Twilight the Saiyan

by Xalok

First published

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

Twilight Sparkle finds herself waking up in a small space pod with a new body. There is only 4 years old. With no memories other than her name and the knowledge of science she has gained over the years, She is alone and confused as her pod crashes down to the nearest planet, where she meets a kind woman whose name is Vomi, who takes Twilight in as her own. But is Twilight truly alone in this new universe? Or is there an old friend here who can try and help her recall her old life?

A small warning: this story is written by a guy who has never learned to write by school, for they believe I was never going to use it, and English is my second language. So I might be a bit bad.

Else a big thank you to Blackdrag-rose, for talking me into trying to write a story.

Chapter 1 : The Landing And Finding a Home

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It is Age 737, and a Saiyan pod is about to land on Earth—a story well known as the story of Son Goku. However, this is not his story. Our story begins at the age of 741, when a new pod comes towards Earth, one that will change the history of the planet. Now, let's follow the story of a young Saiyan girl with black hair and two stripes in her hair, the inner being light pink and the outer being dark purple, all set up in ponytails and held by a hair clip that looks like that of an eclipse, while dressed in the normal style of Saiyan armor. Our young warrior's name is Twilight Sparkle, and she is about to go on a brand new adventure, so let us see where her story takes her.

On a normally beautiful day at the beach of Papaya Island, we find a woman with long, beautiful red hair in her lab coat walking along the beach while fully absorbed in her own thoughts. When out of nowhere something falls from the sky and lands on the rock side of the beach, as she gets closer to whatever it was that fell from the sky, she calls up her own ground units and tells them to bring her capsule box, for she will need her tools to bring back whatever it is, and now that she is closer, she can see it's a form of ship with a small surprise inside a young girl, looking like a normal girl well except for the tail. For other than that, she looks like a normal 4-year-old little girl. What a twist life has taken for the scientist Vomi.

a little later inside Vomi's laboratory under Papaya.

Vomi walked into the room where they were storing the space pod, followed by a little Twilight. She was planning to reverse engineer it and learn as much as she could about the pod. while thinking about what happened as she opened the pod and got the child out.

”Hello there, little one, what are you doing in this pod?" Vomi said while a smiling at the girl.

”I don't really know. one moment I just opened my eyes and I was here. Before that? I don't know," said the girl. while looking around confused.

”What do you know?" asks Vomi.

"Well, I know my name is Twilight Sparkle. and I know how to do this," Twilight said. As she lifted her hand, it started to glow a light pink, which made everything in the room lift off the ground and tables while creating a soft glow the same color as her hand. After a bit, she set everything back to where it came as her hand stopped glowing while looking back at Vomi. ”Other than that, I only know what I think is basic. But I'm not sure about it."

To say that Vomi was surprised would not have cut it, for Twilight had just shown powers that many believe were fake, and she had done it like it was nothing. At that point Vomi knew for sure that the pod that had come from space. For a kid like her had not been found on earth before. Sure there were some reports of others with abilities to make one or two items move on their own, not but not a full room of items, and then there was the tail. Other than that, she could come off like a normal kid at this point. Vomi had two choices to pick from: she could hand the kid over to Commander Red, and Twilight would end up being trained to be nothing but a killing machine for the Army. or she can find her a home where Twilight would be able to grow up to be a happy, nearly normal kid. As she was thinking over this, she was interrupted in her train of thoughts when Twilight pulled lightly on her coat, making Vomi look at her again.

"You never told me who you are. Are you my mom?” asks Twilight while looking up at Vomi with her eyes full of curiosity and hope.

Now Vomi found this to be really unfair. She already had a weakness for kids, and here is little Lost Twilight looking at her in a way that makes her look far cuter than she had any right to be. How can she say no to this? "Well to start out my name is Vomi. And sadly I can't say that I'm your mother. However, I can take care of you for a time; maybe if we don't find any problems with it, I can take you in, for you are far too cute to let go," said Vomi as she bent down to pick up Twilight in her arms, lifting her up, and put her finger on Twilight's nose, making the girl giggle. "And for that I would need to talk to my husband, for as much as I want to I can't just take you in without talking to him first."

This answer was more than good enough for Twilight who nodded her head in agreement while giving Vomi a big smile.

Some time later.

Back at the lab with the space pod Vomi has just gotten done with scanning the pod and found that the computer on the ship only had one task set in it's programming landing the pot which is odd. Not even a launch of a plant was done with it. It was like the pod just kind of popped into being in space, with the only command being to land on the planet, making the mystery of Twilight even more confusing. So she decides that she wants to see how smart Twilight is with a few tests, and every test came back with a 100% score. Every school grade, all the way to high school, she beat them all with like they were nothing. The only thing she had not gotten done well was her writing, which would be easy to help her with. One the other thing was clear, what Twilight called basic stuff would make nearly every school kid cry. Making it so she would be the perfect lab assistant would make life for Vomi so much easier. For she would not need to think about sending Twilight to a normal school which is probably for the best. For Twilight would probably end up being bullied due to how well she would be doing. So she can teach her easily if there is anything other than writing skills that would be needed. And due to how much Twilight already knows, she might even be able to help her with her work. Finding ideas that will sell products to the people can sometimes be hard. And do to who she is working for. It was even harder fight to make something that the people liked enough to buy. something that you only tell Command Red if you want to die, for he made it easy for the people to know who they are by naming their company Red Pharmaceuticals. Sometimes Vomi wonders how the army got as far as it did.

Vomi's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a hungry stomach. Something that made her look towards Twilight and realize that the poor girl had probably not had anything to eat in some time, and looking at the clock it was right on time for dinner. So she told Twilight to come along so she could get some food. Being a high-ranking member of the Red Ribbon Army has its benefits having her own kitchen fully stocked, with more food than even five men can eat so feeding a small girl easy right? It turns out that is a no. Little Twilight was able to eat food enough for four starving men, something that made Vomi realize that she might need to do more tests on Twilight to find out as much as she can. Of course these tests are for Twilight's own good. And then there is the armor she has on something that she wants to see what it can withstand. Many of these things can be looked into one's Twilight is a sleep, but first a bath for even though Vomi did get Twilight to eat more like a girl and not a hungry beast, she did get food over herself and this led to a new surprise. For when she had gotten Twilight to take off her clothes and gotten her into the bathtub. She discovered that Twilight has a big pink star on her back, it looks like a tattoo, but a scan showed that it was not just some tattoo. No, this was something that was natural to Twilight and held power in it. What this power was is the question. But that is for later right now Vomi was just happy that Twilight seemed to enjoy her first bath and was not trying to fight it. She had already had to dealt with before when her son was still little and living at home with her, she always ended up more wet then he did, so having Twilight enjoy the water was a relief.

After the bath, Vomi would take Twilight to the lab before bringing her to bed, for she needed to take a blood sample from her so she could learn more about the girl. So after getting it she put her in her own bed where she fell asleep fast. Vomi is more ok with sleeping on the couch herself she had done that many times before when she did all-nighters, so giving Twilight her bed was fine. But sleeping is for later right now she has work to do.

Four hours later inside the Vomi lab. She had just gotten done running all the tests she could on the blood, and the results were something that she found surprising. The blood itself, at first glance, looked like any of the normal blood, but when heated up, the blood lit itself on fire without evaporating or changing in any way, becoming liquid fire. So by this account, she tried to freeze it down, making the blood freeze everything around itself while the blood remained a liquid. This blood was just crazy; why would Twilight's body need its blood to be able to do this? At this point Vomi was sure on one thing. She would need another set of eyes on this, to try and find out what else there might be to Twilight's blood, and the only one she can trust with this is her husband, Dr. Gero. Which is perfect for she would need to talk with him about Twilight anyways as well. For even with how short time she had spent with Twilight, she had come to love the girl, just like she loves her son but that would be for tomorrow. Right now she needed her sleep.

The next day.

Waking up on the couch the next morning. Vomi realized that something was on her, so she lifted her blanket, and what she saw was little Twilight holding onto her. It seemed that she had woken up after Vomi had gone to bed herself and crawled up to her, which was the cutest thing she had seen in a long time. making Vomi hope even more that her husband will agree to add Twilight to the family. While waiting for Twilight to wake up, Vomi had called her husband about wanting to keep the girl and about help with the blood sample.

After Twilight finally woke up. Vomi had taken her to the bathroom to go over her and now also Twilight's morning routine. After that, they went to breakfast. while eating breakfast with Twilight. Vomi started to think back to the conversation with her husband before waking up Twilight, and it had gone far better than she had thought it would, and Gero was more than happy to help learn more about Twilight. He was even happy to let Twilight join their family. So she sent the blood sample to him right away before going to the bathroom with Twilight. It will take some time for it to get to Gero. This was due to the distance between the two, not that they wanted to be away from one another, but to how dangerous his work is. Working on war machines for the Red Ribbon was not a safe job, but it was the only job he was able to get to earn enough to continue his own research. Working in robotics is not cheap, so he took the job to work for Commander Red. How that little devil had gotten ahold of enough money to start the Red Ribbon Army and Red Pharmaceuticals was something that Vomi and Gero would probably never know.

Something else that had come up was that Gero wanted to talk to Twilight at one point as well, due to how well she had scored on the tests she had done. She had gained his interest. But it needed to wait some time for Gero had just gotten started on his next project, Android 7, or, as the Army had already named him, Major Metallitron. Why they were so set on that name is something he is not sure of.

So that left Vomi and Twilight for their first real day together. and their plans were to get Twilight more clothes than what she came to earth in and what other items there might be useful for her, like something to play with when Vomi would not have time for her; everything else Twilight might need is something they already have; and going out shopping will allow Twilight to learn a bit more about the world she is now part of.

But before that Vomi had the joy of telling Twilight the news, that she would be taking care of her full time as her mom. Which made little Twilight tear up and jump into the arms of her. Sure she is not hers by blood. But that does not matter to either of them. And with that they were able to truly start there first day as family.

And it turned into a really enjoyable day. Getting clothes for Twilight turned out to be easy she just wanted clothes there was easy to more around in, looks were not something she gave much thought to so it made it easy to pick out what clothes she wanted her to try. This had been a nice surprise for Vomi, for it made it really easy and fast to get clothes for Twilight, and with how her new daughter had already shown interest in her lab, Vomi wanted to get her a lab coat of her own. That way, she would be able to take Twilight to the lab, teach her there and even let Twilight try to make her own experiments in the lab. Who knows what she might come up with.

Otherwise before going back to their home, they spent a bit of time in the city, where Vomi found out that Twilight had a real sweet tooth, just like herself. meaning she would probably have to hide her candy a bit or buy more of it, for a thing she had found out while scanning Twilight this morning before going out is that everything Twilight eats, be it sugar or fat, does not go into becoming fat on her body; even her teeth seem to be self-clean, which Vomi was a bit jealous of. But it did leave a door open to try and find a way to make this work for humans, it would make life a bit easier not having to think about cleaning her teeth. Or be able to eat as much as she wants without gain any fat. And the amount of people who would pay greatly for that would be big. But even so Vomi would still teach Twilight to use a toothbrush, for it would make her look a bit more normal in others eyes.

And on the way back to their home Twilight had spotted something there made her stop. A toy store there was selling plushies. And one in the front had fully pulled Twilight in. A small purple dragon there was holding what looked like a gem. "Mom can I have that dragon?" asked Twilight as she was pointing at it.

"Sure I can buy that for you," said Vomi as she took Twilight's hand and walk with her into the store.

With Twilight now having a lot of clothes to pick from. And with her watching Tv inside the lab together with her new friend Spike where Vomi was able to see her. And with her in new clothes Vomi was finally able start her test on the armor Twilight came in. And the test turn out to be a good idea for the armor turn out to be a marvel of engineering. Being able to to stretch so much there was no one who were not able to have it on, while sits well on anybody there use it. And no one has been able to even make a scratch on it yet, well other then the rocket and all that did was make a small burn make on it, but that would kill anyone who has it on anyways. So copying these would be high on the list of things to do, and if she was able to add the stretchy ability into other clothes, that would be able to earn them a lot of money, for having cloths that you never need to fear growing out of, would be something many wants. Getting this much to work with just from the armor Twilight had on, was making Vomi look forward to reverse engineer the space pod, for it would be the key to one of her dream projects. To make a spaceship and travel the stars, and that dream has just gotten more important. for She is convinced that there is more out there than just stars for where else did Twilight come from? and she wants to learn more about her race as well. But something bad did come into view due to Twilight. Why did a child have armor on when sent to a plant if she had been sent at all, for the ship's computer did not have a launch in its history, so the pod might just have been dropped in space and sent here after, and if so, why? This to Vomi did not look good, so she had made it a new point to make sure the spaceship she is working on will be equipped with stealth technology, for if there are others out there, she wants to be the one who finds them, not the other way around. And that would take a long time to make that. But at least with Twilight around time would fly.

Later that year Twilight would learned of her older brother. Gavo, when he came home from school break from the Military Academy. It was a bit of a surprise to Gavo when he came home to a little sister with a tail, but he fell into the role of a big brother rather quickly, or, as Twilight had started to call him, BBBFF, a name Gavo took to heart. That they became brother and sister so fast made Vomi happy, for she had a fear that he would not like her, or the other way around, but that fear had been for nothing. He had even taken her out with him to an animal park, something Gavo had always enjoyed he mostly liked the birds, which Twilight had taken a bit to as well. Something they learned later.

And when Gero was finally done with making android 7. He had finally had time to talk with Twilight and it had gone great. So good in fact that Gero had start to teach Twilight about roboticists. And these with these lessons she ended up building herself an Android Owl. which she upgrades every time she learns something new, and she named it Owlowiscious or Android Who. This is something Gero was really impressed by, but he also told Twilight to keep it to herself that she had made him. For if Commander Red learned about her ability to make this kind of Android, she would move to somewhere else to make Androids for the Army, for being able to live like Androids of animals would be able to be great spy's for who would think that a bird would be spying on them. And that would mean Twilight would be taken away from Vomi, which he was not going to let happen.

Else Gero had been trying to learn more about Twilight's race with Little progress, all he had learn was that Twilight's race was natural born Warrior's, her skin is harder then that of normal human race, and even whit what little physical work Twilight does in the lab with her mother, She is able to lift more then most fully grown men, and she moves a lot faster then others around Her, and Her reflexes were perfect. Some times looking at Twilight was like looking at a Martial Artist. Which lead to Gero sending out small spy drones, to find the worlds Top Martial Artists and study them, Which lead to Gero learning of a Little Boy under the roof of the famed Son Gohan. This Boy had a tail just like Twilight, meaning there is a chance that they might be the same. So Gero made a upgraded to his drones so they can get blood samples as well, and the blood from the Boy was a lot easier to work with. but it did not have the same abilities as Twilight's, but other then that it was nearly the same, other thing there stood out was the Boy did not have a mark on his back like Twilight, and he had not show any magic like Twilight had been able to do. Which said to Gero that must mean that Twilight, was a more advances part of the race. Else he would find out more about the race by studying the Boy. And 3 years later at the age of 744 in the middle of the summer, something new would be learn about Twilight's race something Terrifying. For one night when the full moon was out the Boy had looked at the Full moon, and what happen was something Gero had not ever believe to be possible, if not for the fact he was seeing it, the Boy transform, into a Great Ape at 15 meters tall with power to match his new size, and he went into a full on rampage, destroying everything and anyone He came across even the mighty Son Gohan, and the rampage last the whole night, and when the moon left the sky, the boy return to his normal self, unaware of what he had done, and as bad as it sounds Gero was happy that Son Gohan had been killed by a small mountain being drop on him, for it made it so the Boy would not have to deal with knowing that He had kill the Man, these news about Twilight's race needed to be share with Vomi and Twilight as fast as he was able, for if Twilight transform who knows how many would die.

To say that Twilight and Vomi were surprised by the news would be an understatement; however, it would explain why the cloth Twilight came in was able to stretch so much, for they had not found a limit on how far it was able to stretch yet. Armed with this information, Vomi and Twilight set out to make some special glasses lenses that block out moonlight, so she would not transform. When looking at the moon, for Vomi's plan to go into space, it would be needed to learn more about Twilight, for with how much power there is hidden inside her and with how little they know, who is to say there is not more power to her race that they have yet to learn about?

It would be 2 years later on Twilight landing day, May 6, which Vomi decided would be a good day to call Twilight's birthday, and with it being early summer, it was perfect for that. this is the day Twilight show Vomi her news inventions, a DNA splicing pod that allow anyone who enter to gain parts of a animal's DNA chosen, a great improvement on the Animorphaline drug, for the pod has the ability to store the DNA of the one who goes in and undo the changes, which was the biggest downfall of the Animorphaline, for if you regret it later that would be no way to undo it now there is, and the second problem was it left most who use it looking ugly, while the pod would allow control over the look as well, so this would help Vomi a lot with her job for it would bring in a lot of money and to make it simple for people they just kept the old name. This allowed Vomi more time to work on their space ship, and the sooner it gets done the better.

Life was happy for the next 4 years; that's when Twilight would learn what it means to lose someone she loves.

Chapter 2 : Twilight Vs Son Goku

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It was early in the morning when Twilight and Vomi got a call in the middle of their breakfast from Gero, and he did not seem happy when the screen showed his face. Twilight was the first one to ask him what was wrong. Gero had hope that Twilight would not have been here for this, for he was not sure how she would handle the news.

So Gero answered, "I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news this morning, but two days ago the headquarters of the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed," Gero was able to see the shock on both Twilight and Vomi faces, but sadly there was more and they needed to know, so he continue while he was still able to do it, for his family did not need to see him lose his head in rage, "And that is not all there was lost that day, it hurts me to say this but Gevo was killed," He had to stop and let Twilight and Vomi have a moment, for one had just lost her son and the other her brother, but he needed to finish telling them what happened, so he continued, "And to make matters worse his body had been damaged so much that we will not even be able to hold a funeral for him, for all there was left of him was his head, and then one who did it was the boy I told you about, Son Goku. Now I will leave the two of you to your sorrow, for I do not wish for you to see me like this." And with that he ended the call. As the call ended Vomi had pick up Twilight and hugging her tightly, it was all she would be able to do to try and clam down both Twilight and herself.

Even with the sorrow fresh in her mind Vomi would not have time to grieve for her son, for with the death of Commander Red Vomi now finds herself in full control of Red Pharmaceuticals. And due to the Army being gone the company is now getting hit with claims from all sides towards the damage done by the Army and it will need Vomi's full attention to fix. And this sadly left Vomi without the ability to make sure Twilight was dealing with her grief in a healthy way, and with Twilight hiding herself away in her work and training her magic it made it hard to check on her. And from a distance it looks like she was ok, but the feeling of fear for her was something Vomi would not be able to get rid of.

Twilight however was not doing well, she was burying her grief under her work and magic study. Ever since the news of her big brother's death, she started planning. For what she wanted to do she needed power, so she started to push what she was able to do with her magic, and it had already gotten far from where she started, for when she began, she was mostly only able to lift things slowly and not move them around. Now however she was able to throw things at a great speed, and her aiming skills was already pinpoint, she test this with moving targets she had made. And she was still improving.

Else she had made a wrist watch there was link to Owlowiscious's eye's so she can use him to find Her target, and while doing all this she had been watching films on Martial arts, for she needed know how to throw a punch, for there was a big chance that her target would be able to get to her. Before she would be able to end him, for she had been studying how he fights, all thanks to her dad who she had talk into sharing the date, she did not tell him what she needed the info for, for if she did he might try to talk her out of it then. And do to the info she had on the Dragon radar that the Red Ribbon HQ had, she had been able to build her own which was much better able to pin point the dragon balls down to their number of stars, and this let her know where he was at any point do to him keeping the 4 star dragon ball on him, so she will know when he would come for the, Tenkaichi Budokai or the World Martial arts Tournament as some calls it. So all she has to do is Train and wait for her target, and she still has 2 years to grow before the event happens.

On the sign up day before the World Martial Arts Tournament Twilight was ready when the 4 Star Dragon ball was flying toward her. And she had even made a underground surprise was set and ready to go. Today is the day Twilight will let all her bottle-up feelings out. And take her chance at the monster there killed her brother.

As the radar showed, Her target getting closer at a good speed, Twilight Knew she only got one chance to catch Goku by surprise, so she need the first boulder to be thrown to be a clean hit, else she might as well not fight him, for if he gets close he will win for sure, for with the time she had to prepared, she train Her Body to move but not to take hit's, for if she had started to build Her body mass, Mother would have seen what she was doing and made her stop, so she had to keep it to tech and magic, anything else would have shown what she was planning, though she knows Her Dad will know when this starts, do to his spying on Goku, she will just have to make the fight quick, so with that in mind.

Twilight took aim at Goku's Flying Nimbus with the biggest boulder near her, lined up the shoot, and let go while screaming at the top of her lungs. "MEET CAPTAIN BOULDER, YOU FLYING MURDER!" Even though she knows He is too far away to hear her, it did help her feel a bit better.

Meanwhile at Gero's lab.

Gero had just gotten a warning from the drone that looked over Goku that something was about to happen, and he was starting to think he needed to fix the drone, for so far all he saw was the boy flying about on his cloud. Out of nowhere, the boy was hit by a boulder so hard that he looked like a fly on a windshield. It was beautiful in Gero's eyes, such a glorious thing to see, and it made him laugh. Well, until he saw who did it, his little star had just attacked the one who killed his son, and now he feared he was about to lose a daughter as well. He had to get ahold of Vomi and have her get Twilight out of there, and there was not a second to waste.

Black to Twilight.

Twilight not wanting to give Goku the chance to react, send a new boulder fly straight up, to try and Crush Goku in between the two, which look like it was going to work, but Goku at this point realizing what was going on and jumped away from there, just in time to see both the boulders smash into each other which get turn into a shower of small rocks, and landed on the ground about 100 yards away from her, not wanting to give Goku the time he needed to finding out what was fully going on, Twilight send more boulders at Goku one from his left and right, trying to crush him in the middle, but do to all the battles Goku had already be in at this time, he was more the ready to go, avoiding the boulders with a jump, and landing on top of the two as they stop moving, looking up and forward at Twilight with a cocky smile, for to him this had just become a new bit of training, while the smile just made Twilight even more furious, he was not supposed to find this funny.

So Twilight steps up her game, making it rain. Rock down around Goku, with a few frag grenades in between, but the boy was far too good to get really hurt by any of this, as he was jumping around the rocks and explosions like it was nothing, making her more and more angry, but it gave her an idea. as Goku was about to land on one of the rocks she was throwing at him. She used her powers to crush the rock blowing it up doing her first real damage to the boy, leave the him with many small cuts nothing big but it was a start for her, however do to taking real damage, Goku knew that he had to end the fight before she would be able to do more, so he started to make his way towards her which was slowed down thanks to Owlowiscious making powerful winds slowing his jumps down, making it so the only way to go forward was on the ground, which was all part of the plan, but here is where Twilight's luck ended, for do to one of the rocks she was throwing at him from behind that he sidestepped it flew passed him, and landed in the hide minefield she had made, making it known to Goku that he would not be able to run to her or jump to her do to Owlowiscious, he was trapped like a rat, so Twilight was sure she had this fight won now, she just needed to crush him, so she slow down in her attack knowing she would need a really big rock to end him, not knowing this would be her down fall, for Goku had a plan, and the slow down on her attacks was just what he needed, and she realized this far to later when she hear Goku shout his Kamehameha, and fire the beam right at Her Running alone the the ground with enough power to set off every landmine do to a fault in their making, forcing her to take the blast head on or die, so the last thing Twilight saw while laying down in a slowly growing pool of her own blood, was Goku running of to the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament.

Some unknown time later

The first part of Twilight to come back into the world of the living, after her near-death encounter, was her mind. All she was able to do was think about how much she had enjoyed the fight, something she would never have believed, for she was a scientist not a fighter. But her body was saying otherwise, for it felt like the fight had awakened something in her. She had never had a drive for combat, but now she was feeling one. And a need to push her body to new highest, and to fight Goku not with her mind but with her fist. She wants to learn far more about martial arts and master every part of it, but to become a master, she would need a body there can handle being a master, so Twilight sets a new goal to become the strongest, but that will have to wait for the rest of her body is ready to wake up.

First came her ears, and the first thing she was hearing was the slow rhythmical beeps of the heart monitor, and then her eye's, giving her the view of her mother sleeping lay half on her bed while sitting in a chair, and she did not look good, big dark rings under her eye's her hair a mess and she was able to see the tear stains, on her blanket there was over her legs, making Twilight award of how much she must have worried about her, something she had not thought about, before setting Her plan for Vengeance in motion. And with her current condition it was lucky she did not died, giving her Mother and Father more to grief over her near death, something she did not wish to do, but at this point that was to late, she had messed up and can only hope that they will forgive Her, trying to move Her arm though did not go well She was only met with pain; she was going to try again, but the door into the room opened up.

"So I see that you are finally awake, Twilight," said Gero as he walked towards a chair in the room while looking over some papers and taking a seat on the chair, "You're Mother, and I have been really worried ever since I saw you attack the boy. Between you and me, that boulder hit was beautiful," he said while giving her a smile, just for him to go back to being serious.

"Otherwise you have been out for a full week. So let's start with the damage he did to you. Your right leg is broken, with your left getting away with only a few fragments of metal from the mines getting stuck in it. You got about 3 broken ribs, and your left arm got a bone fracture, but your right arm has been left with only a few pieces of metal stuck in it, making you bleed a lot, nearly bleeding to death. But we saved you just in time, so I want to ask you, Do you think what you did was worth it?" Gero asked while keeping his eye's lock on Twilight's, no judgement was in his eyes just a want to know.

Twilight did not need to think about that, for she already knew how she felt about it, "No, and yes, it's hard to say really, for I really enjoy fighting him, and I feel like I needed that fight, and I now want to train my body I want to learn as much as I can about what it really means to be a martial artist," Taking a deep breath, Twilight preparers to continued," And I messed up badly I did not think about how You and Mom were going to feel about me doing this, about how I could have died I did not think about anything other than my stupid Vengeance can you forgive me?" While talking, Twilight kept her eyes on Gero, so it came as a surprise when Twilight was pulled into a hug by her mother.

"Right now, I am just happy that you are alive," Said Vomi. As she looked her daughter in the eyes, she said, "And before you ask, I heard everything you said to your father, and as much as I don't like the idea, something did come up that makes me think that it would be for the best if you started training, for with you having been out for a full week, we have been keeping an eye on you, and well, it's hard to explain, but your body strength has become higher than it was before you got hurt, and from what we can see, it's a part of your race."

"And armed with this information, your mother and I talked about it, and we have come to the conclusion that it might be good for you to take up training, so that you want to do this just makes things easier," said Gero. He took over for a bit, "And that is why I am here, for you see, the space ship your mother has been working on is close to being done; the ship was only missing one room to be done, and with your need for training now, that is what it will be built for, so we will add a gravity control to the room, and while putting up a video screen, there will be a connection to my database on martial arts, so you can study while training your body, and it will let your mother talk to you while training; there will also be normal training tools."

This made Twilight pull back a bit, out of the hug, so she could see both her parents, "But why build it on the ship?" Twilight asks, "And are you not mad at me for putting you through this? I nearly got myself killed," she said as she was going to look down, just for Vomi to make her look up at her again.

"Well to start up with your first question," Vomi answer," The training room is being build on the ship, for when you are fully healed we will be taking to the stars, while you're father will handle everything here on earth, and as much as I want to say we are going to space to just see new worlds, sadly the reason is more that we need to know what we are dealing with out in space, for with what we are learning about you, and the boy, we are believing that other races out in space might not be as friendly as we hope for, do to what we see when we look at what we found out about your race dear. For everything is pointing at your race being that of warriors, and with how powerful the boy already is, we don't believe we will be ready for a universe like that, so to be as ready as we can, you and I are going into space to find out as much as we can, while your father stays here on earth and keeps a eye on thing's here, and with you starting your physical training, and how powerful your magic already is, there is no one better to protect us."

Vomi had to take a break, for she hated that she would have to put her little star in danger to keep herself safe so they would be able to find out more about the universe and about Twilight as well, so she continued. "I will be honest with you, my Star. I don't want to put you into this role, for it might be dangerous, for we have no idea what's out there, and you would have to protect us, for I am not able to do this, and it makes me feel like I have failed you, Twilight I have failed in keeping you away from danger." Vomi looked like she was about to cry after saying how she felt.

Seeing this made Twilight move to hug her mom, not caring a bit about the pain. "Don't say that; you have been a great mom," said Twilight while making it clear she was sad to hear her mom talk like that about herself, "You have been there for me as much as you can, and the last 2 years only turn out like they did, do to what happened to BBBFF and those who want you to pay for what the RR did, so I understand why you did not have time for me, and I gave you no reason to think anything was wrong, for I did not want to be stopped in what I was doing, so the fault is fully on me!"

As his wife and daughter embraced each other, making their already strong bond stronger, Gero watched with a smile for this is something that made him happy to see. He is not a man who needs to be close to his wife and adopted daughter, their little talks are all he needs to be happy with his family, he knows their likes and dislikes he knows what they care about, that is all he needs. But right now it's time to finish their talk, while Twilight still has the energy, for even with how strong she is, she will still need time to rest. But before going into plans, he wanted to have a bit of fun. "So, Vomi, aren't you going to tell our daughter what the new name of the company is?" Gero asked, with a smirk on his face, while looking
at his blushing wife in the eye's, while Twilight started to look at him when he opened his mouth and said, " Sparkle industry."

"What!, Mom, why? Why did you name it that?" asked Twilight while trying to hide her blushing face.

"I was in a hurry. I had just heard about you attacking the boy, and I was not allowed to leave before picking a name," answered Vomi, "So I picked the first thing that came to mind, and I can't change it again, so the company is now named after you."

"Now that I have had my bit of fun, there is one last thing for you to know before we let you sleep again, Twilight," Gero waits for a moment to get Twilight to look at him before going on. "While you are recovering from your fight, you might see two others around here you have not seen before, their names are Lapis and Lazuli, and they have signed up for my cyborg project, and due to them being still in their teens just like you, we are waiting some time before we will start on the project, so while waiting for them to be old enough, they will work as assistants, so if you see them, feel free to talk to them. And that is all so I think it's time to let you sleep, for you will need the rest to do a full recovery, and now that we know that you are going to be fine, we will be able to work without worrying, so I wish you a good rest." Gero said as he got up from his chair and started to walk towards the door.

Vomi huge Twilight one more time and kissed her on the forehead as she got up and walked towards the door while telling her that she would come back later with some food for her, but right now Twilight would need her rest.

But as the room got quiet with only Twilight left in it, she started to call to her magic, for there was something she needed to do. And that was to get control over all the rage inside her, and while she had been talking with her family, a spell had come to her mind a spell that allowed her to store an emotion of her choice for later use. And all that rage she was still feeling she needed to store it to not get anymore stupid idea, and she would keep doing this with all her rage, only to use it the day she would be ready to take down Goku. So she cast the spell locking all the rage away for now, making Twilight feel so much better and ready for sleep. which made her decide to store her rage every time she had the chance, for if it felt this good to just store it, then it would probably feel far better to let it all out on a foe. But that will have to wait, for now, she will have to recover.

Chapter 3: Friends Are Made, And Travels Begin

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The next few days of rest were mostly boring for Twilight. Well, the first day after waking up was something else, as Twilight learned that the world had been taken over by a demon, or at least that is what he called himself. With how he looked, he was far from what Twilight had thought a demon might look like, but he did behave like a demon at least, but it did not last long. And even though she dislikes Son Goku, she would at least have to give him that he save the world from Demon King Piccolo, but from what her dad had been able to find, he was still out there, or at least his son was, but he did not seem as evil as his dad, so they let him be, but they would keep an eye on him.

It was 7 days later, after Twilight had her talk with her parents, when Lapis and Lazuli walked into her room wanting to talk, something Twilight welcomed because being in bed was boring.

"You know what you did against that Goku kid was really cool shame you did not get him," said Lapis as he sat down on one of the chairs in her room. "But I got to ask you, how did you get those mines and why did they go off as they did?"

"Yeah, it's something we have been thinking about ever since we saw you fight him, for his beam should not have set them off if they were normal mines." continued Lazuli as she took her own chair.

"Well, the mines were set to only go off if someone stepped on them, or if I told them to, for on my armband I am able to make them go off as I chose, but for some reason they all went off when he used his attack, which probably comes down to me not doing my job with them well enough, making it so they went off without the command given, leaving me like this." Explain Twilight while showing off her arms and lifting up her blanket, showing how bad she was. "And for where I got the mines from, I made them myself, same with the frag grenades, for if I had started to buy mines and grenades, my mom and dad would probably have realized what I was planning, and I knew if they were aware of what I was doing, they would have stopped me, and for how I put up the minefield so fast, the mine's are small drones that will go where I tell them to with my armband watch, and when they get to where they are to be set up, they shake themselves into the ground, so I can set up a minefield in seconds."

"That you made it out of this with your life is impressive," said Lazuli as she looked over the damage done to Twilight. "Else, let's talk about something more fun. Me and my brother have the day free, and you looked like you were bored out of your mind, so we picked up some movies, and we have some snacks and drinks coming here in a bit. That is, if you are up for seeing some movies with us?"

"That would be great, and I would like to say thank you for thinking of me," said Twilight while giving the Twins a smile.

"Well, it's not a problem at all," said Lapis while giving her a smile of his own. "You told us about your near death at the hands of Karate Kid; now let's have some fun with some movies."

This was the start of Twilight's first real friendship with the twins Lapis and Lazuli, something she had been in need of to keep the boredom away, and it was just good to make friends her own age. So she spent her time with her new friends waiting to fully heal, and the time went by in a blink of an eye with movie nights and bored games, and what else were they were able to find that Twilight would be able to do from bed.

It's now the month of January and Twilight was finally fully healed, it was time to get ready for take of, and the space ship is fully ready, and the research on Twilight's Battle armor was done, and do to this new armor had be made for both Vomi and Twilight, and the variant of the armor they had pick for themselves, was a strapless chest piece with a red spot in the middle on both front and back, which comfortably acclimates to their bust, which provided breast support in a manner akin to a bra, which was need for Twilight had start to grow and with the rate she was going she would need a bra, else they were wearing whatever cloth they wanted to under their armor, for Vomi it was her favorite sleeveless, short blue and red checker pattern high-neck minidress, with opaque black tights, matching black detached arm sleeves, and blue and red ankle heel boots with gold tips, with her lab coat over the outfit, while Twilight had a black short sleeve bodysuit on, with a leather belt with its buckle made out of her old heir clip having the symbol of the eclipse in the front, for the only part of the clip there survive the fight with Goku had been the eclipse symbol, while just below the belt Twilight had made her tail move around her like a second belt, and her with her hair was still as long as the day, she had come to earth where it went down to her shoulders, and on Her feet she had brown leather boots on, gifted to her by Lazuli, which had been modified to be stretchy just like the rest of Her cloth, and over her armor Twilight had her own lab coat on which had been made handle harsh treatment with add weight to it so Twilight would be doing a bit of training by just having it on, and looking Twilight over made Vomi realize that Twilight was turning into quite the beauty, something that made Vomi aware that she would need to teach Twilight about boys and girls, so she did not end up with a broken heart, and a body to remove, sure she believe in being peaceful, but if any boy or girl was going to break Her Little Star's heart she was going to end that little shit, who dares to do so.

Other things there had been done to prepare for the space trip, was to upgrade Twilight's companion something Gero help Her with, for they wanted Android Who to be able to scout better, and with them going of earth, a owl would not be able to blend in, so to make up for this they had add the ability to mimic a chameleon's ability to change it's colors to fit it's background, next they made it so Owlowiscious, can send back information to both Twilight and Vomi, for having a eye in the sky will help them both stay one step ahead of anything there might happen, another ability the Owl had gotten was a proto type Barrier, Gero was planning on using for his Cyborg project that Lapis and Lazuli had agree to being a part of, but that will be after his own Androids were done, and he had plans to make three, and if they are lucky those will be enough to remove their pest, however for safety the Cyborg project will be done before those 3 will ever be turn on, and there is a long time before that, for right now Lapis and Lazuli is to young for it to be safe, but when they hit the age of 18 they will be ready.

The spaceship had four rooms on it. The main room where the ship controls are is doing triple duty as a living room, kitchen, and bedroom, for they wanted to be near the ship controls as much as they could, for you never know when you need to change course. Next to that is the lab, where they will be able to take new technology, find out how it works, and find out if they want to make their own. And it's also in the lab, where they keep all their supplies, which they store in capsules, and they have more than enough food for 20 years and enough reserve parts to build five new ships if needed. They're not going to take any chances. Next is a gravity chamber, which got Two screens on the well, one hook up to every bit of Martial Art information that Gero had gotten a hold of, to let Twilight use the screen to learn as much about hand to hand combat as she can, so she is as ready to fight if the need ever comes, the other screen is view able to view and talk to the rest of the ship, this way both Vomi and Twilight would be able to talk even when She is training, and the last room is the bath room, else the other side of the shield is set up with it's own shield around the ship, just for safety for even with the camo tech on the ship hiding it in space, hiding does nothing to asteroids.

And with goodbyes said and the ship ready for takeoff, Twilight and Vomi set off into space.

And so there space Travel has taken off, and it will be many years before the will return to earth, they got 14 years before Gero is ready for his attack on Goku, so they are planning on staying in space for a max time of 10 years, with them maybe coming home before that, that way Twilight will have more then enough time to learn to fight and be strong enough to take the fight up, and find out more about Twilight's race, and if time allows it get some more space tech, for the tech they gain form Twilight's space pod, was far more advanced then anything they had on earth, so if they would be able to pick more up before they went home that would be a blissing, for both of them for that tech would be fun to learn form, and the upgrades they will be able to make to their own will be great, else it was time for Twilight to start her training.

Gravity Training was odd to get use to not to hard, but that probably came down to how She started out easy, by only going up in gravity by one 1x of earths Gravity but going up every second day and if it gets to hard she would adjust and go down again she hits the max gravity they have made, for she did not need to get hurt while training, for that would just slow her down, and with how long they had plans to stay in space means she was not in a hurry to get stronger, and it allow her to Keep her focus on learning new fighting styles, and there was two main ones she wanted to learn, that of the Crane and Turtle School, and she would start out with the one she found to be the most useful, the Crane School, for one of their Techniques would allow her to the fly the Sky dance Technique, this would be the most useful skill she can gain right now, and after gaining it she would focus on the Turtle School for it had fewer Techniques and is more focused on the training of mind and body it was a easy pick for second stop in her training, so her Training plan was set, and with Her Mother Taking care of everything else while they are looking for planets to stop at, all Twilight has to think of is how to best go about her training.

The first month had gone well with Twilight already having a good understanding of how to fly; however, they would need to stop at a planet for her to be sure she can use it well, and she will hold back her energy skills till then as well, for starting to fire energy attacks would blow up in a spaceship is a bad idea, that would be a one-way trip to the afterlife, but with the planets they have found so far, they had no reason to stop.

It was Six mouths before anything of interest happen, in that time Twilight had gotten up to 40x earth gravity, She had given up on Her first plan of going up every second day, as that turn out to be to much for Her body to handle, so She would just up it as you felt like it, She had also started to grow a lot, She was getting closer to her Mother height being around 145 cm, only 30 cm's below Her, and this had happen in such a sort time after Her Birthday where She turn 17 and that was only a Month ago, and She is still growing, Twilight and Vomi had come to a agreement that it must be a Race thing, but if it keeps going like this Twilight will become taller then Her Mother.

But the main reason things were getting interesting was that they finally found a planet they wanted to make a stop on.

From space, the planet looks green, but from what they can see from the scans of the surfers, it's mostly blue grass and water. But most important, the scans show that there is air on the planet, the same as on earth, and the people look just like the Demon King Piccolo, meaning there is a chance to learn more about a race that has somehow found a way to earth, so landing here would be a good idea, for they would like to know more about Piccolo as well, and this was the perfect chance for that.

Landing was easy, not expanding to be seen as they landed, for their ship was built for stealth, being able to hide anywhere, so it was a surprise to Twilight and Vomi that when they left the ship, they found three men standing there waiting for them, which can be both good if they are friendly or bad if they are not, and only talking to them would tell them which it is, but before either Vomi or Twilight had the chance.

One of the warriors walked closer and stopped when he was in hearing range. "I'm here on behalf of my people, and we want to know why you have come to Namek," said The Nameless Warrior in a very respectful way while keeping his eye's on the two.

And with how they sounded to Vomi and Twilight, they were friendly, so Vomi took over. "Hello there, my name is Vomi, and this is my daughter Twilight, and we are from Earth." Said Vomi as she laid her hand on Twilight's back and gave her a smile before looking back at the warrior. "And we have come here for a few things; the first is do to how you look like someone on our own home planet, whose name is Piccolo." To make sure she was believed Vomi had them a picture of Piccolo that they had taken with them on their travels, shocking the warriors' do to how their leader looked like he was his brother. "And we really wanted to learn more about his race; the second Twilight here really wants to learn everything she can about both fighting and magic, and we were hoping that your race might have some there would be able to share with her what they know. Of course we will not push for anything, so if you want us to leave, we will, and if you will let us stay and learn, we would love to know your names as well."

Coming down from the shock, the warrior spoke again. "I will be honest with you. I find what you are saying hard to believe, but your picture is hard to ignore. But for your requests, I will have to talk to our Grand Elder before I can say yes or no. But for now, you can have our names; these two are Tanissh and Tsuburi, and I am Nail," said the warrior now known as Nail. "Now then I want the two of you to follow me, so we can find out if it's ok for you to be here; my brothers will take care of your ship while you are with me."

"Oh, that is not necessary," said Vomi as she walked up to one of the sides of the ship, opened a panel, and pressed a button on it, turning the ship into its capsule and putting it away. "We can easily take the ship with us."

To say that the Namekians were surprised would be an understatement, but that soon gave way to a laugh from Nail. "I see you, Earthling, are full of surprises; now let's fly to where our Grand Elder is," said Nail as he hovered a bit over the ground.

"Wait a bit," said Twilight as she looked at Nail. "I am not sure how well I can fly, for I have to first learn while getting here, and my mother does not know how to, for she has never trained to do so."

This was a bit of a surprise to Nail, for he was able to feel the power coming from Vomi but nothing from Twilight. Sure, it was not a lot of power, but enough to fly. "Oh, that is a bit of a surprise to hear, for I can feel your mother's energy, but I can feel nothing from you," said Nail as he looked at Twilight, getting off the ground a bit unsteady but getting better for every second there went. The girl was far more interesting than he at first gave her credit for.

"It's aright, Twilight, I got a Flying Disc with me for just such a need," said Vomi as she threw out the capsule, and out of the smoke, hovered the Flying Disc. This was tach there had been taken from a rival army called Gurumes Army that had tried to start up, but they had fallen apart on their own, due to them making themselves known from day one, making themselves a target to the whole world, but their tech was saved by the RR Army, leaving a lot of it in Vomi's hands, and the Flying Disc had become her favorite, due to how free it let her feel when using it.

Now, with all of them in the air, they were making their way towards the Grand Elder of Namek.

As Nail went inside to talk to the Elder, Twilight and Vomi had to wait outside together with Both Tanissh and Tsuburi, for they were not trusted fully before their Elder decides that they are, and it was then that Nail came out to get Vomi to come in, which she did leaving Twilight outside with the two others, so she started to shadow boxing as a workout, and to make time go by, copying the movements of Jackie Chun which really was Master Roshi, something they learn do to their spy bot, just to change's style to that of the Crane school, mixing the two together into her own style that she is still working on, which both of the Namekians where impressed by, and so was Nail who was just looking at Twilight go, he waited for her to be done for it was her time to go in to meet their Elder, and Twilight was not ready for how big he was.

"So this is the young one that you have; you have to talk about Nail," said Elder Guru, as Twilight walked in front of Guru so he would be able to see her easier.

"Yes, Elder Guru, and as I told you when it was just the two of us, I do not feel her power yet; what she shows is far more than many here on Namek; I think the only one who would be able to fight her is myself," said Nail as he looked at Twilight, where Vomi was not sure if this was good or bad.

"You are right on this nail, and I know the reason why you can't feel her energies, and the reason makes her very interesting. Young girl, please come close and stand near me so I can lay my hand on your head," said Guru, and as odd as it sounded, Twilight did so, for she was going to trust him, and as he laid his hand on her head, she felt a lot of things, but three stood out: she felt like the sun itself was covering her for a moment, and the next she felt like she was the heart of a frozen storm, and last she felt like she had the powers of a god at her fingertip, but sadly that was not all for while all this happening Twilight had the feeling like she was being watch, and not by the namekies but something dark and before she was able to find out what, it was gone, and she looked back up at Guru with a lot of things she wanted to ask him as he removed his hand. "Now, young one, you will probably want to ask me a lot of things, but for some of those, you will have to find the answers for yourself. But there is one thing I can tell you. but you will have to earn it. I want you to learn our ways, something you already want to do, but when you are done, we will meet again, and I will ask you to let me lay my hand on your head again. If what I see is what I want to see, then I will give you answers to one of your questions, and I will give you what you really want—a chance to wish your brother back to life," said Guru as he showed her his dragon ball. "I will give you 4 years to do this, and when those 4 are up, we will meet again, young one. What do you say to my challenges?"

Twilight, just look at the Dragon Ball and look back at the Grand Elder.

And she gave him a smile and with a polite bow. She said, "I am looking forward to proving myself."

Chapter 4: Master And Student

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"Very good, young one," Said Guru, As he turned his head towards Nail, "I want you to take care of this young girl and make her undergo the trials of our people, and when you get to Moori's village, you will have her learn of our magic there under him. This is the trial you are going to take, is something everyone who wants to use the dragon balls goes under, however your trial will mostly be up with Nail, where normally you would go to every village where there is a dragon ball and do a task to be decided by that village elder, but to your wish of learning both our magic and our warriors, you have been allowed this special trial."

Twilight looked at Nail and then back to Guru. "I'm very grateful to you for this Elder Guru, but I want to ask what about my mom? what will she be doing while I train with Nail?" asked Twilight as she towards her mom.

To this Vomi just gave Twilight a smile. "Well, Twilight, I will be learning about everything Guru is willing to share, and he has already shared something we have been looking for. Due to the talk I had with him before you came in, he told me what your race is." said Vomi, " You are a Saiyan, and we were right about you being from a Warrior Race, who gets stronger whenever you get close to death, which we have already seen the fruits of when you had your fight, this is call a zenkai Boosted, and there is more, but it's not important right now. Else I'm going to learn other things here, one of them being how to fly on my own, for it's far to useful a skill to not get myself while we are here, and there is a place for me to put the ship up as our home while we are here, so don't worry about me, now come Twilight let's go and set it up, Guru probably wants to talk to Nail before the two of you start." And with that Twilight and Vomi left leaving Guru and Nail alone to talk.

"Lord Guru?" asked Nail

"Yes Nail, I know what you wish to ask me, and to answer there is nothing there can be done to stop it, even if the girl was to die the darkness inside her would just get the body for it self." answered Guru.

"Then why are we helping her get stronger? For if the darkness will come out no matter what we do, then should we not do what we can to limit the damage there will happen? Not add on to what power it might have?" said Nail not looking happy about what he was saying.

"That is what we are doing nail," said Guru with a small smile, which surprised Nail, "The Darkness inside of her is strong and far stronger then anything we have seen before, but she got the ability to make that power her own, but if the darkness was to take over right now she would fail, but if we help her get stronger she will be able to beat the darkness even after it gets out, so while you train her as much as you can, I will look for another places she can gain more power to help her, and if we do our work right, the darkness will be stop by herself and what other friends she might make. So make sure she learns everything you can teach her, for you never know what might be the thing to save the girl."

Nail was quiet while thinking over what Guru had told him "Should we tell her what she got hidden inside? For that might let her get ready to fight back when it wakes up."

"No sadly I think that will just make things worse for the girl, for she got her own things to worry about, adding this on top of it would just leave her think about it and only it, so to give her the biggest chance she can get it would be better to let it be and give her all the support we can."

"If you truly think that Lord Guru then why make her think she can fail, when we both know how much this wish means to her?"

"Simple it's a goal for her to complete, which will be good for her and allow her to keep her focus on this, and it also let us keep our own traditions alive as well, and when she get the wish she will have done so by her own power. That will be a small confidence booster, something she needs, for she does not seem to believe in herself as much as she claims."

Back with Twilight and Vomi.

As Twilight and Vomi set up their home for the next 4 years, Vomi told Twilight everything else there was to her race: how their heir never changes from the day they are born, how they stay small up to their young adulthood to make it easier to fight, and how there is a legend about the Saiyan's about a Super Saiyan. Other things she had learned was that it was the Namekians who made the dragon balls, and how Piccolo was one of two, so that means there was another Namekian on Earth that they did not know about. Of course, all this information will be sent back to Earth, so Gero has more to work with, and just as they were about to be done setting up, Nail returned to them, landing near them.

"So are you ready to begin your first day on namek Twilight?" asked Nail as he started to lead her towards where they were going to start her training.

"I think so, but I want to ask you one thing before we focus on the training. Is it not your duty to protect Guru? At least that is what I understood your job to be." repay Twilight as she followed Nail.

"You are correct on this; however, Guru thinks I am the best one for handling you and wants you to have a good teacher, for he sees a bright future for you, one that will help many, and so I am taking on your training, and while I do that, Tanissh and Tsuburi will take over my duty's for Guru." answered Nail.

"You must be amazing, for there need to be two to replace you," said Twilight while looking at Nail in awe.

This made Nail laugh a bit. "Thank you for the kind words. I hope you are not just saying that to make me go easy on you, for that will not happen." answer Nail, as they were coming in for a landing in a village where they were having a lot of eye's on them, but Nail kept going forward towards the village's leader, a Namekian by the name of Moori.

"Well, it's good to see you, Nail. I take it you are on break from your duty to our Grand Elder, and who is your little friend t there?" ask Moori, while giving them both a wide smile.

"I am indeed taking a bit of a longer break, 4 years to be exact, you see this young girl here is call Twilight and she has been graded the rights to take the trail for the Dragon balls, but she is not doing the normal trail, for she wish to learn of our ways, both that of the Warrior clan and the Dragon Clan, something Guru has given the ok to, so I am here to ask you if you would teach her of the Dragon clans ways, tomorrow, for today I am going to teach her of the warriors way." answer Nail."And her mother is going to be around as well, and she will probably come here and ask you to teach her to fly so be on the look out for her."

"Well, that is a lot to take in, but I would love to add another young one to the number I teach, and with the Grand Elder approving of her, then I see no reason to distrust her, so what do you say, young Twilight? Are you ready to learn magic?" asked Moori.

"That I am, but I want to ask, why do you all keep calling me young? I am 17 years old," asked Twilight, looking at them looking a bit sour.

"Simple to us, you stop being a young one when you stop growing in size, and for you, that will be in about 3 years still," answered Nail while giving Twilight a smirk. "Now, we are going out of the village to start our training, and from what I have seen, I think we need to start on energy use, for if I am not mistaken, your only ability to use Ki right now is flying, correct?"

Twilight gave Nail a nod as they were flying out to where they were going to train. "I do have some ideas on how to use Ki; the training I used did show a lot of use of it, but I did not dare try and use it due to us being in space," said Twilight. "Blowing a hole in the ship would just have gotten us killed."

"It's good to hear that you think about your surroundings before using something like this, for Ki can become powerful enough to destroy planets; however, the big blasts are not always the most dangerous ones; let me show you." Said Nail, as he threw a blast at a small mountain, where it turned into falling rocks, then he walked over to another mountain. This time, however, he made a blast the size of a bus, and this time there was nothing left where his attack had hit. "This is what happens when you make more control attacks; the power of your Ki becomes many times more powerful. However, this is not the only way to make your Ki do more damage than just big blasts; a way to make it more deadly is by using an amplifying tool, like a weapon, and adding your Ki to it. But do to how low Namek is on metals, we do not do that anymore. But another thing a master can do is change their Ki into elemental powers, and those powers are things like lightning, fire, and Ice. There are more elements, but they are far more rare."

"Oh, that I do know about that, one of the masters I studied knew how to do that. There are two times I have seen him use lightning. The first attack, called Lightning Flash Surprise, is an attack I have been trying to learn, and I think I can do it. The other time he has been seen using lightning was when he was training at his home alone in a thunderstorm, where he absorbed thunder strike and then used the power from it to fire a beam out over the sea. It was beautiful and probably powerful to." said Twilight.

"Well, now it seems the one you have been studying is a great master of Ki, for to turn one's Ki into one of the elements is not something many can do. Now, if you think you can do this, for it will show me just how much power you have hidden in you." said Nail.

Twilight gave Nail a node on the head, so she took and stands, and started to charge her power into both of her hands while putting them together by the palm of her hands, slowly slowly electricity to move around them, and as she started to pull them a part powerful Lightning was jump between Twilight's hands, the sheer power of it was starting to burn the ground where it ran across it as it jump away form Her hands, and that is when She released it by pushing both her hands towards a boulder nearby them, leaving it burned and crumbling do to all the power there was throw at it, leaving Twilight with a smile, and nearly drain dry of Ki at the same time, while looking at a stunned Nail for he had not be ready for her to really do it, while taking in deep breaths of air.

"I will be honest with you, Twilight. I did not think you would be able to do it; however, I think you put far too much of your Ki into it, for you should not be this drain by a single attack like that," said Nail as he walked over to touch the boulder. She had hit just for it to turn into dust, proving his point. "As you can see, turning a boulder into nothing but dust with electricity alone is not something you just do, so let's truly get started on your training. So let's get started with meditation training. This will help you understand your Ki and let you learn how to sense Ki. This is how we knew your Mother was coming, but we did not know of you. The reason for this you will learn when we talk with Guru again. Now, let's get started.

And so begins Twilight, 4 years on Namke.

Twilight's Training was hard but fair, learning from Nail and Moori made things a lot easier, for both turn out to great teachers, to such a point where Twilight even had time to make friends among the Namekies, but those she was closes to was of course Nail and Moori with one other name Dende, who Twilight had become really close to in Her lessons on healing Magic, else Twilight was fully grow now, and as her mother had seen coming Twilight had grown into a beautiful young Woman, now that she was 21 years old, with the same high as Her Mother of 175 cm, and it was a good thing that Vomi had made the armor Twilight and herself wears like a sports bra for that was one of the places Twilight had grown the most with her Bra size now being 34D which might have been a problem to deal with, if not for Twilight Growing up with them, and it help that she was body building, making her body, have a easy time dealing with the add weight, it was like they where not even there for her.

Else Nail had made Twilight train her tail as well, for after he had grabbed her tail, in one of their training sessions, made him realize that it was a weak point, for when he got a hold of it, Twilight had lost all her power, so it was either train it, so the weakness goes away, or cut it off, and Twilight did not want to lose her tail, so she had started to train that as well, and it had worked; she no longer got weak when he grabbed it, so that had been time well spent.

And speaking of her Mother she had learn a lot, even that Namek used be a high technology planet with with space ships and all, while still having a lot of Natural beauty, their own metal types and alloys, this had all disappear do to a great storm hitting their planet, this storm had remove all of the planets beauty, and somehow taken it's metals as well, but Vomi found a few of the old stockpile's of metals from that time which made Guru make a request of her, that he wanted her to make a few ships out of the metal, so his people had a way to get off planet if it become needed, and as a reward for doing this he would let her keep the rest, for it is far to valuable to stay as long as she keep it away for it would only curse troubles if it came out that Namek still had hidden stocks of metals from that time, which Vomi had agree to, so she went to work, and put the rest away into some of her capsules, that she had taken with her to store tech they might find, which had made Guru happy to know, else she had learn to fly as well, something She was a natural at, and she had learn their language as well, something Twilight had done as well, and she had made improvements to the gravity machine, and started on another project which was now in it's beta stages, and Guru had point her at a new planet there would be good to go to for Twilight and herself when they were done with Namek, which was soon for there was only one trail left for Twilight to complete.

And so time went by for the two, up to their last day on the planet.

A fury of blows was flying between Twilight and Nail, to the point that the shock waves from the hits were shaking the water in the area they were in.

breaking away from one another for a moment. "You have come much further than I had ever believed, and that has pushed me to a new level as well. I am proud to say I have ever been your teacher, but for a good time now, I think you have taken that over and become the teacher yourself, for this training was to make you stronger, not me yet. That is what is happening now, and I know that you have to hold yourself back, Twilight, for if you went all out, then I would be dead."

Looking back at Nail, Twilight gave him a smirk. "Well, I would not have gotten this far without a great teacher. so you can see the power I have gained as proof of how well you have done." She finished saying it before going into a ready stance to show she was prepared to continue.

"Vary well, Twilight, let's finish our last training before we go to Lord Guru, and I will let you know I'm planning on using everything I got today to try and take you down. So come at me like you mean it." Said Nail as he started to fire small Ki blasts at Twilight to get her to put up her guard. Using this to get close, he tried to land a kick on the side of her head, but Twilight had to be fast enough to block it and deliver a combo of hits to his chest before he could get his foot back, ending the combo with a powerful kick to nail's ribs, sending him flying away.

Twilight started to rush after Nail as he was flying away, righting himself just in time to block a full-force elbow into the palm of his hand. where Twilight quickly went for a knee right into Nail's stomach, making Nail kneel over, leaving him open to a hammer attack right to his back, sending Nail flying right into the ground, giving Twilight the time needed for her next attack, charging her Ki into her right hand, making her Ki around her arm pure electricity while forming into a chain that she swings at Nail just as he comes out of the ground from being sent into it, catching him by surprise around his arm, shocking Nail while Twilight was swinging him around her, hitting him into anything she was able to.

However, Nail got free by cutting his own arm by making a blade of Ki and quickly changing kick Twilight right into a mountainside, giving him time enough to regenerate a new arm, and prepared a Ki blast from his finger tips, shooting it right at Twilight as she comes flying back, just for her to slap it away while still flying at him at full speed, where she grabs him by his shins, throwing him towards the ground while rushing after, and Nail managed to right himself in the air just before the ground, and the kick off it sent him flying up, landing a fist at full force into Twilight's stomach, after punching her right in the face, just to follow up with a Mystic flasher right at her chest.

which had done nothing to stop Twilight as she punched Nail right in the jaw, sending him flying into the ground again, and following after him trying to land with a kick right into the stomach, however Nail got away in time and started to fly away, while she was still getting out of the ground do to her miss, allowing Nail to get a bit away so he was able to start throwing countless Ki blast at Twilight covered her in smoke, but out from the smoke stood Twilight with not a single blast hitting her, due to her having herself covered in a transparent wing that looked like a purple dragon made with her magic, while she had been charging an attack in her right hand that she had pointed upwards and said "Lightning Shower," unleashing the bolt in her hand and raining down lightning on Nail, who barely got out of the way of the countless bolts coming from the sky, giving Twilight enough time to rush Nail again and grab him by his arm, swinging him around before sending him flying into the ground.

Giving her the opening she needed to end the fight, so Twilight put both her hands forward while charging her Ki into both of them. While doing this, her Ki took the form of a dragon head with its mouth open, and the Ki blast right in its mouth. As Twilight fired this attack at Nail, she yelled "Dragon Buster," a purple blast flying right at Nail, taking him down to the ground, where it exploded with enough force to take down a mountain form just the shock wave, where he was no longer able to move.

Realizing that she might have gone too far, Twilight rushed to his side and started to heal him, which turned out to be good because she had gone a bit too far, for Nail was nearly killed in the last attack, which Nail was fine with because he was the one who had chosen that they were going to fight like they meant to kill each other.

"I am so sorry, Nail. I did not mean to go that far; I got a bit too far into the fight and just started to use far too much power." Said Twilight in a bit of a panic, for she had gotten close to Nail in the last four years; he had become a bit of a big brother to Twilight.

"It's ok, Twilight, you are fixing your mistake and healing me after you beat, and it's my own fault anyways; it was me who said to come at me like you meant to kill me; you just followed my lead on this; else, I am happy to see how far you have come these last four years; you have been able to take every lesson I have given you; you have shatter my expectations and done far better than I could ever have asked of you; and for that, I thank you for being my student and my honorary little sister." said Nail, as he gave Twilight a big smile. "Now that we are done here, we should probably go to Guru and let Him know, so are you ready to learn what it was that Guru did not tell you when you first got here?"

"I'm, but will he let me use the dragon balls to bring my brother?" asked Twilight, looking nervous. "This is something I really have been really hoping for, for if I can bring him back, that would let my family become whole again, and that would mean the world to me."

"I know Twilight, and if it were up to me, then you would have had that wish a long time ago; however, Guru has his reason for this, and I trust him fully, so your wish for your brother to be brought back will most likely come true," said Nail, while giving Twilight a reassuring smile. Now let's fly towards Guru's." And so they took off towards Guru's home, where they would meet up with Vomi and, of course, the Grand Elder himself.

As they were flying towards Guru's home, they were joined by Both Owlowiscious, who Twilight had let out after her first day, for being able to train using it's new camouflage ability, on Namek had been perfect for it, for the namekies had seen it as a game to spot the bird, and it had made for the perfect training place for Twilight's pet. Sure, it was an android, but he has a self-learning AI and feels like a real bird to the touch, so to Twilight, he was a real bird who just needs an update now and then. Otherwise, they were joined by Dende as well, who had joined the lessons on magic two years ago; he had become a great friend of Twilight, and he wanted to be there for her meeting with Guru.

"Hey Twilight, how did your fight with Nail go?" Asked Dende, as he got close enough for them to hear him. "We were able to see it all the way to Moori's village."

"Hi Dende, I would say that the fight went well, but I kind of went too far. I did reduce the power of my last attack before letting it go, but it did more damage than I had planned on Nail," said Twilight while looking at the ground as they were flying past.

"Twilight, I have already told you that it was my own fault, for I know how your race is about fighting, and I was feeding into your warrior spirit, making you let lose far more than you want to, so the fault is fully my own, so I ask that you stop hitting yourself over it, and besides, nothing permeant really happened," said Nail in a relaxed tone. "And it seems that your mother is already here, Twilight."

Waving them in as they came in for a landing outside Guru's home, Vomi was standing near the door. "So are you ready for today, Twilight?" asks Vomi, looking at Twilight and getting a nod of her head. "That's good; else, I see that Dende has come along for today as well."

Dende gave Vomi a head nod. "Yes, I want to be here for when You and Twilight summon Porunga, for it's not everyday that he gets summoned, and I want to say goodbye as well for when you leave," said Dende.

"Now then, let's go. Grand Elder Guru is waiting for us." Said Nail, as he took the lead on the way into the house, followed by everyone, and as they got in, Nail took his normal spot, with Dende going over next to Nail as Twilight and Vomi walked in front of Guru. "Elder Guru, we have returned, and I can easily say that Twilight has passed every test I put up in front of her and has mastered everything Moori and I have challenged her with."

"Very good Nail. Now Twilight, I want to see what your time on Namek has done for you, so I would like for you to come over to me and let me see for myself." which Twilight complied to, and walked over next to Guru's chair, where He lay his hand on her head, just for Him to give a smile and let her walk back to where she was. "I can see that your time here on Namek has done you great, better than I had hoped. So first, I want to start up by telling you why it is that no one can feel your Ki; it's not that you do not have any Ki at all far from it; it's that your Ki is that of the Gods; your Ki is pure God Ki." This surprised Twilight and Vomi both, for the idea of Twilight having god Ki would mean there is a lot more to her than they first thought; otherwise, they let Guru keep talking. " Which few in the universe can feel, and it's far more powerful then that of the normal Ki, but works just as that normal Ki, only those who got pure god Ki like yourself will be able to feel it without any special training, which makes me surprised that you have not had any of the gods of our universe come to you, for leaving someone with your power to find your own way can be bad, which is why I wanted you to spent some time learning from us in more the just Magic and Ki, you learn of our people and our ways, which is why I will call both you and your mother honorary Namekies, and so I will let you get your 3 wish's." said Guru, with a smile at the two as he took the Dragon ball on his chair down, and gave it to Nail, where Tanissh, Tsuburi and Moori came in with the last 6 dragon balls.

As they walked out, Twilight was glowing with pure happiness. "I have already let your father know what will happen, so your brother's head is ready to get it's body back, for Guru told me that those who get wish back come back to how their body was before they full die, and sadly he lost everything but his head, so we need to restore his body first, so we will have 1 wish back after bringing him back, so do you have any idea's for that Twilight?" asked Vomi as they were flying to the front of where their ship was set up and ready to, for when they had made their wish's they had to go, for with what they had to do at their next stop they would need all the time they can get.

"Well, I got one idea, and that is to ask where I really come from, for my pod should not just pop into space like it seems to have, and this is not because I want to find my birth mother; I just want to find out why I got God Ki, for no one can replace you," said Twilight as she flew close to her mother and gave her a hug while flying, which was returned like only a mother can.

"That sounds like a good idea, Twilight, and if that wish does not work, then I think I have an idea for something." As they got there, Nail and the others put all the dragon balls together and walked over to Twilight and Vomi, telling them that the dragon balls were ready and just needed to be called in the Namekie language and by his name, which Vomi already had. "So, are you ready, Twilight, to make our family whole again?" asked Vomi with a smile.

"As ready as I will ever be." taking a deep breath, she called out to the dragon in the Namekie tongue. "Come fore, Maker of Dreams, there are dreams to be fulfilled, Porunga." After saying the words, the dragon ball started to glow, and the sky turned dark like night had fallen, and then out of the dragon balls came a golden light coming up from the dragon balls, looking like a lightning bolt coming from the balls, as the light took the shape of a giant dragon.

"You have collected all 7 dragon balls, and now as it has been said, I shall grant you 3 wishes within my power," proclaims Porunga as he looks down on those who have summoned him.

Twilight stepped forward. " For my first wish, I want to know where I came from."

"Your wish is outside of my power, for this wish is inside the realm of the gods, meaning I am unable to do this wish." Porunga, surprising everyone there.

"Well, that is something to think about, but that is for later. Then my first wish will be to restore the body of Gevo, my big brother, and the second wish is to bring him back to life." said Twilight as she looked back up at the dragon, hoping for it to be able to fulfill this wish.

"Your wish's has been granted; what are your three wishes?." Porunga said, but Twilight had already turned around and ran into the ship, for she wanted to talk to her brother again over their link back to earth.

"Well, it's a good thing I got a third wish then," said Vomi as she looked toward where Twilight had vanished and turned around to look up at the dragon. "I got the last wish, and I hope Twilight will like the gift I am going to give her."

Chapter 5 : Planet Yardrat

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After having dragged Twilight away from the video call with her now-alive son and telling him it's good to see him back alive again, Vomi brought Twilight out to say goodbye to the friends they made and pick up Owlowiscious. for do to the help of Guru, Vomi knew the best place to bring Twilight next, and so Twilight and Vomi went back into space and started to travel towards their next stop.

Twilight returned to the gravity room, where she continued her gravity training, and found out that she was now able to do 130x earth gravity with easy, which surprised her, for she had only been able to go 40x times when they landed on Namek. The training with Nail had done wonders for her. She had asked her mother what the last wish was for, only to be told it would be a surprise for later. Else Twilight had been looking over the upgrades that her mother had made while they were on Namek, and she had done wonders. The gravity machine was now able to go all the way up to 200x earth gravity, and she had been working on a set of two arm bracelets and two for legs that was able to do the same as the gravity machine, but only up to 100x times, which is still really good, for that would allow her to train wherever she goes, and with time the tech will become better. These four bracelets have been named Titan's Binds.

Now it's just about getting back into her solo training, for they have 5 months before they get to the new planet, giving Twilight a lot of time to push herself, and her aim is that of 180x, for with her new understanding about how to train her body and mind and with her new ability to heal herself with her magic, this goal should be easy to reach. and with her being able to join the call back home to earth, she made it so she had some good company while doing her training. Talking with her dad about everything she has learned about Ki control and strength would help him a lot in the cyborg program he is working on.

Else She had been talking with her brother, bringing him up to date on everything that happened while he was dead, and learning about what being dead was like. Learning that there was a hell and a form of heaven was not something Twilight had expected, but it was nice to know, for it made death less scary, do to knowing there is still more after death. Else Twilight learned that he had joined Lapis and Lazuli for the Cyborg program. When she asked why he had joined it, he had answers: He wanted to be able to still be there for his little sister, for if she was going to be fighting, so would he.

Sadly, her talks with her brother and her friends Lapis and Lazuli had to stop a month into their travels towards the new planet, for they were going to start on the project to be turned into bio-androids, as they have been calling it Cyborgs. for Gero was ready to begin, and the work would take at least eight years and maybe more, where they would not be able to talk to anyone, for they were going to be sleeping the whole time, so that left Twilight to talk with her mother or father.

which gave her time to think about what she had learned on Namek. Like the things she learned about the Saiyan race from the book of legends, there was one thing that stood out to her: the Legend of the Super Sayian God, which needed 5 Saiyans of pure heart to unlock God Ki, yet here she is, pure God Ki. Did some do the ritual on her before she came to earth, or was she born special? Another thing that had never left her mind was about how she felt the first time Guru, for two of the three things she felt reminded her of the blood sample that was taken from her a long time ago, while the last one fit her God Ki, the feeling of being a sun, fit how her blood became fire instead of evaporation, and being Ice itself as well, with how her blood did not freeze no matter how cold it got, yet the last one, the powers of a true god, was in her blood as well? for they had never been able to look closer in on her blood, like it was blocking whatever they did, and she never felt cold or extreme heat; she had even tried to burn herself. But what worried her the most was the darkness, why did Guru not tell her anything about that? was it normal? It seems no matter how she went about it, she would always find more things to ask about herself, but never finding the answers; it's always 1 step forward and 3 steps back, it almost made her want to cry thinking about it, for how can there be so much about herself she did not know

And so time went by while traveling, with both body and mind training for Twilight, while talking with both her mom and dad, mostly answering questions from her father about her training and showing her growth when asked. And talking with her mother about how to improve the Titan's Bounds, which is the name of the Vomi had given the gravity bracelet, made the 5 months feel like days, with Twilight reaching her goal and then some hitting 140x gravity, so as the new planet they were going to land on came into view, Twilight stopped her training and joined her mother after having a bath.

As they were flying, they were trying to pick out a landing spot. They saw a place that looked like it had been set up for them to land on. As they were landing, Vomi told Twilight about the new planet they were going to spend time on. The name of the planet was Yardrat. The race on this planet has developer the ability to fully control their spirit, something that Guru said would be great to learn.

And he had told her how they looked as well. Some of its people are pink, with spots on their heads. Those spots are mostly blue, while having large heads, bulbous eyes, and two whisker-like appendages on the sides of their heads. The second type, the more powerful one, is a lot more funny looking which does say a lot. They are shorter, lacking ears, and have rounder heads and smaller eyes. Their skin tone now varies from several different colors, including blue and green. Now, the people of Yardrat are not normally fighters; their bodies do not allow for that kind of power training; however, they make up for this with the abilities they have learned by controlling their spirits, which is why they were here.

And as they landed, they were greeted by two of the planet's people, both of the first type, who asked them to follow them to their leader, who had been waiting for them to come, which was something that Vomi had been told to be ready for, due to the planet's leader being very keen on keeping an eye on the universe, and a God Ki like Twilight's moving around would catch his eye fast. So they quickly guided towards where he was, for he had been looking forward to the meeting with the young God. But what they were not ready for was how big he was, standing over 6 meters tall, which was far taller than any of the other people of Yardrat, and he had features from both types of the people, where his skin is light blue and mostly looking like the second type has two whiskers along with two pointed tips at the top of his head as opposed to the one like the other Yardrats.

"Welcome to the planet Yardrat. I hope you found the landing spot there that had been set up for your stay with us," said the giant. where Vomi told him they did find it. "Excellent, then I will like to invite the two of you for dinner. You are coming in perfect time for food, and it's always better to talk while enjoying a good meal." He said as he started to walk towards another room, followed by both Twilight and Vomi. As they got into a big room set up for them to eat in, he asked them the golden question. "Now then, I would like to ask the two of you: What brings you to my people's little planet?"

Twilight being a bit faster, her mother asks him. "Well, first, I would like to know your name, and second, how come you are this much bigger than the other people here?" Making Vomi look at her like she had just shot the man, she really needs to work on Twilight's blunt way of talking to people.

But as it turned out, the man did not get upset with her for asking these things; he had found it funny. "My my, you got some fire in you, young god." He said with a smile, "But to answer your question My name is Pybara, and I am happy to meet the two of you and to answer why I am so much bigger than everyone else." Pybara gave them a smile only a joker would be able to, while at the same time becoming much smaller, now only a small bit bigger than the rest of the people. "Because I like being big, and it's a lot of fun seeing new people come being ready for someone smaller than them, just to find a giant, and when they have come over how big I am, I normally start playing games with them, either becoming slowly bigger or smaller. Now then, what about you two? What are your names?" he asks with a smile.

Looking a bit shocked after Pybara's size change, Vomi decided to answer before Twilight was able to. "Well, that was a bit of a surprise. but else My name is Vomi, and this is my daughter Twilight. and the god stuff is really new to both of us, and we would like to keep that for ourselves for as long as we can, for if it came out that she is a god or at least has the Ki of one, then that might be us dealing with far more than we are ready for. Else, to answer the other question, we have come to your home to ask if your people would teach Twilight here how to do spirit control for a friend of ours who told us that it would help her, with understanding her, Ki a lot better."

Pybara looked to Vomi and then to Twilight. "Sure, I can teach her, but she is going to have to deal with my humor, and the training can take a long time." after which he took a sip from his drink.

"Wait, you will train me, and just like that as well, that seems far too easy. There has got to be something else to this." said Twilight as she looked at Pybara. while partaking in the food, which was surprisingly good.

"Oh, there is more to it, and that is, I want you to learn to control your inner beast, for I know of the great Oozaru form you can transform into when looking at the moon, but I have never gotten to see the form, so my payment would be that, as a trade of, I will teach you everything I can do, and even let your mother look around and learn as much as she wish, and the two of you will in as much time as you wish, as long as the first thing you learn will be the Instant Transmission, for then both of You can come and go as needed." replayed Pybara. while holding back a small laugh at Twilight's eating manners, for she was not eating like a young lady but eating like she had not eaten in days. But that is understandable with how much Saiyan's are known for their two loves: fighting and food. "And don't worry about losing control of your form; we know of the rage you feel in the form, and we have ways to help you control it. This will be a plus for you, as well as allowing you to control the form fully once we are done."

"So other than everything you have said so far sounding really good, you name something you want me to learn. 'Instant Transmission' what is that?"

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you what that is. 'Instant Transmission' allows the user and anyone that is in physical contact with them to instantly travel great distances; this great distance goes as far as you can feel and to where you have been before, as long as you can pin point it, and while learning this, we will improve your ability to sense Ki when you focus on it, for that will let you use this to its fullest. There will be other things to learn while you are here, but that is for later. and to show you that what I am saying is true, I will use it." As he finished saying this, he stood up and disappeared, surprising both Vomi and Twilight. with him reappearing, but now holding one of Namek's dragon balls. "I hope this is proof enough to make you believe how useful this is, and if it is, then I will put it back where I took it, for else the people of Namek might panic a bit," getting a head nod from both of them. He went back to Namek with the dragon ball.

As he got back and sat down to finish his food, he started talking again. "And a last thing, as much as I want to teach you everything that I know about Spirit Control, there might come a time where I ask the two of you to leave, for we are on the radar of Frieza, meaning we will be dealing with a planet-ending threat, and we do not wish to get you into the crossfire. And before you start talking about staying and helping us, you do not have to worry; we already have ways to avoid our deaths, but we would not be able to do it while the two of you are here, so it's for both your own good and our good that we ask this of you, so do we have a full agreement on this?"

"But did you not say that we would be allowed to come and go as we pleased, and now you say this, and how will we know when it's safe to come back?" asks Twilight.

"These are good questions, and yes you will be able to be her as much as you want, but not while there is a thread there can destroy the planet, for you see Frieza knows of God Ki, and everyone in his army got something call a Scouter, these Scouters can see how Much Ki someone got, but do to how God Ki is they will not see you, however that is bad, for if they look at you and their Scouter does not give them any info as they normally do, Frieza will know, for the Scouters are linked as well to Frieza's main forces, and if they get the information, that someone with God Ki is on our planet and it's not Beerus the Destroyer, he will have the Planet blown up, especially if it's a Saiyan like you, Frieza fears your kind a lot." Finish Pybara as he took his glass for a drink.

"Wait, who is Beerus the destroyer, and why does Frieza fear my race? For what I have learned, Frieza does not really have much to fear from the Saiyan's, for from what I have learned, my race is nearly death and might as well be death, for the only other Saiyan I have seen is someone I really wish would drop death, for that would make my life easier."

"I take it there is some story to the last remark?" asks Pybara. where both Twilight and Vomi told him about how he had ended up killing her brother. "I see, well, it was good that you were able to bring him back again, but I will have to ask: do you really think seeking the death of this man is really what you want to do? You do not need to answer that; just think about it for yourself," Getting a head nod from Twilight was more than enough, "Then you ask about who Beerus is? Well, the most blunt way to put it would be to say that he is the main god of this universe and the most powerful being in this universe as well. He is not a god to mess around with; he has removed many planets for small reasons. Now I have to ask, Why do you wish to know about Beerus?"

And so Twilight explained what happened when she wished to know more about where she came from and how the dragon was not able to tell her, due to it being information only for the gods, which made it so the dragon was not able to say anything. And when Twilight was done, Vomi explained how she had come to find Twilight.

"That is troubling indeed, but I can understand why you might want to seek him out one day to learn more about where you came from. But if I may, I would recommend that you ask the Kaioshin before going for Beerus, they are his counterpart, they are not as powerful as he is, but they are gods themselves as well, so they might have what you seek, and before you ask, I sadly do not know where you can find them or how they know when something big come around. But to answer how you will know when it's good to come back to us, we will let you know, it will take but a blink of the eye, and we will be there with you or Vomi. Now, then, do we have a deal?" asked Pybara as he gave them a smile.

Vomi and Twilight Both looked at each other before, telling him that they agreed to everything.

"Good then, now let's finish our food, and then we can talk about when training begins.

Some time later, and a good bit outside of town.

"Now that we are done eating, we will go over how your payment will be done. For do to you're already great power, if this goes wrong, you might blow up the planet, and I personally think that would be bad, so we are going to cheat a bit. So by using spirit control, we can force you into being clam while you try to regain control, and when you regain it, we will spend some time with you getting used to this form. Is this fine with you?" asks Pybara. where Twilight gave her agreement and was just about to take out her shielding eye lens, when Pybara, in a hurry, stopped her. "Now wait a second. As much as I want to get into this and get it over with, you might want to change clothes, for else the new size you will grow into will just destroy your clothes."

Twilight just smiled at Pybara. "It will be fine, for You see, My Mother and I have studied the battle armor I came to earth in, and the stretchy ability of it has been added to most of our clothes, though I should probably give You My lab coat, for it's more for training, so it's not as stretchy as the rest of my clothes," said Twilight as she hung up her coat on a nearby rock. and walk out into the open space. There had been preparation for this, so Twilight took off her lens and looked up at the full moon.

At first it looked like nothing was happening, but then Twilight's eye's changes became pure red, where a heavy heartbeat was able to be heard, and then she started to grow in size slowly as brown fur started to cover her skin, growing bigger and bigger, growing to be about 20 meters tall. When she finally stopped growing, she let out a mighty roar, which was shaking the ground they stood on. But that was all the rage she got out before Pybara and his people had clam her down by channeling their spirit into her, making Twilight sit down and look confused. This lasted for about 5 minutes before Twilight gained control of the form, where she stood up and gave them a thumb up before trying to speak.

"This is really weird yet the power I can feel in this form is great," said Twilight while throwing a punch. "But the speed is lagging, my movement feels sluggish, and against someone fast, this would be bad. I would need to be around the same speed as them before turning for it to not become a problem, or else they would just have a bigger target like this. but I can probably take a hit far better at this size." She finishes saying as she had been doing a lot of punches and kicks out into the air, stopping and looking over at Pybara. "So what is it you need me to do now that I'm transformed?"

"Now just do what you do when you train your body, this way we will get to see how you move, and we do want to see one Ki attack. We have put a target for you to hit up in the sky, and we can get one more if we feel the need for one more blast, but for the moment, just go about your normal training for a bit while we make sure your target is ready for you to hit." He yelled back to her, so she was able to hear him.

And so Twilight started her training, which to Vomi looked like a bull in a china shop next to how she normally looked when training, for normally it would even look beautiful, which was a big surprise to Vomi, for as much as she loved Twilight, she would never be able to say that Twilight was able to dance, for her dancing had always been really bad as a kid, but who knows, it might have gotten better now that Twilight was learning to fight, for many say that dancing is just another form of fighting, and if that is true, then Twilight would have a good chance of becoming good. Vomi's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the target Twilight was going to blast down, coming into view far in the air, just at the edge of space.

"Twilight, I think it's time for you to show us your Ki blast, for I have just gotten word that we are ready for it." yell Pybara

This made Twilight look up and see the target, and so she took aim and fire off a small blast, just to see if she was able to hit, which she was, so she started to charges her Ki to fire of a Dragon Buster, but before getting it to full power she realized that she might want to hold a bit back, so she pull some of her Ki back before fired it off, and the attack fully destroyed the target, which left such a shock wave that it was felt on the ground.

"Well, that was a great showing Twilight, a bit load, but I am happy that you realize that pulling some of your power back before firing, for if you had fire that with full power you might have kept going, and I am not sure how far your attack would have kept going before dissolving, if it would have done that at all, and with how much power it would have had it might have blown half a planet up." said Pybara, who had teleported up to her shoulder. "Now then, with this over, I think we can start on the first part of your spirit control training, so let's get going."

While following Pybara, Twilight asked him if they should not wait for her to get out of her form because of how big it is, which he told her would be fine, though Twilight had an idea that there was more to this than he was saying, and it turned out she was right.

They had just gotten to where they were going, which was an area with a lot of spiked rocks up in the mountains. where Pybara when they got there, Pybara flew over to one of them and landed on it by putting his feet on both sides of the spike and holding himself there like that.

"Now, Twilight, I want you to do the same as I am doing right now, for this is how we are going to start your training, and for the rest of the night, I want you to do this so you can get used to this meditation stances."

Now, at a small point, the spikes that Pybara was doing this on were just about big enough for him and someone at Twilight's normal high to do this on. However, Twilight was nowhere near her normal high right now.

So she was not ready for this. " With all do respect, HOW I THE WORLD WOULD I DO THAT IN THIS FORM MY FEET ARE FAR TO BIG FOR THIS RIGHT NOW!." Yell Twilight at Pybara, who nearly got blow away from his stances by the force of her voice, but somehow stayed on it.

after getting his stance under control again. "I will be honest; I did not think about that when I asked you to do it right now." Answer Pybara, a little embarrassed. So Pybara started to think about where there might be one big enough for Twilight to use for he really wanted to see. Her do this in the form she was in for the picture he was getting in his head just made him smile. Lucky there was one big enough for this, but they would have to cut off a bit of the spike tower. So they went to this tower, and he had Twilight cut a bit of it, and to see her putting both her giant feet on the sides of this small tower was worth it to him.

And lucky for Vomi, she had released Owlowiscious after having been allowed to do so, and a small part of the bird Twilight did not know of was that he had been told to take pictures of Twilight when there was a chance for a good one, and right now Twilight was a perfect target for a picture.

And when Twilight finally got out of her form, she was led back to the city for rest, for today was only about learning what was in store for her.

2 years later

Twilight had nearly learn everything there was to learn about Spirit Control learning ability's like, Instant teleportation, that she had already been told about, which Both Twilight and Vomi now knows how to do, this of course also came with improve Ki Sense, for it would it be worth if they did not have a way to lock on to where they wanted to go, next was Size Control, which does what the name says allowing her to grow to be at least 5 times bigger then she is, or 10 times smaller, this power was one Twilight really liked, for it would allow her to anyone at their eye level, for if your going to beat someone, then you want to do it while looking them in the eyes. and Multi Form, which allowed her to make copies of herself that she chose how much of her power they got, and when she wanted to pull them back, she would remember everything they did. This she had already started to use to make a copy of herself with as little power as possible and send it back to the ship, where it started to study anything she might find useful, letting her be in two places at once, and she had ideas on how to make it better, but that is for another time. and she would have learned more about spirit control if it had not been for what happened half a year into her training.

Do to Pybara wanting Twilight to use her great ape form more, which at the start she had gone against, but gave in quickly when Realizing it would let her become better at using the form, so she had been about to go into great ape form when something else happen, that of nothing when she looked at the moon, which was odd to her, and yet there was something she was able to feel, but before trying to do anything with it she warned Pybara, that she was about to try something, and after doing that Twilight started tapping into her Ki, tapping into a power that felt just like her great ape form, but as she was doing it her Ki started to make a aura around her in purple Ki which was spiking up just like her hair, and her eyes became yellow, and she started to feel a Rage coming up in her, like she had only felt one time before, it was like she was back on earth right before Goku give her a smock grin, and then it came the power she had in her form, and if it had not be for Pybara being ready she might have lost control of herself, but she barely kept herself under control, with his help, and as she was getting herself under control slowly she felt, that her great ape form was still there, but she had to chose if she wanted to use it, but what would be the point, with this new power she had, she had gain it's power without losing speed and becoming sluggish, but the Wrath she felt in this form was something she need to control, which Pybara was more then happy to help her with. And so her spirit train had gone on hold for a full year to control her new form, a form she had named Wrathful, due to the rage that always came with it. even when she learns to fully control the rage in this form.

But it was around this time, 2 years later, that Twilight and Vomi had been told that they needed to leave, for it seemed that the Frieza force had decided that Yardrat would be a great target for them, and sure, Twilight wanted to help them, but due to who they were dealing with, it would be better for Yardrat that they leave, for they did not have anything major that Frieza would want, and if a Saiyan as powerful as Twilight was found here, who the force would be sure held God Ki, Frieza would just blow up the planet to be safe. So it was with a heavy heart that Twilight and Vomi had a last great meal with Pybara and his people before they left for the stars. Again, this time they had a new goal, for Pybara had told them about the Galactic Patrol and about their tech, which was something Vomi and Twilight both agreed would be fun to learn about for both of them. Sure, there had been some tech for Vomi to play with on Yardrat, but most of her time had been used to learn the instant Transmission and improve Ki Sense, due to her not having any major training other the flying. Vomi had taken a full year learning this, while Twilight had learned it in half a year, so going to the Galactic Patrol Control Space would be fun for both of them, and with Twilight now having the Multiform Technique, she would be able to send a copy of with her, while training in their ship, so it would not even slow Twilight's training down. So it was easy to pick where to go. and before they fully left, Pybara gave them a card so they would be able to pay for anything they would want on his bill, which took him a bit to get them to take with them, for they felt it was a bit too much, but he assured them that it was nothing, and what he had learned from Twilight was more than enough to earn such a reward, so they accepted the card before they left.

Chapter 6 : Galactic Patrol

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It had been really easy to find the Galactic Patrol spaces, and finding one of their space stations was easy. But getting past the security was something else.

"So why are you in GP space, and why have you come to this station?" asked the patrolman, who had stopped them as they were leaving their ship.

Now normally, what they had seen as they landed had worried Twilight and Vomi a lot, for of the races there were banned in GP space, the top race was Saiyan's, for their kill count was the biggest of them all, and the number of planets they had blown up or killed everyone on was terrifying. Twilight was not really able to blame the Galactic Patrol for their fear of Saiyan's. But a good thing was they knew of only three Saiyan's alive right now, and they had all three of their mugshots shown as well, with their names under them. Lows Bounty was the one called Raditz, with His Bounty being 12,000,000 at millions. He had the biggest heir of them all, going all the way down, passing his butt. It must suck for him when he had to take a bath, for having to dry all that hair must be a nightmare, and do to him being a Saiyan. He is stuck with it, and for some reason, he reminds her of Goku. The next one was a bald man with a thin mustache, whose name was Nappa. Who's bounty was over double the size of the first, going all the way up to 40,000,000 at millions. The last one had the biggest of the bounty's, and His name did catch Twilight's attention, Prince Vegeta, for His name made her aware that Saiyan's had royalties; however, she would probably never be able to take Him seriously, for His hair reminded her of a doll back on earth, and she notice that all of them had names close to that of vegetables from earth, which gave her a bit of a chuckle, but his bounty was no joke. 180,000,000 at a million he must really be powerful to get this big a bounty. And with what Pybara had told them about the Saiyan's still around, they all work for Frieza, someone that she had been told everything Pybara knew about. But that is things for late; for now, they had just been allowed to go into the station. The patrol man who let them in did not think of her as a Saiyan, for all the female Saiyan's were dead, so she is not a Saiyan in their eyes, and it helps that she does not have a power reading. Which really disappoints Twilight, that a place like this got so lax security; sure, it was helping her right now but still disappointing, but as Her Mother always says, don't stop your enemy when they are making a mistake; sure, they are not her enemy's yet, but they might not agree with her if they learn what she is.

"You are free to go Lady's; however, we ask you to keep your pet close to you," said the patrolman as he was pointing towards Owlowiscious. which had Owlowiscious landed on Twilight's shoulder, which earned him a head scratcher from Twilight that he lean into. Sure, he was an android, but he was a self-learning and evolving machine, something she was not sure how on She did it, but he seemed to become more like a real owl with each day that went by. With that out of the way, Twilight, Vomi, and Owlowiscious started to walk into the station.

"Let's hope the station is more impressive than the guards who are defending it," said Twilight. as they got out of range of the door guard. "Else, it's a good thing that Pybara talks us into taking the pay card, so we are able to get something to eat and maybe buy some items to take home, for I think there is a good chance there might be some fun things we can get as souvenirs."

The station at least did not disappoint when it came to its technology; there were marvels nearly no matter where you looked. It's just a shame that the security system is not up to the tech's standards, for Twilight had been able to get into the systems without being spotted and was now downloading everything she was able to find without leaving anything to track her. but she would bring this data up for later. Right now, She and Vomi were looking around, and with Vomi's hand-held scanner, that would allow Her to copy down the blueprints of everything she was able to put it up against, and with no one there to stop them, they were able to get everything without a problem. which was really odd to them, for if they had been there to make trouble, then they would have been able to do it without a problem. It seems that the Galactic Patrol might be a bit too trusting. At least that is what it seems to them.

Otherwise, it seemed like they had walk into some kind of mall, which was fine by them, for then they could find a place to sit down and look over some of the data they had already gotten, so they looked around a bit for a place that would fit their needs. and they were really surprised when they found what looked like a Earth fast food store, and with them both having been away from earth for 7 years already they were starting to miss simple foods like what you get in a fast food store, so it became a easy pick, and it turn out to be a good one, for it turned out that it was just what it looked like, and looking into it in some of the data Twilight had download, it turn out that it had been copy from earth, and the meat had come form animals there had at one point been been taken from earth, and with some of the ship designs they had seen as they were landing, made Vomi realize that there was some farmers on earth who has been telling the truth, about their cows and chickens being taken in the night by a UFO. Something Vomi would make sure to tell her husband when she got back to the ship, for if they want animals from earth, they will have to pay for them in the future. But for now, it was time to relax and sit down with some new data.

With both of them now having their food and having gotten a good table in the corner where they would be able to sit in peace, while Owlowiscious had chosen to sit on a hanging light in the room, they started going over what they had gotten so far. With Vomi going over her new blueprints and Twilight going into some of the data she downloaded, And it was starting out good, for it allowed her to find something she found very funny yet interesting, which really should not be doing that, for it was a form of propaganda video, forming a group called the Ginyu Force, who are the high-ranking soldiers from King Cold's army, and King Cold being Frieza's father, where Twilight had already been told more than enough about Frieza himself and his family. However, she did not know of His Elite Soldiers, and it seemed that the Ginyu Force was the elite of the elite, where each of the 5 members had their own bounty's.

Starting out was the smallest member, Guldo, coming from a race of people who can stop time when holding their breaths, and he had been seen to be able to do high levels of telekinesis, something he had in common with herself. His bounty was the same as Vegeta's at 180,000,000 million; he was an ugly little thing, but how you look does not have anything to do with what you can do. Next comes a guy who looks like He might have lived on earth at one point, for He looks like a human who is just a small bit bigger then Her BBBFF, and that is a first for Her, She did not believe others had the ability to grow just as big as Him, but then again This Recoome guy, might not be from Earth, He just looks like He might be from Earth, else the bit of info they had on Him had Him do poses as He is fighting, He seem to enjoy toying with his opponents, and it seemed like he had the second biggest bounty of the force, and if Vegeta's had seen big, then Recoome was making him look like an ant with a bounty on 71,000,000,000 at Billions. Next was Burter, a blue guy who looked like he was part reptile. He is somehow bigger than Recoome, but where the reports talk about Recoome's power, here it talks about his speed; other than that, he had the nickname The Blue Hurricane, with a bounty of 68,000,000,000 billions. Then there is the Vice Captain Jeice; every picture she was able to find of him had Burter with him; the two seem to always be together; otherwise, there was nothing special about him other than his nickname, The Red Magma. He was the second-smallest on the team, but with a fair bounty of 64,000,000,000 at billions. Last was their leader, Captain Ginyu. He was in the middle of the group when it came to sizes, with two horns on His head, and purple skin, else He was said to dislike unfair fights, and He had been shown be loyal to his soldiers and men, but he had something truly terrifying about him. The report said that Captain Ginyu was a man with the ability to body change, allowing him to take someone else's body, which if this was true, she understand why Ginyu was having such a high bounty of 120,000,000,000 billions. All this information on them was something to keep in mind, for even if she would never meet them, learning about them would help her understand something that she had not really given any thought to before: what kind of crazy abilities are out there in the universe, do they have limits, and can they be learned? These thoughts were something Twilight was starting to think about when she was interrupted.

And it seems her mother had been interrupted as well, for there was someone who was talking to them, a girl who looked like she was from earth, who had long blonde hair and had a rainbow-colored hat on, and she was looking at both Twilight and Vomi like she did not believe what she was seeing.

"Are you two from earth?" asked the mystery girl.

"Yes, we are from earth, and who might you be, and why are you here? For from what we know, there are not any others who have a spaceship on earth who can get this far out into space," asked Vomi. While looking at the girl, she is sure she knows her form somewhere, but where she had seen her before was something she did not recall.

"I knew it; when I saw you, I was sure that you were both from earth. Oh, but how rude of me! My name is Tights Brief, and I'm here because of... ", the girl started to point towards Twilight Belt while becoming pale in the face. "Is that a tail?" The girl was stopped here by Twilight getting up and putting both her hands over her mouth.

"Before you start getting any ideas of screaming and getting a lot of people to come running, I will let you know a few things. First, yes, I'm a Saiyan. Second, no, I'm not an evil monster; I grew up on earth, and there has only been one time in my life I have wished death on anyone; other than that, I'm not dangerous, unless I'm forced to be. Do you understand that?" Ask Twilight while looking Tights in the eye. After getting a head nod, Twilight pulled her hands away and sat back down. "Well, now that is out of the way. You said your name was Tights Briefs, right?" Getting a head nod from the still-shaken girl, Twilight continued. "Well, I'm Twilight. This is my mother, Vomi. She found me when I was 4 and took me in. else, a small question You said your last name was Briefs, as in Dr. Brief?"

After collating herself and giving Vomi and Twilight another look, she smiled. "I'm sorry about that; Saiyan's are something the GP really fears; they see even a kid as a big problem. And yes, that's right. Dr. Brief is my dad; otherwise, I am only here for a small bit, together with one of my friends from the GP, Jaco, and His pander. Merus gave me a lift here, so I would be able to put up my new draft for a new book I am working on. My first book here failed, but I think this new one will hit the spot and become my new best seller. Otherwise, right now, I'm waiting for them to come back. They ran after someone at high speed. Else, is that not far too much food for just the two of you?" She asked as she looked at the small mountain of burgers that had just been set down on the table between them. "Can I take one? I have not had anything to eat today."

"Sure, you can have one, but this is just a small meal for Twilight, for you see, Saiyan's can eat a lot of food, and the unfair part of it is that not one bit goes towards becoming fat on her body, but then again, with how much she trains these days, even if it did go and become fat, she would probably burn it right off. Else, to answer your question about how we got here, we made a spaceship and have been traveling the stars for the last 7 years; it has been really eye-opening. We mostly set out to learn more about where Twilight came from, and now we are just looking a bit around before going back to earth." Said Vomi as she started to eat her own food.

"So do the two of you have any plans for when you return to earth, for if you are going to do it soon, then I might ask for a lift back to earth?"

"Sadly, I can't say that we are fully ready to go home. We are probably out here in space for at least 2 more years, but time will tell if that is how long we stay away from Earth. There are still things Twilight and I want to look into, and I am not sure how long it will take before we are ready to go back. So I'm sorry that you will have to use your friends for a lift back, but we can stay with you while you wait for them to come back. and besides, we still have some food to eat."

Late after all the food had been eaten, Twilight, Vomi, and Tights got up and got ready to go out and look around.

As they were walking out of the shop, Tights got a shock as Owlowiscious came flying out of his stealth mode and landed on Twilight's shoulder like it was nothing. "Where did that owl come from, and is he yours?" she asked Twilight.

"Owlowiscious is my pet, yes, and you did not see him, for he is a really special owl," replayed Twilight as she reached up and gave him a head pat.

And so the small group went out window shopping to see if there were any stores that might have anything they wanted, and they were having a good time. But that came to a halt when they were rudely interrupted by a man who grabbed Twilight from behind and held a small gun to her head while turning her around and coming to see two Galactic Patrolmen, who were now pointing their guns at him, all the while Twilight rolled her eyes. for this guy had just chosen the wrong person to take hostage. Before he was even able to get a word out, Twilight grabbed him by the hand and swung him over herself and into the floor with enough force that he was now stuck in it, surprising both the patrolmen.

looking down at the guy who had just tried to take her hostage. Twilight started to talk to him. "You really are stupid for trying to take a hostage like that. I mean, in a galaxy like this. Where many are able to lift over a ton, and then you do it with a gun, there might as well be a toy; you really do not know what you are doing, do you?"

Taking in what just happened, the two Galactic Patrolmen, the shorter of the two men, walk over to Tights and Vomi. "So that just happened. so now that this guy is no longer running." The man took a second to look at the guy who was still stuck in the floor. "Though we might need help to remove him from the floor, for it looks like he is kind of deep in there, else I am not looking forward to writing the report on this. Merus, can you handle the report on this one? I really do not want to try and explain why there is missing a floor tile from the station," said the short one of the two who was now looking at Twilight as she was still trying to teach the criminal off all the ways he had failed, which he was probably not hearing for he looked like he was passed out with his eyes open.

"Jaco!, You can't just pawn off all your work to Merus; I know he is fine with doing it, but that is no reason to abuse his kindness." reply Tights, to Jaco as he was coming on to her.

Merus, who had ignored Jaco and Tights fight, had gone over to Twilight. "I would like to thank you, Miss, for helping us stop this guy; however, don't you think you might have used a bit too much force on him?" asks Twilight. getting her to stop her lecture to the knockout criminal.

She was done looking down at the idiot who tried to use her as a shield. She looked over the two patrolmen. First, there was the smaller of the two Jacos. Who had a humanoid but alien build with light blue skin and yellow eyes. with the normal GP outfit on. Next was the guy who had come to speak to her. a head shorter than her, who appears to be a young humanoid with really light blue skin and white hair. with the same outfit as Jaco. But there is more to him, but what it was is something Twilight is not sure about yet.

"Oh, please, I barely touched him. He is just really weak. And you can't say that he did not earn it," she replied. as she was putting her hair behind her ear, something of a habit she had gained from Lazuli after seeing her do it a lot, something Lapis was making fun of them both for doing.

Else something was off to Twilight about Merus; where she had been able to feel the Ki of Jaco and the criminal, there was nothing she was able to feel from him. At the same time, looking at him, there was something that seemed off, but in a good way. It was like he had an aura about him that made him more than mortal. something she wanted to say something about but was stopped by Merus.

"Jaco I want to ask this young lady something, so please keep an eye on the criminal." getting a thumbs up from Jaco while still having his back towards him. allowing Merus to take Twilight to a place where they are able to talk in peace. "As much as you have questions, I can say that it's the same for me. Why do you have God Ki Saiyan?"

"Well, I think I can ask the same of a guy who is playing policeman: Why do you have God Ki, or at least something along that line, for I can't feel your energy fully, but just a small bit now and then, the flow of it is far too calm to be normal. In other words, if you want an answer, you will have to give one, which, if you ask me, is just fair. And please don't call me Miss or Lady; it makes me feel old, and I am only 23, so that is far too early to feel like that," she said. while giving Merus a smile, who looked shocked.

"The fact that you can feel my Ki at all says a lot. I will tell you a bit, but I can't give you a full answer, for I have some rules about me I need to follow. First, yes, my Ki is a form of God Ki; sadly, I can't go into details about that, but I can let you know that you are far more special than just your Ki, for even those who can feel the gods normally can't feel what I am; that is something only true gods can feel. I can't tell you what I really am, for I am not allowed to do that right now. But one day you will be allowed to know that, for I can feel and see that you will one day grow into someone who will catch the eye's of the gods in this universe, and when that happens, you can learn what I am. Else, I am sorry for making you feel old, Twilight." said Merus. while blushing and feeling a bit embarrassed, over making the young girl feel old. Earning him a giggle from Twilight, "Now then I told you as much as I could right now, your turn."

"Ah, you are cute when you are blushing," said Twilight with a smile, as she was looking at how embarrassed he was. "Well, to be honest, I was born with this Ki from what I know of, for I can only remember my life from the age of 4 years old, where I was found by my mother Vomi; otherwise, I have been learning everything I can about the use of Ki and fighting. In the start I did not understand why I wanted to fight, but then I learned that it's in my blood as a Saiyan. Else, I also got a big pink star on my back, which, from what we have been able to find out, is filled with magic. Any chance you know why that is?"

"I-I-I am not S-Sure, can yo-you show me?" Stuttering a bit after being called cute Twilight gave him a nod, gave him her coat, turned her back to him, and pulled down on the back of her body suit to show him the star on his back—at least the top of it. "I have never seen anything like this before," he said as he put his hand to her back, feeling the power of it and what it held within it. What he was feeling was harmony, a perfect balance of order and chaos. "Is there any chance I can see the full thing?" Making Twilight Blush now.

"I am going to have to say no to that. for then I would have to nearly fully strip, for parts of the star are on my hips." Realizing what he had just asked her to do, he asked for her forgiveness for overstepping. as she was pulling her suit back up again. "It's fine; you got caught in the moment. But it's good to see that even the gods can get embarrassed, given how some talk about the idea of gods. I was starting to fear the idea of becoming emotionless, just something there can do nothing wrong."

"You have nothing to fear there, for gods can mess up just as badly as everyone else can. Trust me on this; sadly, I can't give you any stories about it right now, but know this: the main god of our universe is far from perfect. else to tell you about the star on your back. It's filed with what I can only call harmonic magic, which I believe you are able to use as you see fit. Is this true?" This sounding right to Twilight gave him a head nod, not wanting to interrupt him. "Right, this means you have every kind of magic in you. Mind you, this is the first time I have ever seen this before, though I'm only 737 years old, but I do know someone I can ask about it, so I will give you something so we can talk when we go our own ways, then I can tell you what I learn about it later. Does this sound good to you?"

Surprised at how casual Merus was about being 737 years old and calling that young, she had to ask him about it. "Sure, that is fine, and I hope we will be able to talk more than just that after. Else, how is 737 years young?."

"Oh yeah, you probably don't know yet. Well, you see, God Ki can make those who have it live a lot longer, and the stronger the God Ki is, the more powerful this is, and you got the Ki of a True God, so it can't get stronger then that, and if you are around anyone for long enough, with you trusting them, it can go over to them as well, like your mother already has it, and it's strong with her, from what I can tell, she is around her late 60s, and yet she looks like she would be able to be your big sister. This is what your God Ki is doing is energize those you care about. How many more years it gives them, I am not sure about. While you are ageless, time will never take you, for the type of Ki you got is something you can't be trained to get; it can only be given, and it's lost from the one who gives it, so having been born with it is something that has not happened before, from what I know, and before you ask, no, it does not make you stronger than normal God Ki; you still have to train on your own. So 737 years for us is nothing, while the 23 years you have lived is nothing."

This information came as a big surprise to her, one that she is happy she got now instead of having to find out the hard way, which would only lead to sadness, but knowing now would let her prepare herself for that time to come. Other than that, she found it nice to know, for not having to worry about growing old and gray was nice. Twilight's thoughts were interrupted when Meruc handed her a small item, a flat circle with a sphere on one side; otherwise, it had the size of one of the earth's dragon balls.

"This is a universal phone that can call me anywhere in the universe. I will use this to call you when I know more about the mark on your back. It will probably take some time before I call you on it, but feel free to call me if you want to ask me something. The way you call me is to just say my name while looking into it, and it should call me up. Any questions before we go back, for I am probably needed to save Jaco from Tights, for he got a talent for making the Brief's girls angry." As he finishes saying this, they hear a loud SLAP!. which makes Meruc tense up.

"Well, I do have a single question for you. Why are you playing policeman? for with how you pull me aside, I take it you don't want Jaco to know about this side of you." Asked Twilight. while giving a light smile.

"Well, that is meant for me to learn more about what it's like to be mortal, and with there not being any work for me yet, So I am able to go out and do this to learn more about how mortals do things. There is more to it, but I can't really say anything about it."

"Ah, that makes sense, but may I ask how Jaco is your boss? He does not seem to be the leader type."

giving a sigh. "Sadly, you are right on that. But this came to be due to a mission Jaco had on earth; he was there looking for a Saiyan pod going there to take care of the kid in the pod; he never found it, but in his time there, he had an encounter with a man who was tired of other humans; he was living on an island for himself, and due to how the old man was looking at his own race, Jaco wanted to use a thing we call an Extinction Bomb." At this point, Twilight interrupted Merus.

"Wait, hold up! He wanted to use an explosion bomb on Earth! I read a bit about the bomb. and how it let's out a virus that kills everything on a planet but animals and planet life, and you are telling me he wanted to do this on my home planet just because of an old and tired man! " Twilight was about to get angry when Merus calmed her down.

"Calm down. I understand your rage, but don't worry, the old guy did talk him out of doing it, and Jaco did get called in to answer for nearly doing such a thing, which is why I am his teammate and I hold the bombs just in case. But in other matters, how do you know about the bombs? They are set as classified information. You would only know about those if you have been in our databanks, which is off limits to everyone but the top people of GP," asked Meruc as he looked Twilight in the eye, wanting to see if she would lie to him, but what she said surprised him.

"Well, the security was really weak; I got passed it on my second try, so I downloaded a copy of everything in the databases; I even made a copy for my mom to look at. Said Twilight. like it was a perfectly normal thing to do.

Surprised by the honesty, Meruc responded. "I will be honest; I believe that you would try to lie to me about this, for what you have done can be seen as a major crime. But with how our talk has gone, I am ok with you having this. But there is something I really want to ask you to do for us here at the GP. You probably saw the bounty of the tree Saiyan's on your way in." getting a nod from Twilight, he continued. "Well, we are trying to get people who are not strong enough to stop going after the Saiyan's, and if we can get more information on them, we can probably get people to stop trying. If you do this, I will get Earth and You set as protected; that way, you do not need to hide who you are in GP space."

"Before I agree to this, I want to know: if this is to stop people from going into something that will get them killed, why do you have bounties on the Ginyu Force?, for they are probably more dangers than the Saiyan's."

"To scare people away from them, for believe it or not, the only ones who go for anything over a million are those who know what they are doing, but do to how little is known about the Saiyan's many tries their luck on them and end up dead do to it."

"Alright, that seems more than fair for me, so saying no to this would be stupid, so I agree to this, for the information on the Saiyan race will not really give any weakness out; well, there is one weakness, but that can be trained away, and with all of them being warriors, they should have trained it away."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is this weakness?, for I can't really see anything in you, I would call you right out weak."

unfolding her tail and giving Meruc a wave with it. "Our Tails A tail that has not been trained will make a Saiyan lose all their power if it is grabbed. But I had a good teacher, and he made me train it so I no longer got weak from it; now I can hit just as hard with my tail as my fist, so if it's been trained, going for it can cost the life of the one trying. Also, how close have you been looking at my body?, for it's starting to sound like you have been looking really closer."

"I have not been looking at you like that, I swear!" Said Meruc as he was starting to blush.

while laughing at how Meruc was behaving. "Don't worry, I know you did not mean it like that. I am just playing around with something my mother has been teaching me. For you see, my mother knows how my looks will pull in guys in the future, and she wanted me to be ready for that. So she started to teach me how to be in control in a conversation, and one part of that is to use every advantage I have, and one of them is my looks, and this is the first time I had a chance to try and use it, for she was teaching me on our flight here."

After coming down a bit, Meruc started to talk again. "I will tell Your Mother that she knows what she is doing when she is teaching you. Else, back to what we were talking about. I will be honest, I did not see that coming, for if I am not wrong, your tail is what lets you transform into a great ape, so that being a weakness is such a surprise. Do you know if it's still one when you are transformed?"

Twilight looked like she was thinking for a bit. "If I recall right, then it still is; if it's not trained, then yes, it's still a weakness, for there was another Saiyan on earth, and I recall he was stopped by his friends by jumping on his tail, as he was going into a rage and would have probably killed them if not for that; after that, they cut the tail and ended it. Else something needs to be said: a Saiyan has a chance of learning to use its powers without becoming a Great Ape. something I call Wrathful, I can do it myself, but I am not fully sure how it came about, for I gained it one time when I was going to use the form of the Great Ape, but instead I went into Wrathful, and if any of the others get this, then they will become more powerful as they get more angry. What the limits for this are, I am not sure, for I had help to clam me down."

"Well, this information is probably already more than enough to stop nearly anyone. For being able to tap into power like that without having to transform into a bigger target is something many will fear. Sure, we do not know if any other Saiyan can do it, but we do not need to tell the bounty hunters that, so when you are talking to the people, you can say it like it's easy to learn. This way, these bounty's become too much work for too little earning. Now that we got this talk out of the way, I think we should return to the other; Jaco might have gotten himself into more trouble." giving Twilight a smile and then giving her a bow and putting his hand out for her. "Now then, shall we, my dear?"

Twilight took his hand. "My, what a gentleman you are. It seems I am not the only one who can play games. But seriously, we should probably not go back to them like this. You will give My Mother the wrong ideas, though you would not be a bad guy for me to bring home," said Twilight as she took her hand back.

"Well, I thank you for the kind words. Though I will be honest, I am not sure I will be allowed to have relationships in my line of work. Otherwise, I might be tempted to try for that. Now then, let's get... back... to them?." coming back to where Twilight and Meruc had left Vomi, Tights, and Jaco. The only ones who were still standing were Tights and Vomi, who, for some reason, had Jaco's gun now. While it looks like Jaco was trying to mimic the criminal who was still stuck, having left a small mark on the floor where he was, with an angry Vomi and Tights looking at him, while Owlowiscious was flying over heads Hooting angry at Jaco "What happened to Jaco?" asks Meruc.

"Well, Jaco got scared of Owlowiscious when he got out of his stealth mode and tried to shoot him, but before he had the chance, Tights and I smacked him down before he was fully aimed. and then I took his gun from him, for he is clearly a bit trigger happy."

Meruc and Twilight facepalmed at the same time.

Chapter 7 : Twilight Goes Raiding

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After waking up Jaco and helping him and Meruc get their criminals free from the ground, Twilight, Vomi, and Tights followed them back to their headquarters, where Twilight let herself be questioned on everything she knew about the Saiyan Race, even showing them Wrathful, something many of them had not believed to be real. And as a promise for her time and knowledge, Twilight and Earth were put under protected status, and she was given a card to show as proof that she was not a threat, and earth being under her care. After this, Twilight and Vomi left, saying goodbye to Tights, Jaco, and Meruc as they went out to do their own things again. Going around the GP space, they learn as much as they can about all the races in the space and look for tech they might be able to use. However, the technology they came across is either the same as the station they first came into GP space had, or worse, after looking over Twilight, had learned that most of the scientists in the universe had joined up with Frieza's Empire. This is due to Frieza letting his scientists do what they want, with the only rule they had to follow being that they clean up their own mess, while the GP had so many rules that Vomi and Twilight both agreed that Frieza was the better choice for a scientist, for at least they get to do their job. Meaning new tech in the GP space was rare. And after 2 years of looking, they had looked everywhere and found little of use, only two thing that had happened in that time was Twilight's training, which was now up at 400x times Earth's gravity. Which Twilight had was up to being on 350x this was do to the spirit training she had done on Yardrat, for it turned out mastering ones spirit was the key to great growth, so maxing out the gravity training would probably happen soon. And the Titan's Binds were now able to do just as much gravity as the chamber itself. So Twilight had started to wear a set every time they left, leaving her multiform back in the ship with little power catching up on her reading. So they had gone back to their ship to talk.

"Mom I think we need to accept that we will not find anything useful in GP space, which leaves us with one thing we can do, and that is to try and take over a Frieza base. And before you say it, I know it's dangerous, but from everything we have heard, Frieza has all the high-end tech in his empire. And at this point, I would probably be able to take down a full base myself, which would let you look over everything in the base while I would make sure no one comes and gets in the way." Twilight said as she was looking over at her mom.

It was quiet for a bit. "I really do not like this Twilight, for after what we learned on Yardrat about how Frieza is, if he finds out that we are doing this, he will probably come and blow up where we go. "sigh. "But you are right, if we really want to get our hands on some high-level tech, we need to go for one of his bases. So I have an idea to how we can go about it; we will do it by stealth. We will find one of his bases on a planet where it's the only thing there, and then you will use your instant teleportation down to the planet, out side of the base, then go on foot to it, and then start taking them all out one by one without making any major nosy, and with your ability to feel Ki, you can find all of the people on the base that need to be dealt with, and when I feel that all of the forces are gone, I will land the ship in stealth mode as close to the base as I can, and come in this way, we can move everything we want to the ship fast."

"I fully agree, and we should probably kill the outside light as well, for if the light of the base is gone, then we might not have anyone land there while we are there, for anyone coming by might just think the base has been abandoned."

"I fully agree with you on that Twilight, for we can't be too careful when we are doing this. We want to leave as little proof of us being there as we can; that way, there will be less chance of us dealing with attacks on Earth. And with the information we got from the download you did, we should be able to find a base where there are no innocent people getting mixed up in this."

"And we have 2 years before we need to go back to Earth so we can take our time and find the perfect base to raid, for then we do not need to do more than one." When done speaking, Twilight got up from her chair and was about to go and look into the date for the right base, when she was stopped by Vomi hugging her from behind.

"Twilight I need to ask: Are you sure that you're ready for this? For doing this, you will have to kill. Frieza's men are trained to kill, so you will not be able to leave them alive, and I need to know that you are sure you can do this. I do not want to lose you because you were not ready."

Turning around while still in the hug, Twilight hugged her mother back and gave her a smile. "Mom, I'm sure I can handle this; otherwise, I would not have come up with this idea. And I know that I need to kill, but there is a part of me that tells me I will be more than fine. Besides all these people I will be killing, will probably have killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Killing these people will just be good for the universe."

With tears in her eye's and a smile on her face, Vomi was looking Twilight in the eye's while holding her face between her hands. "My little Star is all grown up. It will probably not be long before you want to get away from your old mother; you will probably not need me any more soon."

"Don't say that, Mom; I will always need you, and I will always want you to be part of my life, even if I one day find my birth mother. You will always be my mom, and I will always be your little star." where she ends that with a close hug. before going to the computer to look for the right place to raid.

As Vomi watched Twilight get to work, there was only one thing she was thinking about, and it was how she would one day find a way to help Twilight, where it really mattered, but for that she would need the right tool, of which she was not sure what it would be.

One and a half years later, Twilight and Vomi had found their way. A base there had just had the Saiyan Prince on it, who left not long ago, followed by the second highest power on the base. which makes this the perfect time to go in, and with only twelve people on the base, due to Frieza having been there not long ago and picking up nearly every one the base, for what He needed all those for troops they did not know, but this was good, for it would not take a long time to clean the base up with so few guarding it. Making it so there is only one thing there makes things hard. And that is the scouters they are using, for with those they can see as others die if they use their scouters, and they can even warn each other do to part of it being a phone, which means she is on a timetable for killing them all while doing it while making no sound. Luckily do to her, God Ki, their scouters can't spot her. So before starting her attack, she hacked into their security; using the camas, she found a way to find every soldier and found who she was going for last, for there were three on the base who did not have scouters on, which made them less of a threat. So the plan was as follows: Instant teleportation into a room with a solider kill them fast and go to the next one. But one of them stood out: a woman with a mohawk who looked to be human, and for some reason Twilight felt the need to talk to her so she would not kill her. and with her not having a scouter on and sitting as far away from the others as she is, it would be easy to keep her for last. And with a plan set, Twilight looked down at the gift she had been given. before going down to the planet. Vomi had given Twilight what she had been working on ever since they left Namek.

Six years ago.

"Well, it's a good thing I got a third wish then." Vomi said as she looked toward where Twilight had vanished into the ship and turned around to look up at the dragon. "I got the last wish, and I hope Twilight will like the gift I am going to give her. Porunga, for our final wish, I ask for the perfect sword for Twilight."

Porunga was quiet for a bit. "This wish can't be done; I am not allowed to make weapons, for it goes against the will of Namek's people."

a bit shocked Vomi looks over at the Namekians with her. "Would wishing for the items needed to craft the perfect blade for her be allowed?" Vomi, ask them. Getting a smile and a head nod was all she needed. So she looked back to Porunga. "My wish is for the perfect materials to craft a blade like no other."

Porunga's eyes lit up for a second. And then the materials came into being in front of Vomi. "You're wish has been granted. And now my work has been done." and with that, Porunga with the dragon balls left.

"Now then, I will put this stuff away. I want this to be a gift for Twilight later, so please don't say anything about it to her." Vomi said as she looked around, only to see everyone just smile.

Back to the present.

With that, Twilight started to pull out her new sword from its sheath, for it would be perfect for this job. And what she found was a beautiful blade; it was colored Black with small sliver sparkles in it like stars of the night. And the handle felt perfect in her hand, which was black rubber. With a black crossguard with a golden rim on it, there was a dragon that looked like shenron earths dragon that Twilight had only seen in recordings, but made in gold, which was swimming around the blade handle. In Twilight's eyes, it's a master piece. And she had eleven targets to try it out on. But before that, she would name it. So she thought about it for a bit before naming it Tranquil Night.

And with that, she was ready. And then she used Instant Transmission, and it became really clear to Twilight that she had overprepared far too much. For only one of them even saw her; before his head had been removed from his shoulders and he was flying in the air, he did not even have time to try and raise his arms. And with all the killing done, and with only herself and the woman she wanted to talk to left, so Twilight started to walk towards where she was, and while walking, she looked over her blade to see if there was any blood on it, and not one drop of blood was left on it; she had cut them so clean and fast that their blood had not even gotten on the blade. So she sheathed the blade and looked over the sheath. And it fit the blade perfectly where it looked like it was covered in lavender-colored scales, with the bottom of it made out of gold and a star just like the one on her back made out of amethyst set into it on both sides. How her mother had been able to do this was something she would have to ask her. Otherwise, it turned out she was right about how she handled killing, for she was not feeling anything after having done it; she believed it was do to her Saiyan genes.

And so Twilight got to the door of the room, and as she walked in, she was greeted. "Will you people stop coming in here, I said I want to be left alone." where she stood up and grabbed one of the chairs in the room and threw it at the wall next to where Twilight walked in, where it embedded itself in the wall.

With Twilight just looking at the wall with the chair now embedded in it, "I'm not sure if I'm more impressed by the chair for staying in one piece, or the wall for not breaking from that throw, "said Twilight as she was turning back towards the woman, who was slowly turning towards her. "Or should I be more impressed by your throw? For it was a good throw as well."

As she was still turning, the woman started to talk again, but really low. "That voice it can't be..." when their eyes meet the woman's. And her rages died, and hope was now in them, as well as a few tears. "Is that you, Twilight?" Ask the woman in disbelief.

"How do you know my name?' asked Twilight, confused, as she looked over the woman. She had a mulberry-colored mohawk and was built like a brawler. And with a scare over her right eye, while standing at 215 cm. And she was dressed in the normal Frieza Force outfit. And for some reason, it felt like she knew her from somewhere.

Twilight's answer lit a light in the eyes of the woman, and she ran forward and pulled Twilight into a hug. "You have no idea how happy I am that I finally found you, Princess. I have been looking all over this universe for you!" now fully crying happy tears.

While Twilight was just getting more confused and not even trying to fight the hug, she just looked up at the woman. "Again, why do you know my name? And why have you been looking for me? And why does it feel like I know you when this is the first time we meet? At least from what I know off," Ask Twilight, there was getting more confused by the second, just for her to realize the last thing she said, "And why did you call me Princess?" Now Twilight was really confused.

The woman looked Twilight right in the eye's for a bit before realizing something. "You really do not remember me? you---." As she was trying to explain herself, the woman's mouth closed and from what Twilight was able to see there was some magic over her mouth, but not anything she had seen before, and she tried to speak many times the magic seem to get stronger so nothing ever came out. And when she tried to write something down her hand crushed her writing tool every time. And when she tried to use the computer in the room it out right blew up on her before she even put down the first letter.

The woman was clearly fighting some force that was stopping her from speaking or even writing, and from how it looked to Twilight, whatever force there was stopping her from speaking was getting more aggressive the more she tried, not wanting the woman to get hurt Twilight stepped in. "Please, for your own good, stop," said Twilight as she looked at her, which
made the woman look at Twilight before giving up, "It's clear to me that whatever it is you are trying to say is being stopped by a force bigger than us, so how about we focus on your name first?"

With a sigh, the woman started to speak again. "My name is Tempest Shadow, and you are my first real friend, and more than that. But as you said, there is something stopping me from saying it, and as we can see I would not even be able to write it down either, and I can feel it when I can't say something. And I called you Princess, for that is what you are, or was."

"Well, this is news to me when I learn that even the dragon balls do not have the power to tell me where I came from or even tell me anything about myself. And it's only the gods who can tell me that. I did start to believe that there was something stopping others from telling me anything. And It seems I'm part of a bigger game here, and I don't like that, just what I needed with everything else there is going on around me, but this also brings up other questions. Why do you know were we came from, and why am I blocked from those memories?" said Twilight as she put a hand to her forehead," Though I do find it funny that you say I am a princess, for it makes me hope I meet this Vegeta one day, for he will have a flip if he learn of a another Saiyan royalty." Which made her smile thinking about how it would probably drive the Saiyan Princes crazy if he knew about her.

"How are you here anyway, Twilight? This base is filled with assholes who kill for fun."

Looking back up again, Twilight answered as she looked around relaxed, "Oh, they are all dead. Me and my mom came here to raid the base tech Frieza has."

Shocked at what Twilight had just told her, Tempest started to talk. "Twilight, are you saying you killed everyone on the base here?" where Twilight confirmed it by giving Tempest a scouter to look for herself, where she found no Ki nearby at all. "That is so unlike you; I was honesty fearing for the worst, because of how you were before coming here; you had never killed before, and here you are now having kill and not showing a care in the world. And I think the scouter you gave me is broken for it can't seem to find your Ki?"

"Really? Huh, well I have now, and it was easy to do due to knowing what these monsters have done before, and I left you alone due to something telling me you were not like the others, which was the reason I decided to talk with you. And the reason you can't see my Ki is that my ki is that of a gods, and the Ki of God's can't be found normally, which means the scouter can't see me. Which also help in taking care of this base, for if the only thing there is happing is ki's disappearing on the scouter then it can be put out as a bug, which game me enough time to kill everyone before they realize that I was here. And that the people here was stupid enough to not keep the scouter on did help a lot as well."

"Well, that explains how no one set the alarm off, for if they couldn't see you with the scouter, they would not have had their guard up. But you must still be really fast to pull that off."

"Oh, that was really easy. And with the help of my sword, making a killing blow is easy, and due to one of the skills I have learned in my travels, getting the jump on them all, fast and really easy. And with how everyone was focused on using their Scouters, finding me was not going to happen, even if I missed a killing blow I would be able to kill them anyways with how weak everyone here was. So the chance of them setting off the alarm was low."

"It seems I have a lot to learn and training to do, for I'm not that much stronger than everyone here."

This made Twilight laugh. "Don't worry about that. I got something there can help you train, and I know how to heal with magic, so the training should be easy to do. Else, I got to ask, What were you doing on this base? You did not sound like you liked the people you were working with."

"You got that right. I hated everyone there was here, but it was my best chance of not being found while looking for you. For you see, when I first came to it, in this universe or wherever this is, I had a tail, like the race of warriors there called Saiyan's, and I did not want to be found by them and forced into working with them, even though only one of them would be able to beat me. So I cut off my tail and went into hiding as just another soldier in Frieza's army, which so far has kept me out of trouble. But with you here now, I got no reason to stay any more, and I hope you will let me come with you."

"I'm fine with that myself. But I want you to gain my mother's approve, for I care to much about what she thinks, to make this choice on my own."

"Then I will just have to do that, for now that I found you, I'm not letting you go again, for I own you far more than I can ever pay you back Twilight."

"Alright, I will let her know she can come down now; she is probably worried about me due to how long this has taken." And with that, Twilight pressed a button on a small remote she had with her. "Now then I need to clean up after killing all those random soldiers, for my mother and I were planning on staying here for a bit, taking as much tech as we can get from here, before going back to our home planet." She said as she walked out of the room with Tempest in toe.

"Let me help you with that Twilight; that way it can be done faster."

"Sure, do you have magic as well?"

"Yes, I do, and if anything good has come of this, it is that my magic is fully under my control. Else, I need to ask, did you end up becoming a Saiyan as well?" Tempest asked. To answer her question, move her tail free and wave it at Tempest.

"The race has a lot of power to it, so I am not going to complain about it. Also, if you want, I can look into finding a way to get you your tail back."

"Oh, don't worry about my tail; it has kept growing back every week; it should be back soon; it's going to be good not having to remove my tail anymore, for I can tell you, cutting it off hurts like Tartarus."

And so Twilight and Tempest started to clean up after Twilight's killings. and do to there not being any life left in the body's, Twilight was able to teleport them to another room that Tempest told her would not have anything worth their time, so they used it for dumping, while cleaning the blood by using their magic to move water around and wash off the blood. They were going to be here for as long as it took to learn all the technology there was on the base, for from what little Twilight had seen, there were some useful things here. Like the scouters they were using, but not as it stands, for the power reading they used it for would not be useful due to Ki being able to be hidden or lowered, so using that would just give the user false information. But improving the Ki finding of it would be great, for then she would even be able to find targets who are lowing their Ki. And adding new things for it to search for, like the ability to pinpoint the power of the cyborgs and androids, for they are not running on Ki, so finding them will be hard without anything to track them. And do to the phone part of the scouter, they can make a version of it there is just that, while allowing people to store information on it as well. But for now, she would go out and welcome her mother to the base and let her multi-form come in and work on the Scouter, for she needed to keep an eye out for anyone who might come to the planet and take care of them fast if it's needed.

And something else she would have to work on would be an item to hide Ki, for Tempest would probably need help to hide herself on earth, so that needs to be made before going back to earth, for else they might as well tell Goku and his friends were they are. So it's a good thing that they had already been looking into something like that, so it would just be about finishing that project.

And as the ship landed, it did not take long for Vomi to come running out of the ship. "You are not hurt, are you? Did everything go as planned? Did the sword help you?" And then Vomi notices Tempest: "And who is this woman with you?"

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine. And everything went according to plan. And the sword was a great help. It's a master piece you have made!. I can feel how well the ki runs in it, which is not surprising given the metal, for it came from a wish. And this woman is Tempest Shadow; from what I understand, she was a friend of mine before you found me. It turns out there is a lot more to me than what we have found so far, but she is sadly not able to tell me anything about where we came from, how we got here, or how we met. Only thing she was able to tell me is that, I'm apparently royalty." said Twilight as she was calming her mother down. While her Multi Form just walked by to start it's work on the scooter, And Owlowiscious flew out to look the planet over for anything that might be hidden.

Where Vomi looked over to Tempest, who gave her a bow of the head and a smile. "Well, that is a lot to take in. But it's nice to know Twilight has a new friend, and you are more than welcome to come along with us, Tempest, and you can call me Vomi," said Vomi. after which she gave Tempest a handshake.

"Thank you, Miss Vomi; I hope I will be a great help to Twilight and yourself." Said Tempest. She gave a full bow back to Vomi, making her laugh.

"Else, Mom, you can go in and start looking for technology that we want to keep. I will take care of the ship and keep an eye's open for ships there might try and land. Do you want to come with me, Tempest?" Getting a head nod

"Alright Twilight. And I am happy to hear that the sword worked well for you. It's good to know your old mother can still be helpful now and then. And I will make sure to fix the light. Else, I welcome you to our crazy little family, Tempest." Said Vomi. after which she hugs Twilight and walks in to start doing what she does best.

Leaving Twilight and Tempest to go over to the ship and get it back to its capsule, for if anyone comes, there is a chance they will just land on top of the ship, which is not a good thing. Otherwise, keeping an eye on ships incoming should be easy, for the base has a warning system for when ships come down, so all she had to do was keep an eye on that, and she should be able to keep everyone away. And just as she got done putting away the ship, the main lights of the building went out, making things. And now guard duty truly begins.

"Say, Twilight, did I see an owl and another you walk out of the ship when it landed, and how did you put that ship away like that?" asked Tempest as Twilight turned around.

Giving a nod of the head as she began to explain her time on Yardrat and the skills she learned there, while promising to teach Tempest as well, while going over her making of Owlowiscious, who had somehow gotten more and more real as time had gone on, which was do to the self-learning A.I., and then finishing up telling her about the capsule technology back on earth. Hearing Twilight talk about the things she had asked about, Tempest became sure of one. No matter how many changes the world throws at you, some things will never change, which made her happy.

"Though there is something I want you ask you as well Tempest." said Twilight pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Sure ask away, if I can answer it I will." said Tempest relaxed

"How come you did not question me when I said I had God Ki? For you said I was a princess, the idea of going from that to a god sounds like something to ask about." questioned Twilight.

"Oh that, yeah I can see how you would question that, sadly I can't full explain it do to how I'm being blocked, but your old form was something that some saw as the closest thing to a god around, and those who had the same form as you did not really want to talk about if you were gods or not, which left 3 groups of people, those who believe you to be gods, those who saw you as just powerful, and the last group which is the middle ground thinking you demi-gods, so the idea of you having only god Ki just makes me feel that it was the god group there was right." explain Tempest.

"Huh well that answers that, shame you can't say more then that. Well with that out of the way, do you want to get started on training while we stay here on guard?" asked Twilight as she remove the Titan's Binds.

"Sure I would not mind that, it would make time go by easier. But why are you removing those bracelet's?" ask Tempest as Twilight threw them to her.

"Take them on and I will tell you," said Twilight as Tempest got them on, and when she had them on Twilight continued, "These are call Titan's Binds, and with my watch here I'm able to make them produce a gravity field on your body, this will allow me to set up how many times my homes Gravity you feel. So are you ready for this Tempest?"

"Wait what about yourself? Don't you need training." asked Tempest looking a bit unsure.

"Oh Don't worry about me, I'm already up at 350x gravity, and it's max setting being 400 right now, I can handle waiting for when we got more sets of TBs." said Twilight casually.

This shocked Tempest, "So I have been on planets with 10x gravity and those were able to be a bit hard after some time, so I can't even imagine what 350x is like." said Tempest while not being sure if Twilight was playing with her.

"Well you will learn that when you have trained long enough, and with our Saiyan traits that will probably not take long with me healing you. So are you ready for this?" said Twilight.

"Sounds good Twilight, you can start when you are ready."

"ok I will start it up at 15x gravity and from there I will go up and when it's hard enough, you say so, then I start and you just start doing what you see fit as training, be it sit ups, push ups, or shadow boxing, anything goes." and then Twilight start, setting it up getting to 20x before she was told to stop.

And so Tempest start, "Man you were not joking about these things, and I can see how you have gotten so powerful so fast like this."

"Well I'm happy to help you Tempest, and when you get stronger we can start training together, and doing worry about getting hurt, I got healing magic, so I can get you up in no time." said Twilight as she start to work a bit on her magic.

"Well then it seem I get all the cheats for my training to catch up to you, and with how far ahead you are, I'm going to need it." said Tempest while showing her determination.

And with that Time went by, with Twilight working her magic, and Tempest training her body.

And it took a full week to get everything worth their time from the base that they found useful. But that mostly came down to how both Vomi and Twilight's copy kept tinkering. Twilight changed the scouter a lot. The first change was to remove the power readings, for those would just get in the way, and from what she had been able to read about the scouter, they had the habit of blowing up when too much power was used near them, which is a really bad thing. Next, she had improved the Ki radar to allow the scouter to find even the lows of Ki signature. Next was to allow the scouter to find other power sources, like what her dad was using for the cyborg program and the three androids he had made. Last was the phone part and data-storing ability, which was the part she was going to sell it as on earth, for it worked perfectly. Of course she was going to remove the other parts of the model; she was going to sell them because, for normal every day people, they would not need them. And when she finished making an arm band, there was able to hide Ki as well, which Tempest was more than happy to get.

While Vomi had been working on the healing tank's, pulling 3 of the 4 apart, learning everything about them, and testing the water they use for healing, what she had learned was that the water seems to be the main source of the healing, and it seems to be easy to make, which will help a lot of people back on Earth. Otherwise, she would find some of their bigger spaceships and look them over to see if any of them had anything worth taking, and it turned out that the only really good thing they had going for them was their engines. Otherwise, there was the blaster tech everyone of the soldiers had been using, something that allowed anyone who ever was using them to shoot out a Ki blast. Sure, it's far from being anywhere near as powerful as Twilight's, but it would be useful for their guard force back home, and with a bit of tinkering, they would be able to up the firepower. Of course, there were more things they had found, but those other items were not that important.

And with Tempest training with the TB's Twilight focused on her magic, where she made a new spell, and pocket spell to allow her to keep more items with her no matter where she travel, she would be able to pull out any item she place in it, and the first item she place after making sure it worked, was Tranquil Night for it's always good to have it close at hand, and carrying it this way would allow her to use it as a surprise attack.

Else Twilight had only had to blow up five pods; there had tried to land in the time they had been there. And now that they had everything there that seemed to be worth their time, they started to pack up and return to Earth. And with two and a half years left before Lapis, Lazuli, and Gevo would be free of their pods, They will have time to integrate their new technology into their lives.

So after ten and a half years in space, Vomi, Owlowiscious, and Twilight return to earth with a new old friend, Tempest

Chapter 8: Interlude

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Meanwhile on Namek

With Frieza having found all the Dragon balls, he needs a way to summon the Dragon, but with every Namekie Death or having left the planet do to space ships, that his forces was not ready for, Frieza went for the last 2 big Namekiens powers on the planet.

"And you are sure you do not want Twilight to know what is happening here Lord Guru?" asked Nail

"That I am, which is why I have cast a spell on the planet there will make it seem like nothing is happening here, she will be blind to what is happen here for the next six months, this way we will not put more stress on her, for she might feel some if the planet is gone, but it's nothing next to her having to deal with this monster." said Guru

"Speaking of the Monster he is almost here." Said Nail as he was keeping a eye on Frieza's Ki. While Guru was unlocking Dende's hide powers.

"Go Dende those people from Earth needs you, for unlike our last visited from there these ones do not know how to speak our tongue, so you need to be fast and go to them, This is why I drawn out your latent power. For while Nail will be able to slow this Frieza down he will not be able to fully stop him, So go my son do Namek proud." Said Guru.

"As you wish. Great Elder do not die." Said Dende. As he ran outside, to fly with all the speed he was able towards the people from Earth.

As Dende left, he hear Guru's last words." It is only a question of time... Whether I'm slain first... Or simply die of old age."

As Dende left he flew past Frieza. Who surprisingly let him fly away.

Nail felt it when Frieza landed out side, so he moved to do his part." May I help you?." He Ask, the terrible tyrant.

Giving Nail a smock look." My name is Frieza and I want my wish granted by your Dragon Balls. I've gathered all seven balls, but i don't know what to next. I want you to tell me. How do I get My wish?."

"I Must ask you to leave. I cannot tell one who is evil."

"I think it is to your benefit to be honest. There is two of you, are there not? I can get it out of either of you. It would require no effort to kill you."

This made Nail smile a bit." I think I will be more of a challenge then you might think. But let me warn you before we fight. The one inside is the Great Elder of the planet Namek. It was he who created the Dragon Balls."

This got Frieza to look at Nail more serious." Oh is that so?."

"Indeed and it is his energy that sustains them. Kill him and the Dragon Balls will disappear as well."

"The Great Elder you say." and With that Frieza took of his scouter and blasted a hole in the house and flew up to see Guru setting there. And it did not please the emperor, for it limited what he was able to do to get his will." Indeed... I think it may be true. For he is certainly Different from the other Namekians I have seen. Great Elder... I assume you have no intention of telling me either?. But surely you could not keep quiet if this man were about to be killed?."

"You will find Nail unlike the other Namekians you have murdered. Among all of us, he is our lone true warrior. He will not be defeated as easily as you imagine." said Guru.

Slowly starting to get more annoyed by the Namekiens Frieza ask again." So you still won't tell me... Well if you insist on being so stubborn. You will be privileged to face the Ultimate Power. I will be honest I never imagined that there would be a fool who dare to challenge, Me lord frieza. Of course I'm sure you will quickly regret not simply revealing the secret of the Dragon Balls. When you have to gasp it out in agony."

"I'm sure you've noticed that the Great Elder is near Death. Snice you need him alive, it would be wise to battle where he will not be hurt."

"Ho ho ho. I seriously doubt that the battle will last that long. But if you insist. Show me where you wish yo die." Said Frieza. And so he and nail Flew of leaving Guru alone.

"I'm sorry Nail. you must hold out at least until Dende reaches the Earthlings. they hold the key to this Planet's fate now." said Guru. Talking no one just talking but himself." Wherever you are out there Twilight. I hope that one day you find the peace you need."

Back to Frieza and Nail

"This is far enough. We'll end this farce here." said Frieza as he landed on the ground followed by Nail." I never knew a whole Planet could be so suicidal"

Nail after landing threw his vest away. And started to power up, it was time to stop hiding it. stunning Freiza.

"Now then shall we play" asked Frieza. as he looked towards Nail. only to see his fist coming in at his face hitting him hard enough to send him flying into a rock side. Where Frieza flew out of it instantly and was about to go for his scouter only, for Nail to go at him with a gut punch followed up with Nail grabbing his tail and swing him about from it, slamming him down on top of a rock side breaking it all the way down to the water. Followed up with a barrage of Ki blasted. But it was around this point Frieza had enough, and flew right into the barrage and did not even care to dodge the attacks, just tanking everything and landed both his feet into Nail's guts, and while Nail tried to recover from the attack Frieza had his tail around Nail's neck and had started to try to strangled him, for Nail had been fast enough to grab unto the tail." You know that was very rude of you to just attack me like that out of nowhere, does your people not have any manners." Just for Nail to blasted him in the stomach sending Frieza flying away.

"That was far to close for my linking." Said Nail. While keeping a eyes on Frieze, who seem surprised and happy at the same time.

"I will be honest, I'm happy that when I finally have to do my own dirty work, that it's not a wasted of my power. The only thing there sadness me about this, is that I did not bring Captain Ginyu, he would have love the new body."

"Well that is a shame for you, for you will not even get the chance to tell him, for I am planning on killing you."

"Oh my you truly believe you can kill me? Lord Frieza. I will give you points for spirit. But I will have to ask you, why are you so sure you can take me?."

"Well I had a student some years ago, who grew far beyond what your power is at, and I learned to fight her. And I will be honest I am more wiling to fear a Saiyan God, then someone who thinks themselves a god." said Nail. As he made himself ready to go again.

This was a surprise for Frieza." What do you mean a Saiyan God, there is only one living Saiyan left and he is on this planet right now. What you are saying does not make any sense, and what makes you think this Saiyan is a god?."

The face Frieza had made when, Nail brought up Twilight was priceless." Well she only carriers God Ki, and the speed she was growing at when I trained her was crazy, I would not be surprised if she would be able to kill you in a single hit right now. But sadly we do not have the ability to call her. But with how my own power grew from just training with her, I am probably Twelve times stronger then I was before she got here. And with how you fight, I will say that you barely fight, so that small bit you are stronger then me, I can make up for with skill." As Nail finish speaking Frieza had started to rush at him starting their second round.

And Nail prove himself true to his words, being the one to land the hit right to Frieza face followed up with a kick into his guts. with a meteor slam into his head with both hands sending Frieza flying into the Ground ones again. But this time he did not let Frieza up, and just started to blasted the area. And when all he was seeing was smoke he stopped.

"Do you believe me now Monster?." ask Nail while giving a smile, but that smile die when Frieza started to clap as the smoke clearing.

"Well this is a surprise, and here I thought that I would get my wish without having to try even a little bit." Said Frieza as he smile and look at nail." I think you have Earned a reward. And that reward is a bit of knowledge before I fight you."

"And what would that be." said Nail. As he made himself ready for fighting him again feeling sure he would win.

"I can Transform, and I got 2 more after what I'm about to show you. Now then Prepare to talk, for I will have my wish." Said Frieza as he started to Transform. Nail did try to stop it but was not able to get pass the powers flaring up, if it had not been for his four years of Training with Twilight, he would have been blown fully back form this. His new form was a lot like his old one just bigger and more bulked up with horns on his head. But the power was real." My my it looks like you know just how out match you are now. Well I would like to ask you to watch out. for I won't be as gentle as I was first going to be towards you, but seeing as you got far more power then most. You will instead get the honor of fighting me in my second form. Now then do you still want to fight Or will you give me what I want?. And if you still want to fight I will give you a handicap and only use right arm, see I can be kind when I want to"

Instead if answering Nail Rush him, for he would need to keep him her for as long as he can.

Every punch or kick did nothing but make Frieza smile, it was always funny to him when the lower life forms did this sort of thing. Sure this Namekien was far stronger then many, he had come across in his time, but next to him he is nothing. And to prove it he wanted his first attack at the Namekien to prove his point, and he knew just how to do it. And as Nail punch towards his head, Frieza just rip his arm clean off.

By pure shock and pain Nail was forced to stop his attacks.

"Oh my that looks painful, do you need a moment to recover?." Ask Frieza with a sadistic smile.

Not wanting to give Frieza what he wants. Nail just regenerate himself a new arm. and went back on the attack. Sure he had lost a lot of stamina do to that, But he had to keep Frieza here as long as he can.

"Well now that is a really useful ability you got there. But I do not need my scouter to tell that took a lot out of you. so are you sure you want to keep going?. For I might take another arm or maybe a leg, just to see how many times you can regenerate, before running out of steam"

only thing Nail was sure of was this was going to be the worse day in his life. But before accepting that his fate this day would be to die, he wanted to do a bit more damage to the Ego of the Monster." I will admit that you are more powerful then I first believed, but I can still say she is far stronger then you are when she left." And he got what he wish for, for Frieza did not seem happy about this.

"It seems I have been far to kind to you. So let me make up for that." He said as he used right arm to rip off a leg as Nail was kicking at him." And I will keep making things painful towards you, as long as you keep refusing to give me what I want.

And Frieza had been true to his words for a half hour Nail lasted

But was saved at last when the sky turned dark

Looking up at the sky Frieza saw everything turn dark." What is going on?." Ask Frieza a bit confused. As he was standing over Nail, who was barely hanging on at this point. But seeing the sky turn dark was just what he had been waiting for, so he started to laugh. Getting Frieza to look down at him." Oh have you finally given up, or has the pain just broken you fully?. I hope so for this is your last warning. Tell me the incantation or you will die!."

"heh heh heh. I-It's too late. Even if I tell you now..."

"what do you mean too late?." Ask Frieza not sounding happy at all

"By now Dende will have reached the Earthlings... And told them what you want to know so much..." Said Nail with a smile as he was able to see Frieza fully lose it. as he was putting together what he was saying.

"BLAST YOU!!. So you were only buying time. was the last words Nail hear before he saw Frieza flew away at full speed towards were the Dragon was in the sky.

Some time later

When another Namekien, that Nail had never seen before landed near him who was talking to himself." He looks just like me. He must be Nemekian aswell. Not mush life left in him though." Said the other Namekian.

This must be the Nemekian the Earthlings talked about. And if so his name is Piccolo "You...must be...the Namekian the Earthlings mentioned...I take It...They got their Wish?. I'm...glad." Said Nail.

"Hmph. You seem to be familiar with the details. Then you should also know I'm in a Hurry to save those brats. I'm afraid I have to leave you here to die." Said Piccolo

"Of course I...Don't know what sort of...Training you've had... But...You have an astonishing amount of potential. It's a pity though...If you were truly were whole...AS a Namekian...Then you might be able to defeat...Even Frieza."

"what?!" Ask Piccolo shocked." Are you telling me. If I become one with Kami again, then I could even surpass that scoundrel Frieza's Power?!."

"Yes...I was... Utterly crushed by him...But I think I Understand his capabilities now... For I know he is able to...Transform Two times more...And if his power Grows...The same way it did the first time...Then he will not be outside of your power." explain Nail.

"well There's Nothing I can do Now!. And I have no desire to become one with that fool again."

"Then...Assimilate me!. I am this planet's...Only warrior Nemekian." Offer Nail. For at this point he really wanted to help kill the Monster

"W-What?!. With you?!.

"Yes...Your strength...Will increase Exponentially..."

"Thanks for the offer...But no thanks!. I don't want my personality to become one with you, either I want to be me!." Said Piccolo.

"There's...No time... I Will Soon Die... Hurry and put your hand on my body. And don't...Worry your personality will be your own...I will merely be...The Catalyst, and at max some memories."

"Sigh. You'd better not be lying."

"If you think I am...Go Ahead...Go Just as you are now...And see how you fare against Frieza..."

"All right... I'll give it a try... But if I don't like it even a little then I'm going to kick you out!.

"One last thing before...You take me... I want to ask one thing...Of you. And that is to...Tell my student that I am sorry I did not live to see her again..."

"And how am I to do that?. I am not going to look all over the universe for her."

"You don't have to...She lives on Earth...Her name is Twilight Sparkle..."

"If I find her I will do it. But I'm not going out of my way to do it." Said Piccolo. As he put his hand on Nail's body.

"That's fine...She will probably find you...Now then...let's do this...And remember he can Transform 2 times...He has already done it ones so be careful." And so with that Nail let himself be Assimilate into Piccolo.

And with that history was changes

Piccolo went to hold Frieza back do to knowing about his other forms, so Piccolo did not go for the kill, wanting to wait for Goku to be ready to help just in case, and with the added power of Nail he was able to even hold back Frieza even in his final form for a time, Lasting him all the way to Goku being fully healed. Do to this Vegeta did not die on Namek and live to see The Legend come true

Chapter 9: Return to Earth

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Back with Vomi, Twilight, and Tempest.

With only 2 hours before they would get back to Earth. This was do to them not needing to look for anything worth their time, so they were able to just fly right home. The trip back to Earth was not even a week long, due to all the upgrades that Vomi had made to the ship over their trip, whenever she had the chance to. And with so little time left before they got to Earth, Twilight and Tempest stopped their training so they would be able to get themselves cleaned up before going back to Earth, with Twilight taking the bath first and going back to the same style she normally had.

While Tempest had taken her own clothes she used when she was free from work, which fit her far better than the solider outfit she had on when they first met, now she was standing in her brown combat boots. with cargo pants with a normal camo and a belt bucket with a star in the middle of it, which reminds Twilight of her own star on the back. And with Tempest's tail already having grown back, it was resting around her waist. And Tempest had been given her own armor from Vomi; there was more design just like Twilight's own being a sports bra, for it turned out that under her armor she was the same size as Twilight, so all they had to do was make one of Twilight's a bit longer to fit Tempest. Over that, she had a black t-shirt that went down half her arms and a green vest over it. And she had fingerless gloves on. Then there was the arm band that hid her Ki that Twilight had made for her, which looked like a normal sliver arm band, and the new scouter that she had made as well, with a clean glass lens that turned pink when it was on.

"Aaah, it feels good to be back in my own clothes again," said Tempest as she walked out of the bathroom, walked over to the table where they were eating at, and started to put food on her own plate. "I think the only thing I will miss are the few friends I made while working for Frieza. Otherwise, I am so happy that you two found me. And I am happy to see that you are doing so well here, Twilight. And the training gear that you have made Vomi is really good. And with Twilight healing me when I have been going down, I think I might be stronger than most of my old friends." As she finished, she started to eat. And just like Twilight, she had the ability to become a bottomless pit for food.

Twilight looking up from her own food. "Hey Tempest. Who are those friends you made? You make them sound like they are powerful." She ask. Looking at Tempest, waiting for her to be done with her mouthful.

"Oh, they are powerful. But nowhere near you, from what I can tell. You have probably not heard about them, but they are Frieza's Special Forces."

This made Twilight cut of Tempest, "Do you mean the Ginyu Force?"

"Yeah!. How do you know about them? From what I know, people outside of the Frieza space don't like to talk about them because of how dangerous they are seen as."

"Well, I learned about them in GP space, when I hacked into their database and downloaded everything they had, I learned them there for they had a lot off info on them, and they seem to have been sending the GP music videos of themselves as a form of propaganda. And that led me to see their bounty's of their whole team," explains Twilight. As she looked over at Tempest, who looked like she was enjoying what she was hearing,

"I did not think they would do it. Ginyu must have been serious when he said he wanted to make me a member of the force, for he and the boys had asked me to join them; they even offered to train me and help me find you. Just to get me to join them, So I told Ginyu that if he sent the GP a video of themselves making a music number out of their work, then I would join them. Yes, the work they do is evil, but as Ginyu said to me, we all have to work, and no matter what you find, look for a way to enjoy it. If we find them, can you hire them, Twilight? For they were great friends for the time I got to know them. Though you might have to kill Frieza for that. For if there is no Frieza then they will need a new job."

"Sure, I would not mind having your friends around. Though, without knowing how strong Frieza really is, it's probably better to wait a bit before we try and take him on."

"That is for the best, for Ginyu is a very loyal man. And besides, I really want to be able to fully show of when I get a chance to talk to them again. And with the training you have been helping me do, it will probably not be long before I am stronger than all of them, for the only one who is still stronger than me is Ginyu himself."

Seeing both girls eating like they had not gotten food for a full year. It was a good thing they were rich; otherwise, Vomi would not know how to feed Twilight, and now that Tempest was here as well, it would have been impossible to pay for all that food. But Vomi would not change them even if she was able to, for she had gotten used to Twilight eating like there was no tomorrow. And maybe with Tempest being a normal Saiyan, Vomi would be able to find out how the Saiyans were doing this, for if she found a way to do that, she would probably do it to herself. But that is for another day, and she would need to ask Tempest before she even tried something like that. Else seeing how fast Tempest and Twilight had gotten to talk, like they were old friends, made Vomi sure what they had been told was true. But it did raise more questions about who is stopping Tempest from speaking. Why so much effort to keep information away from her little star?

"Say tempest," said Vomi. She looked at both of them to make sure she had their attention. "I want to ask you how much you can say about what Twilight was before she ended up here."

"Well, the only thing I have been able to say is that there is a major thing from back where we came from. Is that Twilight saved me from myself. She is a princess. And that she made me her personal guard, I can't even say why she did it. And last, I can say how she has changed from how she was before we ended up here. And from what I can understand, Twilight has been here far longer than me. For I have only been here for five years, while she has been here for twenty-three years. explained Tempest. after which she let out a sigh. "I wish I was able to say more, but I can't. So I'm just enjoying that I found her safe and in good health. Otherwise, this universe is not half bad; it's even let me regain a part of myself I lost. And the bad thing was that I was fearing the worst for Twilight. And that is over now, I need is to become strong enough, so I can help her again with anything that might come after her and her new family in any way I can." She finished, giving them both a smile.

This made Vomi laugh. "And we will be more than happy to have you. Though this makes me want to ask you, do you want a weapon like Twilight's?" Questioned Vomi

"Nah, I am good without a weapon." Reply Tempest towards Vomi, just for her to turn her head and look at Twilight. "But I would like to take a look at your sword, Twilight. It looks like Vomi made a great blade." Which Twilight was happy to allow, handing over Tranquil Night to Tempest so she would be able to see the blade. "Just holding this, I can feel the power in it. What in the world did you make this sword out of? for I have not see anything like this metal before." Ask Tempest while looking at Vomi.

"Would you believe me if I told you that the materials were given to me by a wish-granting dragon?" Vomi said while looking back at Tempest.

Handing back to the sword to Twilight, Tempest gave out a sigh. "It seems no matter the universe, you and your family always find a way to surprise me. So yeah, I believe it, for when it comes to Twilight, there is no way to know what she is going to run into next. You are a magnet for trouble and crazy adventures, my princess." she said as she lean back in her chair, looking at Twilight, who looked embarrassed by her words. While Vomi was laughing at both of them, If there had been any point that Vomi had doubt if Tempest would not fit into their family, they would be gone after that.

"There is something I would like to ask you, Tempest," said Twilight after she had gotten over her embarrassment. "Why is your hair not black like all Saiyan's have? From what I understand, all Saiyans have pure black hair. I know that is odd for me to ask with my hair stripes. which I still don't know why I have."

Running one of her hands through her hair, Tempest started to explain. "Well, I am happy that you still have your stripes. For it was how I realized who you were. As to why my hair is not black, I have been using hair dye to keep my old color while looking for you, for I believe that you were in the same boat as me and was just lost in this universe, so I tried to make myself look as close as I could to how I always looked. Now that I found you, I am probably going to stop dyeing, for it's not really needed anymore." Looking out of the window of the ship, Tempest was able to see Earth coming up. "You said the planet's name was Earth, right?" A nod from both Twilight and Vomi was given to her for the question. This made Tempest look out the window again at Earth, making her think about how the planet looked just like their old home planet; it was going to be easy to get used to this new planet. And with Twilight there, it was probably not going to get less crazy than it had been back in their old home. which made Tempest sure on one thing she would need to get stronger fast, and she still have over 350 levels of gravity training left to do before she would be close to Twilight. And with Twilight having the ability to heal her, she would be able to push herself far more then normal. But first, they would need to land the ship and unload everything from the ship.

The next week went quietly by, with nothing big happening. Gero had been more than happy to let Vomi take the company back after coming home, for he was not a people person, so no longer having to deal with being a CEO of one of the biggest companies on Earth was something he had looked forward to. Sure, he still loved his family, but he liked being a part of it from his lab, helping them in any way he was able to. And that he had done, for his free time had been spent either working on Lapis, Lazuil, and his son Gavo. And making his own upgrades on the gravity tech they had, and with him having been able to see what Vomi had done to upgrade the ship and the Titan's Binds, or TB as they had nicknamed them, and having found a way to upgrade them up to a 500x Earth gravity while at the same time making a few copies of the TB. And when it came to Tempest, Gero had been happy to let her into their lives, and after hearing that, she wanted to protect Twilight with her own life. Gero had been far more than pleased to let her be part of the household. And with Twilight's help, Tempest had gotten far in her short time with them, starting out at about 20x and now being up to 80x Earth's gravity, while Twilight herself had not gained much power, keeping herself to Tempest's level to let her catch up. But their training was stopped after 7 days because Twilight felt something she did not like.

The surprise of what she felt made her punch with a bit to much force, sending Tempest flying into a wall which cracked in her impact, "I feel like I got hit by a meteor, you really do pack a major punch when you want to Twilight." Said Tempest. While sitting on the floor getting healed by Twilight, after she had let a punch get far too much power into it,

"I'm sorry about that, Tempest. I felt something that I need to look into, and I am going alone for this, for it feels like something really bad has just happened to my friends on Namek. I can barely feel any power left where their planet is. So I am going to go there and take a look. It will not take a long time with Instant Transmission. So take a break, Tempest. I will be back once I have checked it out." Said Twilight. As she finished healing Tempest, Twilight put two fingers up to her forehead and was gone.

And where she ended up was not what she was ready for; where there had been a green planet, there was nothing now. And for a second, she feared dying from the lag of air, but it turned out she was able to breathe in space, which might be due to her magic, for she felt the mark on her back doing something, and with how she was breathing fine, it was probably making an air bubble around her. Else she opened op senses to their max, she was able to find most of the Namekies on Earth, and one ki there was near by felt like that of someone with little care for life, which marks them as the ones who did this, and with their ki still being there means they are probably still alive, something Twilight would have to change if she were right about them.

Flying around what was left of Namek was making Twilight angry. Why would anyone want to do this much meaningless destruction? Something she would need to ask about when she finds the one who did this, which seems like she has just done. She was not sure what she was looking at. Its body was white, with purple on his shoulders and on top of his head, with a last spot in the middle of his torso, and if she recalls what she had seen of him, this was Frieza. And he seems to be knocked unconscious. And with how messed up his body was, she was surprised he was still alive, which she was planning on fixing. For if the Namekies are on Earth, then she is sure that it has something to do with Earth, and with how Frieza's family is, then it's better to end it here. And so she prepared a blast that would remove the rest of him and make sure he was dead.

But before she was able to fire it off, she got a call on her Scouter phone from her dad. "Hi dad. I was just about to remove a future problem. "Answer Twilight looking towards Frieza.

"And that is why I call you Twilight. You see, the monster you are about to end has something I would like to ask you to give me, I need a small DNA sample, I am not telling you to take him back home; no, I am just asking you to take a blood sample or a small piece of him; it would be really useful for my research," answers Dr. Gero.

Looking around Twilight, I saw Frieza's other arm was here, making it an easy thing to do. "Sure, I can get you some of his DNA," said Twilight. "However, I would not need his main body for that." As she finishes saying that, she releases her blast, killing Frieza and erasing every bit of him but the left-over arm, which she would give to her dad. Which would be the first thing she did. Running around with the arm of an overlord would probably be hard to explain. "I am coming by the lab in a bit with the arm, Dad."

"I look forward to seeing you, my little star. And I should let you know that Tempest and Vomi have set up lunch and are ready for you."

"That lunch sadly has to wait a bit, for I need to see if the Nemakiens are doing okay. So I will drop this arm off at your lab and then go take a look."

As Twilight came into her dad's lab, he came towards her. "Twilight Before you go and look, you need to know that they are at the Brief's family home, so you need to be careful if you want us to stay hidden. Though lucky for you, it seems that the only ones you have to fear finding are the Briefs themselves and Prince Vegeta. But the Prince should not be a problem; he only seems to care about his training, which, to my surprise, is gravity training, though nowhere near the same levels as you, and Temepest has done so, so his taking over over you two will be far from here, if ever. And about the arm, you can lay it in that glass case over there." Said Gero. As he point to where it was, just for Twilight to use her magic to move it over there.

"Well, Dad Tempest also got a bit of a helping hand there, for you do remember how Saiyan's get stronger as we get beaten up? I have been healing her every time she has gone too far, so her training doesn't stop for long, while Vegeta doesn't have that luxury. Else Don't worry about me being found; I am going to go in with Instant Transmission, but not before making myself smaller. Then I will talk to the first one I find, which might be Dende, for I think I can feel his Ki. So take care, Dad. I am going, so I can get back to get lunch with Mom and Tempest." Finish Twilight up before she becomes really small and just vanishes.

Leaving Gero to stand and look at where His Little Star had been, and with a small chuckle, Dr. Gero went back to his work, thinking about how much good having Twilight in the family had done for him. Sure, he did not spend that much time with the girl, but he enjoyed all the little bits he got.

Inside the Brief's compound, Twilight reappeared in a bush in their indoor garden.

Looking out of the bush, Twilight saw a lot of Nemakieans, but also Bulma briefs, following after Vegeta yelled at each other.

"Why can't you just take better care of yourself? You don't need to ruin your own body just to get stronger, you know." Yell Bulma

"Why do you care what I do to my body? And besides, I need to push my training harder if I want to become a super Saiyan. I will not be beaten by Kakarrot when it comes to power, and with him having achieved Super Saiyan, so will I. And there is nothing that will stop me from gaining that power and taking back my crown as the strongest Saiyan in the universe! So I need you to do your job, woman, and fix my training gear." Yell Vegeta back at Bulma.

To Twilight, these two just need to get it over with and get a room, for the tension between them is something else, and both of them are too stubborn to admit that they like each other. And it seems Twilight's magic was agreeing with her, for she was able to feel it wanting to take control for a bit, something Twilight was only fighting against for a short bit before, she let it guide her control, casting a spell she had never seen before, but still felt like she was familiar with it, and a name even came to her mind as she cast it: Mend Hearts, a spell that brings out the love of those it hits, making the feeling of love stronger for a short time. and she was casting it at Vegeta and Bulma, who were still yelling at each other, and the second it hit, they just stopped and were looking at each other like they were seeing each other for the first time. And then they just start making out, which shocks Twilight, where the last thing she saw of them before they were gone was Bulma telling Vegeta they were going to her room, making Twilight sure on one thing: this spell is something she needs to be careful about.

But on the plus side, everyone of the brief's was out of the room. which let her talk with Dende freely.

And it did not take long to find him; he was sitting by himself at a small pond, lost in his own thoughts. letting Twilight sneak up close to him before starting to talk. "How are you holding up, Dende?" Shocking him out of his thoughts, Dende started looking around for whoever was talking to him. "Down here, Dende," said Twilight.

Looking down, Dende saw Twilight, or what he was thinking was Twilight. "Twilight?" Getting a nod from her, he continued. "Wow, it's good to see you again. But I got to ask, How are you this small?" Ask Dende as he was looking over Twilight at her smaller form, only being about 10cm.

"Oh, this is just a skill I have picked up while traveling around; it's good for when you don't want to be found or want to stand just as tall as the one you are fighting. But I need to ask you what happened with Namek. I felt it blow up and went there, and all I found was a half-dead Frieza, which is now fully dead."

This shocked Dende. "Are you telling me that Gohan's dad had not killed him!?"

"Yeah, he was still alive and would have lived to see another day if I had not looked into what had happened. It seems his race can live with most of their bodies gone, but I finish it, so he is fully dead. And I got no idea if it was on purpose or not that he was still alive. And I take it that his near death is the work of the Saiyan who lives here on Earth as well, for I am able to feel his ki out in space, on the planet of Yardrat. So I am not sure if he left him alive to get out of there himself or if he was hoping for him to turn over a new leaf. If he left him alive on purpose, then he is more stupid than I first believed, for Frieza, from what I have learned, is pure evil. But before we keep talking, can we find a place where we can be just the two of us, so I can go back to my normal size?"

Getting a nod from Dende, they went a bit away from where anyone was, which was easy given the big green house they were in. So it was easy for Twilight to get back to her normal size without being seen. And so, after getting away, both of them sat down and started to talk again.

"You are not wrong there; for the little I saw of him, he was always doing something evil. He even killed me! We got lucky that Earth's dragon balls were ready for use, and there was still one wish left on our own, for without those two, we would all have been dead. But yeah, I will tell you the whole story." And so Dende starts telling Twilight about the whole thing. With how Frieza just showed up, wanting to wish for immortality, sending his troops all over the planet and killing anyone who came across, some had gotten away on the ships Vomi had made and had gotten to Earth before the wish, who had joined up with the rest of them as they got to Earth as well. And how the only people who ended up dying to Frieza only ending up being Krillin, for the wish got himself back, while Krillin stayed dead, something Dende was not sure on why that was; more would have died if not for another Nanekian called Piccolo who had been wish there, who was able to hold off Frieza together with Vegeta, due to him having absorbed Nail. At least that is how he understood it, from what he was told after they got to Earth. And last, he told her of their plans for a new Namek. And that Namek had been blown up for over a half year, which really surprised Twilight, for she had just felt it today. which made her think about how Tempest has been blocked from telling her things about her past; is this also the same meddling there that stops that? And hearing about Goku's new form was a good thing, for that means they can try and push for that themselves, though something told Twilight that she would not be able to go for that herself. And it also meant what Vegeta was talking about was a real thing.

As Dende was telling the story, a Namekien frog was jumping towards them and seemed to be paying attention to what was being talked about, not that either of the two noticed.

"Sounds like things have been crazy for you guys. I feel kind of bad not having been there for any of you," said Twilight while she got up from sitting down. "And I can't say I'm happy about what happened to Nail. I will be honest, it makes me kind of mad... But that will not help anything. But I did get lucky not long ago; I found an old friend of mine. Sadly, I can't recall how we became friends, but I believe Tempest when she says that we were friends."

At the name of Tempest, the frog started to jump towards Twilight as fast as it was able to land on her boot, making her look down.

"Dende?" Twilight said, getting him to look up at her from where he was sitting. "Did you wish for the animals of Namekie to come to earth as well?"

Making Dende look at Twilight's boot to see the frog there "Oh, that frog... Yeah, there is a bit of a story about it, at least from what I have been told. From what Bulma has said, that Frog is a guy named Ginyu."

Looking back down at the frog, Twilight was able to see him not like what was told. "Well, would you mind if I took the frog with me?"

Making the Frog Look at Twilight in Surprise

"No, not really, and I don't think Bulma would care that he is gone. But why would you want to take him?" Dende asks while looking at the frog.

"Well, you would probably not believe me, but my friend Tempest was good friends with him and his team, so I feel like I kind of own it to her to help him." said Twilight as she picked him up and put him in one of the pockets in her lab coat. which he was happy to accept. "And before you ask, I know he and his people probably did some damage. But that is part of the job he was doing, so I am fine with giving him a chance. I might come by the ones you have made yourself a new Namek and use a few wishes to get his team back as well. For they would be under the same deal as him."

"That's fine; otherwise, I will be looking forward to seeing you again. We should make the wish for a new planet tomorrow, Twilight." said Dende with a smile. " Though I do want to know before you leave. Why is it that you felt the need to hide that you were here?"

Giving a sigh, Twilight explained her history with Goku, which made it clear to Dende that it was better if he kept their meeting to himself as long as they were still on earth. So he got up and gave a hug to Twilight before she teleported away.

Reappeared inside the kitchen, where Tempest and Vomi had been waiting for her.

"Twilight! Where have you been? The food is getting cold." Said Vomi as she was looking at Twilight before spotting her pocket. "And... is that a frog in your pocket? Never mind that; come over to the table, and you can tell us everything while we are eating."

And so Twilight did tell them everything that happened.

"And you are sure this frog is Ginyu?" Ask Tempest. As she looked at the frog, it was nodding its head at what she said.

Finishing off a bite, Twilight reply" I think so, for the frog is far smarter than normal ones. And the wish was to just move the people off Namek, not animals, and this frog is the only one there came with them, and with his ability to changes body, he probably got unlucky."

"Well, with us knowing he is not a frog, he should be able to handle himself until we can find him someone to take over, that no one will care is gone." Said Tempest. Which got a reply from Ginyu, which was just a sigh but also a nod to this being far better than what he thought his life was going to end up as.

"Else, we can always wish for him to get a new body in a half year; the Namek Dragon balls will be ready as well, and with it being less the two years ago that they die, we should still be able to bring them back as a group, while still having a wish left, so if we don't find a body before then, then I do have a wish that I would love to make." Ask Twilight.

"Well then I hope we find a body for Ginyu. For then we can all get something out of this." said Tempest.

"Alright, that is settled then. When we are done eating, we need to return to your training schedule, for we still have our own plan and timetable. And if you want to watch Ginyu, you should probably stay back, for it's going to get really rough, and I do not think the frog body would handle being hit by anything from us."

"While you two do that, I will go and make a translator for him; that way, he can at least talk while we wait for him to get a new body. And I can get one of our people to go out and get him a bed that will fit him while waiting; I should be done before the two of you are done eating," said Vomi. As she walked out of the room, leaving Twilight and Tempest to do the thing Saiyan's does best: eat more than their weight in food.

As they were just about to finish eating, Vomi came back into the room with the translator for Ginyu, which fit him perfectly.

"I will be fully honest. I'm not too happy with everything I have learned today, but I do appreciate how you are all helping me and that you are planning on helping me get a new body as well, and even going for bringing my team back. I will forgive you for killing Frieza. I will ask that you give me and my men a new job, just like you have done for Tempest. For Frieza was paying us well." Said Ginyu as he was looking up at them. as his first words.

"Well, I think we can handle that. My husband has already made plans for when we are done with our present goals. And it would need strong people for that to work, for he wants to take the space there was left behind when Frieza die. And with you knowing how Frieza worked, you would be a great help. And the pay for such work would be great, together with the benefits. However, we can understand if you do not want to do this. And if you say no,we will let you leave without any problems. Do you think this can work for you, Captain Ginyu?" Responded Vomi.

"Well, I got a team to think about, but they normally want to do anything I ask. But what type of team leader would I be if I did not keep my men's wants in mind? So I will hear what you got to offer, and then when my team is back to me, we will talk about it. So for now I would like to hear what we would gain for joining, this would help me talk them into it."

"For starters, my husband's enchantment program would give you and your team a major boost in power. The level of power is something we can show you in a few years. But I can give you a list of things this can do for you and any of your people. And we can talk about what type of bonus's you would want when you have had a chance to look over the enchantment's." Said Vomi. As she was handing over a data pad to Ginyu. "And don't worry about not being able to read it, for the pad can translate it to the text that Frieza was using in his empire. And you can keep the pad; it will allow you to learn more about Earth as well. Now then, I will leave you all for a while; I have a few meetings. But before I fully leave, Tempest, try to make Twilight take a break now and then, for no matter how strong your body's muscles are, rest is something your body needs now then, see you all later." And with that, Vomi started walked out of the room.

"I will try Vomi, but I do not think I got the power to do that, I might need a wish on the dragon balls to make that happen." reply Tempest as she let out a small laugh.

This made Vomi stop and turn around, "Well then if you need help you know where to find me, I might know a trick or two there can get her to sit down and relax for at least a hour." And with that said she walked out laughing to herself.

"Sigh... Well, I will always be my mom's little girl, no matter how old I get. And to be honest, I'm happy about that, for I really do not know what I would do without her around." Said Twilight with a caring smile on her face. "Now then, would you like to watch us train Ginyu, or is there something else you wish to do?" She asked while looking at Ginyu.

"I would love to see how far Tempest has gotten, and seeing what you can do would be great as well. If I am going to work for you, I need to be sure you have the power of a good boss. for what kind of boss can't fight their own people? A bad one, I say. A boss needs to be an image to look up to a strong character who can handle whatever the uninverse throws at them. That is what I believe in. So seeing how you and Tempest train will be good," said Ginyu while striking a pose.

"Well, ok, then," said Twilight as she picked up Ginyu and sat him on her shoulder before she and Tempest started to walk towards the training room.

When they got there, Twilight put Ginyu down on a table in the room that they normally kept their drinks on. And while taking on their training gear, Twilight explained how it worked and how much it helped with training. And when they started training, Ginyu realized fast that Twilight was far more powerful than he had believed, and the same could be said about Tempest, even though she was full on losing to Twilight. And being healed back up again every time. Twilight also explained to him how she had gained the ability to heal others by being trained by the Namekies, which made Ginyu realize that they would have been far better allies than dead, like Frieza had done.

over the next half-year. Ginyu learned about everything he had missed and how things are on earth, while also sitting in on all their training sessions. And a week before Twilight had planned to go to New Namek, she got a call on the Universal phone from Merus. For it seemed that two forces were moving towards Earth as they were speaking, and do to the other fighters on earth, they had to pick one to fight, that they would take care of themselves, while leaving the other for The Z Fighters. There would only be time to set up one Ki hiding field, and so Twilight made her pick.

And so it was Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu on Twilight's shoulder, finding themselves in the middle of a forest, waiting for the spaceship there was on its way to where they were.

Chapter 10: Tempest Takes The Stage!

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As Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu were waiting for the ship to land, Tempest had something she wanted to ask: "Hey Twilight?" Getting a hmm from Twilight "I want to take on the big guy here, if it's ok with you, for I really want to see how well my training has paid off, and I think this guy would be perfect for it." Asked Tempest

"Well, I would not mind you doing that. But you would have to ask Ginyu first. For it's him who is going to wait on you having your fun." Reply Twilight, as she was looking over at Tempest. With Ginyu on her shoulder.

"Well, as long as you don't kill him, I can wait a bit longer to get my body, as long as Twilight can heal it up before I get it. So it should be fine, so go and have fun." Said Ginyu.

"Alright, you heard him, and this works perfectly for me. For I'm sending Owlowiscious to keep an eye on the Z Fighters, for there has been some odd energy coming from that area, so I want to find out what is going on, and this way I can keep an eye on both your fight and them, just to be sure that they don't mess up and get the planet blown up. which leads me to my next point. There are a lot of Ki signatures, and I don't really feel like dealing with all those the slow way, so let's remove all the small guys in one go." Said Twilight as she was stretching herself a bit. making Tempest look her way.

"Sure, I'm game for that. But how do you want to do that?" Tempest replied while giving Twilight a curious look.

giving an evil grin to Tempest. Twilight lifted one of her hands and let the magic flow into it. "With our magic. When we see the ship, we will both grab a hold of the whole ship and then slam it down as hard as we can. That way, all the weak ones will die, and their boss will hopefully be the only one who lives, for with a Ki like his, there is no chance that he will die from this. At worst, he might be a bit hurt."

A bit stunned by Twilight's idea Tempest replied. "Twilight, how much have you been talking with Ginyu? for that does not sound like you... But I do agree that it would be a good way to go about it."

"What can I say? She will probably be my future boss. So I am just giving her some ideas on how to get things done faster. And it's not like anyone on that ship is good, so you might as well remove them fast. And I did not think that you two had that kind of power with your magic when I gave her the idea." Answered Ginyu.

This got him a deadpan stare from Tempest. "Okay, that is it. I am not letting you talk to Twilight while I am not around, for I am trying to keep a bit, of the woman who saved me around. Not make her into someone like myself." said Tempest while looking a bit down thinking about her past.

"Hey come on Tempest, your past is your past, and even if you did some bad things in it, I would not look down on you for it." said Twilight while looking at Tempest and giving her a smile.

looking back up at Twilight Tempest gave a smile back," Yeah I know you would not do that, and that is why I care so much about you."

"Also I might jump in to help you if it becomes needed, for he is more powerful then you, so I want you to promise me that you will be careful and take him serious for if you do that you should be able to make up for the power gap." said Twilight in serious tone.

"Oh I know, that is why I think he is perfect for me to test my power on. So don't worry I'm going to go at him like I mean to kill him." reply Tempest while giving a thumbs up.

"Anyway, I think we should get ready, for the ship is coming now. So are you ready, Tempest?" Ask Twilight as she starts to draw magic into her arms.

"Ready as I will ever be." Reply Tempest, as she did the same as Twilight, where both of them sent their magic up in the air, grapping the ship with their magic, and when they had full hold of the ship, they both started to pull it down with all their might, sending it flying at high speed towards the ground, hitting the ground at full speed, and shattering the ship on impact, just to be followed up by a missive explosion, leaving nothing but ship parts in the impact crater.

But after a bit, something flew out of the crater, landing a good bit in front of Twilight and Tempest. which turns out to be a big man who turns out to be a Namekian, but not a nameless one; this one Twilight had been told about from her teachers back on Namek. Known as the Demonic Namekian Slug, he had become a conqueror and saw himself as a rival to Frieza. The only reason Frieza had not ended him was that he found the whole thing amusing.

"Who do you two think you are being brave enough to destroy my ship! I want your names so I know what to call the trophy's when I mount them to my wall!" Yell Slug at them.

"Well, what did you think would happen when you came and attacked my home? Did you think we would roll over and let you do what you wanted?" And if you want names, then try asking nicely," answered Twilight.

looking at Twilight for just a second before looking towards Tempest instead. "You're scientist got a big mouth on her; tell her to shut up, and then give me your name. For it's obvious looking at you that you're the one I'm going to kill for ruining my ship." Slug said while making it clear he was not going to take Twilight seriously at all.

This made Tempest look over at Twilight, who looked like she wanted to take him on really badly now. "Twilight, remember we talked about it, and you agree that I would handle him. So please clam down." Said Tempest quiet to Twilight, so Slug did not hear her.

This made Twilight look over at Tempest. "You better go and fight him fast then. For right now, I really want to shut him up myself, for what is wrong with being a scientist?" said Twilight while looking herself over.

"If you want, we can talk about it when we are done here, but right now I need to shut him up," said Tempest to Twilight before turning back towards Slug. "Well, for names, you can call me Tempest and this," she said, pointing a finger at Twilight. "She is my boss, and she is stronger than me. But I will be the one you fight, for unless you can get past me, then there is no reason for her to do anything." She said as she started to walk towards Slug.

"Well, I hate to wait on what I want, so I will make this quick. Try not to die too fast, girl; I would hate for this to be too boring." Yell Slug as he charges right at Tempest with a punch just for Tempest to block with her elbow, giving her the chance to counterattack, punching him right into the stomach, followed by her grabbing his head as he bends over and brings it down while lifting her knee at full speed and slamming his head into it, where she followed with an uppercut, sending him flying up do to the forces where she followed up rushing in front of where he was flying, where she hit him with a palm strike, sending him right into the ground buried in rocks.

"What was that about this being boring?" asked Tempest. As she was looking down at where he had been hit to while crossing her arms.

But it was not long after that before the rocks were blasted away. Slugs were flying out of where they were slowly while looking perfectly fine, other than a bloody nose. "Well, color me surprised. There is some fight in you, and here I was told that Earth was full of weak humans'. It seems my men did not do their job, for you are clearly a Saiyan, now that I look you over. So I will make sure to take you a bit more seriously. Now then, shall we continue?"As he finished saying this, he took a stance.

Which Tempest took it as her que to go on the attack. Crashing with Slug again, but this time Slug was ready, attacking back with more power than Tempest had. Forcing her to use one of her three special abilities' Berserk Rage a power there slowly builds up more and more power and speed, but having it go on too long hurts the user. Forcing Slug back on the defends, drawing more and more power out of Slug, who still seems to not take her fully seriously, even though she was the one hitting him. He was seemingly waiting for something to happen. And he got just what he wanted when Tempest had send him flying away with a gut strike, followed by a roadhouse kick to the face, sending slug flying towards the ground, but before he hit it, he took control over his fall and landed on his feet. And before Tempest had any chance to follow up on it, Slug had sent his arm flying at her by stretching it and grabbing her by the foot. As she had tried to get to him, the second he got a hold of her, he started to slam her into anything he was able to swing her close to. This lasted for a short bit before Tempest used her second special move, Ursa's Claws. Making claws of pure Ki, cutting slugs hand off, and then rushing him to try and take the other arm as well, ignoring every kick, punch, and even Ki blast, Slug sent her way, going fully into a Berserk Rage, attacking faster and faster to get at that arm with each swing made with more and more power. Slug was doing everything he could to get her away from him, and when he finally did get her away, she took his arm as well, with him sacrificing it to her by punching her hard in the jaw and sending her flying into a lot of trees.

"Well you are just full of surprises aren't you? If I'm not careful with you, then you might actually kill me!" Yell Slug as he used Regeneration, to restore everything he had lost before going right back into battle.

Back with Twilight and Ginyu.

"Argh, what is she doing? She is ruining my new body before I can even get a chance to use it." Complained Ginyu to Twilight. while they were seeing the fight.

"Calm down, Ginyu. He is a namekie; losing a limb for them is not a problem; they have the ability of regeneration, where they can resto even a lost limb, as long as it's not their head. As long as he got Ki, he will keep fighting back." Said Twilight. While looking both towards Tempest and seeing what was happening at the other ship, it was just about to land, thanks to Owlowiscious and her tablet, which she was using to see and hear what he was.

Hearing this did calm him down somewhat. "Well, that is good to hear, but what about Tempest? She has taken a lot of hits just to get his second arm. And her power level is far lower than his; is this not something to be worried about?" He asked while looking at Twilight and then back towards where Tempest was coming out of, where she had been sent flying, looking bloody with a pissed look on her face. while charging right back at Slug, who had just regrown his hand and arm and was looking ready for her.

"Normally, I would agree and want to pull out Tempest and finish this myself. But Tempest is not out yet and still has a trick left to use, which makes me sure that she will be fine. So put your trust in her, like I have. And besides, she said she would handle it, and I fully trust her to do just that," explained Twilight as she kept keeping an eye on both the screen and Tempest's battle.

Back to the fight.

Tempest had dropped her Ki claws to save Ki while still fighting hard to get at Slug. But the berserker state she was in was starting to do more damage to herself than to Slug, and she was starting to feel the pain a lot. But she pressed on, for Twilight trusted her to handle him, and so she would. Ignoring the pain that Berserker was starting to do to her, she pushed on.

landing a punch right to his jaw as she got to him, following up with a jap right into the guts and then an uppercut. sending him up a bit just enough to where she grabbed him by the foot and used that to slam him into the ground just to lift him up and throw him away, and just as he righted himself in the air, he got hit by her having followed him, landing a lariat right on him, where she controlled the force of it, sending him into the ground again, this time following it up and landing a knee right in his guts on top of him. But when she tried to pull back, Slug grabbed her by her leg while getting up fast and punched her right in the face. the face while also pulling her towards the punch, gave him time to turn the table around. While punching Tempest in the gut, Slug started to talk. "Running out of steam already? And you were starting to do some damage to me as well. To bad for you that your stamina is nothing like your power." He said this as he kicked Tempest into the ground. Where she rushed right back at him, just to stop her again by punching her in the stomach. Following this up, he grabbed her with one arm by the legs and another, taking her arms, and brought her down on his knee. making her scream in pain, and after that, he let her fall to the ground. "So, because you have given me an okay fight, I will give you one chance. Join me, and I will let your little friend live. Or die here, and I will take my sweet time with her. What do you say?"

Looking up at him from the ground where she was, Tempest started to laugh a bit while coughing a bit. "This... is nothing... next to what my training has been... this is a walk in the park..." said Tempest while looking Slug right in the eye's. As he was charging a blast in his hand.

"Shame, I was hoping you would be smarter. Oh well, then I will end you here and be done with it." As he finished saying this, he shot his blast at Tempest. And as the smoke cleared, she was still laying there with her eyes closed and not moving. making Slug turn towards Twilight while he was laughing. "Now, little scientist, are you going to accept your death with grace? Or are you going to beg me to let you live?" But he stopped laughing when he looked at Twilight, for she was not showing one bit of care about what had happened. "Why do you seem so calm?" Not liking one bit that she was starting to smile.

For the first time, after Tempest had started her fight with Slug, Twilight first looked towards Tempest and then back at him giving him her full attention, smiled smugly before snapped her fingers, and a little light happened for less then a second. "Now why should I fear you or even care about you? You are nothing but a discount Frieza. You don't even having any strong men helping you? And beside why is your focus on me? When your first fight is not even done yet," said Twilight with an evil smile while taking her time to say this. As she got done saying this, she turned to look back at what was going on with the Z fighters.

And before Slug was able to react, a hand grabbed him by the head and forced him down into the ground, dragging him along the ground. When they got to a rock, she lifted him up and let go as he hit the rock and flew back towards her. Where she followed up with a headbutt and then finished up with a powerful palm strike ready for him, hitting him right in the gut and sending him flying through the rocks like they were butter. And this time there had been far more power to the attacks, leaving him fully stunned in a rock he had ended up getting stuck in. The last thing he saw was Tempest, but instead of her black hair that she had at the start of their fight, it was now golden and now also had a golden aura, which was the last thing he saw before he went unconscious.

"Are you ok, Tempest?" asked Twilight as she was flying towards her.

"I think so... But all I'm feeling is rage. And I really want to put my fist through Slug's head. So I would like some help controlling this." Said Tempest as she was fighting to control herself.

"You know you don't even need to ask me for help; that is what friends are for." Reply Twilight as she gave her a friendly smile. As she started to teach Tempest how she learned to control her rage back when she mastered the Great Ape, As she also started to channel the rage control magic the people of Yardrat had used to help her while also checking if she needed any healing.

"It's no wonder Frieza lost if this was the power he was up against, for seeing something like that is not an everyday thing." Add Ginyu from Twilight's shoulder.

moment's before Slug got taken out

Tempest had opened her eyes again, more pissed than she had ever been, due to how she had failed to prove herself in her own eyes, for she wanted to have done it without her third special skill, Hibernation, which, at the cost of half the Ki she has left, can heal back up fully, a skill she can only use once a day. She had gained this skill thanks to all the times Twilight had healed her, which her inner magic had imprinted on, and do to this imprinting it had allowed her to do this. But having to use it was something she was not happy about. Sure, Slug had more power than her, but with her skills, she should have been able to beat him. She should have handled him she own it to Twilight to handle him... She need more power. That is what her rage was telling her. Not realizing it, Tempest's hair started to glow slowly, and an aura was built up as Tempest let out a scream in pure rage and frustration, which resulted in her going beyond her limits. After the transformation, Tempest was feeling more rage than before at Slug, who had not heard her at all, which Tempest realized was thanks to Twilight, for just as she was starting to feel her rage building up, she felt a silent zone being put up around her, giving her the perfect cover to let some of her rage out on Slug.

back to the moment Slug was knocked out. As Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu got over to his body,

"So how do you want to go about this, Ginyu?" Asked Twilight, who was looking over at Slug as he was stuck in the rock, still knocked out. With Tempest still in Super Saiyan but in full control now, thanks to Twilight's help.

"Well, having him be awake would be for the best, for I have never taken over anyone who is not awake. And I would love if he was healed before taking him over, for the first thing to feel is pain in a new body is not fun. So Tempest can you hold him? As Twilight heals him, and when he wakes up, I will take him over then and there." said Ginyu as he explained his plan.

And so they did their jobs, and it was just after Twilight got done healing Slug that he woke up.

And before he had the chance, Ginyu took over. "Change now!" Yell Ginyu as he had jumped off Twilight shoulder with the beam coming off the frog hitting clean on slug. Where all there was seen after was the changing of bodies.

Before the frog, who was now Slug, even landed on the ground, Twilight took the voice box away from him, not wanting to hear anymore from him.

"So what do we do with Slug now? I am all about either killing him and being done with it or letting him live. But it was your body for a time, Ginyu, so you get to pick." Said Twilight. As she was looking at the frog, who was now sitting on the ground, look up at his old body in pure confusion, not understanding anything about what just happened.

Ginyu did not even think about it and just blasted the frog away, leaving nothing but dust. "Living like a frog was not something I wanted for my worst enemy. But now that that is done, I want to get to know my new body!" As Ginyu was done speaking, he was given a scouter from Twilight so he would be able to enjoy his new body while still being part of the talks going on. After that, he started to move around and get used to the new body.

As Twilight and Tempest were looking at Ginyu putting his new body to work, Tempest looked over at Twilight. "So before we go much further, I would like for you to give me the capsule with the spare clothes, for what I have on right now is falling apart." The response she got was Twilight throwing a capsule to her, but one was a small capsule house. So Tempest put the house down and went in, and Twilight followed her inside the house and sat down at the table, waiting for Tempest to come out from a short shower. And when Tempest did come out, she was wearing a T-shirt and her normal pants and boots. "Now that I am dressed, how are things going for the others?" Tempest said this as she walked over to Twilight and Sat down next to her.

Before talking, Twilight, turn on the Scouter phone and place it on the table so Ginyu would be able to hear as well. "Well, it's been a bit wield, and by that, I mean you went Super Saiyan just as a newcomer did over at their end. A guy who looks just like the kid Bulma had with Vegeta, which, when I think about it, might be my fault." Said Twilight with a blush as Tempest started to laugh. "And he did not take long to end King Cold. It was just as fast as your takedown of Slug, but Cold was killed. Also, why did you find it so funny that I, by mistake, pushed Bulma and Vegeta together?"

As she was calming down, Tempest started to talk. "Oh, when I can tell you about your old family, you will understand why I find that so funny."

"To be honest, I'm not surprised that King Cold died so fast after seeing the power of the Super Saiyan. But, I will be honest, I am a bit sad to hear of him being killed like that, for I do own him for setting me up with my team. King Cold will be missed by me and my team. But do not fear, for as it stands, we now serve your family, Lady Twilight." said Ginyu over the Scouter. For I am now sure my men will want to follow as well.

"Anyway, from what I have seen, it has made me believe that they might be one and then the same. And before you ask how, I am not sure yet, but there has been an odd energy I have never seen before in the same area he showed up. Now they just seem to be waiting for Goku to land, and from what I can feel, they still have a long time before that happens." As Twilight finished explaining what had been happening, she had gotten up and walked over to the fridge in the house and grab two sodas, one for herself and one for Tempest, and walked back to the table where they had sat down and gave Tempest hers while taking a sip from her own. "So now all we can do is wait and see what will happen. Though seeing the new guy looking really confused about Bulma with a baby makes me close to being sure there might be some time travel going on here, and if so, then that can be really bad."

This made Tempest look up from her soda and look towards Twilight. "Why would that be so bad?" She asked.

"Well, the reason I say that can be really bad is due to what happened a year ago, for there my dad found an odd energy spike that fits the one that happened here today, meaning we might have two time travelers. And if the one there happened a year ago did not show itself, but the one there did here did show himself. That, to me, says our first-time traveler might not be someone good. And it might be really bad. Though right now I need more proof before I start to worry too much, for as it stands, this is only a theory." said Twilight as she was keeping an eye on the mystery guy. which made Tempest look at him as well, and then at the baby that Bulma was holding.

"You are not wrong about those two looking just like each other. Though I am not worried about the idea of two-time travelers, For with you on our side, we will find a way to deal with it. Else, how far away would you say Goku is from Earth right now?" Asked Tempest to Twilight, for she had the best ability to feel Ki.

"Well, from what I can tell, we still have about 2 or 3 hours before he gets here, so we can easily relax for a bit of time." Said Twilight as she leans back on the couch next to Tempest, who seem to have gotten the same idea.

Chapter 11: Heart to Heart

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A few minutes after leaning back Twilight looked over at Tempest and was able to see she was not happy. "Tempest are you ok?" asked Twilight.

"Twilight do you feel like I have failed you? For I feel like I have, and I don't mean just today. For you did not remember me but you found me, while I was the one looking for you, and here today I got beaten before I even took down slug, sure I did beat him but only after unlocking a legend, that even Frieza feared. And don't say anything about you not being in danger do to you being able to beat him for that is not my point. My point is that I picked that fight, yet I only won the fight do to luck..." said Tempest as she started to look away.

But was stopped when Twilight crawled up into her lap, and put a hand on each side of her face and forced her to look her in the eyes. "Tempest where ever you have gotten the idea that you have failed me I want you to burn that place down, and forget about it, and I'm going to tell you why. First about how I found you and not you finding me, this universe is massive and with how much life there is in it, the chance of finding me was low yet you still tried to find me, and from what you have told me you have searched over 50 worlds, with I do not even know how many people, so being mad at yourself for that one is silly." said Twilight as she put a finger on Tempest's nose making her blush.

"But I'm your guard I need to be able to find you a.." This was as far as Tempest got before Twilight interrupted her again.

"Tempest what did I say about the place where you got this idea?"

"To burn it down?"

"That is right. But Right now I am hearing you disagree with me on this, and this is one things I will not accepted you disagreeing with me on. For you had already done a lot to try and find me, I just got lucky that I found you, and yes I think I was lucky when I found you. For who does not want someone like you to followed them around. You are strong, kind and beautiful, and you are far smarter then you give then you think. Only a idiot would not see just how amazing you can be."

Now Tempest was blushing even harder, for she was not sure if Twilight had realize that she had just called her beautiful.

"Second yes you picked the fight here today and you did not win your first go at him, but you knew he was more powerful then you, and you knew your chance was low yet you gave him a really good beating. And yet you beat the odds and become a Super Saiyan, the second one of our time if my theory about the boy is true. So the idea of you having failed me is such a silly thing. So I will say that you have not even gotten close to failing me. And with your new From our Training will be even better now." Finished Twilight as she turned around and sat down in Tempest lap and grabbed her soda. Not even realizing what she was doing to Tempest, who was now fighting her want to take Twilight and just cuddle her like a teddy bear.

To try and take her mind of thoughts of Twilight, Tempest continued their talk. "I really do not know what to say to that, other then thanks." said Tempest while giving smile, knowing that she was just being silly, and thinking of being silly. "So now that we have talked about me being silly, what was that about getting angry over what Slug said to you about your looks?"

"It's not fair why did he look down on me for my lab coat? And scientists are one of the most needed professions, without good scientists many of the thing we got today would not be around and" This time it was Tempest there interrupted Twilight by hugging her and giving her a little squeeze.

"I'm sorry to be the one to ruin this for you, but as great as scientists are, they are normally not the ones giving the orders, and are normally seen as weak. So if you want more respect when we go out, then I think you need to get a new outfit, for when we do that. And from what you have told me of your friend Lazuli. Then I think she would agree, and with her coming out of sheep in one year time, I think she would enjoy going out with us to find you a new outfit, that is if you want others to take you more serious in the future. Mind you, if you ask me I think you look good with your lab coat." Said tempest as she had started to lean back on the couch again, do to how Twilight had started to just lean into her.

"I guess we can do that. And Lazuli probably want to go out and do something normal after having been under the knife for years to get all the enhancements. Lapis probably want to join as well for he would want to do something normal after that as well."

And just as Twilight had started to relax again. She felt something. "Tempest I need you to let me up, and look after if something is happening with the Z-fighters." said Twilight as she got up. " I don't have time to explain for there is something I need to stop. Keep a eye on things for me." And before Tempest had a chance to reply Twilight was gone.

falling back into the couch again after what had just happen. "Well that ruined a perfect moment..."

On a small planet hidden somewhere in the afterlife.

"Oh this is bad this is so bad Bubbles, that woman I think she saw me when I was looking over earth. Oh what do I do Bubbles." said the man to himself while his pet monkey was jumping up and down. While he himself was just walking back and forward.

"Calm down master, she can't be that bad." said a small flying Cricket there had been seeing all this.

This made the man turn towards the Cricket. "Oh you got no idea what I saw Gregory, that woman was not just a Saiyan like Goku, but a Saiyan with pure God Ki the only time I have seen such Ki is form Beerus... I need to call Goku I need to warned him." As he turned around to find Goku he was stopped.

"Oh I think that would be a bad idea." Hearing this made him turn around coming face to face with Twilight. "You see I don't want him to know about me yet, so if you were to go and do such a think I would get mad." She said as she had started to power up, making him scared. "And I think we can both agree that me becoming mad is the last thing the two of us wants to have happen."

"Oh Yeah fully agree with you there, I don't know what came over me there." Giving a nervous laugh.

"Now that we are agreeing on that, I would like to know who you are. For I can see that you got god Ki, and while you are at it, I want to know about this Beerus that you mention for I really want to know how my Ki is like that, and last what is your relationship with Goku. And before you think I will kill you, let me make this clear, the only one I got a problem with is him, and as long as you don't tell him about me or my friends, then I got no beef with you, and I have lived on earth my whole life so you do not need to fear for it's safety." Said Twilight while letting her power go down again.

"Oh oh that is good, but may I ask why you got a problem with him first? Oh and you can call me King Kai."

"Your name is really King Kai? Odd thing to be name but who I'm I to judge. My Name is Twilight, and I will give you the sort story. As a kid Goku killed my big Brother and I want to get him back for that, be it killing him or something else, there will be some payback."

This surprised King Kai "Are you telling that goofball can kill poeple? For form all I have seen of him he tries to give everyone a second chance, he even gave Frieza a second chance, I'm just surprised he did not show up with his dad today!"

Not surprised by this at all. "Oh yeah he can kill, as a Kid he kill a lot of people sure many of them was not nice, but some die by being in the wrong place, for Goku as a kid did not understand that you need to be careful with power, so he did not hold back a lot. Form what I understand is he learned to hold back from Piccolo's other side Kami, for he was studying under him for a few years. And the reason Frieza did not show up, is that I killed him." This was a big surprise to King Kai but Twilight kept speaking. " Yeah I found him drifting around in space when I went to see what had happen on Namek, I was good friends with it's people and I still am, so hearing that he tried to give him mercy is not something I'm happy about, for as we saw today, that can make a lot of trouble."

"Oh I fully understand I was not happy about him leaving him alive either. I will be honest with I believe I was dead when you spot me seeing you and your girlfriend." Hearing King Kai call Tempest Twilight's Girlfriend made her realize just how she was sitting on Tempest, and starting to blush hard to the point she was fully red while King Kai kept talking. "But you are no where as bad as I believe so I will keep to myself that you are around, though if you want to be on the safe side I can ask Kami to keep you out of his sight as well. He will understand that this is something between the two of you... Are you ok? Your face is all red."

"Yeah I'm ok, I just realized something" Said Twilight before putting her thoughts to the side for now. "Now lets talk about what is your relationship with Goku? And I think I would like to know more about what you are as well. After that I still want to know what you know of Beerus as well" She said sat down on a stone bench outside his house.

"Well to start out I can't really say much about Beerus without being allowed by him, for he does not like people talking about him, and I really do not want to make a God of Destruction mad I hope you can understand that." Said King Kai.

"I guess that is fair. Do you know if there is anyone I can talk to who can tell me more?"

"Well there is my own boss's the Supreme Kai's, but I have not hear from them in ages, and not one of the other Kai's has either which has left us all not doing much. If you can find one do let me know for we are not really allowed to do anything without their say so." King Kai said as he took a small break to take a drink that Gregory had gotten him. "And when it comes to Goku, I'm one of his teachers. When he die to his brother there came to Earth, Kami made a deal with me there allowed him to come and train under me, mostly it was just body training do to my homes gravity. Else I did teach him two of my own techniques which are both the Kaio-Ken and the Spirit Bomb. Which I would not mind teaching you as well if you just promise not to use it for evil."

"I might take you up on that, though I would like to ask if it's ok for me to bring a friend? For my friend can probably find good use for this as well."

"Oh sure, but I will have to ask. Was I wrong on the Girlfriend comment?" asked King Kai. And Just looking at Twilight told him he was spot on. "I don't think you need to answer that."

"You are right on that, but your comment did give me a lot to think about so I would like if you do not talk about that if I do bring her here."

"Oh don't worry about that, I can understand this being a privet matter, it would be rude for me to interfere. And I think it would be better for both of us to stay friends."

"I fully agree there, for I think there can probably come some good out of this. Also I got a last question before I go back to my friend, if you don't mind that is." said Twilight as she got up and walked a small bit.

"Oh I do not mind at all."

"When I spotted you and I followed your Ki to come here, I felt like I passed some sort of barrier on the way here. Is that true or is it just me being silly?"

"Oh no you did pass through a barrier. For you see to make sure we Kai's can do our work in peace, our worlds are placed in the realm where the after life is. So if you know where to look you can find anyone who has die here."

This shocked Twilight a bit to hear. "So what I did when I followed you here is far from being normal is it not?"

"Oh yeah if you had not had God Ki then coming here without being given approval would not have been possible, you would just have been throw right back to where you were. Only Gods and those following a God can come the way you did. While someone like Goku who has been here before and been allowed by me can also come and go as he please. I hope our talk has help you a bit at least?" Said King Kai.

"It has and I think you for being so open about it. And I would like to say sorry about coming in like I did. If I had known that you where able to be talked to I would have done that from the start."

"Same it has been a surprisingly good talk. I will let you know if anything is coming towards earth. Else feel free to come back again anytime. Oh and do let me know if you chose to come and learn." Said King Kai as he wave to Twilight with her waving back before teleporting back to earth. "Man what a day, going from believing that there was only 2 full blooded Saiyan's left, to learn there has been another one on earth, and another there had been hiding herself somewhere else. And one of these two is a God. I think we are going to see some interesting times."

Back on earth just after Twilight left.

Tempest was still sitting on the couch annoyed that such a relaxing moment was ruined like that. It had been the perfect moment, and all she would have to do is work up her nerves, to tell Twilight what she felt for her, finally letting her know just how much what Twilight had done for her meant to her, but yet again something had ruined it for her.

As Tempest was sulking Ginyu had enter the house, and was looking at her for a time before he let himself be know. "Since when have you had a tattoo on your right shoulder Tempest?" He asked making her jump out of her seat, looking first at him and then looked towards her shoulder, only seeing the edge of the mark he was talking about, making her walk over towards a mirror turning her shoulder towards the it. And what she what she saw was a closed up fist, but what really stood out was the pink star just below the knuckles, shocking her to see she had finally gained her mark, and in another universe of all things. And the star looked just like the star that Twilight has on her back. Which reminded her of the mark many guards back home had, like Twilight's older brother Shining Armor.

Smiling at what she was seeing she answer him. "I got no idea. But I am happy that I got it." She said as she start to go back towards her place on the couch to sit down again. For she still had to keep a eye on the Z-Fighters.

"Well it's a nice tattoo and it seems to have Lady Twilight's mark on it. At least that is what I think the mark is with how it's being used by her whole family and herself on anything they make. I have not felt the need to ask about it yet, but I will probably asked about it soon, for the more I can tell the boys about our Lady the better. "he said as he as he walked over to take one of the big chairs in the room and sat down on it he started to talk again. "Else your mood seem to improve a lot after I point out that mark. I take it that there is a meaning to it?"

"Yeah the mark tell us what we are best at, Twilight's which she got on her back is the star of magic. Something there is not normally hear about, for there is a lot who got marks with her star, but with it being smaller or lesser part of their mark making them limited to what they can do with magic. But with Twilight having the star itself as her mark. That means she does not have those limits, if she sees some magic she can copy it." She stopped talking for a moment to take a sip of her drink. And to check on what was going on with the Z-Fighters who were still waiting. " So if she was to focus on one type of magic only no one would be able to keep up with her on it, but she likes to study ever thing she can. But with her new ability to make copies of herself, she can probably master a lot of magic at the same time. And while also keeping her study on science to date."

"That is a lot to take in, and I will say that it is impressive. But you seem to have ignore the first part of what I wanted to talk to you about." This made Tempest look over towards Ginyu. "I asked you about your mood, and if the mark had meaning. I only got answers to the second part. Now tell your old friend why you were so down before I pointed out your mark."

Looking away from Ginyu Tempest started to speak. "I don't know what you are talking about Ginyu."

"Now don't you lie to me I have known you for 5 years, before you found Twilight again. I know how you are when there is something you don't want to talk about. So either you tell me here and now so we can talk about it just us. Or I will let it go for now, and when the boys are back alive I will have them help me pull this out of you. The choice is yours." said Ginyu with a confident smile.

This made Tempest look back towards him. "You are really going to push this are you?" asked Tempest. Where she got a smile back there was full of a promise. Giving out a sigh she started to talk again. "Fine you win, but this stays between us. And not a word to Twilight are we clear on that?"

"But of course. We are friends and I just want to help you be happy with your life. So I will not tell her one thing you do not wish for her to know." answer Ginyu while giving her thumps up.

"Well I think I love Twilight, but I got no idea on how to talk to her about it. And every time I had a chance and the moment seems right for me to confess, something comes up and ruins it. Like before you came in I was having a great moment with her, but then she just jumped up and said she needed to stop something, and I know she would not leave without there being a reason. It makes me feel like I'm cursed, for every time something good is about to come into my life something bad comes as well." as she finish talking Tempest lean over the table.

Walking over near Tempest and putting a hand on her back making her look at him and seeing he was serious. "Tempest I will be honest love is not something me or my boys are good at, but I can see that you deeply care about our Lady, and you want it to be special. So here is what I want you to do. You need to keep looking for that special moment where you can confess and get her to understand just how you feel about her, while me and then boys will do our best to make sure such a moment is not ruined in the future, for we are your friends and this is what friends do. So chin up and hold your head high you will get your princess and the Ginyu force will have your back!" as Ginyu finish talking he jumped away from the table and struck his pose of victory. "So don't you give up, for when the boys come back to life and learn of this they will want to help just as much as I so we will make sure you get your sweet sweet victory!"

"You know... Its hard to stay down when I got a friend like you." said Tempest with a smile while looking over at Ginyu, who just gave her his trade mark winning smile. "And I know it would be even harder to be down if the boys were around already as well. So I'm going to take you up on that offer of help, for I really need the help for I'm hopeless when it comes to this. But anyways let's go back to keeping a eye on the Z-Fighters guys."

Chapter 12: A Flash of The Future

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Five minutes after Ginyo and Tempest's talk. Twilight Returned.

"Well that went far better then I had hope for." said Twilight as she reappear in the middle of the room. And walked over to her place on the couch next to tempest. But this time not leaning on her. "So have I missed anything?"

"Nah they seem fine with just waiting, and if your guess before was right then he will be here soon. So we will be able to know if the boy is form the future or not. What about you? what did you have to leave for?" asked Tempest as she looked over at Twilight. Were she looked a bit nervous but only for a bit before her confidents returned.

"Yeah there was someone who saw us here, and that made me realize that I had to look into it as fast as I was able to. And that turned out to be good, for had I not done that Goku would have known about us. But do to how fast I got there, this is not a problem anymore, and we got a new friend out of it. Which reminds me when we are done here and have looked into everything we learn from this I want to take you there, for he got a technique that I think we both can get some good use out of." explained Twilight as she picked up the date pad they were using to view everything from. And share the feed to the others by their scouter. "I really need to make new models of the scouters, for as much as the normal style it was made in, is a good model, I feel like it can be improved. Which reminds me. Ginyu is the model I gave you fine for you Or do you need a special one made?" said Twilight as she looked towards him.

"Well I would like to get a new one, for this model is not good for the long ears, sure it stays there, but it hurts a bit to have on. And I would like to get a set of new armors made for myself and my team, for we do enjoy our outfits, but we will probably need a new logo." reply Ginyu.

And before Twilight was able to answer, her Mother over the scouter beat her to the punch. "Well Ginyu I will be more then happy to help you find a new logo, and we can even look at the scouter for you, and make sure your team get a few to pick from. And we should be able to get it all done before the month is over."

"Well then. I think I will come back now then, for I'm not really needed here, and then we can get this fix as fast as we can." said Ginyu while giving a wink to Tempest as he walked out the room.

While he was still walking out Twilight told him there was a GPS in the scouter. Before turning back her attention towards the scouter. "Thanks mom, that is a lot of work of my table, but are you sure you can handle both scouters and helping them with the armor sets?" she asked.

"Oh I will be fine, the armor sets I only need to help with a logo for, for we are already making sets for all our guards, so we will just make some small changes to the looks of it, to make it a elite set and then put on the new logo. So that is easy, and the scouter work sounds more fun then anything. And with your old project there improve the animorphaline, there is more animal people around, so we would have to do this anyways before we can start to sell them. That project alone is earning us a lot of money, and if the scouters take off and people start to like them, well then we might catch up to the brief's."

"But what about your other project's mom? For I know you where working on the arm canons for our guard force."

"Oh that is already done, they seem to love their new toys. But we are keeping it hidden for now. For there is still people who has not forgotten the Red Ribbon Army yet, and I know we have nothing to do with them anymore, they sadly do not believe that. So we are keeping the weapons hidden, and only take them out if we need to. Don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. So taking over the Scouter project to give you more time is something I'm happy to do."

"Thanks mon. Oh and before you go, there is something I want to talk to you about later." said Twilight.

"But of course My little Star. You know you can always come and talk to me about anything you need. Else you know where to find me." said Vomi as she left the talk.

"What was that about Twilight?" asked Tempest looking at Twilight.

"Oh I have just been thinking about something that is a bit private, for it's something... Personal." answered Twilight while blushing a bit, while she started to look down.

This made Tempest look at her for a bit. Before she accepted it. "I take it, that it's not something I can help you with at all?." she asked. Getting a head shake from Twilight. Tempest sighed. "Alright I Understand you can't trusted me wi..."

This was as far as Twilight let Tempest get before she interrupted her. "Tempest I told you before I trust you with my life and more. And I would trust you with this to... But it's complicated and there is a good reason for me to go to my mom with this. So I ask you. Please trust me that when I said I got a good reason to go to my mother with this and not you." said Twilight as she was sounding like she was being as honest as she can be

"I believe you. I just feel like there is more that I should be doing for you." said Tempest as she looked down but only for a moment. "And before you tell me to stop looking down on myself. I will try to do that, but it's hard to do so."

Twilight letting out a sigh of relief. "That is good to hear. For I worry about you now and then Tempest... Did you always have a tattoo on your shoulder Tempest?" said Twilight as she was looking at Tempest's shoulder.

"Well I told you about our cutie Marks Twilight. And this" putting her hand on her new mark. "And Is my mark." she said while smiling at the mark

This made Twilight look at her with questions. "So what does it mean? For it looks like an mix of my mark and a fist, and you told me my mark was the star of magic so what does that make yours?" Twilight asked.

"Well from what what I can tell it means, that my special talent is to fight for you, for it reminds me of someone who got their mark by saving you, and it had your star in it as well." explain Tempest

"I take it this is another one of those I can't tell you about them things?" asked Twilight as she looked at Tempest getting a nod, "Ok. But why is it on your shoulder and so small, and not on your back?"

"What in the world do you mean Twilight? For this is the normal size for a mark. At least it fits the size they were before. And speaking of this were is yours?" asked Tempest.

"Well Mine is bigger, and is on my back. Give me a second and I will show you." said Twilight as she took off the top half of her clothes, to expose her back.

Tempest was happy that Twilight had turn her back towards her, for she had not been ready for Twilight to do this, so she had started to blush a little. But as she got a view of Twilight's back she realize why she was thinking it needed to be bigger. "Wow... Ok Twilight normally our marks don't get that big."

"If there is anything you can tell me about why it's so big then I'm all ears. And feel free to touch it, I fully trust you to be allowed that, but be a bit careful... It feels a bit funny when someone touch it. Nothing bad mind you, just funny." Twilight answered while keeping her back pointed towards her.

"I promise I will be careful." said Tempest, as she lay her hand on Twilight's Star. And the second she send magic to her hand to try and feel it out. she felt like she got sucked into all of the power inside the Ki and Magic there was in Twilight. And it was beautiful it was like she was standing in the middle of a field of stars, but before she was able to really look around to much. something made the place turn darker, a force Tempest knew far to well, and before she was able to do more then think the name she was pushed out with a great forces and send her flying into the wall. While looking back at Twilight in pure confusion about what just happed. While Twilight had fully forgot that she had take all her cloths off her top half of her body, and had rushed after Tempest to make sure she was ok.

"Are you ok Tempest? I don't know what happen all of a sudden my magic just flared, and pushed against you." said Twilight while she was looking over Tempest to make sure she had not hurt her. While Tempest was having a hard time to thinking do to the half naked Twilight in front of her. A picture there was going to be living in her head for a long time.

"I'm fine Twilight. But you should probably get your clothes back on fully." said Tempest as she forced herself to look away.

This made Twilight look down and realize what Tempest said. Which made her turn fully red and turn around and rush putting her clothes back on. "Please forget that you saw that." said Twilight while looking a bit ashamed of herself.

Now Tempest had never really had any filter for when she speaks, and had always just said what she was thinking. This time however she did not even think before speaking. "Well you got nothing to be ashamed about, for you look beautiful." And the second the words left her mouth, it was Tempest's turn to become fully red. And she was sure she had messed up, if not for a small and quiet thank you form Twilight. Which was a missive relief to hear. "But back on point, for you need to know this Twilight y..." And that was as far as Tempest got before she was stopped in talking, but where she normally accepted it, this time she took to the fight, for what she wanted to say to Twilight was something she needed to know. And no matter what Tempest tried she was not able to say, write or type down anything, to do with what she wanted to say.

Seeing Tempest like this gave Twilight a shock, for Tempest had promised to not go against what stop her in talking. Do to how much damage it was ok with doing to her. "TEMPEST! I ORDER YOU TO STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!" Yell Twilight as she was in a small panic looking at her friend. And Tempest did finally stop as Twilight yell, "What in the world was that about Tempest, you promised me you would not do that to yourself again, and yet here you are doing it again."

Help by Twilight, Tempest was guide over to sit down on the couch again, so she would be able to explain as best as she was able to, "I know Twilight and I'm sorry but what I saw was something you really need to know, and I can't say it... But I can give you a warning, you need to put a full stop to your emotion storing spell... At least with the negative ones, and it's for your own good I say this, and the ones you got stored already, we need to find a safe way for you to let them out."

This came as a shock to Twilight, sure Tempest had told her to stop before, but now she was demanding it, "I mean I can stop if you really need me to, but I do not see why you want me to do it this badly... I take it that is what you can't tell me?" getting a nod from Tempest, "Ugh this is just so annoying, why is it when ever we get closer to any answer there is something blocking it... It's starting to feel like we are someone else's plaything, and I really do not like it." said Twilight as she sat down next to her friend on the couch again.

Before answering Tempest put her arm around Twilight and gave her a one armed hug. "Sadly all the time Princess. But I think worrying about it, will not help one bit. So all we can do is keep going forward, and not let it bug us. For that road leads to nothing but madness. So lets focus on what we know, and what we can do something about. So let's put our focus back on the here and now, and take the rest as it comes."

Relaxing in the hug Twilight sighed. "What would I do without you Tempest? For you always seem to know what to say when I'm stressing out." said Twilight as she looked up at Tempest

Giving Twilight a smile looking at her. "Well what kind of guard would I be if I didn't help my Princess when she needs it." said Tempest. She was about to say something else when they both felt the landing of Goku. Another good moment ruined by a outside force.

Seeing that things were finally happening Twilight and Tempest both focused on what they were seeing on the screen.

At Goku and the Mysterious Man, as they have moved away from the others.

"Hey just wanna say thanks. Thanks for taking care of Frieza for me. I was to easy on him and I let him off with a warning." said Goku with a friendly smile.

"About that. The man I killed here was not Frieza but his Father King Cold. I wanted to ask you if you had killed Frieza? For he was talking about the Saiyan there kill his son lived on this planet. And form what I was told you did not kill him, so I wanted to ask if you had any idea who killed him?" answer Mysterious Man while looking at Goku in surprise.

This shocked Goku. "No I did not kill him. For as I said I let him off with a warning."

The Mysterious Man now looked really worried. "This makes no sense at all. For Frieza was supposed to have been with his dad. And my mother has already given birth to me. Something has majorly changes history already. And I do not like it at all." said Mysterious Man. Not realizing what he had just said.

"Wait what do you mean that you're mother has already given birth to you? And what is this about changing history?" asked Goku looking at The Man waiting for answers.

Taking in a deep sigh. "Before I answer I need you to promise me that not a word of this will get out to the rest of the others." said The Man

"Don't worry. I'll keep it between you and me." said Goku.

And so The Man start to explain. "I know this may sound really crazy to you Goku but heres my secret. I am a time traveler that comes from 20 years into the future I'm here to warn you of the upcoming events."

This shocked Goku. "The future?!! And... 20 years ahead?!!."

"And my name is... Trunks... Trunks Brief and the reason I can become a Super Saiyan is because... Vegeta is my father."

Shock was not the word for what Goku was feeling. "WAIT A MNUTE!!! VEGETA IS YOUR DAD?!!" Yell Goku in pure surprise. "You're not just pulling a joke on me right?"

"No... And if you need proof look over towards my Mother. She is holding the child there will one day become me. Which is one of the things there has change in history for I'm normally not born at this point in time. And speaking of changes. Normally you're wife is not here either." said Trunks As he looked over his shoulder and saw the terrifying woman, who was keeping her eyes fully on him.

"This is wild. Do you have any idea what has changes things?" asked Goku.

Shaking his head Trunks start to talk again. "No not a single one sadly. Normally I'm born in two and a half year time. But at that same time period some events start to appear... I didn't travel here to the past to tell you about me... And Goku... I need you to play close attention and keep in mind about what I'm about what I'm going to tell you..." said Trunk as he was making sure he was serious.

"Go ahead you can tell me." said Goku as he put all his focus on their talk.

"Two new rivals will appear in 3 years from now...On may 12 they will appear on an island 9km southwest from south city."

"What are they? Demon? Aliens?"

"These are no aliens or any demonic beings... Their known as androids. The man responsible for their creation is Dr.Gero a mad scientist from the Red Ribbon Army."

"Wait I know the red Ribbon Army I took care of them as a kid." said Goku shocked.

"My only conclusion is that he is back to take revenge after what you did to them many years back..."

"Are they back to take over the world?"

"I am not really sure... But it could still be one of their motives... But he went and created two androids But they both went against Dr.Gero and killed him...That way they can follow their own orders. And all they do is destroy and kill just for shits and giggles..."

"Frieza was a big threat... But you took him down quickly... But if these guys are like you make them sound... It most be really bad..."

"Yeah and you got no idea just how bad... I have been fight them for years it ain't easy just fighting two against one you know."

"Wait isn't their anyone in the future to help you fight them?"

"No...None... I'm the only one left that is capable of taking them on." said Trunks looking down. "You all... Die in the future three years from now...Krillin, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Chaotzu, Picccolo... Even my father couldn't take them, and died fighting them... Your son... Gohan survives and hides... And he became my master and taught me how to fight... But 16 years from now he gives his life trying to fight the andoids... Since Piccolo died we can't get dragon balls... so we can't bring anyone back... The android till this day in the future are just bringing terror and making it a living hell for us..." said Trunks but he was not done. "THEY'RE JUST TOO DAMN STRONG !!!! TOO STRONG I TELL YA!" He yell before calming down a bit. giving Goku time to realize something.

"Wait but what happens to me?! You never mentioned me ?! How did I die? Did I get killed?." Goku asked.

"You never make it to that point... You will soon be hit by a bad sickness.... And there was no cure for it... And you passed away... And do to it being a disease there kills you it counts as a natural death so the dragon balls were not able to bring you back..." This was a Major surprise to Goku. But Trunks was not done yet. "The Virus will grow inside you. And it will reach your heart... Killing you..." Finish Trunks.

"...Let me guess... even senzu beans don't work?" Getting a nod from Trunks. "Man... No fair! I'm just to die like that? I wanted to go out at least Fighting them!!!" said Goku sounding annoyed.

"Wait you want to fight them...? And you're not afraid...?" said Trunks confused.

"Oh I am afraid Trunks.. But I want to at least fight them!"

"Man Goku... You really are a true warrior." said Trunk with a small laugh. while he started to look for something in his pocked "My mother and Gohan always told me you were like this... Full of hope and always ready to fight." Pulling out a small bottle from his pocked he threw it to Goku. "Here take this medicine Goku"

"Huh? Medicine I thought that there was no medicine for this virus?"

"Well some time after you die my mother found a way to cure it and you now got it. When the symptoms of the virus start to kick in. Make sure to take this medicine. With this you won't die from the virus."

"Oh GEEZ!! Thanks a lot Trunks. You really are a life saver Buddy." said Goku while looking over the bottle."

"To be frank with you... I'm not supposed to be doing this... This may change the course of history... But my future really needs your help!" said Trunks " My mother worked hard on that medicine for you Goku... And all she wants is to see you
good and healthy."

"I will make sure to put it to good use. For I really want to fight those androids." said Goku with determination.

"Now that I have met you... I have a lot more hope for the future."

"Will you ever come back?"

"I'm not so sure... It takes time to make some power for the time machine... But I do hope to come back and help you fight!"

"take care of yourself Trunks. I will make sure to take down those androids that way we can all live in a brighter future."

To this Trunks gave Goku an thumps up, and flew away. Just to see him leave in the time machine.

Back with Twilight and Tempest

With Tempest now looking worried. Twilight looking over the power reading from the time machine... And the power readings fit perfectly to the old ones that Twilight had pointed out earlier. Meaning they had another Time traveler who never left. For there has only been 3 times this energy has been seen. Two times today and one time a year ago.

Twilight and Tempest got up from the couch at the same time. "We need to go and look where the other place where time travel has happened before. For there might be some hints at who came here and why." said Twilight as they both walked out the door. while also turning the house into a capsule again.

"fully agree there. For I will be honest I did not fully believe the idea of time travel. But with what we have just seen there is no denying it." reply Tempest as she and Twilight had started to move towards their the first time travel had happened.

While flying Twilight called her Mom and Dad. letting them know what is going on and making them both stay on the scouter to see what Twilight and Tempest might find. And as she were flying around looking for anything odd they spotted it.

A time machine looking just like the one that Trunks had been using. Landing near it they looked around for a bit before going to the machine it self. Where they found something there looked like some kind of egg. Which made Gero speak up.

"Twilight I want you to take the machine and the shell and get back here as fast as you can. For I know what this is and it's really bad. But while you are doing this stay alert." said Gero

"Alright dad but I hope you tell me what this is when we get back." reply Twilight as she handed the egg over to Tempest and capsule the time machine. And the second she had put it in away she teleported Herself and Tempest back home. For with her dad like this she was fearing the worst.

As they got back Gero himself asked them to follow him to his lab. As they got there they saw Vomi and Ginyu there already. "Twilight please put down the Time machine over there. And Tempest the Egg shell on the table over there. And before you ask I need a moment before I'm ready to tell you." said Gero as he walked over and started a projector.

"The image you see in front of you right now Is that of a project that I drop here in our time line do to it being far to powerful. But it seems that my future self did not care about it. Which make me fear just what else he might have done with it. He was already suppose to be my most powerful creation. Using the genetics of the greatest fighters that I was able to get DNA from. And from what I hear from the time traveler, my counter part probably get DNA from Frieza and Cold as well making him even more deadly... Though right now he is probably in his larva form so he is a lot weaker" said Gero as he put his hand to his forehead. Before realizing something. "And Before either of you gets the idea to go out and hunt him down. I'm making it a order to not do so!"

This shocked both Tempest and Twilight. "But why dad? I'm sure me and Tempest can take care of him, for if he is in his larva form as you say then what can he do?" asked Twilight looking towards her dad.

"The reason is simple. This project I will call him Cell do to what he is made of. Is able to take DNA from anyone it fights and is only able to that in his earlier forms. Meaning I would only let Tempest try that, yet I do not believe she is ready to fight him. For yes she has gained Super Saiyan but so has Trunks."

This confused them both. "What does Trunks having Super Saiyan have to do with me not being ready to fight him?" asked Tempest.

"Simple" said Gero as he walked over to the time machine and pointed out the HOPE!! on the side of it. "This time machine was Trunks's and I do not think that Trunks would just have given him the machine meaning he would have to kill him. And if he can kill a Trunks there is Super Saiyan before coming here. He will probably be able to do the same here. And with him having been here for over a year, and he got all from form a few weeks to three years before he is back to his normal form. There for I do not want any of you to go out and hunt him. For where he is right now in power he is made to stay out of sight. But if he gets the chance he will take it. And if he gets new DNA his power will get far more of a boosted the normal. And I do not even want to think about what would happen if he got the DNA of a God. And getting a new Super Saiyan as well would not be good. So I order the two of you to stay away from him as long as he is not in his end stages."

"So I get you don't want us to go after this ''Cell'' And I will not do so as long as you want me to stay away. But I would like to know more. Like what is these stages your talking about?" asked Twilight.

"Well there is five of them. one of them does not matter at all, while the second is his larva stage. What comes after is the problem." said Gero as he points a controller toward the projector a new image came up on it.

"This is Cell in his first real stage. And sadly is the only form of his I can show you. For where I drop the project at this area my other self kept going. The only thing I can truly tell you is. His tail is what he use to take DNA with, and before you think you can just remove it. He got cells from Namekies as well so he can just make a new one. And the second thing to remember if he finds you is he can use the ability's of everyone he got the DNA of. And he will use all of it to either get you are get away. And sadly I do not know what the other me made his tool for evolution."

"So what do we do? For we can't just let this thing run loose." asked Twilight.

After a moment to think Gero had a idea. But not one he liked. "I think we might have to drop our goal of vengeance." said Gero who saw Twilight was not happy about the idea but would hear him out. "I understand your feelings on it My Star. But the best choice of weapon against Cell would be them, for while he is still in his first form or second form he will seek to gain more power. And it will be far more limited what he would gain form them. So I proposes we do what Trunks said would happen. But instead of 2 Androids I will send 13, 14, and 15 there..." This is were Twilight interrupt her dad.

"I can agree to the idea of using the Z fighters to deal with Cell, that I'm fine with. But 13, 14 and 15 are far to unstable to be let out, and you know that dad! "said Twilight while looking at Gero who had to agree with her, "So instead of sending them, me and Tempest can test them. And before you and mom gets worried, my plan also got Lazuli, Lapis, and my Brother keeping a eye on us from a safe place. This will let me explain things as well, and get my fight with Goku again, for I have waited a long time for that, and now I need to wait another three years, so me and Tempest will test them and then tell them about Cell, the real threat here." she finished while looking a little mad, but started to relax as she felt a hand on her shoulder lay down on it, which was Tempest letting her own she was there for her, before looking back at her dad.

"I understand you're pain Twilight I really do, for when I first learn of Gevo's death, I was only thinking about how I needed to end Goku, but then I saw you attack him, and I realize that I still had my family which means far more to me then killing the meathead," said Gero as he took a small speaking break to finish his thoughts, "Twilight I will let you have you're way with this, but only if you promise me that you will not kill him without a good reason, for we will probably need him to end Cell before he becomes to big of a problem, and reach his full power

There went some time where Twilight just walked around thinking for a bit before she responded. "Alright. I don't like it and I will probably punch him in the face if I have to work with him. But I will do it, and all after how things go I might give up the idea of ending him." said Twilight before doing a deep sigh." Well then Tempest and I will keep training, for if we are going to test them, then we will need to make sure its a good test."

"That sounds like a good idea, and maybe you can go and finish your training at planet Yardrat. And if things turn out that they are to weak we can always send your friends after Cell, for he should not be able to gain anything from Lazuli, Lapis and Gevo."

"Alright but only if they are ok with it, for I do not want to send them out like that unless they are fine with it." said Twilight

"That is fair. And I do agree." reply Gero.

"So is there anything else we need to talk about?" asked Twilight

"Well you might want to recall Owlowiscious. For he has followed Goku's family home. And his wife has just send Gohan out of the house together with Piccolo while locking herself and Goku in." said Vomi who was looking at what the Owl was doing with a smile.

"Nonononono!" Yell Twilight as she rushed to call back her pet.

"Well there runs our deadly Princess!" laugh Ginyu.

Chapter 13: Three Wishes!

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One month later as the New Namek Dragon balls were ready for use Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu appeared on the planet.

"That Instant Transmission technique is really a useful tool to have, I hope you will teach that to me at some point Lady Twilight, for that would be really useful for my team." said Ginyu while looking around where they were now.

"Sure I can teach you and the group when we get back into training," said Twilight as she was walking in front of them towards the nears village, "Now remember we will not talk about your old boss while we are here, the namekies will not be happy to hear about the man who cost them their last planet."

"But of course Lady Twilight! We will just have to make sure we leave here fast after bring them back, for it will probably take me some time to get them all to understand that we have changes boss. That will probably take some time to sink in, for we were in believe that no one would be able to beat him, so learning that a Saiyan was able to beat him will probably come as a surprise, especially a Saiyan without a tail. But thanks to Tempest we can prove it to them when we get back from here," said Ginyu while having looked at Twilight, before looking forward to see a smaller Namekien running towards them and waving at Twilight. But when he notice Ginyu he stopped and looked terrified, "I think there is something we forgot to think about when we went here."

Thinking for a second Twilight realize what they had forgotten, "Argh how did I forget this Ginyu and Tempest stay here for a second," and with that Twilight ran to Dende, after explaining a few things to him, Dende gave a nod to Twilight and took off flying back to the village, after which she waved Tempest and Ginyu over to her, "So to explain what happen, Ginyu the body you got, is the body of a infamous warlord to the namekies, do to how he was ones one of their own, now I explain to Dende that Slug is no more and how you took his body with your technique. But that still makes the people here nervous, so I asked Dende to go and ask how they want us to do this, so he will be back in a second, and speaking of the sun it shines for here he comes." said Twilight as she saw Dende some flying back landing right in front of her.

"So I asked and they would really like for Ginyu was it?" getting a confirm from the man, "For him to stay out of the village. But for you Twilight they are ok with you coming in and take the Dragon balls and bringing them out here for your wishs. Oh and the thing you needed to wish for has been fixed so it can be done in just two wishes so you will have one in left over," said Dende.

"Well we are getting some good news with a small bad one. Any idea what you will use the last wish for Twilight?" asked Tempest.

"Yeah I already got a idea for it, for I knew Dende would fix the dragon balls before going here, so I thought off something there can help both of us," said Twilight before she looked towards Ginyu, "And you are ok out here on your own when we go in and take the Dragon balls Ginyu?"

"But of course Lady Twilight, waiting here for a short bit is not a problem, I might just dance for a bit, and with the scouter now fitting my ears perfectly then I should be able to get time to go just fine, and you can always let your scouters send what you hear to me, that way I can still be part of it." said Ginyu as he wished them a good time in the village, and started playing some music and started dancing.

"Well we will do just that then, come Tempest," said Twilight as set sound sharing on, before following Dende.

As they got into the village they were greeted by the new namekien elder Moori, "Well if isn't Twilight! And I see you have made a new friend? And what is that I hear about you having a warlord with you?." asked Moori.

"Moori! it's great to see you," said Twilight as she gave her old magic teacher a hug, after which she pointed towards Tempest, "And yeah I did make friends this is Tempest, she is the best! And about the Warlord, he is not really the Warlord he looks like, one of Tempest friends had gotten turned into a frog, and needed a new body, and that Warlord happen to happen to attack my home planet so we saw it as him giving it up to our friend for free," explain Twilight as she started to tell all the namekies about what she had been up to while she had been away.

"Well you have been really busy, and with you taking out the old Warlord by having this Ginyu take him over is a whole lot better for us, for that removes a bit problem, as long as he does not start to do anything bad that is, you got no plans of him doing evil do you?" asked Moori while looking a be nervous.

"Oh goodness no, I might have killed a few people while having been away from here, but I got no plans of making that a part of my normal life, sure I like to fight, but there is only one person and a run away bio android I want to kill, though the killing of that one person might not happen, for I have promised to give him a chance. Other then that my family do have some plans for after that is done, there will need the help of the people I'm here to bring back, and the left over wish there is, I'm already having a idea on what to use the wish for." said Twilight.

"Well that is good to know. We fully trust you Twilight so you do not need to tell us what your wish is," said Moori as he waved over some of the other namekies who had the Dragon balls with them, "So I leave them in your hands for your wish."

"Thank you Moori, I know I can always trust you to have my back," said Twilight as she gave Moori a hug, before going over and using her magic to pick up four of the dragon ball, while Tempest took three of them in her magic, turned towards Moori again, and threw him a scouter, "With this you can call us any time, just in case you got another Frieza come by, next time I will be there to help as fast as I can."

"We do not blame you for not noticing that we were being attacked Twilight, and your mothers Ships did save a lot of lives, but having this will make us all feel somewhat safer. Now take care of yourself, " said Moori to Twilight, before turning to Tempest, "And please promise me that you will take care of Twilight, she may not be a little girl anymore, but knowing her she needs someone who can make her sit down and take a break."

"Don't worry I will make sure she relax now and then, ones we have gotten these guys back to life and gone home, I have made her promise to sit down and relax for a time." said Tempest as she walked after Twilight with one dragon ball under her arm and then two others flying after her.

Landing near Ginyu Twilight and Tempest they put down their Dragon balls, "Alright we should be ready to bring back you're friends, I'm sort looking forward to meeting them, after what you told me Tempest," said Twilight before turning to Ginyu, "And you know how to get them to understand it's you Ginyu?"

"but of course Lady Twilight, I have a code word for when I take a new body and they are not around to see it, so they will fall into order fast. And you did say you wanted to use the last wish before they were brought back, which is probably for the best," said Ginyu, as he walked over to them looking at the Dragon balls, "And I will be honest I have been looking forward to seeing this dragon. For a binging back people form the dead, is not something you see everyday."

Walking up next to Twilight as she stood ready to summon the dragon Tempest start to talk, "Same here for after everything you have told me about this 'Dragon' I'm really curious about it." said Tempest.

"Well if both of you are this curious then I better get this show on the road, "said Twilight as she step a bit forward to start summoning Porunga, "Well here goes. Come fore, Maker of Dreams, there are dreams to be fulfilled, Porunga!" she yell and as she finish the chant the Dragon balls start to glow while the sky started to turn darker then the night, making both Tempest and Ginyu step back, and then out of the dragon balls came a golden light coming up from the dragon balls, looking like a lightning bolt coming from the balls, as the light took the shape of a giant dragon. towering over them both shocking both Ginyu and Tempest.

"You have collected all 7 dragon balls, and now as it has been said, I shall grant you 3 wishes within my power," proclaims Porunga as he looks down on those who have summoned him.

"Seem Dende was not wrong when he said that Porunga now speak common, and not namekien," said Twilight as she looked over at Tempest and Ginyu who were not over their shock yet, and then looked back at Porunga, "For My first wish, I wish for a endless spell book, with every spell ever made in it, but at the size of a normal spell book!"

"Your wish has been granted." said Porunga as his eye's glowed as a book appeared right in front of Twilight who took it before it was able to fall on the ground, where she opened it, to look inside just to see the first page was a page selected where it asked what type of spell she is looking, and nod approving.

"Last two wish are these, first I want you to move the souls of the Ginyu force to right here. And then I want you to bring them all back to life!" yell Twilight to Porunga and as she finish yelling his eye's glowed two times, and then confirmed the wish's had been granted, were 4 people appeared and they all looked really confused, before seeing Porunga just before he left.

"Why are we back on Namek again!" said Jeice with the rest of them fully agreeing with him, but before they were able to get more confused.

"STAND AT ATTENTION!" yell Ginyu, and without thinking about it they all did in front of him, where after a second they looked at him getting a bit confused again but Ginyu ended that fast, "Code word Hero time,"

After saying this they all relax and looked him over for a second before they all yell in a happy tone, "CAPTAIN!!!"

Where Burter was the first one to speak, "We looked for you everywhere in hell Captain, we fear that we would never see you again." he said

"Yeah for did not understand why we were not able to find you." said Guldo.

"And when we saw Frieza being pull into the deeper part of hell, we were sure that something worse had happen to you," said Jeice, "And is that Tempest with you as well? It's great to see you again."

As all the friends were talking in between each other and enjoying being together again, Recoome notice the newcomer, for he had never seen this woman before, "Hay boss who is the girl over there." Pointing towards Twilight who was just waiting for them to notice her.

"Oh yeah I nearly forgot," said Ginyu as he walked over to Twilight and stood at attention next to her, "This is Lady Twilight, and before you ask, yes she is that Twilight, the one we were going to help Tempest find, she ended up finding Tempest, where after she found me, as a frog and she saved me, and has been helping Tempest become stronger then our old Boss."

"Our old boss?" asked Jeice as he looked over at Twilight.

"Indeed, for Lady Twilight has offer us a new job, to work under her family. I have already looked over what we gain out of this, and I can say it's far better then what we got under our old boss, and I will tell you all more about it when we get back and are on our own again. Oh and before I forget, it's thanks to Lady Twilight that you are all alive again." said Ginyu.

Hearing this they all stood at attention again in front of Twilight this time, "THANK YOU LADY TWILIGHT FOR THIS SECOND CHANCE OF LIFE!" They all yell together, while giving a bow.

Looking around a bit before he said anything, "So captain how do we get out of here? I do not see a ship anywhere?." asked Jeice.

"Oh don't worry about that, for I got that cover, which makes me think we should probably get going, for the Namekies are easy to spoke after what happen with their first planet, so to do this I need you all to touch my hand." said Twilight as she held her hand out for them all to touch, and when they did they all disappeared.

Looking at where Twilight and her group had been, Moori and the other Namekies agree it was a lively group of people Twilight had made friends with, before going back to their work.

Back on earth.

The group reappeared on a privet Island, that Twilight's family had bought after Vomi and Twilight returned to earth, for the Island is the perfect place to relax on, do to it having everything you can think of when it comes to entertainment, be it video, movies, games, or reading, and it was also outfitted with a fully build training center. And of course the whole place was staffed with loyal people who was pay well, so if you need anything all you had to do was ask.

And before Twilight was able to try and give a tour, Tempest grabbed her and took her new magic book. "Tempest what are you doing?" asked Twilight as she looked at Tempest.

"Simple, I know you well enough, that I know you were about to try and take the boys around the island, and teleport this book, to your clone so she can start to study as many spells as she can," said Tempest as she pointed towards Twilight, "And that goes against what you promised me and your mother, who said she would take care of of them, so if you want your book back you will come with me and take a break, for you promised that."

"B-but Tempest that book got so many new spells for me to try, and I need to find the best ones before the 3 years are up, and I just got it, can't I look at it just a bit." asked Twilight while giving Tempest the biggest puppy eyes she was able to.

And it nearly worked, if it was not for Tempest getting help, "You made a promise My Little Star, and Tempest is just making sure you keep it. And I know you do not want to be known as someone who breaks their promise, even a small one like this," said Vomi as she walked up to them and pulled Twilight into a quick hug, "So I ask you to go with Tempest and take a day or two off, for you have work so much even your dad thinks you should take a day or two off, I will take care off things here." she finish as she started to push Twilight towards Tempest.

"Alright alright I'm going mom I'm going," asked Twilight while looking a bit confused, "I have not taken a break in over 10 years! What do you even do on a break?" Hearing Twilight say this surprised the Ginyu Force, for even they had free days under Frieza, and here was Twilight not even taking time for herself.

"You know, I Had been wondering about when you took breaks in the time I have been with your family and Tempest. And Learning you don't even take breaks for yourself, and yet you tell me and Tempest to take them. And that is not good, so as an request from myself, I want you to take better care of yourself and demand you take at least one day free each week. Can't have my new boss ruin herself." said Ginyu

"And we agree with the Captain!"

"We may not have known you well, Lady Twilight, but we the Ginyu Force fully trust our Captains words. And it is worrying to hear you do not take better care of yourself. For as the Captain says a burned out soldier is a wasted soldier, and then same can be said, about a boss there never relax." finish Jeice while the rest of the Force was cheering him on, and Ginyu giving him a thumbs up.

Letting out a sigh Twilight gave them a smile, "Well all right, and I really should, for it was part of the training program I learned when I was just starting to study, I just sort of ignore that part," said Twilight as she turned to look over at Tempest, "Well Tempest I'm in your hands for the next two days, for I truly do not know what to do with this free time." And with that Tempest and Twilight walked away to take a break.

And so Twilight had her first free day, not that she had ever been forced to work this much, she had just started to work on her own, and never stopped.

And when those two days were over, Twilight took Tempest with her to King Kai's place, for he had promise to share his skills with Twilight, so bring Tempest with her as well should not be a problem, and so they spent the next half year with King Kai, while both using TB's to make the training there a little hard for Twilight and a lot for Tempest, and it took them about a half year to learn everything that King Kai had to teach.

After this Twilight took Tempest with her to Yardrat, for she still had a lesson yet to learn there, and Tempest would be able to learn so much here, that doing anything else would have been silly. And so they spent the next half year on Yardrat, where Twilight finish her training learning, and Tempest learn how to use 'Instant Transmission'.

When Ginyu had been told where they went he had told them how close it was that he and the Boys had been send here, but then Frieza had call them to Namek, in fact it was so close that they had just sat down in their Attack Ball, saying this made Twilight look at him like he had some something wrong, but she asked why in the world it was named that, which Ginyu did not understand at first, before Twilight asked him what it was call when there was more while facepalming, this just made Ginyu and his team laugh hard, for they had not really thought about it before now. It seem Frieza had an odd sense of humor.

And it was just as Twilight and Tempest hit the year mark that Twilight got the news, that Lapis and Lazuli were finally done getting their tech upgrades, Gevo was sadly going to take a bit longer do to how big he was. But Twilight was still happy for she was finally able to talk to her two oldest friends. And the meeting between Lapis, Lazuli, and Tempest went well, they accepted her as a friend instantly, which was good, for Tempest had Talked Twilight into a week long break for when they had gotten their tech upgrades done, for she had realize that Twilight probably wanted to spent some time with them, and with how easy it had been to talk her into the week long break, she knew she had been right. And it was on the last day of the break when Lazuli and Tempest had pull Twilight out to shop for new clothes, for she had complained how Slug had not taken her serious, so they were going to do something about it.

And so Twilight's new look was born. First came her old Boots they had been replace with combat boots like the ones Tempest used herself. Then came her new pants which were black jeans, held up by her old leather belt. Next came her battle armor, which she still use as a bra under her new black sleeveless T-shirt, which had her star on the back, which she had covered with, a Jacket with zipper and a hood which was the same dark purple, which was easy to get off when combat happens. and last on her hands she had brown fingerless leather gloves. This had been mixed together by both Tempest and Lazuli who both agree that this fit Twilight perfectly, and Twilight did agree with them. And to make sure that the clothes were able to handle Combat, they had gotten Vomi to reinforce.

And when the day was over, and they start on a new trainings day, Lazuli and Lapis join Tempest and Twilight to help them get stronger. For it turned out that Gero had done a far better job then he believed for both Twilight and Tempest were losing to them. And after a half year both Twilight and Tempest had gotten up to their power, Twilight while she was using wrathful and Tempest in Super Saiyan. And speaking of Super Saiyan Twilight was still not able to use the form, why they did not know, but they had a idea, and it was do to how Twilight only held God Ki, but it was only a guess, but with how Twilight was still stronger then Tempest they did not really care.

The Next half year from here was used on King Kai's planted, where he had promise to teach Twilight what he did for Goku. At first he had refused to teach Tempest, but something small had come up there needed Twilight back on earth, and when she came back he was more then happy to teach Tempest, why this changes had happen Twilight did not know, and Tempest refused to say what had happen, which she accepted.

Their time on King Kai's planet pay off well, with both of them learning everything he had to teach, and so they had gone back to earth, were Twilight had gotten a great surprise. Her BBBFF was done and was finally out and ready for the world, and when Twilight saw him she gave him the biggest hug she was able to and then took a week away from training just to spent time with him. Tempest kept her training going the most of the time, for with Twilight far ahead of her in power, and her seeing her brother for the first time after he came back to life, she felt it would be batter to keep her normal week going.

And when Twilight and Gevo's week was over he join them for the rest of their training time before things kicked off again. And Gevo was really helpful for Twilight's growth, for she had slowed down a bit do to over taking both Lapis and Lazuli in power, Gevo turn out to take to the augments far better then they did making him stronger then both.

And when the time was finally up, and the date hit May12 of the year 767 they were ready, with Twilight having taken the top spot in power a half year before, but for some reason not being able to become stronger anymore, no matter what she tried, Tempest was not to far behind Twilight but she seem to still grow at the same speed as always. Gevo, Lapis, and Lazuli were also ready for their job, were they would try and hunt down Cell. But before going on the hunt they all took spots to see the fight against Z-fighters. The Ginyu Force had all join, but were on defense duty, keeping the Island safe, in case Call found it. And all of them were using the Scouters to keep everyone up to date.

And so we find Twilight and Tempest standing far away from South City, were they had send Owlowiscious with a invitation to the Z-Fighters, to come and prove they power.

Chapter 14: A Girl From His Past!

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The last 3 years had been wild for Goku. He had barely gotten done talking to his friends about what the Man from the Future had told him, before Chi-Chi had demanded that Goku return home with her, while asking if anyone can keep a eye on Gohan for a time.

And well he was now a dad to two kids, it had only taken a day, but it was a long day, but with the Androids coming they did not have second to wasted. Training had started after, with Chi-Chi letting Gohan have freedom to go and train with Goku and Piccolo. later when the Kid was born Goku found himself a dad to a healthy baby girl, who they end up naming after Supreme Elderly Lord who is the guardian of the sacred Furnace of Eight Divisions, the border between life on Earth and the Other World. Also known as Annin, do to how she help them save Chi-Chi's dad, and is also Grandpa Gohan's Boss in the after life where he work as her bodyguard.

Chi Chi was so happy when she got a little girl and she was a little angel for the first 2 years... However after those two years Annin stop doing what she asked her to, and just started doing what she wanted, and controlling a little half Saiyan there did not want to do what she was told, was not possible, at least for Chi-Chi, for the second Goku and Gohan comes home from their training Annin goes back to being a little angel, which got Chi-Chi to send Goku to Vegeta to ask if he knows what is going on. And it was clear he knew, for he just laugh and told them he would enjoy the show. For why should he help them?

Lucky for Goku he knew someone else he knew would be able to ask, King Kai. And it was here he learned that Saiyan Kids are a little different then normal ones, at a young age Saiyan kids fall into two camps. First one is the more well behaved like any normal kids. The second one however, is the camp Annin fell into, were they only follow or do what those stronger then themselves. If they are stronger then their family they will ignore the weaker members. Which is a problem for Chi-Chi for she is not stronger then Annin, for Saiyan kids can inherit some of the power of a parent, and Annin had taken after Goku's power, and her tail had kept growing back no matter how many times they cut it, which would have been great if it had been a weakness for her, but it was not. So Chi-Chi had two choices. One she can give up and let Goku take Annin with him when he goes training. Or two she can try and become stronger so Annin will hear what she is telling her. And to Chi-Chi she was not going to give up on this, so she had help set up the ability for her to train. She had gotten Bulma to build a gravity gravity chamber, to try and get strong enough that her girl would hear what she had to say. This had the added effect that Chi-Chi ended up learning to fly, making her life easier, but getting full control over Annin was not happening, for the girl saw Chi-Chi's training as a challenges and started her own training.

Right now he and the rest of his friends. were waiting for something to happen outside of South City as the time travel had told them to.

"So what do you guys think we are looking for?" asked Goku as he was looking out over South City.

"To be honest Goku. I got no idea for all we know the guy might have been lying to us, maybe it was some sort of bad joke." said Krillin while giving a nervous laugh.

"The chance of that is low if not nothing. For the kid seem to be really scared of them, and its the type of fear you don't fake," said Piccolo as he was studying the city just like Goku, "Though I will agree that this is becoming a bit of a joke, for from what the traveler said, the attack should have happened already, either he is bad at times or something has changes when he came back, for he said 09:30 and it's now 09:45 and even Vegeta has shown up now." Finish Piccolo as he looked towards Vegeta who was looking towards town as well, and looking more annoyed the ever.

"Well if my future self is really hired him to travel back in time he should be right, for I would not make such a rookie mistake as sending someone back who don't know what they are doing." remarked Bulma as she was mostly focusing on Trunks, who seem like he was enjoy everything there was happening.

"The fact that you want to see these ''Killer Machines'' Is beyond me Bulma." responded Krillin while giving her a look that show he was thinking she was crazy

" Well I'm still not leaving before I see what they look like, and nothing you say will stop me from doing this. And don't you look at me like that, I'm the smartest woman on earth!" said Bulma with pride.

"But mom did you not say that the tech coming out of 'Sparkle Industry' is some times beyond you?" said Trunks as he pointed towards her scouter phone. This made everyone but Bulma and Vegeta laugh

"Ok maybe one of the Smartest. Dr. Vomi and her daughter Dr. Twilight, has been pushing the tech world forward like I would not believe, they are even catching up to my family. And Twilight is probably the reason all of this is going so fast for them, for at the age of 9 she made the 'DNA splicing pods' and improve the Animorphaline, this made the whole animal splicing keep going, and even help fix those who had gotten stuck ugly." said Bulma

"And that is not all there is to the Animorphaline now," said Yamcha getting everyone to look over to him, "From what I have learn about it, then Animorphaline also gives the one who goes under it a physics boost based on what animal they go for. and these Boost are no joke, there was a old guy who was on his last leg at the age 110 years, but he really wanted to live far longer, so he was offer to be sliced with a Tortoise and took it, and now he is still going over 5 years later, and is happy, sure he is a lot slower then before, but his body is perfectly healthy they think he will live over another 100 years! And those who have gotten themselves sliced with stuff like wolfs have found themselves far faster, and also that their work out is giving far more result." explain Yamcha

"How do you know so much about this Yamcha? For you are not the type to look into this sort of stuff." asked Bulma while looking at him.

"Well I will be honest I have though about trying it, maybe it would be able to help me get stronger you know, for these days I'm not really that useful." said Yamcha while looking a bit down about it.

"Well maybe if you put more into your work then that would not be a problem." said Tien while still studying the city.

"Ah come on Tien you can't be serious," said Krillin while looking at Tien like he was stupid, "When was the last time you were more useful then Yamcha? for if I recall he only went down early do to a surprise attack, and it was not like you were able to much batter against Nappa, and I don't even want to talk about how out classed I felt on Namek, it was pure luck that I was helpful there. So that Yamcha is looking into stuff like this is perfectly fair. Hell I might even want to look into it as well." As Krillin finish speaking Tien just look at him for a moment before agreeing that yes they were lagging behind. Which just made Vegeta laugh for the first time. Which they ignore.

"But yeah 4 years ago they just started pumping out new tech left and right, and everything has been a banger. It got so big in the news while you were all training that pictures were finally taken off Twilight for she has been staying away from the spot light all her life. It was taken while she was out and about with her Bodyguard, which I most say is one big woman, and she also seem to have a friend with her," said Bulma as she pull out the picture of Twilight. And gave it to Krillin with Yamcha looking over his shoulder "Twilight is the one with the lab coat."

"Wow those three are some good looking girls and... IS THAT A SAIYAN TAILS!!!" scream Krillin getting everyone to come over even Vegeta. And when Vegeta got there he took the picture from them and pure shock was on his face.

"Why is Tempest here? And When did she become a Saiyan? Or was she hiding her tail this whole time! I can't believe this! Another Saiyan was hiding from her Prince I will punish her for this!!! And this Woman Twilight why is she having a strip in her hair. Yet she has a tail as well what is going on here." said Vegeta mad that he had been tricked by Tempest.

Not noticing Goku looking over his shoulder, it took a moment before he realize he had seen her before. "Wait a minute," said Goku as he took the photo from Vegeta and studying it a little closer, "I have seen this girl before! And man was she a wild one, she nearly killed me when I was a kid." laugh Goku.

"Hold up are you telling me you were nearly killed by The Dr. Twilight, Goku? And when did this happen." Asked Bulma wanting to know more.

"Oh yeah it was wild. It was just before The 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, she is the reason why I was in that tiger skin when I showed up. I was just flying there on my nimbus, and then I got hit by a massive rock, and when I got to the ground there she was... And now that I'm thinking about it she looked like she was out for blood, like she knew me before then," said Goku thinking about the fight a bit, "But I can't say the fight with her was anything like I tried before, for she was using some sort of power I have never seen before making the rock in the area fly at me with such a speed that even today they might hurt."

"That just sound like Telekinesis like Chiaotzu does Goku." said Tien showing he is not impressed. Just for Goku to shake his head.

"No I'm sure it was not just Telekinesis, for when I touch the stones she using against me, I was able to feel her emotions, at the time I did not care... But now thinking about them, they were filed with sorrow and rage, "said Goku as he looked over the picture again, when he notice an Owl just flying over head of her. That was when he hear a hoot and looked up the cliff side and notice a tree branch sticking out of the rock side, and on that branch sat the same Owl there was looking down at him like it was angry. He was so focus on the Owl he did not react to Future Trunks come in and apologize for being late and asking why they were still here, it was first when everyone looked over to Goku and to where he was looking.

"Is there something wrong with the Owl Goku?" asked Yamcha as he walked over a put a hand on Goku's shoulder.

"Oh Please it's just an Owl, so stop looking at it Kakarrot," said Vegeta but Goku just kept looking at the Owl making Vegeta mad that he was being Ignore, and raise his hand and aimed it at the bird, "If you will not do as I ask. The I will just blow the stupid thing away." when the words left Vegeta mouth Goku tried to turn and tell him not to, it was to late and Vegeta fire a blast at the Owl.

And to the Surprise of everyone there, the Owl just raise it's wing batted the blast right back at Vegeta who was so stunned by this allowing the blast to hit him right in the face knocking him over, and then went back to looking at Goku while giving a hoot in victory. While everyone else looked up at the Owl not knowing what to do.

"Well Future boy. One of the Androids don't happen to be a bird does it?" asked Piccolo while looking over a Trunks.

"No not what I know off, the Androids are a boy and a girl, I have never seen this bird before." said Future Trunks while looking towards his dad to make sure he was ok.

And before anyone was able to do anything the Bird flew down and landed on Piccolo's shoulder and dropped a Scouter Phone into his hand, and it had a Namekien design then gave off a hoot.

"I think the Owl wants you to take it on Piccolo." said Bulma

Piccolo looked over the scouter and realize that it would fit him perfectly, so he took it on and turned it on, and the second he did he got a call. And when he picked it up he hear a voice.

"Hallo I take it I'm speaking to Piccolo?"

"Yes what do you want, and who are you?" ask Piccolo.

"Great, and before I tell you. You might want to put the scouter on speaker, that way you do not need to explain what I'm going to tell you to the others, for they will just hear it when I say it." said the voice is a calm and relaxed manner

Agreeing to this Piccolo did as he was asked but while he was doing it he realize the voice sounded familiar. "Alright it's done. But I need to ask, have we meet before? For your voice sounds really familiar to me."

And before the Voice was able to answer Vegeta finally out of the surprise of having a Owl send back his own Ki at him, and he was seeing red "How...Dare that bird do that to me and was just about to fly at the bird when he was stopped by Future Trunks, "Move out of my way brat, I'm destroying that bird!"

"You need to relax and listen to what is going to be said. I might not know what is fully going on right now, but I know this, things has changes a lot more then I wanted, and this is our only chance of finding out how." said Trunks in a bit a panic, for he was not sure what was going on, other then the Owl was part of it.

Before he was even able to respond to Future Trunks, the Scouter talked again, "I would advise you to do what our time traveler is telling you Vegeta," said the voice after which had started to take on a deadly tone, "For if even one feather is wrong on my Pet... I swear to you, that Trunks will be a only child, for I will do things towards you not even the dragon can fix," Normally Vegeta was not the type to stop just do to a thread, but for some reason he felt a bit of fear from this one, so he stood down," Good now that is handle. To answer your question, it's both a yes and a no, for from what I understand you Piccolo have assimilate my teacher, Nail."

This shocked Piccolo, for sure he had been told about Twilight, and some times when he had done his meditation , he had gotten images, and even hear voices talk, which made him remember what he had promise, "Before you go on there is something I need to tell you. Nail asked me to tell you sorry... Sorry that he was not able to live to see you again like he had promise you, he felt the need to sacrifice himself to make it so we were able to end Frieza..." said Piccolo not even realizing he had gotten a bit emotional. And it had shock all but Vegeta who was there.

There went a bit of time before there was a response, "Thank you that does mean a lot to me," said Twilight sounding a bit thankful, but that did not last long before the tone became hard, "Now back on topic. The reason for me to talk to you all is not so simple. Lets start out with what my plan was, and then I will tell you what it has become. In the start I was planning on fighting you Goku and Just you, and so you know why, and do not think this is something silly like wanting to be the strongest. No that would have been a silly reason, no the reason is that you killed my brother when you were still a kid, and I will give you one guess where that happen."

The news of Goku having killed her brother was a surprise to everyone there. "Well this is a surprise. The pure hearted Saiyan killing another brother, so it's not just your own you kill." said Vegeta with a laughter

"I would recommend you don't get to high on your house there Vegeta, for I might just let them all know about your brother!" came Twilight's reply

"You got a brother Vegeta?" asked Bulma while looking at the now stunned Prince.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!" yell Vegeta now in a bit of a panic, do to how shameful he found his brother.

"I have my ways. Now back to the question I asked" said Twilight a bit commanding.

"It was when he attacked the Red Ribbon Army?" asked Bulma making the others look towards her.

"That is correct, for when Goku went there he did not take account for collateral damage he was doing, and hit the school there was on the grounds there, the school my brother was working at the time of his attack. Now you might think that my family would care about the army being dead right?" hearing them agree she continued, "Well then you would be wrong, for my family dislikes the army, and was just using it to make our own goals come true, and if my Brother had not be killed, we would never have had this talk." Twilight was just about to go on to her new plan when something happen she had not been ready for.

"I will be honest I have never really thought about what damage I might have done when attacking the RR back then," said Goku before taking a deep breath, "I'm probably never going to make it up to you, but I want you to know that I'm sorry for what I have done, and it's clear this has had a big impact on you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" It was clear to hear that Goku meant what he said.

It took some time before there was a answer, "There is a part of me there really hates you right now, for you are making me question my future plans which means I have wasted time... I will need time to think about this. But for now I want to go over the new plan, for that one will happen no matter what, thanks to Trunks from the Future, making one big mistake." said Twilight.

This made everyone look towards Future Trunks. And the first one to come out of the shock was Kid Trunks who just point towards his Future self, "So I'm going to look like that... Cool." said Kid Trunks, as his mother was just looking at the two, and having a hard time coming to terms with it

Now in a panic Future Trunks went over to Goku and start to ask questions wanting to know how she knew who he was, and why she blame him. And so Twilight start to explain them everything about Cell from the Future and about how he got here in Future Trunks own Time machine, and how she heard everything Future Trunks told Goku.

"Now with all this explain. Here is what will happen, I'm Inviting you all to come and fight me and my friend, for we would like to test you all, to see what you can do. You can of course ignore this, and go and look for Cell or ignore everything you have been told if you think you can't handle it. And yes this invitation is for the humans as well, we can even offer you help to grow stronger if that is what you wish for, now before I tell you where you can find us any questions?" finish Twilight.

"Yeah I do have a question, if you are as powerful as you think then how come we have never felt your power?" asked Vegeta

"Oh that is easy, myself I'm a bit of a special case and I will let you all try and find out on your own, I will be surprise if you find out however I do not think any of you will... Well maybe Nail will. As for Tempest, she got a item I have made there hides her Ki fully, the only way to find her is to have one of the more special scouters I have made for family and friends, for where the old model only looked for Ki and gave you a number for the power, which made them blow up a lot, so I remove the power reading and just made it into a pure scouter making it able to find nearly any Ki, sadly Cell is one of those who are still able to hide, but I know where everyone of you are right now, and even the friends you left behind at Master Roshi. Speaking of the model you have been given Piccolo is one I made just for you and I hope you will keep it, it got the ability to find my friend if you want to, and got my number in it already so if you need to ask something you can call at any time." explain Twilight.

With that said everyone looked to Piccolo, "What does she mean Piccolo?" asked Gohan.

"Well I have been seeing some of the things I did with her as training, and I can feel I know what she is meaning, but I'm not fully sure on it, for Nail's memories are not fully mine so they are a bit hard to look into. But there is one thing I'm sure on, and that is that we can trust her." reply Piccolo, and it was at this moment Owlowiscious landed on Gohan's head giving off a happy hoot.

"Any more questions or are you all ready for the test?" asked Twilight

Looking around at the others before saying anything Goku felt sure when he said," we're ready!" he said with determination.

"Good the way you find us, is by following Owlowiscious, he will show you the way." and with that said Owlowiscious took off towards the testing grounds.

Chapter 15: Rage of Royalty!

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Back in the canyon where Twilight and Tempest are waiting for the Z-Fighters to come.

"So are you ready to face him Twilight?" asked Tempest as she looked towards Twilight with a bit of worry, while she was stretching and get herself ready.

"As ready as I can ever be Tempest." reply Twilight as she continued to stretch.

"Just promise me you will try and keep your emotions in check, for if you lose it, we will have more problems then just Cell, and that is putting it mildly." said Tempest worried.

Finishing her stretching Twilight stood back up and looked at Tempest with a smile, "Well even though I don't fully know what it is there will happen if I truly lose it, I do trust you fully on that it will be bad, how bad? I will probably only know if it happens. So lets move forward and believe it will not," This made Tempest look at Twilight in surprise, "And yes I know I'm probably the Queen of worrying, and I'm saying not to worry, But I have been worrying ever since I lost to Goku. So I'm going to try and bury it, and try and live each day by day, for that way I will cut down on my stress. And do you know the main reason to do this? This will help me keep my emotions in check just like you asked," reply Twilight as she turn towards where she was able to feel the Z-fighters is coming from, "And I'm probably going to need the removed stress, for I must be honest with you, its been getting really harder to keep my rages under control."

This got Tempest to look more worried then before, "What do you mean Twilight?"

Looking back towards Tempest Twilight start to explain, "Ever since you touch my mark, I have felt myself getting easier and easier at get angry, it has gotten so bad that I have started to break my night table each morning, if not for my spell book having a repair spell in it we would have had to get a new every day. And no you are not at fault for this from what I can tell, for I feel like this was coming even before you did that, but it's now doing what it can to make me angry... And the scary part is that it nearly got into all the anger I got stored, but I blocked it so it should be fine for now."

"We really need to find a way to get rid of all that rage from you without it doing anything bad... Wait what about the Dragon balls?" asked Tempest looking at Twilight with a bit of hope.

"I mean we can try, but I got no idea if the dragon can do that, for the Dragon seems to have problems doing anything about gods at all, and I'm counted as one, so there is a big chance it will not work. But we can give it a try after we have dealt with this Cell stuff. And besides, I'm finally getting a chance to release some of this rages in a good way," said Twilight before turning her head looking towards where she was able to spot Owlowiscious coming flying towards her, "And speaking of that it seems they are finally here," As she finish talking, her trusted pet landed on her shoulder while the group of fights landed a bit away looking towards them, and before she decided to deal with them she petted Owlowiscious before she let him fly of and land on a pile of rocks near Tempest.

On a hill over looking the canyon there was about to turn into a battle ground

"So what do you two think? Who is going to ruin this? I personally would put my money on the future boy, he looks like he is about to creak at any point." said Lapis as he was looking down at what was going on with the zoom on his scouter.

"Well I think it's Vegeta, for from everything I have learned about him from Tempest, he is probably cooking hard right now, do to the fact that he got beaten by Owlowiscious, "said Lazuli as she was sitting down on a rock near her brother, "What about you Gevo? Who do you think is going to make a mess of all this.

"Both your choices on this seem likely, and with the fact that they are family, means there is a high chance it's one of them. So I think it will be both of them, but if I have to chose who ruins it first, I will say Vegeta followed shortly by his son." said Gevo as he was looking at the birds flying around.

"Well one thing is for sure, if he tries anything I will go down there, for I'm not letting him stress out Twilight any more then needed, she has been really on edge the last few days, "said Lazuli as she got up and stood at the edge of the hill, "And if the troll doll tries to make that worse I will probably break his arm. What about the two of you?"

"Well I for one will go as well, for we can't let our girl go down with stress like that. So we can't let Vegeta and his Future Princess ruin this for Twilight." reply Lapis with a cocky smile.

"And I will back the two of you up. For as mush as I trust my Sister to handle herself you make a good point about her stress. So if we have to handle them all and take care of Cell ourselves then so be it." said Gevo as he crossed his arms, while looking it all over on his own scouter.

Back with Twilight and Tempest.

"Before anything else there is a request I got." said Twilight while locking eyes with Goku who steps out of the group.

"Yeah and what is that?" asked Goku who was starting to smile while looking Twilight in the eyes.

"I want to have a fight with you Goku, and not just any fight I want to chance to changes our score from zero to one, over to a one to one score, for last time we went at each other I did not know how to fight at all, and I have spent all the time since then getting ready for a rematch. And I really need this rematch right now. So how about it? Are you going to give me what I want or am I wasting my time?" said Twilight while taking up a fighting stance and letting her power flow, making her let of a aura of power that everyone can feel, and what they were feeling was powerful, how powerful they had no idea.

Goku response was to take a fighting stance. "Well I can hardly say no to such a request, I just want to know how hard you want me to come at you." said Goku with a smile, for what he was feeling was making him all pumped up.

"Now hold up Kakarot I never... " and that was as far as Vegeta before he felt like death itself was on him, for Twilight had turn her eyes on him while looking at him like she was ready to kill making Vegeta step back. and start to think to himself, that he had felt something like this before, but where he was not sure yet.

Looking back at Goku, Twilight gave him her answer." I want you to come at me with everything you got, and that means your full power in Super Saiyan, for if you do not do that I will get really angry." said Twilight.

Giving her a curious look before talking, "Are you sure about that? For Super Saiyan might be to much for you without you doing the same." said Goku.

To this Twilight responded by going into Wrathful destroying the area around her feet do to pure power, "I'm more then sure about that. So power up and come at me, and I promise you, that this will be a fight like no other." finish Twilight as she took of her hoodie and threw it to Tempest before going back to her fighting stands.

"Alright... Just remember You ask for this." said Goku with a cocky tone before going Super Saiyan and then charged right at Twilight with a Punch just for her to catch the punch while giving him a smile back as she pull him in while punching Goku right in the gut where she followed up with a roadhouse kick to the face sending Goku flying.

Rushing after Goku as she send him flying Twilight gave him a reply "If you want to give me a fight you are going to need more power then THIS!" said Twilight as she caught up to him and continued her attack, with Goku barely getting ready for her and just barely blocked her attack surprise by just how powerful she was. But when he finally got over his surprise the fight become more fair, matching each other blow for blow with Twilight and Goku slowly letting more of their power come in to play, "This is more like it, I was starting to get fearful that you would not even give me a small fight!" said Twilight while still fighting and enjoying it far more then she believed she would, and she was enjoying pushing Goku to let more power out. But there was something that annoyed her a bit, it was like his focus was on something else, and that his power sometimes went lower, which made no sense to her.

As much as Goku was enjoying the fight, and was able to tell that Twilight needed this fight, he was not holding up well, his chest was hurting badly, and it was not from what Twilight had done to him, it had been there before the fight, but had been so small he had not notice it, but the second he had gone into Super Saiyan it had become clear there was something wrong. But he did not have it in him to take away the fight from Twilight so he kept pushing himself. But he was able to feel he was nearly done do to the pain getting worse so he use his Instant Transmission to get away from her, and prepared one last attack His to at least end the fight with a bang. so he took stance and put his hands together and start to chant while charging his Ki, "Kaaaameee... Haaameee... HAAAAA!!!"Yell Goku at the top of his lunges giving it his all while throwing his hands forward sending off his beam towards Twilight.

Meanwhile Twilight saw what he was doing and smile, and but both her hands together in front of her while charging her Ki as well, "DRAAAGOOOON!" as Twilight start her own attack a Dragons head formed over her hands with the Ki Charging in it's mouth, "BUSTER!!!" Yell Twilight as she fire her Ki right back at Goku.

As the two Ki blasts got near each other everyone took cover well everyone but Vegeta and Tempest, who was holding Owlowiscious to make sure he was safe, do to the powers colliding an massive making a implosion there made the whole canyon shake.

As the smoke was clearing Twilight was having the biggest smile on her face, but it was short lived for she was barely able to feel Goku's Ki and he was not in the air anymore, but laying on the ground with Tempest having moved close to him scanning him, date Twilight was able to see as well, showing her Goku was Dying, but not to her but the heart virus, something Goku had been given the cure to, but it seem he had stopped taking it, and their battle had made the virus come out again. There by taking away her battle. Now happy at all, Twilight low herself down to the ground and open her personal space where she kept items she might need, and pulled out a bottle of the cure, for Vomi had been smart enough to have the cure scanned and copied, to save lives when others need it. And as much as she hates him, she needs a win against him when he is able to fight back, "You are really luck I want the win to mean something else you would have die today you know," said twilight as she bend down and gave him the medicine. And as she raised up she came face to face with Bulma and Gohan.

"What did you just give my dad?" ask Gohan a bit nervous. The other Z-Fighters had come over as well together with Trunks

Twilight looked him over before speaking, "Heart medicine, the stuff that Trunks came with, for it seems your dad stop taking it to early, which means he is going to be down for a time, and for as much as I want to fight him, and win this is not how I want to do it. It needs to be a fair fight or the fight might as well not happen." said Twilight to Gohan.

Who gave Twilight a nod, "Well then I better take him home so he can recover." said Gohan as he was able to walk over to his dad, Twilight stop him.

"You are going to need a safer place to keep him," said Twilight as she was reading a report from her Father, "For it seem people are vanishing in Orange City which is near where your lived. And if I was to put money down on it Cell is probably on his way towards your Sister and Mother, for they got a higher power the most on the planet, yet not high enough to be a threat to him, so he will probably targeted them. So I will take you to your Mother and Sister and then move you to the outpost there Cell will not find them." as she finishes explaining what she was going to do Vegeta had finally had enough.

"You are not going anywhere girl. for I'm Prince Vegeta will be fighting you next, and there is not a damn thing you..." Vegeta stopped talking as he was feeling a pressure he had not felt in a long time, and it took him a moment to realize where he had felt this before, and when he remember he got more scared then he had ever been before, for it had been when he was a kid, when he had walked in on his dad who was having a meeting. Or at least that is what he had been told, but what he saw, was his dad being humiliated, by what can only described as a purple anthropomorphic cat who he later learned was named Beerus the Destroyer... A God, where he had tried to charge at the cat when he stomped his dads head into the floor, but he got knocked down with only a look. A look filed with power, a power he was now feeling from the death glare he was gaining from the Girl Twilight.

The pressure of Twilight's Ki was tearing up the ground under her feet as she walk up in front of Vegeta, "I'm going to say this only one time Vegeta. I DO NOT care about what you want. If you want me to fight you, then you got to earn it, and right now you have earned NOTHING, but my rage. So for your own sake DON"T TEST ME!" said Twilight with a deadly tone making the ground she was standing on melt while waiting for him to respond, and when she got a shaky nod, she started to cooldown as she walked away from him, and back to where Gohan was, and as she got there she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry about that Gohan but I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately, and the Troll Doll pushed some of the wrong buttons. now then are you ready to go and get your mom and sister?"

Gohan took a moment to pull out of the shock before he replied, "Oh sure, and it's fine, I can understand being angry, so how are we going to go there?" asked Gohan while looking up at Twilight.

"Oh that is easy, I will use 'Instant Transmission' to get us to your home, so you just touch your dad and me, and I will take care of the rest," said Twilight a little more calm now, and so Gohan did just that, "Oh and before I leave I leave everything here up to you Tempest, I trust you fully to handle this."

And before she was able to start leaving Tempest gave Twilight back her hoodie, "Of course princess you can count on me," said Tempest with a smile while looking at Twilight who gave a small one back before going away.

"Well how about we keep things rolling," said Tempest as she look over the shocked Z-Fighters, "Piccolo how about you show me how strong you are, and don't worry about me go all out, else this fight will be boring for me." she finish as she walk a bit away to take a stance.

"Well then I will take you up on that challenge. For seeing your friend fight and the feel of her power was something else, which just makes me want to see what you can do." said Piccolo as he took his own stance and got ready for the fight, and when he saw Tempest being ready he charged at her fight her head to head.

While this was going on Vegeta was slowly processing what he had just felt. One thing he was sure on, and that was this Twilight girl was either mimicking a gods power, or that was just her power, but that should not be right, for he is Vegeta the Prince of all Saiyans, and thinking about the title he carried he realize something else something he would not let go... "You BASTARD!!!" Yell Vegeta as he turned Super Saiyan out of no where, making everyone look at him, and even stopping Tempest fight, "First you ignore your Prince, and then you go and name a nobody a princess, when there is only one TRUE royal child of the Saiyan race, and it's not some pretender girl!!!" screamed Vegeta as he charged at Tempest planning to strike her down.

And before anyone was even able to react and Vegeta only being half way towards Tempest who did not look impressed, was Vegeta stopped by a kick to the head sending him into the rocks, by a blonde hair woman. One that Trunks knew far to well.

Landing on her feet after kicking Vegeta, Lazuli fix her hair before speaking, "Oh we know about you're title Vegeta." she said as she looked at Trunks making sure his dad was ok.

"We just don't give a damn about it. And besides Twilight carry the title better then you do," said lapis as he and Gevo landed a bit behind Lazuli, "I mean what sort prince got a crime list as long as yours Vegeta, what was some of those things again Gevo?"

"Terrorism, Mass Genocide, Torture, Invasion, and Planet Destruction. And those are only the big ones, and this leads up to a bounty of 180,000,000 million." said Gevo as he was looking at Vegeta come out of the hole he had made when Lazuli had kicked him.

Hearing about all of Vegeta past crimes came as a major shock to Trunks, who had never been told much about his dad, but not as big of a shock as what Vegeta said next, "So what? It's part of true Saiyan do, for true Saiyan's are warriors. A saiyan there has not done at least one is not a true Saiyan!" proclaimed Vegeta as he stood proud.

"And you wonder why I ignored you and kept away." reply Tempest giving Vegeta a sarcastic look.

"Oh please spare me. For your own friends have done just as much as me," said Vegeta while starting to give a smug smile, "Well your X friends, for I already kill them all!" laugh Vegeta for a bit but stopped when Tempest still did not show a care. Before she started to smile.

"You mean the Ginyu Force right?" asked Tempest making Vegeta stop his laughing, "Well it's to bad someone gave them a new chance at life then is it not? Twilight even found Ginyu and got him a new body, and last we trained together, he was able to push me to going Super," she finish while showing off that it was not just him who was able to go Super, shocking everyone there, do to just how powerful she was when showing off making Vegeta's power look small next to hers, "And unlike you, I have had more time to work on it. And just to make things clear, Twilight is still stronger then me, she does not need Super to fight me at my strongest." And if they had not been shocked before, well now they would be fully blown down.

Not having learned his lesson yet Vegeta try yet again to jump at Tempest, but Lazuli stop him yet again.

"Fine if this how you want it then I will just rip you Androids apart first!" said Vegeta with a cocky smile.

This had Trunks Panic come right back up again, "Father there is no chance that you can beat the Androids on your own... At least let us help you." said Trunks as he was about to move closer both Lapis and Gevo move in between them.

"Yeah I can't really let you do that Princess, for the only reason your daddy is about to get his ass handed back to him, is his own fault. For if he had not tried to attack our friend like he did, then we would not have had a reason to come down here, so here is the deal. You sit down an relax and wait your turn, Tempest had barely started to test Piccolo," said Lapis with a smug smile, "Also Androids? Really? We are not Androids, but if it makes you feel better to call us that then sure." he finish with a shrug.

"You can't seriously think I will sit back and relax as you kill my dad?" said Trunks in a bit of a panic, which soon would turn into shock as Vegeta replayed.

"Get the hell away from me Boy!! Or you need me to give you a beating as well?" said Vegeta angrily, as he gave a death glare towards Trunks.

"I can leave you to deal with your Kid if you want. I Don't mind letting you play with those in your own power class." said Lazuli while laughing a bit to her self.

"Don't lump me in with those weaklings. Where they run from away when they can, I fight till my death. And it doesn't matter who... Namekians, Humans and even Kakarot, I would accept death before having any of them help me!" finish Vegeta.

Everyone attention was taken away from Vegeta when they hear clapping which made everyone look towards Lapis who was the one clapping, "Well you sure know how to talk, so you at least got that going for you Prince."

"peuh, I don't need to be praised by a machine. You're just a nobody like your Sister, and I'm going to enjoy ending the two of you, before doing the same With Tempest." said Vegeta coldly.

to this Lapis just gave a shrug and started to speak, "All of you! Make sure to listen well. You guys know your code of honor of a Warrior. If you truly know it you will not interfere with my Lazuli and Vegeta's fight."

"Well to be honest at this point the only one there might not follow that is Trunks, so far the rest of us have not really gotten a reason to go against any of you," said Piccolo in a calm manner, "Though I do want to know if we are going to keep our fight going ones this is over Tempest?" he asked as he looked over at Tempest.

"To be honest I do not think it's needed, for as it stands you would need a lot more power to be able to really give me a fight. And I can already tell that it would be really unfair if I was to fight, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien. But I do want the three of you to come over to me, I got some training gear I want you three to use, it will help you catch up a lot." and with that Tempest was now focused on the Human fighters.

Hearing what Tempest had to say to him Piccolo realize something he felt he had to do, and he did not like, but before even trying that he would see how everything here turned out, so he focused back on Vegeta's fight.

"Well if you are ready Troll Doll, then we can get to the part where I break your arm for trying to jump a friend of mine." said Lazuli as she cross her arms and stood ready for anything.

"You bet I am" said Vegeta while still giving off the same smile.

And it was so that Lazuli charged, "That's what I thought." said as she delivered a slap to Vegeta's chin sending him flying towards a rock wall.

Just for Vegeta to right himself in mid air just before the cliff side and kick off on the rocks, sending himself flying towards Lazuli at full speed and headbutt right to Lazuli's forehead, followed up fast by a double fist hit right to her stomach sending her flying into the cliff Vegeta had nearly hit, where he followed it up with a Ki attack, "Get a load of this Big bang attack!" yell Vegeta as he put his hand forward and fired off a big ball of Ki blowing up the cliff that Lazuli's had been knocked into, and as the smoke clear, Lazuli's was just standing there looking up at Vegeta, this made him fly down and land near her.

"The fact that you are still standing is Impressive, for a bag of bolt!" said Vegeta having not lost his cocky smile.

"I never Imagined someone like you could fight like this. So I will give you point for ruining my favorite jacked, it was a gift from a friend," said Lazuli as she took of her jacked and and looked it over, for before discarding it, "Else I got to ask are you stronger then Goku or have you not had the chance to test that?"

"The hell he is! That Idiot was caught slacking on his training so I want beyond his strengths." said Vegeta full of pride.

"Well, If that's the case then... You two won't be a real help at all. For I will be honest with you, I have been playing you this whole time, so I think its time to end this." said Lazuli as she fixed her heir behind her ear.

This broke Vegeta's smug smile, and made him charge right at her with a Kick that she block with easy. where he start to follow it up by attacking her with everything he had, and she was blocking it now like it was nothing.

Meanwhile on the sideline Trunks was watch amaze by how well Vegeta was doing, for in his eyes Vegeta was winning, but this was ruined when Piccolo start to talk. "Well that is it for Vegeta then." This took Trunks by surprise.

"what do you mean Piccolo? My father is winning the fight!" said Trunks confused what Piccolo was meaning.

This made Piccolo realize one thing... Trunks is green when it comes to fighting, so Piccolo looked back at the fight and explained, "The android..." said piccolo just to hear from her brother to say Lazuli and say his own name as well, "Lazuli is just running your dad down, for she seems to have infinite energy, unlike Vegeta who will run dry sooner or later." finished Piccolo.

"You got it right on that Piccolo. It's no wonder Twilight respect you, for you are proving you got a keen eye for what is going on," said Lapis as he seem to just enjoy the fight, "And Don't worry about him Princess, my Sister will probably just knock your dad out"

Back at the battle Lazuli was winning now with Vegeta getting more and more angry and it was going on. so She decided to end the fight with a powerful kick on his left arm, where all there was able to be hear as the kick landed was bone breaking, and Vegeta screaming in pain.

This was to much for Trunks who drew his sword and and went super as he charge right at Lazuli swinging his sword right at her, where she blocks it with her arm and all he did was ruin her shirt, and his sword.

"Wow that sword of yours is a joke, also that was not a smart move on your behave," said Lazuli with a smile.

And before Trunks was able to do more Lapis drop down on him with both his fist at the back of his neck, sending trunks into the floor

And Vegeta saw this as a chance to changes who he was fighting, but Lazuli was not going to let that happen, and grabbed by his angle with such force that she felt it crush in her grip, and when Trunks notice this he tried to charge at her again just for her to use Vegeta to beat Trunks down, this time knocking him out.

While the other Z-Fighters and Tempest was facepalming over this, they had been told that Vegeta was only in danger of his pride being damages, and his body, but he would not die so Trunks going in like this was stupid beyond reason, "I Knew Vegeta was stupid sometime do to his stubborn pride, but this is starting to become sad. And that his son is just like him on this part makes me think the ''Androids'' in Trunks Future are probably making a mockery of him, which would explain why he is not trusting Lapis and Lazuli, what do you think Gevo?" asked Tempest as she look over at him.

"I got no disagreements there, for he does seem stuck in his ways. When they are done with Vegeta I will probably take them with me and go out looking for Cell, we will probably do it by normal car, to not scare him away from us. And Lapis has been talking about wanting to try out the car he was given when he talked about wanting to drive." said Gevo as he was looking around to area.

And even with a broken foot and arm, Vegeta had not given up. He push himself up with his good arm and fire a shoot at Lazuli who avoid it, and punched him hard in the face sending him back to the ground, where he tried to get up again just for Lazuli to kick him in the ribs and making him finally collapse onto his back, but still in super.

"Well I batter make sure he stays down for a time," said Lazuli as she walked over to him and broke his right arm as well, finally ending the fight with Vegeta being knocked out.

And with that Lapis and Lazuli went back to Tempest and Gevo landing near where Krillin was, who was shocked at how powerful the two of them was, and also a little fearful for if the Saiyans were still alive.

As lapis saw how he was looking at them he talked, "Don't worry... We didn't kill them, they are just knocked out, though you might want to heal them with those magical beans you got, though at least wait a bit with Vegeta he would probably not accept his lose as long as my sister is able to be seen by him."

This made Krillin look over at Lazuli who was looking back at him with a smile, one that he was not able to not return, before they flew off. and when he hear Tempest speaking he turned towards her.

"If you want a chance with her, I think you just have to call her later, she seem to like you, she seem to like how brave you have been in the past for being just human." said Tempest while look down at the short guy.

"You really mean that?" asked Krillin just for Tempest to give him a nod, making him smile, as he flew of to heal Vegeta and Trunks.

With Vegeta flying of the second he was done throwing a fit, with Trunks trying to follow.

Look at everything there had happen since Twilight had left, and how the Troll Doll and his kid from the future had right out ruined the chance to test the humans, so all she had was their training data. But she had at least gotten to give them TB's, and Yamcha had asked about if DNA splicing would help him, which she had confirm that they had a Combat splicing center that would be more then happy to give him a edge if he wanted he just had to tell her and she would bring him there.

All this left Tempest thinking one thing, I hope things are going batter for Twilight.

Chapter 16: The Calm Before The Storm

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Outside of Goku's home just after Twilight left.

"So do you think my dad will make it?" asked Gohan as he looked at Twilight, as they walked towards the front down, with Goku being pulled along by Twilight's magic on a stretcher she had gotten out of a capsule.

"Well he should make it, but it will take some time before the medicine kick in, so all we can do is make sure he takes it every two hours," explain Twilight while putting most of her focus on calming down, for Vegeta had annoyed her more then she was ready for, "But at this moment our focus should be on getting your mother, and your sister moved. For I want this whole thing dealt with, with as low a number of deaths as we can make it. And from the small bit of data I got on him, your sister and Mother would be just the sort of thing he would want."

It was quiet for a bit, before Gohan decided to speak "May I ask you something Ms. Twilight?"

"Sure go ahead, but please drop the Ms. it makes me feel old. But else go ahead." said Twilight

"Why are you helping me and my family? For from what I understand you got more then enough reason to hate my dad, so does that not include his family as well? Not that I'm not thankful for the help, it just feel... Odd that you are helping us." asked Gohan

"To be honest I got no hate for you or your family. It's just your dad," said Twilight as she turn her eyes onto Goku for a second, "But my dislike of your dad should never be aim at those who are just friends or family with him. And I'm helping him right now do to two things, one I might need his help in dealing with Cell, for do to how ''Special'' I can't go near him without the fear of him gaining some of my DNA, and there by gaining what makes me ''Special''... Ugh listen to me, I sound so Vegeta right now, all you have to do is replace special with elite." said Twilight with a facepalm.

Gohan was not able to not laugh a bit about this which he was not sure if it was good or bad, before Twilight join in and laugh at herself, "You know you are a lot nice now that you are away from all that," said Gohan with a smile now fully trusting Twilight, but there was something he felt the need to ask, "If you don't mind me asking Twilight, what is it there makes you so ''Special'' I can understand if you do not want to explain it, but I really want to ask."

This made Twilight stop and look up for a bit, before she looked back at Gohan and snapped her fingers making a bubble around them, which surprise Gohan, "Before I say anything I will explain what I just did, I cast a spell there has made this area we are in, the bubble you can see sound proof. Now I'm ok with telling you this but only if you keep it to yourself, for it will help me if at least one of you knew my secrets, so if you promise this stays between the two of us, then I will tell you." said Twilight in a serious tone.

"Well Now I got more questions, but sure I will keep it between us."

"Well alright, the thing there makes me special, is that I do not carry any normal Ki in my body. My Ki is purely that of a true God, this is why you can't senses me at all, only when I push my power on others can they get a feeling of my true might, what I'm a god of from what I know is magic. Where I got pure God Ki from I got no idea. And Now you know," said Twilight looking at a fully stunned Gohan, making Twilight worry a bit, "Are you ok Kid?"

"Yeah... Yeah I'm good, wow I did not think I would ever meet a god. No wonder why you were able to beat my dad in Super without it yourself. And it also explains why you need to stay away from something like Cell, for something like that gaining God powers will just be the end of everything." said Gohan now fully understanding of what was going on.

"And to get back on topic, I do want a chance to fight your dad, and win with my own power. Right now your dad got a win over me, and I want to remedy that, and that got stopped by your dad's heart disease, so helping him now will give me that chance back," Twilight explain her last reason for helping Gohan and his family, which Gohan show that he understood, "Also you said you had more questions now? What are these questions?"

"Oh yeah you said you cast a spell? but all I saw was you snapping your fingers, how does that work?" asked Gohan now even more interest then before.

This made Twilight smile, "You seem to really like the idea of magic don't you?" said Twilight as she looked at her with a nod and a sparkle in her eye," But to explain spells are cast by doing the formula, in your mind and the all after how good at magic you are, you can cast the spell in many ways. From what I understand, there is no spell caster in the universe better then me, but I can be wrong on that, so all I need for even some of the bigger spells is a snap with my fingers," explain Twilight as she snap her fingers and Owlowiscious appeared on top of Gohan's head, while giving off a hoot in surprise, but relaxed as he saw Twilight and lean forward as Twilight put her hand forward to pet him, where after he jump up on her arm and moved to her shoulder.

"Wow that was great," said Gohan with stars in his eyes, before he thought for a moment, "Any chance you can teach me?"

This gave Twilight pause, for she had not really thought about if others were able to use magic, "Well to be honest I don't know really. But I can take a look and see if I can teach you. But for this I need to look deep inside you, to places that no one has ever looked before!" explain Twilight.

This made Gohan nervous for a moment, "I need an adult."

"I am an adult Gohan... But serious I'm not doing this without your consent." said Twilight.

Gohan thought about it for a second before he agreed with himself, that he trusted Twilight, "You got my consent... Will this hurt in anyway?" asked Gohan still a bit nervous.

"Nah it will not hurt at all, the worst thing you might feel is a bit of a tickle," And so with consent given Twilight lay her hand on Gohan's head, and let her magic run into him, it took a bit before she found it... A sleeping magic core inside Gohan, a core that she would be able to wake up with a small ritual, "Well I got good news for you Gohan, you can gain magic, but it needs to be awakened, and for that I need to do a small ritual, and when that is done you should be able to feel your magic like you feel your ki, just as another living forces moving around in your. But with us being on a timetable right now, how about we do this one we got your mom and sister to safety." finish Twilight explaining with a smile

"Deal!" said Gohan happily before he turned a bit nervous, "So before we go in, know that my mom can be really aggressive, but she should cooldown when you tell her why we are moving them," Getting a nod from Twilight Gohan open the door and walked in followed by Twilight, and the scene before them was not what they were ready for, and Twilight barely caught a bow of fruit there was throw towards where they were.

Seeing the chaos they walked into Twilight put a full stop to it, by using freeze field spell. Sure it would not work towards strong fighters, but to stop Chi-Chi and her Daughter it was perfect, and it took both a second to realize that nothing was moving anymore, with both looking towards Twilight and Gohan. This also gave Twilight a chance to see to study Gohan's little sister for a bit, for she had not really looked into the girl before today, and from what she was able to see, she looked a lot like her mother, with hair just as long, but also having a bit of the wild side to it. Her eye color stood out however, for she had heterochromia it seem, having her right eye a deep blue, while her left was a light green, like what the Super Saiyan gave, and with how young she is, she has probably not started to talk yet. Twilight was taken out of her character study when Gohan spoke up.

"I thought you needed to snap your fingers to cast spell?" questioned Gohan as he looked at Twilight.

"Well it makes the spells cost less of my magic to snap the spell, while a cast like this without a snap cost the double in
my magic, but as a trade off it's faster," explain Twilight as she snap her fingers making everything go back to where they were while cleaning the house up, "The greater your control of magic becomes the more things you can do without thinking to much about it, it makes cleaning far easier, and if you understand how something is made, you can even repair things there is broken, take that as a small lesson in magic," And as she finish she snap again removing the freeze field.

"Now you are just making me look forward to learning more about it." said Gohan happy.

As Chi-Chi stopped being confused over what just happen, she looked at Gohan, "Gohan it's good to see you, and where is your father, and who is this woman you have brought home?" said Chi-Chi as she looked at Twilight like she had seen her somewhere.

"Well Hallo My name is Twilight Sparkle and..." managed Twilight before Chi-Chi recalled where she had seen her before.

"Oh My goodness Gohan where in the world did you run into The Twilight, she and her family is behind many of todays greats innovations in our time!" said Chi-Chi in a happy tone, before a she thought of something, "Oh please tell me that you got Ms. Twilight to get you a scholarship. This is great Gohan just..." and it was here Twilight stop Chi-Chi.

"Woah woah there, I'm not here about a Scholarship, I'm here to try and save yours and your kids life," said Twilight as she focused on getting Chi-Chi to calm down, while at the edge of Twilights eye she notice Gohan did not look to happy about it when his mother start to talk about scholarships, something she would look into when they were not in a hurry.

"What do you mean you are here to save us?" asked Chi-Chi now looking a bit annoyed.

And this is when Twilight explain about Cell and what happen to Goku, she kept out how she was fighting him for now, for that would just make more problems which was not needed right now. While explaining this Twilight did not notice that Little Annin had gotten up behind Twilight while she was talking, and had nothing Twilight's Tail. Which at first Annin had wanted to prove that she was the strongest, the second she touch Twilight's tail she felt the power behind it, and chose Twilight as her alpha, and started to hug Twilight's tail, making her look down and smile, and the use her tail to pull her up and give the little girl a hug. while she kept holding her.

"Well I was starting to wonder where she went. Though I will say seeing her this calm with you, and your tail, makes it hard to believe what you are saying, "said Chi-Chi as she sat down in a chair she had put next to the stretcher Goku was sleeping on, "So you said that you wanted to save us? Well how are you going to do that?"

"That is the easy part. You have probably seen Goku use 'Instant Transmission' well that is a skill I have mastered, so all I need to do is be touching one of you while the rest touch that person, but before we go you might want to lock the door so you don't get looters while we are gone, for you never know when they come around." said Twilight as Chi-Chi did just what Twilight said, before going back and laying a hand on Goku before touching Twilight and Gohan was doing the same, and with Twilight holding Annin, all there was left to do was leave.

And when they reappeared, they were on the Lookout, surprising both Kami and Mr. Popo

"Well I knew it was only a question of time before you showed up here Twilight. I take it you got Goku's family here to keep them safe for now?" said Kami as he walked over to have a look at Goku, "He really does not look good, but he will make it as long as things keep going like they are. Mr. Popo can you make a room ready to house Goku and his wife?"

"But of Course Kami." said Popo before he walked off with Chi-Chi following after she was handed the medicine from Twilight, leaving Gohan, Annin, Owlowiscious, and Twilight alone with Kami.

Where Owlowiscious chosen to fly up and sit on top of one of the buildings at the Lookout.

"The two of you are welcome to use everything the Lookout got to offer, else just call if you need anything." said Kami before he walked to the edge and looked down towards earth.

"Now then Gohan I need you to stand still where you are. For I need to I need to draw the star of magic under you before I can start awaking the magic in you." explain Twilight as she started to draw with her magic, this did get Kami to look on wanting to know what was happening.

And as Twilight started the ritual to awaken magic in Gohan, Piccolo came up to the Lookout. Landing Near Kami. So he nearly jump in when a vortex of pink magic was flying around Gohan. Annin was sitting on Twilight's Shoulders enjoying the show, "Now Gohan I need you to let your power out and when I tell you to you will stop, you will feel a bit dizzy for a bit, but when that is over you will feel a new energy in you, and that, is your magic!" explained Twilight. As this was going on Annin jump of Twilight's Shoulders and started to mimic what her Brother was doing not being seen by Twilight do to her attentions being on Gohan.

And Gohan did just what he had been told do, and it was not long before Twilight told him to stop pulling all his power back in together with some of the magic Twilight had been weaving around him awaking his magic, which made him fall down on his ass.

"Well Gohan now you are the third Saiyan with magic, I would ask how you feel, but you probably need a moment before you are ready to answer that," said Twilight as she walked over she pull a drink from her personal space out and open it before giving it to Gohan, "Drink this, it will make the world stand still a bit faster." she explained as she handed Gohan the drink which he took, and finished in one go. While Twilight got herself something as well, for she was not really in a hurry so having something to drink would be fine. while also getting a juice box for Annin so she did not feel left out. And after getting that done Twilight sat down and cross her legs, which Annin chose to sit down in Twilight's lap.

This is when Piccolo walked over, "What was that just now?" asked Piccolo as he stopped looking over the two.

Looking up at Piccolo Twilight started to talk, "Well what we were doing, was giving Gohan the ability to use magic," said Twilight after which she took a sip.

"Interesting, I have never seen a ritual like that before, where did you learn it?" asked Kami who had seen the whole thing, "And that Star you made on the ground... What was that star? For I was able to feel the power just from the drawing."

Twilight thought about it for bit, for she was not sure how much she wanted to tell them, so she mask her thinking with taking a big sip from her drink, "Well the Star is the Star of Magic, it's the symbol of pure magic, it is also the catalyst for nearly all spells, the best way to explain it is this, when you think about the formula you use for your spells, the Star always shows up, no matter what type of magic you cast, of course it's not always the first one, but its always there. And to answer were I have learn the ritual, it's something I have put together myself, after having learn from both Namek's magic and
spirit study on Yardrat. I have also mixed in other magic that I learned from date I downloaded from the Galactic Patrol, for they had a few data banks which was just filed with that stuff, so it's something I have put together from many places, but I think it's only me who can do it like I did, I really do not want to go into why, for that is personal." Twilight finish explaining.

"Alright I trust you to not do anything there would harm Gohan. Speaking of where is Goku?" asked Piccolo, just for Gohan to explain it to him.

"What about you Piccolo what brings you up here?" asked Twilight while looking at him.

This made Piccolo turn towards Kami, making the two look each other in the eyes, "I know why he is here Twilight and I really do not like it. He is here to refused with me..." said Kami

"This won't be anything like Fusion... You'll just become part of me and allowing me to become even stronger. You and I are different, all you serve for is to maintain the Existence of the Dragon Balls" said Piccolo in a harsh tone.

"You are very correct Piccolo. You have become even more powerful then me over the years... As you fought Lots of worst enemy. All I did was stand by and grow old and weaker by the minute," explain Kami as he walked over to the edge of the lookout and looked down before looking back at Piccolo, "With all this strong people like Trunks who defeated Cold. Vegeta who has grown even stronger now has been beaten by man made powers... I also fear that even if Goku does wake up... The results will only be the same..."

"It's the only way to make sure I can keep up, and help protect the earth. This earth got no need for a god when we got help like we do," said Piccolo, just to hear Twilight having coughing a lot, do to having gotten her soda to go down the wrong way "Are you alright Twilight?" asked Piccolo, while Kami was just laughing, "And what are you laughing at now old man?"

"Oh I'm just finding something funny that you will understand later. Else before you take me, I would like to make a request to you young Twilight." said Kami as he walked over.

Having gotten done coughing Twilight reply, "Sure what do you want to ask?"

"I want you to take over my role as Guardian of Earth, one there goes where they are needed." said Kami

"I'm sadly going to be saying no to that Kami, "said Twilight and before he was able to get sad, she kept talking "But I can find a replacement for you, and I might even know who would love to take it, so I will just go and ask him, so don't move anywhere I will be right back." and with that Twilight used ''Instant Transmission''

On new Namek

Twilight appeared in the middle of the town the Namekies had made when she was last here, and instantly she everyone went to her to say hallo and welcome it took a bit before it stop, and when it did Twilight saw Moori come up to her.

"Hallo You Twilight what brings you to our home today?" asked Moori as he stopped in front of her.

"Hallo to you as well Great Elder Moori," said Twilight with a bow towards Moori, "I'm sadly here to asked for your help... Well more like Dende's help," and as she said this Dende walked toward her himself.

"So what can I help you with Twilight?" he asked

And So Twilight explain what was going on, and how Earth was going to need a new Guardian, and after having it explain Dende agree to take the job, as long as Twilight agreed to come and talk to him now and then, and let him go home now and then if he felt like it, which Twilight fully agree to. And so Twilight and Dende left new Namek.

Black on the Lookout

Twilight and Dende now reappeared on the Lookout.

"Let me be the first one to welcome you to the Lookout Dende, your new home." said Twilight.

This made everyone look over at Twilight just for them to see Dende.

"Dende it's great to see you, are you going to take the place of the Guardian?" asked Gohan

"Yep, Twilight asked if I wanted to, and I can't really say no to my only Sister" reply Dende, and what he said came as bit of a shock to them, for they knew Twilight was liked on new Namek but not this much.

And so Twilight stood back for a bit letting Gohan and Dende talk a bit and letting Kami tell Dende everything about the Lookout, there by having Twilight hear it all as well. And then Dende was given the earths Dragon, which he instantly started to improve the work on. While all this was going on Twilight was keeping a eye on Annin.

And Annin was about to do something Twilight was not ready for. For Annin was done with her juice and wanted a new one, so Twilight was pulling one out, and before she was able to give it to Annin, she pulled it from Twilight's hands with magic...

This stunned Twilight, and everyone else but Dende who had no idea this was not normal for they had been looking Annin's way, "Oh Mom is going to have so many problems keeping Annin under control now," said Gohan who looked a bit nervous now, and the he tested if he had it himself by pulling Popo's watering can to him, which proved that he had gotten it himself, his sister had just gotten it as well, "How did she get magic as well Twilight?"

"Well she was doing the same thing young Gohan was doing, do you think she was close enough to get it as well?" asked Mr. Popo.

"She probably was, if I had known she was doing what I told you to, then I would have stopped her... Well it's to late now, well it seems I got two students and not one now. Any chance I can talk you into helping your Sister, Gohan?" asked Twilight as she was looking at Annin who seem to enjoy her new powers throwing around the empty juice box.

"Sure, I don't mind helping her, it will probably be fun. Though you will have to talk to my mom about that, for she probably wants me to focus on my studies." said Gohan not sounding to sure on the last part.

"Ok I need to ask you Gohan, do you want to study? Or is Chi-Chi pushing this onto you? For you don't sound like you want to. And if you don't want to do that, then what is it you want to do? For I can probably help you with that." said Twilight as she was looking back at Gohan, who was now surprised.

"What do you mean what I want to do?" said Gohan looking down.

This made Twilight Kneel down to Gohan and put a hand on his shoulder, "Gohan if you do not want to do what your mom wants you to, you should say something, not just let her push you to do what she wants. Like I will be honest with you I love study, and learning new things... But that is not for everyone, you need to want to do something yourself, if you do not care about something, then you need to say it, else you will just end up being stuck dealing with that for the rest of your life." said Twilight in an understanding tone.

"I will be honest I have never really thought about it, I have just always done what Mom or Dad tells me... So I don't really know what I want." explain Gohan as he was now thinking hard about this, for it was really true, he had never been given a choice, he had just done what he was told.

"Well how about I help you a bit? I'm going to ask you some questions, and you answer them to the best of your ability. sounds good?" asked Twilight this made Gohan nod his head in agreement, " Ok then lets start with, is there anything you enjoy in your studies, we are not looking at the bed parts, but at what you enjoy about it."

"Well I can say that I enjoy learning itself, and I enjoy when what I knows helps others." replied Gohan.

"Alright. What about training, is there anything you enjoy there?" asked Twilight.

"Well I enjoy moving around and working my body, and sparing can be fun... When not taken to serious." Gohan continued.

"Good. Now last one, is there any part of fighting you enjoy other then sparing?" finish Twilight.

This took a moment before Gohan answered, "Well the only thing I enjoy about that is learning how others fight, it's interesting to me, to see the styles of combat there is, and I do enjoy trying to see if I can do these styles myself." answer Gohan, who now looked like he had found a answer himself as well, which made Twilight smile, the boy was a smart kid, but he needs to be allowed to make his own choices.

"Well I think from the look you are giving me now that you already have realize what you want, but just to give my own meaning on it, and you can tell me if I'm wrong. I think you would enjoy being a martial artist, but more as a teacher, and as a sportsman, like I think you would enjoy joining the World Martial Arts Tournament, and other Tournaments while fighting people not to win, but to see how they fight and then teach others what you learn. At least that is what I think. What do you think yourself?" asked Twilight as she stood up again and looking over Gohan.

"To be honest that sounds great, only thing I would add is that I want to learn more magic as well. Else I would love to do that... But I do not think my mom would agree with that." said Gohan looking down just for Twilight putting her hand on his head, making him look up at her, and she was now carrying a playful smile.

"Well your mom did speak of a ''scholarship'' Well what If I did give you an ''scholarship''. For that would mean that I get to pick what you learns that day." finish Twilight while making sure Gohan was the only one to hear it, which made him look at her, first in surprise, and then when a smile.

"You Really want to do that for me?" asked Gohan.

"Well I would not offer it, if I did not mean it... And you can probably take your sister with you as well, for I feel a little bad about giving her magic." said Twilight a little worried.

"Why is that," asked Gohan before he looked towards his sister, and start to realize why, for she was making water fly around her, "I'm starting to understand why, for the amount of troubles she can make for my mom now, is a lot higher."

"Yeah... Magic is a tool there can bring great order, or great chaos... And the young we are the more chaos is just fun, so your Sister might be making a lot of chaos, that your mother might not be able to control." said Twilight, "Now how about we see how things are going with our green friends, for I do wish to speak to Piccolo about how things went down below after I left with you."

"Sounds like a plan." said Gohan as he start to follow Twilight, who stop for a moment to pick up Annin, and when they found Dende, Piccolo, and Kami, they were just about to do the deed.

"Lets make one thing clear, when we combined we will be using my body, understand?" said Piccolo.

Kami let go of his walking stick, "Agreed, it will be so. Your body is younger and more powerful, I understand." responses Kami, "Our union will make you far more powerful. While you will also gain my knowledge, only thing I ask is that you use this wisely."

And so Piccolo placed his hand on Kami's Chest, making Piccolo and Kami become their true self yet again. And after a light show there was just Piccolo standing there.

"Wow that was one hell of a light show there Piccolo." said Twilight as she walked up to him.

This made Piccolo look at Twilight, "I'm not Piccolo nor Kami anymore, I'm just a Nameless Namekian, but you can keep calling me Piccolo. And now I also know your true Nature Twilight, which answers why Kami wanted you to take over, and also why you do not wish to go near Cell yourself." Answer Piccolo as he look at Twilight with new respect.

"If It's not to much to ask Piccolo I want it to stay on the low as long as it can, but I do not mind you knowing, for I trust you to not just throw it around. Else I mostly came over to ask how things went after I left, for both me and Gohan want to ask." said Twilight.

And so Piccolo explain everything there happen after she left. And just as he finished Twilight got a call from jeice. "Lady Twilight we got a major Problem!"

"Hold on a second I'm bring Piccolo in on this so I do not need to explain," said Twilight where she did just what she said she would, "Now what is the problem Jeice?"

"Well the problem is me, and Burter went out to a alarm, and what we found was that Cell has broken into the lab where all the left over RR items where store. And he seem to have let lose the Androids there, but only after he changes there goals, and they have now gone out to attack! From what we can see in the data base, the earthlings should be able to handle the one there is moving towards South City. But the problem is that the 3 main Androids are to powerful for them."

There went a moment before Twilight got a devil smile on her face. "Jeice tell me where the three went, and then tell Tempest to send the earthlings after the one, and tell her to meet up with me after, for I'm going to need her to keep a eye on me, for I'm going to go and blow of some steam. Also Jeice, Burter."

"Yes Lady Twilight?" came both their voices.

"Good job, you make me proud. For you did this without being spotted so both of you have done a good job. Now report back to Ginyu!" finish Twilight.

"Yes Lady Twilight!" and with that both of them cut their link.

"Piccolo can you handle the hunt on Cell yourself for a time?" asked Twilight as she looked him over.

"Sure, and if I get the chance I will end him as well. But are you going to tell me why the Ginyu Force is working under you know?" replied Piccolo.

"Good. And if you need help Call Gevo and his team will come and help, if you find him. Gohan I leave your family's lives in your hands. And when it comes to the Ginyu force Tempest was friends with them, and they saw working under Frieza as nothing but a job, so I gave them a new one." said Twilight as she handed Annin to to him.

"You can count on me Twilight." said Gohan.

"Oh I nearly forgot," said Twilight as she pull out a few books from her pocket space, and then handed them to Gohan, "These books will help you get started on magic, they even hold the first spell, do be careful with them, for I made them myself a long time ago, so they mean a lot to me."

"Of course, and thanks for trusting me with them." replied Gohan as he watch Twilight jump of the edge of the Lookout.

And with that Both Piccolo and Twilight left the Lookout and went on the hunt!

Chapter 17: When You Want Something Done

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With Tempest just as Vegeta and Trunks have left.

"Well they will probably not help deal with Cell," said Tempest as she looked after after them as they were leaving. Just for her to turn to the Earthlings and Piccolo, "Well there is something else I have for you guys," she said, as she pull out a box from her own pocket space, this made come over to her, "Now this is only for Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien, sorry Piccolo, but we were not able to make this work for Namekies," as she got done saying that she opened the box, and inside it was three cans there looked like soda, each of them having a name on them, this confused them a bit.

"Not to question you Tempest, but why are giving us soda?" said Yamcha as he picked his up and took a sip realizing it was good he drank the whole thing, Tien and Krillin did not drink it yet for they wanted to hear what it really was before doing so.

"Well to explain this is not a normal soda, this soda has been load with a stream of power so to say." as Tempest said this Yamcha look at her for a second and then start to feel his body changes a small bit, nothing bad but a odd feeling.

"Well I do not feel more powerful? Are you sure about this?" said Yamcha.

"I'm 100% sure, the power from it is not given free, but is more of a major boost to how well your body takes to training, this boost lets you gain around 50% of the growth speed of a Saiyan. While Twilight also said it allows a Human to gain their own forms of power, base on the person and their fighting style. And from what we have seen of your training style you three can keep up with us Saiyans if you drink this, and it's also why we have given you all your own TB's allowing you to do safe and control gravity training anywhere, there is also a set of that for Piccolo." explain Tempest.

"Well what do you think Piccolo can we trust them?" said Tien as he looked over at the Namekien.

"To be honest I think you can, for I have been looking over some of the memories of Twilight, that Nail had... And I do not think she would ever want to win like that, which we all got a look of when Goku had his heart attack, she stopped fighting and even made sure he got home safe, so if you want to keep being useful in combat, those ''soda's'' are probably your way to do it. Else I think I need to leave, there is something I need to do before going on the hunt for Cell with you all." said Piccolo as he took on the scouter that Twilight had given him, and then took off.

"Well that is good enough for me," said Krillin as he emptied his, which made Tien shrug before drinking his own, "So Tempest how are we going to hunt this Cell down?" he asked while look at her, before she pull out another box, and opened it where in there was 7 scouters, each with a name on them.

"The scouter is sadly the best way to do it, for Cell will be killing people to gain power, and normal Ki sensing will just miss that may small ones going away, but Twilight made these scouters able to chose which type of power we are looking for, so we put it on looking for normal human's and then we go where the numbers are dropping, this way we should be able to catch him. But before we start going after him, I will explain some thing first." and so Tempest told them everything they knew about Cell which should help them avoid Cell getting the jump on them, she also explain how they were not going to fight him one on one, and they would just aim for the kill, which they all agreed to.

And so they set off on their hunt, but it seem Cell was always able to tell when they were getting close for he would stop and go somewhere else, this hunt lasted all of 8 hours, before Tempest got a call. That she let the others in on as well.

"Tempest here what is going on?" she replied.

"Before I explain you might need to add the others, for they will probably want to know about this." said Burter

"Already done that buddy, so you can go ahead." said Tempest.

And so Burter explain what Jeice had already told Twilight.

"Well this is a major problem," said Tempest before she looked at Krillin, Yamcha and Tien, "You guys can probably handle the solo android, so if you go right to South City, and the use the scouter to look for Androids, he should be easy to spot."

"Sure sounds like a plan, but what is this Android able to do?" asked Tien

And that is when a new voice join the talk, "That is where I come in, for who is better to tell you have to end the android then the man who made it, I will explain everything you need as you go towards South City." said Dr. Gero.

"Dr. Gero will tell you anything you need to know about him. While Tempest you need to go and keep a eye on Twilight, for she is planning on taking care of the three herself." finish Burter.

"Alright I will lock in on her Scouter and follow her. I will see the three of you when she is done turning those three into scrap." said Tempest before she flew off towards Twilight, while the other went towards South City.

As Tempest was flying towards where she was picking up Twilight to be going she also got the lock on to the Androids, she notice that they were not moving and just seem to be waiting, they probably know that they were being followed, and stopped. And when Tempest was about 5 mins flight away from them she notice Twilight just a bit ahead of her.

"So how are we going to do this?" said Tempest as she got up next to Twilight, who was still flying towards the droids.

"Well I'm hopping they are up for one on one battles, for if they are I will take my time and enjoy taking them down starting at 15, then 14, and lastly 13, for I never liked that guy." said Twilight

"And if they are not up for that?" replied Tempest with a curious tone.

"Simple, if they don't, we both attack with full force, and end it fast, for if they don't want to play then there is no fun in dragging it out." said Twilight showing smile.

"Alright, do you want help to end these three, or do you just want me to take the sideline?" asked Tempest.

"Well if you are ok with it I would love to handle it on my own. Though from what I hear you might want to join yourself, for I hear Vegeta made a mess of things." answer Twilight.

"As much as he was a problem, dealing with him was not to bad, for it allowed me to see Lazuli beat him down, so that was a plus, so I think I will let you handle these guys, it's just a shame that your brother is not here, for he would probably have loved to beat the hell out of these three, for I recall right he knew them before, they signed up for being turned into a full android." said Tempest

"Yeah, they were the worst ones in the RR, so Gevo had to deal with them a lot, which he was not happy about. So Cell probably did not even need to changes anything about them, to make them do this, they are just doing what they would be doing anyways." said Twilight

"Well we are about to find out, for they seem to just be standing up ahead, though why they chose the middle of a Icey tundra I got no idea. Though at least you can see the stars out here, so there is at least that." said Tempest as she looked around the frozen area.

"They probably want a advantage, for fighting here for anyone normal will slow them down normally, but against androids don't feel cold, and their inner heating keeps the frost out of them, so they probably think this place will give them a advantages against, blood and flesh... Just a shame for them, that I do not feel the cold either." said Twilight with a smug smile.

"Yeah that is easy for you to say. I still feel it and man I do not like this." said Tempest while looking a little annoyed

"Then why do you not use the heat Cloak spell? You learned it just in case we went to places like this." asked Twilight, which she already knew the answer to, for Tempest had not yet gotten use to being able to cast spells when she needs them yet, even though she had been able to cast freely for a long time now. Now she had remember that she can cast spells, for having lived her whole life without being able to, and then gaining it again, makes one forget.

"Right sorry Twilight." said Tempest, as she cast the spell over herself.

"No need to say sorry Tempest, I may not know the story of why you did not have magic before, but you got it in this universe, so it's just about getting use to it," said Twilight giving Tempest a understanding smile, which was return.

"Else I take it you want me to take your hoodie again?" said Tempest.

"Sure, I don't want to ruin it. I will give it to you if they agree with the idea of just fighting me," said Twilight as she looked forward spotting the three standing on the ice a little below, " Well here we go Tempest said Twilight as she got ready to land."

"Well now, when we were told that we would get a chance to play, I did not think I would get the chance to end the Dr.'s little Hell spawn, well more like a monkey he took in. Isn't that right boys? And it seems she found herself a friend." said Android 13, which made both 14, and 15, laugh.

"Coming from the Redneck, who can't even drive a Truck right, for I recall your driving... I have seen a man from the middle of nowhere who has never been to school drive better then you... And thinking about it, I even did better then you when I was just 5 years old," said Twilight with a sweet smile which made 13 a bit mad, but before he was able to do anything, Twilight talked again, "Now before we start to ''play'' I want to throw you a deal, I will fight you all alone, if you fight me one on one, or two on one, for I'm really in the mood for some fun," she finish as she licked her teeth.

This made the three look at each other being laughing, "Well if you want to die you little monkey, then sure, 14 and 15 would love to give you the beating of your life," said 13, which just made Twilight throw her hoodie to Tempest, which made the three look at her like she was crazy, " Girl if you want to die to the cold, then just say so, for I doubt you can handle this place as well as we can." finish 13 with a laugh, which stopped fast as he notice that Twilight did not show any sign of the cold getting to her.

Give them a dark smile while walking forward, "You would think, but no, I'm not touch by this cold at all. So how about we get this show on the road, and then come and fight me, or do you need the woman to take the lead?" finish Twilight and she took a stances.

This pissed off 13, "What you two idiot's doing? GO GET HER!" yell 13 at them, while pointing at her, which send both of them flying of towards Twilight, who just carried a dark smile. With Tempest just rolling her eyes, those two poor men had no idea what they were going into.

And as they start to attack her, they learned that she was fast, dodging both of them without having to block just keeping her arms on her back, 14 and 15, were outclassed far more then Twilight had been ready for, sure she knew they were outdated models, but there was something there made the three special, but Twilight did not recall what it was, and she did not really care to recall it, she wanted a fight... No she needed a fight, so she was going to make the best of this and play with them.

While 14 kept attacking Twilight not realizing that they were not able to hit her. 15 was a bit smarter, and had realize that she was not even trying yet, "Boss we can't hit this bitch!" yell 15 who had already gotten a bit nervous. But had doom himself when he had called Twilight a bitch while still being close to her, for just as the words left his mouth, she had grab him by the neck. While with her other hand she had blasted the head of 14.

"You just had to make me mad did you? I have been looking forward to having a real fight today, and it seems I will be denied at every turn," said Twilight as her grip got stronger and stronger making 15's head finally pop of, making Twilight turn towards 13, who seem surprise at how fast that happen, "So I hope you are able to give me more of a fight, for I was told there was something special about the three of you... So far I'm not impressed."

To this 13 just looked stunned for a second and then started to laughing, "Damn girl I'm truly impressed, for I was sure that they would at least get a punch in on you, I truly believe that, "said 13 before he stood up form where he was, "Well if you want a fight girl, then all you will have to do is wait a bit," he finish as he started to laugh as parts of both androids came flying towards him, and then getting absorbed into him transforming him slowly, where he slowly started to get bigger, and his skin turn, his hair also turning orange, and when it ended he was about the same size at Tempest.

"Now we are talking!" said Twilight with a big smile, as she got ready again, while this time also going into wrathful.

And while this was going on Tempest notice that Vegeta and Trunks arrived, but they seem to have picked to stay a bit away from the fight. Which was fine with Tempest, for she really did not want to deal with Vegeta right now.

Twilight, and 13, charge each other and crashed with a punched each, which cracked the ice under it the impact zone which kept going, and cut the ice flare and with each punch and Kick Twilight and 13 threw at each other more and more was being torn apart but with 13 being a bit slower then allowed Twilight to land some hits, but nothing came of them, do to 13's defends being higher then anything else on him, but with him not being able to keep up with her, allow her to test everything she was able to think about. Neck? That did not work and do to him being an android, he did not need air. Stomach? A little less defended but did nothing as well. And his legs did nothing as well. Twilight had to admit her dad had made one hell of a Android out of the Redneck, and the best part? He was no longer able to speak. Dad had really done well thought Twilight to herself as the battle rage on.

"Well I guess it's time I try something a little harder hitting," said Twilight as she jump back, and unleash a new magic she had been working on, which made her glow for a second before an purple transparent dragon shoot out of her, there was the size of a horse, "Go spike keep him still for me!" And as the words left Twilight's mouth, the Dragon shoot forward biting one arm while using it's tail to hold the other, meanwhile Twilight had gotten her Dragon Buster ready, and as she fired it the Dragon let go and got away just fast enough to get away from the blast. and was right back at Twilight's side, who petted it, and look towards where the smoke was clearing 13 was standing with no damage still, this made Twilight a little surprised, for she thought this would at least do a little bit of damage.

"It seems I'm going to have to try something a little more... Experimental," said Twilight as she took her hand of Spike and pull the magic back, before putting her hand into pocket space, and pull out Tranquil Night, "Now I really do not know how powerful this is going to be, but I think I can end this with one more attack," finish Twilight as she looked towards 13 who was making a attack of his own a big red ball he was charging, and looking over him Twilight saw the moon, which made her smile, for do to her control she was not going to transform. And with that Twilight took a stance putting both her legs a part while putting both her hands on Tranquil Night and as she start to lift the blade over her head slowly with the blade igniting into purple flames, and when the blade was fully over her head, she took a moment where she inhaled, "Dimension Slash!" yell Twilight as she pull the blade down, which was mix with magic and Ki, to make the blade even more deadly.

And as the Slash went off, it was like she had cut the world it self in front of her and every thing else in front of her, for the attack 13 had send her way fell a part like a ball there had been cut into two, just like 13 had start to split as well but both blew up. And seeing the job done, Twilight drop Wrathful and turn towards Tempest, "You know, I feel so much better after that," said Twilight with a happy smile while resting the back of her blade on her shoulder.

While Twilight had been look at her friend. Tempest notice something, "Well Twilight I think you need to be careful about how you use that attack," said Tempest as she pointed towards the sky.

Which made Twilight turn around and look up, which made her beyond surprised. For what she saw was that she had not just cut 13, but the Moon as well, which was now in two parts. And Twilight was not the only one in shock about that.

For from where Vegeta and Trunk had been seeing the battle happen both saw the power Twilight had used to end 13, and neither of them had been ready for that. And did not take it well either for he left in a hurry followed by Trunks.

Having kept a eye on the two Tempest looked back towards Twilight who was still in a bit of a shock over having cut the moon in half," Well it seems the Prince did not take your power well Twilight," she said as she walked over to Twilight, and pat her on the shoulder making her come out of her shock, "Well Twilight you did say it was a experimental attack, and from what we know the moon has been blown up before, so having two moons even thought they are helves, will be interesting."

And as Tempest got done talking a call came in, "Twilight! What did you do?" came the voice of Vomi over the scouter when a hint of worry and panic.

And so Twilight got busy explaining to her mom, what she had done. And while that was happening Tempest thought about how things were going with Tien, Krillin, and Yamcha.

Chapter 18: Limits breakers!

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With Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien as they were waiting for the android.

"So Dr. Gero... What was that Drink that Tempest gave us precisely? Not that I do not trust Tempest on what she said, but I want to hear it from someone who understands it fully." asked Tien, which got agreeing comment's from the others.

"That is understandable. For Tempest was not really the one to come up with any of it, so her understanding of it is only what she had hear from me and Twilight speaking about them," replied Gero from the scouter, "To explain the best way I can, 'The Drink" as you call it is a short cut to the next level of human evolution. For as myself and Twilight found out, the human evolution when it comes to growing our bodies, is not fully developable. So we looked into what would be able to be done to changes that, this should also allow a human to keep up with Saiyan's if you keep your training going strong."

"You know saying it like this makes me feel a lot better about drinking it, for yeah we do need more power to be able to keep helping, but it felt a bit wrong only getting there do to Saiyan powers." said Tien with the others agreeing.

"Now to make things clear, we are not fully sure what this will do for you, but we do know that you will be able to transform now, and the forms you can transform into are base on the person, for where Saiyan's are mostly doing the same, with a rare few standing out. Our race the human race, is a lot more diverse then Saiyan's, so the forms you will get are a lot more personality based, so what works for one of you will not work for the others of you." explained Gero.

"Wow you have put a lot of work into this, any idea how we gain these forms?" said Krillin.

"Well this is more Twilight's work, she is a bit ahead of me in the idea of DNA work, and should make sure to say your thanks to her when all this is done, for it's for her sake I drop all my old plans. And speaking of those, what you are facing is android 19, which I was working on to be a training droid for Twilight when she was on her way back to earth, but do to her no longer needing 19, he got put into storage. The only really dangerous thing you need to look out for is his palms, for they are outfitted with Energy Drain and Absorption ability's, being able to take any Ki you fire at him, and use it to make himself more powerful with every bit he takes, and just touching the orbs inside his palms is enough for him to drain you as well, so be careful to not touch that part, or feed him to much Ki, for then he will become to much for the three of you, but as it stands you three should be able to deal with him." said Gero

"Alright that is good to know, we will take it from here," finished Tien before turning to Krillin and Yamcha, "So how are we going to do this? For I do not know about you guys, but I'm not good at fighting together with others, in close combat, I'm more of a solo kind of guy."

"I'm with Tien on that. Sure we can help each other if we get grabbed, and then tag out when we need to, maybe even throw a hit in to send the guy back to the fight?" said Yamcha. Which both Tien and Krillin agreed with.

"Well I'm probably the only one there is uses to that kind of Team work after Namek, so I can fully agree with your idea Yamcha... But who are going to go first?" said Krillin which it turn out to be all of them there wanted to go first. So they settle it like true warriors... "With Rock Paper Scissors!" As they said that all three threw their fist forward.

Krillin and Tien went Rock, with Yamcha throwing Paper wining him the first go. And just as they got their order down, 19 was coming into view. And when 19 spotted them he stop in mid air looking them over. Android 19's appearance consists of completely white skin, two dangling earrings, extra-large orange pants, an extra-large banana white strap-on vest, a broad red sash, and an orange pointed hat with a Sparkle industry logo on the front. He is overweight and has pointed, light blue cold eyes. Over all he looked like a joke to them, and if they did not know what he was able to do, they would probably not have taken him serious.

"Well wish me luck guys," said Yamcha while looking over at them, and gave them a thumbs up, and looked towards 19 who did nothing but take a stances, "Not much of a talker I see, well that is fine, it will let me focus more on the fighting." he finish before he got ready.

And not a moment after he got ready 19 went right for him landing a punch right in his guts, which was followed up by a kick towards the head, which Yamcha blocked something he was surprise by himself, for he had not been ready for the fight to start, and with how fast 19 had been attacking, he was surprise that he had blocked, and it was not just one block he did, he defend himself against a full combo of attacks, kicks punchs and even a headbutt, but it did not last.

For when 19 realize he was not making any progress he said, "Assault level 2 engaged," and right after Yamcha was kicked in the head and send flying, but before he hit the ground he did a back flip and kicked off the ground landing a fist right in the face of 19, which he followed up with a spin kick sending 19 flying back, which Yamcha use his speed to get in front of him before he got to far away which and deliver a double handed hit right to 19's face sending the android into the ground burying him for a short bit, "Assault level 3 engaged," and just like that he was off again attacking Yamcha again.

"You know, I did not truly believe what we were told, but seeing Yamcha fight like this!" point Krillin towards the fight where Yamcha was trading blow for blow with 19, "I mean, I had started to think we would never get a chance to be useful again after Namek, but this gives me hope we can keep being helpful when something bad comes around." he finished.

"You are right on that, Yamcha is fighting like he has never done before. Though I hope he save some for us, for as it's going he will win this fight on his own." said Tien before turning back towards Yamcha who had pushed the Android to yet another level of power, going to "Assault level 4" whatever that meant, but it became clear that the android was done playing around for it was now keeping up with Yamcha.

Knowing this was starting to get out of hand, and not knowing if 19 had more levels of power to go up to Yamcha got a kick in on 19, and took the stance of his old but strongest fighting style, "Well I think it's time to try the old, WOLF FANG FIST!!!" Yell Yamcha as he lunged forward, and as he did something changes in his form, his hand grew fur and his hands became more like claws, while his legs also grew fur and his feet also gain the claws, and they were sharp which Yamcha realize when he has moved past 19 do to his body having gain a massive bust in speed, but 19 had not be left without being hit the left arm of the android had been damages heavily, but not enough for it to not be useful anymore, while the clothes on the arm had been ripped fully apart up the arm while also having cut into the face mask of 19 leaving three rifts on it where one can now look into the android.

"Wow! Did you see that Tien, Yamcha just transform!" said Krillin now fully surprised.

"I know and the speed he gain from it, it made him fly right pass 19 yet the places he did hit now are fully messed up, it seems Yamcha has found his true fangs." said Tien as he looked towards where Yamcha was looking himself over before looking up towards his friends and gave them a smile.

"So guys do one of you two want to take over? For at this point I think I can end this fight way to easy, so letting one of you two try out your own power would probably be for the best, for I have been far more surprise then I like here, so why not use the changes to test us all." finish Yamcha with smile, for he knew now he was going to be able to keep up, beating away a old fear of his.

Both Tien and Krillin agree on this and did a fast 'Rock Paper Scissors' which Tien won this time, which he was happy about, for he to had been feeling the fears that Yamcha had, but had hidden them better, but seeing Yamcha do this? Now he knew he had to do the same sure he is not much of a wolf himself, but with the speed and those claws there seem to be able to make steel into butter, then he would be a wolf if that is what it takes.

And lucky for Tien it seem that Cell in his hasted to reprogram 19 to attack city's he had left some of the training programs in, for the second that Tien was in front of 19, he changes from his max power down to "Assault level 1"

"Well this will be fun. Now come at me you bag of bolts!" said Tien as he started his own fight, not even giving 19 a chance to start up, he deliver a a fury of body blows followed up with a kick towards the head, which was caught by 19, who had gone right up to 'Assault level 4' and then started to swing around Tien by the ankle while also draining him with his touch, which Tien had gotten out of by firing a blast at 19's head, which had made the android let go while also absorbing the blast, but this had gotten Tien a chance to deliver a axe Kick to the android sending it flying into the ground below.

"So how do you feel wolf man?" asked Krillin jokingly while looking over Yamcha.

"Never felt better and I can even feel how I control this," he replied as he turn the form of, and then went back into it again to tested it, and when he was done he went out again, which made him feel how much Ki it had been draining, "Well that is a drain, but I guess that makes senses, for it was the same for Goku about his Super Saiyan." finished Yamcha as he caught a bean thrown to him by Krillin.

"Well when Tien is done then I'm going to give you the bag with the beans, for I think it's better that you handle them while I fight." said Krillin, which Yamcha gave him a thumbs up to.

Tien was keeping his eyes open for 19, for he had not showed up, for it seem he did not feel like coming back up again, which turned out to be right when Tien nearly got hit at the back of the head, but move his head to the side at the last second giving him a chance to grab 19's arm and swing him over his head and slam him down into the ground, not letting go of him on the way down before hitting the ground, which the android recover from by using his free arm to punch Tien right in the gut, which gave 19 enough time to get back up on his feet, throwing a low punch towards Tien's stomach, which was blocked by Tien's knee, letting him punch the Android right in the face, which he followed up with a punch right to the androids stomach making 19 bent over which Tien use as a chance to knee the android right in the face sending 19 flying up again.

And just before he lunched at 19 again something changes for Tien, where he before had seen everything in a normal way, he was now seeing places on 19 there was getting highlighted which he fast realize that they were weak points. And do to Tien's endless training he had gotten ahold of the power and speed boost he got from his awakening.

"Well seem like Tien had done just what you did but in his own way," said Krillin as he look at what had happen to Tien, who looked mostly like what he normally did, but his aura had change from his normal white to a blazing green which made it look like he was on fire, but a green fire, but another small changes was Tien's thrid eye. from it's normal pupil had changes it shape from the normal sphere, to now being a octagon in a green color, "I wonder what it does for Tien, for it seems his thrid eye had changes."

"No idea, but it probably does something, for my changes all added something to me." said Yamcha

Tien decide to test to see if what he thought is weak points really is, so Tien flew forward and hit the most critical weak point he was able to see, which turned out to be a turn off button, which proved that he was now indeed able to see weak points, with what he had gained.

"Ah come on Tien that is not fair I wanted a turn as well!" yell Krillin who was now mad.

"I did not mean to end the fight, I just wanted to test what I was able to see, for I can now see weak points, but don't worry I can start him again, and give you a turn!" yell Tien back who was feeling a bit bad about taking away the fun from Krillin, and also do to him really wanting to see what Krillin would get from this.

"Well I hope he is right." said Krillin as he handed the bean bag to Yamcha who took it. And then went over to where Tien was about to try and start 19 again, but when he did start up the android, it bow to both of them and just stood there.

"Well this is new," said Tien as he was looking at the android to see if it would keep fighting, but it seem to just be standing there now, which made Tien a bit nervous, for he might have taken away the chance for Krillin to test himself, so he quickly took out his scouter and put it on, and called the Dr.

"Yes, what I can I do for you three?" came the voice of Dr. Gero who sounded like he was working on something else.

"Well 19 does not seem to be fighting anymore, did we break the android?" asked Tien.

It took some time before there was a answer from Gero, "Ah it seems you have reset him, making me able to control him again, this is good, for I have been in need for a training droid for our elite team, and 19 might be the perfect fit for that, I just need to do a few upgraded now and then, and he will be great for that, so I will say thank you for resetting him, this is a far better outcome then him being ruined for no good reason. Ah and the date I have gotten from him as well, for your fights against him are great help as well." said Gero happily.

"Well that is all good, but can you make him fight Krillin?" asked Tien.

"Sure I can do that, but with how 19 is standing right now, he is not able to last much longer, so if you break him the three of you will have to bring all the pieces of him to Twilight so she can get it all back to me, for the data that I have gotten from your fights are great, so I will be fine with fixing him if you bring me all the parts there, for I want to see how the parts handle the stress themselves, for that can teach me a few things about how to make the parts better for the future." answer Gero.

"That seems fair, so you will start him if we bring everything we can find back, if we break him?"

"Yes, and if you got the capsules that Tempest gave you there should be one with a box in it, that you can use to carry the parts, if you break him." replied Gero.

"Then go ahead and do it." said Tien, as he flew away, from 19 and Krillin took a stances.

And the fight took of, and do to how it took of 19 had again started at level 4, and the fight someone like Krillin was kind of unfair to 19, for 19 had been made to fight people at the size of Twilight and Tempest sizes, which meant that Krillin at his 154 cm, was lower then Twilight at 175 cm and far lower then Tempest's 215 cm, which was throwing off the machine a lot, sure 20 cm's are not that much, but for a android it does more then one would think, and do to 19 being made to fight against people just as big as Twilight and Tempest it made things hard for the android, so it was a really one sided fight.

But it was not long before Krillin did just what Yamcha and Tien had done before him, but where the two had some outwards changes, there happen for Krillin was his Aura and Ki going golden, and when he threw a punch toward 19 to test what had changes he got the shock of of a life time when 19 just shattered, like he had been hit by a wall sending parts flying everywhere.

"Ah come on Krillin you know we have to pick up everything! And then you go and put him into a million pieces it's going to take forever to pick everything up!" yell Yamcha at Krillin who just turn to give a small ups to the two, but when he turned around and looked up at both his friends, but it was not his friends he saw.

For he saw the moon being cut over the middle, "WHO CUT THE MOON IN HALF!!!" Yell Krillin making both Yamcha and Tien turn around getting just as confused as Krillin.

Chapter 19: Regroup

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Back at the Lookout just as Twilight and Tempest land.

"You will never let me live this down will you Tempest?" asked Twilight while looking a bit down, as she and Tempest walked towards where they can feel Dende is at.

"Probably not. For it's nice to know that even you can make mistakes, and it makes you feel more normal to me, so I will probably always remember that. You the mighty Princess cut the moon in two, do to you putting far to much magic into your attack" said Tempest with a smile while patting Twilight's back.

"Of all the things I can mess up, it happen to be something that everyone can see when it's night." said Twilight as she looked over her shoulder seeing the moon now being in 2 pieces yet still staying close, but not close enough that you can't see that it's now in two pieces, which made her annoyed, for why did it have to do that, now everyone can see that it has been cut.

"Oh come on Twilight, it's not all bad, at least 13 and his two idiots allowed you to let out a lot of rage, so to me this is good. And be sides the earth don't need the moon, for from what you told me, you did not have a moon from ages 750 to 755, that is five years and adding the second time the planet lost it between 761 and 763 which is two yes more without a moon, so having the moon in two pieces is not that big a deal." said Tempest in attempt of cheering her up again, for truly it had been good for Twilight, she had been a lot more calm after she had gotten her little work out.

Hearing this made Twilight sigh, "You are right Tempest, it just makes me annoyed that I'm so bad at controlling my power, I'm far to bad about holding back... It's like there is something there just wants me to go for overkill every time I do anything where I need to hold back. "said Twilight while putting her hand under her chin.

This made Tempest Nervous, for she had a idea what it was, but was still not able to say anything about it, which she cursed for it meant she would not be able to do much about it, other then try to get Twilight to relax, and not feed the darkness, "Sadly I think I know what the problem is, but sadly I can't tell what it is Twilight. But I can tell you this stay positive, and don't let and don't let negativity get a foothold, for the more of it you got, the harder your control will become." said Tempest in a serious tone.

"If I ever find out why you can't tell me these things, I will make them regret it. And I'm feeling really ''Creative'' when it comes to this." said Twilight with a evil Grin, which gave Tempest a shiver, thinking about how ''Creative'' Twilight can get, made her happy that it was not her it was aimed at.

Somewhere unknown.

A creature sneezed.

"It seems our Princess is not happy, about your work Mr."

"It does seem like that, but I have gotten away with worse then this before. Normally she forgets what she is mad about after saying sorry." laugh the Creature

Just for the smaller one to smile, "Yes that is true from what you have told me... But aren't you forgetting something?" ask the Creature's friend

Which made the Creature stop his laughing, "Oh and what would that be?" the Creature asked looking down on his smaller friend.

The smile just became bigger on the smell one, "That this Twilight is a mostly new a person, so the question is if that will work this time?" laugh the small one, while the Creature realize what his friend was saying was true, which made him Shiver.

Back on the Lookout

As Twilight and Tempest came around the building, for they had landed behind it they notice Vomi was there.

"Mom? What are you doing up here?" asked Twilight as she ran up and hugged her mom. with Tempest following behind just smiling at the love Twilight had for her mom.

"Well I knew that you would be back here soon after our talk, and thought that I would get you a meal up here, for I know you don't have the time to come home for one, and with Instant Transmission it's a easy thing to do,' said Vomi as she let go of the hug she had been giving Twilight, "And of course I made sure there is more then enough, so you can let the others eat with you and Tempest if you want."

"You know I think I will do that, for I want to know how Gohan is doing on the work I left for him." said Twilight as she was about to move when Vomi stop her.

"What work are you on about Twilight?" asked Vomi for she had not been looking at what Twilight was doing with Gohan, for she like her Husband had both been focus on what date they got from Tempest's work.

"Oh yeah, Gohan asked me about magic, and if he would be able to use it, so I looked into it, and found that he can, but I would have to wake up his magic core." said Twilight in a relax tone, not realizing that Vomi was looking at her with stars in her eyes.

Putting a hand on both of Twilight's shoulders, Vomi made Twilight look her right into her eyes, which made her a little nervous, "Can I learn as well?" asked Vomi giving Twilight her best puppy eyes, which was really odd to Twilight, for that use to be her move against Vomi, when she wanted more candy, and now it had been turned right around.

"Well I can check, but you will need to let go of my shoulder for me to do so," said Twilight a little nervous, and as Vomi let go, Twilight put her hand on her mom's head, and looked, and sure enough, just like with Gohan, there was a sleeping core. And after having awaken the one in Gohan, she had gotten a good idea about how to do it without the Ritual, for if she only wanted to help one, she needed a more controlled way of doing it, she did not want to end up giving more kids this power. And as Twilight started Light came from Vomi the same color as Twilight's own magic, and as the light show stop, as Twilight took her hand of her mother's head, "Well it's done, and you can now use magic now Mom."

And just like that Vomi was now having the greats day of her life, for magic was one of those things she had always wanted to get, so hearing that her Darling daughter had found a way to give it to others had been something she wanted to take, and here she was now having one of her dreams come true, and as she was enjoying the feeling of the magic now in her, she hear Twilight talk about teaching her, and had to stop her," Twilight my dear star, I want to learn magic on my own if that is ok?" said Vomi.

This made Twilight look a bit hurt, for she wanted to use this to spent more time with her mother, "Ok... Mom..." said Twilight with a tone there sounded a bit broken, as she tried to turn around and walk away, but was stopped by Vomi who had caught her and turn her around.

"Twilight, I did not mean to hurt you, but I want to try magic myself, and when I feel good about what I can do, then we can talk about magic all you want," said Vomi while giving her daughter's nose a boop, which did the trick, for now Twilight was smiling again, a smile she loved so much, "Now that is what I like to see, for a hate it when my little star is feeling down." as she finished saying this she felt Twilight hug her back, before letting go.

"Thanks mom, for a second there I believed, that you did not want to spent time with me, but I realize that is just me being stupid," said Twilight, which earned Twilight a smile from Vomi, "Well I better go get Gohan and his family, for that food. Can you set it up while I do that?" asked Twilight, which she got a nod from, so Twilight left for where Gohan and his family had been set up.

And when she got to where they had been set up, she found the room had been sealed up against the moon light, which had surprised her for all of 2 seconds before she remembered, Annin had her tail, which meant that she would transform if she saw the moon, which made Twilight realize she would need some Anti-Moon lens for Annin, so it was good that she still had her old ones, meaning she would be able to make Annin safe. So she walked up to the door, and but a barrier to cover the door and where she was standing, before she opened the door and was jumped by Annin the second she did, but do to her speed she caught the girl and held her in her arms.

"Get Annin away from the moon light Twilight!" scream Chi-Chi while Twilight was just carefully putting in the Anti-Moon lens into Annin's eyes, and when Chi-Chi notice what Twilight was doing, she was about to ask before Twilight beat her to the punch.

"Anti-Moon Lens, they stop the transforming into the Great ape form. So you can safely let Annin out now." said Twilight in a calm voice.

This took the winds out of Chi-Chi's sails, "Well that is really helpful," she said as she fell into a chair before she recalled something, "I hope you have another pair, for Gohan's tail has come back, and I got no idea why it's back... We were told it would stop coming back around now, but why is it back?"

Well Twilight had a idea why Gohan's Tail was back, but she was not going to tell Chi-Chi, for she did not feel like telling her that, it was back do to Twilight giving her son magic, for that would just make her day harder, "Well I got no idea about why his tail is back, but I do have some more lens, so I can help Gohan go out again, which he might enjoy, for my mother has brought a feast, so if you guys want some free food then it's open for you guys as well," said Twilight as she walked into the second room where she found Gohan going over the magic books, and sure enough he had the tail again, "Hey Gohan." she said, getting the boy to turn around and look at her, with a big smile

"Hey Twilight, the books you gave me has been helping a lot, in understanding what I'm going into, and the train itself is good, I already got a good control over it." said Gohan

"that's good Gohan," said Twilight as she pull out two lens, and gave them to him," Put these on, and you will not have to fear transforming from the Moon," and as she finish saying this she saw him put them in, before she checked if he had done it well enough, and he had, "And now that is done, how about you come outside with me, and join us for a feast, for my own mother has brought a lot of food," To this Gohan gave a nod, and followed Twilight out, and saw his mom had already left, and with Twilight holding his sister he just followed along, normal Gohan would have question his mother over leaving Annin with Twilight, but do to her not being able to control his sister he knew why, his mother needed a break, so leaving Annin with Twilight gave her a chance to relax.

As Twilight, Annin and Gohan got out and back around to see where the food had been set up, they notice that, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin had join them having gotten done with 19 themselves, and they seem to be talking to Tempest. And as Twilight got closer she was hearing the ending of what Krillin was saying to Tempest.

"...And then I turn around and the Moon was cut in two, I got no idea how that happen, but that is a new one." said Krillin to Tempest, who had been looking at him, and then when he said the last thing she turn her head towards Twilight and gave her a playful smile.

"Well if you want to know how the Moon got cut in two, then you should really ask the one who cut it." said Tempest as she pointed at Twilight, which made all three of the Human's look towards Twilight in full surprise.

"I did not mean to cut the moon in two! Why does this stuff always happen to me." said Twilight as she looked a bit annoyed, while paying more attention to Annin who was just happy that Twilight was holding her, while Gohan next to her, hear what was said about the moon and turned to look at it, seeing it two Surprised him, before he turned to Twilight.

"How did you do that Twilight?" asked Gohan

Giving out a sigh Twilight took her free hand up and pull out Tranquil Night and gave Gohan Annin, before she pull the blade out of it's sheath and then held it out in the moon light for people to see," This is Tranquil Night, a blade made from metals we wished for when I did not have a thrid wish, for my mom wanted me to have a weapon there can help me when I hit a road block I can't beat with my own power, and the enemy I battle down there had more defense then attack, so I needed a bit more power to my attack, so I used a attack of mine there use both Ki and magic, but I used a bit to much, and cut the moon as I cut the enemy in half." explained Twilight as she kept holding out the blade for them to see. And it seem it was all of them there wanted to see for they were all standing close.

"I can see from just looking at the blade it got some serious killing power, but I got to ask. What do you mean magic? For from what I hear it just sounds like Telekinesis, which my friend can do, but he can't add that power to his attacks." said Tien, now paying more attention, for he really wanted to know this.

"You would think that with how magic starts out, do to the first step of it is a high level of Telekinesis, but to give you a idea. Just now before I show you the blade, you probably saw me pull the blade out of mid air right?" said Twilight, this all of them agree with her on, "Well that was a spell call 'Pocket space' I can store many items in it, and pull them out at any point, anything I put into it only I can pull out. And that is just a small spell that I made when I was still young, since then I have made many more spells, and learn some from when I was on namek, like healing and such. Now when it comes to limits of magic, it's all about the skills of the caster, for the better the caster is, and the more work they have put into magic the more powerful it becomes, a bit like Ki.," finished Twilight as she used her magic to put Tranquil Night into it's sheath by flying the both in front of herself, and moving the together, before sending the blade back to the pocket space.

"If you want to know what a new spell caster can do keep a eye on Gohan, for he has had the ability unlocked," and just as she finish saying this, Annin decide she wanted a drink and use her magic to pull one over to her while Gohan was still holding her, surprising everyone there saw it, which was also Chi-Chi who did not look like she was ready for that, and walked over to Vomi and asked for something strong, 'And Annin was a little to close when I helped Gohan, and it turns out she is able to use magic as well now." said Twilight as she looked at Annin

"So... Can magic be use for pranks?" asked Krillin, which made Chi-Chi look even more worried when she hear it.

This made Twilight nervous as she looked towards Chi-Chi who now looked like she was about to faint, "Well yeah it can be used for that," as Twilight said this Chi-Chi went out like a light," It's all about what you want as I said earlier, you can even break the laws of physics if you are powerful enough. Though before you ask anything else, I think it would be better if we stopped talking about magic, I don't think Chi-Chi can take much more."

This made the group laugh a bit, before going over to eat, a meal there went well, with them all small talking while also learning that full blooded Saiyan's all are bottomless pits for food, for they had seen both Goku and Vegeta eat, and now they were seeing Tempest and Twilight eat, and it was much the same, which made the whole group laugh.

And so they enjoy their meal, before all went to bed, inside a capsule house's, one for the men, and one for Tempest and Twilight, for Vomi just went back home, and tomorrow the Hunt for Cell would start again, and hopefully Goku waking up.

Chapter 20: You did WHAT!

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After everyone had gotten ready for the next day, Tempest took Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin with her to go back on the hunt for Cell, while Twilight had taken to go and get the last of the strong people into a place where they would not become a snack for Cell's power building, so it's with that in mind that Twilight went to a little Island in the middle of the sea.

Outside of Kame House Twilight appeared.

Looking at the little house Twilight understood fast that this, was probably the perfect retirement for the old Master, for with the Island not having more then three palm trees, and his little pick house, a place where one can be alone as much as they want, though it surprise Twilight a bit that, from what her scouter was telling her, there was a hidden room under the house it self, which seem to be a training area which is well used while also care for, it seem the Old Man was still keeping his training going, but only when hidden, something Twilight might help him with in the future, but that is for later, for right now something was touching her foot, and looking down Twilight Roshi's oldest friend Turtle touching her leg to get her to look down, why the Turtle was called just that she did not know, but a name is a name.

"Hey there Miss, what are you doing all the way out here? And how did you get here?" asked Turtle a little confused, for he had not even seen her come.

"Hey there, please call me Twilight, for the whole miss thing really is not my thing. And I have come here do to wanting to help your friend Roshi and the others here." said Twilight with a smile while kneeling down to Turtle.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" asked Turtle now curious what was going on, for he knew about what the other left for, and they had not hear from them yet.

Standing up again before replying Twilight spoke, "Well it will be easier if the others came out first, for I really dislike repeating my self, and don't worry about getting them out here I got that," said Twilight with a smile, before she raise her hand and send a blast up in the air, that exploded a good bit over the house, and just after there was novice from inside the house, it sounded like she had woke them all up, which was a surprise to her, for the time was nearly twelve, but Twilight thoughts die when out they came first there was Master Roshi himself, the man was a great teacher, for it was his style she was still following, so she had some respect towards the man, but she also knows how much he enjoys the female body. Right after followed the Pig man Oolong, and then Puar, who Twilight was not sure, on what Puar is, other then being a shape-shifter just like Oolong.

And last out the window came Chiaotzu, Tien's old partner-in-crime, from when they were still under the Crana School, one that Twilight had learn a lot from as well, but after she had learn everything they knew, which was mostly skills base on killing, which should not be a surprise, when the Masters of the Crana School was Hired Killers, which did remind her of what her dad did 5 days before Twilight and Vomi went into space, for Gero want to be sure Twilight was ready to protect them, so he needed to know that Twilight knew what Killing was like, so he had hired Mercenary Tao, to tell her about his work and the kill it self, something Tao had found odd, but the pay was good so he had done it, Vomi had not been told about this, for she did not like the man.

"Eh what is going on out here? are we being attacked by android?" said Roshi confused and when he saw Twilight, other thought came to the man, for with his age, he was able to see that the girl in front of him is a big girl, where he likes them big, and that was all he needed to end his fear, and go into the personality that Twilight was going to keep in check, "Hallo there what brings you to my island hehe." said the man full of glee, not having realize yet, that it had been Twilight to wake them up.

"Master Roshi, I do not think we can trust that girl! She is probably one of the androids!" squeak Puar, with Oolong just behind just looking at Twilight just like Roshi had done, something she wanted to end here.

"Now Now Puar, just look at her does she look..." Roshi was cut off here, when Twilight put both her hands forward and let Lightning jump between them in a style that Roshi knew far to well "Lightning Flash." And as he said this Roshi become serious.

Seeing the all now understood that she was here for a reason, Twilight drop the Lightning, "Now that I got everyone to understand, that I'm not just some eye candy. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm here to bring you all to a bit safer place to stay for a bit of time, and also to do something a little more personal," said Twilight as she walked over to Roshi before giving him a respectful bow, and then looked the man in the eye's, "I have been using your teachings to train myself Master Roshi, so I have come to give you a gift as well, and that gift is being able to call in two favors from me."

This came as a surprise to them all and the first one to speak was Roshi, "Oh And what is it you will bring us away from? And these 'Favors' why give something like that?" asked Roshi while looking Twilight over now, not as a pervert but as a Master looking over a warrior, and what he saw surprise him, for he had not felt power from her, yet when he looked he was able to see power and a lot of it, and that was without looking at the tail that he had notice that no one else had, and do to his long time alive Roshi knew what he was looking at, and he was impressed.

And at Roshi's request Twilight explain why they had to be moved, which they all ended up agreeing to, and when that was done, Twilight spoke again, "And the Favors are just a easy way for me to pay for the school time you gave me without knowing, and so you know the limits for what those Favors are small, for my family business is the second biggest in the world at this point anyways," said Twilight with a big smile, making them all realize that they already knew who she was.

"Well that is something, to think a second Saiyan came to earth and then became part of the family there has taken the world by storm," said Roshi while thinking over what those favors can do for him, not realizing the others had not seen the tail, and was now fearing Twilight a lot, for they all recall what happen the last two times a Saiyan's had come around.

"Before any of you start to panic, know that I have been on earth for the same amount of time as, then the meathead has." said Twilight, which did get the others to relax.

"Say uhhh Miss Twilight, where is this safer place for us to stay if you do not mind me asking? And can you tell me if Yamcha is ok?" asked Puar looking at Twilight beggingly.

It was at this point Twilight realize one thing, she would never get away from the miss, so she decided to drop it, "Well that is the thing, there is two choices, my family got a private Island for just family normally, where all Ki is hidden while the place also looks like there is nothing there, so it's well hidden, and might as well be a private party Island filed with people who does everything they can to keep my family happy and any guests we got. You can pick to go there, but only if you follow the Island's rules, or you can come with me up to the Lookout. And to answer the second question, Yamcha is fine... More then fine to be honest, he seems to enjoy the hunt for Cell, even though he keeps getting away." said Twilight

"Well what is the rules for this Island of yours?" asked Roshi as he seem to enjoy the idea of just laying back with a drink while baking in the sun.

"Well most of the rules follow what is normal, so it's mostly be nice and things will go well, the only real rule you would need to know is that, if you misbehave against our staff you will be thrown into a Jailcell for your time there, there is also a rule about not talking about what you see there, and about the Island being there at all, for we want the Island to keep being private, else if there is any thing you want to use there you can ask someone and they will guide you there, the Island got anything you can think of." replied Twilight while looking at Roshi.

"So I will have to behave towards the girls there, I guess that is fair... But what If I want to be a bit of both places just so I know what is going on?" asked Roshi, for he had started to get interest in what was going on with all this.

This got Roshi a smile, "Well for that I got something else," said Twilight, as she summon a box, that she pull out a scouter and threw it to Roshi, and explain how it worked, " So as long as you got it, you can lock in other others view with it, and see and hear what they do."

"Well you truly have thought of everything Twilight. I think me and the boys here will take the Island trip, it sounds like a great time." said Roshi with a smile, for sure he did not like leaving his home, but to leave it for a payed trip to a luxury Island? Only a fool would not take that.

This made Twilight take a small picture out while smiling, "Good to hear! But before I take you there, there is one last thing to say, I got a picture here, and the woman on this picture is one you will leave alone, for if you don't... Then I will do things to you that not even the Dragon can fix, got it?" said Twilight in a tune there made it clear she was serious, this got a lot of nods of agreement from the boys, "Good I will give you the picture when we get there," and after saying that Twilight pull out a poll from her poke space, "Now the way we get there is easy, I want you all to hold onto the poll, so if you want to get something before going then now is the time." And when Twilight was done talking the all went into the house to take a few things they needed.

It had taken a half hour for them to pack their bags, and when it was done they took a hold on the poll Twilight was holding onto, "So I take it you are already?" asked Twilight and when she got agreement. she and everyone there left.

And just as Twilight got the group over on her family's Island, she got a call from her Mom, letting her know that Goku was up, which meant that when Twilight was done here, she would be able to talk about how to deal with Cell and maybe end him. But to Twilight's bad luck it took her over 3 hours to get the group set up, and warn them to leave her mother alone, but when everything was said and done, Twilight took a case of capsules filed with food and other items she might need, and then went back to the lookout.

Back at the lookout

As Twilight got to the lookout, she looked for the nears big Ki, for that would probably be Goku, and it seems Gohan was with him, so she walked over to them, and notice Mr. Popo and Dende was with them talking. And the first thing Twilight hear made her worry already.

"Dad! Why did you send in Vegeta before yourself? Do you really think we can trust him?" she hear Gohan said, this made Twilight stop before walking around so they can see her, for she wanted to hear this.

"Don't worry Gohan, I'm sure this will calm down Vegeta, and it will give Trunks an chance to understand Vegeta better. And if we are lucky our friends can end Cell before Vegeta even comes out." said Goku relaxed.

"But that is my point dad, when Cell is gone Vegeta is going to come for the rest of us! For I'm more then sure Vegeta is piss after how Twilight and Tempest handle him, and that is before we talk about how he feels about you beating him! So letting him get this training will do nothing but make problems!" said Gohan now a little annoyed at his dad who did not seem to understand.

"Vegeta is not that bad Gohan, and if he was he would probably have blown up earth before I got home." said Goku still sounding sure that he did the right thing.

"Dad... I have spent more time with Vegeta then you have at this point, and I can tell you that he is not a nice guy at all. I mean Twilight mention that he had a long list of crimes." said Gohan sounding a bit like he was about to give up, which Twilight took as her que.

"Mass Murder. Terrorism. Conspiracy. Mass Genocide. Abuse. Assault and Battery. Theft. Torture. Mass Property Damage. Invasion. Mundicide. Populicide by association. Extortion. And a longer list of war crimes as well, with a bounty of 180,000,000 millions last I check, and that was over four years ago," said Twilight as she walked around the building making both Saiyan's look at her, before she continued, "Now I have heard a little of what you two are talking about, and I will be honest it does not sounds like something there will make me happy to hear." she finished as she stop in front of Goku who for the first time had a chance to study her and he was doing just that but kept his smile while doing it.

"Well Vegeta has not be that bad these past few years. And he now got a son here on earth, but sure I will admit that he still needs work, so a year worth of training with his son should do well for him" said Goku.

This made Twilight raise a brow at the man, "Goku I'm going to be honest with you, Vegeta needs help... And I mean a lot of help. For the man is a walking complex, and a part of the reason for the complex is you Goku, for we come from a race where our ranking as a child is seen as a big thing, where it's rare we move up, and Vegeta was set to be a elite top of the top, while from what I know of, you were born at the lowest level, and yet you beat him, and did something there is seen as legendary, which has shatter everything that he believed in, yet his pride and ego will not accepted that," said Twilight who had start to walk around a bit, "And all of this is before Tempest and myself comes into the picture, for the two of us has done more damage to his pride, yet his ego still stands, and that needs to be broken down a bit before he can start to be better."

Hearing this did make Goku think for a bit, realizing he might have made a mistake, "Honestly I did not think about that before sending him into the Time Chamber." said Goku as he was now looking less sure about what he had done.

"Time chamber?" asked Twilight for it was the first time she hear about it, this is when Mr. Popo step in.

"The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is a separate dimension from that of Earth. There is no night or day in the Room, but the surroundings remain a constant bright iridescent white aurora. Its reflective floor is of undefined area, and the Room's boundaries are thought to stretch to infinity in all directions, the main function of the room is that of training. To begin with, the flow of time within the Chamber is compressed. One day of real-world time is equivalent to one year inside the Chamber, or one minute of real time is approximately six hours, five minutes, and 15 seconds in the Chamber." explained Mr. Popo, which made Twilight think about the Chamber for a bit, she would want to study the magic of the Chamber ones she had time, but Twilight was taken out of her thinking when she realize what this meant.

"Please tell me you did not send Vegeta in there." said Twilight while facepalming hopping that she was wrong.

"I did not send Vegeta into the Time Chamber," said Goku which made Twilight feel a bit of relief, which was ended faster then she liked, "I send Trunks and Vegeta in there together." Finished Goku with a nervous smile.

This was not what Twilight had wanted to hear, for with how strong Vegeta was before going in, a full year of training, would surly make sure that he would come out stronger then everyone else, meaning the fate of the world would be in Vegeta's hands, so Twilight looked right into Goku's eyes and start to speak, "Goku... Right now I really wish I had killed you after the heart attack, for you might have doomed this planet," said Twilight while pointing down, "So for your sake you better hope that Cell is still around, for else he will be coming for you and then me, and where you don't have a way to deal with him I do, but I really do not want to do it, for I'm not sure I will be able to control myself if I do it, so the second he is out. YOU will go in there, and make sure you are more powerful then him, for I really do not want to deal with the prince of egos."

Twilight realized that she was losing it, so she took a deep breath, "I'm going to find something to help me relax, and I will let you handle Vegeta, so please make sure that Vegeta is handled." said Twilight now sounding like she was giving up, which Goku confirmed that he would handle it.

Mr. Popo took this as his que, and put a hand on Twilight's shoulder, making her look at him, "I think I know something there can help you relax a bit, for there is another room up here called the Pendulum Room, which allows anyone to see events of the past, which you might find interesting." said Mr. Popo, as he took Twilight with him towards the room, leaving Gohan and Goku alone to think and Gohan was the first to speak.

"I Told you she would not be happy about it Dad." said Gohan while looking at Goku.

"That you did, and with how she put it, I can't really say I disagree, for she made good points." said Goku.

Chapter 21: Bait

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The hunt for Cell had not been going well, for he had evaded, Gevo, Lapis, and Lazuli, every time they nearly got close, and it made no senses to them, for there was no energy to track when it came to them, only way one would find them easy was if they had one of the special scouters that Twilight had made, for only close family and friends, and if he had one of those they would have been able to track that, so it just had to be luck when it came to getting away. And they knew they had been close each time, for all they found was clothes left behind everywhere in the streets, if it was not for them liking Horror movies, they would probably not have kept the hunt going after finding a town where nothing but empty clothes was behind, they had even tried to make themselves look like easy targets the first time they found a city like that, by splitting up and behaving like teens, with Lazuli walking into a ice cream store and made herself a sundae, while Lapis went for candy himself, while Gevo had gone to the Zoo and feed the animals for with the people gone someone else had to feed them, and after 4 hours of nothing happening, Lapis and Lazuli had put money down for what they had taken and went to Gevo, who was just finishing up, and they went back on the road, now knowing that would not work they did not stop at the other city's.

And they knew he had been getting away far to much by now, do to them having been told that Goku was up again. and when it had turn to midnight, Gevo had gotten a idea, and stopped mid flight which the others notice.

"What's up big guy?" asked Lapis as he turn to Gevo.

"I have been thinking about why it is we keep missing Cell, and I do not think it's do to him fearing us, for we have found places where he has been fighting the others, I think it's do to him not being able to find us, for he seem to take chances with the others, but being against 4 he probably does not have a chance to do what he wants, and with how strong Tempest is she probably is the reason he runs away. So I think that the best thing we can do is seek out one of the others, and then have them be bait by having a spar, for if Cell feels a high power level fighting he might take a chance to see what it is." said Gevo.

"You know that is not a bad idea Gevo, and I think I know who might be the best one to talk to about this," said Lazuli, as she use her scouter to pin point where their bait is, "Ah there he is, and he is even alone, lets go and talk to him" finished Lazuli, as she took of towards where she spotted her target, with the other two following, not even asking who she had picked.

Somewhere, near Central city.

It was early morning around seven, when Piccolo had waken up after having hunted Cell the whole day before, and this day he was going to be doing the same, for after having had a close encounter with Cell, Piccolo had realize just how bad he can be, and also understood full who Twilight had to keep away, for did Cell gain anything from her that would be really bad, for there might not be anything stopping him then.

Piccolo was pulled out of his thoughts, when he hear a voice, "HEY THERE!" this made Piccolo look up, and spotted the three
androids? or was it cyborgs, it was confusing to him, but he flew up to them.

"So what do the three of you want?" asked Piccolo, a little curious, why they had taken time out of their hunt to meet him.

"Right to business I see, that is why I chose you," said Lazuli, before she explain their plan to Piccolo, which surprise him at first, but it made senses, "So that is the idea what do you think Piccolo?" she finished.

"I think it can work, for Cell did talk about looking for the two of you," said Piccolo as he pointed at both Lazuli and Lapis, which came as a surprise to them," I can see on your looks that you did not know this, but yeah he talked about how he needed the two of you to become complete, which I thought you guys already knew, I should probably let Twilight know about this then." and just as he was moving his arm towards the scouter to call her he was stopped, by Lapis.

"Now hold on there big guy, we don't want you to call Twilight about this, for she would fear for our safety, and we really want to do something for her, so if she feels like we are in danger she will do what she can to pull us back, or even come out here and stay with us, and if she does that, we can't be sure he will not get the jump on her, and well you know what that might do, from what we hear. So I say if we are what he wants, then let him try, for as things are now we will never catch him if we do not force him to stay in one place, for if he wants us he got three and with you four of us to try and get past, to get his goal." said Lapis

Piccolo took a moment to think about it, and agree with what Lapis said, and so they made their plan and chose a place near by where they would be able to set up their little trap.

It was a hour later, when the four had found a good place for their battleground, leaving Piccolo and Lapis to face one another while Lazuli had found herself a rock to sit on while keeping her eyes on the field, while pretending not to care about anything, while Gevo was standing near by pretending to just watch the birds, but really was scanning the whole area, for movement, Ki, or anything there might give away that they had gotten their prey.

"You know I notice that your power seems to have changes a bit when we were looking for you, I take it you have gotten more powerful then Piccolo?" said Lapis with a smile, and he hope he was right, for sure they were there to catch Cell and end him, but having a good warm up fight would not be against anything he wants, for he enjoy a good battle, something he had pick up when he had watch Twilight and Tempest training.

"Oh so you notice it? Yeah I have gotten more powerful... You can say that I'm no longer just Piccolo, I'm reborn as the Namekian, but to make it easier for everyone else, I guess you can still call me Piccolo." said Piccolo as he powered up to full but taking his time, for they needed to draw in Cell.

And as Piccolo was powering up, Lapis realize that the Namekian was not lying, he had gotten far more powerful then before, powerful enough to be on their level, though, with their Eternal Energy Reactors, Gevo, Lapis and Lazuli still held more power in the long run, for a foe with more power, but less stamina has a good chance of losing to one who fights smart, and with their endless energy, they just need to out last most foes, so Lapis was not worried.

"Got to said that your power is far more impressive then before, though you are still below our other friends, but with how crazy their training is, that should not be a surprise." said Lapis in tone there made it clear he was still looking forward to this.

And with that both Piccolo and Lapis flew at each other and starting their fight.

With Tempest and the three earthlings

"Do you guys feel that?" said Krillin as he stop his flying and looked towards where he was feeling Piccolo power up.

"Yeah I think we are all feeling that." responded Tien, as he looked the same way.

"Should we go and help?" asked Yamcha, who was looking at Tempest, which made the others look towards her as well.

It took a moment before she said anything, and checking her scouter after she had done that she talked, "For the time being I think we should stay away, and keep looking for Cell, for it's Gevo, Lapis and Lazuli who are with him, I think they are planning on luring Cell to them, so if we go there, we will ruin what they are trying," said Tempest, which nearly made the others start to disagree, but she stop them when she kept talking, "But if Cell shows up there, then we will lower our Ki and sneak up on him, and then attack, for if we can get a chance of a surprise attack on him, we will take it, for Cell is not something to play around with." She finished, this made the others happy, and so they kept looking for Cell away from the others.

On the look out.

Piccolo seem to be powering up down there." said Goku as he was waiting outside the door to the time chamber, for it would be any time now that Vegeta and Trunks would come out, and Goku Knew he needed to go in the second they were out.

"Do you think Piccolo is fighting Cell?" asked Gohan, now in a bit of a panic.

"No... I don't think so, for I can't senses his opponent's Ki... So it's probably Twilight's Friends, but why would they fight Piccolo?" said Goku now a bit confused.

This made Gohan realize something, and he started to run to away from his dad, but was stopped by his dad, "Going there won't do any good Gohan!" Yell Goku.

Just for Gohan to turn around and look at his dad like he was crazy, "I'm not going there, I just need a book from the room Mom is in, for I think I know how to see what is going on down there," said Gohan, as he again turn around and ran for the magic book, making his dad confused, for he did not know anything about what Gohan was talking about, for Gohan had not had time to tell his dad he got magic now.

And when Gohan returned, he started to flip pages in the book making Goku look even more confused, before Gohan found what he was looking for, and when he did Goku look at the page Gohan was reading from and saw what it was called, "Far Sight? What is that?" asked Goku now very curious what it was Gohan was doing.

Standing up, Gohan started to mold his magic mold after what the book told him, while explaining to his dad, "Well you see dad, Twilight gave me a gift, and that gift is the ability to use magic, and this book, is Twilight's own notes on spells she made and how to control normal magic, and the Far Sight spell, allows one to view somewhere they are not, and do to being able to feel Piccolo's Ki, I can make a way so we can view what is happening there, if I can cast the spell right," said Gohan, and just as he finished talking he got it right, making Ball of magic there showed what was going on down with Piccolo, "I did it!" cheer Gohan, and start to watch.

Goku was surprise by what his son had done, but also proud off him, and put his hand down on Gohan's head, and started to look at what the ball was showing, "Good job Gohan," said Goku as he smile at Gohan, before looking back at the ball and started to study what was going on, "This is interesting, it does not seem like a serious fight, more like a spar... Maybe..." explain Goku making Gohan look up at his dad.

"Maybe what dad?" said Gohan.

"Well if they are doing what I think, then they might be trying to bait Cell out of hiding, for Cell might see Piccolo's lowering Ki as a way to gain more power, and the best way they can do that is a spar, for if piccolo is weakened, it would not be hard to steal his power." explained Goku.

"But would Cell not be scared away when he sees Gevo, Lapis, and Lazuli?" asked Gohan

"I'm not sure, I think that is all about if Cell has seen them hunt him, for in his timeline they were on each others enemies from what we know, so he might see them as being on his side." replied Goku.

"But what about our friends? Why are they not going towards the fight?" asked Gohan confused.

"If I would have to guess, then I will say that they are waiting to see if Cell bites before they go in, for Tempest is with them, and would probably know what her friends are thinking." answer Goku.

This made Gohan a little annoyed, for he had gotten use to just being able to try and help, whenever something was happening when he had been to Namek, but now not being able to help, and only being able to watch, a part of him was angry about it, "God this sucks." said Gohan in a tone there made it clear, he was unhappy.

"I fully understand you Gohan, but do to me not seeing a problem before it was shown to me, we can't really leave right now," said Goku, as he was also still thinking about what he had been told, his thoughts however was interrupted, when he notice something in the ball of magic Gohan had made, "Well it seems they got a bite Gohan."

"Oh that is good to hear, that means I will not have to wait long before I can prove that I Prince Vegeta has one again, taken my right full place as the strongest!" said Vegeta as she walked out of the time chamber followed by Trunks who was looking anywhere but there

Back with Piccolo and Lapis just as their fight starts.

Piccolo do to being somewhat stronger landed the first hit on Lapis, landing a elbow on the back at the head of Lapis, which he followed up with a back to his back landing Lapis in the dirt.

"Not bad at all Piccolo, you seem to have gotten a lot stronger then you were" said Lazuli, no response was giving to her.

However Piccolo was not done yet, and his hand and putting his other hand on his arm and aim it towards where Lapis was laying down and fired off a big blast. But before it was able to hit Lapis had moved away from there, "Hey big boy we are sparing not trying to kill each other!" yell Lapis, to Piccolo.

Piccolo just gave a big smile, "Well we are trying to bait out Cell, so we better make it look good." he yell back, before he flew right at Lapis again crashing with fist.

With Lazuli and Gevo on the sideline.

"Well it's surprisingly just how much Piccolo has gain in power, in such a short time, but then again, he did do it another way then normal, and he can't do it again." said Lazuli, while she was pretending to keep her focus on the fight, when really she was looking every where but on the fight.

"Indeed, though with Piccolo and Kami having been one a long time ago, the power they give each other, is far bigger then a normal absorbing, for where the power is normally just absorbing what the other got, But do to them being the same person, it's far more then that, how much I'm not sure." replied Gevo while he did the same as Lazuli, but mainly focusing on his scouter to try and find when their prey would get near, and it was not to long before he spotted something, and he decided to tell Lazuli but quiet, "Don't do anything else but what you have been doing, but it seems our prey is here."

Piccolo with his ears were able to hear what Gevo said, and decided to check if he was able to spot him, while keeping the fight going, and it did not take him long before he found where he was, so he decided to make the first move, but how would he do it, was the question, before he got a idea. And then he kicked Lapis, sending him flying up in the air, and he started to fire blasts up at Lapis.

Lapis was just dodging the attacks for a bit before he realize that most of them were not even going near him, " Are you even trying to hit me right now?" asked Lapis, who had gotten very confused about what was going on.

"No!" Yell Piccolo, as he kept firing.

This confused Lapis even more, "What do you mean No?" ask Lapis as he start to look around, and notice that all the blasts were still up in the air all around him, "Oh Oooh, Now I get it."

And before Lapis was able to do much more Piccolo yell "Hellzone Grenade!!!" and where Lapis thought they were going to fly at him instead they went flying towards the rocks below him, and just before half of them impacted something green jumped out off the rock, with the rest of the blasts following the green thing and blew up on it.

And as the smoke clear there was a green bubble shield around the creature, and the creature was one they all knew.

"Welcome to the Battle... Cell" said Piccolo with a smug smile, for Piccolo was very happy with himself now, for last time they had meet, Cell had gotten away, but this time, he would make sure he did not get away.

And to this all Cell did was smile, for where they did not know it, they had just given him what he wants.

Chapter 22: The Problem Prince!

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"I thank you for the party invitation Piccolo, I have been trying to find these two for a few days now, for with no more people around to feed on, so I want to go to the main course, and thanks to you I now can." said Cell as he licked his beak, while being fully ready for anything, still hiding his Ki. which Piccolo did not like, for the last time he had been stronger, but now he was not so sure.

"You said that before as well, that you needed 17 and 18, but you never said why you need them." said Piccolo in a serious tone, hoping to get Cell to over Share.

"Well excuse us, but we are not call 17 and 18, we got names you know!" said Lapis a little pissed that he and his sister was talked about just like they were only numbers.

"Oh really? I do not have any data about you two carrying names, do to me, so I know what to call you as I absorbed the two of you." said Cell in a deadly but playful tone.

While this was going on, Gevo had notice he had been ignore and as a test wanted to see if he was able to get out of sight, which he had done far to easily, which showed just how focused Cell was on the Twins and Piccolo, so he started to look for a hole in Cells defends to do a sneak attack for when things got moving again.

Lazuli notice what Gavo was doing, and decided to speak before her brother might make Cell realize there had really been 4 of them, "Well my name is Lazuli, and my brother up there with you is Lapis. Now back to Piccolo's question, why are you after me and my brother?" finished Lazuli.

This made Cell laugh, "My what fire in you, Lazuli I'm going to enjoy absorbing you. And do to that, I'm going to give you a little info on why I'm here, for you see the two of you holds what I need to truly gain my full power." said Cell.

"So we know just about as much as we did before," said Lapis, while facepalming, "Well no matter what, we were going to meet, for you see Cell we have been hunting you as well." he finished with a smile.

Now this surprised Cell, he knew this timeline was something else, for where in his the Earthlings had been nothing, while here, they had forced him to run away a few times, and then there was the Saiyan woman there had been with them, she had nearly kill him the first time they meet, she was far to powerful, and he was sure he had seen people who had been part of Frieza's elite, but they always stay far away, and kept moving making them hard to catch, and when he had been close one time the Saiyan woman had showed up, the second he was with in a 100 meters, that had scared him, for he had already had his near death by her, and the worst thing about her, he was not able to feel her power, though he had learn why that was, and it made him wonder even more about what was going on in this timeline. And now the people he needed to gain his full power said they had been hunting him? Something was fully wrong here, and he wanted to know why.

"Oh? And why is it that you are hunting me?" asked Cell, wanting to know more.

Looking at each other Lapis and Lazuli decided that telling him would not hurt, and it would give time for Gevo to find where to attack from. "Well you see we got a good friend we want to help, and she really wants you dead." said Lazuli sounding a bit bored.

"And it's not like you came here in a way there kept you hide, for using a time machine, leaves one odd wave of energy to track, so we learned that you were around, the second it was confirmed what that wave of energy was." said Lapis with a cocky smile.

"And a having a creature like you around is not something we really want to deal with. So we made ready to deal with you, we just needed you to come out of hiding, and here you are." finished Lazuli, for there was no way she was going to tell him anything about Tempest or Twilight, so she had kept the two of them out of the story.

This gave Cell less then he wanted, but they had answered what he asked, so he only had himself to blame, but he notice one thing about what they said, "And who is this friend of yours? For it's not everyday you come across someone who would understand what such energy would be from time travel... Well more Time Line travel. And while we are talking about it, who is the woman with the humans?" said Cell, which the Twins were not happy about, which Cell notice, which made him realize that he was right to focus on this.

"That you do not need to know..." said Lazuli, who had been waiting for the right time, and noticing where Gevo was and knew it was time, which made her smile, "Well I guess our time for talk is over... After all you have pissed off our friends Big Brother." she finish, and when the word Brother left her mouth, Gevo left his hiding place, and took Cell by surprise letting him letting Gevo grab the tail of Cell, which he instantly used to slam him into the ground, swing him around at such speed that Cell did not have the chance to get away, and Gevo wanted to make sure Cell knew how pissed he was, so he used the bug man to clear the field they were going to fight fighting, for giving Cell anywhere to hide would not be a good idea, and just as he used Cell to remove the last bit of rocks from the field, his Tail snapped, sending Cell flying into the ground.

And Cell got up just as fast as he went down, "Well I can now say that hurts like Hell, but lucky for me, I can regrow it, thanks to Namekien DNA," said Cell in a tone there made it clear he was mad. And as he finished talking he used how regrowth ability making himself a new tail. And after regrowing the tail, he notice what he had let happen, for he was now surrounded, "What happen to honor of combat?" asked Cell a little worried.

"Well you have made it clear, that if you get what you want, you will grow far more powerful." said Lapis with a smile to his left.

"And we are not really interested in that happening." said Lazuli from his right with a tone of amusement.

"So we all kind of agree on, that we really do not want you arounded." Piccolo joined in, enjoying the fact that he knew they had Cell just where they wanted him.

"So the chance of Honorable combat, is not one we will give you. So prepare yourself, for we are about to bring you, your end!" said Gevo as he got into his combat stance, before lunching at Cell throwing a punch right at his face, which Cell tried to block, but his arm broke on the impact with Gevo's glowing fist which he was followed up by a kick, which send Cell flying,

With Piccolo blocking his path away and meet Cell with a attack he had been preparing, "Light Grenade!!!" Piccolo Yell, which blew Cell right back to Gevo.

Who did not wasted any time, and punch to the side of Cells face which send him flying towards Lapis who had gotten his own attack ready, with crossed arms which was filed with green energy there looked like Lightning, "Super Electric Strike!" said Lapis as he fired of his attack at Cell which he got caught up in, sending him right back to Gevo.

Were Cell went right into a fist punched deep into his stomach, which Gevo followed up by grabbing Cell by the leg and started to punch him in the face, though thanks to not being send flying again Cell had a chance to try and fight back, swing his tail at Gevo, which turn out to be a mistake, for this made Gevo Kick Cell over to Lazuli.

Who had put up a electric barrier which Cell crashed into, and after a bit She Kicked him back to Gevo, who had been waiting for this and grab Cell by the neck and slammed him into the ground, and do to the abuse Cell had been hit with, was not able to fight back, when Gevo point both his hands towards Cell, while they gathered energy, "THIS IS IT CELL PREPARE TO DIE!!! HELL FLA..." and before he was able to finish the job, for just before he was able to finish his move he was sucker punched in the face, sending him flying away from Cell, and just before he was about to crash into the ground Gevo flip over and land on his feet, before he saw who hit him, and he was not surprised by who it was, for his sister had already made it clear she did not trust him, and he had just been proven to be right.

At the Lookout as Vegeta and Trunk got out of the Time Chamber.

Vegeta and Trunks look at the orb and study how Cell looked, and Vegeta was not impressed, "It sickness me that something like that, got my Elite DNA in it. Tch I'm disappoint that I train to take on something like that," said Vegeta, before he smile, "Well at least it has given me power enough to finally surpass you, and make me Vegeta! The strongest Saiyan in the universe!" finished the prince who was on a power high, enough to make Goku realize just how right Twilight had been, while all Gohan did was roll his eyes, for he had hear this speech far to many times, while Trunks was just looking away like he was hiding something.

They all were interrupted, when a plane came up and landed on the look out just for Bulma to jump out, "Hallo everyone!" yell Bulma happily, as she waved at the people there.

"Hey Bulma! What are you doing here?" asked Goku as he was followed by a annoyed Vegeta, while Trunk and Gohan just seem happy to see her.

"Well I wanted to see how you all are doing, while also bring you all something..." said Bulma while she stop talking before she looked at Trunks and notice the changes, "What the Heck... Trunks? Is that really you?"

This worried Trunks a bit before he answered. "Uhh, yes..." he said while looking at Goku for help, who just laugh.

Bulma was now putting both her hands on Trunks looking him his head, do to how much his hair had grown in the short two days there had gone, from when they meet last, "Why did you cgange your hairstyle? Is that a wig? Oh, it seems you're a bit taller too!" said Bulma as she was getting more confused.

So trunks decided to tell her what was going on, "Mom take it easy. There's a mystical room here where a whole year can pass in a single day. I trained with my father there for that time." explain Trunks.

This made Bulma raise a eye and then look at Vegeta, "But Vegeta's hair hasn't changed on bit!" said Bulma back.

"Once a pureblooded Saiyan's hair is fully grown it will not changes from there, even if cut it will just grow back to where it was." explain Vegeta a little annoyed by having to explain this.

This made Bulma think for a second, before she looked at Goku, and then back to Vegeta, "Well that explains a lot, for I do not think I have hear of Goku getting a hair cut ever." said Bulma, making Goku laugh a bit.

At this point Vegeta had gotten annoyed, "We should not be jabbering around about pointless things! Why the Hell did you come here for, woman!" said Vegeta clearly getting mad at this point.

Bulma being use to all of this at this point just ignore Vegeta's rage, and started to pull out a capsule, "I came here to bring the battle armor that you requested! Since it came out so well, I brought a pair for everyone here, though I had hope that Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin was here for theirs as well," said Bulma calmly, as she let the capsule go, letting out a big box there had both armors and suits, in the style that Vegeta had always used. "Also where is Twilight and Tempest? I thought that at least Twilight would be up here?"

This made Vegeta pay attention wanting to hear this. Goku was about to answer when Gohan beat him to it, "She was up here, but do to something stupid my dad did, she went away, do to her not wanting to deal with what is to come of it, she will probably come back soon, for it's a good time ago she left, so if you wait here then she will probably show up soon." said Gohan who was just finishing putting on his boots.

This annoyed Vegeta, for he had wanted to see if he was able to push her a bit now, but thanks to the idiot he would not get his chance, and now he would not get a chance for a time to see if he can make a God fear him.

Goku decided to not think about what Gohan said, for he had earned that one, and instead focus on the armor, "I didn't think that this would be so light!" said Goku as he was playing armor with the main armor piece before taking it on, "And it's easy to move around in!"

"It doesn't matter. You're not going to get a chance to fight Kakarrot." said Vegeta as he finish taking on his gloves.

"That'll be the ideal soution." said Goku, just for Vegeta to give him a smug smile, before he flew off.

"And off he goes again, said Bulma as she looked after Vegeta who was already gone from view.

This is when they hear someone else talk, "I hope you are planning on following him Trunks, for I do not trust Vegeta to not fuck this up!" said Twilight as she walked towards them.

Trunks look at her for a second before he nodded, "Yeah I wish I would be able to say you got nothing on that, but after a full year with him, I know it's true." said Trunks before he start to walk towards the edge of the Lookout. But before he got there he was stopped by Goku.

"Hold on for a sec..." said Goku as he check his items before bring out to beans, "Here's your share of Senzu just in case."

"Thank you Goku." said Trunks as he took them and put in a pocked on the inside of his suit.

"Do your best, but make sure you don't do anything reckless. If things get to dangerous for ya, it's best that you run away." said Goku with a smile.

And before he was able to say anything Twilight threw something at him, that he grab and saw was a scouter, "This scouter can track any kind of energy that you can think off, which might be helpful if things go fully bad. It is also able to call other scouters, so if you need anything use it to call either me or Tempest and we will see what we can do," finish Twilight who gave him a small smile before she talked again, "And make sure your dad does not fuck everything up."

This made Trunks smile, "Thanks for everything. And Good luck with your Training!" said Trunks.

"After whatever happens there, come back safely." said Bulma this made Trunks wave at them before he left at full speed to catch up to his dad.

When Trunks was far enough away, Twilight took a deep breath, and then talked, "By the end of today Cell is going to be at full power, and Vegeta is going to have had his ego shatter do to his own stupid mistake." she said as she just looked down over the edge.

"I will take that bet!" said Bulma with a smile as she was keeping a eye on Kid Trunks who was just looking around.

This made Twilight look at her, before she smile, "So are you betting against what I said?" asked Twilight.

"Not at all, I know he is going to fuck up... But by how much I'm not sure." said Bulma thinking, before she notice Annin coming running around one of the houses, followed by Chi-Chi who was trying to get control over her child.

"Well me and Gohan are going in, I promise that I would take care of Vegeta when all of this is done, so for that I need the training." said Goku who pull Gohan with him.

"That man will bring about his own death." said Twilight as she look at him walk in to the Chamber.

"I want to disagree with you on that, but I really can't, for Goku has always just jumped into the unknown, and never thought about if it is a good idea or not," said Bulma and it became quiet for a bit before, "Sooo do you know what is going on down there?"

"Well I got a idea, but I do not want to watch right now, for then I might just go down there, and do something stupid, for I got the feeling that Vegeta has already ruined things." said Twilight looking down with a bit of worry in her voice.

This just made Bulma realize what Twilight was dealing with, for she had the power to do something, but do to Cell's ability's going in for her, might make things worse. Meaning she is stuck, just watching, Bulma was pull out of her thoughts as as Twilight start to laugh, and it was not a small laugh, the made her nervous. "Are you ok Twilight?" asked Bulma.

And as Twilight hear this she start to stop, before she gained a sad smile, "I'm ok, just dealing with a lot of things right now. And it made me realize that I might have to deal with Cell myself in the future, and to do that I need to do something my friends are not going to be happy about," said Twilight before she sigh, before giving a more normal smile, "I think I'm going to get something to eat, just to get my mind of this." she said before she walked towards the middle of the Lookout, with Bulma following.

Chapter 23: Like a Fiddle

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Standing before Gevo, was a smug looking Prince who seem far to pleased with himself, "Well Well what do we have here. Here I have gone out of my way to train myself up, to fight this ''Mighty Cell'' and all I find is a weak bug being bullied, by a gang of weak toasters... You are all just proving me right, that your so called 'Friend' Twilight is nothing but a cowards!" said Vegeta high on his own power.

While Vegeta was talking himself up Cell had gotten up, and had hear what he had said, and what he learned was interesting, for it seem all of what he was dealing with was do to this Twilight, who was staying away from him. Why she was staying away he did not know, but he might learn more by playing Vegeta just right, and thanks to everything he knew about the Prince, that should be easy. "Well I for one would like to know more about this Twilight." said Cell making Vegeta look at him.

"Oh and why should I tell you? You are never gone need that info anyways, for you will die by my hand here." said Vegeta with a deadly smile.

Cell realize if he was going to play him, he would have to do it now, for it was clear to him that Vegeta would be able to end him, "Well that is a shame Vegeta, for it means that I will not have the time, to gain my true power... My perfect Power." said Cell in a disappointed tone.

"Oh please like you would ever be able to be a real fight for me?" said Vegeta a little annoyed, but also looked like he was interested.

"Oh I would be able to beat you without a problem, but to show you my true perfect power, I would need to absorbed 17 and 18. But you seem to fear a real fight, so you will probably just kill me here," said Cell while looking at Vegeta, and he notice that it was working, for Vegeta was now thinking, so he was going to push a bit more, "And besides, do you really think Goku is worth your time?" the look on Vegeta as Cell said this made him sure that he had gotten what he was after.

It took a bit of time before Vegeta spoke, "Go on?"

"You see Vegeta right now I'm at my lowest power, I got 2 forms over what you see right now, and for me to gain those forms, I need to absorbs the two. But as you can see I do not have the power to get past the big guy, but if I were to get those two I would become the perfect warrior, and you will get just what you deserve," explained Cell with what might be a smile, "Well, how about it, Vegeta? You're a Saiyan aren't you? Don't you love a good fight? The stronger the opponent is, the more enjoyable the fight is for you? Would you like to find out... Do you want to see my perfect form?"

Vegeta took a moment to think before he smile, "Well then. If I want to real fight then I will just have to stop him, and the namekien, so go ahead and gain your power, so I can gain a real challenge," said Vegeta as he turn towards Gevo, who knew this was a problem he did not have the power to deal with, "So what will it be, will you try to fight me to save your so called friends? Or will you be a good boy and just stand there and let me get my fight?" asked Vegeta towards Gevo, before turning towards Piccolo, where he just smile before he blitzed Piccolo and Punch him so hard he went flying into the ground, and went out like a light, just in time for Trunks to come in and see it happen.

"What the hell are you doing Dad?!?" asked Trunks in a bit of a panic while recalling his talk with Twilight, and realize she was right, but why did he do this? he needed to know.

Looking towards Trunks Vegeta yell, "Trunks! STAY OUT OF THIS!"

Not agreeing to what his dad is doing Trunks tried to go for Cell, just for Vegeta to charge right at Trunks and landing a powerful hit to the back of Trunks's neck knocking him out cold right there, do to Trunks not having had his Super Saiyan on while also not being ready for his dad to do that, and with Vegeta having gotten to the battle in his SS

And when Vegeta turn around he found that Gevo was trying to stop Cell again so he decided to knock the man out, so he charge right at him, but before he got to him Gevo Notice him and jumped back which made Vegeta punch the ground instead, shaking the area do to the force he put down, but it did not scare Gevo who just stood up to his full size and looked at the prince, "You damned our respect Vegeta, yet you have not done anything to earn it. You may hold the most power here, but that does not mean any one here other then Cell will do as you ask, you even had to attack your own Son to try and get your way." said Gevo while he kept looking into the eyes of Vegeta.

"Spare me your words, they mean nothing to me, for you do not even know a thing about Saiyan." said Vegeta, which only got a raise eye from Gevo.

"I know nothing of Saiyan's you say? Don't make me laugh, my little sister is more Saiyan then you will ever be, and she has told me everything about herself and what she has learn, I would not be surprise if she even knows more about your race then you do." said Gevo in a calm tone, trying to get Vegeta to focus on him, for two reasons, one if Vegeta focus on him, then Lapis and Lazuli would at least have a chance to fight back, and two Twilight had just jump in, and garb Piccolo and teleported back to where she came from with Piccolo, and Vegeta did not need to see that, and lucky Cell had not seen her either.

And when he notice that she was fully gone, Gevo decide it was now or never, "So Vegeta if you think you can take me then come at me!" said Gevo as he took a stand to show he was ready, and this did the trick as Vegeta was now mad and vent right at Gevo.

With Lapis and Lazuli.

"So how are we going to go about this sis?" asked Lapis while showing a cool smile, when really he was not to sure about this.

"Well I think we are going to kick this bug's ass, for we made a promise to our friend." replied Lazuli who was keeping her head more cool then her brother, and knew if they worked together they still had a chance, a small chance but a chance.

Cell looking over the two, made him smile, for now was the time he would finally become perfect. Cell charged at them.

"We will do this with teamwork, for we will not have a changes without it!" said Lazuli. Who meet Cell in mid charged. And as they crashed. Cell start to attack Lazuli who was dodging and blocking everything she was able to staying on the defensive, but it only lasted for a bit before Lapis came in with a kick to the side of Cells face and start his attack at him from cells back making it so Cell had to keep a eye on both sides of himself, sending him on the defensive, but do to still having more power Cell was able to throw a attack out now and then, sending one flying out, just for the other to hit him hard before going back on the defensive, but it never lasted long enough for Cell to try and absorb one of them, for he needed time for that.

Cell knew he had a problem for with each punch he took, he was getting a little damage, while the twins did not have that problem, for they were made for this kind of combat, and if things kept going like this he would never get any of them, so he needed to go all out, and he had just the tool to get him the time to power up, so he waited for both to be just about to hit him and then used explosive wave which repel them away from him.

"Well it seems the two of you are stronger then I had been lead to believe, so how about I go full power!" said Cell before he started to power up, something Lapis and Lazuli was not going to let him do, but do to how powerful the waves from Cells power was, they were not able to get closer, so stopping him was outside of their power.

And when he had fully powered up the fight was now back in his favor, he just needed the right moment to get the girl, and it was not hard for him to get that with his higher power. So after having deliver a kick right to Lapis head, which he had followed up by grabbing Lazuli and holding her still, "Now prepare my dear, to become a part of Meeee!" scream Cell as he launched his Tail at her, and just before he was able to get her.

"DODON RAY!!!" Yell Tien who was using his Assassin's sight to aim right at Cell's head sending him flying away from Lazuli.

This was followed up by Krillin using his new Golden aura, to empower his Destructo Disc to cut Cells tail while he was falling thanks to Tien's Dodon Ray. This was Followed up by Yamcha going in with his Wolf Fang Fist in his Wolf Man form.

While this was happening Vegeta had been playing with Gevo, but when he notice what was happening he was about to go over and help Cell, just for Tempest to return the favor for what Vegeta had done to Gevo earlier, by drop kicking Vegeta with her full power, which was still lower then what Vegeta had, but it still did some good damage sending the prince flying into the ground.

After landing her kick Tempest landed on the ground, "Not so fun when it happens to you Troll doll?" asked Tempest who was smiling Smugly at Vegeta as he was getting out of the hole he had been kicked into.

As Vegeta got out of the hole, he was looking more annoyed then anything else, "I take it that you have hear everything there has been happening here?" he asked.

"Yeah the new scouters are a told of wonder, letting you hear and see what others do. While also being able to do more then just that." said Tempest in a calm tone.

There was silence for a good time, where the only thing there was able to be hear was the fight going on in the back ground and Gevo who was now sitting down to let himself recover a bit from his fight with Vegeta.

Having had enough of the silenced judgement Vegeta start to talk, "So aren't you going to tell me off... Tell me how bad I have been? Or question how I can do something this evil?" said Vegeta with a cocky smile, which was broken when Tempest just raise a eyebrow at him.

"And why in the world would I do that? You are a many times criminal, with a major ego problem there makes you think the universe is all about you... So you doing this!" said Tempest opening her arms out pointing to all the damage done to the area, "Is just normal for you... No I was more then ready for you to try and throw everything to the fire, just to get a fight there would get your ass kicked." said Tempest relaxed, but still ready.

This surprise Vegeta, "Oh... I'm surprise that you do not want to fight Cell at his perfect form yourself? And you call yourself a Saiyan!" said Vegeta as he spat on the ground.

"Oh but I do want to fight that Vegeta... But I'm not stupid, and can easily see just how powerful Cell would get from them, and we are both far from that level of power right now, and would need to go beyond Super Saiyan to beat that. And before you say that you already have done that! then you need to get real, the from you got right now is impressive, but I have seen humans do things just like it, you can probably even go further with it then you are showing here, but know that it would just make you a sitting target, do to how much it would slow you down." said Tempest still keeping her calm.

"Tch. You may lose to him if he gains this power, but I will not lose it! And who are you to claim that I have not achieved the power beyond a Super Saiyan! And who are you to judge me? You and your friend is nothing but hypocrites! You call me out on my crime records, yet you two have brought back The Ginyu Force, who has done far more evils then me!" said Vegeta getting more angry, at Tempest do to not gaining the respect he feels he is owned, by being the prince of their race.

All Tempest did to this was raise a eyebrow at Vegeta, "You know I did not think I would be the one to say this, but if you truly think what you have achieved is a assented form to the Super Saiyan, then you really disappoint me, for yes it is greater power then the normal form, but it's nowhere near as big a boost in power one would think would come from that. And when it comes to calling us hypocrites, then I would like to point out, that The Ginyu Force did evils as a job, and only found joy in it do to making the best of what they got, for when they were given a chance to go down a new road they took it, they are now working for Twilight, and have not done anything bad, they have even help us keep track of everything there has been going on," said Tempest shaking her head at Vegeta, "I should not even have to tell you this, for you saw them keep a eye on the other androids that Twilight handled, while you just watch, not even offering help, which is the reason why we do not trust you at all, for you are just building up power before you will try and fight Goku and anyone else you want to beat, and when you win, you will leave, not caring about anything but yourself!" finish Tempest who was now looking right into Vegeta's eyes.

There went a moment by before Vegeta start to laugh loudly, before he start to speak, "And why should I care? There is nothing for me here, I'm a warrior! I do not have time for sentimental things!" said Vegeta sounding confident, but looking at Tempest he did not see what he had thought he would, for he had been ready for rage, or even disbelieve, but he was not ready for what he saw... Sympathy, which he did not understand.

"You know there was a point in my life where I was a lot like you, where I only care about myself, only thinking that what I needed was the only thing there mattered," said Tempest as she looked up in the sky and smile, thinking about all the things Twilight had done for her, she even help her get over her fear, thinking back to the time Twilight had gotten her face to face with a major Ursa, and Twilight had gotten her to pet it, it had been at that moment she knew just how much Twilight care about her, for she had gone so far out of her way to help her deal with her fears, she had even tried to fix her magic, and had gotten close before they had ended up here. And then she looked back at Vegeta.

"Having bonds with people, and having something to truly use your power for, is better then power for powers sake. And it is also what truly lets your power grow, and before you say that you are stronger then me now, then take a moment to think about how many years your power was over mine, for I start to train after you went to Namek and you had nearly double my power if not having that at the time. Yet I got far more powerful then you! With you only beating me in power thanks to the time chamber giving you a year more training." said Tempest as she look at Vegeta who looked a bit shocked, and really angry. Which Tempest notice, and took a stance making herself ready for the fight, for with how Vegeta was right now, then it can start at any point.

And she was not disappointed when Vegeta flew right at him, and with how much more power he has over her, she needed to try something new, that she and Twilight had been playing around with, so she let her magic flow and focused it into her eyes giving her a perfect perception of the world, which allowed her to see the world move at a slower speed, letting her move faster then Vegeta, which would be needed, for Vegeta still had more strength and she did not need to win this fight, just keep him here while the others took care of Cell. So she would keep attack for if Vegeta tried to go away from her.

Dodging Vegeta even with her seeing him move slower was hard, do to how much bigger then him she was, but as long as her magic would hold she would be able to keep him away from Cell, leaving it up to, the Twins and the human Z-fighters to handle Cell.