Rarity and the Phylactery

by Nevermore777

First published

When Rarity is mining for gems, she comes across a strange stone that changes her life forever. What will Rarity do, now that she is no longer a normal pony anymore?

When Rarity is mining for gems, she comes across a very strange looking stone. Little does she know until it's too late, the stone change s her life forever... by ending it! Now no longer just another normal unicorn, but a Lich, a horror Equestria hasn't seen in ages, Rarity must figure out how to either break this curse, or convince everypony that she means them no harm!

A Strange Discovery

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Rarity walked through the dark tunnels of the cavern, the only light coming from her mining helmet.

"Oh gems? Where are you?" Rarity whispered, keeping her voice low so she didn't wake any bats.

Her horn glowed, sending out pulses of light through the tunnels and into the earth. There didn't seem to be many gems in this section, unfortunately.

She sighed, realizing as she walked through how much she wished Spike would've been able to attend this little mining excursion. However, he had to help Twilight with a presentation in Canterlot, and would be gone for a couple days.

She sent out another pulse, wondering how she had managed to step into such a empty patch of the caverns.

Grumbling as she once again found nothing, Rarity sent out a much stronger pulse, hoping to figure out she should be going to get back into the gen rich mines she was used to.

However, to her suprise, her pulse hit something buried deeper in the wall. It bounced off and was sent flying back, and Rarity winched as searing pain erupted in horn from the backlash.

"What sort of gem was that?" The magic backlash would suggest that it was possibly magical in nature, which of course drew Rarity's curiosity.

She sent out another pulse, this one quite a bit softer, reducing the magic backlash to the point it only felt like a needle being stabbed into her horn's tip.

It took a few moments, but Rarity quickly found the wall that hid the gem. After a bit of probing, she yelped as the entire wall in front of her collapsed, just barely dodging out of the way as the entire wall almost fell on top of her.

"Not the most stable of places," Rarity said as she gasped from breath due to the shock of the near-death experience. She could hear the bats screeching and flying away from the collapse.

Rarity looking into the area that was no exposed, and she was surprised at what she saw. It was a large natural cave that was honestly very beautiful looking, a true natural wonder. However, the real beauty came from a rough gemstone about the size of snowball that was embedded into a natural pedestal of hard stone that jutted out in the center of the cave. The gemstone was a deep purple color, but strangely, it had bloody light swirling around inside it like a whirlpool; casting a red glow across the entire cavern.

Rarity slowly approached the strange, bewitchingly beautiful, gem. She considered it for several seconds, taking in its strangeness. It was definitely magic of some form, she could feel its power washing over her in waves that sank into her bones and chilled them. After a moment, she decided to try and levitate it, only to immediately regret that choice.

As soon as her aura shrouded her horn and her magic touched the gem, it flared with light, releasing a pulse that sent Raidy flying backwards. She went shooting back almost as fast a Rainbow Dash would fly when doing her sonic rainboom, and crashed into the hard stone behind her with a sickening crack, agony erupting in her backside; then she slowly slide down as everything went black.

She was floating in a void, and endless sea of melancholy. She was just... floating...

In darkness...

In cold...

In Death!!!

Rarity awoke with a start, gasping for breath. Her entire body was shaking as she struggled to stand, yet oddly enough, she didn't feel cold. She didn't feel warm either, rather, she didn't feel anything at all.

Shaking her head to clear it, Rarity turned her gaze back to the gem. It had changed, much to her suprise and shock. Now, in addition to the red light, Rarity could see a bright blue light within it as well. She wondered what could have caused the rather considerable change?

She pondered just leaving it. The magic of the gem was clearly volatile and dangerous, the fact that Rarity was unharmed was just a plain miracle.

However, she felt a compulsion to take it with her. She didn't know why, but for some reason, the gem was important to her. As important as her own heart.

Rarity slowly tried to levitate it once again, and to her suprise, it responded easily, maybe even a little eagerly.

Rarity put it in a pouch carefully, wondering what she could do with such a gemstone as she left. It may make for a fantastic dress, but what if it exploded again? Maybe she should take it to Twilight and have her look at it? Such thoughts occupied her mind for the rest of mining trip, and she never once noticed...

Never once noticed the crater she had left in the wall, or the thick blood that was slowly running down it.


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Rarity tried to work, but found herself completely unable to. She had just gotten home to the bouquet, but as she tried to work the strength in her body seemed to simply fade. She tried to ignore it, but then suddenly collapsed in a coughing fit.

"Sis!? What's wrong?" A wide-eyed Sweetie Belle asked her sister as she coughed violently.

"Nothing major, Sweetie, I must have inhaled something in the mine. I'm fine-" Rarity's enter body contorted as she retched and began to cough even more violently.

"Your coughing blood!" Sweetie cried in alarm, as Rarity pulled her hoof from her mouth, she saw her sister was right. Her hoof was covered in droplets of red and... black?

"Sweetie Belle, would be a darling and go fetch a Doctor for me?" Rarity asked a fearful Sweetie Belle, the young unicorn acting immediately as she charged through the door.

Rarity on the other hand, retired to her washroom, now coughing violently into the toilet. Eventually, she was pushed over the edge and instead of coughing, vomited a stream of thick, black, inky sludge; a strange, sickly smell filling the air that vaguely reminded her of preservatives.

"What in Celestia's name is happening? What did I catch in those mines?" She said between gasping breaths as she flushed he sludge before slumping against the walls. Her entire body felt heavy, as if her blood had become lead and her bones steel. The strangest thing by far, however, was her complete lack of feeling. She didn't feel cold or hot, couldn't feel the air or the sunlight on her coat from the window. She couldn't even feel the wall behind her, just the firm pressure against her back.

Suddenly, she felt very dreary. Her eyes slowly closed, and she felt her conscious leave her...

A desert of bones...

A wasteland of ice...

A sea of darkness...

A forest of corpses...

A Realm of Death!!!

"Miss?" Rarity vaguely felt the hoof against her face. "Miss? Are you alright?"

"Wh-what?" Rarity groggily asked as her conscious returned and she struggled to open her eyes, bright lights shining down into them.

"I asked if you were alright, Miss?" The firm voice asked. Rarity opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust, and saw a stallion in a doctor's uniform standing over her.

"I... I'm fine, I think. What happened? Where am I?" Rarity asked as she struggled to gain a sense of her surroundings.

"We are in the Ponyville Hospital, miss." The doctor said, and she saw that he was right.

"What happened?" Rarity asked again.

"We aren't entirely sure," the doctor said. Rarity saw that his name was Dr. Getwell. "We found collapsed in your bathroom, out cold."

"How long...?"

"Only four hours, miss," he assured her, "We ran a few tests and talked with your little sister, and she said you were coughing blood?"

"Yes... and something... black." Rarity said with a frown.

"Hmm... you don't have a record of smoking, right?" Dr. Getwell asked.


"We found... Well, we found something in your lungs, and also in your intestinal track."

"What do you mean?" Rarity said with a frown.

"When I say something, I honestly mean something, miss. We don't know what it is. However, the reason you were coughing blood was because it was eating away at your lungs and intestines and heavily irritating them." At Rarity's alarmed expression, he immediately held up a hoof, "It's not as bad as it sounds. Your body is already healing. The substance broke up naturally and you should be fine now."

"What sort of damage did it cause?" Rarity asked, rubbing her stomach with a look of concern.

"Nothing to bad, miss. However, I'll ask you try and eat lightly, and I'll give you something to help until your stomach's fully healed."


"Things like bread, cheese, milk, ice cream; stuff like that."

Rarity chuckled slightly at the last one. "Any clue what caused this?"

Dr. Getwell seemed to consider. "Well, do you have any idea what could have?"

"I... I was mining for gems earlier." Rarity said slowly.

"Did you perhaps go somewhere new?"

"No, it was the same place as always... but I did open up a new cavern." Rarity decided against by telling him about the strange stone. The less ponies who knew about it, Rarity thought, the better.

"Hmm... Perhaps there was some form of gas you inhaled." He seemed to consider the fact. "If that is indeed the case. would advise against going mining in the near future, and maybe see Mayor Mare about sending an inspector to see if the mines are still safe."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Rarity said with a nod. "So... am I free to go?"

"Yes, there should be problem with that. Come by next week and I'll check on the damage, see if its healing properly and all that," he gave Rarity a look, "Of course, if soemthing else happens before then, I expect you to come back in right away."

"But of course," Rarity said, giving him her biggest smile.

"And I expect you to take it easy for the rest of week."


Dr. Getwell rolled his eyes. "In that case, you are free to go."

Rarity thanked him and got up, heading to the door to the room. As soon as she opened it however...

"SIS!!!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she tackled her.

"RARITY!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she joined her.

"Oh, did I forget to mention your sister and friends were wating for you?" Dr. Getwell's laughter echoed through out the hospital.

"Well, it's a good think nothing was wrong with her, cause if there was I don't that would have been to good for her." Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes.

"You okay, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she helped Rarity stand up, Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie still clinging to her like sloths to their favorite branch.

"Yes, Darlings, I'm fine," Rarity said as she pulled the two off of her with magic. "I just inhaled something nasty in the mines that wasn't agreeing with me, that's all."

"Hmm, should get someone to check that out," Applejack mumbled.

Rarity sighed, "Yes, Dr. Getwell suggested the same thing. I can only hope they finish in time before my supplies run out."

"You could always order them." Rainbow Dash said. "I mean, I could even picked'em up for you."

"Well I thank you for the offer, Dashy, I must decline. It helps save money, and I've always found the gems in those mines to be absolutely beautiful."

"Still, Sugarcube, you should rest for awhile; like the doc says." Applejack suggested.

Rarity sighed in defeat and nodded. Truth be told, she felt far from fine, and though she hadn't mentioned it to Dr. Getwell, she still didn't feel anything at all. "Maybe I will take it easy for a few days... Hey, Applejack, would mind if Sweetie Belle stayed over with Apple Bloom for a few days?"

"What?" Said a very shocked Sweetie Belle, who's eyes went wide at question. "Why?"

"Because I don't feel good, Sweetie, and I would hate to get my little sis sick!" Rarity said, rubbing her head. "Maybe see if you can have Scootaloo join you? You can have a whole CMC sleepover!" Her gaze shifted to Applejack. "If that won't be a problem, of course."

"Wellll," Applejack considered for a sec, "I guess that would be alright."

"Sweet!" Sweetie Belle shouted, racing out the hospital. Applejack sighed, wondering what she had just gotten herself into, and left after her.

"You sure you're going to be alright?" Rainbow Dash asked, eyeing Rarity with concern.

"I'll be fine, Dashy. I'm just a little tired, and not having to deal with my little Sis should help me rest up." Rarity promised her.

"Hmmph." Rainbow Dash snorted, clearly not believing her, before flying off.

"I'll bring you a present in the morning!" Pinkie said, before also leaving. Rarity chuckled, fully expecting to find all of them in her house the next morning, and then left as well, hurrying to get home as soon as possible. While she couldn't feel the heat, that didn't change the fact that Rarity found the sun to be absolutely miserable today.

Dark Dreams

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The sky was stained with blood, not a sun, moon, or even a star in sight. Nothing but blood red skies and black, shadowy clouds.

Next to the sea of darkness, upon the desert of bones, they fought. Two sides, locked in conflict.

The Crystal Knights who hailed from the frozen wasteland were outnumbered ten to one by the strange, robed Ponies who had emerged from the forest of corpses. However, they were slaughtering them. Every swing of their crystal blades parted another one of the robed ponies, who did not bleed or even cry out, but instead were reduced to dust that added onto the desert of bones.

However, slowly, the sheer numbers of them was beginning to overwhelm the Crystal Knights. Commanding the army was twelve unicorns were dressed in more ceremonial robes, their faces hidden behind stone masks. They released barrages of strange magic that killed everything that it touched, slaughtering the Crystal Knights by the dozens.

There was a sound behind her, she turned. From the frozen wasteland, another Crystal Knight emerged, blade raised...

... and swung down, parting her head from her neck.

Rarity's eyes shot open and she sat up in her bed, gasping for breath. Her entire body and her bed was drenched in perpetration.

She put a hoof to the side of her head, then to her heart, trying to slow her pulse down as she gasped for breath.

"What is with these dreams?" Rarity whispered as she slowly calmed down. They were just getting worse!

Rarity looked to the window and saw the moon was still high in the night sky. It looked be somewhere between eleven and midnight. She sighed as she got up from the bed, feeling icky from her sweat and planning on changing the sheets and taking a long shower.

However, when she tried to get up, she just end up falling flat on her own face with a loud thud.

"What the?" Rarity muttered as she tried to stand, but couldn't. It took several tries before she finally realized what was wrong.

"I... I can't feel my hooves!" She realized. The lack of feeling had become a complete numbness to the sense of touch. She kept falling, because she expected to feel the floor and kept trying to adjust instinctually, which was causing her to fail over and over again.

It took several tries before she was able to figure out how to stand properly, and a dozen more before she could actually walk. She wondered if this was what it was like to walk on stilts?

She got the hang of it... eventually. Doing things like changing the sheets was a bit of chore, and since she couldn't feel the damp sheets, she wondered if she really need to?

"Of course you do, silly." Rarity muttered to herself as she struggled through it.

She then took a shower, and found that even if she turned it on maximum heat or cold, she couldn't feel anything. So, seeing no reason to raise the hot water bill if she couldn't actually enjoy the hot water, she turned it to ice cold, and washed up with out much issue. It was actually quite boring, to take a shower when you couldn't even feel the water running through your mane and down your coat.

She then made her way back to her bed, but found herself restless, unable to sleep. She must of laid there for almost thirty minutes, and eventually she realized she wouldn't be falling asleep.

So, instead, she made her way downstairs, and finally pulled the gemstone from her pack, setting it on a table after brushing some sewing stuff off and setting it on the center.

"What are you?" She mumbled, reaching out and rubbing a hoof down its beautiful surface. She heard the crackle of electrical shocks, and quickly pulled her hoof back. Just because she couldn't feel anything at the moment didn't mean she wasn't being hurt by it.

Rarity pulled out a magnifying glass, and stared into the gemstone, ito the swirling red and blue light within it. As she did, her head began to pound slightly, and her vision warped and contorted...

She stood before a grand altar of darkness. In front of her was a large stone table, and resting on a small pillow on the table was a dark purple gemstone.

All around her countless cages, suspended by strong black chains, and within each cage was four or five Crystal Ponies. Some were soldiers, others were clearly not.

She felt the air grow cold as the air grew thick with the sickly stench of decayed flesh and embalming fluid. A sense of dread and melancholy descended upon the room, yet she wasn't afraid, for she knew there wasn't any reason for her to be afraid, at least.

In front of her, the shadows seems to grow and contort, and a being suddenly towered over her. A massive goat with glowing blue eyes that had trails of green fire erupting from them, dressed in dark robes made of decaying skin and a large black bell attached to a color around his neck. The Crystal Ponies all screamed horsely and tried to back away as far as they could in their cages from the monsterous goat, who grinned at the stench of their fear, revealing countless fangs.

"I Bless You, Oh Speaker Of My Will. I Bless You, So You May Now Go Out And Carry Out My Will.

I Grant You Power Of The Cold And Over The Afflictions Of The Flesh...

I Grant You Fellowship Within The Dark...

I Grant You Dominion Over The Dead!!!"

The Crystal Ponies all screams for a second, letting out what became little more that chocked cries of pain. Then, they all began to glow red and were seemingly liquified into blood red light. The light shot up, and into the gemstone before her, which greedily sucked up the life and agony of everyone of them.

"I Grant You Ascension! I Remake You In Death's Image! Rise, Lich! Rise, Priestess Of Allure!"

A wave of searing agony washed over her, and a blue light was pulled from within her, and into the gemstone before her. She felt her body changing, transforming as the dark power filled her. Felt her bones breaking and remaking themselves, felt her blood chill as it became something else entirely...

Rarity shook her head, trying to make sense of what happened as she took a step back from the gemstone.

"What was that?" Rarity whispered. "It felt... It felt so real."

She shuddered as she remembered the expressions in the Crystal Ponies faces, the fear, the sounds they made when they were liquified in what ever horrid spell that strange goat monster had cast.

She looked at the gemstone again, slowly crept towards it. She held it up to her face once more, staring this time at the red light.

At first, there was nothing. However, for just a moment, she could of sworn she saw a face form within the swirling light.

The face of a pony, screaming in agony and fear.


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Rarity didn't sleep. Not that she felt any desire to, really. The only time she felt even a little bit tired was when the sun first came up, its light seeming to suck the strength from her muscles and turn her bones to lead, which prompted her to close all the curtains in her bouquet. It wasn't like she was planning on being open today anyway.

She also found herself only turning a few lights on in her home. While she couldn't see in the dark, she found that to much light made her eyes sore. She tried to eat something, but much to her disdain the feeling in her tongue had vanished as well, meaning she couldn't taste anything, which kinda took all the fun of eating away along with what little appetite she had.

It was about an hour after the sun rose that she heard the knock on the door. After a moment of consideration, Rarity remembered that Pinkie had said she would see her in the morning, and realized she must have arrived.

With a soft groan at the thought of conversation, Rarity went to the door and opened it. Sure enough, there was Pinkie Pie with a box of something. However, to her surprise, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were also there. Applejack had a barrel of soemthing resting on her back, and Rainbow Dash also had a box.

They all brought food, Rarity realized, mentally grimacing as she remembered her lack of taste. This was most certainly going to be a very miserable day.

"Heya, Sugarcube, I hope you don't mine, but we all brought a little something for ya," Applejack said with a vaguely apologetic expression, "Hope you haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Rarity shrugged. "I tried, but I don't seem to have much of an appetite this morning."

Applejack seemed to at least sorta take the hint judging by her expression, but Pinkie Pie on the other hand... "Well, nothing to work up an appetite than a few yummy cupcakes! Especially when you can enjoy them with friends!"

"Thank you, Darling." Rarity responded politely, though mentally she blanched at the thought of something so sweet.

"You doing okay, Rarity? Your mane is a mess." The others, including Rarity herself, were surprised and noticed it for the first time. Rarity realized she had completely forgotten to wash up or do anything with her mane or her other beauty products.

"Must have slipped my mind, Dashy. Thank you for reminding me." Rarity was vaguely surprised that of all of them, including herself, it was Rainbow Dash who noticed first.

"Speaking of forgetting things, did you remember to take that medicine that Dr. Getwell gave you?" Applejack asked, and Rarity slapped a hoof to her face.

"Oh, I completely forgot! Darling, that wouldn't happen to be cider would it?"

"Sure is."

Rarity gestured to in the direction of her dining room. "Could you be a dear and go up and sit? We can talk there."

They nodded, and a few moments later, the four friends were sitting at her dining room table. Rarity washed the pill down with a glass of cider, mildly disappointed when she realized that there was in fact no taste to it if any kind. She might as well have been drinking air for all she could tell.

Pinkie Pie had, of course, brought cupcakes, which Rarity slowly nibbled on. Despite it's lack of taste, Rarity still found herself drinking a lot of it as it at least wasn't absolutely revolting to feel in her mouth, unlike the cupcake.

Rainbow Dash surprised everyone by bringing some sort of cheese. At everyponies raised eyebrows, she shrugged. "Didn't the doc say you should eat light things?"

Again, Rarity was surprised that of all of them, Rainbow Dash had seemed to take in the most consideration on what to bring. The cheese was soft and was also a lot better than the cupcake it terms of texture, so she found herself mostly eating it, while taking small sips of cider in between.

"So, Applejack, how's Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked.

"Great, actually. Scootaloo is staying over too, and they spent most of their time in their little tree house," Applejack said, "Though I believe they're actually helping Big Mac with something at the moment."

"Well, as long as she's having fun."

"And what about you? How have you been feeling?" Rainbow Dash asked as she sipped her cider.

"Fine, I guess," Rarity responded with a shrug, "a little under the weather and a little restless, but at least I haven't been coughing blood or anything recently."

"Restless?" Applejack raised and eyebrow in concern. "Have you been sleeping alright, Sugarcube?"

"Honestly? No. I keep having these weird dreams." Rarity said, shuddering as she remembered some of them.

"Maybe when Twilight and Spike get back, you could see if they could send a message to Princess Luna? See if she could do anything about it." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Oh! If you want, you could borrow my melatonin gummies!" Pinkie Pie offered.

"You take melatonin gummies?" Rainbow Dash said, surprised.

"Why of course, silly, how else would I ever fall asleep?" Pinkie Pie said with a laugh.

"Hmm... If this keeps happening, I might take you up on that." Rarity finally decided, the idea of a good night sleep sounding very appealing at the moment, even if she didn't feel all that tired.

They continued with the small talk for about an hour before Pinkie Pie, then Rainbiw Dash, and finally Applejack left to attend to their daily business. When Applejack left, Rarity gave her the remaining cupcakes. At her raised eyebrow, Rarity quickly explained.

"My sense of taste is all messed up, Darling," Rarity said, "I couldn't even choke down one of them. So please, take them and give them to the CMC or something. I'd hate to waste them."

Applejack nodded, and then departed. Rarity threw out the remaining two-thirds of the cupcake she had been slowly nibbling, shuddering and gagging at the thought of actually trying to finish the thing.

She then retired to her private room, were the gemstone still lay on the table. She approached it again, and sighed.

"What are you?" Rarity asked once again, desperately wishing there was someway for her to get an answer. She was certain that everything strange that had been happening to her had happened because of the strange gemstone. "What have you done to me?"

Of course, she received no answer from the cold gemstone. However, as she sighed and turned away, she heard a crash downstairs.

"What in Celestia's name?" Was there a thef? She had had a couple, but for the most part such things were far from common in Ponyville. And the noise suggested this was more a robbery than a theivery, which she had never had before. And what idiot robbed a place in the middle of the day?

Levitating a metal bat that she had confiscated from Sweetie Belle when she and her friends had broken a window trying to get their Cutie Marks a few months back, Rarity slowly walked downstairs.

The lights were still dim, but she saw nothing out of the ordinary. Then, there was a second crash, but again it was coming from below her.

"The basement?" Rarity muttered in suprise, turning to the rarely used door. There were no windows into the basement, no other ways in. So how was somepony there? "Maybe a rat or a mole or something dug in."

However, what rat or mole would make that much noise? Gulping, Rarity slowly opened the door into the basement, and descended downwards into the darkness below.

An Unwelcome Visitor

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Rarity had never really liked her basement. It was a storage room of sorts, so she would occasionally have to come down here to get more supplies, but that didn't change the fact that she had never liked it down here.

For one, it was always chilly down her, enough so that she could often see her own breath. Thankfully that wasn't much of an issue at the moment due to her lack of feeling, but she still found herself putting on the heavy robe she always kept by the bottom of the stairs over her normal one out of habit, and she noticed she could still see her breath.

Secondly, the place was just creepy. When she flipped the light switch, it turned on a couple heavy duty lights that illuminated sections of the basement but left a good deal of it very dim. In addition, there was, of course, the countless stacks of boxes and rows of fabric and old dress designs. It was here she stored a lot of her more seasonal ware when it was out of season. Nightmare Night costumes, Hearthwarmimg attire, those sorts of things.

The creepiest part, however, and the part she had always wished to have some other option for, were the spare mannequins that were all over the place. Rarity remembered one time when Sweetie Belle had snuck down here. Rarity and heard her scream and had come down to find a curled little unicorn who was absolutely terrified of the cold plastic ponies partially hidden by the shadows.

Rarity saw what had caused the noises almost immediately. A stack of boxes had knocked over, spilling emeralds and rubies all over the floor, and a mannequin had fallen over as well. The mannequin had broken apart and was in several pieces on the cold tile floor.

"What happened in here?" Rarity muttered to herself, getting closer to investigate, eyes occasionally darting to the shadows around her.

Her eyes narrowed as she investigated the wrecked mannequin, and at first she didn't see it, but when she did, she felt her eyes widen as a shiver went up her spine.

"What in Celestia's name?"

Behind the mannequin was a massive holein the wall. It looked like something had erupted from the wall and knocked the mannequin on its way out. She could see the bits of plaster and drywall that were sprinkled across the floor like dust.

She felt her breathing increase steadily. It was a rather large hole. Pony-sized, in fact. There was no way it was some mole or some other little critter made it. Which meant...

Rarity spun around, brandishing her bat as her eyes scanned the darkness and the shadows for any sign of movement. Who could it be? Her first thought was maybe the Dimond Dogs or something, but that couldn't be it. She would have either smelled them or they would have acted already. They weren't exactly patient or stealthy creatures from what Rarity could remember from her little "experience" with them.

Gulping and mustering her courage, she finally couldn't take it anymore and called out, "I don't know who or what you are, but if you can understand me than I want you to show yourself this instant!"

Rarity honestly didn't really expect this to work, so she nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the sound of something moving and a raspy, impossibly dry voice answered her.

"As you wish, my Lady."

Rarity spun in the direction of the voice, and was shocked as something emerged from the shadow. As the light shone down on it, Rarity opened her mouth to scream, but her voice froze in her throat as she laid eyes on the horror that had revealed itself to her.

At its base, the creature looked like the skeleton of a unicorn. However, there were multiple notable differences between the creature before her and a normal unicorn's bones. For one, there were more of them and bones appeared thicker and more compact, giving it an almost Changeling like appearance. The horn was long and curved, like King Sombra's, and unlike a normal pony, the creature's teeth were sharp fangs clearly meant for tearing flesh and little else.

Its bones were white as fresh snow, and looked almost like fine porcelain. Its entire body was covered in a sickly grey-green aura, and the aura erupted outwards from its head and rump in a crude attempt at mimicking a mane and tail. Within its eye sockets, purple and blue flames burned with green trails coming from the sides. Strangely, neither the monster's aura nor its flaming eyes seemed to produce any sort of light, which is how she must have missed it until it revealed itself.

The thing emerged from the shadows, and much to Rarity's shock, bowed to her. "Is this satisfactory, my Lady?"

"Ummm... sure?" Rarity responded slowly, trying to process what was happening. This strange thing had seemingly dug into her basement, looked like a monster from one of Luna's bedtime stories, and was acting... subservient towards her? What was happening?

"Excellent!" it said, clearly pleased. Rarity decided based on its raspy but still somewhat deep voice that the monster was probably male, if you could such an entity a gender. "Now, how may I serve you, my Lady?"

"Um... How about you start by telling me your name," Rarity said slowly, trying and failing to stay calm, "and then tell me what you are... and finally tell me what in Tartarus is going on!?"

"My name is Osseus. If you dislike the name, my Lady, please feel free to change it to something you would find more comfortable." He introduced himself, bowing like a gentleman which Rarity found vaguely amusing, though it only slightly helped lighten the rather tense atmosphere. "And as for what I am, my Lady, that is a rather loaded question. To be blunt, I am an Undead. If we are getting more specific, I am a Corporeal; and if you want to know what species of Corporeal I am, then I am what most would call a Revenant."

"A what-what-what now?" Rarity said, trying to wrap her head around Osseus's words.

"A Corporeal is an Undead who has a physical body, my Lady, he explained, and a Revenant is one of the higher species of Corporeal Undead. Our function is to act as the advisor and assistant to a Lich."

"What's a Lich?" Rarity asked.

"Why, you are, my Lady."

"No, I'm a unicorn, the Element of Generosity, in fact. I'm not a Lich, whatever that is." Rarity responded, shaking her head.

Osseus chuckled."Oh, but you are a Lich, my Lady. You have given your soul to a Phylactery, and ascended into unlife."


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"What do you mean!? I didn't give my soul to anything!" Rarity protested heavily.

"Yes, my Lady, you did," Osseus responded calmly "You did when you gave it your magic. In that same instance, you also have it your soul."

Rarity was about to further protest, when she remembered it. The stone! When she first tried to levitate it... and how the blue light had been added to it when she awoke.

"No... no, I didn't mean... I didn't know..." Rarity whispered to herself. She felt like curling up into a ball. "This can't be happening..."

"My Lady?" Osseus said, the concern in his voice clear even with its dryness. When she looked up at him, her eyes welling with tears, he continued hesitatly, "Well I can understand that you may have some... aversion, to your new status as a Lich, I assure you, it isn't all that bad. There are many benefits."

"There are?"

"Oh, yes, my Lady; especially for Liches, the most powerful among the Undead."

"Undead? But I never died..." Raritybsaid with a confused expression.

"You have, but you were fully revived by your Phylactery. Currently, the transformation from to life to unlife a happening within your flesh. It should finish within the week."


"Yes, my Lady, you see, your body is filled with Necrotix Magic that is flowing into you from your Phylactery. Your body is slowly changing due to it, and once it has fully acclimated to your flesh, you will be a true Lich."

"And will I look... like you?" Rarity asked, nervously looking at her beautiful coat and mane.

"No, no. As I said, you will be a Lich, one of the highest forms of Undead. One of the many benefits, besides keeping all of your mental functions and personality, is that your body doesn't decay or rot like mine. Your entire body will become preserved by the Necrotic Magic. Once the transformation is complete, you will cease physically aging in all regards.

"So I'll be immortal..." Rarity muttered. "Like an Alicorn."

"Well, my Lady, technically speaking, Alicorns live forever, Liches and other Undead endure forever."

"What... What other benefits are there?" Rarity asked, thinking there might be some hope that this wasn’t the end of the world.

"Well, my Lady, you no longer need the typical forms of sustenance. You needn't eat nor drink, and eventually you will no longer need sleep as well," he listed off, "In addition to no longer being able to die from age, you can no longer die from illness or from wounds that would normally be mortal, but more on that later. You magic ability has also vastly increased, in terms of raw power you now rival that Princess of Friendship you are friends with, and much like her your power will only grow over time."

"And... what are the downsides?" Rarity said, a hint of fear re-entering her voice as she thought of what she may have lost.

"Well, the main thing you've lost is your fertility... The Undead cannot make life, only grant unlife." Osseus said after a few moments of hesitation.

"So... I can't have foals..." Rarity felt her heart break a little. She had always had fantasies of getting married with some dashing knight, and having adorable little foals of her own. Now, she wasn't even sure if she would be comfortable enough getting into a relationship knowing that she would be denying her partner such a things as foals.

"Not the natural way, no. There are a few methods opened to you, a few ways even the Undead can have offspring. But again, let us save such talk for a later time. There is much to do, much you need to learn, and only so much time for you to learn it."

"Why?" Rarity asked, confused at the rush. "Why do we have so little time?"

"When the Phylactery accepted your soul, it released a pulse of very distinct Necrotic Magics. It was those magics that raised me, along with others, but it also alerted them to your ascension."

"And who, Darling, is "Them?"" Rarity said, standing up straight as she felt her fear subside.

"Our natural enemies, the Hunters of the Undead," Osseus fires grew as a hint of contempt entered his tone, "The Shining Paladins of the Crystal Hoof."

"Is it true? Has one of the Phylacteries been discovered?" A gruff voice asked. "Does a new Lich walk this world?"

"Yes," A soft female voice responded, "the Diviners are confident. There is no mistaking the burst of magics one of the things release when they choose a new Dark Lady."

"Which of the monsters have risen?!" A young, confident voice demanded.

"The Lich of Allure." The female responded.

"Ponyville?" A aged male voice muttered in suprise. "Then perhaps we shouldn't intervene."

"And why not?! It is the duty of the Crystal Hoof to stamp out all Undead from the world! Why should this be any different?!" The young male asked incredulously.

"Because Ponyville is the Domain of the recently ascended Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, whom I believe just opened a school a few months ago." The aged voice responded calmly. "I doubt she will be pleased with our presence, and she has powerful allies in almost every major kingdom."

"While we all are thankful for the role she played in liberating our ansestral homeland and finally destroying that wretched Shade the Lich of Shadow left behind, do you think she will be able to destroy the Lich in her own?" The gruff voice asked.

"With the exception of the Shade, she has never destroyed any of her enemies," the aged voice responded calmly. "She has, however, befriended many of them."

"You think she will befriend the Lich of Allure?" The female voice asked.

"Preposterous," the young voice scoffed.

"Not as much as you think," the aged voice retorted, "she very well may already be friends with the Lich of Allure. In small communities like that, everyone knows everyone. And it is fully possible that the Lich of Allure didn't willing ascend."

"Even if that's the case, it doesn't change the fact that is the sacred duty of the Crystal Hoof to purge the world of the Undead! There can be no exceptions!" The young voice shouted. “Death is better than Undeath! If the pony didn’t willing ascend, it would be a mercy to put them out of their misery!”

"But if the Lich of Allure is friends with Princess Twilight, then we risk declaring war on some very powerful entities." The female asked.

"Then what do you think we should?" The gruff voice asked.

"Have our agent in Ponyville figure out who it is, for starters." The female voice said.

"The Revenant will direct her towards the Legacy of Allure." The aged voice pointed out.

"Then alert the guards, and keep track of the Lord of Madness," The female voice answered.

"This isn't right..." The young voice muttered.

"The world has changed." The aged vivid muttered. "We have to be careful to not resist that change."

"The moment we let monsters like the Undead roam free is the moment the world has changed too far!" The young voice shouted, before going silent.

"Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid." The gruff voice said, before vanishing as well.

"Hopefully..." the female voice went silent as well.

"I lost hope long ago," the aged voice said, even though he knew no one was listening. "But peraphs I will also pay this new Lich a visit..."

Collecting Ingredients: Flowers

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“Alright… So I have enemies…” Rarity muttered. That wasn’t anything new, she had had plenty of enemies in both the political world and the business one.

But, enemies who wanted her… dead? Re-dead? Destroyed? Rarity didn’t know the correct term, but it didn’t really matter. She wasn’t used to having enemies who were after her life, especially when she hadn’t even done anything to thing besides exist.

“Yes, my Lady, but don’t worry,” Osseus said, “They aren’t fools who will come blindly charging you after they found you, which should give us time to make sure you are prepared for them.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Rarity said with a sigh as she straightened her mane, “and you know why they say, no time like the present! So, why’s first?”

”Before anything of note can be done to prepare for the Paladins inevitable attack, you’ll need minions,” Ossues said, moving to the hole in the wall, before turning a gesturing to his surroundings, “And a base of operations that is better hidden and more easily defendable than this…?”


“Boutique…” Ossues turned and looked at her curiously, “I was so distracted that I didn’t think to ask, but who were you before?”

“Who I AM is Rarity,” she answered, scowling slightly, “Fashion Designer, Teacher, and Element of Generosity.”

“Element of… you possess an Element of Harmony?” Ossues said, the flames in his eyes sockets widening.

“Yes,” Rarity said proudly, before wilting slightly, “Unless I lost it when I became a Lich.”

“I wouldn’t know, none of the first Lichs were Elements, but I would guess not. The Elements were not intended to fight Necromancy, as neither did the Pillars.” Ossues said, Rarity sighing in relief. “However… why aren’t the Elements with the Princesses? Did something happen to them recently?”

“Rather out touch with time, aren’t you, Darling?” Rarity asked curiously.

“I have been asleep eversense your predecessor was destroyed,”

“Hmm, well, to make a long story short, the Nightmare Moon incident resulted in the temporary destruction of the Elements when Princess Celestia used them to banish Nightmare Moon. When she returned, my friends and I became the new Element Bearers.”

“Ah, that explains it… The Elements aren’t designed to be used for banishment. All of their power must have been used to keep this “Nightmare Moon” banished and could only return once the banishment was no longer in effect.” Osseus muttered, before looking back at her. “Well, shall we begin your lessons in Necromancy, my Lady?”

“Alright,” Rarity said, before frowning with a quizzical expression, “though I must ask: what exactly is Necromancy? I don’t really recall the term.”

Osseus stared at her blankly for a moment. “Ah, right… Necromancy is a rather… controversial magic, to say the least. It’s no surprise Magic Colleges these days don’t really go over it…”

Rarity shrugged, “I wouldn’t know. You’d have to ask Twilight, she could probably go over the specifics of what ever single Magic College teaches.”

Osseus was silent for several moments, before sighing. “My Lady… how skilled are you in magic?”

Rarity shrugged, “I’m a little better than your average unicorn these days I’d say. I have finer control with telekinesis, and I have a couple of gem finding spells or simple alteration spells. Nothing to fancy or powerful though.”

“That is… unfortunate. This will take longer to explain than I thought, my Lady.” Osseus sighed. “Too much longer to explain right now. It will be far easier to show you.”


“Firstly, I need to prepare something. While I’m doing that, I need you to gather a few things for me.”

Rarity internally grimaced at the thought of going out, but decide it was certainly better than Osseus going out. She wasn’t sure how she could explain him or anything had been happening, mainly because he hadn’t explained anything her yet. “What do you need?”

He told her, and she frowned. “Some if that will be… tricky. But maybe Zecora has it?”

Osseus noticed her nervousness. “Is something else wrong, my Lady?”

“Well it’s just… I’m a Fashion Designer, Darling,” Rarity explained, “I’m not sure how I can justify getting some of that.”

“Lock eyes when you ask for them.”!Osseus said simply as he walked through the hole.

“Huh? How will that- oh blast, he left,” Rarity sighed in defeat as she turned. “Well, let’s hope my bluffing skills are on point. Everypony is going to think I’ve become some sort of witch.”

She reached the stairs and had been about to begin ascending them when realization flashed in her eyes and she hung her head, “Ah, and they wouldn’t be so far from the truth, would they?”

A few minutes later, Rarity was at her door and began to open it-

“Ahhh!” Rarity slammed her front door shut with her magic as she fell back, clutching at her eyes and blinking away tears. The sunlight… It had felt like she’d taken a bottle of bleach, soaked sandpaper with it, then tried scrubbing her eyeballs. On one hand it was the most she’d felt all day, on the other hand it was also one of the worst pains she’d ever felt. “Note to self… Lichs and sunlight don’t mix all that well.”

She pulled her hooves away from her face, and was shocked to see they were covered in blackness. She rushed to bathroom and looked in the mirror, gasping. Her tears were black. It looked like she’d spilled a bottle of ink on her face.

“Oh… I hope this doesn’t stain…” Rarity moaned.

A few more minutes later, after discovering that thankfully her black tears didn’t stain and actually washed out rather easily, Rarity once again opened her front door and braced the burning sunlight. Now equipped with a appropriate hat and sunglasses, she was thankful that there was no burning pain.

There was, however, great discomfort. The sunlight made her coat itch and burn as if she’d instantly gotten a sunburn. A strange lethargy came over her in stark contrast to the almost disturbing alertness she’d had before. She still couldn’t feel anything, not even the wind running through her mane which was most unfortunate, but her numbness had become unbearably uncomfortable.

Gulping, then exhaling softly, Rarity steeled herself. She had things that needed to be done.

Roseluck sat at her flower stand alone, her two normal companions having taken the day off. It hasn’t mattered, for it had been a rather slow day. There were no holidays coming up anytime soon that would require a large amount of them, and few this time of day were in the mood for some of the cheaper flowers as a quick snack.

So she was somewhat surprised when she looked up to see a familiar unicorn. “Oh, hi Rarity! I heard you were t feeling so well.”

She certainly didn’t look well. Her mane and tail were a mess, quite a rarity for, well, Rarity. She was sagged slightly and looked exhausted, her posture lacking its normal pose. More peculiarly, she was wearing a hat and sunglasses, despite the fact that the sky was actually partly cloudy. It was a really nice day out, really, and Roseluck looked at her friend in concern.

“Just a little down under the weather, Darling.” Rarity said, and Roseluck noticed how ragged and dry her voice sounded.

“Are you sure? You don’t sound so good-“

“I said I’m fine, Roseluck. Thank you for asking,” Rarity suddenly snapped at her, though her irritation quickly turned to guilt as she saw the hurt in Roseluck’s face. “Sorry, it’s… it’s been a long day. I’d like to get this shopping done as soon as possible and go back home.”

“Of course! What do you need?” Roseluck said quickly.

“I actually need five different flowers, a large bouquet of each of them, please.”

“No problem! We have plenty of everything, what do you need?”

Rarity hesitated, then finally sighed and spoke: “Aconites, yellow carnations, orange lilies, petunias, and black roses.”

Roseluck blinked, then stared at Rarity in silence for a few moments. “Wow, who pissed you off?”

Rarity shook. “No no, Darling, there… they're for my work. A new friend of mine needs them for something important.”

“Your friend sounds rather grim.”

Rarity laughed, though it lacked any substance, “Ahahaha, yes, he’s quite a character. All bones and darkness, you know?”

Roseluck chuckled, “Don’t get many of those types in Ponyville. If he visits he probably cause quite the scene.”

“Yes, it will be a real riot.” Rarity said. “So, do you have the flowers? I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t.”

“Oh, we do. There in the back of the shop though,” Rose said, turning and gesturing for Rarity to follow. As they entered the physical store, Roseluck noticed the look of relief on Rarity’s face as soon as they were out of the sun, though strangely she kept both the hat and sunglasses on. Was it really that bad that even the dim lights of the store were to much for her?

Roseluck opened a second door that lead into the stores back and revealed shelves upon shelves of flowers. Some were seasonal flowers that were only brought out during holidays, and others clearly there for a different reason.

“Why do you have Poison Joke?” Rarity finally asked in a somewhat perplexed tone.

“Same reason I’ve got these flowers,” Roseluck answered with a shrug as she began to examine the various flowers before finally pulling out a bouquet of orange lilies. “Not all flowers are meant for good occasions, after all. Some are meant for pranks, and then these are for breakups or hate mail or things like that.”

“So there’s some truth to your gossip after all…” Rarity muttered under her breath as she looked at the various shelves.

Roseluck quickly found them all, and as they exited the back she couldn’t help but notice Rarity’s grimace as they left the colder, darker storage room.

“So,” Roseluck began as she started ringing the flowers up. Normally she’d have the prices memorized, but the flowers were far from commonly bought ones so she began flicking through a booklet looking for them and writing the prices down.

To pass the time, Roseluck did what she normally did during her free time when her friends were at the shop with her: she gossiped. She talked about her life, about other ponies lives, about current events, about the weather, and about a million other things.

“Roseluck,” Rarity suddenly said as Roseluck wrote the last price down. She looked up, and noted Rarity’s somewhat irritated expression.

She realized that while Rarity of all the Elements was by far the most eager to talk about such things, this may not be the case when she was feeling somewhat off.

Roseluck opened her mouth to apologize for stammering, when suddenly Rarity’s horn began glowing softly and lifted Rarity’s sunglasses.

Roseluck’s voice died in her throat. When had Rarity’s eyes gotten so pretty? If she recalled correctly, Rarity’s eyes had been a moderate shade of azure. Now, they were a beautiful mix of red and purple, like pools of fine wine. Roseluck stared into them, and felt like she couldn’t look away. Like she couldn’t focus on anything else. She couldn’t even see anything but Rarity anymore. She couldn’t see the shop around them or the sun through the window behind Rarity, it was all just black emptiness.

She felt her chest tighten uncomfortably. It felt like something had reached inside her and was gripped her heart and squeezing it. Her insides squirmed and twisted, her nerves randomly firing and sending pricks of pain across her body like she was being showered with needles. Her breaths felt thick, the air uncomfortable and ice cold. Her face felt wet, and though Roseluck couldn’t see it it was because she had started crying tears of blood.

And then Rarity spoke. The words were simple, but not to Roseluck. They were so much more. The echoed from her lips, from the blackness all around them, and from within Roseluck’s mind and heart. The words wrapped around her thoughts and choked the life out of them. She couldn’t think of anything else but her words.

She opened her mouth and spoke words. Were they an answer to Rarity? Had Rarity asked a question? Perhaps she had, because tilted her head in affirmative, and the levitated some bits, wrapped in her beautiful magic. As soon as her magic left them, the vanished into the blackness like every other thing. They no longer mattered to Rarity, so why should they matter to her?

More words came from Rarity. These ones were orders, a plan for Roseluck to follow. She nodded in affirmation, of course she’d do as Rarity asked. Nothing else mattered.

The pain that was getting worse certainly didn’t matter. Her blood was freezing in her veins, but that didn’t matter. Her flesh was getting harder as the life left it, but that didn’t matter. Her coat and mane was becoming ragged and would soon crumble and fall from her skin, but that didn’t matter. Blood ran in rivers from her eyes, her nose, her lips, her ears, and from various places better left unsaid, but none of that mattered. What mattered was Rarity, and that was all. She had told Roseluck to do something, and so she obeyed. She hadn’t understood the words, but rather they had been carved into her heart and mind, and she trusted her body to do what was right and listen to Rarity…

Roseluck opened her eyes, confusion instantly erupting within in her. When had she fallen asleep? The last thing she remembered was standing outside and some pony coming to talk to her…

Who had it been? Roseluck was pretty sure it had been a mare. Maybe? That made since, mares liked flowers more than stallions certainly, though maybe he was getting one to impress a mare?

Roseluck shook her head, she couldn’t remember, and her head felt like it had been hit by a jackhammer. Had she been drinking? Roseluck hoped. After that very embarrassing moment where she and Berry had woken up in the Apple Barn to a snickering Applebloom and somewhat peeved Apple Jack, she’s decided to try and avoid getting to drunk.

Roseluck looked at the counter and stared in shock and the amount of red soaked into the wood, and upon examining herself found herself covered in blood.

Roseluck looked around in panic before something caught her eye, and she felt a moment of relief. On the flower was a poisonous herb called Red Garment, which caused bleeding and short term memory damage if inhaled. She had gotten it for Zecora so she could brew some antitoxin or something.

She must have inhaled it and been knocked out from the effects. She remembered reading that it was fine if only briefly inhaled and that the plant only killed when creatures fell unconscious in a patch and bleed to death before being pulled out.

Roseluck sighed, wondering when her silly self had inhaled it. That had almost been bad. Roseluck shook her head, clearing the rest of the fog away. She’d have to get cleaned up, and then probably go see the doctor. Oh well, Roseluck decided, it had been a slow day anyway. It wouldn’t matter if she had to close early.