Crusaders of Three Minds

by 6-D Pegasus

First published

The Cutie Mark Crusaders experiment with a new spell.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders experiment with a new spell.

Cover Art is by DrTuo4.

Written for the Thousand Word Contest II, under the Experimental category!

Big thanks to ScarredVirtue for checking over this one for me!!

Now with an amazing audio-reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Crusaders of Three Minds

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He- hello? Can you hear me?

Gah! Sweetie Belle?! Ah can hear ya, but your mouth ain't movin'!

Calm down, Apple Bloom, I told you this would seem a little weird at first. You're just hearing my thoughts directly in your head. I can hear yours too. Wow, there's a little bit of an echo.

Can ya do Scoots next? I think she's wonderin' why we've gone silent.

Oh! Yeah, give me a seconddddd... annnnnd... there!

Woah! Sweetie Belle! I can hear you in my head!

Ow, not so loud, Scoots.

Hehe, sorry Sweetie. Hey Apple Bloom!

Hey, Scootaloo! Can ya hear me?!


Scoots, pleaaaase keep it down, I can't even cover my ears.

Oh, hehe sorry.

What do ya wanna do with this, Sweetie?

Hmmm... Scoots! Can you go outside the clubhouse and stand somewhere really far real quick?

Sure! Lemme just...

... okie, and thennn... is looking nice, wonder if Rainbow Dash could spot me from down here...

...alright, there!

How far away are you?

I'm close to the edge of the farm!

What?! Ya sound like you're right beside me!

Woohoo! That means it's working perfectly! No matter how far apart we are, we'll easily be able to hear each other!

Wow, that's awesome!

How'd you gallop all the way to the farm already?

My scooter!

Ah, right.

Ohohoh, Applejack's coming!

What?! Scootaloo, get back here!

Wait, I have a better idea.

What is it?... Scoots? Hellooooo?

Sweetie, calm it! You're right in my ear!

I am no- oh, right sorry.

Apple Bloom! Quick! Tell me something only you know about Applejack!

Huh? Ah can't just break her trust like tha-

Nononono, nothing super secret or serious, just anything that only you'd know about her that she knows you know!

Hmmm, alright. Ummm... for good luck in the mornings, she likes to toss a spare horseshoe into a basket in the corner of her room.

Okay... that works!

What's this for?... Scoots?... Not agai-

Hahahahaha! That was perfect!

What'd ya do?

She asked me why I was out there by myself, so I just asked her if she made her horseshoe toss this morning! You should've seen her face!

What?! What'd she say?

I didn't see. I ran off just in case I made her suspicious.

Aw, darn.

Wait, wait, wait, I wanna do that too!

Do what?

Trick my sister! Rarity should be working at the Carousel Boutique right now!

Oh, that's a great idea! I should be over there in about a minute with my scooter.

What are ya thinking of doin'?.

Oh, you'll see hehe.

Alright, I'm here! So... do I just... go in or-

If the front door's unlocked, you can just walk in. She'll hear the bell!

Okay, I'm in. I'm not hearing her though.

That means she's probably upstairs in her room, sewing or designing something. Go on, go on!

Alright, alright! Hmm, I didn't know Sweetie Belle leaves her backpack on the floor like this.

What are you- don't mind that! I, um, forget to clean that sometimes. Do you see Rarity?

Right, sorry. Umm... yes! I think I hear her humming from what looks like her room.

Does it have three blue diamonds engraved on the door?


Perfect, that's hers! Okay, so here's what I want you do. Knock, then when she opens the door, check the color of the dress she's working on and relay it back to me.

Got it!

What's this for?

Rarity's gonna be working on one of her new fashion lines, and I remember the color schemes of each line. However, she's only ever told me, so it should come as a shock to her if Scoots knows it.

Oh, that sounds pretty cool. Wait, why do you memorize her dress colors?

Well, that's because-

Blue and white!

That's her upcoming Canterlot winter fashion line! Ask her if she's almost done with her Canterlot winter fashion line!

How's your upcoming Canterlot winter fa-

Nonono, don't think it to us, say it to Rarity!

Oh, whoops!


What happened?!

She just sort of stared at me for a little frozen, and then she fainted!

She WHAT!?

What?! Wow, didn't think she'd react that strongly.

Will she be okay?

Oh yeah, don't worry. This is totally normal for her. She'll probably wake up in like ten minutes and completely forget about this entirely.

What, she do this often or somethin'?

Um... yeah! Let's just say that!

Oh my gosh, I think I see Rainbow Dash doing tricks right now! Woaahhh look at her spins and spirals and loops and-

Scoots, we can hear all your stray thoughts, try to focus on just us right now.

Oh, whoops haha. I'm heading back now. When I'm back, can you undo it? I want to meet up with Rainbow Dash for something and I wanna keep my thoughts to myself during then.

Oh! Um... of course! Yes, we can, um, totally do that!

You ain't sounding so convincing there, Sweetie Belle... Is something wrong?

I... might not have the reverse spell nailed down.

What?! Well, we can't just stay like this! Let's go to Twilight, then.

Um... well, well about that... we um... we can't go to Twilight for this.

Wait, what do ya mean, 'we can't go to Twilight for this'? Didn't you learn this spell from her during your last Twilight Time session?

Not exaaaactly, she was teaching me how to teleport! I sorta found this spell on a later page and memorized it. And maybeee had Starlight help me get it down right.

Wait, Twilight didn't teach you this? Didn't she mention not to cast any advanced spells she didn't teach you yet? I thought you said Twilight was fine with this!

I said I got it from her! I didn't... say she taught me it...

Let's just go to Starlight to fix this then, alright?



Stupid Sweetie Belle...always castin', never thinkin'...


I can still hear you!