Monsters & Mortals

by APStories

First published

Crazy adventures await our heroes.

Monsters. Magic. Storylines. When it comes to Dungeons & Dragons, the sky's the limit. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the fighters of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate have nothing better to do, so they play several games of Dungeons & Dragons with Sunset Shimmer as the Dungeon Master, but the stakes have never been higher...

Quest For The Spaghetti Of Power

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The medieval era. A millennium-long era of dungeons and dragons. Four brave heroes are on a dangerous journey to find the Spaghetti of Power. They're either very brave... or really stupid.

An alien hedgehog, an alien wolf, a being that resembled Anubis, and a knight made it to the top of a hill. "Hey, guys. I think that's the town", the alien wolf, Wolf O'Donnell, said. However, it was several yards below them.

"We can't get down there! We're too high up!", the alien hedgehog, Sonic, said.

"I agree with Sonic", the Anubis-like being, Lucario, replied.

"Meta Knight, can't you do something?", Sonic asked.

"I can set your head on fire", Meta Knight answered.

"Hey, guys! I found a helicopter!", Sonic said... and he wasn't joking.


"Sonic, helicopters weren't around in the medieval era", Sunset Shimmer said. Suddenly, Lucario's phone buzzed.

"Oops. Hold on", Lucario said. He answered the call. "Hello?" The person on the other end said that Lucario had a Smash match in half an hour. "Shit. Let him have the helicopter."


"At least that wasn't a low-budget flight", Sonic quipped as the foursome made it to the town.

"Alright, what are we doing here?", Lucario asked.

"We're here to ask people about the Spaghetti of Power, a powerful dish said to bring ultimate might", Wolf answered.

There was a Dovahkiin in the town. "Hey, you! Did you eat the Spaghetti of Power?", Sonic asked. The Dovahkiin didn't answer, but Sonic's quills now had an axe in them.

"Yeah... I'm going to the inn", Meta Knight said.


Meta Knight, Wolf, and Lucario asked the clerk where the Spaghetti of Power was said to rest, and the answer was far from settling. It was located in the abandoned town of Castle Mushron. The clerk also mentioned how he had never heard of anyone who last stepped into the town... which was VERY unsettling. The clerk then led the trio to the outskirts of town. Suddenly, Sonic (who managed to get the axe out of his quills) appeared in a car and accidentally ran over the clerk. "Nope! I draw the line at cars!", Sunset Shimmer said. The car then vanished.

It took a while, but the four heroes made it to the town with Castle Mushron. However, the town was inhabited by skeletons. They walked up to the entrance of the castle. "PINGAS!", Sonic screamed. No response.

Once they were inside (the castle was actually well kept considering the town's state), an army of goblins were waiting.


"Wait... these guys look awfully familiar", Sonic said.

"Oh! I used the Green Goblin from Spider-Man", Sunset Shimmer responded.


"Let's do this!", Sonic said. He managed to kill 18 goblins. Wolf, however, wasn't having much luck. He managed to kill one, though. Meta Knight then cast a spell on another one... giving the goblin Sonic's face. The goblin then committed suicide because he didn't want to live with such an ugly face. As Sonic killed another goblin, a goblin with a sword then attacked Sonic, causing the Blue Blur to go absolutely ballistic and kill off the rest of the goblins. Lucario then pulled the sword out of Sonic's back.

The foursome entered the dungeon, which was filled with booby traps. Meta Knight then threw a goblin corpse, revealing several traps. "Hmmm...", Meta Knight said.

As they went through the dungeon, they used the corpses as bait. One trap was a powerful lazer, which the gang easily avoided. Another trap had multiple spears, which Sonic easily avoided thanks to his super-speed. He managed to get the others across as well. Another trap had multiple guns, but these were super easy to avoid. They made it to the final room, where an entire plethora of deadly traps awaited. "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!", Sonic shouted as he avoided a spear, got burnt, nearly avoided a swinging mace, got attacked by spikes, and got squished by a pillar that was moving up and down. Wolf, however, made it through with ease... though when he passed Sonic, the hedgehog got squished by another pillar. Meta Knight used several spells to get past the traps. Lucario realized there was only one spell he could use: self-healing. He proceeded to dance his way through the traps. They made it through, but Wolf was the only one who was unscathed. Sonic got decapitated by the second pillar, Meta Knight somehow had a sword in his head, and Lucario had several traps stuck to him like glue. However, the Aura Pokémon healed himself and his allies. The Spaghetti of Power was on a pedestal. Suddenly, the room began to rumble. A massive dragon appeared. It was a Crimson Fatalis.


"Uh, Sonic? What is that thing?", Wolf asked.

"That is a Crimson Fatalis, an Elder Dragon originating from the Japan-exclusive PlayStation 2 video game Monster Hunter G", Sonic answered. "I chose this dragon because it's crimson, which reminds me of our Game Master, and it's a dragon, and you can't have Dungeons & Dragons without a dragon. Crimson Fatalis is a Fatalis whose shells and scales have become a reddish-crimson color after generations of exposure to the Volcano. One of its four horns is extremely overgrown in comparison to the rest. Extremely aggressive and violent, even by Fatalis standards. Crimson Fatalis' rage is nearly everlasting. The dragon's natural element of lava and its extreme rage go hand in hand. It will kill anything in its path without a second thought. It lurks in the depths of the Volcanic Belt, where it lives as one with the environment."

"Wait... extremely aggressive and violent?", Sunset asked.



"Bring it on!", Sonic shouted. "It's a good thing I gave you guys freeze rays!" Wolf, however, didn't know that he was supposed to charge it up to unleash a blast of ice, so only snowballs were fired from his freeze ray. However, it was enough for Sonic to sneak away.

"Goddamn it! This thing is busted!", Wolf angrily said. The Crimson Fatalis nearly incinerated Wolf, but Meta Knight saved him.

"Take this!", Meta Knight shouted as he cast a spell causing the chandelier above them to fall on the Crimson Fatalis. "Sonic, finish this thing off!"

"On it!", Sonic shouted as he emerged from his hiding place. However, the Crimson Fatalis incinerated Sonic... or so he thought. Lucario used his healing abilities to protect Sonic.

"NO!", the Crimson Fatalis boomed as Sonic's freeze ray fully charged up. The alien hedgehog unleashed a massive blast of ice, freezing the Crimson Fatalis. Sonic took out an axe and striked the frozen monster, causing it to shatter into hundreds of pieces.

"We did it!", Sonic said. He walked over to the pedestal and grabbed the Spaghetti of Power. He and his allies devoured the Spaghetti of Power, and, just like the legend said, the four heroes gained more power than ever before.


"Congratulations! You found the Spaghetti of Power!", Sunset said. Lucario then left to go to his Smash match.

Hunt For The Egg Of Pokémon GO

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At a bar, Wolf O'Donnell, Lucario, and Meta Knight were getting drunk, with Wolf about to pass out. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, which snapped Wolf awake as he fell to the ground. "Huh? Who that?", Wolf slurred. Sonic the Hedgehog walked inside. "Oh, thank God. It's just you."

"Hey, Wolf", Sonic replied as he propped Wolf up using his right arm. His other arm had a tablet. "You okay?"

"I'm drunk, but I'll manage", Wolf responded as he regained his strength. He saw the tablet. "Hey, Lucario. I think this tablet has something about you." The Aura Pokémon took the tablet. "It looks like a crappy version of the iPad."

"Let me see that", Lucario said as he took the tablet. "Hmmm... Wi-Fi's low."

Outside, there was better reception. "Do you want to be the sexiest of them all? Own the most murderous beast in the universe? Then find the legendary Pokémon GO egg or forever be a scrub", the tablet said via video.

"Okay... where is it?", Sonic asked. Wolf took the tablet.

"It's that way", Wolf answered, pointing east.

"Alright!", Sonic said. It took a day, but the foursome made it to a cave.

"It's past the cave", Wolf said, holding the tablet. "Doesn't seem too bad..."

"How about that murderous troll that's guarding the entrance?", Meta Knight asked.

"Looks like we're in for a fight", Sonic said, wielding his battle axe.

"Or we can sneak past him", Lucario recommended.


"Okay, stealth it is", Sunset said. "You have to roll a 13 or higher to succeed." Wolf rolled an 18.


Wolf tiptoed past the troll.


Meta Knight rolled a 20.


Meta Knight transformed into a rock and rolled past the troll... which strangely worked.


Lucario rolled a 13.


The troll must've been stupid or something, because when Lucario disguised himself as a plant, he managed to fool the troll.


Sonic rolled a 1.


Sonic stepped on a land mine, which exploded and caught the attention of the troll. "Aw, hell, nah!", Lucario said. He cast a seduce spell on the troll, which made it fall in love... with a cactus. The result? The troll's pingas got pricked.

In the cave, bioluminescence lit the way. "Uh... where the hell do we go now?", Meta Knight asked.

"Guys, we have a problem", Wolf said. "We have no signal!"

"Give me that!", Lucario said, grabbing the tablet. "There's gotta be something we can use! Oh, here we go! We can summon an altar to teleport us out of here!"

"Nope! I ain't doing that shit!", Meta Knight said. "I ain't holding your hand even if that altar will get us out of here!" Meta Knight had no choice, though. Suddenly, small beings made of light began circling the heroes.

"Great Thunderbugs!", Wolf said, readying his bow and arrows. Sure enough, these were small but vicious creatures known as Great Thunderbugs. Great Thunderbugs are also known to change into two different colors: blue and reddish-white. When in their normal and docile state, they are blue, but when attempting to attack, the blue hue becomes a fierce, glowing reddish-white; if they strike a hunter in this state they will cause notable damage. Eyewitness reports also claim that some Elder Dragons are hosts to them, providing a safe environment in which to mature. A famous example of this is the Yama Tsukami. However, the Great Thunderbugs released by Yama Tsukami are unique in that they can explode. Unfortunately, that's exactly what kind of Great Thunderbug these ones were.

"Water guns!", Sonic said. He and Wolf took out water guns and sprayed the monsters, causing them to explode. However, some Great Thunderbugs began exploding near Wolf, paralyzing him. Sonic, however, managed to destroy them.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Maybe you should calm down!", a Great Thunderbug said.

"Maybe you should 🎵 shut the fuck up! 🎵", Sonic replied as he destroyed the Great Thunderbug that spoke to him. Lucario and Meta Knight finished the spell and summoned the altar. Meta Knight cast a spell, and the foursome went into the altar.

Unfortunately, Meta Knight sent them to an entirely different plane of existence. Additionally, an Elder Dragon was awoken by their arrival: Yama Tsukami. Yama Tsukami is an unusual Elder Dragon with an octopus-like body. It is covered in moss, algae, and other plant life, and boasts a set of four thick tentacles. In addition, it possesses two large whiskers and an oddly human-like set of teeth and gums. It produces gas within its body in order to keep itself afloat. Its classification as an Elder Dragon is simply due to the fact that it does not fit into any category, much like the Kirin. This mysterious creature's place in relation to other monsters is completely unknown.

"Die...", the Yama Tsukami bellowed as its four giant tentacles emerged from the ground and hundreds of Great Thunderbugs began honing in on the foursome.

"There's too many of them!", Sonic said.

"Guys, up there! The exit!", Wolf said as he pointed towards the sky. Sure enough, there was a portal.

"Don't worry! I have an idea!", Lucario said as he cast a spell, summoning a giant firecracker. Meta Knight lit it, and the four heroes hopped on. However, the weight of four Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighters was too much.


"Fuck this!", Wolf said as he rolled a 20. "I flap my arms so I can fly!"

"Seriously? You think that's gonna work?", Sunset asked.

"Yes!", Wolf answered.


"Time to fly!", Wolf said as he flapped his arms, causing the firecracker to fly through the portal.

The foursome landed on the ground hard as they fell out of the other end of the portal. Sonic grabbed the tablet and it said the egg was nearby. He summoned a shovel and dug into the ground, finding the egg. It then hatched, and a Legendary Pokémon emerged: Kyurem.


"Congratulations! You found the egg!", Sunset said.

Fortitude Abominate

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It was nighttime in Canterlot. A blizzard was engulfing the town. The light of Sunset Shimmer's house was glowing dimly as she and three Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters were preparing for the next adventure, titled Jaws Of Dawn. Sunset gained inspiration from IRIS, but she put her own spin on it. Instead of 20 fighters, there would be three: Mario (Fire), Greninja (Water), and Luigi (Lightning). All the monsters would be replaced with monsters from the Monster Hunter franchise. "Did you guys get here okay? That blizzard is definitely an issue", Sunset said.

"Luigi and I are just fine, but Greninja is still frozen solid", Mario answered. "By the way, he'll be able to communicate with its via the translator around his neck."

"Excellent", Sunset said. Eventually, Greninja was thawed out.

"Thank Arceus I'm not a frog-sicle", Greninja quipped.

"Okay. You all know how this works, right?", Sunset asked.

"Yes", Luigi said.

"Then let's get started", Sunset said.


A Shrouded Nerscylla approached the heroes in a desolate wasteland. Mario wielded a Blazing Falchion and striked the massive beast, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja wielded two Guild Knight Sabers and acrobatically sliced the Shrouded Nerscylla, dealing some damage. Luigi wielded an Emperor Thundersword and stabbed the monster in the face, dealing some damage. The Shrouded Nerscylla, however, wouldn't give up. It webbed Mario, immobilizing him. As Mario attempted to free himself, Greninja acrobatically sliced the Shrouded Nerscylla with his Guild Knight Sabers, dealing some damage. Luigi used his Emperor Thundersword to stab the monster in the face, dealing some damage. The Shrouded Nerscylla, however, wouldn't give up. It webbed Greninja, immobilizing him. However, Mario freed himself. He used his Blazing Falchion and striked the massive beast, dealing some heavy damage. Luigi used his Emperor Thundersword to stab the monster in the face, dealing some damage. The Shrouded Nerscylla, however, wouldn't give up. It webbed Luigi, immobilizing him. However, Greninja freed himself. Mario used his Blazing Falchion and striked the massive beast, dealing some heavy damage and slaying the monster.


Something hit the house. "What was that?!", Mario asked.

"Guys, we're snowed in!", Luigi answered as a huge pile of snow blocked the only way out.

"I got this", Greninja said as he used Shadow Sneak (Side Special) to teleport outside. He then used Hydro Pump (Up Special) to clear the snow away. The force of the water jet was enough to eradicate the pile of snow. He used Shadow Sneak once again to teleport back inside. "I've got two more moves: Water Shuriken (Standard Special) and Substitute (Down Special). My Final Smash, Secret Ninja Attack, isn't a Pokémon move, though."

"That was amazing!", Sunset said.


A Hypnocatrice then appeared and snagged the weapons as Luigi freed himself. Hypnocatrice is a medium-sized Bird Wyvern covered in bright, colorful feathers. It has extremely powerful legs with large feet, and a hard, sharp beak. Despite its feathered appearance, Hypnocatrice flies using pterosaur or bat-like membraned wings, leaving its feather arrangements strictly for display purposes. It possesses a sleep sac, which allows it to produce a colorless mist that can cause attackers to fall unconscious. Its strong legs allow it to deliver powerful kicks, and its small size and light weight allow it to move with speed and agility during battle. Hypnocatrice is not particularly aggressive or territorial, but will stand its ground if threatened. Mario threw a Rathalos Flamesword at the monster, striking it down and dealing some heavy damage. However, the impact destroyed the weapons it snagged. Greninja wielded a Plesioth Lullabane and striked the monster's legs, dealing some damage. Luigi unsheathed a Devil Slicer and sliced the monster's beak, dealing some damage. "Is that a Samurai sword?!", Greninja asked as the Hypnocatrice put Mario to sleep using the sleep sac.

"Not quite. It's a Devil Slicer, but it looks like a Samurai sword", Luigi answered as Greninja attacked Mario to wake him up, dealing some damage to Mario, but giving the red-clad plumber a chance to attack the monster with his Rathalos Flamesword, dealing some heavy damage. Luigi used his Devil Slice to slice the monster's wings, dealing some damage. "The Green Thunder strikes like lightning." The Hypnocatrice, however, then put Luigi to sleep using the sleep sac. In retaliation, Mario used his Rathalos Flamesword to attack the monster, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to stab the monster in the heart, dealing some damage and slaying the monster. Luigi woke up.


"Uh... who's the Green Thunder?", Sunset asked.

"It's an alter ego of an alternate universe version of me known as Mr. L", Luigi answered.


A Flame Blangonga approached the heroes at the opening of a cave. Unlike the other types of Blangonga, Flame Blangongas have red fur with some small yellow present on the back, and grey skin. A patch of yellow fur is present on the "dome" on the head. The eyes are purple, the head has a few pale yellow stripe marks, and the whiskers are half red and half yellow. Lastly, notably thick layers of skin with a rocky texture are present on the forearms and hands, with only a few "cracks" of red fur present. Flame Blangongas are rather agile and fairly strong. They'll frequently use their breath to attack foes, in this case, being quite hot due to the environment, and stuff picked up by the blast of air. Their fur and skin keeps them safe from the heat, in fact the thick skin on the arms and hands is hardy enough to withstand lava, resulting in a tactic where a Flame Blangonga will cover its arms in lava to add a literally fiery punch to their physical attacks, or to throw as projectiles with a hard enough swing. Similar to Copper Blangonga, Flame Blangongas live alone, but are still no less aggressive against things that get too close to them. "Let's-a do this!", Mario shouted as he striked the monster with his Rathalos Flamesword, dealing some damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the monster's hair, dealing some heavy damage. Luigi's Devil Slicer also dealt some heavy damage to the monster as he sliced the fangs off, confusing Mario. It used its fire breath to nearly incinerate Mario, but a pond nearby helpfully extinguished the flames, giving Greninja and Luigi a chance to attack. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the monster's hair, dealing some heavy damage.

"Talk about a bad hair day!", Greninja quipped as Luigi used his Devil Slicer to slice the monster's teeth off, dealing some heavy damage. Enraged, the Flame Blangonga nearly incinerated Luigi, who extinguished the flames in the pond. Mario stabbed the monster in the heart, dealing some damage and slaying the monster.


"One would think this is the end... but this is just the beginning", Sunset said.

Parasitic Yonder

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In the dark cave...

"There's a gauntlet here, but it's very dim. It'll take a while to charge it up", Mario said. The cave was infested with Iodromes. An Iodrome is significantly larger than normal Ioprey and possesses a larger crest. Unlike other pack leaders, Iodrome has a more amphibian look, with salamander-like skin that seems to glisten with moisture, and a frog-like throat sac. It also lacks the sharp claws of its relatives, relying more on poison to bring down prey like Aptonoth and enemies. Although not as strong as Flying Wyverns, it can quickly cripple hunters with the power of its pack and poison. Iodrome is a threat due to its speed, agility, considerable strength and poison. When threatened, Iodrome spits Poison from the poison sac in its throat. There was 20 of them, and not a single Ioprey in sight. Fortunately, Iodromes are weak to water and thunder, so Greninja and Luigi could easily take them down. Both Greninja and Luigi readied their weapons. As Mario got to work, Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to decapitate one, while Luigi used his Devil Slicer to slice and dice another one.

"Isn't this thing supposed to put monsters to sleep if it doesn't kill them?!", Greninja asked as he killed another Iodrome.

"That would make things way too easy", Sunset answered. Luigi used his Devil Slicer to kill another Iodrome, but a fifth one destroyed the weapon and tossed it aside.

"Okay, then...", Luigi said as he unsheathed a Wailing Cleaver Shin, his most powerful weapon, and annihilated the monster. After killing a sixth monster, Mario realized that he needed to put a Fire weapon into the Gauntlet to light it up. He inserted his Rathalos Flamesword into the Gauntlet, and the light caused the Iodromes to retreat. Fortunately, Mario had something much stronger: a Rathalos Gleamsword. The trio made it to the center of the cave, where a Deviljho awaited. Standing at 41 meters tall, it roared. Deviljho is a very large, bipedal Brute Wyvern characterized by its uniform forest green coloration and muscular upper body. Its thick hide is littered with short, jagged spines that reach a maximum height along the back and tail. Deviljho has a narrow snout with a large lower jaw, covered in multiple rows of teeth spreading outwards from the mouth. It has massive, powerful hind legs, but tiny, poorly developed forelegs that it rarely utilizes. When enraged, Deviljho's back and shoulder muscles swell considerably revealing scars. During this period, areas of its skin will take on a bright red coloration. Deviljho is armed with a powerful set of jaws that it can use to deliver bone-crunching bites to prey and foe alike. Deviljho can also use its jaws to pick up prey and toss it around. It can also throw rocks at hunters using its jaw. In addition, its powerful hind legs allow it to run at relatively high speed and leap considerable distances towards prey. When enraged, Deviljho is capable of producing a mysterious clouded emission that can be shot out of the mouth in a stream at prey. This substance contains the Dragon Element and can be very deadly to hunters as well as other monsters. Deviljho is a nomadic monster, prone to wandering vast distances in search of prey. Its status as a super-predator allows it to overtake the territory of any monster that stands in its path. Because of the extreme amount of energy its body consumes, Deviljho is always in search of food sources. It is known to be cannibalistic, and is also prone to eating prey alive in order to waste as little time as possible in replenishing its energy. Fortunately, the trio had extremely powerful weapons, so they were ready.

"Dear Arceus...", Greninja said as the fight began. Mario ran towards the Deviljho and used his Rathalos Gleamsword to deal some serious damage to the monster's left leg. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to deal some equally serious damage to the monster's right leg. Since the monster was weak to thunder, Luigi's Wailing Cleaver Shin dealt some heavy damage to the monster's stomach.

"The monster's mouth is the weak spot", Sunset said. The Deviljho then used Waterblight on Mario, which made him drowsy, but not sleepy. However, he took heavy damage. Mario ran up the monster's back and stabbed it through the mouth, which dealt more damage than normal. Additionally, the monster caught fire. Greninja followed Mario's lead and stabbed his Plesioth Lullabane through the mouth, which dealt more damage than normal and made the monster sleepy. Luigi, however, dealt the most damage with his Wailing Cleaver Shin. After stabbing the monster's mouth, it became electrocuted. The monster, however, wouldn't give up. It used Waterblight on Mario once again, dealing some heavy damage.

"Press the attack!", Mario shouted. Since the monster was on fire, was sleepy, and was being electrocuted, it was pretty much done for. Mario ran up the monster's back and stabbed it through the mouth, which dealt more damage than normal. Greninja followed Mario's lead and stabbed his Plesioth Lullabane through the mouth, which dealt more damage than normal. Luigi, however, dealt the most damage with his Wailing Cleaver Shin. He stabbed the monster's mouth, dealing some extremely heavy damage. The monster, however, wouldn't give up. It used Waterblight on Mario once again, dealing some heavy damage. Mario stabbed the monster in the heart, slaying the monster.

Outside the cave, the trio rested for a while. "Well... we did it", Luigi said. Suddenly, the ground shook. An inhuman roar filled the void. A gargantuan beast landed in front of the trio.


"Congratulations! You've slayed the Deviljho! Now... wait a minute", Sunset said. "Oh... there's one final part. Dear God... it's a massive beast... unlike anything you've seen before... the Safi'jiiva! It's got more HP than the previous four boss monsters combined, and it's leagues more stronger than anything you've ever encountered! The final battle is upon us! It's time to end this game once and for all!"

Rise Against The Hive

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Safi'jiiva is a large red dragon that in contrast to its juvenile form, Xeno'jiiva, no longer has an otherworldly appearance. Its scales are now rigid, very resistant to damage unless tenderized, and red in colour with some dark accents on many parts, such as the horns, feet, spikes, and wing edges. Its wing webbing and underside, however, is a tan colour. Its body parts no longer glow except when absorbing energy or when in its "Supercritical" state. Many spikes run from its neck along its back to the tail tip. Safi'jiiva keeps its arms bent and its chest close to the ground, unlike its juvenile form, which keeps its arms outstretched and its chest high off the ground. This can give the impression that Safi'jiiva is smaller than its younger counterpart despite them being almost identical in size, with the former being slightly longer.

"You're in luck. The Safi'jiiva is weak to every single weapon... which make no sense at all whatsoever seeing as how it's the final boss of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. However, it absorbs energy from its environment to heal itself and change the ecosystem. Hit it with everything you've got!", Sunset said. The three heroes faced the massive beast.

"Let's-a GO!", Mario shouted as he leaped upwards and striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the right wing, dealing some heavy damage. Luigi used his Wailing Cleaver Shin to slice the left wing, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster grabbed Luigi with its mouth and tossed him aside. The Safi'jiiva then used Fireblight on the Green Thunder, dealing some extremely heavy damage. "Luigi!" Mario striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the right wing, dealing some heavy damage. Luigi used his Wailing Cleaver Shin to slice the left wing, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster grabbed Luigi with its mouth and tossed him aside. The Safi'jiiva then used Fireblight on the Green Thunder once again, dealing some extremely heavy damage.

"You bitch! Or bastard!", Luigi shouted as Mario striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the right wing, dealing some heavy damage. Luigi used his Wailing Cleaver Shin to slice the left wing, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster grabbed Luigi with its mouth and tossed him aside. The Safi'jiiva then used Fireblight on the Green Thunder once again, killing Luigi.


"You did amazing, Luigi", Sunset said.


"Holy shit!", Mario said as he striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the chest, dealing some heavy damage. However, the Safi'jiiva's next target was Mario. It grabbed Mario and tossed him aside. It then used Fireblight on Mario, dealing some extremely heavy damage. Mario, however, wouldn't give up. He striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the chest, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster grabbed Mario with its mouth and tossed him aside. The Safi'jiiva then used Fireblight on Mario once again, dealing some extremely heavy damage. Mario, however, wouldn't give up. He striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the chest, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster grabbed Mario with its mouth and tossed him aside. The Safi'jiiva then used Fireblight on Mario once again, dealing some extremely heavy damage. Mario, however, wouldn't give up. He striked the Safi'jiiva with his Rathalos Gleamsword, dealing some heavy damage. Greninja used his Plesioth Lullabane to strike the chest, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster grabbed Mario with its mouth and tossed him aside. The Safi'jiiva then used Fireblight on Mario once again, killing him.


"Greninja, it's all up to you", Sunset said.


Greninja picked up the Rathalos Gleamsword and the Wailing Cleaver Shin. He combined the weapons to form the Plesioth Pelagis. No mere sword, this weapon rips its target in two with jets of high-pressure water. "The Plesioth Pelagis will deal 450 damage to your opponent", Sunset said. Greninja used his newly-forged Plesioth Pelagis to slice the monster's left wing off, dealing massive damage. However, the monster used Fireblight on the Ninja Pokémon, dealing some extremely heavy damage. However, Greninja was determined to end the fight. He used his Plesioth Pelagis to slice the monster's right wing off, dealing massive damage. However, the monster grabbed the sword with its right foreleg and crushed it. It then used Fireblight on the Ninja Pokémon, dealing some extremely heavy damage. Greninja took out a Plesioth Watercutter, which was his weakest weapon. Still, it would deal some serious damage. He leaped upwards and slashed the monster's neck, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster used Fireblight on the Ninja Pokémon, dealing some extremely heavy damage. However, Greninja was determined to end the fight. He leaped upwards and slashed the monster's neck again, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster healed itself, restoring 400 HP.

"It's time to die!", Greninja shouted. He leaped upwards and slashed the monster's neck, dealing some heavy damage. However, the monster used Fireblight on the Ninja Pokémon, dealing some extremely heavy damage. However, Greninja was determined to end the fight. He leaped upwards and slashed the monster's neck again, dealing some heavy damage and causing the monster to bleed out, lowering its HP to 2.5. It crashed to the ground. "Hasta la vista... motherfucker." However, the weakened monster used Fireblight on the Ninja Pokémon, killing Greninja and resulting in a game over.


"Okay, you lost. Fortunately, there's a NPC who can slay this massive beast", Sunset said. "All you three needed to do... was weaken it."


Steve from Minecraft approached the Safi'jiiva and stabbed it in the heart with a wooden sword, killing the monster.


"Well... it's over", Sunset said. The blizzard had passed, so Mario, Luigi, and Greninja were able to go to their homes.