• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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Author, former Royal Canterlot Library curator, and the (retired) reviewer at One Man's Pony Ramblings.


I've Always Been Old, Even When I Was Young · 9:10pm February 6th

Today at school (i.e. work), a first-grader stopped me in the halls to ask if I knew about "When there were two buildings in New York and they flew planes into them and they fell down and half the people died."

Rather than get into the details with him, I simply responded, "Yes, I was in high school when it happened, it was very sad."

To that, he replied, "No, this was a long time ago."

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Artistic License: Now Available in Russian! · 7:49pm January 13th

The other day, I was contacted by Lithuanian FiMFiccer oranzinispegasas, who asked if I'd be okay with them translating Artistic License into Russian. I said yes, of course; what a delightful compliment it always is when someone enjoys something you did that they want to put their own time, energy, and skills into sharing it! And today, that translation was finished:

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A Whole Bunch of Chrisfics, Now Available in Spanish! (The Epic(?) Conclusion) · 6:55pm Oct 28th, 2023

So! A bit ago, I blogged about how SPANIARD KIWI had translated a bunch of my stories into Spanish, and how I thought that was pretty darn awesome. And there, everyone's favorite disembodied ball of ectoplasm commented, "Only four of your twenty-one fics not translated? Here’s hoping they complete the set soon! :scootangel:"

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I'm not saying there's a right time to read fetish porn, I'm just saying that there definitely is a wrong time · 5:04pm Sep 15th, 2023

So, I'm eating lunch right now, and while doing that, I popped open FiMfic, mostly out of habit while poking around on my phone. And the first story I see at the top of the New list (because I'm an idiot who doesn't use the Mature filter) is a fic titled "My Life as a Teenage Sex-Pet."

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Friend Computer Says a Lot of Things, Some of Which are True (By Accident) · 12:08am Jul 27th, 2023

A few hours ago, Lucky Dreams posted a fascinating blog about an AI review group that's posting AI-written reviews of stories (he choses to take the no naming/no shaming approach, and I'm going to follow his example by being nice and vague and not linking directly to anything). Anyway, you should go read that, then come back here if you're interested in a little

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A Whole Bunch of Chrisfics, Now Available in Spanish! · 1:30am Jan 24th, 2023

I've had several of my fanfics translated into various languages over the years, and that's always something that tickles me pink. A good translation is at least as much work as writing a good story from scratch, and tends not to get nearly the recognition; when someone enjoys something you wrote enough to put the kind of time and energy necessary to render it artfully into a second language, that's a labor of love.

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True Stories from the Classsroom · 12:36am Jan 14th, 2023

Those of you who followed me on my blog surely know, since I mentioned it many a times, that I work in education. Some of that time I've been a teacher, some of it a basically-a-teacher-but-for-accounting-reasons-it-has-a-different-name, and most of it in the field of English learning, both ESL and Newcomers.

This year, though, is different. I'm still teaching, but at a new school, and now... sixth-grade Social Studies.

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Two Tales of Chris vs. a Foreign Culture · 12:25am Dec 17th, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, one of my sister's friends recommended that I try watching a new anime, Akiba Maid War; I was bitching about what I didn't like in another anime, and he suggested that Akiba was well-animated, had a nice balance of violence and humor, and wasn't full of uncomfortably oversexualized underage girls.

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They Still Matter · 11:40pm Oct 15th, 2022

I don't get very many comments on my stories, these days.

"No duh, Chris," you say. "You haven't published anything in nearly two years, and you aren't real good at the whole 'engagement' thing--at least, not when it comes to your own fics. Why would you expect a bunch of comments on old stories?"

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I Found Pirate-Themed Fiction I Wrote In Second Grade, So You'd Better Believe I'm Sharing It · 12:35am Aug 7th, 2022

So! Been a while since we talked. That's fine, though; as a wise man once said, "An ideal male friendship is someone who lives in a different city, and three times a year, you text them to talk about how the Bears are doing." That's more or less the stage my relationship with pony is, these days; be sort of around, read a bit here and there, and drop in with a funny blog every now and then. And I gotta say, I do love that kind of friendship.

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