> Spike's Frontier > by Dragonfan101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Strange Place... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Equestria, a beautiful land full of happiness and amazing creatures." A voice narrates as we see multiple areas of Equestria in it's best state. " My home." the voice finishes. "My name is Spike, i live with Twilight Sparkle and am the best friend of Thorax, the newest King of the changelings. We all have settled down again after defeating Chrysalis again." Spike says as we see him walking in a forest alone. "I left to think over all that has happened in the last couple days, it's something someone would want after such an event right?" Spike asks as we see him sit down at a tree. "Even after an awful event like what happened with Chrysalis, everything can become normal like it never happened, sure the memory is still there, but it feels like it can be brushed aside you know?" Spike asks as we see him relaxing, a strange noise passes his ears, Spike get's curious and checks it out, he simply finds a deer pinned down by a rock near a cave, Spike quickly rushes up to it and helps it up. "You alright?" spike asks and the deer licks him in thanks and he laughs. "Your welcome, you should see my friend Fluttershy she can help you if your still injured." Spike tells it, the deer nods and walks off and Spike waves goodbye. "Helping anyone or anything is just something i want to do in life, whether it's big or small" Spike narrates as he looks around, he sees something strange beneath the rubble of the rock and gets curious. "What's this?" Spike asks as he pushes the rubble away. "Little did i know something big was about to happen" Spike's voice narrates as Spike's eyes widen in what he sees, this looks like an extremely advanced gear, like what one would find for a train, Spike looks at it in awe. "What are you? How have we gone so long without finding you?" Spike asks in fascination, Spike then looks at the cave and lets his curiosity get the better of him and he walks into it. It looked like just an old cave, nothing that interesting was seen except for some rocks and a few gems on the walls, Spike's stomach growled as he felt a little hungry. " I might as well take a little bite since i have no food right now." Spike says as he reaches out for it, Spike pulls out a few gems at a time, but when he tries to grab a specific emerald, it doesn't pull out. "What the?" Spike asks confused, Spike then tries harder but it doesn't budge." Come on!" Spike says as he grunts, he then tries more but eventually gets tired and stops trying and pushes his hand against the wall the emerald is on. "Stupid gem..." Spike says frustrated, he suddenly felt his hand slide a little and he hears a click sound, Spike looks at it and sees the gem was pushed into the wall! "How in Celestia's name?" Spike asks confused, suddenly the ground begins to shake as cracks begin to form from the wall and it goes underneath Spike and it begins to collapse. "On no.." Spike says in fear, he tries to escape but the ground collapses, Spike screams as he falls down into a black abyss. Spike then lands on the ground and he groans in pain. "Okay, lesson learned, never pick gems out of a wall from any other cave, unless it's the gem cave." Spike says as he gets up, Spike sees the Gear he found and picks it up. "You better be worth all of this.." Spike says frustrated as he looks around hoping to find a way out. "What is this place?" Spike asks as he looks around, suddenly the ground shakes again as the ground he's on begins to have blue lights suddenly appear and they spread throughout the room. Spike looks at it scarred in what was happening, Soon the lights all come on and he finally gets a good look at this place, and Spike couldn't believe what he saw. This place looked extremely advanced, the ground he was on was metal and it didn't look like any other metal he's seen, Spike looks around in amazement. "This place looks ancient, yet so.. advanced" Spike says as he continues to look around, he then regains focus and looks ahead. "First things first, gotta find a way out of here." Spike says as he moves forward with the gear still in his hands. The place kept getting stranger and stranger, Spike sees drawings on the wall possibly written in some unknown language from Equestria, he sees what looks like several blue figures with green eyes surrounding seven gems with a large green gem in the center. "What does all of this mean? Does Celestia know about any of this?" Spike asks in amazement as he continues further, he soon stumbles upon a large room with drawings all over it, and at the center, a chair of somekind with a circle in the top. Spike looks around and he sees no door. "Trapped." Spike says scarred as he tries to find somewhere to escape, Spike looks at the drawings some more and he sees more of these strange figures, using these emeralds to power some huge giants. they look like a story being told, the final drawing he sees is of four of these giants fighting what looks like a moon with a red energy around it. "What could all this mean?" Spike asks scarred as he doesn't know whether or not it has or will happened. He then looks at the chair and gets closer to it, he then sees what looks like a gear piece in the center, Spike hesitates for a moment but decides he has no choice as there looks like no other way out. "Let's hope this open a door or something." Spike says as he inserts the gear into the chair, Spike waits for something and he sighs. "What is all of this? Who or what made this? Did Celestia ever know about this?" Spike asks as he tries to find out what this place is, just then the chair begins to glow red, Spike backs away in fear a little, the circle in the middle begins to have a red glow. "What is.. This?" Spike asks in fear as he sees his body start to turn red too! "No! no! Twilight!" Spike says as he tries to call for help, but his body only becomes more red and it begins to get sucked into the device! "No!" Spike says trying to escape, but he only gets sucked in more. Spike screams in fear as his body is consumed completely, the device then powers down and the cave is leaved empty once again.. Teaser... "Of my millions of calculations, there was one so remote and unlikely i did not consider it, however it could be the one to save us all" A female voice narrates as we see a female figure in front of a red moon with a dark red and purple sky. Discover a new path. "Do you know what happened to the chaos emeralds?" A voice asks as we see Spike and a pink haired figure looking over some strange wildlife as the red moon looms in the background, the pink figure then lets some cards fly away in the wind. "I don't know where they are Amy, but they could be what we need." Spike's voice is heard as well. Find you fortune "Sonic and Spike both handled four islands in this mess! I'm not going down to just one!" A male voice says as we see him and Spike in a desert like area fighting off some strange machines, the strange moon is seen above them. "I'm not about to let my friends down! Im with you Knuckles!" Spike's voice is heard as we see spike and the red figure continuing to fight them off. Forge a new destiny "Every time i interact with Cyberspace i'm getting more corrupted" Another voice says as we see an fox with two tails with Spike next to him, the fox then falls to a knee as he places his hand on a strange container of somekind. "Tails!" Spike's voice yells in worry as we see Spike trying to help him up. Uncover the ultimate truth We then see Spike on a cliff alone with 7 emeralds flying around him. "Twilight and my other friends have all had they're time to shine..." Spike's voice is heard as the emeralds give Spike power, Spike's body turns dark purple as his Green spine becomes red as well as his eyes and a golden aura appears around him, Golden wings form on his back as Spike looks at the one he's facing. "Now it's my turn to shine!" Spike's voice declares as we cut to see what he's fighting, a large giant with several arms that is called Supreme and the moon is still seen behind the monster. Prove your worth Sonic is seen helping tails near the edge of a cliff with his friends behind. "I know it's been rough, and things are confusing, but i need you to follow my lead" Sonic says as a large green eye appears behind them, it rises and reveals a large dragon who is presumably Spike and it growls in anger. it's eyes turn blue as a red and gold aura begin to surround it. Rewrite your story "No time to lose" Sonics voice is heard as they stare at a large moon as the sky is dark and they all look at it determined. > 1: A New Place And A New Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike fell through a portal that led into a sort of digital realm, Spike groaned in pain as he got up, he looked around both terrified and in awe of what he was seeing. "What is this place?" Spike asked as he looked around. The place looked like the Dragon Lands, but it was in a more digitized state, it looked new yet so familiar. "I gotta find a way out of here." Spike said as he started to run around. He made his way around the place, things looked real yet fake at the same time, the sky had strange particles moving around, any creature he came across looked real but were digital. "Is this some sort of separate realm?" Spike asked as he continued to run. Spike ran by what looked by the Dragon Lords throne but no one was there, Spike saw something at the top and ran up to it, he saw what looked like a portal. "That must be the way out!" Spike said as he started running to it, the ground suddenly started to shift, the portal got even farther ahead as Spike continued running. "How in the world?" Spike asked as he kept running, he had to jump over platforms that looked like rocks, he jumped over them to avoid falling into a abyss, Spike then landed on a sort of booster of somekind and he went running super fast across a few loops. "Whoa!" Spike shouted as he kept running upside down, he soon came upon the portal finally and ran through it just as it was about to close. Spike was seen laying on the ground unconscious in a rainy grassy field of some sorts with red particles disappearing from another similar chair, the device light's up again and another figure appears next to Spike unconscious as well. The blue figure and Spike then open their eyes and groan. "What happened?" Spike asks as he gets up, he sees the strange blue figure get up as well and backs away in fear. "What are you?" Spike asks scarred, the figure then notices him as well as he gets up and he tries to calm him down. "Whoa whoa! don't worry, i'm not gonna hurt you!" He said raising his hands up trying not to scare him, Spike was still scarred though as he looked around. "What is this place?" Spike asked as he looked around, he then saw a similar device from the cave. "Another one?" Spike asked as he walked up to it. "You've seen another one of these?" He asked , Spike nodded before he looks at him, they stood like that for a moment before the figure decided to speak. "I don't think i've properly introduced myself, I'm Sonic, what's your name?" Sonic asked curious, Spike was hesitant but decided he should talk as well. " S Spike.." He said still nervous, Sonic noticed it and tried to calm him down. "I'm not gonna hurt you okay? I'm not like that." Sonic told him, Spike looked at him in his eyes and he saw he didn't look like someone who would hurt him, he then took some more breaths and finally calmed down. "How did you end up here?" Spike asked wanting to know a bit more about him. "Me and my friends Tails and Amy, were coming to these islands in order to find something important to us." Sonic told him and Spike raised his eye. "What was it?" Spike asked curious. "The Chaos Emeralds, 7 special gems that contain immense power, we tracked them here and came to see what drew them here." Sonic explained, Spike's eyes went wide as he remembered the drawings on the walls with 7 colored gems. "So that's some of what those cave drawings meant..." Spike said as he remembered what he saw. "Cave drawings?" Sonic asked curious. right, Spike hadn't explained his story yet he then looked at him. "Right haven't told you my story, I'm from a place called Equestria, during a walk i stumbled upon an ancient cave that looked extremely advanced, i found some cave drawings with figures surrounding 7 gems and a large green gem in the middle." Spike explained and Sonic's eyes widened. "Those might have been the Chaos emeralds, and the Master Emerald." Sonic suggested as he's dealt with them before. "Master emerald?" Spike asked and Sonic sighed. "A incredible source of power, we never really knew why these existed as they're origin was unknown, I think what you saw may tie into they're origin" Sonic said as he recalled what's known about them. Sonic then regained focus and asked. "How did you get here, me and my friends got sucked into a portal before we landed, i got separated from them, i ended up in a digital world that looked like a familiar place, i had no time to lose though and found my way out" Sonic explained his side of things, Spike looked surprised knowing he went through a similar thing like he did. "I found a strange device that looked just like that one over there, I used what looked like an advanced gear to hopefully try to escape, but i got sucked into it and ended up in another realm as well." Spike told him, they then thought it over. "If we both ended up in that place, it must have a much bigger meaning then we think." Sonic suggested "Yeah, but the real question is what was that place and who made it?" Spike asked as well. "I don't know, but i think we may find out more if we start looking for answers here." Sonic told him. " I think we should do that, is it alright if i come with you? We both seem to have the same goal." Spike asked, Sonic nodded with a smile. "Of course, but the first thing we should do is try to find my friends, i'm really worried about them." Sonic told him as he was worried for his friends. "Yeah i'll help you, friendship is important." Spike said as he knew that personally, Sonic offered his hand and Spike took it and they shook. "Nice to meet you Spike." Sonic said with a smile. "Nice to meet you too Sonic." Spike said happy as well, they both were about to go but they then heard a voice. "Mortals" The voice spoke. "Huh?" Sonic said surprised as well as Spike. "Who's there?" Spike asked looking around. "You two have done the impossible, you have escaped Cyberspace through your own power, you two are the key" The voice said as Sonic and Spike looked up in the sky. "Cyberspace?" Spike asked wondering if that was the place was. "Key huh? Sure beats being called a rodent, are you saying we can rescue my friends?" Sonic asked with Spike looking around still unsure. "Find the Chaos Emeralds, destroy the Titans ,tear down the walls between dimensions." The voice told them. "Titans?" Spike asked curious, he then looked back at the device and remembered something important he saw in the cave. "Those 4 large figures facing that strange object" Spike thought scarred as he knows what they may have to deal with now. "Yeah okay how about a little context? Hello?" Sonic asked but they heard nothing, another figure was above them watching them. "Sonic, i'm not sure this is a good idea.." Spike said a little scarred in wanting to go. "It looks like we have no choice, don't worry ,I'll keep you safe, once we get my friends i'll help you find a way home, i promise." Sonic said coming up to him. "You sure?" Spike asked, Sonic nodded with a smile and Spike sighed as he had no choice. "Well your right, we do have no choice, we should do what we were told then." Spike said as he went next to him. "As much as i'm hesitant to do this as well, we still have something, some direction is better then none." Sonic told him moving his legs getting ready to run. "Your right, let's get going" Spike said as they both ran off to find out what's going on. > 2: The First Steps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to move through the area, they had found a few buttons just ahead of them, Spike and Sonic both got the same idea and quickly stepped on each of them, just then they felt something. They saw what looked like a red question mark emit some blue energy waves around them, just then they found something appearing in they're head, it looked like a piece of the island? "How is this even possible, there's nothing like this in Equestria!" Spike said completely surprised at what he just saw. "I don't know, but something tells me we could see more and more of the island if we find more of these." Sonic said as they looked at the mark which was now blue. "You may be right, just hope none of these will be super tough" Spike hoped as they continued on. As they were walking sonic got curious and asked. "So what's your home like? i've never been there before nor even heard of it, and i've run across a lot of places let me tell you." Sonic asked as he wanted to get to know his new friend. Spike proceeded to tell him about Equestria, what it is and what he's been through, the enemy's he's helped defeat, Sonic was pretty surprised in what he was told. "Wow! for someone pretty young, you've been through some crazy stuff." Sonic said surprised as they looked at each other. "Yeah, i've been in a lot of things, but sometimes i never really felt... helpful" Spike said as he looked down, Sonic stopped and looked at him. "What do you mean?" Sonic asked a little confused as he seems to have helped quite a bit. "It's just.. i've never really felt like i've accomplished something big before, my friends have all done something to grant them they're titles, while i'm still just the number one assistant, don't get me wrong i like helping Twilight and the others, but it never felt like something I wanted.." Spike said as he looked up at the sky. "Well what do you want? Nothing can ever be impossible no matter how tough it is for me" Sonic told him, Spike sighed and looked at him. "I've always wanted to have a moment where i can truly shine, to prove myself as a person and a dragon, not just to be some small hatchling, i may be young, but i always wanted to go out and find that moment." Spike explained to him, Sonic was surprised someone so young was willing to find a goal like that, he looked at him with a smile. "Well if your looking for that moment, helping my friends and stopping these Titans or whatever they're called, it might just be it." Sonic said with a smile. Spike looked at him a little surprised." You really think this could be it?" Spike asked. Sonic simply nodded," If not i'll help you find it, i've always done crazy things like this before, once we help my friends out i can help you find it." Sonic offered, Spike looked shocked that he was willing to help. "You really will?" Spike asked, " Of course, helping others is what i live to do." Sonic said as he did a few heroic poses and Spike laughed at that, " Thank you so much!" Spike said gratefully. "Don't worry, i'll be sure to help you and teach you some of my moves, wanna be a hero or something like that, you gotta be able to defend others." Sonic said with a smile." I'd be glad to have that help, i think we should talk more about this later though." Spike said as they came upon an ancient structure and an enemy of some sorts inside ," Yeah, we will, stay here i'll take care of this." Sonic said as he jumped down and engaged with it. Sonic proceeded to fight the enemy called Ninja, it was swift and sliced through the air, Sonic occasionally had to dodge around it and attack it from behind, after some more punches he finally defeated it and the enemy dropped a familiar looking gear... "This looks just like the one from before.." Spike said as he picked it up. "Real question is why was the one you found there to begin with? How did no one find it for so long?" Sonic asked as he looked at it. "Don't know, we should hang on to it for later though." Spike said as the gear floated around them and absorbed itself into Spike. "That felt... weird." Spike said as he looked around. Sonic looked and saw a door leading ahead has opened. "Looks like defeating that thing opened a path, let's go." Sonic said and Spike agreed and they continued walking. "Everything here looks so old and overgrown with nature..." Spike said as he looked at the structures . "Yeah, its one of the more interesting things i've seen that's for sure" Sonic agreed as they continued, they then had to move a statue to face the direction the others was and it opened another path. "Least there will be simple puzzles like this." spike said as they looked at the door. "Something tells me it will get harder, come on lets go." Sonic said as he started running ahead with Spike following behind. They had to do a couple more puzzles, and Sonic took down some more enemies, soon though they came upon another familiar device. "It looks like there are more of these..." Spike said as he looked at the ancient device. "Wonder how many more there are." Sonic said as they continued to look at it. "Return to the digital dimension again, use that gear to bridge the gap between dimensions." The voice said as Spike took out the gear. "It worked with the last one, lets see if it works.." Spike said as he inserted the gear into it, they hoped something would happen but nothing did. "We may not have enough.." Sonic said as they looked at it "It is not enough to make the connection, one gear will not suffice. Hunt down another target and take its gear." The voice told them as they looked confused. "Well where are we gonna find another one of those?" Spike asked and Sonic shrugged, just then a red portal and a large creature that looked like a tower fell on the ground near them. "We got our answer, stay here!" Sonic said as Spike still couldn't defend himself properly yet. Sonic proceeded to take the thing down piece by piece, using a new skill they learned after the statues called Cyloop to create a digital circle around it and it took down each piece, Sonic finished it off by delivering a ground stomp on its head and the creature was then defeated and it dropped another gear, Spike walked up to him amazed. " You weren't kidding when you said you've done stuff like this before! You took that out like it was nothing!" Spike said pretty amazed. Sonic chuckled a little. "Don't worry, you'll be doing awesome stuff like that when we take care of this mess,." Sonic said as he picked up another gear. "These may not be so rare as we thought." Spike said as he looked at it. "Well, that voice said that targets like these will drop gears, so i think its safe to say they won't be easy to come across though." Sonic said as he put the gear away. "Somethings not right about this place..." Spike said as he looked around feeling like he's being watched. "Your right on that, but i think we should get to that portal thing and find away to get across that bridge." Sonic said as he pointed to a bridge without a way across. "Yeah your right, let's see more of this Cyberspace as the voice called it." Spike said as they made they're way back, unknown to them a figure that was glitching red was watching over them... > 3: The First Chaos Emerald And Amy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic made they're way back to the portal, and like before they used the gear and this time it unlocked the portal, the top of the portal glowed red like the other ones. "Looks like we need to clear this in order to move forward." spike said as he looked at it. "Jump onto my back, and keep a good hold, things are about to get fast." Sonic said as he was about to enter it, Spike climbed on his back and Sonic placed his hand on the portal, they're bodies glowed red as they entered Cyberspace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-uXFH2zbD4 (Cyberspace 1-2) They come through a portal that led to a large sky temple in the clouds and Sonic knows this place "Sky sanctuary! best hold on kid!" Sonic told him as he began to run faster. "Let's do this!" Spike shouted as they made they're way forward. Sonic had jumped through some rings and ran across more speed boosters, he grabbed onto a lever and it led them upwards, he picked up a couple red rings in the process. "Do you always do stuff like this?" Spike said as they continued. "You'll get used to it!" Sonic said as he bounced off balloons and landed on some grind rails. They looped around some and went higher ledge, Sonic jumped through a few more orange rings while collecting more golden rings they had about 80 of them as of now from Spike's counting, they soon saw a spring and once they jumped and they saw the portal. "There!" Spike said as they continued. "Let's go!" Sonic said as they jumped through it. They cleared it in 52 seconds, with 5 red rings, and 80 rings. They soon came back out and ended up back in their previous area, and Spike got off him feeling dizzy from all that. "How do you keep your lunch down?" Spike asked as he was feeling sick. "I've been doing this for so long it really isn't much of a problem for me anymore." Sonic said as he held his hand, Spike soon regained focus and just as he did the portal began to glow blue. 4 Shiny green keys appeared and they held out they're hands and they absorbed into them. Meanwhile the blue, red, and yellow chaos emeralds in their respective vaults began to shine brightly and they shot a beam into the air, and they both saw that. "Those must be where the chaos emeralds are." Sonic said as the blue one was the closest, with the red and yellow being a little farther. "We clear more of these, we get more keys, and that unlocks the things containing them." Spike observed as he pieced things together. "Your right, that would make 3 of 7, lets be sure to keep our eyes peeled." Sonic said as they hopped off the portal. The bridge they previously couldn't cross began to materialize a bridge out of thin air when two beams shot downwards and it created the bridge, Spike looked at it in awe. "Whoever made these were extremely advanced, no magic back home could do such a thing." Spike said as he tapped his foot on the bridge as it was solid. "Yeah, i've seen crazy things before, but this is something else. But the important thing is, we have the path to the Chaos Emerald, lets go!" Sonic said as he began to run ahead, Spike nodded and followed behind. They did a couple more platforming challenges as they got more of these strange heart shaped tokens, they then made they're way to the top of the cliff and looked at the vault. That's a Chaos Emerald?" Spike asked in awe as it was the biggest gem he's ever seen. "Yeah, i've used these to save the world multiple times before." Sonic explained as they walked forward, they held out they're hands and they keys from before flew towards the vault unlocking it, the blue Chaos Emerald then was freed and it landed in Sonic's hand. "That's one down, 6 more" Sonic said as he put it away. "Wonder what they could taste like?" Spike thought to himself as they looked at the view, they saw a large grassy field, two large robots could be seen as well as a tower, and a floating prism of some kind. "This is unreal." Spike said as he looked at it in awe. "Yeah i agree, look at that tower that's just begging to be climbed!" Sonic said with a smile as he pointed at the tower. "Yeah, just imagine the view!" Spike agreed as they continued looking around, Spike noticed something a good distance to his right, it looked like... a container? "Sonic, i see something over there." Spike said as he pointed towards the red sphere. "Yeah, that looks interesting, lets check it out." Sonic said as they began to run towards it. They soon came upon the object and they saw someone was inside! "Who is that?" Spike asked worried, Sonic realized who it could be. "Amy? Is that you?" Sonic said in worry as he went up to it. "Is this one of your friends?" Spike asked with worry, "We gotta help her ." Sonic said as he tried to think of something, Spike then got an idea. "What about these heart shaped tokens?" Spike asked as he pulled a few out. "That could be it! great idea!" Sonic said as he pulled some of his out, the hearts then flew into the container until it was enough, the strange white haired figure from before was watching them all the while. The container soon broke and the energy began to flow into them, and Spike and Sonics hand turned red for a brief moment. "What.. is this?" Spike asked struggling, Amy landed on the ground and noticed them. "Sonic! are you okay? that energy containing me went into you two!" She asked with worry. the energy soon faded away and they got up. "I feel fine now, besides i feel like it gave me some kind of boost!" Sonic said as they looked at they're hands. "It feels... weird.." Spike said as he felt something different, Amy soon noticed him. "Who are you little guy?" Amy asked concerned as she walked up to him "I'm Spike, got sucked into a portal and was taken away from my home, i met Sonic here and we agreed to help eachother out until this is over." Spike explained and she felt bad for him "You were.. taken away from your home?" Amy asked with worry and Spike nodded sadly. "Looks like there's no apparent way back right, now, so i'm stuck here." Spike said sadly, they both felt really bad for him and came up to him. "Don't worry Spike, I'll be sure to help you find your way back." Sonic said with a smile, Amy shook her head in agreement. "He's right, we'll help you no matter how long it takes." Amy says determined. "Thanks guys, but don't worry about it for now, i think we should be more concerned for you, your only half here." Spike said as he tried to feel her body but it phased through it. "I feel fine, don't worry, but i think you should be careful with that energy." Amy said with worry. "Don't worry, we've been in situations like this before, we'll be alright." Spike said as he walked up to Sonic. "He's right, i think we'll be able to free you after we've gotten the chaos emeralds." Sonic said as he looked to the two sky beams. "Well i know you'll be fine if you have Sonic by your side, just be careful, i got a bad feeling about this place." Amy said as they she around "He'll be safe with me Amy don't you worry, come on, lets get the other two emeralds." Sonic said as he began to run off, Spike looked back at her. "We'll be safe, i promise." Spike said with a smile as he ran to catch up, Amy still felt worried given how young it is. While Spike was running, Spike felt the new power manifest, he began to run a lot faster like Sonic can , and a trail of green flames began to come behind him, Spike noticed it and got an idea, he ran around in a circle and he connected the flames and they released a massive burst of fire into the air as he did that, Sonic noticed it and walked up to him. "Whoa! that was awesome! What was that?" Sonic asked looking at him "I think i'll call it the Flameloop, it's like the Cyloop but with fire instead." Spike said with a smile and Sonic chuckled at that. "I like it, it will definitely come in handy, lets get going" Sonic said as he and Spike continued to run ahead. > 4: Encounter With A Titan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic continued to move forward with exploring the island, with Spike's new move Flameloop, he was able to help Sonic out in combat and he saw them drop some more pieces of energy, which felt like they were something important. "What are these things that keep flying into us?" sonic asked as they kept flying into them. "These might be able to help us unlock more skills," Spike said as he tried to manifest some fire into his hand but it wasn't enough. "You may be right, I see the chaos emerald a little bit ahead let's get going." Sonic said as he pointed to a red light near a river, Spike nodded in agreement and they headed to it. With the vault keys they had they were able to unlock it and the chaos emerald landed in Spike's hand. "I can feel so much power coming from this one emerald." Spike said lookin at it in awe. "Yeah, it's important we get these, we can't let them fall into the wrong hands." Sonic said looking at him. "I think i saw a few more Cyberspace portals, one was near the waterfall, we should check it out." Spike said as he putted the emerald away and pointed to the waterfall. "Your right, let's grab some more gears first, then we'll see if Amy needs anything." Sonic said as they started to walk off. "Good idea, let's get going." Spike agreed as he and Sonic started to run. it was nighttime by now, and after they headed towards the waterfall and cleared the Cyberspace challenge unlocking another vault, they felt the area around them.. glitch? "What was that?" Spike asked a little concerned. Before Sonic could answer, a large creature suddenly teleported in front of them! "Whoa!" Spike shouted with fear and stopped running, it's leg nearly crushed them and Sonic Grabbed Spike and he jumped out of the way and put Spike on the ground keeping him close, " What is that?!" Spike asked really scarred of what he was seeing, Sonic put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "It's alright, i'll be here." Sonic said putting him behind him for protection. "I think that's one of the Titans keeping Amy trapped" Sonic said as they look at it. "How are we supposed to fight that?" Spike asked scarred backing up as it was one of the biggest things he's seen. Before Sonic answered, a red figure with white hair and red eyes teleported in front of them. "Whoa!" They both said backing up. "You two, leave immediately!" She told them. "Who are you?" Spike asked walking up to her. "Are you trapped too?" Sonic asked confused. "Do not approach the titan" She ordered. Spike was ready to do so but Sonic on the other hand... "Sorry kid but we've got a job to do!" Sonic said before he started running to it. "Sonic! are you crazy?!" Spike asked as there was no way he could beat that right now. "I've dealt with these things before, just stay back!" Sonic said with before running at it. The figure then looked at Spike "You are not engaging with it?" She asked confused on why he wasn't going. "Are you kidding? unlike him i tend to know what fight i can win and won't win." Spike said still looking at the Titan in fear. "Wise decision, that will spare your life for doing so." She said before looking back at the monster. "If we are fortunate, it will destroy your friend." She said before she raised her hand to the Titan, and an energy came to it "Fortunate?!" Spike asked with worry as the Titan began moving again, it raised its legs and stomped on the ground creating an earthquake, and rocks started to fly into into the air, and Sonic began to fly into it as well. Sonic began to jump from rock to rock to reach the monster, he homing attacked on its head multiple times but it didn't do any damage at all, he kept trying in trying but couldn't . "Sonic stop! We're not strong enough!" Spike said trying to make him stop. Sonic backed up into the air to see the damage, but was surprised when the Titan grabbed Sonic harshly, it squeezed him very hard and it then threw him towards some ancient structures and sent him through a few columns, and he hit a wall hard, he then fell on a metal platform trying to get up. "Sonic!!" Spike shouted worried for his friend. "Pitiful, leave while you still have the chance creature." She told him, and Spike looked at her with anger. "As much as i want to, i can't, i'm stuck here because of those stupid portals!" Spike shouted, and she looked confused. "Are you talking about the Cyber portals? its impossible. There is no other left besides here." She told him. "Well not where i'm from, and i can't get back home, so i have no choice but to stay, hint of advice, don't attack those who may just be trying to leave, i have no choice to get these emeralds, because that's the only way i can!" Spike said before he ran off with fast speeds to his friend, She was left confused. "Could they have escaped to somewhere we don't know? And what exactly is he?" She asked with interest before she turned around and teleported off with the Titan. Spike soon caught up with Sonic and ran up to him. "Sonic are you okay?!" Spike asked worried as he was starting to get up. "Yeah.. you were right, that thing was way stronger then i thought." Sonic said as he got up and looked at him feeling bad. "What were you thinking?! You may be used to these things but i'm not! I've never seen creatures like these! What if you got killed and what if i was left to do this alone?! How would your friends feel if a reckless decision like that got you killed?!" Spike asked really upset that he ran off with that, and Sonic looked down sadly. "I'm sorry kid, i just... never properly thought it through, i thought it would be able to be taken down the traditional way, but it looks like we'll need more power." Sonic said while looking at him, Spike calmed down and he looked at him with worry. "Just try not to make something reckless like that again okay?" Spike asked with worry, Sonic nodded his head. "Don't worry kid lesson learned." Sonic said as he rubbed his head and Spike smiled knowing he understands it. "Alright then, looks like we can't take down that thing the easy way, we're gonna need the Chaos Emeralds, and maybe a bit of luck." Sonic said as he looked at the yellow and white sky beams. "I think we should see if Amy is okay first, i think she's nearby." Spike said as he looked at the tower. "Your right, let's go!" Sonic said before they started running off, the figure from before was looking down at them, specifically at Spike. "What did you mean by no choice? and how could there be more Cyber portals?" She asked with some surprising concern as she didn't predict him coming here. > 5: Helping The Koco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to explore a little bit until they found Amy near a metal platform talking to something. "What is that?" Spike asked looking at the strange creature. "Yo amy, who's your friend?" Sonic asked while he was looking at the creature as well, the creature then looked at amy seeming to communicate with her in a way, she nodded and turned to them. "This Koco says that they need to find they're one true love before its to late." Amy began to explain. "Koco, is that what they're called?" Spike asked looking at the creature and Amy nodded. "They've been to shy to express they're feelings, but if they don't do it now, they may never get the chance." Amy said sadly, Spike looked at the creature sadly. "Never get the chance for your true love?" Spike asked sadly. " You got all that?" Sonic asked surprised she could understand them. "I feel like the dimension i'm in is translating for me, it's strange but it feels natural." Amy told them. "How could being half here feel natural?" Spike asked confused. "We'll you always had an act for weird insights, who am i to argue?" Sonic asked and Spike shook his head. "Well we might as well, we should help out as much as we can" Spike said looking at the Koco with a smile. "I'm glad your willing to help Spike, glad to have someone else who cares about these things." Amy said gratefully and Spike gave a thumbs up. "Don't you worry little guy, we'll help you find your true love." Amy told it, and Sonic looked a little uninterested "I would say we got more pressing matters right now, but then again who am i to argue?" Sonic asked again. "I think helping them out will be just as important Sonic, Let's just try to help it." Spike said looking at the creature, the Koco then turned to him trying to tell him something, and he felt his head hurt a little "Thank you.." a child like voice told him and Spike's eyes widened. "Everything alright buddy?" Sonic asked concerned. "Yeah.. i just think i heard it speak to me, it said.. thank you." Spike said still trying to process it. "How could that be possible?" Amy asked concerned. Spike thought about it and came up with a suggestion. "It might have been the energy that flew into us, Sonic may not have understood it but i can apparently." Spike told them. "Well, given what i've seen it couldn't be impossible" Sonic said recalling what he's seen. "We'll lets go to the structures near that tower, i think i saw some more Koco there." Amy said pointing at the structures, Sonic and Spike looked at eachother and nodded and agreed to go over there. It took a little bit to reach the place but they did, but it wasn't without taking down a few enemies, Spike felt something surge in his body, fire soon formed in his hands and they became two sharp disks, Spike proceeded to throw them at the enemies and it sliced them in half completely. "Whoa!" Sonic said surprised at that move. "What was that?" Spike asked himself completely shocked at what he just did. "I think that was a new skill, like the stomp i recently learned to use, guess your moves can be fire related in some way" Sonic suggested. "It might be, let's just focus on helping Amy for now" Spike told him and he nodded and they saw her talking with two Koco. "Sonic, Spike, over here!" She waved and they rushed to her, Spike felt his head hurt again. "Please help us.. I've lost my children please" A soft voice spoke sadly, and Spike looked at them looking sad. "I think i can understand them, they need help." Spike told them sadly and Sonic looked surprised. "He's right, this mother says she's lost her children, can you two please help?" Amy asked, and Spike and Sonic smiled. "You got it!" Spike told her. "Sure thing!" Sonic told the Koco. Amy told them the children were all nearby the structures a few feet away, and Sonic and Spike went over there to find all of them there. "Looks like we have to herd them over there like sheep, i think we should be on opposite sides" Spike suggested. "Great idea, let's do it." sonic said as they got ready to herd them to Amy. Spike and Sonic proceeded to move multiple Koco in groups back to them at once, they had to avoid a few surprise bombs much to Spike's confusion but he continued on, it wasn't to difficult for them and they all had made all of them back to the mother. "That wasn't as hard as i thought." Spike said surprised. "Yeah, wonder where those bombs came from though?" Sonic asked and Spike agreed with that question, but then a bright green light appeared and they looked up and they saw a green Chaos Emerald and it floated down to them. "Told you helping the Koco out would be important!" Spike said laughing. "Alright, i guess we should keep a closer eye out for those who need help, but anyway." Sonic then grabbed the emerald and they did a little victory dance with the koco and they held the emerald in they're hands and they soon calmed down and turned towards Amy. They watched the Koco with the purple flower look around to find someone, they hoped it would work, a small Koco proceeded to roll towards her and they looked at each other. "That must be a close child." Spike said with a smile. "It must be" Amy said agreeing as well, the two Koco's then jumped around in the air really happy and they turned to them. "Thank you.." They both said before a green light appeared from them, the lights floated into the air and a strange symbol was seen in the sky, the two Koco then fell on the ground not moving and the three looked really sad . "That must have been what they meant when they said to late.." Spike said sadly, another Koco then jumped at amy trying to tell her something. Amy looked at it. "Okay okay we'll keep looking" Amy told it, and it looked happy and it started to roll off. "Did none of that matter to them?" Spike asked confused at the death of two of their own kind. "Sonic, Spike ,they acted like none of that happened" Amy said confused. "Do we even know what that was?" Sonic asked confused pointing at the two now dead Koco. "No but i got a sense of completion.. or comfort?" She asked herself "I did to strangely, but i still don't understand how i can though.." spike said still unsure of what to do. "Weird, i think we should keep moving though, we have a little more of the island left." Sonic said wanting to get going. "Your right, we'll check on these guys later." Spike said ready to go as well. "Sounds good to me." Amy agreed and ran after the Koco. "What could all of this mean?" Spike thought to himself as they continued > 6: A Strange Vision And A Conversation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic were with Amy as she was talking to the Koco, they were waiting for her to tell them what's wrong and Spike looked down a little worried. "Is everything alright Spike?" Sonic asked curious. "I'm just really worried about my friends, i've been gone for 3 days up to this point, they may be freaking out about where i could be.." Spike said scarred of what could be happening , Sonic put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry buddy, I'll get you home once this is over." Sonic assured him, Spike felt a little relieved as he was told that, but he was still a little unsure. "Thanks..." Spike said but he was still worried for them. They then heard a familiar sound and turned to see the figure from before. "You again?!" Sonic asked a little frustrated "What do you want now?!" Spike asked angry. "Submit, your reckless actions will endanger the world" She told them, and Spike was a little frustrated. "Haven't you listened to what i said, we have no choice!" Spike said getting a little angry. "Care to explain how saving my friends is a bad thing?" Sonic asked trying to get an answer. "You are an enemy combatant hedgehog, i will not share any information with you." she said refusing to tell him, Spike stepped up. "Well what about me? I'm not labeled as one am i? What is so important about us not doing this? Is there some big threat that will break lose if we do or something?" Spike asked and she flinched as he suggested that because deep down there was something she was trying to keep at bay, Amy then stepped up. "What is wrong with you?!" Sonic and Spike would never endanger anyone, i may have only known Spike for a couple days, but i can tell for sure he wouldn't bring harm to anyone! they are going to help reunite this Koco with its one true love" she said trying to defend them, the figure had a bit of a confused look. "Love, an emotional status to vague and varied in its definition." She said trying to know what it was. "You seriously don't know what love is?!" Spike asked upset she doesn't know even what that is. She simply shook it off, you two hedgehogs are both to ignorant to be helped, I'm not sure about you though" She said looking at Spike, she then flew off into the air and teleported away. "Weird kid.." Spike said a little confused by what she is. "What was that girl?" Amy asked not knowing who she i. "Aside from being a pain, no clue.." Sonic said and they all shrugged at that. "We should get the emerald that's on the prism, we'll be right back Amy" Spike said as he was looking at the floating prism near them. "He's right, we'll catch up with you later, be careful!" Sonic said as they ran off, Amy looked back at where the girl was. "How could she not know love?" Amy asked concerned for it. Spike and Sonic proceeded to make they're way to the floating prism, but before they could climb it they encountered another tower enemy. "Looks like that things blocking our path, we know what to do." Sonic said as they continued and they engaged with it. Sonic proceeded to homing attack on its bottom pieces taking it down piece by piece, Spike formed two flaming disks in his hands again and proceeded to throw them at the top of the creature doing massive damage, Sonic then took it down to the bottom and they both jumped high in the air and delivered a strong stomp on its head and it was destroyed, after that a spring then materialized creating they're way upwards. "Wow, just a couple new tricks and you can already do well in fighting." Sonic said as they walked up to each other. "I may know some moves now, but i'm not fully capable in a fight yet." Spike said still recovering from the fight. "Well don't worry, i have a friend named Knuckles, i'm sure he'd be glad to teach you a few lessons in combat." Sonic offered. "That will only be if he's okay with it, for now let's just focus on getting the next emerald" Spike said walking to the spring. "Brace yourself kid this is gonna get crazy" Sonic said as they then proceeded to fly off it high in the air. Spike and Sonic proceed to climb up floating structures, they took grind rails and multiple springs upwards, they had to carefully climb on some walls in order to get higher, Spike looked down and saw how high they were. "Oh boy! Keep your focus Spike!" he told himself trying not to fall as they continued, They were halfway up there now and they then took care of more robots in the path. They then had to fly through some more rings and were nearing the top. "How can one handle these kinds of obstacles?" Spike asked as they finally reached the top, Spike was taking some heavy breathes. "That was crazy..."Spike said a little surprised. "You alright Spike?" Sonic asked concerned, Spike gave a thumbs up." Yeah just catching my breath." Spike said taking some more as they walked up to it. "This is the 6th one right now right?" Spike asked as they have the red, blue, green, and yellow and light blue ones. They got the light blue one after helping Amy and a Koco cut off a large field of grass and were able to do it easily with their cyclops "Yep. 1 more after this." Sonic said as he used the Vault keys, the vault opened once again and the emerald landed in Spike's hand. "1 more to go then, let's check on Amy and see what she is doing?" Spike suggested, Sonic nodded in agreement and they headed back to her. Spike and Sonic head back to Amy to see if she's alright. "Hey guys how'd everything go?" She asked a little concerned. "It was my first large climb up an ancient structure like that, but good news we got 6 of the emeralds now thanks to helping the Koco out" Spike said as he counted up each one. "1 more then great job you two!" Amy told them. "Nothing to it," Sonic chuckled, " So how's are friend doing?" Sonic asked pointing at the Koco. But before she could answer the sky above them began to glitch in a red barrier. "What is that?!" Spike asked scarred and they got close to him as a large light blinded them, when they open they're eyes everything seems off like its a vision, they see Amy is in her physical form again. "Amy? are you alright?" Spike asked concerned. "I'm fine, but what is going on?" Amy asked. They then see explosions and gasp when they see the Koco from before now in the form of a strange water creature, and Spike's eyes widened. "Could that be?" Spike asked himself as he remembered the figures on the walls looked exactly like what he is seeing now, Amy was trying to stop it from going into the explosions. "Don't it's to dangerous!" Amy said with worry trying not to make it go further, Sonic was holding her back trying not to get her hurt. The creature was trying to reach out to someone, to they're surprise they find another one that looks exactly like him, the two make their way to each other trying to avoid the destruction, they embraced each other as another explosion formed around them, they all covered they're eyes as the explosion got closer to them. The vision then fades away and they look around to see what's happened, they see the barrier in the sky has faded away and they are left confused, but they see the Koco from before and they rush to it, to they're sadness they see its dead as well but now the one they saw in the vision was with it. Spike has a few tears in his eyes knowing what happened. "They were reunited, right before the end." Amy said sadly. "At least they found eachother..." Spike said sadly as well. "You doing alright?" Sonic asked worried for her. "Yeah.. i'm just thinking about a lot" Amy told them. "It's alright we're here for you." Spike said trying to put a hand on her shoulder but it phased through it much to his sadness. Amy only sighed. "I'm not sure what happened, but i know what i saw, a love that transcended time, i believe in that power" She explained to them, and Spike sighed as he knows the feeling all to well. "I know the feeling" Spike told them and Amy looked at him. "you ever fell in love with someone?" Amy asked sadly, Spike nodded at that "There was, i was in love with her for a long time, i had many attempts, but i was to afraid to do it, and now with this i feel like i could never get the chance. With the role she has to fulfill along with my friends, i feel like i can't live up to it now" Spike said with a few tears, Sonic kneeled down at him sadly. "I'm really sorry buddy, i wish i could have helped." Sonic said feeling bad for him, and Spike only sighed at it. "I know i may not have a chance like it for a while, but i've come to accept just being friends, i may find my real love one day, and when that does, I'll do what i can to fight for them." Spike told them determined. "I'm glad that's something your willing to do Spike, and when this is over i want to share that love with the world, even though.. it may take us far apart" Amy told them trying to feel the grass. "Don't worry, i'll be there to help you with it Amy, even if i may not see my friends for a while, at least i'll have one to remind me of them." Spike told her and she smiled at that. "I'll be glad to share that experience with a new friend like you." Amy told him with a smile, Sonic kneeled down at them. "I know you two will be great, i want to hear all about it when you two get back" Sonic told them and they smiled at that. "I'm glad to have met you guys." Spike said happily and Amy nodded in agreement. They all got up and walked around to see where they can go next, eventually they were near the waterfall. She then felt something and turned around and looked near the blue pillars near the waterfall, they saw pillars of light were pointing to each other. "Is everything alright Amy?" Spike asked curious. "Look! i think this area was locked off before? I think you can interact with it now. i think you can rotate them" She told them looking at the pillars. "Your right, maybe they're like the other puzzles we've done and show us that way to that titan!" Sonic suggested "Great rotating puzzles my favorite..." Spike said annoyed as he wasn't a fan of those. "It's worth a shot!" Amy told them wanting to try it out. Sonic then looked around "Alright what's the right way to do this? There looks to be a pattern on the ground." Sonic said as they looked at some pathed paths looking to make a symbol of sorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrWHMfCh9T8 ( Grave mystery puzzle, just to show you how it works) Spike and Sonic spent a couple hours trying to do it, they restarted over multiple times because they were in the wrong place, eventually though they found the right places and the pillars of light shone through eachother. "Finally! That took way longer then it should have been." Spike said relieved and Sonic sighed in relief. "I can see why you don't like these kinds of puzzles" Sonic said agreeing. The ground began to shake, and they saw a pillar atop the waterfall had risen, it then created a path between the waterfall and opened a way to get up there. "Whoa..." Spike said amazed. "You did it you two, I can sense the Titan up ahead, this is it the big showdown!" Amy told them with a smile. "It'll be a short match if we can't find the last Chaos Emerald though" Sonic said a little worried. "We've searched everywhere but we can't find it" Amy said worried "Maybe it could be with the last Titan." Spike suggested. "If that's true, we'll have to find a way to take it, stick close to me Spike" Sonic told him, Spike nodded at that "Be careful Spike, it's gonna be dangerous" Amy told him worried for his safety. "After what i've been through the last couple days, i'm sure i can handle it" Spike assured her as they started walking away. "Keep him safe Sonic" Amy told him worried for her friend as they walked off. Spike and Sonic were nearing the waterfall and Spike decided to speak up. "You know if we get the last emerald, this will be my first time using their powers all together" Spike told him and Sonic nodded. "Yeah, this means you'll get your own super form too, i wonder what that will be like.." Sonic said wondering what he'll look like. "Super form?" Spike asked curious "Yeah it's what we call ourselves when we use the emeralds, I'm called Super Sonic when i use them, my other friends have used them as well, so that will probably make you a Super Spike when that happens." Sonic explained to him, "Well we're about to find out hopefully" Spike said as they were nearing the path, and Spike was thinking for a moment Spike then got an idea. "Hey when we fight that thing you wanna sing a song or something to make it feel more epic?" Spike asked and Sonic chuckled "Absolutely! Music is always better when i go through a fight, lets do it!" Sonic said with a thumbs up totally agreeing. "We'll then let's get going!" Spike said as they started running to the path and Sonic followed. Spike was still in his thoughts "First time with a super form, and i wonder how it will be, well we're about to find out" Spike thought as they continued further. > 7: Giganto And Super Spike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to jump on multiple springs propelling them upwards, they flew over the large pillar and landed on the ground perfectly. "Nailed it!" Spike said feeling great from that. They then heard a loud roar coming from the distance, they looked at each other and nodded and started to run to it, the boosted over the water and landed on the ground, they then proceeded to run through the path and they soon found what they were looking for, Giganto. It turned around and it had noticed them. "Let's do this." Sonic said as they jumped down and landed on the ground. "I see something on the top of it, it must be the last emerald!" Spike said pointing at the top of it and they saw a purple emerald on the top. "Let's go!" Sonic said as they started running to it. Spike and Sonic proceeded to run to the legs avoiding it from stomping on them, they latched onto its body and started climbing to the top, Spike noticed some strange blue circles and they both decided to go through them. "Whoa!" Spike shouted as they were sent flying into the air, they could see the emerald just ahead of them and they both carefully landed on its head, and they approached it. "You ready for this Spike?" Sonic asked him. "Absolutely! Let's do this!" Spike shouted and he held out his hand, the vault then opened and it flew into them. All the emeralds then flew around them and they started to float in the air, Spike could feel so much power starting to flow through him, it felt as strong if not stronger then the elements of harmony! "Ahhhh!!!" Spike shouted as he felt the power flowing through him and his body began to change, Sonic screamed as well as he felt it too, and a large bright filled the area. When the light died down the two figures could be seen again, Sonic had turned golden with his eyes red becoming Super Sonic, Spike however looked different, his scales had become a much darker shade of purple, his green eyes, spine and underbelly had become red like Sonic's, he had a golden aura around him, and golden wings had formed onto his back making him be able to fly. "Whoa..." Spike said in awe as he looked at his body," This power feels undefeatable. and i have wings!" Spike said as he felt so much power flowing through him and noticed the golden wings on his back. "Ready to use it to the first time?" Super Sonic asked him, Spike regained focus and looked at the Titan with determination. "Let's do this!!" Spike shouted ready to fight, Spike took a deep breath and began to sing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_FRDqHT5y0 ( Undefeatable) "I'm hanging onto the other side, i won't give up till the end of me!!" Spike sang as they charged at it with rock music starting to play. "Go!" Sonic sang as well as they started to deliver a flurry of punches at it, The titan tries to deliver a strong punch to them but Sonic parries it and delivers a counter which created multiple blurs of him and they knocked it down. "Welcome to the mind of a different kind! Where we've been growing slowly!" Sonic sang as he delivered a strong stomp to its head and Spike started to use the phantom rush making it move from side to side. "Think i'm on eleven but i'm on a nine. guess you don't really know me!" Sonic sang as they cylooped it into the air. "Running from the past is a losing game! It never brings you glory!" Sonic sang as he did a homing shot and created multiple balls of energy and threw it at it. "Been down this road before! Already know the story!" Spike sang as he delivered a strong kick to its jaw. "Face your fear!!!" Sonic shouted as they started to phantom rush it. "Face your fear!!!" Sonic shouted again as they cylooped it to the ground and it fell down hard and they started to attack it. "It's time to face your fear!" Spike sang creating giant golden disks and threw it at the Titan "Cause when your time has come and gone! I'll be the one to carry on!" Spike sang as he flamelooped it's arm and it created a massive fire ring around it. "Carry on!" Sonic echoed it while punching its jaw. " And you can throw me to the wolves!" Spike sang and breathed and shot a large fire blast at it. 'Cause i am undefeatable!" Spike sang charging at it again. "I'm hanging onto the other side! I won't give up till the end of me!!" Spike sang as he developed a new move called the flaming spear and created a large spear of fire. "I'm what you get when the stars align!" Spike sang as he threw it at the Titan and it was knocked to the ground. "Now face it your just an enemy!" Spike sang as they rushed at it. "Woah Whoa!" Sonic sang punching at its torso. "Your crossing the line!" Spike sang as he created two more disks. "Woah! Woah!!" Sonic sang as he moved out of the way. "Now we've run out of time!" Spike sang throwing them at the titan and it roared as it hit it. "Woah! Woah!" Sonic sang once again as they punched it up to its feet. "I'll take what is mine!!!!" Spike said as they delivered another punch to it. Giganto roared in fury and multiple pillars rose from it's back and created multiple lasers that started to home in on them. Spike and Sonic were ready though. "And when the story ends! It becomes a part of me!" Spike sang dodging each one and Giganto started to deliver a strong laser blast. " I give it what it takes I'll find another way!" Spike sang as they caught the blast thanks to they're combined power. "I used to never know, but now it's crystal clear!!!" Spike shouted as they threw it high into the air. "This feelings just a ghost!" Spike sang as they charged at it again. "It's time to face your fear!! Cause when your time has come and gone! I'll be the one to carry on!!" Spike sang and formed fire around his fist and delivered another strong punch. "Carry on!!" Sonic echoed delivering a kick to its head. " And you can throw me to the wolves! Cause i am undefeatable!!" Spike sang as he created more flame spears and threw it at the creature. "I'm hanging on to the other side, i wont give up till the end of me!!" Spike sang as they phantom rushed it once again. "I'm what you get when the stars align! Now face it your just an enemy!" Spike sang as they threw another strong kick at its torso and a guitar solo was playing. Giganto recovered and tried to deliver another strong blast to them but they caught it again. "I'm hanging on to the other side! I won't give up till the end of me!!" Spike and Sonic sang as they threw it away again. " I'm what you get when the stars align! Now face it your just an enemy!!" Spike said once again as they delivered one more strong hit to it, and it was now able to be dealt with. "Welcome to the mind of a different kind! We've been growing slowly" Spike sang as they charged at it. "Think i'm on eleven but i'm on a nine, guess you don't really know me!" Spike sang as they flew right through it leaving a hole through its chest and it started to explode. "Running from the past is a losing game it never brings you glory! Been down this road before, already know the story!" Spike finished as the Titan finally was destroyed. They were both taking heavy breaths as it was a tough foe. "That was awesome!" Spike said completely amazed. "How was your first time in the super form?" Sonic asked him. "It was amazing! It felt like something i never have before, oh wait till the people back home hear about this!!" Spike said as he was still over amazed at the battle that just happened. "Well get used to it, it's not over." Sonic told him as they know they have more work to do. "Right, where's Amy?" Spike asked as he calmed down. But before Sonic answered they heard a strange voice.. "No! We'll find another way!" The voice said as they saw another one of those creatures this time it was golden, they rubbed their heads in confusion. "What was that?" Spike asked confused and Sonic shook his head, they then heard the voice again. "The first seal is broken, thy next foe awaits, on the sand scarred island" It told them and they shook their heads. "Right, you said Titans earlier, plural" Sonic told it, they saw amy and flew down to her. "Darn it!" Amy said as she was still in her digital self. "Sorry Amy.." Spike said sadly as he hoped she would be freed. "Looks like it's not over until we bop all the big bots, sorry Amy' Sonic told her. "I'm feeling more like my old self its working! keep going and don't keep me waiting you two" Amy said looking at herself. "You got it Amy" Spike said with a thumbs up "We'll be back before you can do a Fortune Card reading! See ya!" Sonic told her as they started to fly off. "She does fortune card readings?" Spike asked himself as they proceeded to fly to a desert like island. > Interlude: Missing Friend And Ember's Vision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria had been normal after the attack from Chrysalis, however in ponyville a certain princess was searching all over for her missing friend. "Spike! Where are you?!" Twilight shouted hoping to find him. Spike had been missing for 3 days now, it was a large concern after they found out he was missing. Twilight had tried to send letters to him hoping for a reply, but nothing had come back but a pile of ash. Fluttershy and her animal friends have been searching every bit of the forests for him but they found nothing. Rainbow dash had been flying all over equestria at high speeds, she even created some Sonic Rainboom's in the process. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie had been trying to help out as well but nothing was found. They were all in the Twilight's castle with extremely worried faces. "Anything?" Twilight asked hopefully, but they all shook their heads. "I searched every forest with my animals but i couldn't find anything.." Fluttershy said sadly. "I flew every inch of Equestria to find him but i didn't find a scale of him." Rainbow dash told her "Me and the other girls turned the place upside down, literally but we couldn't find anything" Applejack told her and Twilight was getting more worried. "Where could he be? I've tried sending him letters but nothing but ash has come back" Twilight said with worry. "How is that possible? Those letters should be able to reach him anywhere?" Fluttershy asked worried. "I don't know, but that's what make's me more afraid, what if he's in danger?" Twilight asked worried about what's happening with him. "I don't know, but i hope he's okay.. Any word from Celestia and the other's?" Rarity asked. "Celestia has been trying to find where the letters try to go, Luna has tried to enter his dreams to find where he is, Ember has been searching every last bit of the Dragon Lands, And Thorax is having his whole hive search for him" Twilight explained to them. The doors suddenly were opened and they revealed to have Ember herself come into the castle. "Ember! Have you found anything?!" twilight asked hoping she has. Ember shook her head" I've searched every last part of the Dragon Lands, I even had some scouts try to find him, but we've found nothing" Ember said sadly. "Even the Dragon's couldn't track him down.." Pinkie said sadly, Ember grew incredibly frustrated and punched the wall hard shaking the place. "This doesn't make sense!! How could he just vanish like this?!" Ember asked with anger, Twilight came up to her to calm her down. "I don't know Ember, but using our rage like that won't help." Twilight told her and she looked at her with worry. "Then what can we do?! We've searched everywhere for him and can't find anything!!" Ember said really worried. "I don't know, but we'll find a way." Twilight told her and they looked at the others. "We all should take a little break, let's all just rest for a bit and continue our search, maybe we'll find something after a little bit of relaxing" Twilight suggested, even though it was hard for them to do so. They all shook their heads in understanding" I just hope we find something soon" Fluttershy said with worry before they all started to leave. "Thank you for trying to help find him Ember, I'll let you know immediately if we find something" Twilight told her before she walked up the stairs to her room. Ember sighed sadly and started to fly off back home" Spike, what happened to you?" She asked herself as she made her way home. It had taken a few hours to reach the lands but she eventually made it and landed on the ground and started to walk to her cave, she had noticed a few dragon scouts she sent out before. "Anything on him?" Ember asked hopefully but they shook their heads. "We did an entire rotation around the Lands, but we couldn't find the hatchling, i'm really sorry" A orange dragoness told her, and she sighed and started to walk away. "Keep searching until you've found at least a clue." She ordered and they bowed in understanding, Ember proceeded to walk back home. She came upon the entrance of her cave, nothing looked to be stolen from when she left, and she sighed sadly. Ember walked to her treasure pile where the Scepter she had been given was in, she picked it up and looked at it sadly. She remembered what Spike did for her, giving her the Scepter and giving her the Title of Dragon Lord in order to try to lead the kingdom to a better future, but without him.. she wasn't sure if she could do it. She started to form a few tears in her eyes as she remembered it. "Spike, where are you? What happened to you?" Ember asked scarred, she hadn't had someone do something for her like what Spike did, she would never forget what he did for her ,and she wouldn't rest until she's fond him. " I'll find you Spike, hang in there" Ember said before she took the scepter and went to her room. She walked into it and found the large bed she was given thanks to her status and other stuff in her room, she went to her bed and put the scepter right besides it, she looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes. "Where could you be..." Ember asked herself before falling asleep, while she was asleep the scepter started to glow brightly, its magic seemed to enter her head and we cut to her dreams. Ember found herself in a strange black void and looked around confused. "What is this place?" Ember asked as she looked around, suddenly the void began to shine brightly and the light blinded her, once the light died down she was more confused. "What the...?" Ember asked as she found herself on a grassy field? She looked around and she saw someone and her eyes widened. " SPIKE!!" Ember shouted and she ran over to his body, he was unconscious and was near a strange looking chair she never saw before. "Spike! are you okay?!" She asked worried trying to grab his body, but her claws phased through him. "What?" She asked shocked as she tried again, she then realized this may be something else, just then the chair started to glow and she backed up from him, just then a strange blue creature appeared right next to him and she looked confused. "What kind of creature are you?" Ember asked looking at it as she had never seen its kind before. Just then they both groaned and started to get up, she then watched the entire scene play out and the creature introduces himself. "I'm Sonic, nice to meet you" Sonic said holding out his hand and Spike took it. "Spike, nice to meet you two" Spike said a little nervous still. "Sonic..." Ember repeated as she had to remember that name. "Mortals" a strange voice spoke and Ember looked around ready to fight. "Who's there?! Show yourself!" Ember shouted ready to defend him, but the voice only responded to Spike and Sonic. "Find the Chaos Emeralds, Destroy the Titans, tear down the walls between dimensions" The voice told them and Ember looked a little concerned. "Chaos Emeralds? Titans?" What's going on?" Ember asked still not understanding this, just then the place around her turned white again. "What?" she asked and she then saw multiple flashes and heard voices. "You two, leave immediately" A female voice said and she saw a strange red figure near a huge monster and Ember looked scarred as she never saw something like that, She then saw Spike and Sonic absorb the Cyber energy and saw their hands turn red for a brief moment and she looked even more worried for him. Another flash happened, this time she saw two creatures walk to each other as explosion's were around them, a large explosion came from them and she screamed as it came to her, the light then died down and she saw two small creatures on the ground lifeless. "What have you gotten yourself into Spike?" Ember asked worried. The light flashes again and this time she sees Spike and Sonic on the Titans head, and they have the Emeralds start to fly around them, a large light flashes and she covers her eyes again, when she opens them she has a look of amazement. "Spike.." Ember said in awe as she saw his body had changed into his Super form, he then started to sing. "I'm hanging onto the other side! I won't give up till the end of me!!" Spike sang as rock music started to play. "Where is that music coming from?" Ember asked as she heard rock music playing. "Go!" Sonic sang as they charged at the monster. Ember watched in awe as she saw her friend, a child, take down a monster as large as her father, while singing one of the best songs she's ever heard. She saw Spike develop some new moves and looked even more amazed. "Welcome to the mind of a different kind! We've been growing slowly, running from the past is a losing game it never brings you glory, been down this road before, already know the story" Spike finished as she saw them destroy the monster and she looked dumbfounded, not even she could do something like that. "Spike.." Ember said amazed as she blushed a little, but shook it off as she regained focus. "Looks like we can't save you until we've bopped all the big bots" Sonic told Amy. "I'm feeling more like my old self it's working! Keep going and don't keep me waiting you two" Amy told her. "We'll be back before you can do a fortune card reading! See ya!" Sonic said as they started to fly off to a desert like island. She started to have multiple visions and groaned as she saw them. "What is happening?!" Ember asked a little annoyed, she then heard a voice. "Of my millions of simulations, there was one so remote and unlikely, i did not consider it. However it could be the one to save us all" a female voice spoke and Ember saw the figure from before in front of a strange looking moon. 'Who are you?" Ember asked, the area flashed again and this time she saw Spike and the pink creature called Amy tending to the weird wildlife. "Do you know what happened to the Chaos Emeralds?" Amy asked as Spike looked at her and she blew away some cards and she saw the moon in the background. "I don't know Amy, but they could be what we need.." Spike said with worry as they watch the cards fly away. "What is that?" Ember asked scarred as she saw the large moon, another flash happened, this time she saw Spike and a red figure fighting off some strange machines. "Sonic and Spike handled four islands in this mess! I'm not going down to just one!" A male voice says as he punches a machine. "I'm not about to let my friends down! I'm with you Knuckles!" Spike said as he kicked another machine in the head. " What is this place?" Ember asked still confused on what's happening. The area flashed once again "Again?!" Ember asked annoyed, she then saw Spike and a two tailed fox in front of a container of somekind? The fox touches the container and a red energy is seen coming around him. "Every time i interact with Cyberspace I'm becoming more corrupted.." The voice says weakly. "Tails!" Spike's voice says with worry and he tries to help him. "Cyberspace?" Ember askes curiously, she's never heard of it but it sounds familiar... The area flashes again and she sees Spike alone on a cliff with the emeralds. "Twilight and the others have had their time to shine.." Spike's voice is heard as he becomes Super Spike again, she can't stress enough how amazing he looks like that. "Now it's my turn to shine!" Spike's voice declares as she sees another large monster this time with multiple arms with the moon watching over. "Prove your worth Spike.." Ember said with a smile as she knows that's something her kind tends to do. The area flashes again and this time she sees the four figures on a cliff of somekind. "I know it's been rough, and things are confusing, but i need you to follow my lead" Sonic's voice is heard and Ember's eyes widen as she sees a large eye appear behind them. "What??" Ember asks confused, the figure then rises and she sees a dragon with wings, larger then her father growling with anger. "Spike?!" Ember asked confused, she then sees his eyes turn bright blue as a red and gold aura appears around him, she then turns around to see what they're looking at, she sees them staring at the large moon or at least she thinks it is. "No time to lose." Sonic's voice is heard and she is left in shock as she saw it. Her area became white again and her eyes snapped open and gasped as she stood up taking heavy breaths. "What was that?" Ember asked shocked at what she just saw, she thought over what she saw, from Spike becoming larger then her father, to the people he was with, to Cyberspace, and the Chaos Emeralds. "How did you get there Spike? How do i save you?" Ember asked herself worried on how to get to her friend She looked at the scepter and saw it was glowing a little before it stopped and her eyes widened as she got an idea. "That's it!" Ember said as she grabbed the scepter and started to get out of her cave, the sun had started to rise as she was asleep for the night, but she flew off anyway to Twilight's castle. "Hang in there Spike, i'm coming for you" Ember said determined as she now had an idea of how to find him. > 8: Ares Island And Knuckles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic are flying to the nearest island until it is in view. "That must be it" Spike said as they were getting closer to it. "Great, hopefully there we can.. woah!" Sonic shouted as lasers started firing at them. "What the heck?!" Spike shouted as he tried to avoid them, but they were both shot and they landed down near a crater of sand. Spike and Sonic groan as they get up. "You alright Spike?" Sonic asked a little tired. "Yeah, thankfully we were in our super forms otherwise we would have been toast." Spike said getting up, they then saw the Chaos Emeralds spread out across the island. "Nah that's cool, we didn't want this to be easy anyway" Sonic said getting up as well "Well we might as well look around for a bit." Spike said as her looked around, Sonic then noticed something on his back. "Hey Spike what are those things on your back?" Sonic asked as he pointed at them. "What?" Spike asked confused and her turned his head around and his eyes widened. "No way.. are these?!" Spike asked trying to get a better look and he started to freak out. "Wings! I just grew wings!!" Spike shouted with pure joy. "Wait wings?! As in you can fly now?!" Sonic asked amazed. "Yep!" Spike said as he tried them out and he quickly got the hang of them. "I can fly now! Yes!" Spike said amazed as he landed on the ground. "How is this possible? You didn't have those before!" Sonic said as he looked at them with a smile. "Maybe the Chaos Emeralds had something to do with it?" Spike suggested as he tried to calm down. "It could be, speaking of which, we should probably start searching the area right?" Sonic asked and Spike nodded and they started to search the area. The new island was a lot different then what they were used to with Kronos, this is barren lifeless and filled with some new robots they haven't seen on the last, they did more platforming puzzles and regular puzzles to get a new kind of medal and more of the island was downloaded into their brain. "How does this work, it feels weird yet natural" Spike said as the information was downloaded again. "I don't know it does feel weird i'll say that much" Sonic said as they started moving again, Spike then noticed something in the distance. "Hey Sonic, doesn't that look like one of those things that contained Amy?" Spike asked pointing at it, Sonic noticed it as well. "Maybe my friend tails is trapped in there, let's check it out." Sonic said as they started to run When they got there though it was someone Sonic wasn't expecting. "Knuckles?! What are you doing here?" Sonic asked confused as his other friend was trapped here to. "Isn't he one of your other friends you told me about?" Spike asked. "Yeah, how did he get here, we have to free him." Sonic said as he held out his hand as well as Spike, the medals they collected went into the container and it broke like the last one, and the energy like before went into them this time almost covering their arm, and Knuckles fell to the ground. Knuckles looked at himself and then turned to them. "Some rescue, i'm still half ghost!" Knuckles said to Sonic. "We're working on it okay?!" Sonic asked as they recovered from it. "We?" Knuckles asked and then he noticed Spike. "Oh. Who's the new kid?" Knuckles asked as he walked up to him "Names Spike nice to meet you." Spike said as he got up. he then tried to feel them. "What's going on with you two?" Knuckles asked as he tried to feel something. "Just a weird side affect of the islands weird energy." Sonic told him. "I don't think it's just a side affect Sonic" Spike said with with worry as he could feel more of the energy. "What are you doing so far from home?" Sonic asked curious. " I was investigating some strange ruins when i was transported here, then got trapped" Knuckles explained. "Never a dull moment for you" Sonic said with a smug. "You too huh?" Spike asked as the same thing happened to him. "Same thing happen to you?" Knuckles asked and Spike nodded. "I found some an ancient highly advanced cave in my home in the forest, i couldn't find a way out, but i found one of those weird chair things and i got sucked here and ended up with Sonic" Spike explained to him. "How could that kind of place exist where your from?" Sonic asked and Spike shook his head " I don't know, it looked dormant for thousands of years until i found it" Spike said recalling what he's seen. "Well at least your not half ghost like me." Knuckles said as he noticed Spike wasn't like him. "Hey again i woke up with Sonic near me so i couldn't really get trapped in one of those things." Spike explained. "Fair enough, can you guys bring me up to speed?" Knuckles asked and they nodded. "Listen help us find the Chaos Emeralds so we can beat up some big robots, you'll be freed and you'll be free and back to guarding the Master Emerald in no time" Sonic offered. "Master Emerald?" Spike asked confused as he remembered a large green gem in the ruins frames. "Sounds like a plan." Knuckles said getting in his face, and Sonic did the same thing and Spike sighed. "Are you two gonna do that all day? Or are we gonna get searching?" Spike asked ready to go, they then noticed it and backed away. "Kid's right, let's go" Knuckles said as he started to walk off. "He always like this?" Spike asked and Sonic nodded. "eh, you'll get used to it, let's get going" Sonic said as they started to catch up with him. > 9: Another Titan Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to run through more of the area. This island wasn't like the last as this was way more open and had more space, Spike and Sonic had to destroy a few more guardians and now with the new Cyber powers, Spike's strength increased considerably he can take down most enemies without much trouble. he developed a new move called the flaming tornado , where he would create a flaming tornado after entering a cyclone kick like sonic did with his new power. "Wow.. this energy is something else" Spike said as he looked at his body. "Yeah, i just hope it doesn't become to much of a problem for us" Sonic said as they walked up to another portal. "As long as we don't overuse it i think we'll be okay. You ready?" Spike asked. Sonic nodded and inserted another gear into the portal and they entered it. This time Spike and Sonic ended up in a place Sonic wasn't familiar with. "Huh? This is new." Sonic said as they looked around the place, the place was a digital village that had old homes and horse residents, Spike's eyes widened as he realized where they were. "This is my home! Ponyville!" Spike said as he looked around. "Ponyville? I thought you were raise by dragons?" Sonic asked confused. "Right.. i never told you.. i wasn't hatched by my real parents, i was hatched by a Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, she raised me like a mother and i always loved the time i spent with her, but i'm worried i might not make it back now." Spike said as he looked down sadly. "I'm really sorry buddy, like i said before I'll help you get home, i may even help you find your birth parents, Tails is a genius and i'm sure he'll be able to help" Sonic told him. "Thank you Sonic, really. I think for now we should get going." Spike said as he started to run ahead, Sonic nodded and they made they're way. Spike and Sonic made they're way all around the area, Spike remembered the old places he always went to, they ran by Applejacks farm, Fluttershy's home, and all his other friends homes. "Wow, this place feels like something from a fantasy" Sonic said as he remembered adventures where he went through fantasy like worlds. "Yeah tell me about it, i see a portal up ahead let's go!" Spike said as they ran to the portal nearing the entrance to Twilight's castle, they ran through it and exited out of the place. Spike and Sonic appeared back in Ares, and 4 more vault keys landed in they're hands, they saw a blue and red beam shoot into the sky meaning they unlocked two vaults. Spike sighed sadly as he put them away. "Don't worry buddy, I'll get you back, the blue emeralds the closest lets go" Sonic said as he jumped off a ledge with Spike following. They were able to reach the vault and like before the keys opened it and the emerald flew into Spike's hand. 1 down 6 to go." Spike said a little tired because they did this already. "And if my guess is right, the last one will be with the titan like before" Sonic said a little annoyed. "Let's focus on building ourselves up before we face it, come on" Spike said as he started walking ahead. The sun had set and it was night time once again, Spike and Sonic entered the main area again and looked around. "I think i saw a way forward through an entrance to the west" Spike said pointing in the west direction. "I did to, let's find knuckles first and then we can" Sonic was interrupted as they're area glitched out again. Spike and Sonic went wide eyed as they remembered it. "Oh no.." Spike said with fear. Another titan appeared into the sky, it flew around and they looked at it with shock. "And i thought the last one was big.." Spike said as he watched it flying around it hadn't noticed it and it flew in the opposite direction. "At least it didn't notice us" Sonic said with relief, just then Sage appeared right besides them. "You again?!" Spike asked angry. "While i cannot fully control it, i can awaken its rage against you" Sage said looking at Sonic as he was her primary target, she waved her hand and an energy entered the Titan, it roared in fury and started charging at Sonic. "You were saying?!" Spike asked annoyed. "I better find someplace safe" Sonic said as he started to run and Spike was about to run to but had noticed it wasn't aiming for him and chased after Sonic. Spike was a little worried for him but he knows he'll pull through "How come it's not me its after?" Spike asked, just then Sage appeared beside him and Spike jumped. "Will you stop doing that?" Spike asked annoyed. "I have only awakened its rage against the hedgehog, you have not been listed as an enemy because we don't know anything about you" Sage explained and Spike sighed in annoyance. She then noticed Spike's wings on his back. "Your body structure has changed a little." She said looking at his wings and Spike noticed it as well. "Oh these? they grew after me and Sonic's battle with the last Titan" Spike explained and she looked interested. "So you used the power of the Chaos Emeralds?" She asked and Spike nodded. "Yeah, maybe they were the reason why i grew them, i thought the ones i used to fight the thing was temporary, but they became apart of me for real after we landed here" Spike said recalling the events without wanting to give away to much. "Growth exceloration, that might have been the explanation, the emeralds are capable of many things, so that could be why you grew them" Sage suggested. "Yeah, it's possible that's why" Spike agreed but was still not fully on board with talking with her. "You are an interesting creature, i have not found a match of any Mobians with your body structure and DNA, tell me what kind of creature are you?" She asked and Spike shook his head. "Is it not obvious? I'm a dragon, i got teleported here from my home after finding one of those Cyber portals as they're called." Spike explained a little annoyed she didn't know and she looked a little surprised. "I was told dragons were a myth, how is it possible you are here?" She asked confused. "We'll given from what i've been told i can only assume i was teleported to a different dimension, because all the events Sonic's told me he's been through that were worldwide never affected my home" Spike suggested. "Interesting, so they could have survived after all..." She said and Spike looked confused. "They? Are you talking about the koco? Or the strange water like creatures i saw in my visions?" Spike asked. but sage didn't answer and shook her head. "It doesn't matter dragon, leave before you lose your chance" She said before teleporting away and Spike was a little annoyed. "Well at least i could talk a little with her, what's her deal? I don't really get any evil feelings from her.." Spike asked as he flew up into the air and tried to find Sonic. Spike flew low to the ground not wanting that monster to harm him, he saw Sonic and the figure right below him. "Final warning leave." She told him before teleporting away. "That was a warning?" Sonic asked annoyed. "Sonic!" Spike said with worry as he landed on the ground. "Are you okay?!" Spike asked a little scarred. "Yeah i'm fine kid, but what about you? How come it didn't attack you?" Sonic asked confused. "I'm fine, she said i wasn't listed as a target so it didn't chase after me" Spike explained recalling what he was told. "well lucky you" Sonic said a little jealous." Why don't we find knuckles and get going? I want to take care of things as soon as possible." Sonic said ready to go. "Yeah your right. let's get going" Spike said as he and Sonic started running off to find Knuckles and Spike was confused in what she said. "Why am i not a target? who was she preferring to? and what is she trying to stop us from doing?" Spike thought to himself as they continued. > 10: More Exploring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to make they're way to the entrance to the canyon Spike spoke about earlier, they were about to but they saw Knuckles nearby one of the symbols where they learn more of the islands surroundings, Spike and Sonic rush over to check on him. "You alright Knuckles?" Spike asked and he nodded. "I'm fine thanks" Knuckles told him, he then looked at the symbol and back at them. "Have you two been here before? your navigating the island like its nothing" Knuckles asked curious, and Spike shook his head. "Oh no see, when we interact with these things marked with this symbol we automatically learn the lay of the land" Spike explained looking at the symbol" It feels weird but natural." "It's like the island is beaming a GPS into our brains, pretty cool right?" Sonic asked. "I'm sure that's the ancients doing as well, i wonder what this symbol meant in their language" Knuckles said looking at it as well. "Maybe it was a word for map or something in their language? I may not know much about these guys but i'm sure there's always a meaning for the symbols we see" Spike suggested and Knuckles nodded in agreement. "Smart kid, it really does seem like it" Knuckles said agreeing. "Come to think of it, you never see it printed anywhere in the villages, guess the true meaning is lost to time" Sonic said curious. "Hope we find out more about these guys, they seem really interesting" Spike said curiously. "Agreed, we should get going to the canyon entrance, its pretty close" Sonic said and they all nodded and started to head to the canyon, Spike and Knuckles were a little behind but kept after him. As Sonic was making his way to it, but Sage appeared in front of him again. "Father was right about you, your reckless and destructive!" she said with anger. " I have no idea what your deal is! Look if we can just talk" Sonic tried to reason with her. "No! No discourse, no bartering, only elimination!" She said while preparing to shoot a beam at Sonic. "Sonic!" Spike yelled as they caught up with him, Knuckles went in front of him and deflected the beam while Spike stood besides him. "Back off!" Spike said ready to fight her, he and Knuckles then charged at her but Sonic went in front of them. "Whoa whoa Whoa! time out guys!" Sonic said trying to stop them. "Time out? She attacked you!" Knuckles said trying to argue. "She sent two Titans after you! she'll probably do it again at one point!" Spike said trying to argue as well. "Yeah that's kind of her thing, but she's trying to protect something, or someone." Sonic told them, before he tried to reason with them more. "Look guys this won't do anything, we just need to try to reason with her." Sonic said to them, Spike took some breaths and looked at her with a little anger before calming down and looking at Sonic. "Your right, I'm sorry." Spike said walking ahead calmly "Look we're willing to help but we need to know what's going on." Sonic said walking up as well. "Your afraid of something i can tell, i remember your reaction back on Kronos, what are you trying to keep at bay?" spike asked remembering when he asked the same thing back then. She had a mild look of shock before she regained focus" No, you both don't know what your talking about." She said with anger and Spike sighed. "That's probably because we haven't even been told about why things have happened this way, if we knew what was happening we would know how to help, please just tell us what's happening" Spike said trying to reason as well. "It is against my orders, i'm sorry" She said surprising them as she teleported away. "Who's orders?" Spike asked confused, Knuckles then looked at them " Your to trusting Sonic, and if Spike happens to do what you are, he could go down a path leading to his demise" Knuckles said with worry, and Spike sighed and walked up to him. "Look things may look rough now, but we can't fix things if we don't know exactly what's happening, i have no choice here as i can't get back home." Spike said and Knuckles looked a little sad as he said that. "I won't either, i guess your right, i'm sorry, i'm just a little worried for you." Knuckles told him and Spike nodded. "It's alright, i understand, I appreciate the concern though, just trust us, we'll make it through." Spike said wit ha smile and Knuckles nodded in understanding. "He's right Knuckles, come on, let's get going" Sonic said while walking into the canyon with Spike and Knuckles nodding and following behind. They all continued to make they're way around the place, it was narrow and didn't have much room, they all stuck close to each other but eventually they came upon an oasis of some kind, and they all looked down at it and Knuckles noticed something. "Can you two see that seal in the pond? I bet if you pull it out, we could drain the water." Knuckles suggested. "How can we do that though?" Spike asked looking down. "He's right, the problem is i'm still ghost like, Spike might not be strong enough ,and your useless underwater" Knuckles said to Sonic. "Ouch." Spike said chuckling a little. "Wow thanks for the concern" Sonic said sarcastically" If we can jostle the device holding the chain, maybe we can reel in the chain?" Sonic suggested looking at the device floating above them. "That could work." Spike agreed. "Worth a shot, just don't slip and fall, i can't haul you out" Knuckles told them. "Don't worry, it doesn't look that hard" Sonic said walking to a gun of somekind. Spike and Sonic had to cyloop around the device and a piece of ammo landed on them, it wasn't that heavy for them and they carried it to the gun, they loaded it in and aimed at the center of it, they then shot at it and like Sonic suggested the device activated and the chain pulled out and the water drained until it was empty. They all made they're way up the climbable wall and looked back at the place. "Wait was draining the oasis the best idea?" Sonic asked. "Someone might have needed the water" Spike said agreeing. "Well hey, you both revealed the way forward, that's what's important" Knuckles told them and Spike nodded. "Says you, you can't feel this heat like me and Spike can." Sonic said a little upset. "Actually, my kind can handle these kinds of temperatures without any problems so.." Spike then blew a raspberry and Knuckles laughed at that. "I'm liking him more and more, sucks to be you right now" Knuckle said laughing a little as well as Spike. "Yeah real mature you guys, oh well race you to the next emerald!" Sonic said starting to run ahead. And Spike ran after hoping to get this all done. > 11: More Emerald Collecting And A Talk With Sage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to run through the island at the high grounds, it was easier to travel because they saw the red beam was not to far away, Spike then decided to fly on ahead and get to the emerald, he managed to have enough vault keys and opened it, the emerald flew into spike's hands as he looked at it with a smile, he looked around to see Sonic wasn't around. out of curiosity he decided to take a little lick of it to see what it tastes like, but all that did was shock his tongue really hard. "Ow! okay no eating these things, got it." Spike said to himself while putting it away, Sonic then caught up with him and walked up to him. "You got it?" Sonic asked. Spike nodded and Sonic smiled. "Great job, let's find more of these portals, there's a couple more nearby" Sonic said as there was one on a nearby platform. Spike nodded and they both headed out to it. They had to fight through some more enemies and guardians to get more gears, but they had a lot of power thanks to the Cyber energy, they eventually came upon another portal, like before the gear opened it and they entered once again. This time though instead of another place Sonic is familiar with they ended up in another digital part of Equestria, Spike looked around and realized it was the Dragon Lands. "Here again huh? this is where i first started this mess" Spike said looking around. "This place familiar to you?" Sonic asked, and Spike nodded in agreement. "This is where my kind live, the Dragon Lands, sure its barren and doesn't have much outside of lava pools some mountains and stuff, but it's still where my kind lives." Spike explained as they looked around. "No offense buddy, but i think your kind needs better skills with renovating homes and stuff" Sonic said looking a little sad by the conditions they live by. "Dragon's don't usually have those things Sonic, they tend to see them as soft and weak, they want to prove that they're strong and tough ,living in caves is all they really need, but i wouldn't by lying if i said i didn't agree that they should have a bit of a better place to live in other than... this" Spike said looking around. Sonic sighed at that. "Let's get going, this place is making me a little uncomfterable" Sonic said starting to run, Spike nodded and followed him afterwards. The way around was familiar to Spike as he had been here a couple times before, Spike and Sonic proceeded to run through the place collecting more rings and red rings in the process, they had to jump across some narrow platforms that were floating over bottomless pits, and move around some loops, it was like taking stuff Sonic's familiar with and put it in Spikes own home. "It feels weird running across all these things in a familiar place" Spike said as they continued. "Yeah, a lot of places we've been to in Cyberspace seem familiar actually, some feel like previous zones i've run across, as well as familiar enemies" Sonic said as he spotted the portal ahead. They ran faster ahead and they exited the digital dimension once again. They returned to the island once again and more vault keys appeared before them, a white and yellow beam were seen in the air again and they looked at eachother. "You think that place is tying into our memories or something? Cause a lot of places we've been in there tie to our past." Spike asked curiously. "it could be, maybe that's why we can enter and leave so freely, we may be covering familiar ground." Sonic suggested and Spike nodded. "Great minds think alike huh?' Spike suggested and Sonic nodded, Spike then got an idea. "Why don't we split up for a bit and get the emeralds? it could help move our work along a lot faster" Spike suggested. "I like the sound of that, you sure you'll be okay on your own though?" Sonic asked worried. "Don't worry, with the strength we have now i'm sure we'll be fine by ourselves for a bit, I'll go get the white emerald, and i'll meet up with you with Knuckles, sound good?" Spike asked. "Sounds good, be careful though it's still dangerous" Sonic said with a little concern. "Don't worry, I'll meet up with you and Knuckles later, be careful yourself!" Spike said before taking off into the air with his wings. "Be safe." Sonic said worried as he went off to the yellow emerald. Spike proceeded to fly across the lands and looked down below at everything, he can only imagine the feeling of seeing stuff so big look so small back at home. "I really hope i can show these off to my friends, they would be really amazed, i hope Ember is alright though." Spike said with worry, he then flew through multiple floating rings that had platforms in the middle, he avoided the Titan all the while, he then ended up near the white emerald again, it was on a cliff near another oasis and had a cyber portal nearby. "It's a lot of running and flying just to get you, let's hope we can defeat that thing." Spike said while holding out his hand, the vault opened once again and the emerald flew to his hand. "4 down 3 to go, let's hope sonic's got his" Spike said while seeing the yellow beam still in the air, but before he took off to it he then heard a voice. "Dragon" a familiar voice said, spike jumped as he turned around. 'Great what are you here for?" Spike asked as he saw Sage in front of him. "I am here to talk." She told him and Spike scoffed at that. "Oh now you wanna talk?" Spike asked annoyed. "It is only you i will speak to, not even my creator knows i am doing this, you are the only one that i can seem to trust" She said and Spike raised his eye. "Your doing this without anyone else knowing?" Spike asked, she nodded with a stern tone, and Spike sighed as he himself wanted to know what's going on. "Alright, what do you want to talk about?" Spike asked looking at her curiously "I am rather curious, i did not foresee you appearing here in any of my simulations, it was only the hedgehog who did, but you were not seen in a single outcome." She told him and Spike looked curious. "Not a single one? That's interesting.." Spike said interested, he then looked at her." Look i don't want to fight you, but if you refuse to tell me what's going on i'll just continue to do the thing you don't want, if you can tell me what's happening , we could help eachother out." Spike offered. "That is what i'm wanting to purpose as well, but that is only if you don't tell the hedgehog or his friends as well, they are listed as enemies and are not allowed to know" She told him with a little anger, Spike sighed, even though he trusted Sonic enough to tell him about these things, they still didn't know what's going on, so if Spike could learn a little more about what's happening, he then looked at her. "Alright i won't tell anyone, that's as long as you don't tell anyone to." Spike said, she nodded in agreement. Spike then spoke up. "Alright, first question, what exactly is happening with this place? it doesn't seem to be normal even with your control over it." Spike asked and she begun to explain. "There is something i am trying to keep at bay, it has a hold on the Titans and the machines here, i had gained this information when i was uploaded into this network." She explained to him, Spike nodded as he figured that was the case. "Okay, but what exactly are you trying to stop? Sonic and I have each handled world ending threats back in our own homes before, so what is so dangerous about this one?" Spike asked. "It is a being of unimaginable power, it is what drove the Ancients to extinction and away from their home" She explained to him and Spike looked worried. "It was able to surpass the Ancients technology? This stuff is more advanced then most stuff here, it's that strong?" Spike asked a little scarred, she nodded with worry as well. "Yes, it is why i am trying to stop you two, if you continue what your doing, you'll unleash it and all will be doomed" She said scarred as well. Spike looked shocked as he's faced multiple huge threats before, but if what she's saying is true then this could be bigger then anything in Equestria. " Isn't there a way we can save Sonic's friends and destroy this being as well?" Spike asked with worry "With the calculations i have seen with the hedgehog no" She said sadly and Spike looked scarred at that." But with you here now, i think there may be a way." She started to explain. "What do you mean?" Spike asked curiously. "I have ran through multiple simulations, and i believe that with your help we can stop this monster" She told him and Spike was interested. "I'm listening, so what's your idea?" Spike asked. "You and the hedgehog can continue to take down the titans, while it will bring it closer to being unleashed, you will gain more strength from the emeralds and the Cyber energy, and i could help find away to give you both more power" She told him. "So, its a way to free Sonic's friends, and destroy these things?" Spike asked and she nodded. "Yes, but you need to know, the more Cyber Energy you absorb, it will corrupt you, and unless there's a way to restore it, your bodies will be stuck in between dimensions" She warned him. Spike thought it over, on the one hand it's a chance to save Sonic's friends and save this place, but on the other it runs the risk of them being lost without a way to come back. But Spike loved his family and wasn't wanting them to be harmed, he then looked at her. "It sounds like a plan, We'll keep this to ourselves and keep taking them down, let's agree to pretend to not have talked about this in front of the others, we both do our work and we can save the ones we love" Spike explained. "That is a logical decision, we should get to work on it then, thank you for agreeing to this" She said as she turned blue for just a second. "Just be careful of the corruption, it will spread if you absorb to much." She said with worry. "Don't worry, we'll pull through this, thank you for letting me know." Spike said with a smile and she returned it surprisingly "Hey i'm glad you could at least tell me this, we never properly introduced each other, my name's Spike" Spike said holding out his hand, she was reluctant at first but soon realized that it was best they be on both good terms. "Sage, thank you for this help Spike" She said gratefully. "Your welcome Sage, I better get back to my friend, let's both agree to do our parts and keep them secret" Spike told her. "Agreed, be careful Spike." She told him. "You too Sage, be careful as well" Spike said with a smile before taking off and she was left alone. "With you here, we could stand a chance against it," Sage said with a smile while turning blue again for a moment, but she then remembered something she detected. " But you have a similar signature to another one inside Cyberspace though, i haven't found it yet, but your DNA structure is the same, i hope we can figure this out, i wonder what it is?." Sage said with concern, she then decided to go away and do her part and teleported away. > 12: Helping More Koco And Another Vision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had proceeded to fly around for the bit, he remembered to keep the deal he and Sage made a secret, he just hopes they can find a way to stop whatever's coming. He saw Sonic and Knuckles near another ancient structure and he flew down and landed softly. "Hey Spike, did everything go okay?" Sonic asked a little worried, Spike nodded with a smile and pulled out the emerald and Knuckles smiled at that. "Managed to get a chaos emerald on you own? Impressive, great work little guy." Knuckles said with a smile. "Thanks, nothing to it." Spike said putting it away, he and the others looked at the large artifact. "Whoa.." Spike said in awe. "Look at the size of this, what you call it? Satellite dish? Its for communications right?" Knuckles asked. "Yeah, Spike and I have both seen crazy high tech ancient tech across both islands" Sonic explained. "It looks like this was a way to call others in case they needed help" Spike suggested looking at it. "How can something this old be this advanced? it's sturdy too, I tried punching it but it didn't move at all. "Given your strength even half ghost or whatever i'm surprised to hear that, but can't move everything i suppose" Spike said and Knuckles nodded in agreement. "Knux don't punch the ruins, once me and Spike find tails maybe he can use a way to figure out what happened here" Sonic told him. "Or what will be happening.." Spike thought to himself sadly "Hey i already discovered its sturdier than anything we've encountered, i don't think it's material is from this world." Knuckles told him. "He's right Sonic, this stuff looks to pre date anything in Equestria's own history, it looks like it could have been before it was even founded. " Spike said agreeing. "See, even he gets it, i'm telling you sometimes a punch can give you a little more information then one might think." Knuckles told him. "I have a couple friends who would agree, myself included" Spike told him. "Right let's just get moving." Sonic said ready to move along, and they all made they're way around some more. We cut to them watching Knuckles as he looks at Koco with some metal hats.. " Yo Knux what's up" Sonic asks "Is everything alright?" Spike asks concerned. These Koco are supposed to meet up with another unit, but the enemy has them pinned down here." Knuckles explained. Spike then saw that there were multiple Koco surrounded by enemies and were scarred. Sonic was a little uninterested "Aren't you supposed to be helping us find the emeralds?" Sonic asked. "Sonic remember when we helped Amy with the Koco? This could be a similar thing" Spike suggested. "Spike's right, we can do both, hurry up if you want in on the fight." Knuckles says bashing his fists together. Sonic Spike and Sonic then got a bit far back, there were multiple Koco beneath some tower enemies, they had to be careful when grabbing them, knuckles was waiting for them while a few more towers in front of him, there were 16 that needed tp be rescued. Spike stood ready to go with Sonic as well, they had to grab the Koco and bring them to Knuckles. They then split up the work, Sonic taught Spike the Homing Attack move and he was able to home in on them at fast speeds, he was able to get a few and bring them while they were on top of him somehow, each Koco they picked up made them a lot faster as well as the towers, they each took 2 to 3 trips in order to get them all but they were successful and sighed in relief. "Glad that's done." Spike said with a smile. "You said it buddy." Sonic said, they both did a victory dance and enjoyed they're moment, it was fun none the less. "You know, if you ever consider it, you could come on more adventures with me and my friends, it'd be a great way for you to grow and have amazing times" Sonic offered. "After what i've been through as of late I'd be glad to it sounds like fun." Spike said with a smile, he and Sonic fist bumped with smiles and started to look for Knuckles. "Thanks for teaching me the Homing Attack move, it will definitely come in handy" Spike said with a smile. "No problem buddy, just use it when necessary" Sonic told him. "No problem" Spike said as they continued. A green Chaos emerald appeared in front of them and they smiled at that, Spike then grabbed it and they both did a victory dance with more Koco besides them. All the Koco are lined up and are looking at Knuckles. "Nice Work soldiers! Now Lets link up with the main force!" Knuckles ordered "Yeah you make a great supervisor Knux, maybe you could try fighting next time" Sonic said a little irritated, Spike then kicked Sonic in the knee and he felt that. " Ow!" Sonic said annoyed. "That was really rude man, we got another emerald from helping them out, so you should be glad he found these guys." Spike said a little annoyed. "Thank you, glad someone is trying not to rush things around here" Knuckles told him and Sonic sighed. "Right, lets just get moving." Sonic said walking away, Spike and Knuckles looked at eachother and sighed before following him and the Koco Spike and the others then saw a view of more ruins and Knuckles spoke up. "Besides the Koco, these islands seem pretty much deserted aren't they?" Knuckles asked as they looked around. "Yeah.. its a little sad honestly." Spike said with the others nodding. "Yeah, we've seen a lot of the Ancients buildings on both islands, but no one's home" Sonic said as they remembered more of the places they saw. "Given the state of decay. and how much nature has reclaimed them, id say they've been gone for a long time. Longer then any civilization we know of" Knuckles told them. "Id like to think that they simply moved on and settled somewhere else, not that they're.. gone" Knuckles said sadly and the others looked down sadly as well. "Some of the active technology seems built for storing the Chaos Emeralds, compare that to what was on Angel Island, i feel like i was drawn here for a reason" Knuckles told them, Spike still looked on at the ruins. "I wonder what things looked like when they were still around, what the islands would look like with all the technology being new and active" Spike told them and they nodded. "That certainly would have been a sight i would have loved to seen, i hope we can find out what happened" Knuckles said agreeing. The three of them continued to move along and they found more and more structures and Spike just felt bad, he wished he could have helped them in a way that led them to surviving what this monster is that Sage told him about. "I won't let the same thing happen again, I'll avenge these people." Spike thought determined as they continued on. Spike and the others were following the lineup of Koco's near another ancient structure, this time it was a massive wall. The Sky then started to turn red again and a digital field appeared around them, a bright light flashed for a moment before they found themselves in another vision. Knuckles looked at himself seeing he was whole again, Spike looked a little worried. "We had another vision like this on the other island" Spike explained, they then saw the Koco soldiers, now looking like more of the creatures called Ancients walking to a leader of sorts. There were massive stone columns nearby and the leader waved its hand. The ground began to shake and walls began to rise from the ground surprising them, the walls then surrounded the structure and it looked like a line of defense, The Ancients seemed to be cheering as they saw it ,Spike looked at it in awe. "So this is what they're power is capable off.." Spike said amazed. "We've experienced this before! We're somehow experiencing a battle from the past!" Sonic explained to them. Knuckles looked at the massive wall. "Those defensives are impressive! Maybe i should get some notes for my island?" Knuckles asked. "You should always be prepared for something like this Knuckles, i say you should" Spike said with a smile and Knuckles nodded with a smile as well. The ground began to shake, Spike looked at the sky and his eyes widened in fear, massive beams of energy were being shot down at them, The Ancients then looked into the sky and saw something, another laser then cut through the wall completely, and massive explosions were seen and the entire area fades to white. They all open they're eyes and find themselves back on the island again. they see the aftermath of the battle and see the massive hole in the wall. Knuckles then rushed down to another Koco and saw it lifeless. "Guess they're defenses didn't hold after all.." Knuckles said sadly. "They were trying to fight against something, but they were to weak..." Spike said sadly as well. Sonic saw the lifeless Koco's and looked at them sadly. "We won't let the same thing happen again" Sonic thought with determination, they all then continued to explore the place some more. We cut to Knuckles talking with the Koco again, but the Koco look a scarred, Spike looks worried for them. " I don't care if your afraid! Those are your people out there!" Knuckles told them. 'Everything alright Knux?" Spike asked. "Yeah, what's with the pep talk?" Sonic asked confused. " With the defenses down, the soldiers are supposed to fall back to a bunker" Knuckles explained to them "Then We'll round up the stragglers and you supervise commander!" Sonic told him. "He's right, we'll help round them up and bring them to you." Spike explained, Knuckles has a look of surprise. "That sounds.. that sounds good." Knuckles told them agreeing with their suggestion. Spike and Sonic then got ready and they had to herd more Koco to Knuckles, it was like what they did with amy back on the last island, this one was more difficult though, because each bomb that was dropped created a large gust of wind that blinded them for a moment, but they eventually were able to round them all up and bring them to Knuckles. "That was more annoying then i thought it would be." Spike said still washing out the sand in his eyes. "Well at least we got them all here." Sonic told him. they both then proceeded to catch up with him. They saw Knuckles near an ancient structure again and he looked at it in awe, he remembered stuff from back on Angel island and noticed similarities. "Hey Knux you alright?" Spike asked. "Is this the place?" Sonic asked wondering if it was the bunker they needed to go to. "Sonic, Spike, this looks like the ruins from back home. What if the people of these islands survived and resettled on Angel Island?" knuckles questioned. Spike remembered the cave from back at home and got an idea. "What if it wasn't just Angel Island, what if they found a way to reach my home Equestria as well, and they spread out into groups away from the land?" Spike questioned as he begun to theorize more events that could have likely happened. "Then that would make this really important." Sonic said agreeing, they then heard multiple Koco screaming and rolling away. "That is NOT a good sound" Sonic said concerned. "What's wrong with them?" Spike asked worried. Getting they're answer multiple towers emerged from behind them and surrounded them. Knuckles was about to attack but he then realized something. "They're going to assault the bunker!" Knuckles told them, he then remembered the ruins and looked sad." I can't.. i can't lose this!" Knuckles said worried. Spike and Sonic stepped up. "You stay here and defend the bunker, Sonic and I got this" Spike told him. "We've got this buddy, we got your back." Sonic said charging at them and Spike nodded and headed to them as well. "Thank you Sonic, Thank you too Spike" Knuckles said gratefully. Spike and Sonic split their work taking out multiple ones each, Spike used his flaming disks and threw them at the top of one and it was destroyed after that hit, Spike then summoned a flaming spear and backflipped high into the air and went right above another, he then dove down with high speeds screaming with fury, he then impaled it right through its whole body and it exploded after it. Spike saw one more about to home in on it, Spike then rushed over to it and started to leave a trail of green fire, he then created a flaming tornado around it and the damage was enough to destroy it with ease. Spike landed on the ground and took some deep breaths, Sonic then walked up to him. "You alright Spike?" Sonic asked worried, Spike then looked up at him and gave him a thumbs up. "Glad to know, great job out there, you really held your own." Sonic said with a smile. "Thanks" Spike said with a smile. The bright blue Chaos Emerald appeared before them and Sonic grabbed it, they both then did another dance of victory and smiled at the camera as they held out the emerald. They then calmed down and saw the Koco looking around with happy faces. The three of them then walked up to them, the Koco then all lined up to them with serious faces, they all gave them a salute and they returned it. "I'm glad to have helped you all" Spike said with a smile. "Thank you.. sir.." Multiple voiced are heard as a light appeared from them and floated up into the sky with the symbol being seen as well. They all fell flat on the ground lifeless, and they looked down at them sadly. "At ease soldiers, you all fought well. rest in peace." Spike said with a tear as he was sad that this all happened to them. Spike and Knuckles are sitting on the top of the structure looking down sadly, they needed time to think after what they had seen. Sonic had come over to them hoping to cheer them up but he was struggling to say something. Knuckles then spoke up. "Ages ago, my people were wiped out by a cataclysm. I know the Koco faced something familiar" Knuckles explained. "Yeah, but what's worse, the thing that wiped them out is coming back, so i don't know how we can stop this.." Spike said sadly. "He's right, and it reminds me that i'm the last Echidna, that i'm alone.." Knuckles said sadly. "I know the feeling... i was the only one of my kind to be raised by ponies, the other dragons in the lands look at me like a weakling because of that, i may have befriended one named Ember, but it won't change that i'm different from everyone else. Im the only one who's different, i always felt alone knowing that..." Spike said sadly recalling what he'd been through. Knuckles looked at him a little surprised. "You never knew your own parents? Not even where you came from?" Knuckles asked, Spike nodded sadly. 'It was never properly explained why my egg was found alone without anyone with me. At least you know of your own race and history.. I... i barely know anything about my own kind.." Spike explained sadly. Knuckles felt sympathetic for him, he never thought he would have found someone who felt the same way he did, sure his kind is all still alive technically, but the fact he's so different makes him the only one out of the bunch.. like him being the only on of his kind. "I'm really sorry Spike... really," Knuckles said sadly, but he then decided he shouldn't be alone "but know this, you'll have me by your side." Knuckles said to him, Spike smiled at that knowing he'll have someone like him. "We'll stick together on this right? We may be the odd ones out, but that doesn't mean we should be without ones help" Spike asked, Knuckles nodded. "Of course, i may even help train you up so you can show them that your not weak, with me by your side you'll make the others eat they're words!" Knuckles said with determination. Spike and Sonic chuckled at that. "I'd be glad to have that kind of help, thank you Knuckles" Spike said with a smile. Sonic smiled knowing they they'll get along. "Don't forget, you two will have us as well guys." Sonic said with a smile. Knuckles chuckled at that. 'I always envy your lifestyle. Freedom to go wherever you want when you want" Knuckles told him. "Yeah, the freedom to go anywhere, I wish we could do a little more like that." Spike said wishing he could go out to get stronger to protect his friends, Sonic nodded with a smile. "So do it you guys! Get out there and live a little" Sonic told them with a smile. "Maybe we could, but first i need to be back to normal" Knuckles said with a wink. he then stood up. "So hurry up and get me back to normal you two!" Knuckles said with a smile. Sonic then smirked. "Anything to get you away from me." Sonic said with a smug face, they both started at eachother and Spike looked at them with a smile. They all then laughed at that and fist bumped eachother glad to sort it out. "It's great to have new friends" Spike said with a smile as they continued with a laugh. Sage was listening to the whole thing. "He helped those he is at odds with, he is quick to make peace" Sage said looking at Sonic and Knuckles and Spike. "Perhaps... No i have run the simulations, if Spike can't deliver on the work we are supposed to do. They are doomed" Sage said hoping that it won't be the case with Spike's help > 13: The Fight Against Wyvern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike, Sonic and Knuckles preceded to make they're way around the island some more to find a way to reach the titan, they eventually came upon some old machines that were now activated. "Sonic, Spike! Check these out! I don't think this ancient machinery was active before, any idea what changed?" Knuckles asked. "It may have been the result of us finding more of the emeralds and helping the Koco" Spike suggested as he looked at the multicolored balls. "Something similar happened on the last island, lets just call it a divine intervention" Sonic explained, and Spike nodded in agreement. "If we can solve the locks code, we could find a way to that flying Titan" Sonic suggested. "Wait guys! Your still missing a chaos emerald aren't you two? That thing will tear you to shreds!" Knuckles said worried. "The last Titan held the final emerald, i'm willing to bet its the same thing here" Spike suggested. Sonic nodded in agreement. "He's right, if the last Titan had the emerald, this one probably will too." Sonic said agreeing. "First though, we need to play this crane game, let's see, the stones and the ports seem to have corresponding colors.." sonic said looking at the place. "Looks like we need to match them up, let me handle this one guys." Spike said while walking up to the controls, the others walked out of the way to let him do it. This was a lot easier then the last island, Spike only had to grab the balls at the top of the metal piece and carefully place them all in the right colors of the stones. Spike sighed as he was relieved that took so much shorter then the last one. "Thank Celestia.." Spike said relieved The ground began to shake as the rubble started to become lose, just then a large ball suddenly smashed out of the rubble surprising all of them, but it opened a path none the less. "That felt out of context in a way.." Spike thought catching up with the others. Knuckles and Sonic were looking at the way forward." Great job Spike, you really helped right there." Knuckles told him and Spike chuckled. "It was MUCH easier then the last islands puzzle right?" Spike asked and Sonic nodded. "Oh yeah totally agree, lets agree to never do that kind of thing again." Sonic stated and Spike nodded in agreement. "So you used the Chaos Emeralds once before right? What was it like?" Knuckles asked Spike. "It felt incredible, i felt like any sense of being weak was gone, i felt like i could break through it all. I also sprouted my wings from using them, so i wonder if something similar will happen again.." Spike said recalling what's happened. Knuckles smiled knowing that. "You should count yourself lucky, other then Sonic and I, very few of our friends have used the Emeralds power like this before, i look forward to seeing what you can do." Knuckles said with a smile. "You got it bro!" Spike said giving a thumbs up. "Alright guys, you ready to go face impossible odds?" Sonic asked with a smile. "Hah! We've faced worse! Try to keep up!" Knuckles told them with a smile. "Whoa hey! That's my line!" Sonic said as they all started running through the path They all had to be careful when navigating the place, it was pretty narrow and had some tight places, they fought through more enemies in order to reach as they reached the exit. "There's the way out!" Spike said as he saw the light ahead. "Let's go!" Sonic said as they ran to it. Sonic and Spike found themselves in an open field with a tower being seen in the distance, they then see the Titan called Wyvern coming down, it lets a huge roar as it circles the tower. "We got to get to the top of that thing, the tower should help!" Spike shouted, Sonic nodded and they both started running ahead. They had to climb the tower some more, Spike did some wall running while Sonic platformed his way up there, there were a few enemies there but it wasn't much of a problem for them, Spike could have used his wings but he felt like it wouldn't be much of a challenge. Eventually though they reached the top of the thing and were on a metal platform. The titan came circling around them and they waited for the right moment, they then latched onto it and it tried to shake them off. "Whoa!" Spike shouted as it was tough to hold on. The Titan roared in fury as it created a red stream coming from its mouth, it formed into a road of sorts for them to run on, it flew around hard enough and they lost their grip. "Sonic!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Sonics hands and carried him to the red road. "Thanks for the help! Let's get this thing!" Sonic shouted as Spike dropped him onto the road and they ran along the path. The path was pretty tough for them, it kept on looping around the area with the thing often requiring them to jump, it was like a much tougher version of the Squid enemy from the last island. It wasn't enough to break them though, they kept on running and they eventually landed on the Titan and were upon the last emerald. "Ready for this again Spike" Sonic asked. "You got it! Lets do it!" Spike said determined. They held out their hands and the emerald came out of the vault, it flew into Spike and the emeralds started flying around both of them again. "AHHHH!!!!" Spike screamed as he felt the power flowing through him once again, a light was once again created around them, it died down and they were in they're super forms again. Spike looked at his body again, seeing the dark purple scales, golden aura and wings, and the red underbelly and spine that came with it. "Ready for another Song?" Super Spike asked with a smile. "Absolutely!" Super Sonic said with a thumbs up. Spike then took a deep breath and started to sing another battle song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQRMaFCajcU ( Break Through It all, Lyrics) Spike and Sonic proceeded to charge at the Titan as they flew around the whole island. "Don't look down!!" Sonic screamed as they charged at it. "Show Yourself!!!!" Sonic screamed again as they started to fight it as rock music played. "I've been waiting here for the longest time! I cant believe it's real!" Spike sang as they deflected a missile, it hit the Titan as it gave them an opening. "You lose the battles that you never fight, Can't hide from what you feel!" Spike sang as The Titan tried to slash at them. "No more compromise!" Sonic sang along as they deflected it. "This is do or die and now you've crossed the line!" Sonic sang as they started to attack it. Spike created more flaming spears and threw it at the titan. "You'll wake the beast inside!" Spike sang as he charged his fist and delivered a strong punch to it's body. "No more Compromise! This is do or die! I'll warn you one last time!" Sonic sang as he delivered a loop kick to its face. "You'll wake the beast inside!!" Sonic sang as a guitar solo played, during it Spike created a golden flaming tornado which threw it into the air. "You'll wake the beast inside!!" Spike sang as he threw two more disks at it, Sonic did a homing shot at it and delivered multiple hits to it. "You'll wake the beast INSIDE!!!!" They both sang as they attacked it more, Spike then went to its tail and grabbed it. "Don't look down!!" Sonic sang as he punched its jaw. "Show yourself!!!!" Spike shouted as he threw it around like a ragdoll and threw it into a mountain. Another guitar solo played as it roared in fury, multiple pillars emerged from its body, they shot out red rings of energy to and they all flew around the place. It then roared in fury as Spike and Sonic charged at it again. " So Break through it all! And don't look down!!" Spike sang as they flew across the entire island again and dodging the rings thrown at them. "You won't be there! Cause the fire in there never dies!" Spike sang as he threw another missile at it and they charged at it again. "It comes around to light the flame!! They'll know your name!!" Spike sang as he he delivered a cyclone kick to its body, Sonic they cylooped around it and golden chains appeared around its body leaving them to attack. " Burned into the memories!!" Spike sang with pure determination as he developed another move and created a massive fire ball he dubbed The Giga bomb above him and threw it at the monster, it created a massive golden explosion and it roared in anger. "Break through it all!" Sonic sang like he was a echo as they attacked it. "Don't stop, we're on a mission, overdrive and now we'll run the competition!" Spike sang as he kicked it into the air hard. " Carrying out the damage when it's done!!" Spike sang as they threw more spheres and super powered moves. " So Break through it all!" Sonic sang as he delivered a sonic boom at it creating multiple beams of energy at it. " We can't pretend to listen, sorry if it puts you in an imposition, we won't stop until the battles won!!" Spike sang as it broke free from them and surrounded them. "what goes around! Come's back around again!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic grabbed all the missiles into a ball and kicked it to the Titan. "And if we don't come down! We'll be lost in the wind!!!!" Spike sang as they delivered another strong move to its body. It then separated from them and roared in fury as it it charged into the sky, it then started coming down at them with a red aura around its body. "I know that we will find our way." Spike sang as the charged at it. "We'll do whatever it will take!!" Spike sang as they grew more closer to it. "And if we never reach the crowd, We'll take the whole thing down!!!" Spike sang as they grabbed the monster halting it, they used their strength and halted it from its charge, Spike and Sonic then threw it into the air. It made one last attempt and fired more missiles at them, they dodged them and flew towards it, it dropped its jaws on them and tied to crush them. "Don't look down!!" Sonic sang as they started to lift them. "Show yourself!!!!" They both shouted as they opened them, a final guitar solo plays as they dodge the missiles again, they then fly into its mouth and explode destroying it from the inside, it then explodes in a red explosion as the two of them are looking down upon the place. They then have another vision and see another golden Ancient. "They're gone.. it killed them..." It said sadly as they regain focus and shake they're heads. "That's the second one, what's with these things?" Spike asked worried as he thinks somethings wrong. "I don't know, but we'll find out. Where's Knuckles?" Sonic asked as they look around. They then see him and fly down as he looks really impressed. "So that's your super form huh? Really cool! this would have been done if i had been Super Knuckles though." Knuckles said with a smile. "Thanks, second time using it and i'm starting to get the hang of its power" Spike said looking at his claw. "You guys make great singers! Makes me want to start a band with you guys." Knuckles said impressed with their songs. "I call electric guitar!" Spike said raising his hand. Sonic and Knuckles laughed at that. " Then i call drums!" Knuckles said with a smile and Sonic chuckled more " Then Spike and i will be lead singers, i look forward to it!" Sonic said with a smile, they laughed some more before regaining their focus. "Sonic, there's one more to go." Spike said as they looked at him. "Your right, we've got one titan left, hopefully we'll find Tails too, I'm worried about him.." Sonic said worried. "He'll be alright, now hurry up and save the day already." Knuckles said with a smile and they chuckled at that. "You got it Knucklehead!" Spike said with a smile as well. They then started to charge their speed, they then launched high into the skies to get to the next island at high speeds, Knuckles watches them with a smile as he knows they can do it. > Interlude: Seeing The Journey So Far > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ember proceeded to fly out to Equestria early in the morning, she hurried as fast as she could as she was concerned on what the vision she saw was. "What are the Chaos Emeralds, what's happening with him?" Ember asked herself as she flew to Twilight's castle. Ember landed on the castle doorsteps and went inside past the guards, they were confused on why she would return so soon, Ember walked around the halls admiring the fact they were made out of crystals, she was tempted to eat some but regained her focus as she had more pressing matters ahead. She entered the Library and like she expected she saw Twilight looking around the entire place looking for any answers to how to find Spike, she then noticed him and flew down. "Ember! Back so soon? Is everything okay?" Twilight asked both surprised and a little worried on why she arrived again so soon, she then noticed the Scepter in her claws. 'I think i may have found a way to find our friend." Ember said hopefully and Twilight's eyes went wide. "Really?! How?!" Twilight asked surprised. "I'll explain later, but i need you to get every "Pony" and the other rulers here right away, i believe it's best they all see it." Ember told her and Twilight nodded. 'Got it! I'll get everyone here right away!" Twilight said with hope as she teleported out of the room, Ember looked at the Scepter with confusion. "Why didn't i think of using you before..." She asked herself as she went to the lobby to wait for everyone to get back. It had taken about an hour for Twilight to get everypony here, she woke up the rest of the mane 6 from their sleep much to their annoyance, she sent letters to Celestia, Luna and Thorax telling them to come here, she made sure everypony was present for this. We cut to the lobby of the castle, everyone had made sure to be there. "Ember what's this all about?" Celestia asked with concern. "Yeah, what do you have to tell us?" Rainbow dash asked as she was still a little tired from being woken up so early. Ember then proceeded to tell them about her strange dream last night, and that she thinks it can connect to Spike's whereabouts. "WHAT?!" All of them shouted. "Are you sure that's what you saw?!" Twilight asked shocked in what they were told. "Yes, and i believe with the Scepter we can find out what happened to him, i don't know the full story, it all came in a bunch of flashes, but i'm sure i got a good enough idea of how to find him." Ember explained looking at the Scepter. "So how do you plan on doing that?" Thorax asked worried how they can find his friend. "I'm gonna need to focus enough magic into it, and with you three i believe we can find out what's happening" Ember explained gesturing to Luna, Celestia and Twilight. "You mean you magic to track him?" Luna asked and Ember nodded. "Yes, as you know the scepter can call any dragon the wielder wishes, as well as find where he is, but my power's not strong enough fully to track him" Ember explained as she wasn't fully capable of its power yet. "So giving us enough magic will help us find out what happened?" Celestia asked. "I need you three to focus it all and we can find him, so are you willing to do it?" Ember asked hopefully. "Of course let's do it!" Luna said ready to help, all the others nodding ready to help as well. "Great! the three of you get ready!" Ember said as she was focusing its power, Celestia, Luna and Twilight charged they're magic, Ember then slammed the scepter on the ground as they shot beams of magic at it. The scepter then shot a beam into the air to the ceiling and it created a swirling vortex around all of them. "What is this?!" Rarity asked worried. "I don't know i just hope this will help us!" Rainbow dash said worried. A bright light then flashed around them and they were blinded for a moment, when they opened they're eyes they found themselves in a white void. "What is this place?" Thorax asked worried. "I think this place will help us find out what happened to Spike" Ember suggested. "I hope this works.." Thorax said hopefully. They then saw the vision around them start to form as they see Spike nearby a tree relaxing "Spike!" Twilight said surprised. They all tried to call to him but he didn't respond. "Remember guys this is a vision, he can't hear us." Ember said as she knows that wouldn't work. "Right.. sorry." Twilight said a little embarrassed. They all continue to watch the vision and see what happened. They then hear what sounds like a cry and Spike notices it, he then rushes over to see what it was and they see a deer pinned down by a rock. "Oh no.." Fluttershy said worried for the creature. They then see spike help the creature get free and smile as he did that. " He helped that small deer, I'm so proud of him for that.' Fluttershy said with a smile as he did that. "You should go to my friend Fluttershy's, she'll be able to help you." They hear Spike say with a smile. "So that's why that deer came by a few days ago, Spike told it to come for my help." Fluttershy said happy as she knew how it was injured. But they soon turn to a look of concern as they see something strange on the ground. "What is this?" Spike asks as he picked it up, it looked like an extremely advanced gear. Celestia looked worried as she saw it. "I've never seen that kind of technology before.." Celestia said with worry. They then see Spike look at the cave and become worried as he walks into it. "Not a good idea.." Applejack said with worry as he went in, they see him look around some more but find it strange he didn't find anything, they then notice Spike seeing the gems on the wall and raise they're eyes as he reaches for them. "Really Spike?" Rainbow dash complained as he was grabbing them from the wall, it soon becomes a look of confusion as one specific one couldn't budge. "What the..? "Spike asks as he tries to pull it out harder, he tries more and he gives up and groans in annoyance. "Stupid gem.." Spike says annoyed as he has his hand on the thing still. "All that for just one gem?" Thorax asked a little confused, but then their eyes widen in shock as they see the gem push into the wall and hear a click and become worried at that. "What the..?" They all ask confused, it soon becomes surprise as the ground beneath him start to crack. "Get out of there Spike!" Ember shouts worried for her friend, they see him try to escape, but the ground starts to collapse under him. "oh no.." Spike says as they see him fall into a black abyss. "Spike!!!" They all shout as they see him fall. He then falls on the ground and groans in pain and look worried for him as he gets up. "You better be worth all of this.." Spike says as he picked up the gear, they then look more surprised when they see the place light up and see he stumbled upon a extremely advanced cave. "How in the?" Luna asked amazed as she saw it all light up. "I've never seen a place like that before.." Ember says surprised as she looks at the place. They see him walk through the place trying to find a way out, they then see him look at the pictures on the wall and look worried at each one. "Celestia... what are those things?" Twilight asked as she sees the figures and gems on the walls. "I don't know twilight, i i've never seen it before" Celestia said worried as they continue to watch. They see Spike come upon a room with a strange chair of somekind and feel tense as they see more of the wall drawings. "What could all of this mean?" Pinkie asks scarred as she sees the 4 large figures facing against a moon of some kind. Spike then walks up to the chair with the gear in his hands. "Let's hope this gets a way out of here.." Spike says as he inserts it into the device, and it disappears and they look shocked at that. "What is this place? What could all of this mean? Did Celestia know about any of this?" Spike asks as he looks around the place, they all look at her hoping she knows. "I.. I don't.. i've never seen that kind of technology before.." Celestia says sadly, they all look more worried for him. Their worry soon turns to fear as they see the device activate and it starts to suck him in! "No! No! Twilight!" Spike shouts in fear as he tries to suck him in. "Spike No!" Twilight says scarred as he gets pulled in, he screams as he gets sucked in entirely and the place is left dark once again. " SPIKE!!!" They all shout horrified as he disappeared. They see him land in a rainy grassy field after being sucked into the device. "What is that place?" Thorax asked confused as he doesn't recognize the place. "i've seen that place in my vision.." Ember says as they continue to watch. They see him meet Sonic and look worried knowing his friends got sucked into a place like that as well. "At least he won't be alone completely.." Twilight says a little relieved knowing that, but they then hear the voice. "Find the Chaos Emeralds, destroy the Titans, tear down the walls between dimensions.." They hear the voice tell them. "Chaos.... Emeralds..?" Celestia asks as she tries to remember where she's heard that before. "Sound familiar to you Celestia? Thorax asks concerned. "Yes, but i just don't remember where i've heard that name before.. "Celestia says trying to remember. They continue to see Spike and Sonic's journey through the place called Kronos Island, they see him free one of Sonic's friends called Amy but look worried as the energy flows into him. They watch in awe as he and Sonic collect the emeralds, celestia keeps trying to get a memory of where she's seen them before, from the encounter with the Titan which scarred them all seeing how huge and powerful it was, to the new moves he's developed , and they see them collect each Emerald. "I wonder what those would taste like.." Ember asks herself, they all look weirded out for a moment but continue to watch, they see the flashback with the Ancients. It all becomes more familiar to Celestia as she sees them in person, she keeps going through her mind trying to find out how she knows them. "Come on.." Celestia says trying to remember something. But then they get to the fight with Giganto. "You ready for this buddy? " Sonic asks. "Absolutely! Lets do this!" Spike says ready to go, they open they're hands out and the purple emerald flies into them as the emeralds surround them. They watch in awe as they witness they're transformation but look completely amazed at Spike's super form. "That looks totally.. .awesome!!" Rainbow dash says as she sees his super form. "Totally!" Thorax agrees as they see they're new forms. "Amazing..." Twilight says in awe. "I'm hanging onto the other side! I wont give up till the end of me!!" Spike sings as rock music starts to play. "Where is that music coming from?" Luna asks and ember wonders the same thing. "Oh boy here we go!" Rainbow dash says pumped ready to see the fight. They witness the battle unfold and watch in awe as Spike becomes fully capable of fighting that thing, and look more surprised as he develops new moves, while singing one of the coolest songs They've ever heard "I knew he could sing, but this is something else!" Thorax says amazed and they nod in agreement. "Running from the past is a losing game it never brings you glory! Been down this road before, already know the story!" Spike finishes as they cheer as they destroy the Titan. "That was totally awesome!" Rainbow dash says amazed. They continue to watch them with they're journey, they see them arrive at Ares island and see the emeralds fly off. "Nah that's cool, we didn't want this to be easy anyway.." Sonic says as he gets up and they chuckle at that, they then notice something on Spike's back and they're eyes widen. "Are those??" Ember asks surprised. "Hey spike what are those things on your back?" Sonic asks, Spike turns around and his eyes widen. "No way.." Spike and Ember both say surprised at that. "Wings! I just grew wings!" Spike shouts with pure joy. "He really grew his wings!!" Ember says exited about that. "I don't believe it, that means he can fly now!!" Rainbow dash says happy as they all look amazed at that. They all watch some more as his journey through Ares Island goes on, they become more worried as he and Sonic both absorb the Cyber Energy and look scarred for him. "I just hope he'll be okay.." Rarity says worried and they all nod in agreement. They continue to watch some more, from the Deja vu places in Cyberspace, to the next Titan encounter, and then they get to Spike's talk with sage. " So this creature was able to surpass the Ancients technology?" Spike asks and they all look scarred at that. "Yes, it is what drove them to from their home world and drove them to extinction.." Sage says sadly as they continue. They all feel dread knowing that there is something that powerful out there, they see Spike and Sage make the deal to continue their work to save Sonic's friends and be able to destroy this monster for good. They then look concerned as she says this. "But i detected a similar signature inside Cyberspace, i haven't found it yet, but your DNA is the same, i hope we can find out what it is.." Sage says as she teleports away, and they all look shocked at that. "Does that mean.. someone from here is inside Cyberspace..?" Twilight asks worried. "Or better yet, is someone who's related to Spike trapped there?" Ember asks worried as she recalls what she said. "Ancients.. Ancients.." Celestia repeats trying to find out how she knows that name They see they next flashback and look horrified as they see something destroy the Ancients defenses and the explosion happens. "Nothing we've ever faced.. is close to that level of power..." Luna says dreadfully. "I have a bad feeling we're gonna find out what it is..." Celestia says with worry as they continue. They watch Spike and Sonic help the small Koco, they all found they extremely cute but strange, they all look shocked and become depressed as they fall to the ground lifeless, they see Spike and Knuckles talk together and look sad as he says he feels like he's alone since he was raised by ponies. "He's not wrong, no other dragon has been raised like that, he kind of is the only one out there.." Ember says sadly remembering that. "But that's what makes him special, if it weren't for him.. we wouldn't be where we are today.." Thorax says remembering how he helped him. "Yeah.. it really is..." They all say agreeing They then see Spike and Sonic start to go to the next Titan, and see the emeralds surround him again. "Oh boy here we go!" Pinkie says excitedly as he becomes Super Spike again. "I cannot get over how cool they both look like that" Rainbow dash says in awe. They then watch the next battle play out and see them sing another banger of a song and just watch as they body the thing like a toy. "Two banger of a songs in a row, i did now know Spike could go that hard!" Applejack says completely amazed. "Those Emeralds may be stronger then the Elements of Harmony.." Celestia says in awe as they watch the battle continue. Eventually the battle is done and they see them direct missiles into the creature and it explodes from the inside. "That was even cooler then the last one, even i can't do something like that,," Ember says amazed as they still watch They see Sonic and Spike talk with Knuckles and chuckle as he said he would have done it sooner if he was Super Knuckles. "You guys make great singers! Makes me want to start a band with you guys." Knuckles says with a smile and laugh at that. "I call electric guitar!" Spike says and they all laugh as he said that" Then i call drums" Knuckles says happy. "Then spike and I will be lead singers! I look forward to it." Sonic says with a smile and they all laugh more at that. "I would definitely pay to see that!" Rainbow dash says happy and they all nod in agreement. "Sonic we've got one more left" Spike says as they regain focus. "he's right, We've got one more Titan left, i hope we find tails soon, I'm worried for him.. "Sonic says concerned. "He'll be fine, now hurry up and save the day already!" Knuckles says confidently. "You got it Knucklehead! See ya!" Spike says as they charge on the ground, they take off with extreme speeds to the sky and watch in awe as that happens. "I wonder how things will go forward from what we've seen.." Luna says concerned. "Me too, but i'm still concerned on what that Sage person said, is someone related to Spike trapped in that dimension, or is it something else?" Ember asks worried remembering what she said. "I don't know Ember, but I hope we find out" Thorax says worried as well. "I sure hope so.." Ember says as they continue to watch the rest > 14: Chaos Island, A Growth Spurt, And Tails > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic are flying high into the skies at fast speeds, they eventually see the next island high in the clouds. "Wow who knew something like this would be this high up? "Spike said looking at the place. "I've been to a few places as high as this before, but none are as interesting as this place.." Sonic said as they got closer. Just then lasers begin to start firing at them and they look shocked as that happens. "Again?!" Spike said surprised as they tried to dodge them. "Come on!" Sonic said trying to get closer, they were able to hold off for a bit, but like before they got shot down and fell to the ground again the chaos emeralds flew off once again as they landed, they got knocked out for a bit before they groaned as they woke up. "Again with the splitting up thing.." Spike said annoyed as he was getting up. "What was that? It was like the last island.." Sonic said trying to find Spike, but when he looked at him his eyes widen in surprise. "What's wrong, is there something on my face?" Spike asked getting up, but when he stood up he noticed Sonic wasn't as big as he was to him before. "Did you shrink?" Spike asked confused. "More like you hit a growth spurt during the time we were knocked out, look at you!" Sonic said pointing at him. Spike looked at himself and noticed he had grown a few inches! Spike was slightly taller then Sonic now, Sonic was a little small now , and he was just a couple inches taller then him and they were both extremely shocked at this. "How is this possible? giving me wings is one thing, but this is..." Spike said shocked looking at himself, he compared himself again and was a lot taller now. "I thought the Chaos Emeralds would just give wings, but maybe this is something else. Maybe they're adjusting your body to handle they're power better?" Sonic suggested "Could be, i just hope this is the last time this happens, i don't wanna get to big i'm not even 13." Spike said said still adjusting to his new height. "Well now that we're here, we should start searching for Tails," Sonic suggested. "He'll most likely be trapped in another container, so we need to be careful when absorbing the energy." Spike warned as he remembered what Sage told him "Don't worry, knowing him he'll figure something out, let's get going." Sonic said as he starting running ahead, Spike looked a little worried for a moment before regaining focus and following behind. "Why does my body keep growing? What is the meaning of it?" Spike asked himself as they continued. Chaos Island was pretty different from the others, it was a volcanic island that was high in the clouds. there were lava flows from the top and military like stuff both from the Ancients and from someone else. "More Eggman Tech, it looks like he was planning a full invasion, so where is he?" Sonic asked as they looked at some inactive robots. "This.. Eggman built this?" Spike asked looking at the Death Egg Robot. "Yeah, he's done a lot of bad things over the years, i've always been there to stop him, but where is he right now?" Sonic asked while they continued. "Maybe he got trapped in Cyberspace? It would explain why we haven't seen him across the islands" Spike suggested looking back of the similar tech in the last islands. "Could be, but where could he be in there though?" Sonic asked "Don't know, hope we can find out before he does anything bad though.." Spike said hoping they find out soon. "Agreed, let's get going, i wanna find out more of what's going on." Sonic said as he started running ahead with Spike following behind. Sage had been watching them and noticed Spikes change. "So his body has grown more, if what the Hedgehog theorized is true ,this could lead to more ways to save us all" Sage said looking down at them, she had been running simulations for outcomes. Spike and Sonic continued to run around more, Spike was able to collect more of these "Tokens" that were shaped like wrenches pretty easily thanks to his wings, soon they found another person trapped in another container. "Tails! Hang tight little bro, i wont make you wait much longer!" Sonic said with worry. "Sonic, remember we have to be careful" Spike warned him. "It will be okay, let's do this" Sonic said as he held his hand up. Sage was watching them in the distance while they do it. More wrenches flew into the container and it soon broke, more energy flew into them but Sonic was the one who took most of it while Spike only took a small chunk. Sonic and Spike groaned as more energy came into them, Spike's arm was completely consumed up to his shoulder to his right side, fading between red and blue and he fell on his knees holding his side. " The more i absorb this.. the more it hurts.." Spike said in pain as his arm returned to normal. Tails soon fell on the ground and noticed Sonic in pain as most of the energy covered a lot of his body, he was coughing in pain as well. "Sonic!" Tails said worried for his friend as he tried to help him but he phased through him. "Just catching my breath.." Sonic said weakly trying to calm him down. Sage was observing the whole thing as he gets up. "He never stops, clarification, he never gives up" Sage says surprisingly worried for them. Tails proceeded to see what's happening. " The spatial anomaly that affected us seems to have left me in a digitized state." Tails said looking at his body, Spike look surprised how quickly he came up with that., he reminded him of Twilight. "But those same energies are manifesting some worrisome mutations for you' Tails explained observing his body as it returns to normal "Those sure are words you said just now" Sonic said trying to lighten the mood. "wow you came up with all that? You weren't kidding when you said he was smart" Spike said surprised, Tails looked over and soon noticed Spike as he was to focused on Sonic right now . "Who are you?" Tails asked shocked. "This is Spike, he's a new friend who got transported here through Cyberspace, he's helping me free you all so we can hopefully find a way for him to go home to." Sonic explained. "Yeah, like he said the names Spike, nice to meet you, you must be Tails" Spike said walking up to him. "Nice to meet you two, are you.. a dragon?" Tails asked as he observed him. "Yeah, surprising i know, but I've been helping your friends through the islands." Spike said and tails looked amazed. "Fascinating, i thought dragons were a myth, but here's one standing right in front of us!" Tails said surprised. "Yeah, he got transported here by mistake, what's more interesting is that he's been growing through each island we go to." sonic explained. 'Growing?" Tails asked confused. "On the first island i was pretty small, about half of Sonic's height, on the next i grew these wings on my back" Spike explained showing his wings," And now i'm a little taller then Sonic." Spike finished and Tails was thinking it over. "We've used the Chaos Emeralds a couple of times before, so i think they have a reason as to why he's grown so much" Sonic suggested. "The Chaos Emeralds are capable of many things, i think they could have been rapidly evolving your structure, basically growing you body rapidly ,making your body more suitable for they're power," Tails suggested. Spike thought it over too. "It could be the case, it was a little overwhelming when i first used them, when i had my wings and used them, they were still a little much, so i think the next time i use them i could handle them better" Spike suggested looking at his body. "That could be the case, but i notice the Cyber energy is flowing in you as well" Tails said pointing at his right side which turned to normal. "It's just a small part at this point i think i'll be fine, but i think Sonic is the one we should be more worried about" Spike said regaining his strength as they looked as his body still had some red and blue energy over him. "He's right, we're saying we're fine and your not, we're both worried for you" Tails said with Spike nodding. "You took on way more energy then i just did, i feel like you absorbed to much" Spike said worried as the effects were still showing ,but Sonic shook his head. "i'll be fine you guys! We need this power to rescue you!" Sonic said assuring them. "He is enduring the Cyber corruption better then i thought he would, Spike only absorbed a little of it, so it shouldn't be much trouble for him." Sage said watching the thing. Spike and Tails looked at eachother still worried though, but Tails looked a little down. "Your always rescuing me and.." Tails said a little sad but soon regained focus. "Let's focus on the now, what do you two need?" Tails asked, and Sonic got up again. "Chaos Emeralds, think you can help us track them down?" Sonic asked. 'They split off again after we landed here, so they're probably scattered over the place again" Spike said a little annoyed as its getting tedious doing it over again. "I'm on it!" tails said with a smile and ran off and disappeared , Spike looked back at Sonic. 'You sure you'll be alright, your body is still showing the energy." Spike said worried for him Just then the energy spread over his body and Sonic fell to his knees coughing some more. "Sonic!!" Spike said worried as he tried to help him, Sage was still watching the thing. "It's so sad seeing someone so impressive will be lost in the end, it's... it's not fair" Sage said sadly. The energy soon left and Sonic started breathing normally again. "Sonic are you okay?!" Spike asked scarred for him helping him up. "Don't worry i'll be fine, i promise ,let's get going." Sonic said starting to run ahead. "Sonic!" Spike shouted but he kept on going, Spike groaned in frustration but calmed down. "Don't worry Sonic, I'll help you, we'll find a way." Spike said to himself before catching up with him. Spike took one more look at his body before catching up with him. "If i continue to use these emeralds.. how much will i grow?" Spike asked himself as he kept going. > 15: Another Emerald And The Third Titan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had unlocked another new ability with the small chunk he got from the energy, he now can do the Cross Slash and create Swords of fire, these are extremely helpful for battle and help make things cooler. "You two are the keys, be impowered with this technique" The strange voice is heard again, Spike has been getting suspicious about this voice, it seems to be giving them something that both helps and harms them, Spike thinks that it may be related to the creature Sage told him about. Sonic and Spike had to battle more guardians to get more gears, these ones were red this time. the guardians they fought were Shinobi and Fortress, Spike took down the Shinobi pretty easily thanks to the skills he's picked u, they came upon another portal near the structure tails was trapped by. Spike and Sonic entered it once again and this time they had to go through green hill yet again. 'This honestly feels like lazy rehashing at this point.." Spike thought as they ran through it, they both took separate paths that came together, they had to jump across large gabs and grind on more rails, it was a longer one then usual thats for sure, they made it out with all the gold and red rings in less then two minutes. Spike and Sonic appeared on the island again and 4 more red keys came into their hands, they saw a blue beam light up into the sky that was across the island. "Who thought they should place that one that far away from here?" Sonic asked and Spike shook his head before turning to him. "You sure there's more places you've been too? Cause right now we've only been though Green Hill, Sky Garden, Chemical Plant, and that Futuristic City over and over, just with different layouts and stuff." Spike asked recalling the 4 biomes they've been through. "I have, i don't know why we haven't seen more of my places though, i expected some more places like Mushroom hill, Angel Island, almost anything other then those 4." Sonic said a little confused about that as well. "Hopefully we see more original places the next time we have to do something like this right?" Spike asked. "Yeah, agreed, i'm honestly sick of green hill at this point, just hope we get something new soon." Sonic said agreeing. "Well let's get that Emerald then." Spike said starting to fly off with Sonic right behind. In Cyberspace Eggman was currently with Sage talking about something. "Status report on what's been going on out there." Eggman ordered "The hedgehog has freed his fox friend but has taken on more Cyber energy then he can handle, his other friend seems to have endured it way better though." Sage told him, Eggman raised his eyebrow at that. "How can someone take on that much energy? Sonic shouldn't last much longer if he took on that much." Eggman questioned. "His friend only took a small chunk, enough to make him a little stronger, but not enough to become corrupted." Sage explained. "Interesting, what have you learned about this "friend" of his?" Eggman questioned again. "He seems to be a dragon, from what i've learned, he was transported here through a Cyberspace portal outside of the islands" Sage explained and Eggman looked slightly shocked at that. "Dragon? How is that possible? They don't exist, believe me i've seen and done many things, but i've never encountered a real life dragon before." Eggman asked surprised. "He appears to have traveled through Cyberspace from an unknown place, I've been trying to track down on where he originated, but i have been unable to find it." Sage told him. "Interesting.." Eggman said surprised, Eggman then looked at her. "You said he's used the Chaos Emeralds, anything that's changed from that?" Eggman asked. "Yes, his body seems to be rapidly growing each time he uses the Emeralds, the fox suggested its to make it more suitable for they're power, he was originally half the hedgehogs height, now he's taller then him and has wings to fly." Sage recalled on the last few times she saw him, Eggman thought it over. "That could be true, I've used the Emeralds for many things before, i wouldn't be surprised if that was true." Eggman said fascinated, he then decided something. "Sage, make sure this creature isn't listed as a target, find out more about him and observe the events happening with him. I'm really interested in this creature, and if he really is a dragon, then this could lead to many interesting things." Eggman told her and She nodded. "Yes Father, i will continue to make sure he isn't marked, however there is something else i noticed." Sage stated, Eggman was slightly confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I detected a similar signature in this place, i haven't found it, but i detected a DNA match, meaning it could be a relative, or something more." Sage explained, Eggman was surprised at this. "Then try to find out where this thing is, keep up the good work Sage" Eggman told her and She nodded in understanding before teleporting away leaving Eggman alone to think to himself. "What are you? How did you get to this place?" Eggman questioned as he was alone. Spike and Sonic had to travel across the place, it was quicker then they thought thanks to their speed, they had to grind rail on some large gaps that split off from the island, they took care of another Cyberspace area this time with Sky Sanctuary... Again unlocking another vault, and they eventually made they're to the Blue Emerald. "Quite the run that's for sure." Spike said a little exhausted, . "Yeah, but at least we made it" Sonic said looking at the vault, he held out his hand and the vault keys opened the thing and the blue emerald flew into Sonic's hand. "we should look for Tails, see what's happening with him" Spike suggested, and Sonic nodded at that. But just before they left another Titan appeared behind them! "Whoa!" Spike said surprised on what they saw, it was massive, it looked like a warrior type with it's design, Sage teleported in front of Sonic. "Well what will you do?" She asked directly to Sonic. The Titan was preparing to throw it's shield which turned into a bandsaw, Sonic soon noticed a Squid guardian behind them. "The best i can." Sonic said with a smile before running off. "Sonic!" Spike shouted, the Titan threw it's blade at Sonic and Spike jumped out of the way just in time. Sonic proceeded to run along a trail left by it while Spike looked on with worry, Sage then appeared next to him. "A little overkill don't you think?" Spike asked a little annoyed. "He is still a target, remember that." Sage told him and Spike groaned as he flew off to help him. "You never seem to give up, just like him, but only one of you will make it out." Sage said before teleporting away. Spike flew after them and made sure to keep up with it. Sonic had to be extra careful when running with this one as the blade tried to slice him at multiple points, but they soon reached the end of the island and Spike grabbed Sonic and avoided the blade just before it hit him, the blade destroyed the guardian as a result and they landed on the ground. "You okay?" Spike asked worried. "I'm fine, thanks" Sonic said with a smile. Sage then appeared before them. "So? Impressive right?" Sonic asked. "Within expected perimeters, your friend however acceded all of them." Sage told him before teleporting away. "Again you keep getting lucky with these things." Sonic said confused ' I know, it's really weird, you'd think Eggman would want me gone as well, but guess he's only after you." Spike said looking over the place. "Well you two haven't even met in person yet, so i guess it makes sense." Sonic said still a little unsure. "Why don't we get back to finding Tails, he might have found something" Spike suggested. "Agreed, let's go." Sonic said before they ran off again to find Tails. > 16: Another Vision And Hacking A Robot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic proceeded to make they're way to find Tails, they kept finding more Eggman tech across the island. "It looks like he was setting this place up as a base." Spike said as they continued. 'If there's one thing i know he can do, it's build all these machines in such a sort time" Sonic said as they continued. They had to do more puzzles to unlock more of the islands layout, they had to hit certain objects a large amount of times, they had to move these weird blocks on top of each other, and other stuff like that. They eventually came upon Tails who was examining a device on a platform. "Tails! You doing okay?" Spike asked and he turned around and noticed them. "What's that?" Sonic asked looking at the device with Spike wondering as well. " I think it's an environmental analyzer, all of the Ancients technology is linked to Cyberspace, if i can get it back online, we may get some answers" Tails explained, Spike looked at the device curiously. "How could we do that?" Spike asked, Tails shook his head wondering the same thing. Just then the device started to activate! "What the?!" Spike asked backing up, it shot a grid of somekind, and he realized something.. This was what's been causing those visions! They were blinded by another flash, they found themselves in a vision, they found themselves in a ancient time when all this technology was active. There were dozens of cannons of somekind pointed to the sky ready to fire with Spike looking terrified in what they saw. The cannons then fired into the sky trying to hit something, they're all trying they're best but it doesn't seem to do anything. The sky then lights up in red, extremely large lasers start to fire down from the sky creating massive explosions, it destroyed almost everything there and they were all blinded by another light before they found themselves back in real time, Spike looked at the device horrified in what they saw. "So.. that was a thing.." Sonic said a little nervous. "Nothing in Equestria.. has been close to match that level of power..." Spike said horrified and Tails look concerned as well. "Whatever assaulted the islands sure packs a punch! That thing was on par with Dark Gaia easy!" Tails said worried. "I feel like we need to find the Emeralds pronto!" Sonic suggested and they all nodded. "Yeah we'll rendezvous later" Tails said before running off, Spike looked at the device still shocked "You okay buddy?" Sonic asked concerned. "No.. nothing i've seen was close to that monstrosity, If we can't stop this thing, my home may be next" Spike said really worried. "don't worry, we'll stop this thing, let's go catch up with Tails!" Sonic suggested. Spike nodded and they ran off, Spike looked back at the device one more time before regaining focus. Spike and Sonic proceeded to run through the island some more, they kept seeing more Ancient technology and stuff that Spike had never seen, they eventually found Tails near a large robot. "Tails. what is this thing?" Spike asked looking at the thing. "I think it's an assault model death egg robot! it looks pretty entrenched." Tails explained as he was trying to hack into it. 'I'll take a look around, let me know if you find anything." tails told them, Sonic whistled in surprise. " You don't see something like this everyday, these things are tough to take down, even for me. I wonder who took it down? Maybe that ghost voice?" Sonic suggested. "The technology here seems more advanced then this robot, so i think it was the guardians that was strong enough for that." Spike suggested. "Spike could be right, the Ancients seemed way more advanced then even Eggman was!" Tails said agreeing, he then noticed a panel. "Guys look! I found a remote control panel, i think it's still online!" Tails said pointing at a device near the robot. "Let's see what Eggman was trying to do with this thing, if it goes bad, you can turn it off" Sonic told him. "Let me try." Spike suggested walking up to the thing. "You sure? you've never used this kind of stuff before." Sonic asked concerned. "After what i've been through in the last week or so, i think i can handle it." Spike said as he turned the thing on. Spike was a little confused on the thing at first, but he eventually managed to get the hang of it, he mainly just had to play a hacking minigame where he fired at enemy robots, while he had to switch between black and white to take them out, it was pretty easy all things considered. "Got it!" Spike said with a smile as he destroyed the last enemy. "Great work Spike!" Tails told him and Spike gave him a high five, well as much as they could anyway. The power activated to the robot for a brief moment, it's eye lit up and it fired a laser through the ground opening a path to an ancient cavern and they looked at that surprised, the robot then shut back down after it did so. "Wow.. oops" Spike said a little embarrassed by that. "don't worry, you opened a path! It's all good." Sonic assured him. They looked at the entrance surprised. "Woo! that did the trick!" Sonic said with a smile. "Yup, it revealed a subterranean pathway!" Tails explained, Spike was looking at the place a little concerned. 'Be careful though you two, whatever took out that super badnik might still be lurking around." Tails warned them "I hear that, thanks buddy! I'll see you later" Sonic said before running down the place, Spike regained focus and followed him. This place was huge! It was like an Ancient bunker for operating on stuff, mining materials and other resources, Spike looked concerned as this place looks familiar. "You alright Spike?" Sonic asked as they continued. "This place.. looks a little like the cave i found back home, could the Ancients have escaped and survived?" Spike questioned. "I don't know, i just hope we find our answers soon." Sonic said hopefully They proceeded to make they're way through the caverns, it was a large place that had plenty of bots to take down, but they had been skilled enough to take them on, they ran through looking at more and more ancient structures and ruins, but eventually it ended and they found they're way back on the surface, they looked around and they saw it led to the next emerald. "Wow! Talk about a way to travel huh?" Sonic asked as they walked up to it. "Yeah, i wonder how everything else here works.." Spike wondered, They used their vault keys and it opened like before and the emerald came into their hands. "2 down, 5 to go." Spike said as he put it away. "Yeah, i hope we get the rest soon, let's go look for Tails again, he might have found something." Sonic suggested. "Bet you 50 rings he's found some more Koco we have to help." Spike offered, rings were apparently the currency of this world, so it wouldn't hurt to earn some. "Your on! let's go!" Sonic said running ahead with Spike following behind. > 17: More Koco And Emeralds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic had proceeded to move their way back to the island, Spike gave Sonic a ride as they figured it would be easier to fly across the place. they soon found Tails with another Koco with goggles on its head. "You were right, guess i owe you 50 rings" Sonic said as he lost the bet. "We'll focus on that later, let's go see what Tails is doing." Spike suggested, Sonic nodded in agreement and they headed down to him. Spike landed on the ground leaving a small impact and Sonic got off of him, they walked up to Tails to see what's going on. "Yo!" Sonic told him. "Everything okay Tails?" Spike asked confused, Tails then turned to them. "Hey, this Koco is an apprentice to their top pilot. they need to find parts to finish their final weapons." Tails explained to them. "Pilots? does he mean the people we saw in those visions?" Spike asked Sonic. "Could be." Sonic said thinking it over, but he decided to think it over later. "I'm sure you two have run into this scenario before, what'd you do?" Tails asked "Well we helped them out." Sonic told him. "Yeah, our friends on the other island needed our help keeping them safe." Spike explained recalling the last times they helped the Koco. "But isn't that... cruel? Their battle is long over, it feels dishonest" Tails questioned "It may seem like it, but it's not, we're just trying to bring them to peace" Spike tried to explain to him. "Yeah Spike's right, we're not fixing the problem they think they have, we're just bringing them to peace" Sonic said agreeing. "Well when you two put it that way." tails said with understanding, he then turned to the Koco" Let's get to work!" Tails told it, and Spike nodded ready to help as well. They all took a look around trying to find out how to help. They came near a lava flow near the edge of the island. The koco told tails something and he nodded and turned to them. "We need a few more pieces, but we're having trouble finding them." Tails told them. "I'll take care of it, lava can't harm me one bit, this won't be a problem for me." Spike offered. "Do your thing buddy, just be careful" Sonic told him. "Your kind is lava proof?" Tails asked surprised. "Yeah, it may seem strange, but just watch." Spike said as he walked into the lava pool, Spike sighed in relief as it felt like a hot spring at its best. "Wow, that's really amazing!" Tails said amazed, Spike soon decided it was enough and walked out and shook it off. "Yeah it really is, all right guys stay here, I'll be back." Spike said before going off looking for the parts. "He really is something else." Tails said still surprised and Sonic nodded. "He really is, just hope things turn out well for us at the end." Sonic said as they watched Spike go off. Spike had to do a little game where there where floating platforms that had craters on them, the larger they were the more parts that were in them, Spike needed to collect at least 600 of them to have all he needs, Spike jumped from platform to platform taking out each crate and collecting parts. "Thank goodness i have Hammerspace" Spike said as he put them all away, Spike proceeded to take care of it all almost avoiding the platforms that fell down if he stood there for to long, eventually though he got all of them and landed near the cliffside. The green emerald appeared before Spike and he smiled at that, he gladly grabbed the emerald and did a backflip into the air before landing on the ground and holding the emerald with a smile to the camera. Spike caught up with Sonic and Tails as they were near a large cannon of somekind. "I got the parts! And another emerald!" Spike said as he gave the Koco them and showed them the green emerald. "Great work!" Tails said really glad at that. They watched as the Koco had inserted the parts into the cannon and they made sure to help when they could, eventually they all finished and sighed in relief. "Well that's it. The cannon is complete" Tails said as they were done. "Thank goodness." Spike said in relief. The Koco then started to make what were like sounds of worry and they look concerned. "What's wrong?" Spike asked concerned "They're worried about something, their hero didn't show, worried somethings happened." tails told them. "Who was their hero?" Spike asked, he then noticed Tails was looking a little sad. "It's how what i was like after Infinite attacked. One wrong turn.. and i fall apart.." Tails said sadly, Spike was surprised as he heard that, it made him remember all the times he was sidelined back home and couldn't do anything to help. "Yeah... one wrong turn.." Spike said sadly as well agreeing with it. "Woah what?" Sonic asked surprised as he didn't expect them to say something like that. Tails then looked at the Koco. "Listen to me, the others are counting on you! I'm here to help, so don't give up okay?" Tails asked it. "Yeah, we're here for you." Spike said as well and Tails looked grateful for that. Sonic then looked at both of them concerned. "You two got me worried guys, you wanna talk?" Sonic asked concerned, but they shook it off. "Not right now, let's focus on finding the emeralds." Tails told him and Spike nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, the sooner we find them the better." Spike said agreeing, Sonic still looked concerned but he decided to focus on it later. "All right, let's get going" Sonic said as they started walking off again. The two of them made they're way around the island even more, they found another Cyberspace portal and earned more vault keys and it opened the yellow and white emerald vaults, making things easier for later, they then headed to another cannon that was near a smaller island off in the distance, the island also housed the yellow emerald so that makes 3 left to get. "Pretty convenient that it was here huh?" Spike asked as they continued. "Yeah , it really is." Sonic said agreeing as they made their way to the cannon. Tails was currently working on it as Sonic was holding his arm as he still felt weak from the corruption, he then noticed them and smiled. "Hey guys! almost done here!, think you can take our friend here to find more parts?" Tails asked looking at the Koco. "Sure thing." Spike said with a smile. "Can do." Sonic said a little tired, They then walked off with the Koco as tails waved goodbye as they left, Once they were gone Sage then appeared in front of him. "Yipe!" Tails said in surprised. she then teleported right behind him. "Miles Prower, you have know Sonic most of your life" Sage started to say, Tails then turned to her confused. "Yeah? And?" Tails asked, she then teleported behind him again. "Your imprisonment within cyberspace, the defeat of the Ancients titans, do you trust how he is handling it? With your life?" She questioned. Tails then looked up at her. "Of course! I'll admit he isn't perfect, but he's overcome impossible odds again and again. I know he'll save us all, as well as Spike." Tails said with confidence. She then teleported behind him again. "So your saying you have faith in him? in both of them?" Sage questioned. "It's not a matter of faith, I've got a lifetime of data to back up my observations, and I'm sure Spike will do great things like him." Tails told her. "Your loyalty is founded in empirical data, i can appreciate that, the feelings they inspire with you and the others.. is that a facet of being alive?" She asked "And yet all your love and loyalty will amount to nothing, it cannot be prevented" She said looking away for a moment and Tails looked confused. "What are you talking about?" Tails asked and she then realized she said it out loud. "Your new friend may be our only chance at this point, do us a favor and make sure that he makes it through this." Sage told him. "Are you talking about Spike?" Tails asked confused. "I did not foresee him coming in the millions of scenarios i've foreseen, but he may be what we need to save us all." Sage said looking through more simulations of him using the emeralds. "Save us from what?" Tails asked again, she then floated away into the device. "Perhaps it is kinder that if you don't know." Sage told him before disappearing, Tails looked confused at that. "What could she mean by that?" Tails questioned thinking over what she said about Spike. > 18: A Talk With Tails, And... Pinball > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic were currently following the Koco as it was searching for some parts, Sage then teleported in front of them once again. "Again huh?" Spike asked ready for another conversation. "What are your end goals?" She asked them, Spike looked confused for a moment but Sonic figured it was something else. "It varies, sometimes its a spinning sign or a giant ring" Sonic started listing off but was interrupted. "I don't think she means it like that Sonic" Spike said as he figured it wasn't the case. "He is right? What do you both want to accomplish?" She asked again. "Oh! Then it's gathering the Chaos Emeralds and save our friends." Sonic said now understanding, Spike looked down and thought it over on what he wanted. "And your sure that is wise?" She questioned." Kinda the story of my life." Sonic said casually. "And the voice that commands you two, what if it is leading you to disaster?" She questioned again. "If they wanna start trouble, we'll stop them to." Sonic told her. "You certainly make it sound simple. But your arrogance will be your undoing." She said coldly and Sonic was getting annoyed. "Look either stop getting cryptic and tell us what's going on or skedaddle" Sonic told her, and she shook her head. "There would be no point." She said disinterested, she then turned to Spike. "What about you? What do you want to accomplish?" She asked him, Spike came out of his thoughts and regained focus and looked at her. "I just want to prove myself, to show everyone that i can do big things, no one expected me to do stuff this grand before, saving our friends may be what i need." Spike explained and Sonic nodded as he told him that before. "So you wish to strengthen yourself? To make yourself strong enough to protect the ones you care about?" She questioned. "Yeah, if i do this.. i think this will finally put my doubts to rest." Spike said confidently. "An interesting goal, i hope you find what your looking for then." She said before teleporting away, Sonic looked confused on what she meant by it, they then noticed a Koco with a part. "Nice going! Let's go find Tails!" Sonic told it. "Yeah, let's go!" Spike said agreeing before they started to run off again. Sage was in Cyberspace talking with Eggman once again. "I have identified two possible scenarios for your escape" She told him. " About time! Tell me." Eggman ordered. "for the first one, after reviewing your campaign history, i have found one of the options is to create an alliance with Sonic." She explained "What?!" Eggman asked extremely mad. " Together you stopped the ARK, overcame Neo Metal, You.." She tried explaining but was interrupted " I don't wanna hear it! Those alliances were purely out of desperation!" Eggman told her. "But time is running out!" She said worried. "I don't wanna hear it! What about the other option?" Eggman asked, she sighed sadly as he said that and told her the other one. "My other scenario is to ally with the dragon that's been with Sonic, he's been able to move in and out of here just like Sonic, he might be able to help." Sage explained. "Interesting.. even though he's working with Sonic, he could be able to help, but that's for later, keep looking for other options, i have to think it over." Eggman said before taking off in his pod, Sage sighed sadly. "Your tenacity is legendary, but i do with you'd reconsider" She said sadly hoping he would agree to them. Spike and Sonic had met up with Tails after they found him again, they were all heading to a bridge of somekind, Tails looked down sadly again and Spike noticed. "Tails? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried, Sonic turned around and noticed it as well. "Sonic.. am i a burden to you?" tails asked and Sonic was surprised at that. "Wow, and how did you come to this well thought out concern?" Sonic asked. "Whenever there's a crisis i'm either running away or on the sidelines, your always rescuing me when all i do is follow you around." Tails explained to him, Spike looked at him sadly, he felt the same way many times before. "I know how you feel Tails.." Spike said sadly. "Really?" Tails asked surprised. "Whenever something bad happened at home, i often was always on the sidelines as well... i never got to fully help out, nor did i get many moments.. i always often felt afraid when these happened..." Spike said sadly recalling what's happened, sure he stopped Sombra and helped in reforming the Changelings, but they were never as big as what Twilight and the others have done. "You got put on the sidelines as well? feeling afraid and alone?" Tails asked confused and Spike nodded. "It happened so often.. i felt like i was a burden to my friends as well, they say that i'm not and i'm always helping.. but i still always felt like i wasn't" Spike told him. Sonic looked sad knowing that they both had felt that way before, really makes him seem like this is something he's always wanted to do.. prove himself. Sonic then decided to Speak up. "Hey who was it who stopped Eggman from blowing up station square? who broke me out of prison? Who saved me from the deadly six's trap?" Sonic asked trying to motivate him. "I... then i'm wildly inconsistent.." Tails said upset, he then turned to Spike. "Do you really think they look down on you? it doesn't hurt to have help, it's a part of growing up you guys." Sonic said with a smile, Spike and Tails looked confused before he continued. "Tails, you've got brains like Eggman, speed like mine, and can fly with your butt." Sonic told him, he then looked at Spike. "Spike, you can breath fire, you can fly ,you've used the emeralds power, do you think any other dragon has used the Emeralds? No, it's because you showed the courage to keep going, you helped look after people before, you have way more ahead in your life. It's a part of growing up." Sonic told him. "Spike and Tails looked at eachother again, they felt that was what they needed to be told and then turned to him "When did you get so insightful?" Tails asked with a smirk. "Yeah, i haven't seen you like that before." Spike said with a chuckle, he then laughed a little. "I have my moments" Sonic said with a smile, Tails then turned to Spike. "I'm glad to know i'm not alone in feeling this way, thank you Spike" Tails said with a smile. "No problem buddy, when the time comes, we'll help eachother out." Spike said and Tails nodded in agreement, and they high fived eachother and laughed. The Koco from before had came back and tried to tell them something, Tails looked at it and got the information. "It says the bridge is out." Tails told them, Spike looked over the gap and saw a switch. "Don't worry i got it." Spike said before taking off to the other side. Spike flew across the gab and landed on the other side. he saw the switch from before and placed his hand over it, and the bridge started to come down. The Cyan emerald appeared once again and Spike laughed as it was that easy, Spike happily grabbed it and put it away. Sonic and tails caught up and looked at him. "Great job Spike" Sonic said with a smile. "It was honestly way to easy" Spike said with a chuckle with them laughing as well. They went over to the last cannon with the Koco, it made the finishing touches on it to make sure it's all done, it then finished and started jumping around happy. "They say that this was the last of the defensive measures." Tails explained. "Way to go! your hero will be thrilled at your hard work!" Sonic said with a smile and Spike nodded in agreement. The Koco looked happy knowing that. "Thank you.. my hero.." was all Spike heard before the light came from it again and it fell flat lifeless again, they all looked sad knowing it's gone now. Sonic then turned to them. "And i'm proud of you two, don't forget that." Sonic told them. "We won't" Tails said with a smile. "Yeah i know we won't" Spike said happy as well. Tails then decided to speak up. "When this is all over, i think i need to be alone for a while. I can't grow into my full potential if i fall back on you or Spike" Tails told them" If that's okay!" Tails said a little worried on what they would say. Spike and Sonic laughed and walked up to him. "Don't worry bro, you do what you need to! We'll be here for you." Spike said with a smile. "Your free to go your own way, i guess you just grew on me faster then i expected" Sonic said gladly, Tails looked happy at that. "Are you saying i outpace you?" Tails asked and Spike chuckled at that. "Yeah don't push it. It takes some getting used to but, here's to reaching new heights partners" Sonic told him holding out his hand. Spike and Tails both took it laughing all the while. Sage was listening all the while. "Such a beautiful friendship, a family born of love and not genetics. Everything i want.. i wish i never saw this, it would be so much easier to accepting the future where they were simply enemy's" Sage said sadly, she recalled the times she spent with her creator, it remined her of what a father could be like to her. She looked at the sky with hope flashing blue all the while, hoping one day she'll get a family. After the talk Spike and Sonic proceeded to get the White Emerald which was on top of a large structure in the air, they took a long way up their but eventually made it to the top. They unlocked the vault and the emerald came into their hands. "That makes 6" Spike said putting it away. "Yeah, one more, let's see if tails found anything again" Sonic said starting to run off "Yeah, let's go!" Spike said before flying off carrying Sonic as they left They then caught up with Tails as he was near a large door. "Tails, you okay?" Spike asked landing on the ground, he then turned to them and nodded. "I'm fine, thanks' guys. I've been studying this door while you two were exploring the island. It sounded like it was unlocked from the inside!" Tails said looking at the thing. "How did that happen?" Spike questioned. "I think if you simply go to that panel over there? I think it will react to the Cyber Energy stored in your bodies." Tails explained and Spike nodded as he understood it. "Great, sounds easy enough." Spike said with a smile. "There's no telling what's on the inside. but i'm betting it's important, you guys can approach whenever your ready." Tails told them and they nodded. "We've seen just about all this island has to offer, i think it's best we get going now." Sonic said walking up to it. "Yeah i agree, let's go." Spike said going up to it as well. They opened the door and proceeded to walk inside the place, they soon came upon a large panel of somekind. "What is this? "Spike asked confused and Sonic sighed. "Pinball, let me handle this one." Sonic told him. Spike nodded and let Sonic do his thing. This in Spike's opinion was worse than what happened on Kronos, the score was ridiculously high and Sonic had to keep running the ball on the same place multiple times, the score kept ramping up more and more before it finally reached the top, Sonic then had to bring the ball itself into the top of the thing which took even longer. but eventually he finally got it all and the ball disappeared. "Finally!" Spike said grateful. "I'm into pinball at times, but i never want to go for a score that high again." Sonic said annoyed. "Agreed!" Spike said as they started to walk out. The volcano then started to shake violently, it then burst out spews of lava and rocks from the top, and a large flow started coming down from the way in and down a path into some clouds. When the smoke cleared, it was revealed that the Titan from before was hiding in the place, waiting for the next fight. Spike and Sonic caught up with Tails. "Whatever you did triggered an eruption! And the lava burned away the cloud bank and revealed.. something." Tails said looking at the thing. "Hey i know my fair share of pinball machines, i know one when i see one. were those originally part of the old ruins?" Sonic asked. "If they are then they sure have a lot of surprises that's for sure." Spike said confused on why they could make such a thing during such a time. Tails then turned to them. "Sonic, Spike, that Titan down there.. do you two really plan on fighting that? even with the Emeralds that thing is.." tails said with worry. "Keeping you, Amy, and Knuckles trapped. So yeah, we're going to take it down." Sonic told him. "Yea, we've beaten the last two, this one should be no different." Spike said agreeing. "I gotta ask Spike, what was it like for you using the Emeralds? How did it feel?" Tails asked. "It felt.. incredible, everything i felt, felt like power, it was like nothing could stop me from finding my flame." Spike said recalling the last times he used them. "Sonic said that you kept growing after each use of the Emeralds. what if it happens again?" Tails asked worried, Spike thought it all over, wondering what will become of him if he continues. but he decides that no matter what happens, he'll always be willing to face the future. "Then i'll make the most of what i can. nothing will bring me down as long is a never give up." Spike said ready to face the future. "We'll if your sure of it, then go for it. just be careful." Tails told them, Sonic looked at him with a smile. "Don't worry, I'll be with Spike to make sure everything's okay, sit tight Tails, we'll take the last one down and get everyone back to normal!" Sonic said with confidence. "He's right, don't worry. Come on Sonic, let's go!" Spike said before running off with Sonic following behind. "One more to go, let's do it!" Sonic said serious as they continued. > 19: Fighting The Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic headed down to the crater at high speeds, they were on the ledge of it seeing the Titan was there. "You ready for this?" Sonic asked and Spike nodded. "Let's do it." Spike said with determination as they jumped down. The Titan known as Knight had rolled around on the ground across the walls and jumped high into the air before landing on the ground, it looked down upon them seeing that they finally have arrived. "The Emeralds on it's head, you know what to do." Sonic told him while running at it. "Got it!" Spike said as they ran to it. The Titan attempted to stop them by trying to run over them by spinning around the ground creating large spikes in the area, the two of them were able to dodge them but as soon as they were it extended its hand ready to crush them. Spike and Sonic leapt out of the way as it landed on the ground, there were railings that gave them an opening. Spike and Sonic jumped over the spikes that were coming from them like they were shockwaves, they landed on the rails and grinded all the way to it. They landed on its body and latched onto its metal, they wall ran up to the top being careful not to fall of. They soon finally made they're way to the top and the Emerald was in sight. "Ready?" Sonic asked and Spike nodded. "Let's do this!" Spike said determined. They then held out they're hands and the vault opened and the Emerald flew into them, all 7 once again flew around them as they felt the power flow through them once more. They soon finally finished the transformations as they entered they're super forms once more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2Mosyg41P8 ( Find your Flame) Heavy rock and roll music could be heard playing as they look at the Titan ready to fight, Spike took a deep breath and begun to sing again. "We Won't back down!! We won't!!!" Spike shouted as he charged at him. "Yeah! Yo!" Sonic sang along as they charged at it, "I'm here to go beyond my limit not to compromise, and you can tell me if i mean it looking in my eyes" Sonic said as the Titan rolled around trying to catch them off guard, They soon stopped in it's place and and it raised it's shield. "Cause i've been waiting for my moment to strike, so come close let me show you what it's like yeah!" Sonic sang as they tried to attack it. The titan then deflected them away and turned the shield into a saw. "You can try to stand in my path but your gonna regret it! I'll be the one who laughs last while we're making my exit!" Sonic sang as it threw the blade at them. "Cause this is only for the strong of heart not if you get it!" Sonic sang as they deflected the thing into the air. "Ain't no matter what the outcome you better except it!" Sonic sang as Spike flew to the top of it and landed on it, he then took control of it and begun to fly it to Knight. "I can cut right through steel, i can bury the blade, So go down for a second just get out of my way!" Sonic sang as he deflected missiles that were aiming at them. " Staying still i'm not letting it go, so take this as a lesson, cause it's all that we know!!" Sonic shouted as Spike reached it. "Will the whole world know your name?!?!" Spike sang as he attacked the thing with it's own blade. "When we dance with destiny!!! Spike shouted as he created golden swords of his own and begun to slash at it. "I've been there and i've seen it!" Spike sang as he delivered a large slash to it, it was left venerable and they took that as and opening. "I'm never gonna stop believing!" Spike sang as he and Sonic flew at it attacking it at blinding speeds from multiple sides. " You'll find your flame yeah!!!" Spike sang as he punched the thing into the air. "Oh we can save the day!!!" Spike shouted as he and Sonic kicked the thing in it's head sending the thing to the ground. "The day!" Sonic shouted as they flew to the ground. The Titan then got up looking furious. "We Won't back down!! We won't!!!!" Spike shouted as the Titan roared and multiple pillars erupted from it's body shooting hundreds of lasers into the air, it then raised it's blade shield and threw it at them again. "It's like i'm seeing double vision, take a seat i'm on a mission, we've got everything to gain." Sonic said as they grabbed the shield. "Thing to gain yeah!" Spike sang as they were waiting for the right moment. "to become everything your not, you just give it all you got and take the pleasure with the pain yeah!" Sonic sang as they hit the thing with It's shield. "I can feel my fire awaken, no time for being complacent" Sonic sang as they cylooped it into the air creating a bunch of spears. " There's a dream on the horizon you know we gotta chase it." Sonic sang as he delivered a homing shot and a cyclone kick. "Best me? no you must be mistaken." Sonic said as he loop kicked it in the face. "You know i'll turn you into rust, grind you right down to dust!" Sonic and Spike sang as they phantom rushed the thing at multiple angles. "You thought you were the best, well you haven't met us!!!" They shouted as Spike threw a spear at it's arm. "Spitting fire and rain, call me the hurricane, I'm not letting it go! Cause it's all that i know!!" Sonic sang as they cylooped it again. "Will the whole world know your name!!! When we dance with destiny!!!!" Spike sang as he created another Giga bomb at threw it at the beast. The Titan then roared in fury as it prepared to slash it's sword at them. Spike then focused his power into his blade, he then created a massive golden blade large enough to rival the Titans. "I've been there! And i've seen it! I'm never gonna stop believing!" Spike sang as he and the titan were having a duel, they then clashed they're blades and we're stuck in a duel.. "You'll find your flame yeah!!!" Spike sang as he over powered it. The Titan backed up and readied it's sword again, it then extended into an even longer one. "Now here we go it's the end of the show!! Hear them? they're calling your name!!!" Spike sang as he blocked it with all his strength. "Cause in the end! It's you and your friends!!!" Spike sang as he was pushing it back. "You'll find your flame yeah!!!" Spike and Sonic both shouted as they deflected it once again leaving it open. Sonic screamed with might as he flew at it, the titan tried do slash him but Sonic dodged it, he then delivered a strong punch to it's face and the titan lost it's grip and lost the blade, a heavy guitar solo was playing as Sonic cylooped it into the air, Spike flew into the air and they raised they're massive blades with pure confidence. "Now here we go it's the end of the show." Spike sang softly as they flew down to it. "Hear them? They're calling your name.." Spike sang as they delivered a final slash creating golden lines through it's body and it completely halted, it then started to split apart. "Cause in the end it's you and your friends." Spike and Sonic sang as it was exploding. "You'll find your flame...." They finished as it was destroyed. They were taking heavy breaths as it was a tough battle. "You alright Spike?" Sonic asked and Spike nodded with a smile. "I've never felt better.." Spike said with joy, They then noticed the sword Knight had started to shrink, it then became small enough for someone to use. It then floated to them and Spike went forward and grabbed it. The blade materialized a belt that would be able for him to pull it out when he wishes, Spike put the blade away as it was now something he can use freely. "Oh i'm keeping this." Spike said with a smile as he looked at it. "gotta say i'm jealous you get to keep that thing." Sonic said looking at it. "Yeah, but it's gonna be cool using this thing in battle." spike said with a smile as he felt great from the fight. Before they could speak some more they then had another vision. "We can't let their sacrifice be in vein! They had a plan, and let's do it!" Another Ancient said as they regained focus. " One more thing to do" Spike said seriously. "Let's go." Sonic said seriously as well, they then flew off again leaving to free their friends > 20: Shutting Down The Towers And A Shocking Revelation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and Sonic had to fly all the way back to Kronos as they felt something was happening there, when they arrived they saw that massive towers had appeared on the side they haven't previously explored before. "Those are the largest towers i've ever seen.." Spike said in awe as they landed on the ground and exited their forms. Spike had noticed Sonic was looking really weak. "Sonic! Are you okay?!" Spike asked worried. "Don't worry about it, it's almost done.." Sonic said getting up, Spike then realized all the cyber energy he's absorbed may finally be catching on to him. Spike then felt something in his head and he groaned in pain. Spike?" Tails asked as he had just arrived, he tried to help him up but his hand phased right through him Spike's body began to glow more as electricity in the colors of the emeralds have started flowing around it, Spike's body grew even more, it eventually stopped as he calmed down. "I knew we had a reason for concern" Tails said with worry as he got a good look at him now, Spike opened his eyes and saw tails was even smaller and Sonic looked at him in shock. "Guys?" what happened?" Spike asked as he took heavy breaths. "You grew even more.." Sonic said surprised. Spike was now over 7 feet tall, his spine had become much sharper as they looked really sharp, and his body had shown more signs of muscle, he looked at himself and was surprised. "Guess you we're right tails..." Spike said sadly as he looked at it. "Are you doing okay though?" Sonic asked and Spike nodded. "Yeah, i'm fine now, i just hope this is the last time this happens.." Spike said hopefully. Tails then noticed the sword on his waist. "Where did you get that?" Tails asked pointing at it. "The Titan we fought used this thing after we beat it the sword shrunk down, i decided it was best not to be left to rot so i took it up." Spike said pulling it out and swinging it. "Fascinating..." Tails said amazed. Before they could continue they heard the voice speak up again. " The final lock has been revealed, silence the six towers. Tear down the walls between dimensions." the voice spoke. "Oh good, i thought you said there was gonna be a surprise Titan.." Sonic said weakly. "Sonic you don't have to do this, you can stay and rest for a bit, i can handle myself now.." Spike said with worry. "No.. i'm not gonna give up, we're so close now." Sonic said getting up and Spike sighed as he knew he wouldn't stop him. "Okay then.." Spike said with worry. "Sonic?" tails asked with worry. "Hang tight partner, we're almost through this." Sonic said ready to go. "Be careful you two" Tails said hoping they'd be okay. "Careful? Where's the fun in that?" Sonic asked and Spike shook his head. Sonic chuckled as he knew something was wrong. Spike and Sonic then proceeded to run to the first tower, Spike was getting really worried as Sonic was now falling a little behind, they then had to climb the first one using springs and rails to fly upwards, they then had used pathways that were around the place, Spike had quickly gotten used to his new height, as he took that as an advantage to take down any enemy's that came in their way. Spike had slashed at multiple enemy's with his new sword starting to get used to it. "You sure got the hang of that fast" Sonic said as they continued climbing. "running fast isn't the only kind of "Fast" you know?" Spike told him and Sonic chuckled at that. "Your right on that." Sonic said agreeing as they continued. They then had hit a few more springs and flew through some more pink rings as they finally landed on the top. Spike looked around and was just amazed at how high they were. "Now even Twilight's castle is this high..." Spike said in shock. The two of them approached the first device and placed their hands on it, the device turned blue and the spires above them had stopped as it was shut down. "Great now we can.." Spike then groaned again as he started to see something. They saw a vision of what looked like an emerald in a vault with two Ancients looking at it. "The Chaos Engines are harnessing the emeralds powers perfectly" One of them said. "Finally some good news, hopefully their power will be enough to help us escape." The other one said hopefully. Spike and Sonic soon regained focus as it ended and Spike looked at it confused. "Escape from what?" Spike asked worried. They had no time for answers right now as they needed to keep going, Spike had picked up Sonic and flew him down to the bottom of the next tower at fast speeds as his new powers made him much faster then before. They then proceeded to climb the second one, they had to platform their way through more hazards and wall climb their way to more places, they finished the thing off by grind railing of to the top and grabbing a ledge that brought them to the top and they walked to the next one. "Two down." Spike said as they shut down the next one. Spike and Sonic groaned again as they felt another vision happen. We see a view of what looks like a planet, something really bad then happens. a shadow comes over the planet as dozens of ships leave the thing as quickly as possible ,a large laser cuts through the thing and Spike looks on with horror as it was completely destroyed, he saw more of the Ancients as they looked depressed and extremely sad that they had lost their home. Spike regained his focus and looked at the thing with sadness and horror. "They lost their home... they lost.. everything..." Spike says extremely depressed knowing that, he then notices Sonic has more Cyber energy coming across him and he looks really worried at that. "Sonic!" Spike shouted going to help him up, he then saw Sage had teleported in front of them. 'Your Cyber corruption is accelerating, how can you smile when you can barely stand?" She asked with worry, Spike then decided to answer it for her. "He never gives up, no matter what he does, he won't stop until he's saved his friends" Spike said sadly as Sonic was walking slowly, Sage simply shook her head sadly and teleported away. Spike then decided to stop running. "Alright Sonic, no more running, I'm gonna fly us over to the towers from now on alright?" Spike said picking him up. "Where's.. the fun.. without the challenge.." Sonic asked. "Sonic face it, if we don't get this done soon your done, i may have some in me, but it's not nearly as bad as you." Spike said having enough of him trying to make things look like their okay. "I'm sorry Spike, but i can't give up." Sonic said still trying to go but Spike grabbed his shoulder. "We won't give up, this will just make things quicker, trust me." Spike told him, Sonic looked at himself again and saw that he was right and this was serious, he then looked at Spike and nodded. "Just don't drop me.." Sonic told him. Spike nodded with a smile. "Don't worry buddy, i won't." Spike said wrapping his arms around him, he then raised his wings and took off to the next tower with high speeds Spike had hurried as quickly as he could, the next tower was near the area where they fought Giganto, he flew high as he could but felt Sonic had more energy spread making him hurry even faster. "Hang on Sonic, we're almost done." Spike said worried as he flew on. Spike landed on the top of the next tower and gently placed Sonic down, he then walked over to the device and shut down the next tower. Spike then proceeded to have another vision yet again, this time he saw all the ships the Ancients were in flying through space, they suddenly had an aura come around them and they all came to what looks like their planet. The Ancients are watching the emerald in the vault as it was glowing brightly, they were partially blinded as it glowed brighter. "What are the Chaos Emeralds reacting to?! "One of them asked shocked. "Some kind of power source is drawing them in, we've lost control of navigation!" the other said as they kept getting closer. Spike then saw one more vision of what looked like a large green emerald on the grass. Spike then regained focus and looked on with interest. "That must have been the Master Emerald, it must have drawn the emeralds to this world.." Spike said as he thought of ways why they came here, Sonic looked slightly surprised by that. "Then who originally made the Master Emerald, i know it's been in the protection of Knuckles's kind for thousands of years, but to predate their own tribe.." Sonic said interested. Spike then regained his focus again and decided to keep going. "We'll talk this over with Tails later, we got three more to go." Spike said looking at the next tower. "Your right let's go." Sonic said as Spike picked him up again and flew to the next one. Spike had made his way back over to the crater they fought Giganto. "This is where i first became super.." Spike said remembering the first time he used them. "You know looking back on how small you were and now the fact your literally carrying me, i've heard of " They grow up so fast".. but this is something else" Sonic said chuckling a little and Spike laughed at that. "Yeah, really is something else." Spike said as he flew on. He landed on the top of the tower once more and shut down the thing once more. Spike groaned again as he had yet another vision. He then saw a tall Ancient in front of a bunch of smaller ones, Spike had assumed it was an elder of sorts. "Although are home world was lost, our history was not, thanks to Cyber Space, and the kindness of one individual who helped us in return for protection. His Koco inside him glowed as he activated a Cyberspace portal, smaller ones looked at it with amazement. "All our hopes, our dreams, and memories can be stored in Cyber Space and accessed at anytime" The elder explained. They then heard heavy footsteps as someone else entered the room. "How is everything going?" A female voice aske, Spike couldn't see the figure as the perspective was not on it, but Spike got a weird feeling from it. " Everything is going splendidly, thanks to the emeralds." The elder spoke and the figure smile at that. "I'm glad to hear that, i wonder what will happen with what else you all can make." The voice said with kindness. "Words cannot describe how grateful we all are for you allowing us to form our new home around your own, nothing can express our gratitude for what you've done." The elder said gratefully. "After learning what happened to you all.. i just couldn't let you all have no where to live, i'm glad you all are adjusting, i'm still very sorry on what happened to your home." the female voice said sadly. "It is okay, thanks to you, we will live on. Our king gladly will repay for your help when you need it" The elder told her. "I'm fine for now, thank you. I just hope things will look bright from here on." She said hopefully. Spike continued to listen to the voice, he was so confused, he never heard it and yet it sounded.. familiar. Another Ancient had came into the place looking worried. "Elder, Madam, you two are needed" he said with worry, the figure looked confused at that. "Why? What's wrong?" She asked "What's happened?" The elder asked. "It followed us, this world is in danger, her child is in danger." He told him, they both looked shocked and scarred as they heard that. "What?" She asked worried as things fade to black. Spike and Sonic soon opened they're eyes again and looked surprised. "Who was that?" Sonic asked surprised. "I don't know.. i have a strange feeling about it though.." Spike said as he felt the voice was so familiar. He then noticed Sonic was becoming even more corrupted as he was breathing heavily. "Sonic!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried helping him up. Sage then teleported in front of them again. "I told you, if he absorbed to much energy.. he'll become corrupted.." She said sadly "We're so close now, come on Sonic." Spike said helping him up. "he is lost, i'm sorry Spike, there is nothing i can do." She said sadly before teleporting away. "What did she mean by that Spike?" Sonic asked confused as he was trying to get up. "I'll tell you on the way to the next tower. let's go." Spike said as he picked him up and flew to the next tower telling him everything. "So she told you that the energy will corrupt us, if we absorb to much? And she agreed to allow us to do our jobs as long as it meant stopping something bad?" sonic asked shocked. "Yeah... i'm really sorry i didn't tell you, but it was the only way i could find things out around here" Spike said regretfully " Hey it's okay, sure it's really wrong that you didn't tell me this, but it was to try to help save us. And that's something i can't be mad over." Sonic said with a smile and Spike was surprised. "your not mad that i lied?" Spike said confused and Sonic shook his head. "It was to help save our friends, even if it was at our own cost, i'm just glad you told me now Spike" Sonic said and Spike sighed in relief. "I'm still sorry i lied, but i'll make it up to you all by freeing our friends." Spike said determined. "I like the sound of that, let's keep moving." Sonic said as they flew to the next one. They landed on the next one yet again and like before they shut it down. "One more to go." Spike said as they were so close to being done. Spike and Sonic groaned again as they felt another vision come again. This time they saw an emerald in a vault giving power to Giganto. Two ancients and the figure were watching things go on. "I really hope this works, i can't allow myself to lose my home and my child," The figure said hopefully. "Don't you worry, these chaos powered Titans will be the key to victory this time as the other walked up. "If not, it's been decided that a small group will bring the emeralds to the larger one we found, while we use their power to teleport her child somewhere safe and she guards the Cyberspace realm." He told them. "Are you sure there's no other way we can do this? This would mean my child wouldn't have me there for him for most of his life, we may never even meet.." She said sadly. " I'm terribly sorry for this, we should have taken more caution if this monster followed us here. if we had.. you could have gotten to be the mother you've wanted." The elder said sadly, she had tears coming down as he said that. "I know things will be rough, and he'll have his struggles. but i know he'll push it through , and i swear one day i'll meet him, and i'll be there for him everyday after it." She said with hope. " We have little time left, we need you to hurry things now ma'am" The elder spoke and she sighed sadly knowing that time is almost out. "I understand, I'll get my egg and prepare for it's departure, i just hope it's found by someone who will keep it safe." She said sadly. "We will make sure it is transported to a place and time that's safe for it, and when all is done, we will bring you out of Cyberspace and track it down, we're storing some energy in it, not just for tracking but that this child will be able to use they're power when he is ready." The ancient told her. She nodded in understanding and looked on with hope. "One day i'll meet him, let's go now." she said seriously, they nodded and headed off to do one more thing. Spike sees another vision of what looks like and egg surrounded by the emeralds as the energy flows into it, there's a large flash that engulfs the room as the figure and ancients cover their eyes as it happens, when the light dies down.. the egg is gone.. "It is done.." An elder said sadly. "I just hope it ended somewhere safe, it breaks my heart to have to do this." She said as she was near a Cyber portal, Spike's eyes widened as he finally saw what the figure looked like, it's shadow could still be seen.. but Spike realized.. it was a dragon! "No way.." Spike said shocked and horrified at what he's seen, Sonic couldn't believe his eyes either. "Is that.. another dragon?" Sonic asked as they continue watching. 'When will this be done? Will it ever be done?" She asked them and they looked down sadly. "Our foe is more powerful then we thought, this is the only way to save you two we could only teleport the egg away as it was all the time we had to prepare, if we had more.. you could have gone with it" One of them said sadly and she looked down sadly as well. "Where did it go? is there at least a place i know where to find it?" She asked. "When this threat is stopped, your mind will be able to feel where it is, follow your heart and will and you'll find it, it was transported somewhere safe through time and space, we have history across multiple dimensions thanks to Cyberspace, when it's done, you'll end up in the world and time it currently is." One of them explained, she sighed in relief knowing that. "So i'll be able to find him?" She asked and they nodded. "We will all welcome you back to your homes when things are safe, just hang onto your will and you'll see him again." another one told her and she nodded in understanding. "Thank you for everything, i'm sorry i couldn't do anything to help you all right now.." She said sadly "You have given us hope, that is all we could ask for, we thank you for what you have done." the elder told her. "I'm glad knowing that it will all be okay one day." She said gladly. "It will one day, thank you so much... dear Angel." The elder said sadly as the portal was starting to activate and the others looked sad as she was about to leave for who knows how long. "Your welcome, i promise i'll pull through. take care of yourselves" she said before the portal completely engulfed her and she disappeared into Cyberspace. They all looked down depressed as she had gone away. "We know you will." The elder said with hope as things fade to black again. They both see one final shot of an egg appearing in a forest of somekind.. Spike's eyes completely widen with shock as he saw it's color.. purple... with darker purple spots.... they then see what looks like the shadow of someone walk up to it, or more accurately.. somepony, the figure had a large horn and what looks like a crown and wings. Spike gasps shocked as he saw it. "... Celestia?" Spike asked as they find themselves in the real world again. Spike gasps and falls to his knees knowing what what he just saw. "There's no way.. that couldn't have been...." Spike said with tears. "That was.. this monster.. took away everything..." Spike said looking at himself. "I'm not... from Equestria..." Spike said horrified, Sonic looked down sadly as he knows what he meant. "Spike.. i'm so sorry..." Sonic said weakly as he felt the corruption almost done. Spike growled with anger and wiped away his tears and got up. "We won't let this thing get away with this!" Spike said with anger as he looked at the last tower "One more to go, Spike. Let's make things right." Sonic said weakly but with determination. Spike nodded and picked him up and flew off as fast as he could to the next one. "I'll find you.. Mom..." Spike said determined as he flew to the last one. He arrived at the last one in less then a minute and immediately walked up to it, he finishes the job and shut's down the last tower. "It is done." Spike said as things were finally done. They groan once again as they had one more vision. This time they saw what looks like the titans controlled by 4 ancients looking on at something. "This isn't working, if we can't beat it, we can seal it!" One of them said in a Titan they hadn't faced yet. "I'll bind it to my Titan, and you guys seal is in Cyberspace! "No we'll find another way!" one of them said horrified, the figure looks at the thing their facing and hold out its hand as energy corrupts it, the ancient screams in pain as he feels himself becoming completely corrupted. "They're gone... it killed them.." Another one said sadly... The titan then starts to fall down to the earth with the energy still completely surrounding it. "We can't let their sacrifice be in vein! They had a plan, and let's do it!" The one controlling Knight spoke, they all then screamed with anger as they charged at it to finish the job as things fade to black again. "So that's how it all happened.." Spike said as he opened his eyes again, this time he found himself in a red void of sorts, he heard sonic scream with pain as he was corrupted completely and Spike looked on with horror. "Sonic! No!!!" Spike shouted trying to wake him up. "Sonic! Sonic!!" Spike said trying to do anything. Amy, Tails, and Knuckles appear in the void looking around confused. They all gasp in horror as they see Sonic completely corrupted, Eggman and Sage come down and they see them all are here as well. "Sonic..." Spike said sadly. They found themselves back on the top of the tower again with sonic still fully corrupted. "Sonic no!" Amy said worried as she tried to wake him up. "What happened to him?" Knuckles asked. " He took on so much cyber energy, it corrupted him" Tails said sadly "Meaning?" Knuckles asked again. "He's stuck between dimensions.." Spike said as he was thinking about something. "Spike are you okay?" Amy asked, he then looked at her sadly "No.. i just learned that i'm not even from the place i was born.. The ancients worked with my mother to try to protect this world, i was teleported away as a way for me to be safe.. while she went deep into Cyberspace to wait one day for this monster to be stopped.." Spike explained and they all look completely shocked by that. "Wait.. your mother?!" Knuckles asked completely shocked. Sage and Eggman had the most surprised look. "Your mother worked with the ancients?!" Tails asked completely shocked. "Spike.. i'm so sorry.." Amy said sadly "So that's what i detected in Cyberspace.. it was so deep i couldn't properly find it." Sage said shocked as she looked down at Spike sadly as his only family was trapped there. "Of all the plot twists i've seen.. this one is something i couldn't have expected" Eggman said as he tried to process this. Spike then looked at Eggman. "I take it your Eggman? the mad scientist? Spike asked and he nodded. "That would be correct, you must be the dragon that Sage told me about.. i must say you are quite an interesting person.." Eggman said looking at him. "Your body has grown even more." Sage said as she looked at it as well. "The emeralds power kept making me grow, it was because i could hopefully become strong enough to stop this beast." Spike said as he remembered the visions he saw "Very interesting.." Eggman said as he was processing it Sage's eyes widened as she felt something. "We must get you back into Cyber Space immediately!" She said with worry. "I just got out! That was the whole point!" Eggman said trying to protest. " I ran millions of simulations! The only way to keep you alive is if your here when it gets out!" She told him. Spike and Eggman raised their eyes in surprise. "When what get's out?" they both ask at the same time They then heard what seems to be a really loud yawn of sorts, they all look at the sky in shock. " Since time immemorial, i have languished here. The locks are broken. I shall tear down the walls between dimensions and consume all!!!" It shouted as it disappeared again, Eggman went up to the sky with anger. "No no you don't! I'll mobilize the Egg fleet and blow you out of the sky!" Eggman said with anger, Spike was growling loudly as he now know who was guiding them. "I will rip you apart piece by piece!! You are a monster that is a stain to this universe!!! I will show you the true meaning of pain!!!!" Spike shouted with pure anger surprising all of them. "I'm starting to like this kid" Eggman said as he liked how he said that. " It won't be enough! The Ancients triumphed over the Ancients technology! My simulations show a success rate of zero percent!" Sage said sadly. Tails then walked up to Sonic's body determined. "No, Sonic and Spike has worked to hard to give up now. Those visions we saw, we'll drive back the corruption and bring him back!" Tails said with determination. "Anything for Sonic!" Amy said with hope. They all nodded and turned to Spike. "Don't screw this up Spike, we still have that band to form!" Knuckles told him. "Keep showing this place the love you promised you would bring." Amy said. "Don't let Sonic be without someone to help him out." Tails told him, Spike nodded in understanding. "I won't let you all down. i promise i'll make this right!" Spike said determined. They all nodded and put their hands together. "Sonic, i want you to see the hero i become!" Tails said with a smile. "Sonic! you still have love to share with this world to!" Amy said with hope. "Sonic. We're even after this. ha." Knuckles laughed. Their body's soon shone red and disappeared, Sonic finally blinked again and he finally felt the energy leave him. "Everyone. thank you.. i won't let you down." Sonic said truly grateful. Spike raised his eyebrow and looked at Eggman and Sage. "Okay i think we can all agree that was solved way to fast." Spike told them. "I agree completely." Eggman said still upset at that, Sage gasped as she realized something. " This is our chance! I never ran a scenario where Sonic and Spike helped because you never authorized it!" Sage told him.. well she was partially lying because she saw dozens of scenarios with spike being able to help. "I still don't want to.. i may allow Spike to help, but with that hedgehog.." He tried to argue back. "Please" She begged with hope. Eggman looked at them and they were waiting for an answer. He then growled as he didn't want this but had no choice. "Sonic, Spike. i herby conduct you two into the Eggman Empire and command you two to save us all! Understand? This is not an alliance!" Eggman told them. and they chuckled at that. "Whatever you say sir!" Spike said. "If that's how you wanna spin it doctor Ego Man." Sonic mocked and Spike chuckled at that, Eggman groaned as he hated this already. "Sage, you will help me find the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic won't be fast enough. Spike has a far better chance then him probably." Eggman ordered. "Hey wow!" Sonic said offended. "Burn!" Spike said laughing and eggman chuckled at that. "As you command!" She said happily. Eggman took off in his pod and Sage turned back to them and they nodded. Spike looked at the sky determined. "This will all be over soon, and i'll find you mom, i promise' Spike said determined as he knows what he has to do now. > Interlude: Seeing The Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and the others had continued to watch them through their journey, they finally arrive at chaos Island and their eyes widen as they see multiple lasers firing at them. "What are those things?!" Rainbow dash asked surprised. "I think they're a type of defense line" Celestia said as she looked at them." They see that they both got shot down and they see the emeralds fly off once again. "That's gotta be tedious." Ember said a little annoyed that they split off yet again. They see things continue, but they look confused and Sonic when he was surprised, they then see why he was surprised and they're eyes widen as they see Spike's growth. "No way.." Rarity said shocked. "He looks like a late teen drake now..." Ember said shocked as they saw it. They see them free tails and start to freak out once they see the Cyber energy overtake Sonic, the energy isn't as large as what Spike was showing but it was still a lot. "He's absorbing to much..' Fluttershy said with worry "I really hope Spike will be okay.." Thorax said worried for his friend. " The chaos Emeralds are capable of many things. i think they may be adjusting your body to better suit their power." They hear Tails theorize and they look surprised at how smart they saw he was just from that alone. "That could be true.." Luna said thinking it over. "You and him would get along just fine Twilight" Celestia said as he saw him. "Yeah, i think we would as well." Twilight said with a smile. They see them looking at what Tails called and Environmental analyzer, but look surprised when they see it activate and see something that sent chills down all of them. They see the flashback of what looked like dozens of cannons firing at something in the sky, but look horrified when they see whatever they're firing at easily overpower them and the place is lit up in a light. They were terrified in seeing that. "Nothing we've ever faced... is close to what that was..." Celestia said horrified. "Not even Tirek or Discord was that strong.." Twilight said scarred. "That thing sure packed a punch, it was on par with Dark Gaia easy!" Tails said surprised and they all look scarred at that name. "Dark Gaia?" Luna asked as that sounded like that was something they should be concerned about. Ember was having trouble processing this, her first friend, the one that gave her the title.. was possibly facing something even bigger then any threat within Equestrian history. Ember growled in anger as she saw what and they all noticed it. "Ember are you okay?" Thorax asked. "No! I'm not! Our friend is out there on those islands, possibly getting closer to facing something stronger then any of you all had faced! He could die or not be the same person we know him after this!" Ember said with worry. All of them looked surprised as she said that, but Twilight walked up to her. "Ember, i know things look bad, but we need to trust him. he's come this far thanks to his will and friends, i know your worried for him, we all are. But we need to hold on and have hope for him." Twilight told her, and Ember was still unsure. "What if something happens to him?" Ember asked still worried. "With how far he's come both with us and with his new friend, i know he'll be fine. you just have to trust him as well, Ember took a deep breath and calmed down. "Your right, he's done so much for us, i just hope things turn out okay" Ember said hopefully. "I hope so to." Applejack said hopefully as well. They see the rest of the journey through Chaos Island, from the third titan which scarred them again with how threatening it looked compared to the last, to gathering the Chaos Emeralds again, and to Spike and Tails talking about how they feel about them being sidelined. "We all just were trying to keep him safe.. but i never thought about how he felt when we did.." Twilight said sadly. "When this is done, we'll find him and give him the words he needs, tell him that he's strong enough now for his own things." Pinkie said with a smile and they nodded at that. "Your right, and we'll tell him we look forward to hearing all about them when he gets back." Twilight said agreeing. "I'm so glad to know that he'll be able to go on without us when he decides to, but i hope he will be okay.." Celestia said sadly. "With what we've seen of him so far i'm sure he will." Luna said with confidence. They see more of the journey again, this time they see the agonizingly long pinball part, and sigh in relief as it was done. "There's something i'm never playing." Ember said annoyed and they all nodded in agreement. "Agreed, i'm never gonna do something like that again." Sonic said annoyed as they left and they laughed at that. They see the volcano erupt and reveal the titan was hiding within a crater and it looked extremely tough. "I wish i was there to fight these things.." Ember said as she wanted some action as well. "You said your body's been growing each time you used the chaos emeralds, what if it happens again?" Tails asked with worry, and they all agree with what he said worried as well. "If that happens, i'll make the most of what i can," They hear Spike say and they accept that things will still be changing. "His body will most likely change after the fight again." Fluttershy said with worry. "I saw a vision where he grew larger then my father, it was all to face something big, i hope he finds a way to shrink back down to normal." Ember said hopefully, and they all look surprised as they said he looked taller then her father. They see the start of the fight with Knight, they look one with awe as they see them dodge it's attacks, they see them eventually reach the last emeralds. "Aw yeah here we go!" Rainbow dash said pumped. "Wonder what they'll sing this time?" Pinkie asked exited, they see them become super once again. They hear rock and roll music play in the background as they got ready to fight. "This has no right to go as hard as it is." Rainbow dash said bopping her head to the music with them doing it as well. "Will the whole world know your name!!! When we dance with destiny!!!" Spike sang as he brought the beasts shield blade to itself. "That was perfectly timed!" Ember said amazed as he did that. They see the rest of the fight play out, they watch with awe as they use extremely fast speeds and knock it hard into the air. "Looks like you got some competition Rainbow dash" Applejack teased. "Oh it is on." Rainbow dash said with a smile as she was willing to race them in their super forms( Yeah good luck with that Rainbow). They see as Spike grew a golden blade large enough to rival the Titans, and watch in complete amazement as he fights a duel with it. "He's fighting that thing in a sword fight?!" Thorax asked shocked. "This fight has no right, to go this hard in both music and presentation" Luna said amazed, they all nod in complete agreement. "Now here we go it's the end of the show. Here them? They're calling your name.." Spike softly sang as he and Sonic sliced that thing up with them looking completely dumbfounded. "Cause in the end, it's you and your friends. You'll find your flame.." They finished as the thing was destroyed. "That was awesome." Rainbow dash said completely amazed. They look confused as they see the sword the titan had had started to shrink, but they look completely shocked as they see Spike take it up and it becomes something he can use now. "He can use a sword now?!?" Twilight asked with her jaw dropped to the floor. "I know who i'm gonna be with soon.." Ember thought quietly while blushing at that. "Ember you okay?" Thorax asked, Ember then regained focus and shook her head. "Yeah i'm fine, sorry." Ember apologized. They look confused for a moment but regain focus on the story. The all watch on with shock as they see them go back to Kronos, they see towers larger then they're own castles rise up higher into the sky and activate. They watch with worry as they see sonic completely weak. "The cyber energy must be catching on to him.." Luna said worried. They then look horrified as they see spike groan and fall onto his knees, they look shocked as they see his body glow, but he now grows even more. They look completely shocked at that. "He's even taller then me now..." Ember said shocked as they see his new height. " The final lock has been revealed, silence the 6 towers. Tear down the walls between dimensions." They hear the voice say. "This is not a good idea.." Celestia said as she had a really bad feeling as well as all of them. "Oh good, i thought you were gonna say there's a surprise titan" Sonic said as he was getting up. "Something tells me there is.." Luna said worried They watch on as they climb to the tower dodging and fighting through any enemy they came across, and they grind up on rails to the top. "How does that not burn Spike's feet?" Fluttershy asked and they shook their heads as they don't know how either. But they see them shut down the first tower and they see Spike's vision of what looks like an emerald in a vault. "Hopefully they're power will allow us to escape" An ancient said, they all look worried as it said that. "Escape from what?" They all asked worried. They get they're answer when they see them shut down the next, they watch on with horror as they see a shadow loom over a planet and dozens of ships escape. They all look horrified as they see a laser cut through it and the planet explodes. They watch in complete horror and sadness as they see them lose their home. "They lost their..." Fluttershy said with tears. "What could be powerful enough to do that?" Celestia asked horrified. They continue to watch on with worry as Sonic was getting more corrupted really worried for him. they see Spike fly themselves to the next tower and shut it down. "At least things will be quicker" Thorax said as he hoped they would stop things soon. They see the next vision of their ships flying through space, they then see the ships being pulled to what looks like Sonic's world. They hear them say that the emeralds are reacting to something and have lost control. They see a final shot of a large emerald in a field of sorts. "That must be the larger emerald that was in those cave drawings.." Twilight said with shock. "How did it get there? No one could have just dropped something that powerful in a field for someone to find right?" Rainbow dash asked confused, they all were wondering the same thing. They see them once again shut down the next tower and begin to see next vision. "How are things going?" They hear a female voice ask and they look on with confusion. whoever this person was was someone they couldn't see properly. "Who is that? She doesn't look to be like one of them.." Twilight asked confused. "I don't know, but i have a weird feeling about her" Ember said as she felt something off. They see another Ancient come into the room up to them. "Elder, madam you two are needed" It told them with worry and they look confused at that. "Why what's wrong?" She asked worried "What seems to be the problem?" The elder asked. "It followed us here. this world is in danger. her child is in danger" It told them, they all look horrified as he said that. "What?" She asked worried as things fade to black. "it followed them there?" Celestia asked worried. "She has a child?" Twilight asked confused. They continue to watch on getting even more worried as Sonic was on the verge of being consumed completely. They see them shut down the 5th one and see the next vision. They see an emerald in a vault as the three figures watch on with awe. "I really hope things work, i cannot allow myself to lose my home and my child." The figure said hopefully with them hoping as well. " don't you worry. These chaos empowered Titans will be the key to victory this time" An engineer ancient told her as another one walked up. "If not, it's been decided that a small group will bring the emeralds to the larger one we found, while we use their power to teleport her child somewhere safe and she guards the Cyberspace realm" It told them. They all look surprised as they said that. "Teleport her child away, while she guards the Cyberspace?" Twilight asked, she then remembered something Sage said, "Hold on a minute.." Twilight thought as she was trying to think things over. They then see the next vision of what looks like an Egg surrounded by the emeralds, they fly around it and a bright light engulfs the place, they all look on with shock as they see the egg is gone. "It is done.." An ancient said sadly. "They transported her child away?" Thorax asked sadly "Where did it go?" Fluttershy asked worried. "I just hope it ended somewhere safe, it breaks my heart to have to do this" She said as she was near a portal, but they all look on with shock as they realize the figure. It was a dragon! "No way..." Ember said horrified. "Who.. is that?" Celestia asked completely shocked. They watch them tell her that they teleported the egg through time and space, and that when this threat is stopped, she will leave cyberspace and be able to find it. "Where could it have... Wait a minute" Celestia thought as she remembered the egg she found in the forest. "No way.." Celestia said completely horrified and they all look worried at that. They see the final moment this figure has with them. "You have given us hope, that is all we could ask for, we thank you for what you have done" The elder told her "I'm glad knowing it will all be okay one day" She said gladly, they look on with sadness as they see the portal start to activate. "It will one day, thank you much... dear Angel" The ancient told her, they all look on with interest as they finally got her name. "Angel.." Celestia said in awe. "Your welcome, i promise i'll pull through, take care of yourselves" She said before she was engulfed by the portal and she disappeared into Cyberspace, all of them looking on with complete sadness. "She had to leave her home.." Pinkie said with tears. "What happened to her?" Ember asked sadly. They all were having trouble processing this. but what they saw next completely caught everyone off guard They see a shot of the egg teleporting in a forest of somekind. and Twilight's eyes completely widen in horror as they all see what the egg looked like.. purple.. with darker purple spots... they then see the shadow of what looks like Celestia walk up to it and thing fade to black. "That was... that was...." Twilight said completely horrified. "That's why Spike's egg was alone..."Celestia said horrified as well.. "Spike's... not from Equestria.. he's not of Equestrian origin.." Twilight said as she was hyperventilating. The others could not believe what they saw. "That was..." Rainbow dash said horrified. "Spike's mother.." They all say at once completely horrified. "How did i not see this sooner?!" Celestia asked herself wondering why she didn't think these ancients were involved in this in someway. "Guys do you know what this means?" Ember asked. "What?" They all asked. "This means Spike's mother is older than anyone here. older then Celestia, possibly predating Equestria's own history!" Ember said as she was trying to process this. "This means she's been in Cyberspace for far longer then any of us could have thought.." Celestia said with sadness as they thought it all over. They didn't have that much time to process. as they saw Spike and Sonic shut down the last tower. They look on with complete horror as Sonic completely becomes corrupted. They see Sonic's friends become whole and this Eggman they heard about and Sage come down. They see the conversation of what Spike told them, how he's not from the home he was raised. They all look more worried as they hear the loud voice again. "Since time immemorial, i have languished here. The locks are broken, I shall tear down the walls between dimensions and consume all!!!" It shouted as they look horrified as they realized what they were helping all along. They see Spike growl heavily with anger as he looks to the sky. "I will rip you apart piece by piece!! You are a monster that is a stain to this universe!!! I will show you the true meaning of pain!!!!" Spike shouted with pure anger surprising all of them. "After all we just learned... it's understandable why he would say that." Ember said sadly as she knew now . They see Tails step up and tell them that they can bring Sonic back and they all looked shocked at that. They see Sonic's friends come together and tell him how much he means to them before they teleported away and they see the corruption leave Sonic. They look completely relieved as he returned to normal. "Everyone. thank you.. i won't let you down" Sonic said with a smile with them all smiling as well. "Okay, i think we can all agree that was solved way to fast" Spike said looking at Eggman and Sage "I agree completely" Eggman said and they all laughed a little at that. They then see Sage finally get the idea to have Sonic and Spike help them out and convince Eggman to let them help. and they see Eggman really doesn't want Sonic to help but he has no choice. "Sonic, Spike, i hereby conduct you two into the Eggman Empire and order you to save us all, understand? This is not an alliance!" He told them and they chuckled at that. "Whatever you say sir!" Spike said and they chuckled more. "Whatever you say doctor Ego Man!" Sonic mocked and they laughed at that. "Ouch!" Thorax said laughing. "Sage, you will help me find the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic won't be fast enough, Spike has a far better chance then him probably" "Hey Wow!" Sonic said offended. "Burn!" Spike said laughing with all of them laughing at that. "As you command!" Sage said happily, they see Eggman take off in his pod and they all look at eachother and see Spike look to the sky. "This will all be over soon, and i'll find you mom, i promise" Spike said as he knows what he has to do. Twilight and the others watched with worry as he said that. "Does this mean that Spike's mother will be freed from Cyberspace when this monster is destroyed?" Fluttershy asked. "Sounds like it, and when that happens, we'll all search for them and give them the welcome the ancients promised her" Celestia said with confidence. "I know a great spot for them to stay in the dragon lands if they are willing to do so" Ember said with a smile. They all look at the vision as things continued to play out. > 21: Trust Your Colors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spoilers ahead for the DLC if you haven't played it or watched a walkthrough you have been warned. Spike and Sonic had proceeded to run through a portal that led them to the next island, this island had a large ancient structure and 5 similar towers that looked like the ones from Rhea. They were about to continue but they then heard a familiar voice "Hold it you two!" Eggman's voice is heard and they slow down and look up to see he and Sage had came down. "What's wrong?" Spike asked curious with Sonic wondering as well. "Before you two embark, there is one other scenario you two must consider." Sage told them. "Okay we're listening" Sonic said interested with Spike nodding in agreement. "Moments ago your friends sacrificed their corporal forms to suppress your cyber corruption and return you to this dimensional plane, and they left Spike in charge of fixing this." She begins to explain. They both look down sadly knowing that. "They were so close to being free again, and they gave it all up for me.." Sonic said sadly. "Don't worry Sonic, we'll get them back" Spike said determined and Sonic nodded. "I don't care how many islands or Titans it takes, we're getting them back this time!" Sonic said confidently and eggman groaned. "Please none of those tedious speeches about the " Super power of teamwork"" Eggman mocked and Spike shook his head at that. "What are you trying to tell us Sage?" Spike asked. "Of my millions of calculations, there was one so remote and unlikely i did not consider it. However, it could be the one to save us all." She explained. "What is this you saw?" Spike asked curious. "Well we're all about beating the odds, what's the plan?" Sonic asked. "I can reverse your friends efforts and restore them, i can then create digital copies of Spike and they can help explore the islands with them to seek out the Emeralds" She explained. "How will that work?" Spike asked. "These digital copies can accompany alongside them, and whatever knowledge they gain will be given to you, and when it is done they will disappear but you will gain any strength and skills they learn" She explained. "I can stabilize your cyber corruption for a brief time, and we can work on converting them into a new power for the both of you." She explained. "I like that plan" Spike said with a smile Sage then turned to him. "Your body has been consistently growing because of the Emeralds, we can use that to our advantage, if you can focus their power into your body, you could become large enough to take on our foe and be strong enough to save us. " She explained. "How can we do that?" Spike asked. "you two must seek out the ones who can give you both control of that power, Spike's cyber corruption wasn't nearly as bad as yours Sonic, but it can be used to strengthen him to be stronger, and you two can save Father" Sage explained and they nodded in understanding, with Eggman smiling at that. "And the world too right?" Sonic asked. "It is his to conquer so yes" Sage answered, Spike shook his head disapprovingly at that. "Yeah, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Sonic said with Spike nodding in agreement. "I like the sound of that, let's do it to it!" Sonic said with a thumbs up with Spike agreeing as well. "Be forewarned, the trials you face will be grueling. and we will have precious little time" Sage warned. "Doesn't sound so bad to me" Spike said with a smile "We're all about beating time trials! Let's go already!" Sonic said ready to go with Spike ready as well. Sage then created a blue light and it flew into Sonic and Spike, the corruption then started to form around his body and he went onto his knees. Tails, Amy, and Knuckles appeared in their digital forms again with all of them looking surprised seeing him almost corrupted again. "I just tried to save you i'm not doing it again!" Knuckles said annoyed. "Sonic? What's going on?" Amy asked as Sonic was getting up. "I know it's been rough, and things are confusing, but i need you to follow our lead." Sonic told them with Spike nodding. "I know it's concerning, but trust us. We know what we're doing." Spike told them. "We need you to find the Chaos Emeralds, while Spike and I take care of something else." Sonic told them, just then 3 digital copies of spike appeared next to them as they look surprised by it. "Sage created these copies in order to help you all with this, they may be copies, but they're just like the me you know. They'll accompany you until this is all over" Spike explained with the Clones nodding in agreement. "Alright we trust you two." Amy told them as one of the clones walked next to her. "You can count on us!" Tails said ready to go. "Heh, piece of cake!" Knuckles said with a smile. Spike then looked at the clones. "Don't let anything happen to them alright?" Spike asked them. "Heh don't worry about it!" A clone told him. "we are you after all" another one told him. " you have nothing to worry about!" the third one told him. Spike nodded in understanding, Eggman was then getting impatient. "Get on with it already!" He told them and they all looked upset at him for that, they all then noticed red energy was starting to form into the sky. "It's coming.." Eggman said with worry. They all agreed to Split up. Amy and the Spike clone were currently near a muddy field and got ready to go. "You ready for this?" Spike asked. "Let's do it." Amy said ready to go. "Alright, time to find some emeralds!" Amy said as they were starting to move on, they had done a few platforming challenges that were pink but had a koco with a backpack that gave them points to unlock new ability's. " The chaos emeralds always wound up in the Ancients vaults, so let's look there!" Tails told them. "Securing emeralds in vaults? What will they think of next?" Knuckles asked. 'Hey they've been in every island we've searched on, so it's most likely" Spike said as they continued on. "Don't rush me i'm looking!" Knuckles said as they moved. Spike and Amy had done some of the platforming challenges to unlock more skills and uncover more of the island. Spike had learned to summon these special cards that he can attack foes with, he also learned to do a triple jump and hover in the air. "When did you get into fortune cards Amy?" Spike asked as they continued. "A couple years back, it was a hobby that i took interest in" Amy explained. "Heh, pretty fun to know that you can beat up enemy's with cards, it's like how can they do damage when they're literally paper?" Spike said laughing "I know it's funny right? but i found my ways other then just using my hammer." Amy said as they went to the flower field. "Just hope the others are handling well" Spike said hopefully with Amy agreeing. They eventually reached the vault but were surprised to see the Emerald wasn't there. " Wait...It's not here? Why isn't it here?!" Amy asked worried. "I don't know Amy, maybe it's somewhere else" Spike suggested. " The vault we found was empty, we'll try another, you guys should too" Tails told them as he and his Spike clone were searching for the other vaults. "what good are these vaults if they don't do their job?" Knuckles asked frustrated" We'll find them just a matter of time" Knuckles said as he and his clone went on to find the others. " I think there may be one in that structure. We should go see if it is" Spike said pointing at the large structure in the field. "Good idea, let's go!" Amy said as they ran to the thing. Spike and Amy had entered the temple avoiding cannons that fired them and jumping over some gaps as well, they eventually found another vault but the emerald wasn't there as well. "Not here either? Where could they be?" Spike asked worried as they saw it. "Maybe we can get some insights with my Fortune Cards!" Amy suggested as she pulled out a few, Spike was wondering how they floated in the air but wasn't one to judge right now, but all they found didn't help them. "All these cards are telling us is that things are " obscure" and that " danger approaches"! "We know that already!" Amy said frustrated, Spike put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm sure there's another way." Spike said as he tried to think of something, he then got an idea. "Wait, maybe the Koco can help!" Spike suggested and Amy's eyes widened. "Of course! Maybe the Koco can help!" Great idea Spike." Amy told him and Spike nodded. "Let's go find the Elder's!" Spike told her and she nodded as they made they're way out. "All the vaults are empty! Wait you two have a lead? Tell us what you find!" Tails told them. ' What if someone beat us to them. Rouge, the Babylon Rouges! They better not have or we'll bust them up!" Knuckles said frustrated. "Knuckles i don't think these people even know about this place, we're going to find the elder Koco, they might know something." Spike said as he and Amy kept moving on. "Forget the vaults! me and my Spike will search them the old fashioned way! You guys search for them however you want!" Knuckles told them. Spike sighed as he couldn't argue with them now and they continued to go on. Spike and Amy did more exploring of the island, they did more challenges and got more skills to use in battle, now Spike could summon Amy's hammer and spin around enemy's at high speeds, and he also could home in on multiple targets at once. "Where did you get this hammer Amy?" Spike asked as they continued. "I got this a really long time ago, it's been one of the most important things i have" Amy explained and s Spike nodded in understanding as they continued. They eventually found the Elder Koco with a large ring around his back. "Ah my kind hearted friends of Sonic, you have led our people to the Digital dream. We thank you." The elder said gratefully and they smiled at that. "It was our pleasure. Do you know what happened to the Chaos Emeralds?" Amy asked. "They're not in the vaults we've found them at." Spike explained. " Our enemy's have infested this land and are using our creations against us. The Emeralds are here on this island, but we have hidden them with our own technology." The elder told them and they nodded in understanding. "Thank you for telling us this." Spike said gratefully. "Thanks for the insight! We won't let you down." Amy told the Elder and they left to find more help. They had to search for the Hermit Koco as it could also have some advice, it was on the smaller island that was next to them, Spike was able to fly them over thanks to his wings. "Wow Spike, you sure learned to fly in such a short time with them" Amy said impressed. 'I know, i can't tell you how great it feels, i'm glad i get to help you all out on this." Spike said with a smile. "I'm glad too, hopefully we can find the emeralds." Amy told him as they continued, They eventually found the Hermit Koco near a Cyberspace portal, but it was asleep. Spike and Amy were trying not to be rude but they heard a sound from the sky and they soon realized they had to hurry. Amy coughed a little loudly hoping to wake it up and luckily it did. "Who goes there?! Oh the ones who traverses dimensions. i trust you two have been well." It asked and they nodded. "we've been fine, but we need your help" Spike said with worry. "We're sorry to disturb you but we need your help, can you tell us what happened to the Chaos Emeralds?" Amy asked. "The enemy is trying to brake the seal and escape the Digital realm, we have used our technology to combine and hide the Chaos Emeralds" It explained. "Thank you for this, we'll find them" Spike said confidently. "Thanks for the insight! We won't let you down!" Amy told it, they looked at eachother and nodded and left to find the Emeralds. They could feel the Emeralds presence, they saw that it was on a platform in a vault in the air, Spike and Amy had went through some more platforming challenges dodging cannons and jumping over large pink platforms. They eventually found an Emerald in a vault. "Finally, thank goodness!" Spike said relieved as they found it. "I'm glad they're still here." Amy said gratefully, they walked up to it to try to collect it but were knocked back from a shield. "What the?" spike asked confused "It looks like it's still locked, let's hope Knuckles and Tails and their Spike's are able to find a way to open them" Amy said hopefully. "Yeah.. me too." Spike said as they looked at the sky hoping the others are handling things well. > 22: Let The Blood Flow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cut to Knuckles and his Spike clone near an edge of a cliff, Knuckles was bashing his fists together while some music was playing. "You ready for this?" Spike asked. "Heh, let get hunting!" Knuckles said with a smile, they nodded in agreement and started to head off. Spike and Knuckles proceeded to do a few small platforming challenges, there were koco with backpacks that gave them red energy points for them, Spike had learned to do his fire combo attack and uppercut, as well as his drill punch. "You sure know some moves knux." Spike said impressed. "Hey, like i said, i'll train you to the point where we can kick butt, let's just focus on what's at hand right now." Knuckles told him and Spike nodded in agreement. " The Ancients technology is hiding the emeralds from us." Amy said worried. "Not to mention there's a barrier of somekind around them, we have to find a way to break them." Spike said as he looked at the vault. "So we hunt down the tech and wreck it? We can handle that." Knuckles said confidently. Spike and Knuckles proceeded to move around the area, they found these special purple koco that looked important for later, they also found more portal gears and did more challenges. "You know Spike, kind of hard to think we'd end up doing something like this together, i mean your are a clone, but you still are the same Spike i know." Knuckles told him. "Yeah, makes me want to do stuff like this more with you later on." Spike said with a smile. "Heh, id be down for that. i'm still into that band idea." Knuckles said as they kept moving. "What do you think we should call it?" Knuckles suddenly asked, Spike thought it over thinking of a good name and he then got an idea. "How about.. The Flames Of Chaos?" Spike asked, Knuckles smiled at that. "I like that name, let's get this done and after that we can start working on getting it all together" Knuckles told him. "Agreed let's go!" Spike said as they kept moving. Spike and Knuckles had went through a platforming challenge where they had to glide through some red obstacles and jump of some springs and balloons, they eventually came upon a device. "This must be one of the things holding the Emeralds back." Spike said looking at it. "Well, we only have one thing to do, Wreck it up!" Knuckles said bashing his fists and Spike smiled at that. "Lets do it!" Spike said ready to go. They both then jumped at the device, they rapidly punched the thing at fast speeds working themselves up, they then finished the thing by delivering one final punch to it, the device broke and a metal koco turned blue and jumped in happiness at that. "There's one down" Spike said happy. "We've still got more to find, let's go!" Knuckles said as they glided off the platform. "we'll keep looking too, we have to hurry!" Amy said worried as she and her Spike kept moving. "If they're suppressing the emeralds power from your senses. they must be powerful pieces of hardware!" Tails said amazed. "The Ancients continue to amaze me with they're devices" Spike said interested. "We haven't found any yet, but we'll keep looking." Tails said as he and his Spike kept moving. Spike felt something strange and looked at the large structure. "Knuckles, i think one of those pieces of technology is on the top of that structure!" Spike said pointing at it. "Your just as good a hunter as me, let's check it out." Knuckles said going ahead with Spike following behind. The two had proceeded to make they're way to the structure and kept finding more Koco as they did so, Spike learned knuckles's heat stomp move thanks to the energy points they got. "Man Ember's gonna be jealous i know all of these moves!" Spike said looking at himself. "is this Ember another friend of yours?" Knuckles asked as they continued. "Yeah, she's the current leader of the dragons, helped her get the title, she was the first real dragon friend i made" Spike said with a smile and Knuckles smirked. "You sure she's just a " Friend" And not something else?" Knuckles teased, Spike realized what he was trying to do and shook his head. " I.. It's not like that knuckles! we had met a couple months ago, i'm sure there's other dragons she could be interested in" Spike said trying to brush it off. "Yeah, but given how small you were when i met you, and given what you can do now, as well as your new sword and moves.. i think she's gonna take a special interest" Knuckles said still teasing him and Spike groaned. "Let's just focus on the devices!" Spike said moving ahead and Knuckles chuckled. "Sure kid." he said still laughing a little and following behind. Spike and Knuckles had proceeded to climb the structure and climbing red walls and jumping up more springs, they eventually found another device on a red platform. Like before they repeatedly punched the thing and destroyed it with a final fire punch. " I think we can find an Emerald now" Spike said looking at the thing. "Yeah i think we can.." Knuckles said before they felt something, they looked into the sky and found red particles were starting to form more and more. "We need to go fast." Spike said worried, Knuckles nodded in agreement and they continued on. "Just you wait, we'll get the next one!" Amy said confidently. "Hope the wall climbing isn't to hard of a deal for you guys." Amy's spike clone said. "Not a problem! " Knuckles said brushing it off. "Tell us where one is! We wanna smash something too!" Amy said. "Haven't seen this side of you Amy" Spike said chuckling a little " I know it's necessary, but to destroy such unique irreplaceable technology brakes my heart.." Tails said sadly. "I'm sure Twilight or Starlight wouldn't like having to do this either.. but we have no choice Tails" Spike told him as they continued. Spike and Knuckles felt an Emerald near a cliffside and they headed through the island more searching for it, Spike and Knuckles found some more old homes that belonged to the Ancients with spike looking around them. "It's amazing how long these have been here, and yet they still look stable" Spike said looking at them. "I know, makes me think of the ruins back on Angel island, i just have to wonder why they were there in the first place" Knuckles questioned. "well during one of my visions the Ancients said that they were drawn to this world because of the Master Emerald, so it's possible they found it near where Angel island was and hid away the ruins" Spike suggested. "If that's the case, then i have more answers about the emeralds then i previously had, i just hope we find out more of this" Knuckles told him and Spike nodded. "We will, let's just focus on that Emerald" Spike said as they starting climbing more red walls. Spike and Knuckles proceeded to climb up a structure that had cannons firing down on them, Knuckles used his version of the Cyloop to reveal springs while Spike used his Flameloop move to do similar things, eventually they sprung themselves upwards and they took out a few more cannons and made one more spring appear, they jumped on it and it sprung them to the next vault. "Gotta admit, takes some skill to have all these vaults in one island" Spike said looking at the red emerald. "Agreed, just have to wonder how long it took to make all of these" Knuckles asked curiously. Spike and Knuckles walked up to it but were knocked back by a barrier. "Right, we still need to have that barrier destroyed" Spike said. "Let's hope they do things fast, i don't wanna be in this form for any longer" Knuckles said looking at himself. "Don't worry, we'll return you and the others to normal soon, i promise" Spike said with a smile, he and Knuckles looked into the sky hoping things were going well with Tails. > 23: Take The Chances > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tails and his Spike clone are seen near the structure looking on at it. "Ready to go?" Spike asked. "Let's do it." Tails said as he got ready to run with Spike ready as well. He and Spike proceeded to make they're way around the place, doing some more challenges that required them to fly around them( They honestly skipped over some because they were high enough) and they got more skill points as they did so. "So.. did that work?" Knuckles asked as he and his Spike destroyed the devices. "Yeah, i think we can bypass that thing holding the emeralds by accessing Cyberspace!" Tails suggested. "Twilight's had me learn a lot of things, but hacking is new but i think i'll get the hang of it" Spike said as they continued. "There should be a Koco device nearby, let's search around" Tails said as they went through the flower field. They proceeded to explore the island, gaining more knowledge of the map and doing more challenges, Spike could now use Tails's cyblaster, which basically fires a blast that shoots a automatic cyloop, and he could charge and throw as many wrenches as he could. "Where do you keep all these wrenches you have Tails" Spike asked as they continued. "I made a device that basically materializes certain objects as much as i want, it's a great way for me to work on my projects without spending to much time looking for multiple ones of the same kind." Tails explains. "Really great use for ranged attacks, but melee and close up.. i think i've started to prefer this kind of attack pattern, i've just gotten so used to it during my time with Sonic" Spike said recalling all the stuff he can do now. "It's really fascinating to me that you can learn these on your own, and pass them to the original Spike and he can keep the knowledge.. Cyberspace really is something else" Tails said amazed. "Yeah.. it really is.." Spike agreed before looking down a little. "What's wrong Spike?" Tails asked. "I.. It's just hard to accept the fact my birth mother's been there for longer then we could have thought about. She's been there for millions of years, making her not only older then Celestia and Luna who are both over 1000, but older then any dragon in history as i know off" Spike said still trying to process all of it. "I still can't believe your directly tied with the Ancients themselves, i mean if this monster hadn't came to this world, you could have grown up during a time where the Ancients made devices i could have only dreamed of making" Tails told him. "I know.. but if that had happened.. i wouldn't have met Twilight.. Equestria wouldn't have even been the same without me" Spike said recalling what he's done, if he hadn't been there, he couldn't have stopped Sombra or helped Ember become dragon lord, nor help redeem the Changelings. "I guess.. sometimes stuff like this has to happen in order to make a better future" Tails said as he still wished Spike could've met his mother, Spike then looked up and sighed. "I guess so, but i know that if we stop this... i'll get to see her for the first time" Spike said looking at the sky, Tails then put a hand on his shoulder. " You'll get to see her once this is over, i think it's best we hurry up so that comes true!" Tails said confidently, Spike then realized he was right and they needed to go. "Your right, let's find those devices!" Spike said determined as he and Tails continued on. Spike and Tails moved through the area even more, they eventually found a Koco device in a platform near a Cyberspace portal. "Let me handle this" Tails said confidently as he walked up to it. Tails proceeded to hack his way into the thing, the device turned red for a moment before it returned to normal and it beeped as it was hacked in. "That worked, we just need to find a couple more!" Tails said happy. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Spike said as he and Tails made they're way out. " Go Tails and Spike Go! You two got this!" Amy told them confidently. " Let us know if we can help" Amy told them. "This is your arena guys, i just wish i had something to punch while we're waiting" Knuckles said a little bored "Hang in there guys, we're almost through this" Spike told them as he and Tails continued on. "We're counting on you kids!" Knuckles said confidently. Tails and Spike proceeded to fly their way around the island more, completing more and more koco challenges and getting more moves, Spike could now summon a drill device that he can slam down on enemy's to cause damage, he personally preferred Knuckles's version of it, but it's still a good move to use. he and Tails landed on more yellow platforms, this time they had to throw their wrenches at some balloons and make they're way through them before they respawned, they then had to launch themselves off some more springs and through floating rings that gave them a burst of speed and kept them in the air, they then had to fly through a few more rings and springs and eventually landed on a platform with another Koco device. "Let me try this one this time" Spike said as he walked up to it,, Tails nodded in understanding as he let Spike try it out. Spike was able to get the hang of things pretty quickly, he was able to access the device just like tails and make his way through unlocking the thing, Tails was pretty surprised by this. "Wow Spike, your a fast learner!" Tails said impressed. "I'm pretty surprised myself if i'm being honest" Spike said looking at the device. "We've got one more, there should be one near a vault, let's find it!" Tails said as he started flying off. "You got it buddy!" Spike said as he flew off as well. Meanwhile Amy and Knuckles's vaults opened and the emerald came into their hands. "Great to know we can move on now, i was tired of standing around" Spike said to Knuckles. "Agreed, let's get going now." Knuckles said as he and Spike glided off the platform. Spike and Tails proceeded to just fly their way around the place, there was an obstacle course designed for them to pass, but they could just fly over it ( I honestly don't think thinks were play tested enough), Tails and Spike landed on the platform and Tails once again hacked his way into the device and the vault opened and the green emerald came to them, Spike looked back at the course. "I honestly don't think this would've suited us the best, i feel like amy should have done this thing" Spike said looking at the thing. "Yeah, really weird that we could just fly over it, i wish it could have been higher for us to move across, then we could have actually gone through it," Tails said and Spike shrugged it off. "Don't hate the player, hate the game" Spike said casually. "couldn't have said it better myself" Tails said looking at the thing. They then heard a loud noise and looked into the sky and saw the thing was starting to become more and more physical. The device they hacked into suddenly started to show red smoke and it they fell on the ground deactivated. "That thing's way more concerning then i thought" Spike said worried as they looked at it. "Let's just hope Sonic and the real Spike is handling their thing well." Tails said hopefully. "With those special Koco devices we found, i think they will have an easier time.. well as easy as it can get" Spike said as he thinks the towers won't be as easy. Spike and Tails nodded at eachother and looked at the sky hoping Sonic and the real Spike were handling things well. > 24: The 4 Trial Towers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cut to Sonic and the real Spike looking at a view of another tall tower with Sage explaining what they need to do. " You two need to ascend the four towers of the masters, they are memorials to the pilots who gave their lives to save the world" Sage explained while they looked really interested. " Pilots? They were the ones we saw in our visions right? The ones controlling the titans?" Sonic asked. "It honestly makes sense if you think about it, they can't just be remote controlled without someone commanding them" Spike said interested. "Yes, the very Titans you two destroyed.. while singing none the less" She told them and they shook their heads. "Hey we agreed to letting us do our job in destroying them in order to stop this threat, so don't insult us right now" Spike said a little annoyed. "He's right, we asked you to explain things from the beginning remember?" Sonic asked. "That is irrelevant now, hidden across the islands are components needed to construct keys to each tower. Find them, ascend the towers ,complete their trials, and you both will gain control over the cyber corruption" She explained and they nodded in understanding. "Got it, sounds like a plan" Spike said with a smile. " pieces make keys, keys unlock towers, towers make us more awesome. Got it! We'll be back in a flash!" Sonic put things simply before running off. "Don't worry Sage, we'll get through this" Spike said hopefully, Sage then looked down sadly "I.. am sorry for knowing what happened to your mother.. if we had been on better terms much sooner, i could have found a way to free her and you two can meet eachother" She said regretfully, Spike looked down sadly as well. "It's okay.. but what matters is that we know what needs to be done now, you just keep track of things, thank you for this." Spike said with a smile, Sage smiled back turning blue multiple times. 'Your welcome Spike.. just be careful" Sage told him. "Don't worry, we'll be fine, see you soon!" Spike said before running off leaving Sage alone again. 'It.. it still doesn't feel right with you never meeting your mother.. i'll find a way..." Sage said before teleporting to Cyberspace to hopefully find something. Spike and Sonic stood next to eachother looking at the large tower, they had found more components and it unlocked them, Spike and Sonic were getting ready. "You ready for this Sonic?" Spike asked. "Let's do it" Sonic said before running to the thing with Spike following behind. "Don't worry, we've got this" Amy said confidently. "You can count on us!" tails said confidently. "Leave the emerald hunting to the pros!" Knuckles said as they all went around. Spike and Sonic arrived at the foot of the tower and jumped on a spring, they proceeded to grind rail up their way a bit before flying through a couple rings and bouncing off some balloons, they then had to carefully move around some tight platforms that they had to be extremely careful on. "Why can't you just fly us up there?" Sonic asked. "I think that would be cheating, but if we happen to fall, i'll bring us back up to where we were okay?" Spike asked and Sonic nodded as they continued. They continued to make their way upwards through more grind rails and springs, having to grab onto levers that pulled them upwards some more, they continued to go on like this for a while. "Man, these are way tougher then the ones back on the last island" Spike said as they made they're way up. "Even though we only climbed up two while you just flew us to the rest, i can agree that this is tougher then both of them." Sonic said agreeing. "Hey, you were on the verge of corruption, it was to try to save you." Spike argued. "It's alright, i appreciate what you did, let's just hope we can get through these on time" Sonic said hopefully with Spike nodding in agreement. They proceeded to find they're way upwards even more, barely avoiding a large fall, they eventually came upon another Koco with a crown and a blue ribbon of sorts. The area flashes around them for a minute before they saw their was another Ancient in front of them. "This must be one of the pilots" Spike said amazed as they were meeting an actual ancient. "I loved my people, more then my life, more then anything. i happily gave everything to protect our new home" The ancient told them, you two gutted my Titan, turned off the six seals. you will answer for your ruinous intentions now!" She said upset before things faded to black. Sonic and Spike found themselves in a large arena of sorts, the Koco was above them watching on as multiple enemy's were in front of them. "This must be one of the trials" Spike said looking at the thing. "Let's not waste time, let's do this" Sonic said ready to fight with Spike nodding and ready as well. "Ready, set, go!" The koco said as the enemy's charged at them. They were a lot tougher then the ones previously faced, that was mainly because their strength was set to 1 and they had to strategize on how to win. Spike parried multiple enemy's and through a spear through them destroying multiple, before he summoned more sharp disks and cut through more, Sonic kept on cylooping them into the air and Sonic finished them off. Eventually all the enemy's were done and they had passed the trial. "Trial cleared!" The koco said impressed. They found themselves back on the top of the tower with the Ancient from before. " I see now, you two went to extreme lengths to protect the ones you love, you fought against your cyber corruptions for their sakes. I can respect that, take my blessing and use it to defend all that you love" She told them and they nodded. "We're always out to protect the ones we care for, no matter what happens, i'll happily fight for their lives" Spike said with a smile. "A warrior who has grown exceptionally to defend the ones he cares about, i recognize what you are, your mother would have been proud of you." She said before they found themselves back in the normal world, with spike looking down a little. "I know she would.." Spike said sadly, Sonic put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Spike, when this is over you'll see her again." Sonic told him. "Your right, we should hurry things up, let's go!" Spike told him with Sonic nodding as they left. Another tower had activated far off in the distance and they were heading to it. "Don't worry about us, get going!" Amy said happily. I won't let you down partners!" Tails told them. " What are you two waiting around for? Afraid to go off without my protection? Heh!" Knuckles laughed. "we're glad to have you guys, just keep moving, we're almost at it." Spike said as they got closer to it. Spike had flown them to the smaller island where the next tower was, they then landed near the bottom looking at the large tower. "hopefully this won't be as tough as the last" Sonic said and Spike shook his head. "These are all meant to be tough, so we shouldn't expect things to be easy." Spike explained. "Right, sorry, let's just get moving" Sonic said as he made his way forward with Spike following behind. They proceeded to climb tower, this one required more careful and precise platforming then the last, they had to carefully jump up some floating bocks, then break through pink barriers to move forward, and grind rail farther to the top. "I'd like to see the other dragons try this without flying to the top" Spike said as they continued. "I don't think any of them have done what you have right now bro, no offense to them but could they have expected doing something like this?" Sonic asked. "Probably not, it would probably take them a little while to catch on though." Spike said as they continued. Eventually they reached the top once again after more grueling climbing, they finished it off by avoiding some bombs and grinding on another rail through a ring to reach the top. "I hate whoever designed these things" Spike said annoyed looking back at the thing. "Talk about a difficulty spike huh?" Sonic asked as they looked at another Koco this time with a green ribbon. The area flashed around them again to reveal another Ancient, it then began to speak. " I was once the greatest warrior among my people, i relished the chance to prove myself against the ultimate foe" It told them. " I couldn't defeat it in the end, and then i lost to you two. Face me again! I demand satisfaction!" It said determined before they were teleported into another room for the trial. "Here we go again.." Spike said looking at the 4 creatures. "Let's get this over with" Sonic said getting ready, The Koco then started the trial once again. Spike and Sonic proceeded to face the 4 foes, they tried to slice at them with their disks but they came up with a strategy, Sonic would continue to parry each time it almost came to them while Spike dealt more damage. They continued to do that for the other three and were able to clear the next one. "That was easy once we knew what to do" Spike said stretching his arms. "Yeah, tell me about it." Sonic said stretching as well. They found themselves back on the tower again facing the Ancient again. "You two are indeed formidable warriors. it's not just your skills, i see your unbreakable spirits." It said impressed and they nodded in understanding. "there is no shame in being defeated by you two, take my blessing and earn the victory i could not!" It told them before he turned to Spike. "Child of Angel, i am honored to have to meet you, send her my regards when you two meet, it was an honor to have met such a kind person" The ancient said gratefully before they teleported back to the real world and Spike looked down with a smile. "I will.. thank you for this." Spike said gratefully. "We're almost done, just a few more, let's get to the other towers" Sonic said and Spike nodded in agreement as they flew to the start of the next tower which had opened thanks to the others. " The Koco will helped show us the way!" Amy said happily. "We've got to reveal those emeralds!" Tails said as they were searching for more devices. Out of our way we're working!" Knuckles said as he and his Spike were still searching. Spike and Sonic flew down to the next tower which was on the other side of the island, Spike sighed in relief as he landed. "It's crazy how much there is we have with these towers right now.." Spike said looking at the thing. "Another tower another trial, let's hope we get things done fast" Sonic said looking at the thing. "Right, let's go!" Spike said running up to it with Sonic following behind. This one required them do do more wall climbing then the last, they had to move across more platforms and had to be shot out of a cannon a couple times. It was a tough climb, but a little easier then the last two, they finished off by running up another wall and flying through more rings before landing on the top. "At least that one had more room.." Spike said a little tired. 'I'm just glad we haven't fallen off, take's a lot of skill." Sonic said impressed with himself, they looked at the next Koco which now had a yellow ribbon this time. They had another flash before they found themselves in front of another Ancient. " I was once the protégé to our greatest hero, i helped design and construct the Titans, the fact that you two overcame my designs is.. inconceivable.. i need more data, help me understand what you two are!" It spoke before they were teleported into another room. "Why can't we talk with these things first?" Spike asked and Sonic shrugged. "i just hope we don't have much trouble with this one." Sonic said hopefully, the Koco once again started the trial and they began. This time Spike and Sonic were tasked with parrying multiple enemy's that spun around them at super fast speeds, they had to parry at the right moment to knock them down. They repeatedly knocked them all down and destroyed them one by one, eventually they finished the thing. "At least this one was easier.." Spike said as they finished the last one. "Thank goodness." Sonic said gratefully as they had passed. They found themselves back on the tower again facing the Ancient once again. " Simply outstanding, i still don't understand what you two are able to do, nevertheless your limitless potentials are something to behold." It said amazed and Spike chuckled. "We just don't give up so easily, no matter what happens we'll push through it!" Spike said confidently with Sonic nodding. " Take my blessings and continue to defy the impossible! My only regret is that i will not be there to see it." It said before turning to Spike. "Child of Angel you have shown just how much you have from her, she had a unbreakable spirit and was a pure one, i hope you two will meet one day" The ancient said happy before they found themselves in the real world once again. "Thank you, i hope so too." Spike said with a smile. "We've got one more tower to climb, let's go!" Sonic said confidently with Spike nodding in agreement. Spike and Sonic flew down to the bottom again heading to the next tower which had opened thanks to the Koco they found. "Hurry Sonic and Spike, for the Koco, for all of us!" Amy said worried. "Is this cloaking technology how the enemy robot's appear too?" Tails asked interested "aren't you two supposed to be training or something?" Knuckles asked. "Don't worry guys, we're almost done, hang in there!" Spike said as they hurried to the next tower. They continued to run to the next tower before they were at the foot of it. "4th one, you ready for this?" Sonic asked. "The sooner we're done with these the better it is. Let's go!" Spike said ready to go. Sonic nodded in agreement and they headed up the 4th one. This one was extra tricky, they had to carefully move themselves through the currents of fans that pushed them upwards, they then had to carefully push buttons on the grind rails to make rings appear, they then had to cyloop around a few devices without falling off in order to make a spring appear. "Who designed these things?!" Spike asked 'I don't know, they sure know how to make a challenge i'll say that much!" Sonic said as they bounced up higher. They finished the thing off by gliding over some more fans before grind railing upwards to the very top and they landed on it. "Thank Celestia..." Spike said gratefully. "At least that's done.." Sonic said gratefully as well as they looked at another Koco this time with a black ribbon and crown. They found themselves in another vision looking at another ancient. "Huh, looks like there is a surprise 4th titan after all.." Sonic said casually. " I knew there was something else we have to face.." Spike said remembering the walls all the way back home. "In the vision we saw, you lost to the enemy when you sealed it within your titan, how are you here?" Sonic asked with Spike wanting to know as well. "That's not important, you two wish to do what i did? Stand before the unthinkable and save this world? Prove it, show me what you two are made off." It told them before they were teleported into another room. "One more to go." Spike said confidently. "Let's do this!" Sonic said ready to go as the Koco started the next one. This one was honestly the easiest they had to face, they had to face against a Ninja from the first island that could regenerate health if it took to long to hit it, but with the experience they have with the previous island it was honestly a cake walk, they finished off the ninja once again. "That was kinda surprising on how easy it was.." Spike said a little disappointed. "Tell me about it" Sonic said a little disappointed as well, but they didn't let that keep their attention as they once again found themselves on the tower again looking at the Pilot. " Bravo, you two are every bit of the heroes i had hoped you two would be. My people thought the same of me, they looked at me for hope and inspiration.. and i wasn't enough" It said sadly while they looked sad as well. "You two have freed my dearest friends from they're titan shells, and for that you two forever have my thanks" It said gratefully and they nodded with a smile. "I however was lost, what you see now is the memory of me before we flew into battle. I always wondered how things ended. now i know" It said gratefully. "Hey, we're not gonna let this enemy get away with this, we'll stop it once and for all." Spike said seriously with Sonic nodding in agreement. "I thank you two for this, take my blessing, and with it, my thanks, hopes and dreams. you two are this worlds heroes now" It said before lookin at Spike. "Your mother was one the best people our kind ever knew, give her my thanks when you meet her please." It said and Spike nodded with a smile knowing how much they knew of her. They found themselves back in the real world again and Spike felt happy knowing that. "Wow, your mother sounds like a great person to be with." Sonic said happy. "I just hope i meet her soon,.." Spike said hopefully, they felt their cyber corruption leave them and Sage teleported before them. "Phew! It worked! I feel like my old self again!" Sonic said gratefully. "I still feel so much better now that i don't have to worry about it more" Spike said looking at himself with a smile. "Excellent, now we must go to the one who can forge that energy into a new power" Sage explained and they nodded, they heard a loud noise once again and saw the thing was starting to appear more. "We need to hurry" Spike said worried "No time to lose." Sonic said determined and they nodded in agreement before Sage teleported away. Spike and Sonic looked at eachother and nodded hoping the others are doing okay. > 25: Finding The Emeralds And The Master King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knuckles Tails and Amy and their Spike clones had met up with eachother to discuss what to do. They looked into the sky and see the thing was starting to appear way more. "That thing, in the sky, it's corrupting everything on the island! Even the Koco" Tails said worried. "We can't allow that thing to harm them, we need to hurry!" The spike clones said at once. " I won't stand for it!" Knuckles said bashing his fists "Guys? Focus, Knuckles and his Spike clone need to weaken that things hold on the emeralds, and Tails needs to break them free, me and my Spike clone will handle the Koco, i have a feeling they'll be crucial to the plan." Amy told them and they all nodded in agreement and headed off with their clones leaving Amy alone with hers. "What do we do now?" Spike asked. "we need to bring the Koco we've found to the elders for safety, they we'll search for the Emeralds" Amy explained and Spike nodded in understanding. "Got it, let's go!" Spike said ready, Amy then looked at the thing forming. "You will not harm this world! I won't allow it!" Amy shouted angry with Spike nodding in agreement. Spike and Amy nodded in agreement and started heading off around the place, the Koco they found were looking really scarred. "Don't worry little guys, i'm here for you." Spike said picking some of them up. "Shh, shh, it's alright. it'll be alright." Amy said calming them down. "We're gonna take you somewhere safe, this way little ones." Amy said kindly leading the Koco somewhere safe. "You know amy, you remind me of my friend Fluttershy, she always tended to the wildlife with such kindness" Spike said with a smile. "She sounds like someone i'd get along with, i hope your friends are alright" Amy said a little worried. "Me too, just hope nothing bad's happened while i'm gone" Spike said hopefully as they kept moving. Spike and Amy proceeded to carefully bring the Koco somewhere safe, gathering as many as they could for safety, Spike used his sword to take down any enemy's that would try to harm them while amy stayed close with the Koco, they headed to a nearby vault where an Elder was. "Her you go little guys." Spike said with a smile as the Koco went over to him "You two have my thanks, i will look after the little ones." The elder said keeping them close. "Let's find the Hermit Koco now, hope he's okay" Amy told him and Spike nodded as they continued on. "We're running out of time, Knuckles needs to hurry!" Tails said worried as he and his Spike had deactivated another device They proceeded to gather more Koco and do more challenges in order keep them safe, Spike and amy both had learned a new moves, Amy and Spike could now do the Spindash allowing them to travel around at high speeds, they stopped near a gate and Spike was feeling a little dizzy. "How does Sonic handle going this fast all the time?" Spike asked . "he's been at this for so long, i'm honestly surprised you learned it this fast." Amy told him as he recovered "well at least we can get around faster, the Hermit Koco's nearby, come on!" Spike said as he and Amy were heading to the next Koco. They had to pass through a gate and did some more platforming, they had to dodge more enemy's while doing so and finished it off by jumping through rings and landing near the Hermit. "There you go guys." Amy said kindly as the Koco walked up to him. "I don't like crowds... but very well" It said as the Koco came to him. "Alright now that that's done, we have to find the next emerald!" Spike told her. "Right, let's go!" Amy said as they ran off to find it. "Thanks for handling things Amy, we'll take it from here!" Knuckles said confidently. Spike and Amy proceeded to run through the island some more trying to find the next Emerald, they eventually found the yellow one in a vault near some old village ruins. "Thank goodness!" Spike said happy as they walked up to it, Amy was about to reach out for it but a red energy was starting to come from her and she groaned. "Amy!" Spike said worried trying to help her. "This.. this is what you two were suffering from, handling the Koco is affecting me the same way.." Amy said worried looking at her hands. "I know, it was really painful, but don't let this stop you, we're so close!" Spike said trying to encourage her. "Your right! Too bad for this, they need us! I won't give up!" Amy said confidently. "I'm here for you Amy, don't worry" Spike said helping her up. "Thanks Spike" Amy said gratefully as they looked at the sky hoping the others were doing well. Tails and Knuckles and their Spike clones were currently near eachother with Tails looking worried. "Hey kid focus. we aren't done yet." Knuckles told him with the Clones nodding. "He's right, we have just a little more to do, i know you may be feeling nervous, but don't worry you'll have us by your side!." One of the clones said trying to encourage him "Your right, Sonic needs us, what do you need us to do." Knuckles asked, Tails listened to Spike's advice and nodded looking at them. "I think our opponent has repurposed the constructs to bolster the distortion's defense measures" Tails explained and they looked a little confused. "Meaning?" Knuckles asked. "Smaller words Tails" One of the clones said with the other nodding in agreement. "In other words, keep smashing things guys, so we can start accessing Cyberspace again" Tails told them and they nodded with a smile. "Heh, i like the direct approach!" Knuckles said bashing his fists. "Leave it to us!" Spike said next to Knuckles, they all nodded in agreement and Tails and his Spike clone ran off to do their job. "Ready to wreck some stuff?" Spike asked with a smile. "Heh! Bring it on!" Knuckles said as they ran off to do their job as well. Spike and Knuckles traveled around the place some more, finishing more challenges and getting more skills, now both Spike and Knuckles could do the infinite glide, where they can boost through the air while gliding without coming down, allowing them to traverse the island much easier. "You sure are a good explorer knuckles" Spike said as they flew across the island. "Comes with being a treasure hunter! I see an impact form below us, let's wreck it up!" Knuckles said as he went down with Spike following behind. It was on a platform in between the islands and like before Spike and Knuckles repeatedly smashed their fists at it until it broke weakening the hold. "Great work, just a couple more!" Spike said happy. "Doesn't seem much of a problem, more wrecking is good for me!" Knuckles said as they went to the smaller island. "we'll keep looking after the Koco, you just focus on helping Tails!" Amy said still weak from the corruption. " Look for more of the corrupted constructs! Hurry!" Tails said worried. "I can feel one nearby, come on!" Spike said as he and Knuckles rushed over the place, they went to the top of the hill and glided over to some nearby red platforms, they then wall climbed up the things avoiding enemy's as best they could, and they eventually reached the top of the thing where they found another impact form. They repeatedly smashed the thing once again before destroying it once again and Spike sighed in relief. "Talk about a great way to relief stress!" Spike said stretching himself. "I know, it's why i like to bash rocks a lot, great way to test my strength" Knuckles said bashing his fists a little. "Okay, i think that's all we needed to do, let's find the next Emerald!" Spike said as he started flying off with Knuckles following behind. "I'm.. i'm fine, just keep doing your thing." Amy said a little weak. "It's working! just a few more and i can hack my way in!" Tails said as he and his Spike were searching for the devices. Spike and Knuckles glided over to the tower where they had to go through more rings in a narrow path, going up more springs and trying to get higher, they then climbed up another red wall and flew through another path before they found the next Emerald in a vault on a red platform. "That makes 2 more to go!" Spike said as they landed on it. "Like i said, leave it to the pros!" Knuckles said with a smile. They were about to walk up to it but Knuckles's body was starting to become corrupted to and Knuckles was feeling really weak. "Knuckles!" Spike said with worry trying to help him up, but Knuckles just laughed it off trying to get up but he was feeling weak. "Oh no you don't, Sonic and Spike handled 4 islands in this mess. i'm not going down to just one!" Knuckles said not giving up. 'I'm not about to let down my friends! Im with you Knuckles!" Spike said helping him up and Knuckles kept a good hold. "You hear that?! This isn't over until we win!" Knuckles said pointing at the sky, Spike and Knuckles looked at eachother and nodded and looked on over hoping Tails was doing okay. Tails and his Spike were currently near a cliffside and nodded in agreement and got ready to go. Spike and Tails were currently running through the place trying to find the devices. "I think that thing is trying to create more defense thingies, i'll keep hunting them down you just get us those emeralds!" Knuckles said as Tails and Spike were flying to a nearby tower. " Don't stop now you two, we're counting on you!" Amy said as they kept moving. Spike and Tails currently had landed on a yellow platform and needed to destroy cannons in order to open the door above a similar web to Kronos, they walked over to the device and quickly hacked their way through and it gave them access. "Darn, that weakened it, but it's still holding on to the Emeralds" Tails told them. " I think we need to hack a couple more let's continue searching the place." Spike suggested and Tails nodded in agreement. They proceeded to do more challenges getting more skill points, now they unlocked the ability to use Tails's cyclone and they could fly over the area at high speeds. "Wow! Did you make this by yourself?!" Spike asked as he was trying to keep a firm control on it. "It took me a while, but i eventually made it, can't tell you how many times i had it shot down though.." Tails said remembering all the times his previous versions had been destroyed. "it's alright buddy, the fact that you made so many amazing things is amazing enough!" Spike said making him feel better. "Thanks Spike, im glad to have you beside me" Tails said gratefully. "No problem buddy, with these it'll be much easier to find the devices" Spike said as they continued flying. "Your right about that, let's go!" Tails said as he and Spike continued to find the devices. And easier it was, thanks to the cyclone they were able to fly over most obstacles that they were meant to take on personally but the device made things to easy, they found another device on a floating platform and landed down and Spike hacked his way in once again. The device shone blue as the thing was hacked. "Argh, so close! One more should do it!" Tails said as he looked at the thing. "I can feel the device is close, let's go!" Spike said as they summoned their cyclones and flew around again. They kept on flying more taking care of more challenges and getting more views of the map, it was way easier thanks to the skills they now had, they eventually finally found the last one above the large structure in the middle of the island, the white emerald was in a vault near another device which Tails hacked his way into. "Done! That should do it!" Tails said as he finished. "Great job, now the others should get the others as well!" Spike said looking at the vault. Tails was reaching out for it but his arm was becoming corrupted. "Every time i interact with Cyberspace i'm getting more corrupted.." Tails said weakly. "Tails!" Spike said worried trying to help him up. "This... this is what you two were dealing with the whole time, i knew you two were sick, but i never realized it was like this.." Tails said holding his arm while Spike was helping him up. "I know it's looking bad, but it will get worse if we don't get these Emeralds." Spike said worried. "Your right, if i'm gonna be at your sides, then i have to keep up at your pace! I won't let this stop me!" Tails said determined getting up. The vault opened up and the White Emerald came to Spike's hands, and he grabbed it and they heard a loud voice again. "You never stood a chance against Sonic and Spike, now your up against all five of us, you should have quit while you were left behind!" Tails said looking at the sky. " I won't rest until your destroyed! I will avenge my mother and the Ancients!" Spike said determined looking at it as well. Spike and Tails nodded in agreement and headed back down to meet up with the others, the same thing happened with Amy and Knuckles, with their Spike clones grabbing the Emeralds as well. That make's 6, let's hope Sonic and Spike are doing their parts" Knuckles said hopefully, they all looked on at the sky and the noise could still be heard. The camera comes down to Sonic and the real Spike as they were at the foot of the tower ready to go. "Last one! You ready?" Spike asked. "You kidding? Let's go!" Sonic said ready, they nodded at eachother and headed up the last tower. This one was really tough for them, it felt like they were going through a fortress, they had to jump across multiple floating platforms and grind rail they're way upwards, each phase felt like it was putting all they had learned to their max. "Man, and i thought the last towers were tough!" Spike said as they kept climbing. "Yeah, really pushing our limits, just hope we get to the top soon!" Sonic said hopefully. They continued to climb the last tower even more, it was the toughest thing Spike had done at this point compared to the other stuff that had happened back home, but him pushing through it is proof that he's far tougher then any other dragon for going through this tower and trial. They kept on running across more platforms getting closer to the top. "How's this for 20% cooler rainbow dash! "Spike asked as they were getting higher. "This another one of your friends back home?" Sonic asked. "Yeah, and given our new high speeds, she'll definitely want to race us." Spike said and Sonic chuckled at that. "Bring it on! We're almost there! come on!" Sonic said as they were nearing the top, they then finished it off by running across one more obstacle dodging enemy's and then landed on the top. "That was great!" Spike said feeling great from that. "It's not over yet, one more thing to do' Sonic said as they looked at the large Koco. "Right, you ready?" Spike asked seriously. "Let's do it." Sonic said walking up to the Koco with Spike walking up as well with Sage right behind. "Begone invader!" A voice said as it was talking directly to Sage, she knew that she needed to leave and teleported away. "Enter, heroes" The voice said to Spike and Sonic as they were teleported to another place. When they opened their eyes they had found themselves in the trial areas again, but they were in front of a large Ancient, it's face was in the shadows and couldn't be seen. "This must be the king" Spike said looking at it with Sonic nodding in agreement. " You two may call me " Master King" It is as close as your limited language will manage" The Master King spoke and they nodded in understanding. " Wow, somebody's feeling high and mighty. Anyway, Sage said your the one who can turn our Cyber corruptions into new powers right?" Sonic asked. "The Interloper is correct, I am loath to acknowledge her, but i must if i am to preserve my legacy." he told them. "I am the leader of my people, i led them away from their doom and oversaw the colonization of this planet, and with the help of a kind soul that took care of little ones." The king explained and Spike nodded as he knew who we was talking about " I directed the instillation of Cyber space and dimensional travel, i ordered the construction of the Titans" He explained while Sonic was a little impatiant. "And now your a rock in a chair" Sonic told him and Spike slapped him hard. "Ow!" Sonic said rubbing his head. "Show your respect, he's the literal ruler of the most advanced civilization we've known! Spike said upset at that. "Right! Sorry!" Sonic said as they turned back to him. "Glad to know her child is able to show respect while you are insolent!" The king said to Sonic. "Yeah and we're short on time, so if you want us to save your legacy, your going to have to fast track this new power process" Sonic told him with Spike nodding in agreement " You two remind me of another, they vexed me as much as you do now. They also gave everything off in the end" The king told them and opened its eyes. "Very well, step forth and i shall turn you two into my finest weapons." He told them. "How are we going to do that?" Spike asked. "You must pass my trial, it will be grueling, but it is to prove your worth" The king explained. "Whatever it take's let's do it!" Spike said ready to go with Sonic ready as well. Oh how Spike regretted saying it, the King's trial was the toughest thing he had ever done in his life, they had to face each Titan back to back with only a limited amount of rings that they couldn't replenish, making them only able to be in their super forms for seven minutes or so. Spike and Sonic had to reface Giganto, Wyvern which was the most irritating to them, and Knight once again, with Spike using his sword against him it was able to be a bit easier, but it did not excuse the fact that they had to parry right as it hit them at times which nearly screwed them over as they were at the end of the thing. But eventually after a grueling trial and 3 titan re fights later, they finally passed and they were both relieved. "Thank Celestia! I've never felt so alive after this!" Spike said gratefully as they finished the last one. "I've been through tough challenges before, but this.. this is nothing i ever wanna do again, not even that pinball machine was this annoying" Sonic said frustrated. "Agreed, let's hope this was worth it." Spike said as they were teleported back in front of the king. They had an aura surround them and they felt a huge power flow through them. "I can feel it! oh man i can't wait to let lose!" Sonic said exited. "Amazing..." Spike said feeling how much stronger he is now. "But you must, that power is a fragile thing, it was not meant for you hedgehog, it was synchronized to your form as best it can, but if used recklessly, that power will leave you." The king warned before looking at Spike. "You however are very lucky, we had designed this power for the child of Angel specifically, we knew that one day you may have had to face this monster, so we prepared it the best we can for you, it will allow you to become a giant like the titans but for a brief time ,use it well, and keep that power safe." The king told them. "Huh, i'm not used to holding back" Sonic said a little disappointed while Spike looked at himself amazed it was meant for him. "You knew my mother?" Spike asked curiously. "Yes, she was a kind hearted soul, one that was pure and good, she had lived on this very island long long ago, when we landed here she was really protective, but after we explained why we were here. she felt extremely sad knowing that we lost her home, she allowed us to build our devices here, we all promised to repay her one day, and we had no choice but to send you to another world while she went safely into Cyberspace. We had made devices through multiple dimensions, which one were you from?" The king asked. "I was born in Equestria, and i was raised by Twilight Sparkle, student and friend of Princess Celestia.' Spike explained. "Ah, Equestria, though it has been many millennia since we had been there, i had always had interest in that world, our devices traveled through time as well sometime after the princess of the moon was banished to it, we had only met once for a little, but i had assured her that we would always keep things safe, very few structures remain in that world though, i hope she is doing okay" The king told him. "She is, i guess it explained why that portal was hidden within that cave, i'm glad to finally know why things happened this way." Spike said gratefully, the King wanted to speak more but he had no more time. "I cam feel the enemy's approach is nigh, go. you two have been given all we can give you, i can do nothing more for my people, i entrust the rest to you two." The king told them and they bowed in respect. "When the enemy is done with, Angel will be freed from Cyberspace, and she will be able to find you, and you two can finally meet, send her my thanks and keep her happy, please" The king told Spike. "I will thank you so much for this, we wont let you down!" Spike said confidently, they bowed in respect to eachother one last time before leaving to finish the job. > 26: Vs Supreme/ The End And A Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, major spoilers, see the new final boss if you haven't, this will get crazy. Spike and Sonic were running as fast as they could to catch up with they're friends, the sun had set and it was nighttime, Sage then teleported besides them "How's it going?" Spike asked casually "Hey, nice of you to catch up" Sonic told her "Were you two successful?" Sage asked. "Yep, we got everything done." Spike said with a smile. "Naturally" Sonic said while they were still running. "Good, unfortunately your friends aren't handling the Cyber corruption nearly as well" She said a little worried. "It's almost over, let's hurry!" Spike said seriously as they kept moving, Sage then turned to him. "Agreed, let's go!" Sage said as they made they're way to their friends. Spike and Sonic were able to meet up with his friends and the clones , each one held out the 6 Emeralds. "Oh you guys are the best!" Sonic said gratefully. "Thanks for looking after them" Spike told the clones and they nodded, Eggman they came down. "What does that make me hmm?" Eggman asked before showing them the purple emerald as they smirked. "Guess it makes you a good Egg then" Spike said as they all laughed at that, even Sage laughed a little. "Fashionably late, but hey you tried" Sonic said with a smile. They all then heard the noise again, it was growling as it was about to emerge. "We're out of time! I order you two to save us!" Eggman said before tossing them the emerald. "Right away!" Spike said seriously. The Emeralds flew around them once again and they floated into the air, they entered their super forms once again, they looked at eachother seriously before flying off to face against this monster, with Sage looking at them hopefully. "Please be careful Spike" She said worried much to Eggman's confusion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUJS9ystZlc ( I'm here, original) A soft piano is heard playing as the final Titan called Supreme emerged, it held out a gun of sorts and growled at them menacingly, Spike began to take a deep breath and began to sing another song by himself. "Follow me, i'm standing on the border of everything." Spike sang as they looked at the monster. "Listen close, can you hear the spirits sing lost messages of long ago?" Spike sang as they charged at it, heavy rock music began to play as they began to fight it with all they're might, destroying whatever it could throw at them. "Leave the life you knew before! See a new world worth fighting for!!" Spike sang as he threw a flame spear at it. "Find the truth of who i'm meant to become! Another path, i must now walk on!" Spike sang as he and Sonic delivered a strong punch to it's jaw. "I'm here! Reaching far across these new frontiers!! With my life i fight this fear!" Spike sang as he delivered a drill punch to it's body thanks to the clones. "In my hands i hold the ones i love! walk forward through the cold dawn! Always to new horizons!" Spike sang as they delivered another strong attack knocking it back, the piano is heard again as the Titan recovered itself and roared in anger, Spike and Sonic proceeded to charge at it again. "Come with me, we'll travel through the trials and tragedy!" Spike sang as he and Sonic spindashed it in it's face "Rest and Bloom! Can you hear the spirits shout their secrets in their melodies ?" Spike sang as he put his heart into this song. "Dream explore the mystery's!" Spike sang as he threw two more large disks at it. "Break a new life is revealed to me!!" Spike sang as Sonic knocked it into the air. " Once again we'll start our stories anew! Don't be afraid i will be with you!!" Spike sang as it tried to shoot them with it's gun. "i'm here, reaching far across these new frontiers!! With my life i fight this fear!!" Spike sang as they dodged each shot it fired. "In my hands i hold the ones i love! walk forward to the cold dawn! Always to new horizons!!" Spike sang as they delivered two cyclone kicks at its face. It roared in anger as a heavy guitar solo was playing, it then began to charge a massive laser in hopes of putting them down, but they're combined power over came it and they delivered another final strike to it. "Standing here! The way aheads become clear!!" Spike sang as it roared as it was defeated "All across these new frontiers! In my hands i hold the ones i love! Walk forward through the cold dawn! Always to new horizons!!" Spike finished as the thing fell on its knees and it's head lowered down as it powered down. Spike and Sonic were taking breathes as they knew things weren't over. "It's not over yet" Spike said seriously as they looked at a huge moon start to come down. " The final battle' Sonic said seriously as it latched a cable onto it's head and the thing began to speak. "This shell was once my prison, now it shall be the avatar of my return. All shall return to order, to oblivion" It said menacingly as the thing activated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm_kbywbBDw ( I'm here remix, orchestral version) A large instrumental version of the song Spike just sang played as it began to twitch all over, multiple arms began to emerge from the back of it, it roared in pure anger as the title card changed from Supreme to The end. "where is that music coming from?" Eggman asked as they watched with awe, one of the Spike clones smirked as they looked at him. "It's my boss music!" Spike said seriously as we cut to the real Spike and Sonic. They knew it was time, the cyber corruption began to form around them, Spike's body began to glow as his body grew larger and larger. He kept on growing until he was larger then the Titan itself, his green spine, underbelly and eyes became bright blue as a red and gold aura surrounded him, the same happened with Sonic as he unleashed his power as well. Spike roared in pure anger as he had now become what once nearly destroyed his home back then, was now what he was using to save the world from this monster. Spike looked at the monster with pure anger, as this was the final battle. Spike charged at it with all his might, he and the monster proceeded to have a kaiju fight, Spike was putting all he had learned through his adventure into this fight, Sonic managed to break apart the cable from it as Spike had it was struggling with Spike. The monster proceeded to fire a huge energy blast at them, but Spike caught it with one hand and disbursed it, Spike wasn't playing around anymore, this was the moment to avenge his mother and the Ancients. Spike brought out his sword and started to slash at thing with all his might, he held nothing back, slashing at them from every angle, The End tried to fire spheres of dark energy at them but Sonic parried all of them away with his own power, Sonic then charged at it and with a single move, he delivered multiple slashes at the thing while they glared back down upon it with anger. The monster was down for a moment, and Sonic used this as a opportunity, he charged at the gun as it was still in it's back, he cylooped around it and it came flying out of it, it landed on the ground and Sonic cylooped it once again and it flew into the air. The gun started to fly down until Spike caught it with one hand and aimed it at the monster with anger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKxf0NQyb0c ( I'm here, revisited) The music starts to ramp up as one of the Spike clones began to sing one more time "Come with me, i'm standing on the border of everything, listen close, can you hear the spirits sing, lost messages of long ago?" Spike sang as the monster tried to attack them all, it fired multiple lasers at them but Sage went in front of them to try to stop it, she was starting to struggle but Tails, Amy and Knuckles and the Spike clones all came up to support and the barrier was reformed and they did they're best to keep it up. "Leave the life you knew before!! See a new world worth fighting for!!" Spike's voice sang as the large Spike charged at the thing firing the gun at it multiple times doing damage at it. "Find the truth of who i'm meant to become! Another path i must now walk on!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic delivered multiple slashes at the thing again in a second. "I'm here, searching far across these new frontiers!! With my life i fight this fear!!" Spike sang as he delivered a drill punch to its body doing massive damage. "In my hands i hold the ones i love!! Walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!!" Spike sang as he grabbed the thing with all his strength, he proceeded to rip off multiple arms with pure anger as the creature roared in pain as it happened. "Come with me!! We'll travel through the trials and tragedy!! Bless and bloom!! Can you hear the spirits shout the secrets in their melodies?" Spike sang as the giant Spike swung it's sword at it and fired the gun to it's chest. "Dream explore the mysteries!!" Spike sang as he delivered a massive blast of fire to it's chest while Sonic punched it rapidly anime style. "Break a new life is revealed to me!!!" Spike sang as he kicked it in it's jaw with amazing acrobatics. "Once again we'll start our stories anew!! Don't be afraid i will be with you!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic threw multiple attacks at it at once. "I'm here!! Reaching far across these new frontiers!!" Spike sang as Spike knocked it into the air. "With my life i fight this fear!!" He said as Sonic was delivered multiple punches knocking it further and it then started to fall down. "Walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic delivered one more hard punch to it and it went flying into the air. "Sonic! Spike!! It's now or never!!" Eggman told them and they nodded, Spike let Eggman attach a cable on the gun and Sonic flew into it, they began to use their final attack. "Sorry Master King, look's like we're going all out after all!!" Sonic said seriously, he and Spike proceeded to let the cyber energy flow around their body's the Spike clones flew into the real Spike to give him more power and he roared in fury as his body was covered in a purple and green Cyber energy, They're bodies began to move around like crazy as they entered they're Cyber forms. Eggman raised the gun into the air, he used his scouter glasses to take a close aim at it, Spike looked at the thing and prepared his final attack, Eggman and Spike both delivered it at the same time. "DRAGON FIST!!!!" Spike shouted as he threw his fist into the air and a huge golden dragon came flying at it with the Cyber energy while Sonic flew at it with pure anger. "Standing here, the way aheads become clear!!" Spike's voice sang as they flew right through it. "All across these new frontiers!! In my hands i hold the ones i love, walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!!!" Spike finished as the thing exploded and The End was finally destroyed for good. Spike calmed down and grabbed the gun again as his body began to shrink, he went back to the size he was before the battle and the gun shrunk down as well and Spike came out of his super form again, he looked at the gun and smiled. "Guess someone's gotta use this." Spike said as he latched the thing onto his back giving him two of the Titans weapons. Amy, Tails and Knuckles all came up to him as they were worried. "You okay Spike" Amy asked as he was getting up. "Yeah i'm great, now that it's all over." Spike said with a smile, they all came up to him and smiled gladly. "Guess you have two weapons from the Titans now huh?" Knuckles asked as he looked at the gun and sword on his back. "I still feel the power Master King gave me, it was meant for me to use after all." Spike said looking at himself as he still felt incredibly strong. Tails was about to him before he saw Sonic in the sky" Look there he is!!" Tails shouted as he came out of his super form, he then proceeded to crash down in front of them as they looked worried, Sonic then got up and looked at them with a smile. They all smiled again as they came up to him, Amy gave him a hug while Tails high fived him, Spike and Knuckles fist bumped eachother as they can't believe it. "We won! We really won!!!" Spike shouted as he couldn't believe they did it, they all cheered in happiness as they won the day. Eggman and Sage were on another part of the island looking at the stars fall, Sage had become blue completely as she was now happy. "You did.. well Sage, it's time to head home, dear daughter" Eggman told her holding out his hand. "Home? I like the sound of that... Father" Sage said as she took his hand and they smiled at eachother. Sage then remembered something,. "Hold on there's one more thing i need to do" She said before teleporting away leaving Eggman confused. Spike was with his friends as they were still celebrating, that is until Sage teleported in front of them shocking them. "What do you want?" Knuckles asked a little upset. She then turned to Spike. "I just want to thank you for helping save us all, if it weren't for you, i don't think things would have been the same.. thank you Spike" Sage said gratefully, Spike then smiled at that. "It's alright, i know things started out rough, but things always get better, i may have been insecure in some areas but i wasn't willing to give up, now that it's over i just hope we can be better friends in the future" Spike told her. "Friends? I'd like the sound of that Spike" She said holding out her hand which Spike took. "See you later Sage" Spike said with a smile. "See you.. Spike. Thank you for everything once again" She said happily before teleporting away again and Spike looked at his friends who smiled knowing what happened, they then made they're way around a bit more to do one more thing. Spike and the others were nearby a Cyberspace portal currently waiting for something. or more accurately.. someone. "You sure this will work?" Knuckles asked as he was a little impatient. "The king said she would be freed after The End was destroyed, it should be a little bit" Spike said remembering what he was told. "what are you gonna do when you finally meet her?" Tails asked curiously. "Yeah, what are you gonna do?" Amy asked curiously as well, Spike just smiled. "I'll.. tell her everything i've been through, the friends i've made, the journey i went through, and us saving the world and our home, then we stay together for as long as we want" Spike said with a smile and they all smiled at that. "Whatever happens, we'll be there for you, no matter what." Sonic told him. "You'll always have someone to share your love with the world!" Amy said kindly. "You'll always have a wingman by your side, leave it to me!" Tails said with a smile. "Heh don't forget about the band you me and Sonic are forming, i think she'll love it!" Knuckles said with a smile. "Your starting a band?" Tails asked and they nodded. "Yep, i'm the drums, Spike is electric guitar and lead singer with Sonic" Knuckles explained. "I look forward to seeing what you can do with it" Amy said eager and they laughed. "Don't worry, with how great we sing, it will be great!" Knuckles said giving a thumbs up with the others laughing at that agreeing. Before they could speak more the portal began to activate and they gasped at that. "She's coming.." Amy said as they all moved out of the way. The ground began to shake a little as the portal started to open. a large claw came out of it to their surprise followed by another. A groan was heard as it was making it's way through, just then a really large figure came out of the portal and it shut down much to they're surprise. Spike's eyes widened as he looked at the figure, she was a large dragoness around 15 to 20 feet large, she had purple scales that were his color, as well as a green spine and underbelly, she looked exactly like him. She groaned as her eyes opened, she then noticed Spike. "Who.. who are you?" She asked weakly as she was getting up. "My name is Spike, and these are my friends" Spike said motioning to the others and they waved they're hands with a smile. She they looked back at Spike and her eyes widened as she realized who he was, tears started to form in her eyes as she recognized him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=razdk0Mp0Ro ( I'm with you, vocal version.) A soft piano started to play as they looked at eachother. "S.. Son..?" She asked starting to cry as well as Spike. "It's me.. i'm with you.. Mother" Spike said crying as well, before coming to give her a hug which she gladly returned crying heavily as well, the others looked at them with smiles as they met eachother for the first time > Epilogue: Seeing the Finale Battle And Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and the others were continuing to watch Spike's journey, they see Sage tell them about the other option and agree to it, they watch with fascination as there are multiple Spike clones created. "So they can learn they're own things and the real one can gain that knowledge as well? Interesting" Celestia said as they watched. They watched Spike and Amy travel together and see the new moves Spike's learned, they see him collecting the emeralds and him and Knuckles smashing the devices and Ember smiled at that. "Looks like he's able to handle his own combat now" Ember said as he watched them do they're work. They kept on watching things happen, from the sound getting louder and louder which made them worried, and Spike climbing the towers with Sonic. "He really is something else to be climbing all of those without us.." Twilight said amazed "He really has grown over this adventure.." Thorax said seeing them continue. They watch them do the trails of the Pilots and just couldn't believe that he actually met them. "He officially is the toughest one here" Applejack said as they finished the Trials. "It's interesting that they are able to meet them, wonder what the other's would be like before they were warriors" Ember asked with the others nodding interested as well. They then witness Spike going through the master king's trial, and they feel bad that he had to go through all of that. "I'm glad i'm not there right now" Rainbow dash said feeling bad. "I don't think any other dragon in Equestria could have done that.." Ember said feeling bad as well with the others nodding. They all saw the power come into them and watch in amazement, they here the king speak to Spike. "You however are very lucky, that power was meant for you specifically" The king told him and they looked astonished that Spike was meant to get such a power, they hear them talk about Spike's mother and become more and more curious in what she's like. They all look on as they made they're way to the final battle. "This is it, the final fight" Twilight said worried. "You think he'll be okay?" fluttershy asked worried "Given what he's been through so far.. i know he will" Luna said and they all nodded in agreement. They watch the final Titan emerge as the music starts to play, they watch in amazement as the battle begins. "Leave the life you knew before! See a new world worth fighting for!!" Spike sang as he and Sonic were fighting it, they were all bopping they're heads to how great the song was. "Find the truth of who i'm meant to become!! Another path i must now walk on!" Spike sang as he kept attacking it. "He really has become his own person now" Twilight said really proud. "He really is his own hero now!" Pinkie said with a smile. They watched the rest of the battle play out and just couldn't believe how well he was doing, he then delivers the final strike and cheer as it's defeated. "He won! Awesome!" Rainbow dash said excitedly, but Ember knew something was wrong. "Hold on a minute.." Ember said worried, they were confused for a moment, but look on with horror as a huge moon comes down and latches onto the Titan. "This shell was once my prison, now it shall be the avatar of my return, all shall return to order, to oblivion" It said as the thing activated, they all got chills down they're spines as it said that. They all watch as the monster become The End, and the arms come out of its back like its being ripped out. Spike and Sonic close they're eyes and they watch as the power flows through them. Spike's body grows more and more and Twilight's eyes widen as she sees him become larger then the Titan itself. "This really is the final battle.." Twilight said amazed as they entered they're new forms. "Where is that music coming from?" Eggman asks and they see the Spike clone smirk. "It's my boss music!" The clone says and they laugh at that. "Well then it's a really awesome boss theme!" Pinkie says as they hear the song play out. They watch the battle play out and watch in amazement as Spike goes full power on this thing, they see him using every skill he learned through the adventure to wreck it up. Twilight just couldn't believe how much he's grown. They watched Sonic bring out the Titans gun and watch in amazement as Spike takes it. "No way.." Rainbow dash says with her jaw on the floor. "Come with me.. i'm standing on the border of everything, listen close, can you hear the spirits sing lost messages of long ago?" Spike's voice is heard as they watch the music become more epic as they here a new version of it. "Leave the life you knew before, see a new world worth fighting for!!" Spike's voice is heard as Spike fires multiple shots at the thing while using his sword. "Find the truth of who i'm meant to become!! Another path i must now walk on!!" Spike sings as they watch him rip off the monsters arms which surprised them on that. "He really is not holding back anymore" Thorax said surprised at that. "He isn't a hatchling anymore.." Ember said looking at the battle continue. They watch them prepare their final moves, they see Sonic go INTO the gun and go full power. "Sorry master king! It looks like we're going all out after all!!" Sonic said as they watched, everyone watches in amazement as they use the Cyber power and they're bodies start moving around like crazy, they see Eggman aim the weapon at the monster while Spike ready's his final attack. " DRAGON FIST!!!!" Spike shouted as he and Eggman fired at the monster, they watch in amazement as a huge golden dragon flies at the moon along with Sonic and everyone cheers as they see them win as they destroy the Titan and the moon itself. "Standing here, the way aheads become clear!! All across these new frontiers, in my hands i hold the ones i love walk forward through the cold dawn!! Always to new horizons!" Spike's voice finishes as the moon is destroyed. Everyone in the audience cheers as they have witnessed the best battle they have ever seen, they see Spike grab the weapon and he begins to shrink back to how he was before along with the weapon. "Guess someone has to use this.." Spike says as they see him latch the weapon onto his back. "He gets to keep that?!!?" Rainbow dash said amazed. "Guess so!" Pinkie said happy at that, they watch them all celebrate as they won and they see the shot of Eggman and Sage together with Sage completely blue. "You did well Sage, it's time to head home.. dear daughter" Eggman says and they all smile at that. "Home? I like the sound of that.. Father" Sage says as he takes his hand and just feel great about the happy ending. They see her teleport to Spike and they see them become friends and smile at that as she leaves "I'm glad things turned out well" Celestia said with a smile with all of them nodding. "I still can't believe he just destroyed a moon." Luna said still surprised and they all laugh at that. They would have talked more but they see Spike and his friends near a Cyber portal. They all realize why they are there. "You sure this will work?" Knuckles asked as he was impatient. "Master king said she'd be free after we defeated The End, so it should be a little bit." Spike said remembering what he was told. "He's about to meet her..." Fluttershy said with a few tears. "I wonder what she's like?" Ember asked curious as well. They didn't have to wait long as they gasp when the portal activates, they watch in amazement as they see someone emerge from it and land on the ground. They all get a good look at the figure and realize she looks exactly like Spike. "She really is his mother.." Twilight said with tears. They hear a soft piano play as they see Spike and Angel look at eachother. "S..Son..?" She askes starting to cry. "It's me.. i'm with you.. Mother." Spike said crying as well, they watch as Spike and his mother hug and they cry seeing the beautiful ruin, they hear soft music play as things fade to black. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=razdk0Mp0Ro ( I'm with you vocal) They then hear what sounds like Spike's mother's voice singing " Now i'm not alone, a family of my own, i get to go home with you" She sings and they all watch moments from the adventure as she sings. "Feelings deep inside come flowing through my eyes, i get to go home with you" She sings as they cry from how beautiful it is. "All the lives, up in the sky, all the times, i spent by your side. Taught me love, and taught me pain" She sings as the dragons watch as they have tears of they're own. " Things that i, can never have explained. now i'm not alone, a family of my own, i get to go home with you" She sings more. "She is a great singer" Twilight says as they hear the rest play out. "I hope things go well from here on.." Fluttershy said as the song was nearing its finish. "Home sweet home, home with you, home sweet home.. i'm with you.." She finishes as they all cheer at the performance. "That was.. beautiful" Rainbow dash said as they all were crying. "At least Spike will have someone by his side.." Twilight said crying as well. They see one more shot of them, Spike was with his mother while Tails and the others were near a plane, Sonic then came up to them. "So, that was fun." Sonic said and they all groaned at that. "Seriously Sonic, not now man." Spike said with his mother agreeing. "But i guess we should get going, i know we all have big plans" Sonic told them. "Your gonna hardly recognize me when i get back!" Tails said with a smile. "Maybe Cream and Sticks are available, we could make a road trip out of it!" Amy said excitedly. " I can't wait to start this band of ours, wonder where our first performance is gonna be?" Knuckles asked and Spike smiled. "Somewhere special, i can't wait to tell you about all of the stuff i've ben through mom!" Spike said looking at her. "I'm looking forward to it! I can't wait!" She said happily and they all smiled at that. "We're wasting daylight! Let's go!" Sonic said getting on the plane, Tails activates the plane and they watch as Spike and his mother fly together along with them as they leave the island. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVHDBSlPyFk ( Vandalize By One Ok Rock) They hear one more song play as multiple parts of the adventure plays, they hear Spike's voice sing one more time. "Send me alone, shatter me like glass, covered in scars, where roses are coming through the cracks' Spike sings as they see them fighting off. " Time that you killed, your promise to help me reveal, feels like you planned it, you caught me off guard, sound the alarm!" Spike sings as they see them facing the titans "Said you'd keep me safe now your tearing me down, am i laid to waist now that your not around. come and leave your mark! Vandalize my hear" Spike sings and everyone jams out to the music. "Fight the pain away, my head is in ruins, need you in my veins don't know how you do it! Come and leave your mark, Vandalize my heart!!" Spike sings and the song continues, they continue to listen to it all and the song soon ends. "Said you'd keep my safe now your tearing me down, am i laid to waste now that your not around? Come and leave your mark, Vandalize my heart.." Spike finishes as the song ends and things fade to black, everything becomes clear again as the vision disappears and they find themselves back in the castle "What an adventure.." Twilight said in amazement. "He handled it all by himself without us" Applejack said surprised. "And now he's got new friends and his mother with him.." Ember said still processing this.. "Guys.. i think it's best we let him go out on his own, he's got his own mother with him and i think i'll be fine if he's without us for sometime" Twilight said as she thought it over much to their shock. "Twilight are you sure?" Celestia asked worried and she nodded. "After what Spike went through, he can handle himself now, it may be sometime before any of us see him again.. but it will be okay, i know we'll see him one day again" Twilight said and they all thought over it and decided it was best to just let it happen. "Your right, he'll be okay, i just hope things turn out good in the end" Fluttershy said hopefully. "I'm sure they will twilight, let's all go home and just focus on our duty's for now, it's.. been a long day for us" Celestia said a little tired. They all nodded in agreement and went they're ways for now, They just hoped that one day they could see they're friend again...