> Changing Diamonds > by ShowShine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reflection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity watched as the scenery whizzed by. The sky was dark, and the stars shined brightly. She sighed, leaning into her hoof. Wind from the open window brushed across Rarity’s face. She let her eyes flutter shut. The air smelled sickly sweet. It was unfamiliar yet alluring. It made her stomach growl and her heart ache. The ache felt like a want. No, a need. “You alright, Rarity? You’re awfully quiet.” Applejack asked, snapping the mare from her thoughts. Rarity quickly regained her composure, placing her hooves on her lap. “Oh yes, I’m quite alright. I’m just decompressing, that’s all. Today has been…eventful.” Rarity recalled. Fluttershy sighed lovingly, bringing her hooves to her chest. “The wedding was just beautiful.” Fluttershy gushed. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, shooting up from her seat. “Who cares about the wedding? We fought off changelings!” Rainbow Dash reminded, much too loudly for Rarity’s liking. She wanted to scold Rainbow, reminding her of ongoing passengers. But a quick look around reminded her they were the only ones in the railcar. “My hindquarters still hurt from all that kicking,” Applejack commented, stretching her legs. “They were so scary! I don’t know how we got away.” Fluttershy trembled. Pinkie Pie popped up from seemingly nowhere, wrapping her arms around Fluttershy’s neck. “Don’t worry, Shy. If any more changelings show their ugly faces, I’ll blast them away with my party cannon!” She cheered, miming shooting a canon. Rarity scrunched up her nose and furrowed her brows. Her friends seemed far too happy to terrorize a whole species. They were practically ponies, just like them! “I think it’s quite rude to celebrate the attack of a species.” Rarity defended. Her friends stared at her as if she had grown three heads. “Are you crazy? They were going to take over Canterlot!” Twilight exclaimed, throwing her hooves into the air. Rarity gave a dismissive wave of her hoof. “I understand that, but you girls were relentless! Their screaming was rather harrowing, and you showed no mercy.” Rarity recalled.  Her mind went back to the battle. Despite fighting before, this battle seemed much too intense for her liking. She held back as much as she could, but the attack couldn’t be helped. “Screaming? I didn’t hear any screaming.” Twilight tilted her head. Rainbow nodded with her. “Yeah, I just heard hissing.” She pointed out. Rarity’s brows furrowed. Hissing? That couldn’t be right. She could hear the changelings protests so clearly.  “Why are you getting so defensive, anyway? They’re just changelings.” Rainbow shrugged off. Rarity opened her mouth to defend herself but quickly clamped it shut.  Why was she getting so defensive? They were just changelings. Nothing more, nothing less. Rarity put her hoof to her head. All of this talk about changelings was beginning to give her a migraine. “My apologies. I think exhaustion is catching up to me.” Rarity apologized, dramatically draping her hoof across her forehead. Perhaps her brain was just foggy from the eventful day. Yes, of course, that was the only reasonable explanation. The train slowed to a halt, catching the group's attention. Rarity hopped from the seat, hoping to avoid all of this changeling talk. It made her feel peculiar. The train doors slid open, letting in the moist summer air. Rarity rushed ahead of her friends, taking a deep inhale. The air still smelled sweet. It was nearly addicting. Rarity’s ear twitched as she heard her friends chattering. She brought her hoof to her mouth, feigning an obnoxiously loud yawn. “It’s getting rather late. I’ll talk to you girls tomorrow. Ta-ta.” Rarity bid her farewell, hopping off the train platform. Such a long day really took a toll on her.  Rarity walked through the empty streets of Ponyville. It was rather peaceful at this late hour. A soft buzz whisked through the air, making Rarity’s ears twitch. She froze in place, quickly looking at the sky. Something was calling her; she could feel it. She was almost tempted to follow. Rarity shook her head, continuing her way home. Rarity swung the door open to Carousel Boutique. It was dark, just as she had left it. She flicked the light on, lighting up the room. Rarity pulled her dress over her head, ensuring it didn’t touch the floor. She had spent ages making this dress; there was no way in Equestria she’d let it get dirty. That’s why she had taken it off when she fought off those icky changelings. Her mind wandered back to the fight. The changelings felt familiar. The way they moved and hissed felt like a missing part of her, almost like a lost memory. A migraine began to form around her temple, pulling Rarity away from her thoughts. It was much more intense than before. Her knees buckled, and she quickly caught herself on her vanity. She pulled herself up, placing her head on the flat surface. Rarity covered her face, letting out a long-drawn whine. What was going on with her tonight? Rarity looked at her reflection. Something seemed…off. She couldn’t tell what it was. The unicorn fixed her posture, getting close to her mirror. She was so close that the mirror began to fog with her breath. Was she different? She didn’t look any different.  Rarity felt something inside of swell, almost like an instinct. It swelled and pulsed, practically itching to be released. Rarity screwed her eyes shut and tilted her head forward. A beam of magic shot from her horn, slamming into her mirror. The mirror burst with a light beam, igniting with a green glow.  Rarity rubbed her eyes. Surely her tired eyes were playing tricks on her. There was no way the mirror didn’t shatter from that blast. But here it was, glowing as if it were the sun. The mirror warbled like a puddle yet crackled as if it were made of static. “How peculiar.” Rarity marveled. Whatever that spell was, it got rid of her migraine. She leaned toward the mirror, rubbing her hoof across it. The reflection cleared, revealing an ugly changeling. “Oh my Celestia!” Rarity shrieked, whipping around. There was a changeling in her house. She turned on the heels of her hooves, hastily scanning the room. To her surprise and relief, she was alone. Rarity looked back at the mirror. The changeling shared the same horrified expression as her. She took a cautious step forward. So did the changeling. Her ear flicked, and so did the changelings. What game was this changeling playing? Rarity knew changelings mimicked, but this was ridiculous. The more Rarity moved, the more the changeling copied. It was as if it were in her brain. “What do you want, you ruffian!?” Rarity asked, stomping her hoof. The changeling's mouth moved with hers, emitting no sound. Rarity got up from her defensive stance, tilting her head. The more she moved, the less the changeling looked like its own being. “Is that…me?” Rarity asked. No, it couldn’t be! That was a changeling. The question felt stupid, but it filled her with curiosity. Perhaps she cast an enchantment on her mirror. “Well, of course, it is.”  A voice echoed across the boutique. The reflection warbled, warping into a familiar face. Queen Chrysalis. Rarity gasped, taking a step back. “Stay back!” Rarity warned, making her horn glow threateningly. Queen Chrysalis only cackled. “Your threats mean nothing to me, little larva.” Chrysalis smiled. “Now sit. We have much to discuss.” She ordered. Rarity wanted to defy her request, but she couldn’t bring herself to. It was as if it were an overwhelming force. She sat down several feet from the mirror. Rarity huffed, staring at Chrysalis with disgust. A smile spread across Chrysalis’s face. “...What do you want from me? And how in Equestria did you get in my mirror?” Rarity questioned. “You responded to my homing signal. Every changeling got it. I need to make sure my subjects are safe.” She said, leaning into her hooves. Rarity furrowed her brows. “Why did I get it? I’m not a changeling.” Rarity pointed out. Chrysalis smirked. “Haven’t you ever wondered why you were so different? Why you seem a little different every day?” Chrysalis asked. “Because you’re nothing but a changeling drone. A spy.” Rarity blinked in surprise. Well, that was just ridiculous!  “But that can’t be true. My parents are ponies! I’m a pony!” Rarity responded, jutting her hoof towards her chest. Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Do you think those are your real parents?” She cackled, throwing her head back. “I planted you there! You’re a sleeper agent!” She said between laughs. Rarity’s heart hammered in her chest, and her mouth went dry. Chrysalis was lying; she had to be. “B-but how?” Rarity uttered. Even if she was lying, Rarity needed to hear what she had to say. She needed to hear. “It was simple. Your parents wanted a child, so I planted you.” Chrysalis began, “Keeping you in one form was the easiest part. I placed a small magical mark on you to stunt your changeling abilities. It could easily be confused for a birthmark.” Rarity stared at Chrysalis, her jaw agape. She looked at the bottom of her hoof. A rather large birthmark resided there, just as Chrysalis described. “Well, I don’t know why you’re coming to me. I’m sure you have subjects to rely on.” Rarity said, attempting to remain aloof. She couldn’t let Chrysalis know she was getting to her. “It’s quite simple, little larva. You’re an Element of Harmony.” Chrysalis grinned. “You’ll be my key to ruling Equestria!” She cackled. Rarity kept a stern gaze, her eyes not straying from her so-called “queen.” “Even if you are telling the truth, I don’t know what you’d want from me. I lack changeling abilities.” Rarity pointed out. Chrysalis eyed Rarity carefully. “It seems the love blast from that pesky princess unlocked your changeling abilities.” Chrysalis sniffed the air. “I can practically smell your changeling magic from here. You’ll be craving love soon enough. And then you’ll come crawling to me, your Queen.” Rarity’s felt something inside of her snap, like a bottle shattering. Her stoic expression faltered, and a scowl spread on her face. “You are not my Queen, and I am a pony!” Rarity denied. She couldn’t be a changeling. She wasn’t a changeling! Queen Chrysalis only chuckled. “I’ll see you soon enough, my little larva,” Chrysalis said, disappearing from the mirror. The only thing left for Rarity to look at was her own broken reflection. > Spoiled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity stared at her reflection, memorizing every detail on her face. She didn’t look like a changeling. Changelings were nothing but ugly, vile creatures. Rarity was far prettier than the ones she had seen. Despite these excuses, she couldn’t help but think about last night. She could feel every changeling; she could understand them. It was as if she was made to understand them. Rarity shook her head. So what if she were a changeling?! Nothing would stop her from the life she was living before. She didn’t need to listen to some changeling queen to know her place in the world. She let out a content sigh, happy that chapter of her life was now closed. Her stomach gurgled, interrupting her thoughts. The mare brought her hoof to her stomach. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t eaten since the wedding reception. “This simply won’t do!” Rarity announced, walking away from the mirror. She was a lady! Changeling or not, a lady shouldn’t go that long without eating. Rarity trotted through her house, thoughts still running through her head. She didn’t see what the big deal was; changelings and ponies were practically the same. Rarity didn’t know why the conversation from last night bothered her so much. She chalked it up to sleep deprivation. She made a sharp turn, entering the kitchen. It was kept spotless, just as she left it before her trip. She opened her fridge, scouring the shelves for something to eat. Her eyes landed on a takeout container. Despite being a lady, she couldn’t help but indulge in a few unhealthy pleasantries. Rarity popped the container, taking a whiff of the food. Her stomach churned, and she suppressed a gag. Rarity’s hoof flew to her mouth, and she quickly turned away. “Oh, dear!” Rarity gasped, sputtering out a cough. She covered her nose, not wanting to inhale any more of the pungent odor. She knew that the container had been sitting in the fridge for a while, but by Celestia above was that rancid. Rarity stuck her tongue out, tossing the disgusting container into the garbage. She huffed, flipping her mane from her eyes. No matter, she could eat something else. Rarity opened a carton of eggs, picking up a hooful. Her stomach flipped, causing the mare to double over. Really, the eggs were rotten too? There had to be something in this house that wasn’t spoiled. Nothing. There was nothing in this house she could eat. Everything made her feel like vomiting.  Her garbage can was filled to the brim with her once fresh produce. All of that money was wasted! Rarity dramatically collapsed to the floor, throwing her hoof against her forehead. “This is utterly horrible!” Rarity shrieked, laying her face on the cool floor. Was everything in her house spoiled? It shouldn’t be; she had bought fresh groceries less than a week ago! Her stomach growled with hunger. She had to eat something. Her eyes landed on a stalk of celery that lay on her table. It was the only food she had left. She brought the celery to her eyes, inspecting it. It didn’t seem to be spoiled. No patches of mold or shriveled spots. Rarity gave it a tentative sniff. While it smelled fine, the scent made the mare's stomach gurgle uncomfortably. Rarity retched, tossing the stalk across the room. It hit the wall with a crisp ‘crunch.’ She stomped her hoof, letting out an annoyed groan. This was utterly ridiculous! Her stomach growled. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she eat? She put her hoof to her chin. Rarity did recall Chrysalis saying changelings only ate love. Is that why she couldn’t eat? Rarity huffed. Being a changeling shouldn’t affect her daily routine. There had to be a better solution. Maybe Twilight would be able to help. She was well educated, after all. Rarity gazed at the Golden Oaks library, feeling calmed by the familiarity. She knocked on the door, feeling the smooth oak under her hoof. The door opened, showing Twilight. Her face lit up at the sight of her friend. “Oh, hi, Rarity! What brings you here?” Twilight asked with a head tilt. Rarity opened her mouth to answer but was caught off guard by a smell. A sweet aroma flowed from Twilight, catching Rarity off guard. It reminded her of the smell from last night, but this smell had a herbal undertone. The scent made her stomach growl and her mouth water. “Rarity? Hello?” Twilight called, waving her hoof in front of her face. Rarity blinked back to reality. She quickly wiped the drool from her lips. How unladylike of her! “My apologies. I don’t know what came over me.” She mumbled an apology. She fixed her composure. “Do you think you have any book on changelings?” Rarity asked, veering past Twilight to look at the rows of books behind her. Twilight cocked her head, giving her friend a perplexed expression. “Changelings? Why would you want to read about them?” Twilight asked, scrunching her face in disgust and confusion. Rarity’s heart sped in her chest. “Yesterday's…encounter has been on my mind, and…” Rarity trailed off, trying to think of something to say. No matter what she said,  she would sound suspicious. To Rarity’s surprise, Twilight gave an understanding nod. “You want to learn more about them to ease your mind?” Twilight asked. Rarity sighed in relief, quickly nodding her head. “Yes, yes, that’s it!” Rarity agreed. It felt as if a weight was lifted from her chest. Twilight gave her a sweet smile, gesturing for Rarity to come inside. “You came at the perfect time! Last night, I found a book on changeling culture!” Twilight beamed. “It was written by a former changeling prisoner. Isn’t that fascinating?” She boasted, holding the book in front of Rarity. Rarity eyed the book. ‘My Life as A Prisoner’ the title read.  “Oh yes, that’s exactly what I need!” Rarity’s eyes lit up. She took the book from Twilight’s grasp, sitting down. She flipped open the book, skimming over the table of contents. Rarity’s eyes landed on what she was looking for; “A Changelings Diet.” She flipped to the page, beginning to read. Rarity’s breath hitched. Die? That seemed rather extreme, didn’t it? Surely a changeling could survive without harming others. “You doing alright? You got a little tense for a second.” Twilight asked, breaking the mare from her thoughts. Rarity put on her best smile. “Oh, I’m fine, darling.” Rarity glanced at the book in front of her. “May I borrow this? I just find it… fascinating.” She lied through her teeth. Twilight smiled, emitting more of that sickly smell. “Sure!” Twilight practically squealed. Rarity looked back down at the book, furrowing her brows. Rarity would prove Chrysalis wrong. She had to. She had to survive. > Smells > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First step to being an ordinary pony: Food. Though it might be tricky, it’s what Rarity needed to do to survive. She stared at a piece of toast that she had prepared for herself. Not jam or jelly to cover the bland taste. Just toast. Though it wasn’t much, it was enough to give her nutrients for the next few hours. As much as Rarity didn’t want to, it was better than eating ponies' love. It would be horrid if she did something like that. She had read the book she had borrowed from Twilight cover to cover, and Rarity had come to a simple conclusion. Changelings were simply vile. They were nothing but violent, hateful creatures. At least, that’s what she had read. She couldn’t risk becoming something so terrible. Rarity wearily gazed at the toast. Just the idea of eating made her feel sick. She inhaled, levitating the toast to her face. She shoved it in her mouth, trying to ignore the foul taste. She swallowed, suppressing a gag. She put her hoof to her mouth, letting out a shuddery exhale. She absolutely despised this, but this was the only way to survive. Rarity didn’t want to be like one of those creatures. Rarity looked at the clock that hung on the wall. It was best she get going now, or she’d be late for the fashion show. She popped up from her seat, wiping the crumbs from her mouth. Rarity put her hoof to her chest, inhaling deeply. She was a pony. Nothing more, nothing less. Rarity walked through the streets of Ponyville, levitating a large case behind her. Her eyes landed on a crowd of ponies entering the town hall.  On the front doors of town hall hung a large banner. “Adopt-a-thon Show Today!” It read in bold letters. She smiled, lifting her head high. It filled her with pride knowing that so many ponies were here to see her work. Well, it wasn’t all her work. Fluttershy had helped her with the designs. If this event went well, she could start an entire clothesline for animals! She could picture it now! Ponies lined outside her shop, asking for cute outfits for their pets. Rarity slipped past the crowd, making her way behind the building. A true artist always had a special entrance. She walked through the backdoor, feeling the cool air hit her skin. She placed her case on the floor, popping it open. Folded clothes lay neatly at the bottom, blending with the stage curtains. Rarity sighed lovingly, admiring the well-decorated building. It matched the event perfectly. Her eyes landed on her dear friend Fluttershy. Fluttershy stood at the stage, her head peeking through the curtains. She nervously gnawed on her hoof, her legs quivering under her.  “I’m here!” Rarity announced in a sing-song voice. Fluttershy turned around, giving Rarity a sweet yet relieved smile. “Oh, Rarity! I’m so glad you’re here!” Fluttershy welcomed, trotting up to her friend. “Well, I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Rarity said with a wink. She wrapped her arm around Fluttershy’s neck. “Now, let’s get ready. The show will start any minute!” She cheered, leading Fluttershy farther backstage. Fluttershy turned to her animals, leaning down to their height. “Miss Rarity will dress you in there. Okay?” Fluttershy explained, pointing to the dressing rooms. The animals quickly swarmed to Rarity’s hooves, now following her every move. Rarity thought it was rather adorable. “Quickly, quickly. We mustn’t waste any time.” She instructed, making a quick trot to the dressing rooms. Above her head, she leviated all of the clothing she had made. She led the animals into the dressing room, gently closing the door behind her. Rarity faced the animals, scanning through the group. “You’re first.” Rarity pointed to a beaver. It crawled over, staring at Rarity with wide, curious eyes. “Put your arms up.” She instructed the beaver. She obeyed, putting its arms up. Rarity slipped the sundress over its head, letting it fall at the beaver's sides. She looked in the mirror, staring in awe at the dress. She chittered to her animal friends, visibly excited about her new look. “Ok, who’s next?” Rarity called out. The animals swarmed to her hooves, excitedly hopping in place. A mix of smells hit Rarity, causing her smile to fade. The animals were just so kind to her. It made her chest burn and her headache. Her eyes burned as if someone had kicked sand in them. It was just all too much. Her tongue flicked from her mouth, a gravelly hiss emitting from her. Drool dripped from her lips, hitting the floor with a faint hiss. She brought her hoof to her mouth, pursing her lips shut. Did that hiss come from her? It couldn’t have! But the petrified look on the poor animals's faces proved her wrong. They trembled hopelessly, staring at Rarity with wide eyes. What had she done? “I’m so terribly sorry.” She apologized, stepping towards the animals. The animals scattered in different directions, their claws clattering across the floor. They hopped over the furniture in the room, knocking over tables and chairs. It was like a zoo, animals screeching left and right. This was just utter chaos. The door creaked open, catching Rarity’s attention. Fluttershy stood at the door, her mouth agape. “Oh no, what happened?!” Fluttershy asked, her face riddled with concern. Rarity looked between Fluttershy and the frightened animals. “I…” Rarity tried to think of an excuse. She looked back at the mess she had caused. “Not to be a bother, but can you finish dressing them? I need to get to the announcer's booth.” Fluttershy blinked in surprise. “Oh, uh, sure!” She responded. Rarity rushed past Fluttershy, keeping her head low. Rarity slammed the door behind her.  What was wrong with her? Scaring helpless animals was not a pony thing to do. Her heart pounded in her chest. She couldn’t believe that she had just…lost control over herself! It was so animalistic of her! She ran her tongue over her top row of teeth. Rarity froze. Did she have fangs?! Another quick prodding session showed that she did. Rarity groaned, shaking her head. She didn’t have time to deal with this changeling nonsense; Fluttershy needed her. Rarity walked up a flight of stairs, entering the announcer's booth. She swung the door open, staring at the room before her. It wasn’t much, just a counter, chair, and microphone. The booth was high up, giving a perfect view of the audience. It looked like a full house. The amount of ponies made her heart hammer in her chest. It wasn’t the size of the crowd; it was the smell. She didn’t know how she could smell them from here, she just could. In fact, the smell reminded her of the day of the wedding. It was the same sickeningly sweet scent. Rarity’s eyes widened. She was smelling their love. It was so clear now. She could feel everything the ponies below were. Rarity knew changelings ate love, but this was ridiculous. Her stomach growled once again, causing her to curl over in pain. She plopped in her seat, clutching her stomach. Rarity needed to hold herself together. If not for her, then for her business. More importantly, for Fluttershy. The lights dimmed, and pop music began to play. Rarity sighed, putting her hoof to her chest. Showtime. “Hello everypony! Welcome one and all to the first-ever Ponyville Adopt-a-thon!” Rarity announced. The audience cheered, easing her anxiety a bit. The spotlights shined at the back of the stage, revealing a possum. “Look at that wonderful ball gown worn by Sal the possum. One of my more avant-garde pieces.” A possum strutted down the runway, twirling happily. The gems on the dress shined under the light. The audience gasped in awe. Rarity leaned forward, staring at the ponies below. So much love filled the room. The room smelled like a buffet, the mixing scents making her stomach churn. Rarity anxiously swallowed, bringing the mic back towards her mouth. “Here comes Ronnie the beaver with her beautiful sundress! Designed after the Canterlot gardens.” The audience ‘oohed’ and ‘aaahed’ at her work. They were loving this! A little too much love for her liking. It made her head fuzzy. It was all too much. Rarity hissed into the mic, her body lurching forward. Her arms swung out, knocking the mic off the counter. She could hear the speakers screech from the sudden noise. A bubbling liquid rose in her throat, leaving a burning sensation. A corrosive substance shot from her mouth, sizzling when it hit the floor.  What was that? Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be some type of acid. It seeped through the floor. Was this yet another changeling thing? Just the mere sight of it made her feel woozy. Her legs began to feel weak under her. “Rarity, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked, pushing the door open. She rushed into the room, gasping at Rarity’s state. “Oh my, you look horrible!” Fluttershy gasped, rushing to Rarity’s side. Her love was far too pungent.  “No!” Rarity pushed Fluttershy away, suppressing a hiss. Fluttershy stumbled at the sudden excessive force, nearly falling over.  Rarity wanted to apologize, but her mind felt blank. ‘Feed feed feed’ her brain chanted. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Rarity hastily croaked, attempting to remain standing. “I think I just caught a bug.” Fluttershy nibbled at her hoof, looking between Rarity and the mic. “You should go home. You look like you need the rest.” Fluttershy suggested. Rarity’s face dropped. “B-but what about the show? Someone needs to be in here!” Rarity reminded. Fluttershy’s ears flattened, and she glanced down at the crowd. “I’ll…I’ll do it! I’ll finish the show by myself.” Rarity cocked her head. “Are you sure? It seems a little late for a change, doesn’t it?” Fluttershy shook her head, nudging Rarity out of the room. “Mhm! Now you go home and get rest, okay?” She instructed. Rarity hesitantly left the room, closing the door behind her. She stared at the closed door. Oh, how she wished she could control herself. Rarity couldn’t even last two animals before lashing out; It was ridiculous! She needed to get these disgusting urges under control. She would be a pony. > Wrinkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sat in the spa, sitting patiently in the waiting room. She closed her eyes, listening to the relaxing ambiance that filled the room. A soothing spa day could take her mind off this whole changeling ordeal. She looked at the clock that hung on the wall. It meticulously ticked away. Well, it would be a relaxing day if Applejack bothered to show up. Rarity huffed, leaning into her hoof. It was rather rude to keep a mare waiting. The front door swung open, and Applejack trotted in. She smiled apologetically, plopping on the couch next to her. “Sorry, I’m late. One of the pigs got out.” Applejack apologized. Rarity playfully scoffed, putting her hoof up to her forehead. “You took so long that I have wrinkles!” Rarity gasped. Applejack squinted, leaning closer to Rarity’s face. “Well, color me pink! You do have wrinkles!” Applejack pointed out in astonishment. Wrinkles? Now, that couldn’t be right. A mare of her stature should never get wrinkles! She should age flawlessly, like a delicate rose. Rarity looked at her reflection. Sure enough, she had fine creases across her forehead. She gasped in horror, nearly falling from her seat. This couldn’t be! She was meant to be a spry mare! Not some old hag. Applejack sympathetically pat Rarity’s back. “Aw, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone gets older eventually.” Applejack reassured with a sweet smile. Rarity stifled a gasp. She was smelling Applejack’s love. It smelled like freshly cut fruit, overly sweet. It reminded her of a fresh summer day. The smell made her stomach growl. It made her want to feed. She quickly stood up, waving her hoof to get an employee's attention. “Yoohoo! We’re ready for our treatment!” Rarity called out in a sing-song voice. “The usual, Miss Rarity?” Aloe asked. “Yes, yes, the usual is fine. But may inquire about anything for…” Rarity leaned in close. “Wrinkles?” She said, barely above a whisper. “Yes, of course!” Aloe nodded. “Right this way.”  She gestured for the mares to follow her. Rarity trailed behind her, trying to keep her head high. But it was hard knowing that she was aging so rapidly. She supposed Applejack was right; everyone does age eventually. “Here you are,” Aloe said, gesturing to two parallel bathtubs of mud. “Now we’re talking!” Applejack cheered, diving into the mud. It splashed up, causing Rarity to recoil. “Careful! I’m not ready to go in!” She scolded. Applejack gave Rarity a perplexed look, cocking her head. “How do you get ready for a mudbath?” Rarity laughed, throwing her head back. “How do you get ready for a mudbath? Applejack, you are simply hilarious!”  Rarity chuckled. Who wouldn’t know how to get ready for a mudbath? It was practically common knowledge! Aloe began to wrap seaweed around Rarity. It was smooth across her skin. It was tight, nearly cutting off her circulation. “Now I’m ready!” Rarity pointed out. Applejack rolled her eyes, leaning back in the mud. Rarity carefully stepped into the bath, feeling it slowly seep through the seaweed. Aloe gently brushed a cream across her face. It was cold, causing a chill to run up her spine. “Ooo, this is new.” Rarity gasped in surprise. Aloe smiled, nodding her head. “This will de-age your skin. No more wrinkles.” Aloe explained. Rarity sighed in relief, closing her eyes. This mask felt nice like it was massaging her face. “Woo-ee, this is exactly what I needed!” Applejack stretched, sinking deeper into the mud. “Darling, you work in the mud; how is this any different?” Rarity asked. Applejack shrugged. “It’s like you said, spa mud is different than ‘dirty farm mud.’”  Applejack reminded, mocking her posh tone. Rarity sighed, chuckling to herself. Applejack was right; she had said that. Rarity felt as if she were floating. After this, she would once again be spry. Who knows? Maybe she would look like a teen again! She placed cucumbers over her eyes, sighing with relaxation. This day is just what she needed. She didn’t need to think about love or food or changelings. It was just her today. Rarity’s mind slipped into a peaceful state, much to her relief. “I will take off the mask now,” Aloe warned. Rarity hummed in response. Aloe gently pushed her hooves under the face mask, peeling it. It pinched a bit but otherwise felt rather refreshing. Her skin felt smooth as if it was washed under fresh mint. “Oh my!” Aloe gasped, stepping back. She knocked over a table, the contents clattering off. Aloe eyed Rarity woefully, glancing away. “Is there an issue, dear?” Rarity asked. Aloe shook her head, turning around. “I…I will be back.” She muttered, rushing off. Rarity raised an eyebrow. “What was that about?” She thought aloud. “What in tarnation is all this ruckus about?” Applejack asked, lifting the cucumber from her eye. “Woahnelly!” She gasped, nearly slipping under. She stared at Rarity with a strained look. “Are you…feeling alright?” Applejack wearily asked. Rarity beamed. “Yes, dear, I’m feeling peachy! Why do you ask?” Rarity questioned, batting her eyelashes. “Well, your…uh…” Applejack stammered over her words. She slowly put the cucumber back over her eye, sinking into the mud once again. Lotus gasped, catching Rarity’s attention. Aloe stood behind her sister, anxiously nibbling at her hoof. Loutus quickly bowed. “Miss Rarity, we are so sorry. I-I don’t know how this happened!” She apologized. “What in Equestria are you talking about?” Rarity asked. Everyone was acting so strange. Aloe picked up a mirror, her hooves trembling. Rarity stared in horror. Her face was covered in even more wrinkles. She looked as if she had aged 50 years! Rarity shrieked, jumping from her bath. “What did you do to me?!” She shouted, clutching her face. The twins apologetically bowed again. “We are so sorry. You and Miss Applejack will get a free massage.” Lotus offered. Rarity sighed. There would be no harm in taking up the offer. They couldn’t make her any worse. Rarity lay on the massage table, humming with relief. Lotus’s hooves were like magic on her back. It was like she was directly massaging her bones. As relaxed as Rarity was, she couldn’t help but feel a tug at her heart. That treatment absolutely ruined her delicate skin. It could take her months to fix herself. She just felt so…old. Through her closed eyes, she saw a brief flash of green. Lotus’s once gentle hooves began to feel like forceful jabs. “Please be more gentle.” Rarity requested in between soft grunts. “Oh my!” Lotus gasped, jerking her hooves back. Rarity suddenly felt weak, as if she was on the verge of passing out. Rarity felt brittle as if her bones were severely weakened.  She slid off the table, her legs trembling beneath her. Her eyes veered to a mirror. She looked elderly!  Her legs were skinny, almost looking sickly. Rarity screamed, stumbling backward. She looked like she belonged in a home! “I’m hideous!” Rarity shrieked in pure horror. How did this happen from a massage? Applejack stood up from her table, staring at Rarity with shock. Rarity could see the disgust written on her friend's face. She stepped back, covering her horrendous new body. “Don’t look at me-he-heeeee!” She sobbed, bolting from the room. She felt absolutely disgusting. “Rarity, wait!” Applejack called after her. Rarity ignored her calls, skidding down the hall. She ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. She clicked the lock, pressing her back against the door. Rarity pressed her wrinkly hoof against her chest, feeling her heart pound. A knock came from the other side. “Rarity, you doing okay?” Applejack asked. Rarity sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Of course, I’m not doing okay! I’m elderly!” She sobbed. Applejack clicked her tongue, presumably leaning against the door. “It doesn’t matter what you look like. It’s what's on the inside that counts.” Applejack began. “Like your generosity! Heck, you’re the most generous pony I know. In fact-” Rarity began to tune Applejack out, feeling her stomach churn. As much as she loved Applejack’s affirming words, the smell of her love made her sick.  She delved deeper into the bathroom, ignoring Applejack’s heartwarming speech. Maybe if she blocked it out, she wouldn’t be able to smell her love. Rarity looked in the mirror once again. Did she get older? She had heavy eye bags that nearly reached her chin. She leaned into her reflection. What was going on? She stared at her reflection, watching her face begin to warp. Rarity blinked in surprise. Was she changing? Rarity stared at her saggy face. She ran her hoof across her cheeks. Maybe she could change back; it wouldn’t hurt to try. All she needed to do was picture herself. She closed her eyes, imagining herself. A beautiful, spry mare. Rarty inspected her face, feeling the sags and wrinkles retracting with a flash of green. She blinked in surprise. It worked? Rarity put her hoof to her chin. This did all start when she joked about having wrinkles. “If all it takes is state of mind…” Rarity trailed off. With a flash of green, she was back to her regular self. Rarity gleefully clapped her hooves. She did it; she changed! Her face quickly dropped. She changed. This changeling situation was getting out of hand. First love smelling, and now this? This might be too hard to hide. Rarity shook her head. No, she’ll be a pony until the end of time! All she needed to do was focus on her form until further notice. She opened her mouth, staring at her fangs. With a flash of green, they disappeared. There, now Rarity looked like an everyday pony! She hopped up, grateful for her healthy body. No need to mope around; she had a spa day to finish. “While I appreciate your sentiments, I no longer need them.” Rarity thanked. Applejack’s eyes lit up. “Rarity! You’re-” “Beautiful again? Indeed.” Rarity nodded. “Now, let’s go back to our day. We still have lots to do.” “You said it!” > Colors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity loved Canterlot. The sights, the ponies, and every single building impressed her. This is exactly what she needed. She needed new surroundings! She didn’t need to be cooped up in the same old town with the same old problems. Now that Rarity thought about it, her problems started in Canterlot. She shook her head. That didn’t matter; all that mattered was that she was having a day out. “Rainbow, dear, I can’t thank you enough for inviting me!” Rarity sighed in relief. “It’s no problem! I really wanted to see the Wonderbolts with someone.” Rainbow flapped her wings excitedly. Her stomach grumbled loudly, making her freeze in place. Rainbow hovered, tapping her chin. “Before the show, we should get something to eat. I think there’s Hayburger nearby.” Rainbow suggested.  Rarity almost chuckled at the statement. She had stopped attempting to eat a week ago. Of course, her dear rainbow-maned friend didn’t know that. Though, she still tried to humor her. “Why would we ever go to such a low-class fast food chain? We’re in Canterlot, for Celestia’s sake!” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Canterlot Schmanterlot, Hayburgers is good.” She defended. “It’s just a burger. You can get one anywhere.” Rarity retorted. Rainbow Dash sputtered, her jaw hanging open. “It’s not just a burger! It’s like heaven in your mouth!” Rainbow proclaimed. “It’s like eating a cloud, it’s like-” Rarity began to tune out Rainbow Dash’s rant. As much as she loved her friend, she couldn’t handle another love-filled rant. She had ranted about the Wonderbolts for the entire train ride; Rarity had almost lost control of herself right then and there.  She began to admire the streets of Canterlot. They never failed to impress her with the spotless pavement and luxurious buildings. Rarity’s eyes followed a mare who strutted down the streets. The mare had long legs, sauntering down the pavement. Rarity sighed in awe. Oh, how Rarty wished that she had legs like that. Long and slender, absolutely perfect for modeling. Rainbow landed next to Rarity, pointing towards a rather fancy-looking building. “You see that? That’s where the Wonderbolts are…” Rainbow trailed off, and she began to eye Rarity curiously. She put her hoof to her forehead, inching it toward Rarity’s chest. Once her hoof hit her chest, Rainbow cocked her head. “Have you always been this tall?” She asked. Rarity looked at her legs, stretching them out. They did seem a little longer. She shrugged. “I suppose I have.” Rainbow shook her head, pointing to the building again. “That’s where the Wonderbolts are staying! Isn’t that awesome?!” Rainbow excitedly pointed out. ‘I must say, that’s quite a fancy building.” Rarity commented, eyeing a passing stallion. While his mane was utterly unruly, the color matched perfectly with her new fabric. She had to take note of that color. “Psh, yeah! Only the best for the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow stated as if it were obvious. “Oh. My. Gosh!” Rainbow shrieked happily. She bolted to a store, pressing her face against the window. Rarity sighed. If she kept chasing Rainbow like this, her legs were sure to fall off.  Rarity quickened her trot to a light jog. Unfortunately, she wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings. She collided head-first into a mare. “My apologies!” Rarity gasped, taking a step back. The mare only huffed, throwing her head back. She continued to trot past Rarity. For a mare with such a pretty pink coat, she had quite the attitude. Rarity wasn’t going to let one rude mare ruin her day. Rarity kept her head high, catching up to her rainbow friend. Rainbow Dash excitedly pressed her hoof on the glass. “Do you see that? Those are perfect replicas of the Wonderbolts uniforms!” Rarity rolled her eyes. They had been wandering the streets for nearly an hour; it was getting rather sickening. As much as Rarity loved Canterlot, she would also love to sit down. “As much as I love your enthusiasm, shouldn’t we be getting to the stadium?” Rarity asked. Rainbow’s head whipped around, eyeing Rarity curiously. She looked around as if she were looking for someone. Her eyes met Rarity’s once again. “Do I…know you?” Rainbow shifted uncomfortably. Rarity scoffed, playfully rolling her eyes. “Enough with the jokes, darling. Are we going to the stadium now or not?” Her own voice startled her. She slapped her hoof over her muzzle. She didn’t sound like herself. Rainbow Dash gave her an odd look, inching away. “Yeah…sure. I’ll…see you around.” Rainbow dashed off, leaving Rarity alone. “Rainbow, where are you going?” Rarity called, chasing after her friend. Unfortunately, her friend was much faster. Rarity slowed down, catching her breath. She groaned, stomping her foot. Now wasn’t a time for her little pranks! “When I catch her, I’ll be sure to-woah!” Rarity cut off, catching a glimpse of herself in a store window. Or rather, not herself. She staggered back, blinking in surprise. Was that her? Rarity curiously waved her hoof. The reflection waved back. Rarity hastily looked around. Did anyone notice her changing? It didn’t seem like anyone did. She leaned toward the glass, inspecting her new form. Now that Rarity got a good look at herself, she couldn’t blame Rainbow for not recognizing her. Even she wouldn’t know it was her. Her coat was a pale pink, and her once luxurious mane was now a bold blue. She whined, running her hoof through her mane. Her once-tight curls were now loose, falling to her shoulders. She even grew a couple of inches. The only thing that remained the same was her blue eyes. How did this happen? She had changed before, but never to this extent. Was being a changeling really this complicated? She knew changing only took a few thoughts, but she would’ve never guessed it came this easily. Rarity looked at a nearby clock tower. She had half an hour until the show started. “Alright, I need to figure this out.” She muttered. All she had to do was change back to normal; it shouldn’t be that hard. Rarity looked around, noticing the ponies surrounding her. Well, she couldn’t change here! She needed to be somewhere private. No need to cause a mass panic. Rarity looked up, staring at the bookshop. She hastily trotted into the store, walking straight to the counter. “Pardon me, may I use your facilities?” Rarity asked. Though she was in a hurry, it was rather rude to use a business’s restroom without asking. The uptight-looking stallion’s eyes remained on his book, not giving Rarity the time of day. “They’re over there.” He responded, pointing past her. She made a mad dash to the bathroom, weaving through bookshelves. She ran into the bathroom, her hooves slipping over the too-clean floors. Rarity locked the door behind her, looking in the mirror. She winced. She looked worse than she had thought. Alright, all she had to do was change. She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to envision herself. She couldn’t remember what she looked like. Rarity’s eyes snapped open. Why couldn’t she remember what she looked like? She looked back at her reflection. She couldn’t stay like this stranger forever. Was this what being a changeling had resorted to? Not being able to remember who she was?  Rarity’s stomach grumbled. Perhaps it was the lack of nutrients that was making her scatter-brained. But what was she meant to do? Eat someone's love? She was a peaceful changeling, not one of those disgusting ones. “No need to panic. I’m sure I could think of something.” Rarity hastily reassured, pacing through the bathroom. Looking at pictures of herself was out of the question. Maybe if she felt more like herself, she could be herself. Rarity always felt like herself when she was sewing. She shook her head; she didn’t have time for that! An idea popped into her head. While she couldn’t sew, she could do the next best thing. Rarity entered a fabric shop, keeping her head low. Being an artist, she had memorized every color that she came across. It was more of a habit than anything. Surely, her colors were stored somewhere in her brain. First things first, her height. Rarity approached a mannequin, getting so close that their muzzles were nearly touching. Her height was easy to replicate. She was never taller than her mannequins. Standing in front of them for hours assured her of that. Rarity looked around the mostly empty shop. To her relief, no one was looking at her. She quickly transformed, shrinking to her usual height. Rarity stretched her hindquarters. That was much better. Rarity began to wander the shop, admiring each fabric. A certain silk caught her eye. It was covered in frills as if it could be used to make a coaster. Rarity ran her hoof across the smooth fabric. There was a pang of familiarity with the color. Her coat was white. But not just white; a blueish cyan, to be exact. With a flash of green, her fur turned back to her beautiful shade of white. Rarity looked at her hooves, a smile spreading across her face. Now, to deal with this mane. It simply wasn’t her style. Rarity continued her trot through the store, her chest feeling lighter. Under different circumstances, she had to be sure to visit this shop again. All of the materials were simply to die for, though a little out of her price range. “Ooo, what’s this?” Rarity asked, eyeing a purple fabric. She admired it, levitating it above her head. “This would make for an excellent robe.” Rarity said in awe. Now she definitely recognized this color. Purply blue, to be precise. It was the color she’d see for hours while styling her mane. Rarity felt her mane bounce to its regular shape. Did it work? Rarity rushed to a nearby mirror. Sure enough, her coat was white, and her mane was purple, just as it was meant to be. Rarity beamed. She was herself again. “I’m here!” Rarity announced, plopping next to her friend. “Where have you been?” Rainbow asked. “I thought you got lost!” Rarity let out a nervous chuckle. “Who wouldn’t get lost in the marvelous streets of Canterlot?” She deflected. Rainbow let out a playful raspberry. “Yeah, yeah. Canterlot is just soooo cool.” She responded, playfully nudging Rarity. “I’m just glad you made it in time.” Rainbow wrapped her wing around her torso. The familiar scent of love hit Rarity's nostrils. Rarity unwrapped herself from her friend's wing, attempting to inch away. She fanned herself with her hoof. “Rainbow, darling, it’s much too hot for so much physical contact!” Rarity excused. Before Rainbow could answer, the speakers above crackled. “Put your hooves together for…the Wonderbolts!” The speakers blared. The crowd erupted into cheers. Rarity let a sigh of relief, looking to the sky. Rarity could hold herself together. She could. > Sweets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity stood in Sugarcube Corner, leaning on the counter. This is what she really needed a day in with her bubbly friend. Being in a crowd was just terrible for her…condition. That's how she chose to view it. A condition. She shook her head, ringing the little bell on the counter. “Pinkie, yoohoo! I’m here!” Rarity announced. The kitchen doors swung open, a pink blur shooting from them. She was practically vibrating on the spot. “Rarity!” Pinkie shouted, wrapping her arms around Rarity. “We haven’t hung out since the wedding! And that was, like, forever ago.” As much as Rarity loved Pinkie, there was a reason she hadn’t been around Pinkie. Rarity absolutely adored her, but she knew the mare was overly loving. Rarity sniffed. Her love was strong, smelling of cotton candy and cake. But she couldn’t avoid Pinkie Pie forever, now could she? Pinkie was one of her closest friends! She would just have to endure it. “You know how busy I can be with the boutique.” Rarity hastily explained, slipping out of her friend's love-filled grip. Pinkie quickly nodded. “Mhm! I’m just glad you’re here. Now we can bake cupcakes!” Pinkie exclaimed, cartwheeling over the counter. She continued her cartwheel into the kitchen. Rarity chuckled, following her bubbly friend. On the counters were various ingredients. It looked like far too much to be one type of cupcake. “What type of cupcakes are we making again?” Rarity asked. Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up. “Today, we’ll be making every. Cupcake. Ever!” Pinkie cheered, waving her hooves around. Rarity chuckled, leaning on the counter. “As much as I’d love to do that, I don’t think it’s possible.” Rarity reminded. “Well, not every cupcake.” Pinkie clarified. “But this is the chance to be creative! I just know you’ll do an amazing job!” She encouraged. Rarity looked back at the ingredients. While Rarity wasn’t typically the baking type, she could push through. Just for today. She attempted to levitate a bowl, but her head began to pound. Rarity nearly fell over, catching herself on the counter. Was not eating love draining her that much? To the point where she couldn’t do a simple levitation spell? Rarity leaned into her hooves, massaging her temple. “You alright? You look a little woozy.” Pinkie asked, gently placing her hoof on Rarity’s back. The white mare jumped back, quickly nodding her head. “Yes, yes, I’m quite alright. I just stumbled, that’s all.” Rarity quickly turned back to the counter, avoiding Pinkie’s confused stare. She needed to get her head in the game. Magic or no magic, she will be making sweet treats. First things first, flour. She wrapped her hooves around the bag of flour, trying her darndest to not let it slip out. Rarity was suddenly aware of how little she used her hooves. The bag just felt so…foreign in her hooves. Being a fashion designer meant she had to sew with her magic. Sewing with her hooves would be simply taxing on her. Rarity looked at Pinkie. She was using her hooves with no problem! If Pinkie could do it, so could she. She huffed, tilting the bag over. Flour poured out, filling her bowl to the brim.  “It looks like you’ll be having flour cupcakes!” Pinkie joked with a giggle.  Rarity laughed back dryly, trying to enjoy her friend’s lighthearted jest. She could feel the annoyance swelling in her chest. The mare shook her head. She could do this. “How have you been? It’s been quite a well since we’ve spoken.” Rarity inquired. Maybe if she got Pinkie to ramble, she could concentrate on baking. It always worked when Sweetie Belle spoke. “Well, Monday, I went to go see Applejack. She had a lot of apples and needed me to help her make nearly a million apple fritters! Can you believe it?” Pinkie began to ramble. Rarity hummed in response, beginning to tune her friend out. The mare began to add in the rest of her dry ingredients, albeit very messily. She knew for a fact that her measurements were off. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she got the task done. She picked up an egg between her hooves, trying to lightly tap it on the counter. Instead, it shattered, yolk dripping out. She lifted the egg above the bowl, watching the shell and yolk drip in. Rarity grumbled, staring at the eggshells. Maybe the shells wouldn’t be noticed after being baked. She picked up a carton of milk, awkwardly shuffling it in her hooves. The milk overfilled the bowl, spilling onto the counter. Rarity recoiled in disgust, quickly picking the bowl up. “Eugh!” She shrieked in horror. She was nearly at her wit's end. Rarity just wanted to get this done with. She tucked the bowl between herself and the counter. Rarity teetered a large serving spoon in one hoof, plunging it in the mess of a batter. She began to stir, the dough splashing into her pristine white fur. Rarity suppressed a gag. She slammed the bowl onto the counter. Rarity was officially over it. Her fur was a mess, and her cupcakes were going to end up terrible. Rarity stared at her batter in pure disgust. She wasn’t even sure if she could call it batter. It was clumpy and filled with eggshells.  Rarity looked at Pinkie’s batter. It was perfect. No lumps or eggshells. It was even the right color! She looked back at her bowl. It was far too thick, and instead of being a pretty beige, it was a dark, sludgy brown, nearly black. “Oh, Pinkie, how do you do it?” Rarity asked with a tired sigh. Pinkie cocked her head. “Do what?” “Make such perfect cupcakes. I have to say, it’s quite impressive.” Pinkie shrugged, balancing a few trays on her head. “I dunno. I guess I’m just a natural.” She spun the pans onto the counter, sliding one to Rarity. She picked up the ladle with her teeth, shakily scooping up the batter. Rarity attempted to pour it in neatly, but it mostly got on the counter. Rarity annoyedly rubbed her muzzle, squeezing her eyes shut. She felt a plethora of emotions. Rage, sadness, disappointment. Pinkie Pie whisked the cupcake pans away, sliding them into the oven. “Now for the frosting!” Pinkie slid a frosting bag to Rarity. “I’ll make it, and you bag it!” She instructed, beginning to pour the ingredients. Before Rarity knew it, Pinkie was done with the first batch. That mare sure was quick when it came to pastries. “Here you go!” Pinkie slid the bowl to Rarity. Rarity pried at the frosting bag, holding it open with her hooves. She carefully picked the spoon with her mouth, attempting not to spill a single drop. The ladle flipped back, wacking Rarity square on the nose. Frosting dripped from her face. Rarity softly groaned, angrily dropping the frosting bag and the spoon. Why couldn’t Rarity get this right? If she wasn’t a changeling, she could be normal! Her gaze veered over to Pinkie, who happily stirred her next batch of frosting. Pinkie Pie was never the judgemental type. She would be friends with anyone. “Pinkie, would you…” Rarity paused, trying to find her words. “Would you be friends with a changeling?” Pinkie hummed, rubbing her chin. “Well, not a mean changeling, not like the ones at the wedding. They have to be super duper nice!” Pinkie compromised. Rarity bit her lip. “But what if they need to eat love? Doesn’t that scare you?” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Then I’ll give them all the love I can!” “You saw how weak it made Shining Armor. What if it makes you that weak, too?” “Then I’ll eat more for energy!” There was just no reasoning with Pinkie, was there? She was too nice to even see the potential danger Rarity might become. She could feel Pinkie’s love from across the room, and it was nearly sickening. “Pinkie, you’re so-” Rarity began before she felt an all too familiar feeling creeping up her chest. A deep shudder ran up her spine. “Rararagh!” She hissed, her tongue flicking from her mouth.  She quickly clamped her hoof over her mouth. Great heavens; she hadn’t meant to do that. Rarity stared at Pinkie with wide eyes. Had she noticed? Surely, she had to. To her surprise, Pinkie only laughed. “That was a funny noise! Rararagh!” Pinkie copied Rarity’s stance, letting out a mocking hiss. She continued her giggles, bouncing towards the oven.  Rarity admired her pink friend. Pinkie Pie was the perfect example of a pony. She was strong and fast with her hooves. Raity’s fur was matted with batter, while Pinkie’s was perfectly clean. Rarity was nothing but a changeling. A weak changeling, at that. “Here they are!” Pinkie exclaimed, showing Rarity both trays. Even without frosting, Pinkie’s cupcakes look magnificent. Rarity scrunched up her face at her cupcakes. They were charred black and not fully risen. They look inedible. Despite this, Pinkie stared at them like they were the most amazing things in the world. “Oooo, these look tasty!” Pinkie said in awe. Before Rarity could stop her, Pinkie popped one of the cupcakes in her mouth. “Mmm, these are super duper yummy! You should try one.” She shoved a cupcake towards Rarity. Rarity clamped her mouth shut, edging Pinkie’s hoof away. “No, no, I’m quite alright.” Rarity brushed off. Her eyes went to Pinkie’s cupcakes. “When you’re done decorating, may I have a few cupcakes? I think Sweetie Belle will absolutely adore them.” Pinkie Pie beamed. “Of course! Now let’s get frostin’!” Rarity groaned, thumping her head on the counter. > Sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity lay on the floor of the boutique. The tiles were cool against her all-too-hot skin. She whined, rolling onto her back. Her legs dangled hopelessly in the air. “Uuuuugh.” Rarity groaned, cradling her aching stomach. It felt like her insides were eating itself. The ceiling above her spun, making her stomach feel worse than it already did. Rarity squeezed her eyes shut. Why must she be cursed to have a changeling diet? It felt like she was dying! Rarity just wanted to lay here until the feeling passed. Or until she passed of starvation. Unfortunately, the doorbell rang. The ringing was much too high-pitched for Rarity’s ears in this feeble state. Who in their right mind would come at this hour? “We’re closed!” Rarity proclaimed, hoping whoever was at the door would go away.  Unfortunately, the ringing only got more persistent. The white mare groaned, rolling onto her stomach. Rarity shakily stood up, careful not to topple over. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” She mumbled, making a weary trot to the door. She pushed the door, it slowly creaking open. To her surprise, Sweetie Belle stood eagerly at the door. She happily bounced in place. Rarity peeked her head out the door, looking around. No parents in sight. “Sweetie Belle, what are you doing here?” Rarity asked. Sweetie Belle gave her sister a silly look. “Mom and Dad are out of town again. They made sure to remind you this time.” She informed, happily skipping in. Rarity had completely forgotten about their little sleepover! This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. She could hardly care for herself right now; how was she meant to watch over a child? “What are we gonna do? Makeovers? Scary stories?” Sweetie asked, prancing excitedly. Rarity sighed, rubbing her hoof across her face. “How about we…” Rarity racked her brain, trying to think of anything. Unfortunately, her empty stomach was messing with her brain. “Can we have dinner? I’m starving.” Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity’s eyes lit up. “Of course we can. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Sweetie Belle ran ahead of Rarity, her hooves tapping across the floor. Rarity trailed behind her sister, trying to stop her legs from trembling. She needed to get herself together. Rarity had a guest over. And she didn’t want to worry her dear little sister. Rarity turned into the kitchen, seeing Sweetie Belle. She stood at the fridge, rummaging through the shelves. The filly gasped, wrapping her hooves around a large box. She held the box above her head, a look of awe across her face. “Rarity, can I eat these?!” Sweetie Belle asked, giving her sister puppy-dog eyes. Rarity gazed through the plastic of the pastry box. It was filled with Pinkie’s cupcakes. Beautifully decorated, just as she remembered. Her eyes flickered back to her hopeful sister. Usually, Rarity would insist that she needed real food, but she didn’t have real food. She couldn’t let her dear sister know that. Rarity put on her best scolding face, puffed cheeks and all. “I suppose, but just this once.” She said with a shake of her hoof. Sweetie Belle beamed, happily bounding to the table. “Thanks, Rarity! You’re the best!” Sweetie Belle cheered, flipping the box open. Even from across the room, Rarity could feel her sister's love. She held her breath, trying not to inhale the sweet smell. Rarity could do this. She always sat with Sweetie Belle when she ate; it would be weird if she didn’t do it now. Rarity puffed out her chest, making her way to the dining table. She sat cautiously next to Sweetie Belle. This wasn’t too bad. Sweetie Belle gave a frosting-filled smile. “These are super good!” Sweetie Belle complimented. She scooped up a cupcake, thrusting it into Rarity’s face. “Try one!” Rarity shrieked, scrunching her face in disgust. “Keep those things away from me!” Rarity shouted, shoving the cupcake from Sweetie Belle's hooves. It hit the floor with a pathetic ‘splat.’ Sweetie Belle looked at her older sister; confusion riddled across her face. “My apologies, I don’t know what came over me.” Rarity grimaced at her unladylike act. She needed to get ahold of herself! Her eyes veered to the splattered cupcake. “Sweetie, can you be a dear and clean that up? Maybe you can get a cutie mark for cleaning.” Rarity attempted to negotiate. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, getting up from her seat. “If you wanted me to clean, you could’ve just asked.” She mumbled, going for the paper towels. Rarity leaned into her hoof, taking a few composing breaths. She could do this. One guest wasn’t going to expose her little secret. “I’m done.” Sweetie Belle said, tossing the napkins into the trash. She paused, pondering for a moment. “Can we go to the movies?” Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity cringed at the thought. Going out in this state wasn’t ideal in the slightest. “Sweetie, darling, don’t you have something else you need to be doing?” She inquired. Sweetie Belle frowned, hanging her head low. “Well…I guess I have some homework.” Sweetie Belle pouted. “Perfect, you go do that. I’ll be in my workshop.” Ratiy said, trotting out the room. That would surely keep Sweetie Belle busy until bedtime. Rarity sat at her workstation, groggily picking at some fabric. She couldn’t just laze around when someone was over. She needed to at least act like she was normal. Rarity ran her hooves over the fabric, mimicking the motion of sewing. Her head ached far too much to actually turn her sewing machine on. The soft hum of the device would surely send her into a craze. The door squeaked open, catching her attention. She swiveled around, seeing Sweetie Belle. She stood at the door, a notebook in her mouth. “Rarity, can you help me with this question? I can’t seem to get it.” Sweetie asked, tossing the notebook next to the sewing machine. Rarity looked at Sweetie Belle. She held a look of admiration in her eyes. Her love was just too much. Rarity looked back at her fabric, squeezing her eyes shut. She tried to conceal the trembling of her hooves. She needed to find some control. “Sweetie…I need you to go to bed now.” The filly frowned, cocking her head. “But…you told me to do my homework.” She pointed out. “Go to bed!” Rarity hissed, stomping. Sweetie Belle squeaked, scattering out of the room. She slammed the door behind her. Rarity stomped around her room, letting out a few grunts. She reared her legs, slamming her hooves into a mannequin. The head flew off, smacking to a wall. She snarled, pacing around her room. “Why can’t Sweetie Belle just do what she’s told? Why are ponies so meddling? Always getting into changelings business.” Rarity hissed. She froze, slapping her hoof across her mouth. What was she doing? She was thinking like a changeling! Rarity shuddered at the thought. Guilt began to wrack Rarity’s heart. She was far too harsh to Sweetie Belle. She was only a filly. Perhaps she should check on her? Make sure she didn’t hurt her feelings too badly. Rarity exited her room, keeping her head low. She couldn’t believe she had lashed out in such a way. She was a grown mare; she had grown out of such temper tantrums. Her walk slowed to a pace as she approached the door. Rarity let out a sigh, composing herself. All she needed to do was apologize, give her a big hug, and get on with her night. It’ll solve that previous outburst. “Sweetie…?” Rarity whispered, pushing the door open. To her surprise and relief, Sweetie Belle was already sleeping. Her chest rose and fell at a steady rate. Rarity let out a sigh of relief, backing out of the room. Before she closed the door, a scent caught her attention. It was alluring, nearly knocking her off her hooves. She couldn’t stop herself from following the smell. The mare ended up at the foot of her sister's bed. It was her. Rarity stared at the mass under the covers, beginning to salivate. Sweetie Belle just smelled so… delicious. Her love was piquant, smelling like the fanciest taffy in the world. While Rarity wasn’t a fan of such sweets, but this…this was much too sweet to resist.  Rarity was sure that Sweetie Belle wouldn’t mind a little taste. They were sisters, after all, and sisters shared everything. Rarity was sure that Sweetie Belle would be fine. She was a strong filly, after all. She’d bounce back. She unhinged her jaw, feeling her magic sparking up. Whatever she was doing, it felt natural. It felt like something she should’ve done ages ago. Sweetie Belle shifted, her eyes peeking open. She smiled warmly. “I love you, Rarity.” She sleepily muttered, drifting back to sleep. Rarity’s breath hitched. Her eyes veered to a mirror. Her fangs were out, and drool dripped from her lips. Her eyes glowed a ghastly blue. She nearly looked demonic. Rarity staggered back, clasping her hoof over her mouth. She let out a muffled sob, stumbling out of the room. The changeling collapsed to the floor, shoving her face into her hooves. Rarity let out another hiss, corrosive acid shooting from her mouth. She let out a haggard cough. Rarity held back a disgusted scream. She couldn’t be a pony. She was just a changeling. She was going to eat her sister's love, for Celestia’s sake! No pony would ever think of such a thing! She deserved to be sent away! Locked in the deepest dungeon! Rarity couldn’t even be sure that locking her away would fix her hunger. How was she meant to protect her friends when she couldn’t control herself? If Rarity couldn’t be locked away, then she needed to leave. She stood up with shaky legs, moving like a newborn fawn. She staggered down the hall, making her way to the main hallway.  Soon, the fake pony stood at the front door. Rarity swung the door open, feeling the cool night air in her face. She turned around, staring at her house one last time. It was a shame to see her life’s work go to waste like this, but it was truly for the best. She hoped that Sweetie Belle would grow up into a fine young mare. Rarity inhaled, stepping into the crisp dirt. This was a trek to a new life. Rarity didn’t know where she was going. For once, she'd just had to listen to her instincts. > Journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity ambled through a thin forest, her weary legs barely carrying her. The air was humid and had a disgusting, mossy smell. How long had she been traveling? Days? Weeks? Months? She couldn’t tell; the days blurred by. Rarity shook her head, trying to collect her thoughts. She didn’t know where she was going. But as long as it was far from Equestria, she would simply have to deal with it. Rarity’s stomach growled, and her mouth felt dry. She groaned, throwing her head back. “Not again…” Rarity whined, prodding at her empty stomach. Throughout her journey, she had only been able to eat the brittle forest grass. It made her stomach churn, but it at least gave her a little bit of energy. Rarity began to scan her surroundings, looking for another horrid plant to eat. Instead, her gaze wandered to a little mouse. It rubbed its face with its paws, scurrying towards a puddle. She licked her lips. If it was alive, it had love, didn’t it? Rarity would never stoop that low, but…she did need food. And a lady mustn’t starve herself. If she didn’t resort to eating love, she was sure to die out here. Rarity began to salivate, her mind growing foggy. She needed to eat. She crouched down, shuffling on her hooves. A pinch of love wouldn’t hurt, would it? It was just a little mouse; who would care if she took a bite? The mare stalked the rodent, crouching close to the ground. Rarity’s eyes followed its every move. She shuffled forward, licking her lips. She lit up her horn, attempting to grab the feeble rodent. Unfortunately, Rarity’s horn defied her. Her horn sparked, a migraine rippling across her temple. “Eep!” She squeaked, bringing her hooves to her aching head. The mouse's ears twitched before it made a mad dash into a bush. Rarity bolted up, attempting to chase the mouse. Unfortunately, her legs gave out. Rarity collapsed to the ground, pebbles scraping her knees. Dust matted into her fur. Rarity watched as the mouse scattered out of sight. Rage swelled in Rarity’s chest. She shrieked, kicking her legs into the air. She bellowed until her face turned red. She was a terrible pony, a terrible changeling, and she was a mess! She wanted to go home! Rarity hated this weather, and she hated this forest! Her skin was clammy, and she was just sure she smelled rancid. Oh, how she wish she could be in the spa, getting her worries massaged away. Rarity panted, her face turning to its usual white. She sighed, standing up. Now that she was done with her temper tantrum, she needed to continue her unknowing trek. She could eat real food when she got to her destination. Not some nasty love. Where was she going again? Rarity paused, looking at her surroundings. The air smelled moist and grassy. She stuck her tongue out and scrunched her nose.  Rarity’s ear twitched. Left. Rarity needed to go left. She didn’t know why she needed to go left;  she just did. This is how she had been getting around. Listening to the weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. Rarity felt like she was on the verge of death. Her legs ached, and her hooves were beginning to blister. But Rarity couldn’t stop now; she was close to where she needed to be; she could feel it. Rarity sniffed the air. The air smelled familiar, like a childhood home. Rarity’s tired walk turned into an excited trot. She exited the forest, finding a clearing. She was starting to think she’d be trapped in that forest forever. It was rather refreshing to see something other than trees and grass. Rarity carefully walked to the edge of the clearing, stopping at the edge of a cliff. In the distance stood a tower. It looked like it was made of stone and covered in thousands of holes. Rarity stared at the massive tower, squinting curiously. Some…things swarmed around the building, looking like little bugs. Rarity needed to go there; she had to. It felt terrible, yet…it felt like home. This is where her body had been telling her to go. She looked over the ledge. It wasn’t too far of a drop, but she certainly couldn’t jump. Rarity carefully stepped over the edge, lowering herself over it. She fell flat onto her flank, sliding down the ledge. Rarity rubbed her sore bottom, huffing. “Oooow.” She muttered. That was much less graceful than she had planned. Rarity stretched her hindquarters, beginning to walk towards the tower. What could lie inside? Fabric? Riches? The possibilities were endless. If her heart had led her here, maybe she deserved what it was inside. What if it was a cure for being a changeling?! Rarity could go back home! Her excited trot turned into a hopeful prance. The closer she got, the more buzzing she heard. It sounded like disgusting flies. Rarity scrunched her face in disgust. What were those things? She squinted, trying to make out the blurry figures. Her eyes widened. Changelings. Rarity ducked behind a boulder, clamping her hoof over her muzzle. Why did her instincts lead her here, of all places? She knew it made sense but didn’t want to believe it. She needed to get out of here fast. She’d rather spend a thousand more years in that dreadful forest than be here. Rarity turned on the bulbs of her hooves, keeping her body close to the ground. Rarity came face to face with a changeling. The changeling hissed, picking Rarity up with a magical grasp. “Put me down, you ruffian!” Rarity scolded, kicking at the changeling's head. The creature clamped its teeth onto Rarity’s leg. The mare twisted her body, letting out a guttural screech. Rarity lunged her head forward, her temple colliding with the changelings. The changeling stumbled back, releasing its grip. Rarity stood low to the ground, her horn shining threateningly. She might not have much in her, but she needed to fight. The changeling let out another threatening hiss, charging at Rarity. Rarity attempted to move, but her legs locked up. The awful creature pinned her legs to the ground, towering over her. And with that, Rarity passed out. “Get up, weakling.” Someone hissed, nudging at Rarity’s head. Rarity groggily opened her eyes, her head aching. The floor below her was cold, nearly making her tremble. Rarity’s eyes widened. Queen Chrysalis. Rarity wanted to run, but her body couldn’t move. Chrysalis smirked. “Look at you; you came crawling, just as I said you would.” She eyed Rarity, circling her feeble form. Rarity opened her mouth to respond, but only a pathetic squeak was formed. “It’s just as I thought. You’re weak.” Chrysalis taunted. Rarity tried to stand up, but Chrysalis pressed her hoof into her back. It was cold and bony, feeling like a ton. Rarity collapsed to the ground. “I want to go home.” Rarity croaked out. Chrysalis gave Rarity a fake pitied pout. “This is your home now.” She clarified. “And with your help, we can infiltrate Equestria! Starting with that puny love princess and her boy toy.” Chrysalis spat out. “What are you going to do? Kidnap them? You can’t even get in. They’ve doubled…no tripled the security since your attack.” Rarity lied through her teeth. Chrysalis only laughed. “Oh, I’m not going to do it.” She snorted. “You are.” Queen Chrysalis shot a magic beam, hitting Rarity’s forehead. For a brief second, it hurt. It felt like a piercing in her brain. But then, it felt marvelous. Her stomach felt full, and all of her worries washed away. For the first time in a month, Rarity felt truly happy. She looked up at Queen Chrysalis, a loving smile on her face. “At your service, my queen.” Rarity bowed. Chrysalis puffed out her chest, grinning menacingly. “Now, let us get started.” Shining Armor and Princess Cadence walked down the empty streets of Canterlot. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the streets. “I just think training periods should be longer. The guards could barely handle the changelings.” Shining Armor said with a shrug. Cadence nodded, following her husband's ramblings. “Hello there.” Someone greeted in a sing-songy tone, breaking their conversation. Shining Armor nearly jumped from his skin, twirling on his hooves. “Who goes there?” Shining Armor shouted, defensively standing in front of Cadence. Someone stood in an alleyway, their smile practically glowing in the dark. Cadance squinted, leaning on her front hooves. “Rarity?” She muttered. The alicorn's eyes lit up. “Rarity! Where have you been? Your friends have been worried sick!” Cadence asked, nudging past her husband. Rarity had an unnaturally wide smile on her face. Her face quickly dropped as if she remembered something dire. “You have to come quickly. Twilight got attacked by changelings!” Rarity shrieked. They gasped. “I’ll get back-up!” Shining Armor lept into action. Rarity yanked the stallion back, shaking her head. “There’s no time, we have to go now!” Rarity instructed. She began to run, leading the pair to the outskirts of Canterlot. She could hear the pair close behind. Soon, she led them far from Canterlot. Far enough from any buildings or ponies. “She’s over there!” Rarity pointed to a field. A purple unicorn lay, her breathing ragged. “Twilight!” Cadence shouted, rushing to her sister-in-law's side. She pressed her head against Twilight’s chest, searching for a heartbeat. Her weak breathing turned rhythmic, turning into a light chuckle. The unicorn stood up, her horn glowing a bright green. She let out a laugh that sounded nothing like Twilight. With a quick blast of magic, Cadence was thrown back. She skid across the grass, her head slamming against a rock. Shining Armor gaped at Cadence, quickly turning back to Twilight. She stared back, an eery smile on her face. “Get him.” Rarity lunged at Shining Armor, grabbing her by her horn. She pressed her weight down, making Shining Armor stumble headfirst into the ground. Before Shining Armor could regain his balance, Rarity gave his head a rather forceful kick. He went limp. ‘Twilight’ stared down at the couple with a grin. With a quick flash, ‘Twilight’ turned into Chrysalis. “Excellent job.” Chrysalis praised. Warmness swelled in Rarity’s chest, and she broke into a grin. She had helped her queen! It was the most euphoric feeling she had ever felt. “Thank you, my queen!” > Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity felt full. The fullest she had felt in weeks, in fact. She had no clue why she focused on love so much. Being in the hive was just what she needed. Rarity felt rejuvenated as if she had just gotten out of the spa. She stared at the pods containing Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. They glowed with a faint green hue suspended from the ceiling. Staring at the pods filled her with pride. While she hadn’t podded the pair herself, she still had taken them down.  “What shall we do next, my queen?” Rarity asked, tilting her head toward Chrysalis. She sat on her throne, her head leaning idly into her hoof. “You will be tasked with capturing your so-called…friends.” She spat out, putting an emphasis on the word ‘friends.’ Rarity blinked in surprise. Her very own mission? Wasn’t that a bit too soon? “Why me? Plenty of other changelings would be honored to do such a task.” “You have something other changelings don’t. Memories.” Chrysalis clarified. “Any other changeling would stick out. You could blend right in.” She explained. Rarity slowly nodded her head. She guessed that it made sense. “Yes, my queen. How should I obtain them?” Chrysalis shrugged, giving a dismissive hoof wave.” “It doesn’t matter how you do it. Just make sure you’re convincing.” Chrysalis demanded. Rarity nodded. She needed to make her Queen proud. Rarity strolled through the outskirts of Ponyville, her brow furrowed. She needed to concentrate. This was Rarity’s first solo mission; she had to do this perfectly. Queen Chrysalis would never trust her with another mission if she didn’t. She didn’t know why she cared so much about Chrysalis’s opinion; she just did. Rarity assumed that every changeling felt that way. While she missed her old life a bit, she supposed changeling life was the next best thing. Rarity shook her head. There wasn’t time to think about this; she needed to focus on what was happening now. The sun barely peaked over the horizon, and the air was crisp. Sunrise was the perfect hour for this mission. No one would be out at this time. Rarity’s fur was matted with dirt, and her mane was a mess. Normally, she would throw a fit, but today wasn’t the day for that. She needed to stay in character. Rarity withdrew a calming breath, putting on her best ‘woe is me’ expression. It was showtime. She began to stagger over her hooves, entering Ponyville. Rarity had no clue who could be watching; she needed to put her act on early. To her relief, the streets were vacant. Just as she had hoped. Despite Ponyville being a small town, she knew of some ponies who took early morning trots. Rarity needed to be quick before ponies entered town. She turned her limp into a quick trot, scanning her surroundings. Rarity eyed a piece of paper stapled to a tree. It was a missing poster. A missing poster for her, to be more precise. The picture showed her looking absolutely fabulous, wearing one of her gala dresses. The more she looked, the more she realized these posters were everywhere. Somepony must really miss her. Rarity already knew who. Her gaze wandered to an all too familiar building. Golden Oaks Library. It looked like the lights were still on. Rarity approached the building, taking a peak through the window. Her friends were inside, all doing various tasks. A fluttery feeling appeared in her stomach. Rarity pushed the door open, papers flowing out. Piles upon piles of missing posters were scattered across the floor. She grimaced at the sight. Her friends really missed her. Twilight was hunched over a table, meticulously gluing a photo to a piece of paper. Pinkie Pie was following suit, sporadically slapping pictures on blank sheets of paper. “Just a few dozen more, and we can start hanging these,” Twilight muttered to no one in particular. “Well, there’s no need to hang all those up.” Rarity announced, striking a pose. All eyes were now on her, her friend's eyes lighting up. “Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed, staggering from her seat. The mares rushed towards Rarity, pulling her into a tight hug. For a second, Rarity felt a warmness in her chest. Being in her friend's embrace felt…comforting. But that couldn’t be right; only her queen could make her feel that way. Despite this, she reveled in the hug for a bit longer. It would be rude to break away from a friendly embrace. Pinkie Pie grabbed Rarity by the cheeks, inspecting her face. She began to wipe the dirt from her cheeks. “Are you okay? You’ve been gone for a long time!” Pinkie pointed out. Rarity opened her mouth to answer but got interrupted by Applejack. “Sweetie Belle was so worried! She came straight to us when she realized you were gone.” Applejack explained. Rarity grimaced. She had forgotten that Sweetie Belle was there when she left. “Where have you been?” Twilight asked. “I got captured by a gang of awful diamond dogs! I was trapped in those dreadful mines for days!” Rarity moaned, draping her foreleg across her head. She had been rehearsing that sob story all night. Rainbow Dash scowled, zipping away from the group hug. “When I get my hooves on them, I’ll give them a piece of my mind!” Rainbow threatened, punching the air. “I’m not one for revenge, but…” Rarity trailed off, pretending to think. “But, if you insist on doing so, I must lead you to their hideout. It’s in the Everfree Forest.” She explained. The group gasped. “What were you doing all the way out there?” Fluttershy whispered in horror. “And why in tarnation were you out so late? You know the forest ain’t safe!” Applejack added on. “I was looking for more rare gems, and I heard that the best ones come out at night.” Rarity explained. “I thought I would be fine.” Twilight gave Rarity a sympathetic pat on the back. “I’m so sorry you went through that.” She apologized. Twilight turned to her friends. “Come on, girls, we have some diamond dogs we need to deal with!” The mane six wearily walked through the Everfree Forest. The group was tense, checking their surroundings every few moments. “Just this way.” Rarity led, ducking under a branch. Twilight hummed in response. “Are you sure this is the way? I’ve never seen gem mines this deep in the forest.” Twilight pointed out, moving a low-hanging branch from her face. “Yes, yes, I’m quite sure.” Rarity lept over a log, landing gracefully on her hooves. Rainbow Dash glided next to Applejack, leaning towards her ear. “For a pony that’s been trapped for a week, she sure has a lot of energy.” Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack. The mare hummed in response. Rarity weaved through a few trees, stopping at a hole. “They trapped me down there!” Rarity exclaimed, pointing. Applejack peaked inside the hole, squinting. “That looks mighty deep,” Applejack commented, peering closer. “I can’t even see the bottom!” Pinkie Pie gasped in awe. Twilight stared down curiously. “This goes straight down,” Twilight stated. “How did you get out? There’s nothing to grab onto.” “A lady has her ways, Twilight.” Rarity huffed, quickly thinking of an excuse. “You girls must avenge me! I fear that I’m too frail to fight!” Rarity exclaimed, dramatically falling to her side. She closed her eyes, acting as if she were too tired to move. Twilight looked into the hole again, eyeing the angle. It seemed like the only way in was straight down. She could only hope that it wasn’t as deep as it looked. “Okay, girls. On the count of 3, we jump.” Twilight instructed. “1…2…3!” She exclaimed, diving hoof-first into the tunnel. Her friends quickly followed, jumping in after her. Rarity listened to the tell-tale sound of them hitting the bottom. After a few seconds, there was a loud ‘thump’ and a series of groans. “Hey, this isn’t a tunnel!” Pinkie called. Rarity bowed close to the ground, shooting a beam of magic. The hole was quickly covered with an iridescent goop.  “What’s the big idea?!” Rainbow Dash asked, flying upwards. She pushed at the goop, only to recoil at the sliminess of it. “They’ve been captured, my queen!” Rarity called into the forest. A nearby tree burst into green flames, warping into Queen Chrysalis. She ambled to the hole, a gleeful grin spreading on her face. All five useless ponies were exactly where she wanted them. They looked pathetic, almost resembling wounded animals. “Excellent work.” Chrysalis praised. Rarity now felt complete, her chest feeling warm.   “First, you mind-control my brother, and now my friend? “ Twilight scowled in disbelief. Chrysalis guffawed, throwing her head back. “Do you think I’d stoop so low to control a pony of no status? I’m not idiotic.” She said with a taunting eye-roll. “Reveal yourself,” Chrysalis ordered. Rarity changed with a flash of light, showing her form from that faithful night. Her friends gasped. “You replaced Rarity with a changeling?” Pinkie Pie shouted in disbelief. Rainbow Dash zoomed forward, pressing her hooves on the forcefield. “What did you do with Rarity!?” She snarled, kicking at the barrier. Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “I didn’t do anything. Rarity has always been this way. Isn’t that right?” Chrysalis asked, turning to Rarity. “Yes, it is, my queen.” Rarity agreed. “She’s been playing the long-con as one of my sleepers.” Chrysalis began to pat Rarity’s head. “And after capturing you, she’s now my favorite sleeper.” Rarity puffed her chest with pride. “You are dismissed. Wait over there.” Chrysalis ordered, pointing deeper into the forest. “Yes, my queen.” Rarity responded with a curt nod. She looked into the hole, giving her friends a pitiful smile. Their times together were pleasant, but she must serve her queen now. Despite her mission being complete, she could feel her stomach churn. What was this feeling? Guilt? Shame? She couldn’t tell. Rarity should say something to them. “Goodbye.” And with that, Rarity trotted away. “What’s your plan, huh? Are you going to trap us down here forever?” Twilight asked, beginning to pace. Chrysalis scoffed. “You ponies always overreact to the small situations. You will remain here until the end of the invasion.” She briefly explained. “But what about Rarity? What’s going to happen to her?’ Pinkie asked, staring at the changeling with pleading eyes. “Nothing too important. She’ll just fall into line with the other drones.” Chrysalis shrugged. Applejack furrowed her brows. “Then why the hay did you need to use her? Why not one of the thousands you already have?” Applejack asked. Chrysalis gave the mares a knowing smirk. “Ponies and changelings simply don’t mix. And without Rarity, you can’t use your little elements against me, can you?” Chrysalis mockingly batted her eyes. The group looked absolutely devastated. Fluttershy leaned into Applejack’s coat, holding back tears. Rainbow Dash anxiously buzzed around, and Twilight began to pace. Pinkie Pie’s expression was the best of all; her mane practically deflated. It filled Chrysalis with glee. “But don’t worry. I’ll come back for you after the invasion.” She falsely reassured. “In fact, you’ll all be my new assistants.” She squealed with excitement. “I’ll see you all very soon.” > Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash groaned, flapping her wings at full force. For what felt like the millionth time, she lunged at the barrier. Rainbow flapped her wings with all her might, feeling the goop stretch under her hooves. She bounced off the iridescent slime, slamming into the ground. “Ugh, this is hopeless!” Rainbow groaned, nearly tugging at her mane. She couldn’t tell how long they’d been there; it felt like days. Canterlot was swarming with changelings now; she was sure of it.  Rainbow Dash turned to her purple friend. “Twilight, can’t you do something?”  Twilight paced around their makeshift prison, kicking up dirt with each step. Her ears flicked with annoyance. “I’ve been trying, but I can’t muster enough energy to teleport us out,” Twilight explained, tapping her horn. Rainbow Dash blinked in disbelief. “What do you mean you can’t get us out? Magic is all you do!” Rainbow argued. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well, sorry that I was up all night making missing posters. I was worried about Rarity!” She huffed. “Can you at least blast us out?” Applejack chimed in. Twilight rubbed her chin. “I mean, I can try.” Twilight squeezed her eyes shut, her tongue poking from between her lips. Her horn began to spark and crackle. The light quickly died out with a weak spark and sputter. She stumbled, falling onto her flank. “Give me a minute.” She rasped, caressing her temple. “Great, Twilight can’t use her magic. We’re done for!” Rainbow groaned, plopping to the ground. Her gaze veered to her remaining friends. Applejack sat idly, her hat draped over her eyes. Not much an earth pony could do in this situation, was there? Fluttershy was huddled in the corner, whispering to a mound of dirt. “Fluttershy, what are you doing?” Rainbow asked, approaching her yellow friend. “I’m asking Mr. Worm to go and get help,” Fluttershy whispered. Rainbow Dash peeked over her shoulder; sure enough, there was a worm. It seemed to stare at Fluttershy, listening intently to her every word. The worm quickly burrowed into the dirt, now out of sight. Fluttershy sighed in relief, sitting on the ground. “We’ll be out of here soon!” Fluttershy said with a gleeful flap of the wings. Rainbow Dash stared, dumbfounded.                                     “What do you expect a worm to do? Get the Royal Guard?” “Mhm! He promised.” Fluttershy beamed. Rainbow Dash blinked, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. “Fluttershy, no one but you can understand animals but you. You’d be lucky if it even makes it out of the forest.” Rainbow informed. Fluttershy’s lip quivered. “Does that mean we’re trapped?” She said with a dejected whimper. Rainbow Dash groaned. “We’d be lucky if we could get out mid-invasion.” She huffed. Fluttershy slunk to the ground, burying her face in her mane. Twilight stood up with a grumble. “This is ridiculous. I should be able to blast through the barrier with no problem!” Twilight exclaimed. “I can’t believe this. Rarity’s…Rarity’s just so…” She began to pace again, a vein forming at her head. Applejack shook her head, crossing her arms against her chest. “It’s a real shame too. I’ve known Rarity since we were fillies.” Applejack commented. Rainbow Dash shot Applejack a suspecting look. She began to circle overhead like a hawk stalking its prey. “If you’ve known her for so long, how can we be sure you’re not a changeling? They flock together, don’t they?” She suspected. Applejack pushed her hat upwards, shooting a glare at Rainbow Dash. “Now, where do you get off accusing me?” Applejack stomped her hoof. She eyed Rainbow Dash, inching away. “And how do I know you’re not a changeling? Rainbow hair is awfully unusual for a pony.” She accused. Both mares stared at each other, looks of suspicion on their faces. “If I were a changeling, why would I be in here with you?” Rainbow retorted, gesturing to their enclosure. Applejack opened her mouth to answer, only to get cut off by a loud ‘shhhh!’ “Quiet! I’m trying to concentrate!” Pinkie interrupted their bickering. She was stuffing her hooves in the dirt, shoving piles behind her. Rainbow hovered closer to Pinkie, inspecting what the pink mare was doing. There was a dent in the dirt large enough to fit a grown mare. “What are you doing?”  Rainbow tilted her head with a squint. Pinkie spared a glance at her rainbow-haired friend before continuing her task. “I’m going to go get Rarity so we can be friends again and get rid of that mean old Queen Chrysalis,” Pinkie stated simply, continuing her digging. “Why in Equestria would you want her back!?” Twilight asked in disbelief. “Because she’s our friend! She’s always been our friend!” She defended. “Rarity left us.” Applejack reminded. “It’s her own fault that we don’t trust her.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, she ratted us out!” Pinkie shook her head.  “Rarity would never do that! Something has to be wrong.” Pinkie was firm with her answer. “Pinkie Pie, she was spying on us for…for Celestia knows how long!” Twilight argued. Pinkie scoffed. “If she was always a spy, she would’ve never made us our gala dresses!” She retorted. Twilight began to sputter over her words. “That’s just one time. She was just warming us up.” Twilight insisted. “Yeah, but that's not all she did.” Pinkie turned to the other earth pony. “Applejack, remember how she helped you during applebuck season?” She reminded. “And Fluttershy, you two go on spa trips all the time.”  Fluttershy nodded.“Once a week.” She added. “Exactly! A spy changeling wouldn’t take the time to do all that.”  Pinkie said with a snort. She turned to Rainbow Dash. “Or how she got wings to support Rainbow Dash during the Best Young Fliers competition.” “She only did that to upstage me.” Rainbow Dash scoffed, rolling her eyes. “My point is that Rarity has always been there for us!” Pinkie finished. “Besides, if she was really bad, my Pinkie Sense would’ve told me.” She reminded, pointing to her tail. Rainbow Dash puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms. “Well…well, she still trapped us in here!” She argued. “Well, duh. Chrysalis is just using Rarity to break us apart. I thought it was pretty obvious.” Pinkie said with an eye roll. “If Chrysalis didn’t want us to talk, she could’ve just put us in those pod-thingies.” She said, miming out the shape of a changeling pod. “Now, if you excuse me, I’m getting us out of here.” Pinkie dove back to her hole, continuing her work. Her digging was rather pathetic, barely getting a hooffull of dirt with each scoop. Applejack shrugged, standing up. “Alright, I’m sold.” “What?!” Rainbow shrieked, jaw agape. “I’ve never seen Pinkie Pie so sure of something,” Applejack smirked at Pinkie. “I’m not sure how her thoughts work, but if she’s so sure, I trust her.” “Scooch over; you’re digging wrong.” Applejack pointed out, nudging Pinkie. She dug through the dirt. Fluttershy stood up, joining her friends. “I want to believe in Rarity too. She’s helped me believe in myself.” Fluttershy smiled. Rainbow Dash stared in disbelief, her eye twitching. Had everypony lost their minds? “Twilight, are you seeing this?” Rainbow asked, gesturing to her friends. Twilight only hummed, rubbing her chin. “I suppose Pinkie could be right.” Twilight pondered. Rainbow looked at her purple friend with wide eyes. “Are you kidding me?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief. “Rarity is the Element of Generosity; she didn’t get that title for no reason.” Twilight reminded. “It wouldn’t hurt to give her another chance.” She joined her friends with a pep in her step. Rainbow Dash stared at her friends. There was no way they were doing all of this for a changeling. Despite all of what happened, she could feel a slight tug at her heart. She was the element of loyalty, after all. She had to stick with her friends. “What if you’re wrong? What if Rarity is the worst of the worst? Just a rotten changeling.” Rainbow asked. Pinkie paused, her ears flattening. “If I’m wrong…” Pinkie trailed off, trying to find her words. “If I’m wrong, I’ll do whatever you want to Rarity. Banishment, imprisonment, anything.” She rose her hoof. “And that’s a Pinkie Promise.” She swore, doing the motions. Rainbow Dash wanted to stay mad; she really did. But this was Rarity. As much as that mare got on her nerves, she couldn’t deny that she loved her. And Pinkie’s dedication was beginning to win her over. She groaned, throwing her head back. “Fine, move over,” Rainbow instructed, shoving her hooves into the dirt. Pinkie squealed excitedly, bouncing in place. Together, the mares dug. While it felt like hours, it was probably only a few minutes. “Ow!” Fluttershy yelped, jerking her hoof back. She pouted, staring at her now cut hoof. “I scraped myself on a rock.” She whimpered. “Don’t worry, I got this!” Pinkie proclaimed. She rummaged through her mane before pulling out a comically large drill. It hit the ground hard enough for it to shake. Her friends stared in disbelief. “Have you had that this whole time?!” Rainbow questioned. “Mhm!” Pinkie nodded. “Why didn’t you bring it out sooner?” Fluttershy asked. “Because you were all mad at Rarity. I want us to get out, and you all went crazy on her.” Pinkie said with a playful laugh. She pressed a button on the drill, the machine now whirring under her hooves. She shook from the sheer force. “Now, let's get digging!” > Split > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sat in a carriage, her head pressed against the smooth wall. She watched as the Canterlot streets whizzed through the tinted window. Normally, she’d love a trip to Canterlot. The sights and sounds would usually make her heart pound with excitement. Instead of joy, a pit of something writhed in her stomach. It made her want to curl up into a ball. Rarity sighed, her eyes fluttering shut. She could remember the disappointment on her friend's faces so clearly. She shouldn’t feel bad; she was a top changeling, Chrysalis’s right-hoof mare! But if she was so important, then why was she tearing up? Rarity attempted to blink the burning tears from her eyes, her breath hitching. “A-hem.” Chrysalis cleared her throat sharply. Rarity popped up, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes. “Yes, my queen?” She responded, tapping her hooves on the seat below. Chrysalis eyed Rarity, peering suspiciously. “You seem distracted. You’re not having second thoughts, are you?” She questioned. Rarity quickly shook her head. “Absolutely not! I wouldn’t dream of such a thing!” Rarity huffed. Chrysalis hummed, eyeing Rarity once again. Rarity shuffled uncomfortably, tapping her hooves on the seat below. Chrysalis’s green eyes stared deep into the mare's soul. “I don’t believe you.” She said, calm as ever. With a brief glow from her queen's horn, Rarity was enveloped with magic. She felt something inside her wither away like ash in the wind. She shook her head, her chest feeling lighter. “Now, how do you really feel about ponies?” Rarity stuck her tongue out, scrunching her muzzle. “They’re absolutely horrendous! The sooner you take over this retched place, the better!” A smile crept onto Chrysalis’s face, and she straightened her posture. “Good. Commence phase three.” Chrysalis ordered with a mild hiss. With a quick flash, Rarity’s form morphed into Shining Armor. She stretched her now muscular legs. “You are not to speak unless spoken to. Understood?” She ordered. Rarity nodded, watching her queen change forms. Just as planned, she was that disgusting pink princess. The carriage slowed to a halt, stopping in front of the castle. Rarity stared at the castle in awe. She had seen the Canterlot castle plenty of times before, but this was different. By the end of the day, this would be changeling territory. The doors were opened by Celestia’s guardsmen, greeting the pair with a bow. Chrysalis strolled out of the carriage, keeping her head high. “You two, disperse,” Chrysalis hissed to the disguised carriage pullers. The poorly made carriage rocked away. At the entrance stood Celestia and Luna. Between the mares stood dozens of guards, all standing at attention. “Aunt Celestia, hi!” Chrysalis said with a faux smile. She trotted through the guards, keeping her head high. Each guard bowed as the pair walked through. Rarity was supposed to love attention, but this felt…wrong. She shook her head. She would get over this feeling by the end of the day; she was sure of it. Chrysalis nuzzled under Celestia’s chin, hiding a grimace. “I’m so happy we can finally sit down and talk. You’ve been quite busy since your wedding.” Celestia reminded. “You know how being a princess is. Just work!” Chrysalis fake laughed. A smile crept onto her face. She turned to Luna, who bowed at her presence. “It is an honor to meet officially. As you presume, I was moderately industrious during your courtship.” Luna apologized. Chrysalis blinked, her fake grin growing wider. “Mhm!” She responded. She turned back to Celestia. “Shall we get going? I just can’t bear the wait any longer.” “I suppose this is a well-needed break?” Celestia chuckled, leading the pair inside. Rarity began to tune out the conversation between the royals. Was she really doing the right thing? While she felt better than she had in the longest time, she couldn’t help but feel a gnawing in her stomach. She shook her head, quickening her pace. She needed to do something to get her mind off this internal debate. Rarity followed closely behind Chrysalis, her eyes wandering as they entered a new hallway. Stained-glass windows lined the walls. The sunlight shined through them, leaving a multi-colored pattern on the floor. They were absolutely stunning. She had to make a mental note to design a dress inspired by this. Her eyes trailed to the next window. It was her friends! Well, former friends. They all posed gracefully, standing on their haunches. On the top was that horrid draconequus, Discord. A spark of hope flickered in her chest. She wondered how her friends were doing now. Had they escaped her well-planned prison, or had they torn each other into bits? Rarity didn’t know why she cared; she shouldn’t care about ponies anymore! But even then…a part of her hoped that they had escaped. “Shining Armor, you have been awfully quiet. Anything on your mind?” Celestia asked. Chrysalis shot Rarity a warning glare. Rarity quickly pursed her lips, her brain racing with a thousand thoughts. How did Shining Armor speak? She wished she had paid more attention to him. “I am simply adequate.” She responded, flicking her mane out of her eyes. Celestia brought her hoof to her mouth, chuckling. “My oh my, what an interesting vocabulary you have.” Celestia teased. Chrysalis cleared her throat, bringing the attention back to herself. “You know how stallions are. Trying out new words.” Chrysalis brushed. “Now, I think that-” And with that, Rarity had once again stopped listening. Soon enough, they made it to a room. It was rather fancy, looking like it was used for meetings. On the table lay a bountiful meal, only reserved for royalty. Rarity almost felt bad for intruding on such an event. “Wooow, this looks…great!” Chrysalis half complimented, approaching the table. “Thank you, I made it myself!” Rarity followed after Chrysalis, sitting next to her. The food looked absolutely delicious; it was a shame that Rarity wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. With a quick flash, Chrysalis materialized a metal tin. She placed it on the table, nudging it toward Celestia. “I brought you two some tea to relax your nerves. Being the ruler of Equestria is so hard.” Chrysalis batted her eyelashes. Celestia flipped open the box, gazing at the herbs within. She smiled, passing the box to Luna. “Luna, do you mind making us some tea?” Celestia asked. “Of course, sister,” Luna said, carrying the tin out of the room. “What have you two been doing since the honeymoon?” Celestia inquired. Chrysalis gave a fake laugh, inching her plate away from her. “Oh, you know, a bit of this and a bit of that.” She chuckled. “What have you been up to?” She quickly deflected. Just as planned, Celestia started talking about herself. Oh, how wise Chrysalis was to make Celestia change the subject. Rarity sighed. Her queen was astonishing. Rarity shifted her food around the plate, barely listening to the conversation. How was she meant to contribute without ruining everything? So she did what she did best; she created. She nudged her food, turning it into nonsensical shapes. What would she do after this? She could open a changeling dress shop. Did changelings wear clothes? Rarity sure hoped they did. What would she do if they didn’t? Rarity spared a glance at Chrysalis. She could spend the rest of her time as the Queen's assistant. While it wasn’t ideal, other changelings would see it as an honor. Though…she wasn’t any other changeling, was she? A changeling raised by ponies would stick out like a sore horn. Rarity placed her hoof on her chest, a sharp ache forming. Rarity peeked up, seeing Princess Luna now across from her. She idly sipped on her tea. When had she gotten back? She looked back at her plate, now gazing at what she had made. Her mashed potatoes, carrots, and peas formed into the shape of several ponies. She’d recognize those shapes anywhere. It was her friends. Sure, it was only a crude depiction, but it was them. Rarity levitated her spoon, quickly stirring the food into a fine mush. She looked around, wondering if anyone had seen. Luckily, no one had noticed. Her gaze wandered to Celestia, who was sipping her tea. “This is delicious! Where did you get it?” Celestia complimented. “Oh, it’s just a brew I’ve whipped up. It’s nothing special.” Chrysalis replied, a charming smile across her face. Celestia passed a teacup to Rarity, letting it slide across the table. “Shining Armor, you must try some.” She offered. Rarity reached for the cup but was stopped by Chrysalis’s wing blocking her path. “Oh, he doesn’t want any of that. He had enough earlier.” Chrysalis butted in. Rarity huffed, looking back at her food. It was best that she didn’t speak. She pursed her lips, going back to prodding at her mush. Rarity listened to the royals for what felt like hours. How long was this charade meant to go on? They were already in the castle, and she was sure Canterlot was riddled with disguised changelings by now. It was all on Chrysalis; with one word, this room would be swarmed. Rarity was having second thoughts. Why was she having second thoughts? Rarity was meant to be a top changeling! Feelings like this were absurd. Rarity wished all of these horrid would be shoved away, never to be seen again. But she didn’t want that, did she? Deep down, Rarity wanted to feel. She wanted everything to go back to normal. Things wouldn’t go back to normal if she let this continue, would they? Rarity could never truly live without her friends. Rarity began to weigh her options. On one hoof, she’d be with creatures like her, creatures with the same struggles and urges. On the other hoof, she could live more freely than ever with her friends. Would they accept her for who she is? Rarity sure hoped they did. The doors slammed open, snapping Rarity from her internal conflict. At the door stood five very familiar ponies. Rarity’s heart sped up. They made it out. Rarity’s ears flattened. They looked furious. It was directed at her, no doubt. “Twilight!” Celestia gasped in surprise. “What brings you here in such a hurry?” She questioned. Twilight jutted her hoof out, pointing at the disguised queen. “That’s Chrysalis!” Chrysalis looked between the Princesses and Twilight, her jaw slacked. She had to come up with an excuse. Any excuse. “I-uh-guh.” Chrysalis sputtered nonsensically. Rarity stared, wondering what the next move would be. Would she argue back? Would she start a fight? “Oh, to hell with it.” Chrysalis hissed. In a quick flash of green, Chrysalis turned to her original form. She grabbed Rarity by the neck, fury filling her eyes. “How did they escape?” Chrysalis spat, pointing to the pitiful ponies. “I-I don’t know!” Rarity stammered. Chrysalis grumbled, rubbing her hoof across her muzzle. “I can’t take you seriously when you look like that.” She critized. “Change into something more presentable.” And with that, Rarity changed back into her changeling self. As natural as this form was, it felt…wrong.  Rarity glanced back at her friends. They stared at her with an expression she couldn’t read. She huffed, letting her gaze wander elsewhere. “Chrysalis!” Celestia half yelped, stumbling from her seat. She stood firmly, her wings open in defense. “Surprised to see me?” Chrysalis taunted. Celestia glowered, sparing a glance at a terrified Luna. “Luna, get the guards,” Celestia ordered. Luna flapped into the air, bolting above Twilight’s head. Chrysalis chuckled at the princess's attempt. Her horn began to spark, a high-pitched noise ringing through the room. Rarity squeezed her eyes shut, her ears ringing. There was a distant sound of buzzing rapidly approaching the room. Rarity peeked her eyes, seeing hundreds of changeling barreling towards the room. Amidst the swarm stood Princess Luna. In a swift moment, she was piled on top of. Rarity grimaced. Wordlessly, Celestia lowered her head. Her horn crackled, a dull spark flying out. She stumbled, nearly crumbling to the floor. “What did you do?” “I see you’ve enjoyed my special tea.” Chrysalis taunted. “It tends to block magic." She tilted her head toward Celestia. In an instant, Celestia was thrown back with a blast. The alicorn skid across the floor, her back hitting the wall. “Get her,” Chrysalis ordered. A group of changelings flocked in with gleeful hisses. Any attempt that Celestia made to get up was proven useless. She was piled on, nearly crushed under dozens of changelings. “Stay away from her!” Twilight bellowed, charging at the changelings. Rainbow Dash flew around the horrid creatures, punching in any direction she could. Applejack threw out her hindlegs bucking through the swarm. Fluttershy, surprisingly, dodged nearly every hit. Her skittish nature helped her slip through the changelings wanting grasps. And Pinkie was just being Pinkie. She cartwheeled through the swarm, occasionally hitting a changeling with the burst of confetti. Rarity let out a sigh. She couldn’t tell if it was admiration or annoyance. Unfortunately, they were outnumbered. The changelings swarmed around the ponies, poking and prodding at them. They laughed evilly, teasing the ponies. Rarity felt stuck. Her legs trembled. The line between who she was and who she would be is blurred. Should she step in? Should she stay where she was? Rarity couldn’t be certain. “Put me down!” Rainbow Dash ordered, thrashing in the changeling's arms. “What should we do with them?” One changeling asked, ignoring Rainbow’s cries. Chrysalis looked between Rarity and the ponies. A knowing smile spread across her face. “Drop them.” She commanded. The drones quickly complied, dropping the mares to the ground. Twilight tried to bolt up, only to be pinned down by another changeling. “You,” Chrysalis jutted her hoof towards Rarity, “fix your mistake. Deal with them. Prove your worth.”