> My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose > by SolidSparkle117 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been three long weeks since Twilight, Spike and  Syera were basically locked inside the Canterlot library by, none other than Twilight herself. Once the purple unicorn had her mind set on something, she wouldn’t stop till she figured it out.“Ugg… I can’t take it anymore Twilight!” Spike laid on a pile of books the two had already gone though. “We’ve been here so long I think my brain melted.” “I know Spike… But we need to figure out what that weird portal that appeared in the castle gardens is. Celestia tasked it to us, so we have to do it!” Twilight sat atop a small cushion as she went through book after book. “Any luck Syera?” “Ugh...nothing! There doesn’t seem to be a single….Wait! I think found something, come over here!” Syera shouted over to the Spike and Twilight who came rushing over to her on the other side of the library. She then pulled the book out from the shelf which read, A Pony's Guide to the Multiverse. “Let me see it!” Twilight took the book from her sister’s grasp. “Let’s see here….” Her purple eyes flashed quickly over the pages, looking for anything that… “Wait! Look here.” As Spike got off the pile he sat atop Twilight started reading. “When the boundaries of two similar universes become too close, wormholes may appear as a dark portal. It can potentially send things from one universe to another…” Twilight looked at Syera. “A wormhole? You don’t think that anything came through it… Right?” “I sure hope not, but I say it’s best to assume the worse when it comes to situations like these. I think we should take a look around though, if there is something bad waiting, we’ll be ready.” Syera said as she pounded one fist in her other hands palm. The trio then made their way to the garden.  It looked mostly like Celestia’s prized garden. Wildflowers grew in beautiful arrangements, even her little white table and chairs sat undisturbed. The only thing that was changed was a small dark portal in the air above it. “I don’t see anything… I’m going to bed.” Spike yawned and walked back inside the castle while Twilight and Syera we’re not so easily swayed. The dark purple portal hung slightly in the air above their heads. An ominous feeling crept from its dark depths. “I don’t know about you Syera but it’s giving me a weird feeling.” Twilight nervously shifted from hoof to hoof. “Tell me about it. I can sense all kinds of negative energy coming from there, I don’t like it one bit… Wait! Something’s coming through!” Syera readied herself as she saw a figure come out. She couldn’t tell what it was. With a flash of light and a small shockwave came from the portal. The grass swayed heavily in the created force, which also knocked Twilight onto her rump. “What in Equestria?!” She cried before the light forced her to shut her eyes. With a small thud and a groan, a figure fell to the ground. “D-dammit… What the hell?” A young male's voice came from the downed figure. “Wait….who is that?” Syera said as she then rushed over to the figure and saw that it appeared to be a….no way…. “Twilight, you better come over here and have a look at this guy!” Syera looked over this guy and saw it looked like he was….a Saiyan as well! The unknown being got to his feet while shaking his head. Twilight’s eyes scanned over the stranger. He wore a white Gi, with black pants and white shoes. A black belt was tied around his waist along with black wrist bands. He very much looked like a Saiyan. His black Spiky hair stuck out a little like Syera’s. His bright blue eyes scanned his environment quickly as he took a fighting stance. A weird white device was attached to the left side of his head and a small red glass eyepiece was in front of his eye. “What the heck is going on?” Twilight was confused. This being that suddenly dropped had already taken a fighting stance. It looked like the same type of creature Syera was. He stood slightly shorter than she did but was definitely broader and more muscular than her. “Who are you? You best explain yourself quickly.” Syera demanded a response with firm intent towards the individual whom came from the other side of the portal. She took a fighting stance of her own, ready to defend herself and Twilight. “The name’s Makker, who are you? And where am I?” His eyes were locked with Syera’s. His stance never wavered as he waited for the right time. “Syera, I’m a Saiyan from here in Equestria, the land you find yourself in before you. But looking at you as you look back, Im sure you can tell that I am. As you are one” Syera spoke, taking in the situation as her tail swayed from side to side, a bit of excitement since she seemed eager to engage this Makker guy with something familiar that didn't involve pedagogy. Makker was taken back a bit as he heard Syera speak. “Y-you’re a Saiyan too? Ball I thought they were all dead!” The young man took a small step back, slightly sliding his back foot across the ground. Though of course of how he got here in Equestria is the real question on his mind. And based on his Saiyan anatomy, he is different from the Saiyans of this universe but his strength and physical stature definitely shows he isn't anything else. However, he appears more... sofistocated in nature versus Syera's broad and almost heavy barbaric stature. “Heh, I was gonna say the same thing. However it appears we are both wrong with that one. Speaking of which, I found out there were some that were alive, but sadly the one I did meet was in Otherworld... King Kai apparently took him on not long after I.... what was his name... hmm, I forget. Anyway” Syera got out her side thought filled tangent and focused on her target, by then approaching slowly with a confident stride and smile. As Twilight looked on at the two Saiyans, she felt a little uneasy. "Syera...? What are you doing?" Twilight asked with a bit of a nervous tone. "You might wanna stand a couple feet or yards give or take back Twi, this might get a bit intense. Gosh I never been this excited-" Syera was nearly jumping out of her skin as she was preparing for not only a fight, but a fight with a fellow Saiyan of all things, after spending three weeks couped up in that Library, she needs a workout. Taking cover behind some rocks, Twilight looked onward, and took notes of what is occurring. “H-hey! Stay back!” Makker took a couple steps back, slightly cowering as the more brash Saiyan approached him. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you much. I just want to make sure, if you’re truly a Saiyan, show me what you got.” Syera then rushed ahead at serious speed and aimed a fist towards his gut, to her surprise... he blocked it. “Agh... such strength!” Makker grunted as he was pushed back on his feet, clutching his hand against Syera's fist. “I guess your werent bluffing, you are a Saiyan!" With a snarl he jumped back and rushed up to the sky, in which he splayed his fingers in front of his face. To which took Syera by surprise. "He's quick... but what is he... oh crap!" Syera braced herself but was ultimately caught off guard by this next move. “SOLAR FLARE!” A blinding flash of light erupted from in front of him. In the short time Syera was blinded he rushed her, doing hit after hit before pushing his palm against her stomach. But before it could connect, Syera through out her hand to catch his fist as he did with her's a moment before. Shocking Makker by this action. “Hmpf! You can take away my sight... but I am still left with four other great senses, maybe five if I you count me feelinh your ki coming right at me!” She recovered with flipping his wrist and twirling him away. Spinning to his feet, the two collided and clashed for a moment before eventually coming to a stalemate. The two stood apart and stared each other down for a moment. Makker seemed serious with a grit on his teeth but Syera stayed with a confident smile. She was having the time of her life. After a quick rubbing to her eyes, she opened them. “Ahhh... thats better. But hey not bad, that technique really had me going. phew….. all I can say is going blind for a moment really gets the blood pumping” She told with a smile as she began to shake off the aftermath of the attack. "Yeah, you really are something too, any other enemy after such a move, I've wiped the floor with after using such a move..." Makker was surprised at Syera's resolve over their little bout. "but... what happens now?" He asked. In which Syera chuckled “I guess I should return the favor.” Syera concentrated her ki and then she closed her eyes and then shouted…. “Brace yourself... FOR THE KAIOKEN!” Syera lit up in a fiery red blaze of power and rushed towards Makker, giving him a serious beat down, punch after punch, kick after kick. However it ended when Syera did one last slice of her palm to the side of Makker, making him fall down. Groaning from the pain of the assault, Makker took his stance once more. “Didn’t see that coming… Ouch!” With a push off the ground, he regained his stature, funny. That was only Times 2 Kaioken, a small taste of what Syera had to offer. She was glad he brushed it off so easily. Any other enemies and foes she encountered, only a handful withstanded her strength. Like Queen Chrysalis back at the wedding in Canterlot around 7 months ago. "Hehe, sorry, I think I got a bit carried away there." She told as she cracked her knuckles and most of the joints in both her hands. As well as her shoulders and knees. To the point Makker thought she was just toying with him. Of which he did not allow. "No more games! We obviously aren't done here yet! Rrrrrahhhhh!" Makker charged his ki up and rushed Syera with a focused fury of attacks. “Alright! Now you’re speaking my language, have at you!" Syera then started to dodge them one after another. But some grazed her and some even contacted, some hitting as she blocked or some grazing and roughing up her gi. She was caught off guard by one stray Ki blast that nearly took her arm off, it grazed her Gi and it disintegrated with singed ends, exposed her chest. Luckily her bra was still intact. "Ah... aw come on! You really had to reck my Gi that hard- just to expose my chest- have you no shame..." Syera teased to catch the other Saiyan off guard. In which he gasped. "I'm sorry! Really, I just got a bit carried away with my strength. Plus, I wanted to see what would happen if I focused more power into an attack towards you. Considering how much you did earlier when you turned into a fiery red blaze." He chuckled but tried to stare, even though half her top was gone. Syera brushed it off and continued. "It's fine, besides. I was a bit shocked you had such power in you... now... show me what you're really holding back." Syera told as she then readied herself for what lies next. "Heh, as you wish-" Makker told as he then shot another ki blast at her of to which she now deflected away and exploded, creating a bit of dust. Only this time when the smoke cleared, Makker had disappeared. “Huh? He's gone... no... he's masking his ki, okay... Syera. Breathe and focus, where is he?” Syera looked around thinking of where he could come from. “He couldn’t have gone far..." she continued to look around for a moment until she heard something. "Got you!" Syera shouted as she then braced and parried Makker's surprise attack as he came from the spot she least expected. Which was a pile of nearby rubble he took cover in to plan such a sneak attack. Makker launched a full out assault on Syera. Surprisingly she just barely seen him coming behind her. Their scuffle of various attacks were dodged and blocked, neither side gaining any ground. With a grunt Makker broke off and jumped back. “Nice, didn’t think you would have seen that coming.” “Yeah, you had me on edge. I’ll give ya that much, however…..I can see you’re still holding something back. Bring forth cause I wanna see what it is.” Syera stood across from him with her arms crossed. Makker grinned. “Well… You asked for it! Hyyaaaa!!!!” Makker’s energy spiked, surging around him as it grew and grew. “Wait….this can’t be….He’s actually! Wow!” Syera lit up with an expression even more happier than before as she could tell where this was going. In turn made her even more excited to fight this guy. Small chunks of the ground ripped from the earth and shattered into bits. “Hyuaa!!!!” With a sudden burst of energy and light, his hair stood up straighter, turning into a golden colour. His eyes changed to a bright greenish blue like the sky reflecting the grass below, and his aura spiked with a golden hue now. “This… Is Super Saiyan.” Taking a stance he grinned. “But, from what I can tell you, this doesnt seem much of a shocker to you eh?” Syera was giggling like a kid in a candy shop who struck the motherload. "Oh I'm shocked alright. To see another... Haaaaa!!! Yahhhaahahahaaa!!!!” Syera erupted not only in laugher, a laugh Pinkie Pie wish she could hear. But also erupted in a burst of sparking ki as her Muscles bursted out a little in her legs and arms as she transformed, even her chest got even buffer and even tone with her body turning full power Super Saiyan. After laughing in joy and excitement, she regained her composure. “Ahhaha, ahhh... sorry, I'm just so excited this is happening... and wow...this feels much better to let this power out, and... to know there is another Saiyan, alive that is, who can become one as well.” Syera’s voice became a little more strict and serious as she gained her composure back and stood before the Male Saiyan with a lot of power to share towards him. Makker studied Syera for a moment, seeing how easily she transformed without breaking a sweat compared to him. “It doesn't take a toll on your body to transform? Guess I’ll have to figure that out next.” He muttered to himself as he Jumped back further and charging his energy he smiled. “Not like it’ll matter anyways!” he extended his right arm, holding it with his left. “Maximum Flasher!” His blast fired from his hand a lightening speed, heading straight towards Syera and the castle. “Whoa!” Syera had no choice but to block the incoming attack. She crossed both her arms shielding herself. “Agh! Ngg... hey no fair I wasn't done taking it all in yet!” She pouted since she wasn't ready to fight but quickly readied up for one as Makker seemed in full swing now. “Kinda surprised you managed to fully block that attack. I put a lot of energy into it. Now come at me!” Makker told as he rushed forward “Let’s go then!" Syera rushed forward as well, they clashed and their battle just got even more serious than before. The ground shook, the skies definitely got darker and lightning stuck around them as the weather revolved around their power. Energy cracking and bolting after each kick of a leg, or fist against fist met. This was a fight for the ages for the two Saiyans. Soon Syera caught a break in the action and returned a favor to Makker. "Alright... brace yourself for this one. It's gonna be a doozy." In which she cupped both hands outward and brought them in as she harnessed and focused an energy ball in her palms. "Serehametsu!!! Haaa!!" She through her hands forward and shot a bright golden destructive wave, one to rival a move similar to one she saw once going toe to toe with the Saiyan she mentioned in otherworld. However, this move was Princess Celestia's take on it. Of which Syera mastered on her first try. Cupping his hands in front of him, Makker prepared to take the attack. Once the beam collided with him, pushing the Saiyan back a couple feet he struggled to withstand it. “Hgn!! Hyaa!!” With a massive push, he deflected the beam up into the air. Once the beam dissipated, Makker shook out his hands. “That would’ve killed me if I hadn’t been ready.” “Hiyaaaa!!!!” Syera rushed ahead as Makker was still recovering from the energy wave. She collided fists and kicks with him. The earth and ground around them began to shake, break and crumble beneath them. “Hah! hah! ha ha!” Syera wasn’t letting up not one bit. The two Saiyans never let up, but neither could land a hit on the other. Suddenly Makker shot up into the air. “Not bad! Let’s see how you handle this one!” Pushing his Ki behind him he shot towards Syera at breakneck speed. “Alright! Fine!” Syera threw her hands forward, fully extending her arms out and put all her ki forward trying to stop his head on collision course towards her. “Ahhhhhh!!!!!” Putting both of his fists together, his aura shaped into a spear point. “Spearbreaker!!” Pushing with all his might, the two collided. A sonic boom let out from their point of contact, shattering windows all across the castle. The force of the attack pushed Syera back a few yards. Makker and Syera’s eyes connected as they clashed, then with a swift kick to the lower jaw sent Syera into the air. “Ahhhhgh!” Syera snapped back and landed a blow just as hard to his jaw. this continued back and forth, either in the gut with punches or kicks to the face. None of them broke concentration in the fight. With a far jump, Makker furthered the gap between the two warriors. “Damn… Not even halfway done yet eh?” Panting he smiled. “You have a better grasp on this form then I do… But I think I still have something up my sleeve.” With a grunt, he began once more to gather energy. “I don’t have long but I’m hoping this will help! Hya!!” Pushing more and more energy out, he bulked up. His muscles strained under the energy load, arms, chest, legs. Smiling he flexed hard. “This… Is a grade two Super Saiyan. While I’m bulked up, my energy will drain much faster. So I better finish this soon!” Crossing his arms, hands beside his head Makker grunted. “This… Will be your end!” No….he should know that pushing his body to this transformation isn’t good and it slows him down, two of the reasons I avoid such a state…..if only he found the true way beyond a Super Saiyan….. Syera then smirked and laughed a bit, this caused a confused look from Makker. “Laugh all you want Syera. Because you won’t be soon!!” With that, Makker grunted and…. Split into two?! The second Makker smiled as they divided. “And now…” The two then split into four beings. “How do you like that one? Multi-form technique!” All four of the split Saiyan took stances. “Your move.” Multi form technique? This is new to me… But wait…..His energy? Its split into quarters? Still, a good challenge...I’ll make it work. Then Syera said outline. “No way, oh how will I fair up to four big strong boys like you?” She said sarcastically. then she taunted them with a wave of the hand. “Yoo-hoo……” All four snarled and charged at her. “Take this!!” All of them yelled in unison. While weaker than a single being, the four could attack quicker than one could. Syera managed to dodge most hits, every so often one punch would land. “Hmmm...ah! Whoa! Alright….Enough of this!” She then let loose a serious surge of energy outward, forcing the four split Makker away. She kicked one, punched another, kneed one in the face and last one she landed a downward elbow attack to the neck making them all pile on top of each other. “Come on Makker, pull yourself together, this move is a bust.” She then crossed her arms as she looked at all 4 Makkers. All four set back into one as Makker pushed himself up, wiping a bit of blood from his mouth. “Shut it!” Back-flipping to his feet Makker rushed Syera and delivered a devastating punch to her face. “Hya!!!” Punching her in the stomach, He flew up with her and threw her to the ground. Gathering energy into his hand he clenched it. “Say goodbye!!” He then threw a energy sphere at her. Once it collided with her it let out an explosion. When the blast collided with Syera, a flash of memory came to Syera. It was back when she lost all her friends, even her sister to Discord because they became corrupted by his magic. Soon the energywave that impacted her made her very angry and soon was shattered into dust as Syera broke it with a bit of willpower and a ki dissipation move. "Okay, let's go!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Her energy level was raising upward fast and high. Causing electricity to spark up around her. “the form you have shown me mocks what is truly beyond a Super Saiyan! Witness it done successfully here and now! Hraahhhhhhh!!!” Makker was shocked, his scouter keep jumping up and up. Her power level is spiking!! I don’t know what else I can do! Clenching his teeth Makker prepared for the final assault. “Aghhhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera gave one final burst of energy outward. Soon a golden flash blinded Makker and made him look away. Syera’s hair was now Spikier than before. Her two front bangs were gone with her new transformation. Electricity arcing around her golden aura. “This is the true power of a Super Saiyan surpassing a Super Saiyan, you should consider yourself lucky, only Discord has pushed me this far.” Syera’s face was now more serious than before, no more smirking or anything. Makker was speechless. This is a whole new level! Dropping his hands he slowly flew to the ground. After a couple seconds he charged, throwing punch after punch at her. “Take this!!” But Syera dodged every single hit, nothing even coming close to her. Irritated he extended his right arm and braced it with his left. “I’ll finish this!!!” Point blank at Syera. “Maximum Flasher!!” Syera took the Maximum Flasher head on, she wasn’t even fazed or scratched at all. She stood there silent as the blast dust cleared. Syera then pointed a finger at Makker's chest and closed is into a fist which made him go down to the ground hard. Makker now on the ground gasping for air since he never felt such power. He coughed up a bit of blood but not much, but he was critically wounded by not only the attack but his body pushing it to it's limits. Of which Syera noticed right away. "You're done for now, this battle has been concluded. Unless you got one last trick up your sleeve. Then take your best shot" Syera gave an open invitation to give Makker a free hit since he was already exhausted. “Yeah.... Alright... I got one more.” Pointing his finger at her left thigh. “NAIL GUN!” The small beam shot through her shirt and ultimately her top was ruined and hanging on by a mere thread now as the only thing covering her chest was her bra. "Ah! Come on! This'll take awhile to repair... oh Rarity is gonna be mad at this one!" Syera was distracted in which Makker took advantage of and swung one last fist at Syera and hit her for all he was worth with one final punch, however it wasnt much since Syera stood there with a first to her belly that contained a hard set of abs. Of which after the fact, Makker dropped out of his Super Saiyan form and onto his knees gasping for air heavily winded. Syera then laughed a bit at his final attack though, even though it was minorly perverted. though she didn’t break Super Saiyan 2. She then stood in front of the winded Saiyan with his hands and knees on the ground. “Makker, that was cheap tactic to shred a girl's clothes off. If you wanted to see how strong I was you could have just asked." Syera then pounded her abs with her fist to show she didn't just have them for show. They were built like diamond infused armor and thensome. Makker chuckled weakly at the remark “Sorry about that eheh... Besides, I still have a lot to learn about Super Saiyan as a whole…” He shakily got to his feet and panted for breath. the battle concluded between the two newly found rivals, but the night was soon turned to early dawn, the battle lasted for a long time, a lot longer than expected. The aftermath of the battle seemed to take a tole on the garden. Both were startled by a loud voice screaming at them. “SYERA!!!!!” Both Saiyans looked towards the castle and seen Princess Celestia standing there, seething with rage. The garden was torn to bits, chunks of earth were gone and most of the windows on that side of the castle were shattered. “Ehehe…..sorry about this Celestia! really….eheh” Syera was still Super Saiyan 2 as Celestia approached the two of them. “We can clean this up, I promise really.” Syera nervously chuckled. Celestia’s eyes locked onto Makker. “And just who is this?! You must have had a hand in this didn’t you?!” Makker gulped and sheepishly nodded. “Y-yea.” He then pointed at Syera. “She started it!” “What?! Me?! Well… I guess I did halfway, I just wanted to see what you were made of, you said you were a Saiyan and…” Syera took a brief moment to calm herself down and take a sigh of relief then spoke up. “I swear Princess Celestia, we didn’t mean to cause this much damage! I swear we didn’t, right Makker?!” Syera asked Makker and pulled him close since she saw him trying to tip-toe away. “R-right!” Makker smiled as Celestia eyed the two. The princess let out a big sigh and shook her head. She seemed to calm as the air around her felt less tense. “Just what am I going to do with you two?” The princess sat on her rump and put her hoof to her face. “I have no idea… But….yeah, good question. Now that Makker here, who happens to be a Saiyan as well. Ahh...My head is hurting… and still need to train more if I want to use Super Saiyan 2 more often.” Syera then relaxed and powered down from Super Saiyan 2 back to her base form. Her two long bangs flowed down,going back in her face and she blew em to the side, force of habit. Soon after Celestia and the rest of the royal guard cleaned up the mess from the battle with their restoration magic, Celestia then took both of them to get their wounds treated. “Ahh….I’m fine Celestia really, my clothes are just tattered up badly, nothing Rarity can't fix" The pony doctor who was patching her up slightly dabbed some healing gel on parts of her body and wrapped them with some gauze and medical tape nice and tightly, of which given Syera's resilience, she should be fine by tomorrow or the day after. Makker reached into his belt. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve got something….” Pulling out a small lima bean. He then ate it and his wounds magically healed themselves. “Nothing beats these.” Twilight then walked in and up to Syera. “Are you ok? That was a crazy fight.” “Yeah Twilight, I’m fine. That guy Makker, he is probably the most strongest guy I ever fought, even though he threw a few cheap moves on me. But I couldn’t blame him, he was out classed at that moment. But don’t worry, I’ll be just fine, see?” Syera then stood up on her feet and put pressure on the leg she was shot in and showed very little give, her reliance to mortal wounds is very impressive. Twilight sighed in relief and then proceeded to hug her sister tightly before looking towards the other Saiyan. He was looking out across the land. “What is he going to do? That portal closed as soon as he was dropped here.” “That is true… The gap between our world and his broke. But maybe there is a way to get him back home, maybe?” Syera looked at her sister, she had a plan formulating but it didn’t seem very possible at the moment. Twilight nodded with a half shrug. “I don’t know...how could we even tear the gap between our universes? And most importantly, is that even safe?” “It may be a risk but it be a one we might have to take, I feel bad for him. He might have loved ones he misses from his world. We’re gonna have to try it. If not us, then who will?” Syera stated with a confident smile and walked up to him. “Hey Makker, I think we have a way to get you back home but… it’s kinda not promising but we can try if you like.” Makker smiled, but didn’t turn around. “That sounds nice and all. But honestly, I think I’d like to stay here for a bit. It’s a whole new world here, besides.” He turned and looked at Syera. “Having another Saiyan to spar, is better than anything from where I come from.” His gaze then set back over the sunset that gently hung above the horizon. “I need to become stronger anyways. What better place to do it then right here?” “Hmm...you got a point there, and that means me and you can have a rematch! I can't wait for that” Syera said then lightly patted his shoulder with her right hand with a smile. “And it would be nice to go in with a sparing partner, mix things up a little.” Syera smirked and chuckled excitedly at the idea of having another Saiyan with her as a partner.   This peaked Makkers interest. “Oh? Sounds like a good time. But I’d like to get a couple days of R&R if ya know what I mean?” The male Saiyan cracked his neck. That was when Twilight stepped in. “How about we go back to Ponyville?” The jet-lagged unicorn let out a small yawn. “We’ve been up here for three weeks already. I’m ready to go home. What about you Syera?” “Yes, I can go for some good ol R&R like Makker said” Syera stretched her legs a bit, rolling her shoulders a bit and twisted from side to side, cracking her back a little. Followed by cracking her knuckles. “We should get going soon if we're gonna make that a possibility.” Twilight sleepily smiled. “Awesome… Think you could instant whatever us back to Ponyville? I’d really hate to wait for the train.” With a single nod, Syera motioned her to get close to her and hold on. “Come on Makker, grab my shoulder, we’re going for a ride.” Makker raised an eyebrow but reluctantly placed his hand on her right shoulder. “Whatever you say.” “Alright, locking onto… Yeah, 3...2….1!” And with that, Makker: the saiyan loose from another dimension was met with Syera and her sister Twilight, what awaits them ahead? Find out soon, next time on: Saiyans on the Loose! > Chapter 2: New Saiyan in Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now back in Ponyville after one good Instant Transmission session later. Syera along with Twilight and their new acquaintance, Makker ended up next to Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner. “Ooo! Hey Syera, Twilight and…..Gahhhh!?!?!” With a gasp, Pinkie ran away in a flash. Almost taking Makker out in the process from the sudden lightning speed she had. “Geez!” Makker quickly stepped out of the way, almost losing his balance in the process. “Who or what, in the ever-loving hell was that?!” Both Twilight and Syera smiled and shook it off. “You’ll get used to her in due time. Come on, we will show you around, and hopefully find you someplace to rest for the night.” It was almost sundown, most ponies were either inside or heading home. “Alright…. Hmm? Where could you sleep? Pinkie Pie’s maybe… No she’ll talk your ear off all night, every night. Rainbow Dash? No….You can’t interact with clouds or sleep on them. Fluttershy has her shed….But there isn’t enough room in there, or even her cottage.” Syera went on but then Twilight stopped her. “Wait….Since when did Fluttershy have a shed?” Twilight was very confused on this sudden claim of Fluttershy owning a shed. “Oh? I helped her put one up not long ago. She needed a place to store her animals’ foods and what not since she was running out of space in her cottage.” Syera explained Twilight lightly muttered numbers. “Well… That leaves Rarity and Applejack. Unless you like getting up at the crack of dawn it’s down to Rarity. I hope she won’t mind letting you stay the night Makker.” The tro headed around town hall and headed over a bridge before setting eyes on their destination. Makker raised an eyebrow as he looked at the building. It was a frilly building, white with purple and gold. While the main floor looked to be a light blue. “What is this place?” The young Saiyan questioned. “This is Carousel Boutique, our friend Rarity lives here and works this shop as her place of business, so you can imagine her daily life is pretty busy.” Syera gestured a hand out as she explained all of it to Makker. They approached the building and Twilight opened the door, a small bell ringing above the door when a voice came from out back. “Coming~” Twilight smiled when she heard the voice call out to them. “It’s just us Rarity!” A white unicorn then lightly trotted out from the back room, a piece of cloth sewing to another in her magic above her head. “Oh Twilight darling! Glad to see you once again! And Syera… You look like you fought a thousand battles! And your clothing is cut in multiple different spots! At least you seem bandaged well enough. But goodness gracious. Go change into something in the back I have for you. I can repair your Gi in the meantime." Rarity then rushed Syera to the back with her magic, in which was quite a shocker since she not only got undressed behind the curtians, she was ran through a small shower contraption and was then dried off and clothed in a short sleeve shirt that was pink with a cat on it with a pair of sweatpants and her boots. Her gloves she was able to keep since they werent so tattered up. "Uhh... thanks Rarity. But I got plenty of replacement clothing. But your generocity definitely knows no bounds." Syera then came out from behind another curtain as she was clean and polished. Rarity then smiled and waved her hoof at the female Sayian with a gesture that said "No Problem". Syera was about to speak but one of her bangs hung down in face, so she blew it to the away from her eyesight. Side effect when her hair is washed, it hangs a little more is much softer to the touch. Syera then chuckled a little at Rarity’s remark with the thousand battles and such. “Well... speaking of battles. The one behind Twilight can definitely give you a good rundown” Rarity pushed past Twilight to get a good view of her new guest. He stood a few inches shorter than Syera. He also had black spiky hair, but his didn’t stand straight up like hers did. He was more bulkier, his eyes were a deep blue and sparkled like the ocean. The small device he atoned on his left ear had a red piece of glass over his eye. With a small blush spreading across his face he spoke up. “Umm.” Makker cleared his throat. “I’m Makker. Pleased to meet you miss Rarity” He stuck his hand down towards her. Rarity smiled and put her hoof in his hand. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance Makker, charmed.” As the two were introduced Twilight rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out a little. "Now, this story Syera, do tell me your side and Id love to hear Makker's side as well." Rarity then invited them all to the living room where two couches and a few chairs were, Syera took the chair while Twilight took the other, which had Makker and Rarity sit next to each other on the couch. "Right... as you know, Princess Celestia summoned me, Twilight and Spike to Canterlot to investigate a stange anomaly, which so happened to be a dark pit in the sky above the Canterlot gardens." Syera took a small pause in thought as she recalled the event. Small things came through the portal but it was nothing major, such as various objects and debris. Most were confiscated and studied behind closed doors outside of one thing Twilight kept for research. It happened to be some type of insignia badge. Its origin is unknown but as to how it got through the portal is one thing. Makker saw the insignia that Twilight took out as Syera explained about it. In which he recognized it right away. "Hey. That's...a badge involving my battalion I was on patrol with at the time right before... i ended up going through the portal and ending up here..." He told as he was given the trinket by Twilight levitating it over with her magic. "Hmm, weird, we saw no signs of your battalion comjng through. Hell, nothing organic that is, just you Makker." Syera spoke explaining. "Then again, wormholes work in strange fashions. Some might put you someplace closeby, some might even send you to another chunk in the universe or another entirely. Multiverse theory seems more and more possible by the minute." Twilight had explained to the ground in congruence to Syera's trope. "Also not sure you have noticed Rarity. But Makker happens to be a Saiyan just like me. And explains why my clothes from before were all tattered up." Syera explained further with a nervous chuckle in which Rarity took a stern look at Syera with a small gasp as she looked at Makker for a short moment. "You attacked this poor soul!? How dare you!" Rarity said in a bit of anger. "Hey, I didnt know if he was hostile or not! Plus it lead me to wonder who and what was he, and considered he is a Saiyan. Though he does lack a tail... which is odd I know. But he can transform. Just like me." Syera had been able to calm the white unicorn down with this hearty explanation. "I see, but still dear. You should really think with your inner thoughts than your fists from time to time. It may help desolve a situation better. " Rarity spoke and took a sip of tea. As well as Twilight did before she sorta laughed a little at the outbreak Rarity had. "I wish she did so more often to Rarity, but I guess it must be a Saiyan thing to charge headfirst into Battle right? Reminds me a lot of Rainbow Dash's ferocity at times." Twilight chuckled lightly. "As so it would seem. Now I will say that is quite some tale Syera but let's hear Makker's, and hear how he ended up here, you said you were patrolling someplace dear?" Rare asked the man next to her on the couch. "Yes, I was on a mission with a fellow comrade of mine. We were about to come across an enemy opposition til they suddenly... disappeared without a trace. We found the camp they were in and slowly inched our way into it to avoid detection. Thats when we stumbled on what looked like the site leader's quarters. But it was empty. Outside of a gaping black hole. I cautiously walked towards it to observe it. Of which we were under attack from reinforcements to the enemy opposition." He paused in thought as he tried to find the words to explain the rest. "Then what happened?" Syera asked in curiosity as to how the battle ensued. "They just kept coming, almost if the same bad guys were on a loop. Til my comrade took a turn for the worse and was injured by a stray energy blast, crippling their arm. I lost all control for a moment since was seething with rage to see my comrade hurt. All I can say they were toast after I was done with them. And... I remember passed out, little did i know that black gaping hole we found swallowed me up since in all the ensuing chaos. I must have caused it to get bigger with my anger. It was only when I came to, I realized I was falling in the abyss itself. Only to land in the ground in the castle gardens of... Canterlot you said it was? And... well... I ended up challenging Syera afterwards with confusion as well as excitement too. And a bit of anger since I thought she may have been one of the enemy soldiers Ive seen." "You thought I was the enemy!? Wow, I wonder how strong these guys are that you were fighting. But more importantly, I sure hope your friend made it out alive." Syera gave her condolences to him and remorsed the fact she could have helped if she was in the same universe he came from. "Hmm. I'd say you did the best you could dear, in fact. More than enough since your comrade was injured yet you held the line. That takes a lot of Courage and Loyalty to your cause Makker." Rarity chimed, congratulating the Saiyan for his acts. "Thank you Miss Rarity, it means a lot. But I do hope my comrade did make it... in fact. This badge looks like their's, I'll be sure to try and return it once I find a way to get back." Makker told as he clenched his fist with the badge in hand. "Don't worry, we will find you a way back home. But for now, that brings us to the topic of now. Rarity?" Syera asked her white marshmellow unicorn friend with the following. "We're helping Makker find a place to bed down for a bit, till we can eventually find him a way back home. Think you can help him out Rarity, please?” Syera asked with a smile. The white unicorn smiled and nodded. “By all means, my home is yours darling. Make yourself comfortable.” She turned to Twilight and patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry yourselves one bit. I’ll take care of our new guest, after all, I feel he deserves such generocity after all he has been through. I am most grateful to fulfill such a tasking role.” Rarity accepted with graciously with provided Makker with housing. And possibly a few other things to help him on his feet. “Yosh! Looks like we found you a place to stay Makker!” Syera hopped in joy from the chair she sat in as they completed their task. Twilight then sipped the last of her tea before setting the cup down on the saucer plate and then putting her gaze on Makker. “So, looks like everything is squared off here right?” Makker smiled and nodded. “Yes, thank you once again Rarity.” The Saiyan looked at the mare beside him and hugged Rarity. "The pleasure is all mine dear." She gave a small hug back to him. In which Syera and Twilight had taken to the door for their leave of Carousel Boutique. “Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow~” The elegant unicorn said before Twilight and Syera took their leave. Once outside, Twilight and Syera walked back towards the library. “Well that was easy wasn’t it? That’s great that something finally worked out good for once.” “Yeah I suppose this whole thing could have gone worse, what if a gigantic beast came though and trashed Canterlot.” Syera agreed with her sister on a lot of things that were worked out not so well, so this was one that was done right in forever almost. Soon they arrived at the front door and Twilight paused before going inside. Syera could see the gears in her head turning as her hoof lingered on the door knob “What’s wrong? Pinkie Sense?” Syera said as she stopped as well in front of the door. Twilight looked back and up at Syera. “Ummm… Are we forgetting something? Or somepony?” The unicorn bit her lower lip and started to get panicky. She looked back as well then at Twilight, then the library. Then back at Twilight. “Who? I don’t know whom you are... oh crap!” Twilight face-hooved and spoke when the thought finally clicked in Syera's brain. “Spike! We forgot Spike!” Twilight shot her hoof up and out before she sat on her rump and looked up at the castle. “I hope he’s not freaking out…” she spoke as Syera grunted in a bit of disappointment in herself “Nrrg..! Oh by Faust's hooves... Hang on, I'll be right back Sis.” Syera then used Instant Transmission to lock onto Spike and teleport to him. Spike was at Donut Joe’s having a couple of late night donuts. “Hey Joe, another round of donuts! Extra sprinkles!” The brown coated stallion was weary, it was close to closing time and Spike had been there for a couple hours. He was already on his second dozen! “Uh...doncha think ya had enough there Spike?” Joe asked the dragon as his face was covered in doughnut glaze with a small pile of sprinkles on the counter. This is when Syera popped in on the counter in front of Joe and Spike. “Whoa!? Syera what did I tell you about popping up like that unexpectedly! And why did you and Twilight leave me here!?” Spike said angrily and very scared since her sudden appearance really raised his heartbeat. Joe looked between the two and slowly sunk behind the counter. “Uh yea… About that, Me and Twilight are both truly sorry, And trust me we didnt leave you here on purpose, it's just we have a new pony... or should I say... Saiyan in town." Syera then hopped off the counter top and behind it and saw Joe. "Oh hey Donut Joe, what’s up?” Syera smiled at the good friend of hers that makes really amazing donuts. The stallion popped back up and smiled, she was her best customer… And by that he meant she ate all his stock once, and Twilight had to pay for it all. She always left a huge tip too. “Hey Syera! Can I getcha anything?” “Oh nothing too much really, I think I guess 2 dozen donuts for the road so me and Spike have a bite to eat.” Syera pulled out her wallet and took out 29 bits for Joe. Joe swept the bits off the counter and pulled two boxes of doughnuts and placed them onto it. “There ya go Syera! Enjoy! Oh and send Twilight my best regards, we should catch up sometime on current events next time you and her are in town.” The stallion smiled and waved them off. “Definitely will do Joe, also me and Pinkie gotta have that donut eating contest next time around!” the Saiyan chuckled as then Spike hopped on her shoulders tightly as she had the donuts in one hand and the other hand with two fingers on her forehead. "See ya around Joe, Take care!" within a flash they were gone. "Hmm... my oh my, I just wonder how such a being like her exists. So free spirited and such a kind soul. I wish more ponies were like her, heh... I'd drum up more business too." Joe murmured to himself as he thought about his favorite customer. A few seconds later, they reappeared behind Twilight who was in the process of pacing back and forth in front of the library. “Hey Twilight, we’re back!” Syera smiled as she held two boxes of donuts and Spike hopped down from her shoulders, down to the ground. “Yeah, we’re back Twilight…..” Spike was not to happy since they forgot him there in Canterlot. Twilight grabbed Spike tightly and shook him a little. “Oh Spike! Are you ok? Are you hurt?” Spike looked to Syera for help. Syera chuckled a bit and shrugged at him. “Twilight, calm down. He’s alright, he was just at Donut Joe’s place having some Coffee and Donuts. See, I got two dozen myself, want one?” Syera asked with a smile, offering some of the donuts to Twilight. Twilight placed her assistant on her back and trotted inside the library. “Sure, but first I have to get this dragon ready for bed.” “What? But I’m not even tired Twilight. if anything I won’t fall asleep after all those angry stress eating donuts and coffee I had….” Spike retorted to Twilight as they entered the Library. “Well, I guess it’ll wear off right away once you hit your bed.” Syera smiled at the remark she made as they went inside. Back in the Carousel Boutique, Rarity had started to give Makker the tour of her home. “This is a beautiful home Rarity.” She had really put time, money and tonnes of hard work into building this shop. Rarity smiled at the remark Makker made. “Why thank you, Makker was it? I always try to keep my home in presentable order.” They climbed the stairs and Rarity then showed Makker where he was going to sleep.  It was straight across from her room on the second floor. “This shall be your room tonight Makker. Normally my filly sister sleeps in there so don’t mind the ‘girly’ room. The bathroom is also down the hall to the right.” She opened the door and Makker got a good look into the room. “Thanks a lot Rarity. It’ll do just fine. Would you mind if I got a hot shower before bed?” He scratched the back of his head idly. “Oh? But of course dear, here I’ll show you the bathroom.” Rarity led him to the bathroom. “Here it is, now here is a towel and a washcloth, call me if you need anything. Perhaps… Maybe wash your clothes?” Rarity offered with a smile, her muzzle slightly scrunched at the smell of Makkers clothes. “Y-yes! Thank’s Rarity.” Makker stepped into the bathroom and closed the door before stripping his Gi off, right down to the buff. He opened the door just a crack and handed his outfit to the pony. “Thanks again Rarity, I’ll try and repay you someday.” “No problem darling, and don’t worry about that, I’m simply lending you my hospitality is all.” Rarity then took his clothes in her magic and soon went to her laundry machine and threw them in with some detergent. Of course, she took some measurements of them so she could possibly make some more sets of clothes for him. “Hmm… These are similar to Syera but… But a bit bigger, it’ll have to do. It is the art of the dress after all.” She then got to work on making a set of clothes for Makker while he was in the shower. Makker wasted no time in getting into the hot steamy water. It cascaded down his scarred chest and washed away the stink and musk. Within about ten minutes he was done, washed from head to toe. Drying himself off he wrapped his towel around his waist and walked into the hallway. His ears picked up her voice while he was showering, but he could hear her much clearer now. “Thread by Thread, prim and press, this is the art of the dress.” Rarity sung her little tune to herself as she was making Makker’s new outfits. Makker stood in the hallway looking in on Rarity before turning to the room she let him sleep in. Once the door was closed, he dropped the towel and crawled into the kind of small bed. This will do for now. While the male Saiyan pondered what tomorrow would bring, he felt the cover of sleep entrap him in it’s warm embrace. > Chapter 3: Just Another Day in... "Paradise" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syera was asleep in her bed in the Library snoring lightly, same goes with Spike and Twilight as the night went on till it was early morning in Ponyville. However, once the rooster crowed outside, it made Syera open her eyes slightly and get up, stretch a little and stand on her two feet. She was in her long pajama pants with a tank top shirt, soon she went into the bathroom and then proceeded to the sink, grab her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. A small groan let’s itself out from Twilight’s room. “Shut up rooster…. It’s way too early today…” Twilight grumbled before the sounds of hooves on floor registered in Syera’s ears. “Stupid bird…” Twilight sleepily walked to the bathroom and into Syera. “Mmm….Morning Twilight” Syera voiced out with her toothbrush in her mouth and soon rinsed her mouth out with water. After that, she handed Twilight her brush which she then took it with her magic grasp and proceeded to brush her mane. “Morning Syera.” Twilight said as she brushed her mane out. She had a serious case of bed-head this morning. “Some days I never want to get out of bed. Today is one of those days.” With a small smile she continued. “But I guess we have to help Makker get settled.” “Yeah, it's been a stressful 3 weeks….I usually am up earlier than this when you are all sleeping. If anything I might see Applejack hauling some Apples and other stuff she has for her stall in the market. But oh well, I could use the extra sleep.” Syera then washed her face a little bit after she was done brushing her teeth and sighed a little in relief since her face didn’t feel so dry now. Twilight washed her face as well, helping to wake her up. “Well I can go help Makker if you want to head off and help Applejack.” Twilight left the bathroom and trotted downstairs. “It’s up to you.” “Alright, see you around Twilight.” Syera waved goodbye to her sister as she walked out the bathroom. Soon Syera then went to her room and got dressed. “Hmm….what to wear…….ah, here we go.” Syera then decided to wear a white t-shirt, some brown/tanish pants, one of the legs was cut off so it had a cool look and exposed her leg. She then put on some boots, some gloves and what looked like some shoulder pads that went around her arms. Along with some shoulder straps that she adjusted on her shoulders along with a pouch on her leg that matched, hooked up onto her belt and pants legs. She then made sure everything in the outfit was proper. Lastly, she used a comb she had in her nightstand and made her hair a bit more presentable than before so it wasn’t a total mess. “Alright, time to go see Applejack.” Syera then used Instant Transmission to go see her country flair friend. Twilight waved to where Syera once stood before she left the library, trotting across the dimly lit Ponyville towards Rarity’s Boutique. Rarity was still working hard on Makker’s outfits to make sure they were perfect. She only got about 6 hours of sleep before she started up again working on the set of outfits for him. “Thread by thread…..stitch by stitch” Rarity continued to murmur her little song as she worked. The morning birds chirped happily in the early morning sunlight. It was another beautiful day in Equestria. Makker opened his eyes slowly and took in his surroundings. “Where… Oh yea, that’s right.” The Saiyan sat up in the cool room, the blanket covering from the waist down. “Hmm… Here, and… Done! Oh Rarity you impress yourself so well. this should do the trick. Now… To give these to Makker to try on.” Rarity then lightly knocked on the door to the room Makker was sleeping in.  “Um, you awake in there darling?” Rarity lightly opened the door and peeked inside. The stack of clothing neatly folded on her back. Makker looked at her. “Yes, I’m awake Rarity.” She wore her regular ruby red glasses for stitching, but Makker had never seen them yet. They clung delicately to her muzzle, the colour really bringing out her eyes. “Ah good, I got you something to wear besides that Gi of yours.” She then walked in and gave him the clothes she made for him. “Tell me what you think, I want to hear your feedback on the matter.” She offered a small smile before she turned around so he could have a little privacy to get dressed. Makker quickly slipped into his Gi before checking out the new clothes she made for him. They were all made with high craftsmanship, and in a variety of colours. “Wow, thanks Rarity! But where am I going to keep them?” He asked the unicorn. “Hmm… You can keep them here I suppose since you are going to stay here till you have a proper stay of residence right?” She looked at him a smile since she was happily able to let him stay for as long as possible. Makker got on one knee and shook her hoof gently. “Once again I must thank you from the bottom of my heart Rarity.” There was a small bell sound from downstairs. “Rarity? Makker?” A recognizable voice called up to them. It was Twilight! Rarity placed the clothes onto a small dresser next to the bed and trotted down the hallway. “Coming Darling~” She sang out before disappearing downstairs. Makker stood up, rolling his shoulders before taking his scouter in his hand. Following Rarity down to meet up with Twilight. “Ah Rarity, Makker! Good morning to you both, I hope last night was alright for you both?” Twilight smiled as she waited for a response to her question. “Oh but of course Twilight, I slept like an angel, and was successful in completing some new outfits this morning for Makker here.” Rarity pointed a hoof at Makker as she explained her morning. Makker came down the stairs, attaching his Scouter to his ear once more. Booting up the program and making sure it was running proper. “Morning Twilight.” “I assume your night was good Makker?” Twilight asked the Saiyan before her with a grateful smile. Cracking his knuckles he smiled. “The best sleep I’ve had in a while actually,” He started to stretch his legs a bit. “And thanks to those senzu beans, I don’t even have to eat for a couple more days.” “Sounds great… But…” Twilight’s stomach then growled a bit as she was now experiencing hunger at the moment. “I could really go for some food now.” “You came at the right moment Twilight, I was about to start making breakfast, come and join me, Makker you sure you don’t wish to have one meal with us?” Rarity asked with a worried look, cause she doesn’t want him to starve. Usually Rarity cooks a good amount of food when Syera comes around, but I guess each Saiyan is different. The male Saiyan patted his stomach. “Those senzu beans are magic. They can keep a person fully fed for up to ten days… But Saiyans are more like three or four. But I can stay until you two finish up.” Makker then sat in the middle of the room and crossed his legs. “Oh, thanks Makker. But if you wish to go and explore you may, we don’t want to slow you down.” Rarity explained. “Yeah, maybe you could find Syera, she said she was going to be with Applejack for a little while, maybe you two can chat a little bit.” Twilight explained to Makker. With a small smile Makker gently floated off the ground. “Yea, and who knows, maybe she won’t kick my ass this time. I can wait here.” Resuming a neutral face he floated gently above the floor while the two unicorns prepared their meal. Meanwhile with Syera and Applejack “Thanks again for your help again Syera, moving all these apples and such.” Applejack had Syera carry a giant tub of apples, they weighed about half a ton but she managed just fine. “Yeah it’s no problem, it's a great workout.” Syera said as she soon got the half ton load of apples into the barn and cellar. Syera then got hungry, her stomach growling a bit. “Whoa….getting these Apples sure made me hungry, I think I might take a lunch break Applejack, I’ll see ya in a bit.” Syera then took to the skies after helping AJ with the Apples and such for now. “Alright, see ya when you get back partner!” Applejack waved her hoof in the air goodbye for now. Syera did the same and soon was now out of sight in the sky from her Apple friend. “Now… To get something to eat, ah this looks like a good spot.” Syera landed in front of one of the many small restaurants in Ponyville. Little did she know Pinkie Pie was there as well. “Oh, hey Pinkie Pie!” “Ooo ooo oo!! Hey Syera! Overe here! Come sit next to me!” The pink pony pointed to the seat next to her urgently. “Yeah, Imma coming” Syera walked over to her good friend Pinkie Pie. She also proceeded to look at the menu, she saw all the entries she absolutely loved. “Mm….alfredo pasta, fried salmon and shrimp, house salads. even sushi rolls, I gotta have em all!” Syera then ordered at least a whopping 6 servings of each of those. “Alright! Thank you for the food.” Syera then started to chow down as the entries got to the table, one after the other. This surprised everypony there, some were kinda disgusted on how much she could eat, but Syera didn’t care, she was enjoying herself. “Wow this is great! Nom om om nom!” “EATING CONTEST!” Pinkie Pie dove into her own meal face-first, chowing down quickly. The ponies around them shook their heads at the two, but this was usual for them. Within five minutes they were both full. “I’m stuffed~” Pinkie patted her round belly lightly and let out a little burp. “Oop! Excuse me!” She threw a hoof-ful of bits onto the table and got up. “Oh hey Syera! I got a super duper secret wecret! Can you keep…” She then suspiciously looked around before extending her neck so her mouth was right in Syera’s ear. “A secret?” Syera looked around for a few moments making sure nopony was listening. “Yes, I can, what is it?” Syera listened close and carefully to her pink pony friend. “I have… A secret party planned… Tomorrow night at eight… Tell everypony…” With that she slithered away across the ground like a snake and into an alleyway. “Um...alright then.” Syera then thought to herself. She is just being Pinkie Pie after all, anyway, I should pitch in some of the money for this food and get back to Applejack. Syera pulled out a big pouch of bits, placed it on the table and soon flew off to meet with Applejack. Along with telling her the news about this secret party Pinkie has planned. The farm pony was still hard at work in the mid-morning sun. The sweat trickled down her face as she reared for another kick. With her right hind-leg she firmly kicked the tree she stood under. Bunches of apples fell neatly into the expertly placed bushes beneath the tree, Crossing her legs with a smile one more fell in. Looking up she noticed Syera coming back from Ponyville. Syera then landed while then proceeding to kick the tree next to Applejack with just enough force to knock all the Apples down into the bushels beneath them. “Ha! Alright, got em!” Syera then did a backflip off the tree and landed on her feet firmly on the ground. “Talk about making an entrance right Applejack?” Applejack chuckled. “You always make an entrance. Whether smoothly like that, or on your rump.” Smirking Applejack moved to the next tree and gave it a kick. “I hope you’ve had your fill for the morning, Ah can’t keep having you eat half of what you harvest.” “Oh don’t worry Applejack, I’ll be good for a while now. I can’t wait to go to this secret party Pinkie was telling me about.” Syera then told Applejack about this shindig Pinkie Pie had planned, it must’ve been for Makker since he is obviously new to town. “Well of course she’s throwing a party. She always does one for literally everypony in town.” The pair had gotten through two dozen more trees before Applejack stopped to take a break. Taking a couple swigs from her canteen she pondered more. “I hope it doesn't spook him like you were.” Applejack remembered back to that night. “Oh yeah! I literally almost blasted you guys, sorry about that.” Syera nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her head. “Anyway, should we take five? Oh, and if there are any bad apples, I can take care of em for ya.” Syera sounded excited with the idea of getting to blast some bad apples. The two carried the full bushels back to the barn and started sorting them. They put all the bad apples into an old bushel. “Alright Syera, ah think that’s all of em. Time for the fun part.” “Alright, let’s do this!” Syera then powered up, some Kaioken to spice things up a little. “Ok, ready when you are Applejack. Bring em on when you’re locked and loaded.” Syera waved her hand signaling to throw it down with her. With a smile Applejack nodded. “You got it!” Using her tail to throw an apple slightly into the air, she reared back and kicked it towards Syera. “Yea! Hiya!” Syera then threw a punch forward, shattering the Apple to pieces, basically disintegrating it. One after the other, either a high kick, uppercut, somersault or with an open palm, shattering each individual apple to pieces. “Ha! Come on!” Grinning Applejack picked up the entire bushel and threw all the apples out. “Here comes!!” Bracing her forehooves she kicked hard and fast, hitting each and every one. Sending them all towards Syera at breakneck speeds. “Alright! Double Banshee Blast!” Syera put both of her hands forward, shooting scattershot beams from her fingertips, ripping through each of the apples that were thrown at her at such fast pace speed. Before the bushel hit the ground she also kicked that with both hooves as hard as she can. “Try this one!” The farm pony yelled as soon as her hooves made contact. “Alright! Kaioken, HA!” Syera powered up so much that before her fist even touched the flying bushel that was thrown at her, it already started to crumble and break from her pure Ki energy mixed with the King Kai Fist ability. The results were pretty destructive since pieces of wood, sharp pieces at that flew everywhere. Some hit Syera but they just exploded and popped from her Ki aura. Applejack wiped her forehead of sweat. “Hoo-wee! Good show like usual Syera.” She walked up to the Saiyan and stuck her hoof out to her. “Ahhh… Thanks Applejack, for giving me all of your best strength. You never cease to impress me.” Syera fist bumped AJ’s hoof, the two enjoyed the amazing moment while it lasted. “Anyway… Um, maybe I shouldn’t have broken your bushel, you needed one right?” “Don’t fret none sugarcube, that was an old one anyhow.” The sun was barely overhead, about eleven in the morning. “Well, we breezed through the harvesting for today Syera. Thanks again for the help. I’ll see you later!” The farm pony then trotted towards the barn. “Already? Wow, ok then. See you around Applejack!” Syera waved goodbye to the orange mare and took off in the sky with a good pace as she then flew over Ponyville. “Hmm….I wonder, how long would it take to circle the Planet?” Syera thought long and hard, she never done it before, maybe she could... Maybe she couldn’t... “Whoa! Syera is moving pretty quick, what is she up to?” Rainbow Dash then flew as fast she could to catch up with her. “Hey Syera, what’s the hurry?” Rainbow asked her Saiyan friend as she hung close. Syera then moved her head and saw it was Dashie. “Oh hey Dash, and I was wondering if I could circle the globe of the planet at high speed.” Syera explained. “That… Sounds… Awesome! Can I join? Maybe if I fly fast enough with you, I can do a Sonic Rainboom along side with your Super Saiyan speed! Oh the thought sounds amazing, let’s do it!” Rainbow Dash sounded really excited about this idea. “Alright, let’s get a start at Ponyville and we’ll give it our all.” Syera and Rainbow Dash then headed back to Ponyville to prepare for this wicked adventure of a flight across the globe. Rainbow Dash and Syera both prepped themselves for this serious flight. Syera stretching her legs, rolling her shoulders, cracking her neck, followed by cracking her knuckles. Rainbow Dash tried to copy her a bit, stretching and such else. The only thing different was that she started doing some Wing Prepping and stretches. “Hi Rainbow Dash, hi Syera! Whatcha doin?” Pinkie Pie bounced and trotted happily to her friends. “We’re prepping for the flight of a lifetime. A trip across the globe!” Rainbow Dash explained. “Oh, hey everypony. What’s going on?” Fluttershy came in the scene since she was getting some stuff from the Ponyville market and was now heading home, but came across Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Syera. “Ooo! Oo! Fluttershy, we gotta see this! Syera and Rainbow Dash are going to attempt the flight of a lifetime! Circling the entire planet!” Pinkie was jumping up and down in excitement as she talked about it. “Sound like it’ll be fun, woo.” Fluttershy said softly, sitting on the ground as Rainbow and Syera got ready to start. Rainbow hunkered down and scratched the dirt with her right forehoof. “You ready for this Syera?” She spoke in a low voice, grinning at the Saiyan. “Yeah.” Syera got in a stance to take off as she then transformed within a blink of an eye into Super Saiyan. “Alright, here we…...go!” Syera then took off with a running start with Rainbow Dash, then lifted off in the air with incredible speed. Rainbow was quick on Syera’s heels as they took the the sky, flapping her wings for all that she was worth. “Damn you’re fast!” She yelled to her as they flew through the sky. Rainbow had both hooves pushed forward her wings never missing a beat. “Thanks, so are you Dash! Now, let’s give it our all!” Syera and Rainbow Dash were neck and neck as they rushed across the globe. First they crossed over Las Pegasus in the first hour as they made their flight. “Look, we’re already on the west coast!” Syera was amazed how fast they could get from Ponyville to Las Pegasus. Rainbow Dash panted, her wings were on fire. She pushed her muscles to their limits, her body begging her to stop and rest. “S-Syera?” She panted hard before she started falling behind. She noticed Syera didn’t even look tired yet. “Dash? You say something?” Syera then looked behind her and saw that she was getting tired and falling behind. So Syera swooped her up and rested Dash on her back. “Hey, rest up. You’re gonna need it if you’re gonna make across with me.” Dash held on tightly. “Thanks Syera.” The cool air hit her as they finally crossed over the sea. The sun sparkled brightly as the Saiyan ducked to the water, skimming her hand in it. The wind howled in her ears, water splashing on her body as they were mere inches from the water's surface.  Her heart-rate returned to normal as her wings throbbed. “Wow! You’re really quick!” “Stamina is key for flying fast and long distances Rainbow Dash. If you wish, I could teach you how to use your Stamina to it’s best.” Syera then thought long and hard on what they could do so she could make it across. “Ah, since we are near the calm waters of the sea, maybe we could try swimming rest of the way. It looks far but we're close, I barely see the land on the horizon. So, whatcha say to that idea?” Syera asked Dash. Rainbow looked at the water before shaking her head. “I-I’m good. Besides, I’m still tired out from flying. Once we hit land I’ll be good to go again!” The blue pegasus gripped a little tighter to Syera. “Alright, hold on tight to me. We’re going in.” Syera looked back at Rainbow with a small smirk. Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “W-what are you doing Syera?! Don’t get any smart ideas!” She fully wrapped all four legs around the smiling Saiyan. As Syera took a look at Rainbow Dash, she then took a deep breath and rushed in the water with incredible speed, Rainbow Dash held on for dear life as they were underwater rushing fast, bubbles were grazing their body as they were moving very quickly. Eyes open and not stopping, Syera eventually surfaced, Rainbow Dash still on her back. “You ok back there?” Syera asked as she got her breath back. Rainbow Dash coughed a couple times, her breathing was quick and sharp. “What, are you trying to kill me?!” Loosening her tight hold on her friend. She spread her wings, trying to dry them out. “Nope, I was trying to get us to land quickly... See” Syera pointed in front of herself and land was in sight. A beach was there and soon Syera swam to it and walked on shore. “You need to rest more or should we keep going?” Syera asked Rainbow Dash as she then sat on a big rock that was on the beach. Rainbow stood on the sand and shook out like a dog. “Yea yea… Thanks for almost drowning me.” She said with a smile. Upon spreading her now dry wings, the blue pegasus looked at Syera. “Well? What now? How much further?” Syera then stood up and pointed at the mountain range. “See those mountains? That’s the next place we need to go, basically we are all the way on the other side of Griffonstone Mountain Range. We cross that and we’ll be back in Ponyville in no time after we cross the Celestial Sea.” Syera explained and then stopped pointing. Rainbow stretched her legs and shook her head quickly. “Alright, let’s do this!” She then took off into the air once more. “Last one back to Ponyville is a rotten egg!” “Oh yeah, let’s go then!” Syera then rushed over the mountains with Rainbow Dash, first crossing over Griffon territory. Next they crossed over the Celestial sea, it was much of a shorter distance than the southern Luna sea. “We’re almost back, how’s your wings feeling Dash?” Syera shouted over to Dash as the winds were blowing around them as they flew at high speeds. “Doing good! Can’t wait to get back to Ponyville though! I need a real rest.” Rainbow pushed with all her might and started to lead on Syera. “Yeah, I could go for some good food when we get back, I’m so hungry.” Syera mentioned to her blue pegasus friend as they pushed forward. With it slowly getting dark, the sun barely peaking over the horizon, they eventually passed over Baltimare. Soon Canterlot came into view, Ponyville right below it at the base of the mountain range there. “I’m gonna win!” Syera said boasting a little bit as she was just a bit ahead of Rainbow Dash but she was catching up. “Oh yea?!” Rainbow pushed harder, her wings straining once more as she nose-dived towards Ponyville. “Time for a Sonic-Rainboom!!” The air coned at her forehooves, her lips flapped in the wind as she went faster and faster. “Just a little... Further…” “Now that’s what I’m talking about, push it! Give it your all!” Syera powered up, pushing herself just as hard as Rainbow Dash was trying to do a Sonic Rainboom. Syera’s gold aura soon lit up the sky as Rainbow Dash lit up the sky as she did the Sonic Rainboom. Once the initial explosion was over, she shot out at the speed of sound, a rainbow trail following her as she zoomed through the sky. “Oh yeah! Sonic-Rainboom!” She shot over Ponyville, writing her name in the sky with the rainbow streak. “Rainbow’s number one, yeah!” Syera cheered as the so epicness of the Sonic Rainboom. She couldn’t believe the sheer awesomeness from seeing the it so up close. She only saw it once when she had to save Rarity and the Wonderbolts from tumbling out of the sky during the Best Young Flyers Competition. Dash slowed down and soon the rainbow disappeared. “Holy cow… That... took a lot…” She panted for breath, soon landing on the ground and slumped onto her belly. “Oh yeah, me too….I’m pooped.” Syera said as she came out if Super Saiyan and she laid next to Dashie on the ground, arms and legs spread out. “Think we could do that again sometime?” Syera asked. Rainbow panted hard and smiled. “Oh tartarus yea… Definitely.” Fluttershy approached slowly with a worried look. “A-are you both ok?” The timid pegasus whispered. “You look exhausted, even you Syera.” She tenderly reached towards the pair as they regained their breath. “Yeah I’m alright Fluttershy….Just that was probably the longest flight I ever done, and I’m so hungry…..” Syera said on cue when her stomach began to growl loudly. Pinkie Pie bounced up and around the trio. “Well you went around the whole world silly, of course you’re gonna be tired! Even I was a little tired when I did it!” She continued to bounce around in circles. “What? You went around the world before?! Well….knowing you, I bet you could Pinkie, your power is something I probably would hope to achieve.” Syera even couldn’t even begin to think how strong Pinkie Pie is, or if she is just that one pony who can pretty much do anything with nearly any explanation needed. Pinkie giggled sorting a little. “Don’t worry your itty bitty head about it Syera! Let’s go get something to eat before you pass out in hunger!” She then started hopping towards the town. “Well, I’d better be going home now. Goodbye Rainbow, bye Syera.” Fluttershy picked up her saddlebag once more and headed for her cottage. Syera and Dash both said their goodbyes before setting eyes to town. Rainbow Dash got to her hooves and started to walk into Ponyville as well. “I’m down to get some grub. Burned a heck of a lot of stamina doing that flight.” “Oh yeah, the food’s on me. Let’s get down and chow.” Syera and the gang then headed to a nearby restaurant and got some grub. Of course out of the group, Syera seemed to eat the most as usual, however it seemed Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both ate a tremendous amount of grub. While the trio ate their fill, across town Twilight, Rarity and Makker just made their last stop at Town Hall. “And that’s everything Darling, I hope it wasn’t too boring.” Rarity said then rolled her eyes. “Especially the hour stop at Sofa and Quills…” She playfully glared at Twilight. The purple pony blushed and looked away, her ears folding slightly to her head. “W-what! His quills were not organized in standard, they were sorted in metric! Somepony had to fix it!” Twilight explained as the two others shared a small smile. Makker laughed a little bit. “It was all fine, lot of stuff to do around here too.” The Saiyan stretched his arms a little and cracked his right knee. “Whatever you say Twilight, it just made for a pretty funny adventure of your…..organization skills.” Rarity chuckled a little while remembering that event of the day. Twilight grumbled a little before turning to Makker. “So, that’s all of Ponyville! There is still tonnes more in the rest of Equestria, but we’ll save that for another day.” Twilight said while flicking her hoof downwards. “It’s nice here. Peaceful even.” Makker frowned and gently bit his lower lip. What is this feeling? Looking around him, seeing all the happy ponies going about their business. But Twilight and Rarity noticed the look on his face. “Makker darling? Is something the matter?” Rarity spoke with concern for the man. Quickly shaking his head he smiled a bit, but stared into the distance. “Nothing, just my imagination…” He thought he felt something lurking on the edge of the forest, near the west side of town. Touching his scouter button, it couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary...  Beep! Beep! Beep! The scouter flashed at the young man. “Damn Scouter, hunk of junk is acting up again.” Twilight was also looking at the forest before she heard Makker speak again. “Scouter? You mean that thing on your face?” She pointed up to the device that attached itself to his head. “Yea, it’s on the fritz again. Probably from when Syera went Super Saiyan Two back at the castle.” Taking the device off he sighed. “Guess I’ll have to fix it tonight when I get back to the boutique.” The sun began to set as they walked back through town, meeting up with Rainbow Dash and Syera. “Hey guys! What’s going on?” Syera called out to Rarity, Twilight and Makker as they were walking around the sunset lit Ponyville. “See or do anything interesting while you were around town and….Who is that?” Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks and asked as she laid her eyes on Makker. He looked a lot like Syera… But only male. His biceps were bigger, chest was broader and he had a small white device on his right ear. “Oh crap, I didn’t tell you did I? Rainbow Dash, this guy right here is Makker. He’s a Saiyan, just like me! On top of that, he can go also Super Saiyan.” Syera said crossing her arms with a smirk as she explained to Rainbow Dash. “Wait really?! That’s sooo cool! Show me, I wanna see what it looks like when you do it!” Rainbow Dash asked wanting to see what a male super Saiyan looked like. Makker was a little unprepared for the new ponies enthusiasm. “Umm… Alright, Rainbow.” Taking a couple steps back from Twilight and Rarity he took a deep breath. Dash looked on with excitement as Rarity took a couple steps back herself. “Here goes! Haaaa!” Makker powered up, focusing his energy as his aura started to build. Dust kicked up while his power rose further and further. Lifting his left arm up a bit, he clenched his fist and gave a mighty “HYAA!!!” As he transformed into Super Saiyan. Makker’s hair spiked, becoming a full golden colour as his aura turned gold as well. “Wow, that’s soooo awesome! Your transformation looks really cool, but I find Syera’s Super Saiyan look is maybe 20% cooler. Still though, both of your transformations are awesome.” Rainbow Dash got up close to Makker, looking the male Saiyan over. “Yea? You think mine is 20% cooler, I’m flattered but I do like Makker’s since it’s different from mine, and his fighting style is amazing too. I wish you could’ve seen the battle between me and him up in Canterlot, now that was awesome.” Syera was amazed by how much power Makker has, she knows he can get even stronger with a little bit more hard work. Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “You guys fought!? And nopony told me!! Awww that’s lame!” The blue mare pouted and gently flicked her hair out of her face with a turn of her head. Running his fingers through his hair he smiled. “Yea… Syera kinda attacked me when I fell into this world. She wanted to see if I was indeed a Saiyan. I tried my hardest, even gave a couple good shocks with techniques I learned. But it was all in vain.” Syera gave Makker a hard pat on the back. “Don’t beat yourself up too hard man! You gave me a run for my money in the beginning. It was only when I went Super Saiyan Two that I over powered you. You’ll get there someday.” Twilight looked between the two Saiyans. What is it with these people and their love for fighting anyways? More studies must be done! I even have a new subject. She then thought for a moment. “Wait… You’re both Saiyans.” The pair looked at each other, then too Twilight and nodded. “Then why can’t Makker go Super Saiyan Two or whatever you call it, like you can?” Syera rolled her eyes. “Well duh. It’s the same as Super Saiyan. It responds to a need, not a desire. Remember when I had to fight Discord alone? You were all corrupted by his magic… I was the last stand of all of Equestria. I almost lost it too, but something inside me snapped. I couldn’t protect you all, my friends. That triggered my Super Saiyan Two transformation.” The three ponies looked at each other, remembering that day and nodded. “That makes sense…” Twilight began but shook her head, looking at the ground. “Kinda. So Makker can only go Super Sayian?” She questioned as Rainbow looked on with curiosity. Makker smiled and shook his head. “While Syera may be able to go Super Saiyan Two, I can Ascend as well. To a different level.” With that Makker focused more and rose his power even more. “This…. Is a Ascended Saiyan!” Giving a final push Makker bulked up, exerting his power a bit as his hair even stood more straight. Small electrical currents corsed around his body. “This is the form that I used against Syera. But this still wasn’t powerful enough.” Rainbow’s eyes went wide, while shes was used to the Super Saiyan transformation. This was different. He was bulkier, meaner and more menacing looking then Syera. “Woah…” She muttered her eyes never leaving him. Rarity tucked her tail between her legs. “Could you please stop that dear? It’s making my hair frizz.” She looked worriedly at Makker. This actually frightened her, what seemed like a gentle being was now replaced with a more aggressive person. Makker stood straight up, gaining a couple more inches on his base height. “Yeah, I can do that.” Concentrating, he powered down to his base form. “That takes a bit more energy to keep up. That’s one of that forms downfalls.” Syera thought for a moment then spoke. “It is a huge drawback I will say. I can use that form as well but like you said, it takes up too much power. But even though I can go up to Super Saiyan Two level, it’s still a strainer. But I’m sure with a little bit of training I can master it eventually, I hope.” Syera explained to the ponies, but Rainbow Dash was really interested in seeing this form while listening to her female Saiyan friend. “Mind showing me one more time your Super Saiyan Two?! So I can get a clearer picture of it, pretty please Syera?” Rainbow Dash pleaded lightly bouncing on all four hooves. “Ok, but I’ll have to be careful.” Syera then concentrated on the transformation and how much power she needed to transform. “Here I go! Ngh…..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera powered to Super Saiyan first. “Ok… One more step up! Haaaaaaaa!!!!!” Syera gathered more energy, this time electricity started to go around her aura, her hair now getting spiker than before and a brighter gold. Her two front bangs were now out of her face and spiked with the rest of her hair. With one last push of energy, she lit up the town with her gold aura. “Is this what you wanted to see Rainbow Dash? And… Oh sorry Rarity.” Syera saw that Rarity’s hair was messed up even more than before when Makker went Ascended Super Saiyan. “Whoa, now that is awesome! You’re aura and everything has changed so much with the electricity and all, but what happened to your long bangs in your hair? They’re totally gone!” Rainbow Dash wondered, looking up at her friend. “Oh that, I’m not so sure why? I suppose because of the transformation.” Syera guessed since it is a step above the regular Super Saiyan, and so much power. With that she powered back down quickly before Makker spoke up “When I seen Super Saiyan Two back where I came from, the user's hair changes drastically. While muscle mass is slightly increased, the power output is at least double of the first.” Twilight looked on with wide eyes as he continued. “There is a huge energy reserve, power, and speed are all greatly increased. But there is a drawback…” Syera smiled as Makker continued to explain. “The Saiyan nature is amplified, bringing out a merciless attitude that can be hard, but not impossible to overcome.” He pointed out while Twilight wrote everything down quickly. “Fascinating…” She muttered while her tongue stuck out in concentration. Rainbow looked quizzically at her before rolling her eyes. Rainbow did a double take as she looked at the sun that almost set on the horizon. “Oh crap! It’s late! I gotta get home, see ya girls!” She then took to the sky before stopping and looking back at Makker. “Oh, and you too!” With a small smile she zoomed off towards her cloud house. Rarity and Twilight stared where the pegasus flew off to before Rarity let out a dainty yawn. “Oh my goodness me. I guess it is around that time of the night, I do need my beauty sleep.” She then looked up at Makker. “Are you going to accompany me home?” With a raised eyebrow she asked. “Of course Rarity.” Makker responded while meeting the gaze of the azure eyed unicorn. “I’ll see you tomorrow Twilight, Syera.” He said with a grin while he and Rarity started to head towards her Boutique. “Yeah, see you around you two. And Makker, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Syera then gave Makker a wink from her left eye. Followed by a small chuckle with her usual smirk. He paused and turned to look at Syera. “What are you?...” With a pause his cheeks flushed a deep red. “Umm… R-right.” With that he continued to follow the now giggling Rarity. Twilight glanced at her sister and rolled her eyes. “Really Syera?” She smirked as the trotted towards the Library. “Just giving him a little bit of advice and a warning. Ya never know what’ll happen.” Syera then frowned slightly as she looked to the north of Ponyville, she didn’t like the look of it. What…..is that? Her sudden look caught Twilight’s attention. The purple unicorn stopped in her tracks and turned her neck back. “Is something the matter sis?” “I don’t know...I just got this very weird feeling. Something is coming and I don’t like it.” Syera looked over the horizon, however she couldn’t get a clear picture of what was out there since it was out in the heart of the Everfree Forest. “Mm….it must be nothing though, anyway we should probably get some rest. It’s been a very crazy day for all of us I bet.” Twilight tilted her head a little and continued walking home. “Makker said the same thing...” She muttered to herself. The two then headed home and were quick to bed. As Makker and Rarity reached her place he opened the door for her. “Here, let me get that for ya Rarity.” He said with a slight bow. “Why thank you Makker, such a kind gentleman.” Rarity then went inside her home and soon he followed her inside. “I’ll be upstairs trying to fix this thing.” Makker removed his Scouter and climbed the stairs. “Stupid thing.” He grumbled before reaching the room she let him stay in. He entered and sat at a small table, placing the device onto it and began to take it apart. “Ok dear, just let me know if you want some tea. I’m putting the Kettle on to make some.” Rarity called out to Makker before he went to his room. Upon doing so, she got some tea bags and started to make some good herbal tea in the kitchen. Makker concentrated hard, looking at all the small components in the device as he tried to figure out what happened. He hummed to himself as he got to work tracing each part, making sure each one was in working order. A small knock at his door barely registered in the young Saiyans mind. After a couple moments, hoofsteps came across the floor towards him. “Tea is ready darling. I’m guessing you’re into trying to fix your device hmm?” Rarity approached the working man and placed a mug of tea in front of him. Looking over at her Makker smiled. “Thanks Rarity.” He picked it up and took a little sip before setting the mug back into the wooden table. Picking up his tool once more he continued his work on the scouter. Rarity looked inside the compartment with interest, it looked complex and technical. Nothing like she had ever seen in her life before. “Do you know what happened?” She quietly asked, not wanting to break his concentration. Makker sighed and pointed to a part in the upper left corner of the board. “See this? That is the energy reader. The actual part of the scouter that registers the energy level of the target.” Using his small tool he removed it and placed it onto the table. “The connectors fried right off it. Luckily it is still in one piece.” Rarity slightly squinted her eyes to look at the small part. “I see. You have an exceptional sight Makker, then again I don’t have my glasses on.” She said with a small giggle. Using his tool once more he gently lifted the small part back into the scouter housing. He picked up another more pointed tool on the left side of the table. “Now with just a little…” Using a gentle and steady hand, he zapped the connectors with this new tool and before long he smiled. “There! That should fix it.” The white unicorn looked on as Makker closed the lid on the side of the scouter. Rarity took another sip of her tea while Makker reattached it to his head. “Well? Does it work?” She inquired while he pushed the button on the side. It made various beeps and bloops before it locked onto Rarity. After a couple seconds it displayed a power level of nine thousand. Makker looked puzzled and touched it once more. “Just need to calibrate it…” It unlocked and gave more boops and beeps before it displayed another number. “Ninety five? That’s not too shabby.” It then locked onto her horn and started a whole new number. “Ninety five?” With a smile she took another sip of tea. But this time the scouter seemed to have trouble. Beep! The scouter locked onto her horn and gave another level. “A hundred and fifty?” Makker muttered under his breath. This surprised him and Rarity looked even more puzzled. “What was that darling? Is something wrong with it?” The male Saiyan removed it and placed it onto the desk once more. With a shake of his head he spoke. “No. At least I don’t think so.” I’ll have to try more ponies.. See if it just needs more calibration. With a yawn he downed the entire mug of tea Rarity had given him. “Thanks again for the tea, but it’s getting late. I think I’ll hit the hay for the night.” Rarity took both mugs in her magic aura and headed towards the door. “But of course, it’s very late. I’ll see you in the morning, night Makker.” She closed the door behind her as he started to strip his Gi off. Once he was down to his underpants, he looked between the bed and the floor. Giving in, he let himself fall to the floor. Only to catch himself at the last moment with his hands. “I should get a small workout in…” > Chapter 4: Unexpected Guests! Night Invasion of Ponyville! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the middle of the night, everypony was sound asleep. The town, quiet and peaceful under the full moon provided by Princess Luna. However, all of a sudden, when it was the stroke of midnight. BOOM! “Ah….What the?!” The sudden boom made Syera fall out of her bed. She then looked out her window and wondered what was going on outside in Ponyville. Outside was a small fireball coming up between city hall and Carousel Boutique. What the hell is going on?! Twilight shot up from her bed and fell to the floor. “Sweet Celestia!” She landed with a thud and groaned before her eyes gazed out the window. “SWEET CELESTIA! What in Tartarus is going on out there?!” Syera had a feeling of dread over come her. “Twilight get the others, I’m going to investigate.” Clad in her pyjamas she shot out her window and pushed her Ki behind her taking flight towards the explosion. Ponies ran from the blast, others who were away from it looked on curiously as Syera got closer. What the hell is going on?! Just then another blast came and threw dirt and wood up into the air. She avoided any debris that flew her way. “Is something attacking us?!” She then heard a man’s voice yell. “Rarity! Get back!” Makker! Rarity!! The thought of one of her friends in danger pushed her harder and she soon hovered over town square. There was one hole in the middle of it all, and a part of City Hall was also damaged in some sort of blast. But that’s not what shocked her. Makker stood strong, alone as about two dozen minotaurs stood with weapons, viscous looking bunch of baddies. She felt that unnerving feeling resonate from them all. That’s what I felt! One then emerged from town hall, walking slowly towards where Makker was standing. He stood at a good six and a half feet tall and approached Makker. The male Saiyan stood in nothing more than his Gi bottoms. “This, is our town now. Step aside.” His voice was gruff and his yellow eyes narrowed at the man before him. Thankfully none of them noticed Syera as she took cover on a nearby rooftop to assess the situation. Rarity was on her side a couple of feet behind Makker, she shakily got to her hooves and lightly dusted herself off. “You ruffians! Not only did you desecrate our town, but you got my mane all dirty!” She walked up next to Makker and grit her teeth. Laughs erupted from the ranks of the minotaurs. “You make me laugh little pony.” Unsheathing his sword the leader pointed it at Rarity. “Now leave or we shall kill you without a second thought.” This made Rarity gulp and take a couple steps back. Makker stood tall and looked calm. “I’ll give you one chance to leave here right now and never come back.” Syera shifted, getting ready to pounce if a fight broke out, The leader spit on the ground and snarled. “You talk big little bug. I’ll crush you!” He gave a war cry before some started to charge the lone Saiyan. Makker took up a stance and narrowed his eyes. “Then come get some!” As the beasts charged Makker, Syera took the chance to jump down and land beside him. The charge stopped as they looked at the new combatant. “Don’t worry Makker, I got your back.” Syera took up her own stance as the two Saiyans stood strong. Rarity backed away from the two, she could only guess that things were going to get too intense for her. Makker glanced at Syera and smiled. “Thanks. Now let’s wipe the floor with these punks.” Both charged up in their base forms and readied themselves. “You take the twelve on the left, I’ll take the twelve on the right.” “You got it, and if you muppets want to fight? Well, we’ll give you one” Syera powered up using on Kaioken X2. She then rushed ahead to two of the Minotaurs, she kicked one in the gut then punched the other on the bottom jaw in an uppercut fashion. Upon landing she glanced back at the pony. “Rarity, you should get somewhere safe, go meet up with the others!” Syera instructed the white unicorn to get the others and keep the town’s ponies safe in case there are more. Rarity gulped and nodded quickly. “Right you are darling.” She started to run before stopping and turned her head. “Be safe you two.” With that said she took off towards Sugarcube Corner. Makker charged towards the crowd as well and landed one swift blow in the chest to one. Before he even fell he swung his leg around and kicked another to the dirt. Dodging an axe he kicked the handle right in two before kicking with both feet. “Take this!” Glancing over at Syera he seen one come from behind her and ready a swing. “Behind you Syera!” Syera snapped to the enemy, catching his punch in her hand she smirked before she broke its wrist then did an upward kick to its jaw, followed by a gut punch on a serious high caliber. “Thanks Makker.” One by one, they started to fall. Clearly no match for the two warriors. The leader grit his teeth and roared. “Stop playing and kill them already!!!!” The remaining minotaurs surrounded the two as they stood back to back. About ten were left, clearly not happy about the attacks on their own kind. Once Makker and Syera’s back touched he let out a small chuckle. “Looks like we’re pretty much cornered eh?” With a backwards glance to the female Saiyan. “Seems like it, but I think we can handle this, what do you say Makker man?” Syera said as she took a serious fighting stance while back to back with the other Saiyan as the minotaurs closed in. Grinning he nodded. “Of course, these guys ain’t nothin!” Silence overtook the battlefield before a lightning fast purple beam of light flew and knocked three of them down. “What the?!” A blue blast followed onto the other side. “Take this ya big ugly bulls!” Up above a brash voice yelled down and a rainbow blur swooped in and pushed another right to the ground. Looking towards where Rarity ran off earlier Makker noticed she and Twilight were running towards them, horns blasting magic the whole time. “Woah nelly!” Came an accented voice from their right as Applejack hopped onto the scene. With a quick kick the country mare downed two more, smiling down at her rear hooves. “Thanks Bucky Mcgillicuddy, good on ya Kicks Mcgee.” With one more left he took a swing at Applejack. Her eyes narrowed but before he connected with the attack Pinkie popped from behind Applejack. This sudden pony startled him and she grinned, “Don’t think we’ve forgotten you, you big meanie!” With that she rolled her cannon out and blasted it at the final minotaur. A huge blast of confetti was shot at him, the force behind it send him flying a couple feet to the ground. Makker stood straight and wiped his forehead. “Wow, thanks girls. You sure can kick some ass when you need to aye?” Fluttershy soon joined as well, a small first aid kit in her mouth as she landed from her flight. They gathered together around Syera and Makker before Twilight jumped into Syera’s arms and hugged her sister for all she was worth. “Thank god you’re alright.” “Hmm… Thanks Twilight, but it looks like the Leader wants a piece of me and Makker.” Syera then put Twilight down and approached the leader Minotaur. He was pretty burly, standing about her height, he was a bit taller, though this didn’t make Syera scared at all. “So, you’re the one who is leading this mini assault?” Syera asked the burly Minotaur. With a snort he barred his teeth. “You ruined it all… You’re going to pay for all of this you worm.” With that he hunched over and kicked the dirt behind his right leg. “I’m no worm, I… Am your worst nightmare.” She said and this made the Minotaur looked kinda of confused. The Syera said. “Now come, let’s go big guy” Syera said as she waved at him with a pressure sign and smirked. The minotaur gritted his teeth a little bit. Then Syera started to provoke him a little bit more. “Yoo hoo!” Syera said as she made a funny face as she motioned the Minotaur to her. “Ngh….you worm! Cut that out!” The Minotaur leader charged Syera at incredible speed, it was obvious this guy was fast and strong. “Now that’s more like it, come on!” Syera said smirking as she dodged an incoming kick from him. As Makker stood back with the girls he reached for his scouter when he realized he was not wearing it. Muttering to himself he focused his senses. After a couple seconds his eyes opened wide. “Watch yourself! He’s stronger than he looks!” Syera took a second to sense his energy and realized, there was an extreme amount coming from this guy. “Wow! You’re right, thanks Makker!” Turning back to her opponent she smirked. “Alright, looks like I’ll have to turn things up a little.” Syera said and took a stance away from the Minotaur. With a grin sprawling across her face. “Oh, here it comes!” Rainbow Dash said in excitement. “Ngh….AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Syera screamed, it first started with her muscles in her legs buffing up just a little bit more than normal. Her eyes changed colour, from her regular bright green color to a cyan blue, her hair spiked up just a little bit more and turned bright golden. “How interesting, the Worm has changed her hair color, how menacing.” The minotaur leader chuckled, crossing his arms and flicked his right hand towards her. “Trust me, I did more than that.” Syera said as she readied herself. She lowered her stance, slightly flexing her fingers, never lost eye contact with him. “Now, the real fight begins.” Syera said, both the leader and her taking a fighting stance. With a grunt and and a snort the minotaur readied himself. “Steel will rip you limb from limb!” They stood off, the moonlight lit up the town square as they stared each other down. “Come on Syera, you can do it!” Pinkie was wearing a cheerleader uniform and was currently jumping up and waving her pompoms into the air. “D-don’t hurt yourself Syera!” Fluttershy quietly yelled out to her, a worried look plastered on her face. As soon as it fell silent, only a small chunk of the town hall that fell down in the distance was enough to cause the fight to really begin. Soon the two collided fists and kicks at a very fast pace. Neither seemed to gain any ground as their onslaught continued. Syera was quicker than Steel by a margin, but he was, in terms of brute strength stronger than she was. Every clash pushed Syera to her limit. Damn, this guy is tough! Quickly she ducked and went for an assault on his chest. She attacked quickly, getting off five or so punches before he grabbed her arms tightly. Squeezing together he grinned. “Fruitless worm. Now I’ll tear you apart!” With that he started to pull her arms away from her body. Syera resisted, trying to escape from his grasp as he pulled more and more. Her shoulders cracked and she grunted in pain. He was literally trying to rip her arms off. Twilight went wide eyed and started to run towards her sister . “Syera!!” The Saiyan grit her teeth and glared into Twilight’s eyes. “No! Stay back! I’ll handle this aggg!!!!” Twilight stopped in her tracks as her sister screamed out in pain. Rainbow was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice as did Applejack. Pinkie Pie avoided looking at the two fight. Fluttershy and Rarity held each other tightly, wincing at Syera’s screams. Makker stood still with a small smiled on his face. “Don’t worry girls… This won’t last much longer. No sooner then he said that did Syera pull back both of her feet, spin back and kick for all she was worth right into Steel’s jaw. “Ugg!” The blow released his grasp on her and she backflipped to her feet. With a slight wince she rubbed her right shoulder. “Damn, nice pull on ya. But you forgot I can kick.” She kicked the air a couple times and smiled while Steel rubbed his chin then got back to his hooves. “Way to go Syera! Kick his ass!” Rainbow called from the sidelines and it earned a glare from Steel, his yellow eyes shooting daggers towards the group. With an evil smirk he turned his attention back to Syera. “Your friends have confidence in you. I really hate to disappoint them, but soon it won’t even matter!” He quickly charged, Syera took a defensive stance as the minotaur closed the gap between the two. “Die!!” With a powerful blow he slipped under her guard and hit her in the stomach, sending her flying into the buildings. Once the dust settled he turned his attention to the group of ponies standing at the sideline. “Now it’s your turn!” With that he charged once more. Makker, Rainbow Dash and Applejack took up fighting stances as he neared them. “Get out of here! I’ll take him on now.” Makker took a couple steps forward. Rainbow and Applejack looked between themselves and nodded. “Yeah, sound good to me! Come on girls let’s go!” Applejack rounded them up and they took off towards Sugarcube corner without Makker. The male Saiyan stood strong but it became clear who Steel was intending to target. Steel turned his course and was now headed straight for the girls. Shit, shit, shit! “Keep running!” Makker called out and headed to cut him off. That was when Rarity tripped, time slowed as she face planted into the ground. She tumbled to a halt and groaned at the sudden fall. Steel set his sights on her and made a B line for the downed unicorn. With a bloodcurdling scream Rarity stared wide-eyed at the minotaur as he came closer and closer. Makker pushed with all his Ki, just as Steel pulled his fist back to attack Rarity. Her eyes shrunk to pinpricks as Steel started to unleash his punch. Makker skidded to a halt right between the two and blocked her with his body. Steel’s fist made contact with his head, sending the Saiyan flying backwards into the home behind him. Grunting in pain as he blasted through the wall and tumbled into the empty house. Tables, chairs and other household items got demolished as Makker rolled to a halt inside. Fuck… He hits like a damn train… Putting a hand to his head, he felt a wet sensation run down the right side of his face. His body was bruised and throbbing from the impact. As the blood trickled onto his chest only one thing came to mind. Rarity! With wide eyes he looked outside. Steel had picked up the unicorn by her head, tightening his grip on her and she cried out in pain. Anger flared up in Makker as he seen him grin maliciously. He grit his teeth hard and yelled loudly. “LET HER GO!!” With a huge push of energy, Makker immediately transformed into Super Saiyan Grade Two. Legs, chest, then arms all bulked up on the male Saiyan. Steel’s eyes widened just before Makker shot at blinding speed and delivered one strong punch to the gut. “HYUAA!” “GAH!!” Steel recoiled, an absent stare on his face before he shakily looked down at Makker. “W-what… What are you things?” His grip loosened on Rarity’s head, that made the now dirty and injured unicorn fall to the ground unceremoniously. With his other hand, he put it around the man’s neck, squeezing with all his might. With a cold stare that could kill, Makker looked up into Steel’s eyes and narrowed his own. “We are Saiyans…” With a twist of his hand and a cry of pain from the minotaur, the Saiyan continued. “AND DON’T YOU FORGET THAT!” With a quick blast from his hand he sent Steel flying back about fifty feet. He landed with a boom that shook the earth as Syera crawled out of the building she got thrown sent into. She was still in Super Saiyan as her eyes locked to Makker. He looked battered, bloody and worn but still stood strong. Wow… His power spiked higher than mine! He panted and looked down at… Rarity! The other ponies quickly returned to the scene after it was evident that Steel wasn’t about to get up anytime soon. Makker powered down and picked Rarity’s head off the ground. “Rarity! Are you ok?!” Twilight was the first to speak as Syera walked closer, she could sense that she was still alive, which gave her a reassuring smile. However seeing one of her best friends hurt like this made her extremely angry. “She’s still breathing, but she’s hurt.” The male Saiyan spoke with worry laced in his voice. Fluttershy looked over her friend but her eyes glimpsed over Makker his own injuries catching her gaze. “M-Makker… You’re also hurt…” The tender pony turned her attention onto the injured Saiyan. He had multiple cuts on his back that were trickling blood down, the gash in his forehead continued to bleed as he blinked. “I’m fine…” Panting, Makker closed his right eye from the blood that ran down across his eyebrow and cheek. He cradled the injured pony in his arms, being mindful not to get his blood on her. Just as Syera was about to speak, a groan from the distance snapped her attention back to the matter at hand. She stared with anger in her eyes and looked at the male Saiyan. “Makker, get Rarity and the others out of here. This Steel guy has caught me by surprise for the last time, and he will not hurt anyone else I CARE ABOUT!” Syera yelled and turned quickly before rushing ahead of Steel at the speed of sound and skidded to a halt. “You...you call yourself Steel right? Then let’s see the breaking point of your metal strength.” Syera then flared up her power even more, standing over the downed minotaur she glared down at him. Steel groaned in pain as he tried to crawl away, pushing his hands under himself he struggled to get to his hooves. “Y-you.... I'll get you for that!” Spitting a bit of blood onto the ground, he smirked. With that he suddenly swung his right arm at her. She dodged it at the last possible moment, “Come on, fight like you mean it!” She then countered with a swing of her own, connecting her fist to his jaw. The punch sent him once more to the ground. He landed with a grunt and groaned once again. She stood above him and grabbed the scruff of his neck. With a small smile he looked up into her eyes. “Is that all you got?” He coughed up more blood before he spit at her feet. “Just you wait…” He then started to quietly laugh. “Enough waiting, show ME NOW!” Syera then threw him a good ten feet across the ground. “Now get up, or I’ll make you.” Something in Syera changed, her heartless Saiyan demeanor was in fullforce. She wanted him to fight her so she could have a reason to take him out. He rolled to a halt as rain started to fall, Makker and the other ponies had already started to clear out and made their way to the library. As Syera stood alone with Steel, he pushed himself up on one arm. “Kill me all you want little girl.” With a grin he pushed his face up to look at the lone warrior. “Come on! We both know how this will end!” He yelled at her, his eyes locking with hers. “If that is what you wish.” Syera then slowly raised her arm, before opening her palm all the way. With all of her fingers extended out, she then slowly started to gather an energy ball in her palm, aimed right at Steel. “If you survive this, you should consider yourself lucky Steel, and for your sake…...I hope we never meet again.” Syera shot the small energy ball at Steel, it may have been small, but the force of it pushed him back, into the air, far away from Ponyville. As soon as he landed outside of Ponyville, the small energy ball exploded. “Hmm…..” Syera powered down from Super Saiyan as she could feel that Steel’s energy signature, after the blast dissipated, was gone. The rest of the Minotaurs cleared out, their wounded carried out in retreated. In the back of Syera’s mind, as the rain fell and hit her on the face, she felt guilt for killing him. However at the same time she knew it had to be done. “Tonight… Will be a night to remember.” Syera said to herself as she saw the rain wash away any blood left on the ground into the soil beneath her feet. Soon she turned around and walked to go check on Makker and the others at the Golden Oak Library. Rarity….I’m sorry I wasn’t there in time to stop him….. She knew her friend was hurt, because of her….she doesn’t know how she’ll able to live with the guilt of not only killing the threat of the Minotaurs, but of not being there for her friends to stop them from getting hurt because of her screw-ups. The door of the Library opened wide as the rain started to fall harder. Twilight looked towards the door and, with tears welling up in her eyes she ran towards it. “Syera!!” Clinging to her sister’s legs she nuzzled her. “What happened?” Syera held Twilight close and said nothing. Applejack leaned against the wall to the left of the door. Her emerald green eyes met with Syera’s, and she could read the look on her face. “You did what ya had to do sugarcube… Ain’t nopony gonna blame you for that.” She spoke softly, tipping her hat down. Rainbow looked between the two confused as she laid on the floor. “What are ya talking about AJ?” The rainbow pegasus laid on her back before she flipped over, her bangs covering her right eye. Applejack just shook her head which caused Rainbow to keep her lips sealed. Pinkie and Fluttershy were currently occupied at the table as Rarity slept on the couch next to the right wall. She had a couple scrapes and cuts but looked better than she did outside. “Hold it lightly Pinkie.” Fluttershy muttered to the both of them, but the quiet atmosphere of the library projected her voice a little louder then normal. “It's a story for another day Rainbow Dash… Where’s Rarity?” Syera asked in a dry kind of monotone voice as she looked around the room, obviously acting different from her usual self. Twilight took a step back, looking up into her face. She didn’t look like the usual Syera. She looked serious, her stare scanning over the room before Twilight pointed to the couch that held the white unicorn. “She’s over there. Luckily there doesn't seem to have major head trauma.” Twilight spoke softly and looked worriedly at her friend. Syera then took a few steps forward, approaching her injured friend. Rarity…… Syera spoke to herself in her mind. With a deep breath she closed her eyes. “Mm….” Syera stuck her hand out, a soft gold glow resonated from her hand, it soon made it’s way to Rarity. Surrounding her in a golden aura and soon faded. “It’s done.” Syera said, which gave Pinkie and Fluttershy a confused look. Fluttershy’s attention turned back to the table as Pinkie spoke up. “What’s done?” She asked quietly, a sort of different look on the pink pony’s face. “I gave her some of my energy, just a small dose, she’ll be ok by morning. It’s the least bit of generosity I could give her after what happened, I couldn’t stop that Minotaur from hurting her.” Syera said softly, still feeling guilty that she wasn’t there. She got overconfident in the fight, it led to her friend getting hurt. Something she wasn’t about to let happen again. Pinkie gazed at Rarity before she turned attention back to the table as well. “Don’t beat yourself up Syera.” Pinkie Pie said quietly while Fluttershy wiped sweat off her forehead and let out a small sigh. “I know…. But I wasn’t there in time to stop her or any of you getting hurt. I got too overconfident and look what happened……” Syera said as she dropped to her knees and put her hands onto her face and started to lightly sob. The room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Nopony knew what to say before Rainbow Dash rolled to her hooves and walked over. “Syera. It wasn’t your fault.” She put a hoof onto Syera’s shoulder. “Yes it is…. I wasn’t taking the fight seriously with that bastard from the start… And look at Rarity. She’d be just fine with us all if I didn’t play around.” Syera explaining how her actions caused all of this. Rainbow let out an agitated sigh. “Syera. You. Didn’t. Know! None of us knew what was going to happen tonight! The only one who sensed how strong he was at the start was Makker!” The Rainbow pegasus put her face into Syera’s while motioning towards the table. With tears streaming down her face, Syera closed her eyes and sighed sadly. “You’re right, and Makker told me how strong that guy was but….I didn’t listen...” Syera said still sobbing a bit, however Rainbow Dash didn’t like this look of Syera, this wasn’t her usual self, being sad and self-blaming of stuff she had no control of. Rainbow grit her teeth and pushed Syera onto her back. “Cut the crap Syera!” She flared her wings wide. “I’ve heard enough of this already!” She then took off out one of the upstairs windows into the rainy, dark night. Syera just layed there motionless, flat on her back with a sad expression as tears ran down her cheeks. Soon she felt a hoof on her right hand and saw it was Twilight, she then smiled and climbed on top of Syera and hugged her softly. “We all make mistakes Sis, but don’t worry, Rarity will be ok. And remember this, you did all you could to protect us, which in the end really matters.” Twilight then hugged her sister tightly, Syera soon stopped sobbing and hugged her sister back. “Thank you Twilight, I need to hear that. And you and Rainbow Dash are right, I didn’t know… And I did all I could.” Syera said as she soon sat up with Twilight in her arms and looked over at Rarity. “And that’s all we could ask for sugarcube.” Applejack spoke up from across the room. She was still leaning against it, looking out the window into the darkness. She had dark bags under her eyes and her hat was laying beside her. “Ahh….” Syera then stood up, and walked over to Applejack. “It looks like I’m not the only one tired, you’ve been getting any sleep AJ?” Syera asked looking at her country pony friend. “Yeah ah have been. Just didn’t sleep much till Fluttershy came bangin on mah door.” She then glanced over at the yellow pegasus. “Which ahm glad she did. How’s he holdin up there anyways?” Applejack asked as Fluttershy continued to work. Fluttershy once again wiped her forehead of sweat. She looked ragged and exhausted as she turned to look at the two. “He’s alright.” She turned back and sighed. “He got hit pretty hard, I’m surprised he is still breathing. I had to stitch up his forehead a little bit, the other injuries were pretty minor. He does have a couple bruised ribs but nothing much I can do about that.” She took a step back and sat on her rump. Both her hooves were coated in blood. “Could… Anypony get me a wet towel?” She asked aloud staring at her hooves. Pinkie put the medical stitching back into the first aid kit and sat down. “Hold on, I’ll get you one.” Syera then got up and got Fluttershy a towel, it was damp enough to get out the dry blood from her coat. She helper her out so she could get every spot of blood off Fluttershy’s body. “Thanks Syera, I’m glad you’re here to help me get all this blood off me, but I know when I get back home I’ll need to take a bath before I go to bed.” Fluttershy said as she looked at herself. “Yea….I’m gonna need a cold shower myself to wash off this headache.” Syera murmured as she finished getting the blood off the yellow pegasus mare. Pinkie sat beside the table, gently rubbing her hoof through Makker’s hair. “I hope he’s gonna be ok.” She seemed slightly pale, her eyes glancing over his scarred body and to his forehead. “Well, I’ll say this Pinkie. Since he is a Saiyan, once he recovers from these wounds. He’ll grow even stronger than before.” Syera explained, as she looked over at Makker. The male Saiyan laid atop the table. His body was battered and the left side of his chest was bruised badly. His breathing was slow, but shaky. Dried blood stuck to his skin, trailing down his face and onto his chest. He had past wounds that scarred his body. He had a calm look on his face that periodically slightly distorted in pain. Syera then kneeled next to Pinkie as she was slowly running her hoof on Makker’s hair. “He’ll be ok, the same with Rarity. I just know it.” Syera said as she then slowly rubbed Pinkie on the back and patted her a little bit. She smiled and looked back at Syera. “You’re right.” She turned back and let out a small sigh. “This night has to be the craziest night I’ve ever had.” Pinkie giggled a little and let out a huge yawn. “Wow… I need to get back to my bed.” Twilight was the third to yawn and shook her head quickly. “Yea, same here. Let’s all get some shut eye. We can meet back here in the morning, until then try and get some sleep everypony.” Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy all said their goodbyes leaving only Twilight and Syera, Rarity and Makker left. With Makker and Rarity out cold for the night in the main room of the library, Twilight started to climb the stairs towards her bed. “Come on Syera. We need to try and get some sleep tonight.” She said turning to her sister with tired eyes. With a yawn and a few nods, Syera followed Twilight up the stairs so they can both get some sleep. “Night Twilight.” Syera said as she went to her bedroom, closed the door and just collapsed on her bed. It didn't take long for Syera to start cutting wood with her snores too. The morning came quick for the citizens of Ponyville. A hefty knocking at the door to the library shook the entire tree and awoke Twilight and Syera instantly. Twilight shot up and fell onto the floor with a dull thud. “Ow…” She grumbled before rubbing her face while getting to her hooves. “Who in Equestria could be here?” “Ahhh...Stop knocking….We hear ya jeez!” Syera came out through her bedroom door, obviously hearing the knocking as well. “Morning Twilight.” Syera said rubbing her eyes as she went downstairs with the purple unicorn. Soon they got to and opened the door. In stepped Princess Celestia and Princess Luna behind her. Celestia had a stern face on her as her eyes scanned the room. “Twilight… What happened last night in Ponyville?” Luna looked between Twilight and Celestia, taking a couple steps away. “And why did no one notify me?” Twilight flayed her ears to her head. “There was a raid by minotaurs. But we held them off. Mostly Syera and the other saiyan Makker.” She pointed to her sister and tried to appear smaller under the preying eyes of the princess. “Sister, surely these ponies and Syera had everything under control. There have been no reports of anypony getting hurt.” Luna bit her lip and tried to talk to her sister. Celestia shot her a glare and snorted. “Ok then Luna, then what happened to that pony over there!?” She pointed a white hoof towards Rarity who was still sleeping on the couch. Her purple eyes then trailed over the sleeping Saiyan. She raised an eyebrow and gazed towards Twilight and Syera. “Rarity only suffered minor injuries, and so did Makker. Other than that, they’re gonna be fine Princess Celestia, we swear.” Syera explained to the Princess, telling her that these two only helped and got hurt minorly, all the other ponies stayed indoors where it was safe. “And…..What happened last night was not easy for any of us.” Syera said looking down was a sad expression. Celestia stepped forward to give Syera a piece of her mind when a voice surprised everyone. “She’s telling the truth Princess Celestia.” Came a male voice. Makker groaned as he sat up on the table he had as a bed for the night and got to his feet. Luna looked at him quizzically and turned to Celestia. “Tia? Who is that being?” Celestia was taken a bit back by Makker that she fought for words. The Saiyan hobbled closer before giving a weak smile. “The names Makker, Princess. I’m a Saiyan just like Syera is.” Taking a seat on the floor he slightly coughed. “They came quickly, we had no time to plan or anything. So we did what we do best, right Syera?” Giving a quick glance over towards her. “Yeah, it was so sudden that we didn’t have much time to finesse and act strategically. So we did what we could, Makker and I tried to keep the raid’s damage to the town minimal. However, there were a few buildings and houses that were damaged, but nopony was hurt. We’re sorry we didn’t get a message to you in time, explaining what happened and our forward actions to push those minotaurs out.” Syera said pointing over to where they came, there were a few bloodstains in the soil, the rain didn’t wash all of it away. However it was barely noticeable. “And Makker, you doing ok? I’m surprised you’re up so quick, you are one tough S.O.B aren’t ya.” Syera said smiling at him. Grinning Makker ran his fingers through his hair. “Could say that, us Saiyan’s are made of stronger stuff.” Celestia took a moment to collect her thoughts. She pondered and chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Ok.” She spoke quietly, almost absentmindedly. Luna picked up on it and tilted her head towards her older sister. “Is something the matter Celestia?” The smaller pony spoke a she took a seat on a small cushion that was beside the table. Twilight also noticed the strange look the princess gave and reached out with a hoof. “You look like… Well like you’ve seen something strange Celestia.” The white pony stood straight as she stared into Makkers eyes. “Hmm?” Syera looked at Princess Celestia with worry, then back at Makker. She gave him a nervous shrug, wondering what is she was thinking. Which at the moment is a total mystery, hopefully it’s nothing too serious. An uneasy tension filled the room as the two locked eyes. The hairs on Syera’s arm stood on end, and an unusual energy filled the room. The white ponies eyes narrowed, and she idly ran her tongue over her lips and teeth. “His energy… Can you feel it Luna?” Celestia whispered, almost talking to herself. Luna’s ears twitched as she looked up at her. This puzzled the younger pony before she stared at Makker. After a couple seconds she went a bit wide-eyed. “Oh my…” She said breathlessly, a forehoof touching her lips as Twilight looked on with confusion. Makker looked puzzled himself. “What are you on about?” The injured Saiyan stood up and looked at Celestia. She took a step back, her eyes slightly wider as her horn lit up brightly and she lowered her head a bit. Twilight herself gasped and reached a hoof towards Celestia. “Celestia?! What are you doing!?” She cried out towards the white princess. Luna herself got up and got behind her sister. “Tia. Is this really the best course of action? I mean look at him. He’s injured, clearly not even at full strength. Surely…” Her dark blue eyes glanced back at the two Saiyans and pony. “Surely we can do this without incident.” "Wait, Princess Celestia, what is it that you're trying to do?” Syera said with an worried yet concerned tone as she had a stern expression towards Celestia and Luna, she wanted answers. However Celestia just stood there silent. While she knew Syera was on edge she was not about to take that from even her. With a stare that rivaled Fluttershy’s she stared daggers at Syera. “Stand down…” Celestia spoke softly but with vigor. This sort of tone of voice shocked Syera since she had never seen the Princess this serious since Discord came back. Syera was hesitant to stand down, except when a hand from the injured Saiyan touched her shoulder and she looked back at him. “It’s fine Syera. I can handle this.” The injured Saiyan smiled as the everypony in the room looked at him. “Makker… alright.” Syera decided to stand down, but it wasn’t for Celestia and Luna’s sake. It was for her friend and she respected his decision. Syera still stared at Celestia and Luna, even though she stood down. She was ready for whatever came next. Celestia faced Makker and closed her eyes. Her horn lit up brightly as did Makker’s chest. The room filled with a bright yellowish light from Celestia’s aura as she pushed with all her might. “Hnn!” Clenching her teeth tightly, Makker slowly lifted from the ground. *POP!* With that her magical aura dissipated, fizzling out as Makker was dropped back to his feet. Luna looked on with wide eyes. “Tia!” She ran up to her older sister as Celestia rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “Wow…” Blinking away the fuzziness in her mind Celestia looked once more at Makker. The feeling she felt from him seemed to be gone. “I think that just about did it.” With that she shook her head and let out a sigh. "Whoa… What did you do that for?” Syera asked rubbed her eyes from how blinding the light was from Celestia’s magic then looked at Makker then back at Celestia and Luna for answers. Makker looked just confused as Syera did and ran his hands over his chest. He looked towards the white Princess looking for answers. Shaking her head to regain her vision she gave a small smile. “It was nothing major, just a small abnormality of magic embedded inside Makker. I just safely and carefully removed it. Nothing to worry yourselves about my little ponies.” She said with a smile, her eyes closed as Luna gave her own smile. Syera sighed in relief since whatever this magic was that the Princess removed was gone. “I see…..sorry I got a little worked up. I’m just very on edge since last night.” She then kneeled before Celestia and Luna, it’s been a very bad time in Ponyville for her and the others. She became way overprotective with those around her. Twilight then approached Syera and walked by her side and put a hoof on her shoulder then hugged her briefly. “Mmm…. Thanks Twilight” Syera hugged her sister back. But then the white Alicorn approached the Saiyan, looking her right in the eye… Princess Celestia placed a hoof on Syera’s cheek and smiled. “I understand Syera, I just did not want anything else to happen to you ponies or the rest of me and Luna's subjects. And now that this is resolved. Me and my sister have business to take care of back in Canterlot. Come Luna.” She then took her leave out the door with Princess Luna. The darker Alicorn took a small glimpse back before departing with her sister. "Wait, Princess!" Syera ran towards them outside. "I'm just curious, what kind of abnormality of magic did you remove from Makker?" she asked, Celestia just told her this. "There is darkness on the horizon my pupil, I'd advice it best you focus on your training since this recent attack maybe one of few to come. So stay on guard as best you can." Celestia told, still this left Syera with even more questions, she wondered if Luna knew anything, however it seemed the Moon Princess herself was just as confused. Syera could only have patience to find out what is to come now. Syera pondered it then nodded, Celestia smiled then was off back to Canterlot with Princess Luna. Makker sat back down, taking a small sigh of relief as he rubbed the side of his head with his hand. Slightly wincing in pain as his eye closed. “Ugh, gonna need a senzu for that one…” His gaze set to Twilight. “Any idea what that was about?” Twilight stood mouth slightly open and her eyes narrowed in thought. “No… I haven’t. The magic she used was something I have only seen on rare occasions. It was a type of ancient magic, the way she had to focus all her energy only mystifies this more.” the purple pony sat on her rump and tapped a hoof to her chin. Makker looked down at his chest, there were still spots that blood had dried and scabbed over amongst numerous scars atoned his body. “I have no idea either. But she felt something in me, something that scared her. Twilight giggled and flicked a hoof. “Yeah right Makker, Princess Celestia isn’t afraid of anypony! She’s the princess of the sun for crying out loud!” She wiped a tear and shook her head before resting her gaze on him. The male Saiyan stared back seriously. “No Twilight, she was scared at what she saw. I’ve seen that look before, whatever she felt inside me she was scared to death over it.” Their eyes locked as Twilight’s shrunk to pin pricks. “Regardless, she fixed it. So there isn’t any need to worry ourselves about it anymore.” Twilight blinked a couple times before glancing at Syera nervously as she walked back in the Library. “Yeah, I think we will be ok. Besides, Celestia fixed it right?” With a half-hearted laugh she stood up and stretched her neck. "I sure hope so, still I asked about whatever she removed from Makker and all she told me was... "Darkness is on the horizon and I should focus on training." I just hope whatever this 'darkness' is that's coming shows itself soon so we can kick it's butt!" Syera told as she cracked her knuckles. However, before the conversation of darkness continued further... “Ugg, my aching head…” Came a raspy voice that startled the group before all their eyes rested on Rarity. She propped herself up with one hoof while the other rubbed the side of her head. Syera’s face lit up and she rushed to hug her friend. “Rarity! You're awake!” She gently hugged the white unicorn, not wanting to cause any further damage with her hug. “Hmm, quite.” Rarity said while returning the hug. Her azure blue eyes scanned the room, her brain registering that she was inside the library. “Is… Is everything back to normal? I mean as normal as it can get around here without a bunch of ruffians terrorizing our town?” Rarity spoke with a smile while Twilight walked up to the two. “Yes, Syera as well as Makker took care of everything.” Twilight got in her own small hug and Rarity closed her eyes with a smile. “That’s great to hear. You’re not hurt are you dear?” Rarity pulled back and looked Syera over, checking for any injuries. The Saiyan sat back with her legs crossed and took a sigh of relief, wiping a tear from her eye. “No, I’m fine.” Her expression changed as she laid eyes on Makker. For this first time since the attack, she really got a good look at him. He sat half laid back, using an elbow to support his body he gently scratched at his chin. Sporting a black eye he also had a good ten stitches across the lip of his forehead. Multiple small cuts were on his chest and arms while a decent sized bruised spot was on the left side of his chest. She let go of Rarity as her own eyes fell upon Makker. Her jaw dropped a little as her eyes shrunk a little. “Oh my… Makker you’re… You’ve gotten yourself hurt.” The white unicorn slowly got off the couch and limped towards Makker. “I’m fine, really. All that matters is that you’re ok Rarity.” Using a hoof she moved his head side to side, getting a good look at his black eye. “Honestly I’m fine.” He cracked as smile as Rarity glared at him. “He did all he could. It was to save you and bring you back here to the Library. I on the other hand took care of the Leader of those bastard minotaurs.” Syera explained as she crossed her arms looking at Rarity as she examined Makker. She then shut her eyes, recalling what she did….it was very intense. “And I’m sorry Rarity…..I wasn’t there in time.” The room fell silent as the clock on the wall ticked the seconds by. All of a sudden Twilight gasped and her eyes opened wide. “Oh gosh, I forgot about Rainbow Dash! She flew off last night to Celestia’s knows where.” She started to pace and bit her lower lip. “Oh I hope she’s ok…” Syera then stood up from the ground. “I can check if you want.” She told Twilight as she put two fingers on her forehead and focused on Rainbow Dash’s energy signature. “Umm…...wait, I can’t pick up on her energy… hang on, I’ll try again.” Syera then held fingers continuously to her forehead. “Wait… I think I have something…” Syera then paused when she pinpointed where Rainbow Dash was. The rainbow maned pegasus was atop a small storm cloud, rain and the occasional lightning bolt came from the small cloud. She sighed with her head hung low, her rainbow mane covered her face as she sat in silence and deep thought. “Oh I see….” Syera then teleported to the depressed Rainbow Dash who was atop the stormy weather cloud. “Um...Hey Rainbow Dash, you feeling ok? You seem a little down.” Syera looked at her as she seemed very under the weather with depression, this made Syera worry a bit with a sad expression. Rainbow Dash looked up and took a deep breath. “Syera… You’ve done so much for all of us and you still regret not doing more. Hell, what did I do during that? Nothing. I just sat back and watched as you and Rarity got hurt.” She then closed her eyes once more and put her head down. “Even Makker did more than I did…” “Rainbow Dash, you did all you could. You helped and fought alongside all of us till now and most likely forever. Also….you’re wrong about one thing, sometimes I do regret the actions I do….but I try to look forward and make up for those mistakes. I’m only Saiyan, ya know? I can only do but so much on this world….and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep it up, but I will go on for as long as I can. But don’t think for one moment you and the others for that fact were not there for any of it.” Syera then placed a hand on the backside of her friend and smiled. “And to be honest, all the things we faced, what we’ve done. It's only just getting started, I can’t wait for more to come, no matter the danger.” Syera looked at the cyan pegasus pony with a determined look of joy and excitement as she told her all about what the future could possibly hold. More strong opponents to fight, and more amazing adventures together, till the end. Rainbow Dash wiped her cheek. “Thanks Syera, you always know just what to say.” Taking a shaky breath the blue pegasus gave a weak smile “Well…..I guess, I honestly just said what I felt was right really. To be honest with all that we’ve been through, all of the danger. I’ve had so much fun too at the same time. Don’t ask why, but I just get excited at the face of danger.” Syera told Rainbow Dash, this caused her pegasus friend to stand up on the cloud and smile a bit more. “I hear that, I can totally relate Syera. I remember a few times when there was danger. I think one was when we were on the train to Appleloosa and Little Strongheart and the Buffalo natives assaulted the train for Bloomberg.” Dash said and she chuckled a little. “Yea, and Spike happened to be with the damn tree. However I’m glad we were able to get the ponies of Appleloosa and the native Buffalo clan to get along nice with each other. Hopefully they’re doing alright.” Syera said crossing her arms as she looked in the direction of Appleloosa. “Yea, I bet they're doing ok.” Rainbow Dash said smiling as she looked in the same direction as Syera was. They both knew that if there is any danger, they’ll be sure to stop it at any cost. Syera then ran her digits through her hair scratching her scalp a little. “Agh….I need a day at the spa…..” Syera sighed a little right after she said that. “Yeah, I could go for that too. It’ll help me get all this negative feelings out.” The blue pegasus stretched her legs and cracked her neck. “Hey, you think you could show me how you do those cool fighting moves?” Rainbow Dash then punched the air a couple times. Syera smiled and pat her friend on the back. “Sure, I’ll show ya a thing or two.” The two shared a laugh then Syera rested her hand on Rainbow shoulder. “But first things first, let’s get back to the library.” Raising her fingers to her forehead Syera focused for a moment before the two instantly transmitted in front of Twilight. > Chapter 5: Syera and Friends relax at the Spa. Makker shares a dance with a Mare at the Party? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Syera, you’re back and with Rainbow Dash. Is everything ok with you two?” Twilight asked the two, Syera and Dash looked at each other with a smile, then both looked at Twilight.  “Yup, everything is A-ok Twilight” Rainbow Dash spoke with her usual smile/serious look. This caused a smile from Twilight herself to see that Rainbow Dash and Syera were able to make amends.  “A-ok indeed, so how are the others doing? I think I have a solution to ease everypony’s stress” Syera told Twilight which peaked her interest.  “Oh? What did you have in mind?” Twilight asked with a tilt of her head. The purple unicorn closed the book she was reading at the moment. “How about a spa day? It’s been crazy the past couple weeks for us. Especially in the past couple days.” The female Saiyan suggested lightly rubbing her chin with her fingers. This caused Rarity to perk up off the couch with joy as she heard Syera mention the Spa. “Did somepony say the Spa?! Oh I so need my usual treatment. Makker you should come with us dear” Rarity spoke to the other Saiyan in the room. Makker was currently laying on his back asleep, snoring quietly oblivious to the ponies around him as he slept. Rarity gave a sweet smile before she approached the sleeping Saiyan. With his mouth open a bit of dool crept from the corner of his mouth while his chest rose and fell with his breathing. The white unicorn idly brushed his hair up away from his face as she looked down at him. Twilight looked at Syera with a raised eyebrow. “Umm, Rarity?” Her gaze set back to her unicorn friend. “What are you doing?” Rarity snapped from her thoughts and cleared her throat. “Oh umm well I was just… Just making sure he didn’t drool all over the floor.” She poked him with a hoof gently in his shoulder. “Makker dear, honestly. The floor is not your bed nor is it a very civil place to sleep,” The Saiyan grumbled and wiped the corner of his mouth before sitting up. “Can’t a guy get a wink of sleep around here? You ponies really are strange.” With a yawn he shook his head clearing the fuzziness from it. “So what’s up?” His blue eyes met with Rarity’s as she sat next to him. “Well we got something better to do than take a few winks, and we want you to come with us Makker.” Syera offered him a chance to hang with them instead of slumping around. “The day is still young too ya know?”  Quickly blinking he averted his gaze from the white unicorn. “Oh um, sure. Sounds like a plan. Let me go get some clothes on and I’ll be right back.” With that he hobbled to his feet, slightly swaying before he headed out of the library. “Alright, sweet.” Syera crossed her arms and waited with the other ponies in the library for Makker to be done changing his clothes. Rarity’s sight set on the door and she let out a small sigh that made Twilight’s ears twitch. “Is something wrong Rarity?” Her eyebrow was raised before Rarity blinked to clear her mind. “Sorry dear, just thinking is all. Nothing to worry yourselves about at all.” The white unicorn said with a smile. “M-hm.” Syera hummed to Rarity’s remark as she then started to hover above the floor a bit and started to meditate. She crossed her arms still, her eyes were sealed shut as she went into deep thought. Rainbow grew tired of waiting and started to pace. “Waiting sucks… I’ll meet you girls there!” With that the rainbow maned pegasus took off out a window and into Ponyville. Twilight glared at her sister before she prodded her hoof into Syera’s thigh. Making sure that Rarity wasn’t looking her horn lit up before she telepathically spoke to her sister. Hello? You really don’t notice how weird she’s acting? Are you sure she’s totally ok? The purple pony asked worriedly. Yeah, don’t worry I noticed too Twily. Something must be bothering her. Syera then opened her eyes then looked at her sister with a smile. Think we should try to figure out what she’s thinking about? Syera asked as she then looked at Rarity with a concerned look.  Twilight nodded in agreement before she cleared her throat. “Rarity?” Her friend turned to look at the two of them and tilted her head to the side. “Yes? Is something the matter darling?” Her gaze went between the purple unicorn and the Saiyan. “What? Is there something on my muzzle?” She went cross-eyed as she looked at it and rose a hoof to search for anything on her face. “No there isn’t, don’t worry. We just see that you have something concerning on your mind, what is it? If you don’t mind us asking, if you don’t want to tell us that’s fine.” Syera told her white unicorn friend with a neutral expression. Her eyes darted between the two and she let out a small chuckle. “What do you mean dear? Nothing is wrong with me at all. I feel fine.” She put on a small grin and lightly dug her hoof tip into the floor. Syera then smiled and floated closer to Rarity. “Hey it's alright, you can tell us. I can definitely see you’re very tense for some sort of reason.” Syera then placed a hand on her shoulder.  Rarity rolled her eyes. “Again, I must assure you that I have no idea what you’re talking about. You both are just being silly.” She said with a flick of her hoof that made Twilight scrunch her muzzle up. Just as she said that the door opened and in walked Makker. He wore shin high red boots with faded denim pants. He also wore a black jacket with white sleeves that had Rarity’s cutie mark embroidered on the back. “So? How do I look?” It was obvious to Twilight and Syera that this was the work of Rarity. He also set about attaching his scouter to his head. “Well now, aren’t you the hipster. You look pretty good, I bet Rarity would say way more than that.” Syera said smiling as she admired Makker from top to bottom. He did look rather amazing in this outfit. The seamstress herself let her gaze overlook the male Saiyan. Her eyes sparkled and she grinned widely. “Oh my! You look absolutely stunning dear, the colours really bring out your eyes, I must say I really outdid myself this time.” She examined him as she walked closer. Makker blushed and scratched the back of his head. “It’s all thanks to you Rarity. You made these, all I did was wear them.” The white unicorn slyly smiled and bit her lower lip. “Well, you look quite good in them. Dare I say, you look…” With a light blush across her white cheeks she paused. “Quite dashing.” She then quickly made her way over to Twilight and cleared her throat. “Anyways, shall we be off?” “Yeah, sounds like a good idea.” Syera lead on with her friends out the door of the Golden Oak Library. The town itself seemed to recover from the attack fairly quickly. Little did Makker know, this kind of thing happened usually every other week. So this was quick work for the repair ponies to quickly fix and clean the place up. The only building that was still wrecked was the one Makker had been sent though. While the outside damage wasn’t that bad. It was clear that when he transformed, it really wrecked the building. Yellow tape surrounded the entire building leading him to believe it was not salvageable. Shaking his head he became aware that Rarity and Twilight were talking about the spa. “It’s going to be great, especially after these past weeks. I really need a good relaxing spa day.” Twilight said with a half smile as she tried to crack her neck. Rarity giggled and rolled her eyes a bit. “Well of course being locked in a library for three weeks will do that to you. That can’t be good for your body, let alone your mind dear.” The white unicorn then rambled on about dresses or other for some upcoming dance thing. Makker hung back a bit, his hands behind his head as they made their way across town to the spa. The air felt cooler today, the very beginning of fall starting to roll in as some leaves had started turning colours on the trees. Syera noticed he hung back and took a couple short steps to let him catch up. Her green eyes looked on as his gaze set over the landscape. “It’s honestly really nice here in the autumn.” Syera wore black leggings with ankle high brown boots. She also wore a purple sweater that had a kanji on the back. “I don’t doubt it. It’s amazing to look at already, hell it’s great just walking around.” It didn’t take them long before they made it to the spa. They barely made it inside before two ponies basically rushed them. The first one was a blue earth pony mare with a pink slicked back mane and tail. She wore a white headband to keep any hairs out of her face while the worked along with a white neck band with a small pink dot. Her cutie mark was a pink lotus flower and she had blue eyes. Looking at the other, Makker assumed they were twin sisters, as the other was just a colour swapped version of the first one. The pink one spoke to the group first as the one in blue was finishing up with a couple of mares at the front desk. “Ah Rarity, it’z good to zee you again! What package shall you be indulging in today?” Rarity went in for a quick nuzzle to the spa pony. “Oh Aloe it’s wonderful to see you again! Me and my group shall get the full treatment, all on me of course.” Twilight gave a sheepish smile. “Oh Rarity, you didn’t have to but thank you.” Syera cracked her neck as Aloe lead the group from the waiting room and into the main room and into where they kept the massage tables. The two ponies got up first when the other sister joined them, her eyes seeing that there was someone she did not recognize. “Hello girls…” She said distractedly, Aloe finally laying her own eyes on Makker. “Who is zis?” The male Saiyan looked down at the two sisters and gave an awkward smile. “I’m Makker, I’m a Saiyan just like Syera from another universe. It’s a long story really but it’s nice to meet you two.” Bending down Makker shook each of the girls hooves. Both returned the gesture with a small smile. When Syera saw that Makker was talking to the Spa sisters, she smiled and told them “Make sure he gets a really good treatment girls” Syera then went in a changing room. She had a one piece swimsuit with her so she could go in the hottub and chillout in there. She really wanted to loosen up in there before getting a massage.  “Ahhh…..now that’s more like it.” Syera sighed and closed her eyes as she submerged her body in the water, crossing her legs and her arms draped on the edges of the tub. However….one particular blue pegasus pony happened to break the moment of silence when she screamed out.  “Cannonball!!!!” Rainbow Dash was up in the air and curled herself into a ball and made a big splash into the tub next to Syera. This made her sigh in a bit of annoyance but chuckle since it was pretty funny.  “Only you Rainbow….” Syera said as she whipped some of her hair out of her face. This made Rainbow giggle nervously with a smirk and said.  “Heh….Oops, sorry to break the moment Syera” Rainbow then slumped and relaxed across from Syera.“Just got my wings preened and cleaned while I was waiting for you guys. For being a bunch of earth ponies they sure know their way around a wing.” Dipping her face underwater she sucked a bit of water into her mouth then spit it out in a stream. “Yeah, they definitely know what their doing. I usually wash my hair but when I get it done here, it just feels so much better, I love their deep mane treatments.” Syera sighed and hummed a little as she stretched a bit more, her back was cracking a bit. She stretched her joints, she felt she was limber enough for a massage so she got out, dried off with a towel, as well as her hair a towel wrapped around that, then proceeded to one of the tables to lay on to receive a massage.  Twilight and Rarity walked past Syera as they made their way from their message to the bath. “Simply divine, I feel much better. Oh Syera you’ll feel heaps better after this. They will work out every tense spot on your entire body!” With that the two girls headed towards the bath. Lotus came towards the table and smiled. “Ah Syera, it’z iz good to zee you in here once more. Shall we begin?” She stood on her hind hooves and placed her fore-hooves on Syera’s back. “Oh yes, please do Lotus. I so need this” Syera went limp as she sighed and relaxed on the table. Letting Lotus do her magic, her arms on her sides and her head at the end of the table on the head rest, since there was a slot for her face, she was now looking at the floor. “Mhm...yea…..that’s the stuff.” Syera said softly as she relaxed. Lotus could tell she was pretty tense in a lot of spots along her shoulders, lower back and her thigh/leg areas.  Lotus just gave a smile as she worked. “You are very tense today, that crazy attack ze other night must have been very tough on you yes?” Her blue hooves worked hard to work out Syera’s muscles. While she was a strong pony, the Saiyan was a little tough to work with but Lotus managed just fine. “Mhm….it was a tough battle, I’d be very sad and possibly angry if this place was shut down due to it being damaged. I’m glad it wasn’t, and that you and Aloe are ok.” Syera said softly as she laid there, it started to felt Lotus dig deeper in her tough Saiyan skin, her tense muscles now becoming limber and relaxed.  It didn’t take long before the massage was done. “Alright, it iz done. Go relax in the bath for a while and let your muscles relax.” She then paused and muttered numbers. “Was there not five of you? Where has the strapping young lad gone off too?” “Wait...five?” Syera got up and shook a little then looked around. “You mean Makker? Yeah...where is he?” Syera then tried to search for Makker, ah...there he is, I think he is in the sauna room Lotus.” She then stepped back in the jacuzzi and started to relax, only this time. Rarity was with her this time.  “Oh, hey Rarity, how are you enjoying yourself.” Rarity had cucumbers covering her eyes with a towel on her head, along with a mud mask. Syera guessed she did not want her mane to get wet. “Simply amazing. I haven’t felt this relaxed in ages.” The white unicorn was up to her chin in the hot steamy water. They were shortly joined by Twilight who slipped in slowly, letting her body adjust to the temperature. “The water sure feels nice.” She slipped in and quickly took a spot in between Syera and Rarity. Taking a moment to relish in the feeling of water against her body, she opened her eyes and looked around. “Has anypony seen Rainbow Dash?” “Last time I saw her, she was in the tub with me but….after that I have no idea.” Syera told her sister as her head was laid back. Her eyes closed still as she was in there with Rarity and Twilight. “Ahhh….but I’m sure she is probably still here somewhere.” Syera sighed, not letting a single worry enter her mind. She was in the moment of experiencing tranquility.  Across the spa, Rainbow Dash was currently sneaking her way inside the sauna. Inside the wooden steam room, Makker sat alone with a towel covering his lower half. The air felt stuffy, but cleansed the sinuses and felt great on his exposed skin. The quiet creak of the door was easily picked up in his trained ears and he snapped his attention towards the door. “Jeez! Don’t scare me like that Makker.” Rainbow jumped a little as his eyes shot open and rested on her. The blue pegasus had a towel over her flank and she quickly shut the door before getting up across from the Saiyan. She laid on the wooden bench and spread her wings wide, letting them air out in the steamy room. “Wanna put more water on the rocks?” With a half shrug Makker used the metal ladle to scoop water out of a small bucket on the floor. Reaching to the hot rocks sitting in the holder in the middle of the room, he poured the water on them. It quickly evaporated to steam and the room got a little hotter. “How’s that?” Leaning back, the Saiyan closed his eyes once again and took a deep breath. “Yeah….that’s the stuff, thanks.” Rainbow Dash stretched, letting the steam of the sauna soak deep into the joints of her body and wings. This refreshing feeling made her feel so relaxed and limber. “So Makker, what do you think of Ponyville so far? Besides the whole…..Minotaur disaster.” Dashie asked the male Saiyan across from her.  Opening his deep blue eyes Makker stared at the ceiling. “To be honest. It feels more like home then where I came from.” The man took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s a long story, but I’ll just say where I came from. The world was brought to the brink of destruction. I was the last line of defence in the fight, many friends fell around me and…” Closing his eyes Makker took a deep breath. “Let’s just say, I had the fate of the entire world on my shoulders.” “That’s….terrible, I can’t even imagine something so terrifyingly scary like that. And such responsibility, that’s totally noble of you Makker. Honestly, I kinda see a lot of that in Syera, she is always there for all of us, she is strong. Stronger than Celestia herself maybe, I can’t be sure. But knowing how strong you are, I bet you can do many great things, I just hope wherever your home is, is at peace like here.” Rainbow Dash was taken in shock and awe of such a tale of Makker’s home, she was surprised that she could see some similar traits between him and Syera, the will to go on and push even further to protect the ones you care and love. That great little trait, it seems Saiyans like Makker and Syera both have. Makker just chuckled. “Thanks Dash, but that is part of the reason why I’m still here. To get stronger, to gain power and knowledge I can take back with me.” The smile then fell from his face into a small frown. “When the time comes…” “Oh...I understand, I’m sure all of us can help you prepare, Especially Syera since she trains hard nearly everyday, it's usually in the early mornings. I see her almost each day when I go to work. I’d definitely take advantage of it, I should since I still wanna learn some moves from her. Eh….Sometime around I’ll get to it, but definitely you should definitely train with her, I think she’d appreciate a training partner.” Rainbow Dash recommended to him, if he wanted to get stronger and train hard, then Syera is the right Pony or…..Saiyan in her case, to talk to. “Oh I know she’s strong believe me, I fought her. But until I fully heal I’ll be kicking back for some well needed rest. Hell, the last time I’ve really had a break was… Well a long time ago.” Makker closed his eyes and leaned back, basking in the soothing feeling of the sauna. “Wow, never had much time to have a little R&R eh?” Rainbow asked in surprise, however when she thought about it. She could tell he didn’t have much room in his schedule for chilling out and catching some good quality time of kicking back. “Dude, that sucks beyond belief, I’d probably go crazy if I couldn’t catch my normal schedule of chilling and taking my afternoon naps.” Rainbow remarked as she then switched position on the bench, she laid on.  The blue pegasus rested on her back, her wings hanging lazily down but barely managed to not touch the floor. “I didn’t have much of a choice. I either had to fight, or everyone I knew and loved would have died.” The tired Saiyan scratched the back of his head. “But enough of all that, we’re here to relax and have a good time right Rainbow Dash?” “You bet Makker.” Rainbow told him with a bright smile as she stretched just a little bit more to get comfortable laying on her back. “Mind hitting the rocks again for some more steam?” Rainbow asked him once more for some more heat and steam for the sauna room.  Reaching down he dumped the rest of the bucket onto the rocks, sending forth a huge amount of steam. “Ahh, now that’s real nice.” The moisture from the steam beaded on Makkers chest, some dripping down but most clung to his skin. Cracking his knuckles he leaned back once more and took a deep breath. Meanwhile,  Syera was now going in a mud bath, she had cucumber slices on her eyes as she laid in there with a pillow resting her head. “Mm….” While she was in there, she was doing a bit of meditation, feeling the world around her, taking in who is there and what they are doing. She can see that Rainbow Dash and Makker are in the sauna while Twilight and Rarity are now getting their message treatment. With all of that, a small smile came across her face as she knew everyone was enjoying themselves. “This is it…..everything is going just great.” She muttered to herself softly.  However, something was off…..Syera for some reason could not relax all the way. And the way she was trying, was not helping. Eventually she dozed off in the mud bath. “Eh….what? where am I?” Syera looked around, she was now in her normal Gi she usually wears. Only now she saw that she was in Ponyville, how it was pitch black dark, with the moon bright in the sky. “Its...Ponyville? But…..where is everypony.” She looked around and decided to walk forward. After taking a few steps, she could hear a few whispers of something….it was unclear of who it was. However it did seem familiar.  “Ngh….who’s there?!” Syera finally having enough of the whispering spoke out loud, demanding to know who is speaking to her, or at least trying to.  “The…..night…...I shall….reign over the night…..” Is all she kept hearing but soon it got louder and it seemed to be getting closer to her. When it seemed very close, she turned around. But nopony was there, so when she turned to walk deeper in Ponyville, she noticed she was in front of Townhall, she didn’t know why but she had to enter it.   When she entered it, she then saw a particular figure standing on top of the balcony above. “W..What?! Why in the….dumb question….more like how are you back?” Syera gritted her teeth and a maniacal laughter was heard from the dark figure above.  “Good question Syera, how is it that I of all ponies are back, maybe it's fate that I have another chance to take you and the other element bearers out for good. I Nightmare Moon will take you down for good!” Nightmare Moon then rushed off the balcony at high speed towards the Saiyan.  “Likely story, bring it on” Syera rushed forward and collided against the evil dark tyrant. However she didn’t expect her to be this strong. Nightmare Moon wasn’t fooling around.  “Aha! I got you now!” Nightmare Moon screamed at Syera and she bum rushed the saiyan even more than before and made her fly through the door of town hall and out in the middle the town square. “Ack!” Syera grunted a little as she flew through the door, but she shifted out of Moon’s grasp and got some distance from her. Now she and Nightmare Moon were having a bit of a standoff.  “Alright, since I don’t want to waste anymore time with you as is, how about we skip the warm-up.” Syera said as she then powered up to Super Saiyan. “Nrrrg!!” with that she was now in full powered Super Saiyan form, ready to take on the evil tyrant of the night.  “Now that is the look I love, the look I love to see you when you are dead Syera!” Nightmare Moon clashed once again with Syera, however the Saiyan seemed to be holding her own against the Alicorn as she dodged attack after attack the dark mare threw at her.  “Nrg! stop dodging and fight me!” The Mare in the Moon demanded the Saiyan. With a single swing to the jaw, Syera followed her command.  “As you wish Princess Moon-butt.” Syera smirked as she then gave the Mare in the Moon a serious beating, kick after kick, punch after punch. She was not letting up till the final hits which were the hardest, Syera then took a stance where she threw her forward momentum all the way in one single fist, it glowed a bright gold and it seemed time started to slow down just a little as her fist collided once more with Nightmare Moon’s jaw.  “Gwahhhhhh!!!!” The Mare in the Moon then flew into a building, the force of the punch Syera laid on her made her do a small forward flip, it made her tumble a little but once she got her bearings back, she took a firm stance.   “Hmm...had enough?” Syera asked with a smile as she saw the Mare in the Moon was in the rubble of the building.  With a dark magical light from the rubble, Nightmare Moon was on her hooves and gave a devilish grin. “Oh Syera… You know deep inside you that you can’t stop me this time.” The night princess slowly approached the Saiyan who was frozen stiff. The power that Nightmare Moon emitted caused a dark glow of evil energy, her wings spread wide and her fangs glistening in the moonlight. Syera stood still, her body refusing to move as she felt the overwhelming power from the Mare. “Nrg… I can’t move… What did you do, you monster!?” She grit her teeth, causing a bone chilling cackle from Nightmare Moon. “Oh that’s rich Syera.” Cracking her neck as her slitted cat like-eyes stared back to the Saiyans eyes. “Your friends couldn’t stop me, Celestia couldn’t stop me.” Standing tall she snarled and charged her magic into her horn. “And neither can you!” “Damn it…. Not good! She has me by the tail on this one… What do I do?!” Syera darted her eyes around quickly, trying to think of an idea. When all of a sudden. “Ah! That’s it!” Syera started to struggle as she lifted her left arm and put two fingers to her forehead. “Wait… What’s going on… I can’t concentrate on something to transmission to… Oh man!” Syera said out loud. The evil princess put her muzzle against Syera’s face, her eyes staring right into her own. “Nopony is left to help you…” With twisted grin Nightmare Moon looked deep into Syera’s eyes. “I can see the fear in you…” A dark mist surrounded the two, the only light coming from the full moon as Syera was forced back to her base form. “This is where you die, Saiyan…” “Ahh……..Nrg….Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!” Syera screamed with all her lungs could spew out, but it was no use. The darkness of the Nightmare Moon consumed her and what energy she had left to resist.  Suddenly a hard hoof lightly slapped her across the face. “SYERA!?” The Saiyan shot her eyes opened and stood up quickly, getting into a battle stance. In doing so, she flung mud across the floor and on Twilight. The purple pony stood with a less than amused face. “Really?” “Huh, wait….what happened? Did you slap me?” Syera asked as she looked over at Twilight, and she noticed a bit of mud on her sister’s muzzle. She wondered how the heck she got mud on her… Oh that’s right, she remembered she was taking a mud bath. She must’ve dozed off. “So it was just… A dream?” Syera said softly to herself as she scratched her cheek as she thought out loud. Twilight shook herself off and tilted her head to the side. “You were over here mumbling and struggling. Are you ok?” Her lavender eyes trailed to Syera’s body she pointed a hoof at the Saiyan. “Umm Syera? You’re kinda naked.” Levitating a towel to her she covered Syera as best she could. “Probably should go to the showers. Makker is just starting his massage in the back, me and Rarity are going to get our manes done.” She looked a little uneasy and worried for her sister. “Take care ok? If you need anything let me know alright?” With that she nuzzled Syera’s towel covered stomach. “Yea, thanks Twilight. And don’t worry, I’m fine. I just a had a bit of… hmm, Nightmare I guess?” Syera said as she held the towel around herself. She then took her sister's advice and went to the shower room to clean herself off of the mud. She stepped in and turned the nozzle in the stall that had a shower head, out came the water and it came rushing down over her. “Mmm… Now what was that just now in my dream/horrible nightmare about?” Syera thought as she rinsed the mud off her body. First off her arms and chest area. Then her stomach area, as she looked at herself, she noticed how ripped she was and flexed a little. “Wow….sometimes I forget how much of a physik I have. Especially the way I eat on a daily, I guess my diet is just right then.” After she was done in the shower, getting the mud and stuff off herself. She dried off and stretched her legs, shoulders and her neck area. Surprisingly, where Twilight hit her, she could still feel it a little bit, probably cause her guard was down, but the aftermath of it should go away within the hour.  It was then she wrapped a towel around herself again and soon headed over to where Rarity and Twilight were. “Hey you two, how goes it?” The two ponies had their entire manes inside the large hair dryers. Rarity had a lazy smile on her muzzle. “Fabulous dear, this day was simply luxurious.” The white pony half mumbled as she sat back with her eyes closed. Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes before looking at her sister. “Did you see Rainbow Dash in there? I have no idea where she went off too.” “Honestly, I remember sensing her in the Sauna with Makker but now….I have no idea.” Syera thought about where her rainbow maned friend could be. However when she was thinking of her, she reacted and to a sudden hoof come flying at her, and threw whoever the hoof belonged to down to the ground. “Yah!” Syera took a stance over… “Rainbow Dash? Well aren’t you a trickster, I’m surprised your name isn’t Betelgeuse.”  “Haha! Wait, who’s Betelgeuse?” Rainbow Dash asked a bit confused, after the little laugh she had when she made Syera react to such a sudden reaction.  “It’s just something I read up on in a book once, just this dude named Betelgeuse and he only appears if you say his name three times and whatever else. Anyway, I only said that because you’re such sneaky trickster Dashie.” Syera then broke stance and smirked as she helped her friend off the ground. While Syera explained her joke to Rainbow Dash, in the massage room Makker laid on a table with just a towel on. “Are you ok Aloe?” The pink mare stood by as he laid down and took a deep breath.  The pink spa pony eyed the old scars with a deer in the headlights look. “Y-yes, I am fine. It’s just zat, those scars…” She trailed off before grabbing a small bottle of massage oil in her mouth. Pouring the warm liquid onto his skin she gently used her hooves to work his muscles. The male Saiyan stifled a groan. “Yea, I hear about them a lot. Let’s just say, I’ve had a couple close calls to death before. Oh yea, right there…” He muttered as she worked on his shoulders. Her hooves pressed in all the right places, working his stiff and overworked muscles just right. Aloe worked in relative silence. Normally she was very talkative, with him she felt uneasy and honestly a little intimidated from him. Swallowing the lump in her throat she broke the silence. “S-so. Where are you staying in Ponyville?” Makker closed his eyes and completely relaxed under her professional touch. “Rarity, she offered her spare room to me for as long as I’m here.” This relaxed the spa pony hearing him being so friendly and talking. “Yes, Miss Rarity has spoke very highly of you, iz it true zat you saved her ze other night?” Her hooves worked their way down his back, to the lower section of it. Makker shifted a little as the pain from his body was slowly worked out. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I just did what I had to do. I couldn’t live with myself if she had gotten hurt when I could have stopped it.” A small smile spread across her muzzle as the two continued a light conversation. Before too long, she was done. It took a bit of extra work on his arms but she got every kink out. “There, you are done. I look forward to seeing you next time!” With that she took her leave so Makker could get dressed once more. Out in the main lobby, the others waited for the remaining Saiyan to be done. They didn’t have to wait terribly long before Makker rejoined the group. “That was a great experience girls, I hope we can come back again sometime and do this.” Syera said stretching, feeling so limber and loose. However, the weird dream she had with Nightmare Moon. Syera wondered if this was a sign that she could possibly return, but how would that be possible.  “Oh yeah, We definitely gotta come around and have a full on spa day, Every single one of us.” Rainbow Dash was hyped since she felt just as limber as Syera. Maybe a bit more since her wings were cleaned up and she was lightly hovering above the ground like she usually does. Twilight looked at her sister, still a bit worried about earlier when she was in the Mud-bath. But she wondered if her sister truly is ok. She did act weird when she came back to the library after the minotaur attack, as well as how overprotective she was when Celestia came and started to examine Makker. It was odd, was she truly ok? Her stare caught her sister’s attention.  “Hmm? Twilight, is something wrong?” Syera asked her sister since the stare she was giving was her was filled with worry. “Something on my face, or what, some mud still left?” Syera started to feel around her face wondering if there is any mud on her face since some splashed up when she came out of bath so quickly. Twilight bit her lower lip and pondered over her words. “You seem… Different.” Her purple eyes stared up into Syera’s. She studied the Saiyans face carefully. “You’re not like your usual self…” She trailed off and prodded her sister’s leg with her right hoof. “What do you mean, It's me Twilight. I mean, if you're wondering how much I’ve changed in strength then I see what you mean. But...really, what do you mean?” Syera looked confused and tilted her head slightly as to wonder what does Twilight think is different about her.  Twilight let out a small huff and shook her head. “You know what I mean. Something inside you changed since last night.” They all left the spa, walking out into the cool afternoon. Rarity and Makker stood back a bit as Syera and Twilight talked. Rainbow Dash flew lazily in the air up beside Syera. “Now that I think about it, I think I can back you up on this one Twilight. Syera, you do seem quite off from your usual self.” Rainbow Dash chimed into the conversation, this kinda put Syera on the spot a little between the two.  “Honestly girls, I..I’m fine… Really.” Syera said but there was a bit of hesitation in her voice, she obviously wasn’t telling the truth but Twilight didn’t want to push it further since the day is going good so far. She doesn’t want to ruin it due to a little problem like this. But Twilight didn’t want to let it go for good, she’d wait till they got home first.  “Well, if you say so Syera, honestly after that day at the Spa, I’m quite hungry and could use some of AJ’s Cider.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew around the group above the ground, slowly flapping her wings. “Long as she doesn't mind, I’m down for it.” Makker stretched and ruffled his hair with his right hand. Rarity smiled as she gave Makker a quick glance. “That sounds lovely to me, I’m sure Applejack would love to have a little get together. Syera, Dash. Why don’t you two go collect the others?” “Oh sure, let’s go get em Dashie” Syera said as she then started to hover above the ground and soon flew up with Rainbow Dash.  “Oh yea, let’s roll out Syera” Rainbow chirped happily as she couldn’t wait to fly with Syera at a great speed to get the others.  “First….Pinkie Pie.” Syera stated as she then landed in front of Sugarcube Corner with Rainbow Dash to go in and look for Pinkie Pie.  “Hey Pinkie! Where you at?” Rainbow called out as they entered, the room was quiet and surprisingly empty of all ponies. “I finally found you!” Came Pinkie from behind them, nearly scaring both of them dead. “Ooo ooo ooo ooo!! We’re going to Applejack’s to have a party and chill because of the other day and all the crazy fun stuff that we did fighting all those mean bad minotaurs. I already set up a party in the barn and have been looking all over for you guys!!!!” Rainbow Dash put her hoof to her chest and took a breath. “Jeez Pinkie, give a mare a heart attack why don’t you. Besides… How did you know we were doing that?” She looked up at Syera who gave a shrug. Pinkie rolled her eyes and rode around them in circles on her party cannon. “Well I found Rarity and Twilight at the spa before you two were done and said how we should totally have a big party for ‘saving Ponyville’ for you and Makker especially, so then I went a set up the entire party and got food, snacks, games, snacks, streamers, and most importantly snacks!!” She panted hard and took a deep breath before continuing. “So I went and told Fluttershy, Applejack already knows and I went all over Ponyville looking for you, I was at the bowling alley, the flower shop, Quills and Sofas and, oh! Even that sketchy looking alley but I coul-mmph!” Rainbow stuck her hoof in Pinkie Pie’s mouth. “I don’t need my ear talked off. We get the point Pinkie.” The blue pegasus rolled her eyes before putting her hoof down. “Anyway, since you obviously found us when we were originally gonna look for you Pinkie, how about you do the honors and lead us to the party?” Syera asked politely with a smile, but what was weird is how when she said that. Pinkie noticed too that Syera seemed to be acting different than usual. “What? is something wrong Pinkie?” Syera asked the Pink Pony.  Shaking her head slowly the party pony lead them outside. “No, everything is fine Syera. Let’s get to that party.” The trio soon the trio made their way to Sweet Apple Acres to this party Pinkie set up. It honestly looked amazing, as always, Pinkie did a great job decorating the interior of the barn. The music was going great, and the she was right, there were all sorts of food and snacks along with games, streamers, tonnes of games and yes….definitely it was important, more snacks.  “Wow, this looks amazing Pinkie Pie” Rainbow remarked her work on the inside.  “It honestly really does Pinkie, I think you did an outstanding job.” Syera chimed in with Rainbow Dash as they admired the out of this world job that Pinkie Pie had did.  The party seemed to be just starting, aside from the mane six there was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Big Macintosh, Cheerilee was also there. There was a small boombox on a table that was currently blasting a song that had Pinkie Pie hopping towards the dancefloor. “Oooo!! This is my jam!!!” With that she began dancing, everypony steered clear of her as they continued themselves. Fluttershy stood beside Twilight and cutely danced a bit as they made idle chit chat. More ponies began to show up such as Lyra and Bon Bon, Mayor Mare, Time Turner showed up with Derpy in tow. It turned out to be a nice little barn party. Applejack placed a large barrel onto one of the tables and sighed. “Alright ponies, adults only now. Line up for a cup of cider.” The farm pony turned to see Rainbow Dash and Syera right behind her. Rainbow drooled and licked her lips. “Oh man! You only break out this stuff once in a blue moon! I can’t wait to taste it!” Behind her, Syera while more composed and not drooling, she already had a cup in hand. Syera chuckled a bit and waited to have a toast with Rainbow Dash once she got a cup of cider herself. Once Dash did get a cup. “Hey Dash, cheers to being happily buzzed.” Syera clanked mugs with her pegasus friend and down the hatch the cider went.  As Syera was done with her cider, she decided to go onto the dance floor, making sure to avoid Pinkie Pie though. She started to dance with a few ponies, right next to Thunderlane who was currently trying to show his moves off to Flitter and Cloud Chaser. Rarity stood to the side with a small plate with cake on it. It was a slice of delicious white pound cake, the flavour was wonderful but she was getting thirsty. Her eyes gazed behind her and she noticed Makker approached her with a couple full cups of punch. “Thirsty?” The male Saiyan offered her one of the cups which she gladly took. Giving a small thanks she quickly downed it and let out a small sigh. “Thank you darling.” The two stood to the sidelines and watched Syera on the dance floor. Being quite nimble and strong, she could pull off all sorts of cool dance moves. “Mhm….oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.” Syera started to do a few moves with her feet, twisting and hopping around on them. She also bent her knees and started to shake it and drop it down low. “Whoa! Nice going there!” Flitter and Cloud Chaser cheered Syera on as the music got more intense and kicked into high gear.  “Yea! Turn it up!” Cloud Chaser cheered out as they danced with her. Working up a bit of sweat, Syera switched it up by doing a few handstands and forward flips and backflips, some on the floor, some in the air. It was then that Vinyl Scratch joined the party, in tow was a reluctant Octavia. With her portable rig, she far outclassed what a little boombox could do. “Aw yeah are you ready for these wubs of destruction!” With that a drum and bass beat soon came to the dance floor. Thankfully, away from it, it was relatively quiet enough for ponies to talk to each other. “Pinkie sure knows how to throw a party huh?” Applejack leaned against the now empty barrel and smiled. “Just us ponies havin a good time.” Rarity smiled and nodded in agreement. “Quite. By the way, this punch is simply divine! What did you put in it?” Makker glanced over to the bowl and noticed that there was a tiny alligator inside it. The white unicorn met his gaze and scrunched her muzzle. “Delightful…” With that she promptly put her cup down and stared at the wall. Syera, Flitter and Cloud Chaser then began to sing a bit of the lyrics from the song that was currently playing from the rig Vinyl brought in.  The group began singing as they danced, it was then the beat dropped and the music kicked in hard as they started to dance. The next song on Vinyl’s roster started and it was a little more relaxed in terms of tempo. Soon it seemed to be couples dancing, and a couple pairs of friends for fun. Makker had made himself comfortable on the floor with his legs outstretched. Around him the others gathered and talked amongst themselves. Rarity cocked an eye at Syera. “You’re pretty good at that, but have you slow danced before with somepony? I mean surely Celestia taught you proper ballroom edicate.” With that said a groan came from Twilight as Syera rolled her eyes. Syera then chuckled a bit as she looked at Rarity. “I was never really good at ballroom dancing or ...slow dancing since the style Celestia did teach me was made for Ponies. So I ended up learning how to do it a different way since I’m a lot taller than ponies, and I bend differently. But I could do it if somepony offers me one. Just have to be careful not to over do it Rarity.” She chuckled smiling, however when she thought back to it, It's quite an embarrassing tale to tell. Syera then batted her eyes at Makker, then to Rarity before a playful smile came across her face. With a raised eyebrow the white unicorn looked between the two. “What? Is something wrong?” She blinked and stared down at the man while he watched the ponies dance. Biting her lip Rarity leaned towards Syera and whispered to her. “If you’re implying what I think you are…” The white unicorn said with a faint blush on her cheeks. “Well ...why not? Having a slow dance with him shouldn’t be so bad.” Syera smiled as she turned her head to look at Rarity, then back at Makker and smirked.  The posh unicorn blushed harder and stole a quick glance back at Makker. “Well… I uh… You… You’re right. But don’t tell him that.” She quietly hissed at Syera before she cleared her throat and stood straight beside the sitting Saiyan. Glancing down at him she quickly tapped him on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked up at her, that face always put butterflies in her stomach. Come on Rarity, you. Can. Do. This. With that she took a deep breath. “I uh, was wondering… If I could…” With that she huffed and stood in front of him and stuck her hoof out at him, “Could I have this dance?” It was at that point that a faint blush spread across his face. He couldn’t avoid her gaze and swallowed. “Here Syera, hold this…” He removed his scouter and gave it to her. He quickly nodded and stood up, wrapping his hand around Rarity’s hoof before she escorted him to the dancefloor. Twilight and Syera stood side by side as they watched them, Syera gently holding the device he had given her. With a smile the purple pony nudged her sister. “I should have bet you on this.” A small grin crept across her face as she looked up at her sister. The song was starting to wind down and another quickly replaced it, but it was more of a ballroom style tune. “Hmph, yeah I suppose. Plus those two seem to click very well ya know?” Syera responded back as she crossed her arms and sat next to Twilight. As the slow dance continued, it looked absolutely adorable when Rarity slow danced with Makker. “And I think Spike might have a bit of competition.” Syera laughed with Twilight as Makker struggled to keep up with Rarity’s moves. She noticed his tenseness and laid her head on his chest. “Darling, you need to relax. Let the music flow inside you, let your body move how it wants too.” The male Saiyans heart was pounding, he took a shaky breath and nodded. Closing his eyes, he let the sound of the music inside his head. The notes started to play as his arms, legs and soul started to loosen up. Suddenly, he took her right hoof in his hand, placed his other hand onto her hip and started to move. Rarity was caught off guard as he quickly took the lead, his movements were precise but delicate, quick but meaningful. The two danced in sync, hooves and feet moved like they had practiced this their whole lives. The ponies who were dancing made way for the two, making a small circle as they danced alone in the middle of the room. But neither paid no mind, Rarity herself was lost in her own little world. This was what she waited her whole life for. A majestic prince to sweep her off her hooves so they could live happily ever after. The Saiyan held her in all the right places with a gentle but firm grasp. His wonderfully strong hand held her flank making her muscles twitch underneath his palm. A fierce blush spread across her muzzle, she could feel it warm her face as she stared up at him. His deep blue eyes met hers, that split moment they connected felt like hours as her heart raced inside her chest. Her lips parted as she started to breath a little heavier. He blinked and in a quick moment stepped back holding firm to her hoof. Using his other hand he spun her around in a small circle. Behind them, their group of friends looked on. Fluttershy had a small warm smile on her face as she looked on. “They look cute together.” Applejack, who had just came back from taking the empty barrel back to the basement looked surprised. “Well, that boy can really dance can’t he? Never would have thought that he could do that fancy stuff.” She air quoted with her hooves as she took a seat with the rest of them. While Vinyl looked mostly uninterested, her friend Octavia was now enjoying herself. The light grey earth pony mare was more akin to this kind of music and sophistication. Her mulberry eyes watched the Saiyan and unicorn dance, watching them as they moved with passion. Makker was zoned out, all his focus was on Rarity right now. As she moved so did he, a step for a step. She swished her mane from her face, he would readjust his grip on her flank and hoof. Her fur was soft, like a silk blanket. Her beautiful eyes continued to stare into his own. She blinked delicately a couple times in quick succession. His heart skipped a beat and thinking quickly, picked her up and held her above her head. At first she was a little off put, but as soon as he started to slowly spin her she struck a pose. She was incredibly light for Makker so it was no struggle to keep her above his head. The crowd started to stomp their hooves as the music started to dwindle. Putting the white unicorn back down he spun her around a couple times before leaning her over, cradling her in his arm as he panted. The music ended as the crowd cheered, sweat beads started to trickle down his face. More so from the excitement in the moment than anything. The two looked at each other, Rarity had her forehooves tucked to her chest as she gazed up at his face. Her cheeks and nose were fully flushed a bright pink, she licked her lips to moisten them as she panted slightly. Likewise, the Saiyan had a faint blush on his pink cheeks. The room melted away for the two as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Makker held his breath and gulped... Then lips locked. Makker pulled her close and kissed the white pony right on her lips. Ponies gasped as her eyes opened wide for a split second then they closed as she tilted her head into the kiss. Twilight put her hoof to her mouth and looked on with a small blush as they kissed. “Wow, didn’t see that coming...” She muttered as Rarity and Makker parted their kiss, a small string of saliva connected them for a brief moment before it broke and Rarity’s eyes opened to look up at him. The past five minutes had felt like an eternity, from the time they started, till this kiss. Not a single word was spoken between the two, only pure body language communicated the deep feelings of the two. “Y-you… Kissed me…” She whispered to him, a look of almost disbelief on her face. She raised a hoof to her lips and touched them. They tingled warmly, her heart was beating like a drum as her gaze once again rose to his face. Makker snapped out of the trance they were in and suddenly could feel the presence of everyone else in the room was staring at them. He helped her to her hooves and glanced around the room. A tightness in his chest forced his breathing to become more rapid. Shaking his head he looked down at the beautiful unicorn. “Yea… I-I did…” With that he quickly let go of her, a brief moment she reached for his hand as it left her hoof. Dashing quickly outside he took off into the slowly darkening evening sky. Everypony was speechless, including Syera herself. Rarity dashed behind him, skidding to a halt at the doors to the barn and reached towards him. “Wait!!” But he was already gone, his bright aura shot down into Ponyville and out of sight. Rainbow was quick beside her and grit her teeth. “What the hay was his problem?” The others quickly gathered around as Syera was lost deep in her thoughts. A single stream of tears ran from Rarity’s eyes as Applejack held her close to her chest. “I have no idea! That was very strange. It was just a kiss.” Twilight looked as puzzled as the rest when a small tug came on Syera’s pant leg. The butter yellow pegasus smiled a bit and cleared her throat. “I think I know what was wrong.” Her soft voice brought all eyes to her. “Well... I don’t think it was just a kiss, Twilight.” Fluttershy slowly walked up and sat down beside Rarity with a small smile. The distraught unicorn looked at her friend and smiled a little. Wiping her cheek she nodded. “Fluttershy’s right.” With a small breath she looked towards Ponyville. “Honestly, the passion I felt from that kiss blew every single one I’ve ever gotten before, out of the water.” Biting her lower lip she shook her head, using her magic to bring a tissue to her nose and blew it. Applejack looked a little puzzled as she looked over Ponyville. “Then why the hay did he take off for? Ah guessed he had feelin’s for ya, but what caused him to run off like that?” The orange farm pony scratched her head under her hat in confusion. “It’s alright, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He just needs time to process all of what he has done.” Syera finally spoke once she came out of her thoughts. “But wow, I never knew he would do that. Way to go him.” She said as she put her hands to her sides and held them there while she tilted her head a little.  “Ah think ya may be right about that Syera, about him tryin’ to process his emotions and such.” Applejack said as she continued to look out of the barn at the night sky. With a small chuckle she tilted her hat up. “He is a man after all.”  “To be honest, it's been a very rough week for all of us. And the state of emotions he is probably processing and going through must be hard.” Fluttershy spoke softly as she looked at her friends, softly jestering her hooves a little. “Hey Rarity.” Syera called to the white mare. “Here, I think you should get this to him, when you see him again that is.” She then handed Rarity his scouter. “He gave it to me before he had that dance with you, I’m sure he’ll appreciate you getting it back to him.” Once she gave Rarity the scouter, the party soon let out. It was pretty late, at the stroke of midnight so everypony decided to head home for the night. “Wow wee! What a party! This one is definitely going in the book” Pinkie said cheerfully as she had a photo album with her, placing a couple of good memos from the party. Including when Makker kissed Rarity. “This one is the best.” She muttered to herself, gently biting her lower lip as she looked once more towards Ponville. Syera leaned over and gazed down at the photos. “Wow, when did you find the time to get all these great shots Pinkie?” She asked in amazement since all these shots were well done and crystal clear.  “Oh I have my ways Syera, however it would take a lot to explain, especially for the writers of this story to put down in words and text.” Pinkie said which confused Syera.  “Wait… What writers? What story?” Syera asked, scratching the side of her head as Pinkie Pie just rolled her eyes at her. “Don’t worry about, Just go with the flow.” Pinkie told her with a bright smile and squee. She then hummed a little toon as she put the photo album in her mane. To this day, no pony knows how she stores so much stuff away when she doesn’t have pockets.  Twilight looked on and, with a grumble and a shake of her head she just muttered to herself. “Ignore Pinkie…” Once they reached Ponyville, the gang split up and headed their separate ways. Rarity was lost in thought as she neared her home. That kiss… But… Why me of all ponies? Once she turned the corner she set her sight on her home. It was completely dark, except a single light on in the room she knew was her sisters. With a small gulp she walked up to her house and opened the door, closing it quietly behind her. “Makker darling? Are you here?” Her voice echoed through the dark house. But alas there was no response. So she begrudgingly took to the stairs, and started to slowly climb them. Her horn was the only source of light until she came into the hallway. The room he slept in was indeed lit, though she could hear no sounds coming from it. Carefully approaching it, she tip-hoofed closer and closer until she peered inside. There the man sat, facing away from her. He was in his black Gi bottoms while the rest of his clothes were neatly folded on the bed. She stepped inside and felt the air in the room, it made the hairs on her body stand on end. He did not turn around nor seem to acknowledge her in the slightest. She stepped closer, her heart racing as she looked at him from behind. “Makker?” She spoke a bit louder and all of a sudden his aura cut, the tension in the air snapped and he raised his head. Putting his hand on his knee the Saiyan stood up tall, stretching while a couple spots cracked in his back. “I figured I would at least wait for you to return before I left…” With that he turned and looked guiltily down at Rarity. The white unicorn took a step back as her brain processed what he was saying. “Left? Why would you leave dear?” She curiously looked up to his face, the look he addoned was much different to the one she’d seen him with earlier. Closing his eyes he gazed out the window as the moon hovered far above Ponyville’s horizon. Taking a couple steps towards it he placed his right hand onto the glass. “Rarity. You have to understand. You’ve done so much for me, we’ve actually gotten quite close in my short time here. Everything changed the other night though.” Placing his forehead to the glass he closed his eyes. Rarity had no words, she just merely stood in the middle of the room as she listened to him. “That was when I realized, everything could happen just like it did before… Back in my world I mean.” Taking a deep breath the Saiyan pushed his head off the cold glass. “It’s a long story, but someone I loved deeply died in a battle. I was too weak to protect her, that’s where most of the scars on me came from. I barely made it out with my life, but she wasn’t so lucky.” Makker turned and looked back at Rarity. Tears welled up in his eyes as she edged closer. “Rarity, I don’t want that to be you all over again. I promised myself that wouldn’t be you. I’d give my life defending you if I needed to, defending Ponyville. But I couldn’t rest easy knowing I left you while you had feelings for me.” The white unicorn reached towards him, but he merely walked past her and grabbed the top part of the Gi. She opened her mouth in a silent protest as he quickly got dressed. Looking back over his shoulder he had a conflicted look on his face. “I… I’ve fallen for you Rarity. You are the most beautiful pony I’ve met, inside and outside. Honestly, the fact threw me off a bit when I arrived. But I’ve come to understand you ponies are not so different from me.”” Turning he crouched to her level and gently cupped her cheek in his hand. Tears ran down her cheeks and she sniffed as he continued. “You gave me a home with no thought, you treated me like an equal. These past three days have been the best I’ve had in my life.” His hand left the pony’s face as the Saiyan stood up and walked towards the door to the hall. “It seems like a curse every Saiyan has. We have an innate sense of pride and we live, and die to fight. We are a warrior race, it’s in our DNA. We’re born to fight, and we die fighting. Weird as it may seem it’s woven inside us.. I’m not about to put you though that Rarity.” With one last glance back, a single tear ran down his cheek. “I love you, and I always will. Forgive me for setting false hopes in you. And again, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” With that he walked out into the hallway leaving Rarity to stand there speechless. She heard him walk down the stairs and the little bell above the door rang throughout the deathly quiet house. Once the door shut she shot out after him. Down the stairs she went and almost ripped the door off the hinges as she stepped out into the cold night air. There he stood, in the majestic moonlight. He turned to the sound of the door opening and saw Rarity standing there. She looked almost angry, her tears dripped off her cheeks and onto the dirt. “You can’t go… You’ve protected me like the prince I’ve always wanted. I felt that connection during that dance.” She placed her hoof to her chest. “In here… I felt it inside here. Your heart never lies. I know what yours is saying to you.” Looking down at his chest he felt his heart ache. Looking back at Rarity she started to walk towards him. “We have more time to develop you and me. Just… Stay here with me. I’ve had all these ponies in my life that I thought were The One. But none of them ever lived up to what they pretended they were. Everypony except you.” “You never pretended. You never needed to, you are perfect in my eyes darling. You dashed in to save my life that night, without a second thought. Without any concern for your own well being. You very well could have died that night saving my life.” The white unicorn gazed up towards the moon and smiled. “I never pictured my prince to be a Saiyan, but now I can think of nopony else to fill that spot in my heart I have been desperately trying to fill my entire life.” Makker was now the one to be speechless as Rarity came to a stop at his feet. Swallowing heavily the male Saiyan stepped back and bent down. “Rarity… I can’t.” He could see her blood boil as she shook her head a couple times. “Why in the holy name of Celestia can’t you?!” She grit her teeth and raised her hoof. For a moment she considered smacking some sense into him, but opted to place her hoof onto his shoulder. “Makker, I’m asking as a mare who doesn't want her heart broken anymore. Please stay. I will love you no matter what happens to you.” She put a forehoof onto his chest and felt his beating heart. “Do what this says. Listen to your heart Makker.” Closing his eyes Makker took a deep breath and opened them again. He lifted his hand to her cheek and wiped her tears away. “Rarity. For you. I’ll stay here.” Leaning in their lips connected once more. It was a more tender kiss, her hooves draping over his shoulders as he picked her up off her hindhooves. Once they stopped they kissed again, little kisses that lasted merely moments but each one sent shivers down her spine. Finally she pulled back and nuzzled under his neck, mindful of her horn. “Thank you darling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” She held on tightly as Makker made his way back inside with Rarity in his arms. Once inside he wasted no time in going upstairs. She clung tightly to his Gi, making sure he didn’t go anywhere. “My bedroom darling… Sleep with me just his one night?” Looking down at her she smiled. “I know you’re a gentleman. It’ll be fine for tonight.” Makker didn’t argue and did as he was told. Placing Rarity onto the bed, Makker started to remove his Gi. She smiled sweetly, her eyes never leaving him as he was soon down to his underwear. Sliding the covers back Rarity pet the bed. “As you wish.” With a small smile he slipped into the bed beside the pony, her smooth coat gently tickled his skin as she cuddled right into him. Makker wrapped his arm around her, trailing down her back and gently rubbed her lower back. “I’m sorry Rarity.” She laid her head onto the left side of his chest and closed her eyes as she listened to his heart beat. “I thought that me leaving would fix all the problems I thought I would’ve had. Maybe some problems might pop up, but we’ll cross the bridge when we got to it. I can’t keep letting the past loom over my head, I have to pick myself off and move on.” Kissing the top of her head he smiled. “I’m glad you convinced me to stay Rarity.” She hummed quietly as her hoof rubbed his stomach. “I guess this means we’re dating now eh?” Leaning up she put her hoof to his lips. “Hush now dear.” With a cute smile she pecked his lips. “We can discuss all these matters in the morning. I need my beauty sleep now dear.” She laid her head back down and took a deep breath, letting out a sigh. Makker smiled and put his head back into the pillows. A warmth spread throughout his chest and he closed his eyes, awaiting the morning light to pierce the window and start another day. > Chapter 6: Omens Approach, Evil Ignites on a Saiyan's Fortitude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning came quick to the trio in the library. Twilight’s alarm clock went off at six thirty sharp, every single morning aside from weekends of course. As the purple pony sat up in her bed she let out a long yawn and tapped the clock to shut it off. She got up and slowly walked over to her desk, on the top was as large purple brush. Automatically her magic grabbed it and started to brush her mane exactly one hundred and thirty five times. Once she was satisfied, she looked to the small basket at the bottom of her bed. “Mmm, good morning Spike~” She stood next to it as the young dragon groaned from underneath his warm blue blanket. “Ugg five more minutes please…” A single claw came from underneath, trying in vain to swat the evil unicorn who was currently trying to rouse him from his bed. As the blanket was lifted off him he opened his eyes and sighed. “Yeah yeah, I know. Early bird gets the worm and all…” Twilight smiled as she won another round of wake the dragon. “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a pony healthy, wealthy and wise!” She chirped happily as she trotted down the stairs and into the main floor. “Syera? You up yet?” She called out to her sister as she made her way into the kitchen. Up in the roof of the Library, Syera was standing on the very top. Letting the wind of the early morning blow and hit her.  “Alright, the time is right.” Syera then rose up in the sky, just above Ponyville and the highest mountain there is, she could see a good amount below her.  It was then she took a deep breath in and breathed out. “Now!” With a quick flash, she turned into a Super Saiyan. She then started to do a couple of quick flurries of kicks and punches in the air, then started to do a bit of shadow boxing. “Yeah….” She started to dance a little while in the air as she was now setting some new records of not only speed, but with swiftness and agility. After ten minutes or so a voice called out from below her. “Syera? Are you eating or not?” Twilight stood on the upper balcony of the library, watching as her do what she was doing. “I’ve cooked your favorite~” She then disappeared into the tree house once more, the smell of food wafted it’s way up into the Sayian’s nose. Teasing her senses and beckoning her. Syera’s nostrils were filled with that smell of “Oh yeah! Pancakes!” Syera smiled and put two fingers on her forehead and used Instant Transmission to get down there quickly, only thing is that where she landed. She was now on top the table in front of Spike.  “Whoa! Syera I told you about popping in and out like that!” Spike said spilling his coffee after almost having a heart attack.  “Ehehe, sorry about that Spike. It's just Twilight tempted me with my favorite breakfast food! Pancakes!” Syera told him smiling. The Super Saiyan then got off the table and sat down. Of course she did so after helping Spike clean up the cup of joe he spilled on the ground along with the mug it was in.  “Ah, there you are. best eat these while they’re fresh Syera” Twilight came in with a stack of at least ten pancakes, all for Syera while she had a bowl of Oatmeal and she gave Spike four pancakes.  “Oh yes! Thanks Twilight, you’re the best” Syera then wasted no time as she filled her Saiyan belly with the delicious pancakes. They had all sorts of toppings on them, from strawberries to blueberries, to whip cream and chocolate morsels. She had some bacon along with them too, along with a glass of Orange Juice.  Twilight didn’t mind preparing it since she knew that her Saiyan sister would eat it since Syera is omnivorous, but she doesn’t have any interest in horse meat.  Soon the trio in the library were done eating their breakfast.  “Phew….wow, that was amazing.” Syera said licking her lips a little before she used a napkin to wipe her mouth of any food crumbs.  The satisfaction of the Saiyan brought a smile to Twilight. “I am glad you enjoyed it.” She said to her sister. “Oh and Syera.” Twilight then went onto another topic with her sister.  “Yeah? What’s up?” Syera asked as she looked at her sis as they were still at the table in the kitchen.  “Are you sleeping ok? Because last night I heard you mumbling a little in your sleep, it sounded like you were struggling with something, kind of like at the Spa the other day.” Twilight told her with worry in her voice.  This response made Syera wide eyed with surprise. “So….you could hear me? As I slept?” Syera asked Twilight with a bit of nervousness in her voice.  “Yes, I had to calm you down, your temperature was very high as well. I had to get a wet cloth and put it on your forehead. I didn’t want to wake you since last time you looked ready to fight. you soon calmed down after I did that too. If there is something on your mind, you can tell me.” Twilight said as she put a hoof on her sister’s lap with worry.  “Ok fine….I’ll tell you” Syera said giving in to her sister’s request to tell her. “It started happening recently, like very recently. It was after when the Minotaurs attacked. I….I killed their leader after the others retreated, I blew him to nothing but ash after I shot him out of Ponyville with a small energy ball that lifted him up in the air. Then pushed him straight into the outskirts of Ponyville, into the Everfree forest.” Syera took a pause, this gave Twilight a chance to respond.  “Wait…..so you actually….took his life, Syera why?” Twilight said in shock.  “Something in me slipped, It was when I was Super Saiyan, like right now. Only--- I was filled with anger, and I wanted him dead…..” Syera explained, when Twilight heard this, she was in disbelief. “And now that I think back on it…..I’m regretting my decision.” Twilight was so surprised that Syera would be affected by such a thing. But then, Twilight put a hoof in her sister’s hand. “Syera, you did what you had to do. Nopony blames you for what you have done. In fact everypony here including me are glad you protected the town, but don’t let your past slow you down. If anything learn from your mistakes, improve on them. I should know, remember how when I tried to travel back in time to that one Tuesday and warn myself not to worry so much about scheduling and such since it was so much of stressful thing on my mind.” Twilight told her, it took Syera a few moments to remember, the Saiyan then chuckled a little.  “Yea, I remember how it was such a big deal on how you needed to find out, but honestly. I’d say it's good you were able to find out. And a great lesson learned too since you basically found out it was inevitable that you wouldn’t be able to tell yourself not to worry so much. But hey, at least it didn’t cause a Paradox. I hope.” Syera said softly and Twilight nodded in agreement.  “Mhm...I hope not too.” Twilight said worriedly. “But yes Syera, don’t let one mistake keep you from improving. And look on the bright side of things, like saving Ponyville and what it was worth.” Twilight told smiling as she then hugged her sister. “You’re right, I shouldn’t let the one decision get to me. And even so, I have to live with the consequence either way. But that still doesn’t mean I regret it sometimes….maybe if there was another way….but I did what I could, just like you said.” Syera said softly as she hugged her sister back with a smile of her own.  However...It doesn’t explain the one dream I had with Nightmare Moon. Syera said to herself, she needs to figure that one out for herself. Hopefully she can get that out in the open soon, but not right now. In the back of her mind, she should be taking such a threat seriously since she can throw Equestria into eternal night.  Twilight then noticed Syera had a look on her face as she looked up, something with a look of worry. But it also seemed like a face of seriousness since she had a bit of a frown.  “Syera, it's alright. Oh and you might want to turn out of Super Saiyan before we go and see the the others.” Twilight said as she walked off her hind legs from the hug she gave Syera and out of the kitchen.  “Hmm? Oh….that’s right. But...hmmm….I wonder….” Syera then got up from the table and went to the bathroom, she then looked at herself in the mirror. “I always wonder, what really causes a Saiyan’s hair to go blonde from this transformation?” Syera took her gloves off and ran her fingers playing with her hair. Then she started to use a comb to go through her parts of her hair so it was now clean and spiky looking. Once she was done with that, she then started making faces in the mirror. “Hmpf….yah! ha! Ack! Ha!! hrg! Ehhhh!!!” Syera’s last face in the mirror, she had her eyes crossed and her teeth were showing. “Hmm...I gotta brush my teeth” She grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. She then came out two minutes later and met up with Twilight. The purple pony was currently on her way to see if Rarity was doing ok. She was pretty distraught when they said their goodbyes last night. Her thoughts barely broken when her sister landed next to her. Her eyes were transfixed onto the ground in front of her as she walked through Ponyville. “I hope she’s ok…” Glancing up at Syera she gave a small smile. “I’m sure everything went ok right? Like honestly, what is the worst that could happen?” Setting her sights upon the front door the the boutique, she knocked on the door. The sign in the door clearly read CLOSED in big letters, which was unusual as she was usually up by now. Nothing. She knocked again to the same results. Twilight cocked her eyebrow and glanced up at Syera. Using her magic she turned the knob and it surprisingly opened. She took a couple steps into the cool, quiet house. “Rarity? Are you home?” Her voice echoed through the main floor and no response came. “Huh? That’s odd, she’d usually be downstairs here to greet us right?” Syera asked as she looked around, she saw some mannequins of where she’d display her dresses but they were clean and nude. “Wait, what was that?” Syera looked over to where the stairs was and she heard a bit of rustling, followed by a thud and the sound of something shattering. “You hear that?” Syera asked Twilight as she had one foot on the bottom stair, ready to walk up if necessary.  Twilight gasped and ran up the stairs. “Rarity!? Maybe she’s in trouble!” Syera was right behind her as they got to the top of the stairs and into the hallway. A groan came from Rarity’s room as they noticed her door was closed, while the other was open. “Come on!” Twilight quickly got down to the door and pushed it open. A red blush filled her cheeks as she looked into the room. Rarity gasped and pulled the blanket up to her chest with her forehooves. “T-Twilight?!” Also in the bed was Makker, beside him the nightside table was on it’s side and a vase was smashed on the floor. Surprised, Twilight looked between the two and mumbled incoherently while her eye twitched. Syera rolled her eyes and picked up the broken unicorn before looking between the male Saiyan and the white pony. “We will just wait for you two downstairs.” With that she closed the door. “Oh and by the way, Makker. Nice job” She said as she closed the door with the Purple pony in her arms and walked downstairs. Syera then went to a couch and sat down with her sister. “You still in a trance sis? Or you good?” Syera chuckled a bit as she waved a hand in her sister’s face. Poor Twilight, she still couldn’t believe what she saw, honestly to Syera, it was no big deal.  “B-but Rarity… Makker… Bed… Together?!” She face planted into the couch and screamed into it. It was at that point Rarity came down the stairs with a light pink blush across her face. “Um, sorry about not hearing you two when you came in.” She wore a pink house coat and slippers, before she walked into the kitchen. “Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea?” She set to starting the coffee maker. “Tea sounds alright Rarity, thanks. And it's alright, but you sort of had us worried since it was so quiet in here since ya know… You’re usually open around this time of day, but no big deal.” Syera said with a smile as she patted Twilight lightly on her back to calm her down. “Twilight, I’m sure they have a good reason to be sleeping in the same bed. Don’t get so worked up, alright?” Syera told her sister with a smile as they both waited for the tea to come.  It took a few minutes before she came back with two tea cups. Also in her magic was two mugs of coffee, one of which was for herself. Just as she dished them out to the now calm Twilight and Syera, Makker made his way down the stairs. He wore baggy black pants and a white V-necked t shirt. “Hey you! Sleep well?” Syera waved to Makker with a hearty smile as he came down the stairs. “Must’ve, you were in Rarity’s bed after all.” Syera chuckled a little, of course it was a joke about the whole thing of what two individuals usually do in bed together. But from how Makker is a one such individual, he wouldn’t do that but Syera had to joke around.  Scratching the back of his head he nervously chuckled. “Yea, I did sleep well.” He then came up behind and took one of the mugs of coffee for himself. With a smile the Saiyan looked down and kissed Rarity on the forehead. “Thanks Rare.” Twilight blushed a bit and coughed on her tea. “Mmm, delicious. So, care to explain how this happened?” She flicked her hoof at the two of them making both smile. Makker and Rarity both sat across from Syera and Twilight, Rarity was cuddled up into him. “Well long story short, I planned to leave after that kiss at the dance. But Rarity convinced me to stay. I learned that I had to move on with my life, not let my past get in the way of me living my life.” He took a sip of coffee and smiled as Rarity continued. “I learned that your dreams might not come in the package you expect it too. Never judge someone fully until you really get to know them.” Nuzzling her muzzle into his shirt she sighed as Makker wrapped his arm around her. “So that makes us a couple now it seems.” With a small smile she took another sip of her coffee. “That’s great! I’m happy for you two, I’m sure Twilight is too, I just hope her nerves can handle it.” Syera said still rubbing her sisters back to calm her down with her left hand as she sips her tea with her right.  Twilight took a fairly large swig of her tea and looked between the two. “I’m happy for you two, really I am. It’s just that, I never really thought a Saiyan and a pony could fall in love. Heck Syera has been here her whole live and not really set her sights on anypony.” With a small smile she grinned and smirked at her sister. “Well there was that one stallion back in Canterlot you had an eye for. But you quickly scared him off with your powers.” Sticking out her tongue she giggled. “Eheh… Well he wanted to know about me so I showed him. Plus I remember he chose me over a griffon for another species to date. But as far as love… I don’t know, I might find my special somepony sometime around I guess.” Syera said as she sipped her tea and thought about it. Will she ever find love and….perhaps have a family, however she shrugged off the thought for a moment. “Maybe… someday perhaps.”  Rarity giggled and flicked her hoof. “I know you will dear. You’ll know when the time comes.” She laid her head against Makker's chest and let out a hum of content. Makker downed the rest of his coffee and put the cup down. “I’ll go get breakfast ready for us, you guys want anything?” The male Saiyan stood up, a white hoof trying to hold onto his hand as he made his way towards the kitchen. “Well… We did eat but….” Syera paused when her stomach growled again. “What?! You need more… Wow, I guess It couldn't hurt to have just a little bite to eat.” Syera leaned back into the couch. “Definitely, surprise me Makker.” She said with a smile.  As the male Saiyan started to cook, Rarity laid down by herself and rolled her eyes. “You always eat, I swear that’s all you do. That and train that is.” It was then that she noticed Syera’s hair was golden. “Dear, it looks like you’re Super Saiyan or whatever it is. But there’s no… Aura coming from your body.” Syera then looked at the elegant unicorn with a bit of a surprise face. “Wait… Am I? Oh that’s right, I think I forgot to go back to my normal state, I was training this morning in this state. And my aura, it's because I’m not pushing out any energy at the moment. I’ve been trying to use this form for as long as possible and I think I’m close to mastering it.” Syera explained to Rarity.  As the purple pony pondered, she tapped her chin and thought aloud. “If you can refrain from pushing any energy, then do you think Makker can do the same thing?”  Syera nodded to her sis. “Yeah, it's possible since he is indeed a Super Saiyan like me, I just don’t know how long he can hold the form on average. He’d need to be in the form for longer periods of time in order to master it, so it appears second nature.” Syera explained, crossing her legs with a small chuckle. “And trust me… It's not easy the first few weeks. Remember how I could barely open doors without ripping them out the hinges?” Syera asked her sis and she tapped her hoof on her chin since it took a couple of seconds for her to recall.  “Oh yeah, I remember! And I was so tired of fixing or paying each pony for each door you broke. Ugh….I don’t want to recall it, all I know is that when you’re in that state, your strength is multiplied by how much again?” Twilight asked her.  “It's about 50x my normal strength, and it was a stress indeed because it took a lot for me to relax without turning out of the state. So keeping my Aura hidden was not easy.” Syera told Rarity.  “My oh my Syera, I know you were very tired at the end of the day. Keeping such power and stress built up must’ve been bad for your body. But… Now that I recall, I remember seeing you Super Saiyan for a while now, almost every time you’d drop by, I’d see you and that beautiful blonde hair. Only thing that made me sad is that you’d never let me play or style with it.” Rarity said pouting her lips a little.  “Trust me, my hair is stuck like this. I’ve tried to style it differently myself. Each fiber in my hair is very resistant to all kinds of hair products. But of course I do spray oil to keep my scalp from drying up and since I do like my hair the way it is. I see no need to change it.” Syera told Rarity with a smile.  “Still, you should let dear Rarity have a bit of a personal touch on it.” The elegant white unicorn said with a smile. “Alright sure, I’ll let you have a crack out it I guess sometime. In fact, if you want to feel how my hair is, take a hoof and run through it.” Syera then got up from the couch and sat on the floor, this is when Rarity got up from the couch and walked over to the Saiyan and then ran a hoof through her blonde Super Saiyan hair.  “Oh wow….Syera darling, your hair is… So silky and smooth, I honestly had to work my mane for years for it to get this soft. How did you do it, I must know now, tell me!” Rarity said with a sharp and jealous tone of voice.  “Honestly, I wish I could tell you but I don’t even know myself, all I know is that I was born like this. My hair hasn’t changed at all since the day I was born, or at least that is what Princess Celestia told me. I remember Twilight Velvet, my mother and Twilight’s told me that she found me in a crashed space pod that landed her about…” With a paused she started to count. “Twenty one years ago? Damn, it’s been twenty one years since I’ve arrived here. I still remember two years ago when we came here during the Summer Sun Celebration. That’s when we all met for the first time.” Syera said and then Twilight chimed in.  “I remember it all now too, all I cared about then was studying and putting my face in the books. Now…I don’t even recognize myself compared to then. I feel like a totally different pony now. And I’m glad I’m nothing like my old self. And it is all thanks to you girls and you too Syera, I’m glad where we are today.”  Twilight’s reminiscences of her past up to now, showed her how much she has learned and the benefits of friendship. How much she has changed and how her friends have influenced her. And she is glad she and her sister have changed over the years due to coming to Ponyville, becoming friends with these six ponies and defeating a powerful foe to save Equestria.  As the three reminisced, a delectable smell wafted in from the kitchen. Rarity’s nose twitched as she sniffed the air, a smile spreading across her muzzle. “Mmm, seems like Makker is cooking something delicious.” As if on cue, he popped his head from the kitchen. “Breakfast is ready, come get it while it’s hot.” Rarity was the first to move, lightly trotting towards the kitchen while the others followed. Strewn across the blue tablecloth on the table was a full and hearty looking breakfast. There was lightly buttered toast, fruits, hashbrowns and eggs. Along with milk, orange juice and the such. Rarity went wide eyed as her eyes sparkled. “Oh my, I never thought you could cook like this darling.” Makker pulled out a chair for her to sit on which she graciously took. “And a gentleman at that.” She whispered to the saiyan, which prompted him to blush. “It’s nothing really, just trying to show my thanks to you.” He took a seat with the rest and started to dig in. Syera herself already had a mouthful of food and was quickly gorging down more. Twilight blushed in embarrassment as her sister stopped to look at her. “Really Syera? For once can’t you eat properly?” With a smile the purple unicorn lightly poked her shoulder. Swallowing her mouthful the saiyan looked at Rarity and Makker, both of whom were also off put by her. “Sorry guys.” Rubbing the back of her head she resumed to eat normally. It was about an hour later when Syera and Twilight were in the living room once more. They had finished breakfast; for Syera the second time that day. Rarity helped clean up while Makker did the dishes. “I hope you’re finally full Syera. Honestly, sometimes I wonder where you put it all.” Twilight playfully smirked while she sat down. Syera shook her legs and laughed. “My legs must be hollow, guess that’s where it all goes.” Twilight face-hooved with a silly smile on her muzzle while Rarity and Makker both joined them from the kitchen. “Actually, most pure blooded Saiyans and even half blooded ones have a huge appetite. It takes a lot of energy to keep us going. Training doesn't stop with just our bodies, our minds are training every second of every day. Either doing image training, meditating, or full blown workouts we burn a lot off in the span of a day.” Makker scratched his chin while he spoke. Twilight tilted her head to the side. “Image training? What is that?” Rarity seemed puzzled as well as she looked up at him for an explanation. Taking a moment to think Makker spoke. “Image training is… Just like it implies I guess. It’s like doing a full physical training but in your mind. It works well with two or more doing it at once. Say if we were in somewhere enclosed me and Syera could train together. It’s not as effective as real training can be, but it suffices.” Rarity put a hoof to her chin and thought about it for a moment. “So it’s like you’re fighting in your minds?” With a nod to confirm her question she smiled. “That’s actually kind of efficient.” Rarity then did a double take as she looked at the clock. “Oh pony feathers! I have a special order coming in today. Excuse me, I need to go get washed up before they arrive.” With that she took off up stairs. As the three stood there Syera got a good idea, inspired by Makkers training explanation. “Hey, I have an idea Makker, meet me out in the large clearing between here and Sweet Apple Acres later. I’ve got an idea.” Twilight and Syera said their goodbyes with the promise for Makker to meet the female saiyan outside. With Rarity upstairs in the now running shower and the other two gone, Makker made his way up into the room Rarity let him use. Inside his clothes were still folded on the bed as they were last night. Figuring he was going to be fighting or in some way training later on that day, Makker made sure to grab his Gi. Surprisingly it was in more or less great condition. He stripped to his underwear and made a small pile of dirty clothes onto the floor, making a mental note to wash them later. Quickly throwing on his outfit, he tightened the black belt around his waist. The water shut off in the bathroom and he could hear light singing coming from down the hall. Bending down he started to stretch, the worst he could do it start training without stretching his entire body. Neck, arms, legs, body and mind were being worked and loosened. With a satisfied sigh he cracked his knuckles with a smile. “Going to do some sort of training dear?” Rarity’s voice asked from behind him. She was quick to shower and dry off as she stood behind him with a brush in her mane. She brushed her hair out as she leaned against the door frame. “Yea, ain’t got a clue what it’s about but gets me out of the house for a bit eh?” He walked up the white unicorn and rubbed her shoulder. “Well, I better let you get to your work. I’ll be home later ok?” With that he kissed her on the forehead prompting a smile from her. “Thanks dear, I’ll see you then. Try and be safe now?” With a small giggle she nuzzled the Saiyans leg before he went down the stairs. Opening the door, Makker stood out in the slightly warm sunshine. With scouter attached and Gi on, the saiyan gently took to the sky before heading out to the wide open eastern field. Syera was already out there, getting warmed up as she waited for Makker to join her. “Ahh...Ngh….Ahh, ah right on time.” Syera saw Makker coming over the horizon, she smiled and waved him over to her so he could see her easily.  With a wave back he started his descent before touching down with a small noise. “Yea I’m here. So what’s up? What sorta training you wanna do?” Leaning back he bent at an almost ninety degree angle, stretching his back. She then smiled, “Remember that thing you said about Image Training? I wanna try that with you.” Syera said as she then sat down in front of Makker, crossing her legs.  A bit taken back, Makker hesitated for a moment before sitting down across from her. “Sure, sounds good to me.” Closing his eyes and a deep breath, he completely relaxed and let his senses heighten. Syera did the same, calming her nerves and completely relaxed. Letting the world around her to steady and be calm so she could focus. Her eyes shut and her hands balled into fists and pressed against each other in front of her lower stomach, resting in her lap. Once the setting became just right for the two, she opened her eyes and saw Makker standing in front of her in a fighting stance. “Ready?” She asked as she took a stance as well.  With a smile he also dropped into a stance. “Yeah, but this time. I’m going first!” With that, Makker shoot off towards Syera quickly, throwing punches towards her. “Oh yeah! Bring it!” Syera screamed out as she then started to counter and throw a fight punches towards him, both dodging and neither side landing a hit on each other.  The two were basically evenly matched, Syera was a tad faster while Makker himself was a little stronger. It seemed like a stalemate until a smirk came over the man’s face. “Let’s see how you handle this!” With that, he stood still. Still with that crooked smile on his face. The face he made caught Syera off guard, and she raised both her eyebrows and wondered. What’s he up too? However, she waited for him to make his move while she readied herself. The stance she had was a low one, her two bangs were hanging in her face a bit more than usual. She then motioned a hand for him to bring it on.  With that a kick came from behind and kicked her right in the back. “Never drop your guard!” As she flew forwards she dug her hands into the ground, the ‘other’ Makker that was in front of her dissipated into nothingness. “What?! An Afterimage!?” She then turned at the last moment possible and blocked an incoming kick from Makker with her hands. “Nrg….Ahhhhh!!!” With a scream she pulled him forward by his leg and threw a right hook that connected to his jaw. Followed by a left which forced him on the ground.  Flipping to his feet he pushed forwards and came again. Fist and fist connected, kicks were blocked and dodged as the two seemed once again in a stalemate. “You’re not making this easy huh?” Thinking quick he swept his leg across the ground. “Heh, I’m just getting warmed up dude.” Syera said as she cracked her neck a little as well as her knuckles. This is when Syera decided to rush Makker this time. She threw a kick but at the last moment disappeared. Instead of connecting the kick with his face, she appeared behind him and hit him right below where his spine meets his neck. “How do you like that!” She screamed out after the kick connected.  Grunting in pain from the kick Makker dug his hands into the ground, and with both his legs he reeled back and kicked her as hard as he could. “You tell me!” Spinning back to his feet he charged up an energy wave. “Gladly!” Syera saw his energy attack but rushed ahead towards him anyway. “Come on!” She ran up to him with all her speed charging up a very hard punch and screamed as she came towards him. “Ahhhhhh!!!!”  Splaying his palms together he readied the blast. “Keep your head up!” With that he blasted at the ground right in front of her, sending debris and dust up into her face. Using it a distraction he jumped up over top and came down with a hard elbow strike. “Ack!!!” Syera then went face first into the ground below. However she pulled a Kangaroo move as her hands hit the ground and she turned around and kicked Makker with both feet, hard on his chest. It was then she got on her feet and charged an Energy Blast of her own. “Nrg….. Celestial!!!!”  “Not gonna work this time Syera!” With that he got into a full body block, his aura starting to push dust up into the air. “Hrg….Destruction!!!!” Syera grunted one last time before all of a sudden. She teleported away out of Makker’s sight. Glancing around quickly, Makker searched for her, but without his scouter he was basically blind to her energy. “If I, was Syera…” With that he quickly turned and put both hands in front of his body. “Nnnrg!” Syera did appear in front him, but she was right in front. The female saiyan ducked low with her hands still cupped and the golden energy was balled up inside. “WAAAAAAAVE!!!!!” She threw her hands forward and blasted him point blank.  He took the beam head on, luckily he was somewhat prepared for the blast but it still sent him twenty yards away and onto the ground tumbling. Groaning he got to his feet, the top of his gi was completely destroyed, thankfully it didn’t do too much damage to his body. “You’re lucky that wasn’t the real thing.” Panting he charged up a bit, standing strong while the energy flowed throughout his body. “Now let’s see what you’re made of!” Cracking his neck Makker smiled while staring down his opponent. Syera was panting a little since she poured a decent amount of energy into that blast. “Heh… You asked for it!” Syera flared up her aura, which was now a red glow.  “Right then, I guess there’s no reason to hold back anymore!” With that, Makker powered up to the uppermost limit of his base form, aura pulsated around him before he went in for another charge. As he neared her, he skidded to a halt and charged energy into his hands. “Take this!” With that he began throwing largish ki blasts at random. “Bring em! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera started to dodge them as she made her way towards him. Once she got close enough, she shot a small energy blast at him to distract him. From which she used this to her advantage and pushed up to him with a serious amount of strong strike yelling, “Kaioken!”  “Right into my trap!” Getting a couple of feet space between them he smiled, bringing his hands up to his face. “SOLAR FLARE!” The extremely blinding light flashed in front of his face, unfortunately for Syera, stopping her dead in her tracks. Dropping his power level, he dipped down and away before spreading his arms wide. “Oh sweet Celestia in the shower! My eyes!” She said rubbing them as the blinding light did a number on her vision.  Chuckling to himself Makker called up to her. “Heh. Now, let’s see how you handle a little heat!” With that he pulled his hands back to his hips. “Hellzone grenade!” It was then that those Ki blasts that he shot earlier came back, coming from all sides towards the airborne saiyan. They all hit her body at the same time, sending her to the ground. “Agk….nrg…” Syera groaned and shrieked in a bit of pain as she was blasted with all those ki blasts at once. She hit the ground with a thud, however she didn’t break concentration. The blasts ripped her top apart, it exposed her black bra she wore underneath. Her orange and blue top of her gi was torn and singed in half, her left pant legs was ripped in half exposing her leg and knee. With a smirk Makker wiped his lip. “Not too shabby eh? I’ve got plenty of tricks up my sleeve.” Getting into a defensive stance he let his fingers go limp before tightening them.  Syera panted a little and smirked herself as she rubbed her lip a little. “Heh, yeah? Show me then, cause I’ve got some of my own.” Syera chuckled a little as she then took one last deep breath and then powered up. “Ahhhhh!!!!” her red aura became more intense by the second as she charged up her energy. “Come on then!” Makker clenched his hands tight, his own blue aura pulsating against her red aura. The auras clashed, both sets trying to push out as the two saiyans powered up to maximum. Bringing up his hand, with a grin he flexed it, beckoning her to attack. “With pleasure.” Syera smirked as she came at lightning fast speed and sent her elbow to his gut. Followed by a roundhouse. “Let’s go! Yeah!” Syera rushed ahead but she didn’t expect Makker to counter so quickly.  With a strong punch to her center mass, Makker grunted. “Nice one!” Swinging his leg around he delivered a kick to the back of her head. Turning quickly Makker fired hundreds of Ki blasts towards Syera. Syera frowned and grunted a bit. “Come on, stop it with the small energy blasts! It’s getting old!” She started to fire her own blasts which collided with his. “Dammit….he can shoot them out fast.” Syera muttered to herself as she tried to keep up with dodging and destroying them with her own blasts.  “Then let’s finish this!” Makker growled for a moment, clenching his hands tight as a golden colour splashed his aura. With a hearty scream, Makker ascended to super saiyan. Powering up greatly, his aura pushed more and more. “Fine! Rahhhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera reached up to her maximum power of her Super Saiyan form, ready to fight. She and Makker soon clashed together hard, kick after kick collided, fists colliding and feet stomping against each other. This started to get very serious, once things seemed to show they were evenly matched. Syera decided it was time to show her true form, so she sighed, taking a deep breath. And then, gritting her teeth. She turned it up a notch. “Full Power!!!” She shouted as electricity flared up with her aura as she pushed herself to the max. “Now… Come at me.” She was in the same transformation that she showed Makker before.  Makker stood still, his eyes darting all across her body. His teeth grit together before he took a step back. His deep blue eyes continued to scan her, but he made no other movements. “Fine, if you won’t move… I will” Syera said with a darker tone of voice as she then started to slowly walk towards him. It was suspenseful by how slow she was approaching him. Eventually she got up close to him, she looked down at him, her aura crackling against his and a serious breeze of energy whipped around them. Her stare was like melting into the male Saiyan’s soul.  “That’s how you wanna play eh?” With that, Makker pushed harder. Pumping more power from his body as it slightly bulked up. While she was taller than he was, Makker was definitely broader. Cracking his neck the man smirked. “Now, let’s play.” Quickly he headbutted her in the nose before placing both hands onto her exposed stomach. “Take this!” Charging energy into his hands, Makker blasted her point blank. Syera took all the hits and blasts Makker gave her, barely a scratch was on her. Her strength was buckled in and stiff. Nothing fazed her for the moment. “Hmph, alright. That tickled a little.” Syera told him as she stretched from the attacks. “Huh? oh that’s right… They’re gone, now my hairline is showing a bit more prominently.” In her new transformation, her bangs that usually hung in her face were now risen up with the rest of her hair. She never noticed it till now. “Anyway where was I? Oh yea, I got one for ya.” She then pointed two fingers at his left leg and blasted a beam clean through with a short beam. “That’s for earlier.”  Crying out in pain, Makker stood strong. Blood seeped from the wound as he clenched his body tightly. “You smart ass… agh that hurt...” He seethed in pain, taking a couple steps back before he grinned wide. Chuckling under his breath, the man took a sharp inhale and closed his eyes. Reaching down he ran his fingers over the wound. Blood coated his hand as he raised it up. Quickly, his eyes shot open as he flicked his blood covered hand towards Syera. Being taken back at that, Makker moved. Grabbing her hand he twisted it hard and kneed her in the gut with his good leg. Grabbing her face he slammed the female saiyan into the ground. Jumping up into the air, he charged up once more. Focusing his energy into his hands. “Nrg….well, looks like he’s not playing around.” She stood up and looked up at him and gritted her teeth. “By the way, that was really disgusting!” Syera said remarking the whole blood flicking part. “I guess I’ll have to get you back another way.” Syera then started to rush up to him with great speed. “I’ll get you for that you blood flicking miscreate!”  His expression never faltered. “One shot at this…” Putting both hands together, an orb formed between them as she neared closer. “Just… A little… more.” The ball of pure energy grew more and more as she came closer. Just as she was a couple of feet from him, Makker’s eyes went wide. “NOW!” He slammed his palms together, the energy condensed rapidly and in the flash of light, exploded. Syera’s eyes were coated with the flash of light, nearly blinding her. She could see stars flying around and it made her a little dizzy. “Agh…Gah!” the female Saiyan grunted a little as she tried to get the blindness out of her eyes. “Damn it….was that the Solar Flare or...whatever you call it!” She shouted in a bit of anger.  “No…” With that he shot once more towards her and embedded his fist into her stomach. His hand glowed brightly, arm straining under the pressure as he started into her eyes. “This is my final stand…” Pulling back, Syera huddled over as he rose up his left arm. Spreading his fingers wide, golden strands of energy drew from his body. “Time to end this...” Sparks shot around his arm as the orb of energy formed in his palm. As she looked up into his eyes, the man showed no expression. “Syera.” With that the blast shot at her, striking her body with all he had left. As the blast rained down on Syera, she knew that it was over. It definitely showed her one thing, even with this new form. She still has weaknesses. “Dammit….I was overconfident… Just like before…No! I can’t let myself be defeated like this,  not now, not ever!” Syera then screamed to her heart's content, the blast Makker fazed over her like it was nothing. Her power was rising and rising. It was then she rushed ahead full force, no more playing around it was time to get serious. “I will not let it end like this, it isn’t over yet!” Syera rushed him with a furry of very fast punches and kicks. Her style completely changed, she spun while dishing out her kicks, her energy was going haywire, when she was done beating the vision in her head to the ground, she then realized it wasn’t Makker anymore, it was... “Nightmare Moon…” She stopped punching her and she just laughed maniacally and it echoed throughout her hearing, however she didn’t notice that Makker was trying to get her to break whatever was going on in her head.   Makker opened his eyes. He watched the sweat drip from Syera’s brow, and down her face. “Hey, snap out of it.” Getting to his feet, the male saiyan tapped her on the shoulder. She was actually in her powered up Super Saiyan Two state, her expression was, unnerving to say the least. “Nrg...hrah!” Syera’s eyes shot open and she shrieked a little, the force of the sudden wake up call, it caused her burst her energy outward and it forced Makker away and he landed on his back. With a hard sweat, Syera was panting hard as she was transformed. “Ah….ha….ha….ha….” Syera soon caught wind of herself and stood up then saw where Makker was and helped him up. “I...I’m sorry… What happened… are you hurt?” Syera asked worriedly to him which kinda make him confused cause what could he possibly be hurt by, besides that sudden pulse from her Energy.  With a quiet groan, Makker pushed himself up into a seated position. “Nah, I’m fine. You on the other hand, I don’t think is fine.” His deep blue eyes locked with her green ones, his expression never faltering until Syera sighed. “Ah….Yeah, you noticed that huh?” She asked after she let out a tired kind of sigh towards him. “To be honest, I haven’t been sleeping very well the past few days, I think something is messing with me.” Syera told him as she then took a deep breath and then powered out of Super Saiyan 2, her two front bangs came back down in her face as she came out of the transformation state. She then sat on her knees in front of him with a sad expression.  Sitting in the grass, Makker took what she said in. “Well, whatever happens Syera, you know I got your back. Even though I’m not nearly as strong as you.” Running his fingers through his dark hair, he took a deep breath. “What do you mean? If anything, you are stronger than me, strategy wise at least. Because that move you pulled by flicking your blood at me, which was totally gross… You got me a couple of good times. Even with all this raw strength I have, I can barely keep a clear head and think.” While Syera was more of a hit first, ask questions later kind of fighter. Makker took more time in observing his opponent's movement, fighting smart. Laying back in the grass, Makker laid out with his limbs stretched. “Well, when you’ve been in as many life and death fight’s as I have, you learn that running in all guns blazing isn’t the smartest. That’s how you get killed.” He said with a small sigh. “That is true, I’ve definitely learned but not enough. I just have a thing of being excited and over confident of winning a fight, no matter how strong the opponent is or size of them.” Syera then put her hands up to her face. “Ah… crap I really gotta break that habit.”  “You’ll get over it, something that you need… Hey, is that Rainbow Dash?” The man pointed up into the air. A small blue dot was coming quickly towards them. As she flew into view, a smile crept across her blue muzzle. “Hey! I figured I’d find you two out here! You two doing some awesome training?” The brash pegasus did a small loop and hovered in place with a large grin. “Oh yea Dashie, we got lots done. However I’m pooped from it…. Eh...I’m so hungry too...” Syera sighed and on queue when her stomach growled loudly. “Yup… My stomach agrees with my words.” “Awww, I missed it?” The blue pegasus landed and looked a bit disappointed. Kicking her hoof at the ground, bringing a bit of dust up. Sitting up Makker cracked his neck. “You really didn’t miss anything. We did mind training.” Pointing to his head, Rainbow gave him a quizzical look. “Think of it like a dream, no one got hurt and we both got a bit of training in.” Getting to his feet Makker clenched his hands. Pausing for a moment, he flared his power and ascended to super saiyan. Seeing him power up, Syera stood up as she observed his current status. “Hmm… You definitely are stronger than the first time I’ve met you, that’s for sure.” Syera said as she put her hands on her hips smiling at him. As Rainbow started to smile at the super transformation, Makker clenched his hands. “Yea, I feel a lot stronger.” Relaxing a bit, his aura faltered and faded away while he remained in super saiyan. “I got a challenge for you Makker, since you are currently a Super Saiyan, try staying like that for as long as you can. I will warn you, it may not be as easy as you think.” Syera then got into a stance and flared up her Super Saiyan state with him, calming her aura to keep a steady mind. “Can you do it?” She asked him.  “I’ll give it a shot I guess.” The power was high, but he kept it in check. “Think Rarity would like the blonde?” He said with a smirk, looking upwards. Rainbow nudged him in the leg and wiggled her eyebrows. “Have your sights on her huh? You did kiss her the other night.” Makker smiled down at the teasing pegasus. “Actually, more then you know Dash.” Rainbow seemed caught off guard and took a step back. “You could say that, she finally found her prince in me. Somehow.” With a half shrug he stretched a bit as Rainbow tried to process. Syera saw the wheels spinning in Dashie’s head. All she could do is hold back her laughs till her pegasus friend figured out what Makker meant by Rarity finding her “Prince”.  “Wait… Are you and her?...” She then clapped her hooves together a couple times with a kind of shocked look on her face. Makker rolled his eyes. “Is that really the first place you go Rainbow? No. We didn’t do that. Her and me are now a couple, I guess you could say.” Grinning widely at the antics of Rainbow Dash, he struggled to keep from chuckling. Syera busted out laughing at Rainbow’s assumption. Holding her chest as she tried to catch her breath. “Sweet Celestia! Real… Seriously Rainbow Dash, you honestly thought that’s the first thing he and her did. You know you never do that the first night.” Syera finally calmed down and stood up and sighed in relief. “Phew… honestly funny story, I thought something might’ve happened when me and Twilight met them this morning but… No, I honestly didn’t take Makker for that kinda guy as well as for Rarity and her high class personality.” Syera said still chuckling and giggled still about Rainbow’s assumption.  Rainbow blushed in embarrassment. “Well ya never know. He is the first male saiyan here, so who knows.” Flicking her mane she avoided Makkers gaze. “Anyways, enough of that. I have, things to do. Weather things. Gotta go!” With that she took off quickly, zipping through the air. “Think we hurt her feelings?” Makker said, rubbing the back of his head as he watched the rainbow blur shoot out of sight. “Nah… Or at least I don’t think so. Hopefully.” Syera looked to the sky as she saw the Blue pegasus fly away and she crossed her arms with a smirk. Oh Dashie… You made a serious assumption right at that moment. She still was laughing under her breath and shaking her head a little because of that.  Letting out a small sigh Makker lightly took off from the ground. “Well, I’m gonna get back to Rarity. I’ll try and keep this up as long as I can.” He said while pointing up at his hair. “See ya Syera.” With that, he took off towards Ponyville. “See you later Makker, we should train more often sometime.” Nodding in agreement, the Saiyan man took off towards Carousel Boutique, Syera on the other hand, had thought for a moment where she should go to eat. However her thought was cut when she saw something off in a distance. “Wait...what’s that?” She saw a Sparkle of….something. Eyes? Was something watching her? She approached the where she thought where the anomaly was. “What….nothings here?! Am I seeing things… Oh no… Please don’t tell me I’m hallucinating…” Syera then heard something crack and she reacted to it.  “Who’s there?” She walked over to where the noise was. This continued to on for at least the past 10 minutes. Is Pinkie pulling a prank on me? She said to herself.  It was then she realized that she followed the sounds to the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Oh you gotta be kidding me…” Syera said to herself as she looked at the entrance to the forest. However those same crackling noises were still being heard by her, she wanted to ignore them but she decided. “Dammit… Fine I’ll play along, and once I find you I’ll give you something good.” Syera said cracking her knuckles as she entered the forest. Maybe I should go see Zecora… Nah I’ll leave her be, maybe on the way back as soon as I figure out what these noises and weird phenomenon is. As Syera went deeper into the forest, she then felt her stomach growl. “Mmpf… I really should've eaten before coming in here. I swear to Luna herself this better be worth it.” Syera cursed a little as she grumbled since her belly was growling. Eventually she came out of the other side of the thick it and came across a clearing. “Wait what? Here, I haven’t been here since… No…” Syera said in worry as she approached the old castle of the Two Sisters. She’s never really seen the place during the daylight, or at least she has just not this close.  As Syera approached the castle. Upon entry in the main hall then exploring the main and secondary chambers of the place, she had flashbacks to when she and Twilight along with the others were here the first time.  It was the first time she became a Super Saiyan. That power was still very new when fighting Nightmare Moon. Barely having control over it while Twilight was trying to figure out how the elements worked as they found them. Though her Super Saiyan powers were not enough to take care of the evil dark tyrant. And when Nightmare Moon crushed the stones of the elements, it seemed all was lost. However, when they heard the calling voices of their friends. It was at that moment they found out how they actually worked, The strength of their friendship and the magic within called forth the power need to vanquish the illuming threat, making the Mare in the Moon no more.  “This room….the throne room. This was it” Syera stood before the old royal throne. She couldn’t believe the time gap from when it all happened, she placed a hand on the floor as she kneeled down, still feeling the residue of the power they unleashed, it was like nothing she ever experienced before. “2 years… that’s how long it's been, I can’t believe it.” As the Saiyan then stood up before the throne, reminiscing her memories and trying to put it all together to lead up to now. “Heh, we’ve been through so much… But I can’t wait for even more.” She crossed her arms just smiling and enjoyed the moment.  However all of a sudden it appeared to her to get very, very pitch dark all of a sudden. “Huh? Wait...what’s going on? Did Celestia turn off the sun early or… Am I just seeing things?” Syera looked around, but all of a sudden it was night time for some reason.  “Oh gosh… Am I dying of hunger…” Syera heard her stomach growl as she heard that but then she heard a bit of a laugh.  “Oh… Is the little Saiyan hungry and can’t focus correctly? I should expect nothing less from such a primitive race.” A familiar voice spoke in front of Syera, the saiyan’s focus then shifted from above to in front of her and she saw…  “What?! You…!? There’s no way we defeated you! Well I can say, you look… different from the last time I saw you” Syera pointed over to the Mare that stood before her, or at least it was since she was a Shadow with two eyes, that almost seemed to be piercing her soul.  “Well… As you can see, once I was defeated by you and the elements and separated from Princess Luna… I have been reduced to this…” The shadow explained.  “Well, then I should have no problem finishing you off?” Syera then pointed her hand at the shadow figure of what was left of the Mare in the Moon. She fired one good Ki blast, however she missed since the tyrant’s shadow disappeared. “What the… Nrg… My aim is really off. Where did she go?” Syera said in anger, she then fired up to Super Saiyan. However once she did, that is when the shadow attacked.  “Yes! that is it, give me your energy!” The shadow of Nightmare Moon then latched itself onto Syera. The Saiyan struggled to get free from the shadow’s grasp.  “Nrh… let me go! Or you’ll be sorry.” Syera screeched as she screamed a little and flared her golden aura, however it didn’t get rid of the grasp of the evil mare. This caused an evil laugh from Nightmare Moon. “Ahahaha! I got you this time… And I am not letting go till you are drained you little monkey…” Nightmare Moon laughed and then forced her way into the Saiyan’s body the most painful way possible, Right down her throat.  “Aghhh!!!!!” Syera was left stunned, her arms out to her sides as she felt what was left of Nightmare Moon enter her body. Once the shadow fully went into the Saiyan’s body, the sudden shock caused her to pass out cold onto the foot of the throne’s chair.  > Chapter 7: Syera Unconscious, The Endurance of a Warrior's Courage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other side of Ponyville, Makker casually flew through the sky. Rainbow looked upset after we laughed at her. Not paying attention, another pegasus had to avoid him. “Watch where you’re going!” The aqua mare shook her hoof at him before taking off. “Sorry! Not used to having lots of others flying beside me.” As he hovered there, he noticed an orange mare with a hat he recognized. Carefully, he took to the ground and beside the mare. “Hey, you’re Applejack right?” The farm pony cocked an eye up at him for a second and smiled. “Sure am, ah thought I recognized you too. Guess it couldn't be too hard seein how you and Syera are the only two of your kind.” Sticking out a hoof, the man shook it. “Yea, but it’s nice to actually meet you. Name's Makker.” The two slowly walked across the town as they continued to talk. Most was about what happened the other night, and it slowly drifted to Rarity. “So, loverboy. How was kissin the uptight unicorn?” Applejack said with a small smirk. “She’s actually a great yet modest pony; Ah just like pokin' n teasin her from time to time.” The orange mare let out a small laugh. Makker, now coated with a blushed expression rubbed the back of his head chuckling nervously. “It was great to be honest. If it wasn’t for her, I would be long gone by now. Somewhere in this crazy land.” Applejack tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Is that so partner. If I was a gamblin mare, I’d wager there’s something more to that kiss than just the mood huh?” Giving him a slight nudge in his leg she grinned. “You got the hots for her don’t cha?” Avoiding her gaze, Makker ran his fingers through his blonde hair. “Yeah, you could say that. Anyways, that’s not for me to say. Do you know where I could find Rainbow Dash?” His gaze set down on the small pony. Pointing in the air to what looked like a cloud castle, Applejack had a curious look on her face. “Up there, just watch the clouds.” Giving her a quick thanks, Makker gently took to the sky and towards Rainbow place. The sun was directly overhead as he made it up to the place. Trying to place his foot on the cloud, his foot instantly went through. “Thanks for the heads up Applejack…” He muttered under his breath. Looking up at the place the man took a small inhale and let it out quickly. “Hey Rainbow! You ok?” As Makker stood in mid-flight in front of Rainbow Dash’s place, he could hear a bit of shuffling. “Just a minute!” A voice shouted from inside. Crossing his arms, the man waited patiently. Gently pushing his ki to hold himself in the air. His eyes wandered to look at the place, it looked like it had been meticulously crafted with a very fine pair of hooves. With a bit of a thud, Rainbow Dash finally opened the door. “Oft… Anyway, sorry for the wait and oh… It's you Makker!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly but then blushed remembering what they last talked about and didn’t look him in the eye. “Sorry about earlier… I didn’t mean to make such an assumption about you and Rarity.” “No no no. Don’t be Rainbow Dash. I knew the difference. I’m here about you.” Shaking his hands from side to side quickly, the male saiyan looked into Rainbows magenta eyes. “Wait… Me? Why me, I didn’t do anything bad did I? I swear I haven’t pulled any pranks today!” Rainbow Dash was once again jumping to conclusions, but this one was way over her head and Makker’s since it confused the shitaki mushrooms out of him. Facepalming Makker sighed. “No Dash, I’m here because I was concerned for you. You looked pretty upset earlier, and I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” A soft expression overcame his face as he quietly hovered in place. Rainbow was kinda taken back for a moment as her eyes widen in surprisal. “Really? You’re here because of that, honestly… I didn’t really expect that at all, I mean I can from the others since we have known each other for a long time. But you and me… We barely know each other, and when I jumped to a conclusion back there I… thought I may have lost my chance to be friends with you. That’s the reason I left and I was upset… but upset with myself more than anypony. And the thing with Syera laughing, I probably would have laughed too if I were in her shoes.” Rainbow sighed softly as she looked down, a few tears running down her cheeks. Her real emotions were starting to show, not that brash attitude she usually shows… No, this was totally different. Makker suddenly felt sad for the blue pegasus. “Us saiyans are made of tough stuff Rainbow. Besides, I wouldn’t have thrown away a great potential friend over a joke.” Reaching down he used his thumb to wipe the tears off her cheeks. “You show lots of loyalty, I like that about you. Besides, how would we become friends if you kept avoiding me.” With a small smile, Makker’s arm twitched. Clenching his hand, Makker took a small breath. “Sorry, trying the whole, stay super saiyan as long as I can.” With a deep breath and a bit of a sniffle. A smile, a very small one crept across the pegasus pony’s face. “Heh, thanks Makker… I’m glad you only took it as a joke, And oh? Is that something you’ve been tasked in your training, I think I remember Syera doing something similar. By the way, where is that girl, I kinda want to train with her myself so she can show me some wicked moves.” Rainbow Dash asked the Saiyan after regaining her composure from the small sobbing episode she just went through. Makker let out a small happy sigh before looking behind him. “Well, I’ll point you in the right direction.” Pushing the button on his scouter, the small device lit up. It started a scan, the man having to calibrate out the smaller power levels of the pony population before… “Huh… That’s strange…” “What’s strange? Is something wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked worriedly towards Makker. Looking around he pushed the button again. “Huh, this is… Slightly concerning. There is no major power level shooting up on my scouter. Usually she would dominate the scale, but now… Hold on…” Pushing the button a couple more times, he bit his lip. “If I focus on the part of the energy spectrum us saiyans produce, I should be able to…” Beep beeep beep! “Ah, there she is.” The happy expression soon fell from his face. “Ok, good, where is she at? I bet she’s eating up a storm since she said she is getting a bite to eat right?” Rainbow Dash recalled hearing those words from Syera that she was gonna go get a bite to eat. Shaking his head Makker looked worried. “No, she’s in the woods. And her power level is low… Almost dangerously low. I think she’s in trouble!” Makker’s aura flared up, his breaths came in a bit more quickly. Rainbow Dash’s expression changed from happy to really, really drop dead worried. “What?! No way, Syera is stronger than the entire Yakyakistan Army! There’s no way she should be in trouble!” She said rushing up and flying by Makker’s side. “Well if she is in trouble we gotta go get her out of the danger!” Rainbow shouted at him as she flew in front of him. “Right! Let’s go and get to her now!” With that, he pushed his Ki behind him and took off towards the forest. Rainbow Dash followed in suite with Makker to the Everfree Forest. “Why in the hay would she be way out here?! I just don’t get it!” the blue pegasus said out loud as they flew over the Everfree forest looking for Syera. As Makker searched, he narrowed the energy field on his scouter. “I have no idea Rain- down there!” With that he immediately dived down into the dark woods. “Wait, there! That’s the old castle of the Two Sisters… what in the hay is she doing down there. Syera!” Rainbow Dash shouted the name of the female Saiyan who was laid out on the linoleum on the castle floors. Landing quickly, Makker scanned the surroundings. The darkness was almost overwhelming, the only light coming from the aura Makker put out. “Is she ok Dash?” His now green eyes darted across the dimly lit landscape. “Is it always this damn dark in here?” Rainbow Dash went to Syera’s side and tried to get a good look at her. Her skin was pale, it looked like she hadn’t seen the sun in days. She was still a Super Saiyan surprisingly, just goes to show how much will power she has even when she is passed out. “I honestly couldn’t tell ya, I don’t really hang here in this place. Gives me the creeps. But… What could have done this to her?” The pegasus pony asked in such shock since she has never seen anything like this. Looking down at the downed saiyan, Makker narrowed his eyes. “Move out of the way Rainbow.” With that said, Rainbow Dash backed away from Syera and let Makker examine her body. Placing his right hand onto her chest Makker charged a small bit of energy and pushed. With what looked like a hard shock to her chest, shooting her a couple inches off the ground. Syera immediately inhaled sharply and started to cough. Standing back up, Makker clenched his hand as he looked down at her. “You ok?” As Syera started to regain consciousness, she coughed hard and then held her stomach and she then puked up whatever she had in her system out. “Agk...ah...ah...ha…” Syera was on her hands and knees breathing hard. “Syera… What happened to you, what did this to you?” Rainbow Dash asked, a little green in the gills herself after witnessing her upchuck. Syera then looked at the two before her. “Rainbow… Makker… I…” Before any other words came out her mouth, she passed out once again. “Syera! Don’t you do this to me you stubborn girl, please!” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to stop her from falling with all her might. “Makker help me out here, we need to get her help now!” Makker quickly grabbed a hold of Syera’s dangling arm, helping to support the unconscious saiyan. Once his hand held her, a strange cold feeling tingled his palm. He hesitated as his eyes looked over the sleeping girl. “Right, let’s get her to Twilight. She should be able to figure it out.” Drapping both her arms over his shoulders, Makker once more took to the sky with Rainbow Dash in tow. Makker pushed with all his might, a bright yellow streak shooting from the woods and right into Ponyville in no time at all. Surprisingly Rainbow Dash managed to keep up, a little out of his wake. Landing in a sprint, Makker busted right through the doors of the library, much to a squawk from the purple pony inside. “Twilight! Something happened to Syera.” Placing the barely breathing saiyan onto the couch, Twilight immediately came sprinting over. From behind another ponies hoofsteps and voice startled Makker. “Oh no, what happened?!” Turning his head Makker noticed Princess Celestia herself was trotting up behind him, a broken teacup laid on the floor not too far behind her. Her light purple eyes scanned over Syera’s body, looking for any signs of injuries. “Me and Rainbow Dash found her unconscious in the woods. Looked to be some sort of old castle.” Makker began to explain, his aura still slightly pushing out. Taking a deep breath, reining it back in he continued. “She was pretty much… Gone. I had to give her a good shock to kick start her heart back to normal. After that she, well, let’s just say it was a mess.” Twilight’s horn glowed brightly, her eyes never leaving her sister’s face as she looked for any signs of problems. “Wait, you found her in the Castle of the Two Sisters?” She raised an eyebrow, looking over at Dash who gave a quick nod. “What was she doing there?” Celestia bit her lip as she started to think. “Strange isn’t it? Why would she go back in there?” As she pondered, she noticed Syera’s hair was still blonde, just like Makker’s was at the moment. “Wait, is she still a super saiyan?” Turning his attention back to the girl on the couch, Makker nodded slowly. “Yeah, she is… That’s strange. She shouldn’t be in her current state.” Celestia’s horn started to glow bright, her eyes closed in focus as a small yellow beam went from her horn tip to Syera’s chest. “Hmm… Dark magic? It’s spreading throughout her entire body but…” Her eyes opened as she stared at the girl’s face. “It feels so familiar.” The sun-princess trailed off, her eyes narrowing a bit as she chewed on her inner cheek. Rainbow Dash flew over and looked at her saiyan friend, then at the Princess. “Wait, so you’re saying that you’ve seen this type of thing before?” The brash pegasus asked, then again when she thought about it, the Princess has seen a lot in her lifetime. Celestia shook her head. “No, I must be mistaken. Anyways, stand back everypony.” Twilight, Dash and Makker all gave the white pony plenty of room as her magic got bright and brighter. She muttered some words under her breath and shot the pure white energy at Syera’s body. The female saiyans body glowed brightly, gently lifting off the couch as the light glowed so bright as to forced everyone’s eyes closed. Then, it was gone. The light, the noise it was no more. Syera was once more on the couch, this time she had her usual black hair and a more peaceful look on her face. The Saiyan’s body then began to fidget a little, her fingers twitched and her chest puffed up a little as she breathed inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Mmm….ah…..” A few audible noises came from the passed out Saiyan. Twilight ran her hoof over Syera’s forehead, gently stroking her skin. “She looks better. Thank you Celestia.” The white Princess hesitantly nodded, her gaze still glancing all over her body. “I must report back to the castle about this. Keep an eye on her for me Twilight, get a hold of me if anything else seems odd with her. Or anypony else for that matter.” With that, Celestia took a couple steps back, and with a quick flash of white light she was gone. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes after the blinding light from Princess Celestia vanished and she was gone. It was then she set her sights on Syera. Who she now hovered above, then started to descend and lay on top of the Saiyan. “Oh Syera… Please be ok…”. She said with a few tears coming out her eyes. Twilight then looked at the Pegasus pony who was now looking over Syera. “I know she’s gonna be just fine Rainbow Dash. If you want you can watch over her, I need to find out more about this ‘dark magic’ the Princess mentioned.” Twilight said as she then placed a soft kiss on Syera’s forehead and rubbed it softly before she left to another part of the Library to do some research. She then looked back at Makker. “Hey Makker, do you wish to help me? I could use it since Spike is out doing some errands, if you don’t mind that is.” Twilight asked the male Saiyan. With a half-hearted shrug he followed her. “Got nowhere else to be, Let's do it then.” Letting out a deep sigh, concentrating on his energy, he managed to keep it back under wraps. Twilight and Makker then entered the west wing of the golden oak library, leaving Syera and Rainbow Dash alone in the main room. “Now where is it…” Twilight started to scan the bookshelves for what could possibly be a link to finding out more of what kind of dark magic affected her sister. Makker leaned on a table, his eyes looking unfocused over the bookshelves. “Got a lotta books eh?” Standing up and walking next to her he scratched his chin. “So what are we looking for anyways?” “Something that can tell us more about Dark magic and how it works. And possibly finding out what Syera was exposed to.” Twilight scanned more of the books to find a reference guide to magic and the different forms of it. “Mmm… Any luck Makker?” the purple unicorn asked the saiyan. He walked over to another shelf, his eyes quickly scanning all the book titles quickly. “Nothing here yet…” The two continued to search for a long time, eventually they had gone through every book in the library in little under three hours. Letting out a groan and sitting onto the floor with his back against the wall, Makker let out a small yawn. “Nothing, five thousand, six hundred and seventy seven titles, and not a single one could lead us anywhere. Surely there has to be… Wait, what about the Castle library? I remember it was mentioned when I first got here.” “Oh… that but that is way too far away. There has to be something here, we must’ve missed… Wait… what’s this?” Twilight asked as she saw a marking in the wall that looked like a secret storage compartment, she pressed her hoof against it and then it opened. Inside was a black book. With strange markings on it. “Umm… Makker, you might wanna see this.” She picked up the book with her magic and scanned through the pages. “Oh my… If I were to say or do any of these spells, they’d cause very… Very bad occurrences to happen.” Twilight continued to read through the book with Makker. Standing up, he stood over her shoulder. To him, the book was full of gibberish, but it must have meant something to the tiny pony. “Well, is there any references to what happened to her?” “I’m looking… Aha! there, it seemed like she went through some sort of… life drain spell. A Wicked and nasty spell indeed from what I am reading, it says it is performed usually by an entity that usually in a state of decay and tries to latch itself inside of a host’s body and slowly starts to drain them of their energy. The average time for a pony to be drained would be less than 30 minutes, Syera lasted obviously a lot longer, Oh… My dear sis, you always surprise me.” Twilight said remarking how strong of a will her sister has to fight against anything, in any which way possible. Visibly wincing at the description, Makker rubbed his neck. “That sounds terrible. I can only imagine what it feels like to have your life force drained away.” Twilight looked over towards the other room thinking of her sister. “I can’t imagine it, something so terrible happening to anypony. It's just so… heart wrenching…” Twilight began to cry a little at the thought of losing her sister to such a thing. Putting an arm around Twilight Makker chuckled. “Twilight, Syera is made of tough stuff. Regardless, Princess Sun-Butt is looking into what happened. The least we can do is trust her.” Glancing over at the couch, an idea popped into his head. “Maybe Syera can tell us what happened to her before she got attacked.” Chewing on his inner lip, Makker shifted his weight onto his left leg while crossing his arms. “But we will have to wait on that. Let me know if you find anything. I’m going to go back to the boutique for some lunch. Talk to you later Twilight.” As he headed towards the door, he stopped and looked down at the sleeping saiyan for a brief moment before walking outside. Accidently slamming the door shut, he gazed up at the sun setting in the distance. With his destination in mind, the man pushed with his energy and shot up into the air. With no time wasted, he took off towards Rarity’s boutique. With the power booster Super Saiyan gave him, it took no time to get there. Quickly landing with a dull thud from his feet, Makker relaxed his energy and walked into the boutique. The little bell above the door rung out, Rarity was assisting a sapphire blue mare try on a pure, white gown. “I must say, that dress looks absolutely fabulous on you, it will need a few adjustments to make sure it’ll fit. But that shan't take me long, when did you need it by?” Rarity’s eyes briefly glanced in the direction of the door once the door closed. A small smile crept onto her muzzle before her attention, shifted back to her customer. “I’d like to have it done in a couple days before I need to return to Canterlot. But if not done by then, I can have it shipped.” The mare had a two-tone light/dark blue mane and tail, while she had an hourglass as a cutie mark. Rarity delicately helped remove the dress before placing it onto a mannequin. “I shall get the work done to it ASAP, come back before you leave and it should be done.” With that, the mare thanked her and left with a content smile on her muzzle. With her gone, Rarity let out a small sigh and trotted up to the blonde haired man. “Oh darling, I love your hair. You must be doing that all time super or whatever am I right? I remember when Syera did that, honestly she broke more stuff than I care to remember.” With a small giggle she nuzzled his leg affectionately. “Yeah, I’m seeing if I can do it too.” Putting his hand to the back of her neck, he casually began to rub it, eliciting a sweet hum from the white unicorn. “Looks like you have your work cut out for you huh?” Looking around the room, there were a half dozen mannequins adorning half finished, and nearly completed dresses. Breaking the contact with Makker, her horn lit up and levitated her ruby red glasses onto her muzzle. “Yes, it seems I do. Plus there are a hoof-ful of other orders that need to be done. But not to worry, I have just the right amount of time to get it all done. But for now, I think it’s bed time for me.” Rarity wrinkled her nose a little, putting her hoof to it. “You need a shower.” Sniffing his armpits, Makker let out a crooked smile and shrugged. “Guess I do.” With that, the young man took to the stairs and to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he quickly stripped and turned the hot water on. Sighing in satisfaction as the hot water cascaded down his toned body, he started to clean his body and hair. It was a different feeling, having his hair stick up under the water, but with no time wasted he was done in record time. Stepping out and drying off with a towel, Makker headed to his room and found it was closed. Before his hand touched the knob, a small power could be felt from the other side. “Oh, sorry for forgetting to mention, my little sister is going to be here for a bit. So looks like you and me will have to share a bed again.” Rarity called from her room while Makker turned and gazed inside. “Oh, sounds good then.” He then walked once again into Rarity’s room, getting a better look inside. The large bed still sat to the left side, a big window was right in the middle of the back wall. While a small sewing machine sat on a small table next to what looked like a series of shelves holding cloth. Setting his dirty clothes in a small pile, he went searching for a pair of pj’s. Rarity was currently sitting at her small table, brushing her mane out. She wore a light pink housecoat and was humming a small song while she worked. Makker quickly slid a pair of briefs on, before dropping the towel into the dirty laundry pile then slipped into bed. The cool silk covers felt amazing on his smooth skin, Rarity herself smiled before she got in on the other side. “Good night Darling.” With that, she turned off the bedside lamp and laid on her side away from the saiyan. On his back, Makker closed his eyes and yawned. His body felt tired, but more relaxed as it got used to the feeling of being in super saiyan. After a couple of minutes and a light snore, he was out cold. While Rarity herself nuzzled deep into her pillows before falling into a deep slumber. > Chapter 8: An Evil Survives within Syera's Body! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the middle of the night, Syera was now in having a very vivid dream. Fighting the deep evil within her. The maniacal being that put her in that catatonic state was the mare in the moon, who Syera was struggling to put up with. “Nrg...dammit, what did you do to my body!?” Syera asked angrily, she couldn’t go Super Saiyan for some reason. The Mare in the Moon, stood before the Saiyan and laughed. “Have you not realized, I am inside your body, feeding off your energy. Celestia may have suppressed me in you, but I am still feeding and consuming you one bit at a time. So please, try and burst out more of that rage you call a Transformation, I will only get even stronger quicker.” The laughing of this demonic beast continued to echo throughout Syera’s head. It caused her to grip her head, nearly pulling her hair out and screaming. “STOOOP!!! Shut up!!!! Get out of my head!!!” Syera struggled to keep the Nightmare from consuming her. It was then, when her vision went bright as light shined in.  “Syera! please, wake up, please…” The saiyan opened her eyes and saw the her blue pegasus friend on top of her.  “Nrg~ Rainbow Dash, wait… What are you doing?” Syera asked seeing her friend on top of her, it was then the Saiyan took note of where they were. They were in the library, back in Ponyville. “And how did I end up here?” Rainbow Dash then proceeded to explain, “Makker came and seen me, to make sure I was ok. he surprised me with his visit..." Rainbow then shook any other thoughts on the matter as she shuffled her head from side to side very fast and then eyed the Saiyan. "but anyways. We chatted, then I asked him where you were. He found you on his… contraption on his ear and used it to find you. But when he found where you were, it said you were in danger. So we went over to where you were at, the castle of the Two Sisters.” Rainbow told her, then something clicked in the Saiyan’s head. “That’s right… Mm… I was following this weird sound and energy, It was coming from the Everfree Forest and it led me to the there. But after I entered that place, the last thing I remember was walking up to the…” Syera then suddenly paused, this left Rainbow Dash hanging and wondering what she walked up to.  “Walked up to where?” Her pegasus friend asked.  “I’m trying to remember… The… Um… Yeah, the throne room. But after that everything went blank.” Syera tried to recall what happened but her head started to hurt. “Nrg… My head hurts…” She held her head with both hands.  “Hey take it easy Syera, when we did find you, you were very pale and weak. When Makker gave you a bit of energy, but the results were pretty… lethargic, at least from you. Somehow you were still Super Saiyan, but once we got you here. The Princess happened to be here luckily, and she casted a spell which thankfully did something cause I see you’re up. Good.” Rainbow then stepped off her Saiyan friend and sat in front of her.  Syera then stretched but all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her side. “Nrh… What was that?” she asked as she felt that sudden shock of pain.  “You ok, you looked like you pulled something.” Rainbow Dash worriedly looked over to where the saiyan was holding her side. “I… honestly don’t know what that was, it's gone though now.” I need to keep a check on my power, I can’t let her steal my power anymore than what she took previously. I was then Syera smirked a little. She may have been bested by the Nightmare Mare, but she won’t let it happen again. “Anyway… Rainbow Dash, I’m glad you watched over me as I slept, but I think I might go back to sleep after I take a quick shower.” the saiyan then bid farewell to her rainbow maned pegasus friend.  “Alright Syera, see you around, I think I need a shower myself.” The two hoof bumped and parted ways. With that done and done the Saiyan entered the Great Golden Oak Library before her. Then proceeded headed upstairs and into the bathroom, stripping herself of her Gi and got in the shower. The water flowing down her body as she began to wash herself. However she noticed something on the side of her hip. It was a small dark spot on her, she touched it and it then all of sudden got a pair of eyes and she heard a small chuckle.  “Damn… So you really are latched on me huh?” Syera said with a bit of a frown, this is when she punched her side softly, she heard a soft groan of pain, knowing she hurt the demonic dark entity on her side. “Just to let you know, you won’t be inside my body forever. I’ll make you come out eventually.” Syera then got out of the shower after rinsing herself off, wrapped a towel around her and her hair and got to her room. She didn’t even bother getting in her pajamas and decided to sleep in the nude. “Mm… well, this was one helluva day indeed.” Soon the weight of sleep once took over the young saiyan and everything went quiet. The birds chirped happily outside in the beautiful morning sunrise coming up over the dew covered grassy fields near Ponyville. Inside Rarity’s boutique, the white unicorn rolled over in her bed. Her left hoof searched for her new Saiyan coltfriend that occupied the bed next to her… But… Her muzzle scrunched in frustration as her hoof felt nothing. Sleepily opening her eyes she seen that he was nowhere in sight. Sitting up-right in her bed, her ears flicked in every direction, searching for any sounds she might have been able to hear. Silence, that was something she was not used to, especially with her sister around. Figuring something might have been wrong, Rarity quickly scrambled out of bed and opened her door before peaking out into the hallway. The door to her sister's room was still closed, while the bathroom door was wide open. Narrowing her eyes, Rarity took to the stairs and quietly walked down into the main floor. Her blue eyes immediately laid on Makker, her body relaxed seeing that he was ok. The man was on the floor, arms and legs crossed while he merely sat on the floor with his eyes closed. He was calm, almost as if he was a statue. From where Rarity stood on the stairs, it looked like he wasn’t even breathing. He wore only a light pair of black pj pants and nothing else. His hair was still blonde, but it was more of a whiter colour than the golden it was before. She felt a little saddened by it, but the whitish-blonde looked much better. As she stepped onto the floor, his eyes slowly opened and they met hers. His normal smile crept over his face as he got to his feet. “Good morning Rarity, sorry if I worried you. Just figured I could get a head start on my training for the day.” Stretching his arms up and behind his head, his chest pushed out. As Rarity’s eyes looked over his chest and arms, a faint blush spread across her nose. “Oh n-not to worry darling. Don’t let me stop you.” As she made her way to the kitchen, she paused and glanced back. “I’ll start breakfast.” The white unicorn continued and then slipped out of sight into the kitchen. Meanwhile, up in the Castle in Canterlot, Princess Celestia was currently in her study. Greedily drinking down tea in a futile way to try and stay awake. The sun princess had been up since the other day, refusing to go to sleep in the night. Her mind settled on figuring out where that dark magic came from. Multiple messy stacks of books lay on the floor beside the large mahogany desk. While a half dozen more were spread across it as her tired eyes scanned over every line of text. But nothing came close yet, all her records on every single dark magic she had encountered in her countless years of life. She had even gone back to the ancient Equestrian text but had no such luck. Sighing she closed the final book from her shelf and put her head in her hooves. “I don’t get it, nothing has even come close to being what I felt.” Swiping her hoof to knock the books off the table, Celestia shook her head. “It was so familiar though, I feel like I’ve felt it my entire life.” A knock on the door broke her from her little episode. A dark muzzle slipped between the slight gap in the door and frame. “Tia? Are you ok?” Her little sister poked her head fully inside, the younger mare was concerned for her sister. “You have been up for days, surely you are tired.” Celestia closed her eyes and nodded, rubbing her forehead with a hoof. “I am Lulu, but I need to figure out what that dark ma…” She trailed off as her sister opened the door the rest of the way with a flash of her aura. The white alicorn’s eyes went wide, her jaw dropped as it finally clicked in her head. Luna on the other hoof, seemed confused and a little worried. “Tia, is everything alright?” As the smaller Alicorn approached her sister, Princess Celestia merely shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. The night princess was now worried, placing a hoof onto Celestia’s shoulder. “Sister, what’s wrong?” Getting up from where she stood, the white pony walked over to the balcony as the sun rose above the horizon. “I thought that’s who it was, but I didn’t believe it to be true.” Turning to look into her sister’s eyes, Celestia took a sharp inhale and shook her head. “Nightmare Moon has returned…” “What?!” Makker lightly coughed on the waffles Rarity had prepared for the trio. Said pony just took a sip of coffee and struggled to not spit it all over the table. Giving his chest a good couple pounds, the saiyan looked at the younger unicorn. Of whom was oblivious to the meaning of the question she just asked. Sweetie Belle took a strawberry into her mouth and chomped happily on it before she repeated her question. “Two ponies who love each other share a bed. And that’s where foals are made. I just wanted to know if you two were going to have a foal.” The slightly puzzled, and somewhat confused tiny filly looked between her fiercely blushing sister, and Makker who finally cleared his throat. “Okay Sweetie Belle, I think we’re going to have to have that talk soon. But now is not the time for that, you’re going to be late for school.” With a nervous laugh Rarity got up as did the small unicorn who made her way to the front door. Rarity sighed and shook her head. “Honestly, I have no idea how she even hears these things…” The blue maned unicorn grumbled as she made her way behind Sweetie Belle. Having lost his appetite, Makker picked up his plate and cleared it before placing it into the sink. Hearing the little bell above the door ring once, then twice, hoof steps came back into the kitchen. “Sorry about that dear, she is a young filly.” Using her magic to pick up the plates she brought them to the sink and started washing them. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Makker just let out a small chuckle. “It’s fine, kids do say the darndest things right?” Approaching the white unicorn who was preoccupied with washing the dishes, shivered as his right hand slid up from her tail to her neck. Letting his well worked hands caress her fur, the man quietly hummed to himself as the muscles in the ponies back twitched. Gently biting on her lip, Rarity let out a small breath of air. “Oh my, that’s really nice.” Her curled tail flicked a bit as he rubbed the spot where her neck and body met. “I’ve always wanted to feel a nice set of, man hands on me. Syera has dainty long fingers, I assume she keeps good care of them considering she wears those posh white battle gloves; But besides the point dear, she’d never do… That.” With that, a small moan escaped the lips of the posh unicorn. Almost instantly, she crammed a hoof to her lips and squeaked as a small blush spread across her face. Makker quickly stepped back and held his hands up. “Sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The tiny pony shivered and just shook her head. “You didn’t hurt me in the slightest, it was just… Unexpected to say the least.” She cleared her throat. “Anyways, I have some errands to run, would you mind coming along? I have to get stocked up on some food and supplies.” The white pony smiled and looked expectantly up at the man. Reaching to her, he cupped her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. “Absolutely. Sounds like it’ll be a great time. Let me go get dressed and I’ll be down.” With that, Makker was quick to get up the stairs and stripped. Gathering his black Gi bottoms and a light blue button up shirt, he wasted no time in getting dressed and back down stairs. Rarity waited by the door for him, a small smile spreading across her muzzle when she seen him. “You look great darling, ready to go?” Answering with a nod, the two headed out of the boutique and towards the market. Syera was above the top of the Library currently meditating. However it was kind of hard to concentrate when an evil dark tyrant is stuck in her body.  “So this is what you do in your spare time, what a total waste! You know you could do so much more. Instead of being my enemy, you could be my loyal champion in my reign over this land.” This offer from the Mare in the Moon caused Syera to open her eyes then smirk.  “Pfft, you really think I’d fall for such an offer. If so, you are more of an idiot cliche than I thought you were.” Syera told the evil queen Meany.  “Excuse me! Mind your tongue you ignorant little whelp! I was making you an offer and you spit it back in my face… You will regret not taking my offer.” This caused a laugh from the Saiyan.  “Really now? Enlighten me with your threat, if anything you’ll have to try to destroy what I am Nightmare Moon.” Syera laughed even more, this causing the Mare in the Moon to get even angrier at the Saiyan laughing at her, it was then she used a spell to make herself spread even more around her body.  “Nrgh…. Whoa, I see you’re upping the ante huh? Alright.” It was then Syera started to focus and channel her energy to where Nightmare Moon was inside her to isolate her inside her body a bit more.  “Wait… What did you do! I’m supposed to be drawing more energy from you!” The Nightmare Moonbutt complained and demanded to know what Syera did to her.  “I basically isolated you inside my body, you’ll have to work extra hard to earn my energy. So at this point I’m the one who can control my power, and you as well. Unless you wanna come out that is?” Syera told the Evil Mare.  “NO! NEVER! I WILL NOT GIVE UP TILL I STEAL YOUR POWER SUPER SAIYAN! And only then I will be strong enough to destroy you and all that will stop me from taking over Equestria in an eternal night…” Nightmare Moon told the saiyan with a determined tone of voice.  “Alright, keep trying. Surprise me greatly, anyway while you do that I’m gonna go get something to eat and do about… Hmm… about 1000 push-ups, 1000 situps while in a tree and maybe even lift some heavy bushels of apples over at Sweet Apple Acres. But till then try your hardest.” And with that said, Syera made her way over to a cafe she usually goes to eat. However, once she got there. She asked for a table to sit at but they were filled up. But she was in luck since there happened to be one seat available for her since a certain blue rainbow-maned pegasus pony happened to be there.  “Hey! Syera, over here! Come sit with me!” Rainbow Dash shouted over to her friend. The saiyan soon made her way over the pegasus pony and sat with her.  “Hey Dash, what’s up?” Syera then sat across from Rainbow Dash.  “I’m here getting some grub, I take it you the same?” Rainbow asked as she looked at the menu selects of the place, Syera doing the same.  “Yea, I’m trying to get some energy in me so I can train today. Oh and Dashie, thanks for watching over me the other night. It means a lot to me.” Syera smiled at her pegasus pony friend after saying that. This caused a smile from the pegasus as well.  “Hey, it’s no problem. I felt so worried about you since you know… When we found you, you looked so weak and… I don’t even wanna think about it.” Rainbow said with a low sad and worried tone of voice.  “She should be worried, just look at her. She should expect to worse since when I am done with you, there will be nothing left she and your so called friends will remember of you… Saiyan…” The voice of Nightmare Moon said to Syera in her mind. This caused a bit of a frown to creep across Syera’s face.  “It’s alright, don’t worry ok Dashie. I promise to you and the others you won’t have to see me in such a state ever again. That’s a promise.” Syera’s spoke with a soft tone and smile as she then scooted next to her friend and held her in a close embrace.  “Yea, anyway what shall we eat?” Rainbow asked as she pulled back from the hug.  “Hmm…. That’s a good idea, hey, maybe we could order the sampler platter if you want.” Syera offered and Dash nodded with eagerness.  “Oh yea, sounds great!” With that said, they started off with the Sampler platter, it was quite big for one but the two didn’t complain as they both enjoyed it, It had all sorts of assorted vegetables and fresh cooked hay, which Dash ate really while Syera had some of the sample fish breaded snacks that were included. “I guess some ponies eat fish I suppose.” Syera thought in the back of her head as she ate some of them, they were quite well cooked coming from ponies that is.  “Wait, those are fish? Why didn’t you tell me?!” Rainbow Dash complained a little.  “Hey I didn’t know, I thought they were just some special bread snacks, you eat fish?” Syera asked.  “Are you kidding, I love it! Occasionally I have it but not all the time since sometimes it might be too heavy on my stomach if I have too much of it. I remember this one time Pinkie ate about 200 of these… Most I ever had were maybe… 10, plus I think 5 of them tasted different than the others, must’ve been the recipe used was a little off. I also had a couple of salmon nuggets another time, and like a big crab cake along with it.” Dash said remembering the taste of all that good seafood.  “Now I got a craving for all of that right now… hey waiter! do you carry Salmon Nuggets and crab cakes!?” Syera asked as she called out to the waiter. The waiter came over and nodded as he pointed to the spot on the menu where their seafood section is.  “Oh my…. gosh they do! Can I please have that along with your house salad?” Rainbow Dash asked.  “Me too, I’ll have the same!” Once their order was placed, the waiter took the menus while they waited. Leaving them both time to chat and talk about stuff.  Laying her head on the table, Dash grumbled a bit as her mane gently touched the wooden tabletop. “I hate waiting for food… I’m sooo hungry. I haven’t eaten since, well the last time I’ve eaten.” With her eyes wandering around her, she suddenly pushed her head up and looked Syera right in the eyes. “Say, what do you think Rarity and Makker are doing right now?” With a playful smile, the blue pegasus used her wings to make a lewd gesture. “Oh grow up Dashie, and as far as what they’re doing. Beats me, for all we know they could be doing… something, anything but what you’re thinking ya dirty-minded little pegasus.” Syera said chuckling a little.  Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit. “I’m kidding. Rarity’s not that kinda pony.” With a quick glance around her, making sure no foals were within earshot. She leaned in a bit closer and whispered. “It’s a total clam fest around here. Just, a little jealous of her is all.” She said with a small blush adorning her cheeks. With a hearty loud laugh, Syera almost fell out of her chair. “Hahaha! What?” It was then she chuckled a bit more but kept her voice to a kinda loud whisper. “You jealous?! I never would have guessed, but why? Of Rarity, I mean…. well I suppose you have every right to be I suppose. Makker is a cool guy, my perspective on him… I want to fight him and get stronger along his side.” Syera clenched her fists a little as she then formed a small ki ball and tossed it between her hands pretty fast.  Rainbow sat back and pointed a hoof at Syera’s chest. “Don’t you tell anypony about this.” Before she could reply, the waiter had come and placed their meals in front of them. “Oh, thanks!” “Oh wow, this looks amazing. Thank you for the food.” The saiyan placed her hands against each other as the ki ball made a small pop between her two palms, then got to grubbing along with Rainbow Dash. The two quickly dug into their meals, both wholeheartedly enjoying it. But soon it came to an end, with Dash completely stuffed and Syera moderately full. “Damn that was good.” Rainbow picked her teeth with a discarded feather from one of her wings. “Yes it was… And, what was that earlier, don’t tell anypony about what now?” Syera asked as she wiped her mouth with a napkin and sighed.  Scratching the back of her mane, Rainbow avoided looking at the saiyan. “Never mind, Anyways, what now?” Tossing a couple bits from the small coin purse she had around her neck, Dash took to the sky, hovering just above Syera’s head. “Hmm…” Syera then took out some bits and placed them on the table as well and then stood up and lifted up to the sky and floated next to Dash. “Hey, I got an idea. I remember you wanted to learn some of my moves, wanna train with me for a bit?” Syera had an eager look on her face, to train with the Rainbow Dash made her very excited.  With a small front flip Rainbow nodded quickly. “Hell yeah! Let’s go!” With that, she took off towards the open field not too far from Ponyville. It was then the two rushed to the outskirts of Ponyville, there was an old patch of Sweet Apple Acres that AJ doesn’t use anymore since the soil is no good and there’s dead trees everywhere. Perfect spot for Syera and Rainbow Dash to train to her heart's content. “Here’s the place I was talking about Dash. It’s a bit… rough since I’ve been using this place for a while. I just hope that J don’t rupture the earth underneath and it creates a sinkhole eventually.” Syera explained as they stood of the hill overlooking the old patch of dead trees.  Cracking her neck, Rainbow dropped to the ground and started to stretch a bit. “Awesome, so what kinda cool stuff can you teach me? Can I shoot cool light blasts from my hooves?” She flipped her mane out of her face, just as the sun moved it’s way overhead. “Well… I don’t know about all that just yet. If anything you need to gain a sense of your inner-self. In short, you need to have complete control of you and your body in order to project energy out and draw it in. For example.” Syera then took stance and soon a bright white aura flared up around her and she grunted a little while making a calm yet concentrated face.  “Mmm…..Haaaaa….” It then she opened her eyes with a smile towards Rainbow Dash. “Now, see if you can do it. Remember, clear your mind and focus, let you and your body become one and bring forth your inner energy.” Syera crossed her arms, still having her energy aura shining bright as she watched Rainbow Dash concentrate and focus. The pegasus gave Syera a deadpanned look and shrugged. “Here goes nothing.” Taking a stance, the blue pony grunted, her whole body tensing as her mouth opened in a determined cry. She quivered in place, her wings flared wide and she pushed with all her might. After a couple of seconds, Rainbow released her tension and panted. “Didn’t…. Feel…. Anything… You two make it seem so easy to do all this stuff.” Flicking her tail, Dash sat on her haunches. “Don't worry Rainbow Dash, if you want besides energy attacks. I could show you a few moves that involve kicking and punching.” Syera told the blue pegasus as she stretched her legs from where she stood to get them warmed up for the moves she was about to teach her. “Ok… ready Rainbow Dash?”  Springing to her hooves, Dash shook her head a bit and got ready. “Alright, try and not hurt me this time.” With that, she charged head-on into Syera. "Hehe, that depends on how much you can take. I'll be on the more defense. I promise!" Syera braced herself for the incoming Pegasus as their training session really heated up.  Back in town, Rarity and Makker were just getting the final items on the list of groceries for that day. Rarity had checked the carrots off the list as Makker put them into one of the bags he had been carrying for the white unicorn. “Hmm, is there anything… Right! I need a couple cartons of Vanilla Oat ice cream.” With a sparkle in her eye, she quickly trotted inside Sugarcube Corner with the male saiyan in tow. The little bell above the door rang out as the two walked inside. Mrs. Cake smiled happily, her cheeks spreading widely as she laid her eyes on Rarity. “Oh Rarity dear, it’s nice to see you again. I’ll guess the usual?” Rarity smiled a bit and nodded. “Yes, I’m needing to replenish my stock of ice cream. Honestly, it’s like my comfort food.” With a light blush the white unicorn giggled a bit. Before Mrs. Cake turned to retrieve the cartons, her eyes lingered on Makker. “Oh, sorry dear, I didn’t see you there. Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!” With that said, she then went into the back room to the freezer. Makker was lost in amazement at the pastry filled place. Cupcakes, cakes, pies, and all sorts of goodies decorated the candy store inspired bakery. “Wow, nice place. It all looks good.” It didn’t take long for the blue mare to return with a dozen cartons of the cold, creamy treat. Makker was a bit surprised while Rarity pulled a good sum of bits and laid them onto the counter. Smiling to herself, she took hold of them all in her magic and turned to leave. “Thanks again Mrs. Cake, I’ll see you soon!” With that, Rarity trotted out the door with a smile upon her face as Makker hesitantly joined her. Once outside, the two quickly made their way back to the boutique, as to not let the supply of ice cream melt. “How long does this usually last you?” The man questioned, eyeing the stack of cartons that Rarity held stacked in a cube above her back. Rushing forward to open the door for the unicorn, he watched as she sent them inside and straight into the kitchen. Opening the deep freezer in the floor of the kitchen, the unicorn neatly stacked them inside and shut the door. “Well, normally they can last me a couple of months. Buuuuuut… I’ve had, moments. And then I can go through them in  a couple of days.” She said with a sheepish blush, walking towards the fridge and cupboards. Placing the multiple bags of groceries down, Makker started to take things out of the bags and place them onto the counter. Rarity would then take the produce and put them into the fridge. “You have any plans for the day?” The white pony stopped for a moment and thought. “No, I finished my work last night for at least today, why darling?” Her blue eyes met his, she blinked a couple of times as he walked up behind her, gently rubbing his hand across her back. “Well, I was thinking we could just have an ‘us’ day. Just sit around and talk, I’d like to get to know a lot about you more.” With all the items put away, Rarity thought for a moment. With a nuzzle to his hand she gently took hold of it in her magic and pulled him into the main floor. Walking over to the collection of pure white couches, Rarity hopped up and pat the spot next to her. Sitting down, the man leaned back as she laid across his lap. “So darling, what do you want to know?” Casually rubbing her back, causing her curled tail to twitch, Makker closed his eyes. “I’ve always got this feeling, the way you all ran towards danger the other night while all the rest ran away. Are you and the others some sort of, national heroes?” With a giggle Rarity rolled her eyes. “You could say that, me and the girls are what’s known as the… Oh what was it. The Elements of Harmony.” She nuzzled deeper as the saiyan continued to rub her shoulders. “Basically, they are the fundamental traits of all ponies across the land. Honestly, Twilight would be able to tell you more about it. But I am the element of generosity. We stopped the arrival of Nightmare Moon during the Summer Sun Celebration.” “I wouldn’t have guessed.” Makker smiled a bit before continuing. “But that’s really cool. Being heroes of Equestria.” It was then that Rarity flipped over, exposing her belly towards the man. Resuming his rubs on her soft tummy, she tilted her head to the side. “How about you? You’ve mentioned a couple times of your life back home. Were you a protector of your world?” This caused Makker to tense up a bit, which the unicorn sensed. “Sorry if I pried too much dear, I-.” She was cut off by his finger on her lips. “No, it’s fine. You deserve to know.” Letting out a small sigh, Makker closed his eyes. “I was… One of the strongest fighters back on my planet. And one of the last Saiyans left alive in the universe, as far to my knowledge.” The man paused for a moment. “Let’s just say that things... didn’t go as well as I had hoped.” The unicorn looked on intently, silent as she let the man start to open up. “It all happened so fast. We had no idea they were as strong as they were, and… they damned near wiped us off the face of history.” Makker swallowed thickly, taking a shaky breath. “With most of us dead, or brutally injured. Me and… Her, stood back to back, the last line of defence our planet had. That’s when we both unleashed our power. Turing for the first time into Super Saiyans.” “Her name was Mei. We were best friends, and even better fighting partners.” He continued to gently rub her back, her soft fur gently tickled his hands. “I’d like to leave out the details, but I will tell you, she gave her life to make sure I survived that battle. Using our combined strength, we gave one, final energy wave. But it drained all her energy.” Rarity placed a hoof onto Makker’s free hand, gently rubbing it. “It’s alright dear. I… Can’t say I understand what all that felt like to you. All I can say is that I’m here for you, and I’ll always be here.” The two looked into each other’s before he leaned in for a small kiss. Rarity was a bit surprised, but nevertheless returned the small kiss back to him. Breaking lip contact, she nuzzled deep into his chest. The training between Syera and Rainbow Dash continued. “That’s it Rainbow Dash, come at me with all you got.” Syera then thought to herself Wow, she’s going as quick and smooth as I would be if I were Kaioken X4, amazing! It was then a smirk came across Syera’s face. “Alrighty Dashie, see if you can catch me as this! Ha!” Syera flared up her Red aura of the King Kai Fist ability.  Rainbow grinned widely, flicking her hair away from her sweating face. Her wings beat with all their might. “Alright! Let’s do this!” She dove in fast, both hooves pushed out as she charged right for Syera. Only at the last moment, she pushed up with her wings. Launching up and over her foe, she pulled a short loop and tried to push her hooves into the Saiyan's back. Syera lunged forward but she did not expect the blue pegasus to do such a maneuver. “Aaugh… No way! Ahh!” It was then the Saiyan shrieked in a bit of pain from the sudden shock of the kick Rainbow Dash put on her back side. She flew a couple feet because of the force of it, but quickly recovered. “Whoa! You earn an A+ in my book for that one, nice!” Syera said but she saw that Dash was still coming for her, so she had to think fast.  With a determined smile, Dash started to rotate her body. Corkscrewing as she pushed harder with her wings. “Here goes!” Pushing her wings back to her body, she cut through the air like a diving pegasus at full speed. Clenching her eyes shut, she waited for the impact. “Darn!” Syera couldn’t dodge it in time, so she threw her arms out in front of her. However, she wasn’t quick enough. With the bone breaking speed, Rainbow Dash came down on Syera like a the entire Wonderbolt team being shot out of a hurricane. “Aghhhhhhh!!!!” Then soon they made impact, a big Rainbow mushroom cloud erupting from the crater she made with the Saiyan’s body. Doing a short backflip she landed on her hooves, collapsing and panting for air. “Y-you… Ok?... In there?” The blue pegasus had one eye open, the other was clenched shut as her hind leg occasionally twitched. The only thing Rainbow Dash could hear coming from the small hole was after she asked that was the sound of laughter. “Ha! Ahaha…. Nrg…. damn it, Celestia as my witness that hurt like hell...but man that was so awesome!” Syera said, basically saying the blue pegasus’s line and continued laughing but grunting in pain.  Lifting her head, she let out a small laugh before laying it back down onto the grass. “Glad you can still move after that. I’m rightfully exhausted.” Stretching out her limbs, Dash tried to get to her hooves. “How do you guys do this?” Syera then chuckled again with a crooked smile on her mug as she then slowly rose up from the small crater in the ground. “Good question, I guess we're just lucky enough to have bodies of steel. But man we aren’t invincible, Ooo….I’m gonna feel that in the morning…” The saiyan then popped her back in more ways than one, then popping her neck as well. She didn’t realize that Rainbow Dash cringed a lot from all the bone cracking noises. “Um… you ok Rainbow Dash, you stiff in areas too?” She completely oblivious to why her pegasus friend looks so disgusted.  Rolling onto her side, Rainbow winced a bit. “I will be in the morning I know that for sure. I think I’ll leave the heavy stuff to you and Makker, I’m not cut out for this kind of fighting.” Closing her eyes she let out a small breath, getting her breathing back under control. Syera then walked next to Dashie and layed next to her on the ground. The saiyan sighed softly and hummed agreeing with Rainbow Dash. “I know what you mean, fighting isn’t cut out for everypony. But… It’s just, when I feel this feeling in the top of my back, where my neck meets it. I just have the sudden urge to fight like a wild bull trying to get loose in a Appleloosan rodeo, that’s the best way I can describe the feeling of a Saiyan’s urge to fight.” Syera said as she then locked eyes with the pegasus’s eyes. It was then she held her left fist out for a hoof bump with Rainbow Dash. “But I will say this, you are one of the ponies to make me drive even faster and harder to reach the top and fight stronger opponents, and I thank you for it Rainbow Dash.” With a smile, she bumped her hoof against Syera’s fist. “You both seem to thrive on fighting. It’s totally strange. Sure, me and Applejack can throw down if need be, but you saiyans live off it. Honestly, I’d say you’d go nuts without it!” With one last chuckle, Rainbow took a deep breath and smiled. “I’m so tired. I think I can hear my bed calling my name.” With a small laugh coming from Syera, she rose up from the ground and picked up her Pegasus friend. “I’ll get you there.” It was then the Saiyan took off in the air with Rainbow Dash in arms and took her home. The sun slowly setting over the horizon, the two unknowingly crossed over the sunset. It was then Syera noticed Rainbow Dash looking at her, she smiled a little as she made brief eye contact with her then continued on till she reached the front door of her cloud house. “Think you can make it the rest of the way, or you want me to carry you to bed my little widdle Rainbow Dash?” She asked in a joking manner, as she set her on her doorstep. With a small yawn and a playfully hit to her upper arm Dash hopped down. “I can find my way inside my house, thank you very much.” She then stuck her tongue out for a brief moment. “Anyways, that was great. I’ll see you later!” With that, the pegasus entered her robust cloud home. With a small chuckle, Syera bid farewell to her mate. “See you around.” And with that, She held her two fingers up to her head and decided to go see Makker, see what he is up too. However when she was in the middle of going through the process of moving at such a fast speed, she couldn’t shake a feeling she was currently having right now, a bad feeling at that. Only thing was, when she arrived. She ended up between the two on her couch, right in the middle when they were about to kiss, and they both ended up kissing her on both cheeks.  Both pony and saiyan pulled back in surprise, Makker ending up on the floor. Wiping his mouth on his arm, he shot an annoyed glare at Syera. “The hell man?” Lightly spitting, the man’s face contorted a bit. “You can’t just teleport wherever you want!” Rarity herself couldn’t help but smile, gently dabbing her lips with a cloth. “I would have to agree. That was, most uncalled for. Anyways dear, how are you doing?” Looking at Syera, she couldn’t help but raise her nose a bit. “Really darling? You can’t keep one of your uniforms in one piece and clean?” “I.. I’m sorry… It's just when I use Instant Transmission, I usually lock onto my target but I don’t know where I’m going to end up. So in between you two love birds, was by coincidence.” Syera chuckled a bit but she then did realize what Rarity said. “And sorry, mind the smell Rarity, I just got done some very fun training with Rainbow Dash. And I’m doing alright, I’m glad I’m better than…. what I was before.” Syera said with a serious look on her face. And then stood up off Rarity’s couch. “Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and see how you two are doing, but I see you’re busy. So, I’ll leave ya alone.” Syera said as she walked out the living room then was about to exit the door.  Makker sat up on the floor and shook his head. “No it’s fine we were just… Talking?” The white unicorn gave him a glare before rolling her eyes. “Anyways, how you doing? You were in rough shape the other day.” She had the door open but paused, and then looked back at the two. “Yeah… that, It’s a long story but by the way you two have that look on your mugs, it seems you have to time to listen, right?” Syera asked as she then shut the door before leaving and then turning around all the way then looked them both straight on. With a shrug of his shoulders, Makker nodded. “Yeah, ain’t got nothing else at the moment. Go ahead.” Syera then walked back in the living room and sat in front of the two. “Alright, here it goes. I was about to head out and get some food like usual, after training with Makker, but all of a sudden. I heard something, almost as if something was… calling to me. I was eventually led to the castle of the two sisters.” Syera said but then she was cut off by Rarity.  “Wait wait wait… Back up a little bit dear. But why is the name of Equestria would you go back there?” The unicorn tilted her head with an eyebrow raised. “I know you’re made of tough stuff, but even thinking about that place sends shivers down my spine.” Syera nodded in agreement and then continued. “I honestly could not tell you why I was lead there of all places. But when I did finally found myself inside the castle. I began to walk around a bit, I eventually found myself in the throne room of the castle, which is where we confronted Nightmare Moon…” Syera then paused for a moment then smiled as she then looked at Rarity. “It was also when I remembered, how we all became dear and best friends and also the chosen element bearers. I will never forget that for as long as I live.” Remembering such an event in her life, was something she will cherish forever since she would have no other way.  Rarity gave a faint smile, then turned a bit serious. “We have. Anyways dear, did you find something in there?” She levitated a tea cup from the tiny table next to her, and took a small sip from it. Syera paused for a moment, and then spoke up. “I honestly found nothing but dust and echoes of what the castle once was… but what I did find is… pretty disturbing.” Syera told and took a deep breath, and then she stood up. She then took the top part of her Gi off, leaving her bra on of course, and then showed the two of them the dark spot on her left side of her stomach where her ribs were showing a little bit. “See this? I can give you one guess on who this is.”  As Makker and Rarity studied the dark spot on her side, the man was completely lost as to what it could be. But Rarity narrowed her eyes before they went wide, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks as she tumbled back. “Syera! You don’t mean to tell me that… That!” Her hoof pointed to the dark spot. “Is that Nightmare Moon!?” With a look of confusion, Makker stood straight up. “And just who is that?” His eyes looked between pony and saiyan, hoping for an answer. Syera then looked at the dark spot and chuckled. “Go on, explain yourself. I know you’re not weak enough to talk you little dark snake of a mare in the moon.” Syera told the dark spot which then decided to open its blue cat like eyes with a serious glare.  “If you must know, I will do tell. I was once part of Princess Luna, but now I am now my own entity and I am now the reduced to this state due to those blasted element bearers! And all I wish to do is get my revenge on Princess Celestia so I can rule over Equestria and make the night become eternal!” It was then the evil mare cackled maniacally, but soon stopped and looked at Syera. “And not just Celestia, but this one right here in particular, she has made a fool out of me and she will pay with her life!” Her eyes flash and then Syera grunted in a bit of pain.  “Ach! Whoa… where did this come from?” Syera asked as she was on her knees, holding her chest. But then she thought for a second. Her training with Rainbow Dash, she did push a good amount of power out, she knew at that moment Nightmare Moon must’ve taken it. “So you did get a taste of my energy after all, I should’ve been more cautious then I suppose.” Syera then slowly rose up on her feet, but then all of sudden a force weighted her down. She could barely move, let alone stand. She was reduced to one knee.  Rarity was the first to wrap her hooves around Syera, gently rubbing her back. “Are you alright dear? The princess must know about this at once!” Springing to his feet, Makker was looking worriedly at the two. Syera lost a lot of energy, his scouter lighting up and making noise. “By the time your sun loving princess gets here, it will be too late.” Nightmare Moon voiced with her dry dark manner. But this caused Syera to get a bit angry.  “Rarity… Stand back.” Syera said softly to the classy mare, she didn’t want her to get hurt or her mane fuzzled for what she is about to do. “Mmm….Nrg...Nrrahhhhh!” Syera flared up her aura, the light of it started to make her glow a little. “You won’t stay inside me…. anymore!” With one final burst of energy which was enough to make Rarity’s shelves of fall and some stuff broke, some of her windows cracked a little. It was then Syera then felt her stomach turn and she then ran to Rarity’s kitchen and then she puked out black slop and slime into her trashcan. “Blahhhh!!” was all was heard from Syera in the kitchen with a few coughs.  Rarity was quickly behind her, trying to comfort and help her friend. With a death glare back she locked eyes with Makker. “Go get Twilight… Right… Now!” The man wasted no time and was quickly out the door. Turning her attention back to Syera, who merely laid on the ground beside the fouled trashcan. She ran her hoof across her back and started pouring a glass of water with her magic. “Syera dear, are you doing alright?” Catching her breath and wobbly stood up, she then went to the sink and washed her mouth a bit. She then took a deep breath and was about to speak but then she saw the trashcan began to glow a little. “Yeah, I’m fine… but right now, get behind me, slowly…” Syera said as she pointed to the trashcan and took a fighting stance. The white unicorn did as she was told, slightly afraid as the light got brighter. Syera grabbed a towel to wipe her mouth of the water, then threw it to the side. “And Rarity, sorry for the mess. I promise to help clean this up later.” She said with a smile but had a nervous one at that since she doesn’t know what is gonna come out of that garbage. Good thing was that the black spot on her side was now gone.  As the light grew brighter, the door to the boutique burst open and a cry was heard. “STEP AWAY FROM IT!” Twilight galloped in fast, skidding to a halt in front of the two. Her horn was already lit and at the ready. Syera and Rarity both backed up as the light dimmed to nothing, lightly pulsing a dark blue glow. A chuckle could be heard, spreading around the room as Makker rushed in behind them. “Oh precious Twilight Sparkle. The princess’s own protege. You’re no match for me, I have drained enough energy to destroy all of you.... But it seems you have the upper hand, I lack a physical form.” There was a bright flash of light, blinding all who stood in the room. Outside, all that could be seen was the windows lighting up as if the sun itself was inside her home. “But not for long!!!” Her voice echoed as her laughter dissipated. Both saiyans were at the ready, trying their best to see through this light. As soon as it started, it ended. The four rubbed their eyes as they tried to focus on the room. “W-where is she?” Twilight peered into the burnt and empty can, nothing was inside and she quickly searched around. With a groan, Syera cracked an eye open. “It’s almost as bad as that solar flare you do Makker.” As she looked around the room, the girl had a worried look on her face. “I can’t sense her at all. It’s like she’s gone.” With a couple of beeps from his scouter, Makker shook his head. “Same, I can’t find a trace of her at all. She should stand out among the two of…” He trailed off before turning back behind him.  “Where’s Rarity?” It was then that it dawned on them all, Rarity was no longer there. “Oh no… You don’t think Nightmare Moon got her? She said she needed a host.” Twilight’s purple eyes started to tear up, her head shaking from side to side. “Crapbaskets this is bad!” The purple unicorn quickly ran out the door and into Ponyville. “Come on! We need to get Princess Celestia right away!” She called out behind her as Makker and Syera were quick behind her. As the trio made their way back to the library, one thing was on all their minds. Save Rarity. Twilight threw the door open hard, nearly knocking down a mare who just signed out a library book. “Sorry! Spike! I need you right now!” Ignoring the death glare from the mare, who promptly walked out the open door. The purple and green dragon quickly came down the stairs. “What’s wrong Twilight?” She was digging for parchment and a quill, quickly scribbling down a letter. With her tongue out in concentration, and sweat trickling down her brow she wrapped it up and gave it to Spike. “Send this to the princess, now!” A little off put by her tone, the dragon just shrugged and with a blow of his green fire, sent the letter off in a puff of smoke. An eerie silence filled the room as Twilight started to pace. Syera sat with one leg bent, staring at the floor while Makker stood with his arms crossed. It didn’t take too long, half a minute and a bright flash came from the middle of the room. The library shook as Celestia arose from her spell. Her eyes were closed but the expression on her face told the whole story. She, was serious. Her light pink eyes slowly opened in a cold, steel stare towards Syera. Her ethereal billowing mane hung behind her head, her left eye was covered as she met eyes with the saiyan. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier it was Nightmare Moon.” She spat quietly, but it was full of venom. The feeling inside the room made Twilight’s fur stand on end. Syera then looked away from the Princess in shame, and then spoke. “I… thought I could handle the situation myself, but I underestimated her....” Syera spoke in distress as she was feeling very angry that she’d let Nightmare Moon slip away. “Dammit…. I should’ve gone to you, but….”  Celestia stomped her hoof onto the wooden floor, a small shockwave coming from her. “You put the lives of every, single, pony into danger with this stunt. You let Nightmare Moon slip away, and worse of all. She possibly has control of one of the Elements bearers.” Celestia softened her expression and looked away. “I thought you would do better, thought that you had overcome your basic instincts. I put all of my trust into you Syera.” The sun princess paused before sighing. “I am indeed very much disappointed in you.” It was then Syera kneeled down, putting her hands to the floor, before letting loose a firm scream of anger, punching a hole in the floor in the process before her energy spiked and much fury exhaulted from her. Her Super Saiyan form flashed out. Everyone in the room held firm but looked away from how much energy radiated out, even Makker was surprised, but had to look away. Celestia on the other side of this spectrum was stood firm and looked down to her Saiyan Protégé. "Ahhh!!! I should have been more outright with it-! When Makker found me in the castle of the Two Sisters... she ambushed me! I didnt know if I was gonna be the same if I ever woke since it was an internal and external conflict! I should have gone to you and Princess Luna. But I figured this as a test... and I failed it, and now one of my best friends is gone!” Tears were still streaming down her cheeks as she is in turmoil over not only letting Nightmare Moon getting away, but losing Rarity in the process. "And you have every right to be disappointed in me, I was not only too weak but careless and like you said... put others in danger..." Syera finished as her aura did calm down as she continued to cry. Twilight took her gaze to Syera as she spoke these words. "Oh Syera..." she spoke softly, all the while Celestia stood before the Saiyan but slowly trotted to her. “Now is not the time to dwell on the past my dear Saiyan, have the chance to redeem yourself.” Her wings spread wide as the princess stepped closer. “Get ahold of yourself my Saiyan Protégé- this is not a battle you can win so easily by yourself, that does not mean you are weak." She paused and looked over to Twilight and Spike as well as the other Saiyan with them. "However, with your friends and loved ones, I am sure there is a high chance to defeat Nightmare Moon once and for all.” Her gaze now focused towards Syera, picking her chin up to look her in the eyes. "Believing in your them is what makes you stronger than ever cause they know they can depend on you. As Rarity does now. Come, she needs you, Equestria needs you.” Celestia finished with a small smile. In which Syera smiled softly back after wiping away her tears, soon standing up, equal height to Celestia. And then she spoke. “Everypony is counting on us then, I understand that now, and I will not fail again Princess, I promise you that, cross my hear with a hope to fly, sticking a cupcake in my eye..” She finished in which Celestia hugged Syera, she giving a hug back. With a plan set in motion, Makker spoke up. “I’ll head out and round up the others, I won’t be long.” With that, the Saiyan man left the library and out in search of the other element bearers. All the while Princess Celestia returned to Canterlot to give Princess Luna the rundown what comes next. Back in Ponyville, Spike on the other hand was more or less confused, lightly tugging at Syera’s pant leg to get her attention. “Syera, what happened to Rarity?” The young Dragon boy looked distraught, tears threatened to stream down his little cheeks at the thought of anything bad happening to her. Looking down at him, she kneeled and spoke with confidence. “Nightmare Moon has returned, and she took Rarity. i do not know what she plans to do with her but it will not last-!" She spoke firmly before pulling him into a hug. "As I promised to Celestia Spike, we will get her back, even if it kills me to do so… to save Equestria so her people can live to see the day ahead.” Syera spoke as she had her hand on the young dragon boy’s shoulder, then stood up in front of him and Twilight. “I really sat in the dirt on this one… But I’m gonna dig our way out this, with your support and courage.”  Twilight smiled weakly and wrapped her hoof around her sister. “We’re going to need everypony for this one.” There was a quiet yell that became louder, before a blue pegasus broke through a window upstairs and crashed into a bookshelf. With a groan, she flipped around in the air and regained her bearings she looked around the room. “I came as soon as Makker told me something was wrong.” Syera smiled as she saw her brash pegasus friend come in. “Rainbow Dash, glad you could make it. Now all we need is Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack I suppose.” It was then Syera floated up in the air a bit and started to meditate while waiting.  Then Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the bookshelf Rainbow had crashed into. “I’m already here!” With a blast of confetti, she hopped out, bouncing on her tail until she tackled Syera with a giggle. Not to long after, the others came rushing inside with Makker right behind them. “Thanks for all gathering on such short notice girls.” Twilight said with a weak smile. “But it seems that Nightmare Moon is indeed back.” There was a collective gasp emanating from the mouths of the mares. “But what matters most, is that we believe Rarity is being used as a host for the tyrant.” Once more, a collective gasp came from them all. “O-oh no… That sounds awful.” Fluttershy cowered a bit, hiding behind her long pink mane. “Oh I hope nothing bad happened to her.” The butter yellow pegasus lifted a hoof to her mouth. Syera nodded in agreement. “You and me both Fluttershy, but I know Rarity will be ok, She might act like a high class pony, but deep down she’s a whole-hearted mare, a tough one at that. She would never let her friends down. So neither can we.” Syera told them with confidence in their fashion loving friend.  “She’s fine. She has to be.” Makker paced nervously while clenching his hands rapidly. “I just know Rarity’ll be ok.” The man turned to look up at the sun princess. With a softened gaze, Twilight took a firm stare out the window as she Sun was soon setting. “Rarity is one of the elements of harmony, I’m sure Nightmare Moon wouldn’t just get rid of her straight away. That evil pony would use her to lure all of us into a trap.” The room fell silent, a dark feeling welling over the entire library. Syera chimed in, clearing her throat, breaking the silence. “She might too strong for the elements now. She may now even be stronger then I am. Especially if she has gotten her hooves on Rarity for her... host body.” There was a collective chorus of gasps, with the loudest coming from Twilight. “So, is there nothing we can really do?” Twilight hung her head low as she pondered if that were the case. “All of Equestria is doomed if that is the case…” Another silence filled the air as the mood plunged into the depths. A feeling of helplessness overcame every pony in the room as the clock on the wall struck ten. “We can’t give up.” Makker said loudly, all eyes went to him in surprise. “There must still be a way right? What if me and Syera can weaken her. I don’t know if we can beat her, but together we should be able to hold our own.” With a smile of determination, the man clenched his right hand tightly. "Even if we could, the Elements will not work with only six of us. She holds our Generosity keystone...” Syera pointed out. With a deep breath and sigh. “But I sure as hell wont go down without a fight.” Syera thought long and hard of where Rarity could have been taken, the Castle of the Two Sisters seemed like the most obvious place but she doubted that she would use the same place for a base of operations, but if she wants to draw them in, then that is where she will be. Here's hoping their close and generous friend is ok.  “I can’t wait anymore, cause if Celestia is already gone. She is already telling me and everyone of us this; We need to storm that Castle you found me in Makker, we need to go now!” Syera had walked upstairs to the top of the library. It was then she went to the balcony and jumped to the roof of the library and meditated. She figured if she can concentrate hard enough, she could figure out where Rarity is. After less than an hour had passed, after all the lights in the quiet little town went dark. Makker emerge from the library. With a gently jump, he easily sailed into the air and landed behind Syera. Still concentrating, an almost invisible aura surrounded her. Standing with her eyes closed, Makker joined her side a few moments later. “Crazy how things go eh?” The man spoke before sitting beside her. The night sky was peppered with bright stars, each seeming to sparkle brightly in their own way. “One minute we’re fighting in the courtyard, next I’m slow dancing with a beautiful pony. Then next she’s gone and it’s up to us to get her back.” Makker spoke softly, his blue eyes looking across the sky as a shooting star streaked across the blanket of stars. Syera opened her eyes and looked at Makker then shook her head softly and hummed. “Yeah, it seems fate has an odd way of showing itself. And how it puts weight on our shoulders, but nothing a little extra pounds doesn’t hurt and it won’t slow me down in finding her.” Syera then looked around the night at the beautiful sky of stars, it was then she saw the moon. Her tail flicked a little with a bit of anticipation, like she was about to do something.  “I may be a Saiyan, but I am not a heartless monster like Nightmare Moon.” Syera referred to herself as she looked at the moon but then thought of the evil counterpart of Princess Luna. It was then the air went still, it was if the elements around them were reacting to something. Syera was pulsing with electricity, something within her was erupting.  A steady hand gently grabbed her shoulder. “Together, we will fix all of this together. I sure as hell can’t do it without you. And I’m sure you’d appreciate a helping hand." He paused before continuing with a confidence boost. "Besides, I’ve become a lot stronger since I even got here thanks to Training with you. It has been a really big eye opening for me.” With a crooked grin and a gentle punch to the shoulder, the man locked eyes with the taller girl. “Are you with me?” Syera looked over her shoulder at the man, and then at her shoulder and then back at him. She then smiled. “You bet your tail I am.” Syera then gave him a high five, then a fist bump. “But now, where to begin?” She asked as the looked at the starry filled sky above. The air then returned to normal as Syera calmed herself. The wind began to blow and howl slightly as the two Saiyans sat above the treehouse.  Crossing his arms, the man closed his eyes for a couple of moments. “I have no idea, we’re kinda going by the seat of our pants right now. Honestly, we just need to find her. Defeat that Nightmare Moon and get back in time for breakfast, right?” His eyes opened and scanned across the hilly horizon. “Can’t you just lock onto her energy?” She shook her head “Mmm~ No.. as the sun set on the horizon i haven't been able to lock on directly. But each time I look in the direction of that Castle of the two sisters, its been... hazy. Rarity and Nightmare Moon must be there. I've just needed to confirm out heading.” She hummed as she scanned the far reaches of Equestria. And even the lands beyond, still she could barely get a trace of her fashionista friend but the only thing that stood out was that hazy aura she felt from that old Castle. “Dammit… I can’t think of anywhere else, my gut is telling me it has to be there.” Syera concluded as she tried her hardest. With a deep sigh, the man shook his head. “I figured as much, I might be able to calibrate this scouter to lock onto her energy signature. But honestly, it might take more time then we got at this point.” With a couple moments of deep thought, Makker eventually clenched his fist tightly. "And the longer we wait, she could be getting stronger.” “Yes… Yes indeed, but I fear time may not be on our side with this one Makker. I believe wherever Nightmare Moon is, she must be growing stronger and stronger by the minute. And all the energy she took from me… It might’ve given her the advantage, and I fear she might be even stronger than the first time I fought her.” Syera crossed her arms. But then she smirked. “But she isn’t the only one who has gotten stronger…” And with a flash, she transformed briefly letting out a pulsewave. With his eyes casting back inside the library, Makker took a moment's thought before speaking once more. “Then we shouldn’t waste time, let's round up our pony friends. And make haste to the castle.” The moon hung overhead, the bright full orb laid it’s gentle glow across the grassy roads. With a nod yes and a hum, Syera then jumped off the top of the Library with Makker to the balcony. Though Syeraalmost landed on Spike in the process where she landed. “Whoa! Oh Syera it's just you, I’m surprised to see you up so late.” He had a mug of tea in his claws and looked out at the night sky. “Oh Rarity…” He said, then made Syera kneel down next to him and pat his shoulder.  “I know, I know how you feel Spike, we're headed out now. Hold down the fort for us, we're getting Rarity back.” Syera then looked at the moon overhead, she glared and growled lowly under her breath. Spike looked at her, she saw that look in her eye, the same look when she usually gets angry and will do something drastic. Spike then placed a claw on her hand.  “Don’t do anything reckless please, I’d hate to lose you too.” Spike said to her Saiyan friend. With a nod she then headed inside to get Twilight. There was only a couple candles around the room, while the others slept, Twilight was still up face into a book. Her eyes darted up to meet with her sisters, the purple pony spoke no words but knew what was coming. “Twilight, drop what you’re reading, and everypony else, wake up! We're heading the castle of the two Sisters.” Syera spoke as she then did some stretches near the front door of the library, the others stood firm but Applejack had to ask. "You sure she'll be there in particular?" Her country friend asked. "There's no doubt, alright element bearers, move out!" Syera spoke as they now headed to the Edge of the Everfree forest. That hazy feeling got even heavier the closer they got. "This is it... we will not fail. We're coming Nightmare Moon!!!" She shouted as they all dashed in, braving the wilderness that they once trecked, nearly two years ago to this date. > Chapter 9 (FINALE): Return to Castle, The Nightfalls and the Journey Ends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was not even an hour later, the five mares and two Saiyans were gathered outside the Everfree. "Well, you were right about one thing, this place does have a hazy aura, my scouter is on the fritz. But I do seem to have a lock on something, coming from that Castle you mentioned." Makker told as they trekked through the woods. "Yeah... and it doesn't seem we'll have the Element of Surprise on our hands. Nightmare Moon knows were coming, and to be fair. I want her to, cause I wont hold back once we get there." Syera told clenching her fists as she walked beside Twilight and the others in unison, in which Pinkie Pie chimed in. “The element of surprise huh? That's an element of harmony i wish i had!” Pinkie Pie smiled as she pulled out her party cannon and let it loose. Making Fluttershy shriek in the process and hold onto Syera for dear life. Applejack just rolled her eyes at the remark saying “Seeing it is only a figure of speech Pinkie, I wish we did have it on our side... but that party cannon of yours aint helping much with silently trekking through this here bush.” AJ finished. Meanwhile, Syera comforted Fluttershy while also in a deep hard thought as they got deeper inside the Everfree. “Wow, this feels so familiar.” She said.  “I know right? This is where it all began, when our friendship and the elements came to be a reality, and all the landmarks we passed which are... shocking deja vu inducing....” Twilight and the others then approached the cliff that collapsed. Seeing the Castle off in the distance, with a nervous deep breath from Syera and Twilight. Applejack approached their side, same with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Fluttershy. “We got your back Twi, you too Syera and Makker, were all behind you to the very end.” Applejack said as she approached the three of them and looked at each of them. The three other ponies agreed on one thing, that they must save their friend. With the Elements of Harmony in their grasps, and with Rarity’s element in the hands of Makker, they knew what needed to be done and headed straight to the castle of the two sisters. The trek through the forest was mostly uneventful, the entire group was on edge looking for anything that might come from the shadows. “Is it always this quiet here?” The man’s scouter was on full alert, searching for anything that might surprise them. “N-no… It’s never this quiet… M-maybe Nightmare Moon scared everything away?” The very timid Fluttershy whispered as she hid in the middle of the group. There were no sounds other than the steps of the group, a light mist soon creeped from the woods and hung low to the ground. Twilight lead the group further and further, making ther way down the cliffside, a small bog of trees and soon crossing the shallow river, Twilight felt something was off, this felt... too easy compared to before “There isnt as many obstacles as before when we went down this same path, which really concerns me if the castle has such an elaborate trap that we already triggered it the moment we set foot in this forest.” She finished, but nith no objections from the others, they quickly trotted towards the destination as fast as possible. Climbing the last hill, the group found themselves across from the castle with a large gap between them. "There it is, and you're definitely right, this does seem too easy... but, that hazy feeling is much more clear here. And this place has an evil ki inside... but I feel... something else." Syera told. "Could it be Rarity?" Fluttershy asked, in which Makker pushed a button on his scouter, making it chirp. And beep with two signatures. "Yeah, im getting two signatures alright... but they seemed to be focused on... no that cant be right. Im seeing two but they're... conjoined as one somehow... odd." Makker didnt like this as did Syera. "Nightmare Moon must be doing something to Rarity, we need to move." She added, but before they could take another step. “Wait! it looks like the bridge is out again.” Rainbow Dash peered over the small cliff edge as she haulted everyone else, a small stone fell deep into the abyss draped in fog.  “And it also looks like it was taken away on purpose.” Syera observed the bridge and pointed to the other side. The wooden posts that were there also gone, seemingly torn from the ground. “I guess we fly across, piggybacking em across, yeah?” Syera looked at zm Makker and then the rest of the group. Makker then nodded in agreement “Seems like the obvious option to carry the ground walking ponies across.” Makker told as he hovered with Syera. Rainbow was quick to take off in the air as well, but Fluttershy tried to spread her wings to join her pegasus friend. With a short jump she landed back on her hooves as they refused to spread. “I-I’m sorry… I’m too s-scared to think of flying now.” While Twilight face-hooved as did Syera with a small disappointed sigh, Makker on the other hand just gave a small smile. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’ll make sure you make it across safe and sound.” With a gentle hand, the Saiyan picked her up under one arm and picked Pinkie Pie up under the other. Pinkie Pie giggled and let out a snort. “Wheee!!!! This is fun!” Her hooves were outstretched as she made airplane noises. A roll of the eyes and a small push, the saiyan man took to the sky and gently landed on the other-side. Syera picked up Applejack, as well as her sister. Making sure to get a good grip on both ponies, she took to the air and quickly landed on the adjacent side. “There, now…” Twilight gazed up at the dimly lit castle. “We head inside…” Faces were stoic, minds sent on saving their friend and hearts full of hope they set out. However, once they took the first step forward the eerie castle, it was as if the atmosphere changed drastically. “Whoa… Twilight, please tell me you feel that?” Syera asked. With a nod and a gulp coming from the lavender unicorn as she hopped out of the Saiyan’s arms. “Yes, It's an eerie feeling indeed, I just don’t know how to explain it…” As Twilight and Syera observed the castle, they forgot the others followed close behind. Syera almost punched Makker in the jaw when he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Whoa easy there, it's just me, what’s got you so spooked?” Makker asked he then checked his scouter one more time to pinpoint Rarity’s location in the castle. “Sorry, its just I just got a jolt of… something running down my spine I can’t explain it.” She told him. “Anyway, you picking anything up on your Scouter?” Right as she asked that, he got a signature of what seemed to be Rarity’s power level, but there was something definitely… strange about it.  “Hmm… it looks like her energy signature is definitely in the castle but it seems…” There was a long pause when there were multiple beeping noises coming from the device the man had on his ears. Syera looked at him as she heard the noises as well. “Whoa, you got something?”  With a couple more beeps, a few bits of yellow appeared on the glass eyepiece. “Yeah I guess, it’s definitely her, but…” The man swallowed before taking a breath. “She’s strong, and getting stronger by the minute. I can’t get a full lock-on either, so we’re gonna have to search the castle.” With a push of a button, the device on the side of face shut off while the eyepiece retracted inside the white base. “Alright sounds good. I think maybe we should split into two teams, cover more ground.” Syera then laid out the two teams. “Rainbow Dash, you and Applejack are with me, we’ll check the bottom and underground chambers of the castle and Makker, you take Twilight and Pinkie Pie to check out the upper chambers.” She told them but then Fluttershy asked.  “Um… what shall I do?” Syera then put her finger up to her chin.  “I’d say join Makker’s Team and help them survey the upper parts of the castle, so are we all good with this plan?” With that said, they all nodded in agreement and proceed inside, the long creaking of the front door was very eerie. “Alright, let’s get to it. And Makker, if you find something, raise your power level and we’ll be there.”  The fellow Saiyan nodded in agreement. “Will do. Now let’s go find Rarity.” With their plan devised and put in motion. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Syera decided to check out the lower corridors and halls of the southern wing of the old castle while Makker, Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy would check out the northern wing and old pathways of the castle. “You know each time I look around here, ah wonder what this place looked like when the Princess’s called this place home.” Applejack had her eyes set on the old décor and saw the architecture of the place and just wondered. “My guess they were living it up, cause this place would most likely be pretty cool to visit and maybe have some ‘tea and crackers!’” Rainbow Dash said in a hoity toity fancy voice similar to how Rarity would sound. “Huh? Hey you two cut the chatter… listen.” Syera said as they then stood in their current path and listened, they could what sounded like a faint humming noise. Syera motioned to the two ponies with her to follow her quietly.  While following this ominous humming. It soon stopped when they walked upon an old library section. But as they took their first few steps inside the library, they heard what sounded like an old pump Organ playing in the distance but it seemed to be radiating throughout the castle.  “Ok… now things are getting interesting.” Syera said under her breath. She then turned and looked at her friends.  “What’s the plan Syera?” Applejack asked.  “We keep going, since this could potentially lead us to Rarity.” As the sound of the Organ got louder and louder. They soon found a backroom near the library and what caught them off guard was a black silhouette which seemed to be playing it. Syera looked at Rainbow and Applejack and put a finger to her lips to stay silent so they could sneak up on whoever this is and maybe find some information about Rarity.  As they walked closer and closer to the unknown organ player, Syera then took her hand and pulled the hooded figures cloak off his or her body.  “What the!?” Syera was shocked to find out who this pony was.  “Surprise!” It was Pinkie Pie!  “Pinkie, I thought you were Makker and Twilight. As well as Fluttershy.” Rainbow said with a bit of shock in her voice.  “Oh I was, but we got separated when I pulled this lever thingy on one of the walls when we were exploring. And somehow ended up here.” Pinkie explained as she then played a few more notes on the mysterious Organ.  “Ok, well that explains this, but where’d you find this ridiculous black cloak?” Syera asked.  “Oh it happened to be with this organ, I felt so amazed by it that I had to play it!” Pinkie played it a little more then stopped. “Ok, Ok, we get it. Now come on, it’s best we stick together and not lose each other in this labyrinth of a castle.” Applejack suggested, all of them nodded in agreement then continued their search around the castle. Though Pinkie decided before she left, to play one last note of the instrument of which music comes from the heart.  “Pinkie!” Syera, Applejack and Rainbow shouted to her before she just giggled and caught up with them.  Meanwhile…  Twilight let out a frustrated groan, stomping down the hallway with a twitch in her eye. “I told her NOT to touch that lever… Somedays, that mare can be more than a hoof-full.” As she made her way down the corridor, Fluttershy cowered behind Makker’s legs. With his hands by his side, the Saiyan’s eyes scanned every inch of the castle they could see. Ready to fight at a moment’s notice. As the group rounded a curve, Twilight stopped dead in her tracks. Getting into a slight pose, Makker’s hand twitched ever-so-slightly. “Sense something?” As the purple unicorn’s eyes darted around the room, she chewed on her lip. Behind the both of them, Fluttershy was attempting to wiggle her way out of sight. “Nopony move.” An eerie silence filled the room, energy in the air was stagnant but charged. The hairs on the back of Twilight’s neck stood on end, before her gaze rose to the ceiling. “She’s above us… I can feel it.” In the corner, Fluttershy whimpered while Makker took a few steps forward. “Then let’s go get her.” Rushing ahead, he took to a spiral staircase and disappeared from view. And since Pinkie Pie was with the other group, they were nowhere near them, and Syera couldn’t exactly pin-point where Rarity or Nightmare Moon is for the fact of the matter.  “Ugh… This is taking forever! I just wanna sock Nightmare Moon a new one when I see her!” Rainbow said clanking her hooves together as she flew above the group of friends with gritted teeth and an angry expression.  “Simmer down Dash, you’ll get your chance. I’m sure Makker will as well. Let alone you too Syera.” Applejack said as she looked at the Saiyan who was in deep thought as they walked the halls.  “Wait… I zoned out there what’s going on?” Syera said as she came back to her senses. Then a serious rumble shook the castle, which caught them all off guard for a moment.  “Whoa, that was something!” Pinkie said as she rumbled in place as the ground shook. Syera kinda got dropped to one knee and Applejack and Rainbow Dash happened to be on top of each other.  “Girls, I think we better get a move on, that didn’t sound nor felt really good. Come on, on your hooves you three, let’s go!” Syera got up and ran ahead.  “Wait Syera!” Rainbow Dash took off after her.  “Hold up for us!” Applejack Called.  Pinkie then took a moment then looked at the writers of this story and said. “This is gonna be doozy, keep it up fellas.” And with that she took of bouncing after the group of friends. It didn’t take long for them to meet up with Twilight and Fluttershy. “Syera! Thanks Faust you’re here! We think we found Rarity, and by that extension Nightmare Moon.” Her eyes trailed to the staircase. “We had better get up there.” Rainbow threw a couple of punches in the air, a smirk adorned on her face. “Let’s show her whos boss. Nopony messes with us!” Applejack let out a snort of air, digging into the ground with a hoof. Then in the blink of an eye, the two ponies were gone up the stairs. “Waaaa-oh what’s the use…” The purple unicorn let out another groan before going after the two ponies. That left just Syera and Fluttershy standing alone in the room. The yellow pegasus shivered on the stop, before turning and trying to crawl into what looked like an old crate. “Well… that’s just rude. Leaving us alone like that. Come on Fluttershy, let’s go!” Syera then looked at her shy pony friend and grabbed her, putting her on her shoulders and rushing up the stairs. This caused the timid yellow pegasus to shriek a little in surprise and just buried her face in Syera’s back as they made it up the stairs.  Syera came up the staircase in an astounding blaze and stopped beside Twilight and Rainbow Dash, The Saiyan lady looked around the room to get a detail of her surroundings. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were on the left of her, Pinkie and Twilight on her right, Fluttershy still on her back for the time being. Then last but not least, straight ahead to see Makker, and what he was face to face with which shocked her to no end.  The room was large, pillars stood up along the outskirts of what was obviously the throne room. Standing in the large room, Makker stared down what looked like Rarity. Only much worse… The tall, dark pony stood about as tall as Celestia herself. A long pointy horn jutted out forehead about a sixteen inches, and sharper than any spear in the royal guard armoury. Her long mane was a mix of white and purple, light and dark tones spread throughout the entire flowing mane. Her eyes were like diamonds, sharp and seeming to sparkle in the moonlight stemming from the broken ceiling. A wicked grin came across her muzzle, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth. “So, you finally show your faces.” Her gaze turned from the man before her to Twilight. “What took you so long darling? Surely you can’t say that you didn’t see this coming?” Gritting her teeth, Twilight took a step forward. “I did see it coming. If only a little too late. But that doesn't matter anymore Nightmare Moon. This ends now. Give us back our friend!” A slow chuckle soon turned into a maniacal cackling, emanating from Nightmare Moon. “Tis is precious Twilight Sparkle. You do not seem to know who holds all the marbles, as it were. You are outmatched, not even your ‘Celestia’ can help you anymore.” Her wicked gaze settled on Syera next, noting the growing look of anger on her face. “She has supplied me more than enough energy. And with this host body, I am stronger than ever! And I thank you so much… Now… Let me show you a taste of this new found power!” Her horn suddenly lit up, sending multiple lightning strikes across the ground. As the ponies as well as Syera dodged out of the way of them, however Makker stood as still as a statue. A few strikes came close, but none ever landed on him. Nightmare Moon’s gaze then settled on the man before her. “And last but not least, you dear.” The mare approached slowly before gently nuzzling him. “You have shown Rarity more secrets about Saiyans then I would have ever dreamed to know. But with that you have given me just the advantage to take you both down, should you choose to fight me.” Pulling back, her eyes looked down into Makker’s. “Join me darling, join me and together we can rule Equestria. As a proper queen, with her king.” A hoof rose from the ground, extended towards the Saiyan. As his blue eyes looked at the hoof offered, they rose back up to meet the eyes of the black mare. “I would rather be struck down where I stand then stand by your side you evil tyrant. You’re not the mare I’ve come to love and you never will be!” Then in one quick instant, faster than any of the ponies could see he threw a left hook. Only to be stopped by a dark blue aura. Throwing another punch, it too was blocked by a black aura. “It’s a shame you didn’t come willingly. After I destroy you all, it won’t take much to break your mind to become mine once more!” With a powerful blast to the chest, Makker was sent sailing back into a stone pillar. With her attention now turned to the others, the mare widened her stance. “Now… Who dares to challenge me next?” The Evil mare’s scanned the room of the ponies and Saiyan lady in front of her.  “Makker!” Syera saw how her fellow Saiyan was now laying hurt in the rubble of the stone pillar. Her teeth gritted, fists clenched together. Her attention then snapped to the possessed form of Rarity that Nightmare Moon has taken from her generous friend. And with a flash she had gone Full Powered Super Saiyan.  “You’ll pay for that!” Syera then rushed towards the formidable foe and threw a few punches and kicks, however missing due to the quickness off the dark mare. She was toying with the Super Saiyan. “Yahhh! dah dah dah dah!” Syera shouted out as she attacked, though she missed one last punch and the landed into the ground, cracking it deep. And she lost sight of the Possessed Rarity. “What?!”  “Silly Syera, come now darling, you have to be faster than that.” Nightmare Moon then stuck her in the gut with a magical force, causing the Saiyan to gasp for air, then she was spun around a few times before being bucked back against the ground, She slid for a second before getting her bearings back.  “Nrrg~ wow… what power, and I’m to blame for all of this…” Syera said to herself as she looked ahead at the dark mare that is her friend yet her enemy for the moment. She then stood up slowly and taking a deep breath.  “Hehe, I must say Rarity, you are strong. Stronger than I could ever imagine… But you need to stop this now! I know you are stronger than this, stronger than me and even Nightmare Moon herself! You’ve got to see inside yourself, what do you think is really the best course of action here?! Let Nightmare Moon plague this world in eternal darkness? Or snap out of it and fight by our side and help us defeat this tyrant, which one?!” Syera said as she took a stance that showed fatigue but she was still gonna fight. Her words were seeming to get to Rarity since she is still in there.  “Syera darling… Makker… No… I…” She said but then screamed in pain and agony before snapping angrily at the Saiyan before her. “Don’t you see who I am you ignorant fool!? Rarity is no more! She is but a whisper in existence! As you will be soon enough once I beaten you to dust and absorb what is left.” The maniacal mare cackled and then rushed ahead at incredible speed towards Syera, which caught her off guard but she clashed with her possessed friend for a moment.  “Come on Syera, kick her flank back to the void she came from!” Rainbow Dash called out from the sidelines.  “But I thought you were gunna show her who's boss Rainbow Dash” Applejack chuckled and smirked at her pegasus friend.  “Well yeah I am but… I’m letting Syera take first pit at her since you know… Makker is still kinda hurt. How is he Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked the timid pony who was watching over him while Twilight tried some healing magic she knew on him. “He’s fine, just out cold for the moment, I just hope he’ll wake up to help out poor Syera. She doesn’t look like she’ll hold out for much longer…” Fluttershy was worried as she watched the fight occur in front of them.  “Oh she’ll be alright, I just know she’ll hold. She just has too.” Twilight said as she worked one Makker.  “Don’t you see!? You’re friend is gone! Because she was weak! Her Generous soul had broken before my will and won’t come back!” Nightmare Moon seemed to throwing a lot of hits but she was sudden stopped when she said those last words.  “Nrg! LIAR! I DON’T BUY IT!” Syera said in anger as she then took the possessed mare plagued by Nightmare Moon and decked her hard in face with a lot of anger. With a loud shriek of pain as the Mare fell to the ground with a hard thud.  “I know for a fact that my friend is not gone… I know she isn’t because I refuse to believe such a thing to exist!” Syera said as she then powered up a bit more. She did not hold back anymore since she knew it was not over yet. Turning up the heat and went on to the next level, Going Super Saiyan 2.  “Now I won’t hold back, let’s go!” Syera said as she then rushed up to Nightmare Rarity with full force attacks. Hitting her with a 8 hit combo plus a flurry rush of kicks and punches.  “ENOUGH!” Nightmare Rarity shouted as a dark aura surrounded the room which also fused with Syera’s Golden Electrical Arc filled aura. Then the two clashed as the two powers collide together making really big blinding light. The force of the battle sent a shockwave throughout the room, forcing the ponies to cover their eyes from what is going on and small rubble and dirt getting blown towards them. Rainbow could only stare in awe as the two duked it out, limbs collided as each side tried to get ground on the other. Nightmare Moon laughed before teleporting a few feet away. “Impressive Syera, truly you have gone beyond your limits. But now you must see that one of us, is coming up short.” As the mare and Saiyan, stood off from each other it was evident Syera was at a disadvantage. While the girl was panting for her breath already, the unicorn stood almost still. A few marks on her coat the only evidence that she had even sustained any damage. Meanwhile, Twilight struggled to keep her focus. She couldn’t believe that Nightmare Moon could go hoof to toe with her own sister.  After all her training! Tartarus... she even went the level beyond a Super Saiyan! This is bad…. Reeeeally bad.  Looking at her friends, she could see just how outclassed they were without the Elements. “Just give it up Syera, you do realize that you may have gotten stronger but with the power you gave me. It has taxed on your body to the point you feel like collapsing am I right?” The possessed mare stood smirking evilly at the weakened Saiyan.  Though a surprise laugh and chuckle that came from Syera caught Nightmare by surprise. “What’s so funny, speak now!”  Syera then look at the mare before with a smirk before saying. “I’d think you of all ponies would know that it's not always the Strongest who always wins… but the most clever and intellectual one does. And your attacks to say the least at first… hurt… but now… they tickle.” Syera taunted as she then took a serious stance at this very moment.  “Now come at me, or are you too much of a Scootaloo to do so.” Syera said as she smirked and waved her hand to motion Nightmare Moon to charge at her.  “Nrrrg…” This seemed to grab Nightmare’s attention which made her get angry kinda quick.  “Yoo hoo…~!” Syera made a funny expression as she crossed her eyes similar to how Ditzy Doo’s eyes are to mock her as she did a funny childish voice.  “Cut that out NOW!” Nightmare screamed out as she then rushed the Saiyan who was taunting her at that very moment. Syera then dodged to the side of Nightmare, who skidded forward for a moment then looked back at Syera who was standing there behind her with a smirk and yawned as if she were bored with the evil that was indeed Nightmare Moon.  “Come on, you gotta do better than that. And don’t tell me that absorbing my friend Rarity isn’t enough.” Syera said crossing her arms. Little did she know, she had gave the evil dark mare a thought and this caused her to cackle unbelievably loud. This had the Super Saiyan kinda confused.  “Hehe… Hahahahaha! Oh my Syera… you have given me a brilliant idea~” Nightmare Rarity then lit up her Horn with her dark magic.  “What?” Syera asked kinda worried of what this Mare was planning to do. All of a sudden it was if she was being pulled forward by some strong unknown force.  “Nrrg~! Hey! What are you doing!?” Syera shouted at Nightmare Moon in demand to what she is trying to do.  “Isn’t obvious, I’m gonna absorb you! For all the power you have, I will drain you and your pathetic generous friend together! And besides, you’ll thank me once you join her in the afterlife…” Nightmare Moon was using the same spell she used to take over Rarity.  “Nrg~ Damn it! Oh no I can’t… hold on!” Syera couldn’t hold on or resist any longer and let herself be pulled into whatever dark void was awaiting her.  “Ahhhhh!!!!!!” The young Saiyan girl screamed as she was pulled into the endless void, though at the last moment as she was pulled in, she put a barrier around herself to shelter her body from whatever is trying to take her will away. “Syera! Nooooo!” Twilight screamed out as she saw her sister being pulled into a dark void portal that led to who knows where, but it seemed to be the source of what Nightmare Moon’s power is coming from.  Though before Syera was pulled through all the way in, she smirked as she knew her actions are going according to plan. If she is pulled into this void, she could possibly find Rarity and save her from the clutches of Nightmare Moon.  Suddenly, a beam of light shot from the back of the room. Glancing the side of Nightmare Moon, breaking her concentration. The portal snapped shut, and her eyes flared in anger. “You fools! You cannot stop me, I shall…” She trailed off as her eyes landed on the one who shot the blast. Makker was getting to his feet, dusting off his pants before cracking his neck. “Your fight is not with them, but with me.” His eyes flashed in anger, his fist clenched tightly as the man took a few steps forward. Surprisingly, the dark pony seemed to shuffle backwards before finding her nerve again. Stopping beside Syera, Makker took a deep breath before unleashing his power. Golden aura flared up, his once black hair shot upwards in a golden colour.  The Battle lines had been drawn as Makker had risen up to fight once more. The ponies, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash as well as Applejack could only watch the raging blast of a battle that took place in front of them, each clashing blow between the Saiyan and Nightmare Pony before them. However, even though this Nightmare pony did indeed absorb the female saiyan, she did not seem to change or get any more power than what she had already obtained.  Little did the Mare in the Moon know that she was about to have a rude awakening. Syera wasn’t absorbed but she is inside Nightmare Moon or rather Rarity’s possessed body and consciousness.  Slowly opening eyes as she saw her barrier spell worked. She then climbed out of whatever sack she was in. “Mmm… nrg!” Then she dropped down on her hands and feet fairly hard and got a look around. “Whoa… this place is pretty dark, yet full of… stars?”  It was true, it was if not only she got inside Nightmare’s possessed form of Rarity but it seemed as if she was in a whole other plane of existence, where the darkness meets the light in the stars and beyond.  “Hmm… alright, I think it’s safe I let this barrier down.” And with that said and done, Syera let her magic crystal white aura barrier down. A good nifty trick she had incase something like this would happen to her. She was still a Super Saiyan 2 as she let down the barrier, maintaining this form was the next new task she had in mind since she could feel the first level of it becoming second nature to her body.  “This power, it will definitely be needed to stop her… but first… finding a way out of here and… yes, finding Rarity.” She said as if the gap was nearing in closer and closer and she was worried if Makker was awake and able to defend the others, so she had to act fast and get a move on.  “Rarity! Where are you!? Rarity!?” Syera called out with her hands up near her mouth to make her voice more narrow and direct in one direction. She called out a few more times but got nothing back except for dead silence as she walked to seemingly endless void of light and darkness. She then thought where in Equestria could she be… She concentrated hard on where her energy would be. Then all of a sudden like a sudden shockwave hit her in her very soul, She felt Rarity’s energy. The fact she is still alive made a tear fall from her eye, so she rushed quickly towards her presence, but she had to move fast cause she could feel it dropping slowly. Syera eventually walked into what seemed to be an invisible barrier of shorts. She hit her face pretty hard so it did indeed catch her attention. “Wha- huh!?” She said as she felt with her hands, and she felt indeed a wall in front of her. But why? Is the main question in her head, however she then pushed that aside and tested to see if she could break this wall to pieces. She then took a fighting pose and kicked with her left leg forward and sure enough, she heard what sounded like a crumbling sound of a wall fall before her.  “Alright!” She cheered, though after this wall and its debris cleared up, she was shocked to see what was in front of her.  “Oh no…. Rarity… “ She found her generous Unicorn friend in a cage made up of what seemed like a darkened aura, and she seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness. “Hold on Rarity, I’m gonna get you out of there.” Syera told her sleeping unicorn friend as she then approached the cage and gave it a few kicks and punches, only one last hard punch cause her to fall on her butt since whatever this magic was, it was strong and she could break it with physical force.  “Darn… I can’t break it open… Oh man what do I do! This is where Twilight could come into play and think of an idea…” Syera thought long and hard about what to do and how she could free her friend.  Meanwhile, on the other side in Equestria at the Castle of the Two Sisters, the battle continued. However, Makker wasn’t looking too good since his stamina and energy was running low. Nightmare Rarity seemed like she was unstoppable in every way shape or form. But that did not stop the brave and relentless Super Saiyan. Skidding across the floor, the battered Saiyan barely kept on his feet. Panting for breath, the man wiped a streak of blood from his lip. Across from him, the dark unicorn stood tall, barely scathed in the scuffle. “Give up now darling, there is no way you can win.” A large smirk spread across her muzzle as she stepped closer. Her hooves echoed in the room as she walked towards Makker. Their eyes were locked the entire time, Nightmare Moon’s billowing mane flew in a non-existent breeze  before she nuzzle his chin. “I don’t want to see you hurt anymore, just let me…” Her words trailed off as her horn ignited in a dark aura. Tendrils spread from the tip around the mans head, caressing his skin before he took a deep breath. With a lightning fast movement, his hands locked tightly around her horn. The magic immediately stopped as she cried out in pain. The mare tried to pull away, but he did not let up. Squeezing harder, Makker’s aura flared as Nightmare Moon shook her head. Sparks flew from the tip of her longhorn. Grunting in pain, the Saiyan tried with all his might to keep his grip. But a sudden push of energy from Nightmare blew his grip completely away. With a powerful surge of power, she blasted him square in the chest. Sailing past the ponies, he once again met the wall in a explosion of debris. “Y-you fool…” She whined in pain. “I will kill each and every one of you… before taking what is mine. Resistance is futile.” “Ponyfeathers…. Applejack, you got my back?” Rainbow pawed at the ground with a hoof, her gaze set on the evil princess ahead of her. Beside her, the orange mare tossed her hat to the floor and cracked her neck. “You know is sugar, nopony messes with my friends.” The two mares were off in the blink of an eye, quickly closing the gap between them. The dark mare only closed her eyes, letting out a deep breath before… Her eyes flashed open, a blinding white light emanating from what were once her eye sockets. A dark purple aura flicked with static around her. A shockwave sent the two charging ponies to the floor. Opening her mouth, her teeth turned more jagged and twisted. “Cease all resistance. You naught have the power to stand even shin high to me. Your elements are all useless, your precious Saiyans are either gone, or broken. Not even Celestia can stand up to me.” As Applejack and Rainbow Dash struggled to get to their hooves, a purple bolt of magic shot from the back. Only to be easily deflected by Nightmare. A dark bolt was sent in retaliation, scoring a direct hit on the purple unicorn. Twilight was knocked to the floor instantly, her eyes closed in pain as purple electricity danced across her body. Silence soon filled the room, the only pony left standing was Fluttershy, who was currently huddled underneath a large piece of the wall in fear. A laugh started quiet, before growing into one loud enough to echo throughout the room. “You are all pathetic. Nothing more than mere bugs against me. Now, time to destroy you all once and for all and claim what is rightfully mine!” “Over… Over my dead body…” Rising once more from the rubble, Makker stood tall as his broken and battered body struggled to stand. His uniform was almost completely destroyed, nothing more than tattered rags clinging to his body. In his base form now, the man took a few steps forwards before falling to his knees. With a frown, Nightmare Moon took a single step towards him. “You’re resilient, I give you that. But you have no more fight left in you, why do you continue to defy me!?” Slipping a hand into his belt, the Saiyan pulled out his last ditch resort. “Rarity is no more, soon she will have withered away into nothing and I will be all that’s left of her.” Quickly eating the magical bean, a smirk came across his face. “Because, you will never be the mare I love!!!!” With his energy restored, Makker powered up, pushing past super Saiyan in an instant. With his power rising, Nightmare Moon could only stare in awe as his aura grew larger and larger. “I will stop you. I WILL save Rarity!” Pure anger flooded the Saiyans mind, a sharp bolt of pain lanced through his skull as untapped power was unleashed. With a powerful yell, Makker pushed hard and with a burst of light, unleashed the energy. Yowza! This Battle is really getting turned up and it's only the beginning. Is it possible Makker can surpass Nightmare Rarity’s power while the rest of the mane six are out of commission. And can Syera free Rarity from Nightmare Moon’s possession? It seems the time will be among your eyes soon enough, next time!  ____________________________________________ “Come on… come on, think Syera think!” Syera was still debating on how she could free Rarity from this dark cage. Physical strength isn't alone going to cut it. And she kept cursing herself a lot because now she realizes this all could have been avoided if she did not allow Nightmare Moon to get so strong.  Now she knows who can fix it, and it was only her and her alone… Then took one last look at Rarity’s cage, then at her hands and made fists with them and she irradiated them with her ki, filling them with immense energy that she knew could pierce that cage and free her friend.  “This is it! AHHHHHHH!!!!” She gave it a whirl and struck, she could feel it buckling. “Yes! More power! HAAAAAAA!!!!” She screamed as her power was over her normal limits.  This caused a sudden jerk of pain to come over Nightmare Rarity who was near the final attack that could possibly end it all against Makker and his new form.  “Nrg… what!? My power… its draining… No! It can’t possibly be!” It was then the Nightmare evil mare looked at the Saiyan before her. “You saiyans really are a pest to deal with… cause it seems that Syera isn’t absorbed yet with my power… But I can fix that…” It was then in a blinding light flash, Nightmare Rarity put herself in a protective barrier.  “Huh!? Oh no! Syera is still in there, dammit… I got help her…” Even with his new Super Saiyan powers, his strength wasn’t enough when he battered on the barrier with all he could but this magic was not so ordinary that he could bust through it.  As Syera struggled more and more to break this cage, she realized the realm around her started to become darker. And something enormously strong pushed her away from the barrier. “Agh! Nrg~” She landed on her back hard tumbling a few feet back.  “You arrogant little bug… You really do not know when to quit!” Then another strike hit the Saiyan woman with incredible force, which she recovered quickly from as she got on her feet in an instant. Looking ahead she could see Nightmare Moon, not Nightmare Rarity as she was merely possessing her body for energy.  “You think I’m just going to let you take my source of energy!? you are sadly mistaken if you think so; I will beat you to where you won’t stand and I’ll absorb what energy you have left.” With an evil laugh the Mare in the Moon rushed the Saiyan woman with incredible speed and precision.  “Well.. I never expect this to be easy, but that is fine! Easy was never my strong suite!” Syera then clashed with the Mare in the Moon in this otherworldly plane of existence. Though of course she had to be careful not to strike the cage that held Rarity with any Ki blasts she had.  “Fool! You will perish before me and I will have your head on a plaque on the wall!” Nightmare Moon threatened as a promise as she attacked the Super Saiyan before her.  “You can only dream Nightmare Moon! Because I won’t let it happen!” Syera struck back with hardcore blows to the face and gut of the mare in the moon, eventually she struck with precision in every which way with strong attacks. However they were halted when the Mare in the Moon seemed to be unaffected by them which shocked Syera.  “You still don’t get it do you, all of which you see before you is all of Me! So you are merely fighting a clone who isn’t real but still is real enough to beat you to a pulp!” Nightmare Moon soon struck Syera in the gut with both her back hooves then disappeared in the shadows and struck from behind.  “Aghhhh!” This angered Syera to where she retaliated with a barrage of strikes to the Mare in the Moon who laughed at each blow she gave. “Come on, use that anger so you will tire out and fall before me and let your energy be mine!” Nightmare Moon continued to laugh as she could see the Super Saiyan get weaker and weaker, more tired by the second. This time Syera backed away and panted heavily…  “Damn… she is unaffected by everything I throw… She might be right, I can’t beat her… Here at least.” Syera thought what could be a possible solution. She then smirked and lowered her guard to see if Nightmare Moon would make a move, she even went as far as the change out of Super Saiyan.  “Awww what is wrong? Tired already? Why don’t I put you out for good.” Nightmare Moon walked slowly towards the Saiyan in question who seemed to be out of Energy. And as she approached her laughing evilly, it was then as she got face to face with Syera, she had her head down, not looking directly at her. Then within a blink of an eye, Syera grabbed the Mare in the Moon by the throat.  “Now I will save my friend!” Syera shouted as she then powered up and  blasted the Mare point blank with a golden one handed Celestial Blast. It was then the stunned Mare in the Moon had been blasted away to pieces, at least for now since Syera could feel the evil Mare’s power rising again. So she acted fast.  “Rarity! I’m here for you hold on! Nrrrgggahhhhh!!!!” Syera then mustered all the willpower she had and pried open the dark cage that kept Rarity trapped.  “No!” Nightmare Moon screamed as she saw Syera pry at freeing her friend so she rushed over as quickly as she could but it was too late.  “Nrrrrgahhh!” Syera was successful and broke the cage, quickly grabbing hold of her friend and held her in arms. “Rarity… I’m here.” She hugged her friend close, the elegant mare slowly opened her eyes.  “Syera… darling is that you…” She whispered softly as she reached a hoof to her cheek. Her eyes half opened as she looked at Syera. Who was softly gripped her hoof as tears came out of the her eyes.  “Yes… it's me.” Syera said softly and smiled, soon the world around them crumbled and the light barrier around the old throne room crumbled to dust and darkness. And Nightmare Moon was no longer possessing her body so now she was back to her original form as she was when Luna was corrupted with her negative feelings towards Celestia.  “And I’m sorry… for everything, this never would have happened… I was overconfident that I could do this on my own that I…” Syera was then cut off from what she was saying by Rarity as her other hoof was put on the Saiyan’s mouth.  “You did what you could darling, if anything we could have never have prepared for this, none of us could. But I am sure that really hurts your pride in all the hard work you’ve done to train your body to become stronger and better, but you know what, even with all of it, you can never be prepared for the unexpected, and that’s ok because look at what you’ve done… you saved me, all of what I thought about you all in the back of my mind is gone because I know for a fact… you all love and care for me as not only a friend, but almost like… family.” Rarity smiled but then slowly got out of Syera’s arms, of course the Saiyan helped her stand up. And she looked over at Nightmare Moon who was still in shock of what has happened thus far. Rarity had a frown upon her face, her mane a bit ruffled from her usual look and a bit of scuff marks in her coat. “And I know what needs to be done, I need to fight along with you.” Which surprised everypony in the room next was what Rarity had done with her magic power. Her horn irradiated from her usual light blue aura to a dark majestic purple as her body was now enveloped in an energy field. The power radiating from it was equally match to how Syera’s full powered Super Saiyan was. And when it bursted open revealed Rarity… only in the form she was in before when Nightmare Moon possessed her.  “Rarity!?” Syera was in shock, her face showed it as her mouth and eyes was wide open. Rarity then looked back at Syera as well as the others in the room and smiled.  “Yes do not worry, even though I was exposed to such negative power, I think I can grasp it for just a little bit of time, so now…” She then looked at Nightmare Moon and glared at her, full of anger towards to the Mare in the Moon. “Let’s finish what we started together!” Syera then stepped next to Rarity as she said this and turned full powered Super Saiyan within a flash.  “Right, Makker you with us?” Syera and Rarity looked back at the male Saiyan with both serious looks as they were ready to fight. "Got your back all the way, especially if it means putting her down for the count." Makker glared deeply at the Mare in the Moon as the Super Saiyans and Rarity in her temporary Transformation held for the time being. They all three charged Nightmare Moon head on.  "You will all pay! Die by my hooves!" Nightmare Moon shouted back as they all came into a clash, however this Mare had more power then they thought. First she bucked Makker away for a moment. She traded fist and hoof with Syera but smacked the Saiyan female down hard.  "Agh-!" Syera grunted as she hit the ground skidding to a halt on her hands and boots. "Man… She's stronger than before… I'm not so sure if we can win this one. But it's so worth a try!"  As the battle raged onward. Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the mane six had to come up with a plan to take care of Nightmare Moon without the elements. "I don't know how much longer they can keep this up, it's intense as is and this might cause a serious ripple if this continues… " Twilight told the others.  "Then what can we do? The elements arent working… not as they should be that is. Plus Rarity is actually doing the most work right now since she's up there with Syera and Makker!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.  "Hate to admit it but we kinda are useless at the moment… " Applejack took her hat off as they gazed at the battle before them.  "I just hope this ends quickly… " Fluttershy told in fear as she hugged onto Pinkie "Don't worry, if anyone can stop them it's those three. Come on Syera, Rarity and Makker, kick that Mare's Hind quarters back to the dark side of the moon!" Pinkie Pie had shouted to them as the battle raged on. Clash after clash the three ganged on the Dark Mare however it didn't seem to put much of a Dent into her power.  "Makker, Syera wait!" Rarity had stopped the two from charging again. "I have a solution… "  "Oh? Shoot, what is it Rare?" Makker asked.  "I don't know how long I can keep this up but the others need me back to my original form so we can use the elements." Rarity told.  "What are you getting at?" Syera asked as she panted a lightly for a few breaths as she and Makker were Super Saiyan still, auras billowing and humming around them.  "What I'm saying is my dears, I might have a way of discharging this negative energy out. But it requires a host to do so… " Rarity told but was uncertain who'd do so.  "If that is the case I-" Makker offered to take it however.  "No, I got this. I've been exposed heavily towards this kind of Magic. Makker I don't want you to be exposed to it like when Celestia pulled it out of you before." Syera told, Makker was about to rebuttal but, he nodded as he knew she was right.  "I'll take it Rarity. Just be ready to use the elements. And take her down for good…" Syera told softly, but it was then Makker got worried.  "Syera are you sure this is what you want to do? Won't the elements harm you as well if you plan on doing what I think you're doing?" Makker was now concerned for his friend's safety.  "Hmph, don't worry. With this plan in motion, it'll be easy peasy cider squeezie as Pinkie would put it." Syera smiled. But then turned to a more serious face as she looked at Rarity.  "Okay Syera, you ready?" Rarity asked a bit concerned but knew this is the only option that have at beating Nightmare Moon.  "Do it. And if I don't make it out… Make sure Nightmare Moon doesn't either." Syera told as she turned off her Super Saiyan power to Brace for the new energy coming her way. Once Rarity zapped her horn with magic, a beam pierced it's way in Syera's chest, creating an aura of dark energy that flowed through the saiyan's body.  "Nrgggg…. Hergg…. Ah!" Syera shrieked in a bit of pain and soon it was all inside the Saiyan. Rarity collapsed but fell into Makker's arms transforming back into her original form.  "Oh dear… Make it count… " Rarity said weakly, however to get her strength back up, Makker used one of those beans he carried with him.  "Here, take this. It should get you back up on your hooves Rarity." Taking the bean from the man's fingers into her mouth as he fed her it. It got Rarity back-up to top shape.  "Make it count Syera!" She told as she got back up, Syera looking behind as she channeled the energy to her own power. Transforming to a Super Saiyan 2 with ease.  "This power… Though dark, is incredible. But no time to admire it since I'm taking you down Nightmare Moon!" Syera clenched her fist as she then clashed once more with the dark alicorn.  "It won't work against me. Its a power only I can use and it won't stop me!" Nightmare Moon shot a beam at Syera, in which Syera responded back with her own as they had a bit of a beam struggle.  "Hrg! Wrong! When you were inside my body trying to host off me. I was able to isolate you inside, which is what I was able to with the leftovers Rarity gave to me. And now!" Syera had overpowered the mare with her new strength, winning the beam struggle, she landed a few blows into the Alicorns chest. She rammed her knees into the neck of the mare as she gained a bigger foothold, then somersaulting her.  "You will lose. Now Girls!" Syera had raised her hand up as the elements now glew with a rainbow aura. The one around Syera's neck seemed to as well as they were summoned to them. However there was something wrong. Syera's power from before was fading as it was purifying under the elements' influence. She had turned out of Super Saiyan back to her base form. "The force you've made has echoed off me and with this orb of Elemental energy, you will leave this world Nightmare Moon!" Syera told as she gathered the energy in hand. But instead of throwing it at her, she rushed to mare, grabbing hold, shoving the orb inside the Mare's chest. Since Syera had been corrupted by the magic, it took the Saiyan with Nightmare Moon.  "Syera!!!!!" Twilight as well as the others had shouted after the elements were used. In a flash of light, nothing but dust and echoes were heard as part of the castle that they were all in, crumbled near the pedestal that once held the elements.  Or so they thought.  Syera had opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness surrounding her. However it all came clear to her that she was not in Equestria. But in a realm where the final showdown would take place.  "So… This is where it all ends? I was hoping for something less dramatic. Am I right, Nightmare Moon?!" Syera told as she heard the evil laughter coming from the Moon mare.  "Oh Syera, I am so glad you chose to finish yourself off with me. Since you fell right into my trap! If you lose here, then you will remain dead and I will have your body and power to myself and rule Equestria in my vision!" Nightmare Moon had laughed as she thought her plan was final.  "You won't have my body since it burned with yours I'm sure of it!" Syera told angry.  "No… Don't you see? You are in a coma my dear and the only way you will wake is if you somehow manage to stop me from taking control. In which you won't… you're mine!" Before Syera could react, her consciousness froze as she became paralyzed by the Mare's control.  "Hah! Nrgg.. I can't… Move! No! Not like this… Twilight! Princess Celestia…." Syera's body had become numb and it was then on the outside where her body laid on the floor battered and nearly broken. Under some rubble.  It was then Her remains were lifted out by Twilight, Makker and the others.  "There she is! She seems to be still breathing… gosh Sis… " Twilight put a hoof to her cheek however Makker had a bad vibe coming from her body.  "Wait! Stand back Twilight!" Makker shouted but it was too late. Syera's hand had grabbed and choked Twilight Sparkle by the neck before throwing her to a wall.  "AH-!" Twilight shrieked as the others ran to her side, except for Makker who stood ready to fight.  "Are you okay Twilight?" The five pony's asked and they got a soft nod from the lavender colored pony.  "Mhm… But… What happened to my sister!?" Twilight asked sobbing in tears.  "Your sister is no more." Nightmare Moon voice had come from the Saiyan's mouth and then everyone there gasped, hearing her evil laugh, Makker got extremely mad.  "No! What did you do to her you evil bitch!" Makker had sweared against the Mare holding Syera's body. Only to receive a chuckle from her.  "Why, she is gone thanks to the use of these ridiculous elements, while she was right in destroying my physical body. My soul had just enough power to feed off her and host her. Now she is mine and I feel more powerful then ever!" Nightmare Moon had used Syera's body to turn Super Saiyan. Only this form was of a dark corrupted version, of the Second level.  "You don't mean… " Twilight's vision had filled with tears as the news she recieved of her sister being gone for good had shocked everyone there and they all cried a bit of tears. However Makker was not so happy either as something snapped within him.  "No… Out of all stupid! Disgraceful, unbelievable bullshit you've done! This is where it ends now!" Makker had powered to even greater heights as his anger blew his lid off to way beyond the stars at this point. However this was not the transformation of Super Saiyan 1 Grade 3. He had gone beyond the limits and hit the next level officially. His hair much more spiked up than before, a richer gold and filled with an electrical aura. He had did it, he had ascended to a Super Saiyan 2! "Hehehe, bring it on you stupid boy, come so I can bring you down just like Syera… " Nightmare Moon mocked while holding the body of the said Saiyan she has control of. It was when Makker rushed to the possession Mare and started unleashing a whole lot of power to the battle beaten Female Saiyan's body. However it seemed to only do but so much as Nightmare Moon's power was so much higher than before. But Makker sure wasn't giving up so easily.  Seeing how the eyes even of Syera, slited and thin just like Nightmare Moon's cat like eyes and bright blue as she took even more control of her body. The smile  coming from Syera was enough to scare little fillies and colts to their bedrooms in fear. This did not stop Makker as he layed in on Nightmare Moon. However after one good back hand to the face, Makker went down to the ground and bounced a few times tumbling a bit. This had Makker down for a moment as he tried to get back up.  "Damn you… " he muttered under his breath as he stared up at Syera's possessed body. In which was laughing whole heartedly at this very moment with Nightmare Moon still in control.  "Foolish brute… You cannot win. I am all powerfu- ahh!" Nightmare Moon was cut off as she shrieked in pain as a familiar voice came through Syera's body.  "Don't count me out just yet… !" Syera had come back and was in a clash with her own body!  "Syera!!" Everyone there shouted towards the female Saiyan. Who was still in a clash between her body controlled by Nightmare Moon.  "Hrg! Just stay down where you belong!" Nightmare Moon's side came out but then Syera came back.  "Not a chance in Tartarus!" Syera struggled but then got one last thing out. "Twilight! Listen! You got one shot at this… Use the spell that Celestia used on Makker, it's the only way to get Nightmare Moon out of me and taking her down for the count!" Syera had struggled and it flashed in Twilight's mind of what she was talking about.  "A-ha! You're right. It should work, just hold on sis we're here for you!" Twilight told as she got the spell ready and blasted it into Syera's chest.  "Agh! No! I am not going out! your pitiful saiyan sister's body is mine!" Nightmare Moon told shrieking as she felt herself being pulled out of the body of the saiyan.  "No. It. Is. NOOOOOT!" Syera yelled at the top of her lungs as she was in serious pain. Blood had poured out of her wounds as her muscles had strained and flexed as if she was wrapped in very sharp chords that pierced her skin. Soon she reached at her chest and pulled what looked like a spirit ball of dark energy that formed into a shaky version of Nightmare Moon. Once out by the spell Twilight had used. Nightmare Moon's weakened spirit became tangible. And it was now Syera's chance to set it all right.  "Now!" She told as she fell onto the ground and then fired an energy ball to the Tangible ball that was Nightmare Moon. The Mare in the Moon had yelled her last scream as she was obliterated by the blast.  Thus ending the terror for good that was once Nightmare Moon.  "I swear I will come back and kill all of you! Damn you Element bearers! Damn you Syera!" These last words were shouted before the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon was no more.  "It's done… Nrg… " Syera had fallen over on her back after delivering the final blow to end it all. After all the usage with the elements on herself and the evil Nightmare Moon, it still wasn't enough, but after dragging what was left of her out of her body thanks to Twilight Sparkle using the purification spell shown by Princess Celestia. The Nightmare was over.  "Syera! You did it!" Twilight and the others cheered as they helped Syera up on her feet.  "Nrg… Yeah, I couldn't have done it without you all. Especially you Rarity, and of course Makker… Glad you were with us buddy." Syera told as she leaned on his shoulder.  "Couldn't let you Hog all the fun ya know? Plus, I wouldn't let you take care of this threat alone now would I eh?" Makker chuckled along with Syera.  "Heh, yeah… I suppose not." Syera told as she got her footing back and was able to stand a little. A bit wobbly but Rainbow Dash helped her stand.  "Easy girl, you're more battered up than I've ever seen. You doing okay?" Rainbow Dash asked the saiyan before her.  "Yeah… I just know after I'm better I'll be stronger than before." Syera told whole heartedly. In which Makker gave a bean to Syera to help her heal quicker.  "You'll need this then." He told as he gave it to her and she took with with grace and ate it. Gaining her strength to stand at least. But she was indeed very exhausted. What came next was unexpected as the two Royal sisters had come before all them.  "Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" They all shouted in surprise as they bowed before them.  "Rise our dear subjects, you've done very well. As soon as I was able to rise the sun over the horizon, I just knew you all vanquished the threat that sullied out home once and for all." Celestia had spoke followed by Luna.  "Yes, as I was able to have full control of the moon now,  me and dear sister am very thankful that you all had defeated my evil counterpart." Luna smiled lightly at the success.  "It was not easy Princess. Though I am glad I didn't do it alone. My Sister Twilight, Makker, Rarity and the others all played their part today in this one. Even though I nearly sacrificed my life… I knew it was well worth the risk to execute." Syera told crossing her arms as her clothes, tattered and stripped off her body nearly. Still covering her though and her wounds healed leaving next to no scars. Those beans were quite usuful.  "I can only imagine so seeing as we felt your life force nearly diminish under weight of this battle my dear Syera. But seeing as you are still among us, I am proud. But I more news though, and it's about you Makker." Princess Celestia told as she looked upon the Saiyan.  "What is it Princess?" He asked.  "Well, regarding the interdimensional portal you came through, I found a way to reverse them. I can open a portal back to the world you came from. Seeing as this is not your home and where you belong, my sister and I feel it only best to send you back." Celestia had explained.  "I see… " he told softly.  "Makker darling… " Rarity looked at Saiyan with her eyes about to burst into tears.  "Rarity… I'm sorry but, for what I have been able to give you. As far as my undying love as a Saiyan, and as a great friend to you and the others. I realize I cannot stay here forever since I do have a world I must save back there. And… My comrade in arms I must avenge." Makker told.  "It's alright dear, I understand. I won't keep you from your world, it's only right. But I will miss you always." Rarity had told which is then Syera put a hand on the shoulder of Makker and smiled softly.  In turn he smiled back as did the rest of the five other ponies, Rarity and Princesses did. Makker nodded softly.  "Okay… Hmm, gosh I'm no good with Goodbyes girls. But it seems our paths crossing ends here." Makker told as he stepped near the portal the Princesses have opened.  "For now yeah! If anything Makker, this isn't good-bye for good! This is "till next time" if anything right girls?" Syera asked with a smile.  "Oh of course!" Twilight smiled happily.  "I'll throw an even bigger party next time he comes around!" Pinkie told as she hopped in place.  "Aw yeah! And we gotta race if and when he does come around! ? All three of us. You, Me and of course Makker!" Rainbow Dash told Syera as it was a done deal to be so.  "Oh yes, please be careful till then Makker." Fluttershy told smiling brightly at the thought.  "Ah reckon we will see each other sooner than later most definitely." Applejack tipped her hat in Makker's direction.  "Will do girls. And Syera." Makker had his sight set on Syera.  "Yeah?" Syera looked in his direction as he held out his hand, and she Shook it and basically did a handshake and a hug, a group hug happened as everyone had joined in. Soon breaking it as Makker stepped inside the portal leaving this dimension. Leaving with a few final words.  "Good-bye everyone, I'll be back for sure as soon as I am able to be." He left with only the trace of the memories made with him in Equestria.  "Hmm… I wonder how many other Saiyan are on the loose out there in the universe? Knowing Makker is around. I wonder who else is… " Syera asked smiling as she thought about it.  "Well duh! I'm sure there are plenty Syera! You maybe Equestria's Saiyan but definitely not the only one around! And I am sure that's a great thing!" Pinkie Pie added on as she hugged Syera again.  "Heh, yeah. I sure hope so Pinkie, I hope so… " Syera told smiling as she looked upon the sky and saw a shooting star in the early morning sky. Wondering what was out there, and knew if any other Saiyans were loose out there in the frontiers of space and beyond and came in the neighborhood of Equestria. She'd be waiting for them and will be ready to face whatever they bring with them. Be it interdimensional time warps, dark magic or even just a bit of friendship and a good sparring match to test her might against. Syera will be ready, willing and able. As for the rest of her adventures to come.  There will be more to come in her adventures as an Equestrian Saiyan, for what that means, is for her and her dear Sister Twilight Sparkle and friends to find out.  In the face of Destiny.