//------------------------------// // Chapter 58 // Story: The Mask Makes the Pony // by kudzuhaiku //------------------------------// For a moment, Flicker entertained the peculiar idea that the Canterhorn was now a rat volcano as the rats erupted from everywhere. They poured from the drains in the street, crawled out of rain gutter pipes, popped out of waterspouts, and were vomited out of the mouths of decorative stone gargoyles. They kept coming in a vast swarm, up out of the sewer, bringing with them filth, stench, and disease. In perhaps the most ominous, most dire moment of this dreadful day, a strange near-silence now permeated the thin air of Canterlot, a silence that somehow existed with the sinister, reedy whine of Piper’s piping. The rioters had stopped and were now huddled together, their eyes wide and filled with terror as the endless swarm manifested. The makeshift militia had also gone almost silent, with fearful whinnies and knickers coming from the youngest and the smallest. The silence was dispelled by Lord Fancy Pants’ cultured voice crying, “Merciful alicorns! Vermin! Protect the citizenry at all costs!” The noble, commanding voice of Lord Fancy Pants broke the spell and everypony present recovered from their shock just enough to begin moving again. The rioters broke ranks and many began to flee; pegasus ponies flew away to safety, unicorns gifted with a surplus of magic winked away in bright flashes of light, and earth ponies stampeded away, their hooves clattering over the cobblestones. Even though many fled, more stayed, rooted to the spot from terror, sides heaving, panting, their eyes wide with panic. Each of them began to push and shove one another, trying to get to the center of the herd, to safety, leaving the smallest and the weakest to their fate on the outer edges of the herd. It was the sort of chaos that Discord himself would have admired, appreciated even. The rats kept coming and Flicker wondered just where they were all coming from. There were too many, far too many, and his heightened rat sense suggested that this wasn’t natural at all. A little voice in the back of his head suggested that Piper might have uncovered something vast entirely by accident, and Flicker had a hazy, almost panicked recollection that there were miles of old mines and tunnels under Canterlot. Miles of old mines and tunnels that might be filled with rats. Piper was pressing against him, terrified. He could feel the hard edges of her riot armor snagging and catching against his own. They had come to put down the gathered protesters, to stop a riot, and now, there was about to be a full scale battle. What bothered Flicker in the heat of the moment was the fact that he might not have kept his word, such as it was, because everything was not okay, things were not okay at all. This was just about as far from okay as one might get. “Piper, stop calling the rats!” A firehose had become a hazard and it flailed about like a berserk serpent, shooting a high pressure jet of water in every conceivable direction. Flicker had to scramble to avoid being injured and he pulled Piper and some other earth pony from the Canterlot Military Academy with him as a group of pegasus pony guards flew in to tackle the slap-happy hose. When this fracas had started, all ranks had been facing the rioters, the protestors, with the oldest and most experienced up in the front and the smallest and most vulnerable in the rear. Now, with the rats, they were surrounded on all sides and ill prepared for the melee mayhem that was now taking place. Some of the protesters had joined the militia—panicked though they might be—and this lead to the strange, surreal sight of ponies wearing riot armor fighting alongside ponies in business suits. Shattered glass was everywhere and it crunched underhoof while threatening to slice into tender, vulnerable frogs. Moving, reacting without thought, Flicker lifted the earth pony foal from the military academy and put him up on top of a second story balcony, up and out of the way of the chaos. Flicker had a plan, he had an idea, but for it to happen, he needed control. He remembered how Wicked had dealt with the spider-hag and knew that would work here, but only after ponies were safe. He picked up a fallen riot shield from the military academy and began pushing his way through the crowd like a bulldozer, using his brute force telekinesis to plow right through the throng all while dragging Piper along behind him. As he smashed and battered his way through the crowd, Flicker clubbed rats with his truncheon, striking them with enough force to turn them into a fine, chunky-hairy paste on the cobblestones. The street was already flooding, filling with about an inch or two of water, which flowed in faster than the drains could flow out. The guards who had wrangled the berserk firehose were now using it to try and put out a fire, which only added to the chaos. Some fool had dropped a tear gas grenade and it had gone off, filling the area with choking, snot-inducing smoke. Flicker was thankful for his gas mask, even if it wasn’t his real face. Wicked and Doctor Sterling were already turning the tide, forming a tiny island of order amidst the hullabaloo all around them. Mister Balister’s barking commands fell upon the ears of the younger members of the Canterlot Military Academy and they recognised him as a voice of authority. His hard, flinty demeanour brought reassurance and courage to the young fillies and colts that would one day be officers and soldiers. Another firehose was in use now, Moonlit Gambit had it held in the firm grip of his magic and he was firing controlled bursts at groups of swarming rats while trying not to hit protesters. Beryl Waltz, meek though he might be, stood beside Moonlit in the thick of the fight, performing first aid on those with grievous, bloody injuries. The swarming rats were voracious and blood thirsty. “Wicked!” Flicker shouted when he was close enough. “I have an idea!” “Let’s ‘ear it, Lad!” Wicked barked in reply. “Clear the protesters from the area, flood the street, and hit the rats with electricity!” “That’s a damn good idea, Lad!” Some semblance of order was now being restored, the suggestion of order, a thin veneer that was spread over the swirling chaos. The protesters were being evacuated out and the rats were being pressed in. Injured protesters were flown out by rather green pegasus pony guards, these were rather unseasoned soldiers that had never seen a real battle before and their panic was obvious. A group of unicorn foals from the Canterlot Military Academy had formed makeshift phalanxes with riot shields, a moving wall that stretched the entire width of the street, and these phalanxes had formed a crude corral of sorts, keeping the rats in. Stout, stocky earth pony foals from the academy had been hitched to delivery wagons, fruit and vegetable carts and the like, forming makeshift ambulances that hauled away the injured and the mauled. There were so many injured. Piper, now in a place of safety, was calling the rats again, and while the those under the influence of swarming were immune to her charms, she continued to draw in quite a number of those who were not. Doctor Sterling and Beryl Waltz had set themselves up a place of triage inside of a shop. Those with the worst injuries were carried up to the second floor to the balcony to waiting pegasus ponies who would carry them off to awaiting makeshift ambulances or fly them to the hospital directly, depending upon the severity of their injuries. Flicker, now armed with not one, but two heavy rubber truncheons, did what he did best, while also getting some practice in with the complicated Dimachaerus fighting style. He battled alongside Wicked, keeping his wise, experienced leader safe from swarming, gnawing rats while Wicked prepared for a mass extermination. Some of the rats were hefty, there was a surplus of two-footers, and a disturbing number of rats were of the unbelievable variety, the rodents of unbelievable size. Which didn’t matter to Flicker, who smashed them, cudgelled them, and crushed them, his rubber truncheons moving in a plain, uncomplicated manner. Wherever Wicked moved, Flicker cleared the way, clubbing rats and shoving ponies out of his path. Everything was being funneled into a roundabout, a circular section of road with an alicorn statue in the middle, which was where Piper was located, standing atop the statue’s broad back. The streets that fed into the roundabout were swarming with rats, who were being pushed in by the phalanxes and drawn in by Piper’s magic. Fire hoses were being used to push the rats into the very center of the roundabout, as well as drench them, if the force of the spray didn’t kill them outright. The pitched battle harkened back to the dark old days, the bad old days when equinekind and the lowly rat were locked in a never ending battle, with the rats seeking the shelters and the supplies of ponies, and ponies seeking to keep their unwanted visitors out. The militia and the protesters were now allies, united against a common foe. The feeling of unity was strong and the herd had come together to behave as one again. An old pegasus mare landed on top of the alicorn statue beside Piper and began giving orders—Flicker realised what the problem was with the militia, most of the ponies in the militia were either too old or too young—and the experienced soldiers were almost all down south, holding the front line against Equestria’s enemies. “Get up off of the road!” Wicked bellowed in a voice that echoed through the urban canyons of Canterlot. “Get up out of the water! Seek ‘igher ground, ye lot!” Others echoed Wicked’s commands and ponies began to scramble up and away from the places where water flowed. Pegasus ponies swooped down and did airlifts of ponies down in the wet places. Flicker followed Wicked, who walked through a sea of swarming rats unopposed, heading for the middle of the roundabout where Piper stood atop the statue. Flicker scrambled up onto the statue’s pedestal with Wicked and whacked at any rats who dared try to climb up, clobbering them into chunky jelly spiked with bone fragments and clumps of hair. There was an ominous crackle when Wicked yanked free a power line from a nearby power pole and Flicker watched, his eyes gleaming behind the gas mask, as the arcing power line was held ready. “Clear?” Wicked asked and he waited with his murderous shadow right beside him. “Clear!” a voice shouted from above and to the east. “Hoi, clear!” another voice yelled from street level and to the west. “Cleared!” somepony shouted from up on high and to the north. “We’re good!” a unicorn standing on top of a retaining wall bellowed from the south. “Let ‘em cook!” a guard commander shouted from his place of safety on top of a department store roof. “Let the little nippers fry!” With a snarl, Wicked dropped the spitting, crackling, arcing power line into the drenched, waterlogged rats and the now flooded roundabout. Right away, there was an awful sound, hissing, popping, a sizzling sound, and the roundabout was filled with blinding flares of light. A terrible smell filled the area, the stench of burning hair and roasting rat meat. Many of the rats spontaneously combusted from the electrocution, while others just popped like popcorn. Bluish white bolts of lightning arced from body to body and crackled through the water. Steam and smoke rose with the horrible stench from the burning, charring bodies of the roasted rodents. Piper’s piping ceased. Standing on balconies, up on roofs, standing on top of retaining walls, both protesters as well as militia alike watched as the rodent holocaust continued and the rats were consumed by electricity. The sound was dreadful and the smell was even worse. With an almost deafening pop, something blew and a massive surge of electricity went through the flooded roundabout, then the power died. Not much moved in the streets, and what did move twitched from the intense electrocution. There were survivors, but not many, and those could be dealt with. Fires had started and the charred, burning piles of rats smouldered. The now dreadful silence was broken by a cheer—Flicker didn’t know who had started it, but it spread like wildfire through the crowd—and the cheer became a roar that drowned out all other sound. This neighborhood of Canterlot, which had almost been consumed by rioting, was now a place of exuberant celebration. And a holocaust of rats. The celebration would be short for the Rat Catcher’s Guild, who would have to clean up all of the corpses and keep the city safe from contagion. Flicker felt an immense feeling of pride; things hadn’t quite worked out as he had planned, but things had worked out. Piper had a chance to be a hero, and even now, she stood atop the alicorn statue, waving to those around her. At least the riots had been avoided.