Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny

by Dragonfan101

First published

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

Spike had recently defeated Sombra and saved Equestria, Twilight had been busy with being the Princess of friendship and the other main 6 were busy with their roles in life, and feels a little depressed on it
Spike wishes to know what his destiny on a star one night and he falls asleep, unknownst to him destiny has much bigger things for him, he wakes up in front of an old turtle called Oogway and learns that he was brought here apparently by the Universe much to Spike's confusion,

Oogway tells him he is destined for something great and he is willing to teach Spike the art of Kung Fu and fulfill that roll, Spike accepts this and agrees to become a student, Oogway sends a message to Celestia about his destiny and she agrees to let him learn and decides to keep to tell the others at one point. From there Spike makes new friends and becomes what he was meant to be...The Dragon Master.

Prologue: The Call Of Destiny

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Everything was good in Equestria this day, everypony had finally gotten through the threat of Tirek and Sombra and everypony is finally settling down, Spike was in his room of the castle looking out the window and he sighs as he feels a little alone, it had been quite some time since something major happened, and while he was glad everything was peaceful again, he was still feeling useless for not being able to do anything that was able to help with they're last battle, or any previous battle for that matter.
"I should see if Twilight or the others need help" Spike thought as he went to check on his friends.

Spike had went to the library and he found twilight had been reading multiple books at once, teleporting around the library in the blink of an eye.
"Hey Twilight!" Spike said getting her attention and she looked away from the books
"Spike are you doing okay?" Twilight asked curious.
"I was actually checking to see if you needed anything actually" Spike said and she simply shook her head.
"Im sorry Spike i'm really busy with stuff right now, i have duty's i need to fulfil and can't really do anything else" She said sadly and Spike looked upset a little
"Oh... that's alright then i was just making sure you were doing well" Spike said to her.

"I really appreciate you for checking in on me Spike, i'll talk when i finally have free time" Twilight said with a smile
"Okay then i'll talk later Twilight see you" Spike said as he went to check on the others
"Twilight's always been busy with stuff now, fulfilling her roles as a princess, she rarely has time with me like she used to now..." Spike thought sadly as he went to the village to see if there was anything he could help with.

Spike had went to check on everyone else if they could spend some time but everypony else was busy, Rainbow dash was busy with multiple races, PinkiePie had multiple parties to throw today, Rarity had multiple designs of clothes to make today and was to caught up, Applejack was busy with her farm once again, and Fluttershy was in the woods with her animals apparently, it made Spike feel more upset that there was nothing he could do to help, they all were out handling things on their own, and Spike was just on the sidelines, not able to do anything, Spike kept asking around for most of the day until he truly saw there was nothing he had to help with, and it made him feel sad to know it.

"Everypony always have stuff to do, while i don't... will i ever have more to be then just a number 1 assistant?" Spike asked sadly as he made his way back to the castle, the sun had started to set as the day was almost over, not a single person needed his help at all today, and he was just feeling like they don't need his help at all.
He went into his room and went to the window once again to watch the sunset. He then heard a knock on his door and heard a familiar voice as it opened, Spike looked behind him and saw Twilight had come into the room, she looked a bit worried, she must've heard about what he tried doing today.
"Spike, are you doing okay?" Twilight asked worried as she came up to him, Spike knew he can't keep anything from her, and just went to tell her what was feeling.
"I don't know twilight i guess i've just been feeling... useless as of late" Spike said sadly as he continued to look out into the night sky while Twilight was still concerned.
"Why would you feel that way? You saved the Crystal Empire just recently" She said trying to cheer him up, while it was a bit true, it was still very lucky, it wasn't something Spike was able to do that by himself and handle like everyone else has.
"That almost wasn't my doing entirely, i was very lucky, i didn't do anything until the very end, and when Tirek attacked... i just didn't do anything either, and our tree was destroyed because of it..." Spike said sadly still not feeling much.

He continued to look out the window to try and think, there was a lot that was going through his mind, Twilight and the other's have done so much for Equestria since Nightmare Moon, and Spike never really got to do anything that can live up to their achievements, it made him wonder what he may get to do when his time comes.. if it ever comes..
"I just wonder what my destiny is one day and what i'm meant to become, you have a destiny as a princess.. and the others are the elements of harmony, while i'm just an assistant" Spike said sadly still looking out, and twilight looked sad as well.
"Don't ever feel useless Spike, no matter what you do i've been grateful, we all have no matter what" Twilight told him and he looked a little surprised
"Really" Spike asked looking at her, she smiled and put a hoof on his shoulder to comfort him
"We always will love and appreciate what you do Spike" Twilight said giving him a hug which Spike was a bit surprised by.
"Thank you Twilight..." Spike said with a smile hugging her back. The sun had finally set and the night sky was seen with hundreds of stars shining brightly.
"Good night, Spike" She said with a smile walking out the door with a smile.

Spike was alone and he sighed in sadness once again, even after that little talk, there wasn't much that was helping him with what he's going through, even if he continues being an assistant, he may never get to do something that can define his worth.
"Even though she assisted in telling me im not useless i still do" spike said sadly as he looked out the window again
"What is my destiny? what am i meant to become? will i be just an assistant forever? Or will i be something greater one day? I wish to know what it is soon.. " Spike said looking at the stars, he then decided it was time for bed and closed the window and went to sleep. Outside a single star started to shine brightly and Spike's body seemingly faded away as he wasn't there at all, completely disappearing from Equestria...

The sun had started to rise and there can be mountains shining over each other as the shadows came over them with clouds below, this land was not Equestria, and it looked like a completely different world. There were huge mountains in the distance, followed by clouds that were far below them, and looked like something out of a beautiful drawing.

"It seems the tree is close to its blossom" An old voice is heard as we cut to somewhere else entirely, an old looking turtle is seen walking down a path where the sun is rising besides a tree, he soon had a milled look of curiosity as he something besides the tree and he walked to it wondering what it could be.
"Well, what an interesting sight. and what might you be?" he asked curiously as he turned it over, his eyes widened slightly as he realized what it was.
"A dragon? how interesting..." he said with interest, he then proceeded to a use special ability of his and see who he is.
"Ah.. a friend of Celestia's haven't seen her in centuries, it seems the universe has had an interesting decision of fate for you Spike" He said already knowing his name, he knew Celestia for quite a long time, and was one of the first people she ever knew, he already knew this person was a kind soul if he's great friends with her, Spike then began to groaned as he opened his eyes, he was finally waking up after what felt like a week's worth of sleep, but he was still pretty tired.

"Morning already?" Spike asks tired as the sun rays hit him his eyes begin focus as they widen and he sees a large figure and backs up in fear as he has never saw something like him before.
"Who... who are you?!" Spike asks scarred as of where he was the turtle simply chuckled hearing it.
"Do not worry young Spike, i am only a friend, found you here besides the peach tree" he said as he used his staff and pointed at the tree directly above him which had some pink leaves on the branches, Spike's eyes widen as he realized... he was a very old turtle who somehow knew his name, and he didn't even ask yet.
"How do you know my name?" Spike asks still a little scarred still.
"I have many ability's with spiritual connection, and was able to find out why your here" He explained a bit which was a bit confusing.
"Why and how did i get here?" Spike asked curious, he looked around the place a bit and knew this wasn't like any place in Equestria.

"You were called here by the Universe, for a big purpose that will eventually come" he explained some more which felt like something from a fairy tail.. then again.. he's from a world full of that kind of stuff.
"The universe called me?" Spike asked very confused on hearing that, how could the Universe just magically summon Spike to what looked like another world?
"Yes, for you to fulfill a special purpose, something that could help you become what you were wanting to be." He explained more and Spike's eyes widened hearing that, was it really relating to the doubts and fears he's had for a while now?
"What purpose?" Spike asked confused but interested to know more.

"That will come in the future, let show you around, you should know where you are" He offered his claw and Spike hesitantly took it which helped him up, Spike looked around the hill and place some more to try and get his bearings.
"Who are you?" Spike asked once again since he wasn't told it yet.
"I am Master Oogway, the creator of Kung Fu. " Oogway answered revealing his name and Spike just looked confused even more as he's never heard of this before.
"Kung Fu?" Spike asked confused as they continued to walk down the path.
"I have much to teach you my young friend come with me" Oogway said as they made their way to a nearby building that was enormous, and looked both ancient, and grand at the same time, Spike's mind was overflowing with different thoughts, while he's in a place that's completely new, it looks like a place that can help him realize who he's meant to be, and wonder's if he's able to live up to it..

1: The Jade Palace

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Spike and Oogway had walked towards a large building much to Spike's amazement, the place was enormous with hot springs, gardens, and so many things he never thought he'd see.
"What is this place?" Spike asked amazed
"This is The Jade Palace, in The Valley Of Peace" Oogway answered as they continued to the doors.

Oogway had opened them to reveal a massive hall of special objects and treasures
"This is a place where warriors are remembered with honor and the special skills and weapons they used to make their way through battle" Oogway explained to him and Spike looked around in awe.
"This place is incredible" Spike said in amazement as he believed it was better then the castle he lived in back at home, they soon came upon a pool, spike saw something through the reflection and he looked and saw a golden dragon statue with a scroll of some kind in it.
"what is that?" Spike asked as he saw the statue
"That is the Dragon Scroll, a sacred item meant to be given the "Dragon Warrior"" Oogway explained and spike looked a little confused
"Dragon Warrior? Spike asked confused
"Meant to be given to the future successor to save china, it won't be you just to know, but it will go to someone who will be there with a pure heart" Oogway said with a smile.
"Who could be given such a role?" Spike asked amazed as they looked up at it.
"I don't know" Oogway said with a smile much to Spike's confusion.

They then looked away from it and Spike asked
"How am i gonna let Twilight know where i am?" Spike asked worried
"Do not worry young one, i knew Celestia centuries ago, i'll send her a message" Oogway assured him and Spike's eyes widened
"You knew Celestia?" Spike asked shocked
"Yes, many years ago, i had a special connection with the Spirits and had met her in the Spirit Realm, and we had quite the fun time getting to know her, she told me that if she ever needed my help she'd be glad to do so" Oogway said with a smile.
"Kind of makes sense, Celestia's over 1000 years old, she must know more then the history of Equestria" Spike thought, Spike then got curious as where anyone else is
"Is there anyone else that lives here?" Spike asked
"Yes, but the other students have a mission outside the valley, and a friend of mine should appear any moment, best get behind me so i can give him a little surprise." Oogway said with a chuckle, Spike was confused for a moment but he went behind him.

Just then the doors opened and a small figure came to them but he hadn't noticed Spike yet.

"Master Oogway, the 5 have finished their mission and are heading back" The figure reported as he held a scroll that told the message.
"Thank you for letting me know Shifu , i have some news for you as well" Oogway said with a little smile
"What kind of news master?" Shifu asked
"we have a new student who is a friend of someone i knew long ago" Oogway said before stepping out of the way and Shifu's eyes widened greatly in shock, he even dropped his staff in shock and Oogway chuckled.

"Um... hi" Spike said awkwardly and the figure walked up to him, and observed him
"Is this... a dragon master Oogway?!" Shifu said completely stunned
"I found him by the peach tree at sunrise, the Universe told me he is destined to train here and become a master of Kung Fu" Oogway told him and Shifu's eyes widened
"But he is merely a child! how could he..." he was cut off when Oogway put his finger up
"He may be a child yes, but he is one that has been through more then a child ever could, he is destined for something, not to be the dragon warrior, but to be a master" Oogway assured him, Shifu had look of relief before he turned to Spike.

"What is your name dragon?" shifu asked sternly
"S.. Spike " "Spike said nervously and he looked him in the eyes
"If you are going to train here, you will address me as Master Shifu and treat this art with respect, do you understand?" Shifu said a little coldly
"Yes Master Shifu" Spike nodded, Shifu then left to meditate and Oogway merely sighed sadly
"Is he always like this?" Spike asked worried
"Forgive him, he has had a rough past he doesn't like to talk about?" Oogway said sadly
"What happened?" Spike asked worried
"That time will come, we must get you proper clothing, we should have you properly dressed for when you meet the other students" Oogway told him
"What are they like" Spike asked, and Oogway chucked
"You'll see, come along Spike" Oogway said as he walked and Spike had followed him
"Wonder what else there is in this place" Spike thought as he followed him

2: Meeting The Five

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Spike had followed Oogway to the private courters, and he had picked out a pair of clothing just right for him

"You should get properly dressed, the five will be here any moment, and i'll introduce them to you" Oogway explained to him.
"Yes Sir, thank you Master Oogway" Spike said gratefully, Oogway then walked out and Spike had started to put his new clothing
"These are really nicely designed, Rarity might be a little jealous" Spike thought as he saw how well they were made, it's like they were specifically made for him.

Oogway was walking through the hallway of the hall of warriors as he expected the 5 to be here at any moment
"That little dragon has a large future ahead of him" Oogway thought with a smile as he heard the doors open and 5 warriors came into the room and bowed at his presence

"Master Oogway, the bandits that were attacking the nearby villages have been dealt with" a large Tiger said seriously.
"Well done you 5, you are relieved of training for the rest of the week, that includes you Tigress" Oogway told them all and most of them quietly cheered while Tigress was a little shocked

"Finally! Some time to relax, we've been worked to the bone" The monkey said relieved
" I think it will be best that it is best that we rest up and regain our strength" The snake said really grateful
"I could catch up on some of my paintings finally" The bird said with a smile
"I'm just happy we can finally do something fun after a while" The mantis chuckled awkwardly, Tigress looked at all of them a little upset but kept it to herself and looked at Oogway
"Master i prefer if i continue to train, i want to keep myself at the top of my game" Tigress told him and Oogway sighed

"Even though you can, i merely wish for you to learn to take it easy, overworking yourself like that will lead you to exhaustion in the next battle." Oogway told her
"Yes Master Oogway" Tigress bowed again and the others bowed too, Spike was watching the whole thing without them noticing him, Master shifu had came into the room and they all bowed at his presence, he then stood next to Oogway.
"Tigress, Viper, Mantis, Crane, Monkey, I have an announcement to make" Shifu told them
"What is it Master Shifu?" Viper asked curious, before shifu could answer, Oogway put his staff on front of him
"Let me do the talking please" Oogway told him and he nodded
"Of course Master Oogway" Shifu said understanding, Oogway then walked to all the lit candles and he started to blow out each one slowly much to the 5's confusion
"Is he seriously gonna blow out all 1000 of those?" Spike asked confused, Shifu wasn't having the patience however and used a move that put them all out at once.

"Master what is this announcement" Tigress said a little impatient while Oogway walked back up to them.
"We have a new student joining us today" Oogway told them and they all looked surprised
"New Student master?" Tigress asked.
"A new student?" Monkey asked surprised
"It's nice we'll have a new face around the palace" Viper said a little eager to know
"Who is he master?" Mantis asked, Crane nodding as well.
"He is a new student, who will be training to fight alongside the dragon warrior when the time comes, i expect you all to show respect." Oogway said especially looking at Tigress and Shifu and they all nodded
"Yes Master Oogway" They all said at once and bowed once again.
"So who is this new student master?" Tigress asked once again.

Oogway looked at Spike and he motioned his staff to come over to him, they all looked in the direction Oogway looked at, Spike took a deep breath and stepped out, most of them gasped in shock at what they were seeing, a real dragon was a new student at the Palace.

Spike walked up to them he noticed each of them and they're reactions, Monkey and Mantis were in pure shock, Crane had his beak hanging down at what he was seeing, Viper was mildly curious and concerned, Tigress looked a little cold and suspicious and he could feel her eyes following him like a predator, Spike stood next to Oogway and bowed like they all did
"It is an honor to meet you all" Spike bowed respectfully,

"This is Spike, I had found him by the peach tree this morning, the universe had told me he is meant to train here, not to become the dragon warrior, but to become a master of Kung Fu and fight along side him" Oogway told them all, Tigress was a little relieved knowing he isn't the Dragon Warrior.
"I expect you all to treat him like a fellow student and learn to fight alongside him" Oogway said and they all bowed once more.
"Shifu and i will leave you to get to know him, Viper i entrust him in your care" Oogway told her and she nodded in understanding, they then left the room leaving the 6 of them alone.

"So... how was your most recent mission?" Spike asked curiously
"We had to take down multiple threats threatening to harm innocent people" Tigress said coldly, the others groaned as she was being a little harsh again
"Come on tigress, you heard him, he's only meant to be training alongside us" Monkey told her, but she shook her head and decided to leave the room leaving them in an awkward moment, Crane then asked
"So where are you from?" Crane asked, Spike thought he would make it the most believable way possible
"I'm from a land called Equestria, it's basically a land full of creatures that you'd expect would be in a fantasy, like dragons, griffons, and other mythical creatures you would expect" Spike told them, and they all looked confused
" So like your, basically from a fantasy land" Mantis asked and Spike nodded.

"I woke up by the peach tree this morning in front of Master Oogway, and he told me i was meant to train here along side you all" Spike told them all,
"So can you breath fire like an actual dragon?" Mantis asked, Spike then turned around he took a deep breath and breathed a long stream of green fire surprising all of them.
"You can! That's awesome dude!" Mantis said laughing in amazement Monkey as well. Spike then got curious about Tigress
"So what is up with Tigress? How come she was so.. cold" Spike asked shaking a little and the others groaned a little
"Forgive Tigress, she hasn't had the best childhood, why don't i show you around the rest of the palace for today?" Viper offered, Spike nodded and walked with her through the rest of the place, Spike waved back at the others before they left.

"So you guys think he can be a great partner?" Mantis asked
"He looks to be fun, so i'm gonna give him a shot" Monkey said with a smile
"I'm a little optimistic, but i'm willing to see what happens in the future" Crane said as they all left as well, Tigress was secretly watching the thing and she still wasn't trusting of Spike, she'll have to see what happens in the future

3: Training day

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The rest of the week had went by, Spike had started to get along with the 5 outside of Tigress, Viper was like a mother figure to him as she and him often cooked and helped around the place, and he, Monkey and Mantis often would like to hang around and have some fun, while he and Crane often practiced art which surprised Crane on how nicely he was able to make some with him, Tigress didn't trust him still and Spike decided it was best to not do anything to make her upset.

Spike had to wake up at a gong that rang at the start of sunrise, the others were almost instant after the gong rang while Spike was a few seconds behind.
"How do they get out so fast? I just may have to wake up a little earlier then" Spike thought as they all were standing at their doors, Spike was right next to Viper's room while he was across from Tigress's room.
"Good morning master!" They all said at once even Spike was able to get it right away, Shifu then walked down to Spike

"It's training day, don't expect it to be easy" Shifu said coldly
"Yes Master Shifu" Spike said a little nervous, he and everyone else went to the training yards with Spike next to Viper.

Shifu opened the gates to the courtyard and he walked to the building in front of it, he opened the doors and it surprised Spike in what he saw.
The place had moving platforms to be quick on his feet, a giant bowl of some kind, dummies with sharp spikes at every angle, and a pit that shoots out fire at multiple places, which may not be a problem since he's fireproof, and swinging chains in the air for acrobatics.

"Let's begin" Shifu stated making Spike's eyes widen.
"That entire thing?" Spike asked nervously.
"Yes, That entire thing, unless you think Oogway was wrong and are not capable of training here" Shifu said a little coldly
"Shifu he's still really young" Viper said worried
"He may be young but since he's a dragon he shouldn't have much trouble." Shifu argued back
"Guys i'll be alright, " Spike said making they're eyes widen as they were shocked that he was willing to go.
"Dude you could get really hurt" Monkey said worried.
It's okay, if i want to stay here, i gotta follow orders and prove i'm not wanting to give up" Spike told them making Tigress eyes widen in surprise that he was willing to do it.
"He's a little foolish for agreeing to do it but it's also honorable to be willing to do it as well" Tigress thought a little surprised.

Spike took a breath as he felt something click inside him" lets do this" Spike said and ran to the obstacle course, the 5 tried to stop him but Shifu raised his hand and they all stopped at it and looked at him worried while Shifu was slightly interested in seeing what he can do.

Spike then jumped on to the spinning platforms, Spike had to be quick on his feet to not fall off, but it proved a little difficult as they were spiked chains swinging down at him, he punched off a few of them and jumped to the large bowl, he had surprised the 5 that he didn't fall off at that.

Spike then tried keep balance as the bowl kept leaning all around as his weight made it move around, when the bowl was leaned high enough he jumped off a platform on it and grabbed on of the swinging chains surprising them on how well he was doing for a first try.

"He's actually doing alright" Crane said surprised with the others surprised as well, Spike then jumped across as many chains as he could, he then jumped down and landed intron of the spiked dummies, he then ran through and did his best to block as many dummies as he could
"He might actually have potential in this" Shifu said surprised as he was shocked that he wasn't getting hurt as much as he thought
"He's using self defense instead of attacking the dummies aggressively like i normally do, good idea" Mantis said amazed.

Spike then continued to block as many of the spiked dummies he got hit a few times but it didn't hurt much because of his scales, Spike then went onto the pit of fire, he could feel the fire about to erupt at his feet, he dodged as many fire blasts as he could, when he did get it, it didn't hurt however because he's a dragon. Spike then got an idea and used a fire blast and jumped back onto the chains, he leapt across each on and landed back in front of them, they were all shocked on how decent he did, even Spike himself was surprised at this.
"Whoa, i didn't even know i could do that" Spike thought surprised.

Shifu was dumbfounded for a minute before he regained focus and looked at Spike.
"Not bad dragon, i expect you to improve upon what you demonstrated here" Shifu stated
"Yes master Shifu!" Spike bowed as he took deep breathes.
"Come outside with us, now you must face off against each of them to see what more you can do" Shifu ordered and Spike's eyes widened in fear a little
"Facing off against each of them?! How am i gonna do that?!" Spike thought hocked, he took more breathes before walking out with them and Monkey came up to him.

"How were you able to do that?" Monkey asked surprised with the others wanting to know as well,
"I don't know, before i jumped in something just... clicked, maybe i do have potential" Spike said looking at his claws in shock.
"Maybe you do" Viper agreed
"Even though i think it was just luck, i can't say im not surprised in how decent you were" Tigress said looking at him, they all looked shocked for a minute before deciding not to say anything to make her mad.
They all then were back in the training yard.
"You are going to face off against each of them to see what your style is" Shifu stated
"Yes master shifu!" Spike said, he was a little confused in what he meant by "Style" But decided to see for himself, Shifu snapped his fingers and the training started.

First off it was Spike vs Viper, they stood across each other and Viper while not wanting to hurt him was in her fighting stance ready to go.
"Are you ready?" Viper asked, Spike nodded and raised his fists, Viper then slithered fast and tried to whip him, but Spike was being sure to dodge as many hits as he can, he eventually got whipped by her tail and landed on his back
"Ow!" Spike said a little hurt.
"Sorry Spike" She said a little upset she had to do that.
"It's alright, lets continue" Spike said looking at Shifu, he then snapped his fingers again and we cut to Spike fighting monkey with a staff, Spike was actually able to get a few hits on him and was doing his best in dodging and waiting for the right moment, and Shifu observed his style and was getting an idea on how he is able to do so.

Spike then faced off against Crane, and Crane was flying down from the air at multiple angles, Spike dodged them as much as he could and even landed a few hits on him making them surprised.
Mantis however was tricky, he was small and was very fast, Spike felt him on multiple areas smashing him to the ground, Spike trusted his senses and was able to hit mantis off him back to the others, and they were all surprised even more at that, the whole day had gone by and it was around sunset ,but now it was time to face off against Tigress.

"Oh boy..." Spike thought as he and Tigress stood across from each other, she was in her fighting stance ready to fight, Shifu then snapped his fingers once again and she charged at him. Spike had a really tough time with her, she was fast and aggressive, Spike did his best to dodge her attacks, he managed to hit her a few times surprising her as she didn't expect that, but she eventually knocked him down into a wall hard, and Spike groaned as he was trying to get up.

"That was hard, but at least i pushed through today..." Spike said weakly as he got back on his feat, everyone else then came up to him
"You alright Spike?" Monkey asked worried for him with the others worried as well, even Tigress was worried she went a little to hard.
"I'm a little shaken up, but i'm still standing so that's something" Spike said as he started to regain his balance, Shifu then came up to him.
"Not bad dragon, your style seems to be about self defense and waiting for the right moment to strike, I expect you to improve on it and become more capable in it" Shifu stated and Spike bowed
"Yes Master Shifu" Spike said breathing a little heavily.
"We will resume training tomorrow, you all can rest now" Shifu stated and he left them all alone.

"At least we can rest at times" Spike said as he started breathing normally again.
"Come on, lets go get some food cooking, we all need to eat" Viper stated as they all headed to eat.
Tigress kept looking at Spike shocked in how decent he was today.
"Maybe he isn't so bad after all, we'll have to see what happens in the future" Tigress thought as they headed back.

Interlude: The Message

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The day was normal in Equestria and everypony was going about their business, except for a few ..or 6
"Spike!" A voice shouted worried making the residents wonder where that came from.

We cut to the castle, the mane 6 were searching every room top to bottom.
"Spike?" Twilight asked as she checked every piece of Spike's room
"Spike?!" Rarity said checking every piece of the castle clothing room
"Spike?!" Rainbow dash asked checking every corner of the library, Applejack was checking for him near the garden grounds, and Pinkie was literally flying around without wings searching everywhere.

Celestia and Luna arrived in the lobby and they all came to them sadly
"We can't find him anywhere" Twilight said upset
"Where could he have gone?" Fluttershy asked extremely worried, she had her animals check the woods but they didn't find anything.
"I don't understand, how can some dragon just disappear like that?" Rainbow dash asked confused
"He just disappeared overnight, found nothing after that" Twilight said sadly.
"I'm so sorry twilight, i'm sure he's okay" Luna said hopefully
"I need to meditate on this, i'm sorry, but i need to think on where he could have gone" Celestia said as she went to a private room.
"How do you think we'll find him" Rarity asked worried
"I don't know, but we will... somehow" Twilight said as she and the others continued to search.

Celestia entered a empty room for meditation, she sat in the middle and closed her eyes
"Where could you have gone Spike? What happened to you?" Celestia thought worried as her world went black

Celestia opened her eyes and she found herself somewhere familiar.
"Is this... the Spirit Realm?" Celestia said shocked as she hasn't been here in centuries.
"Good to see you still remember this place... friend" An old but familiar voice spoke.
Celestia turned around an saw a familiar person.. or turtle.
"Master Oogway?! Is that you?!" Celestia said shocked as she was seeing him after so long.
"Glad you remember me too. Celestia" Oogway said with a smile.

"Wait if your seeing me after he disappeared, do you have something to do Spike's where about? Do you know where he is?" Celestia asked worried
"it was the Universe that brought him to where he belongs" Oogway told her and that made her confused
"Where he belongs?" Celestia asked.
"Your dragon friend has been taken in by me, he was sent to the Valley Of Peace to fulfill his destiny" Oogway told her
"What destiny is that?" Celestia asked a little worried
"To train to become a Kung fu warrior and fight alongside the Dragon Warrior" Oogway told her
"He's training at your home?!" Celestia asked extremely worried about his safety.

"Do not worry, Spike has proven that he has potential and he's been coming along quite well in fact" Oogway assured her much to her surprise.
"Really? He is actually learning to fight?" Celestia asked shocked
"He surprised the others as well, but he's been coming along really nicely, he's even getting along well with the other students" Oogway told her with a smile, she sighed in relief
"So he's okay?" Celestia asked
"Yes, i wanted to send you this message that he is okay and is getting along well with the others, he hopes you all are alright" Oogway told her. Celestia then took a deep breath and looked at Oogway.

"Thank you so much for this, it might take a long time for me to get the others to The Valley of Piece, but i know he'll be safe under your protection, just don't let anything bad happen to Spike, okay?" Celestia asked.
"Do not worry my friend, i will keep him under the spirits eyes" Oogway told her and she chuckled a little
"You haven't changed a bit since the last time i saw you, and i'm glad your the same" Celestia said with a smile
"Neither have you, and your still a great ruler, tell your assistant and sister i said hi" Oogway said.
"How do you... never mind, knowing you i'm pretty sure you found a way to know about Twilight" Celestia said as she figured how ancient and skilled he is.
"I hope you all find each other soon, see you soon Celestia..." Oogway said as everything started to fade to white
"See you... Oogway" Celestia said as things turned white completely.

Celestia found herself back in the room for meditation, and she sighed in relief and left the room.
"How can i tell her about this?" Celestia thought as she made her ways back to the others.

4: Time Flies and First Fight

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It had been almost a month since Spike started living at the Jade Palace, Spike had improved on his fighting skills quite a bit, not as skilled as the 5 but he can hold his own now, The training he went through was really brutal for him. Spike woke up at dawn everyday with them, he trained with them till sunset and they would all eat , rinse and repeat, Spike's body felt exhausted, he felt his muscles burning and his arms like they were gonna explode. Spike had never felt so much exhaustion before in his life, even back at home he wouldn't work this hard. Spike had become an expert in acrobatics, he was able to do flips and moves no other dragon probably could in a fight back home.

Spike began to hit a growth spurt as well, he had grown a few inches as he was now a little shorter then crane. it must have been all the heavy training he's gone through, he showed a lot of arm muscle, and his senses became more and more sharp.

Spike was currently sparring with Viper on the pit of fire, they were dodging each fire blast and throwing as many hits as possible. Viper swiped at him but Spike was dodging and blocking them, whenever Spike got an opening he was able to land a good hit and she went back a few feet and was surprised.

"Wow! You've only been here a month and your really starting to improve, especially with your new height!" Viper said as they swung at eachother again.
"It takes time for things to improve, i may not be the best fighter yet, but i'm definitely better then i was before" Spike said as he delivered a kick and it sent her out of the ring. Spike walked through the pit and walked up to her.
"You alright?" Spike asked offering her a hand.
"Yeah, thanks" Viper said gratefully.

They all then met up together near the door.
"Wow i'm really impressed on how well you've been improving." Crane said surprised that he beat viper.
"I've only been here a month, but i shouldn't get to ahead of myself, i'm not perfect" Spike said rubbing his head a little
"Spike's right, even though he's improved, he's not as close as skilled as we are, but he'll get there if he keeps this up" Tigress told them.

"When do you think we'll get to see you in battle for real?" Mantis asked and Spike shrugged
"It could be tomorrow, could be in a week, we'll find out when something happens" Spike said as they walked out the training hall for now.
"I just hope we see it soon, i'm eager to see what else you can do" Monkey said exited.
"Let's not rush things guys, he's still a student here." Crane told them and Spike nodded.
"He's right, lets not rush things." Spike said as they walked across the courtyard

Just then a palace servant and Master Shifu came up to them with the palace servant a little freaked out.
" Bandits are approaching the village right now!" The servant told them
"We'll speak of the devils" spike shook his head a little surprised
"All of you get going now, that includes you now Spike, show the village our new protector" Shifu ordered
"Yes master Shifu!" They all bowed and ran off
" Guess we're about to find out right now!" Spike said as they continued to run.
"Hey why don't we give you a dramatic introduction" Mantis asked, they all looked at each other and nodded, Spike then got an idea and told them what his cue should be and they nodded and Spike backflipped away and they continued towards the village

The village was being raided by thieves, wolfs were robbing each store and threatening the villagers.
"That's all the money hear, lets go!" The leader shouted before they heard someone shout
"The furious 5!" A villager shouted and they all cheered much to they're annoyance, a certain panda was watching from a nearby wall.
The five then all land in the middle of the village dramatically creating a crater, and they got in they're fighting posed
"Awesome!" The panda said excitedly

"you really think the 5 of you guys can beat all of us?" The leader laughed as around 3 dozen wolves went in front of him snarling.
"We've dealt with these kinds before, we can handle you easily" Monkey shouted, and all the bandits laughed at that.
"Oh right, you 5 are the warriors of this village, what do you have that we don't" a wolf asked as they all brought out they're weapons.

"We got a new warrior to fight alongside us" Mantis shouted, all the villagers looked confused
"A new warrior? when did they get a new student? Who is he?" Multiple villagers asked, Spike was keeping himself hidden waiting for his moment.
"They got a new student?!" The panda asked excitedly
"Oh really? what do have? a bunny? a mole?" They mocked and laughed at that, Tigress then stepped up and Spike got ready.
"You may have these weapons, and multiple members, but we... We have a Dragon" Tigress said with a smug smile
"What?" the thieves asked confused as well as the villagers, Spike then made his cue

A loud roar was heard and they all looked upwards and saw a figure, the figure strikes a few poses and soon lands on the ground in front of the 5 and creates a crater of his own in front of the five with a smug smile
"Dramatic entrance" Spike said as he blew a ball of green fire in the air and they all looked completely shocked.
"That.. can't be.." A wolf said backing away a little scarred
"Is that a dragon?! Like a REAL dragon?!" The panda asked completely amazed.
"They have a dragon fighting alongside them now?!" A villager asked amazed.

"Who cares?! He's still a student anyway! Get them" The leader shouted, they all regained focus and charged at them.
"Here we go" Spike said as they charged to with villagers rooting for them.

Spike and the others split up to take care of villagers, Spike was surrounded by wolves and they charged at him, Spike backflipped into the air and they all hit eachother, Spike grabbed a wolf by the tail and threw him towards more that were charging at him, Spike then went onto the roof and helped out monkey with some of them.

Spike and monkey used their acrobatics and hit them with unbelievable skill, spike grabbed a villager and threw it
"Viper catch!" Spike shouted as he threw him towards her, she then coiled around him and used his body against some other wolves and they all were knocked away before she slammed the one she controlled on the ground knocking him out.

Spike then jumped back on the ground and came face to face with the leader.
"So your the monster that's causing all this pain?" spike asked angry
" it's just giving the lower ones a chance to live while we steal what they have and get away" the large wolf grinned evilly
"I'm gonna give you one chance, i won't hold back against someone like you" Spike threatened as he clenched his claws
"He he, that's cute" The villager mocked and Spikes eyes narrowed
" DON'T CALL ME CUTE! " Spike shouted in anger and charged at him quickly with his eyes focused on him

Spike engaged battle with him, the leader tried to deliver as many slashes as he could but Spike dodged them, even when he did get hit it barely hurt him since he was a lot tougher, Spike jumped over him and delivered a kick to his back, he then grabbed him by the face and threw him into a wall, the wolf leader then snarled in raged and charged at him.
"You really think your a warrior?!" Your nothing but just a child from an extinct species!" He shouted as he tried to hit spike with an axe, but Spike stopped the axe by the blade shocking him.
"Maybe in this world, but i'm still here, and as long as i am, i won't let anyone like you hurt innocent people!, by the way dragons should NEVER be called cute!" Spike shouted and used his strength and shattered the axe completely shocking him.

"What?!" He asked shocked
"Tigress!" Spike shouted and tigress grabbed him and they tried out a new move, Tigress threw spike hard at him and Spike delivered a hard kick to his jaw, breaking it and slamming him into a wall knocking him out and the villagers cheered as he beat him.
"Like i said, don't call me cute." Spike said down at his body and he left and the villagers cheered for they're newest hero, but as he did he bumped into someone.

" Oh sorry!" Spike said as he turned around, but was greeted by a panda who was completely amazed.
"It's completely okay!" The panda said quickly getting up.
"That was completely awesome on what you just did!!" The panda said excitedly and Spike chuckled
" Take it your a fanboy of this kind of stuff" Spike asked with a smile and the panda nodded.
"I can't believe im talking to an actual dragon who knows kung fu." He said amazed.
"Heh, don't hurt yourself dude, My name's Spike by the way" Spike said offering his hand and the panda took it
"My name's Po! Thank you so much for saving the village!" Po said excitedly.
"Don't expect it to be the last!" spike laughed and they separated
"I probably better get going, hope to chat with you sometime!" Spike said as he went to the others jumping roof to roof to travel.
"Awesome..." Po said before he fainted in excitement.

Spike had arrived to where the rest of them were, the rest of the 5 had taken care of the thieves and they were all on the ground groaning in pain or knocked out.

"How'd everything go?" Spike asked as he landed in front of them
"All the bandits are dealt with" Tigress said with a smile.
"Took care of the leader, and a few more of them" Spike said as he walked to them
"You took out the leader?!" Mantis asked shocked
"A little help from tigress but yeah, i took him out" Spike said and Tigress nodded
"He just needed an extra push" Tigress told them.

Multiple villagers were cheering and came up to Spike
"Who are you Mr dragon?" A duck villager asked amazed
"My name's Spike, and i'm glad to have helped you all" Spike told them and they all cheered for them.
"Come on guys we should head back" Crane told them, they all nodded and headed back for the palace, Spike looked back and waved with a smile one more time before catching up with them.

"Do you think he's the dragon warrior?" A villager asked,
"I don't know, but i can say one thing, we have an actual dragon with the 5 protecting us now!" A villager cheered and the rest of them did the same as they were amazed that Spike is now with the 5.

5: Reunion And Becoming A Master

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A few more months had passed by after Spike's first fight against the bandits, Spike had become well liked around the village, he was believed he was the dragon warrior, even though Oogway said he isn't, the people didn't know it, whenever he went to the village for supplies, he would often be swarmed and thanked for helping them whenever they went out on a mission and came back successfully.

Even after All this praise thought, Spike still missed his friends, he wished he could have one conversation with them at least, he wanted to tell them about the friends he made and the stuff he's gone through. but he feels afraid that they would reject him and hate him for suddenly leaving without so much as leaving a message, he wondered if they would still love him.

Spike had become more and more athletic and tougher with the training he had gone through his senses were so sharp he could fight with his eyes closed now, Spike had earned the trust of the 5, Tigress was even starting to warm up to him but not fully. Spike and the others were once again training in the training hall, Spike and Tigress were sparring on the moving platforms, they were jumping across the platforms and hitting eachother whenever the moment was right. The doors soon opened and they all saw Oogway and Shifu were walking in.

They all rushed over to them and Bowed in respect.
"I see your training has been coming along really well" Oogway told Spike with a smile.
"Even i must admit, despite my doubts, you've become a well trained warrior in the art and treated it with respect like i told you to." Shifu said with a small smile even they didn't expect that. Oogway walked up to Spike.

"Come with me my friend, i have something to show you, the rest of you can relax for the day" All of the 5 sighed in relief as they were a little tired after all of this.
"Yes Master Oogway" Spike said a little curious but also in understanding, they soon left the room leaving the others to wonder where he went.

"Wonder what Oogway wants to show him?" Crane asked curious.
"I don't know, i just hope that he'll be okay" Viper said as she was a little concerned.
"Do not worry Viper, if there's one thing i know about Oogway, is that his wisdom is greater then all of us" Shifu told them as they looked back at the door.

Spike and Oogway had been walking 10 miles away from the palace.
"Where.. are we going?" Spike asked as he was really tired from all the walking.
"Somewhere very special." Oogway told him as Spike sighed as they continued walking.
They soon reached the top of a mountain and what Spike saw a large pool in it as well as rocks for meditation or training.

"What is this place" Spike asked in awe.
"This is the pool of Sacred Tears, this place is as ancient as me" Oogway told him as he sat down in front of the pool and Spike decided to sit next to him

"Why did you bring me here Master?" Spike asked confused as he looked at his reflection.
"I sensed you were doubting yourself, how you were afraid of what your friends may think of you for vanishing all of a sudden" Oogway told him with his eyes closed, Spike just then looked really sad
"I just never got a chance to say goodbye... I haven't been able to send a letter, picture, nothing." Spike said with a few tears.

"I know it can be difficult having to be away from them, especially after Twilight had raised you as her son essentially" Oogway said opening his eyes and looking at him.
"Its just, what if they hate me for vanishing like that? What if they see me as selfish for leaving without saying goodbye? Is that even considered Selfish?" Spike asked all at once extremely worried, but Oogway put a claw on his shoulder.

"You should never think that, remember your times with your family, did they ever look like the type to reject you if something like this happened?" Oogway asked him
Spike began to think things over and he remembered his times with them, from all the fun stuff they did with them during they're adventures, to Twilight raising him, and all the battles he went through with them, he remember how much they loved and cared for him, and that no matter what he loved them to.

"Your right, i just never felt like i knew my purpose before i left, and after i did, i just imagine them really worried and have been searching everywhere for me." Spike said as he continued to look at his reflection.
'One's destiny may often be one they may not expect, whether or not its something good or bad, Destiny can always shape a person into their greater selves" Oogway told him with a smile.

Spike thought about what he said and realized how true it was, Twilight's destiny was to become a princess, his other friends was to be the Elements of Harmony, and his was to be a Master of Kung Fu.

"Your right once again" Spike said with a smile, Oogway merely chuckled, Spike then decided to ask.
"May i ask what makes this place so special? Why you brought me here?" Spike asked curious

"This place is where i unraveled the mystery's of harmony and focus, this is where i created Kung fu" Oogway said looking into the pool, Spike's eyes widened as he said that.
"This is the place where Kung Fu was born?" Spike asked amazed
"Yes... Spike, please meditate with me, i have something i want to show you" Oogway told him as he closed his eyes, Spike listened to him and closed his eyes as well, he felt the area around him fade to black and felt himself on water.

Spike opened his eyes and was shocked in what he saw, he found himself in a completely different place, the water was golden from the sun reflection, this looked like a spiritual place.
"Surprised?" Oogway asked with a laugh, Spike turned to see Oogway was right next to him stunning him a little.
"What is this place?" spike asked amazed as he kept looking around.
"This is the Spirit Realm, it is a special place i go to meditate, and where i wanted you to come with." Oogway explained to him

"The Spirit Realm?" Spike asked in shock.
"Yes, there is still something i want to show you, come with me" Oogway told him and Spike followed behind, Spike was literally walking on water, he looked around at the golden area to his amazement, he saw so many ancient structures that looked like they were made for masters who have passed on. Soon they found themselves in a large field with pink leaves from a blossomed tree.

"May i ask why..?" Spike was cut off when Oogway raised his hands.
"This is why?" Oogway told him. they looked to see the leaves starting to swirl around like a tornado, Soon the leaves calmed down and Spike's eyes widened as he saw some familiar faces.

"T... Twilight...?" Spike asked as they all saw him too, Oogway stepped out of the way for them to talk.
"Spike?" Twilight asked with tears coming from her eyes, Soon they all rushed to him and tackled him to the ground much to his surprise.
"Your okay! Your alive!" Fluttershy said as she had tears of her own as well.
"We were so worried about you!" Rarity said crying
"I can't believe its really you guys!" Spike said crying as well, Oogway was joined by Celestia and Luna as they stood next to him

"So your Master Oogway?" Luna asked and Oogway and Celestia nodded
"And you must be Luna, the princess of the moon, it's an honor to meet you" Oogway said making her smile.
"It was tough trying to get them to come to this place with me, but we used enough magic to be able to come here when meditating" Celestia said as they looked at the others.

Spike and the others got up and they saw how much Spike's grown.
"Wow! you've grown so much!" Pinkie said excitedly with Rainbow dash nodding as she was amazed as well
"You've gained some muscle too" Applejack said as she looked at the rest of his body
"How were you guys able to come here?" Spike asked amazed.

"Celestia had told us about what happened, she and Luna used a special spell for us to come here while we meditate, we only have a limited time though." Twilight explained to him, they then noticed Spike had started to look sad.
"What's wrong Spike?" Rainbow dash asked as they all came up to him.

"Guys, i'm so sorry for vanishing like this, i didn't even get a chance to say goodbye..." Spike said with a few tears, Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder.
"You don't have to be sorry, it was beyond our own control, what matters is we can talk for right now" Twilight said to him.
"Your not mad that i left?" Spike asked surprised
"We would never be mad at you Spike, you shouldn't think something like that" Twilight said hugging him, Spike took it and felt relief as she said that and soon they separated.

"So what have you been doing since you disappeared Spike?" Rainbow dash asked curiously. Spike looked a little nervous but took a deep breath
" I've been training to be a master of Kung fu, and I've made some friends where i've been training as well, I helped saved the village i live in from bandits, and i have been becoming more sharp with my senses." Spike told them all.
"You've been learning to fight?" Fluttershy asked concerned
"Only to protect those who can't protect themselves from evil." Spike assured them.

"So you've been learning to take care of yourself?" Twilight asked, Spike nodded a little sad still. But Twilight looked at him with a smile
" I'm so glad you've found your place Spike, somewhere where you can be." Twilight said with the others smiling at him
"It's great to know you have more friends with you" Rarity said happy for him. Celestia was watching and began to struggle
"I don't think the spell were using can hold much longer" Celestia told them, and they soon decided to wrap things up.

"Spike, i couldn't be more proud of you for what you've become, i promise we'll find a way to your new home." twilight said as they hugged him once again.
"I promise i won't let anyone down, i love you guys" Spike said as he saw the leaves starting the swirl around them again Spike said holding Twilight's hoof.
"I know you won't Spike, we love you too" Twilight said as they separated and they leave again, Celestia and Luna began to vanish as well.
"Take care of him Oogway, i promise we'll find our way to your home" Celestia told him.
"I know you will, see you... my good friend" Oogway said with a smile, Celestia and Luna smiled back as they disappeared leaving them alone again.

Spike looked at Oogway and walked up to him
"Oogway i can't thank you enough for letting me have this" Spike said with tears.
"I wanted you to have at least some way to tell them your okay, I'm glad you got that moment" Oogway said with a smile.

Oogway then decided to tell him one more thing
"There is one more thing i want to tell you Spike" Oogway began to explain
"What is it master?" Spike asked curiously as Oogway came up to him.

"With how well you've become in your fighting, you have surpassed most students that have come to train here, your willingness to protect others and put yourself in harms way to protect them, that is something every master is willing to do" Oogway said with a smile. Spike still was looking at him confused.
"What are you trying to say?" Spike asked and Oogway chuckled

"I am saying that you are no longer just a student, from this day on, i am now appointing you as a master, congratulations my friend." Oogway said putting his staff on his shoulders as he looked shocked
"Me?! A master?!" Spike asked amazed
"Yes, you've become what you are meant to be, your training will only make you better. From now on, You are Spike The Dragon Master " Oogway said with a smile, Spike couldn't believe what he was being told, Spike looked at him and bowed.
"I promise i won't fail you Master Oogway" Spike said with a smile
"I know you won't Master Spike" Oogway said with a smile as well, they soon found themselves back in the real world and Spike and Oogway looked at each other.
"We should let the others know about the newest master" Oogway said getting up.
"Yeah, Let's get going!" Spike said exited they then walked back to the palace to tell the others he now has become a master.

6: The Dragon Warrior

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More time had flown by since Spike said goodbye to his friends for now, Oogway and Spike had announced to the 5 and Shifu that Spike was now a master. The 5 were really happy for their friend becoming a master, even tigress felt good for him as she was happy for him, Shifu was happy as well, for once he showed a smile for the time he knew him. From there Spike would spend time with the others.

Spike and Oogway would often meditate by the pool, Oogway had trusted spike enough that he not only taught him special nerve attacks for freezing and unfreezing them, he also taught him the Wuxi finger hold as a last resort against any big threat, and should only be used only when necessary.

Spike and Tigress would often spar in the training hall, Tigress had finally warmed up to him as they had been training a lot and Spike even learned some of her combo's while Spike taught her some pressure point attacks. Spike and Viper would often cook together or go out to get supplies, they had developed into really close friends.

He and crane would often practice on more art together and have fun with ideas for paintings, he and Monkey and Mantis would often have fun with pranks on eachother and have funny jokes.

Whenever they went out on missions it felt like the 6 of them were perfectly in sync with each other, Spike would often fight alongside on of the 5 against multiple foes and pull of unique moves with them. he and tigress would combo the enemy's hard, while he monkey and crane would do combos in the air, and he viper and mantis would often use the enemy's strength against them.

People had now started to call them " The Furious 6" which Spike found funny, but he preferred himself as the Dragon Master like Oogway appointed him, but the others considered him a part of the team, so it works out.

Spike had grown just a little more as he was now as tall as Tigress as he was a little higher by the spikes on his back, Spike and the others had woken up to another day at dawn, today Shifu instructed to them that they will try to catch him off guard near the training hall, they all thought out their own strategies in order to try to surprise him.

We cut to the training ground, Shifu was playing his flute with his eyes closed, Spike and Viper were hiding near a pillar, while crane was in the sky, and monkey, Mantis and Tigress were hiding near the bushes. They waited for the perfect moment, once Shifu finished his song Viper and Spike launched at him with the others following in pursuit.

Shifu opened his eyes, he managed to counter each of they're attacks, he threw mantis away as he tried to make a last effort attack, shifu twirled his staff around as he began to speak to us.

"Well done students" Shifu said sarcastically as they all bowed in respect" If you were trying to disappoint me" He finished.
"Don't have to be so blunt about it" Spike thought to himself.
He then pointed to Tigress" Tigress you need more ferocity" He then pointed to Spike and Monkey" Monkey and Spike greater speeds" They bowed in understanding" Crane height, Viper subtlety, Mantis .. " he was then interrupted by a palace servant.
"Master Shifu" He said respectfully.
Shifu then pointed the staff at him scarring him." What?!" Shifu asked upset with this which scarred him.

"It's Master Oogway, he wants to see you" He reported with fear which shocked him a bit, Shifu then looked at them and told them to go continue training and they bowed in respect, he rushed over to the palace while the others went to train.

"What to you think that was about?" Spike asked the others who shrugged in response.
"Must be something important" Mantis suggested and the others nodded since Oogway's always got something important tell..
"Just hope it's something big" Crane said as they opened the doors to the training halls again.

The equipment was all ready and they all began to train again, Monkey took the chains, Crane was dodging arrows, tigress was on the moving platforms, and Spike and Viper once again sparred on the fire pit, Spike often cut his training with each part of the hall to keep an even amount of skill, after his spar he and Mantis then took on the spiked wooden warriors and deflect their attacks, he and Tigress Spared on the spinning platforms again, and he and Crane sparred on the large bowl, then he and Monkey swung on the swinging chains often swinging through them while fighting in the air.

The doors soon opened to reveal Shifu and he beckoned us to come to him, they all ran up to him and Bowed.
"Master Shifu, is something going on?" Spike asked curious with the others wanting to know as well.
"Yes, today is the day one of you 6 will be chosen as The Dragon Warrior." Shifu told them and they all looked amazed.

"Today is the day?!" Spike asked amazed, even though he knew he wasn't meant to be it, he was still exited for it.
"This is great! All of our training will finally pay off" Mantis said excitedly.

"All of you should prepare for the event. The entire village will be present and i want you to be at your best!" Shifu ordered and they all bowed.
"Yes master Shifu!" They all said at once, Shifu then left to go with Oogway and they all began to prepare.

"This is great! Finally we'll be able to see who has the honor." Monkey said excitedly.
"Definitely isn't you." Spike joked and the others laughed at that, even Tigress chuckled a bit.
"What?! What makes you think that?!" Monkey asked a little upset.
"Bro you have no idea how much people like to use the word " Monkey" As a joke" Spike told him and the others laughed at that.
"Oh so true" Crane said with a smile.
"What?" Monkey asked confused, they all laughed even more and they left leaving monkey more confused, " What?!" Monkey asked again as he followed them.

We cut to the entrance to the palace, where all the equipment was being prepared for the event.
"It is an historic day. isn't it master Oogway? "Shifu asked as he walked with Oogway.
"Yes, but one i feared i would not live to see. are your students and Spike ready?" Oogway asked.
"Yes master Oogway" Shifu responded.
"Now remember old friend, whoever i chose will not only bring peace to the valley with Spike fighting alongside him, but also to you" Oogway said pointing at him making him a little confused.

We zoom out to the area as the entire village was there, Shifu stood next to Oogway as a palace servant walked up to the balcony.
"Let the tournament begin!" He announced and banged a small gong, the village cheer as we zoom forward through the doors to see a familiar panda crawling his way up the long long flight of stairs clearly exhausted, he then laid on the ground.

"Yeah! Ha ha!" He said victoriously putting his fists in the air, the doors were beginning to close and he noticed.
"Oh no!" He freaked out and ran to the doors" No no no wait! I'm coming, Wait! Yes!" He said excitedly but the doors closed in his face.
"Ow!" Po said in pain and fell to the ground, he then got up and banged on the door.
"Hey! Open the door!" Po shouted banging the door, but pig servants were playing on drums with each beat he made.
"Let me in!" He said worried, he then saw a hole big enough and went over to it and Shifu started to announce.

"Citizens of the Valley of Peace" He began and po jumped up to see what was happening.
" It is my great honor to present to you, Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis, The Furious 5" Shifu said proudly, "And Spike, The Dragon Master" he said proudly as well. Everyone cheered at the announcement.
"Ha Ha ha" He laughed excitedly, The 5 and Spike were seen high in the air, they each struck poses before landing on the ground, giving their iconic fighting poses, Crane released a gust of wind, and Spike let out a stream of green fire into the air making them cheer even more.
"It's the Furious 5 and the Dragon Master!" Po said excitedly, but the gust of wind closed the hole he was on and he got knocked on the ground.

"Ah! Oh!" Po shouted as he got knocked down, he then got up and noticed a hole in the door. "Warriors prepare" Shifu said seriously
"Oh peaky hole!" He said hopefully wanting to see what happens. "Ready for battle!" Shifu continued and Po saw that crane was against a large machine spewing out a huge amount of fireworks.
"The Thousand Tung's of Fire" He said realizing what it was, " Oh ho ho!" He said amazed, but some pig got in the way" Whoa look at that!" He said blocking his view.

"Hey! get out of the way!" Po said trying to get him move, the fireworks were starting to launch in the air and Po backed up, he looked at it in amazement as he saw crane about to pull of a move to defeat them but Po fell down the stairs again.
"Ah!" he shouted as the fireworks all went off, he then crawled back up to hopefully see it was still happening but he missed it.
"ah.." he said upset that he missed them, Po then decided to try to get in, he tried to punch the door open but it simply hurt his hand" Ow!" Po said in pain, the tournament continued on as each of the 5 got their moment to shine.
Po tried to swing himself off a bamboo tree but he was to heavy, and when he got off it it went swinging
"Ow!" He said as it hit his face and then again knocking him on the ground" Oh!" Po groaned as it hit him again.

"And now the Dragon Master steps up" Shifu announced over the wall.
"Oogway himself had picked this one, prepare to be blown away! Shifu said proudly making them all exited even more

We cut back to the tournament where it was now Spikes turn, he was tasked with facing off against 50 metal warriors that surrounded him and covered the whole yard, Spike combos over 20 of them and , breathes fire at 10 melting their armor and knocking them all down, he slashed through 10 more of them, he then finished of the rest by delivering a devastating ground pound that created a shockwave knocking the rest of them down making the village cheer, Oogway smiled as he had seen him win, Shifu was even proud of that. He roars victoriously as they all cheered even more amazed at that.

Spike then walked up to the rest, Tigress was next.
"Was my roar a little to much?" Spike asked the others.
"No i think that was awesome!" Mantis said with a smile and the others nodded making Spike feel a little better, Confetti went into the air as Po is seen sitting near the stairs upset that he was missing it all.
"And Finally, Master Tigress!" Shifu's voice is heard and Po starts to try to get in again.

"Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet! Next to the Dragon Master!" He announced as he knew Spike and Tigress had been training hard.
Po is seen trying to launch himself off a tree" I know!" Po shouted as he had met Spike before and was a big fan of Tigress especially.
"Master Tigress, face Iron Ox, and his Blades Of Death!" He announced, Tigress was in her fighting stance ready to fight.
Po then launched himself over the wall and saw what Tigress was doing for a short moment, " Ha ha ha!" He said excitedly but he hit two pillars and fell back down onto a bunch of fireworks.
"Oh! Po groaned as he laid in the fireworks

Oogway had noticed it and raised his hand in the air, they all went quiet and looked at Oogway gasping in awe.
"I sense the Dragon Warrior, is among us" He told them all, and shifu nodded to them all, Tigress looked shocked for a moment as well as the others, they all then rushed to the center of the ground with Spike next to Tigress.
"Citizens of the Valley Of Peace, Master Oogway will now chose, The Dragon Warrior" He announced and the villagers cheered, Po got up in shock
"No no no wait!" He said worried, he then looked at the fireworks and got an idea, "Yeah!" He said agreeing to his plan

The drummers were playing the instrument epically as Oogway slowly made his way to them, We cut to po as he tied a bunch of rockets to a chair, he laughed as he finished. Po then lit a match but was interrupted by someone.
"PO! What are you doing?!" He asked shocked at what he saw. he then went to blow out the matches but Po stopped him as he was sitting on it
"No Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior!" He tried telling him, we cut back to the yard as Oogway was still walking to them slowly with his eyes closed.

"But i don't understand! You finally had the Noodle Dream!" Ping said confused, Po then sighed
"I lied! I don't dream about noodles dad!" Po said a little ashamed, his goose father looked shocked as he said that, Po saw the matches was about to go off.
"I love Kung Fu!" He shouted continuing the Fu part as he hoped he would launch as he said that, but the match didn't light much to his shock, he then fell on the ground face forward, he then starting to sniffle as he looked as his dad.
"Oh come on son, let's get back to work." Ping said holding out an employee outfit for him. Po then sighed.
"Okay.." Po said sadly trying to get up.

But as he tried to get up the chair suddenly lit up!
"Ah!!!" Po screamed as he got slammed against the wall.
"Oh!" Ping said shocked as he saw what was happening, Po's face was grinding against the wall much to his pain.
"Po! Come back!" Ping shouted, but the chair landed up straight and shot into the air!
"Oh!!!" Po Screamed in fear looking down as Oogway was about to chose someone, the chair exploded with fireworks being seen from above.
"Ooh! Ahh!" The villagers all said in amazement
"Is someone screaming" Spike thought curiously as he heard a familiar voice.

"Ow!" Po said in pain as he was still in the air, the chair then became dust and blew away leaving him in the air.
"Uh oh!" Po said scarred as he fell back down, he screamed as he fell and everyone looked up to see him falling, he blacked out just as Oogway was about to pick one of them.

Spike looked at him in shock.
"Is that that same panda from before?" Spike asked thinking to himself as he recognized him, Tigress was in a fighting position just incase he was a threat.
"Oh..." Po groaned in pain as he opened his eyes, "What's going on?" he asked as he saw the five and Spike looked down at him concerned
"Where uh.." He was about to ask but he saw a finger pointing at him, he then regained focus and realized it was Oogway!

"Oh!" he realized as Oogway was still pointing" Okay, i'm sorry! I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was!" He tried explaining himself.
"How interesting!" Oogway said fascinated as Spike looked confused.
"Master are you pointing at me?" Tigress asked confused, Po then got up.
"Him." Oogway told her. " Who?" Po asked trying to move out of the way but he kept pointing at him.
"No way..." Spike thought shocked.
"You!" Oogway said to Po.
"Me?" Po asked confused as po used his staff and raised his arm.

"The Universe has brought us The Dragon Warrior!" He announced shocking all of them.
"What?" Po asked confused
"What?!" The 5 asked surprised
"What?!" Spike asked as well.
"What?!" Shifu asked upset.
"What?!" Ping asked as he finally came into the yard.

The palace servant bangs the gong as shifu tried to take it but was to late and looked at him mad, confetti was blown into the air and cheerful music began to play. Po and the others were just as confused as he was. Some palace servants began to come down to him.

"Stop wait! Who told you to?!" He asked trying to stop them
The music continues as Shifu runs down to Oogway. the servants pick Po up in a carriage of some kind, but struggle a lot because of how heavy he was.
" Master Oogway wait! that flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem!" Shifu said to him, the others looked concerned as he said that.
"What does he mean by that?" Spike asked concerned as he saw them walking.
"You were about to point at Tigress and, that thing fell in front of her! that was just an accident!" Po tried to renounce his decision.

"There are no accidents" Oogway told him.
But for comical effect, Po then ripped the seat he was under because of his weight and the servants couldn't even move, and they all looked in concern, more pig servants came up to him and lifted it off the ground and headed up the stair, Shifu was simply looking at it all, his eye twitching in annoyance.

The rest of them went up to him.
"Forgive us master, we have failed you" Tigress said bowing as the others were going to bow as well but Shifu stopped them.
"No. if the panda has not quit by morning, then i will have failed you." Shifu told all of them. He then looked at Spike.

"Spike go with that thing and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble" Shifu ordered and Spike bowed and hurried after him.
"What just happened here?" Spike thought confused as he continued to catch up.

7" A Rough First Try

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Spike had hurried up the stairs to the hall of Warriors, he had just caught up with Po as the servants had dropped him on the ground as he was making them struggle.
"Oh wait a second!" He said weakly trying to get up, Spike then got into the hall as the servants closed the doors but po tried to explain. "I think there's been a slight mistake, everyone seems to think that i'm uh.." Po was interrupted

"The Dragon Warrior?" Spike asked behind him, Po turned around and slightly screamed as he saw him,
"where did you come from?!" Po asked shocked, i was right behind you as they dropped you." Spike explained to him.
"Oh..." Po said a little embarrassed that he didn't notice, Po then decided to ask.

"So uh... how have things been?" Po asked and Spike merely shrugged.
"Grown a bit more, became a Master, learned some stuff from Oogway himself" Spike explained and Po looked exited
"You learned stuff from Oogway?! What did he teach you?!" Po asked amazed. Spike chuckled at that.
"That will come for another time man" Spike said and Po looked a little sad.
"Aw.." Po said before he realized where he was and gasped.

"The Sacred Hall Of Warriors! No way!" Po said as he looked around in amazement.
"Look at this place" Po said as he started to walk around.
"Po try not to break anything, these are all extremely valuable." Spike tried to warn him. Po nodded but saw armor for a Rhino.

"Master Flying Rhino's armor! With affective battle damage!" Po explained as he said the last part dramatically .
"Flying Rhino? How does that work?" Spike asked confused.
"He had this armor specially designed for him to fly in the air and take on thousands of foes at once! "Po explained excitedly, Spike looked at the armor in awe.

Po then noticed a extremely sharp sword" No!" He said in amazement as he walked up to it.
"The Sword of Heroes! Said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking.. Ow!" He was interrupted as he " Felt" a cut on his finger, Spike walked up confused.
"How does one cut themselves just by looking... Ow!" Spike then felt a cut on his finger as well, and he saw it was in cut much to his shock.
"How in the..." Spike asked confused and Po went up to him.
"You got a cut too?! it really can cut by people just by looking at it!" Po said in amazement, he then saw a painting and ran up to it.

"Po!" Spike shouted trying to make him stop.
"Oh! I've only seen paintings of that painting!" Po said in awe, and Spike came up to him.
"Dude this stuff is not to be broken, this is all extremely ancient!" Spike tried to tell him, but Po was to distracted by more artifacts he then noticed a ancient vase.
"No!" He said in awe running up to it.
"Po!" Spike shouted running up to him.

"This isn't your average everyday stuff dude!" Spike said a little annoyed.
"Don't worry, i know, this is all just so awesome!" Po said like a fanboy and Spike sighed.
"You really know your stuff around these artifacts don't you?" Spike asked as he walked up to the vase. Po then looked at it started to explain what it is.
"The legendary Ern of Whispering Warriors! said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu Army." Po explained while looking at it.
"How does a thing this small contain an entire army?" Spike asked looking at it.

Po then tried to hear any voices from it. " Hello?" he whispered trying to hear any one, we did hear a voice but it was one Spike recognized.
"Have you finished sight seeing?" the voice asked Po and he gasped.
Sorry, i should have come to see you first." Po said as he thought the ern was speaking to him.
"Dude." Spike said as to Po he saw Shifu was near the pool.
"My patience is wearing thin.." Shifu said to Po and he was slightly upset as he still thought it was someone else.
Oh well, i mean it's not like you were going anywhere." Po said and Spike slapped his hand on his face.
"Spike, would you turn him around?" Shifu asked, Spike did so and he turned his head and he saw him.
"Hey how's it going?" He asked before turning back to the vase.
"Dude!" Spike shouted as he couldn't believe he didn't recognize him yet.

"How do you get 5,000.." Po then realized who he just saw and quickly turned around
"Master Shifu!" Po said shocked but he knocked the vase of the pedestal and it broke and Spike's eyes widened, the vase broke and the spirits of the vase then flew around, and Spike pinched the bridge of his head.
"I had one job..." Spike said ashamed of himself as he couldn't believe he didn't catch that.

"Someone broke that.." Po said and Shifu and Spike just looked eachother and were slightly upset at that.
"But i'm gonna fix it, do you have some, glue?" Po asked trying to put it back together with the spirits still making sounds, he then hit the pedestal and it fell on him and Shifu was unamused.

"So your the legendary Dragon Warrior hmm? " Shifu asked sarcastically.
"Uh i guess so?" Po said.
"Wrong!" Shifu said mad scarring them a little.
"You are not the Dragon Warrior! You will never be the Dragon Warrior until you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll" Shifu said pointing up at the scroll.
"Whoa!' Po said in awe and Spike looked amazed as well, he knows he's seen it before but it was still awesome.

"So uh? How does this work? Do you have a ladder? Or a trampoline?" Po asked moving his legs and Spike rolled his eyes.
"It doesn't work like that dude." Spike told them and Shifu chuckled.
"You think it's that easy, that i am just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?" Shifu asked angry walking up to him.
"No i" Po backed up a little and Spike moved out of the way.
"One must first master the highest level of kung fu and that is impossible, if that one is someone like you" Shifu said harshly.

"Ouch.." Spike thought to himself as he said that.
"Yes! Look at you! this fat butt! flabby arms" He said slapping each part.
"Im sensitive in the flabby parts" Po said rubbing his arms
" This back, and this ridiculous belly" Shifu said poking his belly.
"Hey!" Po said offended.
"And utter disregard for personal hygiene" Shifu told him.

"Now wait a minute that's a little uncalled for" Po tried to tell him.
"Don't stand that close Spike and I can smell your breath" Shifu said a little disgusted and Spike gagged a little.
"He's right, sorry man." Spike apologized.

"Listen Oogway said that i was.." He was interrupted when Shifu grabbed his finger and Po and Spike gasped
"The Wuxi Finger hold! Not the Wuxi finger hold!" Po begged not wanting him to use it.
"Master isn't this a little to much?!" Spike asked worried as he didn't want that to happen to Po. Shifu chuckled a little.
"Oh! You two know this hold?" Shifu asked
"Developed by Master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty, yes" Po said as he knows how it was made.
"Oogway himself taught me this!" Spike told them, Shifu was surprised that he taught Spike such a move, but quickly regained focus back to Po.
"So you two must know what happens when i flex my pinkie?" Shifu asked moving his pinkie a little.

"Master Stop!" Spike begged not wanting him to die.
"No no no!" Po begged not wanting that to happen.
"You know what the hardest part is? The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards" Shifu told them and he chuckled.
"Oh.. ew..." Spike thought disgusted.
"Okay take it easy." Po begged getting on his knees.

"Now listen closely, panda. Oogway may have picked you, but when i'm through with you i promise you, your going to wish he hadn't! " Shifu threatened, "Are we clear?" Shifu asked.
"Were clear! We're clear, we are so clear!" Po said multiple times.
"Good, i can't wait to get started." Shifu said in a cruel way before letting go and Spike sighed in relief.
"At least he didn't use that move on him" Spike thought relieved as he followed Shifu to the Training hall.

We cut to Shifu and Spike opening the doors and Po looked at it in awe, he saw each of the 5 using their skills and fought through each part, it ended with tigress shattering a spiked chain and a piece hit Po on the head, Shifu sighed before looking at the course.

"let's begin" Shifu stated, "Wait, what?" Po asked before he saw the course and the pit of fire lit up and Po looked scarred.
"Now?" Po asked.
"Yes, now. Unless you think the great Oogway was wrong, and you are not the Dragon Warrior " Shifu told him trying to make him quit.
"Oh well, i don't think i can do all of those.. moves" Po said nervously and Shifu walked ahead and they followed.

"Well if we don't try, we'll never know will we?" Shifu asked and Spike nodded
"He's right, i had to do this the first time i came here to." Spike told him trying to make him feel better.
"Well, i'm not a master but lets just start at zero, level zero" Po said trying not to go on the course
"Oh no, there is no such thing as level zero" Shifu said as that wasn't a thing.

"Hey maybe i can start with that!" po said going up to a dummy
"That? we use that for training children, and for popping the door open when it's hot. but if you insist" Shifu told him
" Even when i first came here i still didn't have to use this, but if it's what you want" Spike told him as he walked up to the rest of the 5 who had joined in.

"Whoa! The furious 5! your so much bigger then your action figures." po said looking at them" Except for you Mantis, your about the same" Po said, Mantis twitched his antenna in annoyance and Spike sighed.
"Not the first thing i would say to my heroes" Spike thought to himself.

"Go ahead panda, show us what you can do." Shifu said trying to get him to do something. Po then tried to say that he just ate and is still digesting so his kung fu might not be as good as later on, but Shifu didn't care.
"Just hit it." Shifu said getting annoyed.
"Oh okay" Po said, he then tried to intimidator the dummy, he made a monkey sound and Spike and Monkey just looked at it a little dumbfounded. Po then tried to make a dragon roar sound to make Spike sound scary, but Spike kind of found it a little sad.
Spike pinched his nose as he never would do something like this.

"Would you hit it?!" Shifu said with his anger snapping a little.
"Alright, alright." Po said as he finally was about to, he then punched it a little bit.
"why don't you try again? a little harder?" Shifu encouraged, Po then punched the dummy harder
"How's th.. Ah!" He then was knocked back into the course with a tooth falling on the ground, Spike and the 5 tried to stop him but Shifu stopped them, they all then continued to watch.

Po was trying not to fall off the spinning platforms but it was harder as the spiked chains began to swing around him, he tried to avoid them but he fell and did the splits and he stopped two of the platforms.
"Ouch!" Spike thought as the cringed as that happened.
"Ow that hurts! Po said in pain, a swinging chain then came right for him, Po noticed and screamed as it hit him, he is then seen screaming in slow motion as he flies into the large bowl falling around on each side.

"This will be easier then i thought" Shifu told them and the others continued to watch.
"Even i didn't fail this bad" Spike thought as he felt really bad for him.
Po then finally got out of the bowl and he then walked into the spiked warriors, he was getting hit by multiple sides, the others cringed as they saw that.

"Ow those are hard! Ah! Ooh i hit em.." He then accidently got hit in the nuts and Spike flinched at that
"Ooh!" Spike said in pain as he and the others felt really bad on that part.
"Ooh!" Po said in pain as he got on his knees,
"My tenders!" Po said in pain as he tried to recover, he looked like he would be able to leave but he placed a hand on a warrior and he started to get hit all over again. he then finally made but didn't see where he was going and walked into the pit of fire.
"Uh oh." Po said as he heard the fire about to blow, he then proceeded to get hit by the flames multiple times, the others looking away at the last one as it was way more then usual.

Po then was seen crawling towards them as he looked up at them.
"How did i do?" po asked.
"There is now, a level zero." Shifu said putting out the fire on his head delivering a devastating comment.

Spike then looked at him and sighed.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" Spike said helping him up and they walked out of the halls much to Po's gratefulness.

8: A Conversation

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Spike was helping Po towards to the bed rooms after helping him get cleaned up.

"So you worked at a noodle shop?" Spike asked as they were walking up the stairs.
"Yea, i accidently ate the customers bowls a couple times and my dad had to give them meals for free" Po and Spike chuckled at that. Po then looked down a little and looked at Spike.

"do you really think i can be the Dragon Warrior?" Po asked sadly, Spike looked at him and felt bad for him.
"I know how tough it can be being thrust into this kind of situation, it was rough for me too, i was able to adapt and become a great fighter, and if i can, you can too." Spike told him with a smile, Po looked at him thankfully.
"Thanks Spike, i'm glad i at least have someone to be there for me." Po said gratefully
"I'm meant to fight alongside you against big threats, and i think it's best we get along and are able to work together" Spike told him with a smile. But before they could continue talking they heard familiar voices.

Spike jumped high on a tree to stay hidden, while Po hid behind a rock.
"That was disastrous there's no doubt about that" Mantis said as he and the others are seen talking about po and Spike looks down at them.
"I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking, the poor guys just gonna get himself killed" Viper said with concern as they made they're way up the stairs.
"He is so mighty, the Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire!" Crane said while the others laughed.
"When he walks the very ground shakes" Mantis tells them and they all laugh.

"One would think master Oogway would chose someone who actually knew kung fu, at least Spike was able to hold his own well when he first came here." Tigress said still frustrated as Po was picked.
"Yeah, or could at least Touch his toes." Crane told them
"Or even see his toes" Monkey joked, the others laughed again as they left into the buildings.

Spike couldn't believe what he heard, he never heard them ever insult someone like that. Spike landed back on the ground as Po got out of his hiding spot, Po tried to lift his belly to see his toes but he fell on his own weight.
"Ow!" Po said in pain as Spike helped him up.
"You alright?" Spike asked as he helped Po up.

"Yeah, are you?" Po asked as well, he could hear a slight growl of anger as Spike was still upset of what they said.
"No, i never have heard them speak of others like this." Spike said frustrated, Po put a hand on his shoulder.
"I know things may be rough , but like you said, if you can become a master, i can become the Dragon Warrior" Po said trying to make him feel better, Spike calmed down and looked at him.
"Your right, we just need time, if they won't help you, i will." Spike said with a smile. Spike then sighed.
"I should go on ahead, goodnight Po" Spike said as he waved goodbye and headed up to the bedrooms.

Spike had entered the halls, he saw the others had just blown out the candles to go to sleep, spike quietly made his way to his room which was next to Viper's, just as he opened his doors the doors from Tigress's room opened, she looked really upset but she softened up as she saw it was Spike.

"Spike, where were you? We had dinner without you with us" She asked and Spike sighed.
"I was helping the panda clean up after he got injured during his attempt to train, if you guys aren't gonna be welcome, i will." Spike said as he tried to go into his room but was stopped.
"What do you see in him? He's a disgrace to warriors everywhere, he clearly doesn't have it in him." Tigress said upset, but she could hear Spike growl making her eyes widen before he calmed down.

"I wasn't the best at Kung Fu either, Oogway believed he is him, i don't think it was an accident, just like how me showing up here wasn't an accident either ,my destiny is meant to fight alongside the Dragon Warrior, whether or not it's Po, i see that he can be a warrior, i just need to find what suits him best to make him become a fighter" Spike tried to tell her, she only sighed upset.

"I just don't understand, why would Oogway chose him? I trained over 20 years to get this title, and he just fell out of the sky in front of him" She said looking down sadly, which surprised Spike a little as she rarely showed her emotions, Spike only sighed and put a claw on her shoulder.

"I know it's rough just having something you trained for years taken for you, i may not have known what you went through but i know it was all for making Shifu proud like we all want. but Oogway told me, one's destiny may not be what they expect, but it can help shape them into their better selves" Spike told her and she looked at him surprised.
"Really?" She asked him, and Spike nodded.

"I never thought i would be able to be a master of Kung fu like you guys, but all i did was simply believe in myself, as Oogway and all of you believed i could, and with hard work and dedication i became a master, and I believe the same can happen with Po, but if no one is there to support him, he won't be able to fully become what he can be, not even he could expect to become a Warrior. But if we all simply try to support him, i believe he can not only become the best he can be, but also help shape all of us into our better selves." Spike explained to her, Tigress thought to herself and realized just how dedicated he was and how with all of their support he was able to become a Master.

Before she could say anything, Spike told her something else.
"No one is perfect Tigress, that's something my kind has, if there's a flaw we all have, it's giving into our jealousy and rage, and it can cause us to do bad things. And by the time we realize what we've done we can't undo it, and we have to wear the burden of shame of what we've done, i know you are frustrated with him. But if you give into your rage and jealousy, you won't be able to recover from it, trust me." Spike told her, the rest of the 5 had heard what he said and all thought it over as well and realized they were a little harsh as well.

Spike then turned to his room before looking back at her.
"He just needs time, people to support him, and to find what make's him special, just think about it Tigress" Spike said as he closed his doors for her to think to herself, she went back into her room to think it over as well, Po had heard everything and was grateful for Spike telling her that, he decided to go somewhere else to think over what happened today leaving them all to sleep.

9: A Rough First Day

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A shadow of some kind or someone looms over the village as it fades into just the village houses, Two villagers ring the morning gong, Spike and the others came out of their rooms in an instant.

"Good morning Master!" They all said at once, but Po didn't come out of his as his was a new one next to Spike's
"Panda! Panda!" Shifu shouted before he came to his room to wake him up himself.
"Wake up!" Shifu ordered before it soon turned into a smile and he chuckled.
"He's quit" He says as the room is empty. Spike looked a little sad as he hoped Po wouldn't quit, he sighed and everyone went to the training halls again.

The other 5 had felt bad as they thought about what Spike said and they hoped they could try to help Po become a warrior, but alas it wasn't meant to be.

"What do we do now master with Po gone, who will be the Dragon Warrior?" Viper asked as they all came upon the gates.
"All we can do is more training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed" Oogway said as he was about to open the doors.
"Nothing can ever be easy master, i feel like he wouldn't quit after one fail like that" Spike said trying to protest with the others agreeing, Shifu merely rolled his eyes and opened the doors, to his surprise and anger, and to Spike and the 5's relief he was in the yard trying to do a split.

"What are you doing here?!" Shifu asked angry. and Po turned around in shock.
"Ah! Hi! Good morning master!" Po said making a hand gesture, " I thought id warm up a little" He said, raising his arm in the air trying to leave but he couldn't.

"Your stuck" Shifu said not impressed.
"Stuck? what stuck? ha ha, yeah i'm stuck" Po said shamefully.
"Help him" Shifu told Crane
"I got it" Crane responded, he then grabbed Po by the back and was able to flip him over." Three" Po said in pain as he tried to do it on three. he then got up and looked at Crane
"Thank you" Po told him
"Don't mention it" Crane said with a smile before walking up to them. Spike patted Crane on the back as thanks and Crane smiled at that.

"You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night?" Shifu asked upset, he then grabbed two disks of some kind and threw them into the air.
"It takes years to develop one's flexibility" Shifu started to tell him, he snapped his fingers and tigress jumped into the air.
"And years longer, to apply it in combat" Shifu finished as Tigress did the splits while destroying the disks, Po looked at it in amazement, It actually had taken Spike two weeks to learn the splits much to his own surprise, so he wonders how long it would take to do what Tigress did

Tigress landed back on her four legs before walking back up to the rest, a piece of the disk landed on him and he grabbed it for later and the others chuckled at that.

"Put that down!" Shifu ordered" The only souvenirs we collect here, are bloody knuckles, and broken bones" Shifu said trying to intimidator him.
"Yeah!" Po said exited and he threw the piece on the ground." Excellent" Po said smiling ready to start.
"Lets get started" Shifu said with a smug smile.

He snapped his fingers, and Po and Viper were on the ground, this is like what Spike had to go through his first day.
"Are you ready?" She asked ready to fight
"I was born re" He didn't even finish his sentence before Viper whipped the snot out of him, he then landed on his head.
"I'm sorry Po i thought you said you were ready?" She said while helping him up.
"That was awesome! Let's go again!" Po said excitedly and put his hands together much to Shifu's annoyance and the 5's happiness.
Shifu snapped his fingers again and we cut to Po fighting Monkey, Monkey was hitting Po at multiple points before Po managed to block it once.
"Whoa!" He said in amazement before Monkey hit him on the head and he fell on the ground, Shifu snapped his fingers once again.
We cut to Crane ready to fight him, Po tried to make a sound of anger or something, we cut to the training hall where they were on the bowl, Po tried to attack Crane but he simply fell into the bowl again and Crane just flew upwards and helped him out, Shifu snaps his fingers once again.

We cut to Spike fighting Po, Spike was using his own weight against him and flinging him around, Spike finished him off by flipping over him and grabbing his head with his legs and tail, he then threw Po into the wall creating a large crack.
"You alright?" Spike asked helping him up, Po nodded and put his hands together, Shifu was getting more and more annoyed as he snaps his fingers again.
We then see Po trying to fight Mantis but he was to fast and kept slamming him down over and over again, with each hit po took we cut to different times of the day, before the sun was ready to set and Mantis finally stopped and hopped over to Monkey's shoulder, Shifu chuckled but his eyes widened as he saw Po still wanted to go.

Instead of having him face Tigress he went for the nuclear option.
"I've been taking it easy on you panda, but no more, your next opponent will be me" Shifu told him and Spike's eyes widened in fear," Oh no.." Spike thought scarred.
"Alright yeah! Lets go!" Po said getting up, the Crane, Monkey and Mantis looked at eachother scarred, while Spike and Viper and Tigress looked incredibly worried for him.
"Even i haven't faced him yet, and judging by the others reactions i think it's best i haven't " spike thought to himself as they watched

"Step forth" Shifu ordered, he didn't even take a full step before he was grabbed and was spiraling around him.
"The true path to victory is to find your opponents weakness, and make him suffer for it!" Shifu taught him a " Lesson" while beating the crap out of him.
"Oh ho ho yeah!" Po said excitedly, he was absolutely loving it much to Shifu's annoyance before he flipped him over.
"To take his strength and use it against him!" Shifu said before kicking Po in the face multiple times.
"Until he finally falls, or quits" Shifu finishes slamming him to his back while holding his nose.

"But a real warrior never quits! Don't worry master i will never quit!" Po shouted.
"Uh oh.." Spike thought as he saw Shifu finally snap.
Shifu then threw Po into the air and kicked him out of the grounds, sending down the many many steps of the Jade Palace, Po making a sound of pain with each bounce.

The 5 and Spike came to see him continue to go down them.
"He's pretty tough for taking the beatings from all of us without wanting to quit" Monkey said impressed he lasted today without quitting.
"I'm surprised he was willing to fight Shifu given how much more skilled he is" Spike said as they continued to watch.
"He's not going to quit, is he?" Viper asked and the others nodded while Tigress just left.
"He's not gonna quit bouncing i'll tell you that" Mantis joked while laughing, Viper hissed at him while Spike growled.
"Mantis get your acupuncture needles, I'll go get him" Spike said while he went down stairs, Po is heard making sounds of pain as we see the view of the village and the long long stairs leading up to the Palace.

10: Tai Lung

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Spike had helped Po all the way back up stairs and took him to Mantis's room, mantis was trying to use Acupuncture on him

"Oh ow!" Po said in pain as he kept having needles placed in him" Ow!" Po said once again.
"I thought you said Acupuncture would make me feel better?" He said as he had another one inserted.
"Mantis you should slow down dude!" Spike tried to have Mantis slow down just as he inserted another inside.
"Trust me Spike, i know what i'm doing, and believe me it will Po" Mantis said trying to assure him.

"it's just hard finding the right nerve points under all this.." Mantis tried to not insult him
"Fat?" Po asked a little upset
"Fur I was gonna say fur" Mantis corrected
"Sure you were" Po said not convinced.

" Come on Po, we're just trying to help you" Spike said trying to make him feel better and Viper and Mantis nodded.
"He's right Po, it's the quickest way to help you get better" Viper told him.
"Sorry we were rough earlier, we had to follow Shifu's orders" Mantis apologized.
"Yeah, we had to do the same with Spike when he first came here." Viper explained
"It's okay, i know he can be rough now." Po said as he still hurt and Mantis inserted another one in.

"Maybe you should take a look at this again." Viper said as she brought the image of a panda and their nerve points.
" Oh okay!" Mantis said understanding.
"Ow! Stop it Stop it!" Po said in pain as he could be heard from the other rooms, Po interrupted Monkey's meditation, and interrupted Crane's art making him mess up one of his pictures much to their annoyance.

"I know Master Shifu's trying to inspire me and all, but if i didn't know any better, id say he's trying to get rid of me" Po said and he laughed nervously, Mantis and Viper simply smiled
"ha ha... Yeah..." Spike said nervous as he knew that's exactly what he was trying to do.
"I know he can see kind of heartless" Mantis said as he injected another needle." But you know he wasn't always like that." Mantis told him.
"Really? For the time i've known him he was never one to relax" Spike said as he looked back on his time here.
"According to legend, there was once a time when Shifu actually used to smile." Viper told them.
"No!" Po said amazed, Tigress was walking down and was hearing what they talked about.
"My friend Pinkie Pie would try to make him smile no matter how hard he refused.' Spike told them as he recalled how much she would do to make one happy.
"But that was before.." Viper whispered and it made Spike and Po curious.
"Before what?" They both asked, just then the doors opened revealing Tigress.

"Before Tai Lung" She told them, Crane's shadow was on the other side of the door.

"Uh yeah, were not really supposed to talk about him?" Crane said from the other side.
"I never heard about him, so you guys did a great job on that." spike told Crane.
"Who is he?" Spike asked as he looked at Tigress.
"Guys guys! i know about Tai lung" He was a student, first ever to master the.. thousand scrolls of Kung Fu.
"Oh geez.." Spike said surprised that he's that skilled.
"And then he turned bad, and now he's in jail" Po said nervously as Tigress walked up to him
"He wasn't just a student." She began to explain to them.
"Oh boy.." Spike thought as he was curious to learn about him.

We cut to a memory of a long time ago, a young Shifu was seen looking down at a young snow leopard cub.
"Shifu found him, as a cub" Tigress narrated over as Shifu picks him up.
"And he raised him, as his son" She continued, a young Tigress is seen eating some food with Shifu, he rips off a little bit of Shifu's mustache much to his pain.

"And when the boy showed talent in kung fu" We see a young Tai Lung doing poses and hitting the dummy to the wall.
"Shifu trained him, he believed in him, he told him we was destined for greatness" Tigress narrated as Shifu is teaching him some poses.

"It was never enough for Tai lung" Tigress said as we cut to years before Tai lung went rouge as he took care of all the spiked dummies.
"He wanted the dragon scroll, but Oogway saw darkness in his heart, and refused" Oogway is seen looking at him as he felt ashamed that he would have to hear the truth.

Tai lung is then seen destroying parts of the village.
"Outraged, Tai Lung laid waist to the Valley" Tigress says as Tai lung burst through the doors to the hall, he ran towards Shifu and Oogway
"He tried to take the scroll by force, and Shifu had to destroy what he had created" Shifu is seen trying to kick Tai Lung but the memory of him as his son comes to him and he softens.
"But how could he?" Tigress said as Tai lung sweeps his feet and knocks Shifu away, he leaps for the scroll but Oogway stops him by using a special pressure point move and froze his body knocking him down, Shifu looks at him heartbroken.

"Shifu loved Tai Lung like he never loved anyone before." Tigress says as a young version of her is seen trying to strike poses and she hits the dummy back, she looks at Shifu hoping he was impressed, but Shifu puts his stick on her arm and legs putting them to a proper position.
"Or since..." She says sadly, as the young Tigress looks sad as he walks away, we cut back to real time.

"Oh my Celestia.. that is so... sad" Spike said depressed as he couldn't believe that happened to him. Tigress then looks at Po with Monkey and Crane watching the whole thing.
"And now he has a chance to make things right, to train the true Dragon Warrior" She tells him.
"And he's stuck with you, a big fat panda who treats it like a joke, but if you have help from Spike and support, you could just as well be it." Tigress tells him, and Po looks at her feeling ashamed of what happened.

"It kind of reminds me of Sunset Shimmer in a way..." Spike thought to himself as he looked at her sadly
Po then ruined the moment by making the most ridiculously funny face he's ever seen.
"What?" Spike asked chuckling a little, but Tigress didn't find it so funny....
"OH! THAT IS IT!" She shouted as she was ready to claw him, Spike was about to stop her but luckily Mantis came on his face.
"Wait! My fault! I accidently tweaked his facial nerve!" Mantis told her.

Po's body then falls on the ground with dozens of needles in his back.
"How did you put that many in him?!" Spike asked shocked.
"And i may have also stopped his heart" Mantis finishes, he pokes Po's face and it twitched a little.
"Lets get these removed and try again." Spike said annoyed as he started taking them out with Mantis's help.

11: A Final Conversation With Oogway And Goodbyes

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Spike had left to think about what he had learned, he felt really bad for knowing what happened to Tai Lung, he walked up to the peach tree, it was blossoming finally, Spike sat down near the tree and recalled what's happened.

"This is where i was first founded by Oogway, it was here my life changed for the better, me meeting new friends and becoming a master, Oogway was always there to help me, but something tells me i won't have him around for much longer." Spike had thought to himself, he then heard some footsteps.

"Pretty evening isn't it Spike?" A familiar voice asked, Spike turned around and saw Oogway himself had came.
"Yes it is, what are you doing out here master?" Spike asked curious.
"The peach tree has finally blossomed and i wanted to admire the beauty of it." Oogway said as he looked at it and Spike looked at it as well.

"This is where it started, from you finding me, and my life changing" Spike said as he stood next to Oogway as they looked at it.
"Yes, when destiny had called you here, and became a huge impact on our lives, Spike" Oogway said with a smile. Spike looked down sadly and Oogway noticed it.
"What is the matter? My friend?" Oogway asked

"I learned about Tai Lung and what he went through, it was unfair for him, he worked all those years to get the title, but it wasn't meant to be... I can't help but feel depressed in what it could have been if he had accepted it and tried to become something better then giving into his rage." Spike said sadly as he looked at the sky and Oogway sighed.

"It was hard for me to have to tell both Shifu and Tai Lung, remember when i said destiny can change someone for better or for the worst? This is the unfortunate path Tai Lung took, I still regret having to tell him that, even though he was dedicated to the art. I saw darkness in his heart, I had no choice, and i still regret it." Oogway said sadly as well.

"Why does fate have to be cruel like this? Why does this stuff happen?" Spike asked sadly.
"Destiny can shape ones path for better or worse, even though it can shape the path of others around him, but it cannot always mean the best for the one who shapes it" Oogway said sadly.
"I just wish i could have done something to help him" Spike said regretfully and Oogway put a claw on his shoulder.
"I wish i could have to, but sometimes one has to accept it, and if they push past it, they find inner peace" Oogway explained to him.

"Inner peace?" Spike asked confused.
"When one finds peace in himself and accepts the troubles of his past an himself, someone who pushes past them and becomes the best they can be." Oogway explained before he looked at him again.
"That is the path you are on Spike" Oogway told him and Spike's eyes widened a little.
"You think i can find inner peace? but i've already accepted leaving my friends and my home for now, what else could there be?" Spike asked.
"There is more to you then you know, what your past hides that even you don't know, you will find it and see what it means." Oogway said without giving a clear answer.

"Is he referring to how my egg was found? if so.. how was it found by Celestia?" Spike thought to himself as he thought over Oogway's words.

Spike then heard Oogway tell him.
"No matter what happens, you have to believe in yourself and the ones around you to make them what they are meant to be, I hope you can do the same with the Dragon Warrior" Oogway asked hopefully and Spike looked at him determine"
" I won't let you down master, I promise" Spike told him with a smile.
"Thank you Spike, my good friend" Oogway said with a smile, before they could talk more someone else came up to them.

"Master! Master" Shifu came up to them extremely worried.
"Shifu? What's wrong?" Spike asked coming up to him with worry.
"It's very bad news!" Shifu said with worry,
"Ah Shifu, there is just news, there is no good or bad" Oogway said looking at him.
"I don't know it looks like it's very bad" Spike thought to himself

" Master your vision! your vision was right! Tai Lung has broken out of prison! he's on his way!" Shifu told them worried
"What?! He escaped?!" Spike asked terrified knowing he's coming here now. They look at Oogway and he has a mild face of shock.
"That is bad news, if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him" He told Shifu
"The panda? Master that panda is not the Dragon Warrior! He wasn't even meant to be here, it was an accident!" Shifu told him
"There are no accidents." Oogway told him once again.
"His name is Po, Shifu" Spike said with a little anger, Shifu turned around and sighed.

"Yes i know, you already said that to me, twice" Shifu said sadly
"Well that was no accident either." Oogway said with a smile
"Thrice." Shifu and Spike said putting three fingers up.

"My friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor will you with yours, until you let go of the illusion of control." Oogway explained to them.
"Illusion?" Shifu asked.
"Yes, take this peach tree, i cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor bear fruit before it's time" Oogway said looking at the tree.

"but there are things we can control." Shifu argued back, he kicked the tree and all the peaches fell down much to Oogway and Spike's disappointment.
"I can control when the fruit will fall" Shifu told them when a fruit fell on his head and they chuckled, he then took the peach and sliced it.
"And i can control, where i plant the seed!" Shifu then punched a hole in the dirt.
"That is no illusion master!" Shifu said before he he threw it into the hole.

"Your right about that, but no matter what happens, it will be a peach, no matter how hard you try to change it" Spike said walking up to him.
"Spike is right, you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach." Oogway told him.
"But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!" Shifu said still worried.

"That is only if you don't believe if you can do it master, you all believed i could do it when i came here, no one starts out perfect, do you think Oogway was perfect when he invented Kung fu, do you think you were perfect when you started to learn it?" Spike asked him, Shifu's eye's widened as he realized he is right.

"Spike is right again, i was never perfect, and i still am not, nor are you, but if we could train a small child like spike when he came here for the first time, whether or not its a peach or panda they can still be something special." Oogway told him as he walked up to the seed

"And if you are willing to guide it, to nature it, to believe in it." Oogway told him while softly planting the seed.
" All one could need is to have others believe in the other, I believe Po can be it, and i'm willing to help him no matter what." Spike said as he walked up to Shifu.

"Promise me Shifu, Promise me you will believe" Oogway asked hopefully
"I... I will try." Shifu said a little hesitant.
"I'll be there to help you Shifu, i promise." Spike said with a smile and putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Mmm good." Oogway said before he looked to see the leaves were blowing away.

"My time has come" Oogway said as he looked at the sky
"Master?" Spike asked worried, Oogway walked up to them and gave Shifu his staff and gave Spike a single peach.
"You two must continue your journey's without me." He said before he walked to the cliff.
"Wait what are you?" Shifu asked before he realized what was happening
"Wait master Oogway!" Spike said with worry starting to cry a little.
"Master! You can't leave us." Shifu begged trying to make him stay. Oogway looked back at them.
"You must.. believe" Oogway said with a smile as the blossoms flew around him.
"Master Oogway!" Spike said starting to cry.
"Master!" Shifu said feeling really upset as well.

Oogway then closed his eyes and his body disappeared with the blossoms, Spike and Shifu looking depressed as they see their friend go on, the blossoms fly off into the night sky leaving them alone.
"Thank you for everything, my friend" Spike said with tears as he watched the blossoms fly away.

12: Departure

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We cut to the kitchen and Po was currently making everyone soup.

"But your a lousy tipper" Po said telling an obviously fake story.
"Really? So how'd you get out of there alive?" Crane asked with the others playing along with it.
"I mean, i didn't really say that, but i thought it in my mind.. if he could read my mind he'd be like what?" Po said trying not to make himself look silly.

"Order up! Hope you like it!" Po said as he threw each bowl to the 5, Mantis took a sip of his
"This is really good!" Mantis said amazed.
"No come on guys you should try my dads secret ingredient soup, he actually... knows the secret ingredient" Po told them.
"What are you talking about this is amazing!" Viper said taking hers
"Wow your a really good cook!" Crane said still amazed.
"I wish my mouth was bigger!" Mantis said still eating it.

"Now we have 3 great cooks in the palace!" Monkey said pointing to Viper, Po and referring to Spike as he pointed at a chair he usually sat at, as he's made great meals in the past.
"Thank you Monkey" Viper said gratefully.
"Where is Spike anyway? He's really missing out!" Mantis asked as he took another sip.
"Spike needed to think to himself, said he needed to clear his mind about learning about... him" Viper said trying not to say Tai Lung's name, and they all looked a little sad at that.

"It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing, but the dew of a single Gingko leaf, and the energy of the universe" Tigress told them taking a bite of Tofu.
"I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet, gonna need lot more then dew, and universe juice" Po said sitting down as he had some soup.

Once Po was done, it was revealed that he had a noodle on the top of his mouth, the 5 except Tigress chuckled at that.
"What?" Po Asked
"Oh nothing... master Shifu" Mantis said bowing, and the others laughed and Po noticed and got a idea
"You will never be the Dragon Warrior, unless you lose 500 pounds, and brush your teeth" Po mocked in Shifu's voice, the others were laughing more from that.
"What is that noise your making? Laughter i've never heard of it! work hard panda, and maybe someday." He then picked up two bowls and put them behind him.
"You will have ears like mine." Po finished and they continued laughing, but they instantly shut up when they saw Shifu and Spike appeared right behind him.

"Ears, not working for ya? i thought it was really good?" Po asked, Spike was shaking his head while the others tried to stop him.
"It's Shifu and Spike" Monkey whispered.
"Of course it's Shifu what do you think I'm doing? Don't know how i could imitate Spike though..." Po said curious on the last part.
Monkey motioned his eyes to behind him.

"Ahem" Spike's voice is heard, Po looked behind and he saw spike and Shifu.
"Oh! Master Shifu and Spike! Uh.." Po then ate the noodle of his face, the others chuckling the while, he missed one piece and ate it up.
"You think this is funny?!" Shifu asked angry.
"Tai lung has escaped from prison! And your acting like children!" Shifu said which surprised them all.
"What?" Po asked surprised.
"He is coming for the Dragon Scroll! And you are the only one who can stop him!" Shifu said pointing at him. The two bowls fell of Po's chest and he laughed.

"And here i am saying you have no sense of humor!" Po joked hoping he was joking
"He's not joking unfortunately" Spike said worried and Po looked surprised.
"What your serious?! And i have to.." Po said trying to back out.
"Master Oogway will stop him! If he did it before he'll do it again!" Po suggested.
"Oogway... is no longer with us. So he can't, not any more..." Spike said sadly with Shifu looking depressed as well, The others were really shocked at the news.

"Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior." Shifu told them.
"The panda?" Tigress asked.
"Yes the panda!" Shifu told her.
"His name is Po!" Spike countered.

"Master please, let us stop Tai Lung this is what you've trained us for!" Tigress said trying to convince him.
"Are you crazy?! You could get yourselves killed!" Spike tried to tell her.
"No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung, it is theirs!" Shifu said pointing at Spike and Po but he was gone and they noticed.
"Where'd he go?" Shifu asked, Spike pointed in the right direction and he ran out trying to catch up.

Spike then turned to Tigress as she was walking out of the room.
"You can't seriously be thinking of going to stop him!" Spike said trying to stop her.
"I've trained for over 20 years for this, I won't let him destroy everything!" Tigress said pushing him out of the way and she ran off.
"Tigress!" Spike shouted trying to not let her go, he turned to the rest of them.
"are you seriously gonna let her go by herself?! She could get killed!" Spike said with worry.

The five simply got up and started to walk out to..
"Where are you going?" Spike asked worried.
"We can't let her go alone, it'd be suicide if she did." Crane said as they went down the halls.
"Are you all seriously thinking of going after him?!" Spike asked scarred for they're lives.
"Spike.. we've trained our whole lives for this, we won't let anyone destroy what is close to us" Mantis said getting on his shoulder.
"We know this is dangerous, but someone has to try to stop him" Monkey said sadly as they continued to walk.
"You all could die from this!!" Spike said starting to cry." I can't lose you all too! Oogway's gone, and i can't lose you all to!" Spike said trying to not let them go.

Viper then came up to him.
"We all know how dangerous this is, but someone has to try while Po is given time to try to train." Viper said putting a tail on his shoulder.
"I.. I just don't know what to do, i don't know how to help him.." Spike said crying still.
'It's never easy Spike, but we never gave up on you, you should never give up on him." Viper said as they all came to hug him.
"We know you'll be able to find a way, you never lost faith in yourself, try to not have Po lose his" Viper told him.
"What if you all don't come back?" Spike asked worried for them.
"We may not, but there's a small chance we could, and while we're gone, we can hope you help him find what makes him special." Crane told him looking sad.
"If there's anyone who can help Po find what it takes, it's you" Mantis told him.

"You all really believe i can do it?" Spike asked, and they all nodded.
"We know you can, even though you've only been here for a while, we know you can do it" Monkey told him with a smile.
"Don't give up on yourself and don't give up on Shifu and Po" Viper told him, Spike thought it all over, he decided that he had no choice.
"Promise me you all will come back?" Spike asked hopefully. They all hugged him once again.
"We won't die, we promise, just take care of them while we're gone" Viper said with a smile.

They all separated and Spike looked at them.
"I promise i won't let you down, please be careful.." Spike asked them.
"We'll be back before you know it Spike!" Mantis told him confidently.
"It may be tough, but we'll push through it!" Monkey said with a smile. Spike looked at them all and smiled

"Be careful my friends" Spike said still a little worried.
"Don't worry Spike, we will." Viper assured him, they all then left leaving him alone.

Spike walked all the way back to the tree again, the leaves were now completely gone, Spike looked at the night sky with worry. He heard Shifu walking up to him.
'Is everything okay master?" Spike asked worried. Shifu shook his head
" I just don't know what to do Spike, i don't know how to make him the Dragon Warrior..." Shifu said as he walked next to him.
"I'm scarred Spike.." Shifu said sadly as he didn't know what to do.
"Me too. but someone has to try to help him" Spike said with worry, he then thought about what Shifu said and asked him

"Did you really mean it when you said I have to face Tai Lung with Po?" Spike asked with worry
"Unfortunately, yes. Oogway said you are meant to fight alongside him... but i don't know if it will be enough without his help.." Shifu said sadly and Spike sighed as he was right in that.
"Things may be rough right now, but i'll find a way, we both will." Spike said looking at the stars.
"You really think we can?" Shifu asked worried.
"There always will be a way..." Spike told him.
Spike looked back at the sky and prayed they'll find what it takes.

13: Po's Training

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The sun begins to rise, soft music is heard as Spike and Shifu are still at the tree, still not sure on what to do. They then hear a voice coming from the palace, Spike and Shifu decide to check it out, they open the doors to the training hall but none of the equipment is on, not even the dummy has moved. The voice is heard again and they turn to hear the noise coming from the kitchen.

"Of course he'd be there..." Spike said rolling his eyes and Shifu sighs.

Spike and Shifu make they're way over to see what he was doing, to they're surprise they find Po doing some strange moves, he punches through a wooden cabinet, he takes out some food and munches on it, but stops as soon as he sees Spike and Shifu.

"What the..." Spike thinks to himself, he and Shifu look around to see the place has had multiple things broken in places he shouldn't be able to reach... they then hear Po gag a little and they look at him with raised eyebrows.

"What? I eat when i'm upset okay?" Po tells them with his mouth full, Spike and Shifu look at each other then smirk.

"Oh no need to explain." Spike told him.
"Yes don't worry, we just thought you might be Monkey, he hides his Almond cookies on the top shelf." Shifu tells him as he and Spike look at the top counter.
"Not that great of a hiding spot if you ask me" Spike says as they pretend to leave.

Po gasps as he sees the cookies, Spike and Shifu hide near the door, they then hear pots and pans move around, they rush back into the room and they see Po at the top... doing a perfect split and munching down on each cookie. Spike and Shifu continue to look at it in fascination .

Po continues to eat each cookie but he then notices they're back in.
"Don't tell Monkey" He says with his mouth full.

"Look at you." Shifu tells him.
"Yeah i know i've disgusted you" Po says as he takes another one.
"No not that! We mean how did you get up there?" Spike asks curiously.
"I don't know i just... i don't know i was getting a cookie" Po says as he continues eating.
"How many of those are in that small jar?" Spike asks himself and Shifu shakes his head.
"And yet you are ten feet off the ground, and have done a perfect split" Shifu says in amazement.

"No this. this is just a.." The counter he's on begins to collapse" Accident" Po finishes as he falls down the cookie then rolls over to them, Spike and Shifu look at each other and get an idea.
"There are no accidents" They both say at once.
"Come with us." Shifu says picking up the cookie and Po looks confused at that.

We cut to a mountain side, Po and Shifu and Spike are all walking to a familiar place. Po is struggling as he carries supplies.
"I know you two are trying to be all mystical and Kung Fuey, but can you at least tell me where we're going?" Po asks exhausted.
"We're going someplace very special" Spike says without giving a clear answer.

we then cut to a misty pool and they all had finally arrived. Po then drops they supplies as he crawls to the pool while Spike and Shifu try to meditate
"You two.. dragged me.. all the way out here.. for a bath?" Po asked as he puts his hand in the water.
"He better not be doing what i think he's doing..." Spike thought to himself as his eyes were still closed.
"Panda, we do not wash our pits in The Pool of Sacred Tears" Shifu told him and Po gasps.
"Pool of..." Po wipes away the water and Shifu and Spike came up to him.

"This is where i became a master" Spike says as he looks at his reflection.
"This is where Oogway, unrivaled the mysteries, of harmony and focus, this is the birth place.. of Kung fu" Shifu tells him. Po then gasps as he realized where he was.

A symbol of black and white appear as we cut to a flashback off Oogway is seen striking some poses on a tall rock, Spike and Shifu land on that same rock and Po looks at them in amazement.

"Do you want to learn Kung fu?" Spike asks looking down at him.
"Yeah." He says still amazed
"Then we are both your masters!" Shifu declares and Spike nods agreeing.
"We both will train you!" Spike declares.

"Okay!" Po says so happy he begins to cry.
"Don't cry." Shifu says giving his first order.
"Yeah, it's unnecessary" Spike says trying to make him stop.
"Okay" He says as he stops crying and looks really happy as he will finally learn Kung Fu.

We cut to a field and Shifu and Spike are standing together on a rock.
"When you focus your energy on Kung Fu, when you concentrate.. you stink" Shifu tells him as Po looks a little offended.
"He's not wrong, sorry man" Spike tells him.
"But perhaps that is my fault, we cannot train you the way I have trained Spike and the 5, we now see the way to get through to you.. is with this" Shifu explains as he and Spike hold out two bowls of dumplings.

"Oh great because i am hungry!" Po says wanting to have some but they take it away and they both chuckle.
"Good! when you have been trained you may eat" Shifu tells him as they take out some chopsticks, they both take eat one of they're dumplings
"Lets begin." Shifu tells him as they walk off
"This is really good!" Spike says with a smug as he teases Po and he looks upset that he can't eat.

We cut to Po doing sit ups on a tree branch, Spike and Shifu are holding out bowls trying to get him to reach them.
"Come on Po, this is only your tenth sit up and you already look exhausted." Spike tells him as he tries to motivate Po to continue, the tree branch begins to snap, Shifu and Spike both land on a nearby rock, Po catches the bowl but the branch snaps and Shifu grabs it with his staff, Spike then proceeds to have some of it with Shifu
" Things start out rough at first, you'll only get better!" Spike tells him as he and Shifu continue to have some.

Shifu walks up to Po and he gives him a bowl of food, he runs off as Po tries to have some, just then Spike comes out of nowhere with Shifu and they both attack him, Po tries to block it but Shifu uses his staff and breaks the bowl and Po looks sad at that.
"Always keep your guard up, you never know when someone will attack you, like this!" Spike says as he kicks Po into a tree right in the nuts again
"Ohhh!! My tenders!" Po says in pain as he falls on the ground groaning in pain.

We cut to Po trying to grab a dumpling but Spike and Shifu are doing a job in trying to keep it away from him.
"Never expect things to be so easy Po!" Spike tells him as he catches it and eats it and Po gets upset again.

Shifu then drags a another bowl of food and Po is doing push ups while over some hot rocks.
"Gotta keep your body in a good shape for more stamina and being able to hold on longer!" Spike tells him and Po nods in understanding as he keeps trying to reach the bowl.

We cut to them on a mountain, Spike and Shifu are doing stretches and Po has three bowls on him and he tries not to lose balance.
"You can't lose balance it could endanger you." Spike tells him while he is only standing on his tail while is arms and legs are crossed.

We cut to Po in the forest a large bowl of soup is near a fire place ,Po is about to grab some when Shifu and Spike suddenly appear behind his back, They then attack Po and he tries to get some food, he gets it filled up and tries to have some, Shifu pokes him in the belly and it flies in the air, Spike kicks shifu out of the way and grabs the bowl and every drop of soup he lands on a tree branch and has the soup, Po is upset that he can't reach it and he kicks a tree branch but it comes back and hits him in the face.

Spike, Shifu and Po are on rocks striking some poses and Po is starting to pick up on it.
They are then doing push ups with one arm and po is starting to do it without much trouble.
Spike and Shifu then try to attack Po with staffs, but Po is blocking each one, Po strikes poses and we cut to him on the same rock Spike and Shifu and he finally is able to defend himself.

We cut to a bowl of dumplings and the 3 of them are sitting there, Shifu takes some chopsticks with Spike
"After you panda" Shifu tells him, Po is a little shocked at it.
" Just like that? no sit ups? No ten mile hike?" Po asks.
"We already have done the hiking part" Spike tells him
"We vowed to train you, and you have been trained, you are free to eat" Shifu tells him and Spike nods.
"You've learned everything we can teach you." Spike says with a smile, Po then sits down and takes some chopsticks and a dumpling still unsure.
"Enjoy." Shifu says with a smile.

Po then smiles but just as he is about to eat it, a blur of Shifu flies by and swipes it
"Hey!" Po says as Shifu just finishes it
"We said you are free to eat, have a dumpling" Spike says, Po tries to take another. but Spike kicks it into the air and grabs it and eats it
"Hey!" Po says annoyed as Spike finishes it. Po then realizes what they are doing.
"You are free to eat!" Shifu tells him.
"Am i?!" Po asks
"Are you?!" Spike and Shifu both ask, they then swing they're chopsticks and Po simply puts them together making a kung fu noise,

he then slams the dumplings into the air, Spike and Shifu both eat as many as they can until there is one left, Po jumps and tries to catch it in him mouth in slow motion but Shifu snatches it and he screams as he falls down, Shifu looks at him and is about to eat it, but Po knocks it away and it falls into the bowl, Spike and the 2 try to grab it, Shifu knocks Po's hand away with his finger
"ow!" po says as it actually hurt, the bowl then begins to flip over and they look at each other, Shifu then flips the other two over and he moves them around rapidly. Po follows each one and Spike picks a bowl and it revealed to have it.
"Yes!" Spike shouted as they try to grab it, Po then gets an idea and knocks the bowl away, Shifu throws a chopstick and it is pinned to the top of a tree. Shifu tries to jump to it, but Spike grabs his feat and knocks him to the ground, they see the dumpling is almost about to fall.

Spike and the others try to get to it but they stop each other with each step, the dumpling then falls and po knocks them away, he is about to catch it but Spike closes his mouth and it starts to slide down, Po then knocks him away and Shifu comes back and kicks it away and Po chases after it. Spike and Shifu toss away the chopsticks and run after him.

Shifu grabs his staff and he and Spike continue to attack him, but Po is able to keep blocking them while keeping it in the air, Po then steps down on Shifu's staff and knocks Spike away and he backflips in the air and they look in awe, Po then grabs lands on the ground and finally grabs it as they look proud of him, they then allow him to eat it. Po then looks at the dumpling before he throws it back to them.
"I'm not hungry" Po says with a smile, Shifu smiles and throws it away
"You're no longer upset." Spike says with a smile.
Po then bows respectfully.
"Masters" Po says with a smile and they do the same, Spike feels proud knowing he was able to teach him just like the 5 hoped he would, he just hoped they are okay..

14: The Dragon Scroll

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The sun is beginning to set, Po Spike and Shifu are all returning to the palace after a few days of training.

"Great work out there Po! I'm glad you were able to learn Kung Fu!" Spike said happy they helped him out.
"Yes, you have done well panda" Shifu said with a smile agreeing.
"Done well? Done well? Ha ha! i've done awesome!" Po said as his belly bounces Shifu back a little.
"The mark of a true hero is humility, but yes you have done" Shifu then punches Po and Spike steps out of the way.
"Awesome" Shifu said with a smile and they laugh at that.

"I'm so glad we were able to train you." Spike said with joy.
"Hey, you didn't give up on me, i'm glad you were able to help" Po said thankfully.
"Yes, you did well, you may make a great teacher one day." Shifu said with a smile.
"That time will come when it does." Spike says with a smile and they laugh again.

They're laughing is soon interrupted as they hear flapping, they look up and see some familiar faces.
"Crane?" Spike asks worried, just then he drops them all on the ground.
"Crane!" Spike says worried as they all came up to them.
"Guys! They're dead!" Po says freaking out" No they're breathing, they're asleep? No they're eyes are open!" Po says as he looks at them.

"What happened?" Spike asked as he tries to help unfreeze the 5.
"We were no match.. for his nerve attack" Crane tells him as Spike unfreezes Viper thanks to a technique Oogway taught him, Shifu unfreezes Mantis next.
"You okay?" Spike asks worried, she nods as she is still in pain.
"We should have listened to you.." Viper says weakly.
"It's okay... your still alive and that's what matters, lets take it easy.." Spike says as he wraps her around his neck like a scarf to keep her from hurting herself more.
"He has gotten stronger" Shifu says in fear as he walks up to Monkey.
"What? Tai Lung? Stronger?!" Po asks scarred as Shifu unfreezes monkey, he then punches Po in the face.
"He's to fast!" Monkey says in fear" Sorry Po" Monkey says as he gets up weakly.

"He could have killed you" Shifu tells them.
"Why didn't he?" Mantis asks, he then walks up to Tigress.
"So you could come back here and strike fear into our hearts but it won't work!" Shifu says as he unfreezes Tigress and she gasps as she wakes up.
"I thought we could stop him.." Tigress says weakly. Spike looks at all of them with regret.

"I should have come with you guys... we could have stopped him if i was there..." Spike says as he feels awful for letting his friends almost die.
"No.. we should have stayed.. I'm sorry i didn't listen to you" Tigress tells him as he walks up to him.
"You were right... we're sorry... were you at least able to help train him?" Monkey asked and Spike nodded,
"We found what he needed to train and he is able to fight now." Spike said with a smile as he helped them all walk.
"What do we do now?" Mantis asks as Spike put him on his shoulder.

"You can defeat him panda." Shifu tells Po
"How can i beat Tai Lung, if they can't, they're five masters I'm just one me!" Po says scarred
" But you will have the one thing that no one else does!" Shifu tells him and Po's eyes widen.

We cut to the hall of warriors and they all look up at the Dragon Scroll, Spike and the others are all looking at it.
"You really believe i'm ready?" Po asks
"You are Po" Shifu says with a smile finally saying Po by his name and they all smile at that.

Shifu walks up and grabs Oogway's staff, he then looks up at the statue, he then twirls the staff around creating a gust of wind, the leaves in the pool then start to fly up, Shifu keeps on twirling it around and soon a leaf reaches the top, it then touches the side and the scroll then begins to slide out, Shifu prepares to catch it and it falls, Shifu grabs it with the staff and it creates a single circle that moves around the pool. Shifu slowly takes it up to him.

"Behold the Dragon Scroll, it is yours" Shifu tells him and Po is surprised.
"Wait, what happens if i read it?" Po asks
"No one knows, but legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly's wing beat" Shifu tells him
"whoa really?! That's cool!" Po says amazed.
"Yes, and you will see the light in the darkest caves, you will feel the universe motion around you" Shifu tells him and Po gets overly exited.

"Wow! Can i punch through walls?!" Po asks moving his fists forward. and he then asks multiple things at once.
"Po focus." Spike tells him as he is walking up to him.
"Oh right" Po says focusing again.
"Read it Po and fulfill your destiny, read it and become.. the Dragon Warrior." Shifu says dramatically.
"Whoa!" Po says exited as he is given it, he then struggles to open it.
"It's impossible to open it.." Po says struggling, Spike then taps Po's shoulder and holds his hand out. Po gives it to him, he simply pops open one of the sides.
"Oh.. i probably loosened it up for you.." Po says as he pulls out the scroll.
"Alright here it goes" Po says nervously as he proceeds to open it.

Po then proceeds to scream and they all gasp as they wonder what he's reading.
"It's blank!" Po says shocked.
"What?!" Spike asks shocked.
"Here look!" Po says holding it out to Shifu.
"No! I am forbidden to look upon..." Shifu then takes it out of his hands and tries to find something.
"blank? I don't understand.." Shifu says shocked in what he's learned.

"All of that training was for just a blank scroll.." Spike says as he looks at it himself and only sees his reflection.
"Okay.. so like Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all?" Po asks.
"No Oogway was wiser then us all" Shifu says still trying to understand what it is..
Oh come on! Face it he picked me by accident! Of course i'm not the Dragon Warrior!" Po says defeated as he sits down defeated, " who am i kidding?" Po asks himself

"What do we do now?" Spike asks scarred.
Shifu looks at himself in the pool.
"But who will stop Tai Lung?" Tigress asks
"He'll destroy everything and everyone" Crane says scarred as Shifu puts the scroll in it's container.
"No!" Shifu then hands it to Po." "Evacuate the Valley! You must protect the villagers, from Tai Lungs rage." Shifu tells them.
"What about you master?" Tigress asks.

"I will fight him." Shifu tells them.
"What?" Po asks confused
"What?! You can't!" Spike asks scarred for his life, Shifu puts his hand on his shoulder calming him down.
"I can hold him off long enough, for everyone to escape" Shifu tells them all.
"But Shifu.. he'll kill you.." Po says worried for him
"Then i will have finally payed for my mistake" Shifu says looking at him, he then turns to the rest.
"Listen to me all of you.. you must continue your journey's without me.. I am very proud to have been your master." Shifu says with a smile and he bows in respect, they all do the same as they all look really sad they have to leave.
"Spike, take care of them, i know you can." Shifu tells him and Spike nods in understanding, he and the others leave and prepare to evacuate everyone.

We cut to nighttime and all the villagers are leaving scarred.
"We must get them out safely." Tigress says as they look at all of them, Monkey is holding a baby.
"Come little one, let's find your mama." Monkey says as he goes off.
"Viper gather the southern farmers, Mantis the north, Crane light the way." Tigress tells them as Crane grabs a lantern and flies off.

Spike and Po look at everything and feel awful.
"This is awful for what's happening" Spike says sadly as he has to leave another home..

Spike follows Po across the village.
"Look it's the Dragon Warrior.." A villager says pointing at Po, and they look down in sadness. Spike and Po walk into the noodle shop.
"Hey dad." Po says sadly, Ping is shocked and turns around.
"Po!" he shouts and comes to hug him, and he returns it, he then hears something wrap around him and he sees the employee outfit is one.
"It's good to have you back son!" Ping says with a smile.
"Good to be back.." Po says still sad
"How did you even get that on him?" Spike asks and Ping notices him.

"Oh, you must be the Dragon Master!" Ping says as he offers his wing and Spike shakes it.
"Names Spike, i've been helping your son with the stuff at the palace" Spike tells him.
"Thank you for taking care of him." Ping says gratefully and Spike nods, Ping then walks up to the carriage of supplies, Spike stops him and offers to move it for him.
"Thank you Spike" Ping tells him and Spike nods with a smile, they then leave the restaurant.

"So for our next shop it's time to face it! The future of noodles is dice cut vegetables, no longer slices," Ping tells him as they walk out, Spike looks back to make sure no one is left behind.
"That sounds really good, you think i could be an extra employee?" Spike asks.
"Of course! Any friend of my sons is welcome! It would be the least i can do for you help him and the villagers out." Ping says with a smile, and Spike smiles at that.
"Also i was thinking, maybe this time we'll actually have a room you can stand up in you like that?" Ping asks Po, but Po simply stops and looks down depressed.

They then come up to him.
"Po.. i'm so sorry.." Spike says putting a claw on his shoulder.
"Po.. I'm sorry that things didn't work out, it just wasn't meant to be" Ping tells him.
"He's right, things just can't be what we want sometimes" Spike says sadly as he looks at Po.
"But our destiny still awaits! We are noodle folk, broth runs deep through our veins." Ping says trying to encourage him, but Po sighs.
"I don't know guys. honestly sometimes i can't believe i'm actually your son." Po says sadly.

"Po.. sometimes it doesn't matter whether or not its your blood family or found family, if they love you and is willing to support you, that's all that matters" Spike says with a smile.
"Really?" Po asks.
"I've had two found family's now, and i'm not wanting to lose either one" Spike says with a smile as he hugs Po, Po returns it with a smile.

"He's right son, i think it's time i told you something i should have told you.. a long time ago, and your friend is the only one i'll allow to know." Ping says as he comes up to them.
"Okay?" Po asks curiously.
"The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup." Ping tells them making sure they're alone.
"Oh." Po says a little surprised.
"You really can trust me with it?" Spike asks, and Ping nods, he then brings his head closer.
"Okay, the secret ingredient is.. nothing" He tells them.

"Wait what?" Spike asks
"What?" Po asks confused.
"Well you both heard me, nothing! There is no secret ingredient." Ping tells them.
"Wait wait, so it's just plain old noodle soup? You don't ad some kind of special sauce or something?" Po asks.
"Nothing at all?" Spike asks and Ping nods.
"Don't have to, if you make something special, you just have to believe it's special." Ping tells them, Spike's eyes widen in realization.

Po then takes out the scroll, and they both look at it, they then see they're reflections again. They finally realize what's happened.
"There is no secret ingredient" Po says as he realizes what's happened
"You just have to believe in it.." Spike says as he remembers Oogway's words, Ping looks at they curiously, they then turn up to the Jade Palace and thunder and lightning start to strike.

"Po lets go." Spike says as he starts to run up.
"Wait, are you gonna fight him too?" Po asks shocked.
"I'm meant to fight alongside you, no matter what." Spike says with a smile, Po nods and he turns back to Ping.
"I promise i'll come back dad, be careful" Po says hugging him one more time.
"I know you will Po, now go up there and show that guy who's the Dragon Warrior and Master!" Ping encourages them.
They nod and they start to run up to the stairs.
"Shifu hold on.." Spike says as they start to run up the stairs

15: The Fight Against Tai Lung

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Spike and Po hurry up the stairs as fast as they can, Po struggles at times and Spike helps him up, Lightning is striking as they hurry, Spike prays they are not to late he's gone.. they soon finally reach the top, Po is just a little behind and the storm has cleared up.

Spike is about to go help him but he finally sees Tai Lung for the first time, he sees he's about to kill Shifu.
"Hey!" Spike shouts and Po catches up finally and he pants in exhaustion, Tai Lung turns around to see Spike not noticing Po yet.
"Hah! Finally!" Tai lung says as he tosses Shifu down.
"I knew Oogway was a bold one, but giving the title to an actual dragon is something i honestly wasn't expecting, you are definitely up to my expectations!" He says as he thinks Spike is the Dragon Warrior, Spike then laughs at that and Tai Lung looks confused.
"Oh, you think I'm the Dragon Warrior? I'm the Dragon Master!" Spike corrects him. Tai lung looks confused.

"Dragon Master? Then Who's the Dragon Warrior?" He asks, he then finally notices Po.
"That would be me.." Po says as he gets up still breathing heavily" Stairs.." Po says as he finally recovers.

"You? ha ha! Him? He's a panda" He says looking at Shifu and turns to them." Your a panda, what are you gonna do big guy, sit on me? and be used as the Dragons shield?" Tai lung mocks.
"Don't tempt me." Po tells him.
"Don't underestimate us." Spike says getting ready to fight.

"Now, we're going to use this!" Po says pulling out the dragon scroll.
"You want it? Come get it." Po says, but he runs up to them and knocks Po into a pillar and grabs the scroll.
"Finally." He says trying to open it, Po then bounces back and knocks him into a wall surprising him.
"Like i said. don't underestimate us!" Spike shouts getting ready.
Po then laughs in amazement and strikes a pose, and making a kung fu noise. Tai Lung then runs at them on his legs with pure anger, Po turns around in fear as they all are it.

They then start flying in the air.
Spike keeps striking at Tai Lung but he knocks them both away. Po lands in a familiar tree and Tai Lung lunges for them, Po gets an idea and he uses the tree to knock him away, he they lands on the ground.

"That Scroll is mine!" Tai Lung shouts.
"No it is not!" Spike says as he knocks him away, Tai lung ignores him still and jumps at Po who has it, they then proceed to fall down the stairs and Spike runs after them, Tai Lung keeps landing on the bottom as he lands on his face and screams in slow motion as Po's bottom falls on his face and he screams as they go flying into the village.
"Guess he did sit on you!" Spike mocks as he jumps at him. Tai Lung finally decides to fight Spike and he charges at him.

"You think you are a master?! I've trained for years for that scroll!" Tai lung shouts as he tries to slash at him but Spike dodges them all thanks to his speed.
"And I've only been here a year! But here i am dodging your attacks like it's a leaf on the wind! That's gotta be embarrassing! " Spike mocks as he keeps dodging him, he then knocks Tai Lung back a large distance, Spike then delivers a strong punch to Tai Lung's stomach as he gets sent flying.

Po grabs the scroll with a noodle and he tries to catch it, but it bounces off his head, Tai Lung recovers and goes after it but Po grabs his legs and he slams on the wagon he's on and he goes flying, he then slurps up the noodles and he lands in some bamboo trees walking on two of them, Spike lands next to him as he knocks over some bowls.

She scroll comes out of a lantern, as it lands on the ground Tai Lung lands on the ground.
"No!" Spike shouts as he lunges at Tai Lung, Tai Lung has enough and its Spike with a nerve attack freezing him in place and he knocks him into a house.
"Spike!" Po shouts as he sees his friend get hurt, Tai Lung is about to grab the scroll but he throws a bowl at his face, during that he hides the scroll under multiple and Tai lung finally gets the bowl off him and Po gets above them.

He then proceeds to mix them up at ridiculous speeds like what Shifu did, and Tai Lung looks at it extremely confused,
"Lightning! Woo!" Po says as he keeps moving them all away
Tai lung then knocks them all away revealing the scroll.
"Ah!" Po shouts, he tries to use the bamboo to stop from grabbing it, Tai Lung separates the two sticks, he's about to grab it but Po lands on him and it goes rolling away. Tai Lung knocks Po into a bunch of fireworks again and he runs after it, Po looks at them and gets an idea. Tai Lung hears screaming as he sees Po coming at him with the fireworks! He knocks him out of the way and Po grabs it, the carriage stops in front of a rock and he goes flying near a bridge.

The Scroll then goes flying to the top of a house, Po looks at it and he imagines it as a cookie, Tai Lung sees Po is climbing the building.
"The Scroll has given him power! Nooooo!" he shouts as he hits the building starting to have it collapse, the scroll then goes flying away and Po tries to climb off it, he looks down and screams as Tai Lung is climbing up, he then hits him in the face with multiple plates of the roof as he jumps off each piece of the building and finally grabs it laughing all the while. Tai Lung jumps into the air and knocks him down with a leg strike, he then screams as he charges down at him and he strikes Po with such force it creates a large gust of dust.

Back with Spike his body is still frozen in place as he was hit with the nerve attack, Spike's finger suddenly twitches as his hand starts to move, he pulls a few special hand gestures and taps his arm and a blue light flashes over his body as he unfreezes himself! Spike groans as he gets up.
"Thank you Oogway." Spike says as he remembers a special technique Oogway taught him on how to unfreeze from a nerve attack, Spike then quickly makes his way back to his friend.

Po is on the ground as Tai Lung finally grabs it.
"Finally. oh yes! The power of the Dragon Scroll is mine!" Tai lung says excitedly as he opens it but is shocked when he sees it's nothing.
"It's nothing!" he says in shock. Po then gets up.
"I know i didn't get it the first time either.." Po says as he looks at him.
"What?" Tai Lung asks confused
"There's no special ability to make one special.." Spike's voice is heard as he walks up to him and Tai Lung is surprised.
"It's just you.." Po says, Tai Lung is frustrated and he throws the scroll to the ground, and Po looks at it and he looks at Spike

"How did you recover from my nerve attack?!" He asks shocked.
"Oogway has taught me many things in just a year, he and i were really close, don't bother with it again." Spike tells him, Tai Lung is furious he tries to hit Po with a nerve attack, but Po is unaffected, Po laughs as it tickles him. Tai Lung looks confused, he keeps trying to attack him.
"I'm gonna pee!" Po says laughing at him, he tries to hit him more and more." Don't!" po says laughing, Tai Lung then tries to strike him in the belly, but Po comes back and he screams as he hits him into a building and he looks at himself in amazement.
"There's no reason to keep fighting anymore!" Spike says trying to make him stop.
"You may have trained so long, but it doesn't matter whether or not your the Dragon Warrior, you still have a chance to stop this!" Spike says not wanting to have Tai Lung continue.
"No! I've wasted to much of my life for this! I will destroy you two and this village in revenge!" Tai Lung shouts as he lunges at Spike.
"Fine.." Spike says ashamed he can't convince him.

Spike rolls out of the way and he misses Spike, Spike kicks Tai Lung in the back and he flies towards Po, Tai lung then recovers and tries to attack Po, But Po uses his own skills and steps on his foot and he groans in pain. Po laughs at that and they continue to fight, Po grabs Tai Lung by the tail and twirls it around him sending him flying in the air.

Po then headbutts him and he tosses him around, Tai Lung tries to bite at him but Po makes him bite his tail, a little cat meow is heard.
"Oh!" Spike says in pain. Tai Lung screams as Spike and Po both deliver a strong kick sending him rolling onto his face multiple times, he then flies into a building with rubble coming out.
"Ooh!!" Po and Spike say both feeling bad for him, Tai Lung recovers and charges at them, Po then lowers his back, Spike gets ready to strike. Spike backflips and lands on the ground as he kicks Tai Lung in the face while Po hits him hard with his belly, Tai Lung then goes flying into the air beyond the clouds, Spike whistles in surprise as he flew that far.

Tai Lung then comes back down and Spike and Po move out of the way as he lands into the ground pretty deep. a large hole of his body is seen as they look where he landed.
"Ouch.." Spike says as he feels bad for him.
"You two.. can't defeat me.." Tai Lung says as he climbs up,

"You two.. your just a stupid overgrown lizard, and a big fat Panda!" He says as he tries to punch both of them with both his fists but Spike and Po both catch them by the finger.
"I'm not a big fat panda, and he's not a stupid lizard" Po tells him.
"I'm am a dragon." Spike says with a smile.
"And I'm the big fat panda" Po says with a smile as well, they both raise their pinkies and Tai Lung gasps.

"The Wuxi finger hold!" Tai Lung says surprised.
"Oh you know this hold?" Spike and Po both ask with a smirk.
"Your bluffing, your bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you two that!" Tai Lung asks scarred.
"Nope" Po asks and Tai Lung smiles a little.
"Oogway taught me it.." Spike says with a smile.
"And I figured it out." Po tells him casually. Tai Lung looks at them with fear.
"Skadoosh" They both say at once they flex they're pinkies, Tai Lung braces himself.

A golden ring then appears flying from the village, the villagers see it and look at it surprised, the wind then flies over them and they look back in concern.

They all come back to the village and everything is still a little dusty.
"Oh look!" A villager says." The dragon warrior!" A shadow of Po is seen as he walks to them, the dust clears and Po is seen with the employee outfit and a metal bowl on his head, he coughs a little and smiles, Spike then appears behind him and gives them all a thumbs up with a smile.

The villagers all cheer for them and they all come up to hug them.
"Hey, i said we wouldn't let you all down!" Spike says laughing as he gives them high fives.
"That's my boy! That big lovely kung fu warrior is my son!" Ping says as he looks at Po, he then comes to hug him, and they all awe at that.
"Thanks dad." Po says hugging him, the bowl rolls off his head and it is stopped by Mantis, Spike looks at all of them and smiles.

"Hey guys!" Spike says walking over to them, they all then ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"We knew you could do it Spike" Monkey says happily.
"Never doubted you for a moment." Viper says happy as well.
"We're glad we have someone like you with us" Tigress says gratefully.
"We couldn't ask for a better friend." Mantis tells him.
"You all can say that again" Crane tells them, they all then separate, Spike then looks at them.
"I'm glad to have you all as my family." Spike says with a smile, he then walks next to Po.

Tigress then bows.
"Masters." She says respectfully.
"Masters." They all say at once and bow respectfully too. Po then chuckles.
"Master? Master Shifu!" Po realizes.
"Right! Thank you all! We love you and we'll be back!" Spike tells them as he and Po run back up to the palace.

They both finally reach the top and see Shifu.
"Master Shifu!" Spike says with worry.
"Master!" Po says worried as well.
"Shifu, Shifu are you okay?!" Po asks holding him up.
"Po, Spike, your alive," He says surprised "or we're all dead" Shifu suggests.
"No! No we're very much alive." Spike quickly tells him.
He's right, we didn't die, we defeated Tai Lung." Po tells him and Shifu looks surprised.

"Really?" Shifu asks, Spike nods and looks down sadly.
"I tried to talk him out of it, but i couldn't, i'm sorry.." Spike says regretfully.
"It's okay Spike, you both are alive and that's what matters." Shifu tells him.
"It is as Oogway foretold, you are the Dragon Warrior, and you are the Dragon Master." Shifu tells them and they look worried.
"Thank you.. both of you. Spike, Po, thank you.. thank you.." Shifu says softly closing his eyes.
"Shifu?!" Spike asks scarred.
"No! Master! No no no! Don't die Shifu please!" Po begs, he suddenly opens his eyes

I'm not dying you idiot!" Shifu tells Po," Uh i mean Dragon Warrior and Dragon Master." Shifu corrects and Spike sighs in relief.
"Thank goodness.." Spike says in relief.
"I am simply at piece. Finally" Shifu says with a smile and he closes his eyes.
"Oh, so should we stop talking?" Po asks.
"If you can." Shifu tells them and they chuckle at that, they both then lay on the ground and close they're eyes.
"Twilight, I can't wait to tell you all about what happened." Spike thinks to himself with a smile, Po then opens his eyes.
"You two wanna get something to eat?" Po asks, Spike and Shifu open they're eyes and think about it.
"Yeah" They both say, they then look at the ceiling and smile.

16: Body Swap

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It was another normal day in the Valley of Peace, it had been a few months since Po and Spike took down Tai Lung and saved everyone, Spike still felt bad for having to use the Wuxi Finger Hold on him, it was a move that basically kills you instantly, and Spike was told to only ever use this when he absolutely has to.

Spike was glad to have Po be a part of the team, Po's been doing a lot better at his training then when he started, He and Monkey often do pranks against eachother while he and the others watched. People often called Spike and the others the Furious 6, which Spike found funny and thought of it like the Mane 6 which is what Twilight's group is called. Crane and Spike often hung out with eachother by doing art which Crane liked doing, Spike would have fun with Monkey and Mantis from time to time, and he and Tigress often spared in the training hall. He and Viper often cooked together and went shopping, Spike felt like Viper was the closest to him, she was a kind person and his personal favorite of the five at this point.

Spike and the others were training in the halls again for future battles, Spike was sparring against Tigress on the Fiery field of Death. Spike was dodging each flame blast that came from the ground while Tigress flipped over each one, Spike and her delivered multiple strikes at eachother but kept on dodging one after the other. Spike felt the ground heat up again and he used it to launch himself into the air and try to deliver a drop kick. Tigress grabbed his foot and slammed him onto the floor, but Spike twisted her arm and freed himself and they continued to fight. Spike and Tigress delivered one final blow to eachother which sent them both off of the area and were knocked on the ground.

"We'll call that a draw.." Spike said as he started getting up.
"I must admit Spike, your skills have improved since you first came here." Tigress said impressed while they walked up to the doors with the others who just got done.
"Hey, what can i say? It takes time to learn things." Spike said casually as they went into the courtyard and headed too the palace.

"I still can't get over how cool it is that i get to be with you guys, you have no idea how much i've dreamed of this!" Po said excitedly as they kept moving.
"Po, you've been with us a few months now, you should at least have calmed down a little by now." Spike said with a smile while they kept going.
"I know, but being part of such a legendary team, with a huge role, it's so amazing!" Po said excitedly and Spike laughed a little.

"Easy there big guy, we don't want you falling down the stairs again would we?" Monkey joked and some of them laughed at that.
"It took you like what? An hour to help you get back up last time?" Mantis added and they laughed even more.
"Hey, i may fight, but i'm still a panda you know?" Po asked casually as they went up the stairs.
"There's nothing wrong with that Po, that's how you and i beat Tai Lung, it'll probably be how we beat our next big bad." Spike said while they arrived at the doors.

They opened the doors to the Hall of Warriors and started looking around again. The place was repaired after Shifu's fight with him, it caused a lot of damage to the artifacts, but luckily they were able to repair most of them.
"Ohh! What's this?!" Po asked holding a special looking vase which shocked them.

"Po! Don't touch that!" Monkey said as he quickly took it back.
"Whoa.. sorry, what is that thing?" Po asked confused as Mantis held it next.
"It's a special vase that Shifu brought to the palace not too long ago, if Shifu brought it here, then it's extremely important!" Mantis said seriously as Tigress grabbed it next.
"You shouldn't just touch any valuable artifacts like this, these are extremely rare!" Tigress pointed out aggressively, Viper was the next one to grab it gently.

"She's right Po, such things aren't meant to just be played around with!" Viper said once more before she handed it to Spike.
"Thank you Viper. It doesn't matter what we find in this place, these are all extremely valuable, and we shouldn't touch them." Spike explained before he went up to the pillar again.
"Exactly." Viper said in agreement.

Before Spike could put the vase back, it suddenly started to glow in different colors which shocked them.
"You see what we mean Po?" Tigress asked annoyed as they looked at it.
"Guys.. i feel.. off.." Spike said before a light suddenly drained from him, they all gasped in shock as the vase drained a light from each of them, they all suddenly felt really drowsy from this.
"Oh.. crap..." Spike said before they all passed out, the vase glowed brightly and a different colored light flew into each of their body's before it stopped glowing again. They all stayed like that for about an hour before they finally started moving again.

"Oh.. what happened?" Spike asked weakly as he opened his eyes and saw the others who were waking up as well.
"Why do i feel.. heavy?" Mantis asked weakly as they all were getting up.
"I don't know, but i'm sure Po will.. explain this.." Spike said before he saw.. himself..

"What? Why are you looking at me like... that?" Viper asked in Spike's body before they all suddenly realized.
"Hold on a minute.." Spike said as he tried to look at his hands. But he didn't have any.. or even legs..
"What?!" Spike asked in horror as he looked over himself and saw he was... in Viper's body.. and all of them saw they're own bodies too..
"AHHHH!!" All of them shouted in horror as they realized what just happened.

"Po?! what the heck did you do?!" Tigress asked with anger as they saw she was in Crane's body.
"I don't know! I just touched it, i didn't do anything i swear!" Po defended while he was in Monkey's body.
"Oh.. Po.. what's wrong with you? Don't you know what a diet is?" Mantis asked as he was in Po's body while he was rubbing his heavy belly.
"How.. do you.. move around.. in this.. body?" Spike asked annoyed while he tried to move, but he didn't have legs, or hands anymore.
"Is this what things look like for you all the time mantis?" Monkey asked as he was in Mantis's body now.
"Who's body am i in?" Crane asked before he looked at himself and he was.. in Tigress's body..
"Oh come on!" Crane said annoyed looking at himself.. or herself?

"What did that vase do?!" Viper asked as she could barely stand at all.
"I think it.. switched our body's!" Spike suggested as he can't even move either.
"How is this possible?!" Crane asked shocked as he felt so much heavier.
"I don't know, but we shouldn't tell Shifu about this.." Po said right before they heard a voice again.

"What is all this noise?" Shifu asked as he suddenly appeared at the door which spooked them all.
"Oh, master! Hi!" Spike greeted while he tried hiding the vase behind his snake body, but he could barely grab anything as he didn't have hands which exposed it. Shifu walked up to all of them and saw them who were all looking nervous, he mumbled in frustration before looking at them.
"Po touched the Vase of Spirits, didn't he?" Shifu asked upset at him turning to Po.
"Vase of Spirits?" Spike asked confused as he still tried moving around.
"It wasn't that obvious was it?" Viper asked trying to hold onto a pillar.
"Yes it was." Shifu responded looking at Po with disapproval.
"Uh.. hehe.. guilty?" Po asked nervously and Shifu looked upset again.

"Why would you just touch a sacred Vase you don't know anything about?" Shifu asked angry at Po who was in Monkey's body.
"Sorry master, i didn't know what it was!" Po said scared at him.
"I don't get it master, what is this vase?" Spike asked while Shifu picked it up.
"This is the Vase of Spirits, it has a special ability to switch one's body's so they can have a better understanding of eachother, it isn't meant to be touched by multiple people so quickly" Shifu explained which confused them.
"Better understanding of eachother?" Crane asked confused.

"When one doesn't understand eachother that well, this Vase allows that person to experience they're struggles and what the world is like from their view, it's a way of bonding and understanding." Shifu explained as he held it out for all of them to see.
"How did you get such an item?" Spike asked looking at it.
"I went on a little journey of my own recently, and i found this sacred vase in a temple far from the valley, i was lucky enough to learn it's ability's from ancient texts." Shifu explained as he put it on the pillar again.
"Um yeah, that's nice to know and all but.. how do we switch back?" Mantis asked before he fell on his face which made Shifu shake his head.

"There's a time affect with it, it'll only wear off after a while." Shifu explained which relieved them a little.
"And.. how long will that take exactly?" Tigress asked still trying to get a grasp on the wings.
"... It'll wear off.. in about a week." Shifu answered which shocked all of them.
" A week?!" Spike shouted in shock as that made him fall over himself again.
"We can't be in eachother's body's for a freaking week!" Crane shouted in shock as this was ridiculous.
"Why would it take that long?!" Viper asked shocked before she fell on her own body as well and they groaned in pain.

"It's so one can properly build up eachother's relationship, you all may be used to eachother as a team, but do you know eachother as people fully?" Shifu asked in a teaching tone which confused them.
"Of.. course we do master, we've known eachother for years." Crane answered trying to find out what this meant.
"As friends, but not as a person, any issues you may have with eachother could be resolved when in eachother's body's, it's to bond and grow closer to eachother. I honestly think this could be a good lesson for all of you to learn." Shifu explained walking around them.
"What kind of lesson?" Mantis asked curiously.
"To become closer with eachother, and find further peace for the issues you may have with yourselves. There's a lot you may not know about eachother, it's a way of team building." Shifu answered which they all understood a little.

"So this is.. to grow closer to another?" Spike asked looking at himself again.
"And it's to help resolve some personal things one might have?" Viper asked as well trying to get back up.
"Correct. With all of you in eachother's body's now, it's important that you all try and get used to them for now. So for your next lesson, you will be spending time with eachother for whoever's body you swapped with. For example, Spike will be spending more time with Viper to teach eachother how to use they're bodies, and once they are more balanced, they will spend time learning about eachother's lives." Shifu explained pointing at them both.

"Well.. it could be worse i guess.." Viper said trying to stay positive on this, but it wasn't an easy thing.
"So.. we all are just gonna have to spend a weak in eachother's body's? Isn't that a little weird?" Mantis asked as Shifu started to leave suddenly.
"Yes, it is. And you are on your own to figure this out, i suggest tomorrow you train some more in your new body's, then start bonding." Shifu explained heading to the doors.
"Wait what? Why aren't you helping us on this?" Tigress asked trying to stop him.
"It is for you all to figure out on your own, and i have an appointment at the spa, i hope you all are able figure this out, good luck students." Shifu said before he slammed the doors shut somehow leaving them alone.

"Po!" They all shouted looking at him with annoyance.
"Sorry guys! I didn't mean to get us stuck like this!" Po said in defense while all of them were upset at this.
"Po do you realize what this means? Without any proper experience in these bodies, we can't fight attackers!" Tigress said getting in his face.
"And some of us can barely move at all." Viper said barely balancing her legs.
"And some of us can't stop feeling hungry every few minutes!" Mantis said as his stomach was growling.
"I'm sorry guys! I didn't think straight! I'll make this up to all of you i promise!" Po swore while they were still upset at this.

"Ugh.. let's just get some sleep guys, the suns setting and tomorrow it's best we start training to use our bodies." Spike said still trying to slither.
"Good idea Spike, we should all rest.." Viper said in agreement as she tried walking too.
"One step at a time Viper, right foot, left foot.." Spike instructed trying to help her.
"Right foot.. left foot.." Viper repeated as she walked slowly to the exit.
"This is gonna be an interesting week isn't it?" Monkey asked looking up at the others.
"Let's just hope this time flies by.." Tigress said annoyed as they all went to their bed chambers to rest for the day and get back to training tomorrow.

The next day..

Spike groaned as he finally woke up from the morning gong like usual, it was a sign that it was time to get up for everyone and he could already hear the others groaning as well. Spike looked at himself and saw he was in Viper's body still, they probably all thought it was a dream, but they really had to learn to be in one another's body's.
"Ugh.. barely got any sleep.." Spike said tiredly as sleeping in this new body was a pain, he may get a better hang of it in the future, but this was rough for him right now. He slowly made his way to the door and slid it open, he saw the others opening the doors at the same time as they had just got up, they looked exhausted as well.

"Hey guys.. did you sleep well?" Spike asked trying to stay awake.
"Barely could when my stomach kept growling all night.." Mantis said tiredly from this.
"I can't make myself steady enough to sleep, how do you people balance yourselves without a tail?" Tigress asked confused as she looked of balance.
"My body feels like it will fall over at any moment.." Viper said holding onto a wall barely walking still.
"I can't believe we're stuck in these bodies for the week.." Crane said annoyed looking at his paws.
"I'm sorry guys, i know this is my fault, but at least this is an opportunity to get to know eachother at least, that's a good thing right?" Po asked a little nervously.
"That's honestly if we get a hang on these bodies, let's head to the training hall, we've got a long day ahead of us.." Spike said as he and the others slowly made they're way to the training hall.

Spike and the others had trouble just moving to the halls now, while some still were on two legs, the different ways they're bodies work almost made them fall over, Spike was slithering better at least, he felt like his body was one whole limb. And Viper was staying close to him so they could help eachother move. But once they all got to the halls, they all began to train in the places that suit their bodies best. Spike and Viper were on the Fiery field again as it wouldn't harm them that much.

"Alright, let's take it simple, let's try and focus on dodging the fire blasts, they shouldn't harm us since we're more resistant to fire, if we get to hurt we get off for a small break alright?" Spike asked as they stood on eachother's side.
"Great plan Spike, let's try and balance ourselves at least." Viper said as she was starting to walk onto it. They could already feel the fire lighting up below them so they had to be quick.
"Now!" Spike shouted as he barely dodged a blast right next to him, he quickly made his way out of the way while trying to stay out of harms way. Viper wasn't having much trouble, with they're reactions they were able to get a better hang of dodging in their bodies. Even if a blast did hit Viper, since she was in Spike's body, the fire couldn't harm her since dragons are fire proof.

"We're getting better, how are you guys holding up?" Spike shouted to the others who were trying they're best as well. Crane was struggling to balance himself on the large bowl and almost fell in.
"Barely.. hanging on!" Crane responded before he jumped over to another platform. Monkey was using Po's durability to block himself from the Wooden warriors.
"Already.. feeling.. exhausted.. ow, ow ow!!" Mantis said in pain as the warriors kept hitting his face before he got hit in the nuts again which made them all cringe at that.
"Oh!!.. Why?!" Mantis asked in pain falling onto the ground while making painful groans.
"Hey be careful, that's my body your.. whoa!" Po screamed as he fell on the ground after trying to swing on the chains.
"How do you stay balanced on this?!" Tigress asked frustrated before she screamed and fell off the moving platforms.
"Okay we really need to step up our game." Spike said shaking his head as this was gonna take a while.

Spike and the other's spent about the next hour training with eachother's body's, they were able to get better on some things, they could fight a little better, but it was still tedious right now. Spike and the others opened the doors of the training hall and walked out looking exhausted.
"Ugh.. i still don't know how you do all this without falling on yourself Po.." Mantis said exhausted from this.
"You get used to it.." Po said as he had bruises on his body.
"At least i can walk a little better.." Viper said as she walked slowly, but wasn't off balance anymore.
"Good to know we learned some things from this.." Spike added moving through the yard.

"So where do we go now guys?" Crane asked trying to think of something else.
"I don't know.. but is anyone else hungry? Or is it just me?" Mantis asked looking at them.
"I think a meal would help us all right now.." Tigress said liking this idea.
"Guys wanna head to Ping's noodle shop?" Spike asked as they were heading to the Hall of Warriors and were about to go down the stairs.
"Sounds great to me, a fresh meal will.. whoa!" Mantis screamed as he fell on himself again, and this time he fell down ALL the stairs of the palace while making bouncing noises.
"Oh, ah! Ow! Ooh! Ah! Why.. does.. this.. keep.. happening?!" Mantis asked himself as all of them watched him fall down the mile's long stair case and they shook their heads.
"Let's just get something to eat.." Monkey said as they all headed down after him and tried not to fall as well..

Spike and the others carefully made they're way back to Ping's shop, it had a little damage repair after Tai lung sorta.. was blasted into the thing when Spike and Po fought him, but it was back to normal now, and the place was packed like always.
"I'll never be surprised seeing how popular this place is Po." Spike said glad it's doing well.
"If there's one thing we'll always have from him, it's his amazing noodles!" Po said excitedly as he rushed over to the counter where Peng was chopping up some food.

"Uh.. hey dad.." Po said nervously as they walked up to him.
"Oh Hey Po, how are things.." Ping said before he saw Monkey and was just shocked.
"Uh.. i know what this looks like.. but please don't freak out.." Spike said nervously as he saw his voice from Viper's body, but Peng didn't have a look of horror or anything, in fact.. he looked like it was casual.
"What did Po do?" Ping asked casually which surprised them a little.
"You.. aren't freaking out over seeing.. this?" Tigress asked looking at herself again.
"If there's one thing i know about you Kung fu masters, it involves you having a sacred item or something that does this, right?" Ping asked finishing another bowl.
"Couldn't be more true on that.." Crane said surprised on how calmly he's taking this.

"Yeah.. Po touched a magical vase that switched our body's.. and now we're stuck like this for the next week." Mantis explained as they all glared at Po for a moment before turning back to him.
"Why do you keep such items out on display like that? I know your palace is heavily protected, but what's stopping you from.. i don't know.. having secured glass cases around them that sets of a alarm when it's broken?" Ping suggested twirling some knifes around like nothing.
"With all due respect Mr. Ping, we have them securely guarded at all times." Tigress assured which made him shake his head.
"I'm just saying, never hurts to have something else when your not there, so what can i do for you?" Ping asked wanting to change the subject.

"We just came by for some lunch, all this training in different body's works up an appetite you know?" Spike asked moving his tail around.
"Oh yeah.. i know.." Mantis said rubbing his growling stomach again.
"Understandable, and since your all in a tough spot right now, this will be on the house for you all." Ping announced which made them happy.
"Really? Thank you s o much Mr. Ping!" Viper said gratefully hearing this.
"This is appreciated sir." Tigress said giving a respectful bow.
"Anything for my sons friends, i'll be ready in a moment." Ping said as he got to work on making the soup at fast speeds while all of them watched.

Spike and the others sat at separate tables in order to try and do what was told of them, Spike and Viper were sitting at a table while the others were sitting with whoever was in they're bodies.
"So.. how have you been handling this Viper?" Spike asked trying to grab the spoon with his tail.
"It's.. been better, i'm glad we've been getting a hang of things at least.." Viper said trying to be positive on this as it was tough for all of them.
"Yeah, at least we're not falling down on eachother like Mantis is right?" Spike joked which made her chuckle at how many times he has.
"I guess so, it's hard to sleep when your in a body that has both arms and hands.." Viper said looking at herself again.
"Hey, at least you can still stand, it always amazes me on how large everything looks from your eyes." Spike said looking around as people were a bit bigger then he normally sees them.

"So.. has there been anything on your mind recently? Anything your gonna do soon?" Spike asked wanting to get a nice talk going.
"Well, not much, i've been practicing more of my ribbon dancing during the days we don't train. Been waiting for a letter from my father and seeing how he's doing. I hope we're back to normal by the time that happens." Viper said as they were able to eat properly now.
"Yeah, i've seen you ribbon dance before. I gotta say, you've got to be the best one in China, with your swift speeds and fluid movements, your no doubt an amazing dancer." Spike complimented which made her giggle in response.
"Thanks Spike, i try my hardest. I've been doing it since i was a kid, i used it to save my father and village when they were in danger. It really is a special passion i love doing." Viper explained while Spike listened on.
"Wow, that's amazing to know. Do you.. think you can teach me it sometime? Spending more time with you is something i'd really like." Spike asked as this sounded like a lot of fun.
"Of course Spike! I'm open to anyone who's willing to learn, i'm sure it'll be great." Viper said liking this offer.
"That's great! I look forward to it." Spike said glad to know this.

Spike looked on over to the others who were trying to talk as well, Monkey, Mantis and Po were talking to eachother about a lot of pranks they've pulled, Tigress and Crane were trying to talk about other topics, like Crane with his paintings and how they use eachother's skills for they're bodies.

"At least the others are talking with eachother at least." Viper said as they were glad this was helping them bond more.
"Yeah, guess that's one good thing to come from switching bodies." Spike said as they turned back to eachother.
"So, this letter from your father, what's that all about?" Spike asked curiously wanting to know this, Viper started to look a little sad being asked that.

"It's.. complicated.. He's been protecting the village for a long time, despite his skill, his age is starting to show, and.. it may not be much longer till he passes, and.. he's wanting to spend more time with me and my family before he goes, he may even leave me in charge of the village when he does.." Viper said sadly which shocked him greatly.
"Wow i.. i am so sorry to ask you that.. i didn't know it was this.. sensitive.." Spike said feeling regret for asking this.
"No no.. it's okay, it's been a lot to keep to myself, telling someone like you is actually a good thing for me." Viper assured trying to help him feel better.
"Have you told the others about this yet? That you may up having to leave them soon?" Spike asked worried looking at the others who didn't hear this yet.
"I.. do plan on telling them at some point, i know it's sudden.. and sad.. but they're my family.. i have to go.." Viper said with regret which made Spike sad on this.

"I completely understand, i had to train here to protect my family, i know they can handle themselves. But i wanted to grow stronger too. I can go with you to the village when you get the letter, i'd at least like to meet the family to a great friend." Spike offered which surprised her.
"I'd.. like that a lot.. are you sure? It's not something you have to get involved with, there's a lot of people who need protecting here." Viper said looking at the citizens.
"Po and the others can handle it i'm sure. I'll be willing to go with you when the time comes, let's hope he's here at least till the next Winter Festival, i'll be there for you when that happens, i promise." Spike assured which made her really grateful.
"Thanks Spike, i'm glad to have a friend like you.." Viper said gratefully as they looked at eachother for a moment.

But they're moment was soon stopped when they heard screaming, and the sound of a familiar gong..
"That gong.. that can only mean one thing.." Spike said seriously as they all got out of their seats.
"The valley's under attack!" Tigress said as she and the others started moving along.
"Hold on guys!" Mantis shouted which stopped Spike for a moment, he looked over and saw him.. finishing the bowls that still had food in them.
"Mantis! That's really gross you know! And this is not the best time!" Spike shouted annoyed as he rubbed his stomach again.
"Sorry! I can't help it! This body is an eating machine!"" Mantis said in defense as he started running out with Ping watching.
"When that's over, try and challenge Po's dumpling eating record! That will really knock you out! Come again!" Ping shouted as they all ran to the village..

People were screaming in fear as the village was being attacked by a horde of wolf and Crocodile bandits, there were dozens of them and were all breaking into people's homes and stealing valuable items.
"Get any thing that's worth a fortune!" The leader ordered as they all kept on threatening the villagers.

But 7 familiar shadows soon loomed over them much to their confusion, they looked above them and saw Spike and the others running across the rooftops in their new body's, even when the village is in danger, pushing through a situation like this, they all made battle cries as they did flips around the rooftops and landed in front of the horde and struck their iconic poses... in the wrong bodies.
"Oh wait.." Monkey said in realization before they all switched and got to the poses they use normally.
"We should've practiced our dramatic entrances better guys." Po whispered to the others who shook their heads in response not wanting to talk about it right now.
"Well well, if it isn't the Furious 6 and the Dragon warrior. Having trouble with your poses?" The leader mocked which made the other bandits laugh mockingly.

"And if it isn't a overgrown furball that's having trouble seeing." Spike countered mockingly as they saw him having a scar over his left eye which made him growl in response.
"Nice one." Mantis said chuckling a little giving him a high five.
"You couldn't leave the village alone could you? You just had to be the big heroes this village needs." The leader said taking out a hammer he had.
"It's our job, and who do you think you are robbing the village?" Mantis countered with the others staying on guard.
"Just a guy wanting to make money, like all of us do." The leader said with an evil smug which made Spike groan.

"Ugh lame, villains doing evil stuff for money is so cliché." Spike mocked which made them all chuckle at that.
"And what's with the hammer that's smaller then your arm? You have trouble welding a basic weapon?" Tigress mocked as well as he had a weapon that's smaller then his arms like she said.
"Don't mock me! I'll soon be strong enough to crush all of your skulls!" The leader shouted suddenly which made them shrug their shoulders.
"Basic threats like that won't work on us!" Mantis shouted getting ready to go.
"Enough of this! Get them!!" The leader shouted as all the soldiers charged at them making battle cries.
" Bring it on!" Po shouted excitedly as they all charged at them ready to fight.

Spike slithered at fast speeds to a few large croc soldiers, they held out axes and spears and swung at him with rage, Spike tried to dodge them the best he could as he didn't have a normal body now. Spike hissed at the soldiers and tail whipped a guy in the face and sent him into a carriage of apples.
"How about this?!" Mantis shouted as he landed in front of the weakened bandit and got ready to strike, but he suddenly took a an apple and ate it after paying for them.
"Gonna need your whole stash." Mantis said to the owner who nodded in response while he was given enough money. Mantis then proceeded to take multiple bites at the apples and throw them a this head repeatedly which made Spike chuckle while he twisted a soldiers arm making him scream in pain before falling down. Mantis finished off the next apple before throwing it right in the bandits nuts making him scream in pain before Mantis used his body weight to flip the entire carriage over, the bandit screamed as he went flying right into a well and made a scream that went on for about 5 seconds before a loud splash was heard.

"Score!" Monkey shouted as he was flipping over the bandits weapons and used his surprisingly strong strength to flip them over his body. More and more bandits started charging at them and struck at Tigress who kicked a bandit in the face.
"Guys, any ideas on how to stop them?" Po shouted as he used Monkey's acrobatics to swing over the bandits to deliver an air strike to the ones who were surrounding Tigress.
"There's a ton of them! And they seem to be lending eachother's strengths to attack us!" Crane shouted as he ducked under a sword swing and almost was hit by a spear slice by two soldiers who were attacking him together.

"Well if that's how they're doing it? How about we try it as well?" Spike suggested as they all flipped back over and stood together.
"It's like how Shifu said, this could work!" Viper shouted as this sounded smart.
"Then let's do it! Crane with me to the ones on the rooftops! Po, Monkey and Mantis, you take the ones near the houses. Spike and Viper, take down the ones on the markets!" Tigress instructed as she deflected more arrows from some crocs on higher grounds.
"Got it! Let's do this!" Spike shouted as they all took off in their respective groups.

Tigress and Crane jumped to the rooftops and stood against multiple soldiers with bows and arrows. They began to fire at the two and Tigress used Crane's body to fly in the air to deflect the shots, Crane used Tigress's body to deflect them with his claws and fire them back at the soldiers.
"Huh, barely felt that when i deflected that shot!" Crane shouted as he kicked a soldier in the skull and knocked him off the roof.
"Punching the iron wood trees by the palace for 20 years makes feeling things impossible after doing it for so long!" Tigress shouted as she landed on a soldiers head and threw him into another one, they both flipped over more arrow shots and delivered a strong blow to their targets.
"20 years?! I don't think i can go for 1 month!" Crane said in shock hearing that.
"Your body probably wouldn't handle it! I've got other ways i can show you though." Tigress replied as she grabbed another bandit's arrow and threw it at the bow and split it apart.
"That sounds nice, let's do that sometime!" Crane shouted as they both took down the last ones on the rooftops and high fived eachother making smiles.

Monkey, Po and Crane were fighting more soldiers through different houses and were breaking apart a lot of things.
"Sorry about the damage you guys! We'll make it up!" Po shouted as he almost was hit by an axe and used Monkey's tail to throw it back.
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Mantis shouted repeatedly as almost knocked over stuff with Po's body.
"How about this tubby?!" A soldier shouted as he punched Mantis in the stomach and knocked him to the wall.
"Whoa!" Mantis shouted as he was bounced right off it and the soldier looked shocked as Mantis slammed against him and sent him through the window.
"Whoa, guess that's one plus of being flabby, barely felt that!" Mantis said impressed looking at his large belly.
"Enough with that joke Mantis!" Monkey shouted as he was flipping a soldier all over the place and slamming him to the ground.
"Twist his arm then throw him into the others! That really puts the hurt on them!" Mantis encouraged as he punched a bandit away without even looking. Monkey did so and twisted the guys arm before throwing him across the ground multiple times, Monkey made a battle cry and threw him into the remaining soldiers and made a bowling pin sound as they were all knocked down.
"Strike!" Po shouted in victory as they all high fived eachother for winning.

And finally Spike and Viper were charging through the market place of the village and were avoiding any spear slashes from croc bandits.
"So Spike, mind telling me how to breath fire?!" Viper asked as she was trying to her body's strength to knock them down.
"Take a deep breath, lean back a bit, and release it like your making a loud roar!" Spike instructed as he coiled around a crocs tail and threw him around like a cyclone.
"Got it!" Viper shouted as she took a deep breath and leaned back like she was told, before making a loud roar and releasing a stream of fire at over a dozen bandits who screamed as they were hit with the blast. When the smoke cleared, they were all on the ground groaning in pain as they had scorches over their bodies.
"I might have been a little to hard on that one.." Viper said a little concerned on seeing this.
"They'll be fine." Spike said as he finished off the last one and threw him to the wall.

They all took heavy breaths as the fight went on for a while.
"Man, fighting in different bodies, does take a lot out of you." Spike said a little tired from this.
"Yeah, seriously.." Viper said in agreement as this was tiring. But they weren't done yet as they heard another growl and saw the large leader standing over the rest of the fallen bandits.
"You just don't know when to quit do you! Always ruining a thieves fun!" The leader said with anger looking over his fallen soldiers.
"Give it up freak, you don't have any chance now!" Spike shouted being on his guard.
"I won't give up easily! I'll crush you all!" The leader shouted as he charged at them with rage with his small hammer.

"Viper, you have paralyzing venom right?" Spike shouted as he dodged a swing from the guy, Viper ducked under a claw slash from the leader and grabbed his arm.
"Yeah! It'll paralyze them for about a day!" Viper replied as they threw him behind them.
"Well let's see how if it works!" Spike shouted as he slithered up at him quickly. The leader quickly recovered and tried slashing at Spike repeatedly.
"You stupid snake! Stop moving!" The leader shouted with frustration while Spike coiled around the weapon and disarmed him.
"Why don't you stop?!" Spike shouted as he coiled around him until he was at the guys neck, Spike opened his jaw and held out his fangs before he bit down on his neck and he screamed in pain. Spike stood like that for a few moments before letting go and going back to Viper.

"What.. did you.. do to.. me?!" The leader asked with rage trying to keep fighting, but his body was slowing down a lot.
"And.. 3.. 2.. 1.." Viper counted down holding out her claw, the leader's face suddenly froze like the time Po did when his nerves were struck and his body stopped moving. He then fell down on the ground and wasn't moving at all.
"Will he be alright?" Spike asked a little worried for him.
"He'll be fine." Viper assured as the guys body was twitching a little.
"That felt weird to do, ugh.. and he needs to shower more." Spike said in disgust brushing his fangs a little.
"Sometimes i wonder how my dad does it." Viper said shaking her head as they picked the guys body up.

We now cut to all the bandits being chained up by guards who have arrived to take them to prison. Citizens were cheering for all of them as they won yet again, even in different bodies, they were still themselves.
"Huh, this was quite the days huh guys?" Po asked as they started moving through the village back home again.
"Yes, i will admit Po, switching bodies like this was interesting. Crane's wings are very good when deflecting attacks." Tigress said looking at him.
"Yeah, even though we still have a week left in these bodies, it's actually a little fun being in them." Crane said in agreement as they saw more people repairing the damage again.
"Yeah, sorry i got us in this mess. At least we got to know about eachother more from this right?" Po asked trying to stay hopeful on this.

"Yes, even though you REALLY need to lose some pounds, your body was affective when not taking damage." Mantis said patting Po's shoulder.
"And Mantis's speed was really cool! I felt like a blur going all over the place!" Monkey said hopping on Po's shoulder for a little ride.
"I'm just glad we can handle ourselves like this, even in eachother's bodies. But we're doing Panda in the Middle when we go back to normal Po." Tigress declared as she was still a little upset from this.
"Yay.. i can't wait for that.." Po said a little scarred on knowing that as they started moving up the stairs while the sun was setting.

Spike and Viper were a bit behind them to talk to eachother for a bit.
"Today was pretty interesting huh?" Spike asked as they took a small break for a moment.
"It was, it really was. And we still have 6 days in these body's." Viper said looking at herself again.
"Hey, we got through today in our bodies, i'm sure a few more won't kill us. Besides, it is kinda fun, it helps us be more creative with fighting." Spike said cheering her up a little.
"Yeah, i guess that's true. We really showed them today huh?" Viper asked as they walked to the stairs as well.

"We did, just glad that's over with. But Viper.. that stuff about your father, i'm sorry that's happening. I can't imagine what it must feel like, i never even knew my own parents. I'm really sorry about this.." Spike said with regret not forgetting what they talked about earlier.
"It's.. okay Spike, i'm sorry you never knew them too. But i'm just grateful for what i have now, and if you do come with me when it's time, i want you to know that i'm glad to have support from you." Viper said gratefully looking down at him.
"Of course, we all are here for you. It won't hurt to tell the others too, just do it when it feels right okay?" Spike asked wanting to make sure of it.
"I'll.. think about it. Thanks Spike truly." Viper said gratefully as she picked him up to help him not get exhausted.
"No problem Vipes, anything for a close friend." Spike said with a smile as they went up to their home glad that this day was over..

17: Spike's Molt Down

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It's been a few weeks again since everyone switched bodies, they were all glad to back in they're bodies so they could get back to training. Spike was glad to be training back in his body again, while it was fun being in Viper's body, not having arms and legs did feel a little weird, but he was glad to be back to normal again. He was glad he and Viper bonded a bit more, and the others bonded with eachother when in they're bodies. It was nice that Shifu let them do handle it themselves, even if he got to relax the whole week they were in this problem. But while they were glad to be back to normal, Spike was getting worried on the situation Viper told him about, and is wondering just when this is gonna happen, and how well everyone was gonna take it, but that's a story for another time.

But as of now, they were glad to be back to normal and were getting back to training nicely. Spike had been feeling strange for the past few days though, his scales has started to feel itchy and he felt off, they just started around a few days ago and he's been feeling off.

Spike heard the morning gong once again and quickly opened his eyes, he always did this each day and it was a morning staple, hear the gong, quickly go out and greet the master.
"Good morning master!" Spike and the others said at once coming out of they're room. Shifu looked at all of his students and he saw they're all accounted for, even Po was used to waking up instantly by now. Shifu smelt something off and saw Spike coughing a little.

"Spike, are you feeling okay?" Shifu asked already seeing something was strange about him, Spike was itching his scales a little but looked okay for the most part.
"I'm fine.. just a little itchy this morning.." Spike answered feeling strange with the others looking concerned.
"You sure Spike? You were like this yesterday too." Viper asked coming up to him.
"I'm fine Viper, just feeling off right now.." Spike replied trying to ignore it.
"You have a cold or something dude?" Mantis asked curious of this.
"I don't think so, i'm sure it'll go away in a bit." Spike assured trying to brush this off.
"Very well then, let's all begin training again." Shifu instructed as they all started heading to train again, but Spike's body was still feeling itchy.

Spike and the other's made it to the halls again, Spike's main thing was dodging on the Fiery field with Viper, as that suited them both, Spike could still feel off right now, but was pushing past it for now. Spike backflipped under a tail whip from Viper and was twirling his body around, he balanced himself on his hands to wind up a hard kick to her which sent her back a little, Spike then ran through more fire blasts and ran to her, they both charged at eachother again before delivering a strong strike to eachother which knocked them back a bit.
"Man.. i still can't believe i have reflexes like this.." Spike said to himself as he could feel his itch happening again.
"Yeah, you've really shown something else in the past year Spike." Viper said recovering from the attack.
"Ugh.." Spike said weirded out as he couldn't stop scratching himself.

"Are you okay Spike?" Viper asked worried for him as there was some red on his body right now.
"I'm fine just.. itchy.." Spike said scratching himself still which caught the other's attention.
"You shouldn't itch like that Spike, it could leave a bad mark on your body." Crane warned as they could see some marks already.
"I'm fine guys i just.." Spike said before his stomach grumbled and he released a large violent fire blast which surprised them all.
"Okay, something's clearly wrong with you Spike." Tigress declared as this wasn't normal at all.

"I think you may be sick or something Spike." Crane said walking up to him.
"How can i be sick? I don't even know what kind of sickness this is, i haven't had it since i joined you guys." Spike asked trying to figure this out.
"Hmm.. maybe it happens during a certain point for dragons." Shifu suggested which may be true.
"It could be, maybe we should take a look at the scrolls in the library, i'm sure Oogway had something on Equestrian dragons if he knows about that place." Crane suggested which was a good idea.
"Good idea Crane, you take Spike with you to try and find something, Mantis, get your acupuncture needles." Shifu instructed which worried Spike a little.

"Why do i need the acupuncture treatment?" Spike asked a little scarred as he knows what that's like, and it does not feel good at all.
"Because i'll probably have to find a nerve point that can stop that itching, if there even if. I'll go get them." Mantis said hopping off to do so.
"Come on Spike, i'm sure it's nothing too serious." Crane assured as they began leaving too.

Spike and Wu went to the large pool within the palace, it was filled with tons of scrolls for research, they had many different things like different techniques, history lessons , and stuff about other species.
"Alright, if Oogway knows about my kind, he's gotta have written down something to help us explain what's going on." Spike said as he tried searching for one.
Spike dug through whatever he could find, he found some scrolls that went into some medical skills that could be helpful, but that should be for later. Spike went through all the different species he could find until he finally found one that had the symbol of a dragon on it.
"This might be it.." Spike said as he flipped down to Crane.

"Alright, let's see what this has." Crane said as they opened the scroll to read it, they went through the scroll to try and find anything that relates to what Spike's condition is, if it's a type of illness or something more important.
"Hold on, look at that one." Crane said pointing to a picture that had a young dragons scales a little red, and it looked a little sick, but this did look like Spike's condition.
"This could be it, it says it's.. a Molt Down." Spike translated which interested Crane.
"Molt Down?" Crane asked curiously as he hasn't heard of this before.
"It says that this is a step to a dragon growing up more, when this starts to happen, it's a sign that they'll grow out of they're current form, and emerge as something new." Spike explained which interested both of them.

"So.. this is just saying your going through.. you know.." Crane asked as they both figured it out by now.
"It looks like it, it says that the affects that come with it are, itchy scales, violent sneezing, a bad stench, and sudden voice cracks." Spike translated while Crane just smelt something bad.
"Oof, i think that explains the bad smell that's coming from you just now." Crane said which confused Spike.
"What? Ugh!" Spike said in disgust as he smelt himself and he smelt bad.
"I'd recommend going to the hot springs to bathe, that could help." Crane advised as he went over and handed him some cleaning supplies.
"Thanks, please tell the others what's going on." Spike asked which had Crane nod in agreement while Spike ran down to the hotsprings to clean up.

Spike spent the next hour or so near them, he made sure to clean himself up the best he can, it was starting to affect him more as this " Molt" That was happening to him was getting irritating, he never felt clean for a minute after all he did, he kept feeling a need to itch and sneezed fire violently when he felt it, it was just awful to put it simply. Spike sighed to himself as he just got done bathing for like the 5th time today, while the hot springs were a relaxing place for the palace that he and the 5 liked being at when they're done training most of the time, for him today it barely did anything.
"Why is this happening to me now? I know i'm like.. 14 or something, but why haven't i felt this sooner?" Spike asked himself as there were more red spots on his body which disgusted him a little.

Spike went down to the bed chambers to Mantis's room, that's where they usually have him do Acupuncture on him or one of the 5 and Po if they're sick. It was a experience he didn't like, it was basically being stabbed in a certain part of your body to alleviate ones pain, or to help with types of conditions, be it mental, physical, or emotional. While Mantis was good at it to say, there were certain treatments he often did that was.. questionable, he remembers one time when Viper had a fever, and he literally had needles in all the sides of her body to make her stop moving until it passed, he felt bad for her when that happened. And he hasn't forgotten about what happened to Po when his face froze and Tigress almost slashed him, he wouldn't have been without a permanent scar if Mantis didn't stop her that day.

Spike was still glad Mantis was a Doctor of sorts, he remembers being told that Mantis came to the palace to treat Shifu after he got sick from eating some of Ping's noodles, which confused Spike on how that could ever happen, maybe it was an accident when Po was working there. But he soon arrived at Mantis's room and went inside. He already saw Mantis with a few of them in his claw thingies, they all had no idea what to call them.
"Uh.. hey Mantis, you ready to.. do this?" Spike asked nervously walking into it, Mantis was looking at a diagram of Spike's body to look at where to put them in before he noticed him.
"Oh, hey Spike. Just give me a minute, i'm making sure i know where to put these." Mantis asked making sure there wasn't anything off.
"You sure you know what your doing with these? Last time i had a cold, you put one in my arm which made it flabby for like a week, even Tigress didn't walk the last time you had to do that on her.. after she slapped you across the room refusing to let you help her with a sore throat." Spike pointed out sitting down on a mat placed out for him.
"I know what i'm doing Spike, i've gotten better over time. I don't think i can mess up that badly again, you just need to stay still, maybe i can find something that stops this.. smell that's coming from you." Mantis said hopping over to his shoulder.
"I don't think there's a nerve point to stop a smell buddy, maybe one to stop a sense of smell, but not having an actual smell." Spike said dismissively while he just shrugged his shoulders and held one out.
"Never hurts to try, maybe we can speed up this Molt thing your going through, brace yourself dude." Mantis warned as he went to his shoulder and readied himself, Spike closed his eyes as a sharp needle sound was heard piercing his scales.
"AHHHH!!!" Spike screamed in pain as it echoed through the whole palace which made some servants wonder where that came from as the needle did hit a certain spot..

Spike was weakly walking through the halls again to the kitchen as this right arm was flabby and had over 20 needles around it, Mantis still needed to practice his Acupuncture as this barely felt different. Spike groaned weakly as he went into the kitchen and saw Po was cooking some soup for him.
"Hey Po, how you doing?" Spike asked as he sat down on a chair while his arm hung around in the air with Po seeing him.
"Hey Spike, i'm doing good today, training was tiring as usual. I take it Mantis's medicine.. didn't help much?" Po asked looking at his arm.
"Yeah, it feels like it's in a coma, i just hope this " Molt' Condition passes soon." Spike prayed as Po got finished with the soup and slid a plate to him.

"Me too buddy, i gotta ask.. what's it like?" Po asked worried as he sat down and had a few bowls himself.
"It's not pleasant at all, i constantly feel like i need to bathe, i still have a bad stench, and i'm still itchy from all of it." Spike said annoyed as he tried not to scratch while eating.
"Sorry to hear that Spike, but try to look on the bright side, maybe when this Molt thing is over you can get something awesome from it!" Po said excitedly trying to make things brighter.
"I don't know Po, i'm 14 years old at this point, i've spent almost 2 years here by now, and i find it hard if anything exciting will happen anymore, even with all these awesome kung fu skills we're learning." Spike replied slurping up some noodles.
"Believe me Spike, i've been researching every awesome master and skill they know, there's a reason i knew every item in the Hall of Warriors." Po said casually finishing a bowl of noodles.

"I can see that, maybe it's something that will truly surprise all of us, maybe something to help me kick butt in the future.." Spike said looking at his red marks on himself.
"I'm sure it will buddy, and hopefully that'll wake up your arm when it's over right?" Po asked with a smile.
"Yeah, there could be something cool can happen. Just hope my arm does wake up soon." Spike said looking at it.
"Hey at least it's asleep, hopefully you don't lose it completely in the future right?" Po asked jokingly.
" let's i just hope i don't.." Spike said before his stomach rumbled again and he burped up another stream of fire.. which burnt the bowl of noodles he was eating to ash.
"Celestia darn it.." Spike said annoyed shaking his head.
"Don't worry buddy, there's a reason i have spares." Po said sliding another bowl to him which made Spike glad.
"Thanks Po." Spike said gratefully as he and Po had lunch again.

Spike was walking through the courtyard to the training halls again, even if he was in a condition like this, some training never hurts, he was about to enter the halls until he heard some grunting nearby. This caught his attention and he went over to find where the sound was coming from, the grunting started to get louder as he heard a familiar voice. He peeked over another corner and saw none other then Tigress training outside the halls, she was punching the Ironwood trees that were nearby the place, Spike knew this was something she liked doing and it was a way to build up her durability.

"Uh.. hey Tigress, you doing alright?" Spike asked curiously as she delivered a hard punch to the tree and knocked away some wood, she heard his voice and turned to him.
"I'm fine Spike, just doing training again." Tigress simply said while continuing to punch them with Spike watching.
"How long have you been doing that?" Spike asked curiously.
"Since you left to get info on this " Molt" That's happening with you." Tigress replied with surprised him which was 3 hours ago.
"How do you keep punching something for that long?" Spike asked amazed standing near another tree.
"Years of training like this can make it feel like something daily, which it is for me." Tigress explained turning to him.

"You never cease to amaze me on what you can do you know Tigress? I'm sure there's still plenty of moves you haven't shown me." Spike said crossing his arm since his other was still flabby.
"Believe me, you haven't seen anything yet." Tigress said as she kicked the tree hard and made a lot of leaves fall out from it.
"So Tigress... you think you can help me try this thing out? I'm sure it's something i can get used to with enough time." Spike asked lightly putting his fist on the tough wood.
"I'd be glad to, but are you sure you want too? You only have one arm working right now, and.. you don't smell that good." Tigress said smelling his stench.
"Ugh, believe me, i bathed for an hour after i found out what this was, i'm sure if i just push through it, it'll all go away. And i'm sure building up some endurance now will be helpful. Maybe when Winter comes next month the trees will be tougher so i can have a tougher time." Spike replied lightly punching the thing and it did have him feel it.
"If you insist Spike, besides, some training with you never hurts, repeat after me." Tigress instructed as she used a certain punching position and started punching the tree again and made it shake, Spike followed closely on what she was doing and they proceeded to do this for some time.

Spike spent the next hour with her for that training exercise, it did feel nice to spend time with her after they didn't interact much when he joined. While they didn't talk about anything deep there, he was just glad to have spent some time with her as this could be the first step to understanding her more. But Spike's condition was feeling even worse now, his scales were constantly needing to be itched now and he had more red marks on his body, and his stench was getting even worse. Spike knew he couldn't decide this on his own and asked everyone to talk with him in the courtyard outside the training halls again.

Spike was constantly itching himself as he felt awful right now.
"Spike, how long have you been scratching like that?" Shifu asked curious as Spike released another stream of fire.. which almost burnt his mustache leaving his face a bit burned which made Po chuckle a little, before Shifu gave him a glare which shut him up.
"About.. 30 minutes at this point." Spike said worried as they could see smoke coming from his nostrils.
"Did Mantis hit a wrong pressure point again? Maybe that's why." Monkey suggested which offended him.
"Why does everyone keep saying it in front of me?!" Mantis shouted annoyed which surprised them on his sudden shouting.
"I don't think so guys, maybe it's just a sign it's getting closer to passing." Viper suggested which interested them.
"We don't know how long this affect lasts, it could last for the next week for all we know." Tigress added which worried Spike anymore.
"That better not be the case, this is not something i'd like to look like if that's true!" Spike shouted annoyed as his body was itching even more which irritated him.

"Well what could we do? We've tried what we can to help, we tried medicine, bathing, helping him relax, nothings worked." Po pointed out which just worried them all.
"I don't know, let's just hope it doesn't get.. worse.." Spike said right before his body started glowing which started to freak him out.
"What is happening right now?!" Spike shouted with worry as he was moving around frantically now.
"Spike calm down! This won't help if you move around like this!" Viper said trying to stop him.
"I can't! It's like my body's not in control!" Spike shouted in fear as this was awful.

And just when they thought this couldn't get worse, his scales started to harden and freeze in place.
"Guys?!" Spike shouted in horror as this freaked all of them out now.
"We have to stop it! It could hurt him!" Tigress shouted with determination as she and the others went over to his body who was being covered up even more.
"Guys!!!" Spike screamed as his body was covered completely much to their horror.
"Spike!!!" They all shouted with horror as his body was frozen in place.
"No! Spike! Can you hear us?! It's gonna be okay!!" Viper shouted as his body remained still completely.
"Everyone, we have to break it, on 3!" Shifu ordered getting in a fighting stance, they all did so and got ready themselves.
"1.. 2.. 3!!" Shifu counted down as they all charged at him with battle cries to try and save him.

But just when they almost striked him, his body started to crack showing glowing marks which surprised them. They watched as his body cracked up even more until it suddenly exploded which knocked them away.
"What?" Po asked shocked as they all recovered from the blast, to their surprise, they saw Spike was free from it, and what's different, he now had 2 strange things on his back, as his body looked normal once again.
"Ugh.. guys? What happened?" Spike asked weakly getting his bearings.
"Spike.. your back.." Viper said as they all had the same idea on what they were.
"My back? What's on.." Spike asked as he turned around and saw what they were seeing, and his eyes widened in shock as he saw what they were.. wings.

"Did i just grow wings? I just grew wings!!!" Spike shouted in amazement which amazed them too.
"Wait? Wings?! As in.. wings to help you fly?!" Crane asked amazed as they all came up to him, Spike tried to flap them and began floating off the ground already.
"I think it is!!" Spike shouted in amazement as he flew around the courtyard which amazed them at how fast he went.
"Our little dragon can fly now!" Mantis said in amazement as he landed back down to them.
"Spike, this is.. amazing!!" Viper said coming up to him looking ecstatic.
"I know! Just imagine what i can do when fighting now, and what else i'll be able to do here!" Spike said looking at them still amazed.

"This is quite the event Spike, i entrust you to use them wisely, being reckless with them may result in you losing them, be wise with them." Shifu instructed trying to calm Spike down.
"Right, sorry, it's just.. i never thought i'd grow wings like this! It feels incredible." Spike said flapping them around.
"It's amazing for all of us, this will be great help to all of us i'm sure." Viper said smiling at this, glad that the pain was over for him.
"And your arm is moving again, guess that Molt Down did help you with it." Tigress pointed out as they saw it was working again.
"Yeah, thank goodness that's all over, i couldn't stand another minute with all that itching." Spike said in relief finally calming down.
"I can only imagine, you wanna train for a bit more to get used to it?" Monkey asked pointing to the training halls.
"Ooh can we please do that! Imagine what moves you can develop with the ability to fly!" Po begged flapping his arms around like wings which made them all chuckle.
"Absolutely, let's go! I'm just so glad this is over!" Spike said in relief as they all went to the training room to help Spike get used to them, Spike has now finally grown his wings, and he's really excited to see what they can do to help kick butt and develop in the future..

18: The Winter Festival

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It was another day within the Valley of Peace, it had been a month since Spike got his wings finally, and he's been putting his all into his training, He had been really excited now being able to fly like Crane, it could help save more people, and it really helped him grow stronger as a Kung fu warrior too, Spike just couldn't be happy enough to be a part of the team, he had great friends, knew plenty of ways to defend others, and he was well known within the Valley as a hero, it was a great time to be alive for him right now.

But something special was coming today, they all entered their winter season not too long ago, and the village had started getting more snow then usual, it reminded him of how things looked back home, but one thing he experienced from his time here that he had to prepare for today, was the Winter festival, it was similar to how Equestria celebrated certain holidays too, and Spike was more then excited to spend time with the crew, it was a perfect time to have fun and enjoy life.

Spike woke up with the morning gong greeting their ears once again, like always, they all instantly came out of their rooms to greet their master.
"Good morning master!" They all said at once again as they saw Shifu walking through the hallway.
"Good morning students, hope you all slept well." Shifu greeted with a smile as they all huddled together to talk about today.
"Morning Shifu, cold night wasn't it?" Po joked which made them chuckle at because it was snowing hard last night.
"Yes it was, and it still is. I'm sure you all know what today will be, we all have been preparing for it for some time now." Shifu began which they all knew what he was meaning.
"Yes Master Shifu, today is the Winter Festival, or Winter Feast for us masters." Spike answered which Shifu smiled at, glad he knew his knowledge.

"Correct Spike, today is the Winter Festival, a special holiday for all of us, it is important for us all in many ways." Shifu replied as they all listened on.
"Oh yes! The Winter Festival! Time for spending time with family's, fun games, and just enjoying life." Mantis said calmly as this was something they all loved doing.
"Right again, and for this one, i am wanting to do something special for you all, something i've wanted to add to this yearly event." Shifu explained which interested them.
"And what would that be Master?" Spike asked curiously, he was pretty excited as he saw Shifu smiling at this.

"As you all know, you masters have spent a lot of time together, Spike joined us just recently last year, and then Po. But You all have trained and fought together, while i am wanting this years Feast to be perfect like always, starting today, i am adding a new project for us all." Shifu announced which made them more excited as Shifu continued to explain and got out a vase.
"Today, we are now gonna start exchanging gifts for eachother, inside this vase are cards with your names on them, whoever selects the other persons name which is on these cards, will be responsible for getting that person a gift, and the same will be with them, but you cannot say who it is, it's for surprise. i've been wanting to add this for a while, and i trust all of you can make it something we all will love and we can do it again." Shifu explained which amazed them.
"So, we basically draw the card, and whoever's on that one we'll have to get a gift? That's perfect for the holiday!" Spike said excitedly with the others happy as well.
"It's just like how we did things at home!" Monkey added with the others smiling happily at this.
"This is an interesting addition, i just hope we all find something we will like." Tigress added sounding surprisingly happy about this too.

"I am glad you are all on this same page, now, let us begin." Shifu said as he held out the vase, they all looked at eachother before going to pick a card, Spike let Monkey pick his first and he chuckled at who he picked, Crane got his next and was looking nervous on whoever he got, and Tigress got hers and had an.. interested look on who she got, Po got his and he was excited as well and the same was with Mantis. Finally Spike came up to get his and picked the last 2 cards in it, he pulled his out and looked at it, and his eyes widened a little in surprise of who he picked.
"Viper.." Spike thought to himself as she got hers next and looked surprised too, but them smiled as she hid the name away.
"I take it you all got one, and don't have one with your own names on it?" Shifu joked a little and they chuckled while shaking they're heads in a " No" matter.
"Good, i hope you all find something that you all can love, and enjoy the Feast tomorrow, and as always, there is no training for today." Shifu finished which made them all cheer in joy.

"Finally, some time to relax." Crane said in relief putting the card under his hat.
"It never hurts to have some time off, this is just so exciting!" Viper said gleefully as they all started to leave with Shifu smiling at their exchanges.
"And by the way, where did Po go? He was just here a moment ago." Shifu asked as they all noticed Po was suddenly gone somehow without them noticing.
"For a big panda, he sure can sneak off like a ninja." Mantis said which made them all nod in agreement.
"For me Shifu, my money's that he went to his dad's, it's probably a big day for Ping too." Spike suggested which was probably true.
"That is most likely the case, thank you Spike, i will see you all soon, don't forget about the Feast." Shifu said once more before he went to find Po, probably to explain to him about it.

Spike and the others went through the palace to get ready to find a gift for eachother, while Spike did find it convenient that he got Viper, he was also glad as he and her are great friends at this point, he just hopes the others can get something they'd like, Monkey's probably gonna get some more Almond cookies since that's what he got last year.

"What would she like that's good enough as a gift?" Spike asked himself as he went out of the halls and was greeted with the cold winds of the valley, it felt so similar to how things were in Equestria, it made him wonder how other places like this celebrate their holidays.
"So Spike, you have any idea on who your gonna get your chosen one?" Mantis asked as he hopped over to his shoulder.
"Hard to tell, but i can tell they will appreciate it what i got no matter what, but i want to make it special to show my gratitude not just for being here, but for just being a great friend." Spike said with a smile as he used his fire breath to make the ground less slippery for people.
"Oh really? Anyone special in particular? You know you can tell me." Mantis asked smugly which made Spike roll his eyes with a smile.
"That's against the rules Mantis, you just find your gift, and i'll find mine, cool?" Spike asked putting out his fist.
"Cool." Mantis replied lightly tapping it.

They heard screaming down at the valley and knew what that meant.
"More butt kicking, talk about an awful time for attacks." Mantis said annoyed as all the others joined him.
"Some guys never learn." Spike said annoyed as he opened up his wings and flew down to the valley at fast speeds with the others following. When Spike landed down he was greeted to more bandits trying to rob people.
"Hey! What are you thinking?! Trying to steal on a holiday? Don't you have a life?" Spike mocked as they all got in their fighting poses.
"Some can't afford special things, that's why we steal em!" A bandit mocked back as they all charged at them again.
"I hate doing this on holidays." Viper said annoyed as they engaged in battle.

Spike ducked his neck under and axe swing and kicked the guy in the chest before grabbing his neck and sending him into the air, he spread his wings and jumped up and delivered a strong combo move to him.
"Crane! Fire Gust!" Spike announced as he took a deep breath.
"Good idea!" Crane shouted as he spread open his wings near him, Spike shot a fire blast from his mouth again and Crane shot a huge gust of wind from them, this combined the two into an attack which sent a strong wave over a few of the bandits.
"Great idea with that move Crane! It is really cool!" Spike said excitedly as he now went to help Viper take down some more.
"Since you have wings now, it never hurts to make some special moves!" Crane shouted as he threw his hat to another guy and blinded him which made Mantis kick him in the head to knock him down. Spike grabbed Viper's tail and they used another combo move to have her use her tail to whip the other bandits away while he spins her like a cyclone.
"It feels good to fight every now and then, just wish they didn't do it on a Holiday!" Spike shouted as he kicked a guy in the crotch and sent him flying away.
"You got that right!" Mantis shouted as they all kept on fighting them.

Po was running to help them out after he was told some really important stuff by Shifu, once he got a view he saw Spike and the others fighting off the bandits easily. Spike helped Monkey with a move and threw Monkey in the air for him to deliver a barrage of punches to one as Po ran in.
"Guys! You excited about the Winter Feast?" Po asked as Tigress split her legs to kick two guys in the face and Spike threw the one in the sky.
"Well guess what? Master Shifu just said i'll be joining everyone this year!" Po announced as he punched one bandit without looking.
"Wouldn't it be obvious you were? Your the Dragon Warrior Po, you should know you were coming." Spike said as he grabbed a bandit by the tail and threw him in the air for Crane to take down.
"The Feast is intense, all of the Masters at one table!" Crane said taking another down as Viper engaged with one.
"One perfect Feast!" Viper shouted whacking the guy in the eye while Spike kicked him in the arm and twisted his legs around to slam him to the ground.
"It's an honor to be invited!" Mantis shouted as he hit one hard to send it flying away which made Po split down under it.
"Actually i'm not just invited, i'm hosting!" Po announced as he took a bandits weapon and used it to hit another on the head with the others being surprised by the news.

"What?" They all asked at once shocked on this.
"I wouldn't be the first choice maybe." a bandit said as Po knocked him down finally.
"What?" Po asked confused as Spike twisted another guys arm making him scream as he was knocked down.
"The Feast at the palace is very.." Monkey said as he punched a bandit away to Viper.
"Elegant." Viper continued as Mantis took him on next.
"It's a very sophisticated event." Mantis said as he punched the guy in the air, Spike flew above him and kicked him in the face.
"Not to mention, we still have all those gifts we need to get eachother!" Spike added hitting him to Po.
"Why does everyone think i can't do sophisticated?" Po asked annoyed as he flattened the guy to take him down as the others watched.

"I have no idea." Crane liked as they all saw it.
"We all know how big this event is Po, we we're just wondering if you could use a little help?" Tigress offered which Spike was glad to do.
"I was there last year Po, it's not someone one would want to screw up." Spike said punching another guy to a well without looking.
"Don't worry guys i got this! It's a dinner, it's eating and entertainment, you just focus on those gifts okay?" Po asked as he knocked down the final one making this long fight end finally.
"Well, you know where to find us Po, if anyone needs me i'll be looking through the marketing area of the village, see ya later." Spike announced as he walked over the bodies of the thugs to get to the place.
"We all should get back to our gift searching, see you later guys." Mantis said as they all went to get back to business with Po still confident he could host this thing.

Spike got himself a fluffy scarf and holiday outfit to wear not just for festivity, but also for warmth as his kind is cold blooded, Spike was walking through the markets trying to find something for Viper.
"Alright, what would she like? She's really sweet and has tons of stuff she likes doing, let's see there's.. ribbon dancing, cooking, shopping, fighting and all that jazz. But what's one thing she would love?" Spike asked himself as he tried finding something. There was a lot to chose from, for a small valley, it's markets had lots of variety from other parts of China, there were dozens of fruits and vegetables for cooking stuff, tons of pottery items being sold, and even some jewelry items being sold.

"Jewelry! That could be it!" Spike said in realization of what she might love from this, Spike quickly went over to that section to see what he could find.
"Ah, hello master Spike, i take it your holiday is treating you well today?" The shopkeeper asked as he was another duck, but someone he's visited before for shopping.
"Yeah, it's going good so far, i was wondering if you had any special jewelry for this occasion?" Spike asked looking over the various golden and silver items there were, from bracelets, to rings, earrings, and necklaces with tons more.
"Ah, of course i do, and since you've been working hard to keep all of us safe, i'll do a special discount for you, anything you pick here today is free for you." He said calmly which made Spike extremely grateful.
"Thank you so much for this! This should help a lot." Spike said as he began looking over them for something.

Spike tried to decide what would work best for her, she couldn't wear a ring maybe because it would slip off her tail, she already had those flowers on her head that said she didn't need anything for her ears, and a necklace would be thoughtful, but it might not work. But that's when Spike's eyes fell on a particular object, he saw a beautiful golden bracelet that had slim but beautiful outlines to it's design was like something from Egyptian artwork as the lining was made like small chains connected together, and to top it off, there was a beautiful ruby gem on the center which Spike could see his face reflecting from, it was just her size, and perfect to wear.
"This! I'd like this please." Spike begged pointing at the bracelet.
"Ah! Great choice Master Spike, this is one of my best, i hope you be careful with it, normally it costs 3000 to buy." He said as he picked it up to put it in a special secure but small case for Spike to carry.
"Thank you so much for this, i hope you have a great holiday." Spike said gratefully as he was given it.
"It was my pleasure, have a nice holiday!" He said waving his hand as Spike began to leave.
"You too!" Spike shouted as he left to see if Po's doing okay.

Spike flew his way back to the palace to see if Po's handling things alright, this was a huge responsibility for him to take, and he wanted to help Po in any way he can. When he landed down he didn't expect to see a line of what looked like some of the finest chef's ever, and it looked like Po was trying to get away by refusing to hire them.
"Po, what are you doing?" Spike asked which spooked him a little at his sudden arrival.
"Oh hey Spike, can't talk right now, i'm gonna see if my dad can be the Chef to prepare for the Master's arrival.

"What? Po do you know how much pressure that could put on him? Plus i don't think he'd accept as he's probably wanting to be there for the village." Spike pointed out as Po refused another Chef but still liked the food and looked a little ashamed hearing that.
"I know, but i want my dad to be part of this in some way, and i think he'd really like this." Po said as he looked stressed out.
"Po, i can tell your worried on this, you don't have to do this alone you know, i can help you." Spike offered as Po refused the last one.
"Don't worry Spike i got this, i already got the gift for my person, i just hope you focus on yours." Po said as they went to the doors.
"I got mine too, but you shouldn't put this pressure on yourself, i'll try and help with what i can." Spike said as Po started leaving.
"Thanks Spike, see you soon!" Po shouted as he watched Po leave again and sighed to himself.
"Why do you insist on doing this by yourself Po? I know it's your duty , but we should all help eachother on an event like this.." Spike asked shaking his head as he looked at the Chef's who were confused on all that happened.
"What do we do Master Spike? We don't have a Chef." A servant asked worried on what to do.
"We'll figure something out, your all okay, don't take anything he said personal! He's just really pressured right now." Spike defended as he went to see if the others are alright.

Spike went into the mane halls near the Hall of Warriors and he saw tons of servants preparing for the Feast, he saw tons of stuff being spread out, fancy looking plates, special hats of some kind, and special silverware for eating, Rarity would absolutely love this, but Spike was just worried on what this was gonna do for Po.
"Oh Po, what have you gotten yourself into?" Spike asked worried as this could be too much for him, sure he's confident to do it, but all of this could be too much for him. As Spike was walking through the halls trying to figure out what to do, he accidentally bumped into Tigress which made them almost drop their presents which they quickly caught with they're reflexes.
"Oh hey Tigress, so sorry about that." Spike said handing her a wrapped up gift that looked like a jar, she must've gotten Monkey.
"It's alright Spike, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be with Po." Tigress asked as they walked together through the halls.

"Po went to check on his dad, he thinks his dad will accept the Golden Ladle to cook for the masters. but i think we both know that won't happen." Spike said as Tigress looked concerned.
"I think he won't either, while i am glad Po wants to try to have Ping join us, guests aren't allowed, and i can see that he just wants to spend time with his family, but what we're doing here is too big." Tigress replied as they went to get a view of the valley.
"I just don't understand Tigress, Po's wanting to spend time with his father and prep this feast and everything, but he shouldn't put all this pressure on himself, i'm sure we'll all help if he asks right?" Spike asked hopefully which she smiled lightly at.
"Of course, on holidays like this, it's important to look out for eachother, speaking of which, i take it things went well with your gift searching?" Tigress asked looking at the case.
"Yeah, i got it for free at the markets which normally would be very expensive. Thankfully it's the holidays so i got it for free, massive W for sure." Spike said relieved that his was done with.
"That is good to hear, at least this gift exchange Shifu made will go well hopefully." Tigress said looking at her gift which made noise as it moved, and it sounded like a cookie jar like Spike thought.

"Yeah, it really makes me glad that places like this celebrates holidays like we did back in Equestria. We called it Hearth's Warming Day, it was similar to this with the festivities and fun times the ponies would have to spend time with their family's." Spike explained which interested her.
"Interesting to know that there are events like this, even in other worlds. I hope your family is doing alright, i know they must miss you a lot." Tigress hoped which made Spike sad to think about.
"Yeah, they all probably really do, but i'm sure Twilight can handle things on her own, being apart of her family, and the times i spent with them during those years, it was something really special." Spike said softly which made Tigress smile at, but she started to look sad too which was something Spike noticed.
"You okay Tigress?" Spike asked concerned looking at her.

"I'm.. fine.. it's just that.. i never had a proper family before coming to the palace, even when i was at that orphanage, we still had some events to celebrate holidays, but i was.. not everyone's first pick to say the least.." Tigress said with sadness which Spike was worried by, he knew of her origin too, he knew all of the 5's origins, but her's was especially sad.
"How come no one wanted to spend time with you? To me, i see a great person who anyone can spend time with." Spike asked trying to make her feel better, but she was still a little upset.
"I.. wasn't exactly the most stable kid in the place, i was always rash, tearing things up even when i didn't mean too. It made people scarred of me, and i never really got a real experience with the holidays because of it. It was just so.. isolating.." Tigress said shamefully looking at the floor with regret, Spike had just felt awful hearing this, especially knowing she never knew her real parents.

"Tigress, that wasn't your fault, we all have our own struggles to deal with, i'm really sorry you never got to experience something with your family, but you have us now. " Spike encouraged trying to lighten the mood, but she still looked upset.
"I know it's just.. why was i left at that orphanage? I was never given a reason why my parents left me there, did they even love me? Or did they.. think i was a monster like all the other kids?" Tigress asked looking at herself which made Spike more worried for her.
"Tigress... you shouldn't think that, look at me, i never knew my own parents either, i was raised by ponies instead of dragons, and when i did meet other dragons, they were huge jerks. While i can kick their butt easily if i saw them again, that probably doesn't mean all dragons are awful. I'm sure my parents wanted to raise me, i'm sure yours wanted to too, but they may not have been able too because they didn't think they'd give you a great life. I bet they left you there because they love you, and wanted you to have a great life, even if it's without them. And look at where you are now, you know Kung fu, you have great friends who can be just like a family. And you have people to support you, we're all here for you Tigress, i promise." Spike assured patting her back a little while she was processing this.

"You.. really think they cared for me? Even after leaving me there?" Tigress asked looking at him who just wanted to help.
"I'm sure of it, sometimes parents can't take care of their child, and while that means they have to give them up and may not see them again, it at least means their child will live a great life and do great things. And i'm sure that's what they wanted for you." Spike assured which started making her feel better.
"Thanks Spike, i'm sorry you never knew your parents either, i'm sure they'd love to see what you've accomplished." Tigress said as she stood to face him finally.
"It's okay, if theirs one thing we have in common, it's that we have people who will always be there for us." Spike said with a smile which made her feel better finally.
"That's something i can see definitely, thanks Spike, see you at the feast." Tigress said as she begun to leave.
"See you soon Tigress." Spike said as he went to rest for the day as the feast was tomorrow night..

The next day..

Spike had gotten up early again as this was the big day, today over 26 master's from all over China will be joining the palace today, it was a special feast to be sure, and he's sure the 5 and Po all got their gifts for eachother by now, and this day just made Spike more excited, he's sure Twilight and the others would love to hear about this, and maybe when he sees them again, it'll be a fun tale to tell.

But while Spike was glad that this day was special, he saw Po was really getting stressed out, he constantly saw him switching to different places to do this duty of his, first he had to make sure an ice sculpture was properly made, then he had to cook up dinner as he was the only one to do so.. while a bunny kept attacking him for some reason. And make sure the hat he's supposed to wear is perfect, and he could see Po literally spiraling around as this was far too much for him and Spike needed to snap him out of it.

"PO!" Spike yelled which knocked him out of his thoughts and he gasped in shock.
"Oh Spike.. thanks for that.." Po said gratefully as he fell down on the table looking defeated.
"Po, i can tell your stressed out, please tell me what's wrong, i'm here for you." Spike assured sitting next to him, Po sighed and looked down sadly.
"You were right Spike, this is all too much for me, now i'm gonna disappoint everyone, my dad, you and the 5.. Shifu.." Po said regretfully.
"And me, i am not dead yet." The bunny added which shocked Spike.
" The ****?!" Spike swore in confusion which shocked the bunny.
"Language!" he said whacking his face lightly which barely faced him.

"Right.. you we're saying Po?" Spike asked getting back on track.
"And.. if i can't pull of a simple feast, what kind of Dragon Warrior am i?" Po asked himself which made Spike sigh.
"Po, you need to remember, your not alone on this." Spike assured patting his back.
"I guess kung fu can't solve everything." The bunny said which made Po realize something.
"That's it! Bunny! Your brilliant!" Po said shaking him in excitement.
"You got an idea Po?!" Spike asked hopefully as he looked excitedly.
"I do! Come on! Mantis! Crane! Monkey!" Po shouted as they ran off to get the others.

They all gathered the 5 to discuss on what Po's plan was.
"This may be our greatest challenge ever." Po said dramatically.
"Something we all need to do together." Spike added with a serious face.
"What is it? Bandits?" Monkey suggested.
"Raiders?" Viper added which made Spike chuckle at.
"No, place settings." Po answered which they all smiled at.
"Care to lend a hand guys?" Spike asked hopefully.

We cut to all of them in the dining halls prepping up this special feast using they're skills.
"Tigress! The Tahila Leap!" Po announced which made her run up a pillar with Viper while Spike flew in the air.
"Viper! Stars of Destiny!" Po shouted as Tigress threw some lanterns up.
"Got it!" Viper shouted as she and Spike threw ninja stars at the strings to latch them to the ceiling.
"Great work guys!" Spike shouted as he was helping Mantis with the plates.
"Guys, Pinwheel attack!" Po ordered which made Mantis rapidly strike the plates to the other parts of the table and Spike perfectly placed them down.
"You guys are the best!" Po said amazed as he took that bunny from before to help him in the kitchen. Spike got helped finish up the ice sculpture that was meant to be placed in the center of the table, Spike was shown what the design was like and knew what to do.

"Hey, Feng, be sure to get this please." Spike asked as the artist drew Spike rapidly making the sculpture perfectly, flying all around it with the artist following along perfectly.
"How is it?" Spike asked finishing the sculpture, the artist showed him a perfect picture of him doing a great job with his part.
"Heh, you are great, 10/10." Spike complimented which made Feng smile gratefully. Crane used a gust of wind to raise up the plates which had mantis use his skills to put out mats under the bowls and plates for perfect eating. And finally, he and Mantis finished spreading out the chopsticks and other silverware to perfectly finish off it, it was a sight to behold for sure.

" 30plate settings, 42 chopsticks! We did it guys!" Po announced in victory as they looked over the massive table.
"A job well done guys!" Spike said gladly high fiving Po.
"Every detail is just right! Even down to the Ground Jasmine." Crane added which made Po gasp in shock.
"Ground Jasmine!? It was supposed to be flaked! I'll be right back guys!" Po said worried quickly taking the food.
"Hurry! The master's are arriving!" Viper warned as Po went out the door.
"Po wait! Be careful of the..!" Spike warned before they all saw him slip down the icy stairs and saw him slip down to the valley on the snowy night.
"Icy stairs.." Spike finished shaking his head seeing this happen.

"So Spike, i take it you got the gift you need?" Viper asked which just reminded him.
"Oh yeah, i do, i'm sure we all do too right?" Spike asked looking at them, they all nodded and pulled out their gifts and showed tons of different shapes wrapped in special paper.
"We all got our gifts." Crane said with a smile.
"Shifu was right, this was a great idea to add, i hope we all do it next year too." Mantis said putting his on the table, Spike smiled at all of them gratefully.

"Guys, i just wanna say something. I'm glad to be a part of this team, i know when i arrived here it was a big shock, especially since it looked like i was gonna be the Dragon Warrior, but i'm glad you all opened up to me, i wanted to know what my purpose was for most of my life. Now, being here, with all of you, it's the best life i could wish for. I'm glad to have a family like all of you." Spike said looking over all of them who smiled at his speech.
"We're glad to have you here too Spike, you've been a really fun person to hang around with." Monkey said patting his shoulder.
"You always help us when we need it, even if we don't, i'm glad you joined us, your a great friend." Tigress said with a smile.
"Your always someone we can rely on, someone to trust, thanks for being there for us Spike." Viper said gratefully with Spike sighing in response having a smile too.
"Your welcome guys." Spike said softly as they all prepared to have this special feast.

Spike and the others finally were celebrating the Winter Feast, Spike was sitting near the 5 in the table as all the 29 master's were here too, dressed in super fancy clothing, and special outfits just for this occasion, it was no doubt the fanciest party Spike had ever been too.
"Beautiful, Elegant, perfect. You've made me proud. All 29 Kung fu schools, and the master's who come from them. Excellent." Shifu whispered to Po as they were all being quiet for this feast, but Po was zoning out as he was tapping his sticks on the table which the other master's started to do.
"Po." Spike whispered shaking him out of his thoughts which made him stop doing it and made the master's stop as well.
"Thanks Spike." Po whispered to him who stayed quiet for this night.

"Dragon Warrior, would you honor us by reciting the opening words of the Creed of Masters?" Shifu asked as all the master's watched him. Po sighed sadly and looked at a lantern that looked to have a cute drawing of him and his dad on it.
"I.. i can't Shifu." Po said sadly which concerned Spike.
"It's okay, i thought you might forget them, i took the liberty of writing them on your napkin." Shifu whispered trying to help him.
"What? No it's just.. it's not that." Po said as he started standing up which made them all stand up too.
"What no no guys please, you don't have to.." Po said right before they took of their hats too which made him sigh again.
"Well they're off. Let me just say something.." Po said as he begun to speak which confused them all.

"The Creed of the Master's is amazing, it's the coolest creed ever. And uh Masters, how cool are you guys? I don't even have to tell you guys, Master Rhino? Forget about it! Your more awesomely skilled and.. wrinkly then i ever thought you'd be.." Po said which shocked Master Rhino.( Rip Master Rhino.)
"And Master Sheep? Fluffy and Incredible. The Five and Spike, or the Six as some call them, it's just awesome to be here with all of you, my heroes, but every Feast me and my dad cook together, everyone shows up at his place, it get's loud and crazy, my uncle Yang laughs so hard noodles spit out of his nose." Po joked which made Spike chuckle.
"I'd like to see that guys." Crane whispered to Monkey.
"Me too." Monkey whispered back.

"So.. i wish i could stay and be a good host.. but i think i need to leave and.. be a good son." Po said as he took of his fancy clothing and put it on the table.
"Po! come back here!" Shifu said as they all saw him leave, Spike smiled as they all knew he really wanted to be with his father.
"Oh i loved cooking with my sisters." Viper said gladly.
"The folk dances.." Tigress added.
"The games.." Crane said gladly as well.
"And the music." Monkey said too.
"Spending time with your family, it's something we all want to do." Spike added.
"But.. who will say the Creed? Somebody do something!" Shifu begged sounding really worried, and that made a random goose in the distance start badly singing in a vocalized way.

"Guys, as honored as i am to be here, Po is right, we all have someone to be there for, no matter who it is, friends, family, it's always someone. And i think we all should try and have fun, in our own way." Spike said standing up too.
"He's right, come on guys, let's head to Ping's." Viper said slithering off with him.
"Brilliant move Spike." Tigress said gladly leaving with them as well.

Spike went with the others down to the valley, and it was a sight to behold for sure, snow was softly coming down on the valley, covering it in a dark blue light, but it was brightened by the dozens of colorful lanterns that lit the buildings, and through it all, they could see dozens of villagers having fun and dancing to some beautiful music, it was something Spike was glad to never miss each year, and he looks forward to it from each year onwards.

Po and Ping had just got done having a fun cooking montage as they had prepped food for the whole valley to have, they could see colorful lights in the noodle shop and saw tons of villagers there to have fun.
"Table for six?" Viper announced which made Po see all of them walking in.
"Guys! Welcome!" Po said gladly giving them some bowls of soup.
"Happy holiday Po." Tigress said gladly taking hers too.
"Great work today buddy, your the best." Spike said as he and the others went to sit down and have fun.

Spike sat with the five at the table and saw tons of other master's actually coming into join in on the fun.
"Looks like your little speech inspired some friends Spike." Viper said as they all saw Master Rhino telling kids some fun tales.
"Yeah, it's a perfect time right now." Spike said as he pulled out his gift, the others did too and Po came to join them too.
"You guys ready?" Po asked pulling out his too.
"Of course." Tigress said gladly as they all put them on the table.

"Alright, this one is for Crane." Po said sliding his over to him who looked excited. He quickly opened it up and saw a awesome looking pair of nunchuks that was really cool looking.
"This is awesome Po! Thank you so much!" Crane said gratefully twirling them around, being careful not to hit anyone.
"Alright, this is for Monkey." Tigress said sliding over her gift to him, he excitedly opened it too, and like Spike guessed, it was a Jar of cookies, like the ones Po ate.
"Heh, this is great! Thank you Tigress." Monkey said gratefully as everyone else started opening theirs. They all got fun gifts to say the least, Tigress got some pink bunny slippers from Crane which made everyone laugh hard at, but she actually seemed to like them and thanked him for it. Mantis got special pottery like vases which were beautifully designed, and Po got a large bowl of dumplings from Mantis as a joke, but he was also really grateful for. Finally, Spike was handing his out to Viper.

"I hope this is good enough for you Vipes, i wanted to make it special for you." Spike said hopefully sliding her the small box, she smiled at that and handed him something too.
"Really convenient we both got eachother for this event huh?" Viper joked which made him chuckle.
"You wanna open them together?" Spike asked ready to open his gift.
"Of course." Viper replied as they opened it up with the other's watching, Viper gasped in amazement in what she saw, she looked amazed by the golden bracelet Spike had got her as it was just her size, it was probably the best gift of the group which made the others jealous of.

"Oh Spike, this is wonderful! Thank you!" Viper said gleefully as she put it on the middle part of her body, it really looked great on her.
"Your welcome Viper, and for me.." Spike said as he opened up his. What he was got was something he didn't except, but it was something truly cool, it was one of those cool ribbons Viper used for ribbon dancing, it was in a red rose like color, it was really long and tough, it was something he's been wanting for a bit now.
"You said you'd like to start practicing with me some time, and i wanted to give you this. I used this very same ribbon to save my village, i hope you take good care of it Spike." Viper explained while he looked amazed.
"Viper, this is perfect, thank you so much for this." Spike said gladly, she smiled at him and gave him a hug which did surprise him, but he soon accepted it as it was nice.
"Your welcome Spike, Happy Holiday." Viper said softly as she went back to the others who looked at him with smiles, Spike smiled at them back and was just glad to be here.
"Happy holiday guys, hey.. i think i just got an idea.." Spike said looking at the ribbon with a smile.
"And what would that be Spike?" Tigress asked curious as he looked at it, Viper got the same idea and smiled at this.
"Great idea Spike.. this will be fun!" Viper said as she went to get something quickly.

Shifu was walking down to the valley a little upset on what was happening.
" Everything was perfect, what we're you doing Po?" Shifu asked upset at this, but as he walked through the valley, he saw Spike and the other's within the noodle shop, The 5 and Po we're having fun with eachother at the tables, eating food and laughing with eachother as Shifu saw their gifts. Tigress was playfully giving a child some food while Master Rhino was telling kids cool tales. Spike and Viper were ribbon dancing in the shop, giving off a great show to be seen with the people looking at them with amazement. Shifu saw all of this and finally understood this and smiled at it all.
"This.. is perfect.." Shifu said finally understanding this and was about to leave until Po came out to see him.

"There's always room for one more at Mr. Ping's." Po offered which did surprise him a little.
"Oh, no.. i really don't want to disturb anyone. You go and enjoy your party." Shifu replied as they stood outside the shop.
"I'm not gonna enjoy the party without you.." Po countered not wanting him to go.
"Please i couldn't, these are your people. This is your family." Shifu replied looking at them.
"Your my family too Shifu, now come on." Po offered again and Shifu smelt the soup and sighed in awe.
"That soup does smell delicious." Shifu said in relief before he started saying one more thing.
"Hold on Po, what goes on your head i really don't always understand. But what goes on in your heart, will never let us down." Shifu explained again which made Po smile.
"Thanks Shifu, come on!" Po said as he brought him into the shop.

"Hey guys look who's here!" Po announced as they all saw Shifu in the shop.
"Shifu! It's great to see you!" Spike said gladly as they all came up to him.
"It is great to be here too Spike, i am glad to be here with all of you." Shifu said as they all went to sit at a table.
"Heh, this is the best night ever.." Spike said amazed as they all let the artist draw a perfect photo of all of them at the table.
"Thanks for coming everyone!" Po said to all the customers as they all laughed in joy at this beautiful party.

"Dear Twilight, i hope you get this, i just wanted to let you know how things are for me right now." Spike narrated as Spike and the others have a great time at the party.
"To start things off, i made tons of great friends after we last spoke, i am a true butt kicker now, and i finally got my wings!!" Spike narrated in an exciting voice as Spike flies in the air and twirls his ribbon around with Viper for the show with the audience watching in amazement.
"Tonight where i'm at is a Winter Festival, it's similar to Hearths Warming Day back home, and it's just something truly special." Spike continued as Spike helps Ping cook more food at fast speeds as he was a great cooker too.
"I know you miss me Twilight, i do too, but i promise you i'm doing great. I'm having the best time of my life." Spike said more as Spike and the 5 strike their poses in front of the villagers for more fun.

"I just want to say that i hope your doing great too. I truly feel like i've found my place, being a Kung fu master, it's something i know i'm meant to be. I just hope you and the others are doing great too." Spike said as we see him writing the letter on the top of the shop.
"My chances of this reaching you may not be very high, but i want to let you know how things are. Wherever you are Twilight, whatever trouble you may be in, know i will always be there for you. I pray to Celestia that this gets to you, and if it does, know that i love you Twilight, i'm glad to have been raised by someone like you." Spike said as he began to finish it.
"I'll always be there for you, Happy Holiday Twilight, and tell the others i said Hi too." Spike finished as we see him shoot some of his fire on the letter and it disappeared, not as ash, but magically.
"This is a perfect night, hope your having a great one too Twilight.." Spike said to himself as he went to join the others again, he and Viper went back to dancing and all the other villagers watched them and had fun in their own ways too as the snow falls through the night sky.
"This is my destiny Twilight, and i know that this.. is only the beginning.." Spike finished as we see a final shot of the valley all in it's beautiful festivity's as cheers of joy as the moon shines upon the Valley in a beautiful fashion..

19: Scorpions Sting

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It has been a couple more months since the Winter Festival once again, and things are all doing fine, Spike, Po and the 5 are often out kicking bad guy butt, Spike's skills are always improving by the day, he's even showing some more muscle then he ever used to, he's taken some flight lessons from Crane to get a handle on his wings, and he's been able to fly pretty naturally by now.

Spike was just glad to be living a life where he can find his calling, being the Dragon Master did so much more for him then when he was back in Equestria, Spike and Viper grow closer by the day, practicing ribbon dancing and doing fights together like usual, and Spike and Tigress have gotten along even better after their talk, while she didn't trust him when he first showed up which was understandable, she warmed up to him over time, and they spar pretty regularly.

But one thing's been concerning Spike recently, it's the fact that Tigress is looking a big sick, she's started coughing roughly just yesterday, and her throat is sounding stiffer then normal, and is sneezing more roughly too, Spike thinks that this problem isn't one that's gonna go away, and this day may prove it.

But right now, Spike and the 5 were in the training halls once again, Po was practicing his skills more and Monkey was working on sneak attacks, Spike made sure nothing bad would happen here, and kept his eye on them.

"Po you are next, 10 seconds to get to the other side of the hall's unscathed." Shifu instructed as he was meant to get to the other side quickly. Po stood at the end of the halls with confidence and started striking against the wooden warriors while Spike and the other's watched from the sidelines. Po was deflecting them all pretty affectively as he's gotten used to not getting hit in the nuts every time he goes on here.. because he did get hit like 5 times before.

"Cat like reflexes!" Po said confidently right before Spike looked up and saw Monkey coming down for the sneak attack.
"Monkey!" Po said surprised as he and Monkey blocked eachother's attacks until Monkey got his head to be hit by the warriors, and held him by the nose.
"Ha, 2 points for Monkey! Light's out Po!" Monkey said confidently until they heard Tigress building up a sneeze, they all saw her looking rough as she made a loud sneeze and fell into the course, causing her to be hit by the warriors and send Monkey and Po crashing into the large bowl with Po on top of Monkey.

"Get.. Off.. me..." Monkey said annoyed as Po was right above him.
"Ha! Po 5, Monkey 4." Po mocked showing his fingers which made Spike shake his head as they always were competitive like this.
"You can't count that!" Monkey said with a strain in his voice from Po being on top of him.
"Sure i can! Shifu, that was a point right?" Monkey asked curiously.
"I don't care about your childish keeping score Panda." Shifu said coming up to them as Spike got Po off of Monkey.
"It isn't a time to be focusing on a game like that." Spike said turning to Shifu.

"Monkey, that attack was deceitful, and underhanded, great work!" Shifu complimented as this was part of the lesson.
"Well done buddy." Spike said high fiving Monkey as the others got down too.
"The point of sneak attacks is to expect, the unexpected.." Shifu explained right before he made a familiar face that Po made when his face froze up which confused Po.
"Surprise!" Spike shouted right before he grabbed Po by the shoulder's and flipped him upside down until Spike was on top of him and held his head down.

"Just like that Po." Spike teased getting off of him.
"Good work Spike, Tigress, you and Crane are next followed by Spike and Viper again." Shifu instructed turning to them, but that only resulted in Tigress repeatedly sneezing at Crane over and over, even when Crane put his guard down for a second, he was sneezed on over 4 times.
"Master can we take 5 so i can sterilize my beak with hot coals?" Crane asked rubbing the snot of his beak in disgust.
Po shrugged Monkey's shoulder which gave them both the idea, Spike chuckled a little as he knows where this is going.

"Uh oh, i think i.. caught Tigress's cold.." Po said in a teasing way.
"I don't have.. a cold.." Tigress said annoyed coughing even more. Po twitches his nose a few more times before pretending to make a sneeze which sent a large radish rolling to them somehow which made them both laugh with Spike just chuckling as he did find it funny a little.
"Hey, i think i caught a cold too." Monkey mocked joining in on this.
"I do not have a cold!" Tigress said annoyed again before sneezing once more. Monkey pretended to mimic sneezing again and somehow blew our a shuriken right next to one of the wooden warriors which made them laugh even more.
"Oh, oh no, i think i got a cold too!" Spike said playfully joining in on this, Monkey and Po chuckled as Spike pretended to sneeze, and breathed some of his green fire out and burnt one of the warriors as a result. The three of them laughed playfully as Spike got along with them great.
"Friends love the sneezy trick!" Po joked high fiving the both of them.

"I do not have a.. cold.." Tigress said trying to hold back another sneeze, this finally got Shifu's attention and he went to inspect her.
"Wait, maybe you don't.." Shifu said as he went to inspect her eye, ear, and tongue for conformation.
"I see, it's River Fever." Shifu declared letting her go which confirmed Spike's own worries that something was wrong.

"River Fever?" Spike asked looking at the others as he doesn't have that disease in his land.
"What's the big deal about River Fever anyway? You get a little sneezy and snoozy, i personally barfed a couple times true story.. and then it's over within the next day, we've all had it as kids." Po asked looking over the 5.
"I didn't.." Tigress said bluntly which concerned Crane.
"Neither did I. Maybe i just didn't catch it yet." Spike said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh man, River Fever's bad news if your an adult guys, Spike's still a teen, but for Tigress, she may wind up like this." Crane said showing Po and Spike an ugly picture which disgusted both of them.
"Is that.. a pig?!" Po asked shocked looking at it.
"It's face is like.. oh dear Celestia.." Spike said in disgust holding back his lunch.
"There is only one cure, the tea made from the Sacred Sun Orchid." Crane said dramatically showing them a picture leading them to a place where it was located.
"It is true, The Orchid is strong, but getting it is very dangerous, it used to grow here, but now it is only found within the valley of the Scorpion." Shifu said dramatically as well which concerned Spike a little.

"No one is risking their lives for me, i'll be fine.." Tigress said holding back another sneeze.
"Fine, oh ha, look at the pig! look at the pig!" Po said showing her the ugly picture again.
"You may feel fine now Tigress, but your muscle spasms could start at any..." Crane said right before she suddenly kicked Crane to a wall making a loud thud as a result.

"Like that.. and if you don't get the cure by sundown you'll.." Crane said hesitating to finish as it was awful news.
"What?" Tigress asked worried wanting to know.
"I can't.." Crane said reluctantly before she grabbed his shoulder's.
"What?!" Tigress asked in a demanding tone now which led him to drop the bomb.
"Well, first.. you'll never be able to do Kung fu again." Crane dropped which made her gasp in horror.
"I'd rather die!" Tigress said horrified regretting this already.
"Yeah, that's next.." Crane added which made the situation even worse.

"Don't worry Tigress, we'll get that cure to save you." Spike assured patting her shoulder.
"And it looks like it's me and Spike are gonna be picking up the Orchid dealy.." Po said right about to get the map before Monkey swiped it.
"I'll get it. 50 points says i get there before either of you!" Monkey declared which made Shifu stop their roughhousing.
"This is no game! Few have ever come back from the valley alive, and those who have come back had their minds destroyed by the Scorpions powerful sting. " Shifu said seriously as he began to tell a tale about her origin.
"Long ago, Scorpion was a exceptional healer, capable of healing the worst illness. The soil within our valley was perfect for her experimental flowers, but she had discovered a hypnotic elixir, and when she stung herself with it, it warped her body and mind. She attempted to use this power to control others, while she nearly succeeded in taking over, Oogway was able to stop her, by having the villager's loyalty, and a shell. Oogway exiled her as a result, which had her take the last Sun Orchid, and swore vengeance on anyone from the valley of peace." Shifu finished as we cut back to normal time's once again.

"Which is why, you must be extremely.." Shifu said right before they all saw Po and Monkey were already gone without any of them noticing.
"How did they?" Spike asked frustrated as this was important to hear.
"Spike, go after them, we'll look after Tigress." Shifu instructed which was clear for him.
"Got it! Look after her for me Viper!" Spike shouted as he ran out of the halls and took off to the skies to catch up with them quickly while the other's watched with concern.

Spike flew through the skies and soon found the two running through the bamboo forest talking about their competition, Spike rolled his eyes annoyed as this was something serious.
"Oh, maybe we should've stayed back to listened to Shifu." Monkey said looking at the map.
"Guys!" Spike shouted which got their attention, Spike landed on the ground and made a small crater from his strength and looked a little upset with them.( Superhero landing!)

"Oh hey Spike, you finally get done listening to Shifu's tale? That guys such a worrier, he should cut back on the green tea he has, it makes him very tense." Po joked while Spike was a little upset but tried calming down.
"Guys, you shouldn't just ignore information like this, especially during situations like this." Spike said taking the map from Monkey and looked at it himself.
"Come on buddy, we got this! What's so bad about a poisonous scorpion?" Monkey asked playfully.
"If you stayed around you'd know, come on, we're losing day light." Spike said starting to run.
"You got it! Watch me fly.." Po said right before he ran into a wall which suddenly appeared to him, but Spike and Monkey saw it coming. The ground started to shake roughly as they watched the damage Po made caused it to tumble over and it fell down making a loud thud that was heard all over.

"Uh.. you think anyone heard that guys?" Po asked a little nervous on this.
"You think anyone didn't hear that?" Monkey countered which was true.
"Come on guys, if she's expecting us, we need to keep our guard up." Spike said as they all proceeded to enter the valley.

And Spike was right as we cut to a shot of Scorpion herself looking in a special pool to see them.
"Ohh! Visitors from the Valley of Peace! It's that adorable panda Dragon Warrior they speak of, as well as the Dragon Master!" Scorpion said as they were running through the field.
"Come on guys, Tigress needs that Orchid by sundown!" Monkey encouraged running ahead of them.
"Ohh! They need my Orchid. And i need to add something to my collection of skulls. That adorable panda's head will fit right here.. once i sever it from his body.." Scorpion said menacingly snapping her sharp claws.
"You all come and get your medicine, i got it right here!" Scorpion said readying up more poison to use on them..

"You know what else is interesting about skulls guys? They run or fly faster then both of you!" Monkey taunted running ahead of them.
"Ah.. what i lack for in speed.. i make up for in.. stamina.." Po said panting roughly while Spike flew normally.
"Monkey don't go to far! You could get into trouble!" Spike warned as his senses were warning him of something.
"Monkey! We're gonna.. catch you!" Po shouted while Spike tried helping him.
"Good thing i brought water." Spike said handing him a bottle which he took.
"Thanks buddy.." Po said gratefully drinking it while Monkey landed far ahead from them.
"Good luck you two.. whoa!!!" Monkey screamed as something grabbed him and pulled him into an underground cavern.

Monkey quickly got into a fighting pose and kept his guard up as he began to here creepy crawling sounds all around him.
"Who's there?!" Monkey shouted looking around the place, and he got his answer when something lunged at him and striked at him from multiple angles at really fast speeds while Monkey tried blocking the attacks, but was soon sweeped off his own legs and was caught off guard as he saw Scorpion herself crawl onto him.
"Scorpion! You can't beat me!" Monkey said trying to get up.

"Oh i already have.." Scorpion said evilly which confused him until he saw something stung his shoulder.
"Poison!" Monkey said weakly as his body was twitching strangely.
"Not exactly, i could have poisoned you, and your panda and dragon friends, but i'm only a shut in thanks to Oogway. This is my only entertainment!" Scorpion said as Monkey's body was twitching all over with him groaning in pain.
"It will be so much fun to watch you destroy Shifu's little pets, the Dragon warrior and Dragon master." Scorpion mocked as Monkey screamed in pain.

"No! Po and Spike, friends.." Monkey said weakly as his face was twitching roughly now.
"Your only good to me if you forget that they are your friends." Scorpion said as Monkey was put under her control.
"Forget my friends.." Monkey said in a controlled voice as Scorpion crawled on him.
"And destroy them." Scorpion said evilly as well.
" And i must destroy the panda and dragon.. i must.. destroy Po and Spike!" Monkey said as his voice echoed through the cavern..

Spike and Po were still searching through the valley trying to find Monkey.
"Monkey? Come on you don't get any points for hiding." Po shouted looking around for him.
"Come on Monkey this isn't funny, i know you like games, but we shouldn't waste time, Tigress needs that Orchid!" Spike shouted looking for him too, but Monkey was looking down at them and had a boulder in his hands.
"Must destroy Po and Spike.." Monkey repeated as he used his tail to swing of the branch to them.

"Monkey? Ooh! A berry!" Po said leaning down as Spike saw it too.
"That's not a berry, or rock Po.." Spike warned as Po touched it and realized it, Monkey flew over them once again and this time the rope snapped which made the boulder fall on his body.
"Ew! ew! That is disgusting!" Po said disgusted shaking his hands wildly.
"This is why you don't just pick up random stuff of the ground." Spike said shaking his head as they saw Monkey get up finally.

"Must destroy Po and Spike.." Monkey said in a controlled voice which caught Spike's attention.
"It won't destroy me, it's just gross." Po said casually not realizing he's controlled yet.
"Po, there's something wrong.." Spike said seriously as Monkey had his hands raised up like a zombie.

Tigress was being brought to another place by Crane for medical help as she was getting worse.
"Shifu and I set up a sick ward. It's completely sanitary." Crane assured right before Tigress made another loud sneeze in his face again.
"Unlike my face." Crane said brushing off his beak.
"I don't need a sick ward.. I'm fine.." Tigress said right before she suddenly punched him back again like before which made a loud crash.
"Muscle Spasm, perfectly normal!" Crane shouted from the distance. Tigress sneezed again which blew open the doors, and she saw the place was filled with a ton of kids playfully running around.

"We also took some kids in with River Fever. Hope you don't mind." Crane said hopefully as they walked in the room.
"Of course not.. i love children.." Tigress said as a ball hit her head again and she punched Crane to the side once again.
"Muscle Spasm, again." Crane said weakly trying to get back up.
"That wasn't on purpose.." Tigress said a little annoyed at this.

Spike backflipped away from Monkey and caught a large boulder that Monkey threw at him.
"Didn't know you were this strong, so how was it you got put under Scorpion's control?!" Spike shouted throwing the boulder back at him and shattered it.
"Destroy Po and Spike.." Monkey repeated once again which only confirmed his assumptions even more.
"Spike! Monkey's under her control! We have to save him!" Spike shouted as he slid under Monkey's air strike, and grabbed his tail before twirling it around and slamming him to the tree.
"How do we save someone from Scorpion's sting?" Po asked blocking a punch from Monkey again before belly gonging him into a boulder like the one time with Tai Lung happened.

"Well if you and Monkey stayed for Shifu's tale, he said the only way to save someone under Scorpions control, was through they're loyalty, so what's something he's loyal for?!" Spike asked right as Monkey made another attack and twirled a staff of bamboo at them, Spike flipped over it and grabbed Monkey's arm.
"Snap out of it Monkey! This isn't you!" Spike shouted before taking the stick and kicking him down and that led them to be just outside of a strange looking cave.
"Huh, just a coincidence Scorpion's lair is just ahead like that huh?" Po asked right before Monkey leapt at them again making battle cries.
"Yeah, it's a big coincidence." Spike said in agreement before he and Po grabbed eachother and twirled eachother like a cyclone again before Po threw Spike in the air, Spike spread his wings and used a new move that made him launch through the air at fast speeds and he went flying right to Monkey, Spike then flipped over Monkey's head, wrapped his legs around his neck before throwing him down to the ground making a loud impact.

"The Cyclone Smash! Glad we've worked on that for a while!" Po said as the two high fived eachother before regaining focus.
"Monkey.." Scorpion whispered as two blades were thrown next to him before they could notice which made Monkey grin evilly.
"How can we remind him we're his friends? Mind control isn't an easy thing to get rid of?" Spike asked right before they heard another battle cry and saw Monkey with two long blades.
"I don't know, but we need to think fast!" Po shouted as they jumped out of the way as the blades stabbed the ground with Monkey looking at them.
"Destroy Po and Spike.." Monkey repeated again which made Spike roll his eyes.
"Is that all your gonna say? That stuff gets REALLY old after a while." Spike said as he and Po were backing away from the sword swings.

Spike, Po and Monkey continued to fight/ run through the bamboo forest getting further from Scorpion's lair.
"Monkey! Come on snap out of it! Me and Spike are your best buddies!" Po shouted as he barely avoided being slashed by the swords. Spike came in the way and grabbed both of the swords right as Monkey slashed at them again.
"Come on, this isn't you! What about those fun sneezing games we always did? Don't you remember those?" Spike shouted before he kicked Monkey in the chest again and took one of the blades and twirled it around like a pro swordsman.
"Or what about the time you put dye in my shampoo and you turned me pink for a week? I'm still not over that by the way!" Po shouted as Spike and Monkey slashed at eachother, Spike sweeped Monkey's legs and Po came in and kicked him near a cliffside.
"That was actually funny not gonna lie." Spike said chuckling at that hilarious memory.

Monkey groaned again as he recovered from their attack again and was still under control.
"Destroy Po and Spike.." He repeated again which was starting to annoy Spike.
"Monkey, do you really wanna be like this? Stuck as a slave for an evil Scorpion? All of us our friends! We don't wanna hurt you!" Spike shouted as Monkey walked to them like a zombie once again.
"He's right! Come on! We're always friends! Spike's right, don't you remember the games we always played?" Po shouted as Po pretended to sneeze roughly again and throwed multiple items at Monkey's head like they did earlier.
"Come on, we don't wanna hurt you, your our buddy, one of the furious 5! You are our friend." Spike repeated again as Monkey groaned while shaking his head.
"Friend?" Monkey asked as his voice sounded different now, which could mean one thing..

Crane was watching over the sky and saw the sun was almost setting.
"It's getting late, i'm not sure they're gonna make it." Crane said worried as Tigress was on a bed with the others.
"Don't say that, they'll be here. I know Spike, he won't give up on her, he doesn't give up on anyone." Viper said with hope as Tigress breathed heavily.
"Crane, Viper.. Mantis.." Tigress said weakly before her body's muscles reacted violently again and she twitched all over like she was being shocked.
"I'll never do.. Kung fu.. again.." Tigress said feeling this was over.
"Hey don't worry Tigress, there's lot's of other things your good at, like uh.." Mantis said trying to find something to say before her body twitched roughly again worrying them even more.
"Don't worry, they'll be here.." Mantis assured as they hoped they could get here in time..

We cut back to Scorpion's lair as the door knocked roughly.
"Someone's at the door, come in!" Scorpion replied as the door opened revealing Monkey carrying Po in a carriage while Spike was somewhere else.
"Po no more.." Monkey said pretending to be controlled.
"Look at you, who did a good job? Monkey, that's who! And where's the dragon?" Scorpion asked not seeing his body either.
"Fell of a cliff.." Monkey answered which made her shake her head sadly.
"Such a shame, he would've made a good servant.." Scorpion said disappointed as she went to inspect Po's body but smelt something off about him.

"Ew! He's only been dead a few moments! He shouldn't stink already." Scorpion said disgusted right before Po suddenly opened his eyes.
"That's the stink of awesomeness!" Po said confidently before he burst free.
"Surprise!!" Spike announced as he flew threw the halls and delivered a strong kick to the wall and pinned her own tail to the wall.
"Impossible! How did you break him free from my control?!" Scorpion asked furious trying to break free.
"With a poison that's even more powerful then yours, and that poison is Friendship!" Po said confidently as they struck a fighting pose together.
"Something you'll never understand!" Spike shouted as he grabbed the Orchid.

"Give that back! It doesn't belong to you!" Scorpion shouted finally breaking free from the wall.
"Sorry Scorpion, but we have a friend to save." Spike said seriously putting it in a safer place.
"Hey Scorpion!" Po shouted from behind her, she turned around and saw Po suddenly make a similar face that Shifu did back at the start of today.
"What?" Scorpion asked confused right before Po belly gonged her and sent her to her little throne and pinned her stinger to the wall.

"And to make sure you stay.." Spike said with a smug right as Po pretended to sneeze out two shuriken's that pinned her claws down too.
" Now you think about what you've done." Spike teased high fiving the others.
"Bonus points for Po and Spike!" Po said in victory which annoyed Monkey a little.
"Hey! I helped, we split em." Monkey declared which made Spike chuckle at this game they always did today.
"Deal." Po said in agreement.
"Come on! The sun's almost setting!" Spike shouted as he and the others ran out of the place to the palace.

The sun was starting to lower as Tigress could barely keep her eyes open now right as Spike and the others got back with the Orchid.
"We got it!" Po shouted holding it in the air.
"Quick! It's almost sundown!" Monkey shouted handing Crane the flower.
"I'm supposed to make tea from this thing, but there's no time!" Crane shouted as he just shoved the flower in her mouth and had her swallow it. They all looked at her and hoped for a response very soon as they didn't want to lose her, but thankfully the flower finally cured her, and she quickly got up and almost striked at all of them and grabbed Crane's neck.

"What do you think your do.. I'm.. i'm cured.." Tigress said both shocked and glad that she was finally better which made them all cheer in victory.
"Um.. your welcome?" Crane asked as he was being choked which made her let go of him.
"Sorry." Tigress apologized as the kids in the room ran off to do their own thing.

"You three have done well." Shifu said proud of the three of them.
"Yeah, and once Spike and i used our awesomeness to cure Monkey's zombification." Po said proudly with Spike seeing Monkey get something.
"Yeah, it was pretty easy to tell if he was controlled, i'd be an idiot not to realize it right away." Spike said while Monkey got out some peppers.
"Po, do your Zombie impression of me." Monkey teased holding out the peppers with Spike snickering at this.
"Oh, yeah yeah yeah right.." Po said as he put it on his eyes.
"Destroy Po and Spike, must.. these.. are.. peppers! AH!!" Po screamed while running around which made Spike laugh hard.
"Monkey and Spike one, Po, zero." Monkey said high fiving Spike who was smiling proudly.
"It never hurts to get a laugh every now and then." Spike said proud that they were able to save Tigress this day..

20: Sight For Sore Eyes

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It was another day within the Valley of Peace, while most people were going about they're day, Spike and the 5 weren't doing so well, recently, something had happened which caused them to split up, it was because of a bad mistake Po had made which caused them to split up, and Spike's been having a tough time processing it.

For the some of the 5, they had taken jobs tending to kids birthday parties in order to get some money, for Spike and Viper, they had often done ribbon dancing performances in the streets to earn money too, but Spike had also gotten another job, he became a therapist which payed really well, he's been trying to help Po bring out his feelings about all of this, Spike doesn't know how most therapists can handle their jobs, but it's interesting to hear how people like Po feel deep down, even Viper and Tigress had lots of things to get off their chests.

As for Po, he was back to working at Mr. Ping's shop, and he's been feeling depressed, Po was serving another customer and looked depressed.
"Here you go.." Po said sadly handing a customer a bowl of soup but she didn't want this.
"I ordered the Pan Fried noodles." She pointed out which got Po's attention.
"And i brought you.. Soup! Oh!! I can't get anything right! Everything i touch turns to garbage! I'm useless and i'm worthless! And my personal grooming is mediocre at best! Oh..." Po said crying heavily as he walked off with Ping coming up to the customers.

"I'm so sorry, he's been like this ever since.. well.. you know.." Ping said not wanting to finish the sentence.
"Of course, how are the other's doing?" She asked curiously.
"You mean the formerly furious 6? Well..." Ping said as we cut to Tigress and some of the 5 tending to a kids birthday party.
"Come on, do the Tiger roar!" A kid said with a deep voice while looking grumpy.
"Tigress come on! The kids!" Monkey whispered looking to the other kids who were waiting too. Tigress sighed in annoyance and made a Tiger roar again which made the kids cheer in joy.
"I love you daddy." The kid said to his father who hugged him close while Tigress was just annoyed.

Spike was outside a building wearing glasses and on a chair with some papers doing his therapist job, Viper was ribbon dancing for some other people who were waiting for their turns, and we're really amazed with her work.
"And you feel like you and your wife aren't doing that well because?" Spike asked as he was helping a villager who was going through relationship problems.
"I just don't know what she wants! I tried being a respectful and responsible husband! But she still isn't pleased! How can i make her happy?" The guy asked laying down and looking up at the ceiling, Spike sighed sadly and shook his head.
"Dear Celestia i hope i get bonus for this.." Spike said as he continued his work as he's been with this one for an hour now.

"Birthday parties? And Spike's a therapist now?" She asked curiously.
" Yes, Spike's been payed a lot with his job, well.. two, he and Viper have been staying together. And Shifu, no one's seen Shifu for a while now, so if you could just be a little sensitive to my sons situation.." Ping asked hopefully.
"Of course." The woman said right before they heard crashing and saw Po had just given up at this point.
"No wonder your not the Dragon Warrior anymore!" A woman insulted which made Ping gasp in shock, Po began to whimper again after hearing that insult.
"Get out! And don't come back!.. Until after lunch, here's a coupon.." Ping said handing her a coupon before going to help him.

Po sighed sadly and looked at a scroll of Spike and the furious 5 when they were heroes.
"You were the Dragon Warrior, you had everything you ever wanted.. and you blew it.." Po said with regret as we cut back to a flashback around 2 weeks ago when they were still together.

Spike and the others were in the training halls once again and preparing to do a special form of dance.
"Begin." Shifu ordered ready to start, Spike and the others started to do slow but fluid dancing moves with they're own styles of Kung fu, Tigress and Monkey put they're hands together, Crane jumped in between them and stuck a pose, Spike flew on the top and balanced himself on Crane's hat with his tail, Viper coiled above his head and Mantis landed on top too, Po finally joined in and flipped all the way to the top, balancing himself on the top of them.
"Well done, this is excellent, when you.." Shifu said right before Po did one more thing.
"And now the spin!" Po announced which shocked them.
"What?! Po don't! Your not supposed too.." Spike warned right before Po spun around on top of them, this caused all of them to fall of balance and they crashed to the ground.

"Po.. you weren't supposed to do that.." Spike groaned getting off of the others.
"Spike is right, the pyramid of Fortitude is a traditional pose, representing stability and unity, it does not spin." Shifu said upset with him.
"Yeah, but if i did a spin it would look cooler right?" Po asked excitedly.
"I don't care Po, the presentation of the Seven Forms must be done in the traditional way. This is important Po, the masters of the Sacred Onyx Shaolin are coming to inspect the palace. I trained alongside Master Chao and Master Jungjie under Oogway" Shifu said seriously as Spike and the others finally recovered.

"Chao and Jungjie are coming here?! Two of the best Kung fu masters of all time!" Po said excitedly which made Shifu's eye twitch.
"How well you, Spike and the 5 perform the presentation of the Seven Forms, will reflect my abilities as a teacher. I need to make a good impression. So please, nobody do anything embarrassing, stupid, or dangerous." Shifu ordered while Spike and the other's listened.
"Geez, it's that important?" Spike asked worried about this.
"It is very important Spike, and i am specifically talking about you Po, no asking for autographs, no long stories, or any of your collections, don't be Po!" Shifu ordered seriously right before a gong was heard and they saw Chao and Jungjie had already arrived and must've heard the entire thing.

"And who should he be?" Chao asked as they heard the whole thing.
"Oh my gosh, Chao and Jungjie!" Po said in amazement as he went and asked all the things Shifu told him not to ask.
"Did he not hear the warning Shifu just made?" Spike asked annoyed shaking his head.
"Master Chao, Master Jungjie, please excuse Po. He's a little.. excitable.." Shifu said standing in front of him while Po was still excited.
"You are the Dragon Warrior?" Jungjie asked looking up at him because he was very small.
"Yes, and you are master Jungjie! I'm so excited i could pee..." Po said giggling at their presence which annoyed Shifu.
"Panda! " Shifu warned not wanting him to talk further.
"Pleas try and show respect to them Po." Spike asked as this was super important for them all.

"hmm, you seemed to have maintained the exact level of discipline i would have expected from you." Jungjie mocked which made Shifu's eye twitch.
"You can thank me later." Po whispered to Shifu until Spike grabbed his ear to make him stop.
"And now, the Master's Ceremonial Sparring." Chao announced and they all gave a respectful bow.
"Everyone, back to your quarters." Shifu instructed turning to everyone.
"Yes Master Shifu." Spike said respectfully, he and the 5 quickly ran out of the room back to their quarters to let Shifu's business be done alone.

"Ceremonial sparring? It's ancient, secret, and i wanna watch! Really bad, really really bad..." Po begged as he kept continuing on and on.
"Panda, this is private. And your novice eyes are not ready to see it. It's too dangerous." Shifu warned which made him more excited.
"Ancient, secret and dangerous? Aw now i wanna see it even more!" Po said excitedly which annoyed Shifu even more, he pointed his finger out of the room motioning him to leave, Po groaned in disappointment as he left the room leaving them alone.

Po walked out of the doors of the training hall and sat on the stairs in front of it still disappointed until Jungjie came out with a smug on his face.
"Oh don't listen to Shifu, he's always been a stick in the mud. You are the Dragon Warrior my friend. You should see us sparring." Jungjie told him which interested Po.
"But Shifu said i wasn't ready?" Po replied confused still.
"I'll tell you what, i'll leave that door open a little, so you can peak in." Jungjie offered which amazed him.
"Awesome!" Po said amazed agreeing to this plan.

We now cut to nighttime after Spike and the other's stood ready in their quarters for their moment, but Po made his way to the halls and saw the door was indeed cracked open for him to see them spar. Po chuckled gleefully as he quietly went to the door and peaked inside and saw Shifu and the other's getting ready to spar. Jungjie opened his eye and began to strike at Shifu who was blocking his hand attacks left and right, Chao used his lizards tail to try and sweep him but Shifu quickly backflipped away from it. They all had a strange aura flow around them and they began to fly in the air while continuing to fight.
"So.. awesome.." Po said in amazement while they kept striking at eachother. They continued fighting eachother around the air until they landed back on the ground finally. Chao used his powers to swiftly jump from each pillar to pillar and they just kept striking at eachother repeatedly while Po watched from the outside.

Shifu and Jungjie charged against eachother in the air, but Jungjie used a different move then intended, and delivered a strong kick to Shifu's chest which sent him flying onto the pillar and on the ground.
"Cool!" Po said amazed while Chao was upset with him.
"Jungjie, we are sparring, not fighting. Shifu is not your enemy." Chao said while he gave a bow of respect.
"It's alright, i was just a little slow.." Shifu said before he quickly rushed to the side and snuck up behind Jungjie quickly and pinned him to the ground while twisting his hand.
"Everyone's a little slow sometimes, right Jungjie?" Shifu mocked which made him made, Jungjie quickly flipped back up and faced them both, he repeatedly striked at Shifu again which made him block his attacks easily.

"So much anger, this is why Oogway didn't pick you to run the Jade Palace." Shifu said continuing to block him. But Jungjie saw Po was watching the whole thing and got an idea and prepared a special move.
"Jungjie?" Chao asked shocked as he held out his arms.
"Golden Lotus Clap!!" Jungjie announced about to deliver it.
"Don't look!" Shifu warned as they both closed they're eyes while Po was still watching. Jungjie clapped his hands extremely hard which sent a huge golden wave of light around the entire room, the wave had hit Po while he was watching and it blew him and the doors back because it was extremely powerful. The light faded away and the doors closed while Po groaned in pain and rubbed his eyes, which were now pale. He had a look of shock and tried to make himself, see, but he wasn't able too now.
"I.. i'm blind! In my eyes!!" Po shouted with fear as he couldn't see now.

"I'm blind! I can't see! Okay Po calm down, i can do this! Just gotta get to know my surroundings.." Po told himself before he crashed into one of the pillars besides him.
"Right, that's the tree again.. okay.." Po told himself before he walked backwards and hit another one of the pillars again.
"Ow! Alright who keeps putting those trees there?" Po asked annoyed as he tried to move.
"Okay, all clear.." Po told himself chuckling a little, right before he went falling off a ledge while screaming and hit the ground below pretty hard.

"Jungjie! The Golden Lotus Clap is too dangerous!" Chao said upset with him using such a powerful move.
"You are right as always Master Chao. I stand in awe of your prudence and Sagacity." Jungjie said with a mocking bow.
"We are done here. It's time for the presentation of the Seven Forms. Bring the dragon and your students in." Chao instructed as he rang another gong once again. Shifu went out to get the other's who were just arriving to the place.
"It is time." Shifu said seriously as Spike flew up to him with the other's.
"Alright guys, let's make this perfect, we can't fail this." Spike said seriously as well about to head in. But Tigress heard a groan and looked over a ledge to see Po still dizzy from the fall.
"Po what are you doing down there? Come on!" Tigress said reaching down to pick him up.
"Wait, i have a little problem!" Po warned still not being able to see.
"And i have a little, i don't care!" Tigress said annoyed helping him up and they ran into the palace.

Spike and the others stood ready within the halls in front of the master's ready to perform the dance.
"I trust that you will be impressed." Shifu said bowing in respect to the masters before he turned to Spike and the others who bowed as well. Spike did seem to notice Po wasn't looking where he should, but he didn't have time to help him right now.
"Begin" Shifu instructed. Spike and the others struck some special poses once again and began to do the dance once more, Monkey and Tigress held eachother's hands while standing on one foot, Crane landed on top of them both, Spike landed on Crane's hat balancing on his tail with Viper on his head next, and Mantis finally landed on the top like before. But Po was still blinded and wasn't seeing where they were.
"Po, now." Viper whispered as this cannot be failed.
"What, who? Oh.. okay.." Po said before he started running to them all.
"Po wait!" Spike warned right before he crashed into them all which knocked all of them down.
"Po no!" Shifu warned right before he went jumping on top of Chao instead of Mantis, and began twirling him around which failed the task.

Chao had enough and used his strength to send him into the air, but that resulted in Po landing down on top of them which worried Shifu and the others.
"Po, what the heck?" Spike asked annoyed as he pushed him off. Chao seemed to notice something and tried getting him to notice his hand, but they didn't follow him.
"He must've disobeyed you, and watched us spar. Shifu, fix him." Chao instructed while Shifu was really upset at this.
"Golden Lotus Clap!" Shifu announced before he clapped his hands sending another golden wave across the room which finally fixed Po's sight.
"There's another move i'm needing to learn soon." Spike told himself as he knew they were all upset with him.

"Whoa.. i can see, i can see!... angry angry faces, pointed at me.." Po said a little scarred as the master's were all upset with him greatly.
"Shifu, Shaolin is built on discipline, honor and tradition. Here i see none of that." Chao said looking down at him.
"Wait, it wasn't his fault! See.. i was watching you guys sparring..." Po said trying to explain things before Chao stopped him.
"If you disobeyed Shifu, then it is his fault. It means he is unable to maintain discipline. What do you have to say for yourself?" Chao asked upset with him.
"I... nothing.." Shifu said shamefully as he couldn't explain this one.

"I am sorry, but as Hierarchy of the Sacred Onyx Counsel, i herby declare that Shifu is no longer the master of the Jade palace." Chao announced which shocked all of them.
"What?!" Spike asked scarred hearing this awful news.
"You can't do that!" Po argued trying not to have this happen.
"Silence, you dare address the most venerable master Chao with such disrespect? Have i taught you nothing?" Shifu asked looking at him with anger, but he took a moment to really think about it and just realized something.
"No.. i haven't.. Master Chao is right, and i accept his judgement.." Shifu said sadly as he began to leave the place.

"Wait, Shifu don't do this, please!" Spike begged as this was one of the few things he had here.
"As will you! Now, do as Master Chao and Master Jungjie command you, do not disgrace me.. any more then i have disgraced myself.." Shifu said with regret as he left them all alone, the 5 turned to Po and looked upset with him, even Spike was upset at Po for ruining this.

Spike and the other's went outside to wait for the next orders they were given.
"Shifu is gone, i am placing the Jade Palace in the hands of Master Jungjie." Chao announced looking at all of them.
"Uh.. but.." Po said trying to explain what happened, but they weren't having it.
"P, please.. our day's already gone bad enough as it is.." Spike said shaking his head sadly as he couldn't believe this happened.
"I expect you to return the palace to it's former glory." Chao said hopefully looking at Jungjie.
"I'll return it, to even greater glory! As befits you Master Chao." Jungjie said bowing to him once again before Chao turned to them all.
"Henceforth, you are bound by honor to obey Master Jungjie." Chao announced which made all of them gasp in shock.

"I'll be back to check on your progress, good day to you all." Chao concluded as he he finally left them alone.
"Well that's just perfect." Spike said sarcastically as he was trying not to break one of the columns in frustration from all of this.
"Um.. so what should we do now?" Crane asked worried about all of this.
"Get out!" Jungjie announced which shocked all of them even more.

"What?!" Po asked with anger as he tried to stop him, but Tigress stood in the way to not make a scene. Jungjie snapped his fingers and five leopards suddenly landed down before them all.
"Your services are no longer required, meet the new Furious 5!" Jungjie announced as all of them struck fighting poses. Spike growled with rage as he wanted to stop this from happening, but he knew what would happen if he did, and he and the other's began to leave the place.
"Let me know if you need a letter of recommendation!" Jungjie said mockingly as he and the new warriors went into the palace which made Po very upset at this.

"Come on guys! We can take em if we all work together!" Po encouraged trying to have them fight back.
"It isn't that simple Po, we can't just fight back." Spike said clutching his claws with frustration.
"Spike is right, Shifu told us to obey Jungjie." Monkey said as he was upset with him too.
"He is in charge now, if we fight him, it would be like fighting the Jade Palace." Viper explained as Spike walked next to her.
"It would be the ultimate dishonor. We'd be left with nothing." Mantis added hopping down the stairs too.
"But what are we left with now?" Po argued trying to stop this.
"We have our dignity." Crane replied right before Po tripped on the stairs once again and went falling down them.

"You did this Po, You disobeyed Shifu and destroyed what we've devoted our lives to building! We're through with you." Tigress said as she was not having any of this.
"But.. i'm sorry!" Po shouted as he was devastated by this news.
"I'm sorry too Po, but this is something that can't be undone, i don't know what i'll do next, but i'll at least make sure to have honor with it. It's the one thing i have left here.." Spike said sadly walking with the others.
"You don't just have honor here Spike, you'll have me here, we'll find a way, i promise.." Viper assured trying to help him too.
"Maybe one day Viper.. maybe.." Spike replied as they all left Po alone who was extremely sad about all of this.

We now cut back to regular time after Po reflected on the awful mistake he made.
"I'm sorry.." Po said with regret as he tried not to cry from all of this.
"Po? Po! I need you to make a delivery, to the Jade Palace, won't that be fun?" Ping asked as he climbed up to Po's room. Po laughed nervously as this was not something he'd like to do now.

Po had to climb all the way back to the top of the stairs of the palace once again while carrying the food that was ordered. He breathed heavily after the LONG climb he had to make once again. He made his way over to the doors of the place until he heard Jungjie laugh sinisterly. He gasped in shock as he saw something right through the doors.
"Very nice, really captures my essence." Jungjie said smugly as there was a picture of him beating Shifu.
"So the tapestry is approved then? Along with the statue, the Topiary Bushes, and the Teapot?" One of them asked holding out a scroll.
"All of the above, excellent!" Jungjie said smugly as he had items from the list in the halls too.
"Then there's only one item left on your to-do list Master Jungjie." The warrior said looking down at him.
"Destroy Shifu!" Jungjie said evilly which made Po gasp in shock.

"I thought i'd never get around to doing that, tomorrow bring Shifu up from the catacombs." Jungjie instructed which worried Po.
"Shifu's still here?" Po asked with worry, but his large body made the door shake which got all of their attention. Jungjie snapped his fingers again and they quickly headed to the doors while Po tried finding a place to hide. The leopards opened up the doors and found no one except the noodles left for them.
"It's only the noodle shop delivery." One of them reported as they picked it up and went back inside while Po hung up from the ceiling to hide himself.
"Soon, i will be the rightful ruler of this province!" Jungjie said as he made another evil laugh as the soup was brought to him.
"Oh, and Garlic Chaw Mein." Jungjie said impressed before he laughed once more as the camera zooms down below the palace and Shifu is seen chained to the walls after he was captured and he looked down sadly.

Po quickly made his way to the noodle shop again to warn his dad on what happened.
"How was the delivery?" Ping asked as Po ran inside the shop.
"Bad!" Po said with worry coming into the kitchen.
"What? No tip?" Ping asked curiously not getting it yet.
"Jungjie has Shifu and he's gonna destroy him!" Po said with worry trying to figure out what to do.
"The fiend!.. so no tip?" Ping asked again putting his cutting knife down.
"I.. i gotta get Spike and the 5 back together and rescue him." Po said seriously as he had to do this.
"Well, good luck with that." Ping said a little unsure of this.

"They'll listen to me!" Po said upset as we cut to him asking the 5 for help.
"Will.. you.. just.. listen.. to me?" Po asked as his words cut between all the 5 slamming their doors on him as they didn't want to hear him on this, leaving Po with one other option left. Spike was just getting done with another finished session as it was his final one for the day.
"Thank Celestia, that guy needs more help.." Spike told himself before he was about to head out, until he saw Po was at the door and rubbed his nose in pain after Tigress slammed a door on him.
"Po? What are you doing here? Haven't seen you since our last session the last week, if your here for another one, i just finished my shift, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow or so." Spike said dismissively trying to push past him.

"No it's not that!.. well i still may need some more.. but it's not that, I heard something from Master Jungjie, he has Shifu and is planning to destroy him!" Po reported which made Spike look really shocked.
"What? That's why Shifu hasn't been seen since he left?" Spike asked surprised on hearing this.
"Yes, i tried getting the 5 to help, but they're too upset at me for what happened, your the only one i know to go to left." Po said sadly while they walked through the village.
"That explains what i sensed about him, i figured he was planning something sinister, but i can't just go in there alone with you. I can't just destroy what honor i have left." Spike replied looking at him.
"Don't you get it Spike? Jungjie has no honor! He tricked me into seeing that fight, he blinded me so i could fail the Seven Forms, he tricked me so we all could get kicked out! If you fight against him, you'll be losing nothing from doing so." Po countered which made Spike think over it.

While Spike thought over it, he knew he was right, he could tell Jungjie was skilled, but fought unfairly and most likely planned this out, if there's one thing he and the 5 have that he doesn't, it's honor. Spike sighed to himself and decided what to do.
"Your right Po, we can't just let someone with no honor destroy what we have. I'll try and convince the 5 and have them join me, you'll have to try and do it alone for a bit okay?" Spike asked as they stopped near the long stairs of the palace.
"Yes! Thank you Spike! I knew you would listen to me!" Po said gratefully giving him a hug which weirded him out.
"No problem Po.." Spike said weakly as his strength almost crushed him before he let go.
"Alright, i have an idea on how to stop them, but i need your help on it. We're you able to follow how the Golden Lotus Clap was used?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Yeah? Why?" Po asked curiously, Spike had a little smug as he had a plan on how to take the palace back.

After hearing out Spike's plan, Po quickly made his way back up to the palace once again, he was quietly trying to make his way through the halls, and seemed to be doing it well until a familiar person caught his attention.
" I heard bad news from Po, Jungjie captured Shifu and is planning to kill him. Po tried telling you this but you wouldn't listen to him.
"Oh, Hey Jungjie i was just uh, picking up some stuff i left here you know, you seen a brown duffle bag that kinda looks like.. hiya!" Po screamed striking a fighting pose as he knew he wouldn't listen to his excuse.
"Enough chit chat! I know you got Shifu here, and i'm here to bust him out!" Po said with rage getting ready to fight.
"Admirable, since you unwittingly helped me trick Chao into giving me the Jade Palace. Not that it's hard to trick that doddering old fool.." Jungjie said smugly until they heard a loud gong once again and saw Chao was already here somehow and looked very upset.

"Master Chao!" Po said in surprise as he didn't expect him to be here.
"That doddering old fool, has come to check on your progress Jungjie." Chao said with anger as he heard the whole thing.
"Luckily i prepared for that." Jungjie said smugly making a hand gesture, an arrow shot was heard suddenly right before Chao had caught an arrow that almost hit him as he was expecting that already.
But even more arrows came from him by the back and he screamed with pain as the arrows knocked him down.
"No!" Po said with horror as he tried to help him up.
"Master Chao!" Po said with worry as he was barely awake.
"Poor panda." Jungjie said mockingly right before he delivered a strike to his face which knocked him out.

Spike had managed to get the 5 together and was ready to tell them about what happened, the 5 burst down the door and all wore birthday outfits because Spike knew it was the only way right now.
"Happy birthday!!" They all said at once right before they saw Spike was standing there shaking his head.
"Spike? It's your birthday today?" Monkey asked surprised as he looked worried.
"No, it's not me it's Po, you guys know my birthday isn't for a few more months." Spike said dismissing this surprise.
"It's Po's birthday?" Monkey asked confused again which made Spike groan with annoyance.
"It's no ones birthday today! I needed to gather all of you here for something important." Spike explained which surprised them a little.
"What do you want to tell us Spike?" Tigress asked taking the bunny ears she had off her head.

" I heard bad news from Po, Jungjie captured Shifu and is planning to kill him. Po tried telling you this but you wouldn't listen to him. " Spike said seriously crossing his arms.
"What? Shifu's in danger?" Viper asked worried on hearing this news.
"Yeah, Po went there alone for now to try and stop him, i have a plan on how to get our home back, but i needed you all to help us." Spike said coming up to them all.
"Why would we want to help Po after what he did?" Tigress asked upset at this still.
"Because he cares for all of us, and he's wanting to make up for this mistake. You think he wouldn't feel awful for what he did?" Spike asked trying to convince them all.
"How do we know Po's not making that up? Jungjie is a Shaolin Master." Crane countered which made Spike have enough.

"Guys, listen. I felt something off about him, and with what Po told me, he's more then right. Jungjie tricked Po into getting us all kicked out. We all didn't fight back because we didn't want to lose our honor, but he has no honor! If he tricked Po and captured Shifu, there's no honor with him! We all have more honor then he could ever have. And i won't let someone like him run our home and disgrace it, this place is the only home i have after coming here. You are all the only friends that are here for me, i don't want to lose that. Please guys, let's take back the palace, not just for honor, but for Shifu too." Spike said seriously as he held out his hand hoping they all would comply. They all looked at eachother and thought about it for a moment before deciding this too.
"Your right Spike, we can't let someone with no honor ruin what we have." Viper said in agreement putting her tail on his hand too.
"He's right, let's take our home back!" Mantis said seriously as they all placed they're hands together and decided to fight back.

Po groaned with pain as he finally began waking up, he found himself within the catacombs and had his leg chained to the ground.
"Oh good, my rescuer is here." Shifu said sarcastically as he and Chao were chained to the wall too, Po tried to go up to him but the chain wasn't long enough and pulled him to the ground.
"I'm sorry Shifu." Po said with regret for what has happened.
"No, i'm sorry. I suspected Jungjie was up to something, and i thought i could handle it myself." Shifu said as we cut to a flashback of the night he left.
"So i pretended to leave, then return later to confront him. Jungjie fought without honor, and i was beaten.." Shifu said with regret as he was overwhelmed by his own warriors.
"Po, i always faulted you for not following tradition, for sometimes ignoring the old rules. But if i had been like you, maybe we wouldn't be here.." Shifu said sadly looking at the ground.

"I think we all learned an important lesson here." Po said trying to lighten up the mood.
"Yes, i suppose we.." Shifu said about to agree before Po said something else.
"Like I learned how to do the Golden Lotus Clap!" Po announced as he spread his arms out wide and the two braced themselves as Po made a loud clap which sent the shockwave through the entire palace and broke his chains.
"You learned the Golden Lotus Clap after seeing it only once? Incredible!" Chao said amazed as Po was free finally.
"Yeah, i'm what they called gifted." Po said proudly as he wasn't looking in they're direction.
"You forgot to close your eyes didn't you?" Shifu asked casually as he knew what this meant.
"I'm also what they call blinded." Po replied as he couldn't see anything once again.

"That came from the catacombs! We can't let them escape!" Jungjie said with rage as they were about to stop them.
"Hello Jungjie." Tigress announced and he had a look of shock as he saw Spike and the others had arrived and were all mad with him.
"Attack!" Jungjie said with rage as he went to stop them while his warriors got in fighting poses.
"Let me do something first guys." Spike said smugly as he went in front of him and raised up his arms.
"Spike? What are you?" Viper asked right before he announced something.
"Close your eyes guys! Golden Lotus Clap!!" Spike screamed as he used the move as well, the 5 closed they're eyes just in time as the large golden wave hit them, but the other warriors were too late to react and got hit with the wave too.
"Ah! That's like looking into the sun!!" One of them screamed as they were all blinded now.
"You learned that move too? How?" Viper asked amazed while Spike had a proud look.
"Po is the best person when it comes for talks about Kung fu moves, my therapy sessions really helped with this, and don't worry, i closed my eyes too. Now, let's get em!" Spike screamed as they all charged at them to take them down.

Jungjie made his way to the dungeon and had just entered the place.
"I can't believe it, did you actually blind yourself?" Jungjie asked mockingly as Po looked around the place.
"Yeah, i like to call it my own little twist.." Po replied trying to feel something around the place. Jungjie laughed evilly and began to fight Po. Spike and the others were easily taking care of the 5 imposters as Spike's move was extremely OP and helped this battle in they're favor. Spike used the ribbon Viper had given him for a special move, Spike wrapped the ribbon around one of the warriors, he then threw him in the air for a finishing move. Viper slithered off of Spike's body and jumped into the air to deliver a strong tail whip to send him slamming to the ground, Spike finished the job by wrapping the ribbon around him one more time and twirled him around to send him flying into the other warriors.
"Glad we took that time together to learn some moves with these huh?" Spike asked putting his ribbon away while Viper landed on his shoulder.
"You followed my dancing perfectly Spike." Viper said gladly as they smiled at eachother.

Po was starting to struggle against Jungjie as the blindness was halting his fighting.
"Your an impressive fighter, you might actually stand a chance against me.. if you could see." Jungjie mocked once again, Po placed his hands on a torch and almost got burned until he got an idea on how to fight back.
"But how about if you couldn't" Po countered before he blew a strong wind at the torches to put the light out in the room which blinded Jungjie's sights too.
"Fighting blind, an interesting challenge." Jungjie said impressed as they circled around eachother.
"But i have one advantage that you don't. I didn't have Garlic Chow Mein last night!" Po countered as he could smell the food he left behind which gave him a fighting advantage.

Jungjie was slammed against the wall from Po's punch as this was a tough fight now, he tried to use his hearing ability's to sense him, but Po is able to counter it with his sense of smell again and he delivered a strong kick to him once again, which made Jungjie land against the wall.
"If i could see you, this would be over in a second!" Jungjie said with rage as he tried striking him one more time, but Po sniffed the area once again and was able to catch him.
"Oh, it's over!" Po said confidently as he threw him into the air and delivered a belly gong to his body which sent him crashing into the wall.

Spike and the other's just finished up with the warriors finally and knocked them all down.
"If your gonna fight unfairly guys, then we'd best show you how it feels." Spike said crossing his arms while having a proud smile. They heard Po make a battle cry once again and they quickly made they're way to the dungeon, they burst open the door and Monkey ran inside right before Po punched his face.
"Po it's Monkey!" Monkey said annoyed rubbing his face.
"Sorry, blind again! Wait, you guys came to help?" Po asked surprised as he held Jungjie after he was tied up.
"Spike convinced us." Crane said looking at him.
"The plan worked, we weren't gonna let a man with no honor take over the place." Spike replied looking at Jungjie with anger.

"Thanks Spike, i'm glad you listened. So are you guys smiling or what?" Po asked as he still couldn't see them.
"We're all smiling Po, but Tigress isn't." Viper said looking up at her.
"I am smiling, this is my happy face." Tigress replied still having a blank face.

Everyone got Jungjie and the warriors together to be taken to jail for what they did.
"Po, i think Shifu and i have both learned a lesson from you." Chao said gratefully looking at him.
"Shifu? Learning a lesson from me? Whoa!" Po said amazed which made Spike chuckle.
"Sometimes doing the right thing is more important then following the old rules. Master Shifu, the way your disciples handled this, has proven to me that the Jade Palace has no better leader then you." Chao said proudly with what he's done.
"Thank you Master Chao,." Shifu said respectfully while they all bowed once again before Chao turned to Jungjie.

"Jungjie, i am taking you and your creepy leopards to Chor Gum Prison." Chao said turning to him looking upset.
"That place got repaired after Tai Lung escaped, it's more secure then ever, you won't be getting out very easily if you try escaping." Spike said smugly crossing his arms.
"Oh, shrewd and beneficent Chao, the most merciful of all the.." Jungjie said right before Chao placed his foot on him, and kicked him down the stairs sending them all tumbling down like Po's done. Chao gave them one last respectful look before he finally left too.

"So, learned a lesson from me eh? maybe i'll get a little more respect around here." Po said smugly which gave Shifu an idea.
"Oh, of course! In fact, i respect you so much, that i won't insult you by fixing your eyesight for the rest of the week." Shifu teased which made Spike laugh a little.
"What? Wait okay uh.. maybe i'm not that wise. I mean.." Po said as Spike and the others were leaving him alone.
"See ya later Po! Great work today!" Spike teased as they left him blinded for now.
"Okay fine go on Spike. I don't need your guys help, cause i can do the Golden Lotus Clap, all by mysel..." Po said right before he went tumbling down the stairs once again while screaming, all of them were just glad this day was over and they could get back to normal again.

21: Shadows of the Village, Part 1:The Letter

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It was another normal day within the Valley of Peace, it was the middle of Summer at this point and the temperature has been pretty hot for the villagers, most of them we're trying to beat the heat the best they could, it was tough during this time of year as the heat can get over 100 degrees, so for some of them, it was a boiling nightmare, for others like Viper and Spike, it was honestly like a free spa.

We open to a shot of the Jade palace sometime after Spike and the other's had woken up again, today was like most days were, training, look out for any bad guys, maybe get into wacky shenanigan's if Po or Monkey have too much fun, and just enjoy the time they had.

Spike and Viper were sparring on the Field of Death once again, Spike was helping Viper with her durability, while Spike isn't harmed by fire at all, Viper still is, and he's wanting to help her push through any pain and build up her durability.
"You can do it Viper, just push through it, and it won't hurt you!" Spike encouraged as they were dodging the fire bursting from the floor. Viper quickly slithered around the pits to avoid too many blasts, but still felt some of the fire hitting her sides, but she was pushing through them.
"Push through it.. and counter!" Viper shouted before she jumped in the air and circled around the air before she delivered a hard whip to Spike's chest which sent him off the field. Spike groaned a little trying to get back up from the attack.
"Great job Viper, that may leave a mark." Spike joked as there was a small scar from the attack which concerned Viper as she slithered down to him.
"Sorry if i went to hard on you, i may have gotten to carried away.." Viper apologized helping him up.
"It's okay Viper, i know this wasn't of rash action, i wouldn't do that to you either." Spike replied smiling down at her which made her giggle a little as well.

The rest of the 5 and Po had just finished up their training as well, and they saw they were getting done too.
"Wow Spike, you got whipped hard there huh?" Mantis joked seeing how he got knocked down just a little bit ago which made Spike roll his eyes.
"Strange coming from the guy i seem to recall Po accidentally knocked into Viper's mouth one time and almost swallowed you, your screams of terror before she spat you out we're the purest things of laugher i've ever known.." Spike countered laughing hard at that memory which made the other's laugh at that too.
"I will admit, that was a hardcore time, almost thought she's swallow you to be honest." Tigress said crossing her arms at the thought too.
"Ugh, you tasted like you hadn't bathed in a week, i don't eat other people, but you need to bathe in case an accident like that happens again." Viper said brushing her tongue a little as she still had some of his bad taste and Mantis shivered at the thought.
"Ugh.. i still have nightmares of that happening.." Mantis said shivering to himself which made them chuckle.

"Hey come on pal, it was only an accident." Po said in defense as Mantis hopped on Monkey's shoulder.
"What was that thing Oogway always said? Oh yeah, there are no accidents." Monkey quoted which made them laugh harder.
"Oh too true.." Crane said in agreement as they started to leave the training halls for now. They opened the doors and were greeted with a harsh heat that instantly made them all sweat up from it's harshness.

"Ugh.. i still can't believe we're at 100 degrees for the next week.." Mantis said already sweating hard from the heat.
"I know.. i feel like i'm boiling alive out here.." Po said dramatically as he was slowing down from the heat.
"Stop being so dramatic you too, it's just some heat, it'll go away soon." Tigress said brushing they're jokes off.
"They have a point Tigress, this sudden heat wave is tough for some to handle, how are you not sweating from it?" Crane asked curious looking at her.
"I'm trained myself to endure such heat, and i don't think someone with a hat that cover's they're head should ask that, right?" Tigress countered looking at his long paper hat.
"Touché." Crane replied as that was a true fact.

"I don't know how you guys don't like it, for me, it's honestly a spa for me." Viper said in relief, just taking in the warm heat of the ground she slithered across.
"Yeah, the heat doesn't bother me one bit, i can bathe in lava pools if there were any here. This isn't much to harm me at all." Spike said in agreement, sighing in relief at the warm sun in the crystal clear blue sky, with no clouds to be seen for miles.
"Your just saying that because your warm blooded, ya love birds." Monkey joked which made some of them chuckle a little, while Spike and Viper were a little stunned by the comment.
"We're not dating Monkey, we're just close friends." Viper said slithering ahead from the others.
"She's right, we may be close, but we aren't there yet." Spike agreed moving with her too.
"Yet? Does that mean you think you have a chance?" Po teased which made Monkey and Mantis" Ooh!" in response before they laughed even more, while Viper blushed a little.
"Quit being childish guys, i thought you were supposed to be master's." Spike countered as he tried not to go into this talk further, but the three jokester's continued laughing while Tigress and Crane shook their heads, not wanting to discuss this anymore.

Spike and the other's headed back over to their chambers to rest for a bit, in a time like this they needed some rest not to overwork themselves. Spike was trying to cook up some cold deserts for everyone, the heat made it difficult, but Spike was determined to make some for everyone.
"Love birds, how childish are you Mantis? It's not like she feels the same way.." Spike told himself quietly as he cooked for them, the thought of Viper always was a happy one. Spike and Viper became close friends after Spike arrived here, she was really the only one that treated him like a friend right away, while Spike had to earn the other's trust. Spike always thought of Viper as the heart of the team, people like her and Po are what help us come back together after a tough moment, she always tried to make things positive, and Spike always wanted to help her through it. She was such a good soul that it always makes Spike wonder how well her family bonded with her.

He knew of her origin, just like the rest of the five, but Viper's was one of the most compelling because she wasn't born with fangs that were like her father's, sure they eventually grew in after a long time, but her story of saving her village and her dad through ribbon dancing, and using it to take down a large thug, that's something Spike admires greatly. She proved herself to her entire village, which was something Spike always wanted to do back in Equestria, but Spike wasn't as skilled as her, and couldn't do anything that huge other then if it was just luck, he admired her for doing something he may be able to do one day himself, and with the skills he has now, maybe he can.

Spike sighed to himself as he kept thinking about this, he had just finished up the food and was getting ready to give it to the other's. As Spike was about to walk out, Po suddenly walked by the door and almost made him drop the food.
"Whoa!" Spike screamed as he tried keeping the plates on balance, and Po thankfully helped.
"Sorry Spike, i didn't know you were.. here.." Po said embarrassed as Spike balanced himself.
"it's okay Po, i know it wasn't your fault. I made this for you and the 5, this food could use a little food to help us through the heat." Spike said sliding down one of the plates of dumplings which Po caught.
"Ooh! Thanks Spike! Your cooking is always great, just as great as Viper's honestly." Po confessed as he quickly ate through the plate.
"Thanks, i had great lessons back home, don't eat too fast Po, you might choke." Spike warned as he began to leave.
"Don't worry Spike, i got it all under control." Po assured as he ate another dumpling whole and was about to eat another.. until he saw his bowl was already empty.
"Aw..." Po said disappointed as he was already done with it all.

Viper was relaxing outside the courtyard of the palace, she was laying on the ground like she was sunbathing, this kind of heat really helped her relax, even Spike did this with her sometimes as they both were relaxed from it, plus they didn't get sunburnt so that's a plus. Viper sighed to herself, relaxing completely as she thought this day was great so far, she was always happy to help other's out, and keep them safe, just like her dad always was. With the news of how old he's gotten some time ago, she's just worried on when the news comes, but Viper hopes that she can relax for just a little longer.

She kept on relaxing within the sun for what felt like hours, but her relaxing was stopped when a knock at the door was heard. She groaned a little as she slowly got up from her little break.
"Who could that be?" Viper asked herself as she slithered to the doors, the doors were still being knocked one, which meant a couple thing, one, there was a messenger here to give them something, or two, it was another fan asking for an autograph, which was allowed sometime after Po joined. Either way, she just hoped it would pass by quickly, and she can get back to relaxing.

The door kept being knocked on as Viper got closer, she didn't want to keep the person waiting, so once she got to it, she opened it up with her tail. She was greeted by a small bird that seemed to be holding something in his hands.
"Can i help you?" Viper asked curious wondering why he's here.
"I'm looking for a Master Viper. I've got a letter for her." He reported holding out the paper which made Viper have a look of concern.
"I'm.. Master Viper, who is this letter from?" Viper asked a little worried about this.
"It's from your mother, i traveled all night to bring this too you, it's about something.. important.." He holding the letter out for her, which she hesitantly took.
"I.. thank you.. i'll look into this.. please take it easy, and safe travels." Viper prayed looking at it worried on what it is.
"You too Master Viper, have a.. nice day.." He replied one more time before he flew off again, leaving her alone.

Viper took a few moments to process what she just heard, she's been waiting for a letter like this for sometime, she had told Spike about it too, and he said he'd be willing to help her when the time comes. But this was important to her, she cared for her family greatly, and this may be.. the news she's been waiting for.
"Maybe he's.. gotten better?" Viper asked herself as she began to open the letter, hoping for the best news. But what she saw wasn't anything good, the more her eyes went through the words, the more and more worried she became, the news from her mother was what she's been fearing the most. She knew this day was coming, but she just.. she just didn't know when, Viper had just finished up the letter, reading all it had to offer, every last word. Viper's eyes began to tear up after hearing all of this, it was something she feared would come, but it was.. it was just too much..
"Dad.." Viper said with sorrow as she started to cry heavily from the news, she didn't want to be out here to be seen crying right now, and she quickly slithered back inside to process this.

Spike had just gotten done finishing giving the rest of the 5 the food, they were really grateful with how he made it.
"Now i just need to get to.." Spike told himself as he had one more bowl left for Viper, but he heard slithering nearby and it was coming by fast.
"Viper?" Spike asked curiously as turning his head in the direction he heard it. Like he thought, he saw Viper slithering inside, but she didn't look happy, in fact she looked.. sad?
"Viper? What's wrong?" Spike asked concerned for her, she didn't say anything, and she quickly slithered by his leg, which made him lose the balance and he dropped the food he had, as well as the letter that was in her tail. Spike looked worried as she didn't say anything, and slid through the halls, possibly to her room.

"Spike? Is everything alright?" Shifu asked curiously as he was walking in the halls, possibly heard the noise too. Spike's eyes looked down at the letter she dropped, and got a bad idea.
"I don't think so.." Spike said concerned as he picked it up and looked at it, he was getting strange feelings from it just from looking at it.
"Spike? You alright buddy?" Mantis asked worried as the rest of the 5 saw him with the letter.
"What's that for?" Crane asked curious looking at it. Spike gulped a little and began to open it, and Po and the other's were waiting for what it had.

"Dear Viper, i know this may not be the best time to send this, but i had to do this now. I.. regret to tell you this, but all of our family needs to know. I'm sorry to say this.. but my husband, your father, the Great Master Viper, has fallen really ill recently, he had been getting sick these past few months from time to time, but he always seemed to push through it. But now, this illness has been happening for a while and.. i'm not finding any way to help him. I.. think it may almost be his time, his age may finally be catching up to him, and he may be.. passing away soon.." Spike read to all of them and they gasped in shock hearing that last part, Spike's face got more sad as he continued to read this.
"It's crushing for me just as it is for you, it is for all of us. But i didn't want my daughter to not know about such a tragedy, our village has been doing what they can to help him, but i don't want him to go without seeing his family. I know this is hard, but i ask you this thing sweetie. Please come back to the village, i'm sure your father would like to see you one last time before he goes, your welcome to bring your friends with you, but if you wish to go alone, that's completely okay. I know this is tough to process, but please think about it, know i'm still with you Viper, i hope to see you soon, my beautiful daughter.." Spike finished as he looked at the last words on the letter.

Spike and the other's looked at eachother with pure shock and sadness hearing this, Viper was a close friend to all of them, and this was something they couldn't help but feel awful for.
"Viper.." Spike said with regret as he put the letter away, this was a lot to hear for all of them.
"Let's.. try and see if she's okay.. she needs our support.." Shifu suggested which they all agreed too, they started to move through thee halls again to help their friend out, it wasn't something they would forget about.

They quickly made they're way through the halls to check on they're friend, all of them felt awful for hearing this news, Viper was a close friend of theirs, she always helped them get through fights and arguments that they got into, she always tried to keep things positive, and she was just the kindest member of the team in Spike's opinion, it made him wonder what it would be like if she was the Dragon Warrior, she was one of the 5 who most deserved it in his opinion.

As they got closer to Viper's room, they could hear soft crying getting louder as they got closer, it was clear this news was devastating to her, and she needed time to process it all, but they didn't want her to do it alone. Spike looked at the other's and made a hang gesture to tell them to just be respectful with her, and they all nodded respectfully.

Spike and the other's made it to Viper's room finally, they could hear Viper crying on the other side and it just made them feel awful for their friend, Spike carefully walked up to the door and softly knocked on it.
"Um.. Viper? Can we come in please.. we.. know your upset.. and we don't want you to continue feeling like this, please?" Spike asked politely hoping she would respond, they all waited for what felt like minutes before she finally said something.
"S.. sure.. please come in.." Viper said softly from the other side. Spike took a deep breath and slid open the door to her room so they could help her through this.

Spike and the others slowly went inside the room to see their friend, and they saw Viper was coiled around herself like she would do when she sleeps, she had tears coming down still, and they all knew this was something they had to help her with.
"Viper.. i'm so sorry.. we.. we all read what was on.. that letter.. i'm sorry.." Spike said regretfully kneeling down to her and he rubbed her head for comfort.
"This is tragic news Viper, your father was one of the best fighter's in Kung fu, he always stood his ground, showed his courage and honor, even when the odds weren't in his favor, he's a strong and honorable warrior, just like you." Shifu said sadly as well, he knew Viper's father and his story's, and always respected what he did to protect his village.
"Yeah.. i honestly liked your story the best, what he did was so cool, and something i always admired, you were one of my favorites growing up Viper, i'm so sorry for this.." Po said regretfully as well for his friend.
"I.. may have never known my own parents, but i do know this is something i wouldn't want other's to suffer alone, after all we've been through Viper, your a great friend." Tigress said respectfully, but Viper still was upset about all of this.

"Thanks guys, but this is.. it's something i can't handle right now, he was one of the best father's i could ever ask for, i knew that no matter how much me and him argued, he still loved me, just like how i loved him.." Viper said looking up at them.
"Hey, at least you got to know your father, my mother ate my father's head before i was born, i never knew what he was like other then from stories, my mom did say he was a jokester, but i still wish i knew him.." Mantis said walking up to her too.
"We.. we all know this kind of loss Viper, we aren't wanting you to go through it, right guys?" Crane asked the other's who all nodded in response.
"Viper, family means so much to me, from what i had in Equestria, and to now. I don't want someone so close to me continue feeling this alone." Spike said with tears of his own as well, Viper still cried a bit and suddenly coiled around Spike for a hug.
"Thank you guys.. your.. the best friends i could ever have.." Viper said gratefully holding Spike tightly, Spike soon returned the hug and the other's joined in too, they didn't want their friend to be alone at all.

They all stood like this for a little while before they finally let go, and they started moving onto something else.
"Another thing we saw in this letter was that.. your mother was asking you to return to the village, are you.. considering to go?" Shifu asked worried looking at the last part of the letter, Viper sighed sadly and tried to explain this.
"I.. have to go see him.. i don't want him to pass without seeing his daughter one last time.. he did so much for me and the village back when i was so young, before i grew my fangs, he took on all those thugs by himself, for years as i grew up, without anyone to help him.. I can't just say no to this.." Viper said softly taking the letter from Shifu and looking at it again.
"Well.. if that's the case, we'll go with you! I've always wanted to meet him!" Po said eagerly which the other's agreed to.
"That's a good idea, we all should give our deepest respects to Master Viper." Tigress said seriously not wanting this to be solo for her.

But while the other's were agreeing to going with her, Viper's thoughts went through their head, if they went with her, the valley could be left open for any attacks, and Shifu might not be able to handle them alone, and when they get back, they may be overwhelmed, or have lost anything, so she knew what she had to do.
"Guys.. i appreciate this so much, but.. i need to do this alone, i don't want you all to get involved with something.. that isn't your business.." Viper said with regret which shocked them all.
"What?!" They all asked at once, really shocked at this reply.

"Viper.. we can't just let you go alone, your our friend, and we can't let you suffer the loss by yourself." Spike said trying to convince her on this, Viper sighed sadly and looked at all of them.
"Guys look, i know you all care for me.. but if you go with me, the valley will be open for any attacks, me going won't make much of a difference, you all are so much more skilled, and i don't think i could fight with the state i'm in now. There's always a risk that the village will be attacked, and i don't want you all to be gone by the time it happens." Viper explained trying to get the point across, the other's stayed silent at that counter, and while they all wanted to tell her she's wrong, and that they should come with her. She did have a point, and they may not have much left if the village is destroyed when they get back..

"That.. is a good point Viper, but the journey to your village is a long one, it would take days from going alone." Shifu said pacing around the room, just trying to figure out a solution to this problem of theirs.
"Yeah, you told me how much this village means to you, and i don't want you to be in danger when traveling there.." Spike added wondering how he can help her on this.
"Guys, thank you. But i'm a Kung fu Master like all of you, i can handle myself." Viper assured, she just didn't want them to get hurt in anyway that could kill them, but that's when Spike finally got an idea.
"Viper, if we all can't go with you, then how about just one of us? If it's anything.. i'm more then willing to come with you, Po and the others are able to handle things if we weren't here, and i think this would help all of us." Spike offered which surprised them a little.

"What? Spike... you don't have to come with me, your a great friend, but i don't want you to risk getting hurt when we get there, i don't want either of you to get hurt.." Viper said refusing this, but Spike still persisted.
"Viper, we've all faced danger's of army's together, and we've always come out on top, we've learnt strong moves to protect ourselves and other's, and we all know how to fight like true warriors. None of us will get hurt badly if we come with you, i know i wouldn't let you get hurt, none of us will. Please Viper.. your my best friend.." Spike begged just wanting her to say yes, they all just wanted her to be safe, and if Spike had to go too, it would be perfect for them both.

Viper thought long and hard about this offer of his, while Spike and Viper were the closest ones compared to the others, Spike was still very young, and didn't have as much experience as her as a fighter, but he's grown so much since he came here, and always had fun when they fought, or when they did activities together. And the gift Spike gave her at the Winter Festival, and what she gave to him in return.. it was starting to show Viper something, that she may be feeling more for him then just being a friend. While she could let any of the other's come with her, whether it'd be Tigress or Po, Spike showed so much care for her, and knew that despite whatever danger would come to her home, Spike wasn't gonna let her fight it alone. And after some hard thinking, she took a deep breath and looked at the other's to give her answer.

"If.. your certain of it all Spike, then.. i'll gladly let you come with me. I think it's best i'd have you come with me, and only you. " Viper answered which relieved them all.
"Viper.. thank you so much.. i promise you won't regret it.." Spike said hugging her closely again which she soon returned. The other's let them be like that for a bit longer until they pulled away.
"If we're all on the same page, i suggest we all get some rest for tomorrow, it's getting late, and i want you and Spike to be ready for tomorrow, it's gonna be a long journey." Shifu suggested which they all agreed too.
"Sounds good to me, i'll see you tomorrow Vipes." Spike said getting ready to leave with the other's.
"See you tomorrow Spike.." Viper said sadly as they went to their rooms too, Viper sighed sadly and layed down to herself again, this was gonna be a tough journey for her, but maybe with Spike, it could go better.

Nighttime had now fallen within the Valley of Peace once again, and Spike, Po and the 5 were all trying to sleep in their rooms. This news was a lot for them to handle, and they had some trouble sleeping, because tomorrow they know 2 of their friends are going away for a long time. Shifu was trying to mediate and use Inner Peace in his own room, he took slow breath's while he was surrounded by candles, but even he was having trouble with this thanks to this sad news.

But Spike was having the most trouble out of all of them right now, Spike was tucking and turning in his bed trying to stay asleep, but something was troubling him in his dreams, and the camera zooms into his head as we see what's going on in it.

We open to the scene of where Spike and Po were fighting Tai Lung together all that time ago, when Spike had helped Po with becoming the Dragon Warrior, it was a critical moment in his life, it helped him be better as a teacher, but also as a friend. We see the scene where Tai Lung charges at Po and Spike with rage, and they charge up one final strike, Spike flips in the air and delivers a kick to his chin just as Tai Lung reaches them, and Po uses a super strong bely gong to send him flying high into the sky, even above the clouds. Spike whistled in surprise seeing how far he went up, and he seemed to be up there for a few moments.

But Tai Lung finally comes down screaming at fast speeds, and Spike and Po quickly move out of the way just as he crashes into the ground, and makes a huge hole in the ground that was pretty deep.
"Ouch.." Spike said feeling really bad for him at this point as they heard Tai Lung breathing heavily.
"You two.. can't defeat me..." Tai Lung said weakly as he was climbing out, and looked really roughed up.
"You... you two are just a stupid overgrown lizard, and a big.. fat... panda!" Tai Lung insulted trying to attack them one more time, but Spike and Po grabbed both of his hands each.
"I'm not a big fat panda, and he's not a stupid overgrown lizard." Po said seriously looking at Spike who had a smug.
"I am a dragon." Spike said preparing something special.
"And i'm THE big fat panda." Po added as they both raised up they're pinkies and Tai Lung gasped in horror.

"The Wuxi Finger hold!" Tai Lung said horrified looking at them.
"Oh you know this hold?" Spike and Po said at once with a smug.
"Your bluffing, your both bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you two that.." Tai Lung said hopefully which made them shake their heads.
"Nope." Po replied which made him smile a little.
"Oogway taught me it." Spike said casually shrugging his shoulder's.
"And i figured it out." Po said casually as well and Tai Lung looked horrified hearing this.
"Skadoosh." They both said at once as they flexed they're pinkies, and Tai Lung braces himself.

A huge powerful golden wave of energy emerges from the valley, and spreads far away from it, Tigress and the 5 were still moving with the villagers, and they all noticed the strong energy wave from the village, and the wave passes over them all which made them look back at the village with concern, and they decided to head back to it. But the wave continued to go through all of china, the energy wave of two Wuxi Finger holds at once was so powerful, it was able to cover through all of china, spreading over dozens of villages and prisons which caught the attention of every person living there.

But the wave finally reached across China and disappeared, it all seamed like it was a harmless move aside from what happened to Tai Lung. But something happened, Spike's vision soon focuses on a far away village that looked small, but had some residents here and there. But the camera pins far away from that village, and into the distant mountains. The wave went over the mountain as well, and while Spike thought something wouldn't happen, something did. The ground of the mountain began to crack open, and a dark shadowy fog began to come from it, Spike's vision was going to darkness and he began to look around with worry.
"What.. what is this?" Spike asked himself as the fog kept spreading out. The cracks soon opened up even more and more, and while Spike thought it was over, something worse happened. A huge monsterous black claw violently grabbed onto the ledge, making claw marks as it climbed up from the shadows, and this was followed by even more monsterous claws, consisting of different looking monsters that looked like black demons. Spike's eyes widened in horror as they were climbing out of the crack, and they began to roar violently upon finally crawling out.
"What.. what are these things?!" Spike asked in fear as the monster's crawled out, while Spike was in a dream, or nightmare, they somehow seemed to notice him, and they roared at him with rage directly at him. Spike screamed in fear as the monster's charged at him with fury, and Spike's vision fades to black as the monster's roars could be heard. But before Spike woke up, he heard a strange.. chilling whistle that made his blood go cold..

Spike's eyes opened up extremely fast and he rose from his bed with a gasp. He breathed heavily after waking up, and having that nightmare, it felt so real, Spike's hands were shaking from this, and he felt true fear from what he saw with these monsters, what were they? Demons? Monster's of the underworld? If so.. how did they break free? Was it.. because of him and Po's move?
"Maybe Shifu knows about this.." Spike told himself as he got out of his bed and left his room to see Shifu. He quietly went by the other's rooms, and he quietly went over to Shifu. He slowly opened the doors and saw Shifu was trying to meditate in here, this trouble was a lot for them all, so he must be trying to use this as a way to focus.

"Why are you awake Spike? I thought you wouldn't wake up till dawn like the others?" Shifu asked suddenly without even looking, Spike knew he was a wise figure, and he couldn't hide himself from him.
"Master i.. i just couldn't sleep, all of this trouble is.. a lot for me.." Spike explained closing the door and walking next to him.
"Yes, you and Viper departing for her village tomorrow is a lot for us, i can understand if it's troubling you." Shifu replied as Spike sat down next to him, maybe a little meditation could help him through what he saw.
"Yeah.. but out of all of us, it must be the hardest for Viper.. i can't image what she must be feeling right now.." Spike said regret, just thinking about it makes him sad.
"Yes, Master Viper is a great student and friend, i wouldn't want her to go through it by herself. I must thank you for offering to go with her, only a true friend like you could go with her, i am glad to know she'll have someone like you with her." Shifu said gratefully looking at him, Spike did feel a little relief hearing that.
"Thank you Master, i'm just being a friend, and we always help eachother out.." Spike said looking at his hands and clutched them, he still felt some of the fear from the nightmare he just had.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about Spike? I can sense this isn't all you have to say." Shifu asked again which got Spike's attention, while he wanted to tell him about the nightmare he had, maybe some questions on how something like that happened could help too.
"Master.. do you know how strong the Wuxi Finger hold is? And if you do.. how much power would 2 of them combined do?" Spike asked curiously which made Shifu raise an eyebrow.
"The Wuxi Finger hold is one of the most powerful moves ever created. It sends any living soul to the afterlife, it causes a ripple affect between the living and dead, and it only works on the living. But two of them at once, that could cause more harm then good, the soul would be lucky if it isn't destroyed from the combined power, but the after affects from the wave it causes could be disastrous. Master Oogway only taught it to the few he trusted, and that included me, and you, and Po himself learned it. But why are you asking me this?" Shifu asked curiously which made Spike flinch, if that was true, then the combined power may have opened something to the underworld after Tai Lung died.. something bad..

"I was just curious master, when i learn powerful moves like i did with the Golden Lotus Clap, it's important i know the consequences or anything that would be harmful you know?" Spike asked as this was a lot to take in.
"I can understand that, it is wise for one to take caution. I appreciate you asking me that for that reason Spike, but i must tell you something as well.." Shifu said sounding concerned which interested Spike too.
"What would that be master?" Spike asked a little worried on this.
"Recently, some time after Tai Lung was defeated.. i've been.. getting strange feelings.. like something bad is coming, and i don't know what it is. It's been haunting me for a while, and i'm struggling with my Inner Peace when i think of it. I don't know what it is, or who it is. But it's clouding my mind." Shifu explained which concerned Spike, as he and Shifu may be thinking of the same thing..

"That's really worrying master, do you think this threat will come while Viper and I are gone?" Spike asked a little worried on this, and Shifu was worried too.
"It is hard to say, what i do know is that it may come soon, and it will be a strong threat to take down. Spike, if you encounter this threat, please do whatever it takes to protect the people they attack. I have a feeling your gonna be one of the keys to stopping this.." Shifu asked looking at him, and Spike looked surprised hearing that, but he knew his master trusted him with it.
"I'll.. do what i can master, if it get's out of hand, i'll contact you and the others, that sound good?" Spike asked hopefully.
"Perfect Spike, come, the sun is about to rise, and we must prepare you and Viper for your departure." Shifu advised standing up again, Shifu used a move to put out all of the candles, and with that, Spike was able to see the sun was rising already.
"Yeah, let's go master.." Spike replied as he and Shifu walked out to wake the other's, because it was an important day today.

The morning gong had rung once again, and like always, Po and the other's woke up and got ready for the day. They were allowed not to train today, because of what Spike and Viper are gonna be doing, so it gave them time to prepare to say goodbye to them.

Po went down to the village to inform his dad that they're gonna be leaving for a while, and upon hearing this. He and Ping started to cook up some food for their travels together, just like they always did before Po joined the others. Mantis and Crane and Monkey all helped pack up their things for the two, they don't know how long they'll be gone, so it's best they be prepared. Tigress was storing a few spare weapons she had for them to defend themselves, she put in a few shuriken's, and a couple swords, and even some nun chucks, she just wanted to make sure whatever they faced, they'd be ready for it.

As for Spike, he was outside the palace right now, he was sitting on the stairs outside the Hall of Warriors, watching the sun slowly rise into the sky, it was gonna be a long journey for them both. But while Spike waited for the time to come, the nightmare Spike had kept him thinking. What was it? Was it a vision? A dream? It's quite obvious to say it may have been a vision, and if it was, why did he have it? Couldn't Po or Shifu have had it to warn them or something?
"What were those things?" Spike asked himself as he looked over the valley, and just thought of the people there going about their day, like nothing bad would come today. It just gave him more concern for what is gonna happen while he and Viper are gone.

"Spike? Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked which got his attention. Spike turned around and saw Viper coming out of the halls, she may have needed time to herself too.
"I'm.. i'm fine Viper, just wanting to get a view of this place before we leave together you know?" Spike asked as Viper came up to him, she looked over the beautiful sight of the village, and sighed with sadness looking at it.
"Yeah.. it's one of the best things to see in the mornings, it's always so beautiful.." Viper said looking over the village with him.
"Yeah, i'm gonna miss it when traveling with you, but maybe we'll see sights just as beautiful on the journey." Spike suggested which made her chuckle a little.
"Maybe, China is full of wonderous things, maybe we might.." Viper said agreeing to this, but she still felt sad for having Spike come with her on this.

"Spike.. you know you don't have to come with me, i'm sure the Valley can handle me being absent for a while while you and the other's protect it." Viper suggested which made Spike flinch again.
"I've made my decision Viper, i'm not letting you go through this alone, may i ask why your so reluctant on letting me come? Me and you are best friends, and i don't want you to suffer a loss without a friend there." Spike said rubbing her head once more, and she leaned into it a little.
"Sorry Spike, it's just... this is a serious family thing that i'm going through, and i don't want you to get involved in anything that you may not be comfortable with. I'm just looking out for you.." Viper explained which Spike felt a little bad for.
"Viper, it's okay, i've been involved in my fair share of family drama before, and if i pushed through that, i can push through this too. And it would help me spend more time with you too." Spike replied which made her smile gratefully.
"I don't deserve a great friend like you Spike.. thank you so much.." Viper said gratefully looking over the sunrise again.
"No problem, anything for you.." Spike said gladly as they admired this view together.

After the sun had risen fully, and noon had come, it marked the time they had to go, they made sure to pack anything they needed for the long journey, it would take a few days, even if Spike flew there with her, they won't be back for some time, maybe a month at the least. Spike will miss the palace, but he'll be getting to explore some more of China with Viper, and it should make some interesting stories when they get back.

After packing what they had, Spike and Viper met up with Shifu, Po and the others at the stairs of the palace, to give their goodbyes for now.
"You sure you need to go alone with her buddy? I'm more then glad to come along if you want." Po offered which made him chuckle a little.
"I'll be fine Po, The Dragon Warrior must do his duty, just like the Dragon Master must too. I know you'll kick butt, even without me here." Spike replied giving him a high five which made Po laugh.
"If you say so buddy, i'll be there right away if you need it. We all will." Po assured and they all nodded in agreement too.
"Use your skills how you think are best Spike, knowing you, you'll do great." Tigress said giving him a bow of respect.
"I learned from the best thanks to you." Spike replied with a smile, bowing to her too.

"Don't forget to keep the mood up bro, a few jokes and laughs never hurts anyone, remember the wake up prank Monkey did to Po a few days back?" Mantis joked which made all of them laugh at the thought.
"Best wake up prank ever.." Spike said shaking his head while Po looked a little annoyed.
"Your lucky that was fudge and not something else Monkey.." Po said annoyed pointing at him, and that made them laugh more.
"Oho, i've got more planned, be on your guard Po." Monkey teased which made Po look away from him before they got back to the topic.
"Just look after eachother okay? With how long your gonna be gone, it's important you get along, so just stay by eachother okay?" Crane asked as he shook Spikes hand respectfully.
"I will Crane, i'm glad your always looking out for us, thank you." Spike said gratefully as they all backed away a little.

Shifu had come up with them and handed them they're cases for the travel.
"Safe travels you too, everyone here packed something to help you during your journey, it's a sign for you to know, we'll always be with you, no matter how far you go." Shifu said giving another respectful bow which the two returned as well.
"Thank you Master Shifu, Spike and I will be safe, sorry we have to go like this, but this is very important for me. I have to do this." Viper said looking over the long stairs leading to the valley.
"Do not worry Viper, i know you have to do this. I just hope Spike takes care of you, you both are a great pair when working together, i only ask that you protect any people that may be in danger, and use your skills wisely." Shifu advised making sure they knew what to do.
"Oh don't worry, we will, thank you for everything guys, we'll see you all soon." Spike said picking up his case with his tail while Viper got hers.

"Safe travels you too, and be safe." Shifu said one last time before they began to leave.
"You all be safe here too, i'll see you guys soon.." Viper replied as they turned around and began heading down the stairs, Po and the rest of them waved goodbye as they left, and they hoped for the best.
"Shifu, you think they'll be okay together?" Po asked a little worried for them, Shifu himself was worried about this, but they seemed to be positive on all of this.
"I believe so. Let's all get back to our duty's, and may we do the best we can while they're gone." Shifu said heading into the halls with the others.
"Yes Master Shifu." They all said respectfully as they went back into the palace to resume they're day, and hoped they would return soon. Spike and Viper continued to head down the stairs to the valley, it was a long journey ahead of them, and it was the start of a new adventure for them. But as they moved through the valley, the nightmare Spike had still haunted him, and he dreaded what those monster's were. But with Viper at his side, maybe whatever comes next, they can face together..

22: Shadows of the Village, Part 2: The Journey Home

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Spike and Viper had begun they're journey to make it to Viper's home to see her dad one last time, this was an important journey for the two, it may take a few days to get there, but it was for an important family event, a tragic one too. Spike and Viper soon had left the Valley, and said goodbye to the residents who wished them the best of luck, it was high noon at the time they left, and for most of the day, they started to travel through china.

They started off by going through the bamboo forests that were near the outskirts of the village, it was one of the things people used for furniture around here, and stuff Po occasionally ate sometimes, going through familiar places like these gave Spike some good memories. He and the 5 occasionally had to travel through here to reach other villages that were being attacked, it was part of they're job as protectors.

They soon began to leave through the borders of the Valley of Peace, and now began heading through the mountains, they had to cross over a large bridge that connected to the other parts of China, this was the very same bridge the 5 had fought Tai Lung on, and it had been repaired after all the damage it was given, and was made to be far more secure too. Viper had a little shiver just going across this bridge, it wasn't a pleasant memory when here.

"You okay Viper?" Spike asked worried as she was slowing down a little.
"I'm.. i'm fine, i don't have many good memory's the last time i was here, i still have some nightmares of what happened on this place." Viper said looking over the large fall that would be a certain death if one were to fall.
"Yeah, this was where you and the other's fought Tai Lung.. and almost got killed.." Spike said reluctantly, as he heard they're tale of how they fought him, and lost extremely badly.
"Yeah.. he almost got Tigress thrown into the abyss, if Crane wasn't there.. she wouldn't have made it.." Viper said in fear of thinking that, it made Spike shiver in thinking about it too.
"Thank goodness Crane was there to save her, but even if you lost. You all fought the best you could, and in the end, it gave me and Shifu time to train Po and help him become skilled. And in the end, Tai Lung got Skadooshed by us." Spike said flexing his pinkie to get the move he used across.

"Skadoosh? Is that some sort of catchphrase?" Viper asked giggling a little and Spike chuckled a little too.
"Yeah, Po came up with it, but he said i could use it when i want, we're bro's so he didn't mind. I still use it from time to time, it was a good final fight when he and I fought Tai Lung, and took him down for good, with a double Wuxi Finger hold." Spike explained which made her look concerned.
"You mean you both used it at once? Spike.. that move is insanely powerful, just one of it is an instant kill, but two of them.. i honestly pray Tai Lung made it to the afterlife in one piece, otherwise his soul could've been destroyed from the combined power.." Viper said worried about that, and Spike looked a little worried too.

"Yeah, Shifu said that the combined power of 2 Wuxi finger holds could cause more harm then good, and if that's the case.. it's best we only use it once, and not twice on the same person. I do worry if the combined power caused something bad though, Shifu said that there was something worrying him before he left." Spike said recalling what Shifu told him, and connecting that with his nightmare and the concerns from both of them, something bad must've happened..
"Yeah, i can understand Shifu's concerns, moves like that can cause a lot of concern to those who can use it. But i know you two wouldn't do anything to rash with that move, i know it.." Viper said as they were getting done crossing the long bridge.
"Yeah, let's hope Tai Lung made it there at least, i bet you he did, but let's hope." Spike said as they continued on their journey.

After Spike and Viper had crossed the bridges that led them out of the current borders, they were now climbing the high mountains of China, they were able to see almost all of China from the top, they could even see the Jade Palace, far far far away in the distance, the fact they could even see it amazes them on how beautiful a view it was.
"Wow, take a look at that sunset.. it's amazing.." Spike said in awe as they saw a gorgeous view at the top.
"Yeah.. traveling so far allows you to see many amazing sights, and this is no exception.." Viper said amazed a the sight as well.
"We're definitely gonna be seeing more sights like this, that's for sure.." Spike said regaining his focus back to their path ahead.
"Yeah.. let's see what lies ahead.." Viper replied as they resumed they're journey and continued once again.

The two spent the next night or so moving through the mountains, they had enough stamina to keep going for a week without needing to rest, while that didn't stop them from having some food every now and then, they kept going for most of the night, at least until they reached the bottom.
After leaving the mountain area to continue forward, they spent most of their the next day moving through more forests, as China's forests are lush and huge, it would be easy for one to get lost in the place if they didn't know where to go, but luckily they did.

But while they were still on this journey, they both had separate thoughts to think over.
For Viper, she was still really concerned about her father, after she saved her home from that thug, and became a famous ribbon dancer there until she was chosen to join the Jade Palace, she didn't get to hear from him for quite a long time. He was pretty old from the last time she saw him, but still looked capable of fighting. But now it's been years since she last saw him, and he must be even older looking by now, she honestly bets he'll look as old as Oogway, but no matter how old he gets, he's still a kind person deep down, but with how sick he's said to be, a part of her wonders if she should be bringing Spike along still, even if he's assured her he's more then willing to come with her.

Spike and Viper kept moving through the forest for most of the day, they hadn't spoken for quite sometime after they woke up, and Spike did notice Viper seemed lost in her thoughts, and decided to make a conversation.
"Hey Viper? You okay? You haven't talked for some time.." Spike asked which got her attention, she didn't notice how long it was since she last talked.
"Sorry Spike, it's just.. all a lot for me you know, this journey, going back home after some time, and knowing it may be the last time i'll see my father.. it's.. a lot.." Viper admitted again and Spike kinda figured this, but he doesn't blame her for having this be her constant thought right now.
"Yeah, this is gonna take sometime, i could just fly us over to the village if you want, i'd take us far less time." Spike offered spreading out his wings, but while Viper did like the sound of that, it never hurts to take things slow for now.
"That's sweet of you Spike, but i'd rather try and take in the sights and see what we can before something this big really happens. Remember all the places we and the others went to during missions? We didn't just go from point A to point B you know." Viper pointed out which was a true fact.

"Yeah, that's totally true, remember when we had to stop all those wolfs on that fishing village, and the stuff we did during and after our time there?" Spike joked chuckling at a funny memory they had.
"Yeah, when Tigress was accidentally knocked into the water by a giant fish Crane pulled out.. and she jumped out of the water like a spring and looked both terrified and furious at the same time.." Viper replied starting to laugh at that thought.
"Her fur got puffed up till it looked like an afro, i've seen some pony's with weird hairstyle's back home, but she takes the cake. And what she did to crane in response dear lord..." Spike said beginning to laugh harder.
"She literally whacked him with that giant fish and knocked him so high into the air he made a girlish scream.." Viper finished as they remember that hilarious memory play out which just kept they're laughter up.
"Oh man i still think Monkey uses that same prank on them for pranks. That will never get old.." Spike said calming down from the joke.
"It never will.." Viper said in agreement as they calmed down for a bit to get back on topic. '

Back at the palace, Tigress was training again in the halls with the others like nothing much was happening, but she suddenly stopped for a moment and made a loud sneeze which caught the other's attention.
"You okay Tigress?" Crane asked concerned coming up to her, she didn't know why, but a memory suddenly came back to her, and she looked a little upset at Crane.
"What's wrong?" Crane asked concerned as she went behind him and was looking angry for some reason, this caught the other's attention and they stopped for a moment too.
"What's she doing?" Mantis asked as she left the room for a moment.
"I don't know, to get some food maybe?" Po suggested as they waited for a moment, after a few seconds. The doors suddenly opened again and to their surprise, Tigress came in with a familiar giant fish.
"Hold up is that the same fish from the vi..." Crane asked right before she whacked him on the beak with it and sent him flying through the roof and into the sky while he made a girlish scream, and Tigress just had a blank stare.
"I don't know why, but i just felt like getting back at Crane again." Tigress said dropping the fish down which made Monkey chuckle.
"You sure you aren't hungry kitty cat?" Monkey teased which made the other's laugh, but Tigress wasn't having it and grabbed the fish again, it shut them up and they're laughter soon turned to fear.
"Oh.. man.." Po said in fear as a loud whip sound was heard as the camera cuts to black.
"AHHHH!!!!!" They all screamed in pain as the whack would leave a mark for sure.

We cut back to the talk like no time had passed after that little moment.

"If that's the case then, if we get more fun memories like that when traveling, then walking it is, just hope we don't see a giant fish again like last time." Spike teased shaking his head a little.
"Let's hope so. So how much farther is it to the nearest village?" Viper asked moving this along, Spike reached to the back of his bag to pull out a map they had, and opened it up for them to see.
"There's a small village not to far ahead from here, it's very welcome and it probably won't be a problem for us. I think it's best we stay there for the night and hit a boat down the river to make it to your village after that, it should take us till tomorrow afternoon to reach it if we do this." Spike suggested trailing his claw along to the small wooden village ahead from where they are, and the river that may be 5 miles longer till they finally make it there.
"I like it, wonder what that village has to offer?" Viper asked curiously as Spike put in back in the bag.
"Let's find out Vipes." Spike replied with a smile as they continued forward once again, and proceeded to move to this village that's said to be up ahead.

And for the next couple hours or so, they continued moving through the forest to reach this village, they thought they'd reach it within half an hour or so, but the village must've been farther then they thought, as it felt like it took forever to reach it. Spike soon got lost in his thoughts for this too, as for him, this wasn't a mission like they often did when leaving the valley, this was an important family thing for Viper. Spike's heard the story's of Viper's father and her family, he often wondered what they were like, what they're hobbies are and if they'd even like him. While they knew they may like him, with the relationship of his and Viper's growing more, it makes him wonder what else they'll think..

The two continued they're way forward for most of the day until the sun was starting to set again, they didn't think so much time would pass during they're time traveling to it, from what it looked like, it was only a couple miles away, but they may have been wrong. But soon, they could see some wooden buildings in the distance, followed by some lights and small chatter ahead.
"Finally.. i thought we'd be here far sooner.." Spike said in relief after the long walk they had today.
"Yeah.. let's see what this village has.." Viper said as they began moving to the village just down the hill that led out of the forest finally.

They moved for a bit longer until they finally entered the village, and it was a small one, a lot smaller then the valley, but it was still a nice little place here. Most of the houses were made of wood and logs, a lot of the villagers consisted of ducks and bunnies, and it was nearby a river that flowed to where Viper's village was, there was some stuff that looked like activities here, they saw some kids playing with kites and lanterns, and some of the people were fishing in the lake, they all looked pretty happy here like it wasn't troubling them.
"Huh, it's a really nice place here.." Spike said impressed with how this place looked, he'd never been here before, but he could already tell it was a small and fun place to live for a bit.
"Yeah, it's small, quiet, peaceful. It's a perfect place to stay for the night." Viper said with a smile looking around too, the villagers seemed to notice them, but they seemed to have a welcoming look to them, so they must not be trouble for some of them.

"Well, now that we're here, why don't we try and find an inn for the night? The suns just setting now." Spike suggested as they could see the sun just below the horizon, making a sunset that had beautiful orange, red and pink lighting over the sky, and followed by the dark blue sky above filled with dozens of stars in space.
"Yeah, let's hope they have room." Viper prayed as they began moving to find one. While they moved through the village, this place was reminding him more and more like Ponyville, it was a small and peaceful village with people going about they're day like nothing bad would happen. While this probably ever gets as much trouble as his home does, seeing so much familiar stuff like merchants selling fruits and other products to others, the small kids running around laughing in joy, it was such a lovely sight to see.

But from seeing all of this, it started to make him feel a little sad remembering home, not just because he missed it, but from other issues he started to feel when there before he finally came here. But soon, they finally came upon a small settlement that looked like an Inn for them.
"I think this is it.." Viper said hopefully as it was large enough for some travelers to stay.
"Only one way to see the truth." Spike said as they opened the doors to see the inside. What they were greeted with was a comfy looking place that had long halls that most likely led to other rooms, there were paintings of landscapes like the ocean and the rivers of other parts of the world, and they saw some people were checking in for the night and getting room keys, so this must be the place.
"Let's hope there's room for us." Viper said as they started to wait for they're turns.

It didn't take too long to reach the front desk, the duck in front looked friendly and seemed to be doing his job well, he was writing down on a board and crossing some spots out that looked like rooms for the night, and it looked like there was only a few left available.
"Ah, welcome my fellow travelers, i take it your gonna be checking a room for the night?" He asked putting his attention on them, he seemed not to bothered that a literal dragon was here, but he must not see much surprises in his life then.
"Uh yes please, we'd like a room for the night please, we can share one together, it's just for tonight." Viper answered coming up to him who was writing stuff down.
"Names please?" He asked waiting for an answer.
"Spike and Viper good sir." Spike said politely which made him smile as he put their names down.
"Okay, Spiker and Viper, your room is room 203 down the left hall, thank you for spending the night with us." He said giving them a room key for just tonight, Spike made sure he payed the right amount for them to stay too.
"Thank you sir, have a nice night." Viper said as they made they're way to their room.

They made they're way through a long hallway that had doors on multiple sides, they made sure to look at each number until they found it.
"Ah, here it is." Spike said as they saw the number finally, Spike used the key to unlock it to slowly open it.
"After you ma'am." Spike said softly which made her chuckle a little.
"Thank you dear Spike." Viper replied as she went into the room and Spike followed after and closed the door.

They're room was a little small but was a perfect size for them both, there were 2 beds on the right and left sides, there was a small bathroom on the left side that was clean and nicely made. It looked like most Inn's one would stay at, and it was just a nicely clean room with no flaws for them to see.
"Man, what a day of walking.. i thought it would never end.." Spike said feeling exhausted from today, he put his bag next to his bed and got on the right side.
"Yeah, traveling can take a lot out of someone." Viper said getting onto the other side and layed down too. They both started to relax for a bit to think to themselves, while there wasn't much they did during they're time traveling other then a few talks, it was still nice they had alone time together.

But Spike was still lost in his thoughts still, this place reminded him of home in some ways, just from the looks of it, to how people handled things here, it was a nice peaceful place, it was making Spike feel a little sad for being gone for so long, even if he got a nice goodbye with Twilight and the others before he became a master.
"Hey.. Spike? Can i ask you something?" Viper asked which got his attention.
"Yeah, anything. Go ahead." Spike replied waiting for it, Viper had a bit of a worried look before she leaned over to him.

"What was your home like Spike? Like.. how did you feel when there, what do you think of it, and how did you try and handle things when.. something big happened?" Viper asked which made him have a surprised look, but with how often they spent time together, it was inevitable this question would be asked, and he honestly had some stuff to get off his chest.
"Well.. what is there to talk about honestly? It was a colorful place filled with creatures that would be seen as a myth here, i lived in Canterlot for some time with Twilight before she was tasked with making friends, so we moved to a tree library in the village, while Twilight struggled at first, she soon opened up to our friends. And Over time they went on fun adventures and often saved Equestria, and i often did what i could to help.. even if i wasn't able to do much.." Spike said starting to feel sad at the last part which was concerning her.
"What do you mean by that? You were her number one assistant right? So that means you must've been on plenty of the adventures she went on with them right?" Viper asked a little confused on that.

"Your not wrong on that Viper, but while i was there.. sometimes i felt like i was on the sidelines.. when Nightmare Moon attempted to make an Eternal Night, i was just told to go to sleep, while she and the other's went on a dangerous task to stop her by going through a dangerous forest, i was just at home.. being treated like a child.. even if i was, i was still wanting to help.. even if it was for my own safety.." Spike explained which interested her on this tale.
"Did you ever go out on yourself? Or try and show you can do more?" Viper asked as she's seen him do great things since he came here.
"I.. tried.. but whatever i did.. it often put me in danger.. or showed that i can't handle things on my own.. it often had Twilight and the others save me, which just made them more protective of me.. sometimes i felt like she'd put give me multiple chores while she and the others did more adventures. I know she loves me and everything.. but sometimes i felt like she went to far in some areas.." Spike admitted as his memories were showing a different perspective to him.
"Spike.. you know she did it because she cares for you, it sounds not to different from what we face to be honest. If you were too young, that's okay." Viper replied trying to make him feel better, but he was still questioning things.

"That's the thing.. i felt like even when i got older.. i still wasn't able to go out and figure things out for myself. When i tried to find out more about dragons, and maybe even find my parents. They still snuck they're way through the borders and kept an eye on me, i know it's for safety, but it was like they didn't even trust me enough to try and learn more about myself. I only did learn that most dragons were jerks, but the ones i met were teenagers, and i didn't meet most of the other types of Dragons. And when Rainbow Dash said that i'm not like most dragons, because i'm not intimidating, or Rarity said i'm a dragon because i'm not a jerk like them , it felt like they were implying that all dragons are just jerks, and i'm not a dragon because i was kind. I honestly found that.. offensive.. It was like they all thought the dragons were nothing but rude beasts who didn't care for other things but themselves. I didn't even spend a full day there, i could've seen some dragons who were kind and willing to help me, but because of their perspective on my kind, i never was able to find out who my own parents are, or even if they showed up at the migration. It was like they were steering me away from trying to find more about my own race, when i know about the others, but not my own kind. It felt so.. infuriating.." Spike confessed at his long speech about that incident, and Viper seemed surprised at this, but soon found some relation in a way.

"Yeah.. i think i can understand honestly. Most people don't even give my family a chance because we're snakes. Some always looked at us with fear, and run away from us without giving us a chance. There was one snake i knew in legend, called Fuxi, he was a strong warrior who often protected others, he only had venom that could bring fear into people, he harmed no one with it. But when they fear overtook they're thoughts, they attacked him and his family, and while Fuxi survived, he lost his family because of their perspective on his own race too, because he was a snake and never forgave them for it. Even when i go out and save people, there are some who look at me with fear too, because i am a snake. It's like.. they won't even give me a chance, even after i showed i'm a friend.." Viper confessed as well, and that made Spike feel bad for her, and Fuxi too. It showed just how much fear can get to one, and lead to often violent acts.

"I'm.. so sorry to hear that.. but i think this can show us that not everything goes how we see it. And for me.. while Twilight and the other's got to do awesome things and save Equestria, i was just.. on the sidelines.. i never got the real chance to prove myself not as my own person, but as a dragon too. Even after i saved the Crystal Empire from Sombra, it didn't feel earned to me, unlike what i've been doing here, it was like.. somethin was always holding me back back home, and now that i'm here.. i can finally show it.." Spike explained some more looking up at the ceiling.
"I'm.. sorry too Spike, i didn't think our talk would go in this direction, but now.. i think i see how you feel.. it was like you didn't think you'd live up to what you can do, and any chance you did have often got ruined, right?" Viper asked turning to him, Spike sighed and continued confessing.

"Yeah.. it's one of the reasons i wished to go somewhere else to prove myself, and the universe brought me here, so i could. And while i'm more then happy to be here, with you, and help others like Twilight would. What i felt back home.. i don't think it's something that will leave me.." Spike explained which made her feel sad a bit.
"I don't think something like that will leave no matter how long we live Spike, no matter how long i live and fight for others, there will be people who still are afraid of me, and i may never get the chance to show them who i am as a person.. even when i saved my own home.." Viper said regretfully turning to him again, and Spike kept an eye on her too.
"I guess that's the reality of life huh? Sometimes.. you may never live up to your own dreams.. but if you do.. what more is there for you to do?" Spike asked again continuing this talk.

"I don't know, but i know one thing. You and i aren't that different, and it only makes me appreciate you even more Spike." Viper said putting her tail on his claw, and he held it too.
"You know.. i'm honestly jealous of you Viper, you got to prove yourself with your own talents, and yet.. i never got too.. it's one of the things i like about you, it's your determination and kindness." Spike complimented which made her smile.
"Thank you Spike, but don't think you are just as special, you can fly and breath fire, you are a fast learner who are almost up to our level, your just as great. We both are, no matter what.." Viper assured which did relief him a little.
"Thank you Viper, i really needed to talk about this to someone, and i'm glad it was you.." Spike said starting to feel tired now.
"Your welcome Spike, i'm always here for you, sleep tight." Viper said beginning to fall asleep.
"Good night Vipes." Spike said as he fell asleep too for the night, glad that this talk helped them understand eachother more. But far away from the Inn they were in, on a hill where the moon was right behind, there was a strange ominous figure watching over the village right in front of it. It wore a black hood and had white fur, it looked like a wolf, it had blood red eyes, and two sickles on his sides, and was glaring to the specific spot Spike and Viper were in, almost like he was watching over them..

After the night passed, Spike and Viper got up early in the morning to finish up their journey, after they checked out of the Inn, they made sure they had everything they needed. After they left, they purchased one of the boats that would lead them to Viper's village finally, it only took them about an hour before they departed from that small little village, and began their last little trip before reaching Viper's home finally.

They were now moving down the river that led them to her home, and we're watching the water move by them as they waited for them to finally arrive.
"You know Viper.. you ever wonder how far the water can go with places like these? Some go to waterfalls, which lead to large ponds and more rivers, and even caverns that led to the sea, which went all over the world.." Spike asked looking at the river flowing down small streams.
"Yeah.. it's beautiful on how far it travels, even in places like deserts, there's always an oasis, or even rain itself, it's something else to be honest.." Viper said in agreement looking at the colorful rocks that were in the clear water. But while they kept moving, the thought of Viper's family still concerned her, and they were so close to reaching them now.

"You know Spike.. with how close we are to my home.. i'm just getting more worried on what'll happen when we're there.." Viper said which caught his attention.
"Yeah.. we're so close to seeing him.. after this journey of ours.. it felt like no time passed at all... and yet.. it felt so long too.." Spike replied looking at the sun which was already high in the sky by now.
"You know.. with you fast it does pass.. i'm starting to feel.. afraid with how little i'll have with him.. one day he may still be here.. and the next.." Viper said with sadness not finishing that sentence, but Spike felt sad to hear it too.
"Death comes for us all, no matter how long i can live, or even Oogway, Death will come to us, but if there's one thing i always appreciate about this.. it's that i can spend time with you and your family.. even if it's just this once.." Spike explained rubbing her head.

"Yeah.. no matter how long we live.. it always comes for us.. i'm just.. i don't know how i can handle it when he does go.. he's such a kind.. strong and noble soul.. and seeing him go like this.. its just.." Viper said beginning to cry again, and Spike tried helping her too.
"It's gonna be okay Viper, i'll be here for you, your whole family will be there for you. I know when we see him, he'll show you the proud and loving smile of a father, and will always be there for his little girl.." Spike said hugging her close which was calming her down a bit.
"I just wish i spent more time with him Spike.. and not during situations like these.." Viper said keeping a grip on him, Spike kept her close and helped her out more.
"What matters is that you can see him now, and i'll be here. You will never be alone, i promise.." Spike assured looking in her eyes again, and she was starting to feel better hearing that.
"Thank you Spike.." Viper said gratefully as they stayed like this for a moment.

But after some time, they soon saw something coming up on the horizon of the river, and saw more houses, and settlements nearby it, which meant one thing..
"Viper.. is that.. your home?" Spike asked as they looked at it with awe, Viper had some tears seeing it after so long, as she hasn't been here in years.
"Yes.. it is.. welcome to my village Spike.." Viper finished as the camera pins to a shot of the large village on the horizon, and with they're destination right ahead, they now had to get ready for something really important..

23: Shadows of the Village, Part 3: Family Meeting

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Spike and Viper had waited for a few more minutes before they finally arrived at her home, it was a pretty large village, possibly just as large as the valley itself, it was full of lush green forest surroundings and mountain areas far off in the distance, there were some buildings made out of concrete, and wood, and some were nicely well made and looked like a good place to live in. It was a pretty large village compared to the other places Spike has been with the other's, and he was honestly impressed with how nice it looked, and they haven't even gotten off the boat yet.

"Wow.. this place is really nice Viper, just from the looks of it, it already looks great.." Spike complimented looking around with fascination while Viper looked worried and concerned just coming back here, she didn't expect much to change in the last years she's been gone, but it almost felt like this was a different place, it felt more.. large..
"Hey Viper, may i ask what your villages name is?" Spike asked curious as it's never been told before, Viper still stayed silent for a moment before remembering it's name.
"Yeah.. welcome to Dragon Valley, Spike." Viper introduced and Spike was shocked on what he just heard.
"Dragon Valley? Wow, i did not expect that kind of answer." Spike said a little surprised on this, but also felt a little prideful knowing it's named after his species.
"Yeah.. i held that back from you for a while, it was named for honor and respect, it's how most people envisioned what dragons would be." Viper explained which made Spike chuckle nervously.
"Yeah.. maybe this worlds dragons.. but from what i know.. eh..." Spike said nervously moving his claw around, as he barely knew if his kind had honor like people hoped they would be.

The boat had finally arrived at the docks of the village, and Spike and Viper carefully made they're way out of it, to say some were shocked to see them would be an understatement, they all knew about Viper and the reputation she's had, from being a star ribbon dancer before she was chosen to be a Kung fu master, and she's obviously known for saving the village when her dad wasn't able too, which proved herself. A lot of them looked at Spike with awe as they saw he was a real life dragon, they all turned they're attention to them. They both felt a little nervous from coming here, this was the first time Spike had been here, and Viper hasn't been here for years.

Spike did notice a lot of the structures around here were carved like dragons, there were some dragon like columns holding up small houses, some looks of dragons being carved into stone walls like a sanctuary, it was a strange worship Spike found from this place, but it did make him feel a little more prideful seeing all of this.

"Wow.. this is your home?" Spike asked quietly to Viper who was looking around herself, and seemed interested in it's state.
"Yeah.. but i don't remember it being this large, i know i've been gone for years, but this place feels like it expanded a lot since.." Viper said interested in it's state, and Spike looked around for any other details he saw.
"So.. we're there any places you liked to go here, or any festivals that happened often?" Spike asked curious wanting to know more about this place.
"I did often like going to a special pond just outside of the village, it was a nice, quiet, relaxing place me and my family went to every once in a while to bond. It was one of our favorite places to go to when we wanted to bond more." Viper said with a soft smile, and that sounded like a relaxing place.

"Do you.. wanna head there first, or should we see your family first?" Spike asked curious on what to do next, Viper put her tail on her chin to think about it for a sec.
"I think we should.. see my family first Spike, i think we all can go there together for fun." Viper suggested which Spike smiled at.
"Well then.. lead the way Vipes, this is your home not mine." Spike insisted moving behind her a little.
"Sure thing, follow me sweetie." Viper said in a sweet tone as she moved ahead with Spike following behind, and the villagers kept looking at them with amazement.

Spike just continued to move through the village with her, taking in the sights he could find here, there were tons of blossom trees, while they weren't fully blossoming because it's Summer, they were a really nice sight to see, the village mostly consisted of bunny's and pigs, even some other snakes themselves, they all were doing multiple jobs today, some were going out to fish, some were selling fruits and other food to the villagers, and others giving respectful bows to them, like they were glad to see them.

Spike was just fascinated with this village, not only is it called Dragon Valley, a lot of the structure here is made to look like Chinese dragons, Spike didn't know much about his kind, but he did find it interesting on how much variety to his kind were, and not just in appearance too. Spike did seem to notice Viper had a look of worry as they kept moving through the village, she was obviously thinking about how she's gonna react to her father's.. illness, and Spike was just concerned for her.
"Viper, you sure you wanna see them right now? We could get a quick meal if you'd like?" Spike offered trying to help her feel comfortable, but she seemed to be focused on this, and wasn't really wanting a distraction.
"We'll be fine Spike, besides, me and my sisters will probably make something for the family during the time we're here, so we won't be needing that." Viper assured and Spike was more interested now.
"What are you sister's like? I've barely heard you talk about them before." Spike asked curious on them, and Viper had a bit of a nervous look after that question.

"Let's just say.. they can be a lot, while i do love them, they are a bit to handle, even if they are younger.." Viper said a little embarrassed by that remark which made Spike have a little smug.
"So your the oldest one? Kinda hard to tell with how cute you look." Spike teased which made her chuckle a little before giving him a small whack with her tail.
"It's rude to call out a women's age Spike." Viper replied which made them laugh a little.
"My bad ma'am." Spike teased again as they just kept moving after that little laugh.

They continued to make their way through the village again, it was pretty large to say again, it felt like they were walking through for over 20 minutes, and they barely have seen it all. But soon, they started to move up a lush green hill with trees and bushes over most of it, it was a pretty high hill as it went on for a while, sure it wasn't NEARLY as large as the steps of the Jade Palace, but that was a good thing, they've often had to do 100 lap jogs up and down those stairs most of the time for training., which would take up till sunset if they started it at morning.

But soon enough, they arrived at a small but nice looking house at the very top, it was a calm looking house and it looked both old and not that old at the same time, it was nicely decorated and it just looked like a nice place to live. But they both knew they were here, they were at Viper's home finally.
"You ready for this Viper? We can take a moment if you want?" Spike offered again, making sure she is ready for this, but she seemed to have a somewhat confident look on her, despite also showing some worry too.
"Don't worry, i.. think i'm ready for this, before we do this, i just wanna say thank you for coming with me Spike, i think it's best i took you along for this, i may have needed the support after all.." Viper said gratefully which made Spike smile and rub her head again.
"No problem, anything for you, i'm ready whenever you are." Spike assured ready to do this.
"Okay.. let's see my family.." Viper said a little more confident as she went up to the door.

She raised up her tail just a little and made a few knocks on the door, to let them know they were here. Viper and Spike both had nervous looks as they waited for someone to come, they both knew it was gonna be a lot to explain, but they were both confident they could do this. After a few seconds, they could hear stuff moving around quickly as they think this persons rushing to see them, after a few seconds, the door finally opened again and they were greeted by a larger snake that looked a lot like Viper, but far larger, she looked at Viper with shock and recognized her instantly.

"Viper?.. is that you daughter?" She asked both shocked and amazed she actually came, Viper had a bit of a sad and nervous look seeing her after so long, but there was no turning back now.
"Hello mom, it's really great to see you again.." Viper said as she came up to give her a hug which she quickly returned, she had tears of both sadness and joy seeing her after so long.
"Oh my beautiful daughter, it's been so long.. i can't believe your really here.." She said lovingly as she looked at her in the eyes, Viper was still trying to process how to handle this.
"I'm glad to be here.. i wish i could've come here under.. better circumstances.." Viper said with regret, but she her mother gave her a small assuring smile to comfort her.
"Do not worry child, i understand how important things are for you, i'm just glad you were able to come here.." She said with a smile which did make her happy a little.
"Thanks mom.. it's great to see you.." Viper said gladly which made Spike smile a little hearing that.

She soon turned her attention to Spike and looked surprised seeing she brought a friend here too.
"Oh hello, and who may you be young man?" She asked coming up to him while Spike was a bit nervous too.
"My name is Spike, it's really nice to meet you, i came with Viper to help her through this tough situation, it's what a close friend would do." Spike introduced shaking her tail.
"Well Spike, my name is Emily, i am glad to meet you, i didn't know my daughter was friends with a living dragon!.. you are a dragon right?" Emily asked looking over Spike's body which made him chuckle a little.
"Yep, i'm a real living dragon, i've been great friends with Viper for some time now, and i've been handling myself great here." Spike said rubbing the back of his head a little which made her chuckle a little.

"Well, i can already see she's made a great friend, maybe even more then that.." Emily teased which embarrassed them both.
"Mom, not in front of him, we haven't even gotten in the house yet." Viper said coming in front of them, and Spike stood a little back for this.
"I'm just kidding sweetie, i haven't seen you in a long time, i've heard of your achievements, and i was just so eager to see you again, i just couldn't wait to see you." Emily said smiling softly, and Viper had a bit of a smile too.
"Thanks mom, is.. dad okay? We traveled here as soon as we got the letter.." Viper asked really worried for him, her face soon had a bit of a sad look to it being asked that too.
"He's in his room, please come with me you too." Emily said slithering inside, Spike and Viper looked at eachother for another moment before going inside themselves with Viper closing the door.

Spike followed Viper and Emily through the house, it was a really nice house from both the inside and out, there were tons of nice glass decorations on the walls, followed by photos of what looked like a really young Viper and her family, one showed her ribbon dancing for the town, and other's showed her alongside her father who looked like a really sweet snake, a lot of the furniture was wooden and made of bamboo, but they were so nicely done it's really hard to tell, there was so much to this small house it felt really like one would have a nice childhood with.

"Wow, this is a really nice place.." Spike complimented looking around the place which made them smile a bit.
"Thank you, i've tried keeping it clean, it's been a lot cleaner since Viper was a bit of a mess before." Emily teased which made Viper upset again.
"Mom, please don't talk about that stuff in front of him, it's really not the best time to ask that." Viper asked not wanting her to reveal anything embarrassing.
"It's just a little joke Viper, sorry, but i couldn't help myself." Emily said chuckling to herself a little.
"Hey, it's okay, i don't mind that kind of stuff at all." Spike assured which relieved Viper a little.
"Thank goodness.." Viper said as she prayed nothing too big would be dropped when here.

After a few more turns in the hallways, they soon came to a large open room that kinda reminded Spike of the rooms back at the palace, only this was way larger, it was filled with tons of different paintings of China's landscapes, and there were flowers around a large bed, and they saw a really old and large snake laying down in it, and they all knew who it was.

Spike slowly walked besides Viper who was really nervous about all of this, he looked really weak right now and probably won't get that much better while they're here. Seeing this already almost made Viper start to cry seeing her father's state, and Spike did what he could to comfort her along with Emily.
"It's okay sweetie, we're here for you." Emily assured rubbing her head softly.
"We're gonna be with you for this, don't worry." Spike assured too while Viper looked down with regret, she knew this was coming for a while, and always feared the moment she would see him like this, now they were here, and she had to face it, whether she wanted to or not.

After taking another deep breath, she slowly moved up to him who was starting to wake up, Emily and Viper came in front of him while Spike stayed behind a little for them to talk, Viper had a look of concern seeing her father after so long, he had a really long beard that went down most of his body, he looked really tired and weak, and had some wrinkles over him, it did crush her seeing him in this state, but it's inevitable for all of them.
"Hey dad.. are you doing okay?" Viper asked finally speaking to him, he slowly turned to Viper and saw she was finally hear, and despite his really old age, he still moved his tail around really well so he can rub her head while smiling at her.
"Viper.. my daughter, you really came.." He said with tears of joy finally seeing her after so long, Viper had tears of her own and came up to give him a hug.
"I came as soon as i got the letter dad.. i'm so sorry i wasn't here sooner.." Viper said regretfully holding him close, but he helped calm her down by soothing her again, trying to help her as well.
"It's okay sweetie, i know you've been doing amazing things, i didn't mind waiting a little, i'm just so happy you came." He assured which did make her feel a little better and Spike had a small smile seeing them meet again after so long.

"I didn't know how to handle this dad.. i was just so worried about all of this, i would've come months ago if i could.." Viper said trying to explain all of this, but he slowly rubbed her head again to calm her down.
"You don't have to explain, i love you either way.. as long as you had your time, it's all that matters, you don't have to apologize about anything." He assured once more which did relieve her a bit, but she knew who else she had to introduce.
"Thanks dad, but i didn't come alone, i brought.. a really close friend." Viper said which interested him.
"And who may that be sweetie?" He asked curiously, Viper turned to Spike who was standing back a good distance for their privacy, and made a little motion with her tail telling him to come forward, and he slowly made his way to him while looking nervous as well.

After a few more steps, Spike came face to face with him, and he had a huge look of shock seeing Spike, since well.. you know.
"Um.. hello there. My name is Spike, it's.. nice to meet you." Spike introduced holding out his hand, he was very shocked seeing Spike and instantly recognized his species.
"Are you.. a dragon? A real dragon?!" He asked with amazement which did make Spike nervous even more.
"Uh.. yep, i'm a real dragon, been learning Kung fu for a while now, and i've been really close friends with Viper." Spike said with a nervous smile which made him smirk a little.
"Close friends? How close exactly?" He teased which embarrassed them even more.
"It's not like that, we're just best friends." Spike said raising his hands up which made him and Emily laugh even more.

"You don't have to hide anything, i know this kind of reaction." He teased slowly getting up while Viper and Spike didn't respond at his joke, but soon got back to the topic.
"Well, since that's out of the way. I haven't introduced myself, you may know me as Great Master Viper, but you can simply call me Ethan" Ethan introduced shaking Spike's hand.
"Well.. nice to meet you Ethan. I've heard so much about you, and it's a huge honor." Spike said respectfully as Emily helped him up with Viper.
"I should say the same thing, never in my life would i expect to meet a living dragon, especially one who knows Kung fu, i should be honored to meet you." Ethan complimented which made Spike smile hearing that.
"That's really great to hear, i'm glad i came here." Spike said with a smile which made them all happy a little.

"You can make yourself at home, we'll be having a few more people coming, but just know we're happy to have you here." Emily said as they were moving out of Ethan's room for some air.
"I'll be as respectful as i can Emily." Spike assured walking alongside Viper, who while happy that her parents liked Spike, was still a bit nervous on how far they're gonna go with they're teasing.

"So dad.. you mind telling me how the village got so much larger since i was last here?" Viper asked still curious about the renovations.
"Oh, that was done thanks to our community, they all we're getting tired of the village constantly being attacked and almost destroyed, and we're worried for me since i can't hold them off as well as i used to. So they all got together and built all around the areas of the village, making it larger and more grand then before, and they made sure they got some trained people to help defend the village from any other thieves, it was as a way of thanks for how much our family has done with protecting the village, and to try and learn to defend others too. It makes me proud knowing how well the village turned out." Ethan said as they looked out the window, and could see the large village from up the hill, Viper could only remember the smaller parts of it when she was last here, and was just amazed seeing how far it's come.
"Well that explains a lot.." Viper said fascinated on how this came to be.

"And.. how about the dragon statues that were.. almost everywhere before we came up here?" Spike asked curious as well, he knew about the whole honor and respect thing, but just wondered if it was for something else here.
"Oh, sorry if that bothered you a little. That was to help represent our kinds ancestors, and to help us give our respect and prayers to those who protected China and the world for so long, before moving to the Spirit Realm to rest peacefully. It still amazes me that our kind are descendants of yours." Ethan explained which fascinated Spike even more.
"Hey, you all have been doing this WAY longer then me, i'm sure they would be proud seeing how well you've protected everyone. And i couldn't be happier to see it all myself." Spike assured which made them smile once again.
"Thank you young Spike, i already see you being a great son in law." Ethan replied keeping this tease up which once again, just made them embarrassed.
"Dad, please stop with that!" Viper begged not wanting this to keep happening, but he chuckled again before making a few coughs.
"I'm just messing around sweetie, it's your choice to make. " Ethan assured once again as they moved into the living room.

"So, would you both like some food you two? I'm sure that long walk to the village made you hungry." Emily asked as Viper and Spike sat next to eachother near a long table, and they couldn't help but admit it was true.
"Um.. yes please, i think some food would be nice." Viper replied which made her smile softly.
"Then wait here, i'll be done with some in a bit." Emily said slithering off to the kitchen while Ethan sat at the table too. While Spike was glad to meet Viper's family, there was still something missing.
"So um.. Ethan.. do you know when Viper's sister's are supposed to come?" Spike asked curious of where they are.
"I made sure the letter was sent to them too, i don't know where.." Ethan said right before they all heard another knock on the door, which could only mean one thing.
"Huh, never mind then." Ethan said about to go get it, but Viper stood up with Spike first.
"Please sit here dad, we'll get it." Viper assured as she and Spike went to get it.
"We got it." Spike added going with her while Ethan just stayed there smiling at the two.

Spike and Viper went over to the door to greet what they think is Viper's siblings, Spike was interested in seeing what the rest of her family is like, and he was about to get his answers. The door was knocked on another time just as the two got to the door, and they looked at eachother one more time before Viper reached for the door.

And with a simple turned, the door finally opened so they could greet them, and Spike got a good look at 3 other snakes that were around Viper's size.

One of them had light pink scales with blue eyes, she had purple flowers on the side of her head that was like Viper's own, and she had a small blue umbrella on her side, most likely for rain or just to look nice. She had a look that was like Viper's and she looked like twins honestly.

The other had dark purple scales followed by pink eyes, she carried some small fans on her side that must be for dancing as he's seen Viper use them before too, and also had pink flowers on her head too, and she honestly looked like a long time dancer.

And the last one had Sapphire blue scales followed by purple eyes, she had emerald green flowers on her head for fashion, and carried some bags full of supplies, possibly for the long trip they had to get here. They all looked like Viper for the most part, but they did look a bit younger.

They all had a look of surprise seeing Viper was already here, but all looked very surprised seeing Spike, and he honestly saw where this was going. But Viper decided to be the first one for introductions.
"Hey sisters.. i'm glad you were able to make it.." Viper said with a smile while they stood still for a moment.. right before they suddenly jumped at Viper making high squeals which shocked Spike greatly.
"Viper! It's so great to see you again!!" The pink one squealed hugging her tightly.. and she strangely sounded like Pinkie Pie in a way.
"We've been wanting to see you for years! How have things been?" The purple one asked with a soothing voice that meant she had some calmness to her.
"Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! It's really you!!" The blue one squealed as they all hugged her body which almost chocked her.

"Girls.. loosen up.. please?" Viper said between breaths, they all quickly saw what they were doing, and loosened up a little.
"Sorry." The pink one said as Viper took some breaths.
"Not even 10 seconds.." Viper said to herself as she already knew how hyper they could be.
"Sorry Viper, but we were just so excited to see you after so long! It's been what.. years?" The blue one asked shrugging her tail around.
"Yeah, we've heard so much about what awesome stuff you've done, we just were so excited to see you." The purple one said helping Viper up, and Spike was just shocked as he didn't expect them to be this full of energy, but then again.. Viper did say they were a lot to handle.

"Hey, i'm just glad you all made it, it's been a while since we were all in the same room together right?" Viper asked looking over them who were smiling widely.
"Oh you bet! You would not believe how much i've been wanting to show you my new dance moves Viper." The purple one said holding out a one of her fans, which confirmed Spike's little theory.
"I've picked up some dance moves myself, don't think a fan can beat a ribbon." Viper teased going up in her face which made her smirk a little.
"Oho, you may be the big sister, but the better dancer? I'd like to see you try..." She teased as they stood silent for a moment, before just making a playful laugh again.
"We'll get to it later okay?" Viper asked patting her head and she nodded in response.

"Oh Viper, it's so great to see you sister." The pink one said still excited over all of this.
"I know girls, it's great to see you all too." Viper said looking over them, she was just really glad to see her sister's are still the same.
"So Viper, when did you get here?" The blue one asked curiously.
"We got here around half an hour ago maybe, took a bit longer seeing how big the village is now." Viper explained which they agreed too.
"I know, seeing how big the village is now isn't something i think would happen.." The purple one said right before they realized something else she said.

"Wait, what do you mean.. we?" The pink one asked curiously. Viper had a nervous look before a small sneeze was heard, Viper and her sister's quickly turned to Spike who was rubbing his nose from the sneeze, but soon noticed them looking at him and got a bit nervous.
"Um.. hi?" Spike asked nervously holding his hand out, they had a look of shock seeing him for a moment before they turned into a look of excitement.
"Oh my gosh!!!" They all squealed which made Spike nervous.
"Oh boy.." Spike said with fear right before he was tackled by all of them suddenly lunging to him.
"Girls! Wait!" Viper shouted trying to get them off him who were inspecting him.

"Oh my gosh! Is he.. is he?!" The pink one asked gleefully looking at Spike's purple scales.
"I think he is! He's a real dragon! I can't believe this!!!" The blue one said looking in Spike's eyes with a excited look while the purple one opened Spike's mouth to see where his fire is.
"Is that green fire? I didn't know dragons could breath different colored fire! Amazing!" The purple one said closing it while Spike was feeling overwhelmed.
"Viper? A little help please?" Spike asked worried as they were all over him while Viper just came up to them.
"Girls, please give him space." Viper said trying to help him up.
"Sorry." They all said at once before quickly getting off of him to let him breath.
"Dear Celestia.." Spike said to himself as Viper helped him up.

"Sorry about that Spike, but as you can see, these are my sisters." Viper said looking at all three of them who were still excited about him.
"Um.. nice to meet you all." Spike said holding his claw out, which they all quickly shook at once almost hurting his wrist.
"It's so nice to meet you! I'm Linjin, the pink one is Shiji, and the blue one is Beihe" The purple one said pointing at each one with they're names.
"It's nice to meet you!" Shiji said excitedly still shaking his claw.
"And what's your name?" Beihe asked wanting to know his.
"Um.. Spike." Spike introduced which made them all smile even more.
"Such a cute name for someone like you." Linjin teased which made Spike nervous even more.
"Girls, please give him space." Viper said coming between them all, they soon let go of him to properly talk.

"You never told us you we're friends with a real dragon Viper!" Shiji said amazed looking at Spike who was still shocked about this.
"How long have you known eachother?" Beihe asked excitedly looking at them both.
"And is he your boyfriend Viper?" Linjin teased again which made her groan hearing that.
"Please don't Linjin, Spike's a close friend, he came here with me to help us through.. our little problem." Viper said standing besides Spike who looked saddened hearing it.
"Yeah.. it's something i didn't want her to be alone on.." Spike said rubbing her head again.
"Aw.. that's so sweet of you Spike. I already see a great person from you." Linjin said sweetly.
"I didn't know dragons could be this cute!" Beihe said gleefully which just embarrassed him even more.
"Moving on.. we're just glad to see you Viper, and are glad to see you have a close friend here too." Shiji said moving this along which did relieve them a little.
"It's great to see you all too, i'm glad you all could make it." Viper said smiling at them.

As they were making small talk, Emily slithered into the room and saw all of them together.
"Girls, Spike it's all ready." Emily shouted which got they're attention.
"Coming Mom/ Emily" They all shouted as they quickly made they're way to the table, Spike was still shocked on how eager they all were, how Viper handled them at a younger age is beyond him.

They all soon made they're way to the table so they could sit down and eat, and there were a lot of dumplings over the table to eat. Ethan smiled lovingly as he saw all his daughters together again.
"It's been so long since i saw all of us together like this, i can't tell you all how grateful i am for this." Ethan said looking over them, and they're expressions soon turned to ones of sadness seeing his state.
"We came as soon as we got the letter dad." Linjin said sadly seeing this.
"We would've come here far sooner if we didn't live so far.." Shiji said regretfully looking down a little.
"We all didn't want you to be alone on this, and we weren't gonna let you be alone." Beihe said sitting next to him alongside Emily.

"It's okay, i'm just glad we all could be here to spend time together." Ethan assured smiling at all of them.
"He's right girls, and now that we're together, why don't we all just try and enjoy our time as a family?" Emily asked hopefully.
"Of course mom, we'd like nothing more, no matter how long we're here." Shiji said softly as she was having some of the food.
"Of course dad, anything for you." Viper said sitting next to Spike again who was being extremely respectful.
"And Spike, thank you for coming all this way with our daughter. Knowing she has a friend who's willing to go this far with her, is someone i can already trust." Ethan said gratefully looking at him.
"Your welcome sir, i'm glad to be here with you all." Spike said as they all looked at him.

"We're glad too Spike, after we're done eating, how about we go to the village for family bonding?" Emily suggested trying to think of something.
"We'd love that! With how big the village is now, i've been itching to see what else there is!" Shiji said excitedly just thinking of what they'll see with the others excited too.
"That sounds lovely mom, i'm sure it's something we all could have fun with." Viper said agreeing to this.
"I like that too, i'm really interested in what else there is here." Spike said eager at all of this too which made them smile hearing that.
"Then it's settled, we'll all head down in a bit, let's all just take some time to get settled, alright?" Emily asked again which they all nodded in agreement with.

"Of course mom!" The sisters all said at once which made Ethan smile at.
"Thank you my daughters, i am so glad you all are here for this.." Ethan said gratefully which made them happy again.
"No problem dad, we all love you no matter what." Viper said softly looking at him.
"I know, and i love all of you too." Ethan said looking over them, Spike smiled seeing all of them together like this, and was glad to see them like this.
"Let's all just have this time to ourselves." Spike asked getting back to eating, Viper smiled at that and began eating herself. But one thing she did notice is that her sister's were looking at Spike with smirks when he wasn't looking, and she got an idea on what they were thinking, and maybe had to be even closer with Spike during they're time here..

24: Shadows Of The Village, Part 4: Family Bonding

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Spike had proceeded to have what was lunch with Viper's family after this little talk, to say Viper's family was interesting to meet would undersell it, Spike always heard of Great Master Viper's story's, or Ethan as he's called, and always was amazed by what he was able to do as a warrior single handedly defending this village. Spike could see some relation to Viper and her family like how he did with Twilight's, even if it's been quite a while since he last saw them all, it was pretty similar in some areas.

Viper's siblings were interesting to meet too, they are younger sure, and yet they all act so much more pure and more hyper then Viper was, she was normally calm and always nice, while her siblings are nice too, it was like they were Viper when she didn't keep her innocent calmness, it made them so pure and nice to see, it made Spike just wonder what Viper was like when she young was like them. This village was interesting to know too, to think it being named after his own kind for both honor and respect, it certainly wasn't something Spike was expecting, but it was welcome. It just made him feel nervous on how some would react knowing his kind.. isn't the best back in Equestria, but if it's for dragons from this world, that would make more sense.

While they ate, Spike just kept thinking about how things will go here, while they know Viper's dad is.. most likely dying, he still looks like he has a few months in him, which will give him some time to spend with Viper's family, Shiji, Linjin, and Beihe were fun to know to, even if they got a little to close to him for his liking. Spike could already tell Viper had some history with them, Linjin kinda looked like she often did a friendly dance completion with her, Beihe was seemingly the youngest and most energetic, while Shiji was even more energetic with how hyper she is, really did remind him of Pinkie Pie, but he just wondered how he's gonna handle being with this family for a while, wondering if he's gonna make any mistakes that make them dislike him, or something else, while that's a 100 to 1 chance of ever happening, it did worry Spike a bit on what may happen.

Spike and the family had just gotten done with they're lunch for today, and they went to get ready for a little trip to the village, Spike offered Emily with some cleaning which she appreciated since Ethan needed to rest a bit more, while Viper went to settle in with her sisters for a moment in their own rooms, this was a calm and relaxing place to be in, it was like a perfect sanctuary for one to come and relax. Spike helped clean up the dishes with ease, his hands made it easier while Emily handled it well with just one tail.

"So Spike, i must ask you something." Emily began which got his attention.
"Of course, ask away." Spike said simply while putting another plate away.
"How long have you and my daughter known eachother? Have you been friends since you became a Kung fu fighter?" Emily asked curious looking up at him, it was an easy question to answer, but for some it might be a bit tough.
"It's been over a year at this point, i was almost a teen when i came to this world, while there was a lot to process with suddenly learning to be a Kung fu fighter and everything, Viper was the first friend i made while here, she was the kindest and most supportive, she really helped me keep my confidence that i could be a real master.." Spike said recalling what happened with him after he met the 5.

While most of the 5 were still curious about him like Crane was, some people like Tigress didn't trust him, while Monkey and Mantis were jokester's at points, Viper was the most supportive of them, she always was able to help him if he was hurt from training, or got sick. It easily made her the closest one he's been with since he came here. Hearing this made Emily smile knowing just how nice she was to him.
"I'm glad to know my daughter was helping you through that time, may i ask how you even came to the valley of peace in the first place?" Emily asked wondering what a real dragon was doing here.
"That's.. a little complicated to explain, but to make things simple. I wasn't really feeling like i was able to do much back home, while my friends Twilight and her friends were seen as heroes by most of Equestria, i wasn't really able to do anything that big. While Twilight and her friends often went on adventures, i was often left behind to do chores or other small things like that. It just made me feel like i wasn't able to live up to what i could really do. And when i wished to go to a place where i could reach it, i ended up here, Oogway found me by the Peach tree near the palace, and he took me in, they all did. And over time i grew to be the Dragon Master, something that would really define who i was meant to be.." Spike explained recalling all that's happened in his life, it was a large change to happen in just over a year, he was still surprised on how quickly he learned things when living here, but it all eventually helped him to be the awesome hero that people see him as.

"That's a lot i'm sure.. i can't imagine what it must've been like, suddenly appearing in a new world like that. I'm just glad Viper was there for you." Emily said smiling at him which made Spike smile back in response.
"Thanks Emily, she really is the best one of the 5 in my opinion." Spike said not ashamed to admit that, but Emily could see something else in him, especially given that little golden bracelet Viper had on her earlier.
"Spike, i'm seeing something more between you two, may i also ask how often you two hang out together?" Emily asked with a smirk knowing where to take this.
"Uh.. well, we often cooked together to help with lunch.. and when we didn't have training for most days, Viper and i would head down to the village for shopping, we often fought together against attacks, and Viper and i feel some relation with eachother given how some people see our species." Spike explained recalling the talk he and Viper had last night.
"To me Spike, it sounds like you and my daughter spend far more time together then normal friends would, and i'm guessing you were the one who got her that beautiful golden bracelet she has right?" Emily asked moving this further, and Spike was starting to see where it was going.

"Yeah, i got her that during the Winter Festival that happened some time back, and she gave me that ribbon she used to save this village as a gift too, they were both great gifts, but Viper's gift just really showed how much she cares for me.." Spike said taking out Viper's old ribbon and Emily looked at it amazed.
"Spike, if my daughter trusts you enough to give such a prized possession like that, knowing you'll be able to take care of it. That is telling me that there's something more between you.." Emily said looking at it's beautiful color.
"What do you.. mean by that?" Spike asked a little nervous about this.
"Oh come on Spike, i'm sure you know, with how often you two spend time together, from these special gifts for eachother, to those looks i keep seeing Viper give you, to me.. it sounds like you both have some feelings for eachother, and not just as friends." Emily said standing up on her tail to look in his eyes, and Spike just was nervous being told that.

"Ma'am, i'm sure it's just us being close friends, it's not like Viper would feel the same way.. right?" Spike asked not sure of what to say which made her smirk even more.
"I know my daughter Spike, while she does hesitate to show her love to someone, if she loves that person, she'll do what she can to grow close enough until she confesses, and from the looks of it.. my daughter looks like she'll confess any day now.." Emily said while she went over to show him another family picture.
"I.. guess you may be right about that.. to be honest.. i've felt this for Viper for quite a while.. while i haven't told her yet, i just didn't know how to, with all that's happening with you and Ethan, i didn't want something like this to distract her from something really important, even if i felt like confessing how i feel to her.." Spike said sadly looking at the photo, and seeing how happy her family was together.
"While i appreciate your concern and are doing your best to make her happy, i'm sure that even during a time like this, if you confessed to her, or she confessed to you first, it would make all of us happy seeing you be together. Even from just meeting you, i can tell your someone who'll do whatever it takes to protect her." Emily said softly putting her tail on his shoulder.
"You.. will really be okay if we.. fall in love for eachother? Even Ethan would be alright with it?" Spike asked hopefully looking at his ribbon again.
"You really remind me of how i met Ethan, he was so sweet the day we met, and all he's learned to protect me and the village, it's one of the best things about him.." Emily said just loving the thought of him.
"I already can see that person in him, i'm glad to be a part of this." Spike said smiling at her while they kept cleaning together.

Meanwhile with Viper and her siblings, they were all settling things in their own rooms, putting away what they had when traveling here, they all had they're own separate rooms to sleep in, they had the best privacy they could ask for when they were younger, and even if they peeked in on eachother, it was mainly from sibling bonding. Viper had just put the last of their traveling equipment away and sighed in relief before laying down on her old bed that was large enough for multiple people.
"Finally, all that traveling really took a lot out of me.." Viper said relieved trying to relax the best she could, she felt strange laying down in this room after so long, just laying down here gave her memory's of the times she's spent here, when she played with her sister's when they were younger, to her practicing her ribbon dancing while her father was out protecting the village, it was so strange being back here after so long.

But her little rest was soon interrupted again as a knock was heard on her door, she groaned a little while she moved her head up to see the door slide open, and was greeted by her other sisters.
"Hey Viper! You feeling tired big sister?" Linjin teased a little slithering in with the others.
"I wouldn't blame you, we took over a week to make it here, i'd be passed out on my bed if it was time to sleep." Shiji said coming to her side while Viper smiled at them all.
"I honestly thought a Kung fu master would have more stamina, but i can't blame you after what's been going on lately. Beihe said as they all looked over her who stood up again.
"Traveling takes a lot out of you girls, how've you been since i last saw you?" Viper asked wondering what they've been doing.

"Oh you know the usual, practicing my fan dancing and shopping for fine clothing." Linjin said pulling out her fan again.
"I've been helping some children over at preschool's, i've been a fun teacher for them to have fun with." Beihe said excitedly before she took out a photo and showed her one of her and a bunch of kids at a small playschool together.
"And i've been traveling across China, learning more about it's long history, what Kung fu moves were made in certain places, that kind of boring stuff to you guys." Shiji said pulling up a notebook that was full of her in different spots in China, like the Great Wall of China for example.
"Wow, to me it seems like you've been just as busy as me, it makes sense why we haven't spoken with eachother in a while." Viper said impressed with what they've been doing.
"Hey, you've been doing the most work out of all of us sister, who knew you'd actually befriend a cute dragon who also knows kung fu like you do." Linjin said recalling how he reacted when meeting them.
"Yeah, who knew you were dating a real dragon! That's just amazing!" Shiji said amazed which caught Viper off guard hearing that.
"He's not my boyfriend Shiji, he's just, a really close friend, possibly closer to me then the rest of the 5 honestly." Viper admitted looking up at the ceiling to think.

"Oh? Closer then the rest of the 5 Viper? That was a strangely specific detail to know." Beihe teased which made Viper grumble a little.
"It's okay sis, we're just teasing you a bit, sorry. It's just a lot to know with how close you are with him." Linjin said rubbing her head to calm her down.
"Yeah, and from what i'm seeing, he was the one who got you this beautiful bracelet.. wasn't he?" Shiji asked looking at the beautiful bracelet she still had on her, Viper took a deep breath and smiled seeing that with her.
"Yeah, he did, it was a gift, and i gave him my prized ribbon in return, because i knew he would take care of it.." Viper said bringing the bracelet closer to her, she could even see her own reflection in the red gem in the center.
"Viper, i know that look all to well, we all d o. You do have feelings for him don't you?" Linjin asked as her sister laid besides her, Viper sighed and knew they would figure it out eventually, and it was pretty obvious at this point.

"I do girls.. i've felt this way for a while, he's been there for me just as much as i was there for him, ever since he joined me and the 5, we only grew closer each day, i was the closest one he was with during his first few months here, and things have only been getting better for us, but with all that's happening, it just didn't give me enough time to properly find a way to plan out a perfect way to do this with him.. i've.. felt this way for a while now.. " Viper admitted holding the bracelet close to her.
"Viper, you know we're here for you, and you being happy is something we all want to see, especially if it's with someone you love." Linjin said looking at the bracelet too.
"You have a great friend that cares for you Viper, even if we just met him, i already can tell too." Shiji said seeing how she looks right now.
"You girls sure you won't try and get his affection from family competition? I saw those smirks on your faces earlier, it made me worried what you may be thinking.." Viper asked which made them shake their heads.
"Of course not Viper, we were just thinking of ways that will help you confess to eachother, and we've gotten a few fun ideas on what to do." Beihe explained which surprised her a little.
".. what clothing are you gonna make me wear Linjin?" Viper asked already seeing through her idea.
"Oh sweet sister, you know me too well, but don't worry, i won't make it overbearing. Come on, we're about to head to the village." Linjin said helping her up.
"Let's hope dad's good enough for more slithering through town." Viper said hopefully moving out of the room with them.

Spike and Emily finished up with the chores they needed to do, and Emily helped Ethan out of bed for they're little walk today, they all met up with Viper and her sister's too and were walking down to the village for some time together. Viper's siblings had a simple plan for the two, they were gonna take Viper and Spike around the village to help them connect more, either from simple sights to see or fun events, it's just a little plan to help them grow closer, and maybe it will finally have them confess, but for now, the siblings just wanted the two to have fun with them today.

Spike and Viper's family made it back down to the valley, they all just admired the amazing place that was a home to them, what was once a small and simple village like most around China, was a large valley that felt like a sibling to the Valley of Peace, there were tons of villager's going about they're day and having fun with they're family's, and when they saw Viper's family all together, they simply gave friendly waves at them and looked at Spike with awe knowing a real dragon is actually here. Spike looked around the people and smiled seeing how happy they all were, it was a place Pinkie Pie would love seeing, she always loved to see one smile from having a fun time, and this was no exception.

But as he and Viper's family went through the place, a strange whistle was heard only by him, the whistle was slow, chilling, and felt like something one would hear when your completely alone in a dark, empty place. Spike's senses were going off strangely as he turned his head to a large crowd looking at them, but far in the back, was a strange wolf like figure with blood red eyes, and it seemed to be glaring directly at Spike, continuing the chilling whistle which made Spike's blood go cold, making him feel like only he was with him, and no one else was there to help him..

"Spike? Spike are you okay?" Ethan asked which snapped him out of the trance.
"Huh? What?" Spike asked confused looking at both Ethan and back at the crowd again, but that figure he saw just seconds earlier was gone in a literal blink of an eye, like he wasn't even there to them, but only Spike saw him clear as day.
"Um.. sorry about that, i was just.. lost in my thoughts.." Spike apologized rubbing his head while wondering who the heck that figure was.
"I see, but i can understand that Spike, you've got a lot on your mind i'm sure, it never hurts to ask others for help if you need it you know?" Ethan asked while the family was looking at him with concern.
"D.. Don't worry about me, i'm fine. I'd ask you if i needed it, but i'm good." Spike said brushing it off not wanting to draw the attention away.
"Well, we're always in earshot Spike." Emily said as they all regained focus on what to do while the figure was watching on from the shadows...

"So, what shall we do first guys?" Spike asked curious on what to do, and Linjin was the first one to answer before the other's could get they're idea out.
"Oh! There's a clothing shop not to far from here, i saw it on our way through here! You and Viper should come with me, i bet there's a great outfit for you two somewhere!" Linjin said excitedly which made Viper chuckle nervously.
"Yeah.. we're doomed.." Viper said quietly to herself with confused Spike a little.
"Oh come on Viper it sounds nice, i think you and Spike should have some time with each of your sister's, me and Ethan will go to the park with the rest while you three have fun." Emily said insisting they'd go with them.
"Well, this isn't the first time i've gone shopping for clothes, far from it honestly, i'm up for it." Spike said agreeing to this.
"Great! We'll meet back up in a bit girls!" Linjin said quickly grabbing the both of them and dragging them off with her.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how overboard do you think Linjin is gonna go with their clothing?" Shiji asked her sister.
"... ... 100 out of 10." Beihe said already feeling worry for what's gonna happen with them.

Spike and Viper were quickly taken through most of the village to this clothing shop Linjin saw, they turned dozens of corners and alleys when heading to it, Spike could already tell Linjin had some sense of Rarity in her, and from that hint alone, he already had a worrying idea on how many clothing she's gonna have them wear before buying, whether it's out of they're control or not.

Spike and Viper were lead to a really beautiful looking clothing shop, there were tons of colorful flowers on the sides of the shelves with windows with special glass paintings on them, there were tons of special looking clothing that consisted to tons of variety, from flower themed shirts with a violet red color to them, followed by diamond themed long sleeves that were for warmth, and heavy coats meant for long mountain hikes.

Spike and Viper were asked to put on tons of different choices, it really did confirm Linjin is like Rarity in ways with her clothing obsession, it was like she was trying to pick a specific piece of clothing for them to wear for today.
"Um.. Linjin.. are you sure this one is necessary?" Viper asked embarrassed as she was wearing a full on princess clothing with pink flower's on the side, while Spike was wearing a knight like suit which they had access to somehow.
"This.. suit is.. a bit heavy.." Spike said struggling to keep himself up. Linjin hummed to herself while looking at them.
"Nope, not what i need. But i think this will be perfect." Linjin said as she took out her fan.
"Wait, what are you.." Viper asked before she quickly circled around them with her van covering the screen for a moment.
"Now this is more like it!" Linjin said proudly as the screen now show's what they look like.

Spike was wearing a dark purple tuxedo with green outlines on most parts of it, it covered up most of his body and had a rose flower on it's right side, while Viper was now wearing a Chinese outfit that was mainly flower themed, with tons of sapphire blue's and diamond white flowers on all sides, they both were really surprised with this sudden change.
"Wha.. how did you change us so fast?!" Spike asked shocked with her skill which made her chuckle a little.
"A dancer never reveals her secrets darling, you two look absolutely fabulous!" Linjin said gleefully while Viper looked at it.
"This.. is actually really nice, i was expecting a dark punk theme to your next one or something." Viper admitted which made her laugh a little.
"Oh don't be silly Viper, that's way to far even for me." Linjin said as she went to pay for the outfits, Spike and Viper looked at eachother to talk while she payed for them.

"So she often did this with you guys back when you were little?" Spike asked making sure his tuxedo wasn't ripped or anything.
"Yeah, if there's one thing she loved, it was either fashion design and fan dancing, i cannot tell you how many hours we've wasted while she's still stuck deciding what dad should wear for an anniversary with mom." Viper said chuckling at that old and funny memory.
"She really reminds me of a friend i had back in Equestria, fashion was her main thing honestly, she and Linjin would be a nightmare for us if they did this kind of thing together." Spike said shivering at the thought of it.
"I shudder to imagine that.." Viper replied while Linjin came back to them with a ton of bags on her.
"I think that's enough for now you two, let's go and meet up with the others." Linjin said slithering out of the store with the others.
"At least this didn't last 5 hours.." Viper whispered to herself as they made they're way back to their family.

Spike already was seeing a lot of sibling energy just from Linjin alone, if she was like Rarity in a lot of ways, and Shiji acted like Pinkie, then Beihe may be like either Twilight or Rainbow Dash in some way, but he was glad to see just how well they were doing together even after all this time away from eachother. After some more walking, Spike and Viper followed Linjin into a open park just in the center of the village, there were tons of trees around for people to relax under, there were kids flying kites around with they're parents, and there were some river streams flowing through it for reflection. And they could see the rest of the family waiting for them at a small bench near the center, they already recognized it was them just from Linjin's outfit's they were given.

"Hey mom and dad, sisters, we're back!" Linjin announced while Emily and Ethan looked at the two while the sister's chuckled at their outfits.
"I take it my daughter didn't go.. too overboard with her clothing choices right?" Ethan asked Spike who tried finding a nice way to answer.
"From what i see here.. this may be one of her more.. under control days when choosing outfits, and believe me, i know how that is." Spike said sternly which made Emily chuckle a little.
"Well i must say you and Viper look great in those outfits together, you did a great job with helping them Linjin." Emily said to her who smiled proudly.
"I know how to help two people grow closer." Linjin replied which made all of them chuckle a little.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, what should we do next? There's a lot to see here i'm sure." Spike asked wondering what they're gonna do next.
"There's something really cool i saw just down the street! There's a dancing party happening today and i think it would be perfect for you two!" Shiji said excitedly which surprised them when hearing it.
"Dancing party?" Spike asked curious, but Linjin already came in to answer before they could even say anything else.
"I love it! I've been meaning to show other's how i've evolved! Come on!" Linjin said excitedly slithering ahead of them.
"Well i do love dancing, hopefully this outfit won't get in the way of it." Viper said while they started moving ahead to it too not really having a choice.
"Don't worry Viper, i'm sure it won't." Beihe assured as they walked through the streets some more.

Spike and Viper followed the family through the village even more while wondering what was next, to their surprise, there was a massive crowd around the east side of the village, there were tons of festivities around the place, from stands selling toy dragons and pottery plates, followed by tons of different foods being served all over the place for free. Was there a festival in town that they didn't know about when they came here?
"How did this all go unnoticed when we came through here?" Viper asked surprised to see all the people partying around like it was a casual thing.
"The valley often throws festivals to help bring joy to others, it's just a way of showing how much they care about they're home." Ethan responded since he's lived here longer then anyone here.
"Look at all the beautiful lights around the place!" Shiji said amazed looking at the numerous rainbow themed lights flashing around the place, and there were even some lights shaped like flowers moving around on the ground, and in an open area, there were a lot of people dancing together under the flowers.

"There sure are a lot of flowers around here.." Spike said acknowledging how much flower stuff there was here.
"This reminds me of when i got Viper her lotus flowers, they were just as beautiful as she was, and it just made me feel joy when seeing how much she loved them.." Ethan said looking at the pink flowers Viper always had on her head.
"Thanks dad, they were some of the best things i could ever get from you, that, and always being there for you when you needed it." Viper said giving him another hug.
"Just like how i always would be there for you.." Ethan said holding her close while the other's smiled at seeing this.
"Spike, you good with dancing?" Linjin asked with a smirk lookin gat him.
"Uh.. i've got some experience, i don't know about doing it here though.." Spike said not wanting to draw too much attention.
"Don't worry Spike, i'm sure you and Viper will amaze them all, come on!" Shiji said quickly grabbing them and bringing them to the center.

"Well, i guess we don't have a choice in this right?" Spike asked as he drew his ribbon to put on a show, while Viper was still weirded out with how they're doing this, she can't help but have fun with this right now.
"Just follow my movements Spike, i know how to amaze them." Viper said holding the ribbon too.
"Alright Vipes, take the lead." Spike said feeling better knowing she'll do this, Spike was suddenly spun around by Viper while Linjin took out her fan.
"Let's give these people a show Viper." Linjin said as she used her fan to switch them to different clothing somehow which was amazing the audience.
"She's really got a thing for dancing huh? Hard to believe that those two don't get aggressive when deciding who's the better dancer." Beihe said impressed as Spike was tossed in the air and spread out his wings, he shot a fire blast in the air to bring some more flare to it all before falling back down while twirling the ribbon around like a spiral.
"Viper's really learned a lot over the years, she's shown the village how great she is as a dancer, and i'm happy to know she's finding someone to teach those skills too." Emily said as Spike and Viper spun around on the flowers while twirling the ribbon around, Linjin tossed her fan in the air before jumping up too, and with a simple tail whip, she suddenly tossed around a ton of flowers to the audience to amaze them even more.

"Well to be fair sweetie, Linjin learned a lot alongside Viper, they're love for dancing is just as big as they're will to protect others.." Ethan said proudly while Spike was tap dancing now and was twirling the ribbon around with just one finger looking like he's having a fantastic time.
"I'm just glad to see our family is getting along so well like this, even after all this time apart, it's great to know we can still bond even after all these years.." Shiji said with a tear as Spike, Viper and Linjin did a final move and combined they're skills together to deliver a dazzling performance, Spike shot one final fire blast in the air and Viper jumped into it, she whipped the fire all around the sky to make it form a circle, and Linjin joined in and the two sister's twirled themselves around while Spike spun the ribbon around like a circle, the two directly fell into the ribbon and Spike caught them both with one hand and the fire dispersed finally and the ribbon had a glitter affect to it all as they finished off they're dance, the entire crowd cheered for the three of them and they all looked really proud from doing it.

"Wow, that was really amazing! I haven't' danced like this in a while, but i'm glad to have given them a great time." Spike said while taking heavy breaths.
"If there's one thing me and my sister know, it's always giving a fantastic show, especially if it's with a great friend.." Viper said softly looking at his eyes which made him chuckle a little.
"Thanks Viper.." Spike said gratefully while the two had they're little moment together, Linjin smiled at the two and went back to her family to give them a moment.
"A job well done." Linjin said proudly holding out her fan again while the other's chuckled.
"I'm proud of you girls, helping your sister grow closer with her friend like this is something you all should feel great about, if we keep this up during their time here, they may get together.." Ethan said before making a few more coughs from all the stuff that's happening which concerned them.

"Ethan sweetie, perhaps it's time we get you back to the house, i know it's almost sunset and there's more to do here, but we all shouldn't forget why we came here, its' to spend time with you." Emily said helping his head up while he took some more breaths.
"Yeah.. i guess that's a good choice, these people seem to be doing fine, there's no attacks, no reports of anything bad either, i think it's best we all head back and rest." Ethan said while Spike and Viper came out of their moment and heard this.
"So we're heading back to the house already?" Viper asked concerned seeing he was really tired.
"I'm afraid so, i'd like to have spent more time out here, but there's always tomorrow, you two can continue having fun here if you'd like?" Emily offered not wanting to ruin they're time together.
"I actually think we should help you back home daddy, i'll help make dinner, you ready to go too Spike?" Viper asked looking up at him who was looking around the place for something.

"I think i'll look around here for a bit more, maybe see if there's more stuff i could get for dinner, you just help him back to the house okay? I won't be long." Spike promised which did worry her a little, but she knew he'd be fine.
"If your sure Spike, just be safe." Viper said before she suddenly came up and kissed him on his cheek which made the siblings gasp in excitement while Spike's mind went blank for a moment.
"My my Viper, i didn't know you'd be so forward like that." Linjin teased which made her roll her eyes.
"It's just for a little luck, see you in a bit Spike." Viper said going over to her dad to help him back home while Spike regained focus.
"See you soon Vipes.." Spike said rubbing his cheek while he watched them leave, Viper's siblings giggled at his little blush he had before they left too, leaving Spike alone for now.

Spike took a few minutes to regain his focus before looking around the village, there must be somewhere that he could go to to have a little moment to himself, he just didn't want to get in the way of anything important right now, even if he's welcome to help out, but a little moment to himself wouldn't be too much right?
"Maybe i'll stop to get some drinks for tonight, a few fresh juices won't hurt anyone." Spike told himself as he went through the village while the crowed watched him for a moment before they just went back to what they were doing. Spike looked around the village some more and just couldn't help but admire how peaceful it was, given that it used to be attacked a lot, he's surprised he hasn't seen any crime here, though he shouldn't tell himself that so soon.

Spike looked around the village for what felt like half an hour, he kept on stopping by all the large dragon shrines that there were in certain parts of the village, even though he looks far different then compared to these dragons, with they're long bodies and can somehow fly without wings, either because of some magic they have or even a Kung fu technique, he just found it fascinating to know that even in other worlds, dragons have their own unique history that's different to Equestria's, he may not know much at all about his kind back home, but maybe there are some similarities to them here too, he just hopes they aren't as.. rude as the ones he's met are.

Spike was currently sitting by a pond within the park, the sun was just setting by now and there were some clouds moving around the sky, and were moving over the village, a lot of the villagers were heading into their homes to rest for tonight, while Spike thought he would be back at Viper's home by now, he just needed some time to himself. Spike was looking at a reflection of himself within a small stream of water going through the park, he just couldn't help but reflect on all that's happened recently, even if he's gotten used to being a Kung fu Master by now, and has been doing things other dragons could only dream of doing, there was just some parts of him that felt empty, he still never really knew who his family is, and despite him having the Viper and the others, he doesn't even have a single clue as to where he came from. And with what Oogway told him before he died, it made Spike think there may be more to it then meets the eye.

Spike sighed to himself while looking at his reflection, which showed some stars coming out from the dark sky as the sun was lowering even more.
"Why do i keep asking myself this? I have a great life here, i have friends, a great job and family, i know more then any other dragon does about Kung fu at this point, i'd easily kick Garble's butt by now, so why am i asking myself this? Am i being selfish again? Or is it something else.. just.. why are things like this happening so quickly? And how much longer will i have before Ethan.. goes.." Spike asked himself before he closed his eyes, he just didn't know what to think about at this point, despite him having almost everything he was wishing for after he left Equestria, there was just something missing from him, he didn't know what it was, and it kept on bothering him the longer he thought about it.

But while he was thinking to himself, a strange and familiar whistle was once again heard, the slow chilling tune that made Spike's blood go cold all of a sudden, Spike slowly opened his eyes, and he turned to his right to see a familiar wolf figure right besides him while he finished the tune, just hearing that whistle alone made Spike uneasy being around him, and from the looks of it, this figure may have been following Spike this entire day.

"Well well, if it isn't Spike the Dragon, the Dragon Master himself." The figure said chuckling sinisterly which made Spike concerned already, seeing the blood red eyes of his made it feel like he was staring into his soul, but he can't just stay silent for this.
"Um.. hi.." Spike said nervously while the figure remained silent for a moment.
"Forgive my intrusion, but i saw how well you danced earlier with Master Viper, you really drew my breath away when you performed, i'm just glad to be meeting such an icon that is protecting others." The figure said while Spike still felt something was wrong, he saw he had a couple sickles on his sides, which were extremely deadly weapons.
"T.. thanks, i learned all i knew from Viper, she's the best dancer i know, i'm glad that i was able to.. entertain you.." Spike replied while backing away from him a little.
"You know Master Spike, i've heard all the story's of you and your fights with the furious 5 and the Dragon Warrior, did all of you really take down over 1000 crocks when they invaded a fishing village a few months back?" He asked chuckling a little not wanting Spike just to leave yet.

"Uh.. yeah.. we kept up the fight for around an hour, even when the numbers were at odds, we were able to send them back to prison and made sure they won't cause trouble again, i myself was surprised that i took down like.. 200 of them." Spike said recalling that day.. which was shortly before Tigress and the fish incident.
"It amazes me that a Kung fu master can take down that many with your level of skill, i'm honestly surprised you weren't' the Dragon Warrior, you certainly are more deserving of it in my opinion." He said once more which made Spike shake his head.
"I've preferred just being the Dragon Master, Po earned that title with my help, but it was his determination and commitment to keep going is what helped him earn the title, all he needed to do was just believe in himself, it was what helped him be the warrior he is now.." Spike replied still really proud of how well Po pushed through what he went through.
"Ah yes, i've heard of it too, using the Wuxi Finger Hold to stop Tai Lung, killing him and saving the valley, with you using it on him too, i'm surprised a combined power like that didn't cause more damage to the valley itself after you used it, but i guess you were just that skilled." He said in what sounded like a mocking tone, but Spike wasn't wanting to pick a fight.

"I could've just let Po do it himself, nothing would've changed, but we were both in the moment, and had to do it since he wouldn't stop harming others, even though i still feel regret for having to do it to him. Death is always gonna come for us, whether we expect it or not, but i was hoping i could snap him out of his blind rage so he could move on peacefully when his time comes, i hoped that there was a way to save him, but i guess there was just no saving him.." Spike said feeling regret for what he did while the figure was interested.
"Your right on that, Death comes for everyone, whether they live for centuries or not, either if they lived a peaceful life or violent one, even if they make mistakes that would get his attention, they'll always go by his hand." He said walking around Spike while he was concerned hearing that.
"What do you mean by.. mistakes?" Spike asked wondering what that meant.
"Hmm? Oh don't mind that, it's just how i see it i guess." He said brushing it off while Spike was still worried.

"So.. do you have a name or..?" Spike asked not having it yet.
"Oh right, i haven't told you, my name is Lobo, i'm just a traveler taking a visit here, i travel all over to see how people handle things in separate places, even if a lot of the places i've gone to aren't full of many interesting people, unlike you of course." Lobo introduced and Spike flinched hearing that.
"So.. what brings you here then?" Spike asked standing up to stretch a little.
"I simply came here for the festival that was happening today, it's stuff like these that make me glad, seeing people enjoy their lives and value them, not knowing if they'd suddenly go tomorrow, or if something happens to them, i just appreciate other's value what they have when they're alive, and not doing anything reckless with them." Lobo explained which made Spike more suspicious of him.
"Well you don't have to worry about anything happening here, there hasn't been any trouble from what i've seen." Spike said looking around the village.

"Yet." Lobo said simply which confused him.
"What?" Spike asked turning back to him.
"You don't know that yet, there may not be anything now, but there always is something to expect, and i'm pretty sure you've been worried about something too, i can see it in your eyes." Lobo said looking directly at him, and he was right, that nightmare he had a couple nights back did worry him, especially if it's a vision or not.
"Even if something is coming, i know me and Viper can handle it, protecting the lives of others is something we're sworn to do as Kung fu master's, it's also because we just wanna keep people safe, if there's one thing about Death i appreciate, it's that it just makes me value my time in this world with them, especially with how close Ethan is to it.." Spike said feeling bad for him, Lobo was a little surprised hearing that coming from him, but quickly regained focus.

"That's something that can be foolish too you know, you don't know if this thing is beyond stopping, and if it is, would you be ready to face the horrors it may bring? Even if you may not come out of it alive?" Lobo asked looking at the mountains far off in the distance, which made Spike know he was hinting at something to come.
"Whatever does come, i won't let anything happen to this place, and i'll make sure whatever's coming is taken down." Spike said clutching his claws knowing his vision may be true.
"Hmm, that's good to know your confident, just know that whatever darkness is coming, i'm sure you'll stop it, i'm sorry to have made you uneasy, but it's just something a lot of people feel around me." Lobo said looking like he was gonna leave.
"It's.. okay.. i should get back to Viper and the others, i think it's almost time to sleep." Spike said spreading out his wings for a quick flight.
"If that's the case, good luck Master Spike, your gonna need it.." Lobo said while walking away, making a sinister chuckle while he did so, Spike knew something was up with him, it was like he was holding back a hidden rage in him, but Spike didn't want to cause any trouble, so he simply took off into the sky's back to Viper's house, just wondering what that person was wanting..

Spike flew back to Viper's house pretty quickly, the sun had set at this point and it was nighttime, the village was lit up by the lights that came from the houses, and it was like the view he'd often see back at the Jade Palace, it was a pretty beautiful sight to see, it was one of the things that made Spike feel relief when coming here, after all the worry he's had since that vision.
Spike quietly opened the door to not disturb anyone that may be asleep by now, he was pretty sure Ethan and the other sister's were asleep by now, but he wanted to be respectful when here. Spike quietly made his way's through the halls as all the light's were off at this point, Spike was feeling pretty tired himself by this point and knew some rest was in order after all this. Spike saw the door to Viper's room was open, which meant she may be waiting for him, he didn't expect him to be gone as long as he was, but hopefully he could explain this to her.

After a few more steps, Spike carefully slid open the door to her room, and like he expected, Viper was already on the bed waiting for him, she did look a little worried with how long it took to get back.
"Hey Viper, sorry about.. the wait, i just got caught up in some stuff." Spike said walking to the side of it.
"What kind of stuff Spike? You missed dinner, we thought you'd be back before dark?" Viper asked concerned looking at him.
"I just.. had a lot to think about, with all that's happened right now, and what we're going through, it just was a lot to process, and i needed time to myself, you can understand that right?" Spike asked hopefully while he layed down on a mat that was set up for him, Viper did look worried hearing that, but knew it was a good reason for some time alone.
"I can perfectly understand it Spike, to be honest, while i was waiting, i had to think about all of this to myself too. While i'm glad my dad's okay right now, we both know it won't be like that for long.. eventually.. he'll just be.. gone.." Viper said sadly thinking about him.
"I know, i'm really sorry Viper, but we both knew this was coming, but what's important is that we be there for him, as well as your sister's, they all came here for the same reason, to make sure he's happy and has his family with him. Just know i'm glad to be here for you, your sister's are really fun to be around." Spike said with a smile while covering himself up with a soft blanket.

"Thanks Spike, i just didn't think this all would come so fast, i haven't been here in years, and yet so much has changed, my sister's may still be hyper like they were before, and mom is still sweet and caring like always, but i just can't get the thought about how dad must be feeling right now, having so little time left with his family.." Viper said coming down to him, Spike just felt awful for this too, even if he was here for support, he didn't know how close they really were and still are, and it must be heartbreaking for them all.
"That just gives us all the more reason to appreciate what we have, even if we have weeks, or months left with him, he's still keeping his head up to see all of you, that's something any loving father would do, always be there for they're family.. that's something i know for sure.." Spike said while Viper coiled around his body.
"Thanks, but it's just.. hard to accept it, even when he goes.. i still won't believe it, after all he's done for the village, and my family, him being gone.. won't make me cry every time i think about him from then on.. knowing what he's done for us all.." Viper said with tears which made Spike rub her head for comfort again.

"It'll be okay Viper, no matter what happens next, i'll be there for you, i promise i'll help you all. I'm glad to have come here Viper.." Spike said with a smile which made her a bit happy too.
"I'm glad you came here too Spike, good night Spike, and thank you.." Viper said gratefully while she started to fall asleep.
"Good night Vipes.." Spike said as he fell asleep too finally, after this day, he knew things would get rougher, but he was hoping he could help in the best way he can. But far away from the village, within the mountains that were high in the sky, there was a dark crack that had opened within the center of it, and monsterous black claws were emerging from it, followed by roars of anger and fury..

25: Shadows Of The Village, Part 5: Monsters Of Darkness

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A couple weeks had past since Spike and Viper came to her old home, and since then, things have been going okay. While Ethan was getting weaker by the week, he was still able to move around and go out to the village, a lot of villagers were very sad to know that he was passing soon, since he's protected they're home for so long, they've been wanting to help honor him and thank him for when he goes. So the villager's often send gifts and letters that give a heartfelt speech for what he's done for the village and how many lives he's saved, it was something that made him have tears of joy knowing how grateful the villager's were for what he's done for them.

For Spike and Viper, they've been handling things alright when living here, Viper's siblings often crowded Spike and excitedly asked him questions about what his home was like, what adventures he's gone on with Viper, even asking him some stuff that Oogway taught him, since Spike did learn a good handful of moves, other then just the Wuxi Finger Hold, but that's something he wants to keep secret to himself for now. Viper's been spending as much time as she can with her father, she always gave him morning breakfast's to help him feel nice, and she and Ethan often talked about all they've been through during their lives, both together and apart from eachother. Emily's often been spending time with them too while Spike let's them do it by themselves, he wants to make sure that they have all the time they need, and Spike spends time with Viper's sister's to help them too.

But while Spike was glad to be here, and doing what he can to help out someone he really cares for and.. has a crush on.. he's still been worried about that nightmare he had, those monster's looked extremely strong and dangerous, they were like something out of a horror story, emerging from what looks like the underworld to reek havoc and cause destruction and pain, it gave Spike chills for whenever he thought of them. And not to mention that OTHER person he met, Lobo.

There was something different about him compared to the other people Spike's met, he felt like he was always watching him wherever he went, like he was a looming force that could never go away, and what he said about him needing luck for something that's coming, a danger that he may not come back from, it made Spike imply that he knew something was gonna happen, and it may indeed tie into those vision's he had, and Spike got more and more worried as the day's past, and was scarred of what will come.

But for now, Spike was just trying to enjoy what time he had with Viper's family, and did what he can to help them all. Spike may be worried about what's coming, but he hopes he and Viper will be able to stop it. It was around midday in Dragon Valley, tons of people were out and living they're day like usual, and nothing to big was happening. Spike was watching the view of the village from the top of Viper's home outside the porch, he could feel something was gonna go wrong today, and had to prepare for it. But as he thought of this, he decided to check on Ethan to make sure he's alright.

After a few more minutes of watching over the town, he made his way back inside the house to find him, Viper and Emily were in her room talking about some stuff with her sister's, either it's about what's going on with Ethan, or there's something else that he may not know about. But that wasn't his business as far as he knows, so he just politely went to Ethan's room to speak with him.

After a few more steps through the halls, Spike knocked on Ethan's door a few times to see if he's alright.
"Um.. Ethan? It's me Spike, are you in the mood to talk right now?" Spike asked hoping he would respond, and after a few seconds, he did hear something.
"No need to ask Spike, please come in." Ethan said from the other side which made Spike sigh in a bit of relief. Spike slid open the door to his room and saw he was still on his bed, there were tons of flowers and cards on the table's besides him that were from the villager's, it was a really sad but wholesome sight to see.
"Um.. hey Ethan, how are you feeling?" Spike asked before he coughed a little more again.
"I'm still feeling like i can stay awake for an entire day straight, heh heh.. is everything alright with you Spike?" Ethan asked as Spike went up to him.

"I'm.. okay.. i've just had.. a lot on my mind, all that's happening with you, and this village, it's something i haven't really experienced before.. i'm just worried for what's gonna happen for everyone when.. you.." Spike said with regret not wanting to finish that sentence, but Ethan understood it perfectly.
"No need to say more, i understand your concern. I have protected this village for most of my life, by myself. The older i got the harder it was to try to fight, but my daughter found her own ways to fight, even without proper fangs, she did so much for me and my home, it couldn't have made me more proud of her when she achieved a dream like that. Even when the odds were against her.." Ethan said looking over a family photo next to him.
"Yeah, she really did something amazing that day.. it was the moment she was able to prove herself.. and use what she loved to save everyone.." Spike said still amazed by that story, it was something she did that he never got, she was able to prove herself to her home and save everyone, while Spike never really got the proper chance to do something special himself..

"I can see something's bothering you Spike, do you.. want to talk about it?" Ethan asked seeing his worry's, it wouldn't surprise him since he's seen something like this many times before, so Spike decided to talk about it.
"I'm just.. really worried Ethan, for all that's happening, what Viper and your family is going through, and how the village is trying to handle it, it's just so much to try and handle with. I care about Viper a lot, and i don't want her to go through something so.. awful alone, she was the first real friend i had when i came here. And with what she's feeling right now.. i just don't know if i can do enough to help her.." Spike said sadly while sitting on the bed to think about this, Ethan knew this feeling all too well, it was something he had for the longest time too.
"I can understand that Spike, even for someone as strong as my daughter, she still has a lot of growing to do, and whether she knows it or not, she'll have to continue growing as a person, as her own warrior, even without me.." Ethan said putting his tail on his shoulder while Spike thought about it too.

"It's like how i had to handle things on my own without Twilight and the others, they were my family sure, but i never was able to do something as amazing as they were when i was still in Equestria, it may have just been because i wasn't able to find the right moment, when it was something that Twilight was always able to handle, i just never got my own moment to shine like Viper, Twilight, or the others. I was just.. sidelined for the longest time.. without ever knowing if i was gonna do something special in my life.. or if i was just gonna be without a proper moment to myself, something that defines me.." Spike said while reflecting on his time in Equestria, while he always loved and enjoyed what he did there, all those times Twilight and the other's got to do something amazing that built them up as legends, and heroes, Spike felt like he was never able to live up to them when living there, and it was just like how he felt before he came to the valley.
"Spike.. there is always gonna be a moment for you to prove yourself, even when you don't know it. You'll get that moment one day, no matter how long it takes. My daughter got her moment after a lot of time passed, and even when she didn't know it, she was able to do something special when the time suddenly came. I know you would've gotten it too, whether it's here or back in your home. There was always the chance for you to make something right." Ethan said leaning up to sit next to him.

While Spike was told this before, sometimes his doubts just hasn't left him, and he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to do something to help other's like how Twilight has, even after Tai Lung and all those missions he's gone on with the 5, it just didn't hit right, and Spike doesn't know if he's being selfish in wanting a proper moment, or a coward for not accepting what he has is enough.
"Even with what i have now.. i just feel like i'm not enough, what if there's something too strong for me and the other's to defeat? What if i fail to live up as the Dragon Master? What if.." Spike said while asking dozens of questions at once, but Ethan simply shushed him.
"There's always gonna be hope, even in the darkest moments, i felt like giving into despair once i was taken down by that thief who defeated me, but the light came through my daughter, who defeated him with her skills. And the same will happen with you, even when there seems like there's no hope, something will come from it. And that will be your moment, even when it doesn't' seem like much, just know that what you were able to do.. was something that made other's happy, and you are truly something special. We all are special Spike, especially you and my daughter's, I value them all with all my heart. And i know they feel the same." Ethan assured which was making Spike feel a little better.

"Y.. you really think that?" Spike asked turning to him who was smiling still.
"Of course, and the same goes for you Spike. My daughter likes you a lot, and i can tell you two have something special for eachother, and i just want you to know. Even when i pass on, i hope you'll be there for her, even if it's being more then a friend.." Ethan said while looking out his window to see the mountain view, Spike was feeling a bit better hearing that, he may just be overthinking things, even with his visions, he should at least try and live the moment.
"I promise i'll keep her safe, no matter what Ethan. Thank you for this.. so much.." Spike said gratefully looking out the window too.
"Your welcome Spike, anything for my daughter's friends.." Ethan said as the two had this moment to appreciate what they had still.

However, somewhere not too far from the village, there were two villagers currently going to get some water, thinking nothing would go wrong right now.
"You sure we can't just give Great Master Viper some more gift cards? I think he's been loving the ones we've sent him." A duck asked while they put the water in a bucket.
"I think we should try and up our appreciation for him, he's not gonna be around much longer. It's best we show him the best respect we can." Another one said casually taking another bucket.
"It's really sad to know he's passing, i'm just glad his family's there for him, especially that a real dragon has come to help. Of all the things i never thought to see, a real dragon isn't one of them." The duck said still amazed at Spike coming here.
"I agree with that, let's just get this water back to the houses, some flowers would go along nicely." He said ready to go, the other nodded and was about to leave too.. until a loud crash caught they're attention and spooked them.

"What was that?!" The duck asked worried on the loud sound, they both looked to where the crash was and saw some strange broken crates that led into a dark valley.
"Hello.. is.. anyone there?" The other asked as they slowly approached it, they looked deep into the darkness and couldn't see anything from where they were, but a sudden aggressive growl was heard which was scarring them.
"Who.. who's there?!" They asked scarred while backing up a little. While they did get they're answer, they got it in the worst way possible. A long monsterous claw suddenly emerged from the darkness and clawed on the ground which made their eyes widen in shock.
"What the...?" The duck asked scarred as the creature slowly came out of the darkness. They're looks soon turned to terror as they saw the monster emerge, it was a strange monster that was completely made from the shadows, it's sized towered over them both, and it looked like a demonic bird with glowing red eyes, and razor sharp claws that could cut through the toughest objects. The two villagers were backing up with terror as the things body twitched in an unnatural way, like it was both alive and dead at the same time. The monster soon turned it's attention to them, and made a demonic screech which made them scream with terror.
"RUN!!!" They screamed while the monster flew in the air and they ran for they're lives as the monster made another demonic screech.. and this was followed by more monsters emerging from the darkness. large.. horrific beasts that were filled with a rage unlike any other, and they all roared as they charged into the village...

Meanwhile with Viper, she and her siblings were in her room discussing something, since they had been helping eachother this entire time since they came here, Viper's siblings were working out on trying to help Spike and Viper go out together.
"You girls sure about this? I know me and Spike like eachother a lot, but do you think it's a bit.. too soon?" Viper asked a bit nervous on what to do, but her sister's were confident she can do this.
"There are plenty of options for you to go with here Viper, this village has tons of lovely places where the two of you can confess, we've been looking all over, and we have a few places in mind that could finally help one of you confess." Linjin said helping Viper with another outfit to use today.
"Spike's a very sweet person Viper, especially since he's the only dragon we've ever met! I think you two are perfect for eachother." Shiji said gleefully while Viper was still reluctant on this.
"I don't know girls, i've been doing it great as just friends, but as lovers? I don't know if that would work the same." Viper said nervous on what to do, Beihe shook her head and slithered up to her to help out.

"Viper, we know you can do this, you two are closer then anyone in your group, you've always spent as much time as you can together, and Spike was willing to come here to help you through what we're going through. You and him are perfect for eachother, and you will know it when you finally ask him, or he asks you." Beihe advised while she took a moment to think about this.
"Do you.. really think it'll work?" Viper asked looking at the new dress she was in.
"I'm sure of it Viper, just go up and ask him to come to the village with you, find a nice place to spend time together, and when the time comes, just tell him how you feel." Linjin said sweetly rubbing her head, Viper looked at the bracelet Spike had gotten her, and just loved what it was. It showed it was a true sign that they cared for eachother, from how much they've spent time together, it was more then just friendship at this point, and they both knew it by now.
"Your right girls, i'll go see if he's wanting to come to the village, you three can take care of dad right?" Viper asked hopefully.
"Like you need to ask sister." Shiji said confident in this.

And with that assurance, Viper slithered out of her room to see if Spike is wanting to go with her, and just at that moment, Spike was leaving Ethan's room after that talk with him, he had a bit more relief after that talk, and was wondering what to do next. But that resulted in them almost bumping into eachother.
"Oh uh.. hey Viper, you.. doing alright?" Spike asked seeing her regain her focus too.
"Oh i.. I'm fine Spike, were you.. in my dad's room just now?" Viper asked seeing he came out of it.
"Yeah, me and him just had a nice talk with eachother, with all that's happening right now. A little time together is something we all need you know?" Spike asked while the two began walking down the hallway together to the living room.
"Of course i can totally understand that. In fact.. i was hoping to ask you something." Viper said which caught his attention.
"And what would that be Vipes?" Spike asked curiously, Viper was a bit nervous to ask him this, but was confident enough to do it.

But before Viper could even ask, they heard loud bells that sounded like an alarm which got they're attention.
"Viper? What is that?!" Spike asked while the bells rang rapidly, this got the attention of Viper's family too and they quickly came out to group up, even Ethan got out to see what's happening.
"Viper! What's going on?!" Shiji asked worried about the alarm, but Ethan recognized it instantly.
"It's an distress call! It means the village is being attacked!" Ethan declared which scarred all of them.
"What?!" They all asked horrified to hear this, but Spike and Viper knew what they had to do, and looked at eachother with a serious face.
"Mom, Dad, you and the girls stay here, me and Spike will handle this." Viper said taking off the dress Linjin made which did disappoint her a little.

"Viper, we don't know what we're facing, we have to think this out!" Shiji said trying to stop them, but they were already heading to the door to check it out.
"We've faced tons of bad things before, we plan things out during the fight. Let's go Viper." Spike said holding out his hand, Viper took it and she slithered up onto him while he opened the door.
"We'll be back soon, don't worry about us!" Viper shouted while Spike opened the door and ran out.
"Viper, Spike wait!" Ethan shouted before Spike spread his wings and took off to the village, they already heard screaming from just below their home, and knew whatever was happening, wasn't a good thing.
"Come on, we have to go after them!" Emily said slithering down too.
"We have to help, let's go girls!" Beihe said slithering after them too with the other's following too.

Back down at the village, things were in chaos right now, whatever these monster's were, they were ferocious, there were dozens of them, the villager's were screaming with fear while they tore down dozens of parts of the village, they had a look of pure malice, and were intending to kill. The monsters roared with rage while they spread throughout the village, one of them went near the water staples and tore through most of the houses which made the people inside scream with terror. Some of the demonic birds flew in the air and screeched over the village's destruction, there were smoke signals coming out from multiple areas, and even some houses were seen to be catching fire..

Spike flew down as fast as he could with Viper holding on tight, Spike had a fear of something that was coming to cause terror, he just didn't know when they would come. Spike could hear the screams getting louder and he sped up even more. And after a few more seconds, Spike landed on the ground creating a crater from the impact, Viper quickly got off him and they struck they're fighting poses.
"Come on Viper, let's see what we're up against!" Spike shouted running ahead with her.
"Right! Let's go!" Viper shouted keeping up with him the best she could. The two ran through the village as fast as they could, they could see the villagers screaming with fear while running away from their direction, their looks turned to worry as they could see multiple houses were already on fire, whatever they were facing, it was not playing around.

And they're running soon came to a halt as they heard a loud roar.
"What was that?!" Spike asked getting in his pose.
"I don't know, stay close Spike." Viper said while they were back to back with eachother. The two circled around the area, and tried finding where that sound came from, but the roar was heard again that came from their right. They soon turned to it and saw another dark looking alley just ahead of them.
"Whoever's in there, show yourself!" Spike roared sharpening his claws, the got another response with a growl of rage, and they could feel the ground shake as the creature came out. But they're looks turned to shock as they see what came out of it, they saw what looked like a demonic looking wolf, bearing claws that could tear through statues easily, sharp white teeth that made a shark's look pathetic, and red eyes that were a blood red color, whatever this creature was, it was not normal.

"What.. is that?!" Viper asked shocked as the creature slowly made it's way to them, and this was followed by multiple creatures of darkness coming out from behind it, it was in a pack, and they all growled at them with rage before they suddenly lunged at them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted before he dodge rolled out of a claw slash. Spike roared at the creature and tried to deliver a strong punch to it, but the wolf suddenly jumped high in the air which surprised him, the wolf twirled around as it began to fall back down before trying to deliver another slash to Spike, but he quickly backflipped out of the way as it landed down and missed which knocked Viper a way a bit.
"What are these things?!" Viper asked starting to get scarred while she tried slithering out of more slashes.
"I don't know, but be careful!" Spike shouted while they charged at the monsters again.

Spike ran ahead just a bit before trying to deliver a leg sweep, but the demonic wolf jumped in the air again and twirled around to slash him again, but Spike saw it coming now, and dodged right as the wolf slashed and caught it's claw, Spike then used his strength to twirl it around at fast speeds before he threw it into another one, Viper slithered her way out of more slashes, and used her sharp tail to whip it in the face, Spike followed it up by delivering a roundhouse kick to the wolf's jaw and broke it from the impact which sent the monster to the wall which made it disappear somehow.
"Is that how these things go down?!" Spike shouted before he suddenly dodged another wolf lunging for his throat.
"It must be, but that still doesn't explain what these things are!" Viper shouted before she wrapped her tail around another wolf's neck and slammed it to the ground with her strength.

The demons surrounded the two once again, and Spike had a little idea, Spike and Viper both jumped in the air and Spike took a deep breath, Viper wrapped her tail around Spike's leg just as they landed down, and with a battle cry, Viper twirled Spike around at fast speeds while he unleashed a stream of fire on a bunch of the demons, Viper soon let go and Spike ran up to another to deliver a combo, he slid on the ground right next to the monster and delivered a strong kick to send it in the air, he then jumped up and kicked the monster back with dozens of combo kicks, this was followed by him whipping his tail around the monster till he was behind him and grabbed the monster's own tail, and it was finished off by spinning the demon around again before he slammed it to the ground to the others which finished them off.

Spike and Viper took deep breath's while taking in this little moment they had.
"Spike, do you know what these things are?" Viper asked looking around for any more. Spike was breathing heavily while trying to think of this, those monster's weren't like anything they've faced before, they were tough, and ferocious, and they felt like something out of a horror film. But while he tried thinking of this, Spike suddenly remembered the vision he had, the nightmare that showed him these very monster's emerging from what may be the underworld. A crack in the mountain, having darkness spread out of it, followed by these very monster's emerging and roaring with fury. Spike gasped in shock while he finally realized what these things are..
"Spike? What's wrong?" Viper asked worried while he was in a state of shock.
"Demons.. they're.. demons.. i don't know how i know it.. but i just.. do.." Spike said with fear which made her look horrified.
"Demons?! How could they possibly be here!?" Viper asked horrified hearing this.
"I.. I.." Spike said trying to explain this, but they're talk was stopped once again when they heard multiple screams coming from the area.

They looked around the area and heard people screaming with terror followed by loud roars, they both realized the villager's were in trouble, and they had to go now, but Spike knew something was wrong, if they focused on one group together, it would risk the villager's dying, so they had to do one thing for this...
"Viper.. we have to split up for this.. there are too many of them, and we can't take them all together." Spike instructed which made her worried even more.
"What?! Spike if these things are demons, then we need to stick together on this! We may not be strong enough to stop them on our own!" Viper argued refusing this, but Spike knew they were low on options.
"Viper, we don't have much of a choice. There are dozens of these things around here, if we stick together, we won't be able to save everyone, we need to split up and try and fight them on our own. There are lives at stake right now, and we can't waste another minute here." Spike said looking at the surrounding fire around some of the houses.

"Spike.. what if they're too strong when we're on our own, we have to be together for this, we always are.. right?" Viper asked hoping he would stop this.
"We always are Vipes, but we need to save the villager's lives right now, i don't wanna do this just as much as you do, but we need to split up. I'll head to the park to see what's going on, you try and make sure the people in the marketing area are alright, okay?" Spike asked kneeling down to her, Viper had a look of worry and fear for him hearing this, this wasn't something they've faced before, while they may be able to take it together, fighting them alone may not be the best, but they have no choice on this..
"Spike.. promise me we'll make it out of this, there was still something i've been wanting to tell you.." Viper said holding his claw while he was worried too.

"I promise you we will Viper, and i've been.. wanting to tell you something too, once this is over ,we'll both tell it alright? We'll make it through this, i promise." Spike said before he suddenly gave her another hug, but she quickly leaned into it as this was a moment she needed.
"Be careful sweetie, your a great friend, the best i could ever have. And i don't want to lose you." Viper said holding on tight.
"Your the best person i've ever met Viper, don't forget that." Spike said pulling away for a bit.
"I won't Spike, just be careful." Viper said while the two let go of eachother and Spike spread his wings again.
"I will, you be careful too, please." Spike said before he took off into the skies again at fast speeds, Viper sighed to herself being really worried for him, but she had one task right now, and she quickly slithered off to the markets to see if there's any more of these creatures here.

Viper's family made they're way back down to the village as fast as they could, they all were really worried on what was going on, Spike and Viper took off quicker then they could plan things out, and they were most likely fighting whatever was attacking the village, they all helped Ethan down to the village and saw there were multiple buildings on fire, they could hear screams of fear and strange roars that gave them all chills. They all looked around with horror at what they were seeing, as the village was never in such an awful state before.
"Our home.." Ethan said with horror seeing the village he's protected for so long being attacked like this.
"It'll be okay Ethan, we have to find Spike and Viper." Emily said worried for them.
"It's best we try the park, i think Spike will be there by now." Shiji suggested looking around for the monster's.

"Good idea, me and Ethan will try and find Viper, please be careful you three, your not as skilled as they are." Emily said really worried for them.
"Don't worry mom, even if we aren't master's like them, we still have our fair share of skill." Linjin said taking out a metal fan that was pretty sharp.
"Where did you get that?!" Beihe asked shocked at seeing such a thing.
"It's a long story, come on girls, let's go!" Linjin shouted before slithering out to the park, Beihe and Shiji quickly followed behind while Ethan and Emily were alone, Ethan made a couple more weak coughs as a result of the smoke which worried Emily a lot.
"You sure you wanna be here for this? I can take you back to the house." Emily said really worried for him.
"No.. i can't leave my village unprotected, we have to find Viper, come on, i have an idea on where she is." Ethan said slithering ahead while Emily was just really worried for him, but she quickly followed suit in hopes they could help the people.

Spike hurried in the direction he heard the screaming as fast as he could, he was trying to process what was going on. The very creatures he's had nightmares about recently were here, they were causing so much chaos he and Viper needed to split up, Spike and Viper always often fought together during attacks like this, but this is different. Whatever caused these demons to be unleashed, they had to deal with them soon, or they may cause more trouble to other villages, including the Valley of Peace.

Spike hurried to where the screams were coming from the quickest he could, and was finally nearing the park. Spike slid to a halt to see what was going on, and his eyes widened in fear with what he was greeted with. Several of the buildings were on fire, the trees of the park that once inhabited the place were chopped over and were on the ground, even the dragon statues were almost destroyed by these demons who've attacked the area. Spike was breathing heavily while trying to process all of this, he hasn't been in a situation so dire before, even with what he's faced with Po and the 5, literal demons aren't on the list, Spike heard another demonic screech from just above him and quickly looked up.

Spike's eyes widened in fear as he saw even more of these monsters, but these ones were different, they were demonic bird monsters with wings that looked like sharp knives, talons that could cut through ones body with no trouble at all, and beaks that were so sharp you'd mistake them for the tip of a blade.
"Aw come on, these things can fly now?!" Spike asked annoyed spreading out his wings getting ready to fight.
"Help!!" A voice cried out which suddenly stopped him, Spike quickly turned to where the voice was coming from and looked horrified as he saw some villager's trapped in the burning houses!
"Hold on! I'm coming!!" Spike shouted running to the house, but his rescue was halted when the demonic bird swooped in and tackled him down, Spike was pinned by the throat to a fallen tree and was being chocked out. Spike groaned in pain as the monster screeched at him, it's strength was so strong, it felt like it was trying to break his neck from holding him down. But Spike wasn't wanting to die like this.

Spike took a deep breath the best he could before breathing out another stream of fire in the monsters face which made it screech in pain letting Spike go, he gasped for air before quickly tail whipping the thing away to recover. Spike roared at the monster and it screeched back before spreading it's wings, and to make things worse, 10 more of these bird demons landed besides him and outnumbered him and they screeched as they surrounded him.
"Give me a break.." Spike said annoyed as they all charged at Spike. Spike jumped in the air just as they reached him which made them crash into eachother, he flipped around in the air before falling back down to deliver another strike, he landed on one of the monster's heads and quickly jumped off each one in a circle, this was followed by him kicking the monster's in the faces and slashing at them with each jump, Spike then twirled around the monsters and backflipped away from them and landed on the ground, the monster's soon recovered from Spike's attack and roared with rage and charged at him once again at super fast speeds which was extremely surprising for Spike.

Spike couldn't even react before one of them slashed at his chest and knocked him to the air, Spike groaned in pain while trying to recover, but another one of them grabbed his legs and squeezed it tightly, Spike screamed even more before the monsters slashed at him from multiple areas while being thrown around, and was sent flying back to the ground which made a crater. Spike groaned with pain while trying to get up, that attack hit really hard, and he had multiple scars on his body from them.
"I can't.. give up." Spike said weakly while getting back up, he quickly turned back to the villager's and saw they were still trapped, and what's worse, the fire was spreading, and the house was on the verge of collapse.
"No! Hang on!!" Spike shouted trying to save them again, but the monster's suddenly landed in front of him and blocked his path, the birds towered over him and screeched with rage which made Spike furious for them blocking his path.
"Get out of my way!!" Spike shouted getting back in his fighting pose.

Spike was about to engage with these monsters again, but something suddenly whacked the one in front of them in the face which surprised him, Spike looked to where that weapon came from and saw it flying around, it looked like.. a fan?
"What?" Spike asked shocked before he saw the fan fly down somewhere, and to his surprise, a familiar snake caught it with her tail, and she was right next to her sister's who were ready to fight, it was Linjin, Shiji and Beihe.
"Spike!" They all shouted slithering up to him while the monster's recovered and roared again, they attempted to attack the snakes but Spike used his wings to deliver a powerful Shoryuken to the on of them that sent it in the air.

"What are you doing!? Get out of here! It's too dangerous for you!" Spike shouted before grabbing the monster's leg and slamming it down, but Spike didn't have much more time to react before he was suddenly attacked by another one of the birds who looked even madder. But Linjin used her metal fan to knock it down.
"We aren't gonna let these monster's harm our home!" Shiji shouted before she bit down on one of the monster's with her fangs, while Viper didn't have fangs, they had fangs that were really sharp, and most likely had poison.
"You aren't alone on this Spike, speaking of which, where is Viper?!" Beihe said worried before she flipped out another claw slash and hissed at the monster.
"She's at the marketing area, let's save those people before going to her!" Spike shouted landing back on the ground, the monster's roared at them all and Spike and the siblings hissed at them in response, Spike then charged at the monster's with the siblings beside him, and they all screamed with rage while the monster's charged at them.

Meanwhile for Viper, she had made it to the market area just like she was instructed, and the place wasn't in the best shape either, dozens of shops were burned down and destroyed from the monster's, and tons of once beautiful festival decorations were destroyed and it looked like a place of despair. Viper was currently fighting off the monster's too the best she could, she was facing these demonic bears that were horrific looking, half of they're faces looked like they were burned off before death, and they're other side's showed the feral look of a monster on the hunt.

One of the monster's roared at Viper while she tried fighting them off, Viper grabbed one of the broken stables and chucked it at the monster to try and bring it down, but it barely did anything and it just made it more mad. The monster's roared at her which made her gasp in fear, one of the monsters suddenly charged at her so fast Viper couldn't even react before the monster slashed at her chest, Viper was thrown to one of the walls around the area as a result and tried getting up.
"These things are.. really tough.. i have to keep moving.." Viper told herself getting back up, Viper was trying to get up, but she had heard another one of the monster's roars once again. She quickly looked up and saw the monster had jumped in the air and was trying to smash her. She quickly slathered out of the way just as it smashed down, but the attack created an impact wave which sent Viper flying a bit from the powerful move. Viper was slammed against another staple once again and groaned in pain while trying to recover.

Viper pushed the rubble out of her way and tried seeing where these monster's were, but she already saw the monster's charging at her which making her scarred. She yelped right as one of them slashed at her, but Viper quickly jumped out of the way just as it slashed at her, she then went into the air and tried to deliver a tail whip on it, but it quickly grabbed her tail which was shocking, Viper screamed as she was being tossed around at fast speeds, slammed against the ground and fire that was surrounding them all, the monster roared once again before it tossed her into the streets a good distance away from them, Viper's body tumbled all over while being dragged on the ground at fast speeds. She finally stopped as she was slammed against a dragon statue at the center of the market area.

Viper groaned in pain while she tried getting up, she's faced extremely tough foes before, even more then Spike has before he joined them, but these were something else, and Viper was just worried for Spike with how strong they are. Viper tried getting up from the pain that was inflicted on her, her body had multiple burnt marks on her from the constant dragging she just went through, and even some of the slash marks were on her that looked worse then what Tai Lung did to her, it was a pain she hadn't felt in a long time, but she had to push through it.
"I can't.. fail my home.." Viper told herself while getting up again, but she heard yet another roar from the same creatures and saw them charging at her, Viper had a look of fear as the monster's charged at her, and was bracing herself for what's to come.

Emily and Ethan made they're way through the village as fast as they could, they could see there were these black monster's attacking the village relentlessly, Ethan looked horrified seeing what was a peaceful and well developed village being destroyed in such little time. What's worse, they couldn't find they're daughter anywhere.
"Viper! Where are you?!" Emily shouted looking around for her.
"Please say something!" Ethan begged trying to find her, they got an answer when they heard a cry of pain followed by a loud roar, they quickly looked ahead and saw Viper being thrown into another building from the monster's. The monster's roared with rage while Viper tried getting up, her body was feeling weak and these monster's were not stopping, both parents had a look of terror seeing they're daughter injured like this, and didn't want it to keep happening.

"Viper!" Ethan shouted with fear before trying to go save her, but Emily grabbed his tail to stop him.
"Ethan, please don't! These monster's are far too strong for you, you save Viper, i'll hold them off!" Emily said about to go, but Ethan refused to let his wife potentially die.
"No, it's my duty to protect you and my village, i will not let my home fall to these beasts!" Ethan shouted slithering to the monster's which scarred Emily.
"Ethan!!" Emily shouted with fear slithering after him, but she heard Viper cry with pain even more and that quickly got her attention, she saw Viper was trying to continue fighting, but she was in a state where her body was too injured to keep going, and she needed help.
"Viper, hold on!" Emily shouted quickly moving up to her to save her.

Viper was feeling weak, whatever she tried doing to fight these monster's only resulted in her getting more hurt, she felt like she was right on this matter, she and Spike should've stayed together for this. And if he's experiencing this kind of pain too, it was only another point that proved her right.
"Viper! Are you alright?!" Emily asked which got her out of her thoughts, she looked up and saw Emily was here somehow, and she helped Viper out of the rubble.
"I'm.. alright.. what are you doing here? It's not safe for any of you.." Viper asked trying to recover.
"We won't let our family fight alone, this is our home. And you are our daughter." Emily said slithering out with him. But they heard one more roar from those demons again, and had a look of fear when turning to their direction.

They could see more of these beasts getting back up from whatever knocked them down, they had a look of fury and growled with rage, they pulled out they're razor sharp claws and slashed through whatever was in they're way when rushing at them, thunder was heard from above them and they could see lightning flash in the sky, the clouds above them had grown dark and and had covered up the last of the blue sky that was here before. The monster's roared while the thunder clapped, it was like a sign of the despair to come for them both.
"Viper, do not look." Emily said turning her away as the monster's charged at them.
"Mom.." Viper said with fear as the monster's lunged at them while the lightning flashed all over them. But something stopped them from attacking, and a long tail whipped them in their faces which knocked them down and they roared in pain.

Viper and Emily heard the commotion and looked up to see what caused it, and to their surprise, they saw Ethan was going still, even on the verge of death, he's still a fighter, and he hissed at the monster's with rage.
"Leave my family alone!!" Ethan hissed with fury, the monster's had soon recovered from the little whip they were hit with, and soon saw Ethan standing against them. The monsters roared once again before charging at Ethan, and being the heroic fighter he is, he charged at them too to protect his family which worried Viper and Emily.
"Dad don't!" Viper warned trying to stop him.
"Ethan, please!!" Emily shouted while Ethan engaged in battle with the monsters.

Meanwhile with Spike and the sister's, Spike was struggling against the monsters, no matter how many they knocked down, even more was coming. Spike and Viper's siblings were all against eachother while the monster's surrounded them. Spike flipped over another one of the birds slashes and tried kicking it in the face, but the one next to him grabbed Spike's leg and slammed him down to the ground again, this was followed up by the monster delivering a strong slash to him and Spike was sent spiraling out of the way from it, Viper's siblings were trying to fight the monster's off too, and had to separate in order to do so. Spike groaned in pain while getting up, his body was feeling exhausted, this was the most exhaustion and pain he's ever felt since he came here, even the training he went through didn't compare to this. Spike could hear thunder ruble and saw lightning flash through the sky, this was to represent the dark moment everyone was going through, and Spike was trying to push through it.

"Help! Please!!" The villager shouted again which worried Spike even more, Spike turned to where the house was burning and had a look of terror with what he saw, the house was almost completely on fire, the duck was terrified as the fire was nearing him closer and closer, and what's worse, the house was looking like it's gonna collapse, and Spike needed to hurry.
"No! I won't let you die!!" Spike shouted trying to push through his strength, Viper's siblings were trying to fight through the monster's the best they could, Shiji used her fangs on one of the birds and bit down on it's neck to stop it, for whatever reason, their venom was able to stop them, which did give them a little advantage, Linjin was using her metal fan and slashing against the monster's like a professional dancer, combining her dancing skills with fighting in order to fight them off. Beihe had wrapped her tail around one of the monsters necks, and slammed into one of the statue repeatedly to stop i from recovering.

"Get. Out. Of. Our. Home!!" Beihe screamed before she slammed the monster through it completely and the monster disappeared as a result, Beihe took a few deep breaths while her siblings took down their foes too. They could hear winces from Spike and quickly turned to where he was, they saw he was trying to make his way to the burning building trying to save the villager, his body was limping from the attacks done on his body, and was looking weaker with each step.
"Spike! Hang on!" Linjin shouted before they tried to save him, but lightning suddenly flashed once again and that blinded they're eyes for a brief moment, and when they opened them a gain, they had a look of terror as they saw one of the demons right behind Spike with one of it's claws raised at him.
"Spike look out!!" Shiji shouted trying to warn him, Spike quickly turned around from hearing that warning, but he wasn't fast enough to react to what happened next.

Lightning flashed once again which blinded everyone from the attack, but this was followed up by a cry of agony which horrified them all, when the sister's opened they're eyes, their looks turned to horror from what they saw, Spike was on his knees holding his right side with pain, they could see him holding back tears from his eyes, they all gasped with horror from seeing this, and what's worse.. Spike's former right arm was on the floor, after it was completely sliced off..
"Spike!!" Linjin shouted with horror before quickly slithering up to him, she took out her metal fan and made a hiss of rage before she slashed at the monster with fury, Shiji and Beihe lunged at the monster and bit down they're fangs at it with fury, they injected every ounce of venom they could into the monster to finish it off. The monster cried with pain as it was hit like this, and it fell to the floor and disappeared finally.

The siblings took a deep breath before turning their attention to Spike, he was barely able to stand up from the pain he was feeling, he was crying with pain and tried holding back what he could, but the loss of one of his arms was too much for him.
"Spike, it's gonna be okay!" Shiji said while they tried helping him up, they tried to help him, but they heard a cry of pain once more and looked terrified, they had been so focused on these monster's, they forgot what was really important. They quickly turned to the building that was on fire, but to their horror, they saw the innocent villager being crushed inside the collapsing building, along with anyone else that was in there..
"No.. NO!!!!" Spike screamed with terror and pain as lightning flashed again, all of them breathed heavily with fear and sadness seeing this, they were feeling rain fall down on them as a result of the weather, and the rain soon turned into a harsh downpour that fell on them while Spike felt pain and sadness.
"No.. we couldn't have failed.. we can't.." Spike said weakly before he almost fell on the ground again, Viper's siblings tried to help him again, but the pain was too much, and he passed out from the pain that was caused.
"No.. no! Spike! Please wake up!" Linjin shouted trying to help him, they all surrounded him and tried to help him however they could.. but all they could feel was fear and sadness for what's happened.

Meanwhile with Ethan, he was making battle cry's while he tried fighting off the monster's, he was holding his own fairly well for his age, but it clearly was showing, he was pretty slow and wasn't reacting fast enough, and even with the strong strikes he was delivering, they clearly were outmatching him, and even with the skills Ethan had, it wasn't enough for them.
"Leave.. my family.. alone!" Ethan shouted trying to fight them off still, Ethan dodged another slash from the monster's and injected more venom into the monster's, he figured out the venom was able to stop them, and tried to get close to them the best they could.
"Ethan please stop!!" Emily begged while he kept fighting them off, but one of the monster's came behind him and slashed at his back to knock him down, the monster raised it's claws in the air and tried to kill him, but Ethan rolled out of the way just as they slashed at the ground.
"Dad please!" Viper begged while Ethan wrapped his tail around the monster, he used what strength he had to throw it into the air, he then lunged in the air and delivered multiple tail slashes at the monster, he then stabbed the thing through the chest and finally made it disappear before he weakly landed back down.

Ethan breathed heavily as he thought he finished the last of them.
"Viper.. Emily.." Ethan said weakly turning to them. The two were about to make they're way to him until a large shadow came directly behind him.. and raised it's claws..
"Dad! look out!!" Viper screamed which got his attention, he tried to turn around to see what was behind him.. but he was too late, lightning flashed once again as the monster slashed directly through Ethan's body, Viper and Emily gasped with horror with the horrific sight they were seeing, Ethan cried in agony as the monster held his body in the air.
"DAD/ ETHAN!!!" Emily and Viper shouted at once. Ethan breathed weakly as the monster was going to finish him off, but he was going down with honor for this.
"No one.. harms.. my.. family.." Ethan said before he turned around and bit down on the monster one final time. Ethan injected what venom he could to finish this monster off for good, it cried with pain which finally made it let him go. Ethan fell on the floor and could barely move while the monster disappeared from being defeated finally. Whatever these creatures were, they were done for now, but they had a fear that they would be back.

Viper and Emily quickly went over to Ethan to try and help him, he was breathing really weakly after that last slash, he could barely move and it looked like he was finally going..
"Ethan it's gonna be okay sweetie, we're gonna get help!" Emily said trying to help him up, but Ethan slowly put his tail on hers to stop.
"No.. it's.. too late for me.. there's nothing to be done.." Ethan said between breaths which was starting to make them cry.
"Dad.. please.. we can't lose you! You mean so much to us! We can't.." Viper begged while crying heavily, Ethan could see her daughter was extremely upset, but tried using his last moments to help her.
"Viper.. to me.. you and my family are so much more, i've always loved and cared for you all. Even when you couldn't fight back as a child, I always knew that one day, you would be a better warrior then me.." Ethan said weakly while rubbing her head while the two were crying from this sight.

"Dad.. i.. i don't know how to continue on without you.. if i had been here so much sooner, i could've spent more time with you.. i could've done something that made you proud of me.." Viper said crying heavily, Ethan chuckled weakly a bit more and tried to help them.
"My daughter.. you know i've always been proud of you.. no matter what's happened between us.. i've always loved and cared about you all. You, Emily, and your sister's mean the world to me. And if I were to die, I would at least go peacefully knowing my family is safe.. knowing that you are safe.." Ethan assured, but Viper just didn't know how to respond to this.
"But.. you mean so much to us.. to go without you.. i don't know how to continue on.." Viper said bringing her head to his, Ethan only rubbed it against hers to comfort her.
"There's always a point in ones life where they have to go on without they're family, some don't even get that chance to have parents, and are left alone, what i've had with you all, is the best life i could wish for. This village, all of you.. it means the world to me.. and even when I'm gone.. know that I will always be watching over you.. as my precious flower.." Ethan said rubbing the flowers she had on her head while Emily was crying.

"Sweetie.. i'm so sorry for what's happened.." Emily said crying heavily even more, Ethan's breaths were getting weaker as the seconds past by, and he could see a light in his vision.
"None of you did anything wrong. What matter's now is that you are safe.. you are the best things in my life, and Viper.. whatever happens, i know Spike will take care of you, you and him can take down these beasts for good, because you both work together in a way i wished i could do with you... You two can save the village.. you two can save.. all of China.." Ethan said while his breath was leaving him.
"Dad.." Viper said with sorrow as they looked down on him while he took his final breaths.
"I.. love you.. i.. love you all.. my daughter.." Ethan said weakly before he drew his last breath, and he finally closed his eyes for the last time.

Viper and Emily were crying heavily from seeing him go, they knew this day would come soon, but they didn't expect this horrific day to happen.
"Dad.. no.. no!" Viper said with sorrow while she and Emily cried at this sight, Viper's siblings had just gotten back to see what was happening, but they all gasped in shock with what they were seeing.
"D.. Dad?" Linjin asked with tears as they saw him on the ground.. not moving anymore..
"It.. can't.. be.." Shiji said horrified at the sight, Viper and Emily turned they're attention to them, and they gasped in fear with what they saw, Spike was unconscious from the pain still, and they saw his right arm was gone..
"Spike!" Viper said horrified quickly slithering up to him, she tried to wake him up, but he was too injured to wake up now, and she was crying even more from this.
"It's gonna be okay Viper.. it's gonna be okay.." Emily assured while they all came up to eachother and gave a tight hug, they all cried heavily over the losses that had happened today, and even with those monsters gone for now, they knew they were gonna come back. And with Spike severely injured right now.. they didn't know what to do..

26: Shadows Of The Village, Part 6: Death

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Pain.. that's all Spike's body feels right now.. just.. Pain.. his right side hurt extremely badly, and he felt like he was too weak to walk, his body just couldn't stop hurting, it was a pain he'd never felt before.. even with whatever training he went through with the 5, whatever mission he went on, none of the pain he experienced there compared to this..

But physical pain wasn't the only thing he felt, he felt mental pain too.. He still could see the horrific moment where he had one of his arms sliced off.. and the innocent people dying in that fire.. despite his best efforts.. these demons were too strong for him to push past to save them..

He felt regret for not being able to save those people, he felt weak for not being strong enough to protect Viper's home from these monster's, and he felt pathetic for failing them all.. and he passed out from it all because of that..

But as Spike was floating around in a dark void.. seemingly after passing out.. Spike could hear a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Spike..." The voice said softly which made him groan a little, Spike's head started to move a bit and he weakly opened his eyes..
"Where.. where am I?" Spike asked looking around, he couldn't see anything except darkness.. was he dead? in his mind? Where was he?
"Spike.." The voice said again which was catching his attention now.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Viper? Linjin? Anyone?" Spike asked looking around for anyone.
"Step to the light Spike.." The voice instructed while a strange door made of light suddenly appeared in front of him, it blinded his sight a little, but it looked like it led somewhere.
"Who.. are you?" Spike asked the voice as he slowly made his way to it, he didn't know why he was listening to a voice he doesn't know, but there was something about it that felt.. familiar..

Spike slowly walked through the door while holding his right side since it still hurt badly, but Spike's vision went white as soon as he entered which made him cover his eyes.
"Where.. am I?" Spike asked again trying to figure this out, Spike's vision was finally coming into focus, and when Spike opened them, he had a huge look of shock when he saw what was in front of him. He was in a large golden void that went all around him, he was standing on water that perfectly reflected his body, and Spike had a sad look in seeing what happened.. he lost his right arm..

Spike held his right side with regret and tried looking around more, this place felt so familiar, he'd been here before.. but when..
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Spike asked again for anyone's help, Spike could see mountains far in the distance, as well as floating structures that looked ancient, and like they were old ruins, that's when Spike realized where he was.. he was in the Spirit Realm..
"No way.. am I.. dead?!" Spike asked in horror not wanting to believe this. But a familiar chuckle got his attention which made him look around more.
"No.. but you were very close to Death, it's a miracle your still alive Spike." The voice said softly which made him realize who it was, Spike turned behind him and saw a large field with a tree directly in the center, it was a cherry blossom tree, but the leaves were golden and it looked like a perfectly grown tree. But at the top of it, he saw a familiar figure balancing himself on a ancient staff.. an old turtle..
"Master Oogway?!" Spike asked shocked to see him here, Oogway was looking down at him with a soft smile, and soon flipped off the tree and landed down in front of him with no effort, even with how old he is, he's still got his skill.

"It's been a while Spike." Oogway greeted while Spike was in complete shock seeing him after so long, but it still didn't compare to what he was feeling right now.
"Master.. I'm.. so sorry.. I don't know how to explain this.." Spike said holding his right side again, Oogway had a look of regret seeing Spike's lost his right arm, and he knew exactly why.
"You don't have too Spike, i have been watching over you all since i parted, I saw your most recent journey, and the pain you and Viper went through, I am deeply sorry for what's happened to you.." Oogway said rubbing Spike's right side too while Spike just looked upset.
"So you know about what happened? With the Demons.. and me and Viper?" Spike asked hoping he understood his situation.
"I do, perfectly, i must say, you have been through quite the journey to get here young dragon." Oogway said while he walked around Spike with his new staff in his hands.

"I can't say the journey was pleasant.. I've.. had fears of these monster's coming.. I just didn't know when they would.. or how strong they would be.." Spike said regretfully while sitting down on the water, Oogway looked sad from hearing that, but tried to help convince him.
"No journey is ever easy Spike, there are difficult choices one has to make on it, and the choice he makes, shapes his destiny. Just like how you chose to become a Kung fu Master, and your life changed for the better." Oogway said while he floated around Spike which did amaze him a little.
"I don't feel like i'm a Master right now.. especially after what just happened.." Spike s aid recalling what happened just a bit ago.
"I know Spike, but you mustn't give up, there is always tough challenges during ones journey, and often that challenge will make one feel hopeless, like he can't do anything. But with his determination, he can push through what comes his way.. that includes you Spike.." Oogway said putting his staff on his shoulder while Spike was still unsure of this.

"I.. I just don't understand master.. Were those monster's really demons? If so.. what caused them to be unleashed.. and.. how can i stop them.. can I even stop them?" Spike asked really worried on what they are doing right now, Oogway had a worried look being asked that himself, but tried explaining the best he can.
" They are demons Spike, the wicked souls of the damned, beings made from the most wicked and evil people to live, they came from the Mountain of Death, they're presence always brings fear into the most brave souls.. and they are monsters that will tear down everything in they're path.. I tried sending you the message of they're presence Spike, and I'm sure you are well aware of what they are." Oogway explained while Spike realized what that meant.
"Those visions i've been having, that was because of you?" Spike asked pointing at him.
"Yes, it was me all along Spike. When you and Po combined your power with using the Wuxi finger hold, that power was strong enough to open a crack to the underworld, and from that crack, came the very monster's you fought against." Oogway said while using his staff to show Spike that same vision, this meant Spike's worry's were right.. and it meant.. he was responsible for this mess..

"So that means.. I caused this? combining that power against Tai Lung was what opened it?" Spike asked really scarred to know it.
"Yes, but do not blame yourself Spike, you did not know it would cause this, I taught you that move, and you only had to use it when absolutely necessary, and using it on Tai Lung was sadly one of those moments.." Oogway said again while Spike looked at his left hand.
"But.. this still means I was the one who unleashed them.. me and Po are, if i had just let Po do it himself.. this wouldn't have happened.." Spike said regretfully clutching it.
" You may think that Spike, but you must remember you were still learning, the thought wouldn't cross your mind for a long time. And now that it has, you clearly see the threat this world faces now." Oogway said sounding a bit afraid himself.
"Master.. please tell me, how do we stop this? What's they're weakness, how can i stop them from coming to this world?" Spike asked trying to think of an idea.

"Spike.. do you remember one of the lessons I taught you, the lessons on Chi?" Oogway asked which got his attention.
"Yeah, I think so, Chi's the energy that flows through all life.. right?" Spike asked recalling what Oogway taught him.
"Yes, Chi isn't just one that represents life energy, but it's also the demons greatest fear, while they are made of nothing but pure darkness, Chi is made of light, and with a pure heart and one's skill, they could banish them away for good." Oogway said moving his hand around while a golden energy flew around him, it was Chi.
"Does this mean.. that in order to defeat them.. I need to use it? How? You only taught me on what it is, but you never taught me how to use it?" Spike asked really hoping he knew.

"That is something you need to understand yourself Spike, knowing who you are is the key. You have to be in complete sync of who you are, and what your place in the world is. You always struggled to understand who you were back in Equestria, but even now you still struggle, you need to realize your place. Not as the Dragon Master, but as who you are deep down." Oogway said putting one of his claws on Spike's chest while he was a bit confused still.
"I just.. need to understand who I am?" Spike asked himself while trying to figure it out, he's had this question on his mind for so long now, even after he joined the 5 and became a Master, he still is a bit unsure.
"That's all it takes Spike, when Po eventually reaches this task, i hope you will be there to guide him, I know you will defeat these monster's Spike. You found the courage to fight against Tai Lung with Po, and I know you and Viper can do the same together.." Oogway said with a smile while Spike looked up at him.
"Master.. thank you.. I promise I won't.. let you down.." Spike said respectfully, but he was still unsure of it deep down..
"You never have Spike, Death will be there for you. And with Viper by your side, i know you will save everyone." Oogway said walking back to the tree which confused Spike.
"Death? Do you mean poetically or literally?" Spike asked wondering what that meant.
"Oh, it's literal Spike, when you see him, tell him I said hi, and by the way.. you and Viper are cute together." Oogway said as Spike's vision was fading to white again.
"Wait what?" Spike asked confused before his mind went blank again.

"Spike.. Spike!" A voice echoed through his head which made Spike groan a little, he felt terrible right now, his body was hurting in all places, and it hurt the more he tried moving.
"What..?" Spike asked weakly as he was finally opening his eyes again.
"Spike! Spike it's me! Can you hear me?!" The voice asked worried which got his attention, Spike's vision was coming into view and he could see a shadow just above him, but that voice.. he recognized it..
"V.. Viper?" Spike asked weakly while his vision was finally focusing again, and he saw Viper was looking down at him with huge worry.
"Spike! Are you okay?!" Viper asked quickly coming to give him a hug, Spike winced in pain a little from feeling that, but he let Viper do it to help her too.
"Viper? Where.. are we? What happened?" Spike asked trying to lean up a bit.

"Please don't move too much Spike, your body was really injured when we brought you back here." Viper encouraged which made him stop for a moment, Spike looked around to try and figure out where they are, and Spike quickly realized it, they were back in Viper's house.
"How.. how long was I out? What happened?" Spike asked turning back to her who was really worried.
"You were.. out for almost 2 days Spike, you had us worried sick, after what happened down at the village, we were worried if you were gonna make it or not.. but we held out hope that you would.." A familiar voice said as the door slid opened, Spike looked to his side and saw Emily and Viper's siblings were slithering in as well, they were extremely worried too, and looked regretful for him too.
"Emily? Linjin? Shiji and Beihe? Is.. everything okay?" Spike asked looking at them all.
"With you awake, it's the best news we've had since the village was attacked." Shiji said as they all slithered up to give him a hug too.

"I was out for 2 days? What's happened since then? Are the villager's okay?" Spike asked trying to move a little.
"The villagers are trying to handle things the best they can.. they're in a state of fear after those monster's attacked, we've been trying to support them the best they can, they've felt quite the loss after what happened.." Linjin said sadly while Spike tried to process this, but there was one person who was missing.. Ethan.
"Where's.. where's Ethan? Is he.. okay?" Spike asked worried for him, Viper's family all had a look of sadness being asked that, and Viper was tearing up a little hearing his name.
"He's.. no longer with us Spike.. he.. died saving our lives.." Viper said crying at the thought of it while Spike was shocked and depressed to hear that.
"Viper.. I'm so sorry.." Spike said with regret while she gave him another hug.

"I'd say the same thing for you sweetie.." Viper said regretfully looking at Spike's right side, Spike looked down his right side too and saw a sad sight, his right arm was completely gone, his side was wrapped up in bandages and straps to keep any blood from being lost, and Spike couldn't even feel anything from that side anymore..
"I'm gonna get back at Po for foreshadowing this.." Spike thought to himself as he recalled Po saying something similar to this some time back when he went through his Molt Down.
"I'm really sorry Spike.. but what's important is that your still alive.. we all are.." Emily said rubbing his side while Spike was really sad.
"What about those monsters? Were there any sights of them recently?" Spike asked really worried if they attacked again.
"Not now, but we're all afraid of when they're gonna strike again. And even if we hold them off, we don't know how to defeat them for good.." Linjin said while she looked at her metal fan she used to fight.

Spike tried to move a little more, he was trying to push through the pain so he can at least stand, but Viper tried to stop him.
"Spike please, your very weak, you shouldn't move right now." Viper advised trying to hold him back.
"Sorry Viper.. but I can't just sit around.. I know Tigress wouldn't.." Spike said weakly standing on his feat again, he felt weak, like he was gonna throw up, but he needed to push through this pain to get better.
"Spike please, we lost a lot with this attack, we don't wanna lose you too." Shiji begged grabbing Spike's claw, but he just wanted a little time to walk.
"You won't lose me.. a little walk isn't gonna kill me." Spike said lightly standing up, Emily saw he wasn't wanting to lay around right now, even with how much pain he's in, so she went to give him something to help walk.
"At least take it easy Spike, take it slow, and don't try to fight right now please." Emily said giving Spike a walking stick, Spike took it and held it with his left hand, he wished he didn't have to walk like this, but he needed time to recover.
"Come on Spike, let's get you something to eat." Viper said helping him move to the kitchen while the other's followed too with worried looks.

Spike was now sitting at the table with Viper and her sister's while Emily was making something for them, he was being told what happened after he passed out, and was just really worried on hearing all of it.
"So how many lives were lost?" Spike asked with regret hearing how badly the village was damaged.
"At least 100 from the reports, a lot of people right now are really upset and worried, they don't know if the monster's are gonna come back, and with Ethan gone.. they don't know if they're safe enough, even with our help.." Viper said sadly while Spike tried to process this.
"Those monster's.. I can't believe it.. actual demons.. and they took so much from us.." Spike said looking at his missing arm again.
"I can't believe that demons are actually real, but then again, I thought dragons only existed in legend, but here we are.." Beihe said looking at Spike who chuckled a bit.
"Yeah.. if that's true.. we should expect anything by now.." Spike said having a sad look again, he still couldn't believe this happened, and with Ethan gone, he felt more regret for basically being responsible for this.

"What's important is your still here Spike, having you here is the one thing that's helping us all feel more relief, especially after what happened." Emily said bringing them some bowls of dumplings for them to eat.
"She's right Spike, I'm just glad your alive.. after losing dad.. I don't know how much more i can lose.." Viper said holding his left hand for comfort, and Spike didn't let go.
"It's okay Vipes.. I'm here for you.. " Spike assured as the the family ate they're food again, Spike didn't feel like eating was doing anything to help, but he needed something to help fill this void of regret right now.
"Viper.. do you think we can defeat these monsters? Even with what we know now, do you think we still have a chance?" Spike asked hoping they did, but Viper looked really worried and didn't know.
"With how things are right now, and with the state your in.. I don't know Spike.. I don't think the others will be able to help either.. unless we know what it takes to stop them.. I'm afraid we won't.." Viper said with fear which made Spike worried.

Spike tried thinking of what Oogway meant when he said when he explained Chi, understanding who you are and what your place is, that's what will help you unlock and use Chi, which may be the only thing that can stop those monster's for good. After they all ate, Viper's family went to they're rooms to think, while Spike and Viper went out to the porch, Spike had a sad look as he looked down at the village, a lot of the structures were damaged badly, statues that were once perfectly made were broken over, and there were houses that were burned down after the attack, it made Spike more regretful knowing the sad state the village is in.
"I can't believe what's happened to the village.. even when we thought we were ready.. seeing this.. I just don't know how to feel right now.." Spike said sadly looking over the damaged place while Viper was sad too.
"I know, seeing my home in such a state.. it's never been this bad before.. and to see it like this.. it breaks my heart to see it.." Viper said with tears knowing how badly damaged her home is too.
"We're supposed to be master's.. to protect others.. and save places that are in danger.. but with how this turned out.. do we even deserve to be called master's Viper?" Spike asked turning to her who looked unsure.
"I.. don't know Spike, for so long.. I've always been able to save the lives of others alongside the 5, and you. When we're together, i thought we can face anything.. but now.. I don't know if we're strong enough.. even after all we've been through.." Viper said leaning to Spike's shoulder who let it happen.

"We've been saving so many people together, fighting alongside eachother, and keeping others safe. We always knew what to do together.. but now.. everything's just.. a cloud that i can't see through.." Spike said looking down sadly.
"Always fighting bad guys, training together.. spending our free time together.. as the closest friends we could be.." Viper said leaning closer while Spike remembered the times they've spent together, but while he thought of this, he still didn't know how to think of himself, with what's happened, and what Oogway told him, he doesn't know who he is clearly, and maybe Viper could help.
"Viper.. can I ask you something?" Spike asked turning to her who was curious.
"Anything Spike." Viper said softly, Spike looked back at the village and reflected on what he was told.

"Viper.. who do you see me as, what do you see me as?" Spike asked curious which confused her a little.
"Why.. why would you ask that? I'm sure you already know, right?" Viper asked concerned for him.
"I used to think so too, but with what's happened, I don't know if I fully understand. I don't know what to do, I thought that I finally understood who I was after me and Po saved the valley, being a Kung fu master, saving others, being able to keep the weak safe, and spending time with my new family.. I thought this for the longest time.. but now.. I just.. don't.. know.." Spike said clutching his remaining hand again, Viper looked worried being told that, and was starting to see what he meant.
"Spike.. to me.. being a kung fu master isn't who you really are, what I see in you. Is someone who is kind, caring, always looking out for others, someone who never gives up when the odds are against him. You always supported me when I needed it, and you always were so sweet. To me, the person I see you as.. is the best person I've ever met, someone who's always there for me.. and never gives up.. a kind, strong, and cute dragon, who's always there for others. To me, what makes you so amazing Spike, is the kind person you are, you aren't just the Dragon Master to me, you are Spike, someone who's never gonna give up.. no matter how bad the situation is.." Viper said leaning into him with a smile.

Spike smiled a bit hearing that from her, it did help him see things a bit clearly, he didn't have to see himself as the Dragon Master, but as who he is, if he can really understand himself.. maybe he can learn Chi to save them all.
"Viper.. thank you, No matter what happens.. I'm always there for you.. " Spike said hugging her again who smiled more feeling this.
"I know you are.. that's something I will always know.." Viper replied as the two stayed like that for a moment, after that little talk, Viper soon pulled away from him and was getting ready to head back inside.
"You wanna get some rest Spike? It's getting pretty late, tomorrow we'll try and figure out what to do." Viper asked hoping he was wanting to come, but Spike needed a little more time to think himself.
"Give me a little bit Vipes, I'll catch up in a little bit, I just need some time to think some more." Spike replied looking over the village still which concerned her a bit, but she could understand where he's coming from.
"Okay Spikey, I'll be waiting for you, just take it easy.. please." Viper said hopefully before she went back in the house, leaving Spike alone for a bit.

Spike continued to sit on the porch by himself for quite a while, he kept looking at the tall mountain in the distance, he could feel they're presence coming from there, a dark presence filled with nothing but anger, he knew that was where they were coming from, and at that center, lied the crack that was letting these monster's out. He didn't know how he could stop them, he doesn't know if Chi can stop them, but if Oogway told him this, it may be the case. But he just didn't know. Spike kept looking down at the village, and he could see some of the lights were on, they gave of a sad feeling as the sky was cloudy, and there wasn't any sunlight at all, the wind brushed past his scales and missing arm, and he could only feel a slight chill as it went past him.

But while Spike was sitting alone, he felt someone familiar coming up from behind him.. a certain.. wolf..
"You don't have to sneak up on me like this, I know your here.. Lobo." Spike said turning his eyes to the left a bit, the camera moves a bit to his left and we see that Lobo was there suddenly, appearing in the shadows of the tree, like he was watching him this entire time.
"I'm impressed you managed to sense me Spike, not one can sense me like that." Lobo greeted with a smug while Spike didn't look back.
"What are you doing here? I thought you left the village after it was attacked?" Spike asked continuing to look over the village.
"Hmph, I may look scary, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless Spike, you weren't the only one who sensed those monster's coming, I tried warning you a few nights back, but something tells me you already knew, didn't you?" Lobo asked walking up to him as his sickles were on his sides, but Spike didn't show any fear seeing him.
"So you tried facing them too didn't you? Even when the odds were against you, you still fought against them?" Spike asked as Lobo stood by his side, Lobo didn't come to fight him, he just wanted to talk.

"I tried fighting them off the best I could, but even I had struggles against them, but that doesn't compare to what happened to you, and I must say.. I'm really sorry for it Spike.." Lobo said looking at his missing arm again.
"What's with the sudden sympathy? I didn't think someone like you could show it." Spike asked finally turning to him, looking directly in his blood red eyes, like they were staring into his very soul.
"Your not the only one who's been feeling bad for what's happened, the lives that were lost here, they're untimely Deaths, the despair everyone's been feeling, it's something that I don't like seeing in innocents." Lobo said sitting near Spike while the two looked over the village at once.
"There's something different about you Lobo, I know it. Your no ordinary wolf, are you? Everytime I see you, there's a feeling that I always get, something I know will inevitably come for me.. the feeling of.." Spike asked before Lobo finished.
"Death." Lobo finished staring directly at him, he got chills as he said that, it confirmed his suspicions were correct.

"So my thoughts were right, your not a normal person... your.. Death. Like.. actual Death." Spike said looking at him with no fear, he's been through way worse now, and not even Death can scare him now.
"You got that right, I'm Death. Straight. Up." Death introduced showing Spike his sickles.
"I take it your here because of those demons, I know Death doesn't just show up for no reason." Spike said looking back at the mountain.
"Your a smart one, It was pretty obvious too, when those things started escaping the afterlife, I had to track them down and try and bring them back, but with that crack on the Mountain of Death, there's very little I can do aside from holding them back. Even with my skill, I'm not able to prevent them all from escaping.." Death said looking at it too.
"Why is that place called, the Mountain of Death?" Spike asked wondering about the name.
"Because it's an ancient place that's existed for as long as the world has, that very mountain, was one of the first places that was named after an ancient being like me. It's meant to represent me, Death. And how no matter how long one lives, I always will come for them, no matter how many times I'm cheated, from someone with 9 lives, or even to an immortal being. I always come for every soul, whether they know it or not." Death explained which did interest him a bit more.

"To me, that's paying a lot of respect to you. You remember what I said about me respecting Death?" Spike asked recalling they're last talk.
"That made me slightly respect you too, I'm glad to know that a dragon from Equestria appreciates his life, especially when dragons of your world only valued themselves. It's rather sad that no matter how long they've been around, they barely learn from they're mistakes." Death said looking at one of his sickles.
"I guess that makes me special then. But that doesn't answer my question, why are you here? Even with talk on these demons, I know your not here for just chatting." Spike asked again, Death sighed being asked that and took out a drink from his cloak.
"I need your help Spike." Death said taking a sip of it, Spike was really surprised being asked that, who knew that Death, of all people, would be asking HIM for help.

"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked really interested in this.
"I'm sure you know by now, those demons are too strong for us to take on alone, even with the skill we had, we still weren't' able to stop them. When those people in the village died, it made me feel so much remorse, people dying when it's not they're time always made me mad, and I always came after the ones who caused it, and now those demons are still lose, and unless that crack is sealed. These villager's will all die, and soon.. the rest of the world will too. " Death said sounding worried at the thought, Spike had a feeling that may happen too, if they don't do something about this soon, everyone will die.. even Death..
"I don't know if I can help, I just lost one of my arms, and I'm still a bit weak, me and Viper barely stood a chance against these monsters, what makes it different if you help?" Spike asked once again.
"Because I know where they're coming from, and I'm sure you do too. And don't come at me with the I'm missing an arm stuff. I've met plenty of people who've continued to fight to they're own deaths with just one arm, if they can make it through with just one arm, so can you. Not to mention you know how to stop them, I know Oogway told you." Death said turning to him again, Spike shouldn't be surprised Death knows about this, since he must've brought Oogway to the Spirit Realm too.

"I don't know how I can use Chi, with all I'm going through, I don't know if I can understand who I am." Spike said reflecting on Oogway's words.
"There's always times where we can't understand ourselves Spike, even I had struggle adapting to who i am for the first few thousand years of my existence. But I soon learned to accept myself, and I learned to do my job without trouble, even with the tragedies i've seen, they are always what help me continue moving forward. The same should go to you Spike, failing at something doesn't make you weak, it helps you learn and grow from it, and you'll eventually understand who you are. Not everyone gets everything right on the first try, nor the second, or third. They take time to learn and grow, and that applies to you as well. To me, I know your capable of this, even after what's happened, pushing through this tragedy only makes you stronger Spike." Death encouraged which was surprising to hear from someone like him.
"So your basically saying, failure is a teacher in of itself?" Spike asked a bit confused which made him chuckle.
"Yep, it's one of the best teacher's out there. And the more we learn from it, the closer we are to understanding who we are." Death said finishing his drink before he put the bottle away.

Spike thought about this for a moment, even with the tragedy he and Viper's family went through, it's still a lesson they all can learn from, and if Death learned something from it, then he can too.
"Your right, even with what we've been through, we always have another chance. And we have one right now.. one that can stop these monster's for good.." Spike said looking back at the mountain, now with a determined look.
"So you understand what we have to do then right? But I must warn you, you may die if we do this. These monster's will be the toughest foes we've faced yet, especially since you have one arm, but I must ask you, are you willing to do this?" Death asked holding out his claw, Spike didn't waste another second before coming to shake it, he knew what they had to do, and they shouldn't waste another second.
"I'm always willing to put my life out there to save others, no matter what hell I face, I will take those damn monster's down." Spike said with a serious face, Death smiled seeing that and chuckled a bit in response.
"I knew the Universe brought you here for a good reason Spike." Death said with a smile, Spike smirked in response as the two stared at eachother for just a bit.

But they're little talk was stopped when the door suddenly opened, and Spike looked to his right and saw Viper was coming out.
"Spike are you alright? You've been out here for a.. while.." Viper asked finally noticing Death next to him, Spike let go of his hand and went over to her.
"Viper, I can explain everything." Spike said in defense while she was e worried at this sight.
"Spike.. who is this? Is everything okay?" Viper asked really worried for him.
"I'm fine Viper, but we need to talk about something important." Spike said kneeling down to her.
"And what would that be Spike?" Viper asked curious on what he means.
"We'll explain on the way, come on Master Viper, we need to go. Now." Death said already moving ahead which shocked her.

"Wait what? What does he mean by that?" Viper asked confused on this.
"I'll explain on the way, come on, we need to stop those monster's before they cause more harm." Spike said taking her tail and he began to walk down the path too.
"But.. your still inured! We can't just go without a plan! Or telling the others!" Viper argued looking back at the house.
"I've recovered just enough to get moving again, we don't have a lot of time Vipes. I promise I'll explain everything, come with me, please.." Spike begged hoping she would agree. Viper took a moment to think about this, while she didn't want to just leave without telling her family, if they're on a clock, they had to go, even with Spike's injuries.
"Alright, lead the way. But you have a lot to explain Spike." Viper said having a serious look knowing this.
"Oh believe me Viper, I'll explain everything." Spike said seriously as the group proceeded to make they're way to the mountain, they had one hope to stop these demons, and they hurried to it the fastest they could.. before everything falls to darkness..

27: Shadows Of The Village, Part 7: Clash Against The Demons

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After Spike's talk with Death, and asking Viper to come with them, the group started to make they're way to the Mountain where the monster's were coming from, despite Spike feeling pretty weak with his body right now, he still had the strength to keep moving, and he wasn't wanting to waste another second to stop these monster's. From what Death said, they are on a time limit, and if they don't stop these monster's before they all get lose, there's no saving China, or the rest of the world, so they needed to make it fast.

Spike was explaining all of this to Viper on the way, who Death is and why he's here, she is in complete shock to know why, knowing that he was asked by Oogway himself to come help, it made her feel both honored and a bit afraid knowing such a person was here.
"So.. this is Death? Like.. actual Death? A being that's existed since the beginning of time, and has brought every soul that passes to the afterlife?" Viper asked as they were making they're way to the outskirts of the village at this point, Death was walking ahead of the group and chuckled a bit being asked that.
"From what i know, yeah, he is Death." Spike said looking at him ahead who turned back to them.
"It's not rhetorically or poetically or metaphorically, I am Death." Death said staring directly at Viper like how he d id with Spike, and she got chills from hearing the menace in his voice.

"How.. how are you here? We're still alive, and yet your.. perfectly able to exist alongside us?" Viper asked confused at this explanation.
"I can be seen just as any regular person, but I can also be there when you don't expect, I'm always lurking in the shadows, looming over the living beings of this world, watching the choices they make in they're lives, and decide whether or not they should continue on, or if I should.. take them right then and there." Death said twirling his sickle around which made Viper a little suspicious.
"Are you saying you can decide whether or not someone dies?" Viper asked a bit upset at this.
"No.. not entirely. I mainly bring the souls of those who are gone to the afterlife, in fact.. I had just brought your father to the Spirit Realm before I came to see Spike." Death explained which got they're attention.
"How.. how is he?" Viper asked really worried for him.

"Don't worry about him Viper, he's fine now. When one enters the afterlife, all the pain that they felt before they're death is gone, they emerge in the Spirit Realm like they were at they're best states in they're lives, but he was really sad to know it. But he wanted me to tell you all something before I came here." Death explained while they began walking through the woods that led to the mountain.
"And what would that be?" Spike asked holding his right side while they continued to move.
"He wanted me to tell you that he loves his family no matter what, whether in life or death, he's always there for you. He knows your all going through a tough time, but he hoped that those words can help ease you into continuing to go, and fight these monsters." Death explained softly which made Viper smile a little, even though she didn't trust this guy one bit, hearing this was a bit assuring, and it made her feel relief knowing her dad is alright in the Spirit Realm..
"Dad.." Viper said looking down a little while feeling sad to know it.
"It's okay Vipes, you still have me and your family. We're always here for you." Spike assured once again since they've talked about this before.
"Right.. thanks Spike.." Viper said gratefully as the group continued to move on.

Spike and the team continued to make they're way through the forest that led to the mountains, it took hours to make it through at this point and the moon was high in the sky, Spike kept looking at it with hope in his eyes, whenever he looked at the moon, he always hoped Luna was watching over them, and would give them her strength for what they're about to face.
"Spike, you doing alright?" Viper asked which got his attention, he saw Viper was next to him still, and she saw him looking up at the moon.
"I'm.. okay Viper, it's just with what's going on right now, it's a lot to take in, we have one shot at defeating these demons before they completely break free.. and if they do.. I don't know what will come from it.." Spike said with fear while thinking over the bad thoughts of these monsters.
"I know, those things proved to be a really tough challenge against us, even when we tried the hardest we could.. and the reason I'm still alive is because.. my dad saved my life.. If I wasn't able to fight against them.. how can I this time?" Viper asked agreeing to this too, Death was hearing this as they kept walking, and despite this mission being important, they still needed to have they're courage to stand against them.

"Don't think that because you lost to them the first time, doesn't mean you can't learn from your mistakes you two, don't forget, you two are kung fu masters, you always gain skill and learn the more you train, if you can keep your focus and skill at your best, you can defeat these monsters, I keep my eye on my target at all times, and even when I'm knocked down a page against them, I always get back up, and keep fighting till they finally fall, you shouldn't give up on what you two have trained for, you both have special skills and talents that make you who you are, and that is what's really important." Death said smiling at them, they were really surprised to hear that coming from someone like him, but it was nice to hear from someone like him.

"That's.. really assuring to hear, but how could you know that? Your Death, can't you like.. you know.. not be defeated?" Viper asked as they were starting to move up a mountain path, they had been far enough from the village at this point, and were now entering the mountains, and getting closer to the Mountain Of Death.
"Even Death has his struggles against foes, those demons may be tough, and even I struggle against them, but I was able to save some lives back at that village when it was attacked, even though my job is to make sure souls make it to the afterlife, I can't just let them die when it isn't their time. I am an immortal being, I can't die, it's like you Discord says he can't die when you last saw him Spike, beings like me and him can rarely be defeated, and even when we are, it's only temporary." Death explained which surprised Spike since he knew Discord.

"You knew Discord?" Spike asked surprised to know this.
"Of course, I practically hung out with him during his time when he was turned to stone, we were drinking buddy's most of the time, even if Discord's immortal, and uses his powers for chaos, that's what he is, the God of Chaos, he's just doing his part like how I do mine, even if he went to far with what happened back in Equestria, but I'm sure within time, he'll try and be.. less chaotic when he's freed from his stone prison." Death said shrugging his shoulders while they were both interested to hear.

"What makes you think he'll break free from his stone prison again? We made sure he wouldn't do that again unless we absolutely have to." Spike asked walking by his side.
"There's the thing, IF you have to, you need to remember that there are strong foes in Equestria too, and even they will require extra help to defeat, and if I know Discord, something tells me Celestia and Luna will have no choice but to release him, but maybe some convincing from that Mane 6 group you call friends, will be able to help him turn around." Death said as he knew that could happen.
"Hmph, I'll believe it when I see it.." Spike said shrugging his shoulder as they kept moving up the mountain.

They kept moving through the mountains throughout most of the night, only barely taking small breaks here and there to rest, Death wasn't in need of rest, but Spike and Viper often did, but they made it only a few minutes. But as they kept getting closer and closer to the Mountain of Death, they could feel the demons presence.
"Stay close guys, I smell them, they're in the shadows, watching us.." Death said ominously as they were now traveling across a carved path that led to the mountain, they were getting closer and closer to the mountain, and Spike could just barely make out some dark shadows coming out of it.
"Death, I gotta ask you, do you know how I can use Chi? I was told that it's the only way I could stop these monsters, but I needed to.. understand myself and who I am in order to use it, you have any advice?" Spike asked hoping he could help too.
"Who told you that.. Chi, could stop these monsters?" Viper asked as she hasn't heard this part yet.

"Oh.. right.. remember the time I was out for a few days, well to make it short, during that time, I got in touch with Oogway in the Sprit Realm, and he told me in order to stop them, I needed to understand and learn to use Chi, it may be the only way we can stop them.." Spike explained which surprised her to hear such a story.
"You saw Oogway in the Spirit Realm?! How is he? Is he okay?" Viper asked hoping he was.
"Don't worry Viper, I've seen the Spirit Realm, it's a beautiful place, for people like us, that's where we'll go when we die, and Oogway seems to be handling him self just fine there." Spike assured which made her sigh in relief.
"That's good to know, I'm glad to hear that he's alright, did he.. help you find out how those things started to appear in the first place? Or when they escaped in the first place?" Viper asked hoping he found out, but Spike flinched being asked that.. since well... you know what happened..

"What? What's the matter Spike?" Viper asked worried with his lack of response.
"Viper.. I can't lie to you. do you remember when me and Po defeated Tai Lung, and when we used.. 2 Wuxi Finger Holds on him at once?" Spike asked showing her the move which concerned her.
"Yes.. why?" Viper asked already getting worried as he kept explaining.
"Well.. turns out.. that wave that we created was so powerful.. it went all across China, and that includes this mountain.. and.. it.. caused a crack in the underworld to open.. which resulted in those demons emerging.. and your home.. being attacked.." Spike said as his voice was slowly breaking down the more he explained this, he knew he had to tell her this at one point, and judging by her shocked expression, his fears were right.
"You mean.. you and Po.. caused this?" Viper asked really shocked to hear all of this.

"I didn't know this would happen Viper! I didn't think the blast was powerful enough to do this! I never meant for this to happen!" Spike said really afraid if she would be mad or really upset with him, and Death saw this too.
"Spike was just protecting the valley, Tai Lung would've done just as much if he managed to escape, please don't let this be a 3rd act break up Viper, that kind of stuff makes me roll my eyes into my skull, he didn't mean for any of it to happen, believe me, I assure you that." Death said really hoping this doesn't happen.
"Spike.. did you.. know about this..?" Viper asked looking at him who was really ashamed to have hidden this from her.
"I've.. had nightmares about it.. I thought they were just nightmares.. but they were really.. I didn't think or know they would come to the village.. and during our journey there.. I had a deep fear they were coming.. I just.. didn't know what to do.. I'm sorry Viper.." Spike said as he kneeled down while having tears in her eyes, Viper could see he really didn't want to hide this, especially after what she was going through, she knew he was a caring person, and only wanted to help, and if he explained this.. it would've been really worrying if they knew about it.. even if.. Ethan could've lived.. even for a short while..

"Spike.. I'm sorry you had to keep this to yourself, but.. I understand why, with what I was going through, I know you didn't want me to worry. We've been through a lot together, and this is just as important, I'm not mad at you Spike.. I can understand why you hid this.. It was because you cared about me and my family.. and for that.. I'm glad to know this now.." Viper said putting her tail on his left shoulder, even with one arm, it was really assuring to hear something like this from her.
"You.. you really mean it.. your not mad about this?" Spike asked hoping she wasn't.
"No.. I'm not.. while I would've defiantly wanted to hear this sooner.. I can understand why you didn't tell me, but even with all that's happened.. I'm just glad you were doing what you could to help my family.. and I'll always appreciate it Spike.." Viper said softly which made him smile hearing that.
"Viper.. thank you.. I don't think I could've had a better friend then you.. even back in Equestria.." Spike said as he held her tail with his claw which she smiled at from.
"Same goes to you Spike, we'll make it through this, I promise." Viper assured which relieved him a lot hearing that from her.

Death chuckled a little hearing this from the two as he let them talk it out.
"You know, you two are cute together, I'm glad to know that there are strong and kind souls like you out in this world, it's people like you that make me glad to exist, even if it's sad when I.. eventually have to move their souls to the afterlife." Death said regretting that last part which made them a bit concerned, but they brushed it off.
"Thanks Death, your not so bad yourself. I honestly never thought I'd be getting to team up with you, guess the future is unpredictable for all of us huh?" Viper joked which made him chuckle a little.
"Yeah, that's true, that's very true Master Viper." Death said as they were finally moving through the path again.

"So.. back to our topic at hand.. do you know how I could learn Chi? I've been told this by you two before, but any extra advice you'd like to give me Death?" Spike asked wanting to make sure he had every way to learn this technique.
"Well, Chi is a complicated technique, it takes one a long time to learn it, for Oogway, he sat alone in a cave for 30 years and questioned one thing.. who am I? That question is something we all ask ourselves at one point, even I did too, but over the years of my existence.. I've come to understand who I am, and what my place in the world is. For me, I'm meant to help souls move on to rest peacefully, and to know how to use Chi, you need to turn you, into you." Death said putting his finger at Spike's chest.
"... that doesn't make any sense.." Viper said not really understanding it yet.
"That's what they all say at first, but they do eventually. Just reflect on your past Spike, just ask yourself this, who are you? Are you an apprentice to Oogway? A number one assistant? A kung fu master? A dragon? Ask yourself all of these questions, and all of them will combine into one solid answer, that will help you with your path to learning Chi." Death advised which they were starting to understand better by now.
"Who am I..?" Spike asked himself as he looked at his claw, as he got a small idea of what he had to do to unlock it..

But they're talk was finally stopped when the ground suddenly shook violently, they heard a loud sound coming from the mountain and quickly looked up to it, they saw the dark clouds above it were spreading, and that meant one bad thing..
"The demons are almost free, we have little time, come on we need to go, now!" Death said seriously which got them to look serious too.
"We'll fly over there, hop on guys!" Spike said spreading his wings, Viper quickly coiled around him and Death held onto Spike's waste.
"Let's stop these monster's guys." Viper said with a hiss while Spike got ready to take off.
"Let's make them feel fear.." Death said with malice before Spike finally took off from the ground and headed to the mountain at fast speeds, while they could've done this far sooner, they needed time to prepare for what they're gonna face..

Spike flew through the sky's as fast as he could, they all could see the mountain getting closer and closer, and they could hear the roars of the demons they've fought against, they knew this was gonna be a last resort, and they had to give this everything they got.
"Guys, this is gonna be a tough fight, but whatever happens, we do this, together!" Spike said seriously while Spike was flying to the very top.
"Be on your guard you two, the only way we can stop them is if we close up that crack they're coming from, we need to find a way to seal it off, that'll stop them for good." Death said as they could see the crack at the top of the mountain now, and they could see dozens upon dozens of demons emerging from it.
"We'll find out how to close it during the fight, you ready guys?" Viper asked making sure they had prepared.
"Let's do this.." Spike said seriously before he flew down directly to the crack, once they were close enough, Death and Viper jumped off of him and slid down on the walls that led down to the crater, Death rolled down the path without much trouble, while Viper quickly jumped over any rock she was coming up on, Spike twirled around in the air for just a bit until they all finally landed on the ground together and struck they're fighting poses.

The demons were emerging from the crack, they all were finally starting to break free, the crack kept growing more and more, and that led to even more demons then before to emerge from it.
"You guys ready to do this?" Spike asked as the demons all saw the three of them and made loud screeches at them.
"Let's bring fear to these heartless monsters.." Death said as he took out his sickles and moved them across the ground which made some sparks as a result..
"This is for you dad.." Viper said seriously as the monster's started to charge at them.
"Skadoosh!!!" Spike screamed as they all charged at the monster's and began to clash against them.


( Felt like this music could fit what's happening)

Spike, Viper and Death all scream with rage as the monsters lunge at all of them, they all decided to take on different groups to keep up against them, so Spike went for the demonic birds while Death took on the largest ones, and Viper took on the wolf demons.

Spike roared at the demons and flew directly against them, the birds screeched at Spike with rage and took out sharp feathers that looked like knifes, and threw it at him, Spike flew his way out of the attack and grabbed one of them to counter the attack, Spike threw one of them back at a monster's head and knocked that one down, Spike took a deep breath and shot a stream of fire at the demons that defeated that group.

Spike could hear more screeching from above him and saw even more of these monsters were charging at him, Spike roared at them in response and flew directly to them, one of them tried to slash against Spike, but he grabbed the talon with his left arm and began to twirl it around like a cyclone, Spike sped up with his flying as he tossed it around before he aimed directly at another demon and threw it to it which made them both disappear.

Spike's senses went off and he felt something coming at him from behind, Spike quickly ducked down and saw another monster almost hit him, Spike quickly twirled around in the air and delivered a roundhouse kick to kick it to the ground, Spike made a battle cry and flew directly down into it and delivered another strike that took it down finally, and Spike could see even more demons, but he didn't let this get to him, and charged at them all to ensure he could fight against them.

Viper swiftly dodged multiple lunges from dozens of demons at once, Viper jumped in the air and whipped her tail directly down on one of the monster wolf's heads and defeated that one, Viper then landed on the ground and hissed at the demons before her, she may have lost against them before, but she won't this time.

One of them lunged directly at her and Viper had a look of rage, Viper quickly slid under the wolf to dodge the attack, she then grabbed the monster's leg and began to smash it against the ground repeatedly with rage.
"This if for my father!!" Viper screamed with rage before she slammed it's head into the ground, the other demons roared at her and tried to take her down once again, but Viper had the courage to fight them now.

Viper lunged directly at them and went right in between two of them as they went right by her, Viper then quickly coiled around they're legs and made them smack against eachother, Viper then twirled them all over and threw them against the walls of the crater, more and more demons began to emerge from the crack as the clouds began to have lightning flash from them, they knew this was do or die, and they weren't gonna die here, not today.

Death twirled his sickles around as the larger ones that looked like bears and even dragons charged against him, Death jumped in the air and went directly over one, Death aimed his sickle at ones neck and delivered a strong slice that cut it's head off which made it disappear, Death quickly ducked under a slash from behind and sliced the claw off in response while making a wolf howl.

Death quickly delivered a strong kick to one of they're chins to knock it in the air, Death then jumped up and delivered multiple slashes at the monsters head at inhuman speeds, Death landed back on the ground and twirled his sickles around as the monster fell on the ground, now cut to pieces completely from that attack.

But Death couldn't rest right now as he saw even more were surrounding him, he got irritated as they just kept coming, and knew he can't hold back for this one.
"Let's see if you feel fear monster's!" Death shouted as he put his sickles together and now created what looked like a double bladed scythe, Death twirled it around as the monsters lunged at him and Death snarled at them all, Death jumped in the air and cut through one's body completely, Death then jumped off it's corpse as it turned to dust and flew directly at 5 more of them, Death screamed with rage and aimed his weapon in the air, he then threw the thing around like a boomerang and he watched as it swiftly cut down all of those demons at once, and Death quickly landed back on the ground and caught the weapon as they all vanished again.

Spike and Viper landed against him and they could see over 50 of them surrounding them all.
"Remember, stick together guys!" Spike shouted as he took a deep breath.
"No need to tell me twice!" Viper shouted as they dodged out of multiple knife shots from the demonic birds.
"Spike on your right!" Death warned which made Spike quickly turn around to see another demonic bear about to strike, Spike quickly rolled around the attack and shot another fire ball at the monster which made it roar in pain.

The camera spins around them all as Spike, Death and Viper all do they're parts to fight against them, Spike and Death combined some of they're moves together to take more of them down, Spike did another Shoryuken on one of the demons which sent it directly in the air and knocked multiple demons up with it too, and Death swiftly cut through them with no effort at all, they then saw another group charging down at them and they got another idea, Death grabbed Spike's tail and quickly threw Spike in the air, Spike was given Death's weapon for just a moment, and he screamed as he twirled it around and cut through all of them at once.

Spike then landed back on the ground and gave Death his weapon back and they kept on fighting the monster's, Viper coiled around one of the demonic birds and slammed it against another demonic bug that tried attacking Spike, Spike then grabbed the monster's head and twisted it while lightning was flashing all around them, Spike then backflipped in the air and spread his wings, Spike roared with rage and used a new move he just came up with, Spike began to twirl around in the air and he breathed fire around his body which made the fire spin around him like a tornado, Spike then dived directly into another large group like a homing missile and made a huge explosion that knocked even more of them down from the blast.
"I'm calling that, the Tornado Dive!" Spike declared as he punched another down without looking.

Viper and Death had another group to deal with now, and Death and Viper knew what to do, Death howled like a wolf yet again and put his weapon on the ground and slashed against the floor which created some pink flames that surrounded the demons, Viper hissed at all of them and jumped directly into the fire and took them all down from the inside, Viper screamed with all the rage in her soul as she stabbed multiple demons with her tail and took all of them down, she wasn't gonna let a single one escape this time, even if it costs her own life.

The flames soon died down and they all faced back against eachother, they could see more demons coming out of the crack, and got frustrated as this was never ending.
"They just keep coming!" Viper shouted as they barely dodged multiple demons coming for them, the numbers just kept increasing, and they now could see what could be over 100 emerging from them, Death growled with rage and was at the point where his blood was boiling.
"I've had about enough of you all.." Death said with rage as he was twirling his sickles around at extremely fast speeds.
"Death, what are you doing?!" Spike shouted while he breathed another stream of fire on another group, Death twirled his sickles around even faster as dozens of demons surrounded him, Death put the weapons by his sides and readied a special move as the demons lunged at him.

" JUDGEMENT CUT!!!" Death screamed before he pulled off a move so powerful, Spike and Viper couldn't believe it. Death swiftly cut through each and every one of the demons in less then a second, the flashes of his weapons clashing against the demons as they could feel time slow to a crawl, and it felt like reality was cracking all around them, Death then came right by they're sides and twirled his weapons around, before he put them back on his sides, this finally made time resume and everything shattered around them like glass, all the demons screamed with pain as that move was strong enough to defeat all of them, they all fell on the ground and vanished once again while Death breathed heavily.
"Whoa.. Death.. where the heck did you learn that?!" Spike asked completely amazed with that move.
"That was the coolest move I've ever seen!!" Viper said really amazed with this too.
"It's a special move I learned myself, I've seen it used before, but I took a lot of time to learn this, that should give us some time to rest for a moment, we have to figure out how to seal this crack." Death explained as they all turned they're attention to the crack, and began walking up to it.

"What do you think we need to do to close it?" Viper asked worried on what to do.
"Well, Oogway said that these monster's can be stopped with Chi, so it must tie into how we can close this thing." Death theorized as they could see the black mist coming out of it.
"You said one can learn it is if they understand who they are, by turning him into himself, how can I do that?" Spike asked trying to figure out how to use it.
"You need to know who you are, remember what I told you, who are you?" Death asked again trying to help him understand this.

But they're talk was stopped once again as the ground began to shake violently again which worried them all, they all saw the crack was beginning to open up even more and the ground began to fall.
"Go, move, move!!" Spike screamed as he quickly grabbed them with his one arm and took off in the air, Spike went back to the ledge of the crater and they watched with shock as the darkness was bursting out of it like smoke from a volcano. A loud roar was heard from inside the crater which hurt they're ears badly.
"What's going on?!" Viper screamed as the ground shook violently around the whole mountain.
"The crack is breaking, if we don't stop this now, they'll break free!" Death shouted as lightning flashed all around them.

Something loud was heard climbing up from the crack which made them scarred, they're fears got even worse when a huge monsterous claw emerged from the crack, followed by another that gripped onto the mountain, and they watched with terror as something truly horrific emerged from the mountain, they witnessed a familiar 3 headed monster emerge from the darkness, a creature so large it towered over all of them, and could be just as big as the mountain itself. It was.. a demonic hydra.

The hydra screeched with pure fury which hurt they're ears from it's scream, and for the first time in years, Death actually felt fear as he saw this thing, even he couldn't handle this.
"We need to get out of here, go move!!" Death shouted as he quickly pushed them out of the way of some falling rocks, they could hear the monster emerging even more as the shadow was bursting out of the mountain like a volcanic eruption, everyone in Viper's village could see the chaos happening, and all were extremely afraid of what's to come.
"Viper, Spike.. please be safe.." Emily prayed as they saw the hydra emerge from the mountain.

The weather around them turned into a harsh thunderstorm and it began to rain very hard, Spike and Viper were dodging more falling rocks while Death tried to protect them.
"Death, what do we do?! How do we stop this thing?!" Spike shouted with fear as all of them were backing up from the creature.
"I.. don't know.. I haven't been in a situation like this before.. ever.." Death admitted which really meant this was bad. The hydra soon noticed the three heroes below it, and roared at all of them with rage. It began to raise one of it's claws in the air and slowly struck against the mountain, this caused a huge cliffside of boulders to begin tumbling down directly to them which they all were afraid that, but Spike could see they were about to hit Viper and Death, and knew what he had to do.
"Get out of here, go!!" Spike shouted before he suddenly pushed the two of them out of the way which surprised them both. They both watched with horror as the rocks all came to Spike just as he pushed them out of the way, and they all fell directly onto him just after they were saved.

"Spike!!" Viper screamed with terror as the rocks crushed him completely.
"No, no! He can't be, he can't!!" Viper screamed as she tried to get the boulders off of him.
"I'm not losing another one! Too many have lost because of events like these, I can't let this happen too!" Death shouted as he tried helping her.
"Death, you know if someone is dead or alive right, can you feel if he is? Please?!" Viper begged as she really hoped he wasn't.. gone.
"I can feel him, it's faint, but he's alive! But he won't be if we don't help him, come on!" Death shouted as they tried to push the boulders off of them while the hydra roared with fury which could be heard all over China.

Spike was in a black void as he was crushed by those boulders, it was the last attempt he could make in order to save Viper's life, he had hoped he could find a way to save everyone.. but.. he didn't..

Spike could feel his life flash before his eyes, he reflected on the times he's had during this journey of his, all the times he's spent with his family's, the adventures he's gone on with Twilight and the five, from him and Po defeating Tai Lung, and all the times he's spent with Viper..

Viper was his closest friend.. the one he was first friends with when he came to, it was people like her that helped him keep training, and learning to become a warrior, but if the world falls.. so will she..

"Did.. I.. fail? Is.. it over?" Spike asked himself through the void as he didn't know what to think, if that crack splits open completely, the world is done for, he tried the hardest he could to stop this, but despite his best efforts.. he.. failed..

But that's when he remembered the talk he had with Death, he remembered how he said failure can help us all learn from out mistakes, and become better, if even Death himself has learned from these mistakes, he and Viper can too. And that's when he finally realized something.. who is he..

After reflecting through his life, remembering the fun times he's had with both family's, the times he's saved the valley with the 5, to the fun adventures he's had with the mane 6, the struggles they went through, and the battles they fought against, they all tied into one important thing in his life, something he's questioned for a long time..

"Who.. are you?" Oogway's words echoed as he finally realized what this meant, Spike's body began to twitch and he finally felt himself move again, he finally understood this, after help from Death, Ethan and Emily, Viper's siblings, Oogway, and Viper.. it gave him his answer..
"I.. am.. Spike.. the Dragon.. Master.." Spike said as he finally opened his eyes, and they now were glowing pure gold as he felt the power of Chi soar through him, and the void he was in was blinded from the powerful light coming from him..

Death and Viper tried pushing the boulders out of the rubble, trying to save Spike's life.
"Come on, we're almost there.." Viper said with tears as the hydra was spreading the dark clouds all across Viper's village.
"We can't give up.." Death said as they pushed another boulder away, but then something happened.. a bright golden light began to emerge from inside the rubble which surprised them.
"What?" Viper asked shocked as the light was glowing even brighter, and that's when Death recognized what it is..
"He's finally unlocked it.." Death said with surprise as the rubble began to shake as lightning flashed over them again.
"Wait.. do you mean?!" Viper asked as she got the same idea from this.
"Get back!" Death shouted before he pushed them out of the way just as the rocks were blown away from a powerful golden explosion.

A huge powerful golden light began to spread across the mountain which made the hydra scream from it's aura. Viper and Death could barely see from the light as they were blinded a bit from it, but when they're vision came into focus, they both had a look of amazement with what they saw, they saw Spike had broken free from the rubble, he was floating in the air with his eyes now having golden pupils, he was wearing a special clothing of golden fabric, and had a green dragon symbol going around it, and he had a little hat on his head for style.
"Spike?!" Viper asked amazed as Spike flew even higher in the air, and he began to move his hands around in a special way.
"He's finally unlocked his Chi.. this could save us all." Death said amazed as Spike glowed even brighter.
"Awesome.." Viper said amazed as they saw Spike stand against it by himself.

Spike made a loud battle cry and he unleashed a powerful golden wave across the mountain, the hydra finally was drawn to this and turned it's heads to Spike, Spike's body began to forge a golden construct around him, a powerful move that made it look like a dragon, Spike kept moving his hands all around the area and had golden waves of Chi help form it.
"It's time you know who I am monster." Spike said seriously as lightning flashed over the two of them, the demonic hydra growled with rage as it saw this golden dragon standing against it.

Without a second thought, the hydra lunged at Spike and tried to finish him off, but Spike wasn't gonna play around, Spike raised his left fist in the air and delivered a powerful uppercut on one of it's heads which created a powerful shockwave across the mountain, Spike then moved his tail around to move the constructs lower half around to, he twirled the thing around the hydra and began coiling around it like Viper can do.
"It's time for you to meet your end monster!!" Spike shouted as the construct roared at the hydra. He then spun the thing around extremely fast before he threw it high into the sky's, Spike then flew his construct directly at the thing to finish it off, the Chi was so powerful against the demons, and he finally understood why he needed this power. Spike took a deep breath which made the construct begin to charge up a powerful blast of Chi, the hydra saw this and tried to escape it, but it was too close, and Spike had aimed at it perfectly.
"Skadoosh!!" Spike shouted before he shot a powerful Chi blast that was like a energy beam. The blast went directly to the monster before it could even react, and it impaled the thing straight through it's body, the hydra screamed with pain as the Chi overtook it's entire being, and it completely exploded from the overwhelming power which cleared the storm from the blast, and it was finally destroyed.

Spike's eyes continued to glow gold as he finally unlocked Chi, he knew what this was now, and felt amazing when using this. But he had one last thing to take care of, Spike turned the constructs attention back to the crater, he could see more demons were trying to escape, but he wasn't gonna let that happen. The construct roared with rage at the demons as it came directly over the crater, he then began to breath a golden stream of fire all over them, the demons all screeched with pain as the light destroyed them for good, and the fire covered them all, Spike focused his Chi as hardest he could, he made the construct use it's power to create a seal on the crack, the flames began to form around the crack and began to block any dark mist coming from it, and the flames slowly went into the crack to prevent anything from coming out, and with one special hand gesture, Spike made the golden fire completely seal up the crack, and the flames soon turned into rock and earth again, finally sealing the demons away for good..

Spike breathed heavily as he felt so much power flow through him, Viper and Death were completely amazed as Spike had saved the day, all the villagers who were able to see this cheered with joy as the monster was finally gone, and Viper's family all smiled proudly as they knew Spike and Viper saved the day.

Spike's body lowered to Viper and Death as his power flowed through him, the dragon construct finally disappeared and Spike landed on his knees, he breathed heavily as he felt the power leave him, even if it was for a brief moment, using this power was a moment he'd never forget.
"Spike, you did it, you did it!!" Viper said with amazement as she quickly came in to give him a hug, Spike breathed heavily and saw she had tears in her eyes while holding him close, and Spike returned the hug and smiled proudly.
"It wasn't just me who did it.. we did it.." Spike said gladly while holding her close, but then he felt something move on his right side, and his eyes widened in shock.
"And look what you have there.." Death said as he pointed to Spike's right side.

Spike and Viper turned to where Spike's missing arm was, but they saw something that shocked them completely, Spike's arm was back.. it was now a golden arm that looked like it was made of Chi itself, even if it's not his real arm, it still feels like his old one.
"My arm.. I have it back.." Spike said completely shocked as he gripped it, and he could feel it, it was real..
"How.. how did you unlock Chi? How did you realize how to use it?" Viper asked turning back to him while he was still shocked at this.
"I finally understood what Death told us, my will to protect you, my friends, my home and family, it's all who makes me who I am, and to me, I'm Spike, the Dragon Master, and it's.. my feelings for you that helped me unlock them too.. all the times I've spent with you.. it gave me so much joy, and I knew that my place, is here, and by your side.." Spike said smiling at her while she had tears in her eyes.
"Oh Spike.." Viper said with relief as she held him tightly, extremely happy to see he's okay.

Death smiled at the two of them and felt proud for being able to help them out.
"Spike, you've done good. I'm not one to show much respect to others, but you are one special soul, to think two of you have earned my respect, that's something I'd get 2 nickels for." Death joked which confused Spike.
"What do you mean.. two of me?" Spike asked not understanding that at all.
"Eh it's not important, know that you've done a great deal for everyone in this world. And I owe you for this, you've earned my respect kid, and I'm glad to have fought beside you." Death said as he held out a claw again, Spike smiled at this and took it with his new Chi arm, and they shook in a respectful way.
"It's been a huge honor fighting alongside you Death, you think you can teach me that Judgement Cut move one day? I think it would really come in handy." Spike asked which made Death chuckle in response.
"Maybe one day Spike, you've got a long way to go, even with Chi, there's still stuff you have to learn yourself." Death replied as Spike looked at his new clothing.

"Yeah.. even with what I got now, all that power I used kinda went into stopping those demons.. but even if I can use Chi a little, it will definitely help out a lot.." Spike said while Viper let go of him.
"Even if you don't have complete control over Chi, learning to use it is a feat on itself, Shifu would be very proud of you for this." Viper said patting his shoulder which made him smile a little.
"Yeah, your right. Even if it's just a Chi arm right now, I'm sure one day I'll master Chi fully." Spike said as he moved his new arm around and was getting used to it.

Death smiled as he saw there was no need for him to be here now, and he could see the sun starting to rise in the distance.
"Well, I guess my job here is done then. I'd best be going back to what I do best. It was good meeting you Spike and Viper." Death said as he turned around and began to leave.
"Wait, don't you wanna rest in the village for a bit? You should at least take a break?" Viper asked worried for him, but he smiled and shook his head.
"I have no need Viper, I have a job to do. I'll see you again one day, I know it." Death said as he saw the path below them, they could understand he may not be one for being in crowds, so they understood it's best for him to go.
"If your sure about that, then be safe out there Death, thank you, for everything." Spike said gratefully as they looked at eachother one last time.
"Your welcome Spike, thank you too." Death said before he made one more whistle as he finally left them and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving them alone.

Spike and Viper took in this moment, and saw the sun was rising on the horizon.
"Well, I guess we should head back to the village, your family's probably wondering what happened, we'd best not keep them waiting." Spike said with a smile as they looked over the village from the distance together.
"Yeah, they will, it's been a crazy journey, but I'm glad it's over, a lot's happened, but I'm just glad we made it through this." Viper said really relieved this is done with, and the demons are gone.
"Me too Viper, ready to go?" Spike asked as he held out his Chi arm to her, Viper smiled and gently took it herself.
"Let's go Spike.." Viper said proudly as the two of them began to make they're way back to the village, while they were glad the day was saved and the demons were gone, they still had one more thing to do before they headed home..

28: Shadows Of The Village, Finale: Honor For The Fallen

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After Spike, Viper and Death had saved the world from the demons, and sealed the crack away for good, Spike and Viper made they're way back to the village after Death left to do what he's known to do. While it was cool to team up with him for a while, it was understandable he had to leave, It was a good time for them to face off against the demons as a team, it was certainly a story that they'll remember forever.

Once Spike and Viper made it back to the village, everyone was relieved to know they're okay, Spike and Viper made it back to Viper's home within the hour after defeating the demons, and they were so happy to see they're okay, especially after they just left after the sun set last night.

While Viper and Spike were glad they were all okay, they all sill mourned the loss and death of so many lives, from the villagers who were killed in the attack, and especially the passing of The Great Master Viper, Ethan. Knowing that they all are gone, the family all decided to throw a special funeral to honor the fallen, it was to give a final goodbye to Ethan and the people who's lives were lost to the darkness.

Viper's village took no time to prepare this funeral service, with how much they respected and honored Ethan with how long he's fought for the village, they all wanted to pay respects to him and they're fallen loved ones, and by the time the sunset, the funeral was ready to begin..

The sun was setting once again on the horizon of Viper's village, everything within the damaged village was quiet and somber, to help reflect what's happening right now, small orange and yellow lights filled the street as the villagers, Spike and Viper, and her family are all gathered around in the center of the town, and they are sadly looking over the grave of Ethan, and the graves of their fallen friends and family..

Spike uses his fire to light some special candles around Ethan's grave, a picture of him and Viper's family were shown to be near the tombstone, and everyone was silent, and taking in this moment that they were all going through, Viper and her family all were crying as they remembered the times they had with Ethan, he was such an important figure in their lives, and now that he's gone.. they needed a moment to process all of this.

Wanting to show his respect to Ethan, Spike was the first one to step up, to announce his thoughts to the village, he hasn't done something like this before, but he wants to pay as much respect as he can. Spike stood in front of the entire town and made sure they all were looking at him, Spike coughed a few times before he finally began to speak.

"We are gathered here today, to say goodbye to someone truly special, someone who's shaped the lives of the village in many ways, and has protected it for his entire life. He was a strong warrior with a heart of gold, he always cared about his family, and never backed down from a fight, even if he wasn't a match for his opponent. This is the Great Master Viper, otherwise, he's known as Ethan, a great warrior, and a great father..." Spike said sadly as all the village watched him give his speech.

"I may have only met Ethan a few weeks back, but even from a first meeting, I could tell he was something special, he was someone I knew would always care for his family, and be there for them when they need it, no matter what happens, he was always there for them. Ethan is the father of my closest friend, Master Viper, his first daughter, and an amazing fighter herself." Spike said with tears as he took off his new hat he got from his new Chi powers, and looked at all of them with sadness.

"It's said that the Viper clan descended from Dragons, my own kind, they're fire had went into his clans powerful venom, a venom he used to protect this village for his entire life, and one that his ancestors before him used to protect everyone. As a dragon myself, I am more then honored to know my kind in this world, helped make the amazing clan that is the Viper clan, people who serve with honor, and protect the innocent, it's something I only wish I was there to witness, Ethan was a strong soul, one that was kind, honorable, and always stood up against the toughest foes. No matter what, and even with the short time I knew him.. I knew that he was one of the best warriors in China, and I hope he's resting peacefully in the Spirit Realm.. and he's looking over us all.." Spike finished while the village clapped for him at this really special speech he gave.

Spike cried a bit as he went up to Viper's family again, they all gave him a hug after hearing that from him, it meant a lot to them hearing it.
"Spike, thank you for this, it means so much to hear it from you.." Emily thanked as they all held him close.
"I only wish you could've seen him when he was raising us, he was such a sweetheart whenever he looked after us.." Shiji said as they all cried from reflecting on their time with him.
"He was the best father I could ever have, and I'm glad you got to meet him Spike.." Viper said as they all looked at eachother with sadness while the villagers stayed silent to pray to him.
"I'm glad I met all of you, especially with meeting him, this is a day I'll really never forget.." Spike said looking down with sadness while clutching his new arm.
"It's something we won't ever forget Spike.." Viper assured before she started to go up to her father's grave, to give a speech herself.

Spike stood alongside Viper's family and stayed quiet, this was a sad day for all of them, and they wanted to be as respectful as possible, Viper had tears in her eyes and began to speak too.
"My father, was the best person I could wish to have.. even when I was born without fangs like the rest of my family, he still did what he could to protect and raise me and my sisters. My passion for ribbon dancing is what let me save this village so long ago, and it was the first time I really felt like I accomplished something that made him proud, it was because of him I'm the fighter I am today.. and I wouldn't be the same if he wasn't there to protect us all.." Viper said sadly while the villagers looked down quietly too as rain was lightly falling on them all.

"My dad was truly one of the best warriors in China, he was strong, kind, honorable, a loving father and husband.. he was truly a pure soul that always did what he could to protect us and his home. And with all this said, I just wanna thank all of you, what you've done for him during his last weeks of life is something my family couldn't be more grateful for, you all are people that I couldn't be happier to have spent time with during these last few weeks, you all did so much for him, and for that, I thank all of you for doing so much for my family.." Viper said gratefully looking over the whole village, they all respectfully bowed to her in respect while she looked over them all, to know they had such a kind village to look after her father before he passed, it was something she'd never forget..

Viper went back up to her family while the other villagers went to pay respects to the ones they lost.
"Viper, that was really beautiful, I'm really sorry he.. died like that.." Spike said with regret while she hugged him once more.
"It's okay Spike.. we saved my home, and my family, and we did it with great help too, it's because of you we're all still here, you should be proud of yourself for this Spike." Viper said softly as they looked at his new arm.
"We went through a lot together, didn't we? From the letter arriving, to you and me traveling here.. and all of.. this.." Spike said with regret while looking over the villages state, he felt really bad for what's happened here, but if the people are alive, and everything's good, then he is too.
"Yeah, we both did, you were the only one there for me.. I just wanna say thank you, you were always there for me.. and I couldn't be more grateful for it Spike." Viper said gratefully as they both watched the funeral continue on.
"Your welcome Vipes, I'm glad I have someone like you here.." Spike said gratefully while they stayed silent with the rest of her family as they listened on to this sad day.

After they had that funeral for Ethan and the fallen villagers, Spike and Viper's family went back to the house, they all needed time to process what's happened during these last few days, Spike was still trying to get used to his new arm, even with Chi now being unlocked, he can only use it very briefly, and a lot of it faded after he used the Chi dragon to destroy the demon hydra.

Spike was sitting in the living room of the house, he was looking over the village through the window, even from here, he could see the village repairing itself after what happened, it's just the cycle of life and Death, and recovery. Spike gripped his new arm as he watched over the place, even with the funeral over, they still had a lot to process from it.
"Hey Spike, you doing okay?" A familiar voice asked which made him turn around, he looked behind and saw Emily slithering up to him, she had some dumplings for him in case he was hungry.
"I'm fine Emily, there's just a lot to go through right now, how about you?" Spike asked worried for her too.
"I'm okay, I'm trying to handle my husband being gone, and I only have my daughters left from this.." Emily said with sadness as she sat next to him and handed him the food.
"It's hard to process the loss of a loved one.. I only wish I could've been there to save him.." Spike said with regret while he looked up at the sky.

"There was so much happening at that time Spike, no one blames you for his death, and you shouldn't blame yourself, Death comes for us all, no matter how long we live, at one point, we will have to accept it, and move on to the afterlife, I'm just glad my husband could see his daughter one last time, before he passed.." Emily said with tears as she reflected on that dark moment.
"Nothing is more important then family, found family or blood, even if I never knew my real family, the ones had the egg I hatched from, Twilight and her friends were more then enough, but when I came here, joined the 5, and became a master, it was like I found a new family all over again, and now, with Viper, it feels like it's like a flower, growing from it's soil.." Spike said as he looked at a sunflower nearby the window, even after the damage this village went through, there are still things like this that can survive such carnage.
"Viper and my daughter's mean the world to me Spike, there's always the time where you have to let them go, and move on to better things, for Viper, her moving onto learn kung fu, and become a beloved master, it's something I couldn't be more proud for, and my other daughter's, they are all so innocent and pure, I never could imagine not loving them, they mean the world to me, and Ethan did too. And when you came into her life, it made things so much better, I liked you from the beginning Spike, but you really showed how much my daughter means to you, and to her." Emily said softly while they looked over the village together.

"She was the closest one I connected with, and she means so much, there's never a moment where I'm not happy when with her, she's always so kind, and thoughtful, she's truly the best of the 5 in my opinion, with all she's been through, especially now, she deserves the love she gets.." Spike said with a smile while he looked at Viper's ribbon he's had for a while now.
"She's a special one, just like you. I know you two care for eachother, but I also know how much you have feelings for her, if it weren't for these demons, we could've had you two bond even more while here, I'm sure Ethan would've loved to see it." Emily said in a sweet tone while Spike chuckled hearing it.
"I know he would've.. I do love Viper.. and I think she feels the same, and after what we've been through, it only solidifies it. I just.. don't know how to confess to her.." Spike said a bit nervous on what to do.
"Spike, if you love her, and she loves you, then take my advice. Take her to a nice place within the village, maybe the park, or the cherry blossom trees we have on the hills, or anywhere you feel is the best place, and tell her how you feel. I'm sure she's wanting to do it right now, I know you two love eachother, and all I want is for you two to show it." Emily said rubbing his shoulder.
"Do you.. really think that will work?" Spike asked a bit unsure still.
"Of course, it's how Ethan proposed to me, under the cherry blossom trees, it was the happiest day of my life, and I hope that my daughter feels it too, if you love her, then go out there and tell her how you feel." Emily encouraged which made him feel confident.
"If your positive on this, I'll try, thank you Emily, for everything.." Spike said gratefully while he began to stand up finally.
"Your welcome Spike, and thank you as well.." Emily said gratefully too as they both took in this moment.

Meanwhile with Viper, she and her siblings were in her room again, Viper was being comforted by her siblings, and they all needed a moment to themselves.
"So it's really over then, those demons are gone, and the village is safe?" Shiji asked with a hopeful mood.
"They are sister's, Spike sealed the demons with his Chi for good, when all seemed lost, he unlocked his power, and saved us all.." Viper said with a smile while she looked at the bracelet she was given.
"You both have done something incredible, taking on hordes of demons, that's a story to be remembered for sure, I just wish we could've been apart of it.." Linjin said a bit jealous with how they got to go fight them all like that.
"Yeah Viper, you both really went through a lot together, and with Spike having Chi now, something tells me he's gonna grow even stronger as time goes on.." Beihe said smiling at her sisters.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot in just one night, and with dad's funeral just happening, it's a lot to handle, I only wish we could've done more for our home.." Viper said feeling a bit of regret for how badly it was damaged.
"The place will recover Viper, time heals everything, and that includes how we process loss. You and Spike did so much together, and you should be proud of it too Viper." Linjin said rubbing her head which made her smile a little.
"Thanks girls.. but.. now that it's over, Spike and I will have to return to the palace soon, and we may not see you for a while again." Viper said feeling a bit sad of how long they've been away from the palace.
"It's okay Vipes, we'll come and visit when we can, and I promise we won't embarrass you when we meet the rest of your friends." Beihe assured which made her feel a bit better.
"I look forward to it sister's, but now that dad's gone, you think the village will be okay.. without him?" Viper asked concerned for what's to happen now.
"Don't worry, your sister's and I will stay here, to carry on our father's legacy, this village has grown so much, and we must help it continue, no matter where you go Viper, we're always with you." Shiji assured with a gleeful tone which made her giggle a little.
"Thanks, I'm glad to know that.. really.." Viper said as her worry's were going away finally.

"So Viper, now that everything's settled down, you finally gonna confess to Spike yet? We've been trying to help you two, and now I think it's time you both confess." Linjin asked which did shock her a bit, but then again, she's been having this on her back this whole time.
"I honestly don't know how to confess girls, I do love him, he was so cute when he first came to the palace, and he's still cute even after all his growth, with all we've done for eachother, I think it's something we have to confess to eachother.." Viper said with a smile while she looked back on the memories they've had together.
"Just go up to him and take him somewhere where you can confess, there are plenty of places in the village, just make sure you two have the right moment together, and let it out." Beihe advised while her sister's nodded in response.
"You don't have to hide it anymore Viper, just ask him for a moment, and when the time's right, just confess." Shiji encouraged as they all just wanted this to happen already, Viper sighed being told that, and smiled again, she knew she had to confess, and now was a good time.
"Your right, like always girls, please be sure to leave us alone, I wanna make sure we both can tell eachother this.." Viper said in a soft tone while she started to move to the door to find him.
"Don't worry Viper, we'll leave you alone, just have fun out there okay?" Linjin asked as she opened the door.
"I will, thank you so much girls.. I love you all.." Viper said gratefully before she slithered out of the room to find him, and they all smiled being told that.

After those talks, Spike and Viper both walked through the house to find eachother, and soon enough, they bumped into eachother in the hall, and looked a bit nervous.
"Oh uh hey Viper, you doing alright?" Spike asked hoping nothings wrong right now.
"I'm fine Spike, in fact I was just coming to find you, I was hoping to ask if you'd like to come to the village with me for a little bit?" Viper asked looking up at him which he smiled at.
"O of course, I was just coming to ask you that myself, you ready to go?" Spike asked while they moved to the door.
"Of course, come with me, I know a really nice spot where we can talk." Viper asked while they opened the door together, they took deep breaths and sighed with joy seeing the sun shine down on them, and they both went out of the house together.

Spike followed Viper through the village, looking around them, they could see the people rebuilding it, helping eachother fix they're houses, stores, and all the dragon shrines around, it showed him just how much this village is able to recover after hard times, and after all of this, he hopes nothing bad happens to it again. But Spike knew why they were alone right now, they both knew, and Spike just waited until Viper began to tell him what's on her mind.

Soon enough, Viper led Spike to another part of the village, it was a beautiful sight where they could see dozens of cherry blossom trees, there were pink leaves all over the place, and they saw the river pass by the village, and go far off into the mountain they fought on, Spike and Viper both stayed silent for this, they wanted to make sure they knew what to say, and when the time was right, Viper finally began to speak.

"We've been through a lot here Spike, haven't we? After getting that letter, we traveled a long way together to my home, and spending time with my family.." Viper asked as they looked at the water together, and saw they're reflections.
"Yeah, it was a hard time for you, and I wanted to make sure you didn't feel alone when coming back here, after how close we've gotten, letting you go through something like this alone is something I wouldn't think about, I always wanted to make sure your happy Viper, even with what tragedy's happen, doing what I can to help you, it's all I could ever ask for.." Spike said with a smile while they took a moment together.
"Spike.. since the day you came to the palace, I saw something in you, something special, I've been great friends with the others, but.. whenever I'm with you, there's something I just can't stop feeling, I always enjoy the fun times we have together, the fights we team up in, and just.. seeing you makes me happy, no matter what happens, you always turn my day around. And.. I couldn't be more grateful for it.." Viper said in a sweet tone while they both turned to face eachother.
"Thank you Viper.. when I came to the palace, I didn't think I'd be a great master at all, but with all the encouragement you and the other's gave me.. it helped make me who I am today, all the support you gave me.. it's something I won't ever forget, you have done so much for me since I came to this world, and I only wanted to return it.." Spike said with a smile while they both looked at eachother in the eyes, they had the moment, and they had to take the chance.

"Spike.. there's something I've been wanting to tell you.. I've been wanting to say this for a long time now.." Viper asked while they both looked nervous.
"There's something I've wanted to tell you too.. and now that we're alone.. I think it's time we tell it.. you wanna go first, or should I?" Spike asked pointing at himself.
"Let's both say it.. in 3..2.. 1.. I.." Viper said before they both finished it at once.
"I love you Spike/ Viper.." They both said at once, they both looked at eachother with pure honesty, they've felt this way for eachother for a long time.. and now they've finally admitted it..
"Viper.. you really feel this way? I've felt this way for a while, and after all this.. you really love me?" Spike asked hoping this was true.
"I do Spike, you've always been there for me, like how I've been for you, I do love you Spike.. like how you love me.." Viper said in a sweet voice while they both smiled at eachother.

"Viper.. after all that's happened, there's no better person, I'd want to be with.. then you.." Spike said with tears before he pulled her into a tight hug.
"I've felt this way for you for a long time too Spike.. do you.. really want to be together with me?" Viper asked while they held eachother close.
"Of course Vipes, no matter what happens, I'll love you, no matter what." Spike said as they looked directly at eachother.
"Thank you.. thank you so much Spike.." Viper said with joy before she suddenly came in and kissed him, Spike leaned into it and they stayed like this for a while, all while the cherry blossoms fell over the background, to help sell the atmosphere.
Soon enough, they pulled away from eachother, and looked at eachother with smiles of joy.
"You ready to go back to the other's Viper? I'm sure they know about this by now.." Spike asked chuckling a bit.
"Of course sweetie, we'll head back to home tomorrow, and we'll be close to eachother every step of the way." Viper said lovingly as she held onto him tightly.
"I'll look forward to it, I love you Viper." Spike said with joy as they started to head back to the house together.
"I love you too Spikey.." Viper said sweetly while they went back to the house together, even after all the hell they went through here, a moment like this.. was what they really needed..

After they finally confessed to eachother, Spike and Viper went back to Viper's house, and told they're family about they're confession, and now that they're dating. They were thrilled to know it, and congratulated them both for it, and after that, they spent the rest of the day getting ready to go back home, while they would like to have spent more time here, they've been gone for a few weeks by now, and with they're recent journey, they should be heading home.

We open to the next day, the sun was rising once again over Dragon Valley, the people were going about they're day, and preparing the village, like it was all but normal now. Spike and Viper had packed up all they had, and were now outside Viper's house, where her family was saying they're goodbye's.

"You can stay a bit longer if you want you know? I'm sure Shifu and your other friends wouldn't mind you two having more time together." Emily asked while they both stood by eachother's sides, and held eachother's hands.. or a claw to a tail to be exact.
"We've been gone for a while now, and I'm sure there's a lot of training we need to catch up on, especially with my new arm here.. but don't worry, we'll be sure to visit as soon as we can, since I can fly, we shouldn't be less then a day away if I fly us here." Spike said confidently while spreading out his wings.
"Spike's right mom, Po and the other's are probably wondering what's happened with us, and I think it's best we finally head back, after all that's happened, it's gonna be good to see the other's again." Viper said looking at her mother and sister's who all understood this.

"We understand Viper, you two don't do anything we wouldn't do okay?" Linjin teased which made the other's chuckle a bit.
"It was great seeing you again Viper, seeing our big sister being so cool and finally have a boyfriend, it just gives me so much joy.." Shiji said in a sweet tone.
"And don't forget, we always can come over to visit too, hope the palace doesn't mind a few guests every now and then." Beihe said smiling over them both.
"Don't worry girls, I'm sure the other's won't mind, it's been really great getting to know you all, and I hope we see eachother again soon.." Spike said hopefully as he had the bags next to him too.
"We're glad to have gotten to know you two Spike, thank you for everything. Know that you are always welcome here, and if you ever need our support, we'll be there for you." Emily assured which made them smile even more.
"Thanks mom, we'll visit when we can, we got a ways ahead of us, but I'm just glad to have spent time with all of you.." Viper said while all of them came to give eachother a hug.
"I'll look forward to it my daughter, no matter what happens, I'm always there for you, and Ethan will be too.." Emily assured while she rubbed her back.
"Thank you mom.. thank you.. all of you.." Viper said gratefully as they all stayed like that for a moment, and finally pulled away after some time.

"It's been really fun girls, this was one of the best adventures I've been on in my life, and I'll never forget it." Spike said finally picking up the bags.
"We're glad we got to meet you Spike, just take care of our sister okay?" Linjin asked while they stood by eachother's side.
"Make sure to kick butt together whenever you can, and just have fun with it!" Shiji encouraged while smiling gleefully.
"And always be by eachother's side when you need it, but I'm sure you always will by now." Beihe advised as well.
"Don't worry sister's, we won't let anything happen to eachother." Viper assured as they were finally ready to leave.
"Be safe my daughter, take care, and I'll see you soon." Emily said feeling a bit sad from this, but also was happy at the same time.

"We will, you ready to go Spike?" Viper asked looking at him.
"Ready when you are." Spike said with a smile as he spread out his wings, Viper coiled around him to keep a grip, and Spike began to fly once again.
"We'll be back soon, thank you for everything!" Spike said gratefully one last time before he finally took off into the sky's, with Viper's family waving goodbye.
"I love you Viper! We all do!" Emily shouted as they watched her fly off with Spike, and to their home.
"I love you too mom! I love all of you!" Viper shouted while Spike kept a firm grip on their stuff. They both kept flying through the air and they saw the house get smaller and smaller, but they knew they could come back whenever they'd like.
"Viper, I just wanna say, thank you for letting me come with you, I couldn't have had a better time in my life, and I hope we do something like this again soon." Spike said with a smile while they looked at eachother.
"I'm glad you came with me Spike, thank you so much for everything.. I love you.." Viper said as she cuddled into his neck for a bit which he chuckled at.
"I love you too Viper.. " Spike said with joy as well as he kept flying back to the Valley of Peace, even after all they've been through, this only made them stronger, and they hoped whatever comes next.. will only be another fun adventure for them both..

29: Attack At The Musicians Village

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We open to a calm and majestic shot of the world Spike has lived in for a while now, but we see it form into a beautiful artstyle, and it begins to tell of an story that no one has seen before, one that's happened long ago..

"Long ago, in ancient China, the Peacocks ruled over Gongmen city.." A voice narrates as we see two large Peacocks in royal attire, within a large tower over a new city.
"They brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented.. fireworks!" The voice announced as colorful lights fill the sky, but we now see another Peacock of black and white, experimenting with what looks like gunpowder.
"But they're son, Lord Shen, saw darker power in the Fireworks, what had brought color and joy, also brought darkness, and destruction." The voice explains as Shen creates red and white colors with the gunpowder that gave him a sinister grin, while his parents were secretly watching on with concern.

"Shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer, she foretold, that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by a warrior of Black and White.." The voice continues as we see the rulers in front of an old goat who was showing them the future, but Shen had seen this too, and was not wanting this to happen.
"The young lord, set out to change his fate.. but what he did next.. only sealed it!" The voice declares as Shen and an army of his own invade a village of pandas, and Shen.. commits genocide on all of them..
And soon enough, Shen returns to his parents with a look of pride, but his parents had looked horrified for what they learned.
"Shen returned to his parents full of pride.. but in their faces.. he saw only horror.." The voice explained as we now see Shen outside the tower, and was being punished for this awful act.
"He was banished from the city forever, but Shen swore revenge. One day, he would return, and all of China would bow at his feet.." The voice concludes as Shen and his men leave the city to whereabouts unknown..

We now cut to a dark and faraway place in China, one no one has been to before, it was a metal factory, and there were wolfs inside the place working away, melting metal down into something that no one has seen before, all the while a blood red color is all over the place, and the leader comes up to a dark shadow who was looking over everything.
"It's almost done Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal." He reported looking up at the shadow.
"Search the farthest villages, find more metal! China will be mine.." Shen said sinisterly as the smoke covers the screen..

We now cut to the current time, Spike and Viper had finally returned home just a week ago, they had been welcomed back by their friends, while also being shocked by Spike's new arm, while Shifu already figured out what it was, and felt proud of Spike for unlocking Chi, they also learned about Spike and Viper now being a couple, and couldn't be happier for the two.

We now open to a shot of the Jade palace during a foggy morning, where we see two kids playing with action figures of Po, Spike and Tigress.
"And then, the Dragon warrior teamed up with the Dragon Master, and joined the furious 6!" The kid said excitedly reflecting on the fight that happened with Tai Lung.
"And they became the most awesomest Kung Fu team ever!" The kid said excitedly as well while they both make fighting sounds with the figures until they heard something from the training room.
"Listen! Listen you can hear the dragon warrior training with the dragon master right now!" The kid said amazed as the camera zooms into the training room.

"Come on Po you can do this!" Spike encouraged while loud stomps were heard.
"Stay focus!" Tigress encouraged as well while the other's were counting up something.
"35! 36! 37!" They all shouted while we see all of them seeing Po doing something awesome.
"How is he doing that with his face?!" Mantis asked amazed with what he's seeing.
"That is one for the history books right there!" Spike compliments as we see Po.. stuffing over 38 bean buns into his mouth, and he finishes the last one just now.

"38 Bean Buns!" Po announced which made them all cheer for him.
"I called it!!" Spike shouted with joy while Viper hugs him.
"Keep going! Hit 40!" Monkey encouraged holding out 2 more.
"He'll never hit 40!" Crane said excitedly not believing he can do it.
"No problem buddy, you sure it's 40?" Po asked while his mouth was muffled from all of the food.
"Do it!" Tigress encouraged with a serious tone.
"No problem!" Po said confidently before he put the last two in his mouth and tried to close it.
"Yea! Yeah! Oh.. give me a moment.." Po said before he finally closed his mouth, and finished all of them.

"Yeah!" Crane shouted with amazement while Po raised his arms in the air.
"He did it!" Viper said amazed as well.
"Well done Po!" Crane congratulated while he patted his back which made Po finally spit out all of the buns, but Spike and Tigress easily blocked them.
"Your training has payed off." Tigress complimented while Po felt really proud.

"Thanks guys, glad you and Viper were here for this Spike, it's so good to have you two back." Po said turning to them both who laughed a bit.
"Hey we had an adventure of our own while at Viper's home, and even if I lost something from it, we also gained more as a result.." Spike said as he looked at his Chi arm again.
"That arm is so cool Spike! What can it do?! Punch Earthquakes? Send balls of light to one of your distant foes?! What will you call these kinds of moves?!" Po asked excitedly looking all over it, he's done this before, but he's never seen something like this so it's alright with him.
"I haven't developed new moves from it yet, but I'm sure we'll come up with something soon." Spike said clutching it, he's gotten used to his new arm by now, and it feels really great, better then his old one honestly.
"You went through a lot with Viper, you should be proud for taking on such a foe by yourselves." Tigress complimented which made them both more proud.

"Hey it would've been cooler if you guys were there, but taking on hordes of demons together, now that is an epic tale." Viper said proudly while hugging Spike again.
"And not to mention we have our cute couple here now, it's about time you two hooked up!" Monkey joked nudging Spike's shoulder which made him chuckle even more.
"Hey we wanted to wait for the right moment, and Viper here helped give us the perfect moment.." Spike said with a smile looking at her.
"I wanted it to be as romantic as it could be.." Viper said lovingly before she gave him another kiss which made him blush a little.

"You two are adorable like that you know?" Po asked while Spike put her down for a bit.
"Don't think our relationship will get in the way of our training, it won't, I promise you that." Spike assured which did relieve Tigress a little.
"There's a lot we have to do with your new arm Spike, be careful with it." Tigress said as she shook Spike's Chi arm again, he had a really firm grip that was honestly stronger then hers, it showed him what can be done if he properly learns to use it.
"Oh don't worry, I'm sure we will." Spike said confidently until they heard a nearby bell sound which meant something.
"Oh Master Shifu! Come on Spike we gotta go!" Po said realizing what it was, Spike nodded in response and began to run out of the room with him.
"Gotta go guys we'll see you later!" Po shouted while the other's smiled at the two.
"Love you Spike!" Viper shouted with a smile which he laughed at.
"Love you two Vipes!" Spike shouted while he opened up the door.
"You'll save those for me right?" Po asked hopefully before Spike pulled him out.
"Come on, let's see what Shifu needs!" Spike said before he spread out his wings and took off to another place.

Spike and Po quickly rush to a nearby cave away from the Jade Palace, it was hidden near a waterfall, and they knew Shifu had been going there for a while at this point.
"Come on, we're almost there Po!" Spike encouraged while Po was looking a bit tired again.
"Don't worry Spike, I've got more stamina then before!" Po said confidently as they both hurry over to the cave.

We cut to a shot of the cave Shifu was meditating in, a drop of water continued to go into the pool around him, Shifu was meditating on his staff and was focusing his mind.
"Inner Peace..." Shifu said calmly while taking a deep breath.
"Inner.. peace.." Shifu repeated until he could hear Po accidently falling in the water.
"Po.." Spike said a bit annoyed while he helped him up.
"Oh.. Inner Peace..." Shifu said once again while Spike and Po finally arrive.

"You called for us Master?" Spike asked while doing a respectful bow.
"What do we got Shifu? Pirates? Bandits of Volcano Mountain?! Whatever it is we will take them down! Cause we are in the mood, I gotta get something done you know that I mean?" Po asked looking up at him, but they then noticed how he hasn't responded yet.
"Are you okay master?" Spike asked a bit concerned for him.
"Spike's right, what are you doing?" Po asked while Shifu took another deep breath.
"One of Master Oogway's, final teachings.." Shifu said calmly as he looked up at the ceiling.

A single drop of water begins to fall, a drop falls on the floor and Shifu moves his feet around it in a special move, he then waves his hand around as another drop of water falls to him, but with a special technique, Shifu is somehow able to catch it, Shifu keeps his eyes closed and calmly places it on both hands, and he finally places it onto a leaf which calmly drops it into the water he's around which amazed them both.
"Wow.." Spike said with awe of what he just saw.
"Oh! That was awesome! How did you do that?!" Po asked amazed with what he just did.
"Inner Peace." Shifu said proudly while looking down at them, Spike understood what that meant, but Po hasn't yet.
"Inner Peace, that's cool!.. Inner Peace of what?" Po asked as he hasn't been told this before.

"It is the next phase of you and Spike's training, every master must find his path, to inner peace." Shifu instructed while he moved around them, and somehow appeared in multiple parts of the cave in the blink of an eye.
"How are you?" Spike asked confused with how he went behind them both without even moving.
"Some choose to meditate in a cave for 50 years, in a cave just like this." Shifu said as he hopped on his staff again and stood below the dragon statue.
"Without the slightest taste of food, or water." Shifu said referring to Po's growling stomach again.
"You just ate 40 bean buns Po, how are you hungry again?" Spike asked confused with this.
"I.. uh.." Po said nervously not knowing how to explain this, but they quickly turned back to Shifu who continued to explain this to them.

"Some find it through pain and suffering, as I did. Po, the day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior.. was the worst day of my life.." Shifu admitted which made Spike chuckle a bit while Po looked annoyed.
"By far, nothing else came close, it was the most painful.. horrible experience.." Shifu said continuing on with this..
"Okay.." Po said waving his hand, he really didn't wanna hear this again.
"I have ever experienced.." Shifu finished while shivering at the thought before he finally calmed down.
"But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me. I was able to harness the flow of the universe.." Shifu finished while taking more deep breaths.

"Oogway told me about this before.. we need to be at one with who we are.." Spike said looking at his Chi arm again, he reflected on the teachings Oogway had with him during the time he was here..
"So that's it? Spike and I just need Inner Peace?" Po asked while looking up at him.
"It takes a lot to try and master Inner Peace, I may have just tapped into it, but I haven't fully accepted everything yet.." Spike said sadly as there was one final thing that prevented him from understanding this.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll master Inner Peace together, it is going down!" Po said confidently which regained his confidence.
"I'm sure we'll master it in time master." Spike said bowing to him again.

"Spike, while I am proud for you being able to unlock Chi within you, you also have much more to learn." Shifu said as he came to observe Spike's arm again.
"I know.. even if I'm a master right now, there's still far much more I need to learn in order to truly become a master.." Spike said in a calm tone while Po didn't know what Chi was yet, but kinda got what he was saying.
"You have been through a lot with Viper Spike, I just want you two to know, I am happy for the both of you, and with what you went through with those demons, I only hope this makes you stronger, and you can master Inner Peace soon, you are already a few steps ahead of Po, and it won't be that long until you master it, but that is something you need to find out for yourself." Shifu instructed while Spike smiled at.
"Don't worry Master, I understand." Spike said clutching it once again.

"Po! Spike! Bandits! Approaching the musicians village!" Tigress announced coming into the cave, Spike looked to where the village was and got a bad feeling.
"Danger. Tell those musicians to start putting on some action music cause it is on!" Po said confidently while Spike spread out his wings again.
"Come on guys, let's kick some butt!" Spike said ready to go.
"Don't worry Master Shifu, we'll master Inner Peace as soon as we get back!" Po said respectfully to Shifu one more time.
"No snack stops this time." Tigress said looking at him which made him laugh.
"Haha.. snack stops." Po said shaking his head while he went with the group before he quickly realized something.
"Wait are you serious?" Po asked while Crane came down to help him travel.
"We are Po! Come on!" Spike shouted with determination as they all flew to the village as fast as they could.

We cut to a shot of the musicians village, people were all looking really scarred as large harpoons with ropes attached to them slammed down on the cliffside from somewhere high above, they all saw wolf bandits and the leader lands down in front of them all.
"Get all the metal you can find!" He ordered while the wolves began to steal from the entire town, they begin to raid the houses of the villagers, stealing any thing that's metal they could find, from pots and pans, to instruments made of metal, and even large bells that were meant for sounding alarms. All the wolves had found every last piece of metal in the village and had taken a hostage as well who tried to hide.
"That's everything, let's get out of here!" He ordered again while they all began to tightly tie up the metal together about to leave, but a familiar sound of joy echoed through the mountains which got all of their attention.

The camera zooms up to the nearby mountains where Spike, Po and the 5 were all running to the village.
"Wings of Justice!" Po shouted while he jumped off a ledge, he started to scream a bit since he almost fell, but Crane quickly helped him recover and Spike flew besides him with Viper on his back.
"Dramatic entrance!" Spike shouted while Po continued to make a battle cry as all of them fell directly down to the village and struck they're iconic poses, until Po realized he was backwards and quickly corrected himself.
"We need to work out on that Po." Spike whispered which he agreed too while the villagers cheered for them.

"The Dragon Warrior, and the Dragon Master!" A kid said with joy which shocked the bandits.
"A panda?! And an actual dragon?! That's impossible!" The leader said with anger turning to them who all got ready to fight.
"My fist hungers for justice.." Po said seriously while clutching it.. until his stomach rumbled yet again.
"That was my.. fist.." Po said nervously which made them roll they're eyes.
"Get them!" The leader shouted before all the bandits charged at them all.
"Let's do this!" Spike said confidently as they all proceeded to engage in battle with them.

Spike and the group all split up to do they're parts with taking on the bandits, Po was swiftly dodging multiple slashes from one of the bandits metal sword, Po quickly caught the bandits arm and smacked him with his belly into a nearby bell that was being carried which made the people cheer for him. Monkey quickly slid under one of the bandits while taking some golden gongs and he smashed them on the wolfs head to take it down. Spike quickly flipped over multiple heads from the bandits and took they're swords, Spike twirled them around and slammed them into the ground over and over again with rage.
"Puny wolves!" Spike shouted before he threw the wolves far away with his Chi arm easily, Viper swiftly dodged multiple slashes from the bandits with her skills and whipped one away with her tail.
"Take that!" Viper shouted which knocked the wolf into a drum, and Spike followed it up by grabbing the wolfs face and slamming it into some more bells which made loud sounds as a result. Mantis quickly dodged dozens of arrows coming at him while he carefully carried an old bunny who was playing a instrument to safety, he then quickly zoomed up to one of the bandits and struck at the wolf's swords with fast speeds which tore it apart, and delivered a strong strike to the wolf's face which knocked him into the metal.

More wolfs charged at Spike and Po and they quickly moved under they're strikes and threw they're bodies at more drums, Spike ducked under an attack from behind and Po followed it up by kicking him in the face into a large bell. Tigress made a battle cry while jumping down from the air, she slammed down on one of the wolfs heads and leaped over a spear attack, she quickly clawed at the wolf's head with strong combos before sending him into another wolf against even more bells while making a growl. More wolfs took aim at Po from behind with arrows and shot it at him who was taking another bandit on with Spike.
"Po incoming!" Mantis shouted quickly flinging multiple disks to block each one.
"Thanks Mantis!" Po shouted before he kneed the wolf in the face and grabbed it's head and saw more wolfs behind them.
"Leave this to me!" Spike shouted before he charged up his Chi arm and delivered a strong strike to the ground, this knocked all the wolves off their feat and Spike used this moment to take them down while Po was using one of the metal instruments against another wolf right above the old bunny.

The bunny kept playing his instrument while Po was swiftly ducking under multiple strikes and slashing against the weapons while keeping the wolf safe. Po slammed one of the instruments on the wolfs foot which stunned it, he then quickly threw the bunny in the air while twirling around on his back and quickly smacking the ones surrounding him down, Spike followed this up by catching the bunny and put him somewhere safe, a wolf tried to slash at Spike's Chi arm, but that simply resulted in the weapon shattering from it's strong power.
"I aint losing another arm today!" Spike said with a growl before he punched that wolf in the groin which made him scream with pain. Po saw more wolfs coming at him and they threw metal spears at him, Po quickly backflipped away with Spike and Spike backflipped to a rooftop.
"Tigress! Double Death Strike!" Po shouted while he and Spike punched the wolfs surrounding them, Tigress saw where they were and quickly flipped over a wolfs back to the rooftop and grabbed Po's legs, Po twirled her in the air and she did the splits on more of them at once, Spike quickly dodged another slash from a metal axe and used his strength to punch through the axe, and he also knocked the wolf out as a result.

Po saw more wolfs jumping off a ledge and coming down to him, Tigress quickly grabbed him and threw him into the air while he made a battle cry.
"Feet of Fury!" Po shouted with confidence before he rapidly kicked each one of them in the faces in a familiar way which knocked them down, Spike caught him while he was falling down and they landed back in the center.
"Tigress!" Po shouted while she roared at another bandit and clawed at it.
"Monkey!" Po shouted while Monkey twirled off of him and jumped onto another wolf's head.
"Viper and Spike!" Po shouted again as Spike did a Shoryuken on another wolf and Viper jumped into the air before whipping it down.
"Mantis!" Po shouted again as Mantis slammed a wolf's head into the ground multiple times.
"Bunny!.. what?" Po asked himself quickly realizing he had the old bunny somehow.
"Oh sorry.." Po apologized before he punched another wolf in the face.

The leader saw they were beginning to lose and quickly made a howl to the top of the cliff, this caused some gorillas who were at the top begin pulling the stolen metal upwards to them, including one villagers.
"They've got a hostage!" Spike shouted while he threw another wolf into the wall with his tail.
"Crane go!" Po shouted as the metal was being carried up and Crane quickly flew up to them.
"I'm on it!" Crane said seriously as he came right up on the metal bell, and quickly cut the rope off which made the metal fall with the villager screaming with fear.
"Guys, now!" Spike shouted before he and Po both jumped off the cliff to reach the villager, Spike quickly grabbed Po's legs as he got the bell, and Viper coiled around his tail and Monkey grabbed onto hers, while Tigress grabbed his own and stood firmly on the ground, the villager screams as Tigress uses her strength to throw them back onto the ground and they all safely land back down.

"Now that's how we do it!" Spike said confidently while all the villagers cheer for them.
"Is everyone okay?" Po asked making sure no one was hurt.
"That was awesome!" A kid said amazed looking over them all which made them feel proud, but they forgot the leader was still there, and was coming up to Po with a hammer from behind which Spike quickly noticed.
"Po!" Spike warned which made him quickly turn around and they all saw the leader.

"I got this!" Po said confidently as he was about to take him down, the wolf made a snarl as it raised it's hammer in the air, but while Po was about to counter his attack.. something stopped him.. he saw a strange symbol on the wolf's arm which completely stunned him, the symbol was like a blood red eye which was affecting his mind, Po somehow was able to see something, and what he saw completely shocked him.. he saw what looked like him as a baby.. where his.. mother was trying to hide him from something.. before she ran away while he cried for her to come back..
This completely stunned Po and he couldn't process what he just saw, which gave the bandit the moment to strike.
"Po!" Tigress shouted while she tried to save him, but the wolf hammered Po right in the face which sent him flying into Tigress and Spike, and they all crashed down into the villagers as a result.
"Chew on that tubby!" He mocked before he hopped onto the last of the metal, and it began to be taken away while he laughed mockingly.

Everyone groaned with pain as they tried getting back up from the attack.
"What was that?" Spike asked rubbing his head while he helped Viper up who was looking at Po with concern.
"Sweetie are you okay?" Viper asked worried for Po who was breathing heavily, Spike patted his shoulder to try and get his attention.
"You okay Po?" Spike asked worried while he helped him up.
"I think I saw.. I think.. I gotta go.." Po said worried about something before he took off somewhere which left the others concerned.
"Spike, sweetie, you should make sure he's alright, I don't think he's frozen up like this before." Viper asked looking up at him.
"Don't worry Viper, I'll make sure he's okay, you guys help out the villagers okay?" Spike asked as he began to go after him, they all nodded in response and Spike gave Viper another hug before he went after Po, he knew something was wrong, and he's got a bad feeling something is gonna come from it..

30: Lord Shen

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After that fight at the Musicians village, Spike followed Po back to the valley, he had an idea on who he was going to see, but wanted to make sure Po had support of a friend.

Spike flew besides Po as he was making his way to the entrance of Ping's noodle shop, and stopped him for a moment before he went inside.
"Po, is everything alright?" Spike asked worried as they kept themselves outside for a moment, Po had a worried and confused look himself, and had questions he needed answered.
"I don't know Spike, I saw something before that wolf attacked me, and it gave me the idea of where to find an answer maybe, I don't know if my dad will be comfortable with me asking this, but it's something.. I need to know.." Po said with a look of concern as he has a ton of questions with what he saw, and Spike saw he needed help, and decided to come in the place with him.
"Then I'll help out with this, I'm meant to fight alongside you as the Dragon Master, and as a friend, I'll help you out with what I can, I promise you that." Spike assured which made Po smile a bit.
"Thanks Spike, your the best." Po said as they high fived eachother for a moment and began heading into Ping's shop.

The place had a bit of a rearrangement since the last time they were here, it now had more merch and cool items that displayed him and Po, there were stuff Po used when working here as item display, and they saw Ping was serving the customers with a happy look.
"Look.. the Dragon Warrior's mop.. he mopped these very floors.." A kid said amazed looking at a basic mop which Ping noticed.
"Uh.. don't touch it! You'll get the mop dirty!" Ping advised as he was making sure nothing was broken while he went to serve another customer.
"He once waited on me!" A customer said to another while Ping went over to the two.
"Awesome!" The other said amazed with the story being told.
"Yeah I have this stain to prove it! Excuse me, where's the Dragon Warrior?" The customer asked looking at Ping.

"Oh, he doesn't work here anymore, he's busy out there, protecting the valley with his dragon friend and the Furious 5." Ping answered until one of the kids noticed Spike and Po finally.
"The Dragon Warrior and Masters!"" A kid said amazed which got Ping to turn to the entrance and he looked surprised seeing both Po and Spike here.
"How's it going guys?" Spike asked playfully while the crowd came all around them and some were admiring Spike's new arm.
"Is it true you and Master Viper are together now Master Spike?" A kid asked which made him chuckle a bit.
"Yep, got all the time we needed to develop it, we had a lot of fun together." Spike said high fiving the little kid.
"Oh.. that arm feels so powerful.." A pig said amazed as Spike's arm glowed brightly while Ping went up to the two.

"Po! Spike, welcome! You should've told me you were coming!" Ping greeted while he shook Spike's hand and gave Po a hug.
"Hi dad." Po said gladly while hugging him back.
"It's always great to see you Mr. Ping." Spike said with a smile while the crowd was amazed with their presence.
"I would've saved you and Spike some tofu if you were hungry!" Po said lightly which made them chuckle a bit.
"Um, sir we'd like to talk in the kitchen if your alright with it?" Spike asked while the crowd looked at all of them.
"Yeah Spike's right can we talk to you for a minute?" Po asked hopefully.
"Oh of course." Ping said as Spike helped with the plates as they made to the kitchen before Ping announced something.
"Oh.. In honor of my son and the Dragon Master, free tofu deserts for everybody!" Ping announced which made all of them cheer happily.." With purchases." Ping finished which made all of them awww in response as the two went inside.

Spike opened up the door for the two and they went in to talk about what Po saw.
"It is so good to see you both, have you lost weight Po? I can almost put my wings around you!" Ping said as Po has lost a bit of weight since Spike last saw him too.
"Yeah, your looking really awesome there dude." Spike complimented seeing this too.
"Um thanks I think I did lose a little." Po said nervously while Ping went to the counter.
"You both must feel weak, let me make you two some soup." Ping said about to cut some veggies.
"Oh, that's okay dad we're not hungry." Po answered while he brushed it off.
"Yeah, Po ate 40 bean buns earlier today, I think that's enough for right now." Spike added while he put the dishes away too.

"Not hungry? Po are you alright?" Ping asked as that was something he's never heard from him before.
"Yeah don't worry we're fine it's just.. earlier today we were fighting these bandits.." Po said while Ping went to cutting.
"Yeah?" Ping asked making sure he could hear all of this.
"They were nothing too dangerous, they were just.. you know." Po said looking at Spike who nodded in response.
"Uh huh?" Ping asked before Po began to reveal what he saw.
"But during the fight, I um.. had this crazy vision, I.. I think I saw my mom.. with me.. as a baby?" Po asked which surprised both of them.
"Whoa what?" Spike asked shocked to hear that while Ping began to flinch.
"Mom.. a baby?" Ping asked as his expression was turning to worry.
"Um.. dad.." Po said nervously as Spike looked over to a photo of the two when he was very young, and saw where this was going..
"How do I say this.. where did I come from?" Po finally asked while Spike stood by his side.
"I know it's a lot to take in Ping.. I myself have questioned this before.." Spike said sadly while Ping tried to find an answer.

"Well.. you see uh.. you two.. a little duck comes from a little egg.. and don't ask me where that egg comes from you two!" Ping answered which made Spike slap his face.
"It's nothing like that." Spike replied not wanting to have that to cross his mind.
"Dad, it's not what we meant.." Po said a bit upset at this too while Ping was looking nervous again.
"Oh.. I know.. I.. think it's time I told you something.. I should've told you a long time ago.." Ping said as he was about to drop a bombshell on them both.
"Okay?" Po asked a bit worried while Spike looked sad for what he's about to reveal.
"You.. might've been.. a.. a.. adopted.." Ping answered which finally confirmed Po's suspicions.
"I knew it!" Po whispered to himself which Ping heard.

"You knew? Well who told you?" Ping asked assuming someone told him.
"No one! Come on dad!" Po replied while Spike turned away for a moment.
"Well if you knew, why didn't you say anything?" Ping asked confused at this.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Po asked back which made him flinch again.
"Po.. please calm down.." Spike advised while patting his back again which made Po take a deep breath before going back to ask him something.
"How did I get here dad, where did I come from?" Po asked really wanting to know what caused him to come here, Ping sighed and began to walk over to a small box that was under a counter.
"Actually.. you came from this.." Ping said sadly while he showed the two it while Spike looked confused.
"A Radish box?" Spike asked while all of them looked at how small it is.
"Yeah.. it was.. just another day at the restaurant.. time to make the noodles.." Ping said as he began to tell them about how he met Po.

We open to a scene years ago when Ping was still young, and he was going outside to get supply's.
"I was going out to the back, where my vegetables had just been delivered.." Ping explained as his young sell looks confused seeing a moving box in front of him.
"There were Cabbages, Turnips, Radishes.." Ping explained before the box falls over to reveal a very cute yet very young baby version of Po.
"Only.. there were no Radishes. Just a very hungry baby panda." Ping said chuckling a bit while the baby Po ate a small radish and made a little coo while Ping looked confused.
"There was no note, although you.. could've eaten it. I waited for someone to come.. looking for you.. but no one did.." Ping said sadly as his young self looks for anyone like him, but no one ever showed up. Ping was about to go and take some Radishes to the kitchen, but little Po began to cry loudly which made Ping stop and look back at him, and he decided to toss him one of the Radishes which made the little Po very happy, and with one loud chomp, Little Po ate the whole thing which made Ping smile a bit.

"I brought you inside.." Ping explained as his young self lures Po in with dumplings and into a large pot.
"I fed you.." Ping said as we now cut to him giving little Po a bath.
"Gave you a bath.." Ping continued while Po tried to eat a bubble which made him look a bit confused since he didn't taste anything.
"And fed you again... and again.." Ping said as his young self cooks baby Po a lot of food which he ate easily.
"And tried to put some pants on you.." Ping said as Ping tried to put pants on him, but little Po was a bit too excited and went over to one of the counters which made a pot fall on his head and it made him cry a little, Ping looked worried for him and came up to him, and the little Po stopped crying and looked happy seeing him which made Ping look happy as well.
"And then I made a decision that would change my life forever..." Ping said as we now cut to another shot that night where Ping was finishing some more soup.
"To make my soup without Radishes, and.. to raise you as my own son. Ciao Po, my little panda." Ping explained as they both had fun during that night which started a bond like no other as we cut back to real time.

"And from that moment on, both my soup and my life.. have been that much sweeter. An so you two, that's the end of the story.. look at me.. uh actually don't look at me.." Ping finished while a bit ashamed of how he looks now.
"Po.. I had no idea.." Spike said with shock while Po was surprised with this news, but that still didn't answer what he had questioned fully.
"That's it? That can't be it! There's gotta be more dad!" Po begged hoping he knew how he ended up there.
"Well, there was the time you ate all of my bamboo furniture, they were imported too.." Ping said before a customer put some money on a counter.
"One dumpling please, Dragon Warrior sized!" He requested which made Ping bring out a huge dumping.
"Here you are." Ping said happily while handing him it before the bunny went off with it.
"That little guys pretty strong to carry that thing." Spike said impressed before they went back to topic.

"Po, your life may not have had such a happy beginning, but look how it turned out1 You have me and Spike, you've got Kung fu, and you've got noodles!" Ping said trying to make him feel better.
"Yeah, it doesn't matter what happens then, what only matters, is what's happening now, and who we choose to be." Spike advised as well patting his back.
"I know.. but I just have so many questions, like how did I ever fit in this tiny box? Why didn't I like pants?" Po asked while they both were worried for him on what he's going through.
"And who am I?" Po asked while he held up the box, Spike sighed and tried helping him too.
"Po, I've questioned how I ended up with Twilight too, I never knew my real parents.. but what I have now is what I really need.. even if I still want to know what happened.. we all just need to appreciate what we have.. before it's lost.." Spike said sadly as he still regrets Ethan's death. Po had a sad look hearing that, but also understood it a bit.. but still questioned just what happened to him before he met Ping..

However, far far away in another city away from the Valley of Peace, we open to a shot of Gongmen city during a normal day, the sun was just setting and we see masters Ox, Croc, Rhino and the Soothsayer from the prologue, and Ox and Croc were training with skill and precision, they both were some of the most skilled master's know, but Rhino was far stronger then either of them, they had been going about they're day like nothing was wrong.

But just outside the gates, a familiar sinister figure was walking up to the gates with metal talons being seen below, the guards instantly pulled out they're weapons and tried attacking him, but Shen easily took them out with one fell swoop which made them groan in pain as Shen went over to the door.

He cuts open the lock through the bars and that begins to open it which gets the master's attention. They turn to the door and they finally see Lord Shen arrive as he has his men behind him, as well as something in a large box as the sky turned from a gold sunset, to a dark and sinister, red and gray cloudy sky..
"Shen?" The master's asked at once while Shen had an evil smirk on him.
"Good afternoon gentlemen, now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, please leave my house." Shen ordered motioning to the door, but the master's stood ready to fight.
"Your house?" Master Ox asked gripping his weapon.
"Yes, didn't you see the Peacock on the front door? Ah, there you are Soothsayer, it seems your fortune telling skills, are not as good as you thought." Shen mocked glaring at her who was upset to see him.
"We shall see Shen." She said showing no fear which made him scoff.
"Oh you shall see old goat, now where were we?" Shen asked turning back to the master's.

"What do you want Shen?" Rhino asked holding his hammer tightly.
"What is rightfully mine, Gongmen City!" Shen declared which angered them all.
"Gongmen is under the stewardship of the Master's council, and we will protect it, even from you." Rhino said slamming his hammer down which only made Shen chuckle sinisterly as the sky was now a red color.
"Oh I'm so glad you feel that way, otherwise I brought.. that here for nothing." Shen said looking back at the box which got them suspicious.
"What's in the box Shen?" Ox asked again not liking this at all.
"You want to see? It's a gift, oh it's your parting gift, in that it will part you.." Shen mocked which gave them all the same impression of what he meant.
"Part of you here, part of you there. And part of you WAY over there.. staining the wall!" Shen mocked which triggered Master Ox.
"You insolent fool!" Ox shouted before he raised his weapon and jumped in the air while making a battle cry.

Shen scoffed and used a whip and threw it at Ox's horn and slammed him down while Croc tried attacking Shen too, but Shen jumped and the air and threw him to the ground with his tail while he shot multiple knives at them and used his tail feathers as a distraction, but Croc quickly deflected the swords away while Ox tried to attack him again. Shen landed on the ground and drew a long deadly blade and he began clashing with both master's at once, Shen deflected one of Ox's attacks and kicked Croc back before he slammed Ox back down while using his large feathers to catch them off guard, he then turned to Master Rhino and threw his blades at him while he twirled his hammer around but took one hit which didn't hurt him, but all of the fighting stopped when Rhino threw his hammer forward and a thunder sound was heard which pushed Shen back a bit.
"Show off.." Shen said upset with his strength.
"That is a warning, you are no match for our Kung Fu." Rhino warned while everyone stood ready to fight.
"Maybe... but this is.." Shen said before he hopped over to the box and finally split it open and revealed a huge dangerous looking cannon with a dragon like design to it. Master Rhino readied his hammer and Shen grinned evilly before he used his talons to light the cannon and the machine roared before it shot a cannon of fire and metal directly at him.. and let's just say.. he wasn't able to stop it..

We open to a sunrise on the next day, Spike and the other's had been told by Master Shifu to come to the front entrance as he had gotten a letter that made him extremely worried.
"Are you all familiar with the Master of Gongmen City?" Shifu asked while he was looking devastated.
"Master Thundering Rhino?" Po asked getting a bit excited.
"Yes." Shifu answered while he kept asking stuff.
"Son of legendary Flying Rhino?" Po asked again while he handed Spike the letter.
"Yes." Shifu answered again.
"And slayer of the 10,000 serpents in the Valley of Woe?" Po asked getting more excited before he just decided to reveal it.

"He's dead." Shifu revealed which shocked all of them.
"What?" Spike asked shocked looking at the letter, he read every bit of detail there was to it, and looked devastated to hear he was killed.
"Whoa.." Po said horrified to hear this too while everyone looked at it.
"How can that be possible?" Viper asked really worried with what's happened.
"He shouldn't be dead, that's impossible." Crane asked worried for this too.
"Rhino's horn defense isn't pervious to any technique." Tigress added while they all went to the main doors.
"This was no technique! Lord Shen has created a weapon, one that breathes fire, and spits metal. Unless he is stopped, this could be the end of Kung Fu." Shifu explained while everyone was worried to hear that news.
"Lord Shen?" Spike asked as that name already gave him a chill down his spine.

"But I just got Kung Fu!" Po said really worried to hear this.
"And now, you must save it, Go! Destroy this Weapon! And bring Lord Shen to justice!" Shifu ordered pointing out towards the mountains.
"Then it's time for another adventure!" Spike declared while he spread out his wings as the five began to leave too.
"Okay! Here we go! Here we go.. whoa hold on a minute? How can we do this? I mean how can Kung fu stop something that stops Kung fu?" Po asked confused on what can stop him.
"Remember you two, anything is possible, as long as you have Inner Peace. Whatever is holding you back from unlocking it, you must find out for yourselves." Shifu explained with a calm tone while Spike held his hat he's had since he unlocked Chi.
"Whatever it takes to find it master, we'll find it! Come on Po, let's go!" Spike shouted before he flew down to the valley with Po following behind.

The villagers of the valley were cheering for them all as Spike and the others began to leave the valley to stop Shen.
"Inner peace, Inner peace, inner peace.. okay.. peace on.." Po told himself before someone came in front of them.
"Oh Po!" Ping announced which made all of them stop for a moment.
"Is everything alright Ping?" Spike asked while he came up with a bag full of supplies.
"Don't worry, I just packed you a travel pack! I packed you food for weeks! Cookies, buns, vegetables, and I even packed all your action figures, see?" Ping asked holding out a few of them.
"When did I become an action figure?" Spike asked taking one that was nicely made to look like him before he lost his right arm while Monkey chuckled a bit seeing them.
"Oh, come on guys, I don't know what those are, heh I've never seen them before in my life.." Po said nervously before turning back to the figures.
"Dad, you scratched up my Tigress.." Po whispered looking at it a bit.

"I also packed up paintings of our best times, together, just in case you get lonely.." Ping said as he showed him some pictures.
"Look, here's me and you making noodles, and here's me and you eating noodles. And here's me giving you a piggyback ride." Ping said chuckling at one of them which made Spike laugh a bit seeing Ping's face.
"On.. second thought I think I'll hold onto this one.." Ping said quickly holding it to himself while Po sighed again.
"Dad, they're waiting for me." Po said sadly while Spike packed the stuff up.
"We appreciate this Ping, but we need to go.." Spike said as he made sure it was all packed up while Ping was worried.
"Oh of course.. you have a job to do.. far from home.. in a strange city, full of strange people, with strange noodles, facing horrible danger, from which you might never return! Don't go Po!" Ping begged really not wanting him to get hurt.

"Dad, I gotta go, I'm the Dragon Warrior, it's kind of my job to save Kung Fu, and if I don't.. who am I?" Po asked again still not knowing how to answer it.
"Your my son..." Ping answered while he looked unsure saying that himself.
"Right?" Ping asked nervously while Spike sighed again hearing this.
"Po, Spike, it's time to go." Tigress said getting they're attention finally.
"Come on sweetie, let's go." Viper said taking Spike's hand and he began to go with her.
"We're sorry Ping, we need to go, come on Po." Spike said as he began catching up with the others.
"Goodbye.." Po said sadly before he took the bag and began heading out too while Tigress looked back at Ping.
"Don't worry Mr Ping, he'll be back before you can say noodles." Tigress assured one last time before she began running after the others too while Ping looked really sad seeing Po leave.
"Noodles.." Ping said sadly as he watched Spike and his friends leave the valley and they began heading out to stop Shen..

31: Gongmen City

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After Spike and the others left the valley, they began they're long journey to Gongmen City to stop Shen, they knew this was a serious problem if Master Rhino was killed in the process, and Shen needs to be stopped, Spike knew Po had a lot to go through during this journey since he's questioning where he came from, and he hopes he can help Po find peace in himself during this journey.

It took around 3 hours for them to just reach the mountains that led out of the valley's borders, and they were still days away from Gongmen City, Spike's never been there before, but he's heard about how ancient it was and was interested to see what it's like.
"Come on guys lets go!" Po shouted while he and the others ran through the mountains together, and while Po had energy one second, the next he looked almost exhausted.
"Yeah!.. yes.. ugh.." Po said with exhaustion while Spike helped him move as they continued to move.

Meanwhile with Shen, he was having his men melt down more of the metal that was stolen to forge more armory, and grinned evilly seeing his soldiers work to the bone, back with Po and the group, they had traveled so far from the valley at this point, they were traveling through a snowy mountain nearly a day after leaving.
"Po heads up!" Spike warned right before Po tumbled over the snow and screamed in slow motion as everyone literally sees him become a snowball while they kept moving. Shen was right in front of some of his gunpowder within his factory, and he used it to make some sparks on a nearby torch a soldier was holding which made him grin even more. And back with the other's again, they had traveled for up to 2 days at this point, and Po was looking exhausted as it looked like they were climbing a mountain.. until Spike and Tigress just walked past him and the camera pins to the right position that reveals Po's just tired still.
"Come on Po, we're gonna hit a boat that leads us to the city, we've just got another day to go, come on." Spike encouraged helping him up while he groaned hearing that. We now cut to Spike and the others within the dessert hundreds of miles from the valley, everyone had a serious look and Po began twirling a staff Spike got so he could practice for battle, and with Shen, he was practicing this at the exact same time and the artstyle changes to a cool 2d look as it shows the Yin and Yang symbol between Po and Shen, and it cuts to Shen on the very top of the palace looking over the entire city as he awaits Po's arrival..

We now cut to that same night after days of traveling, Spike and the 5 had gotten a boat that could help them travel to Gongmen City, while giving them a moment to rest. Spike and the others were sleeping within a room big enough for all of them, Viper was curled up next to Spike while he was sleeping soundly next to her and Po too, but Po was chuckling a bit as he began to dream about something.
"Mama?" Po asked as the camera pins into his dream and we see him in a strange field looking around somewhere, but he looks over and see 2 panda like figures walking towards the light.
"Mom? Dad? Is that you? Mom! Dad!" Po shouted running to them until they turned around and noticed him.
"Oh! Hey son your back!" The father said while Po noticed they had something in the mom's arms.
"Honey what are you doing here?" The mom asked while the shadows mouths moved around weirdly while they looked like Radishes..
"What? But I thought..." Po asked while he tried to see what they're like.
"We replaced you dear, with this lovely Radish." The mother revealed showing a Radish within the wrapped up cloth.
"R.. Radish?" Po asked stuttering a little.
"It's quiet, polite, and frankly, it does better Kung Fu.." The father said right before the Radish suddenly jumped out and made Kung fu sounds.

"Oh, no no no no!" Po said really confused about all of this while the Radish charged at him.
"Wai.." Po shouted before the Radish hit him in the chest, then up to his chin and it began tossing Po back and forth roughly before it slammed him into the ground and began to finish him off.
"No!" Po shouted right before the Radish jumped into him and he saw that same symbol from before which finally caused Po to wake up with a gasp, and he breathed heavily. Po sighed after realizing it was all a dream and went outside to think this over, but this woke up Spike after hearing Po's sounds near him and looked concerned as he went out. Spike sighed knowing what he had on his mind probably and began to head out too, he careful put a blanket over Viper to keep her comfy without him.
"Sleep tight Vipes." Spike whispered while kissing her head for a second before he tried going out to help Po, but Tigress had heard all of this too and quietly looked back at Spike as he headed out too.

Po went out of the boat to think to himself, he was a bit frustrated with how he got beat up by a freaking Radish in his dream and was just overall really conflicted on how to feel right now.
"Radish, radish radish.. radish.. hyah!" Po shouted while he punched the mast, but that simply made a drop of water fall on him and he looked up to see multiple drops falling down, and he got an idea to try and do what Shifu did. Po took a deep breath and let the drop fall below him before he swiped his foot under it like Shifu did.
"Inner.. peace..." Po told himself before another drop fell on his head.
"Peace..." Po said again before another fell on him again.
"Ahem.. Inner Peace..." Po said again before multiple drops began falling on him and he got more frustrated.

He was about to scream in frustration before Spike finally came out and saw what he was doing.
"Po, what are you doing?" Spike asked rubbing his eyes while Po finally stopped trying, and saw he was next to him.
"Oh.. hey Spike. Did I.. wake you?" Pop asked nervously while Spike stretched his normal arm.
"You were about to wake up the others, what's going on? You look worried?" Spike asked as the boat quietly flowed down the river, Po sighed being asked that and tried to explain this to Spike.
"It's just.. hard to explain all of it Spike, you were there to hear.. Ping explain how I ended up here.. and I.. I just don't know how to process it.." Po said sadly while Spike sighed hearing him not call Ping his dad.
"I understand it's.. rough Po, even with the advise I try giving you... I myself don't know what to do, if Shifu needs us to find Inner Peace.. how will we be able to find it?" Spike asked while he put his hands on the side of the ship while Po stood next to him worried about this as well.

"Well.. Shifu said we need to move past what's bothering us.. right? You got that cool.. Chi arm after finding the courage to save Viper, and her whole family, if anything your a few steps ahead to finding Inner Peace then I am.." Po said trying to figure this out too while Spike sighed hearing that.
"I love Viper a ton Po.. and she loves me back, but just because I unlocked Chi doesn't mean I know Inner Peace, I never knew who my parents were, I don't know if I have a brother or a sister either, and I was just.. left alone to be raised by Twilight and the others. And if I never know who my real family was.. just who am I?" Spike asked as well as that question is something he can't stop asking himself, even after he unlocked Chi and declared himself as Spike, the Dragon Master, this fact still bothered him, and it may be what's truly holding him back.
"You and me both buddy.. we don't know who are family is.. and since Ping really is my.. adopted father.. how will we be able to stop Shen if we're too bothered by this?" Po asked unsure of what to do while Spike looked at the night sky.
"I guess.. even when we feel like we understand ourselves.. we don't know who we are until we know it.. right Po?" Spike asked standing besides him while Po sighed hearing that too.
" I guess so.." Po said sadly while they looked over the view together.

But they're little talk was interrupted when a familiar person announced her presence.
"Ahem." Tigress announced which got they're attention, they both looked up to the roof and saw Tigress was looking down at them , she must've heard Spike and Po go out of the boat.
"Oh uh.. we're um.. training..." Po said nervously while Spike shook his head.
"Sorry if we woke you Tigress." Spike apologized while she looked down at them.
"It's no trouble, and that mast is not a worthy opponent if you are training.." Tigress said before she flipped down over to them and raised her right paw.
"I am ready." Tigress said ready to take a hit, Spike saw where she was going and stood besides her.
"Take a hit with at our palms Po." Spike said raising his Chi arm.

Po looked a bit surprised with them wanting to train a bit but just shook it off.
"Okay.. your so serious.." Po said before he raised his fist and punched Tigress's paw and a loud impact sound was heard while she caught it. Po stood still for a moment before he fell on his knees and held his fist with pain.
"O.. o.. ow!" Po said with pain while they looked down at him.
"You should expect nothing less from Tigress Po." Spike said still raising his Chi arm.
"Okay.. hopefully that arm won't hit as hard.." Po said before he punched Spike's Chi arm in the palm too, but that made an even louder impact sound and sent a small shockwave through the area from it's overwhelming power which most likely opened the others up.
"Ow.. hohoho!" Po screamed while he fell on his knees again, Spike gripped his hand and just wondered how much stronger his arm is.

"I think I prefer the mast, especially compared to you Spike.." Po said in pain while they looked at him.
"Apologies, I used to punch the Iron Wood trees by the palace to train, now I feel nothing." Tigress said gripping her paw a bit.
"I did that with Tigress to when I could, it did make me feel less pain after a few months of punching them daily." Spike said looking at his other arm since it was the only normal one he had left.
"That's.. severely cool you too!" Po said amazed with what they do which made Tigress smirk a bit.
"Again!" Tigress said raising her paw while Spike stood at the side for Po to try again.
"So um, this punching the Iron Wood trees? How long did you two do that?" Po asked punching it over and over again.
"20 years for me, a few months for Spike." Tigress answered which surprised him.
"Oh.. 20.. 20 years ooh.. is there um.. you know any other way till ya.. don't feel anything?" Po asked trying to catch her off guard.
"No.. besides.." Tigress said before she twisted his arm and sent him twirling in the air for a moment before he fell on his back and she saw his large belly.

"I don't think hard style is.. your thing.." Tigress finished while Spike helped him up.
"You can't learn everything Po, especially when trying to cheat your way forward." Spike advised while Po sighed once again
"Po.. Spike.. why are you really out here?" Tigress asked since she knew this wasn't the reason which made Spike look sad.
"Spike and I just found out my dad.. isn't really my dad.." Po confessed which concerned her a little.
"Your dad.. the goose? And.. this bothers you?" Tigress asked concerned to hear this.
"When you just find out you were really adopted Tigress, it makes you wonder who your real parents are, I've questioned that too.. and it does.. bother me to be honest.." Spike said sadly as this never was answered back home.
"Come on Spike, we're warriors! With nerves of steel! And souls of platinum! Like you Tigress!" Po said turning to her who didn't respond for a moment.
"So hardcore you don't feel anything." Po said amazed before he hit her shoulder again but that hurt him too." Oh!... wow.." Po said both impressed and hurt with how tough it was.
"I was..." Tigress said right before the other's had finally come out.

"So what are you talking about guys?" Mantis asked while everyone came out to check on them.
"Uh.. nothing.. nothing!" Po said in defense while Spike sighed again.
"Po's having daddy issues, and is everything alright Spike?" Viper asked while she held his hand again.
"It's.. alright guys, we both found out Po's adopted and.. it's bothering us a bit.. I myself don't know who my father or mother is.. and I don't know if I have a family at all.. you all should be glad you knew who your family was.." Spike said sitting down a little while Viper gave him a hug.
"It's alright Spike.. we're here for you both." Viper assured which made Spike smile a bit.

"Man, I'm so lucky, I don't have any problems with my dad. Maybe that was because mom ate his head before I was born.. I don't know." Mantis said not knowing how to make this better.
"Mantis, this isn't about you, Po is the one freaking out, while Spike just needs our help." Viper said looking at them both.
"I'm not freaking out.." Po said trying to brush this off while Tigress saw something.
"Po.." Tigress said as some light was coming in the distance.
"We're still a team at the end of the day, right guys?" Spike asked which only made Viper kiss his cheek again.
"Of course we are sweetie." Viper assured before Spike finally saw what Tigress was seeing.
"Come on guys, I'm freaking.. in!" Po said not wanting to talk about this a bit.
"Po." Tigress said again which got his attention.
"We're here, Gongmen City." Tigress announced which made all of them look at the huge city in the distance as the sun was rising on the horizon.

Far away within the palace of the place, Shen and his men were tearing down the stuff that belonged to Shen's parents, so Shen could assert his control over the palace, Shen came up to a large golden throne that looked extremely ancient, but also delicate and well designed.
"My father's throne, he used to let me play here on the side, promising that one day this.. throne would be mine.." Shen said with a grin looking at it, we cut to the outside of the building where we see the throne being tossed out of it as Shen was sick of it.
Shen's men had placed the cannon on the very center of the room to replace it while Shen made sure things were perfect.
"A little to the left!" Shen said motioning his wing a bit.
"Ugh, but it's so heavy master." A gorilla said exhausted a bit.
"30 years I've waited for this moment, and everything must be just how I envisioned it. And I pictured it.. a little to the left." Shen said again which made them move it a bit finally.

"Perfect! With the weapon by my si.. uh a little bit more." Shen ordered again which made them move it just above him finally.
"With the weapon by my side! All of China, will bow before me! We move out in 3 days when the moon is full, and the tides are high! And now you old goat, why don't you tell me my.." Shen asked looking at the Soothsayer before she finished for him.
"Fortune?" She asked looking at him.
"The future, I was going to say future. Look into your little bowl, and tell me what glory awaits me." Shen corrected which made her look into her bowl while he walked down the stairs a bit.
"If you continue on your current path.. you will find yourself.. at the bottom of the stairs." She said just before Shen noticed him at the end of the footsteps which made him groan a little.

"I see.. I see... I see.." She said ominously while Shen came up to her.
"Pain." She finished before she took off one of his feathers." Ow!" Shen said with pain as she continued on with this.
"And anger." She continued before she bit down on Shen's cloth which made him rip it off.
"How dare you?! That is the finest silk in the province!" Shen said angered with her ruining his clothes.
"Followed by denial." She continued before Shen spoke again.
"And this is not fortune telling, you are just telling me what's happening right..." Shen said before she finished.
"Now?" She asked which made him scoff again.
"The most important time is now. But if you really waned to see the future.." She said before she threw some powder into the bowl which made it begin to glow brightly.

"What do you see?" Shen asked amazed as the smoke began to form into the room and show a large Peacock in the center.
"A Peacock..." She said while everyone looked at the sight with awe.
"Is defeated by a warrior of black and white.." She continued as the Yin and Yang symbol appeared again which made everyone afraid.
"The only thing that has changed, is that he will be accompanied by a Dragon Master, of Green and Purple.. who will defeat you too.." She continued as they all see the symbol of a dragon with a green and purple fire around it which made everyone more afraid, Shen had enough of this and threw a knife at the bowl and shattered it before he blew the smoke away.
"That's impossible, and you know it!" Shen said denying what she foretold again.

"It is not impossible and.. he knows it." She said looking at the stars behind her for a moment.
"Who?" Shen asked before the wolf leader came up into the room.
"Lord Shen! I saw a panda, and a real dragon!" He reported which caught Shen by surprise.
"A panda and a dragon?!" Shen asked with anger before he went and pinned him down to the floor.
"Two kung fu warriors, who fought like demons! The panda is big and furry, soft and squishy, and the dragon was green and purple with a strange glowing arm." He reported while Shen was furious to know this.
"There are no more pandas! I killed them all. And dragons. Do not. Exist." Shen said holding a knife by his throat while the Soothsayer came up to them both .

"Even with his poor eyesight he can see the truth, why is it that you cannot?" She asked poking at his sore eye which made him growl a little.
"Find this panda and dragon, and bring them too me!" Shen ordered getting off of him.
"Yes sir!" He said before he ran out of the room to find them.
"One panda lives, and a dragon does exist, but that does not make you right!" Shen said denying this truth.
"Your right, being right, makes me right." She said proudly which made him scoff again.
"Then I will kill them both, and make you wrong!" Shen declared glaring at her, but that only made Soothsayer bite at his clothing which angered him even more.
"Will you stop that?!" Shen asked ripping it away again.

Meanwhile with Spike and the 5, they had finally arrived at the city and began to sneak into the place.
"Come on guys, let's go." Spike whispered as he flew up to the rooftops with the others, they all looked over the city and saw it was extremely huge and crowed, far bigger then the Valley of Peace for sure.
"That must be Shen's palace, on the other side of the city." Tigress said as they all saw the huge building in the distance.
"Twilight would be jealous of the place honestly." Spike whispered while looking over the town.
"Great, we will march into the place and declare, we are the Dragon Warrior and the Furious 6, and we are here to bring you to justice!" Po declared about to jump out before Mantis grabbed his foot and brought him back down.
"What are you doing?! This place is crawling with wolves!" Mantis warned which shocked him a bit.

They all looked over the markets and saw there were dozens of wolfs around the place, some were ganging up on smaller people, and others were just going about they're day.
"Hey, isn't that the guy who hammered you in the face?" Crane asked which made them look at the leader who had that symbol on his arm again.
"I do not like that guy.." Po said really wanting to get back at him for that.
"We need to get through that city without being spotted by those wolves." Tigress whispered while they all began to head out again.
"You got it, stealth mode.." Po said confidently while they all started moving.

Spike and the 5 snuck they're way through the rooftops while trying not to be spotted by the wolves, Spike had a good grasp on stealth since he's trained, and he had Viper to thank for that. But while Spike was traveling with the 5, Spike accidently slipped on one of the tiles and began stumbling a bit.
"Whoa, guys!" Spike whispered which got they're attention.
"Spike!" Viper whispered before they saw him fall right down into a basket of fruits while Po was poorly sneaking around on the streets. Spike groaned a little and emerged from it while he had some watermelons on his chest, but his focus was regained as he saw a few women around him, and were giggling a bit with what they were seeing.

"Um.. hey ladies..." Spike said nervously while trying to escape.
"Hey there cutie.." One of them said while the 5 watched from below, but Viper got a bit upset at that and quickly whipped him up to stop this, she leaned down and glared at the others.
"Back off, he's my man!" Viper said before hissing at them which made them quickly run off with fear.
"Ugh.. sorry about that guys.." Spike said while they got all the fruits off of him.
"It's alright Spike, just stay focused." Viper said before they helped him move again, but that's when they all noticed Po wasn't here.
"Hold on.. where's Po?" Tigress asked as they didn't see him with them.
"How can we lose a guy that big?" Mantis asked as they saw a large guy that looked like Po.. but then they looked at a nearby dragon costume that was moving around, and they heard Po inside.
"Oof, okay.. here we go.." Po said while he tried sneaking around while Spike and the other's slapped they're faces.
"You cannot be @#$%ing serious right now.." Spike swore annoyed to see this.

Po kept trying to sneak through the streets through the dragon suit after setting off a couple fireworks.
"Guys, guys?" Po asked looking around for them until Monkey came behind him.
"Hey, Po." Monkey greeted which shocked him and made Po slap his face.
"So that was stealth mode huh?" Crane asked as he and the others came inside too.
"And in a dragon suit as well?" Spike asked moving along quietly.
"Well to be honest, it's not one of my stronger modes. " Po admitted while they saw more wolves gang up on the villagers.

But they specifically saw one of the wolves holding a sheep by the neck.
"This rice is raw!" The wolf said angered with her.
"You stole all my metal pots for Lord Shen!" She said in defense while she was in the air.
"Either you cook my rice! Or I cook you!" He threatened raising his fist in the air.
"Po do something!" Crane whispered to him.
"How am I supposed to help her cook rice without getting caught? Wait.. I got a better idea.." Po said turning to him while he was counting down.
"One!" He finished until Po tapped on his shoulder.
"Hey." Po greeted with a grin.
"Hey, the wolf said not recognizing them yet.
"What's up punk?" Spike asked which made him realize this and look back, but Spike and Po both punched him and the face and they dragged him inside, a kid nearby on the side was watching the wolf be dragged in the suit, and it looked like he was being eaten, the wolf screamed as Spike and the other's beat him up inside the suit before he came out of the rear which made the kid look disgusted seeing it.

"We're here to liberate the city and bring Shen to justice." Po whispered to her making sure she was okay.
"You will need help." She said trying to tell them something.
"Your very brave sheep, but it's too dangerous we can't let you." Po replied thinking she wanted to come.
"Oh, no not me.. it's not to safe to speak here." She said looking around the area.
"Right.." Po said before he used the suit to bring her closer which made the kid watching scream in fear before running away.

"I'm talking about Master's Ox, and Croc, they're in Gongmen Jail, at Black Dragon Alley." She whispered which made them all relieved to know they're alive.
"What? They're still alive?! They must be in that jail gathering intelligence so they can use they're awesomeness to defeat the weapon!" Po declared relieved to hear this.
"We gotta save them, let's go guys!" Spike whispered which the other's agreed to while Po put the sheep down.
"Thanks sheep." Po said gratefully before a wolf gang saw the suit.
"Hey, stop that costume!" The leader ordered which worried all of them.
"Po, go go go!" Spike shouted before he ran through the streets as fast as possible.

Po jumped over a crate of apples which did make it spill over as the wolves were chasing after them.
"Sorry!" Po said while Viper whipped the end of the costume around.
"Take.. that!" Viper shouted whipping a few wolves away while they kept on running.
"Po go!" Spike shouted while they kept running through the streets trying to avoid as many wolves as they can. They were soon surrounded by some of them and Po had to use the suit to bring them inside to shoot them out backwards.
"Let me try!" Spike said before he came in front of them and took a deep breath, he then shot a fire blast at the wolves from the suits mouths which made some of them yelp in pain while Monkey accidently went flying out of the suit towards one person, and they both chuckled nervously before Monkey went back to the suit.

They all began running through the streets from a topside view and the suit kept eating and shooting the wolves out back in a familiar but comedic way, they tried to escape the wolves but were soon surrounded near a market area and were all worried about what's gonna happen.
"Now!" The leader shouted before the wolves stabbed inside the suit thinking they caught them, but when they raised the suit they saw it was empty and only vegetables replaced it.
"What? Where'd they go?" A wolf asked looking around for them.
"Spread out, search everywhere!" He ordered running off to find them.
"What about over there?" A guy asked as the barrels in the background began to move around.
"Is there a part of everywhere?" He asked annoyed with this.
"Um.. I guess!" The guy said nervously.
"Then search there!" He ordered again while Spike rolled in his barrel into Black Dragon Alley.

Mantis rolled Po's barrel right next to Tigress while Spike hopped out of his one.
"Good move guys." Spike said high fiving Monkey.
"They must be close, I can feel a Kung fu chill riding up my spine.." Po said confidently until Viper suddenly appeared above him.
"Sorry Po it's just me." Viper said coming out of the barrel and going near Spike again.
"I think we're here guys." Spike said as he felt they're presence again.
"We are, Gongmen Jail." Tigress said pointing at one of the signs. We cut to a shot of two wolfs guarding the entrance, and they notice one of the barrels rolling down to them.
"Aw it's cute.." One of them mocked seeing how small it is.. until Mantis suddenly burst out of the thing and was mad at them.
"Cute, huh?!" Mantis shouted before he jumped in the air and used aggressive moves before throwing them around in the air while making battle cry's, Spike came in and threw his hat at one of the wolves heads and slammed them into a couple barrels to hide them.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike said as they charged into the prison.

Tigress burst open the doors and the guards saw them enter, but Spike and the others made short work of them without much effort, Po made a battle cry while punching a wolf right behind him without even looking.
"Good work Po." Tigress complimented while he looked around for the two masters.
"At the first sight of trouble, I'll give you a signal." Monkey said before he made a weird bird sound.
"You mean like Crane does?" Po asked which made Spike laugh a little.
"Yeah." Po replied before he jumped down into the room.
"Excuse me, when have I ever, made that noise?" Crane asked offended by that.
"Wings of Justice Crane, Wings of Justice." Spike said patting his back before he went to help out Po.

"Master Ox.. Master..." Po said looking in the cells before he saw Master Croc behind one of the cells while he looked very upset.
"Oh, the ferocious Master Croc!" Po said amazed running to the cell, and he saw Ox was locked within the cell too.
"And Master Storming.. Ox.. ohoho! I can't believe were rescuing actual legends of Kung fu!" Po said amazed to see them while Spike ran next to him.
"You guys alight?" Spike asked concerned for them.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll get them out of that cell no problem! There's gotta be a key around here! No wait.. they wouldn't leave a key around here.." Po said right before Tigress burst the cell door down in an instant freeing them.
"Oh good you found it! Come on guys let's go! Yeah! We're coming for you Shen! Whoo hoo! Whoo ho ho ho.. ho...?" Po asked as his cheers of joy turned to concern as the two master's didn't leave the cell.

"Guys are we going or not? Do you wanna meet us there later? You do want to take back your city right?" Po asked worried for them.
"I know Rhino is gone, but you shouldn't let his death stop you from trying to save everyone guys.." Spike said while the two grabbed the door.
"Sorry Spike, but if we stand up to Shen, he will turn the weapon on the city!" Ox said before they locked themselves back in the cell.
"Listen to yourself guys, your protecting Gongmen City, by not protecting it?" Po asked a bit upset to hear this while Ox locked it in place.
"Then the weapon would kill, everyone!" Ox finished which worried everyone in the place.

"Oh would it.. then we should use.. a sneak attack!" Po declared breaking back in the cell.
"We get inside and then.." Po said before they began tossing him out again.
"And then you'll be stopped!" Croc shouted before they slammed the door in front of him and pushed him back out, Ox used one of his moves to make sure the cell was sealed back in normally.
"By the unstoppable weapon!" Croc finished while Spike helped Po up.
"Come on guys, it's one weapon, what worse can it do?" Spike asked trying to help them get out. Po hopped on the top of the door and that side was still lose which made it slid Ox out of the cell which annoyed him and he slid back inside which made Croc slide out, and Spike and Tigress looked at him while he tried going back inside.

"Master Ox, I'm not letting you stay in this cell!" Po said getting back up.
"I'd like to see you get me out!" Ox shouted before Croc slid back inside which made Po fly off the door to Spike and Tigress, but Tigress caught him upside down, and she twirled him back upwards, and Spike turned him around while he pointed at the two.
"You guys see that? It's called being awesome, come on! What ever happened to being heroes?" Po asked while Spike tried knocking the door down again.
"The only hero in this town, is the dead one!" Crock shouted before Spike ripped the cell door out with his Chi arm.
"Even when someone dies, it doesn't mean they're inspiration won't live on with others! Master Rhino was a strong hero, you all know this, sometimes you have to lose something, in order to win the battle, like how I lost my arm back with those demons." Spike said throwing the door away easily.

"Good job Spike, come on let's go!" Po said really ready to go, but the masters sighed and simply went into the next cell behind them.
"I get the top bunk." Croc said as the two locked themselves inside the place.
"It's time to surrender you two, Kung fu is dead..." Ox said with a stern look, and every one in the room all were really shocked to hear that coming from such skilled warriors.
"How can you say that?! Your real legends of Kung fu, I've only been here for a couple years, but I know you all would not give up like this!" Spike shouted refusing to let them say this.
"Kid, sometimes.. there are things that can't be stopped.. even in Death.." Ox said sadly while Spike had a look of sadness being told that by him.

But Spike still had hope, and he wasn't gonna let Shen get away with this.
"Then we'll leave you to do what you wish, even if it means facing against a danger we can stop together." Spike said sadly while he turned away from them, and Po decided to give a motivational speech.
"He's right, you stay in your prison of fear, with bars made of hopelessness.. and all you get are 3 square meals a day of.. shame!" Po said looking at the two.
"With, despair for dessert." Croc added feeling ashamed to have to do this.
"We'll take on Shen, and prove to all those who are hungry for justice, and honor, that Kung Fu still lives!" Po declared raising his fist in the air.
"Yeah!..." A prisoner said sadly while the two master's were sad to hear this

"Even if it means dying in the process, we're still willing to go, if I get another scar from this, It'll just show that even being a warrior, it comes with having to face tough foes, even if it all seems lost, it just gives us the motivation to keep going." Spike said looking at the masters who didn't say anything back. But they're talk was stopped when the wolf leader came out with more thugs after finally tracking them down.
"Monkey!" Po said annoyed looking at him who just made a " Ka ka!" Sound in response.
"You, your mine!" Po said looking at the leader.
"I'll tell you what's yours, my fist in your plush cuddly, super soft face!" He mocked before Spike threw his hat at the wolves next to him and knocked them out in an instant.
"Then let's see if you like the claws." Spike said with a growl showing his sharp claw while he caught his hat again.
"Uh oh.." He said with fear before he began running out of the place.
"Get him!" Po shouted before all of them began chasing after him, even if Ox and Croc have lost hope, they were not giving up hope, and even with what comes next, they have hope they can stop this dark threat..

32: A Dark Turn

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Spike and the team chased after the leader out of the prison, even if they don't have Master Ox and Croc here to help, they're gonna catch that guy and make him pay for all he's done to this town.

The leader ran out of the prison and too a driver who had a carriage behind him and jumped onto it.
"Get me out of here!" He ordered just as Spike and the other's ran out and saw him driving off.
"Yes sir!" The driver said with fear while he ran as fast as he could.
"After him! Let's go!" Spike shouted flying off with the others while Po looked around and saw another carriage was nearby and he got an idea. Spike and the others ran through the crowd as fast as they could while they saw the leader escaping.
"Faster!" Monkey shouted before they heard Po scream with joy and saw they saw him land down in one of the carriages too.

"Po let's go!" Spike shouted while he flew besides him and he used his strength to keep the carriage moving.
"Lose them!" The leader ordered again which made the driver turn another corner.
"Yes sir!" He replied while they ran through the crowd and they turned another corner and were about to miss it.
"Viper!" Po shouted right as she coiled around a pole and grabbed Spike's hand who took the carriage.
"Hang on!" Viper shouted before she whipped them into the alley so they can catch up.
"Thanks Vipes!" Spike said gratefully while he began running on all fours now.

The leader saw they were gaining on him and he saw they were heading to a market area, he then looked at the driver and grinned before he picked him up and laughed mockingly.
"Watch out!" He mocked before he threw the driver at them, Spike used his tail to safely catch him and place him by the side before continuing to chase after him again.
"That is very uncool!" Po said angered with his rude management.
"Well how about this?!" He mocked again before he started tossing a bunch of supplies all around the place and Spike and the 5 had to throw them aside to help Po move faster which made him laugh again, but then the leader countered this by pulling out a bunch of bunny's in a basket.

"How about something small?!" He mocked while the kids were laughing in joy.
"Oh no!" Po shouted right before he threw them all at Po which made them fly on his face, this caused Po to stir off course and they saw the leader head down while Po went to a construction sight.
"Po watch out!" Spike screamed while he was heading to a dead end which made Po scream with fear, Po stopped the wheels with his feet and that made him go onto a rooftop to save themselves for a moment while the 5 were searching for them below.
"Fire!" A kid screamed playfully while Po realized his foot was on fire!
"We've lost them.." Tigress said right before she heard Po screaming and they saw Spike and Po on the rooftop above.
"Po throw them to me!" Spike shouted holding out his hat, Po did so and as they went flying off a ledge, Po threw each kid at Spike and Crane who caught them safely with their hats.
"Guess that's a good reason to have hats now huh?" Spike asked handing Crane the last.
"That's one reason, you look nice with yours by the way." Crane said while Spike put his back on before he flew back after Po who landed on the ground, but his carriage was destroyed mostly and only a wheel and a pole was left.

The leader saw this and laughed mockingly again before he tried escaping again.
"Guys guys guys, give me a shove!" Po shouted while Spike grabbed the thing with his Chi arm.
"Mantis now!" Tigress ordered before Mantis grabbed her and made a strong throw which sent her right to Po, Spike charged up his Chi arm and he and Tigress both striked Po's back at once which sent a powerful shockwave around the area, Spike quickly grabbed onto the pole and Spike and Po screamed as they went flying all the way down the streets with the floor being on fire as a result from it.
"That arm is way too strong Spike!" Po shouted while the leader saw them and screamed just as they crashed into him. Spike held onto Po's back and got on his shoulders and growled seeing him.
"Throwing innocent kids at a panda?! You realize that's gonna get you more years in jail right?!" Spike mocked while Po tried punching the dude repeatedly.

"Is that all you two got?! Because it feels like a big old fluffy cloud and a pillow!" He mocked while they kept flying through the streets.
"Well this cloud is about to bring the thunder!" Po countered before pinning up and he used the signs to hit him repeatedly.
"And this pillow has rock heard crystals in it!" Spike shouted while he kicked him in the face over and over too.
"Your turn!" He mocked before he pulled the carriage down and Po took his turn.
"Po duck!" Spike shouted before he ducked under as Po got hit in the face multiple times too.
"Why. Are. There. So. Many. Signs?!" Po asked in pain before he saw they were nearing a staircase and screamed before ducking down too and they began heading down some stairs, Po and Spike noticed the bumps and got an idea and raised they're fists so they could hit him repeatedly again.
"How's that punk?!" Spike asked mockingly while Po laughed at this, but their moment was cut short before they went flying off a ledge and they all held eachother while screaming as they went flying through the air. But Po and Spike quickly made a finishing move and pinned him below.
" Alaka-Squasho!" Po shouted right before they slammed him into the ground and made a large crater as a result.

"Yes! Taste the defeat!" Po said in victory as the others finally caught up too.
"Don't mess with a dragon punk." Spike said getting off of him with Po.
"And let me tell you something, the next time you mess with a panda you better bring a whole lo..." Po said right before they heard a lot of growling and saw they were all surrounded by hundreds of wolves, they all surrounded the group and they all got ready to fight.
"Guess nobody told you, you mess with a wolf, you get the fangs." He mocked before he punched Po in the stomach really hard, he went to punch Spike in his Chi arm but that only resulted in him being knocked back because of it's strong power.
"Never go for the obvious overpowered arm there dude." Spike mocked while clutching it which made him growl.
"Eh I'll hit you twice! What are you gonna do now?!" He asked mockingly, Po saw they all had no way out of this, but got an idea how to get through, and made an announcement..
"We surrender!" Po shouted to all the wolves who growled hearing this.

They got a lot of chains for each one of them and Spike's arms were chained to his back and the others were harshly chained too.
"You can chain my body! But you will never chain my.." Crane said before his neck got chained too." Warrior spirit!" Crane finished with a muffled voice.
"Hey don't forget the little guy." Po said holding out Mantis.
"Did you just call me...?!" Mantis said before he was put in a cage too.
"Po what are you doing?" Tigress asked while they all tried finding a way out.
"I can easily break out of these chains you know." Spike whispered as this didn't mean much to him anymore.
"Trust me I got a pla.. ow!" Po said with pain before he noticed what chains these were.
"No way! Eight-Point acupressure cuffs?! Just like the ones that held Tai Lung the more you move, the tighter they get?!" Po asked excitedly before he was suddenly being dragged on the ground.
"These are the best cuffs!" Po finished before he and the group were being dragged to Shen together from the wolves, Spike had no idea what Po was planning, but got a feeling it'll get them out of here.

Back at the top of the tower with Shen, he was practicing his movements so he can strike fear into Po and Spike when he meets them.
"Greetings panda and dragon.. at last we meet!" Shen said menacingly before he realized that didn't sound right.
"No no no, that won't work.." Shen said before he pulled a few more swift movements and held his sword in a specific way.
"We meet at last! Yes that's it! Greetings panda and dragon. We meet.. at...." Shen said right before the Soothsayer appeared behind him somehow.
"You are afraid for a reason." She said seeing through this display of his.
"I'm not afraid, they're coming to me in chains, if there's anybody who should be afraid it's.." Shen said before she finished again.
"You.." Soothsayer said calmly which irritated him, he noticed her looking at his clothes and pulled them away.
"Don't even think about it." Shen said irritated with her constant attempts.

Back with Spike and the group, they were still being taken to the tower Shen was in and could see how huge it was just from the entrance.
"I hope this turns out to be better then your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and drinking boiling water instead of just having.. you know Spike heat up the rice with his fire." Tigress said not thinking this is a good idea.
"This plans nothing like that plan, cause it's gonna work." Po assured before he suddenly slid on the ground and stopped for a moment, but they all looked to where this rubble went and they all looked in horror as they saw a familiar broken hammer hung at the end of a wall that was almost destroyed.
"I already hate Shen.." Spike said with a growl as they all really knew by now.. Master Rhino really is dead..
"Keep moving." The leader ordered while chuckling evilly, everyone looked at eachother and just got more determined to avenge him while they were brought into the tower and were at the very bottom.
"Ah, my old enemy.." Po said with a grin as they looked all the way up, and saw they were about to face a huge flight of...
"Stairs..." Po said seriously while everyone got ready to climb this extremely large case.

We cut to the top of the tower where Shen was awaiting they're arrival, loud stomping was heard follow by grunts of Po, everyone in the room was getting more and more tense as they got even closer, and Shen held out some knives to make sure he was ready to fight, but the grunting soon stopped as they saw Po finally come up with the others, he was being carried by a gorilla and was put down after a lot of climbing.
"We need an escalator made one day." Spike said breathing heavily as that took a lot out of him.
"Thanks for carrying me.. those last few flights man, I threw up a little on the third floor, is there some sort of evil janitor or something?" Po asked hopefully while they all were being carried forward.
"Greetings panda and dragon, we meet at.." Shen said before Po interrupted again.
"Hey how ya doing?" Po asked casually looking at him.
"How ya doing bird lord?" Spike mocked which caught Shen off guard while they kept moving inside.

"You've grown up bigger then I thought." The Soothsayer said walking up at Po and he poked him a little.
"Uh hey stop poking around please?" Po asked while she inspected him.
"Strong.. healthy.." She observed looking in Po's mouth before closing it before inspecting Spike, and she saw Spike's glowing Chi arm.
"Already tapping into your potential, I see you growing to be a strong dragon one day." She complimented which made Spike smile a bit.
"Uh.. thanks?" Spike asked a bit unsure of how to feel about that.
"Look we don't know who you are, but please stand aside sir." Po advised which made Viper shake her head.
"That's a lady.." Viper whispered which caught him off guard.
"Oh sorry, that beard is kind of.. misleading.. false advertising.." Po whispered which made her smile a bit but Shen had enough.

"Enough of this nonsense! Bring the prisoners to me." Shen said menacingly which made them move forward again.
"Sorry Ma'am. Careful guys, keep your eyes peeled for the.. weapon!" Po shouted as he saw a tiny model of the canon Shen made and quickly kicked it into the air before he shattered it completely.
"Yes! We did it! I just Kung fu-ed it did you see that?! I was all like.." Po said before he made a Kung fu sound before turning around and they saw an even bigger canon that must be the REAL weapon.
"You really think a tiny thing like that could've killed one of the most experienced masters of our time Po?" Spike asked annoyed while Shen laughed mockingly.
"Do you actually believe these are the warriors destined to defeat me? I see the chance with the dragon, but him?!" Shen asked laughing hard while looking at Po.
"I do not.. I know he is.." Soothsayer assured once more which just made him laugh harder.

"Oh look at him! A lifetime to plot his revenge and he comes to me on his knees." Shen mocked looking at Po again.
"What? A lifetime? No we did not, we only heard about Master Rhino a few days ago, and we came to avenge him!" Po said with a serious look.
"You came to avenge nothing else?" Soothsayer asked surprised he didn't know about.. the pandas..
"We also came to avenge the city and the people you've been taking advantage of, what else is there?" Spike asked while Viper was picking the lock on Tigress's chains.
"Nothing else?" She asked again which confused them all.
"You probably did some other evil stuff on the way, I don't know, what'd you do?" Po asked not understanding where she's going
"You really don't know?" Soothsayer asked again.
"Know what? What's so funny?" Po asked while Shen laughed even more.
"The very thing that you clearly do not know!" Shen mocked again which made Po have enough now.
"Okay enough with these riddles! Will you guys just spill the beans? First we come in and we see the weapon is tiny, surprise it's big. And this lady over here, i think is a guy.. because.." Po said before Shen suddenly held a knife by Po's face which shut him up.

"The only reason your still alive.. is because I find your stupidity.. mildly amusing.." Shen whispered with a menacing tone.
"Well thank you, but I find your evilness extremely annoying." Po countered while Tigress growled at him.
"Says the guy who's over designed, seriously what's with all the silver stuff?" Spike mocked as well which made Monkey chuckle a bit.
"Who do you think you are panda and dragon?" Shen asked the both of them.
"Who do you think we are Peacock?" Po countered again, but that simply in resulted in Shen laughing hysterically and Po laughed as well before asking something.
"Why are we laughing?" Po asked as Shen was finally calming down.
"Take aim." Shen ordered the soldiers.

Everyone got tensed up as they saw the canon begin to move down and lower towards them, Viper was making quick work of the lock in the chains and Spike prepared to break free while Shen laughed evilly.
"Fire." Shen ordered again before the leader ignited the canon and laughed again.. but didn't see the canon fire for some reason.
"Well light that.. thing!" Shen ordered getting irritated with him.
"Uh I did!" He said in defense before he lit it again, but a familiar green blur went past it multiple times while he tried lighting it, until he was suddenly knocked down by Mantis who was freed and he held up the lighter.
"Fear the bug!" Mantis shouted with rage which made Shen look at the small cage and he saw it was only a Mantis action figure in there which made Po laugh in victory.

"Now!" Spike shouted before Viper freed Tigress and Spike broke free with his Chi arm finally and they used they're skills.
"Get the weapon!" Po shouted as all of them broke free finally and struck they're fighting poses.
"Let's go!" Spike shouted as he and Tigress jumped in the air to the canon, Spike used his arm to punch the thing into the air and Tigress kicked it upwards even higher so they can deliver a finishing blow. Po charged over to Shen and made a battle cry while he did a belly flop right onto him while Mantis went up to the tip and slammed the thing down through the floor, everyone watched as they saw the weapon fall all the way down and was finally destroyed and everyone cheered in victory.
"We did it!" Spike shouted raising his fist while Viper hugged him again. Po pinned Shen to the ground and was gonna finish him off, but Shen raised up his tail feathers which had the exact same symbol as before, this caused Po to have another vision and he froze up as he saw the memory of his mother leaving him again, but now he saw what looked like Shen ordering his soldiers to destroy a village that was on fire which completely caught him off guard, Spike saw Po had froze up again and tried helping him.

"Po!" Spike shouted running to him again to help stop him.
"You were.. you were there.. " Po said with shock while Shen was getting back up.
"Yes.. yes I was.." Shen mocked before he lunged towards the window, everyone tried to stop him but they were too late, and they watched him fly out into the sky as the sky had become very dark now, the Soothsayer was shocked that he couldn't stop him before a gorilla took her away to save her life from what's about to happen.
"You just let Shen get away!" Tigress said upset with them failing to catch him.
"Well at least we destroyed the weapon!" Mantis said glad that was over. But Shen flew all the way down to a factory of sorts and turned to the tower.
"FIRE!!!" Shen shouted with rage as the camera pins to the windows, and it was revealed he had dozens of more cannons which fired at them all!
"No freaking way..." Spike said with horror while they all backed up at this.
"Oh.. no he's got way more.." Mantis said quickly regretting that statement, Spike saw Po was in the line of fire and knew what he had to do.
"Po!" Spike shouted before he used his left arm to push him out of the way just as the cannon hit him directly in the arm as well as everyone else..

Po screamed as he went flying to the wall from Spike's shove and fell to the ground while everyone was hurt very badly.
"My wing!" Crane said with pain as it was bent up extremely badly and he couldn't fly from this now, but they're shock was turned to fear as they heard a scream of pain from Spike.
"Spike!" Viper said with worry as they saw him on the ground holding his left side.
"Don't worry Spike it's gonna be oka..." Tigress said before they saw him slowly get up.. and when he turned to them.. they saw his left arm was blown off completely too which horrified them all.
"Oh my.. god..." Mantis said with horror before he turned around and puked at the sight of this.
"Spike!! Not again!" Viper said with horror while Spike held his left side, his Chi arm glowed brightly and he poured some Chi into the side to stop the bleeding from getting worse.
"I do not have any luck with my arms.. first those demons.. now this.." Spike said with pain while Po helped him up.

"Guys I'm so sorry, I don't know what went wrong!" Po said really horrified of what's happened here.
"It doesn't matter, we have to get out of here, now!" Spike said as the tower was hit by more cannons which was making the place collapse while being covered in a hellish red all over the place.
"Spike's right, everyone head for the exit at the bottom! Go!" Tigress shouted before she jumped down one of the hooks holding the lanterns.
"Can you keep moving Spike?" Po asked while they started making they're escape.
"I lost one arm before, I can move on with just one!" Spike shouted before he jumped off the ledge and used his Chi arm to slide down the ropes with Tigress.
"Oh Spike.." Viper said with regret while she went after him.
"We're gonna need to get a replacement.." Crane said sadly before he jumped off too with the others.

Shen grinned evilly at the tower and knew what must be done.
"Run run little panda!" Shen mocked as the cannons kept firing at the tower to bring it down. Spike used his wings to fly him and Viper to safety while Po screamed as he fell to the ground, Monkey made a monkey screech just as Po landed on his body to break his fall.
"Po come on! We need you to focus!" Tigress said helping him up while Monkey helped Crane move because of his broken wing.
"I got it, I got it!" Po shouted as they went for the exit.
"Bring it down!" Shen ordered the soldiers who fired on the tower even more which made the wolves outside back up again.

This made the door be blocked off after the blast and they were trapped inside.
"We're trapped!" Po said with fear trying to find a way out.
"This way!" Tigress shouted before they all quickly made they're way up the stairs while the tower was beginning to tumble over.
"Hahaha, goodbye!" Shen mocked as the canons fired once again. Tigress slid on one of the floors and kicked a wall down so they could get outside, but they saw more wolves aiming they're bows at them.
"Fire!" The leader shouted before they fired arrows with fire at the end which made everyone take cover.
"Get back!" Tigress shouted while she flipped over the ropes, she quickly looked to the side and saw a ledge that led out of the place and got an idea, more arrows came behind her but she quickly caught one that almost hit her before going back to the others.
"The only way out, is up!" Tigress declared while she began jumping off the floors.
"What?!" Everyone shouted at once while the place began falling over even more.
"To the top guys! Come on!" Spike shouted while he used his wings to help them get up more.

Tigress grabbed Po and they held onto eachother while she tossed them both upwards as the place was collapsing the more they spent time there.
"Yeah!" Po said with amazement while everyone was making they're way upwards.
"Follow me! Come on!" Po shouted as they all can run on the place normally now.
"Where are they going?" Shen asked confused with they're plan.
"To the top!" Tigress shouted while Spike jumped off more debris.
"Come on! Keep going!" Viper encouraged while she whipped Spike upwards and Spike grabbed her with his tail to keep them moving faster. Monkey took Crane's hat to shield himself from another fire arrow, but that only had the tip of his head be on fire as a result. The tower was just about to be completely destroyed and everyone was running to the very tip of it all.
"Here we go!!" Po shouted right as they all jumped off the tower together at once, everyone screamed in slow motion as the tower behind them finally was taken down and destroyed while the soldiers tried firing at them, but everyone was able to safely land on a rooftop and they quickly made they're escape.

Shen was infuriated with them escaping and knew they had to move.
"You idiot!" Shen shouted to a gorilla and he hit him in the face.
"Ow! My nose!" He said holding it tightly while Shen went up to the large map he had.
"Call in the wolves all of them! I want them ready to move! The Year of the Peacock, begins now!" Shen declared holding his wings out.
"Right now? Because it's.. the middle of the year, so you'd only get like.. half the year of the Peacock.." The wolf leader asked which made Shen turn to him.. and he held a knife by his face which made him scarred.
"And.. this is the Year of course.. of.. the Peacock.. happy new year sir.." He said with fear while backing up a bit.
"Get the wolves ready.. we're loading the ships.. NOW! NOW NOW NOW!" Shen shouted which made him run down to the soldiers to prepare the ships.
"Move! Move!" He ordered everyone who began working as fast as they could to build more cannons for the invasion.

Back in the city, a wolf howled to the night sky which made every single wolf in the city start making they're way to the factory, there were among hundreds of them and it shows that this is a true challenge for everyone tonight. Spike and the others hid in the streets and were making their way back to Gongmen jail.
"This way.." Tigress whispered while they went down another alley, Spike held left side and sighed at the sight of him losing yet another arm. Everyone peaked around a corner and they heard a wolf howl again which made the two guards start moving too which let them go inside.

Everyone burst into the place and they quickly made they're way to the center to think about what to do.
"You! What did you do?! It's chaos up there! What happened to stopping Shen?!" Ox asked furious with Po failing to stop him, and that made the other's look at him too.
"Yeah, what happened Po?" Spike asked getting back up too.
"Guys come on give me a little credit.. I meant for him to get away.. cause it was a trick so we could.. figure out his plot more.." Po said nervously while they didn't believe him one bit.
"That makes.. no sense." Mantis said bluntly.
"What do you mean? Sure it does..." Po said not wanting to say everything.
"Po, the truth. You had Shen, what happened?" Tigress asked marching up to him with a serious look.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what your talking about... okay okay he caught me off guard.." Po lied again which made Spike shake his head hearing this, even he would've told the truth if he froze up like that.
"The truth." Tigress said once more waiting for an answer, but Po didn't say anything and that made Tigress decide one thing.
"Alright, they will keep you far from danger." Tigress said looking at the two masters.
"Real far." Croc said chuckling a bit.
"What?" Po asked confused at what this means.
"Your staying here." Tigress said as they were about to leave, even Spike was gonna go too even with one arm.. again.

"Wait! I have to go ba.." Po shouted before Tigress turned to him and made a intense glare which shut everyone up.
"Your staying here!" Tigress demanded not wanting him to go.
"I'm going, and you can't stop me!" Po declared trying to move past her, but she grabbed his arm and turned him around to make sure he doesn't go past her.
"Okay.. I wasn't ready that time.." Po said as he got ready to try again.
"Guys don't.." Viper begged while Tigress got in a fighting pose.
"Ready." Tigress said ready to push him back.

Po tried to make her look away while moving past her, but that resulted in her grabbing him and he was tossed to the air and was sent back to the ground, Po tried getting back up and just ended up facing the wrong way again which made him groan with annoyance. Everyone watched Po try moving past her, but it just kept resulting in Po being pushed down even more.
"Stay down.." Viper begged not wanting Po to get hurt.
"Po, if you freeze up like that again, Shen may not just get away, he may even kill you. It's for your own good, please stop this Po.." Spike said not wanting this to keep going.
"I have to get to him.." Po said weakly while he tried getting back up.
"Tell me why!" Tigress demanded once more, and Po saw he had to tell the truth, and just let it all out.

"He was there! Okay?! The Peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened, where I came from, who I am.." Po admitted which shocked them all hearing this..
"Po.." Spike said sadly while they saw him slowly get back up.
"Look guys, I'm going, I need to know the truth.. the hardcore can't understand.." Po said really wanting to give this another shot, but Tigress was moving forward and almost did something.
"Tigress no!" Viper shouted before she suddenly came in and gave Po a hug which made everyone's jaws drop to the floor from the shock of this.
"The hardcore do understand.. but I can't watch my friend be killed.." Tigress said softly which surprised them, she rarely ever showed her emotions, and this was something that was surprising to them all.

Tigress then turned to the rest and was ready to leave.
"We're going." Tigress declared which made them all turn around.
"Hey.. maybe you can't watch.. me be killed?" Crane asked nervously which made her scoff.
"Stop being a wimp." Tigress said coldly which shut him up.
"And.. she's back." Monkey declared while Po was being left alone, Spike sighed at this and turned to him to talk with him.
"Guys, go on ahead, I'll catch up in a bit." Spike advised looking back at them who nodded in response.
"Okay Spike, take the time you need sweetie." Viper replied before they all left the two alone so they can talk.

Spike turned to Po and sighed sadly, he knew this would not leave his head, and he needed to help him move past this
"I know what it's like to not know who my parents are.. just be glad you have a slight clue as to what happened to them.. for me.. I never found a thing.. and now I don't know if I'll ever.. know who my birth family is.." Spike said sadly while looking at his Chi arm since it's the only one left now..
"What happens if you do find a clue though? What would happen if you knew what happened to your family? Would you.. choose them over your found family.. just.. what would you do?" Po asked which made Spike flinch a bit, but he had an answer that was obvious.
"I'd choose the family that's given me the life I have now, all of you. But if my real family ever does show up.. and wants to see what my life is like.. then maybe I'll have both.. but if not.. I'd choose what I have now.. I can't just abandon what's given me the amazing friends, and family I have." Spike said sitting next to him who sighed hearing that.

"I'm sorry about this Spike, I'm sorry about you losing your arm again.. for Shen getting away.. and now.. I don't know if I can face him without freezing up again.. he's the only clue I have to finding out what happened.. and I.. I don't think I'll ever understand who I am if I don't find out.." Po said looking at his paws, Spike patted his back and tried helping him more.
"Just because you don't know who your birth family is, doesn't mean you shouldn't brush over what you have now. You should be glad for what you have now.. but if you really want to know.. then I'm gonna help you find out." Spike declared while he got b ack up.
"Really? Your gonna help me find out?" Po asked while Spike helped him up.
"We're practically the same at this point, we have a lot to relate to, and I don't want you to feel alone, and not know who you are. I know what that struggle is like." Spike said which did make Po smile a bit.

"Thanks Spike, I'm glad to have a friend here. You think you can make it through this?" Po asked looking at Spike's badly damaged left side, but Spike's felt this pain before, and just tried moving past it.
"Pushing through this pain means it'll show how much stronger we are. I'm not gonna let Shen get away with this, so are you with me Po?" Spike asked holding his arm out, Po smiled and took it respectfully.
"Let's do this, Spike, let's stop Shen." Po said seriously which made him smirk.
"Then let's go." Spike declared before he and Po ran out of the prison together, even during this dark night, they still had one hope to stop Shen before he conquers all of China..

33: Inner Peace

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Back within the factory where Shen had, wolves were moving dozens of cannons onto large boats to prepare to head out, Shen was in front of the large map from before and laughed mockingly.

"You were wrong Soothsayer. We sail to victory tonight. Your magic panda and dragon are clearly fools!" Shen mocked while he twirled his weapon around.
"Are you sure it is the panda who is a fool? You just destroyed your ancestral home Shen!" Soothsayer said with anger at him destroying such an ancient an expensive place.
"A trivial sacrifice.. when all of China is my reward.." Shen said evilly while he took some fire and used it to burn away the entire map in front of him.
"Then will you finally be satisfied? Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better?" She asked which irritated him a bit.
"Hmm that's a start, I might also convert the basement into a dungeon." Shen said glaring at her which made her sigh in response.

"The cup you choose to fill has no bottom, it is time to stop this madness." Soothsayer begged hoping he could turn around one last time.
"Why on Earth would I do that?" Shen asked while he looked over the entire factory and the wolves working away quickly.
"So your parents can finally rest in peace.." She replied hoping that would convince him finally.
"My parents.. hated me.. don't you understand? They wronged me.. and.. I will make it right." Shen declared coldly which made her desperate.
"They loved you, they loved you so much that having to send you away killed them." She said with regret which did hit Shen in one spot for a brief moment..
"The dead exist in the past.. and I must tend to the future.." Shen said brushing it off, but he made one final decision to have this all stop.
"Set the Soothsayer free, she's of no used to me." Shen ordered his soldiers who began taking her out.
"Goodbye Shen, I wish you happiness.." Soothsayer said with regret while she walked away by herself.
"Happiness.. must be taken.. and I will take mine.." Shen declared again while he looked over his soldiers working away at the factory.

Meanwhile outside the factory, the 5 had just arrived at the place after leaving Spike to talk with Po, and were coming up with a plan to stop those cannons. They snuck behind enemy lines and looked inside and saw more cannons being made within the red place which gave them ideas.
"If all of those canons leave that building, all of China will fall.." Tigress said worried about this which gave Viper an idea.
"We take down the building!" Viper suggested which was a great idea.
"Hey guys, how about this?" Mantis asked before he took some gunpowder and rubbed it together to spark it up, which did work and it blew up in front of him a bit.
"Ow.. this will work.." Mantis declared which gave them they're plan.
"Alright, let's go." Tigress said as they took a few barrels to get ready.
"I can't feel my face.." Mantis said weakly while they made they're move.

But back in the background, Po and Spike were seen sneaking into the place so they can stop Shen together, Spike used his wings to fly towards one of the platforms while Po used a long stick to go inside, but the thing tripped over and Po fell right onto a couple wolves and Spike helped take them down quietly. Po held the wolves up and they both had the idea to use them to sneak by.
"Come on, this way.." Spike whispered while they quietly moved forward and they passed by the wolf leader again.
"Did you hear him call it the Year of the Peacock?" He asked himself with a scoff while Po used them as dummy's.
"Hey." Po said in a deep voice while raising it's hand.
"Hey." He replied before they both snuck they're way inside until they saw a gorilla come by.

"You! Where are you going?!" He asked upset with them, Spike and Po hid behind some craters and had to sneak around a different way.
"On your feet! And wipe that silly grins off your faces!" He ordered the knocked out wolves while they snuck into a window.
"Nice work Po, your really getting better with stealth." Spike whispered which made him smile a bit.
"Thanks, come on, I think Shen's close by.." Po whispered as they quietly moved through the place, they looked around the factory and were really scarred to see so many weapons being made, Spike's left side hurt still and he had to hold it to stop it from being worse.
"You sure you wanna do this Spike? You just had your arm blown off?" Po asked worried for him.
"Hey.. it can't be worse then having one sliced off by a demon.. let's go.." Spike encouraged moving along quietly until they heard Shen from above.

"Move you dogs! Faster, faster!" Shen ordered from within the smoke since they could see his shadow just above. They saw a nearby ladder and quickly climbed up it so they can reach Shen quicker, they snuck they're way to the bridge they saw him on earlier but didn't hear anything but a sinister chuckle.
"Greetings panda and dragon!" Shen greeted before the smoke pulled away and Shen was revealed to be on the other side. Po gasped as he saw that same symbol again and quickly pulled away to not freeze up again.
"Tell us what happened that night!" Po demanded with a serious look.
"What night?" Shen asked sarcastically.
"You know what we're talking about Shen. What happened with Po's parents?" Spike asked with a growl which made Shen chuckle sinisterly.
"Oh yes that night, yes I remember. Oh Po's parents were so horrible, they abandoned him like he was nothing, I remember it being something like.. this!" Shen shouted before he sliced off one of the chains which made a nearby lava container drop down which destroyed the bridge.

Po screamed while he hung onto the container and Spike backflipped to the other side to save himself. Meanwhile the 5 were charging out to the factory with barrels of gunpowder so they can blow up the factory. Viper leaned down to give them a lantern which Monkey used to light the gunpowder on fire, they broke through the doors and Tigress slammed the thing into some more barrels.
"Here's your new years gift!" Monkey shouted mockingly.
"Hope you like it! Cause you can't return it!" Mantis said while they were about to leave, but they heard Po scream which got they're attention.
"Po! What's he doing here?!" Tigress asked shocked as they saw him hanging on a metal pot while Spike was trying to save him.
"Hang on Po I got you!" Spike shouted while he was deflected more of Shen's knifes with his hat, they looked at the flaming barrels and started to freak out.
"Return it! Return it!" Monkey shouted as they quickly ran up to put them out while the rest of the group were fighting off the wolves.

Spike was blocking more attacks with his Chi arm since it doesn't take pain like the others, but was getting more mad with Shen's constant attempts.
"Are you two willing to die to find out the truth?" Shen asked mockingly while Spike finally got Po back to the bridge.
"You be t we are! Although we'd.. prefer not to.. hyah!" Po shouted while lunging at him, but Shen grabbed his fist with his talon and sweeped his legs with his tail feathers before he turned around and threw Po off the ledge.
"Po!" Spike said with fear while he tried fighting off Shen the best he can.
"You really think you can defeat me with just one puny arm?!" Shen mocked while Spike backflipped from his metal talons.
"This isn't' just a normal arm!" Spike shouted before he used it to rip off some more of the structures, this caused the ground below them to start collapsing and Spike and Shen both flipped out of the way of the falling rubble and went to another platform.

The rest of the 5 were quickly making they're way to Spike and Po as they kept getting closer to Shen. More guards began running to them and they all got ready to go.
"We got them, go you two!" Mantis shouted while Tigress and Viper lunged off more of them to reach them faster, Viper whipped one of the wolves down and threw him into another pack while Tigress roared at a gorilla and they both began fighting him off.

Spike flipped over another sword swing and blocked more attacks that just kept coming repeatedly.
"You really are willing to risk your life to save a panda, who is the last of his kind?!" Shen mocked while he threw more blades at him, Spike drew his hat again and twirled it around and made a whirlwind that pushed the knives back to him which had barely dodged while looking surprised.
"A species that you've brought to near extinction! The panda's never did anything to you! Your only bringing yourself closer to Death, and believe me, he will be glad to make sure your sent to the Sprit Realm!" Spike countered while he headbutted him in the face. Shen took out his long sword and swung it at Spike who backflipped away from it. Spike landed on the ground before he took a deep breath and brought some fire into his Chi arm, Spike charged the thing up and aimed it directly at Shen who stood at the ready.
"Hadouken!" Spike shouted before he blasted the fire to him, Shen was surprised at this and quickly backflipped away from it, but Spike slid right under Shen while he backflipped and charged up his arm.
"Shoryuken!!!" Spike shouted before he delivered a strong upper cut in his face which sent him to another platform.

Spike ran up the walls to where Shen was and backflipped right down onto the platform and stood against him.
"Looking for me guys?" Po announced which made them turn around.. only to not see anything at first, until they finally saw Po finally come up a moving wheel and looked embarrassed.
"Um.. I said that too soon didn't I?" Po asked before he lunged at Shen with a metal bowl, Shen threw more blades at them and Spike ducked under them while Po deflected them with the bowl, Shen quickly jumped off Po and made a Peacock sound while going to a higher platform.
"Your not getting away!" Spike shouted while he was fighting off more wolves to protect Po.
"Spike watch out!" Viper shouted before she threw another wolf in the line of more attacks from behind. Po and Spike took down the rest and they started chasing after him to stop him.

"Po, Spike get away from him!" Tigress shouted while she and Viper were holding off more gorillas together.
"It's not worth it Spike! Don't do this!" Viper shouted while she bit down on another wolf and paralyzed him. Spike and Po quickly climbed up to another platform and got more and more closer to him. Spike took a metal fork and he let Po throw it to Shen which pinned Shen to the wall for a moment.
"No more running Shen!" Po said while Spike got in a fighting stance.
"You got nowhere to go!" Spike said growling at him.
"So it seems..." Shen said as he took the weapon off him to free himself.
"Now.. answers." Po demanded while holding the metal pot with Spike standing besides him.

"Oh you two want to know so badly, you think knowing heal you huh? Will fill some.. crater in your soul?" Shen asked backing up to the wall behind him.
"Well here's your answer, your parents didn't love you. No matter what you would've done, do you think they would've loved you if they abandoned you, even a little?" Shen asked mockingly to Po who was taken aback by this insult.
"Your lying Shen! How do you know that's not directly how you feel?!" Spike asked getting ready to fight.
"Oh don't get me started on you, how must it feel to be the only dragon in China, the whole world as a matter a fact. I must ask, how does it feel to know that there isn't a slight chance you'll ever find your parents or family? Especially if you don't know they were killed in brutal, painful ways like how I killed all the pandas. If there's one thing you and the pandas have, it's that your kinds are both an extinct species!" Shen mocked which caught Spike off guard too from the specific words, and it.. cut Spike in ways that he didn't know he had..

"But here, let me.. heal you two.." Shen said menacingly as he pulled the covers behind him away and they gasped with fear as they saw he was on another canon.
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear while he got behind Po who raised the bowl quickly, Shen grinned evilly and he lit the canon with his talons again and the canon roared before it fired directly at the two. Spike and Po screamed as the canonball hit them directly at point blank just as Viper and Tigress made it to them.
"No!!!" Tigress shouted with horror as everyone saw them go through the wall.
"Spike!!" Viper shouted with terror while Spike and Po went flying directly into a river far away from the factory, and thunder and lightning boomed over the sky from this dark moment.

Shifu gasped in shock as he finally felt this dark presence happen, and he fell off his staff from the shock, he had a look of despair and looked out to the stormy sky with worry, as he sensed this happen to them both, but got the determination and knew he had to help.

Spike and Po's body's both went floating down the river after they were struck with the canonball, and they both were extremely injured and were bumped against a familiar figure who poked on they're bodies.

Spike groaned with pain as he was finally opening his eyes, his body hurt all over after taking that canon blast, and was surprised he was even alive.
"Ugh.. where am I?" Spike asked weakly while he tried to move.
"I wouldn't move to much dragon, your lucky to even be alive after taking that blast." A familiar voice said which got his attention, he looked to the side and saw the same Soothsayer from before besides him making some medicine.
"Your that same person from before.. what happened?" Spike asked while she handed him some medicine, and he took it to get better, while it didn't taste good at all, it should help him at least.
"I found you and your friend by the river, I must admit, it was tough bringing you both back here." She explained while Po was finally awake too, and he groaned with pain after feeling it all come to him again.
"Why save us?" Spike asked weakly while he helped Po up.

They looked around the place and saw they were in what looked like the ruins of an old village, one that was once peaceful, but is nothing but ash and rubble after Shen's attacks. Spike looked at his left side and saw the Soothsayer wrapped up a lot of bandages and straps to keep the pain from getting worse, he just did not have luck with his limbs, he lost both his arms in like 3 weeks by now.
"If I wanted you two dead I would've left you in that river, but I didn't, because I know you two can fulfill your destiny's." She said turning to them while Spike held his side.
"What are you talking about? Where are we? What is this place?" Po asked while he and Spike tried moving.
"I'm surprised you remember so little panda, but.. you were so little when it happened.." She said regretfully as the voices and screams of the villagers who once lived here went through Po's head which made him scream in pain.

"Po are you okay?" Spike asked worried trying to help him up.
"Perhaps he does remember.." She said worried for him while Spike held his side from the pain still.
"I'm okay.. it's just a stupid nightmare.." Po said trying to brush this off.
"Nightmare, or memory?" Soothsayer asked in a wise tone, this caught both of they're attention and they looked into the small pond below them, but Spike's arm glowed again and Spike's vision was suddenly changing as he had a vision, and Po was finally remembering something, they saw what looked like a young baby Po during his time as a child, and they both realized.. this was his home village.

They're vision changes for them to see what looks like the village during it's prime age, and they saw how happy everyone was, the baby Po crawled up to his parents who were really happy and were flying a kite together during the sunny day. But what also got Spike's attention, is that he saw a tiny orange dragon on the father's soldier who cooed in a happy way.
"Is that.. another dragon?" Spike asked shocked as he's never seen her before, but there was something familiar about her.. he just didn't know what it meant..
"This was a thriving village you two, Young Shen was in line to rule Gongmen City. But he wanted more. I foretold that someone would stand in his way.. a panda.. but.. I could have never foretold.. what came next." Soothsayer said regretfully.

They're heads suddenly begin to hurt badly and they're vision suddenly changes to the night Shen attacked the village, everything was being lit on fire and they see Po crying with fear as the village burns before him.
"Get them all!" Shen ordered his wolves who were about to kill Po who held a toy close. But Po's father came in the way and he hit the wolves away with a hammer while the small dragon breaths fire on another group while still being on his shoulder.
"Take our son! And run away! Go!!" He told his mother while the dragon stayed by his side, but deep down.. Spike could see a look of terror from her as she was so young to see all of this...
"What about our daughter?!" The mother asked with fear while she picked Po up.
"I'll keep her safe! Go!!" He shouted before the wolves charged at them both and he did his best to fight the wolves off while Po's mother took him away which made him drop his toy as it fell into the house which fell into rubble..

Spike had a look of pure shock seeing this and realized there was another dragon in this world, but.. how? Po moved the rubble out of the way and he found the very same toy he had as a child so long ago, but Po's vision kept flashing before him and they both gasped with shock, and they could even feel tears in they're eyes upon seeing the horrors that Shen brought to the village.
"That dragon was so young.. how.. why did she have to suffer through this?!" Spike asked crying heavily, he didn't know who that dragon was, but he felt a strange connection to her in a way that he didn't know..
"Stop fighting it you two.. let it flow.." Soothsayer advised in a wise tone.

Spike took heavy breaths and realized that no matter what happened here, it was all in the past, but even if Po had such a traumatizing past.. they had to push through it, and if Spike never finds out who his family is.. it's alright.. he already has one.. Spike and Po looked at the rain above them and they both took a deep breath, they closed they're eyes as a rain drop went below they're feet and they swiped it away like how Shifu did, and they moved they're arms around before raising them into the air to catch a drop of water..

They're vision changes again, and they see Po's mother running through the snowy weather as the wolves gained one her with ash following from behind them, Spike and Po kept they're focus and moved the drops around them as they keep seeing Po's mother trying to escape them. Po's mother finally sees a safe place to hide her baby and they're vision changes to look more like the real world, they see Po's mother put Po in a familiar Radish basket, Po cries with sadness and didn't want her to go, but she calmed him down by having him snuggle to her one last time while kissing his head. She knew she'll never see her son again, and cried heavily as she began to leave, and baby Po cries even more as she runs away to save his life, and they watch with sadness as they saw the wolves chase after her.. and was most likely killed during the genocide..

Po and Spike finally open they're eyes again after witnessing it all, Spike didn't know how he had this vision, but it gave him an even closer understanding with Po then he ever thought he would, and finally could understand everything.. and had peace within himself..
"Your story may not have had such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make who you are. And who you two choose to be.
Soothsayer said calmly as Spike and Po reflect on they're lives together, no matter what pain they went through together, the friends and family they've made along the way is what matters most, like how Viper means so much to Spike, and how Ping means so much to Po, since it gave him the amazing life they both have now.
"So.. who are you two?" Soothsayer asked one last time as the two took a deep breath, and had a serious look while they opened they're eyes.
"My name is Po, and I'm gonna need a hat." Po said with a serious look.
"And my name is Spike, and I won't give Po my hat. But I will need a replacement arm." Spike said in a serious way while holding his own, they had both finally found Inner Peace, and even if this village suffered by Shen's hands, he won't get away with it, and they both knew there was one last thing to do..

34: The Battle Against Shen

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After Spike and Po were blown into the river from Shen's canon, the 5 were all captured again and were falsely imprisoned, they had tried so hard to escape, but they couldn't, and they could only watch as they were here to watch the end happen. Everyone was finally waking up and they found themselves all chained together, and they saw Shen was in front of them and smiled evilly.

"Such sad sad faces, But now is a time only for joy, you are going to be part of something beautiful." Shen mocked while Tigress and Viper both growled and hissed at him.
"Once we reach the harbor, in front of all of the world. You and your precious Kung fu.. will die. And China will bow to me." Shen said evilly while they all couldn't do anything to escape.
"Set Sail!" Shen announced which raised the chain holding the five upwards and they could only struggle while watching Shen begin his invasion.

The people of Gongmen city were going about they're night like they could, but everything they were doing came to a scary halt as they began seeing colors of red and gray begin to move through the rivers of the town, everyone had a look of fear as they saw Shen with an army of his own, with dozens of powerful cannons on each one, all of which were heading down to the harbor so they can begin invading China.

The 5 were all chained in the middle of everything and could only feel hopeless as they can't find a way out now.
"Well I never thought I'd die like this.. always thought I'd meet a girl and settle down and.. then she'd eat my head.. so sad.." Mantis said sadly while the boats moved trough the city.
"And Spike and I never got to save this world.. and now he's missing another arm.. again.. I just wish I could've saved him.." Viper said with tears while thinking about her boyfriend.
"We must not give up hope, we must remain strong, hardcore like.. Tigress?" Monkey asked looking at her who felt awful for failing to save they're friends.

Shen's boats were heading towards a bridge where some citizens were backing away with fear.
"Sir, what about the bridge?" The leader asked again which made him scoff.
"Nothing stands in my way, fire!" Shen announced the ones in front, and the canon began to lower down and aimed at the bridge. The citizens screamed while running away from the bridge just as the canons fired at it and destroyed it completely.
"You coward!" Tigress said with rage while they tried escaping, but Shen only laughed evilly as a result.

But they're movement was halted when they heard a loud familiar roar, they looked up to a rooftop above and saw two familiar figures with hats on them, and they looked down at the army below.
"Po? Spike?" Tigress asked both shocked and hopeful, they look closer and it's revealed that Spike and Po are alive and they've recovered from the blast they took.
"Po? Spike?!" The others asked shocked to see them too.
"Spike!!" Viper cheered in relief while they both glared at the armada with rage.
"How many times do I have to kill the same stinking panda and dragon?!" Shen asked furious that they're still alive.
"Shen's time is over." Spike said while clutching his Chi arm again.

"Shen! A panda and dragon stand between you and your.. destiny!" Po shouted from the roof, but they were really far away and they couldn't hear Po fully.
"What?!" Shen shouted not hearing Po's speech.
"Prepare yourself for a hot... serving of justice!" Po shouted again, but they still couldn't hear them and Shen was just confused.
"What?" Shen asked again not knowing what to do for the moment.
"And now! Free the 5! Disk of Destruction!" Po shouted while holding out his hat.
"Po wait that's just a...!" Spike shouted right before Po threw his paper hat.. and they just watched it float down in a silly way which made Spike slap his face.

"How come your hat can do that?" Po asked looking at his own.
"I got it when I unlocked Chi, so by default, it has a few unique things of it's own." Spike countered while he and Po began hopping down the rooftops to reach the others.
"Alright Spike, what's the plan?!" Po shouted while they saw more wolves aiming they're cannons at them.
"Friendly Fire Po!" Spike shouted which gave them both an idea, Spike hopped on over to one of the boats and began fighting against multiple wolves while Po led another cannon to their own men. Spike threw his hat at the wolves again, but unlike Po's, his hat bounced off the other wolves faces like a certain shield and knocked them down, Spike caught his hat again and backflipped over a sword swing, Spike went over the large wolf and charged up his arm before making a powerful hit.

"Take this!" Spike shouted before he smashed against the ground and his Chi arm created a powerful shockwave which blew a ton of wolves away from him.
"Get them Spike! You can do it!!" Viper cheered while Po led the canon directly to another ship as it was being lit up.
"No no don't shoot! Don't shoot!" The other soldiers said with fear while he tried putting it out, Spike landed down on another wolves back and landed right next to Po and they looked at the 5 who were even closer.
"Don't shoot! Cross fire!' The leader ordered before Shen had enough.
"Attack!" Shen shouted which made all the wolves charge at the two of them.

Po rolled onto another canon and threw one wolf into another while Spike punched another wolf in the face, he rolled under a gorilla and punched him in the face which sent him flying into another group, Po grabbed one of their weapons and got an idea.
"Catch of Freedom!" Po shouted before he tossed it to the 5.
"Monkey!" Tigress ordered while he caught it with his tail and used the weapon to free them all, they landed nearby Spike and Po and broke away all the wolves around them.
"Spike! Your alright! Thank goodness!" Viper said relieved while giving him a hug.
"I'm not giving up on any of you!" Spike said before he punched a wolf right behind him without even looking.

"Impressive Dragon Warrior and Master, what's the plan?" Tigress asked while the wolves surrounded them.
"Step 1, free the 5!" Po declared while Viper hissed at another wolf.
"What's step 2?" Viper asked wondering what to do next.
"Honestly I didn't think we'd make it this far." Po admitted.
"Po!" Tigress shouted trying to keep him focused.
"Uh.. stop Shen before he gets to the harbor!" Po instructed which made the team all charge into battle together.

Everyone jumped on the boats in front of them and began battling against the hundreds of wolves around them, Spike grabbed one wolf with his Chi arm and threw him into the water, Viper came from behind and she whipped a couple more away that were behind him, Monkey jumped up in the air and grabbed one weapon with his tail before twirling the wolf around to take more down.
"Whoo hoo! Nice!" Po said with confidence, another wolf roared at Po but Po caught him with one fist and slammed him down.
"Viper Puppet of Death!" Po shouted before tossing it in the air, Viper coiled around the wolf and began moving it's body around to take down even more wolves with they're weapons while Tigress went below her to move them forward.

Spike and Po continued fighting through the enemy's until a familiar roar caught they're attention, they turned behind them and saw Master Ox was there to help.
"Master Ox!" Po said amazed just as Croc jumped out of the water and took a couple more down.
"And Croc! You guys actually came!" Spike said relieved that they're hear.
"Vengeance is served!" Croc said confidently while they were surrounded by more wolves.
"But how did you..?" Po asked before Ox said something to surprise them.
"Your friend there, is very persuasive. " Ox answered as multiple wolves were flying in the air behind them, they all took a closer look and saw a familiar Red Panda charging through the army and he took them all down easily, and it was revealed to be..
"Master Shifu!" Po and Spike said amazed to see him here, Shifu ran across the wolves heads and knocked them down with his staff to clear a path.
"Quickly! Use they're boats to block the way!" Shifu instructed landing in front of them.

They all looked ahead and saw a way to block the way to the harbor. Spike used his Chi arm to send a boat into the air to block the path, Tigress joined in and knocked a canon forward which made the boat tilt forward from it's heavy weight, Tigress flipped over to the top and went to the top of the bridge. Po grabbed multiple ropes by the sails and had one idea.
"Crane!" Po shouted just as Crane flew above him.
"Wings of Justice!" Crane shouted before he made a familiar bird sound which sent a shockwave a wind through the air and into the sails which had the boats crash into eachother, and that made the boats behind start crashing into eachother too. Spike smashed one boat down easily with his Chi arm and used Viper as a whip to take down more groups.
"I love you Viper!" Spike shouted while he twirled around on his head and kicked multiple wolves down with her.
"And I love you!" Viper shouted as well before they kept fighting they're way through the army as a team.

Spike and his entire team ran through the blocked boats and they all jumped in the air while the boats exploded behind them which made a cool gold and glittery affect, Po looked at the team besides him and Spike flew directly above him and took a deep breath.
"I love you guys!" Po said in slow motion before Spike shot more fire at a lot of them and he began taking them down one by one, even with one arm, he had enough skill to push through this army with his friends. Spike joined in with Monkey and they grabbed eachother's tails and went on they're arms, they then twirled around and began kicking multiple wolves behind them before Monkey flung Spike into the air so Spike could deliver a drop kick, Crane flew besides him and Spike took another deep breath while Crane spread out his wings, and they both used a familiar move that they developed together which sent a large wave of green fire across the army which cleared the path even more.

"Why aren't we firing?!" Shen asked furious while they were getting even closer.
"They've taken out our gunners sir! They're getting close!" The wolf leader said seriously while Spike landed besides Po and took down more groups at once.
"Fire! Fire at them all!" Shen ordered which shocked him.
"But sir! We'll kill our own!" He said with worry not wanting to kill his own kind.
"I said fire at them! Fire!!" Shen shouted with rage, but he had enough and turned to him one last time.
"No." He said tossing the fire away, but Shen had enough and threw a knife in his chest which killed him before Shen hopped over to his canon and aimed it at them just as Spike and Po were within range.
"On no.." Spike said with fear again as they saw no way out. Shen grinned again and used his talons to light up the canon once again to fire it.
"Po, Spike!" Tigress shouted right as she pushed them out of the way, but that put her in the line of fire and everyone watched as Shen's canon fired at them all, and that destroyed the boats in front of Shen's ship, but also completely broke down every boat that was blocking the path, and the heroes were caught in the line of fire too..

Spike and Po groaned with pain as they finally got up from the blast, but watched with fear as they saw Shen had finally made it out to the harbor, and his army was beginning to set sail.
"No.." Spike said with fear as they looked around, and they saw they're allies and friends were badly hurt from the blast. Spike saw Viper was on a single wooden plank and was extremely injured, Spike slowly swam up to her and picked her up to check on her.
"Viper?" Spike asked with tears as he didn't hear a response, but he heard faint breathing which meant she's still alive. Po weakly swam up to Tigress as well and saw she was barely moving.
"Tigress.." Po said with regret while he held her paws, she opened her eyes and was barely able to look at him, but Po could see she felt defeated and felt awful. Spike held Viper close and gave her another kiss on the head, he knew what he had to do, and he wasn't gonna let his girlfriend die here.
"I'll make this right, Po and I both will.." Spike declared before he gently put her back on and pushed the wood she was on to the others, just as Spike began to swim back to Po, Viper weakly opened her eyes and saw Spike doing one final thing.
"Spike.." Viper said weakly as she went floating near the others in the water around them.

Shen laughed evilly again as Spike and Po finally came together, and they stood on top of one piece of rubble together that was still floating.
"It is time, to end this." Spike said seriously as this was their last stand. Shen could see that they were wanting to keep going, and smiled smugly.
"As they wish, let's finish this." Shen said with a scoff as two canons began aiming at them, Spike and Po both took deep breaths and began moving they're feat around in a familiar way, and they moved they're arms in a slow and calm way which Shifu recognized almost instantly, Spike and Po stood at the ready, even with one arm, Spike knew what he had to do now that he has Inner Peace.
"Fire." Shen ordered once again. This finally made the two canons fire two canon balls at Po and Spike, they're red sparks and fiery affects twirled around as they got closer and closer, Spike and Po closed they're eyes one final time before they remembered one word..
"Inner Peace..." The words echoed through they're heads as they felt the scene where they placed the raindrop on a plant like Shifu did.

So Spike and Po raised they're hands forward before the drop went flying off the leaf just as the canon balls reached them, and to everyone's surprise and amazement, Spike and Po both caught the canonballs and threw them aside and into the water. Everyone had a look of amazement as Spike and Po finally found Inner Peace together. Spike and Po grinned at Shen who was shocked at this too.
"Your move." Spike said getting ready again which irritated him.
"Again!" Shen ordered his soldiers, more boats shot more canons at the two, Spike grabbed another and yelled before he threw the canon forward which was amazing the citizens watching, more canons kept firing at the two and Po grabbed one next and twirled it forward which almost hit the boats.
"Yeah!" Po shouted with confidence while they dodged another canonball.

"Bring it Shen!" Spike declared while raising his fist.
"Kill them! Somebody kill them!" Shen ordered again just as the soldiers lit more canons up, Spike and Po kept catching the canonballs while they went to them and were throwing them forward with each one, Po grabbed another and did a backflip before throwing another one directly to one of the boats which actually destroyed it. Spike grabbed another too and threw it extremely hard with his Chi arm which sent another directly into a boat as well which made the people cheer in joy.
"What?! No!" Shen shouted with horror as more of his boats were being destroyed. The sun was beginning to rise as Spike and Po deflected more to the boats and just made a gesture to Shen.
"Keep em coming!" Spike said confidently while they got ready for the last one.
"Keep firing! Keep firing!!" Shen ordered one last time, the canon on Shen's boat shot another ball directly at them and they raised they're fists one last time. They both caught the last ball at once and they screamed as they began twirling around in the air, the water swirled around from the intense wind and everyone watched as they became the Yin and Yang symbol very briefly before they finally held the canon together.
"Skadoosh!" They both said at once again before they finally threw the ball back at them and it shot directly into the canon itself which destroyed Shen's entire ship and army for good.

Shen groaned and finally was getting up while coughing roughly, he tried to see what the state of his army is now, but looked around and saw his ship and canon were destroyed, he looked around and saw all his ships were destroyed, and there were no soldiers left.
"How did.. how did you two do it?" Shen asked confused as Spike and Po were behind him now.
"Well you know just keep your elbows up, and.. shoulder's lose.." Po said not understanding that question.
"No, not that. How did you two find peace? I took away Po's parents, everything, I.. I scarred you for life.." Shen asked not understanding how they did it.
"It doesn't matter what's happened in our lives, what only matters now, is who we chose to be going forward, no matter what trauma we've experienced." Spike explained with a calm tone as the sun was finally rising in the sky.
"Spike's right Shen, it doesn't matter what happened to us then, what really matters, is who we choose to be now.." Po said agreeing with Spike's statement while Shen wanted to make one last attempt.
"Your right.. then I choose.. this!" Shen shouted before he threw more knifes at them which they barely dodged.

Shen swung his blades at the two while they tried avoiding getting hurt just as Po got cut in the face. Spike saw what was happening and realized he was cutting down the ropes holding the ship together.
"Shen! Stop this! You'll get yourself killed!" Spike shouted before backflipping out of the way from another attack.
"As long as I bring you two down with me, I don't care!" Shen shouted while he slashed at Po again who was flipping over Shen's slashes, they heard the canon was beginning to fall from the cut ropes and looked up with fear as they saw it begin to fall.
"Po run!!" Spike shouted while they ran to get off the ship, Spike look back one last time and he saw Shen close his eyes as he accepts Death and the canon falls onto him and kills him, which also destroys the rest of the ship and sends the debris flying everywhere.

The people look on with hope while they think they survived, but Spike and Po finally emerged from the water and gasped for air which made all the people of the city cheer with joy.
"We did it.. we actually won.." Spike said amazed as they actually beat Shen. They both saw some shadows go above them and they saw Tigress and Viper just above reaching out for them, Spike took Viper's tail and she helped him out while Tigress helped Po.
"That, was pretty hardcore you two." Tigress said impressed with what they just did.
"We deflected actual canonballs, how cool is that?!" Spike asked really amazed with what they did too.
"It was awesome Spike, and you both did a fantastic job.." Viper said before she came in and hugged Spike close, Viper even gave Spike another kiss on the cheek which made him chuckle even more and he cuddled with her a bit. And Po suddenly hugged Tigress which surprised the rest of the 5 who all were shocked with that too, but Po quickly pulled away and looked nervous before they all came up to Spike and Po and hugged them tightly.
"You guys did it!" Monkey said amazed while they all looked over the two.

Shifu walked over to the two with his staff while also holding something in his left arm.
"It seems you two have found Inner Peace. And at such young ages too" Shifu said as he was proud with them both, but also a bit jealous too.
"Well we had a pretty good teacher." Po said proudly too while Spike noticed what Shifu's holding.
"What's that your holding Shifu?" Spike asked coming up to it.
"Oh, this is something the Soothsayer had for you, she made it to make up for your.. other missing arm." Shifu said as he just now saw Spike's left arm was missing too.
"Really?" Spike asked while he took it, Spike undid the straps attached to it and they all watched it unfold, and it was revealed to be a strong, well made metal arm, it was pretty tough looking from the looks of it, and it looked like a strong muscle arm too, Spike looked at it with amazement and picked it up.

"A metal arm.. awesome.." Spike said amazed as he put it on his left arm, he used his Chi arm to attach it and a small clink sound was heard before Spike was finally moving the fingers.
"How does it feel sweetie?" Viper asked while he moved it around.
"It feels.. just like my old one.." Spike said amazed while he looked at both his arms, he had a Metal arm that looked to be made of the same metal as Shen's canonballs, and a Chi arm, and they both had they're unique look and feel to them both and they felt awesome to have.
"Well, at least it all turned out well in the end, right Spike?" Po asked patting his back which made him laugh a bit, Spike looked to the crowd and saw the Soothsayer was there too and smiled proudly, Spike smiled gratefully at her and they heard people cheering as they saw Shen's boat shoot out more fireworks that formed the Yin and Yang symbol while being around dozens of amazing colorful fireworks which covered the bright sunny sky.

We finally cut back to the Valley of Peace at Ping's shop after days of making they're way back home.
"What do you mean they're not here? All my son wanted was to meet the Dragon Warrior and Master!" A mother asked upset with Po and Spike not showing up.
"How about some tofu birthday cake instead huh?" Ping asked nervously hoping they could cheer up.
"You know, I think we'll just try again another time, when do you think they'll be back?" The mother asked ready to leave which finally made him sad.
"I don't know! Okay I don't know! Maybe never! I mean.. I'm just worried, I'm Po's dad okay? At least.. I was his dad.. Why did he and Spike have to go and save China? I know why, but why?! They're just one little panda and dragon.." Ping asked finally breaking down in tears, but the kid seemed to notice something and had a look of joy before he ran up to the door.

"How ya doing kid?" A familiar voice asked which got Ping's attention, he turned around and looked amazed as he saw Spike and Po were finally here, while also holding some Radish boxes together. Ping was extremely relieved and went up and hugged Po tightly. He then opened his eyes and finally let go of him.
"So, how did it go, did you two save China?" Ping asked hoping they did.
"We wouldn't be here if we did right?" Spike joked which made Po chuckle a bit.
"We both did, and in an awesome way too." Po said with a smile which made him really proud.
"Well I knew you two would! That's why I made this new sign! My son and his best friend Spike saved China, you two can save, buy one dumpling get one free!" Ping announced while showing them a cool poster of both Spike and Po together.
"Hey that's a pretty good deal." Po said while they put the Radish boxes down.
"I'm wanting to get one myself." Spike said already liking the design.

"Do you wan to try it now you two?" Ping asked hopefully.
"Maybe later.. but there's something we should tell you.." Po replied which made Ping gulp nervously.
"While Spike and I were gone, we found the village where I was born.. and I found out.. how I ended up in that Radish basket.." Po explained while Spike looked down sadly reflecting on what happened during that horrific night.
"Really?" Ping asked surprised and glad to hear they found it.
"And I know who I am.." Po said looking at his father in the eyes.
"You do?" Ping asked worried with what he's gonna say.
"Yes.. I'm your son.." Po admitted before he gave Ping a tight hug and Spike smiled proudly seeing his friend finally at peace, Spike was proud to be at peace with himself, too, and couldn't be happier for winning the day.

"I love you dad.." Po said with tears while he held him close.
"I love you too son.." Ping replied with tears as well before Po put him down finally. Po turned to Spike and smiled gratefully.
"Spike, thank you for being there for me. Even after all we've been through, I'm glad to have someone who I'm proud to call.. my brother." Po said gratefully while he gave Spike another hug too which Spike smiled at.
"I'm always there when you need it, we're both brothers, till the end." Spike said patting his back with his metal arm as Po pulled away and Ping saw the boxes of Radishes.

"Ah! Delicious fat Radishes! You two must be hungry, let me make you something to eat!" Ping offered while he took one of them.
"What are you talking about we'll cook." Po offered while he and Spike took the rest.
"Guys, there's no need to compete, we'll all cook, together." Spike offered looking at them both.
"Together?.. No I'll cook!" Ping declared which made them all laugh as they went into the kitchen together, and were glad the world was finally saved. However, the camera zooms far far away from the Valley of Peace, it goes far into the mountains and the camera moves through a few trees until it comes upon a very old looking house, and two figures with green cloaks finally move and they have a look of realization, one of them is a familiar panda, and the other is a tall orange dragoness with pink hair and a yellow underbelly with small wings.
"My son is alive.. this is.. amazing... Smolder.." The father said in realization while the dragon was amazed too.
"And I.. I have a brother.." Smolder said amazed too as they look over they're home, and we see a final shot of a panda village where it was revealed Po was not the last panda after all...

35: A New Threat Emerges

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We open to a strange majestic shot within a different world separate from the one Spike and the others live in, there are dozens of floating structures everywhere and ancient ruins around most places, this is known as the Sprit Realm, a place where all masters of Kung fu go when they pass on, it's as old as the universe itself, and the camera zooms into a ancient looking tree where a familiar old turtle was meditating around the air.

"Inner Peace.. Inner Peace..." Oogway told himself while his eyes were closed, but a single leaf landed on his nose and it started to itch.
"Itchy nose.." Oogway told himself before he blew it away and tried taking a deep breath, but that sucked the leaf in and made him sneeze for a moment in a funny way before he resumed again.
"Finally, Inner Peace.." Oogway said in a calm tone, but a strange green blade suddenly began flying to him which Oogway was able to sense.
"Now what?" Oogway asked annoyed before he caught the thing between his hands, he looked up in the air and saw another blade attached to a chain was flying to him, Oogway flung that blade in the air and used his new staff by knocking it into the other blade which made them crash into eachother, and Oogway landed down on the ground and had a confident look.

"Kai, old friend." Oogway greeted as he sees a huge figure with green blades and horns around him and has a smirk on his face.
"Master Oogway." Kai greeted back while holding the chains in his hands.
"Our battle ended 500 years ago!" Oogway said surprised to see him here after so long.
"Well now I'm ready for a rematch.." Kai said smugly which made Oogway chuckle a bit.
"Took you long enough!" Oogway joked while he laughed at Kai, Kai got irritated and lunged through the void and charged at him, there were large structures coming in his way and Kai made a battle cry before he slashed his blades at them and completely cut them in half and went directly to Oogway. Oogway quickly jumped in the air and dogged a powerful attack that destroyed most of the place he was just at as a result.

"You've grown stronger!" Oogway said surprised while he creates an ancient symbol with his staff and throws it to him to stun him for a brief moment.
"500 years in the Spirit Realm, you pick up a thing or two.." Kai said before he looked at some small items attached to his waste.
"I have taken the Chi, of almost every master here." Kai revealed which made Oogway shocked.
"No..." Oogway said sadly which made Kai chuckle evilly.
"Yes, and soon I will have your power too, and even if the Dragon Masters Blaze and Firestone haven't been found yet for millennia , I will find them eventually!" Kai said confidently while the area around them had become green from Kai's power.
"When will you realize? The more you take, The less you have! That was the first thing the Dragon Masters learned from me when I met them!" Oogway asked while Kai didn't listen to this.

Kai lunged his chains at Oogway and he used his staff to create a special barrier of the Yin and Yang symbol, but Kai latched his chains onto the huge rock that he was just on and threw it directly at the symbol, Oogway braces himself as the huge rock collides with the symbol which creates a powerful shockwave that destroyed anything in it's path. Oogway was vulnerable long enough for Kai to wrap his chains around him so he could be restrained for him to take his power.
"With your Chi, I will finally be able to return to the Mortal world, and this time, you won't be there to stop me.." Kai said menacingly as he began absorbing Oogway's Chi.
"It was never my destiny to stop you, I have sent two others on that path.." Oogway said as he closed his eyes while his body was covered up completely, his body soon vanished and Oogway's Chi was absorbed into Kai's hands and he grinned at a small container of what remains.
"Then I will find them, and take they're Chi too!" Kai said confidently before he finally smashed his fist on the floor and he used his immense power to cross over into the mortal world.

However, far beyond where Kai and Oogway just fought, the sky's around the area begin to shift and form, until the light and shadow of the area formed into two dragons who had glowing yellow eyes, and looked down over the entire area.
"He's growing too strong for us to ignore, it is time we reveal ourselves to our children, they've waited long enough to meet us." The male one said as his voice boomed over the Spirit Realm like a god.
"Our son's sister will arrive to his home soon, let us wait till the time is right, then we will explain everything.." The female one said as they're bodies vanished once again while the Spirit Realm is left nearly empty after Kai took all the master's Chi..

Meanwhile, back with Spike and his friends in the living world, everyone was rushing they're way to Ping's noodle shop for a nice meal and to have a fun time, Spike's gotten used to having a metal arm and Chi arm at this point, he and Viper have gotten closer then before, and he's become what he thinks is the best master he can be, he's found Inner peace, he has great friends and a girlfriend, he doesn't know what more he needs now, but if there's something else he needs to learn, bring it on. Po burst out of the doors of the Jade palace and looked over the Valley of Peace once more.
"Justice, is about to be served!" Po shouted before he made a battle cry while jumping off of the mountain, Po screamed in joy as he began falling down to the valley with skill, Spike emerged out of the palace and flew down directly to him while the rest of the 5 followed suit, Spike landed on one rooftop and slid off it before flipping across more rooftop with Viper and the rest following.

Po screamed with joy as the citizens cheered for them all as they raced through the air, everyone jumped in the air one more time and struck their poses before they landed on the ground dramatically, and they had come right in front of Mr Ping who was ready to take they're order.
"We'll have two Justice Platters please." Po requested while he started writing it down.
"A few Tofu Buns too please." Crane requested as well.
"I would like a few Dragon Warrior sized dumplings too, Viper sweetie, would you like any soup or something?" Spike asked politely while looking at her.
"The usual noodle soup please." Viper said calmly while everyone took they're orders too.
"Tigress would you like any sauce with your spicy noodles?" Po asked turning to her who crossed her arms again.
"She wants it on the side." Monkey answered for him.
"On the side." Tigress said calmly as well.
"On the side." Po finished while Ping went to make the food for all of them.

After everyone had their meals, they started running out of the shop again while the villagers cheered for them again, Po high fived them all as he ran through the area which even set some hands on fire, and Spike flew above him and shot some fire in the air for spectacle, Spike and the others made they're way back to the training grounds once again to resume they're daily training, while Po landed on the ground for another dramatic pose, the others just casually crossed they're arms and such.
"You guys aren't striking the dramatic pose." Po said still keeping his own up.
"We're not in for a fight here Po, there are times we need to do it, and times we don't." Spike said while he stretched his different arms.
"Spike's right, do we have to strike the dramatic pose everytime we land?" Mantis asked confused with this too.
"It feels like it would waste time a bit then just getting started you know?" Viper asked as well which can be true at times.

"You guys should never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance! I've heard about some masters who can win a fight just by throwing open a door!" Po said proudly before he was about to kick the door open but stopped the moment he saw Shifu appear behind him somehow again.
"Dramatic entrance?" Shifu asked curiously while Po was a bit nervous.
"Master Shifu, uh.." Po said a bit nervous before Shifu continued to speak.
"The Dragon Warrior is correct." Shifu answered which surprised them a bit.
"Really? How's that master?" Spike asked curiously.
"Before the battle of the fists, comes the battle of the mind, hence.. the Dramatic Entrance.." Shifu explained before he kicked the door open himself.

He jumped into the training room and pointed his staff to the place, some palace servants shot arrows with fire on them to some torches around the place and it lit up the training halls which had some new stuff added to it since it was last seen.
"Whoa! Nice dramatic entrance!" Po said amazed at this too.
"I like the new equipment we got here, really helps me with my wings!" Spike said proudly while he stretched them out.
"And your strong arms big guy." Viper said while she rubbed them a bit which made Spike chuckle a bit again.
"So what's the occasion today master?" Po asked as they all walked into the place.
"Today will be my final class." Shifu revealed which surprised everyone.

"What? Final class but.. I didn't even know you were sick! although you have been looking a little.." Po said while he inspected him before Shifu pushed him away.
"I'm not sick!" Shifu said quickly brushing that off.
"Healthy, a little healthy.. actually a lot healthy.." Po said nervously while trying to correct himself.
"Smooth move Po, real smooth." Spike said while he pat his back.
"Today is my final class because, from now on.. your training will be in the hands, of the Dragon Warrior." Shifu said while placing his staff on him which shocked everyone even more and Po didn't hear that all until..
"WHAT?!" Po shouted which shock which blew him back a little.

Po quietly went down to talk to Shifu wondering why this is happening.
"Me? Teach? I mean why not Tigress or Spike they always got a plan, and Spike's got those the metal and Chi arms that are perfect for extra butt kicking." Po whispered while everyone could hear it.
"They're more then just kicking butt Po." Spike said while he crossed them.
"Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior, you are, and that is different from being the Dragon Master." Shifu said respectfully.
"Come on, they're the Furious 6 what am I supposed to teach them?" Po asked worried on what to do.

"There is always something more to learn, even for a master. For instance, let me show you another move.. the Dramatic Exit.. ( he points his staff in a random direction for dramatic affect) What's that?!" Shifu shouted with shock which made everyone look over for a moment before he quickly left quietly, Spike and the 5 saw him leave through the door but Po didn't notice that yet.
"Whoa?! Are you kidding me?! W.. Where'd he go?!" Po asked amazed not seeing him here anymore.
"Master.." Spike and the others said respectfully.
"Guys come on, you can drop the act, he's not here anymore." Po said nervously not knowing what he's gonna do.
"We await your instructions Master." Monkey said respectfully still.
"Shifu's made you our new master, and we'll do what you tell us." Spike said with a smile at his friend.
"The only thing you have to lose, is our respect." Tigress said with a smile as well and Mantis went on his shoulder again.
"Seriously, how bad could it be?" Mantis asked not knowing if this will be bad.

But unfortunately for all of them, Po was not the best teacher at all, and anything they were doing ended up with them getting hurt by the training equipment.
"Very bad! ( Mantis gets crushed between two spiked platforms while he couldn't do anything about it) Very very bad!" Mantis shouted with pain while everything was a disaster right now.
"Okay okay let's switch it up! Monkey, immovable mountain stance!" Po instructed to him who was on the spinning platforms.

"Yes Master!" Monkey said with fear before he struck the pose which only had his body get grinded down as a result.
"Sorry my fault! Tigress! Tornado Backflip! And Spike, use your Chi arm's power on those spiked dummy's!" Po instructed to them next.
"Yes master!" They both said in response, Tigress tried doing her move but ended up getting hit by one of the flying chains too which lit her tail on fire, and when Spike punched the dummy with his Chi arm, it completely got destroyed in the process which had the rubble hit Viper who was on the swinging chains.
"Oh no! Fire!" Po shouted while pointing at her which made the palace servants think they had to fire at them.
"Fire!" Another said before one of them shot at Tigress in the back which made her make a cat meow as a result.
"Viper! I'm so sorry!" Spike apologized while he went to help her.
"Your good sweetie!" Viper said weakly while Spike helped her up as Po was even more nervous.
"Okay uh.. Viper and Tigress.. do like this.. monkey voice technique! You two do like a yellow tail, yellow jacket.. spicy.. tuna.." Po said with regret as that made everyone in the training hall get hurt even more like how Po suffered the first time he tried the course out.

Everyone groaned as they tried coming back to the main area, they all were really injured and Spike was pushing any arrows he had out of his Chi arm and removed the ones on his metal arm.
"Now we know how you felt when you went through the course the first time.." Spike said in pain while he picked another out.
"It was a good try though Po.." Viper said as Spike now went to help her body out of some chains she was caught in.
"Did you all at least learn something?" Po asked nervously while he tried putting out some fire on Tigress's head, but she knocked it away.
"Yes.. that you can't teach.." Tigress said as she put it out before holding her own arm again.
"And Tigress is flammable, turns out." Crane answered while more parts of the training hall fell down as a result of the damage caused in the process.

After Po had failed miserably with training the 5, he went to think about all the stuff he went through today, he felt awful for this, and saw himself as a failure for not being able to teach Spike and the 5.
"That was a complete disaster." A servant said which Po was able to hear.
"Oh I'm glad I'm not Po right now, should've left Spike in charge for this one." Another said with a smirk while Po tried to hide.
"What a loser." Another said chuckling a bit.
"What was Shifu thinking?" The other asked while he shook his head.
"What was Oogway thinking?" The other asked while they laughed a bit more, but they did see Po was right besides them and were all a bit nervous.
"I think he heard us.." One of them said nervously.
"I didn't hear anything.." Po said nervously when he really did.
"Uh.. he said your a loser." One of them reminded before he walked off which left Po feeling more upset again.

He went all the way up to an old statue of Master Oogway that's been around since he passed, he was a true legend in the eyes of many, and Po wished he was here right now for help.
"I'm sorry Oogway.." Po said sadly as he went to leave, but screamed with shock as he saw Shifu somehow appeared behind him once again.
"Would you stop doing that?!" Po asked annoyed at that.
"How was your first day of teaching?" Shifu asked curiously.
"humiliating.." Po said sadly while Shifu kept looking at him.

"I heard." Shifu said with a small smile.
"What? Who told you? Was it Tigress or Spike?" Po asked nervously on hearing that.
"I heard from Monkey and Crane, and Mantis, then Mrs. Chow at the gift shop, and... Tigress told me." Shifu answered which made him sigh in response.
"Well did she tell you It's never happening again? Because I'm done with it." Po said not wanting to do it anymore.
"What? Teaching, or being humiliated?" Shifu asked while he held up one lantern.
"Both, I don't know why you thought I could teach that class." Po said while he looked back at the training halls again.
"Oh I knew you couldn't." Shifu revealed which shocked him once again.
"What?! You set me up to fail? Why?!" Po asked devastated to hear that.

"If you only do what you can do, then you'll never be more then you are now." Shifu instructed while he walked besides him.
"But I don't wanna be more! I like who I am." Po said sadly while he followed behind.
"You don't even know who you are." Shifu replied in a wise tone like he's usually had.
"What are you talking about I know who I am. I'm the Dragon Warrior!" Po argued as he thought his journey was done by now.
"What do you think being the Dragon Warrior means?" Shifu asked looking back at him.
"You know, kicking butt, fighting with the 5 and Spike, saving the valley!.. and stuff..." Po said as he looked nervous on not knowing how to answer.

"Punching and kicking? You think that is what the great Master Oogway saw for you and Spike?" Shifu asked while he pointed at Oogway's statue again.
"A 500 year prophecy fulfilled, so you can go picking butt, and running around town high fiving bunnies?" Shifu asked referring to what he did just earlier.
"Yeah?" Po asked nervously before Shifu shut that down.
"No! Oogway saw greatness in you Po, against my greater judgement, he saw greatness in both you and Spike. Incredible power awaits you both.. power beyond anything you can imagine.." Shifu said as he moved his hands around in an ancient way while Po watched with awe.

Shifu looked to a small flower that hasn't bloomed yet and focused his power the best he could, a gold energy appeared from him and he poured it all into the flower which made it glow for a few moments before it finally bloomed which amazed Po.
"Whoa! What was that?!" Po asked amazed taking a closer look at it.
"That was Chi, but I know you've heard that before, right?" Shifu asked as Spike's had it for a while now.
"Of course, Spike's got it with one of his arms we know that by now, but how come he hasn't been able to do that yet?" Po asked wondering why that was.
"As you know by now, Chi is the energy that flows through all living things, and when you teach, I'll be able to do stuff like this, Spike's merely tapped into it by now, ever since he battled those demons with Viper, he's been a few steps ahead of you by now with mastering it." Shifu explained while he walked around again.

"But how was he able to do it? I know he told us what he felt when he did it, but how can I use it?" Po asked wondering if that's possible too.
"The mastery of Chi, requires mastery of self. Oogway sat alone in a cave for 30 years, mastering one question, Who am I? Who am I?" Shifu asked while he looked at the statue for another example.
"I'm lucky enough to get 5 minutes before you inter..." Shifu said before Po whined a bit hearing this.
"Oh! Now I have to sit alone in a cave for 30 years?!" Po asked devastated to hear that.
"eventually, after you master teaching." Shifu said as he picked up the flower.
"Teaching? There's no way I'm ever gonna be like you!" Po replied while still felling worried about all of this.

"I am not trying to turn you into me, I am trying to turn you, into you. Spike was able to unlock Chi by understanding himself, to master it, he needs to fully embrace who he is, you will need to do that to." Shifu said as he handed him the flower.
"Turn me, into.. me? Almost there Shifu just a few more steps and you'll be the next Oogway!" Po shouted to him while Shifu was gone by now, but he turned back to the statue of Oogway and had a nervous look.
"Oh uh, sorry Master Oogway I'll just.. I'll let you get back to your internal peace.." Po said respectfully as he left too while not knowing what to do, but when he wasn't looking, a strange green energy went through the clouds which made a sound of thunder as a result..

After Spike and the others tried recovering from Po's failed attempt at teaching, Spike and Viper went to talk with eachother again after all that, he had a bit on his mind still and didn't know what to do.
"Well, that could've gone worse to be honest.. at least he was trying.." Spike said as he felt regret for Po not doing that well, even after everything they went through with Shen and Tai Lung.
"Hey I'm sure he was just trying to improvise, but.. hopefully this lesson teaches him more right? Failure often can teach us lessons we need to learn, so maybe this is what Shifu was setting up?" Viper suggested while she was around Spike's neck like a scarf.
"I feel like that's definitely something Shifu would do, Po's still got a lot to work through, he hasn't unlocked Chi yet like I have, and even then, I can barely use it other then punches and defense." Spike said while he looked at his arm once again, and it was glowing a bit brighter then usual.

"You've been doing the best you can with mastering it sweetie, your almost there, I'm sure you'll master it soon, and so will Po." Viper assured as they were about to head back to their rooms again.
"I know but, what if Po needs something to help him master it? He may need to go through something like you and I did, I know I haven't taught you it yet, but when I do, I'll be more then happy to teach you it, it'll just give us more time to spend together right?" Spike asked which made her chuckle a bit more.
"I'll always be by your side, you can count on that." Viper assured while she gave him another kiss which made him blush some more, they've been dating for months now, and they only grow closer with each day.
"Thanks Viper, I'm glad to have you, but we might just need something more to help Po, maybe someone who can help us?" Spike asked as they went through the training ground a bit and went out the doors.

"And who would that be?" Viper asked not knowing who could help.
"I don't know, but maybe someone that.." Spike was about to answer, but they suddenly heard heavy breathing by the doorsteps, they turned to see who it was but they both had a look of shock when they saw what looked like another dragon who looked a bit like Spike, she had orange scales and a light underbelly, some wings on her back too, orange horns with a pink hairline, and she looked exhausted from climbing up all the stairs.
"Uh.. who are you?" Spike asked confused while she breathed heavily and noticed them both finally.
"Sister.. I.. am... your sister!.." She revealed while pointing at him before she passed out from exhaustion while they both dropped they're jaws in shock.
"Who is this Spike? Why is she making those noises? It's very creepy!" Viper asked while referring to her weird breathing while Spike looked at her in shock
"Wait.. I.. I HAVE A SISTER?!" Spike shouted with shock while they both looked at her, they may have just gotten they're answer, and something tells them this is the start of something important once again..

36: A Surprise Reunion

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After Spike and Viper had met this strange dragoness who claimed to be Spike's sister and passed out from exhaustion, they brought the dragoness back to Spike's room for some questions, this kind of reveal was shocking for almost anyone who never knew they had siblings, Spike thought he was always an only child, but even if he never knew his parents, this is something he always thought, but the thought of him having a brother or sister never crossed his mind.

And yet, here they are now, Spike and Viper were watching over this dragoness who was recovering still after who knows how much traveling she went through, judging from how exhausted she looked, she must've flown pretty far.. but why didn't she just fly up the stairs if she can?

Spike didn't know how to feel about this, for so long he never knew his real family, he's accepted the 5, Po and everyone else back in Equestria as his own family, and with how things are going with Viper, he couldn't be more grateful for it, but seeing her come into his life after so long, it made him wonder just where she was this whole time, and after close examination, he finally remembered her, she was the same dragon from the vision Po and Spike had during the night Po's home was destroyed, and it only raised more questions.

Spike just kept staring at her, he felt like he does know her from somewhere, but they've never met at all, then why is he feeling this? He just.. doesn't know..
"Hey Spike, are you alright?" Viper asked which finally snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I'm.. okay Viper, I've just been thinking about.. her." Spike said while they looked over they're unexpected guest again.
"Yeah.. I know it's quite the shock, her showing up and saying she's your sister like that, even if we don't know who she is, maybe she means well. It means you have someone out there who's related to you, that should be a good thing right?" Viper asked while they had some noodles to pass the time.
"I don't know Viper, if she is related to me, then where was she during my entire life? Does she know who our parents are, where we came from? Why I was left alone to be found by Celestia in the first place? It's just.. a lot to take in.." Spike asked while he was overthinking so much at once.
"Sweetie.. there's always an explanation for everything, even if we can't understand it, you should know that by now, but I know something like this can make us question so much, it's almost like how I felt when my dad was passing on.." Viper said as she reflected on their time at her village and her family.

Spike only gave Viper another hug to try and process this, they've been together long enough that they're always there for eachother, no matter what.
"It's alright Viper, I just.. I don't know how to handle things when she wakes up? What should I do when she wakes?" Spike asked nervous on what to do, and Viper thought over a few things they could do to help things move along.
"Maybe it's best we start things off with simple introductions, after you two spend some time talking together, you can ask her the stuff regarding your family, and where you both came from, just take it slow, and keep it at a nice pace, okay Spikey?" Viper asked while she rubbed his head again, and Spike looked over the dragon and smiled a bit hearing it.

"Right, I should know how to do this kind of stuff, after all we've been through, It's best to keep things slow at first, I don't know where I'd be without you Viper." Spike said gratefully while they looked over her.
"I'm lucky to be with you Spike, let's just hope your sister doesn't mind having a sister in law, in fact she may be excited to know, that may be fun won't it?" Viper asked trying to keep a positive mood around.
"Heh, I think she'll be glad to know to have a sister, let's just hope she wakes up soon." Spike prayed while they kept on eating together.
"I think we won't have long to wait." Viper said right as they heard a soft groan from her, and they saw she was starting to move again.
"Your always on point with things Vipes." Spike said with a smile while they watched her wake up.

She felt her stamina recovering after traveling for so long, she'd been at finding her brother as soon as she found out he was alive, and that she had one in general, she and someone close to her had set out some time back, they traveled so far from they're home they saw so much they never got to see, she groaned softly and was finally opening her eyes, she only could see a small ceiling above her that looked to be made of paper, but just besides her, she saw two people watching over her.
"Where.. am I?" She asked tiredly while she was sitting up finally, she yawned heavily and was trying to wake up.
"You okay ma'am?" One of the figures asked which got her attention, her eyes were coming into focus and she looked at the figures in front of her, and they widened in shock when they saw that in front of her, she saw a dragon that was a bit taller then her, he had wings behind his back, a strange metal and glowing arm to replace lost limbs, ouch, and some battle scars on his body from past fights, but that detail didn't matter as much to her, because there was one reason she came here.. to find.. her brother.

"You.. it's.. really you! Your.. my.. my brother!" She said while her face was looking more and more excited.
"Um.. I'm sorry, who are you?" Spike asked as they didn't get her name yet after she passed out.
"Oh, sorry! My name's Smolder! I came all this way to find you! I can't believe I actually found you!" Smolder introduced gleefully before she suddenly gave Spike a hug which caught him off guard.
"Um.. my name's Spike, but are you sure I'm who you looking for? How did you find out about me? And are you sure I'm.. your brother?" Spike asked as they're scale color was completely different, and they didn't look too related to eachother.
"I know it's you! After so long, I finally got the message about you! And that you are my brother!" Smolder said eagerly which just confused them even more.

"Hold on ma'am, I know your excited and everything, but what are you talking about? Who are you? And where are you from?" Viper asked while trying to have things make sense here.
"Oh, I'm sorry I'm just.. so excited to finally meet you! Me and someone close got a message from the universe about you and someone else, we traveled across China until we were led here! I know your my brother, there's no other dragon in this world, but even then, the universe gave me the feeling that it's you!" Smolder explained excitedly while Spike and Viper looked at eachother hearing that.
"Hold up.. the universe sent you a message about me and someone else, and.. you somehow were able to figure out I'm your brother?" Spike asked as that didn't make sense to him at first.
"Yes! It gave me a feeling that I had to follow, and I can't tell you how excited I am to meet you! Mr...?" Smolder asked while she didn't get his name either.
"Spike, nice to.. meet you Smolder.." Spike introduced holding out his metal arm, but she shook it excitedly and clearly was eager to get to know him.

Viper saw Smolder was going a bit too fast with things, and she tried helping slow things down.
"Now hold on there.. Smolder, I know your excited to meet.. your brother and everything, but we should slow down for a bit, how did you find us exactly?" Viper asked again making sure she wasn't leaving anything out.
"Right, sorry, sorry. Like I said, the universe sent me a message that led me here with someone else who traveled with me, we spent a long time trying to find you, and after trusting out instincts, we found this place, and we decided to split up for now to check the place out, and let me just say, that village down there is really amazing!" Smolder said gleefully while she looked out one of their windows and they saw the mountain view outside the palace. While her saying the universe sent her a message that told her and someone else about him sounded absurd.. he came to this world after the universe brought him here, so it doesn't sound TOO far out of reach.

"So.. you really are.. my.. sister? I.. have a sister?!" Spike asked as he was getting really happy to know he has someone related to him.
"Of course! I know it's you! My big brother!" Smolder said excitedly while she gave him another hug, Spike didn't know how to properly respond to this, while he wanted to know about her, who she is, and if she knows more about they're birth parents, if she really is his sister, he needs to have fun with her.
"You.. are my sister.." Spike said amazed while Viper smiled seeing them hug eachother, she always loved doing this with her own siblings, and this was just as wholesome, if not sudden.
"I'm glad you two finally have met eachother Smolder, I'm Viper, I'm Spike's girlfriend." Viper introduced holding out her tail, and Smolder gasped with awe hearing that.
"My brother has a girlfriend too?! An awesome looking one at that, this day just can't get any better!" Smolder said amazed while she shook it too, she was clearly really excited about all that's happening, if this is a family reunion, they had a lot more to talk about.

After a few more minutes of introductions, Spike and Smolder looked at eachother, and wondered what to do next.
"So.. you said you came here with someone else right? Do you know where he went?" Spike asked wondering who she was with.
"That's right! I almost forgot where he went! Come on! He went to a noodle shop in the village a bit ago, if I know him, he's probably breaking records by now!" Smolder advised before she grabbed his hand and they were suddenly running out of the palace.
"Whoa! Alight then! I'll be back in a bit Viper!" Spike shouted while she ran out of the living area and they ran down to the valley while Viper watched on and chuckled a bit.
"Classic sister energy." Viper said as Shiji often acted like that too.

Meanwhile with Po, he was currently taking a bath behind his father's shop in order to think about what Shifu told him yesterday, there was a lot he could take from that advise, but if becoming a teacher is his next step in discovering who he is, he has a lot to learn.
"I.. am ready.. to teach you a lesson!" Po said dramatically while he was playing with his action figures again.
"Teach me? Oh no! It's the Dragon Teacher! Yeah, and he's so handsome! Thank you for the compliment!" Po said to all his dolls before he made a battle cry and made his figures hit eachother like they were fighting.
"No! Please don't teach me to death!" Po said dramatically with his Tai Lung figure while he kept going at it until Ping suddenly popped into the room.
Po?" Ping asked confused on what he's doing here.
"Oh, hey dad uh.. what's up?" Po asked nervously while he quickly put all of his dolls back in the water to hide them.

"I was just uh.. stopping by for a little soak.." Po said nervously while he tried to hide what he was feeling, but Ping could see through it right away.
"Okay, what's wrong?" Ping asked seeing right through this.
"Nothing." Po said in defense which Ping didn't believe.
"Nothing? I come here to find you home taking a bath with your dolls!" Ping said while exaggerating a bit.
"Action figures." Po corrected while he sprayed some red dust into the water.
"And instead of adding bath salt to the water, you just added Szechuan pepper corn." Ping finished which caught Po off guard.
"Szechuan.. what?" Po asked right before he finally noticed what he put in the water and his lower side felt on fire.
"Oh, oh! My tenders"! Po said painfully while he poured some cool water in the tub to cool him off.
"Okay, yes.. something's wrong.." Po said shamefully while Ping tried to help him.
"There there son, tell me all about it, now raise your arm.." Ping asked while he helped bathe Po who explained what's happened.

"Shifu says I don't know what it means to be the Dragon Warrior, now I have to be a teacher? I thought I finally knew who I was but if I'm not the Dragon Warrior then who am I?" Po asked himself once again as that question won't leave his mind now.
"A teacher? Teaching Kung fu?! Oh that's a promotion! Take the job son! And one day when your in charge of the whole Jade Palace I can sell noodles in the lobby!" Ping said while laughing excitedly before he looked back at his son.
"Then why are you still here taking baths like a baby? Go on, get up! Go go go! Franchise expansion awaits us!" Ping said eagerly helping Po out of the tub.

"But what about the Dragon Warrior look alike contest?" Po asked worried on what's gonna happen there.
"Oh Mrs Chow always wins that one." Ping said brushing that off as we see her dressed like Po a bit and won by saying one line.
"Skadoosh." She said casually which somehow helped her win.
"And the Dragon Warrior dumpling eating contest? I have to defend my title?" Po asked while taking a towel.
"No one's gonna beat your dumpling eating record, well.. except maybe Spike." Ping answered right until a customer burst in and looked really excited.
"Someone's about to beat your dumpling eating record!" He said in disbelief which got their attention.

The rest of the customers were cheering someone on who was close to beating Po's record.
"Who's eating my dumplings?!" Po asked while wiping the remaining bubbles off of him.
"And who's paying for them?!" Ping asked as they could see a large figure finishing them off.
"101! 102!" The villagers cheered until the customer finished the last bowl and stacked it he raised his arms in victory which all the villagers cheered at. But as the figure turned around, Po had a look of pure shock when he saw who the figure was.. it was a panda who was cheering with his mouth full.
"Who.. are you?!" Po asked amazed seeing him, he tried to answer him but his mouth was full for the moment.
"Sorry what?" Po asked not getting that, he raised his hands before he swallowed all the dumplings to speak.
"I'm Li Shan, I'm looking for my son." Li introduced and everyone gasped in shock as they looked at Po and knew who he was talking about.

"You.. you lost your son?" Po asked feeling awful for hearing that.
"Yes, many, many years ago, my daughter and I came here looking for him." Li explained while everyone kept looking at the two.
"I lost my father.." Po said sadly while still in disbelief another panda was here.
"I'm very sorry to hear that." Li said sadly while looking at him.
"Thank you.." Po said grateful to hear that.
"Well, good luck to you." Li encouraged while he held his hat.
"Thank you, good luck finding your son." Po replied still not realizing it.
"And good luck finding your father." Lu replied while the customers just kept looking at them in disbelief.

The two then were about to leave which made the villagers sigh while slapping they're faces, but that's when Po and Li finally realized..
"Son?!" Li asked shocked turning back to him and Po couldn't find the words.
"Oh my gosh it is you!!" Li said amazed while Po was feeling so happy to see it's actually him.
"Well don't just stand there, give your old man a hug!" Li encouraged holding his arms out, and Po could only laugh with pure joy while he came to give him a hug.
"I can't believe your alive!" Po said with tears while he hugged him tightly.

Spike and Smolder had just arrived to the scene after leaving the palace, and Smolder's eyes went wide seeing Li.
"Papa Li!" Smolder announced which got his attention and he turned around to see her.
"Smolder! Your alright! I just found my son!" Ping said excitedly while Spike gasped in shock seeing him.
"And I just found my brother! It's a family reunion!" Smolder said excitedly while the villagers cheered for them all, and Po looked at Spike with awe.
"Do you know that this means Spike?" Po asked getting even more excited.
"If she's his daughter, then that means.." Spike said right before they both realized it.
"We're family dude!!" Po shouted with amazement while he hugged Spike even more who was shocked hearing this too.
"This day just keeps getting better!" Spike said amazed while everyone took in this moment.

"Oh I thought I lost you forever Little Lotus." Li said with relief which confused Po for a moment.
"Hold on I'm sorry this is super embarrassing, you must've confused me for another panda named Lotus, my name is Po." Po introduced which made Li remember something important.
"Oh right, sorry, no you see, Little Lotus was the name you were given at birth, and this is your little sister Smolder!" Li introduced while putting his arm around her which she laughed at.
"I have 2 big brothers!" Smolder said amazed while Po was even more amazed.
"Really?!" Po asked gleefully.
"Really!" Li replied while they laughed a bit.

"I can't believe it, after all these years, we still have family here?" Spike asked still shocked at this family reunion.
"I know I can't believe it! This is amazing! Oh right, dad! Come, say hi to.. uh I'm not sure what to call you." Po said to Ping who wasn't very happy about this.
"I'm pretty sure he said his name is Li." Ping said with a grumpy look.
"Isn't he the grumpy one?" Smolder joked nudging Spike's arm a bit who chuckled a bit hearing that.
"It's a lot to take in for all of us I'm sure." Spike said while crossing his arms.
"You.. come here!" Li said while he came to give Ping a really tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of my son!" Li said gratefully which upset Ping a bit more.

"Your son?! Now hold on just a minute! How do we know that these strangers, are even related to you and Spike?" Ping asked suspicious of them while Li noticed Po's belly.
"Look at that! Our belly's could be brothers! Hey son, let me teach you how to belly gong!" Li said playfully while they bounced eachother's belly's against them.
"Spike, check this out!" Smolder said before she took a deep breath and shot a stream of pink fire into the air.
"Whoa!" Spike said amazed with it's color, Spike took another breath and shot his own green fire into the air too which merged with hers to create some fireworks which the villager's were amazed at.
"Spike, Smolder come here! Family picture come on!" Li announced which made Smolder more excited.

Smolder helped Spike over and they all smiled together while a fast artist drew a picture for them.
"I can't believe we're taking a picture together." Po said still amazed with all of this.
"I have so many questions right now." Spike added as how Li and Smolder are father and daughter still has questions to be answered, the artist finished the painting and showed them it until they saw that Ping was right above them and still wasn't convinced by this.
"Hey, please give us a moment sir." Smolder asked while Ping went down to ask more stuff.
"I still don't understand, I thought Po was the only panda left here, and Spike was the only dragon to be known here?" Ping asked still unsure of this.
"Oh no, there's a whole bunch of pandas still around!" Li answered which excited Po.
"Where?!" Po asked with excitement and Li went to them to whisper it.

"A secret panda village in the mountains." Li whispered quietly while Spike was confused.
"That's where you came from?" Spike asked Smolder who nodded in response.
"But how did you find us?" Po asked still shocked with all of this.
"Smolder and I received a message, that led us here!" Li answered until Ping came in between them.
"How could you receive a message, if no one could find you? Sounds pretty suspicious to me!" Ping asked which made the other villagers suspicious of them.
"No, it was a message from the universe!" Li answered which amazed everyone hearing that.
"Rats." Ping said still upset about all of this.

"Guess that's a true answer then, if the universe can bring me here, how can it not send a message to long lost relatives?" Spike asked shrugging his shoulders.
"It's the best we got with explanations brother." Smolder said playfully while she punched his metal arm which made a gong as a result.
"Oh, wow, that's really tough." Smolder said with shock while waving her hand off.
"Now, what's all this about the Dragon Warrior and Dragon Master?" Li asked looking around the place.
"How did you know me and Spike were the Dragon Warrior and Master? Did the universe tell you that too?!" Po asked again while the villagers were eager to know.

"No the posters of you two did." Smolder answered pointing to the posters behind them.
"And the gift shop, we bought two tiny cups of you!" Li added while showing them the cups.
"Oh that's right! You have no idea, there's so much to show you! Spike come on, your both gonna be so awesomely proud, come on!" Po encouraged while he was taking Li out of the shop.
"Does this mean we're going up all those stairs again?" Smolder asked a bit worried with how exhausted she was the first time.
"We'll fly our way up there, come on, you have so much that needs to be seen! This day is so cool!" Spike said amazed while he and Smolder followed Po and Li and the villagers were leaving the shop while Ping was just worried.
"But I'm already awesomely proud.." Ping said sadly at the thought he could be losing his son, while Spike had a TON of questions for Smolder and Li with how they're family, Spike still wants to spend more time with her, and he hopes he gets to know them better even more.