The Terrible Two

by Slicknick17

First published

I wanted more than just typical .Now I'm worried about more than my next check.

Being gifted a second chance after an unfortunate twist of fate. Athena finds herself in a reality not like her own. The concept seems exciting. At least it would be if Athena wasn't now trapped in the middle of a struggle between two dictators.

[Chapter One]~ A Prologue Prolonged

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Athena was for all intents and purposes a relatively stable young adult. She had graduated with decent grades despite not caring much about what was being taught. The teachers hated it but what are they gonna do suspend her? After high school she took a year relaxed at home, fucks up her sleep schedule. Sorted it back out and got a job delivering pizzas for a small local sub/pizza shop. It wasn't great but for a girl with no experience it came in handy when the topic of social skills rose it's ugly head in conversation.

Now she is 20 years old with short brown hair, green eyes and weighs roughly 160 pounds. Physically she wasn't anything special dispite trying and failing many times to get into better shape during middle and high school. But she was forced to accept she wasn't that kind of person even if she desired to be. That longing for something more would come to fruition one fateful night.

This particular night I was as normal as any other. Deliver here, deliver there, here's your two or five dollar tip. Cheat bastards. But regardless I take it I'm not going to say no to good currency even if it's almost nothing. All was going well until the last delivery of the night. I've always hated the last orders around here. People will call ten minutes before closing or come in and order after we just cleaned up. God if it doesn't piss me off. Anyway back on track I'm heading out to my car.

The address looked to be on the outskirts of town. I would need to go over the train tracks. I groaned slumping back as I stopped at the red light. I hate going to that side of town. Going through the light I come to the tracks. As I begin crossing my car stalls out. That's when the bells start ringing out.

"No no no come on come on" I mutter as I repeatedly turn the key. I can tell the car wants to start but it won't it just keep whining and dying out. Pulling the door handle it pulls but doesn't open.

That's when I hear the chugging of the train.

"No no no no no!" I start frantically pulling at the passenger door handle. Looking quickly through my car I search for something to help break the window. I can hear the train getting closer. I become more frantic as my fight or flight kicks in and my adrenaline pumps through my veins.

Just as I grab the floor mat everything goes black.



Soon I find I'm opening my eyes once more. But I'm not in a hospital no I find myself in a large open area. It looks something like the Savannah of Africa but I don't feel the heat of the midday sun. In fact it feels...pleasant, the wind sweeping the grass aside in a cool breeze as if it's an early morning back home. As I start moving I notice how stiff I am. My legs feeling as if they're weighed down by bricks or large garden stones.

"Where am I?" I vocalize as my mind seemingly drifts deeper into it's confused state with each passing moment.

"You are where you need to be child" an angelic voice makes itself known. I whip around in a frenzy. That voice no matter how motherly sounded from right behind me!

"Who's there?!" I yell still looking for the source. "Come out and show yourself! You can run but you can't hide forever! I know ti chi and I'm not going anywhere" God she hoped her display would intimidate whoever this was. Even if she knew it was all a farce. But she wouldn't have to wait long.

"Your panic is understandable young one...but your hostility is unnecessary" a firm hand clasps my shoulder and I freeze solid. As I stood frozen from shock or fear the woman behind me spoke again. "I advise you to calm yourself. You shall not insult me with petty threats and empty gloating about abilities you have never possessed" Finishing her warning her warm hand grips tighter around my shoulder turning ice cold. The sudden change causing me to start uncontrollably shaking as my fear begins to manifest flowing through my veins. "Now turn and face me"

Starting to be controlled if not consumed by my fear I turned to face this goddess who commanded my respect. "Now child before we proceed how shall I address you?" the being I can only guess is some kind of demigoddess asks in a much calmer tone that didn't make me feel like a bug about to be squished.

"I...I am Athena, Athena Rosemary Cross" I sputtered out of my quivering lips.

The goddess smiles "Well Miss Cross I'd introduce myself however I've lost my name to history I'm afraid. You can simply refer to me as Mother Nature" I stood there gaping at the being standing above me.

"Wait" I said holding my hand up. "You said mother nature as in the Roman goddess of nature Gaia?!" The goddess began shining brightly. After a moment the light fades leaving Gaia shocked. Looking back to me she began smiling apon me.

"You've given me what I've seached for though the centuries thank you Athena for your kindness. It seems you were one if the few who truely embody wisdom as your name foretold"
I probably shouldn't tell her I was named after my grandmother...

"Umm but why am I here? You haven't explained yet"

"Oh oh yes yes yes! My apologies here take this" she grabs what looks to be a touch sensitive tablet and hands it to me. "Just enter what world you wish to be reincarnated into, what powers you may want, what you look like, and what you'll wear. Then I'll take care of the rest. Easy!"

"Uhhh What, how is it that easy?"

"Technology!" She yells out giving jazz hands. I just give a deadpan look.


She simply scoffs "Just do what I said" I don't pay attention to her additude and turn my attention to the tablet.

The options available were nothing someone wouldn't expect on a questionnaire. After going over my options I gladly filled everything out. My name would remain the same with a slight change to Athena Frost Instead of Rosemary Cross. I was never really crazy about my name but hey why not change it given the option.

The question now is what world? Skyim? No.. WoW no, Some book I enjoy no those are all dangerois fantasy and or survival hellscapes. After some thought I was confronted with the fact really only one world would give me a more peaceful and or enjoyable life. That world would be Equestria in My Little Pony. Not necessarily my first pick for my reincarnation but why not.

The goddess looking down over my shoulder hummed looking at my pick.

Got something to add? I asked turning my head slightly.

"No no, you choose where you go I'm simply curious to why that was your choice.

"I choose this because it's just about the only place I can think of where I can get a chance at a peaceful life. No more yelling or screaming because the boss is unhappy with the cheese or because you want more pay for your effort. I just...want some peace in my life for once and not run up my blood pressure on the daily" Gaia didn't have anything to say to that and gave me space to continue.

The truth is I don't remember much of the show as I only saw it years ago but if nothing else it will be a welcome change.

Next was my new appearance and skill set. I was staying female of course however decided to change my look a little. First I changed my hair and eye color. Now I'd have black hair running down to the small of ny back done in a tight braid. My eyes would match having a cherry red iris. I went for a muscular toned build so I could keep up with whomever I encountered. No doubt I'll have to train my endurance. I may gain the body but that won't mean squat if I can't keep up.

For my clothing I choose a fantasy style to fit the medevil asteadic. Brown knee high boots, a red and black steel boned corset along with a waist belt with two pouches on either side, and finally a red medevil cloak reaching just past my knees to keep the elements off me . Yes it's more for my practicality than my look but hey who cares.

"Hmmm" I hum to myself trying to think of anything else I could use before I finalize this. Not thinking of anything I hit enter and give the tablet back to Gaia.

"Alright, thank you for your time Athena and remember the gods are in no way at fault for any harm that falls apon you"

"What was that?"

"Bye!" With that a portal opened behind me sucking me away as fast as I could register the event.

Opening my eyes I'm greeted by the site of large trees towering over me. Bringing myself forward I feel the stiffened muscles in my back making my movements more difficult. As I peer at the trees around I notice they look familiar. "Oak hmm interesting" Checking my clothing I see I have on all I typed on the tablet. That's when something catches my eye from the right. Looking I see a canvas bag hanging from a tree. How did I not see that earlier?

Rising to my feet I walk over taking the bag. Kneeling I open it revealing a scroll along wath a multitude of things. The scroll read out~

Athena my dear inside this bag you'll find a few things I've gifted to your possession. Consider this me repaying the debt I owe to you. Thank you for giving me my identity once more.

Yours Gaia

Looking again I see a few things. Some bandages and alcohol, what looks to be a book about different wild plants, a dagger, compass, and-!

I pull what seems to be one greve out of the bag but apon flipping it I gasp. This isn't just a greve it's a hidden blade unfortunately it looks to be in disrepair. "Won't be using that anytime soon"

Underneath is a scroll with written and mathematical description. Unfortunately I have no idea what the equations are trying to convey. Packing things back in as well as I can. Looking at the compass I then find the sun. "It must be around two or maybe two thirty. So that gives me roughly four of five hours.." I hope I'm near some kind of civilization.

After what seems to be a few hours of walking my legs hurt. I'm thirsty and I haven't found anything. As I stop at the top of the hill I'm climbing a very particular smell graces my nose. Oak wood smoke Now many would say I can't pick that smell out and that I'm wrong. How do I know perhaps? I've been around little yard fires, tabacco and various campfires for my whole life. Over the years I've been able to pick out distinct aromas from different burning woods. This smoke is rich and thick so it must be some type of oak wood.

Sniffing the air I swivel my head and walk around to find it's coming from my right. Despite the still abundant pain in my tired legs I start jogging in that direction. I hope it's not too bad but after a miinute I can hear the screams.

After a few hundred feet I break the treeline with a tired breath as I reveal the world before me. The grass fields, the flowers and of course lucky me a town oh crap

[Chapter Two]~Meeting The Locals

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I'm not sure what I expected when I broke the tree line but a group of what appears to be wooden wolves chasing ponies around in a burning town was not it. If i'm gonna be able to help I'll need to be careful

Now out of the incessant forest I looked up and down the treeline trying to get a sense of where I can use it to get into town. Lucky for me it looked the town actually had a section than was (at least partially) surrounded by the trees. perfect Looking around making sure I wasn't spotted by the wooden abominations. I quickly made my way back into the thicker brush of the forest and made my way to my planned entrance.

Attempting to navigate through a forest is hard enough but add on creatures that can tear off limbs. Well your certainly more cautious but your also not looking where your walking.

"Ah ahhh!" Thump/Crack The cracking of a large stick breaking under my weight echoed off the various trees. I freeze all concentration on listening ti the world around me.

Silence...dead silence. I swallow if I know one thing it's that that silence is very very bad. Relieved I bring myself to my knees.
As I put one leg underneath myself a swath of warm air brushes against the hair in my neck.... okay Athena...don't move it doesn't want you it's curious. It won't eat you it's got a buffet running around town.


The creature is so close I can almost feel it's teeth. A growl reverberates from it's throat sounding more like a branch being knocked against rock than air on flesh. I peered right seeing three more creatures appearing to be large wolves made of tree roots. As I slowly peak left I see nothing there. I adjust my legs slightly. Okay time for some classic human ingenuity. Whirling around I smash my arm into the wolf within kissing distance before bolting towards the other three. These three threw themselves back at me which I responded to with a low roll. A very painful poorly executed low roll.
Owowow that's my spine! I think I hit a root! Attempting to ignore the pain shooting in the middle of my back I run from the three wolves.

It seems the forest provides a double edge sword. Keeping the wolves from catching me but giving them extra cover from my sight. Another piece of bad news...i'm running out of tree cover. A wolf jumps from my left. I duck down avoiding the tackle but this slowed me allowing the fourth behind me to make ground and nip at my heels. Breaking right I weaved between trees keeping some distance in an attempt to get time. This causes two of the four to collide and hit a tree causing them to shatter.

Okay there is only one following. Hopefully I can outpace it when I break the treeline. My legs are starting to disagree with my plans I need to make this quick.

Looking ahead I see the light of the treeline. Yes my savior! there!






I break through the trees at a dead sprint trying to gain as much ground as I can. If only I'd paided attention to what's in front of me.

"Shit" I shout as I run dead into a fence causing myself to summersalt over. Landing on the other side I clutch at my gut. The pain making me forget what I was doing. The smash of wood and rain of splinters reminded me as I looked up to see my growling pursuer. Rising trying to bring my body into a crouch a weight hits me from behind as the second wolf arrives. Seeming to have looped around to catch me. It gives a snarl in my ear as I keep trying to shift. It's weight concentrated on my lower back.

A set of jaws clamp down on my shoulder. "Ahh...Ahhhh! My grunting turns to yelling as the wolf starts to tear into the top of my left shoulder. It's claws ripping into my lower back. My shifting becomes bucking as I try and unbalance the wolf. I succeed in getting the wolf off my back. Rolling onti my back the second wolf now has other ideas. It takes my right hand in it's mouth and clamps down. I feel is the bones bending under the pressure. My yelling turns to screams.

Now in a better position the first goes for my throat I raise and block it with my left arm. Blood is now bubbling from my left shoulder. I want to reach for my knife but I can't! Pulling at my left arm the grip of it's jaws only get tighter.

"Get off that creature!" I here someone yell before a yellow and blue blur slams into the wolf holding my arm. The two slam into the second wolf and both explode causing the blur to tumble. Grabbing my knife I stand and hold it to somehow defend myself. God what now!! my thoughts scream. I can feel myself shaking my hand is slippery and throbbing deeply with my racing heart but all my focus is on the pony in front of me.

Wait did it just talk? I think as my vision starts to go fuzzy as I feel myself wobble. Unfocused I feel my body hit something but all I see is the smoke obscuring clouds above...

I... I'm tired I think I'll take a nap.




"Do you think it'll wake up?



"Don't worry Twi the doctor-" Beep...

"It lost quite some blood..."


"The wound to her appendage was poisoned-"


... She'll be out for some time.



Beep....beep...beep That sound is getting annoying. Someone shut off that damn alarm. I start to raise my left arm only for pain to shoot through my muscles making my gasp. My eyes reflexively open to which I'm flashed with seering light. I groan and flop incurring another bout of pain. "Ahhhggrrrr" Through the pain a voice called out causing the pain to receed.

"Shh sh sh shh it's alright, you are alright. Just take this and sleep...."

I felt something poke me and my mind began to drift."Sleep, yes that sounds that sounds nice... with that I was out.

I don't know how long I slept for but when I woke again it was dark. Looking around the room my body felt heavy and it feels hard to focus. How long have I sleeping? Adjusting my body I brought my arms up. Flexing, rolling, bending, and stretching. Happy with the movement (dispite some tension) after a minute I moved for my next step. I came to a stop however when I took notice of an extra addition to my chest.
There using my chest as a pillow was a cat. Though I can't tell what color in the darkness of the room. Deciding I could stand to wait a little longer I put my left hand on the cat and settled back content to let the cat sleep longer. I felt comfort knowing I wasn't alone.


"Huh?" Looking down I saw the eyes of my new fluffy friend open looking at me. I smiled and gave it a scratch behind the ear with my left hand. "Thanks for being here bud" as if understanding me my new friend begins to purr against me lulling me back to a calming rest.

Waking again I raise up slightly before I'm blinded by a ray of light from my right. I try but for some reason I still can't block the light completely what is-! That's when I see my hand. Although it's particularly obscured by the sunlight there is no mistaking what my eyes see.

"What the fu-?!" The dry flesh of my throat made itself known as I wheeze and cough attempting to clear and moison it. The fouth digit ended halfway from my hand via bandage. I start to bring my left arm forward when It locks up. Looking I see two differences with my left arm. One is the gauze covering the lower half. The second is my shoulder is strapped up. Moving it back and fourth I feel the stitches irritate the skin underneath. Shit I guess I was hurt worse than I thought Looking around the room I didn't see the cat that had cuddled with me so the owner must've came and taken them.

Flipping the blanket off I turn right only to feel a sting in my arm and burning in ny back. Looking down I see an iv. Not unexpected but more advanced than I thought. It appears so far I have many preconceptions about...was it Equestria yeah Equestria to fix. Slowly I pull the iv out trying not to destroy my vein. Glancing to the tray table next to the bed. A single glass of water rested. I reach for it slowly trying not to hurt myself more. After I down it all I clear my throat again. Feeling better I speak. "Okay now time to find out how long was I out?" My legs feel stiff and sore but their are no tingles racing through

Before I could bring myself to attempt to stand I here a commotion outside the door. That thing destroyed ma family fence!

Miss your not allowed down there! Please I must insist-! with the commotion outside I giess I'm in some sort of medical building. At least they have such a thing and it's not like a stable.

"Not happening that no good...!" At least two coming from down the hall they're getting closer and the first doesn't sound happy. Before I could try to process any further the door explodes inwards showering me in splinters.

"There ya are! Ya own my family-!" The dust in my room clears and I see a orange pony with a cowboy hat on. I guess it's a she on the voice. Stops her yelling dead apon seeing me. I guess she wasn't expecting a sight like this.

I was not expecting this. The creature that had damaged her families property sat on the white bed staring at Applejack. Bandages covering various parts if it's form. It's shoulder, leg, belly, and arms. The sight was enough to clear the anger from the front of her mind.

"Wha.. what-?"

This pony in front of me went from angry to confused in a matter of seconds apon seeing me. It was about to speak but was quickly interrupted by a very angry nurse looking pony entering the room.

"Miss Applejack what in the name of Equestria do you think your doing?!" Yelled another pony who stood in the doorway.

The orange pony who I now know is Applejack starts stuttering as this new pony bears down on her. The new arrival seems to command respect.

"Do you have any idea how long it will take to clean these wood splinter off my floor? Oh! Not to mention if any animals~"

As the two bickered back and fourth the nurse assistant joined in. As things started to rise in volume I found myself growing agitated.

"LittlemissWe'vebeenpatientabout your grievancesI'm-!" ....The two ponies voices become one in the tirade annoying me further "I'm about this farfrom simply throwingyouout the window justtobe donewith you!" "Missfaunas please there is no need-" the ponies just kept going

Alright I've had enough of this. Clenching my fist I slam a hammerfist into the wall beside me shaking the room.
"Stoooppp!!!" my voice strained from the sheer volume I screamed. I coughed into my fist to clear my throat. The three ponies were frozen. All staring at me in shock. Seeing that I had there attention I slowly stood up.

"Now... I started planting my hands on my hips. What the fucks the problem?" The three didn't move seeming to not know how to respond. It's probably because they didn't expect us to understand each other

"Ahem..." I say crossing my arms trying to grab there attention. Wait something feels off... Looking down I see what feels wrong. And it's very wrong...

I'm completely naked....

"Ahhhh!" I rip the sheet off the bed "Why am I naked and where are my clothes?!" I yell looking at the three ponies. They however were confused with this bout of anger and anxiety.

"What's wrong dear?" asked the late pony with light blue hair. What kind of question is that they brought me in here fully clothed and now are shocked when I freak because I'm in the nude!? I take a breath calming myself as much as I can.

"Look just...just get me my clothes, let me change and we'll talk alright." The pony nods and tells her assistant to fetch my coverings.

..... "--"

That was probably the most embarrassing few minutes of my life.

After getting dressed in a conveniently unnoticed restroom it seemed everyone calmed from the intelligent unknown being moment. Introductions were made names were learned. The three infront of me were Dr Fana local veterinarian. Angel Dust the good doctors assistant and lastly Applejack. I was told Applejack runs a farm just outside town with her family. A family who did not appreciate the fact I'd damaged there property.

I of course introduced myself as Athena Frost and offered to pay off the damage. Applejack asked how I was gonna do that since I'd just gotten to town. That is when I remembered something. I started rummaging through my belt pouches. What I found had me asking questions again.

"Uhhh what u looking for there?" Applejack asked I opened the pouch on my left side to find a variety of small coins.

"I never checked these pouches when I going over what I have in the forest. I just remembered they are there so.. ya know." Applejack and the other made a noise of understanding at the explanation. I pulled out 3 stacks of coins and layed them on the small end table next to the bed.The three ponies stood shocked at the amount of money Athena pulled from her belt. So how much you need? A bright smile gracing my face.

As it turned out I had alot of money on me. The way the three explained it to me there were three different coins used in the Equestrian economy copper, silver, and gold. Copper was the most common being used in everyday transactions such as food shopping. Where silver is used for more expensive purchases with 1 silver coin equalizing to 100 copper and 1 gold equals 10 silver or 1000 copper.

Needless to say I was shocked. I decided I would need to count all my money later.

When I was alone.

Applejack offered to house me until I found a place in town. And Angel told me she wanted to speak to me when I was able. Something about a potential opportunity with some friends of hers. She left later in the evening a smile on her muzzle. Later that night I ate at the clinic as Dr Fana wanted to keep me one more night. The worry was I was still at risk of having some delayed reaction to any of the timberwolf poison still in my body.

As the moon rose into the night sky I counted out the money I pulled from each of the 2 small pouches on my belt. I found myself with was alot to say the least. A total number of 2 gold, 15 silver and 55 copper. A decent amount even if by no means am I rich. Putting my money away I watched the night sky shimmer wondering what the future held for one like me as I fell to the comforts of sleep.

[Chapter Three]~ Starting To Settle

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When I got out of bed the next day. I was assaulted with not only the fireball most call the sun burning it's way into my brain but the stench of sweat. Doing a double take I indeed confirmed it was me and walked into the conveniently placed nearby bathroom to confront it. Unfortunately Although I could get clean I didn't have a change of clothes. Thankfully due to the good pony doc applying another dose of magical healing last night I was able to get clean without much trouble.

Walking back into my temporary room. I wasn't sure what to do. Explore the town? No shelter before exploration had to be priority. But before that I'll need to know more about the town and if they've been told about me. That is one of the thing today that makes me somewhat nervous about going on my own. For that I'll need to speak to the doctor.

Grabbing what few items I had with me I began my search. Stepping out into the hall I noticed a few doors leading elsewhere. Checking the the first I find a small but reasonable kitchen. Cabinets, a fridge, a box of crackers on the counter. As well as a jar of what seem to be cookies. Opening and smelling them I find the aroma of bacon gracing my brain. Looking and listening around me I don't hear anything.

Hmm I suppose one couldn't hurt I grab one placing it on the counter before quietly replacing the lid. Grinning at my victory I bite the cookie.
My face almost immediately contorts as the sour,bitter and musky flavor hits my tongue. Looking around I find a garbage can and quickly empty my mouth of the demonic baked good. Spitting a few times for good measure. I walk back over to the jar and turn it around. I'm met with the answer to why the 'cookie' was so bad. On the jar was a label and in my haste to eat I never checked what I was eating.

Dog Treats

"...Teufel noch mal.." I muttered out before shutting up and looking around. Right right not there anymore I thought before my stomach rumbles again. My hunger was still prevalent and I doubt the cabinets have anything better. Not really wanting another piece of magic trick pet food in my mouth I rinsed my mouth and left the kitchen behind to continue my search.
The next two doors I tried turned out to be nothing but supply closets. Why anyone even a vet would need multiple shelf's filled with nothing but gloves and peroxide when it seems they are the only two ponies employed is beyond me.

Soon enough I found where the doctor was however as I peered in the door I saw I wouldn't be alone in my questioning of Miss Fauna.

"Miss Sparkle", the doctor moaned out clearly annoyed with the pony. "Can you please stop with all these incessant questions about my patient I have clearly stated multiple times I have to adhere to doctor patient confidentiality and cannot answer any of the questions you have here!" Fauna yelled swinging the scroll on her hoof.

"Miss Fauna we don't even know if it has any kind of intelligence we need to test this being for the betterment of Equestria."

"This isn't about Equestria this is about my patient. I will say it one last time You won't be doing anything until it wakes and consents. It was mauled by multiple timberwolves and needs rest not questioning. Now stop." I could just make out her own questioned muttering of where the Tartarus her assistant was. Unfortunately I didn't have time to dwell on the subject as I pressed on the door a little to hard.


"Who's there?.." Miss Fauna groans out clearly fed up with all the interruptions to her schedule.

"Hello doctor." I greet pushing the door open fully and stepping into the room. I could see Fauna relax as she realized it was only me and not another obnoxious question hungry pony. I look at the other pony in the room and look back. "Is this a bad time?"

The mare was quick to respond. "No no it's fine your fine umm." She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and cleared her throat. "Please take a seat, I wanted to check you over before releasing you anyway."

"Sure if I might ask why, surely you got enough from my time unconscious?"

"Normally yes, however as I'm sure you're aware you weren't in the best of shape at the time."

"Hmhm Hmhm, perhaps I wasn't no. Do what you need to." I say switching my attention to the other pony in the room. "So miss I take it you may have questions?"

"Oh umm yes... If it isn't too much trouble?" The unicorn said rubbing her leg nervously. As I'm about to give her a green light I feel a sharp pinch on my shoulder.

"Oww!" I jerk up and away. "What..?" I look over to the mare in question stood there her hoof raised. "What was that for?"

"Miss Fauna why did you just pinch me?" I asked looking to her with a raised eyebrow.

She gives a kind smile before explaining. "Well dear it's because Miss Sparkle here has a habit of taking her...'research' a step too far and I couldn't let you get into that without a warning."

"Hey, I don't take my research too far I am very thorough and safe thank you."

"Oh really, What about the exploding tower incident in Canterlot? Was that your version of safe and thorough..."

Twilight began stuttering "h-how do you know of that Celestia said no one saw?!"

Fauna smiled again "It's hard to conceal something when hundreds see it dear." Looking down she removed the cuff from my arm and wrote some numbers before returning. "Alrighty your all set I just want you to do two things for me." I nod to her "Firstly please don't make a habit of this. Ponyville is crazy enough as is.
Secondly when you have a moment I want you to go down to the hospital and find Mrs Green Heart. She is the leading alchemical expert on all things Everfree and seeing as you made such a quick recovery she could definitely use your help." I nod again she smiles "Do you have any questions, comments, concerns"

I speak up at the chance "Actually yes a few of my things are missing, you wouldn't know where they would be would you?"

"Yes as a matter of fact some of your possessions were taken by the town garrison for inspection after the fight you'll have to go talk to them. As for who specifically to speak to I am unsure."

I nod taking this to my mental to do list. "Is there anything else you can tell me.

"Not anything very useful but I imagine Twilight here would be more than happy too." Directing my attention to the unicorn I saw complete and utter joy in her eyes. I don't know why but the sight gave me a minor fight or flight response.

As I'm thinking about that Twilight literally jumps forward startling me as she lands at my feet. I stumble back tripping and falling onto my butt. Looking forward again I see Twilight scratching away with a feather on a ...very...long roll of paper. Despite the size difference I find myself intimidated by a creature half my size. Great it's fourth grade with that excited puppy all over again.

10 Hours Later

These ten hours have been the longest time in my life. You know how people say I'd spend time here or there at the end of the world because it feels like forever... Yeah, Twilight isn't a bad pony but that girl needs to know when to stop....

I felt like crap. Twilight has been going so long I couldn't even keep track of half of it. Finally though it seemed Twilight was finishing up.

"..And that is how mana contributes to unicorn and alicorn magical abilities!"

"Oh my God... I'm so hungry!" I moan out my sunken eyes looking nowhere.

Twilight gives a nervous laugh looking at the state of me.

"Too much?"
