> Supa Canterlot Wondercolt Strikas > by DGJabberwocky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meet the Team > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supa Strikas Team Manager: Coach Formation: 4-3-1-2 Forwards: Shakes - No. 10 El Matador - No. 20 Klaus - No. 2 Midfield Dancing Rasta (Captain) - No. 9 Cool Joe - No. 7 Twisting Tiger - 16 Defenders North Shaw - No. 8 Blok - No. 55 Eagle Eye - No. 4 Rizo - No. 3 Goalkeeper Big Bo - No. 1 Substitutes Lankey (forward) - No. 23 Griz (defender) - No. 6 Aldo (midfielder) - No. 19 Noah Murdoch (goalkeeper) - No. 13 Canterlot Wondercolts Formation: 4-1-2-1-2 Forwards Rainbow Dash - No. 11 Applejack - No. 14 Midfielders Twilight Sparkle - No. 17 Sunset Shimmer - No. 18 Starlight Glimmer - No. 27 Trixie Lulamoon - No. 33 Defenders Rarity - No. 22 Pinkie Pie - No. 24 Tempest Shadow - No. 66 Fluttershy - No. 78 Goalkeeper Barb - No. 99 Substitutes Lyra Heartstrings (Forward) - No. 81 Moondancer (Midfielder) - No. 35 Bon Bon (Forward) - No. 48 Wallflower Blush (Defender) - No. 72 > We're Gonna Need a Bigger Team > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- South Africa Shakes stretched out his arms and patted his stomach as he lay on the couch, "Whew! Rasta! Amazing barbecue as always. I'm so full right now!" Rasta walked in from the kitchen with an apron on and chuckled, "Haha! Thanks Shakes-man. I'm glad we finally got it done without anything interrupting or with someone missing out. Also, Coach-man, I'm glad you could make it" Coach leaned across Shakes and grabbed a sausage, "It was nothing, I always wanted to join you boys in one of Rasta's famous barbecues, but *sigh* Super League work!" Shakes groaned, "Speaking of, I wish the season will start again. I'm getting bored" Next to him, Klaus grabbed the TV remote, "OOO! I wonder when the next episode of Inspector Von Spector is airing!" The TV flicked on, to the soccer news, but before Klaus could change, Coach snatched the remote from him. On screen, the news anchor was sitting at the desk, with Sultans manager Sheikh Ali Zaman across him. Coach rested his chin on his knuckles, "Hmm... I wonder what kind of crazy new gimmick the Sheikh has cooked up this time?" The Sheikh announced, "It gives me great pleasure to reveal that I have been given approval from the Super League to host a new tournament! But there is a twist! the pitches will be twice the size and everything will be doubled! in other words, every Super League team will partner with a school soccer team to participate! Goal posts will be twice the size, to accommodate two goal keepers, plus twice the defenders, twice the midfielders and twice the forwards! All revenue from the tournament will be donated to charity." "As for the tournament format, all 16 teams will be in a round robin format with each team having one home leg and one away leg. Winning scores three points and a draw scores 1 point. Then, the top 4 teams will advance to the semifinals, and then the final!" "Thank you Sheikh Zaman, we look forward to seeing whom the Super League teams pair up with." With that, Coach switched off the TV and paced around the room. "What are you thinking Coach-man?" said Rasta, "Are we going to be participating?" He turned, "Yes Rasta, we will, I'm just thinking about which school to partner with for the tournament." Coach thought, "Hmm... I wonder... It has been a while since we last spoke." He turned back to the team, "Pack up boys, we're going on a road trip, destination Canterlot City!" Canterlot, A few days later "Yes... Yes of course we'll be happy to help.... You've just landed? Of course, you can bring them over and we'll get the teams acquainted with each other." Principal Celestia ended the call and pocketed her cellphone before turning to Vice-Principal Luna, leaning on the doorway. "Who was that sister?" "Does the name David Ledige ring any bells?" "Oh you mean our old friend who loved soccer?" "That's the one, he's now a coach for a Super League team in South Africa, called the Supa Strikas. He needed a favour, as the team are participating in a new kind of tournament that requires a Super League team to team up with a school team." "I see... I'll call Rainbow Dash and the rest of the girls." An hour later A red bus with a yellow badge and red lightning bolt, pulled up outside Canterlot High School, prompting Celestia and Luna to hurry out. Following them was a group of 11 girls, with one of them holding a soccer ball. The Strikas also filed out as the two sides sized each other up. Then, Celestia stepped forward, "Hello Supa Strikas, I an Principal Celestia, an old friend of Coach's. These girls here, are the Canterlot Wondercolts, led by captain and striker Rainbow Dash." As she said the name, she pointed to a rainbow-haired girl, before pointing to the rest and introducing them. "Our other striker, Applejack, our Right Midfielder Twilight Sparkle, Central Attacking Midfielder Sunset Shimmer, Left Midfielder Starlight Glimmer, Central Defensive Midfielder, Trixie Lulamoon. Right Back Rarity, Centre Backs Pinkie Pie and Tempest Shadow, Left Back Fluttershy and Goalkeeper Barb." Then, Rasta stepped up and shook hands with each girl, followed by the rest, "Greetings Wondercolts, I am Dancing Rasta from Jamaica, Midfielder and Captain." "Hey guys, I'm Shakes, striker from South Africa" "Hola! I'm El Matador from Spain, also a striker" "Guten Tag, I'm Klaus, Central Attacking Midfielder from Germany" "Hello, I'm Twisting Tiger, Midfielder from Japan" "Hey ya'll I'm Cool Joe from America!" "Sup Dudes! I'm North Shaw from Australia!," North then threw an arm around a tall blonde guy, "And this guy here is Blok defender from Brislovia, he doesn't speak English well and very few of us can understand him." "Hello, I am Eagle Eye, defender from USA" "Hey there, I'm Rizo defender from Croatia" "Good day, I'm Big Bo, goalkeeper from USA" Shakes then pounced on Big Bo, "This guy here is the best goalkeeper in the world!" Bo simply chuckled sheepishly, "I wouldn't say I'm the best, besides, aren't you forgetting The Mangler and de los Santos?" Shakes promptly deflated, "Oh... yeah, forgot about those two." Coach then spoke up, "Alright, now that the introductions are out of the way, why don't you all get to know each other and share information about each others' opponents." Soon, both teams were gathered together in a big group as Applejack passed around bottles of apple juice. Twilight spoke up, "So, tell us more about yourselves?" Rasta spoke up, "Aside from soccer, I love mountaineering. Shakes there, is usually never far away from a video game. El Matador, on the other hand, is never far from a mirror," he added, smirking. "Hey!" Applejack leaned over and whispered to Rainbow Dash, "Great... we got a Rarity clone.", and Rainbow snickered quietly. Undaunted, Rasta continued, "Klaus loves detective novels-" Klaus interrupted, "Especially Inspector Von Spector, which is also a TV series!" "Anyway, Cool Joe over there owns a disco club." Suddenly, there was a *whoosh* and Cool Joe's vision was filled with a white-skinned girl with red shades and electric blue spiky hair, and she was grinning widely. "YOU OWN A DISCO CLUB! I'M A DJ! HIT ME UP ONCE! I'M VINYL SCRATCH!" "Hey yo Vinyl! I'll certainly consider it!" Off to the side, Big Bo, felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned and looked down a little, to see Barb with a hopeful expression on her face. "I wanted er... to ask you something... You see, I'm not so great in goal and I rely too much on our defence so-" "-You want me to train you?" "Yeah" "Of course! I'll be more than happy to train you, If you want I could fly you back to South Africa to my place as I have a state-of-the-art training course at home." Shakes, who was passing by, overheard, "Yeah, trust me! that course is brutal! but it helped me out when I had to fill in for Bo!" Barb looked incredulous, "Really? what happened?" "Big Bo temporarily got amnesia because of a ploy by one of our rivals, but earlier that day, he showed us his training course and with him out of commission, I took the course and filled in for him" After some more talking and mingling, Twilight gathered both teams for a strategy meeting. To be precise, she asked the Strikas about their opponents. > Let's Talk Tactics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight led the Wondercolts and the Strikas to an empty classroom and grabbed two pieces of chalk and tossed one to Rasta who wrote down the names of all teams in the tournament. She said, "So, what can you guys tell us about our Super League opponents? From what Coach told me a little while ago, all the Super League teams are teaming up with schools around Canterlot. To be honest, we're not too worried about most of them, except for my old school, Crystal Prep, who are our biggest rivals." El Matador spoke up, "You guys have a rivalry too? Our biggest rival is Invincible United, but be careful of those muchachos, they aren't afraid of playing dirty. Well... most our rivals play dirty sometimes, but Invincible United are the worst. The players to watch out for are, Skarra and their captain, Dooma, who are the dirtiest players. Also, Automatic, who is notorious for his powerful throw-ins which can lead to goals." Twilight nodded and jotted down the information. Next was Cool Joe, "Moving on to Sultans FC, their sheikh generally tries to introduce gimmicks for example, loudspeakers in the stadium to disorient the opponents." Rasta spoke up, "Next up is Orion, the team's specialty is airborne play, partially aided by an anti-gravity chamber. Their coach, Professor Black, is crazy about space observation and exploration." Blok was next to share, while Shakes translated, "Technicali and their coach is Toni Vern relies heavily on technology. Vern is also known for underhanded tactics, like when he signed Blok's brother, Attak, just for the sake of mind games. The rest of the team believe in fairplay" Bo chipped in, "Grimm FC: They tend to rely on scare tactics to freak out opponents. But the REAL one to watch out for is Spike Dawson. He's a former player with a bit of a grudge against me, since my junior league days. While making a save, I accidentally injured him, I think it was an ankle sprain and easy to recover from, at least that's what I've been told, but he chose to retire and has blamed me for ending his career. Since then, he was always trying to sabotage me" Tiger stepped up, "Next up is Nakama FC, coached by Uragiri, he's a tough taskmaster and the team are one of the most disciplined and believe in honour. Not sure if the same can be said for Uragiri though" Klaus took over, "Zer is also Iron Tank FC, coached by Admiral von Pushup, who uses military techniques to train his players. Zis team is also dangerous because they can be very rough and aggressive." Rainbow couldn't resist bragging, "Bah! how tough can they be?" Rasta cautioned, "Be careful Rainbow Dash, by rough, we mean that Iron Tank are not afraid of injuring anyone, ask Shakes-man." At that point, Shakes' hand subconsciously covered his knee, and Rainbow deflated. Klaus continued, "Ze ones to vatch out for are Uber, Thor and their goalkeeper, Ze Mangler." North Shaw stepped up, "Dudes! Don't forget, there is also, Hydra FC led by Coach Del Aqua. These blokes are particularly good at their home games, mostly because of their floating stadium. The one to watch out for is Liquido, he is said to be one of the fastest midfielders." Shakes walked up and threw an arm around North's shoulder and ruffled his blonde hair, "Also, North and Liquido have a bit of a rivalry over who is the better surfer." "So, who's next?" asked Sunset. Shakes replied, "Barka FC with their star striker Riano, and trust me, Big Bo and Barb are gonna get a proper workout when he plays! There's also Club Palmentieri with their star player, Don Aldo, and to make matters more interesting, they are coached by the legendary striker Edwin." Bo spoke again, "Another tough team is Azul, especially in terms of defence mostly thanks to their goalie, De Los Santos. He's pretty much a giant and is able to cover the goal quite easily." Cool Joe spoke next, "There is also Cosmos, with their star player, Ninja, and they too resort to dubious tactics." Rasta concluded, "Finally, we have, Colossus, FC Cognito and Lokomotiv, they are not as strong as the other teams, but they are not to be underestimated" After a few moments of silence, Twilight spoke up, "Aside from Crystal Prep, not many of the schools in Canterlot pose much of a threat, but then again, like you said Rasta, they are not to be underestimated." Suddenly, there was an exclamation from Klaus, who was holding his phone, and everyone gathered around him immediately. "What is is Klaus, man?" The German's voice trembled a little, "Ze sheikh has signed the Amal 3 for a record-breaking transfer fee, previously held by El Matador." Upon hearing that, the pony-tail haired Spaniard exploded, "WHAT!!!! YOU MEAN TO SAY I'M NOW THE SECOND MOST EXPENSIVE SUPER LEAGUE PLAYER!" Klaus sheepishly held up four fingers and Matador fainted. "What else does the article say, Klaus man?" asked Rasta. "Umm... Sultans have also partnered with zis school called Griffonstone High, led by zere captain, Gilda." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy made a face, Cool Joe noticed immediately, "I take you and this Gilda gal have a history." "You could say that, Gilda used to be a friend of mine until I found out that she bullied Flutters, here." Shakes turned to Coach, who had just come inside the classroom, "So, when does the tournament begin? and when do we play?" Coach checked his cell phone, "The tournament begins next week with Sultans facing Lokomotiv in Dubai, we play at Strika Land against Invincible United, and it's gonna be a double rivalry, as they are partnering Crystal Prep." Applejack mused, "This is gonna be fun." Coach continued, "However, we will be watching the Sultan's match in Dubai, because I'm curious to see the Amal 3 in action. So, we're gonna be taking notes." Twilight squealed, "RESEARCH! I LOVE RESEARCH!" Sunset clapped a hand over Twilight's mouth as she babbled about formulas, studying, tactics, while Rainbow Dash simply muttered, "Egghead." > Opening Match and a Rivalry Resumes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Days Later at Strikaland Big Bo stood next to a machine that resembled Pinkie Pie's party cannon, with only a football at the mouth of the cannon and several more lined up behind it. He was facing Noah and Barb, who were in front of two separate goal posts and they crouched in anticipation of the ball. "A goalkeeper must follow four rules. First is observation, Notice every subtle movement of the opposition as they prepare to strike". He fired a ball in each of their directions, which Noah caught, but Barb missed. "Second, Instinct. Trust your instinct on where the opposition will shoot". He fired another two balls, aiming for different spots in the goal, but both keepers caught them easily. "Third, Reflexes. React to movements and kicks in a split second". Another couple of salvoes, but both Barb and Noah missed the three shots each. "Fourth and finally, Fearlessness. Have no fear, only complete commitment". This time, Noah got a finger to the ball, but Barb cowered. Big Bo shook his head, "And that's just for starters! come on over to my house, I've got a goalkeeper training course, as you two need the extra help." Five Days Later, Strika Jet to Dubai Big Bo, Barb and Noah Murdoch rejoined the gang back in Canterlot and they trained hard, with visible improvements to Barb and Noah's skills. Then they boarded the plane to Dubai for the opening ceremony and to watch Sultans first match. Mid-flight, there was a ruckus, as the TV monitors showcased the Amal 3's renowned "3 Blind Mice" routine. Shakes sat there with his mouth open, when his vision was filled with rainbow-coloured hair, he placed a hand on her head and shoved her back to her seat, "I only wanted to make sure that you were seeing the same thing that I was!" The Sultans-Iron Tank match kicked off and the triplets made mincemeat out of the burly Iron Tank players. Cool Joe and Eagle Eye were quite stunned, as the Amal 3 were able to communicate without even talking to each other. Even when Uber went for his signature slide tackles, they were almost able to predict it and dance out of the way. In the end, the stunned Strikas and Wondercolts watched as the triplets thrashed Iron Tank and Buffalo Academy, led by Uber and Captain Thunderhooves respectively. Even the small and nimble Little Strongheart got snuffed out by the three midfielders whenever Iron Tank attempted an attack. The #3 Amal brother soon sent a beautiful curling shot towards Gilda, who calmly slotted into the net. Even the Amal Three slotted into the net, to humiliate Iron Tank, 4-0. After the game, the Strikas and Wondercolts went back to the airport and headed to Strikaland to prepare for their Invincible United clash. Coach proved to be a tough taskmaster and the Wondercolts struggled to meet his standards initially. Luckily, Rasta's guidance proved to be the right motivators and they caught on quickly. Then one day, a week before the game, Coach blew his whistle, "Boys and girls, this isn't working, our progress is too slow. We need some special training, Shakes? Do you still have El Ariete's number?" Shakes and North Shaw fist-pumped, "ALRIGHT! WE GET TO DO SOME HEADER TRAINING! See you guys later!" "WAIT! Everyone's going, no exceptions." On the Strika Jet As everyone got settled in the jet, Noah noticed four more Wondercolts and made his way to the quartet. "Hey, I don't think we've been introduced, who are you four." All the Strikas turned to the new faces. A girl with aquamarine colour skin spoke up, "Hi, I'm Lyra Heartstrings, and these are Bon Bon, Moon Dancer and Wallflower Blush. We're the substitute players." "Ah, just like me, Lankey, Aldo and Griz" Elsewhere on the jet, Shakes, North Shaw and Blok shared a conspiratorial smirk and Blok warbled something. Starlight leaned across from her seat, "What did he say?" Shakes grinned evilly, "You all have no idea what you are getting yourselves into. Automatic's throw-ins are powerful but nothing compared to The Battering Ram!" Twilight raised an eyebrow, "The Battering Ram?" "That's El Ariete's nickname" "I see, who is he anyway?" Tiger chipped in, "He lives in an old pirate tower in Ibiza-" Rainbow's eyes gleamed, "PIRATE TOWER! SO WE GET TO MEET PIRATES! AWESOME" "It's abandoned", came the collective reply. "IBIZA!!!! YOU MEAN WORLD PARTY CAPITAL, TROPICAL PARADISE IBIZA!?", This time it was Pinkie Pie. Coach nodded. The pink poofy-haired girl squealed for almost a minute. After she finished, Coach continued, "El Ariete's techniques are a bit unusual, Shakes, North Shaw and Blok can attest to that." The trio nodded, Tiger continued, "As I was saying, I heard that he shoots trespassers with cannons." This time, the interruption was Fluttershy, who squeaked and sank lower into her seat. Rasta, sitting next to her, patted her back comfortingly, "That's nothing but an old wives' tale. Right, Shakes-man?" "Eh... more or less." At Pirate Tower As the Strikas and Wondercolts approached the door, Rarity grumbling for having to trek through an 'icky jungle ruining her make-up'. Shakes held up his hand, stopping everyone. "Let me handle this, El Ariete is not too fond of trespassers, especially after the tower became a tourist attraction a few years ago, but he stopped that immediately." He knocked on the giant doors, only for a loud gruff voice to call out, "Come one step closer and I'll blow your brains out! I told you, NO TOURISTS!" North grinned, "You're not even going to open the door for some old friends, dude?" After a few moments, the doors opened with a huge groan. They were met with a slightly short man in a red cap, cargo pants and an unbuttoned navy blue shirt, twirling long curly mustache. With a broad grin, he called out, "Hotshots! Wise Guy! Good to see you three again, and I see you brought the rest of the squad and some new friends!" North sheepishly scratched his head, "Yeah, we're up against Invincible United and the 'unstoppable throw in' once again. Blok, Shakes and I could hold our own, but this time, we felt that everyone needs to stand a chance. So we brought the whole team." El Ariete jovially slapped North's back, "And you came to the right place amigos!" Shakes piped up, "So, are we going some header training?" "No my boy. We're doing Ultimate Header training! And remember, No Risk, No Reward..." The trio of dummies, cannons and the goalpost waiting for them, was met with mixed reactions. North, Blok and Shakes grimaced slightly, Fluttershy looked terrified, most of the Strikas and Wondercolts had determined look on their faces. However, Rainbow Dash, looked almost cocky. "I bet I can ace this in 10 seconds flat!" The girls shot her dirty looks, El Ariete's eyes narrowed and he twirled his mustache. The Strikas simply backed off, with North Shaw muttering, "Your funeral, dude." The next 15 minutes consisted of Rainbow Dash's face being blasted by cannon-powered footballs, each one knocking her down. Finally, a visibly battered Rainbow crawled back defeated and a smirking Applejack pulled her back on her feet. "That oughta teach ya to put yer money where yer mouth is." El Ariete stood next to a cannon with a lit torch and barked, "Alright boys and girls! Welcome to Ultimate Header Training! Class is in session." The sessions were intense, but Shakes, North Shaw and Blok supervised, but El Ariete gave Fluttershy personal lessons, noting that she was the most timid of the group. Strikaland, half and hour before kick-off The gang soon convened in the locker room, and the Wondercolts stared in awe as they saw their new kits. Rarity couldn't stop gushing about how they looked 'absolutely gorgeous'. Then, Rasta gave two sharp claps and gestured for everyone to gather around him. "Okay guys, Coach just told me that we need to figure out how to position ourselves. The Strikas use a 4-3-1-2 formation and the Wondercolts use a 4-1-2-1-2 formation. So, how do we arrange ourselves?" Moondancer chipped in, "I'd suggest that Rainbow Dash and Applejack be used down the wings, let Shakes and El Matador stay where they are. Klaus can be used as a center forward, while Sunset stays as an attacking midfielder. Rasta, you and Starlight don't mind dropping to a central defensive role do you?" "No problem, man. Anything to help the team." "Anyway, Tempest Shadow and Blok could be used as sweeping defenders. Meanwhile, Eagle Eye and Rarity could be used as Right Wing Backs.Other than that, I think we should be set." Rasta held out his arm, "Strikas and Wondercolts on three, One... Two... Three..." "Supa Canterlot Wondercolt Strikas!", everyone cheered. Pinkie Pie chirped, "Wow! We gotta work on that one! Doesn't quite roll off the tongue." First Half There was plenty of back and forth between the two sides, until the 12th minute, when Invincible United vice-captain Skarra tried a pass down the wing, only to shoot it towards Tempest's calf and have it roll out for a throw in. Up stepped Automatic, while the Strikas and Wondercolts took up defensive positions. Interestingly, North Shaw and Blok stood on either side of Big Bo and Barb. The throw came in low and fast, and Skarra sprinted to head the ball into the net. However, North Shaw got there first with a tremendous burst of speed and headed it away, straight to Sunset's feet and she bolted to trigger the counter-attack. Crystal Prep's Sugarcoat struggled to keep up with her. Sunset crossed the ball to El Matador, but goalkeepers, Alizarin Bubblegum and Web were ready for her and they parried it away to Dingaa. For the next half an hour until half-time, Invincible United and Crystal Prep alternated between trying to score and getting a throw-in. Fortunately, Big Bo and Barb were able to protect their goal, with a little help from Blok and North. Half-Time Coach gathered the team and smiled, "Excellent job, boys and girls. I think we've shown Invincible United that their throw-ins can be stopped." Then his face grew serious, "However, we cannot keep defending for the entire match. Sunset had a good idea when she tried to get on the counter-attack. We need more moments like that, but we need to catch them off guard." Second Half Once again, Invincible United tried the same tactic of getting throw-ins. However, there was always a Strika or a Wondercolt to snuff out the danger. This time though, Shakes, El Matador, Applejack and Rainbow Dash tested out the counter-attacks. Unfortunately, Dingaa, Sunny Flare and the other defenders were able to stop them. Soon, 90 minutes were up, and three minutes of stoppage time began. Automatic had gone out for possibly the last throw-in of the game, when Rasta called everyone for another meeting, but then Shakes noticed something. "Uh guys... you're not going to believe this but they're bringing their goalies forward." Barb exclaimed, "An extra two people? This could tip things in their favour!" Tempest spoke up at last, "On the other hand, this could make them vulnerable to the counter-attack." Klaus spoke up, "So, vat do we do?" Blok warbled, and Fluttershy turned to him incredulously, "Um... Blok, are you sure, that um... seems really risky." North grinned, "No Risk, No Reward!" This time, North and Blok finally marked a player, leaving Big Bo and Barb to guard the nets. Everyone watched as Automatic took a couple of steps and suddenly performed a front flip and the ball came in like a bullet. Tempest charged backwards and in an unprecedented move, headed the ball towards the Strikas net! Thousands of eyes widened, as Big Bo caught the ball point blank. He looked as the stunned United and Crystal Prep faces. He smirked and said, "How fast, can you run?" Bo tossed the ball to Barb, who gave it an almighty kick towards the unguarded United net. Skipper Dooma was the first to snap out of it, "GET BACK! ALL OF YOU!" Alizarin Bubblegum and Web sprinted back to the net, and Automatic was halfway there already. He stuck out his foot to intercept the ball, but missed by inches. The visitors could only look on in disbelief as the ball settled in the back of the net. The final whistle blew and the Wondercolt Strikas sealed a win in the dying moments of the game. Barb squealed and celebrated, only to get dog-piled by everyone in the team. As the jubilant team walked back, a voice behind them called out, "Shakes!" The South African forward turned and spotted an obese man in a white shirt, green trousers and a hat. He was with a red-headed woman decked out in Strikas merchandise. He grinned, "Spenza! Fran! Good to see you guys!" He turned to the Wondercolts, "Hey girls, this is my best friend Spenza, and his girlfriend, Francheska, but she prefers to be called Super Fran. Spenza, Fran, these are the Wondercolts, meet Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon a.k.a The Great and Powerful Trixie, Tempest Shadow and the hero of the hour, Barb! We also have Lyra, Bon Bon, Moon Dancer and Wallflower Blush." "Hey, nice to meet ya all, I'm Spenza and I'm a P.I. and this is my girlfriend Fran, she is the Supa Strikas number 1 fan." Then, Coach whistled, "Congratulations everyone! That was a great game! I admit, you had me sweating with that last move, but I'm glad it worked out. I'd say you lot deserve a break." Pinkie waved her hand frantically, "OOO! OOO! Can we go to Ibiza! I mean, what kind of party lover am I, if I don't visit the party capital!" Coach chuckled, "Alright, you can go if you want." "YAY!" came a collective cheer.