//------------------------------// // Chapter 55 // Story: The Mask Makes the Pony // by kudzuhaiku //------------------------------// It was past the witching hour, well and truly into the dark of the night. The air had cooled considerably, and for this, Flicker was thankful. It got a bit warm inside of his suit. He moved with his army, prowling the outer perimeter, picking off stragglers. Something had happened further into Ponyville, but he wasn’t sure what. The flow of rats had ceased. Flicker didn’t hear the sounds of alarm or see a panic, so he assumed that everything was business as normal. Soon, it would be time to fetch a barrel and begin cleanup of his area. There were several hundred corpses of rats, some of them messy, but this would be a quick, easy cleanup, and he wasn’t worried. Hearing a flutter of wings, Flicker turned, thinking there was a princess nearby, but when he looked all he saw was a pegasus landing close to him. Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, longtime companion to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the fastest pegasus pony in Equestria. He wondered what he had done to get her attention, and in the back of his mind, he pondered what sort of authority she had. After a few seconds of consideration, he decided that Elements of Harmony had considerable authority, so he bowed his head. “Wicked said to begin cleanup of your area,” Rainbow Dash said as she stared up at Flicker on his stilts. “There’s been a lull in the action and somepony is getting a pep-talk from Twilight. I don’t know what happened.” The pegasus pony shrugged with her wings. “After you clean up your area, Wicked wants you to take your cats and patrol along the river on the White Tail Woods side of town.” “Okay.” Flicker’s mechanical voice caused Rainbow Dash’s ears to perk up. “All of you are so wonderfully creepy!” Rainbow Dash shivered and gave her wings a flap. “This job looks cool and all, but I bet all the cleanup is boring and super grody.” “It’s a living,” Flicker replied, realising that Rainbow Dash was one of those sorts of ponies. In his annoyance, his breathing increased a bit, and now it made a noticeable sound through his respirator. “You sound like Scourge Slithers, the sworn arch-nemesis of Radiance from the Power Ponies. In the movie, Scourge Slithers gets all burned up and crispy from being set on fire after a big neon sign fell on him when he and Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous were having a big showdown. After he was all burned up and crispy, he gets remade and he’s half dragon, half machine—” Flicker wanted to know how a dragon got burnt up. “—and when he breathes it makes this awesome sound, just like you do and his voice sounds amazing!” Rainbow Dash stopped in her fan-fillying before she let out a squeal and revealed her eggheadedness. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash did her best to look nonchalant. “That movie was absolutely ruined though with that kiss between Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous… everypony knows that Mistress Mare-velous would hook up with Zapp, because they’re awesome together, although there is something to be said about Zapp and the Masked-Matterhorn getting together, because that would be kinda hawt…” The little pegasus mare shuffled around on her hooves in a manner that most would find a little awe-inducing in its awkward, fillyish adorableness. But not Flicker. No, he just wanted to do his job, not discuss inane comic book movies. He looked down at Rainbow Dash and drew in a deep breath which reverberated through his respirator. “Is there anything else?” Flicker asked. “Nope!” And with that, Rainbow Dash flew away, taking off in a streak, grinning with awkward reckless abandon. Hennessy’s keen eyes watched as his fellows worked in the distance, cleaning up an enormous mass of corpses strewn about in the road, and nowhere near the train station where the killing was supposed to happen. Head cocked off to one side, his ears flopped over, he wondered what went wrong and he watched with idle curiousity. He felt Fluttershy shift against him and he sighed. The yellow pegasus was nice and he liked her a great deal. She was quiet, calm, and kind. A second princess flew overhead and Hennessy watched as Twilight swooped just above the thatched rooftops. A blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail flew beside Twilight and Hennessy wondered what it might be like to be a pegasus. “You’re not like the others,” Fluttershy murmured, trying not to be offensive or say the wrong thing as she attempted to make conversation. “I s’pose I ain’t,” Hennessy replied as he shook his head. “I ain’t a killing sort and I just signed a pacifist’s writ. I want to give life, not take it. I ain’t sure what to do with my life though, not yet.” “Sometimes, as awful as it is, you have to take life,” Fluttershy whispered as Twilight circled overhead and in the distance, tall, grotesque distorted shadows, dark shapes in the night, moved about, doing their ghoulish job. “Flicker takes life and I don’t think he ever gives a second thought about it.” Hennessy felt Fluttershy snuggle a little closer to him and the yellow mare shivered. “For him, it’s as natural as breathing. It bothers me a bit that he’s so good at it, but that’s just his way. I just wish that he’d have some sort of feeling about what he does. He’s my friend and I worry about his soul. Sometimes I wonder if he’s even aware that he has a soul. He doesn’t do much to look after it.” “You worry for your friend, that’s touching.” Fluttershy took a deep breath and the feathers on her wings fluffed out to keep her warm in the cool night air. “I worry for my friends too. I suppose I am the caregiver in our little group. Twilight’s become a little colder, but she won’t admit to it. Some bad things have happened. And Rainbow… she got bored once she became a Wonderbolt. Rainbow likes to chase things, I guess, and once she has them, she gets bored. She’s changed too since she started going off with Tarnish and Daring Do.” “I worry for Piper too,” Hennessy admitted, musing on what Fluttershy had revealed to him, and he marvelled at the complexity of friendships. “I love her like a sister and it bothers me a whole lot that she’s becoming like Flicker. Piper has a lot of ambition and need for power. She’s been hurt, I think, maybe her parents didn’t do it on purpose, not like how my Pa did, but I done reckon that Piper thinks that having power will make her feel better. Those who feel powerless tend to want power, I done reckon.” “I understand. Twilight is that way, wanting more power, but she actually has good parents, and I don’t think she feels powerless very often.” Fluttershy blinked, her ears perked, and for a short time, she looked quite troubled. “I keep Twilight and Rainbow leveled out, that’s my purpose, I think, as their friend. The past few years have been hard and I’ve had to do a lot of soul searching. I’m not the pony that I once was, my friends have changed me, for the better I think, and I’m pretty sure that I’ve changed them too.” “So it falls on me to keep those two leveled out?” Hennessy asked. “Well, somepony has to,” Fluttershy replied. “If I wasn’t around to be the quiet voice of reason for Rainbow and Twilight, things might be very different for both of them, and not in a good way. Twilight is becoming more and more aggressive and I take it upon myself to hold that in check.” She sighed, paused for a moment, and then after another forlorn sigh, she continued, “And Rainbow Dash has this root, it is a tiny, fragile, delicate thing, and it is all that keeps her in Ponyville. I have become its caretaker, I see that it is nourished and tended to, because if it was to die, I think Rainbow would blow away with the wind.” “You sound wise.” “Oh, I don’t know about that… some time ago, I went to the druid grove, seeking answers for a problem, and I allowed that place to change me,” Fluttershy said to the colt beside her in a low, soft voice. “It awoke something within me, some awareness that I can’t explain. It’s made me a better pony.” “Maybe I should go there.” Lifting a front hoof, Hennessy began to rub his chin. “Everything comes with a price…” Fluttershy’s voice was flat and cold. “Be careful what you ask for, Hennessy, you might get what you need, not what you want.” “I don’t follow.” Hennessy shook his head and became aware of the fact that Fluttershy was stroking his neck with her wing. Fluttershy tilted her head back and looked up at Princess Luna, who continued to circle overhead. “When the spirit of the grove touched me, I don’t know what else to call it, I became painfully aware of the cruelty of nature, the lack of compassion… being the Element of Kindness, I found the opposite of everything I believe in and place my hopes in… as I drowned in the water where Tarnish destroyed Grogar’s crown, I realised, life was all about suffering and pain… that is all there is, and living is all about avoiding pain. We eat so we don’t feel the pain of hunger. We run from monsters so we don’t feel the pain of death and being eaten. Life is about the avoidance of pain.” “Huh.” Hennessy drew in a deep breath and tried to wrap his mind around what Fluttershy had said. “It isn’t enough to avoid the pain though,” Fluttershy continued, “avoiding pain is just base survival, and it doesn’t mean much. It is existence, and nothing more. That’s not the same as living. Living…”—Fluttershy pulled Hennessy closer and gave him a squeeze—“living is what happens when you find meaning in the suffering, with meaning comes understanding, with understanding comes purpose, and with purpose comes fulfilment, and somewhere in the middle of all of that, if you are lucky, you find wisdom. But it only comes if you embrace suffering, not run from it.” Hennessy was unable to respond, but he gave serious thought to Fluttershy’s words as the pair of them lapsed into an agreeable, comfortable silence. Enough had been said, and now, it was the time for thinking, to strive for meaning. The colt realised that he had made a friend, somepony he could have deep, meaningful conversations with. Flicker was not one for navel gazing and Piper… well, Piper wasn’t much for it either. This felt good, and Hennessy was thankful for the company of the sunny yellow mare. Staring off towards the White Tail Woods, Flicker thought about how close to home he was, but still so far away. He was working and he couldn’t take a short walk to go and visit his family. There were rats here, by the river, and his faithful minions did his bidding. His cats went into burrows, into hollow trees, beneath the bridges, and everywhere his cats went, rats and rodents died. Moving on stilts allowed Flicker to move about and make good time as he went from bridge to bridge, following the old farm roads that circled through this area and went back to Ponyville. There were new houses here, new farms, new growth, and as more ponies pushed into the White Tail Woods, more animals would be displaced. The wild animals would get into the garbage, break into houses, and they would bring fleas and other parasites. With parasites, incidences of disease would increase. Civilisation came at the cost of pushing back the wilderness, pushing back the wilderness displaced the wild animals, and the wild animals brought with them contagion. It was a cycle that gave Flicker a reason to pause and consider the odd quirks of life. After a little thought and weighing the various options, Flicker came to a very simple conclusion. The wild animals could be killed and civilisation could be allowed to flourish. As far as conclusions went, it wasn’t his very best, but Flicker wasn’t so good at figuring these sorts of things out. It was the reason why he seldom allowed these flights of fancy and he pushed these thoughts out of his mind so that he could return his attention to doing his job. With his brain now cleared, other things rushed in to occupy his consciousness. He thought of his sister, how close she was, just down the road and over a bridge, in fact. Thinking of family, Flicker’s mind brought up the issue of Hennessy. Family of his own was a delightful possibility in the distant future. How would it work? What would happen? Would it be possible? He didn’t even know how to define his current relationship with Hennessy, but it was something like a good friendship with interest… interest in what though? There was a vast, empty, unknown space that loomed before him, something that existed outside of work and purpose. The strict, orderly civilisation of Flicker’s mind just pushed a little ways into the expansive, unknown, unexplored wilderness of his heart… and didn’t like what it had found there. The wilderness was fraught with danger, it was brimming with the unknown, and Flicker was very much becoming a Canterlot pony. The thought terrified Flicker so much that he shoved it out of his mind and pretended as though it never happened. It was better to do his job and focus upon that, rather than flights of fancy. There just wasn’t enough dynamite to properly explore the wilderness and deal with all of the things he might encounter there.