//------------------------------// // XIII // Story: The Influence // by GMSeskii //------------------------------// Twilight sighed. “Afizah is trying to freak me out again with incidental information that doesn’t matter.” Fluttershy blinked. “Oh?” “Horror universes, I think. I don’t need to know about them, Afizah - Akumakami told me all I needed to know about the way these universes are made and what they are like in his huge speech... Which, by the way, was rather disturbing. I’m sorry I got your name wrong Akumakami - but what the actual heck? I’m not talking about the canon trunk, or the short one-shot snippets, or the prediction of my ascension - I’m talking about what are you all thinking? Romances? Just... why? Does Discord LOOK interested in anyone? Do I look interested?” Fluttershy tried to stifle a laugh at the image in her head. Twilight bristled. “You wouldn’t be laughing if you knew that, since they’re mentioning it, a universe exists where I’m falling head over hooves for that snake. I mean... I mean...” She twitched, shaking her head. “Argh, I told myself I could handle it...” “Strange how this is the part that bothers you and not the fact that the entire world could just be changed around you for whatever reason Blackjack wants.” “Fluttershy, if I start acting lovey-dovey, hit me. Hard.” “...Sure...?” “Thank you.” Twilight shook her head and returned to her thoughts. “Let’s see... Why are all of you calling her Ire? The name was Ine - unless there was a glitch in what you saw. That’d be annoying, hope she isn’t mad about that... Also it’s no problem, Josh, I was just curious about upvotes, it wasn’t a problem. You don’t need to worry about anything.” “...Ine...” Fluttershy said. “...What do they say about her?” “They said a lot of things to her - why exactly are we calling her a her anyway? - but not much about her. Nickel suggested she was a self-insert for Blackjack, an essence of their mind or something, but I don’t think so. I think Ine is exactly what she said she was - part of this world just as we are...” She frowned. “I was actually hoping Key would be able to shed some light on that, but he’s apparently offline for some reason... Which worries me... Maybe the new interface they mentioned messed with him?” “I’m sure he’ll be back. Don’t worry.” “Yeah... I know you’re right. There was a lot of information about Moissan names and magic superstition - not immediately useful and... Surprisingly judgemental. I tink we won’t need it until we end up in Moissan - If we end up in Moissan...” She looked back at the forcefield that was the band. “...Otherwise, I think we’ve got to deal with this... Learn more about it, but be cautious, like the other Spike suggested. ...Though I could probably enter the magical field itself... Get a closer look at the circuitry down there...” Fluttershy bit her lip. “Twilight... Do you think you could learn anything useful down there?” “...Not really...” She looked down at the glowing colors far beneath the earth. “...Probably should ask for more information around town first...” The two mares turned their gaze to the towers of Acket in the distance. They saw a bolt shoot up from the band behind it. “I wonder how the claw-like parts stay together on top of the band...” “Let’s go ask,” Fluttershy said. “Yeah. Let’s-” Twilight’s ears perked up - she turned to look at the way they had come. She saw a white unicorn in the distance that looked familiar... Infinity. “...Yep, she’s following us.” “Let’s get in and out of the town quickly.” “Agreed.” They trotted off towards the towers... ~~~ Acket... was a place, that was for sure. The structures were dominated by tall, pearly white towers that rose to a single point high in the sky. Streets weaved in and out, between the towers - some streets even being suspended like bridges from tower to tower. There was no obvious center to the city - the place sprawled out along the band’s edge like a semicircle, with a few long bridge-like protrusions sticking out over the sands of the band, angled in such a way that they came to a point like claws ready to clamp down on the shifting sands below. Only one of these ominous black spines was in view of Twilight and Fluttershy - and they barely paid it any mind, instead drawn to the image of life inside the city. The pearly structures - and roads - seemed like ordinary building materials at first, but whenever someone stepped, knocked, or touched it with any sort of significant force a soft, greenish light would appear, like a burst of smoke that dissipated in under a second. Twilight could easily imagine the city being rather bright at night simply due to this effect. There were many lantern-like globes floating around in the city, tethered to a tower or road by a long, copper cable. Twilight looked around, grin slowly getting bigger and bigger as she saw more and more details - vehicles that didn’t need to be pulled by ponies, pods that shot up tower’s edges automatically, and - some flat glass-thing that displayed images... Extremely fuzzy images, granted - a magic display spell would be better - but the novelty came in that it was working without a spell. “Fluttershy... Do you know what this means?” “There’s like one dragon for every twenty ponies here?” Twilight blinked. “Well, yes, I suppose. I mean - the power! These ponies have a form of energy they can harness - much like the electricity in Manehattan, though here it appears much more... plentiful.” She rubbed her hooves together. “I wonder how many innovations they have here...” A small void-black dragon - smaller than Twilight - appeared, smiling brightly. He appeared much more like the kind of dragon Twilight was familiar with - four legs, two of which could serve as hands if the dragon decided to walk upright, and a pair of wings. “Ah, I see your attention has been drawn to our unique devices!” “Uh...” Twilight made sure her cloak was on tight, so he couldn’t see the wings. “Yes, actually. What can you tell us about the devices of Acket?” He laughed. “You certainly asked the right dragon! Names Verdant, you might call me... a tour guide slash techie. What we have here is a place built on the foundations of what the ancients left behind - the ever-mysterious band itself. Draining the magic bolts that erupt using the Spires, we channel the power into the very ground we stand on, which has been given the ever-inspired name of Pearlstone - or Calcium Carbonate Thau if you want to listen to the big-word scientists. We draw everything we need from the Pearlstone, and there’s so much extra it comes off in these green wafts!” To illustrate his point, he scratched the ground, a soft green mist rising into the air before dissipating. “Pure magic energy, that.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “...Can you make this stuff?” “Sadly, no, it’s only found under the band itself - but there’s so much of it down there we won’t be running out for centuries,” he laughed. “We use it to power our trams, our rails, our screens, and even some of our farms! You’ll notice there aren’t many fields on the outskirts - that’s because we grow what we need in the buildings, in controlled environments. Watermelon, year round!” Fluttershy blinked. “That’s... impressive.” Twilight squeed. “Oooooh I’d love to get my hooves on this stuff and do some tests!” Verdant reached into his satchel and tossed her a marble made of Pearlstone. “Bigger stuff will cost you - just because it’s plentiful doesn’t mean it’s cheap - but you seem like the type to appreciate the finer properties. Just charge it with your own magic, it’ll retain it until you mess with it.” Twilight pushed her own magic into the little marble - easily fitting enough for a short range teleport - and then held it out at leg-length. It was wafting off steamy energy like the other Pearlstone around, except it was purple instead. “That’s... That’s amazing. I could teleport anytime I wanted with this thing... It’s hardly losing any energy at all... This could replace crystals...” Verdant blinked. “I’m... Sorry?” “Oh,” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I assumed those were a thing here. We’re from... Really, really far away. We don’t have this there - but we can find gemstones buried in the earth infused with certain magics. We can’t control what we find in them, but we sure can use it.” “Interesting... Would you happen to have any on you...?” Twilight shook her head. “Sorry. This stone is better anyway - it stores what you want it to store. That’s amazing...” Verdant smirked. “You seem to be an intellectual. Surprised to see one of your kind so far from home. Where you from? Because there’s like six places that spawn intellectuals in the known world, and you don’t fit the bill for any of them.” Twilight smiled nervously. “Up north... Waaaaay north. I’m really not sure on specifics, we’re pretty lost.” Verdant raised an eyebrow. “Ah... Trying to get home through the Desert then?” “...Well, I suppose that’s an option...” Twilight said. “We’re mostly curious about the Ancient ruins,” Fluttershy said. “We were seeing if there was a way to cross the band here or not.” “Well...” Verdant furrowed his brow. “There’s a crackpot by the name of Sand Blaster who’s got a Pearlstone sandship... Claims it can get you across in a day. Otherwise, you gotta go around - the bolts are attracted to anything that flies over them. Including you. I guarantee your magic shielding isn’t going to be enough. Then again, you might want to brave it instead of xenophobic dogs or an ocean of Kraken.” “Hrrm...” Fluttershy said. “Can you take us to Sand Blaster?” “Wait, Fluttershy, what if we stay a bit, see the sights? This place... We’re not in a rush, are we?” Twilight asked. “I don’t know...” Fluttershy said. “I think it’d be best to be faster...” Verdant smirked. “I can show you to a hotel if you-” Any sort of regular domestic conversation that would have occurred was silenced instantly by an explosion - one of the taller towers exploded in a powerful purple fire, shattering into a fine powder. Twilight braced for shrapnel - encasing the three of them in a shield - but no shrapnel came, just dust. The entire thing had been vaporized. Verdant looked up. “...Damn...” Fluttershy and Twilight followed his gaze - there was an object floating far above them, made of a similar metal to the ancient relic Twilight had seen in the forest, glowing with the same energies as well. It appeared almost like a butterfly - a sequence of four rings with a vaguely square shape in the center. It seemed to be watching them from far, far above - Twilight paled when she realized how high up it was. Multiple miles - and they could still see it and make out details. How big was it!? And then Twilight felt a warmness in her chest. “Fluttershy, it’s happening-” She stopped short - she saw Infinity looking at them accusingly in the middle of a panicking crowd of ponies and dragons...