> All That We Become: A Part of the Family > by Marezinger Z > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Part of the Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Honey!?” Cadence’s voice echoed into the bedroom. “Yeah, hon!?” Shining Armor called back. “I left my crown in the bathroom, could you bring it here!?” “Sure thing!” Shining Armor trotted into the bathroom, taking the crown up in his teeth and heading out into the hall; he rounded into the nursery and found Cadence sitting with Flurry. “Oh, good.” She smiled. “Let me have the bottle, please.” “Huh?” He raised his brow, mumbling through the crown. “Bottle?” “Yes, I asked you to bring me Flurry’s morning bottle.” She eyed him. He set the crown down on the dresser. “You asked me for your crown.” “Crown?” She repeated with a lopsided smile. “You must have misheard me.” “Uh… sure…” He turned and headed back out into the hall; going across to the kitchenette he prepared a bottle and went back across into the bedroom to get Flurry’s swaddle. “Did you get my crown?” Cadence asked. Shining Armor’s head whipped over to the full-length mirror, finding his wife idling before it. “You said bottle.” “Bottle?” She raised her brow. “Are you feeling alright, dear?” “You just asked me to get a bottle for Flurry.” He insisted. “No, I left my crown in the bathroom.” She countered. “You…” He flustered. “Fine.” He hurried back out and into the nursery, screeching to a halt as he saw Cadence sitting with Flurry. “Did you get the bottle, honey?” She asked. “What!?” He stared at her. “How did… I just…” He quickly turned back only to run into Cadence in the doorway, he screamed and fell back onto his butt; as he oriented himself, he heard harmonious laughter around him. “Sorry, sweetie.” Cadence laughed as she set Flurry in her crib. “It was too easy to pass up.” He looked to the doorway to see Cadence change into Chrysalis in a green plume of magic. “Chrysalis!?” “Guilty.” Chrysalis chuckled. “Wow… really?” He shook his head, putting his hoof over his thumping heart. “Good to see you two are close enough to screw with me now.” He looked over at the crib to see Flurry pointing her hoof at him and giggling. “You too, huh?” He sighed. “Here,” Cadence offered her hoof and helped him up. “You okay?” “Yeah,” He nodded. “We’re going to have to talk about having a son soon, I’m starting to feel outnumbered around here.” He looked to Chrysalis. “So, what brings you by?” “I invited her last minute.” Cadence explained on her behalf. “I’m going to Canterlot to meet with Celestia, Luna and Twilight.” “Oh, so suddenly?” He asked. “Anything wrong?” “Yes, you didn’t say you were leaving.” Chrysalis added. “Well, Celestia said that it’s almost been a year since Aurelian and his friends split up,” Cadence began. “She said that once the year is up, Aurelian was returning to begin teaching her his magic. She doesn’t know what will happen or how long she will be gone, so she’s moving the Gala up so we can all get together before that happens.” “Almost a year already, time flies.” Shining Armor noted. “Indeed.” Chrysalis concurred. “So much has happened so fast, it is easy to lose track of time.” She eyed Cadence unsurely. “If you’re leaving, then why did you have me come?” “Well, a traveling fair came to the Empire and we wanted to take Flurry there before they moved on.” Cadence informed. “We've been a little busy and today is the last day. I want to make sure she gets to go, so I figured you could take my place and take her there with Shining.” “What?” Chrysalis and Shining Armor asked in unison, quickly glancing at each other. “You know Flurry is a hoof full.” She continued. "You want us to go... together?" Chrysalis asked, trying to make sure she heard right. "It'll be much easier with two of you." Cadence noted. “Well… I mean… I don’t mind but…” Shining Armor attempted to articulate his thought but failed. “Great.” Cadence donned her crown and turned to them with a smile. “Be back by sundown, have fun.” Before they could utter another syllable, she teleported away. Chrysalis and Shining Armor stood in silence for a few seconds before Flurry’s vocalizations snapped them back into the moment. “Oh, I’m coming, sweetie.” Shining Armor went to the crib and took her up. “Well… a fair, is it?” Chrysalis joined him by the crib. “Easy enough.” “Yeah.” He nodded. “Um… I’ll get her travel bag and… meet you in the foyer?” “Yes, I’ll… await you there.” She stiffly hurried from the room. Shining Armor sighed and looked into his daughter's smiling face. “Okay, this isn’t weird. Just a trip to the fair, right?” His nose was promptly bopped. “Right?” With nothing but a giggle for an answer, he rounded up her things and headed for the main hall of the castle. Waiting before the great entry doors, Chrysalis turned at the sound of stroller wheels and Flurry’s familiar cooing. She observed the two side packs, backpack and supplies in the undercarriage of the stroller and smirked. “You look more prepared for war than a day at the fair.” “Yeah,” He laughed. “But I’d rather have too much than risk not having something when we need it.” He rolled Flurry to a stop beside her. “So, ready to go?” “Yes.” She used her magic to part the doors and they walked through the front garden, the groundskeepers offering morning greetings as they passed. The fair was set up just beyond the city walls on the eastern side, they traveled out on the main road making way towards the eastern gates. For several minutes, the only sound was the rolling of stroller wheels as they quietly walked along. “So, how have things been?” Shining Armor asked, looking to break the silence. “Well,” Chrysalis answered simply. “Nothing of note has occurred.” “Ah,” He nodded, the two of them falling silent again for another several minutes. Letting out a long sigh, he looked over at her with a crooked smile. “This is a little awkward, huh?” Chrysalis looked back at him with a short laugh. “A bit, yes.” She narrowed her eyes as he started to laugh. “What?” Shining Armor shook his head. “I bet this is exactly why Cadence planned this; I mean, even from the start she’s always been there when we’re around each other.” Chrysalis made an amused hum. “I suppose so. I wouldn’t imagine you’d care to be left alone with me; all things considered.” “Really?” He asked. “I figured you’d be the one that wouldn’t be comfortable with it.” “You aren’t?” She asked back, looking at him with suspect. “Well…” He chuckled nervously. “A little. Not that I mean anything by that.” He assured. “It isn’t you per say, it’s just…” He fumbled for words again. “We could always lie and say we went.” Chrysalis recommended. Shining Armor raised his brow at her. “That’s awful.” “But functional.” She countered with a light smile. He laughed. “No. Look, it’s a fair, let’s just have some fun. I mean, if we can’t do that, then what does that say about us?” Chrysalis considered his words. “Fair point.” “Ah, I see what you did there.” He grinned. “What?” She looked to him questioningly. “Fair point… like… because we’re going to…” He sighed. “Nevermind, I’m such a dad now.” Chrysalis chuckled. “There are worse things to be.” Flurry's eyes lit up as they passed through the eastern gate and all the rides and booths became fully visible; the air smelled of decadent fried fare and a combination of excited yells, conversation and music clashed in their ears. The little Alicorn began pulling against her safety strap, wanting to get out and interact. “Easy, easy.” Shining Armor undid her belt and picked her up. “We’ll make sure you get to see everything, but you have to stay with daddy, okay?” She climbed up on his head and started looking around. “Would you mind taking over the stroller?” “Alright.” Chrysalis took hold of it with her magic and moved it alongside them. “Thanks,” He started looking about at what was close to them. “You want some popcorn, Flurry?” He rolled his eyes up to Flurry who babbled and patted his head in response. “That sounds like a yes to me.” They went to the large popcorn cart, alive with the incessant popping of fresh kernels. “Prince,” The vendor greeted. “Wonderful to see you visiting.” He took notice of who was with him and kindly tipped his head. “Ms. Chrysalis, welcome.” “Give us a large.” Shining Armor ordered. “Of course,” The vendor quickly filled a bag, layering it twice with butter. “Here you go. On the house, Prince.” “Ah, thank you so much.” He accepted the bag graciously. “Say thank you, Flurry.” Flurry mumbled, reaching for the bag. “She’s working on it.” He smiled. The vendor laughed and waved up at her. “Have a good time, Princess.” As they moved along, he lifted the bag to Flurry with his magic and she jammed her face into it; several pieces flew out and she lifted her head with a mouthful of corn and a nose shining with butter. “Need to work on those manners,” He drifted the bag over to Chrysalis. “Want some? I know you don’t really need to, but that doesn’t make it any less good.” Chrysalis moved her hoof to the stroller, taking some up in her magic. “Thank you. Is free popcorn one of the many perks of being a Prince?” She asked with a mild laugh. “Yeah, still takes some getting used to.” He admitted, raising the bag to Flurry again after some fussing. “Feels weird.” “My, your purity never ceases to amaze.” She noted. “Just how I was raised.” He shrugged. “Cadence always says she appreciates that about me, humility doesn’t really come built-in to creatures born into royalty.” As soon as the words passed his lips he cringed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…” “It’s fine, you aren’t wrong.” She shook her head. “I felt much was owed to me back then.” Her eyes traveled up to Flurry. “I am sure she will be taught better.” “Heh, not at the rate she’s being spoiled.” He laughed. “Right, munchkin?” He looked up to see her reaching for the bag again. They walked some of the isles, ultimately coming across the games. Flurry spotted a stuffed Ursa Major hanging from the ceiling of one of the stalls and quickly flew from her father’s head and straight for it. “Hold it, missy!” Shining Armor clutched her in his magic, stopping her midair. “Howdy, Prince.” The booth operator waved as they approached. “Does the little Princess see something she likes?” “Oh yeah,” He nodded, pulling her back to his hooves as she protested. “Sorry, you’ve got to earn those. You want daddy to win you one?” He smiled as she looked at him with pleading eyes, pointing her hoof at the plush. “Okay, it’ll go great with the other twenty-seven you already have.” He glanced over at Chrysalis. “Could you take her for a minute?” Chrysalis took her into her hooves and set a hoof to her stomach. “Calm yourself, Flurry.” Flurry looked up into her intense but somehow calming eyes and smiled, quieting down. “How do you do that?” Shining Armor asked as he set some bits down and took up five rings. With magic not allowed, he held the rings in his teeth and sent them out towards the bottles. Failing miserably, he paid again and gave it another shot; his second performance netting him only one ring scored. “You’d think this would be easier for a trained soldier.” He grumbled as he paid for another round. “Stop,” Chrysalis came over and passed Flurry back to him. “Let me.” “Okay.” He backed off and she hooked a ring on one of the breaks in her abstract hooves. “Aim high so that the ring falls onto the bottles and apply heavy spin to stabilize it in flight.” She flicked the ring tightly and sent it in an upward arc, it seemed to hover before dropping down onto one of the bottles.” “Whoa.” Shining Armor muttered. Chrysalis repeated the act four more times until all five rings were scored. “There, the bear please.” “Well, can’t argue with those results.” The Stallion pulled the bear down and gave it to Chrysalis. Flurry squealed and flew from her father’s hooves, clinging to the bear and rubbing her face in the soft fur. Shining Armor put her and the bear in the stroller, giving Chrysalis an impressed smile. “Didn’t know carnival games were part of the Changeling skill set.” “While I was on the run, I spent some time disguised as an Earth Pony working with a traveling show.” She informed as they continued down the path. Shining Armor bit his lip, seemingly every attempt at casual conversation bringing up some less than pleasant part of her past. “Well, her new toy will keep her occupied for a bit; that’s usually when I take my chance to grab a bite.” They walked towards the center of the fair where the food stalls sat in a grand circle forming the nucleus of the whole affair. Leaving Flurry with Chrysalis for a moment, he ran to order himself some funnel cake. As he made his way back, he smiled innocently after taking a bite. “Can we keep this between the three of us? Supposed to be on a diet.” Chrysalis chuckled and nodded. “Lips sealed.” She assured. “Want anything?” He asked. “No, that is alright.” She declined. “I don’t have much of a sweet tooth.” Shining Armor sat and ate, feeding Flurry a little bit here and there. “You know, this is actually nice.” “What is?” Chrysalis asked. “This.” He said simply, gesturing between the two of them. “Since I became Prince of the Crystal Empire, I honestly haven’t had much time for friends; all my barracks buddies are back in Canterlot and Flurry keeps me pretty busy. Being with Cadence is amazing of course, but it’s nice to just… you know, hang out with someone who’ll let me cheat on my diet.” Chrysalis smiled softly. “Yes, it is.” She concurred. “Who’d have thought, huh?” He laughed. “Sorry I was so weird at first.” “I’d have been more surprised if you weren’t.” She confessed. “I was more surprised that Cadence even suggested it given our… particular history with one another.” “Yeah,” He nodded. “I still don’t remember much, when I think about it… it’s like trying to remember a crazy dream.” “It’s better that way.” She said surely. “Things would have likely turned out differently at this point if you were haunted by those memories.” He saw her sadden and quickly crumpled up his plate. “Hey, let’s get back to the fun stuff. Still lots to do.” He performed a magical jump shot to land his plate in the trash. “Nice!” He cheered, getting a laugh out of Chrysalis. Cadence arrived in Canterlot by early afternoon. She landed before the castle and made her way up to the guards who informed her that she was expected and that the royal sisters awaited her in the ballroom. As soon as she entered the great room, Twilight excitedly rose with a wide smile. “Cadence!” She unfurled her wings and flew over to her. “Hello, Twilight.” Cadence beamed at the sight of her. Celestia and Luna laughed as they engaged in their usual greeting ritual. “Welcome, Cadence.” Celestia greeted. “Good to see you both again.” Cadence said in return as she and Twilight rejoined them. “How have you been?” “Rather busy,” Celestia informed. “So much has happened in so short a span of time.” “I know the feeling.” Cadence laughed. “So, the Gala?” “Yes,” Celestia nodded. “This is going to be a particularly special Gala.” “Indeed,” Luna came in. “There are many things to celebrate.” “That’s for sure,” Twilight added. “We’re offering invitations to Tirek, Scorpan, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. Starlight told me how much progress Cozy Glow has made, so I’m excited to see her and hear how things have been.” “That’s a wonderful idea.” Cadence smiled. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear.” “We’ll also be hosting some special guests from Griffonstone.” Celestia continued. “It seems that ever since Aurelian and Faye returned the Idol of Boreas to them, they’ve actually been inspired to start rebuilding their home.” “Really?” Cadence asked in surprise. “Oh, and Thorax is coming with Ember.” Twilight noted. “Did you know they’re dating now?” “Actually yes,” Cadence looked to Twilight with a knowing smile. “I had heard in my correspondence with Chrysalis; I was happy to hear, it was so obvious how he felt about her.” “I know, right.” Twilight giggled. “As you can see, we’ve much to prepare for.” Luna returned to the subject. “We had hoped you could assist in taking on some of the prep work.” “Of course.” Cadence nodded. “Have you eaten yet?” Celestia asked. “No, actually.” She admitted. “I headed out as soon as Chrysalis showed up this morning.” “Chrysalis?” Twilight toned questioningly. “Yes, I had her take my place in taking Flurry to the fair with Shining.” She explained. “Oh?” Celestia asked with intrigue. “Well, I think they need this to be honest.” Cadence continued. “Shining was such a support when we first met with her, but ever since we’ve reconciled, I’ve always been a buffer between them. They really need the opportunity to just get comfortable around each other and hopefully talk about things the way she and I got to.” “To see you have such trust speaks much of your own progress.” Luna commended. “It’s actually been really nice to have her as a friend.” Cadence noted. “Literally the last thing I’d ever imagine myself saying, but I’ve been able to talk to her about things that I normally don’t talk about much. You all are family to me through and through, but she’s become like a sorority sister I can confide in.” “How lovely to hear.” Celestia smiled brightly at the news. “She’s great with Flurry and having her available to help out like this gives me more free time to do things like spend time with all of you.” “I’m all for that.” Twilight approved. “Well then, let us get to work so we can have some of that time before you return to the Crystal Empire.” Celestia suggested, leading them towards the long table already covered in paperwork. As they day moved along, Shining Armor and Chrysalis started to relax more around each other and focused on making sure Flurry had her fill of the fairground activity. Chrysalis handled winning prizes and taking her through the haunted house while Shining Armor took her on some foal friendly rides; after a trip around the track in the miniature train, he brought her back over to Chrysalis. “Cracks me up,” He began as he set her in the stroller again alongside her new bear. “She can fly faster than that thing, but she gets the biggest kick out of It.” “It’s an entirely different feeling for her.” Chrysalis explained. “I guess so.” He sat back with a mild sigh; looking about, he saw a stand where groups were having their photos taken. “Hey, how about a souvenir for us for a change.” “Eh?” She trailed his gaze to the photographer. “Alright.” They headed over and waited in line; as soon as their turn came up, Shining Armor took Flurry from the stroller and set her down between he and Chrysalis. “Okay, look at the camera, Flurry.” He moved his foreleg towards the photographer, but she just smiled and reached up to grab at it. “No, the camera sweetie, not daddy.” She giggled wildly and flew up onto his muzzle. Chrysalis reached out and took her, setting her back down and using magic to bring her bear out. “Look,” She danced it before her, taking her attention. She moved it over and behind the photographer, getting into position. “Say cheese!” The Mare said as she took the shot. Chrysalis put Flurry back in the stroller and moved aside while Shining Armor collected the photo and her bear. He hurried over with a quaint smile as he passed it over to her. “Came out good, that’s a miracle with Flurry; took Cadence and I like an hour when we had some official royal pictures taken." Chrysalis took the photo in her magic and held it before her; staring at it quietly, tears suddenly began to stream from her eyes. “Chrysalis?” Shining Armor looked at her worriedly. She dropped the photo, quickly turning and walking away. He took it up in his own magic and looked at it, quickly realizing what he had done. Flurry began fussing, clearly sensing something wrong and trying to see where Chrysalis went. Encasing the stroller in magic, he hurried after Chrysalis, finding her in a quiet patch near some empty picnic benches. “Chrysalis… I’m so sorry, I wasn’t even thinking and…” He stopped as she reached her hoof out towards him. “You did nothing wrong,” She said shallowly. “It… was a kind gesture.” Wiping her eyes, she shook her head in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t… I didn’t plan on feeling what I did just then.” He locked the stroller wheels and slowly stepped over to her. “Are you... okay?” “I’m fine,” She assured. “That was foolish.” Shining Armor frowned. “No, it wasn’t.” He sat beside her. "You can talk to me about it, whatever you're feeling." He timidly offered. Her face belied a deep resistance to the idea. "As I said, you are lucky to not be haunted by past memories." Shining Armor shook his head. "I don't feel lucky," He insisted. "It's an entire point in time I can't recall at all; it's frustrating more than anything." He confessed. "I know what Cadence and Twilight told me; so tell me what your side of it was." Chrysalis felt abject shock that he would care about what her side was. She raised her hoof to her forehead with a controlling breath. “Shining Armor, you may believe yourself to be blessed to have wed a Princess and become royalty,” She turned to him with a light smile. “But make no mistake, Cadence is the one who is blessed.” Shining Armor was taken aback by the sentiment. “Your love for her is unlike anything I have ever felt before or since, it is genuine passion and devotion in their purest forms.” She tried hard to fight her tears but ultimately failed. Shining Armor slowly nodded. “Cadence… mentioned something about that to me after you two talked. That you were kind of influenced by it on some level.” “That’s one way of putting it.” Chrysalis ran her hoof across her cheek again. “Feeding on love is one thing, but having it given to you… it felt so wonderful.” She continued. “But as wonderful as it felt, it hurt so much knowing that it… it wasn’t me.” Her head lowered and she growled bitterly. “I…” She started but her voice trailed off. “It’s okay,” He gently reached out to her. “Keep going, please.” She looked back at him with emotionally drained eyes. “I fell in love.” She said weakly. “For the first time in my life, I fell in love and seemingly within the same instant it was all ripped away from me.” She took the photo from him and looked at it again. “I thought I had moved past all of that, but seeing this picture of something that could have been..." She closed her eyes. "every feeling, every memory… it all came flooding back at once.” She made a listless laugh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sour the day with all this.” “You didn’t sour anything,” Shining Armor assured with a warm smile. “I’ve been having a great time, and so has Flurry.” He moved closer, laying his hoof on top of hers. “I’m glad you were able to talk about it though. I'll never really remember much about it; but in spite of what happened to Cadence and I, I’m sorry you were hurting so much.” Chrysalis shook her head vehemently. “I have no right to hear that from you.” “Hey, I have every right to say it if I mean it,” He smiled surely. “And I do.” They heard upset noises coming from between them, Chrysalis looked down and saw Flurry staring at her with saddened eyes reaching up for her. She quickly scooped her up and hugged her close, resting her nose in Flurry’s mane. “I’m sorry, Flurry.” She said as her tears began to fall again. “I am alright, everything is alright.” Shining Armor teared up as well, he gently put his foreleg around Chrysalis and hugged them both. “We’re both glad you’re here, Chrysalis.” Chrysalis’ eyes tightened shut as she allowed herself to cry openly. “Thank you.” As the sun began to wane into the western horizon, Cadence landed before her home once again. Greeted by the guards, she hurried in, eager to find out how the day went. Not seeing them outright, she headed for the nursery thinking they may have put Flurry to bed. “Honey?” She called out. “Chrysalis?” “I’m in here, hon!” Shining Armor’s voice came from the bedroom. Cadence headed in and found him with Flurry. “Hello, dear.” She went to him with a long kiss. “Did Chrysalis leave already?” “Yeah,” He nodded. “She said she wanted to get back to the hive before dark. How’d the meeting go?” “Great,” She picked Flurry up and held her. “Going to be a busy month upcoming though.” She smiled down at Flurry. “Hello sweetheart, did you have fun with daddy and auntie Chrysalis?” “Very much so, mother.” Flurry answered plainly. Cadence screamed and launched herself backwards, landing hard on the crystalline floor. She stared wide eyed as her little girl turned into Chrysalis. “Ha!” Shining Armor pointed his hoof at her triumphantly. “That’s for this morning.” “Ch…Chrysalis!?” Cadence clutched her chest. Chrysalis used her magic to pull Flurry out from under the bed and into her hooves. “Sorry, but I figured he deserved a win.” Flurry pointed at her mother and laughed in amusement. “You’ve made a grave tactical error, my love.” Shining Armor proclaimed. “Chrysalis and I did some serious bonding and have formed an alliance.” “Ok ok…I deserved that.” Cadence admitted with a laugh. “No more shape changing pranks.” “Good.” Shining Armor took Flurry and headed from the room. “Come on, Flurry. Way past your bedtime.” Chrysalis went to Cadence and offered her hoof. “Hope you don’t hold it against me.” “No, I’m glad.” Cadence took her hoof and was pulled up. “Sounds like you two had fun today.” “It turned out to be more emotional than I would have imagined.” Chrysalis confessed. “But, Shining Armor said that may have just been your game.” “Not a game,” Cadence shook her head. “I felt it would be great for you two to have the time together that you and I had. Even if that meant just having a little fun or getting the chance to talk about whatever you needed to without me being there.” Chrysalis nodded. “We did.” She went to the dresser, lifting their souvenir photo in her magic. “Seeing him in full father mode, seeing Flurry experience the world with such innocence, it was beautiful.” She turned back to Cadence. “I know this is treading old water, but I’m sorry I nearly robbed you of it; you’re lucky to have them.” She passed the photo to Cadence. Cadence smiled at the image. “What a lovely picture.” She passed it back. “You should keep it.” Chrysalis sighed a bit. “It’s a tad too bittersweet.” “Perhaps,” Cadence continued. “But I can tell you this, one day you’ll look at it and it won’t be so bittersweet, it will just be sweet; and when that day comes, you’ll be glad you kept it.” Chrysalis absorbed her words. “It took an amazing amount of trust to allow me this day to even take this picture.” She nodded slowly. “I appreciate that.” “Of course.” Cadence set her hoof to Chrysalis’ shoulder. “You’re a part of our family now. Flurry really loves you and I can already tell Shining is happy that you two are closer now. I think both of those things are wonderful, and I do trust you with them.” Chrysalis reached up and laid her hoof atop Cadence’s. “Thank you.” “So, is it alright if I tease him about you?” Cadence grinned. Chrysalis laughed wickedly. “Absolutely.” “Flurry is asleep.” Shining Armor announced as he returned. “What’d I miss.” “Just girl talk.” Cadence answered simply. “I’m glad you guys had a good time, did Flurry behave?” “Most of the time.” He chuckled. “Chrysalis is actually good at keeping her in line.” “Well, she does have a lot more experience with kids.” Cadence smiled at her. “Flurry knows she has you wrapped around her hoof.” Chrysalis responded in kind. “It wouldn’t kill you to be a bit sterner.” “Actually, I think it would.” Shining Armor admitted. “I just can’t say no to that little face.” “It takes a village, as they say.” Cadence added. “Fortunately, we have one more villager.” “Yeah,” Shining Armor agreed. “We should do this again sometime.” Chrysalis smiled softly. “That… would be nice.” She tucked the photo behind her wing. “But I should be off now.” “Okay,” Shining Armor hugged her. “Today was special, I’m glad we had it.” She wearily raised her leg and put it around him. “Yes, I am too.” She saw Cadence smiling in her peripheral. “Oh, before you go.” Cadence produced four golden tickets. “These are your tickets for the Gala; one for you, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Scorpan.” “The Gala?” She took them in her magic. “Yes, this is going to a special one and we definitely want you all there.” She explained. “I see,” She placed them beside her photo. “I suppose that means I’ll need a gown.” “You can borrow one of mine.” Cadence offered with a smirk. “Ha, your taste is a bit… pink for me.” She countered, heading for the door. “Thank you though.” “It comes with a plus one too,” Cadence informed. Chrysalis laughed and looked back over her shoulder. “Someday, perhaps. For now, I’m fine as is.” She waved as she rounded the doorway into the hall. “Later, Chrysalis!” Shining Armor called after her, his head lowering as soon as she left. “Okay, if you’re going to hit me, do it now that she’s gone.” Cadence giggled and lightly bopped him on the head. “Don’t worry, I forgive you. Like you said, it’s good to see you two close enough to screw with me now.” He laughed and nodded. “Yeah, she’s fun when she lets the walls down. Should have seen her running roughshod over the games. Flurry has a new bear to add to her oversized collection and a bunch of toy prizes she’ll forget about as soon as she wakes up.” He took her hooves in his and gazed into her eyes. “That was just what we needed, thank you, hon.” He pulled her into a kiss. “Love you.” “Love you too,” She whispered back. “Alright, let me go over everything Celestia wants us to handle for the Gala with you.” “Huh?” Shining Armor pouted. “But I’m exhausted.” “Come on, honey. You got to spend the day with your new girlfriend, so now you get to spend some time with your wife.” She looked back at him with an evil smile. “Really?” He raised his brow. “You’re doing that?” “What?” She toned innocently. “She’s your friend and she’s a girl, that makes her your girlfriend. Right, Mr. Alliance?” “That is so… middle school.” He huffed as he followed after her.