//------------------------------// // Majesty Becomes A Queen // Story: Pony POV Series Origins: Queen Majesty // by Alex Warlorn //------------------------------// The Moochick woke up suddenly. The dream he'd just had was unmistakable. She was going to arrive today. He had been waiting a long time, but today was finally the day. He had to go see the ponies, talk with all the alphas. They needed to get things ready for her arrival. ===================================== "Mama, look!" said Spike enthusiastically, pointing at the pink castle in the distance. "It's a castle!" "Yes, Spike, I see it," said Majesty, smiling at the little dragon walking right beside her. She was almost there. After so much time spent wandering around the world... - Faith of the Heart (Russel Watson) - She had seen so many things, been to so many places, met so many people. Humans, elves, ponies… She had made many friends along the way, as well as some enemies too. As time went on, she started to notice that word about her was beginning to spread. Stories about her adventures, of how she had helped some town, or slain some monster. Some became exaggerated, others mixed up the places or people. Some mentioned her by name, others just called her "the white unicorn". Apparently, "Majesty" was becoming quite the legendary pony around the world. She remembered when she visited and befriended the Wonderful Whizz, and how fond he was of honey. When she traveled to Flowerland, she made friends with Princess Flora, and saw how the young princess dreamed about getting married in a perfect wedding. She remembered visiting Singing Valley, where the incredible singing grasshoppers lived, amazing creatures that they were. Wizard Wantall had been a troublesome foe. He had promised revenge on Majesty after she foiled his plot to take over the identity of a king that looked like him. She also remembered seeing her friend the Weather Witch again, and being introduced to four cousins of hers, who carried the titles of Spring Witch, Summer Witch, Fall Witch, and Winter Witch. They seemed less interested in 'good and evil' as they called it and more in keeping the seasons in balance and claimed to be in tune with 'higher forces.' Majesty wasn't sure how much she believed that last part. Though Summer seemed very concerned about how evil was becoming more active during the winter as the days shortened and the nights lengthened. Another one of Lilith's bloodline she had encountered was the Stone-Hearted Sorcerer. Well, she never actually met him, more than she encountered a town where he had passed through. She spent the whole day turning his victims back to normal after he had turned them to stone. It took her time to figure out that she needed a feather from the Bird of Truth. The inhabitants of the town were incredibly grateful with her. The Weather Witch wasn't the only old friend she met in her travels. Once when she was close to the shore, she learned from a mermaid called Miranda that a group of Hobgoblin Pirates were wreaking havoc across the land. Majesty helped stop them, and as always she wrote about them in her journals. She had also collected several books in her travels about amazing places, incredible and sometimes dangerous creatures, dangerous people, and dangerous locations. She had also learned how to craft magical items, as she managed to make a crystal ball that allowed her to see far away places and events, much like the mirror she had taken away from the Sea Wizard years ago. She wasn't sure if she was as skilled at it as Magic Star was, but she was proud of what she was capable of making. She even met her old friend Rosedust, the young filly she had met so many years ago when she was still a filly herself, living with her herd as a wild unicorn in the forest. Princess Rosedust had now become Queen Rosedust, leader of the Flutterponies. They had finally settled at Flutter Valley, under the Sun Stone, which they now no longer had to carry around as they migrated from place to place. Flutter Valley was a well-hidden reclusive place, where the Flutterponies could remain isolated from the rest of the world. It took Majesty a lot of effort in reaching them, and even if Rosedust was happy to see her, she asked Majesty to swear to never tell anyone where they were located. Majesty did so; she had drawn a map, but kept it secret so nobody would find them. She wasn't sure if Rosedust's plan of being isolated would be good or bad for the Flutterponies in the long run, but time would tell. Yes, she had had many adventures, she had met many people and seen many places. But lately she kept having these dreams about the pink castle. The one Gypsy told her about. The dreams were blurry at first, but they became more clear as time passed by. Majesty didn't want to admit it, but the place was calling to her. She needed to know why. Her curiosity would not let the matter rest. So, she decided to go to the land where the pink castle was, having heard about the exact location from other travelers. Majesty thought that by now nothing could surprise her after all she'd done and seen, but she was indeed surprised by what she saw as she and Spike approached the castle. There were many ponies of all kinds, Earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, and they were all waiting for her, expecting her, welcoming her with a banner with her name on it! Many of them cheered as she approached Dream Valley. "She's here!" they would call out happily. How could this be? "Mama," asked Spike, happy to see such a warm welcome for them, "do you know these ponies?" "I… I don't think so…" replied Majesty. "Really, so you forgot about me?" came a familiar voice from above. Majesty looked up and was pleasantly surprised to see Firefly flying down towards her with a smile. "Firefly!" exclaimed Majesty, smiling, the two hugged. "It's good to see you! How long has it been?" "Two years, six months and eighteen days. To be precise," came another familiar voice from the side. Majesty recognized the voice, the tone and the way of speaking almost immediately, and happily turned to greet her. "Wind Whistler! You're here too!" said Majesty as she saw the light blue pegasus walking towards her. "And they aren't the only ones," came another voice from the other side. Majesty turned happily to look at the yellow Earth pony mare walking towards her, holding a magic wand. "Magic Star!" "I take it you followed my advice on how to better use your horseshoes?" asked Magic Star. "I did, every day." replied Majesty with a smile. "When did you all get here?" "I got here a few days after leaving Meadowville. Magic Star came here about a year later, and Wind Whistler a couple of months after that," said Firefly. "Are you three the reason everyone here seems to have been expecting me? How did you find out I was coming?" asked Majesty. "You coming here was foretold, Majesty," said a unicorn as she walked towards Majesty. Majesty recognized her immediately. She had only met her for less than a day, but the meeting left such an impact on her that it would have been hard to forget about it. "Gypsy? So you are the one that predicted me coming today?" "Actually, it wasn't me. It was the Wonderful Wizard, the Moochick. He promised you would come," replied Gypsy, "In fact, he very much would like to speak with you. If that's okay." Majesty nodded, her curiosity getting the better of her. She needed to know what this was all about. =========================== The ponies of Dream Valley lead Majesty and Spike to a secluded house in a forest. She was told to just open the door and walk in, the Moochick was expecting her. Majesty and Spike walked inside the house. There was a bearded elf sitting at a table, drinking tea. While she had seen many, many elves in her lifetime, something seemed different about this one. While she had seen older looking elves, this one felt older still. Ancient. She couldn't describe why. "Ah, Majesty, it is so good to see you after all this time!" said the Moochik when he saw Majesty. "Don't just stand there, come in, sit down, have a cup of tea." He encouraged Majesty to approach him. Confused but curious, Majesty did as he told her. She walked over and sat at the table in front of him. There was a cup of tea ready for her. Spike sat down in a smaller chair next to Majesty. There were some cookies on the table, Spike grabbed one and started to eat it. "Ah, and this must be little Heathspike," said the Moochick, looking at Spike, "He has his father's eyes." "You knew Spike's father?" asked Majesty. The Moochick nodded. "Yes, and he knew me as well. I was terribly saddened when I learned of his passing. I'm sure he's smiling in Valinor seeing the good hooves his son is in… or whatever it is Dragons call it, it and Hell have so many names." "And… have we ever met?" asked Majesty. "Not personally, no," replied the Moochick. "But I have known about you for a very long time. You almost feel like an old acquaintance to me." "I was told that you were the one that knew of my arrival today, and arranged for my welcome," said Majesty. "I've actually known of your arrival for quite some time, but I didn't know the exact date until this very morning," replied the Moochick. "I have had many dreams about you, Majesty. Even before your legend began to grow among the people of the world, I knew you were bound for greatness. The ponies of Dream Valley need you, Majesty. You are the one." "The one for what?" asked Majesty. "To unify them, to make them a nation. To be their Queen," replied the Moochick. Majesty was taking a sip of the tea when he said that to her, and almost spit it out. She coughed for a moment, then looked at him, "What? Their Queen? Why me?" asked Majesty. "Why not?" replied the Moochick, "You used to be the Alpha of your herd, you know how to lead. You can make tough choices, and bear the burden of their consequences, that is the trait of great leaders. After your contact with the outside world, you didn't just accept what you saw, you tried to look for answers for questions about civilization. You helped many that needed you in your journeys, little Spike here is a living testament on how responsible you are of your actions. You are strict, but also fair, you know when to strike down your enemies and when to show them mercy, and if you make a mistake, you remember it, and always try to learn from them. You know well the price of a miscarriage of justice and will strive to avoid it. Many look up to you." "But that's different! I don't know anything about ruling a nation!" exclaimed Majesty. "True, but I know how you handled things between King Neptune and that human city. Your mediation helped prevent a terrible conflict and saved many lives," said the Moochick. "You are a diamond in the rough, Majesty, a great ruler lies deep inside you. You are meant to do this, I know it. I have known it for a long time." Majesty chuckled and looked down at the cup of tea on the table. "I read a human story a long time ago, a tragedy. It was about this man that, when he was born, a prophet predicted that he would kill his own father. Trying to prevent this, his father abandons him in a forest, where he is found and adopted by another family. Growing up, the man visits a prophet that predicts that he will kill his own father. Wanting to prevent this, and not knowing that he was adopted, the man then runs away. When this happens, he encounters his real father down the road, they get in a fight and during this, he kills him." Majesty looked again towards the Moochick. "By trying to find a solution to the problem, they caused the problem they were trying to prevent. By attempting to escape their destiny, they helped forge it." The Moochick smiled but remained silent. Majesty continued, "Some argued that, if that is the case, we are always bound by our destiny. We have no freedom at all. But others argue that we do have freedom, freedom to look for the truth. Even if the truth might make us miserable. Is it worth it? Maybe, but if we are bound by fate, then we must chase for the truth, because doing so would then be the only freedom we have. "I have known about this place for a long time as well. And while I was curious about it, I was also scared. I didn't want to come here because it was my destiny, but as time passed I realized that, if I had never known about my ‘destiny' then I would most likely have come here, once I have learned about this place by my own means," said Majesty. "A place where all the tribes live together? It is one I would seek out. If I had known you were a friend of Spike's father, I certainly would have sought you out and arrived here that way. Who knows? Maybe I would have seen what was going on, and decided that I would lead the ponies here, uniting them into a nation. I might have seen the growth of other nations as a threat, or maybe a sign, that ponykind could either find their own path, or be absorbed by them. But these are all possibilities, not what is happening now. "Maybe by staying away from this place for so long on purpose, trying to escape my ‘destiny'," continued Majesty, "traveling the world, learning what I have learned, seeing what I have seen, and not finding a place where I actually belonged, where I would stay longer than just a few months… maybe those things made me even MORE prepared to become a good ruler. By staying away from destiny, I was actually helping it along. But also, if I had never known about my destiny, I might have fulfilled it as well. "So, if this is true, if I am meant to be the ruler of this place, to found a pony nation and be their Queen, then so be it. I accept," finished Majesty. The Moochick smiled, "I am ecstatic to hear you say that, Majesty, but let me make another small point." "Yes?" Moochick gave a smile wiser than any elf she had ever known. "The fact you would have come here to do the right thing whether Gypsy had told you your destiny was here or not is proof you are worthy of it. Believe me, I know first hand that a great destiny can be thrown away by a wicked heart. If one throws away the great destiny Fate gave them, it will be given to another more worthy. This destiny is yours, but not simply because it was foretold: it is yours because you have spent your life until now proving yourself worthy of it. I'm certain you can think of at least one temptation you faced on your adventures that would have caused you to throw this destiny away had you succumbed to it." Queen Majesty finished trapping the protesting ponies in paintings, painting over their mouths. Turning ponies who rejected her authority into trees. Turning witches who had already abandoned Lilith's clan into bubbles. All with a stern look on her face. A horrid stranger with her face. Majesty nodded. "Yes... when I was tempted to become like Thunderstorm. If I had become that kind of monster, I would be unworthy to be the Queen of these people." "And that is exactly why you ARE worthy, my friend!... Now, all that's left to do is tell the ponies about this, and make the arrangements for your coronation." ========================================= The ponies frolicking around Dream Valley all stopped and gathered when they saw the Moochick, Majesty, and Spike coming out of the woods and towards them. "Ponies, you have known of my visions of a ruler that would come to Dream Valley to be your Queen. We even prepared the crown which has stayed all this time in the secret chamber inside Dream Castle, awaiting this ruler, because you all believed in her as much as I did," said the Moochick to the ponies. "And now, I have great news for you! Majesty, the pony destined to become that ruler, has accepted to unite all the herds and become Queen of Dream Valley, if you will accept her." Firefly was the first to step up towards the Moochick, Majesty, and Spike. "I met Majesty for a short time, years ago," said the pink pegasus, "and in that short time, I knew she was someone who was not afraid to stand up in the face of adversity, to protect those that needed help, and to help those that are lost and confused to find their way. As the Alpha of the Pegasus Herd of Dream Valley, I happily give up my position in favor of Majesty." "I, too, only met Majesty for a short time," said Magic Star, as she also took a step forward. "I was in awe of the power she had, even if at the time she seemed to be unaware of it. She is powerful, but does not abuse her power, and always tries to do what she believes is best for everyone. As the Alpha of the Earth Pony Herd of Dream Valley, I also give up my position in favor of Majesty." A pink unicorn with a white mane and tail with a purple streak on both, and purple stars as her cutie mark stepped towards Majesty. "Well, I must admit that I heard a lot about you. We all have," said the unicorn. "But my herd is very important to me. I am Twilight, Alpha of the Unicorn Herd of Dream Valley, and I'm not going to just hand my herd over to somepony else just because some prophecy said I had to." Majesty smiled at this, "I understand, Twilight. In fact, I would feel the same way. What would you need me to do?" "If you are going to be our Queen, then I need to know you are strong enough to protect all of us. Let's have a Magic Duel. Prove to me that you are as powerful as they all say you are," replied Twilight. Majesty frowned. "I don't want to hurt you," she said, remembering how violent duels for the position of Alpha could get from her days as a wild unicorn living in the forest. "Hurt me?" said Twilight in surprise. "We won't be actually fighting each other, the days of fighting for the position of Alpha are long behind us. A magic duel will basically be the two of us casting magic spells, and whichever does the best spell, wins." Majesty was kind of embarrassed, she should have known that as ponies became more civilized, they would be more inclined on abandoning the brutish ways of the past. "Okay, I agree to a Magic Duel with you, Twilight." "Very well," said Twilight with satisfaction. "Let's have our Magic Duel during the night. My magic is more powerful during nighttime." Majesty smiled. "Why wait?" She looked up at the sky, closed her eyes and began to concentrate. Her horn began to glow, then more and more brightly. "As this beautiful day turns into the night, Don't fret because is no longer bright, The shining stars come from far away, As night comes and ends the day." As Majesty finished her little rhyme, the sky turned dark as the sun set and the moon rose up in the sky, which was now filled with stars. Everypony was in awe at this, the Moochick smiled knowingly. "Unicorns can change day into night? I didn't know that," said one pony. "Amazing," said another. Ponies all around them started to whisper about what they had just seen. Majesty turned to look at Twilight, who looked at her in astonishment. "Should we have our Magic Duel now?" asked the white unicorn. Twilight shook her head, "No need. You are clearly the victor. Even if I wished it with all my might, I couldn't ever even hope to win against you. I accept my defeat, and so relinquish my position to you, Majesty, Alpha of Alphas." Twilight bowed down to Majesty, but her soon-to-be queen put a hoof on her chin and made her rose back up. "There is no need for all that, I may be going to be your Queen, but I am still just a pony, like you." "So, it is settled then," said the Moochick. "Lets begin making the arrangements for Majesty's coronation." All the ponies cheered and celebrated. Also, Majesty cast another spell to set the moon and raise the sun again. It wouldn't be right to have everyone just skip a whole day like that. ======================================= "A mortal channels both of us at the same time, and ye do not find anything wrong with this sister?" "What's to be found wrong about? I'm happy to see one of Leo's creations accomplish so much. Just imagine! If this is the potential they have now, I bet in just a thousand years, they'll be breeding miniature suns and moving stars!" "To paraphrase of our perfectionist brother 'and ruining all my beautiful constellations!'" "Don't think about it that way! Think of it as them creating new constellations in tribute of you sis'." "Hmmm." ======================================= It would take a few days for all the arrangements for the coronation to be ready. Majesty had asked if it was really necessary, since she didn't really care for all those formalities and the ponies of Dream Valley already recognized her as their ruler, but the Moochick insisted that for other nations to see ponies as a nation themselves, and for them to see Majesty as a Queen, a coronation ceremony was indeed necessary. Majesty spent the days before the coronation talking with the different ponies of Dream Valley, and getting settled in Dream Castle. There was a secret room in the castle that the Moochick showed Majesty. At the moment it only had empty shelves, but Majesty knew exactly what to do with it. The trusty saddlebags that Magic Star had made for her years ago were now full with many things Majesty had gathered in her travels. Many books and scrolls about different things, some even written by Majesty herself, were placed on the shelves. Charts and maps were hung on the walls. Also, Majesty hung the magic mirror on the wall and placed her magic ball in front of it. She would be able to continue her studies in this room, learning more about the world, and writing about it so the knowledge would be helpful in the future. She had Wind Whistler to thank for teaching her the importance of that. As she exited the room to find a broom to clean the dusty floors, Majesty was greeted by Gypsy. "I knew I would find you here," said the unicorn. "Gypsy? I was just going to go look for you," said Majesty. "I know, that's why I came," replied Gypsy. Majesty smiled. "Not many things get past you, do they, Gypsy?" "Not often," said Gypsy. "I do admit I don't really know what you want to talk to me about." "Let's take a walk," said Majesty. Gypsy nodded as the two unicorns began walking around Dream Castle. "Gypsy, I would like to make you my personal advisor," said Majesty. "Your personal advisor?" repeated Gypsy, surprised. "Yes. I believe that a good ruler is one that knows when to take advice, and who to take it from," explained Majesty. "Your ability to see the future is something that any ruler would like on their advisors." "Maybe, but if I remember correctly, you can also see the future if you use your horseshoes." replied Gypsy. "Why would you need me as an advisor?" "Simple, when you see the future you are able to see a broader picture. When I do it, I see just a part of it. Seeing the future incorrectly is something that has happened to me before," said Majesty, remembering the time she met the Weather Witch for the first time. "Your abilities to predict future events are greater than mine, and even more importantly, you are able to understand these predictions, which I can't truly do. I need you to advise me, to make sure I don't make a mistake based on something I might have predicted wrong, or because I overlooked something." "I understand Majesty," replied Gypsy. "It will be an honor to be your royal advisor." "Thank you Gypsy," said Majesty. "I'm glad you do." ======================================= Majesty and Firefly were walking alone on one of the many grassy fields of Dream Valley. Majesty had asked Firefly if she could talk with her in private, which the pegasus readily agreed. "So, Majesty, what did you want to talk about?" asked Firefly. "When your old herd was going to kill the people in Meadowville, you decided to betray your Alpha and convince your herdmates that there was a different way to do things," said Majesty, looking serious. "Majesty, if you are worried about my loyalty, then don't be," said Firefly. "Thunderstorm had let his hate blind him so bad he saw humans the way Redwall saw us: as things and not people. You aren't like him. I am loyal to you, and I will always be loyal to you." "That's just it, Firefly. I DON'T want you to be loyal to me," said Majesty. This certainly confused Firefly, "Huh?" "You were loyal to Thunderstorm at first because you saw something in him, and you stopped being loyal to him when you saw that thing had become a corrupted shell," said Majesty. Firefly nodded, it was true. Thunderstorm had been a symbol of hope and freedom to her former herd, but then had become nothing but hatred and death. "If I ever do that…" "Majesty, don't say that," said Firefly. "No, I must," Insisted Majesty. "If I ever become a tyrant, if I abuse my powers or use fear as a means to ensure loyalty from my subjects… then you must tell me, and if I don't listen, then I trust that you will do the right thing and overthrow me. By any means." "Majesty… I… I'm not sure I could do it," said Firefly, insecure. "You said you will be loyal to me," said Majesty. "What I ask of you is to be loyal to what you believe I am, not me. To the ideals I represent to you and all the other ponies." "I… I understand Majesty," said Firefly. "I will be loyal, to make sure you will always be the ruler you were meant to be, I'll be loyal to that ideal." "Thank you, Firefly." said Majesty with a smile. "Shall we go back?" asked Firefly. "There is one last thing I wanted to ask of you," said Majesty. "Of all the ponies of Dream Valley, you are the only one to have combat experience in a military like structure." "Yes, so?" asked Firefly. "Normally, nothing," said Majesty. "But on times of absolute emergency, when there is no other way out but to fight, I would like you to help organize everyone to defend Dream Valley." "Like a General?" asked Firefly. "Yes, if you want, like a General," replied Majesty with a smile. "General Firefly… it does sound rather good," said Firefly with a smirk. ============================================== "Wind Whistler, have you seen Spike?" asked Majesty to the pegasus as she walked by. "Spike? I believe I saw him going to the Moochick's," replied Wind Whistler. "Oh, I see," said Majesty. Spike had been spending time with the Moochick all the time since they came to Dream Valley. She started to wonder if Spike was avoiding her for some reason. "Is that all?" asked Wind Whistler. "Yes… wait, no, I actually wanted to talk with you, Wind Whistler," said Majesty. "I see. Please, go ahead," replied Wind Whistler. "I learned a lot since we said our farewells in Vynciani," said Majesty, "but everything I learned, I did so in a way thanks to you. You didn't just teach me to read and write, but you also taught me how to find answers to questions." "You flatter me, Majesty," said Wind Whistler, smiling. "You were already quite curious and eager to learn when we first met. All I did was give you the tools to fulfill your need for answers and knowledge." "Precisely," said Majesty. "That is why I want you to help me bring these tools to ponies. To ensure every pony in Dream Valley can read and write. Not all of us can, as not all of us were so fortunate." "I see. It is a noble task which I shall devote myself with passion," said Wind Whistler. "Thank you, I knew I could count on you," replied Majesty, smiling. ========================================= Majesty was walking through a meadow when she saw Magic Star, who was entertaining some fillies doing a colorful, but harmless, light show with her magic wand. Magic Star finished her little show, and the fillies thanked her happily and ran away to play. "I see you were able to complete your magic wand," said Majesty. "I poured a lot of my magic in it," said Magic Star. "I won't be able to make another one if anything ever happens to it." "I see, you better take good care of it then," said Majesty. "Oh, I will, you can be sure of it," replied Magic Star. "It actually was one of the reasons I came to Dream Valley." "How so?" asked Majesty. "I've always been curious about magic," said Magic Star, "and I wanted to learn as much as possible. When I learned of a powerful elf magician known by some as ‘The Wonderful Wizard' I wanted to meet him and learn from him. "When I arrived at Dream Valley, I met this ‘Wonderful Wizard' the Moochick," said Magic Star. "He wouldn't teach me personally, but he allowed me to read books and scrolls he sometimes got from far away elven lands. By the time I realized, I had been here a long time and decided to stay here permanently, then I eventually became Alpha of the Earth Ponies." "I see," said Majesty. "I hope you continue to always study about magic and magical artifacts." "Thank you Majesty, I will," replied Magic Star, and both of them parted ways. There was one thing Magic Star didn't tell Majesty. One of the scrolls the Moochick got a few years back showed an unfinished formula for a substance called The Smooze being developed by several covens of witches, all of them of Lilith's bloodline. The Moochick had told her about what this substance could do, its destructive powers and the effects it would have on living things, making anyone become angry, spiteful and distant. It was for all intents and purposes a super weapon, one that if fully unleashed could wipe out an entire kingdom. He and other elves were studying it to find a way to stop it, if it ever got used. She just hoped he would find something before any witch ever had the idea of unleashing The Smooze on Dream Valley. The Moochick also had told her that the elves had gotten ahold of that formula, along with other things, thanks to the help of a white unicorn... =========================================== Finally, the day of Majesty's coronation came. At Majesty's request, the coronation was to take place in a groove of flower trees instead of Dream Castle's throne room. The food, er, 'catering', was provided by the Earh Pony Gingerbread and a palomino Earth Pony with an appreciation for apples named Applejack. The name had come from her mother and her mother, etcetera, all the way back to the 'pretty centaur' who had named her. Since they hadn't kept any records at the time, she wasn't sure which Applejack she saw. "Then you'll be Applejack the First then," Majesty had said. As she was getting ready, Majesty saw Spike walk towards her, with a box in his hands. "Mama, I have something for you." "Oh, Spike, thank you. What is it?" said Majesty as she grabbed the present with her magic and opened it. Inside was a beautiful red cape with white highlights on its border, and a golden letter M embodied on the sides. "Spike… it's lovely… where did you get this?" asked Majesty. "I made it myself," said Spike, "for your special day. I told the Moochick I wanted to make something for you to wear today, and he told me how to make you this. I spent as much time as I could with him, making this for you." Majesty got a little teary eyed despite the smile on her face, "Oh, Spike, I love you so much." She nuzzled the baby dragon. "I also learned a lot from the Moochick," said Spike. "He told me a lot about my father, who he was, what he did…" "I'm glad to hear that Spike," said Majesty happily. "Remember that it'll be your birthday soon. You'll be able to visit Tiamat in the land of dragons. And you'll be able to ask her about your parents too." Spike nodded happily. A few moments later, the coronation was underway. All the ponies of Dream Valley were present, as well as many rulers and representatives from different countries. There were humans, and elves, gnomes and dwarves… Majesty even saw some familiar faces among them, from the different lands she had visited in her journeys, like King Neptune. She stepped towards the throne, with Spike walking alongside her, wearing the red cloak he had made for her. The Moochick awaited for her with a golden crown, one that had been kept safely hidden in a secret chamber in Dream Castle, waiting for her to come and claim it. Majesty agreed to wear all this for the coronation, but she wasn't planning on dressing like that every day. All those symbols of royalty were more for the outsiders than ponies anyway, so they would see her more like a Queen. It was a biped thing, Majesty thought. After all, most ponies didn't even wear clothes. After a small ceremony, the Moochick placed the crown on Majesty's head, and announced her as the Queen of Dream Valley. "I present to you, Queen Majesty the First, bearer of the Golden Horseshoes, Ruler of Dream Valley, Alpha of Alphas and Mother of Dragons." All the ponies stomped their hooves on the ground, cheering happily, as the invited guests clapped their hands. The unicorn Starflower released a beautiful blast of bright loud colors in the sky that she called 'fireworks.' "My ponies," said Majesty addressing her subjects as their Queen for the first time, "today we have taken the first step for ponykind to become a nation, as our own people with a kingdom of our own. Under my leadership, I hope this land of ponies can grow. I intend to let the words spread far and wide, to the ponies of all the world, that here they will find a place where they will always be welcome." Majesty was planning on talking with King Neptune so the Sea Ponies could have more contact with the Earth ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns of Dream Valley. She wouldn't do it with Rosedust, however; she had made it clear she wanted to remain isolated and Majesty had promised not to tell. She wouldn't force others to do what she wanted. "This is no longer merely Dream Valley, this is the Kingdom of Ponyland!" The ponies clapped their hooves. "As we grow and learn and evolve as a nation, we might change our customs, we may change our mannerisms and the way we live. But as long as we keep within ourselves what makes us ponies, we will always be ponies," continued Majesty. "A long time ago, I asked myself what did it mean to be a pony," she said, seeing Wind Whistler in the crowd and smiling at the unicorn, the unicorn smiling back, "And after a long time, I finally understood it. It is friendship. "Let friendship be our currency, our constitution and our flag. We must always hold the value of friendship above all else. As long as ponies have friendship, we shall overcome any obstacle that might appear before us. Friendship is magic!" Majesty finished, and all the ponies around her cheered. And so ends the story of Majesty the wild unicorn, and the story of Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, Ponyland, begins... Because they're My Little Ponies They're happy and gay They wave to their friends as they pass on their way With a clippety clop and a hip hip hurray I'm so happy with My Little Ponies So happy with My Little Ponies My Little Ponies My Little Ponies My Little Ponies My Little Ponies My Little Ponies