it couldn't be. This was an all too familiar feeling as she recalled the way her sister had changed on that very dark and dreary night.. the night of Nightmare Moon. However, an unsettling thought wavered in her mind as she was unsure as to where Luna had gone. "She could be anywhere in Equestria by now" she thought, but knowing her little sister's heart so well suddenly gave her an idea as to where she might have headed. "Dear sister, please be where I think you are." she said to herself, as she began passing over the vast acres of the thick trees and exotic shrubbery that made up what all ponies around Equestria know and fear to this day.. the Everfree Forest. Back at the old castle, the castle once ruled by the Equestrian Sisters over a millennium ago, stood the flustered and confused princess of the night, pacing vigorously back and forth in the old throne room as she continued to battle within herself. The dark influence that poisoned her body continued to clench it's evil grip around her mind, squeezing harder and harder as her subconscious slowly began to fade. "You know what you must do.." the evil voice hissed. It was menacing sounding as it rung loudly through out her mind. "No.. I cannot.. She is my sister!" Luna said, responding to the evil voice that was within her. "She has banished you for one thousand pain-staking years!.. and yet you are still willing to call her YOUR sister!?" said the evil voice, hissing loudly. Luna cringed as she was now lying on the floor, holding her head with both hooves. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD CURSE YOU!" Luna screamed as she clenched her eyes shut, attempting to mentally wall off the dark influence with all her willpower. The evil voice could not help but laugh maniacally at her feeble attempt. "You cannot fight it, the darkness will always be a part of who you are.. and NOTHING will change that. Not even your pathetic precious sister Celestia." replied the evil voice, it's words echoing loudly. "You cannot make me do anything! You no longer have control over me!" Luna replied, challenging the evil spirit. Suddenly she cringed in pain, causing her eyes to glow white as the evil menace forced her to look at the damaged wall that she had caused earlier to her old home. "I cannot influence you? Look at what I have made YOU do, you foolish little whelp!" hissed the spirit, it's words ringing louder than ever in her mind. "And you will do the same thing to your sad excuse for a sister Celestia!" it finished, laughing maniacally once again. "No!.. Please do not!.." cried Luna. She was struggling to stay in control but the darkness slowly began to devour her from the inside. She quickly scanned the room for something to remind herself of her sister, something that could help her stay focused on the good. There was another window adjacent to the damaged wall. It was smaller in size and at eye level as it showed Luna and Celestia together ruling as one over Equestria, their sun and moon equally sharing the sky behind them. She walked over to it, placing both her hooves and her head on the glass as she cried to herself, not wanting to lose the new life she had fought so hard for. "Aww, boo hoo.. Cry all you want my dear Luna but nothing is going to change the fact that I.. CONTROL.. YOU!" shouted the spirit, followed once again by it's signature evil laugh. She opened her eyes to look at her sister in the glass once more. She was reminded of all the times Celestia was there for her, of all the times she had fought for her. These memories came flooding into her mind, suddenly filling her with a burning desire to fight back. "You will not make me do anything you vile beast.. as my sister resides deep in the depths of my heart which the likes of you will NEVER reach! She is EVERYTHING to me, and you are NOTHING!" she yelled, taunting the darkness. She cringed once again as pain surged through her body, succumbing to the dark spirit's control once again. "YOU ARE A FOOL!" the evil voice hissed, slamming her head through the glass window causing it to shatter. Luna fell into shock. She wiped her forehead expecting to feel blood, but there was nothing. "St.. Stop... Please.." pleaded Luna, now fearing the spirit's dangerous potential of it's control over her. The spirit only laughed in response, echoing its maniacal voice through her mind louder than ever. Luna began to cry to herself. She was losing the fight. She cursed herself for not telling Celestia sooner.. knowing that all this may have been prevented if she had just sucked up her pride. Now she is going to suffer the consequences. "Do not feel so down my faithful subject, as you will be sure to enjoy this soon enough.." Luna cringed at the sheer thought of harming her sister. "How are you doing this?.. How is this even possible?" she asked, tears now streaming down her face. "The spirits of harmony may have cleansed you of my physical form.. but my spirit still lives on.." Replied the darkness. "But I do not understand! This is my body, how.. how are you controlling me!?" "..We are more alike than you realize Luna. I have always been apart of you, and I always will be.." "No! That isn't true! I know who I am!" replied Luna with anger in her voice as she clenched her eyes shut once again, fighting with all her might against it's grasp over her. The darkness only responded with another vile laugh, bouncing its hideous voice off the walls in her mind as it slowly began to tear her apart. Suddenly, she heard the sound of wings flapping in the distance causing her to peer up out the window. What she saw suddenly lifted her broken spirit, filling her body with restored hope. "Ah, the time has finally come.. now relax my dear Luna and submit to me!" commanded the dark spirit inside her, as intense pain washed over her entire body. Luna could not help but cry out in agony as the darkness slowly began coursing through her veins. It felt like pure poison as it boiled inside her. The pain was unimaginable as her vision began to blur. "CELESTIA! HELP M..." was all she could get out before succumbing to the darkness.. for the final time. End of Chapter 5 Next chapter coming soon so stay tuned! > Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just wanted to say that I will be reviving this story after a very long time. I hope you all enjoy the completion of this story :)