The Mask Makes the Pony

by kudzuhaiku

Chapter 51

“Bat rat!”

Confused, Piper felt Flicker explode out of her embrace and she fell backwards with a cry. Hennessy fell over as well, squishing her, kneeing her right in the teats, and then he rolled off. She grunted, squeaked, and recovered, then sat up in time to watch Flicker take a flying leap from the edge of the roof. Her heart squirted up into her throat and she wondered if he would make the ten foot plus leap to the next roof over.

“We’re ten stories up,” she murmured.

Wicked took off, shouting, “Bats aren’t rats, you silly cuss!” And then, making it look effortless, Wicked lept. Where Flicker had taken a running leap, Wicked went over to the edge of the roof at a rather casual looking stroll, bunched up like a cat, and then launched himself from the edge of the roof.

Piper squeaked again and felt her throat close as the pony with three normal legs and one wooden leg made the terrifying jump. He landed, coming down easy, and didn’t even wobble. His pegleg made a fantastic tattoo as he ran over the roof of the building next door, following after Flicker, who lept again. The filly felt her nethers clench as she wondered, Will I be able to do this someday?

As fantastic as Flicker was, he was nothing compared to Wicked, who caught up with the colt in no time at all. Wicked was faster, could jump further, and could land with far more grace. The chase ended and the two ponies began their rooftop to rooftop return, with Flicker holding something in his magic.

“It’s like watching the Power Ponies in real life,” Piper breathed.

Doctor Sterling walked over the edge of the roof and his eyebrow arched as Flicker landed. With an “Oof!” Wicked landed beside him and then gave the colt an affectionate kick in the backside as the doctor began to examine what Flicker held in his telekinesis.

“That’s not a bat,” Piper remarked.

“It’s not a rat, either,” Doctor Sterling said.

“It’s got four legs and bat wings.” Wicked snatched the squeaking, thrashing creature out of Flicker’s telekinesis and had himself a better look. “It’s like a pegasus pony, but a rat. What in Celestia’s green earth is going on ‘ere?”

“So we have a ratasus, what’s next? A raticorn?” Hennessy moseyed closer and had himself a better look. “No sir, I don’t like it.” The colt’s lips pressed together into a straight line and he pulled his head back from the thrashing creature. “What do we do with it?”

“We study it, of course,” Doctor Sterling responded. “That will go into a specimen bay in the lab. Nice work, Mister Nicker.”

Piper, hesitant and just a little scared, had herself a better look once she was close enough to do so. The rat was big, but not too big, the body was maybe seven inches or so without the tail. It had bat-like wings sprouting from its back in very much the same manner as a pegasus pony, and its tail was just a little bit different too. It was flattened at the tip, and wide, almost leaf shaped.

“What a peculiar creature,” Piper said as she continued her observation. “How do you suppose this happened? Did a rat and a bat breed together to make a crossbreed? Magic? Was this intentional?”

“All good questions.” Flicker drew in a deep breath and then let it out in a slow, measured huff. “I’m inclined to ask why though. Why would this be made and what purpose would it serve?” Flicker began to rub his chin in a manner almost identical to Doctor Sterling and his eyes narrowed. “Aerial surveillance? A means to send in orders?”

“This along with the sabotage we saw today gives me the willies,” Wicked said as his face contorted into a wrinkled, contorted scowl. “Sterling, ye think the Rainbow of Darkness did this?”

“I don’t know, Wicked.”

“The what?” Piper asked.

“Never you mind!” Wicked bellowed and then he gave Piper a gentle, good-natured pat upon the neck. “Come, Sterling. Ye and I are going to secure yon wee beastie in the lab and have ourselves a private chat. Let’s go.”

Piper, burning with a desire to know more, watched them leave.

Flicker, now in his room, began to pace a little. There wasn’t much room to pace now, not with the beds, the trunks, and the table. Just a narrow space between the beds. His room, his sanctuary, his sanctum, had become crowded. Spud was wedged into the window and sitting on the sill. Hennessy and Piper were at the table, and Flicker couldn’t help but feel a little peeved with them, as they were laughing and having fun.

Today was far too serious of a day to have fun.

“So, what are you writing?” Hennessy asked.

Hesitating, Piper lifted her head and looked over at the earth pony sitting beside her. Reaching out a foreleg, she placed her fetlock over Hennessy’s and gave him a squeeze. “Don’t laugh,” she whispered, “but I’m writing fanfiction. Saucy fanfiction.”

“Whassat?” Hennessy leaned in a little closer and tried to look at Piper’s paper.

“You know, there are better things we could be doing, like studying… or… studying,” Flicker suggested.

“You know, you could join us. Maybe try something new. Something creative. Like you were assigned to do.” Piper gave Flicker a bold look and gestured for him to come over. Her ears drooped when his stern glare focused upon her with burning intensity. “You’re not being very fun.”

“Very well, we shall try your frivolity.”

“Very well, we shall try your frivolity,” Piper said, mimicking Flicker’s lugubrious deadpan. Feeling bold again, her ears perked and she stared Flicker right in the eye as he glared at her. “You know, Hennessy, Flicker Nicker is the sort of pony that little rats dare one another to say his name in the mirror three times.”

Covering his muzzle with his fetlock, Hennessy began chortling and Flicker did not get the joke. Flicker came over to the table, sat down, and then focused his dull, blank stare upon Piper. Piper rolled her eyes, shook her head, and pulled her foreleg away from where it rested on Hennessy’s.

“Fanfiction,” she began as she lifted up a pencil and gave it a twirl, “is when a fan writes a story in an established universe. Like right now, I am trying to start a story about the twin son and daughter from the Masked Matterhorn, but I am having some trouble coming up with the background stuff, like who their father is, who the Masked Matterhorn finally married, and how the twins came to be... and it’s causing me a lot of trouble.”

Flicker’s ears splayed out to the side and he let out a half groan, half sigh.

“I see.” Hennessy nodded.

“All of that needs to be sorted out somehow,” Piper continued, “and it needs to be done in way that makes sense, or effectively glosses over it in a way that the reader won’t care.” The filly twirled her pencil some more and then began tapping the eraser end of the pencil against her snoot. “Like, I am thinking of shipping them off to some sort of boarding school, like a school for gifted ponies or something, just so I can get the parents, home, and all of that complication out of the way, that way I can isolate them. Or, I suppose I could just kill their parents off, but that smacks of lazy writing and only a hack would do that.”

Hennessy, his eyes almost glowing with eager anticipation, nodded his head. “This sounds like fun and I wanna help!” Reaching out a foreleg, the over-enthusiastic colt grabbed Flicker and pulled him closer, ignoring Flicker’s tenebrous, terrifying scowl. It was the sort of expression that would make a manticore hesitate and reconsider its life choices that brought it to the point of meeting Flicker.

“Anyhow, this brother and sister, they have a magical talent that they share together that allows them to combine with one another and become an unstoppable alicorn, a secret that they’ve hidden from the rest of the world. They’re poised to become superheroes one day, and they have an excellent secret identity.”


“Don’t go ‘ugh,’ Flicker, you dress up in a suit, wear a mask, and do insane things like swan diving off of exploding airships.” Piper reached over the table and gave Flicker’s cheek a tender pat with her hoof. “Say, that gives me an idea…”

“About alicorns,” Flicker began as he shook his head from side to side. “Everything I do, I do through hard work. I don’t have much in the way of magic. I need a wand to cast even the most basic of spells. For the past year, I’ve been remaking myself in the gym and working every day. If I am impressive at all, and you seem to think so, it is because I work to be that way, and that is what makes me special. An alicorn, they have superiour physicality, speed, intelligence, and magic. Now, I could be wrong, but it seems to me that they don’t have to work very hard at something to be good at it. I don’t have much of anything compared to them. I’m fast, but I am nowhere near as fast as Doctor Sterling. I’m strong, but Wicked is stronger by a longshot. I’ve watched Wicked outwrestle earth ponies. I’m smart, but Doctor Sterling and Mister Balister are a whole lot smarter than I am. The only thing that I think really makes me remarkable is that I don’t give up.”

Piper sucked in a lungful of air to reply, but then sputtered when no words came.

“In short, it takes a lot of work to be Lord Death of Murder Mountain. Entire days and sometimes even nights spent in the gym, having Mister Balister beat my sorry ass if I didn’t give him what he was owed, which was my one hundred and ten percent. Days spent in the classroom with my nose in a book trying to improve myself. It’s almost insulting to hear somepony just so casually mention how two twins can merge together and form the perfect alicorn body. It feels like it cheapens everything I’ve worked for.”

The filly let out an exasperated lip-flapping sigh and stared down at her paper while she continued to tap on her snoot with her pencil eraser. Looking rather pouty, she muttered, “It’s just escapism and fantasy. It’s nothing equinal against you.”

“Flicker, you’re kind of a wet blanket,” Hennessy said to his friend, “a wet blanket with fart stank. You just sucked the fun right out of this.”

“But he’s right,” Piper responded as she slumped over the table.

“Okay, fine, so he’s a wet blanket with fart stank and he’s right.” Hennessy ignored Flicker’s water-curdling, bowel emptying stare. “So let’s keep going and we’ll just make more realistic heroes that have to work hard at what they do.”

“Someponies to rival the Power Ponies? But in a good way?” Piper, blinking, looked eager. “We’ll call one of them The Creep. He doesn’t blink as much as normal ponies and he stares a lot. He never laughs, he has no sense of humour, and he speaks in a deadpan most of the time. In battle, he acts like he has no fronks left to give and his friends constantly have to humour him.”

“I like this guy,” Hennessy remarked. “Is he cute?”

“Doesn’t seem like much of a hero.” Flicker’s eyes narrowed and he shook his head. “I don’t get it, what would be so appealing about him? I don’t understand. Does he have a superpower? ”

Piper looked into Hennessy’s eyes and the pair of them began to laugh, a loud boisterous laugh that got on Flicker’s nerves right away. Clutching her sides, Piper fell over onto the stone floor, her hoof clopping on the table’s edge as she went down, and then she rolled on the floor, laughing. Hennessy fell over onto Flicker, who did nothing to catch him, and then the earth pony colt plopped onto the floor, his laughter paused.

After a moment, he began laughing again, grabbed Flicker’s now regrown tail, and began hugging it to his cheek. Piper began gasping, struggling to breathe, and Flicker rolled his eyes, not at all understanding what was so funny.

“I’m going to study for my candle exam, the two of you are impossible to understand,” Flicker announced as he got up. “Good luck with your writing, but this just isn’t my cup of tea. I just don’t understand it. Have fun, both of you. I’ll be in my bunk, reading.”